ONS-2015-086, Relief Request Serial 15-ON-002: Limited Volume Examinations Per 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii) for Unit 1 and 2, Fourth Inservice Inspection Interval. Part 3 of 3

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Relief Request Serial #15-ON-002: Limited Volume Examinations Per 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(5)(iii) for Unit 1 and 2, Fourth Inservice Inspection Interval. Part 3 of 3
Person / Time
Site: Oconee  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 07/15/2015
Duke Energy Carolinas
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML15202A032 List:
Download: ML15202A036 (32)


UT Calibratio amination Procedure: NDE*3630 Outage No.: 02-26 Site/Unit: Oconea Summary No.: ~~-------------


______0_2_.s_1_1s_o_.o_o_o_J_ _ __ Procedure Rev.: 2 Repo rt No.:

UT-13-1186 Wor11:scope: ISi Work Order No.: 2025408 Page:

of "* .10 Code: 1998/2000A Cal/Item: B-0 183.150 Location:

Drawing No.: O-ISIN4-101A-2.1


Nozzle to Channel Body System 10:

51A Com po n en t ID: 2*LDC~N-WJ33V SizelL.englh:

NIA Thickness/Diameter: SS I .875 / NA limilalions: Yes

  • See attached sheets Start Time: 1140 FinishTime: 1207 Instrument Setllngs Search Unit Cal. Axial Orientated Search Unit Time Date Serial No.: 023DPO Serial No.: 560492 Checks

.}'l Manufacturer: GE Manufacturer: GE 1nitia1ca1. 1009 111312013 Calibration

  • Reflector Signal Ampfitude%

Sweep DiYi51on Sound Path Model: USN60SW Size: .25 Shape: Round Inter. Cal. IDNotch#2 80 4.9 1.225" Delay: 4.4078 Range: 2.5" Freq.: Style: Inter. Cal. 1100 111312013 ** .* ~*.**

2.25MHz Comp-G M'UCalNel: Pulser: Square Inter. CBJ.

.1236 Exam Angle: 45 #of Elements: Single Final Cal. 1217 11/3/2013 Damping: 500 Reject: 0% Mode: Shear .

Rep. Rate: Aulohlgh Freq.: 2.25 MHz Measured Angle: 44 Couplant Filter: Filted Mode: PE Wedge Style: MSWQC Cal. Batch: 12125 Cin;umferential Orientated Search Unit Voltage: 450 Other: Fullwave Type: ULTRAGELll Calibration Signal Sweep Refledor Amplitude% Division Sound Palh Ax. Gain (dB}: 31.5 Clrc. Gain (dB): 38.1 Search Unit Cable Mfg.: MAGNAFLUX

= -- ID Notch#3 80 S.4 1.3s2*

--1 Sue1111 Div.

Linearity Report No.:

0.25 In. of Sound Path L-13-266 Type:

Length: 6' RG-174 No. Conn.: 0 Eiiam Balch:


12125 ULTRAGELll

-~* ~

Scan Coverage Mfg.: MAGNAFLUX Calibralion Block Gal. Block No. 40411 Upstream O Downstream~ Scan dB:~ Reference/Simulator Block Reference Block Thickness 0.875 Ola.: 8.75 cw0 ccw~ Scan dB;~

Serial No.: 04-8743 Gain Signal Sweep Sound Path dB Reflector Amplitude% Division Cal. Blk. Temp. 68 Temp. Tool: MCNDE40131 Exam Surface: O.D. Type: ROMPAS 19.9 1*Rililius 80 4.0 1.00*

Comp. Temp.

-- 73 Recordable tndJcatlon(s):

Temp. Tool:

YesO MCNDE40131 No0 Surface CondiUon: As Ground (If Yes. Rel. Attached Ultrasonic Indication Report.)

Results: Accept 0 Reject O Info 0 Comments: FC 11-16 Other Level NIA Signature Date ANll Review NIA MARKE.Z

UT Calibratio aminatlon 2 Outage No.: 02-26 Sile/Unit Oconee Procedure: NDE*3630 Summary No.:

W o~pe: -------------- ISi Procedure Rev.:

Work Order No.: 2025408 2 Report No.:


UT-13-1186 2 of 10 Code: 199812000A Csl/ltem: B*D 183.150 Locatio!!:



Nozzle to Channel Body * ---------~----------

Drawing No.:

System 10: 51A Componenr JO: ~--~----------~----------------'-------------------'---------- Thickness/Oicimet~r: SS I .875 I NA Limitations:

2-LDCB*lN-WJ33V Yes - See attached sheets Size/Length:

N/A Start Time: 1140 Finish Time: 1207 Instrument Settings Search Unit Cal. Axial Orientated Search Unit Time Date Serial No.: 023DPO Serial No.: 03-767 Checks Calibration Signal Sweep Initial Cal. 1023 11/312013 Sound Path Manufacturer: GE Maoofacturer: RTD Reflector Amplitude% Dlvlsion Mod et: USN60SW Size: 2(7x10I Shape: Rect. Inter. Cal.

IDNotch#2 80 5.1 1.S3r Delay: 6.8406 Range: 3.0w Inter. Cal. 1157 11/3/2013 Freq.: 2.0MHZ Style: TRLA Inter. Cal.



