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Rev. 18 to Technical Specification Bases, Implemented Change Notice Log
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Site: Callaway Ameren icon.png
Issue date: 12/29/2022
Union Electric Co, Ameren Missouri
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML23067A139 List: ... further results
Download: ML23067A179 (1)


CALLAWAY Rev. 18 11/30/22 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION BASES IMPLEMENTED CHANGE NOTICE LOG Change Notice Number Description Approval Date Interim Revision Incorporated Section Revised Table Revised Figure Revised 22-0028 Update Technical Specification Bases to Address Crediting ASD Handwheels 11/15/22 18 11/24 BLCO 3.7.4 BKG BLCO 3.7.4 ASA BLCO 3.7.4 LCO BLCO 3.7.4 SR BLCO 3.7.4 REF 22-0010 Revise TSB 3.7.20 and FSAR 16.7.13 to clarify either train of supplemental cooling is allowed for mitigating actions 11/15/22 18 11/24 BLCO 3.7.20 BKG BLCO 3.7.20 ACT 21-0020 MP 19-0018 - UHS Cooling Tower Return to UHS Pond 11/10/22 18 11/24 BLCO 3.7.9 BKG BLCO 3.7.9 LCO 20-0009 Revises the Bases to support the TS changes for Section 3.0, i.e., "LCO Applicability" and "SR Applicability," as recommended per TSTF-529.

Changes to the Bases for the following are made: Limiting Condition for Operation (LCO) 3.0.2, LCO 3.0.3, LCO 3.0.4, and LCO 3.0.5, as well as Surveillance Requirement (SR) 3.0.2 and SR 3.0.3.

04/07/22 17 07/06/22 BLCO 3.0.2 BLCO 3.0.3 BLCO 3.0.4 BLCO 3.0.5 BSR 3.0.2 BSR 3.0.3 21-0006 Revises the Bases for TS 3.6.4 to update the calculated peak pressure in containment following a main steam line break (MSLB), based on the results of the revised containment analysis (Calculations ZZ-525 Rev. 2 and ZZ-443 Rev. 1 Add. 3).

06/17/21 16 06/22/21 BLCO3.6.4 ASA

CALLAWAY Technical Specification Bases implemented Change Notice Log (Sheet 2 of 11)

Rev. 18 11/30/22 20-0019 Revises the Bases for TS 3.7.9 to reflect implementation of Tornado Missile Risk Evaluator (TMRE) methodology.

06/10/21 16 06/22/21 BLCO3.7.9 ASA BLCO3.7.9 BKG BLCO3.7.9 REF 19-0024 Revises the Bases for TS 3.7.4 and 3.7.5 to add clarifying information for AFW and ASD systems related to the limiting event for duration of ASD operation. Also removed potentially misleading reference to SBO requirements when discussing required nitrogen accumulator capacity.

06/10/21 16 06/22/21 BLCO3.7.4 ASA BLCO3.7.4 LCO BLCO3.7.5 LCO 21-0004 Revises TSB 3.8.1 to reflect implementation of the open phase condition (OPC) protection modification that was performed under modification MP 15-0008.

06/03/21 16 06/22/21 BLCO3.8.1 BKG 19-0020 Revises TSB 3.7.9 to provide clarification as to when TS 3.7.9, Condition B should be entered.

05/06/21 16 06/22/21 BLCO3.7.9 LCO BLCO3.7.9 ASA BLCO3.7.9 ACT BLCO3.7.9 SR BLCO3.7.9 REF Change Notice Number Description Approval Date Interim Revision Incorporated Section Revised Table Revised Figure Revised

CALLAWAY Technical Specification Bases implemented Change Notice Log (Sheet 3 of 11)

Rev. 18 11/30/22 18-0021 Revises the Bases for TS SR 3.0, TS SR 3.0.2, TS SR 3.0.3, TS SR, TS SR, TS SR, TS SR, TS SR, TS SR, TS SR, TS SR, TS LCO 3.7.1, TS SR, TS SR, TS SR, TS SR, TS SR, TS SR, TS SR, TS SR, TS SR, and TS SR for implementation of Amendment 222, which replaces TS AC 5.5.8, "Inservice Testing Program" with a new definition "INSERVICE TESTING PROGRAM" in TS 1.1 as per TSTF-545, Rev. 3.

03/05/20 15b 06/02/20 BLCO3.0 SR BLCO3.4.10 SR BLCO3.4.11 SR BLCO3.4.12 SR BLCO3.5.2 SR BLCO3.6.3 SR BLCO3.6.6 SR BLCO3.7.1 LCO BLCO3.7.1 SR BLCO3.7.2 SR BLCO3.7.3 SR BLCO3.7.4 SR BLCO3.7.5 SR BLCO3.7.19 SR BLCO3.9.4 SR 18-0025 Revises the Bases for TS SR and TS SR for implementation of Amendment 221, which relocates requirements for SLAVE RELAY TEST of slave relay K602 from TS SR to TS SR

12/06/19 15a 02/11/20 BLCO3.3.2 SR 18-0012 Revises B 3.3.3 to reflect a reduction of the credited range for Containment High Range Radiation Monitors in a post-accident environment, due to noise from thermally-induced currents causing inaccuracy in readings

<25 R/hr.

