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Document Request for Oconee Nuclear Station - Radiation Protection Inspection - Inspection Report 2024-04
Person / Time
Site: Oconee  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 09/11/2024
From: Adam Nielsen
Division of Reactor Safety II
To: Boyce L
Duke Energy Carolinas
IR 2024004
Download: ML24257A021 (1)


From: Adam Nielsen To: Boyce, Laura Cc: Darrell Neal


Oconee 24-04 RP inspection document request Date: Wednesday, September 11, 2024 3:29:00 PM Attachments: OCO_2024-04_RP_Doc_Request.pdf

Please see the attached document request for our upcoming baseline radiation protection inspection scheduled for October 21 - 25, 2024.

We would like to have the documents available by October 11, 2024. However, if you run into difficulty and need more time for certain items, just let us know and we can work with you.

Please call or email me if you have any questions.

Thanks, Adam Nielsen Senior Health Physicist US NRC Region II (404) 997-4660 Oconee Nucle ar S tatio n Radiation S afety B aseline Ins pection Initial Infor matio n Reques t Inspection R eport : 202 4004

During th e week of Octobe r 21 - 25, 2024, the NRC will pe rfor m a b aseline Ra diation S afe ty Inspection at Ocon ee Nucle ar S tation (NRC Inspec tion P roc edur es 711 24.01, 711 24.08, and 71151 ).

E xperience h as shown that t his inspectio n is res ource -intensiv e for both t he NRC inspec tors and you r staff. In o rder to mini mize th e impact to you r onsit e res ources and t o ensu re a productiv e inspectio n, we a re r equesti ng in a dvance docum ents n eede d for this activity. I t is importa nt tha t all of t hese d ocume nts ar e up -to-d ate, and co mplete, the reby mi nimizing th e numbe r of a dditional docum ents reques ted d uring the p repa ration, and/ or th e onsit e por tions of the inspecti on. The NRC re quests t hat t hese d ocume nts be provid ed to the insp ectors no lat er than Octo ber 11, 20 24.

If there are any q uestions about this inspec tion o r the mate rial re queste d, pleas e cont act the lead inspect or, A da m Nielsen a t 404 -997 -466 0, o r the E ngi neeri ng B ranc h 3 Chief, B inoy Desai at 404-997 -4519.

In accord ance with Title 1 0 of t he Cod e of Fede ral Regul ations ( 10 CFR ) 2.3 90, P ublic inspections, exempti ons, r equests for with holding, a c opy of t his docu ment will b e available electronically f or p ublic inspectio n in th e NRC P ublic Docume nt Roo m, or fro m the P ublicly A vailable Records c ompo nent of NRC's A gencywide Docume nts A ccess an d Ma nage ment System (ADAMS); accessible from the NRC Web sit e at ht tp://www.n readin g-rm/ada ml.


This letter contains voluntary information collections that are subj ect to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.). The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approved these information collections (approval number 3150-0011). The burden to the public for these information collections is estimated to average 16 hours1.851852e-4 days <br />0.00444 hours <br />2.645503e-5 weeks <br />6.088e-6 months <br /> per response. Send comments regarding this information collection to the FOIA, Library and Information Collection Branch, Office of the Chief Information Officer, Mail Stop: T6-A10M, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555-0001, or by email to, and to the Desk Officer, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, NEOB-10202, (3150-0011) OMB, Washington, DC 20503.


The NRC m ay not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a request for information or an information collection requirement, unless the requesting document displays a currently valid Office of M anagement and Budget control number.

Document R equest List

Inspection Dates: October 21 - 25, 2024

Documents D ue to Re gion II: October 11, 2 024

Inspection P r ocedu res: IP 71124.0 1 Radiological Haza rd A ssessme nt an d E xposure Con trols IP 71124.08 Radioactive Solid Waste Processing and Radioactive M aterial H andling, S t orag e, and Transp ortati on IP 71151 P erforma nce In dicator V erification (Occupatio nal an d P ublic Corn ersto nes)

Lead Inspector: Adam Nielsen Sr. Health Physicist US NRC Region II (404) 997-4660

Note: The c urr ent ve rsion of these docum ents is ex pected unless s pecified o therwise.