.2298 500 Pulser:


Square O°k Exam Aflgle:


60 Lona.

  1. of Elements: Dual Final Cat. 1216 1113/2013 Rep. Rate: Autohlgh Freq.: 2MHz Measured Angle: 59 Couplant Filter: Fixed Mode: Dual Wedge Style: tntegrat Cal. Batch: 12125 Circumferential Orientated Search Unit Voltage: 450 Other. Fullwave Type: ULTRAGELll Calibration Signal sweep Sound Path Ax. Gain (dB}: 53.0 Circ. Gain (dB): NIA Search Unit Cable Mfg.: MAGHAFLUX Reftector An!Plitude % Division

. *' ....-X-'.*

.:~x --:-~.:


--1 Screen Div.

Linearity Report No.:


--0.3 in.of Sound Path L*13-266 Type:

length: 6' RG-174 No. Conn.: 0 Exam Batcti:


12125 ULTRAGELll


Scan Coverage Mfg.: MAGNAFLUX Calibration Block Cal. Block No. 40411 UpstreamO Downstream~ scan dB: ~ Reference/Simulator Block Reference Block cwo O Thickness Cat. Blk. Temp.

0.875 68 Dia.:

Temp. Tool:

8.75 MCNDE40131 Exam Surface:

CCW 0.0.

Scan dB: N/A Serial No.: 04-8743.

Gain dB Signal Reflector Amplitude%

Sweep Division Sound Path Type: ROM PAS 26.7 1"Radlus 80 3.3 1.00" Comp. Temp.

-- 73 Temp. Tool: MCNDE40131 Surface Condition: As Ground

~ C"')

Recordable Indication(&):

Results: Accept ~

veso Reject O No 1i2! {II Yes. Ref. Attache 00%' No Reviewed Previous Data: Yes I


~ Examiner

~ Tucker, David K.

Examiner Level Level 11-N NIA Signature Date 11/312013 Date Reviewer


Site Review



.. , /l-~13 Date Date NIA ANll~K E. ZURBU Other Level NIA Signature Date NIA

UT Calibratio

. . *. : . ; ~ *1 *. :


ij .. ;_._ *.,-z,,,.. ,
Procedure; NOE-3630. Outage No.:

SiteJUnil: Oconee


2 Procedure Rev.: 2 Report No.:

UT-13-1186 Summary No.:

~-- Code:

W o11cscope:

1998/2000A ISi Cat.lllem:

Work Order No.:

B-0 /83.150 '. ..

2025408 Location: ..

,,....._____________________ Page: 3

    • ~.

of 10 Drawing No.: 0-ISIN4-101A-2.1

  • Oescriptlon: Nozzle to Channel Body System ID: 51A Size/Length:
  • NIA Thidmess/Diameter: SS I .875 / NA Componenl 10: 2*LDCB-IN-WJ33V Limitations: Yes
  • See attached sheets

1140 Start Time: Finish Time: 1207 Instrument Settings Search Unit Cal. Tlme Date Axial Orientated Search Unit Serial No.: 023DPO Selia! No.: 03-769 Checks *** $lgnal

Calibration Sweep

Initial Cal. 1030 111312013 Sound Path Manufacturer. GE Manufacturer: RTtl ~- .:-:,::_

Refleclor AmplitUdi:% Division:

Inter. cal~ h,,, ..

Model: USN&OSW Size: 2(7JC10) Shape: Rect. IDNotch#2 80 5.3' 2.135" 4.o* Inter. Cal. 1204 111312013 Delay: 7.3884 Range: Freq.: 2.0MHZ Style: TRLA Inter. Cal.

M11Ca1Nel: .2306 Pulser. Square Exam Angle: II of Elements: Dual Damping: 500 Reje<:t: 0% Mode:

70 Long.

-- Final Cal. 1215 1113/2013 Rep. Rate: Autohigh Freq.: 2MHz Measured Angle: 68 Couplant '

Filter: Fixed Mode: Dual Wedge Style: Integral Cal. Batch: 12125 Clrcumrerentia1 Orientate<l Search l,!nit Voltage: 450 Other. Fullwave Type;: . UURAGELll Calibration'"" Signal Sweep Reflector Amplllude% Division, Sound Path Ax. Gain (dB): 43.7 Clrc. Gain (dB): NIA Search Unit Cable Mfg.: MAGNAFLUX 1 = 0.4 Sound Path NIA

-- Screen Oiv.

Linearity Report No.:

-- in. of L*13*266 Type:

length: 6' RG-174 No. Conn.: 0 Exam Batch:


12125 ULTRAG£Lll ***

Scan Coverage Mfg.: MAGNAFLLiX Callbration Block Cal. Block No. 40411 Upslream D Downstream 0 Scan dB: 67.7 .h*,

Reference/Simulator Blo~k *



  • Reference Block*

Thickness ().875 Dia.: 8.75 cwo CCWO ScandB: NIA Serial No.:


04-8743 Gain .:signal Sweep Sound Path dB Reflector Amplitude% Division

  • o.o.