11/04/19 15 11/07/19 BLCO3.3.3 LCO BLCO3.3.3.2 SR Change Notice Number Description Approval Date Interim Revision Incorporated Section Revised Table Revised Figure Revised

CALLAWAY Technical Specification Bases implemented Change Notice Log (Sheet 4 of 11)

Rev. 18 11/30/22 17-0012 Revises the Bases for TS 3.8.1 and TS 3.8.2 in order to reflect the addition of protective relays to provide an alarm function for an open phase fault condition that were installed per Modification MP 15-0008 07/16/19 14c 07/31/19 BLCO3.8.1 LCO BLCO3.8.1 APP BLCO3.8.1 ACT BLCO3.8.1 SR BLCO3.8.1 REF BLCO3.8.2 LCO 17-0009 Revise the Bases for TS 3.3.2 and 3.8.1 to support the Engineered Safety Features Actuation System (ESFAS)

Surveillance Test Risk Informed Documented Evaluation (STRIDE).

03/26/19 14b 04/30/19 BLCO3.3.2 BLCO3.3.2 SR BLCO3.3.2 BLCO3.8.1 ACT BLCO3.8.1 SR 16-0013 Adds Bases for new TS 3.7.20, "Class 1E Air Conditioning (A/C) System".

04/30/19 14b 04/30/19 BLCO3.7.20 BLCO3.7.20 BKG BLCO3.7.20 ASA BLCO3.7.20 LCO BLCO3.7.20 APP BLCO3.7.20 ACT BLCO3.7.20 SR BLCO3.7.20 REF Change Notice Number Description Approval Date Interim Revision Incorporated Section Revised Table Revised Figure Revised

CALLAWAY Technical Specification Bases implemented Change Notice Log (Sheet 5 of 11)

Rev. 18 11/30/22 18-0026 Update revision numbers for B 3.3.1 (All Sections), B 3.3.2 (All Sections) and Tables B 3.3.1-1 and B 3.3.2-1 to Rev.

14a, and make page numbering for Table B 3.3.2-1 to be sequential with B 3.3.2.

02/19/19 14a 03/13/19 BLCO3.3.1 BLCO3.3.1 ACT BLCO3.3.1 ALA BLCO3.3.1 BKG BLCO3.3.1 REF BLCO3.3.1 SR BLCO3.3.2 BLCO3.3.2 ACT BLCO3.3.2 ALA BLCO3.3.2 BKG BLCO3.3.2 REF BLCO3.3.2 SR TBL 3.3.1-1 TBL 3.3.2-1 18-0015 Revise the descriptions of offsite power connections to the 4.16kV safety buses in order to ensure separation and independence are maintained to the extent practical, as required to satisfy the LCO 3.8.1 requirements for "two qualified circuits."

02/11/19 14a 03/13/19 BLCO3.8.1 BKG BLCO3.8.1 LCO Change Notice Number Description Approval Date Interim Revision Incorporated Section Revised Table Revised Figure Revised

CALLAWAY Technical Specification Bases implemented Change Notice Log (Sheet 6 of 11)

Rev. 18 11/30/22 17-0007 Revise TS Bases 3.3.5, 3.3.9, 3.5.1, 3.5.2 and 3.5.5 to conform to LDCN 13-0003.

09/28/17 13b 05/24/18 BLCO 3.3.5 BKG BLCO 3.3.9 BKG BLCO 3.3.9 SR BLCO 3.5.1 ASA BLCO 3.5.2 BKG BLCO 3.5.2 ASA BLCO 3.5.2 APP BLCO 3.5.2 SR BLCO 3.5.2 SR BLCO 3.5.5 BKG BLCO 3.5.5 ASA BLCO 3.5.5 LCO BLCO 3.5.5 SR 17-0019 Revise description of Class 1E 120-V vital instrument AC power supplies to reflect change to design and operation resulting from installation of new swing inverters as implemented under MP 13-0020 11/19/17 13a 11/19/17 BLCO3.8.7 BKG BLCO3.8.7 LCO BLCO3.8.7 ACT BLCO3.8.7 SR BLCO3.8.8 ASA BLCO 3.8.8 LCO BLCO 3.8.8. APP BLCO 3.8.8 ACT BLCO 3.8.8 SR BLCO 3.8.9 LCO BLCO 3.8.9 APP BLCO 3.8.9 ACT Change Notice Number Description Approval Date Interim Revision Incorporated Section Revised Table Revised Figure Revised

CALLAWAY Technical Specification Bases implemented Change Notice Log (Sheet 7 of 11)

Rev. 18 11/30/22 12-0031 Correct punctuation errors 06/29/16 13 11/10/16 BLCO3.7.5 BKG BLCO3.7.5 ASA BLCO3.7.5 LCO BLCO3.7.5 ACT BLCO3.7.5 SR 15-0005 Incorporate changes related to licesne amendment 216 which modified the DNB correlation stated in Technical Specifications and adopted WCAP-14565-P-A methodology at Callaway 02/29/16 12b 4/28/16 BLCO2.1.1 BKG 14-0014 Revise Technical Specification 5.5.9 "Steam Generator Program" 02/02/16 12b 4/28/16 BLCO3.4.17 LCO BLCO3.4.17 ACT BLCO3.4.17 SR BLCO3.4.17 SR Change Notice Number Description Approval Date Interim Revision Incorporated Section Revised Table Revised Figure Revised

CALLAWAY Technical Specification Bases implemented Change Notice Log (Sheet 8 of 11)

Rev. 18 11/30/22 14-0003 incorporate changes related to license amendment 213 which added new requirements for managing gas accumulation in ECCS, RHR, and Containment Spray.

