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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML24127A0956 May 2024License Renewal Public Scoping Meeting May 2024License Renewal
Environmental Justice
ML24100A76711 April 2024Meeting Slides - Preapplication with Constellation on Planned Fleet Alternative Request to Adopt OMN-2
ML24089A2619 April 2024Slides - Constellation - Pre-Application Regarding Hooded Masks 4/9/2024 Meeting Slides (L-2024-LLM-0041)
ML24029A17430 January 2024Constellation Pre-Application January 30, 2024, Meeting Slides - Proposed Alternative to Utilize Code Case N-932, Alternative Requirements for Acceptance of Containment Base Metal Corrosion or Erosion
ML23317A07114 November 2023NRC Pre-Submittal Meeting on November 14th, 2023 - TSTF-591 and Selected 50.69 License Condition Updates (EPID L-2023-LLM-0098) (Slides)
ML23255A10411 August 2023Slides - Constellation - Pre-Application EP 9/18/2023 Draft CEG Presubmittal SG Performance Monitoring Plan Meeting HandoutSubsequent License Renewal
ML23172A20928 June 2023LRA - NRC Pre-Submittal Meeting Slides
ML23172A21028 June 2023CPS Lr Pre-Submittal Meeting PresentationCoatings
Aging Management
License Renewal
Subsequent License Renewal
Power Uprate
ML23165A01614 June 2023June 27, 2023, Clinton Power Station License Renewal Environmental Pre-application Public Meeting - NRC SlidesEnvironmental Justice
ML23145A13414 June 2023June 27, 2023, Clinton Power Station License Renewal Environmental Pre-application Public Meeting - Constellation SlidesProbabilistic Risk Assessment
License Renewal
Power Uprate
ML21314A44710 November 2021Slides for Presubmittial Meeting for Proposed Alternative to Adopt ASME Code Case N-921 to Extend the Inservice Inspection IntervalMoisture barrier
ML21194A15813 July 2021and Lasalle Nuclear Generating Stations 2020 Annual Assessment Meeting SlidesCoronavirus
ML21021A06521 January 2021NRC Pre-Application Meeting - Clinton One-Time Extension of the Containment Type a Leak Rate Test Frequency (Meeting Handout)Surveillance Frequency Control Program
Integrated leak rate test
ML20261G73216 September 2020Pre-Submittal Slides Extend 120-month Isi/Ist Interval Under 50.55aIncorporated by reference
Exemption Request
ML20238B86625 August 2020Hq Online EOC SlidesCOVID-19
ML20178A42030 June 2020NEI Slides for June 30, 2020, Public Meeting on COVID-19 ResponseExemption Request
ML20175A87223 June 2020Risk-Informed Inservice Inspection - U.S Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) - Four Element Risk-Informed Approach
ML20170B02123 June 2020NRC Pre-Submittal Meeting Byron Unit 2 One-Time Deferral of Reactor Pressure Vessel Head Penetration Nozzle (Rpvhpn) InspectionsBoric Acid
Weld Overlay
Nondestructive Examination
Stress corrosion cracking
Pressure Boundary Leakage
ML20169A55916 June 2020Steam Generator License Amendment Request Pre-Submittal Meeting (NRC) - Byron Unit 2 LAR for One-Time Deferral of Steam Generator Inspections (Rev 1)Pandemic
ML20163A65516 June 20206-16-20 Byron Unit 2 Steam Generator License Amendment Request Pre-Submittal Meeting (NRC) - Byron Unit 2 LAR for One-Time Deferral of Steam Generator InspectionsPandemic
ML19318F95120 November 2019Presentation Slides for November 20, 2019, Pre-Application Meeting - Request for Revision to Quality Assurance Program Internal Audit FrequencyGrace period
ML19317C99512 November 2019In-Service Testing Supplemental Position Indication Relief Request NRC Pre-Application Meeting November 18, 2019Anchor Darling
ML19161A2574 June 2019BWR Fleet Msv/Srv - Testing Frequency Relief Request NRC Pre-Application Meeting June 4, 2019Incorporated by reference
ML19151A66031 May 2019BWR Fleet Mssv/Srv Testing Frequency Relief Request NRC Pre-Application Meeting June 4, 2019Incorporated by reference
ML19022A20023 January 2019Request for Use of ASME Code Case N-879 for Exelon Nuclear Power PlantsLoop seal
Feedwater Heater
ML18347B31419 December 2018Bwrvip/Asme Relief Request Discussion December 19, 2018