~,:: 68 Temp. Tool:

Cal. Blk. Temp. MCND&C-0131 Exam Surface:

Type: ROM PAS 32.0 1* Radius 80 2.5 1.00"

" ;: Comp. Temp. 2!.. Temp. Tool:

Recordable lndication(s): Yes O MCNDE40131 No li?)

Surface Condition: As Ground (If Yes, Ref. Attached Ultrasonic Indication Report.)

. ~


'\. ;

Results: Accept~

Percent Of Coverage Oblained > 90%:


  • Level
  • ll*N Reject O No Info O Reviewed Previous Data: Yes Dale Reoilevier CommenlS: FC 1~*16 bate Tucker, David K. 111312013 "Kob She lfLJ.:J //A/./3 Examiner Level NIA Signature* Date Site Review Dale N/A 11


Other NIA Level NIA Signature Date



LetDown*Cooler *Nozzle to Channel Body.

0/o Coverage~ Calculations;),**.

Weld No. :*: 2*LDCB*IN*WJ33V Dia.= 3.5..

"t" = 0.875" Weld Length :: 27.1" Axlal Scans Along Axis of Pipe= 100% of the Length x 34.6% of the Volume ::,34.6o/o Along Radius of Pipe= 100% of the Length x 47.4% of lhe Volume"' 47.4%

Average= 34.6% + 47.4% / 2 = 41.0%

Clrc. Scans Along Axis of Pipe =100°.4 of the Length x 55.5% of the Volume

  • 55.5% **

Along Radius of Pipe= 100% of the Length x 81.7% of the Volume= 81.7%

Average= 55.5% + 81.7% / 2 =68.6%

Total =(41.0 + 68.6) / 2 = 54.8% Aggregate Coverage Inspector I Date: tf2£ ¥/-//- 7-13 Page.:Lof ~

ATTAClllEll (')


\J.-1 --=



~ a:

?§ \}\





Weld No. : 2;.LDCl}IN*WJ33V

'  ?'<-"

l:'~,~~-1 Area not ~ = .42 sq. in.

.Scale: 1" = l"

'.i*~*f' .,}* .

al1 11 . .fL/J


UT Calibratio amination O<:onee *Procedure: Outage No.:


summary No.: _ _ _ _ _0_2_.B_3_._1s_o_.o_o_D4_ _ _ __

2 Procedure Rev.:

NDE*3630 2 Report No.:

UT-13-1187 Work scope: ISi Wor1< Order No.: 2025408 Page: 1 of 10 Code: 1998/2000A Cat.lltem: B-i> /B3:i so Location:*.***

... ----.-*:'~>~~~-:----------------.--~-:,,------

Drawing No.: ()..ISIN4-101A-2.1 Desc:iptlon: Nozzle to Channel Body System ID: 51A SS J'~875 I NA

  • Component 10: 2-LDCB-OUT-WJ36V Limitations: Yes - See attached sheets Sizellenglh:

Start Time:

NIA 1141 Thickness/Diameter:

Finish Time: . 1210 Instrument Settings Search Unit Cal. lime Dzfe AxlaJ Orientated Search un11 Serial No.: 023DPO Serial No.: $80492 Cheeks Calibration Signal Sweep Initial Cal. 1009 1113/2013 Sound Path Manufacturer: GE ManUfai:turer: GE Reftector Amplitude% Division Model: USN GO SW Size: Shape: lnler. Cal.

.25 Rot.1nd ID Notch#2 80 4;9 1.225" Delay: 4.4078 Range: 2.5" Freq.: 2.25MHz Style; Comp-G Inter. Cal. 1100 111312013 ..

M'tlCaWel: Square Exam Angle: Inter. Cal.

.1236 Pulser: 46 #of Elem7n1S: ~ "

Final Cal. 1217 111312013 Damping: 500 Reject: Oo/o Mode; . Shear *>,'.*/.'"'

Rep. Rate: Autohl~h Freq.: 2.25MIU Measured Angle: .44

. ~ .. >; ..

Couplant *~,.,.,;'><:"'~ .. * .. N"""

Filter. Fixed Mode: PE Wedge Style: MSWQC

  • '*****h Cal. Batdl: 12125 Circumferential Orientated 5earch 1.1~1~

Voltage: 450 Other. Fullwave Type: ULTRAGELll <calibration Signal Sweep.

Reflector Amplitude% Division Sound Path A¥.. Gain (dB): 31.5 Circ. Gain (dB): 38.1 Search Unit Cable Mfg.; MAGNAFLUX s.4 * >1.3s2*

--1 Screen Div.=

Linearity Report No.:

0.25 In. of Sound Path L*13-266 Type:

Length: 6' RG-174 No. Conn.: 0 Exam Batch:

Type: ULTRAGELll 12125 IDNotcht3 80 Scan Coverage Mfg.: MAGNAFLUX Calibration Block Cal. Block No. 40411 Upstream O Downstream~ Scan dB: ~

Refe1'11nce Block Reference/Simulator Block *

  • scan dB:


Thiclmess Cal. Blk. Temp.

0.875 68 Dia.:

Temp. Tool:

8.75 MCNDE40131 cw~

Eicam Surface:



52.1 Serial No.: 04-8743 Gain dB Signal Reftector Amplitude%

Sweep Division Sound Path Type: ROM PAS '19.9 1* Radius 80 4.0; 1.00*



Comp. Temp.