E lectronic me dia is pr efer red if readily av ailable. No te tha t the i nspecto rs cann ot acce pt dat a provided on US B or flash drives d ue to NRC I T secu rity policies. P le ase or ganize t he informati on as it is arr anged below t o the extent possible. P ay particul ar att ention to th e dat e ranges f or t he items req uested as they may ch ange fro m item t o item. If th ere a re q uestions regar ding th e docu ments req uested, or if t he d ocume nts cann ot be provid ed by t he d ue dat e, please do not h esitate t o cont act the lead ins pecto r.


1. List of pri mary co ntacts f or e ach inspec tion a rea w/p hone num bers
2. Corrective action p rog ram p roced ure (s)

71124. 01 - Ra diological Haz ard A ssess ment a nd E xposu re Con trols

1. Timeline o f majo r out age ac tivities for U 1E OC33 (e.g. Ga ntt cha rt o r similar list)
2. P rocedur es relat ed to RP co ntrols (e.g. P osti ng, lab eling, su rveys, RWP s, conta minatio n control, HRA /LHRA /V HRA control, key c ontr ol, cont rol of divers, sp ecial cont rols du ring fuel offloa d, hot spots, etc.)
3. P rocedur es relat ed to releas e of p erson nel an d mat erials ( e.g. release s urveys, deconta mination, guida nce fo r ala rm followu p, etc. )
4. List of out age RWP s
5. List of all no n-fu el items st ored i n spen t fuel p ool(s)
6. Most rec ent self -assessm ent o r audit coveri ng RP contr ols
7. Outage A LA RA rep ort f rom t he pr evious (most recent ) re fueling outag e
8. A LA RA planning packag es fo r top 3 high est dose jobs fo r the U 1E OC33ref ueling outag e
9. List of con dition r eports relat ed to RP co ntrols/A LA RA (e.g. radw orker err or, RP tech nician error, A LA RA issues, posting issues, HRA /LHRA /V HRA issues, survey p roble ms, etc. )

issued since Nov embe r 18, 2023.

71124. 08 - Ra dioactive S olid Was te P rocessin g an d Radioactiv e Mat erial Han dling, S tor age, and T ransp ortatio n

1. A ll procedur es rela ted to trans port ation o f radi oactive materi al/waste, radwaste characte rization, solid ra dwaste p rocessin g, an d stor age o f RA M and radwast e
2. P rocess Contr ol P rogr am
3. S ite proced ures related to 1 0 CFR 37 contr ols
4. List and loc ations of all Categ ory 1 and Cat ego ry 2 sou rces, inclu ding a ggre gations of material
5. Last two leak testing reco rds fo r all Cate gory 1 and Ca tego ry 2 se aled so urces
6. Liquid an d solid r adwaste syst em di agra ms showing majo r componen ts
7. List of all RA M/Radwas te ship ments made si nce May 7, 20 22 (s hipping l ogs)
8. List of all cha nges made t o solid a nd liquid radwas te pr ocessing syst ems sinc e May 7, 202 2
9. List of all ab ando ned solid and liq uid ra dwaste p rocessin g equi pment
10. Last two 1 0 CFR P art 61 an alyses fo r each waste st ream, including QA data (e.g. i n-ho use vs. vendor lab co mparis ons, cu rrent results vs. dat abase, etc.)
11. Most rec ent self -assessm ent o r audit of S hippin g/ra dwaste p rocessin g and RA M s tora ge progr ams
12. List of con dition r eports relat ed to s hipping, radw aste p rocessing, RA M stora ge, o r P art 37 controls sinc e May 7, 202 2

71151 - P erfo rmanc e Indica tor (P I) V erificatio n (Occu pation al and P ublic Co rne rstones )

1. P rocedur es for gathe ring a nd r epor ting NRC P I dat a
2. List of elect ronic d osimete r alar ms since Nov emb er 18, 202 3 (d ose an d dose rate )
3. List of con dition r eports gen erate d since Ju ne 1 7, 202 3, as a result of gas eous and liquid effluent processin g and /or ODCM relat ed activities.
4. The m ost rec ent liquid efflue nt rel ease p ermit s howing ye ar-t o-da te dos es to t he pu blic
5. The m ost rec ent g aseous effluen t rele ase pe rmit sh owing yea r-to -dat e doses to th e public