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June 27, 2023, Clinton Power Station License Renewal Environmental Pre-application Public Meeting - Constellation Slides
Person / Time
Site: Clinton Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 06/14/2023
Constellation Energy Generation
Shared Package
ML23145A133 List:
Download: ML23145A134 (15)


License Renewal:

Clinton Power Station Environmental Report Pre-Application Meeting June 27, 2023


  • Opening Remarks/Introductions
  • Background
  • Discussion Items
  • Lessons Learned
  • Closing Remarks


Speakers Chris Wilson - Director License Renewal Kristin Meek, PE - License Renewal Environmental Lead Participants Lydia Dworakowski - Licensing Lead Don MacLeod - Senior Engineer (Jensen Hughes)

Stacy Burgess - Senior Project Manager (ENERCON)

Rachel Turney-Work - Environmental Licensing Manager (ENERCON)



Clinton Power Station (CPS)

  • Single Unit, General Electric Type 6 Boiling Water Reactor (BWR)
  • Current rated core thermal power: 3,473 MWt
  • Designed to operate at a gross electrical power output of 1,138.5 MWe
  • No refurbishment anticipated for period of extended operation (PEO)

OL 40 Yrs 60 Yrs Unit 1 1987 2027 2047

Station Aerial

  • Clinton Power Station (CPS) is owned and operated by Constellation, the licensee and applicant.
  • The CPS site is approximately 13,626 acres (13,531 owned by CEG).
  • Located within DeWitt County, IL.
  • The size of the site places it in several townships: Harp, Wilson, Rutledge, DeWitt, Creek, Nixon, and Santa Anna.
  • The exclusion area is entirely within the site property.

Vicinity (6-Mile) Map Environmental Report (ER) Discussion Items Methodology

- NUREG-1555, Supplement 1, Rev. 1 (2013)

- NUREG-1437, Rev. 1, which is the Generic Environmental Impact Statement or GEIS for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants Revision 1 (2013)

- Regulatory Guide 4.2, Supplement 1, Revision 1, (2013) for preparation of Environmental Reports for Nuclear Power Plant License Renewal Applications

  • Incorporate by Reference

ER Discussion Items, Continued Major Permits / Authorizations

  • National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)
  • Clean Water Act (CWA) 401 Certification (IEPA issued waiver)

Consultations & Public Communications

  • Consultations with agencies and Native American Tribes have taken place and all received responses will be included in the License Renewal Application (LRA) ER.

ER Discussion Items, Continued Surface & Groundwater Use

  • CPS does not use groundwater as a potable source for the station, however, there are two onsite wells that provide potable water for the recreational beach area and the village of Dewitt.

Cooling Water System

  • Includes a cooling lake (Clinton Lake), circulation water intake structure (CWIS), condensers and a discharge flume with mechanical draft cooling towers.

Alternatives Analysis

  • Includes three evaluated alternatives (Natural Gas, Combination of natural gas with solar panels with lithium-ion battery storage and wind turbines, Purchased Power).

Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI)

  • An ISFSI expansion may be needed during the LR period of extended operation (PEO). There is enough land area available for this expansion within the site boundary.

ER Discussion Items: Ecology Essential Fish Habitat

  • No essential fish habitat (EFH) or EFH areas protected from fishing are located within the vicinity of CPS.

Habitat Areas of Particular Concern

  • No habitat areas of particular concern (HAPC) located within the 6-mile vicinity of CPS.

Critical Habitat

  • No critical habitat is listed within the 6-mile radius of CPS.

Threatened and Endangered Species

  • Five federally-listed threatened and endangered (T&E) and one candidate species potentially occurring within the 6-mile radius of CPS.
  • Six state-listed T&E species occur within DeWitt County.

ER Discussion Items: Cultural Resources Onsite Cultural Resource Surveys and Investigations

  • 17 cultural resources surveys, salvage investigations, and testing investigations within CPS site and extending out from property.
  • No onsite cultural resources listed in National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). One NRHP-eligible cultural resource located within CPS (Pabst site).
  • No structures within the CPS property have been documented through the Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS) or Historic American Engineering Record (HAER).

Cultural Resources within the Vicinity

  • 55 offsite cultural resources listed on the Illinois cultural resources databases:

30 archeological sites, 10 cemeteries, 15 architectural structures/objects.

  • No adverse affects are anticipated to any cultural resource sites during the CPS period of extended operation.

ER Discussion Items: SAMA

  • Severe Accident Mitigation Alternatives (SAMA) Analysis Status
  • Development and Screening of Candidate SAMAs

- Guidance from Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) 05-01 Rev A and NRC regulatory analysis techniques documented in NUREG/BR-0184

- Qualitative and Quantitative SAMA screening

- Relies on Level 1, 2 and 3 probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) results / cost benefit analysis

  • The results of this analysis will be detailed in the SAMA Basis Document and summarized in the ER

Project Management

  • Constellation plans to submit the LRA, including the ER, via the NRC Electronic Information Exchange (EIE)
  • Constellation Environmental Lead will coordinate with the NRC PM
  • CEG intends to utilize the Scientech eDocs portal to support NRC review.

- LRA, ER, boundary drawings and USAR will be made available on eDocs portal

- Sufficient time will be allocated to test the portal in advance of the ER Audit.

  • Constellation will submit timely responses to NRC requests for additional information

Schedule and Closing Remarks

  • The CPS LR application is on track to be submitted on the target date of February 14, 2024
  • The CPS LR ER will be consistent with industry practices and incorporate lessons learned from recent LRs to meet NRC requirements, including Requests for Additional lnformation (RAIs).
  • CEG will submit a high-quality application which will support efficient staff reviews.

- Highly knowledgeable team with significant LR experience.

- Participation in industry working groups and meetings.

- Industry peer reviews of LRA.

- Monitoring on-going applicant processes.

- Reviews of recent applicant RAIs, RCIs and supplements.

Questions 14