- 73 Temp. Tool:

Recordable lndlcation(s): Yes MCNDE40131 O No Ii!!

SIJ(face Condition: As Ground (lf Yes. Ref. Attached Ultrasonic liidicalion Report.)



=: Results. Accsp1 ~ Reiect O Info Q Comments: FC 11*16

'l" ..

~ ~ Percent Of Coverage Obtained > 90%: No Reviewed Previous Data: Yes Examiner Level 11-N re Date Reviewer Date Tucker, David K 1113/2013 ~ ~F lt:.t...i> //-¢13 Examiner level NJA Date** Sile Review Date NIA Other Level NIA Signature bate Date NIA

UT Calibratio .. amination Procedure: NDE-3630 Outage No.: '":;**02-2&

Site/Unit: Oconee


2 Su rnmary No.:

Wo r1c scope: ~-------~----- ISi Procedure Rev.:

Worf< Order No.:

2 2025408 Report Page:

No:: ? UT-13-1187 2 of 10 Coc:le: 1998/ZOOOA Cat./ltem: B-D /83.150 location:

Drawing No.: O-ISIN4-101A-2. 1


Nozzle to Channel Body System ID: 51A Component 10: 2-LDCB..OUT-WJ36V limitations: Yes - See attar.hed sheets Size/Length:

NIA Start Time: 1148 Thickness/Diameter:

    • ./;.

FiniSh Time:

SS I :a75 I NA 1210

. ***~-::_:

Instrument Settings Sean;hUnit Cal. Time Date Axial Orientated search Unit Serial No.: 0230PO Sena\ No.: 03-767 Cheeks Calibration Signal Sweep Sound Path Manufacturer: GE Manufacturer: RTD Initial Cal. 1023 11/3/2013 Reflector Amplitude% Division Model: USN&OSW Size: 2(7x10} Shape: Rect. Inter. Cal.

ID Notch #2 80 5.1 1.537*

Delay: 6.8408 Range: 3.0~ Freq.: 2.0MHZ Style: TRLA Inter. Cal. 1157 111312013 M'llCalNel: .2298 Pulser: Square Inter. Cal.

Exam Angle: 60 # of Elements: Dual Damping: 500 Reject: 0% Mooe: Long.

-- Final Cal. 1216 11/312013 Rep.Rate: Auto high Freq.: 2MHz Measured Angle: 59 Coupfant Filter: Fixed Mooe: Dual Wedge Style: Integral Cal. Batch: 12125 Circumferential Orientated Search Unit Voltage: 450 Other: Fullwave Type: UL1RAGEL II Calibration Signal Sweep Reflector Amplitude% Division Sound Path Ax. Gain {dB): 53.0 Clrc. Gain (dB): NIA Search Unit Cable Mfg.: MAGNAFLUX

--1 Screen Div.=

Linearity Report No.:

-- 0.3 In.of Sound Path L-13-256 Type:

Length: 6' RG-174 No. Conn.: 0 Exam Batch:


12125 ULTRAGELll N/A Scan Coverage Mfg.: MAGNAFlUX .... ., .

Callbra1ion Block Cal. Block No. 40411 upstreamo Downstream~ Scan dB: ..!?:!_ Reference#Simulator Block Reference Block Thickness Cal. Blk. Temp.

0.875 68 Dia.:

Temp. Tool:

8.75 MCNDE40131 cwo Exam Surface:

CCW0 Scan dB: NIA 0.D.

- Serial No.:


04-3743 ROMPAS Gain dB 26.7 1*Radius Signal Reflector Amplitude% Division 110 Sweep 3.3 Sound Path 1.00*

Comp. Temp. 73 Temp. Tool: MCNDE40131 St.irface Condition: As Ground Recordable lndicatlon(s): Yes O No~ (If Yes, Ref. Attached Ultrasonic Indication Report.)

Info Q Comments: FC 11-16 Reviewed Previous Data: Yes EJCaminer LE!llel lJ.N Date Tucker, David K. 111312013 //-y'-/j Examiner level NIA Signature Date Sile Review Date NIA Other Level NIA Signature Date Date I NIA


UT Calibratio amination SiteJUnit Oconee 2


Summary No.: Procedure Rev.: 2 ReporlNo.: UT-13-1187


Worl<scope: ISi Work Order No.: 2025408 Page: 3 Of 10 Code: 199812000A Cat.ntem: B-D 183.159 Location:

Drawing No.: 04SIN4-101A-2.1


Nozzle t~ Channel Body System 10: 51A


Component ID; 2*LDCB-OUT*WJ36V Limitalions: Yes

  • See attached sheets .. J*


NIA Start rnne: 1148 lhiclmeSStoiameter.

SS I .8751 NA 1210  : ~- ~\.

Instrument Settings Search Unit Cal. lime Date Axial Orientated search Uriit Serial No.: 023DPO Serial No.: 03-769 Checks

  • Calibration Signal Sweep Sound Path Manufac11Jrer: GE lnllial Cal. 1030 11/312013 Ampuructe% Dlllision Manufacturer: RTD Reftector Model: USN60SW SiZe: 2(MO) Shape: Re ct. Inter. Cat. .- BO ID Notch #2 5.3 2.135" Delay: 7.3884 Range: 4.o* freq.: 2.0MHZ Style: TRI.A Inter. Cal. 1204 11f312013 Pulser. Inter. Cal.