10/8/15 12a 1/25/16 BLCO3.4.6 LCO BLCO3.4.6 SR BLCO3.4.7 LCO BLCO3.4.7 SR BLCO3.4.8 LCO BLCO3.4.8 SR BLCO3.5.2 LCO BLCO3.5.2 SR BLCO3.5.3 LCO BLCO3.6.6 LCO BLCO3.6.6 SR BLCO3.9.5 LCO BLCO3.9.5 SR3.9.5.2 BLCO3.9.6 LCO BLCO3.9.6 SR3.9.6.3 Change Notice Number Description Approval Date Interim Revision Incorporated Section Revised Table Revised Figure Revised

CALLAWAY Technical Specification Bases implemented Change Notice Log (Sheet 9 of 11)

Rev. 18 11/30/22 14-0013 remove EPRI TR number from Technical Specifications Bases 3.4.13 reference number 8 2/12/15 12 5/22/15 BLCO3.4.13 REF 13-0003 Implement Amendment 210 which revised the COLD OVERPRESSURE MITGATION SYSTEM (COMS), to clarify no limitation on normal charging pump use during MODES 4, 5 AND 6 1/20/15 11c 3/9/15 BLCO3.4.12 BKG BLCO3.4.12 ASA BLCO3.4.12 LCO BLCO3.4.12.A.1 BLCO3.4.12.B.1 BLCO3.4.12 SR3.4.12.1 BLCO3.4.12 SR3.4.12.2 BLCO3.4.12 SR3.4.12.3 BLCO3.4.12 SR3.4.12.8 10-0041 Revised TSB to add WCAP-12472-P-A, Addendum 1-A as a referenced Westinghouse Topical Report.

4/3/14 11b 9/18/14 BLCO3.1.7 REF BLCO3.2.1 REF BLCO3.2.2 REF BLCO3.2.4 REF BLCO3.3.1 REF 12-0015 TSB updated to incorporate changes related to the license amendment 208 which changed the UHS retention pond temperature and level limits.

7/3/14 11b 9/18/14 BLCO3.7.8 ASA BLCO3.7.8 SR3.7.8.2 BLCO3.7.9 ASA BLCO3.7.9 BKG BLCO3.7.9 LCO BLCO3.7.9 REF BLCO3.7.9 SR BLCO3.7.9 SR3.7.9.1 BLCO3.7.9 SR3.7.9.2 BLCO3.7.9 SR3.7.9.4 Change Notice Number Description Approval Date Interim Revision Incorporated Section Revised Table Revised Figure Revised

CALLAWAY Technical Specification Bases implemented Change Notice Log (Sheet 10 of 11)

Rev. 18 11/30/22 13-004 Revised FSAR to clarify that the normally locked closed solenoid operated CIVs for the containment hydrogen monitoring system are inoperable when opened under administrative controls.

6/9/14 11b 9/18/14 BLCO3.6.3 LCO 13-0010 TSB updated to incorporate changes related to the license amendment 209 which incorporated Callaways Adoption of Technical Specifications Task Force Traveler TSTF-522, Revision 0, "Revise Ventilation System Surveillance Requirements to Operate for 10 Hours Per Month" Using the Consolidated Line Item Improvement Process".

7/18/14 11b 9/18/14 BLCO3.7.10 BKG BLCO3.7.10 REF BLCO3.7.10 SR3.7.10.1 BLCO3.7.13 BKG BLCO3.7.13 REF BLCO3.7.13 SR3.7.13.1 13-0021 Add additional clarification to TS Bases associated with license amendment 202.

3/28/14 11b 9/18/14 BLCO3.1.4 SR3.1.4.1 BLCO3.1.6 SR3.1.6.2 BLCO3.3.2 ACT BLCO3.3.2.O.2 BLCO3.4.1 SR3.4.1.1 BLCO3.4.1 SR3.4.1.2 BLCO3.4.1 SR3.4.1.3 Change Notice Number Description Approval Date Interim Revision Incorporated Section Revised Table Revised Figure Revised

CALLAWAY Technical Specification Bases implemented Change Notice Log (Sheet 11 of 11)

Rev. 18 11/30/22 11-0012 Update TS Bases to incorporate changes related to the transition to NFPA-805.

8/29/11 11a 7/9/14 BLCO3.3.4 ASA BLCO3.3.4 REF BLCO3.3.4 SR Change Notice Number Description Approval Date Interim Revision Incorporated Section Revised Table Revised Figure Revised