ML18334A21630 November 2018Presentation Slides: Exelon BWR MSIV (Boiling-Water Reactor - Main Steam Isolation Valve) Leakage Optimization for NRC Pre-Submittal Meeting of December 6, 2018Local Leak Rate Testing
ML18319A12719 November 2018Slides for 11/19/18 Public Meeting - Exelon Fleet LAR for Common Language for TS 5.7 High Radiation AreasHigh Radiation Area
Deep Dose Equivalent
U-604453, Regulatory Conference Information19 November 2018Regulatory Conference Information
ML18054B35927 February 2018Slide: NRC Pre-Submittal Meeting for Exelon Fleet LAR to Relocate TS Unit Staff Qualification ANSI Requirements to the QATR, February 27, 2018, Profile Info: Submitted by Frank Mascitelli
ML17142A23825 May 2017OEDO-17-00280 - Briefing Package for Drop-In Visit on June 9, 2017, by Senior Management of Exelon Generation Company, LLC with Chairman Svinicki, Commissioner Baran, and Commissioner BurnsProbabilistic Risk Assessment
Operator Manual Action
Significance Determination Process
ML17067A37216 March 2017March 7, 2017, Summary of Public Pre-Submittal Teleconference Meeting with Exelon Generation Company, LLC to Discuss Proposed License Amendment Request Regarding Residual Heat Removal System Operability in Mode 3 at Clinton Power Station, UCondition Adverse to Quality
ML17067A3627 March 2017License Amendment Request; Mode 3 Applicability - Lpci/Sdc; NRC Pre-Submittal Teleconference - March 7, 2017Condition Adverse to Quality
ML16314E48114 November 2016Part 37 Applicability to Reactor Vessels and Associated Structures, Systems, and Components While in Safstor Awaiting Active Decommissioning Activities - November 14, 2016
ML16189A43312 July 2016July 12, 2016, Public Meeting with NRC - Exelon Decommissioning Licensing Action Submittal PlanOffsite Dose Calculation Manual
Exemption Request
ML16077A15622 March 2016Fleet: Pre-application Teleconference with Exelon to Discuss a Potential License Amendment Request Regarding Operating Training Standards
ML16075A32916 March 2016OEDO-16-00165 - Briefing Package for Drop-In Visit on March 23, 2016, by Senior Management of Exelon Generation Company, LLC with the NRC Executive Director for OperationsAnticipated operational occurrence
Enforcement Discretion
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Significance Determination Process
Open Phase Condition
Risk-Informed Steering Committee
Fuel cladding
Generic Issues Program
Accident Tolerant Fuel
ML15342A3548 December 2015License Amendment Request Extension of Secondary Containment - NRC Pre- Application Meeting December 9, 2015Safe Shutdown
Tornado Missile
Safe Shutdown Earthquake
Operating Basis Earthquake
Tornado Generated Missile
Tornado Missile Protection
ML15173A38119 June 2015Regulatory Conference Supplemental InformationWeld Overlay
Preliminary White Finding
ML14223A57411 August 20148/7/14 Clinton Power Station Annual Assessment Meeting Licensee Slides
ML14220A2497 August 20148/7/2014 NRC Slides of Clinton Power Station Annual Assessment Meeting Cy 2013
ML14114A7409 April 2014Application of GE Hitachi Simplified Stability Solution GS3 Pre-Submittal Presentation
ML13184A3152 July 2013EOC Public Meeting Presentation July 2, 2013
ML12111A12819 April 2012End-of-Cycle Performance Assessment Meeting Presentation SlidesFukushima Dai-Ichi
Spent Fuel Pool Instrumentation
Hardened vent
ML12087014027 March 2012Licensee Slides for Exelon Fleet Pre-Submittal Public Meeting 4-10-12 Licensed Operator Eligibility Requirements LAR
ML11119052128 April 2011Clinton Power Station Cy 2010 End-Of-Cycle Open House PresentationOpen House
ML11119053128 April 2011Clinton Power Station Cy 2010 End-of-Cycle Open House Presentation (Short)Open House
ML09198036320 August 2009Summary of Licensing Counterparts Meeting with Exelon Generation Company, to Discuss Licensing Practices and ProcessesCyber Security
ML09140033211 May 2009Slides Presented at the Clinton 2008 EOC Performance/Reactor Issue Open HouseOpen House
ML09089049430 March 2009Presentation Slides for 03/31/2009 Meeting with the NRC Staff Concerning Proposed CO-60 Production at Clinton StationAbnormal operational transient
Fuel cladding