M'UCaWel: .2306 Square Exam Angle: 70 #of Elements: Dual Final Cal. 1215 1113/2013 Damping: 500 Reject: O"l'e Mode: L0!;!2*

Rep. Rate: Autohigh Freq.: 2MH1t Measured Angle: 88 Couplant Filter: filled Mode: Dual Wedge Style: lnlefi!ral Cal. Batdl: 1212.5 Circumferential Orientated Search Unit Voltage: 450 Other: Fullwave Type: ULTRAGELll Calibration Signal Sweep Reflector Amplitude% Division Sound Path' Ax. Gain (dB): 43.7 Circ. Gain (dB): NIA Search Unit Cable Mfg.: MAGNAFLUX 0.4 NIA

-- 1 Screen Div.=

Linearity Report No.:

-- in.of Sound Path L-13-266 Type:

Length: &'

RG*174 No.conn.: 0 Exam Batch:


12125 ULTRAGEL II Calibration Block Scan Coverage MfQ.: MAGNAFLUX .: -~ .:/\;_-;

UpslreamQ Downstream0 Scan dB: 57.7 I~=

Cal. Blocl!. No. 40411 Reference Block Reference/Slmulator Block.*

Thickness 0.875 Dia.: 8.75 cwo CCWO Scan <!8: NIA Gain . >t: Signal* Sweep Serial f>lo.: 04-8743 Sound Path dB Refleclor* Anioll!Udf.!% Division Cal. Blk. Temp. 68 Temp. Tool: MCNDE40131 Exam Surface: O.D.

Type: ROMPAS 32.0 1* Radius 80 2;5 1.00*

'+; '-... ... Comp. Temp. 73 Temp. Tool: MCNDE40131 Surface Condition: As Ground L<~'~

5 Recordable lndicatlcm(s): YesO No~ (If Yes. Ref. Attached Ultrasonic Indication Report.~

f~ .* CX\:) =Results: Accept ~ Reject 0 Info O Comments: FC 11*16

~ ~ercent Of Coverage Obtained > 90%: No Reviewed Previous Data:



.. Examiner Level IMll ure Date Relliewer Date Tucker, David K. 11/3/2013 161--D //-1/-13


~  :: Signature Signature Date Date L--Nl_A~~~~~~~--~-~~~~~~~--~---~..._-__,..-,...-~~--~~~...:.+-iib..._...::.Jic:::.~~~,..,,,.:::i.,_U./-4-o;~~__.


~~KE~ZURBU Date iiJ

.~ ,.

Let Down Cooler

  • Nozzle to Channel Bodv

%'. CoveraQ!; Calculati~ns,,. : >.

  • /= .... ,*.

. '..Y Weld No. : 2-LDCB-OUT-WJ36V Dia.= 3.5" nt" = 0.875" Weld Length= * *. 27.1" Axial Scans.

Along Axis of Pipe.= 100% of the Length x 34.So/o of the Volume =34.6%

Along Radius of Pipe= 100% of the Length x 47.4% of the Volume =.47.4%

Average= 34.6% + 47.4% 1. 2 =41.0%

.Circ. Scans Along Axis of Pipe== 100% of the Length x 55.5% of the Volume= 55.5%

Along Radius of Pipe= 100% of the Length x 81.7% of the Volume= 81.7%

Average =55.5% + 81. 7% 12 = 68.6%

Total= ( 41.0 + 68.6) / 2 =54.Bo/o Aggregate Coverage Inspector I Date:'Raz,Q "i4J / - 7-13 Page~of W ATUCllllEI f 0

'7~Lg(f 1ar~xiJ~~'lf{'~:***** *.~*****0r/'**111****'*.;1z~:-;,~~~~.T"+/-mr***:~r****~.l.~Ir*zsI::.;2~iiiiBJ~1*1~*-'1~1::rJi~

~dNo. : 2-LDCB-QUf-WJ36V D






~ OJannel -Sl

~ \3-\

Scale: l" = 111 u~ 11-1-13


R.J.. ~: . ;tj~:~ ~ l3

v.eld No. : .2-I.DCB..QUfWJ36V

~ Area not ExmninOO = 0.92 sq. ~

1{,& ~ //*1-13 f;:.-:.


UT Calibratio mi nation

  • ~-  ;:*.
z auiage No.: 02*26.
    • ~,,,


. Site/Unit:

Summary No~



02.c1 .30.0001 Procedure:

Procedure Rev.:

NDE-640 5 Report No.:


_!_ ,9'- .


Wo11tscope: ISi WOlt Order No.: 2025907 Page: 1 C*A tc1.3tf~. Location: . * >.

    • ,y.,. Cal/Item: *** ~:



.~ Code: 1998120004 ....

' -------'-------~ .~ *... *

'.'°< *::-:-;**

  • <* <\=+:;:._,,

Drawing No.: OM-201.S.(1001


Tubesheet to Shell

. System ID: 03



-;1 Limitations: Yes
  • See attached sheet Size/Length:

---..,,.---0910 SIa rl Tlmi:

  • 2 Thickness/Diameter: CS f 5.1251132.D Finish Time: 1115

1 ~ial Oriemat~d Search Unit Instrument Settings Search Unit Cal.

  • ~ '.

llme Date

. Serial No.: 0263P4 Serial No.: C12004SP Checks Calibration Signal Sweep Depth Manufacturer: GE Manufacturer. K8A Initial Cal. 0700 10/23/2013 Reflector Amplitude% Division f;'.~

d:i Model: USN60SW Size: 1.0 ~pe: Round Inter. Cal.

114TSOH 80 1.3 1.06.


~~1 Delay:



.2319 Range:



Square ffeq.: 2.25MHz Exam Arigie: ' .. 0 s~~: Gamma

  1. of i:1emeo1S: *~

Inter. Cal.


0910 1012312013

  • h ** ,


11itSOH 314TSDH 75 70.

3.0 4.8

. :.*2.40*


.,. Final Cal. 1310 1oti3/2013 "h*=.

Damping: 500 Reject: 0% Mode: Long; BW


,, 6.2 5.0" Rep. Rate: Autohigh Freq.: 2.25Mtk MeaSured Angle: NIA Couplant

.. Filter: Fixed Mode: PE Wedge Style: lntregral Cal. Batch: 12125 Circumferential Orientated Search Unit

. Voltage: 450 Other: Fullwave

  • Type: ULTMAGELll Calibration Signal Sweep Deplh

&'*' ~. Gain {dB): 16.0 Circ. Gain (dB}: **

  • 16.0 Search Unit Cable


Mfg.: MAGNAFLUX 'R¢!t!Clor Amplitude% Division


'j y* *+/~[;*;'-~, . "::<:.


--1 Seteen Div.=

Linearity Report No.:

--.8 in. of L-13-260 Depth Type:

Length: 6' RG-,,74 No.Conn.: 0 Exam Balch:

Type: ULTRAGELll 12'25 J'*

l --

Scan Coverage Mfg.: MAGNAFLUX Calibration Block Upstream~ Downstream~ Scan c!fi: 30.0 Cal. Block No. 20T*240 cw0 ccw~ Scand8: 30.0

-- Reference e~ Refar&nce/Simulator Block

~- Cal. Blk. Temp. 73 Temp. Tool: --

5.0 Dia.: Flat Gain Si9nal , Sweep

.. Thickness Serial No.: *91.5938 *Y(je *. Dei>th Ret\eetor Amolitude% OMsiOn

~J ~ -- MCNDE40197 Eicam Surface: O.D. Type: ROMPAS 6.0 1*sic1e 80 1.25;. 1.0"

.'\~ =

Comp. Temp. 76 Temp. Tool: MCNDE40130 Surface Condition: Flush

= O Recordable lndicatlon{s): Yes No0 (If Yes, Ref. Attached Ultrasonic Indication Report.)

Results: Accept~ Reject O Info O Comments: Refent~'Report # UT-13-1179 for additional .

I lnforma1lor{ * . *.. .4 Percent Of Coverage Obtained > 90%: Yes BackWalft~ at 2..5.. from weld toe, due to lubes~eet.

Examiner Level IJ.N Date **Pate Koster, Rickey 10/23/2013 Examiner Level 11-N Date Date Hassel, Matt 1~13 ANll*~** E.*ZURBU Other Level NIA Slgnallire ** Date Date J.


.: .  :~


Summary#: 2-SGB-W69 Component ID 02.C1 .30.0001 remarks:



0 LIMITED SCAN IZI 1 l'8l 2 fZI 1 cgj 2 0 CW D ccw *~:';_;" *\

FROM l 2-12.5" to L 2+12.5" INCHES FROM WO CL-3.0 to Beyond ANGLE: 181 0 181 45 181 60 other *eoNS FROM NIA DEG to . NIA DEG

[8J NO SCAN SURFACE BEAM DIRECTION Lateral rest;aint #1 0 LIMITED SCAN 181 1 [8J 2 D 1 02 (8Jcw [8J FROM L 2-12.5" to L 2+12.5" INCHES FROM WO CL+2.0 . t? CL-2.o .. "1----**_. . _w_ _. _.'-'-'-----*

ANGLE: 0 0 181 45 181 60 other 60NS FROM ~ DEG to

      • f"

[8J NO SCAN SURFACE BEAM DIRECTION Lateral restraint #2 0 LIMITED SCAN 181 1 [8J .2 ' l8J 1 . . l8l 2 D cw* D ~~w . *:J.<-* .. ,

.. .. '\;~ r-----------_,;;.;-/

FROM l 9-12.5" to L 9+12.5 INCHES FROM WO CL+3.0 to Beyond ANGLE: 181 0 181 45 181 60 other 60NS . ' FROM NIA N/A DEG

[8J NO SCAN SURFACE BEAM DIRECTION . .. Lateral ie;;traint #2 0 LIMITED SCAN IZl 1 1Z1 2 D 1 D 2 l8'J cw 1Z1 ccw FROM l 9-12.S" to L 9+12.5" INCHES FROM WO* *'CL+2.0 tO'>CL-2.0 A ;:~if~~ &.~etch(s) attached

._. Y(* ..

ANGLE: 0 0 igj FROM NIA DEG to NIA DEG [8J D No.*

Prepared By: Date: 10123/13 Sheet

-~-=~~c:+.~4-'~;:=:;=--~~-l Reviewed By*.

Date: //-2-13  :> .* Aut!Jef~~~t':fURB

---~ . ~., .. ~- ...... --* ....



~~~-'---~-~~~--.-----~~-'--~~~--'-----l Summ,ary #: 2-SGB-W69 Component ID 02.C1 .30.0001 **remarJ<s:

L8J NO SCAN SURFACE BEAM DIRECTION* ... 'L.ate~al restraint #3 1--------"'-'**-------

0 LIMITED SCAN IZl 1 1:81 2 D cw D ccw FROM L 16+12.5" to L 16+12.5" INCHES FRq~ WO CL+3.0 tp .Beyond '..,.:':

    • v - .---*****---~--,,,-.-,.---I ANGLE: l8l 0 l8l 45 ~ 60 other 60NS FROM NIA DEG to NIA 1---'c~----*-**:...__...:::_______-=:=::::.__--..._......--=-:::::--.;;...*---====--....,.,,....-i-----------..:.


'... *---1

. -~ NO SCAN SURFACE BEAM DIRECTION:. :Lateral restraint #3 0 LIMITED SCAN l2S) 1 [81 2

  • 0'.1 D 2'[81 cw l8I

.. **::. -~ ~

'ccw 0... :

FROM L 16-12.5 to L 16+12.5" INCHES FROM WO CL+2.0 to CL-2.0


ANGLE: 0 0 ~ 45 181 1 - - - - - - - - * - **-**

60 other 60NS FROM ~ DEG to =N='/A:¢::::::...,.D~E--"G--:-l-~-_:.:,_-

!ZI NO SCAN SURFACE BEAM DIRECTIONTf "'> . . . lateral restrail')t #4 0 LIMITED SCAN 181 1 [81 2 01 021Zlcw[81ccw FROM L 24-12.5" to L 24+12.5" INCHES F~OM WO CL+3.0 to .*Beyond ANGLE: ~ 0 [81 45 18) 60 other FROM NIA DEG to NIA DEG

=====~-.,--~=====-~~__;====.:__.:__+--~~~~~~-~__;_j 1ZJ NO SCAN SURFACE BEAM DIRECTION Lateral restraint #4 f-'-~~----~-~~~---~ ........-

0 LIMITED SCAN 181 1 1Z1 2 0 1 D 2

  • igi cw l8l ccw FROM L 24-12.5" to L 24+12.5" INCHES FROM WO CL+2.0 to CL-2.0 Sketch(s} attached ANGLE: 0 0 [81 45 [81 60 other FROM N/A DEG to NIA. DEG D No

?fepar~-~y: ..

. D~;~ Griebel ZQ;;t---..~~cle=v::::.el-:-,-,-

  • _ Dat-e:-10/23/13 S-hee__._t-t--++--ff--f- 15 Reviewed By~ _,&/Lu'lef_ Date: ll**Z-l.3 Aut!Jif~"'EttzUR Date:

. 7lf ..  :' .--=:::

DlU<E ENERGY, COMPANY 151 LIMITATION .REPORT Summary#: 2-SGB-W69 Component ID 02.C1 .30.0001 remarks: .....

f2l NO SCAN SURFACE BEAM DIRECTION Lateral restraint #5 0 LIMITED SCAN 12:1 1 1Z1 2 1Z1 1 l'Zl 2 0 cw 0 ccw FROM L 31-12.5" to L 31+12.5" INCHES FROft.!IJIVO. CL+3.0 to Beyond l8l l8l NlA~

ANGLE: 0 45 1'81 60 other 60NS FROM

  • NIA-DEG .to DEG

t8] NO SCAN SURFACE BEAM DIRECTION Lateral restraint #,5 0 LIMITED SCAN (gJ 1 rgj 2 D 1 02 ~cw[glccw FROM L 31-12.5" . to L 31+12.5" INCHES FROM WO CL+2&_ to CL-2.0

  • >*/ :~

ANGLE: 0 0 l8l 45 181 60 other 60NS FROM *,:,, ...


~""' *--*


Lifting trunnion 0 LIMITED SCAN l8J 1 D 2 D 1 181 2 D cw q ccw FROM L 1-9"

_.:....;:;'---- to L 1+9" INCHES FROM WO CL+7.0 to Beyond ANGLE: Do 181 45 181 60,,--_o..:._t.:_he.:_r_::::::60:::N::::S=--'---F_:R_O_M:._:::::N:::'A=-.:::..D=EG.:....::.to::c._.:::::::N/:::A=*=-D-=E:.:G+---.,..--~...,.,------1 l8'J NO SCAN SURFACE BEAM DIRECTION>' lifting trunnion' D LIMITED SCAN rgj 1 0 2 0 1 IZI 2 D cw Cl ccw *.

    • <~<
      • t,*.

FROM L 18-9" to L 18+9" INCHES FROM WO CL+7.0 to Beyond* . SketCh(s) attached  : *. ~=

ANGLE: 0 O 0 FROM NIA DEG to NlA DEG 181 0 *No Level: 11 Date: 10/23/13 Sheet 7

DUKE ENERGY COMPANY ISi LIMITATION REPORT Summary#: 2-SGB-W69 Component ID 02CI .30.0001 remarks:

(81 NO SCAN SURFACE BEAM DIRECTION Manway 1------------1 0 LIMITED SCAN [gJ 1 02 [gJ 1 02 Dew Occw FROM L 7-10" to L 7t-l0" INCHES FROM WO CL+7" to Beyond ANGLE: 0 0 ~ 45 t81 60 other FROM NIA DEG to NIA DEG D NO SCAN SURFACE. BEAM DIRECTION 0 LIMITED SCAN D 1 0 2 0 1 D *2 D cw D ccw FROM L to L INCHES FROM WO to _ __

ANGLE: oo 0 45 D so other FROM DEG to DEG 0 NO SCAN SURFACE BEAM DIRECTION 0 LIMITED SCAN D 1 0 2 0 1 02 Dew Occw FROM L to L INCHES f~OM WO to _ __

ANGLE: ooo 45 D eo other FROM DEG to DEG

1----__:=--==---=~~---=====-----,-~-====-------======---l----~--~~----l 0 NO SCAN SURFACE
  • BEAM DIRECTION cry ....


D LIMITED SCAN D 1 D 2 D1D20cwO ccw Sketch(s) attached FROM L

- - - to L- -


CW, CCW, <1' Coverage 100 % ..

~~coverage Limitation.exits for 125"

'125n I 465!'= 26:9°1c>

  • , . -~ -  ;, '/;

Base Meta)Attjl'.;;;9.34~. in. '

Weld Metal A.rea =6.36 sq. in.

Total Exam~= 15.7 sq. in 5.67 sq: in. of mi~ coverage

'held Metal Coverage 5.67 sq. in.I 6.36 sq. in=

89.2 ~of missed coverage Limitation exits for 125" 125" I 465= 26;90/o


~ MetalAmF9.34 sq. in.

Weld Iv1etal Area=6.36 sq. in.

Total Exarri Area=l 5.7 sq. in.

~ Ivfetal Coverage

.84 sq. in/9.34 sg. in=

9 % of Jl1i¥ coverage Limitation exits for 36" 36" I 465 11= 7.7 %

.84 sq'. in- of missed coverage U::>< />

Steam Generator

.ThG'~ limi~on exis

'~ - .

. Scale l" = 2" Base Mda1Area=9.34 sq. in.

~Id Metal Area=6.36 sq. in.

Total Ex.am Area= J5. 7 sq. in.

Base l\t1etal Coverage

.84 sq. in./9.34 sq. in=

9 % of missed coverage Limitation exits for 20" 20" I 465"= 4.3 %

.84 sq. in. of mi~ coverage

\ .,'.* '"*.,, .

ins~or I J>dte :

'. _;_. ~: . ,;., ~: - - -~ " . ,{.;-:,.,,. ~- '


  • fage 1..J *of J? .. "
  • l/-i:_L3

.*.r ONS Steam Generator 2B 02.C1.30.0001


% Coverage'  % Length"/" ' ., Total%

Weld Coverage.

Sl < 10.8 =

125 / 465.l 26.9 %

100 340 / 465.1=73.1 % 76.0%

S2,.*. 100 . 340 / 465.1=73.1 % 73.1%

cw 100 340 / 465.1 = 73;1 % 73.1%

CCW'. 100 340 / 465;1 =';73.1 % 73.1%

Total Weld A11regate 73.8%

/<* *.

Ba~~ M~tal C<)vera~

Sl 100 340 / 465.1 =73.1 %

91 56 / 465.1 = 12.0 % 84.0%

S2 37.4 125 / 465.1 = 26.9 %


cw 100 100 340 / 465.1 = 73.1 %

340 I 465.1 = 73.1 %



e ccw 100 340 / 465.1=73.l % 73.1%

Total Base Metal Aggregate 78.4%

o* Coverage 100 .* 340 / 465.l =73.l % 73.1%'

Total o* Aggregate 73.1%

Total Exam Coverage= 73.8 + 78.4 + 73.1 = 225.3 / 3 = 75.1 %

lnspecto" <f)~*~

.. .,.~ ¥ //*Z-13 i?ff5

Steam Generator Uppe.lifubesheet to Sec. Shell


  • 450 Scanned in four directions. Weld No. : l-SGB-W69
  • 600 & 60°NS Sc:anned in four direetiom.

Item. :No. : 02.Cl.30.0001 j,**_<_.. . ,. '

      • All axial scaos will scan the entire examine volwne to be conservative.
      • 60 Near Surface Required***

'***Cd. 35° due to ~blc Umir.ition**tt Surface 1- Tubesheet 45°lst Leg=SD of 5.125" 60° 1st Leg= SD of 8.88" 600Near Surface twb din:ctions Exam vol~e .5" outside of to~ full volume. See Fagure~ ~

Level m Reviewer I Date :~~ 'l*S* I.)

Scale l" = 2"

  • P~e 1.5

_:.*. - of -.{5

__ / - * .
