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Conforming Amendment for Special Nuclear Materials License No. SNM-2500 Issued for the General Electric Morris Operation Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (TAC L24098 and L32605)
Person / Time
Site: 07200001
Issue date: 10/22/2007
From: Nelson R
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
To: Ellis J
GE-Hitachi Nuclear Energy Americas
Shared Package
ML071841114 List:
TAC L24098, TAC L32605
Download: ML22307A129 (1)


UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGUL ATORY COMMISSION WASHINGTON, O.C. 20555-0001 0crober 22, 2007 Mr. James E. Ellis Manager, Morris Operation GE-Hitachi Nuclear Energy Americas, LLC 7555 East Collins Road Morris, IL 60450



Dear Mr. Ellis:

In response to the General Electric application dated January 19, 2007, as supplemented January 25, February 23, March 2, March 9, March 15, March 26, May 18, June 4, and July 6 ,

2007, I am enclosing amended Special Nuclear Materials License No. 2500 (SNM-2500)

Amendment 13, for the General Electric Morris Operation (GEMO) Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI}, which is issued pursuant to Part 72 to Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). This amended license supercedes, in its entirety, Materials License SNM-2500, Amendment 12, dated December 21 , 2004. Changes made to the enclosed amended Materials License are indicated by vertical lines in the margin.

The Quality Assurance program approval revision associated with the aforementioned conforming amendment to SNM-2500 will be provided under separate cover letter.

Issuance of this conforming amendment to SNM-2500 authorizes you to revise information regarding the transfer of control of the GEMO ISFSI held by GE (GE License) to GE-Hitachi Nuclear Energy Americas, LLC. The amendment constitute continued authorization to possess, store, and transfer spent fuel at the GEMO ISFSI located on the Morris Operation site in Grundy County, Illinois.

Pursuant to 10 CFR 51.22(c)(21 ), this transfer of and conforming amendment to SNM-2500, satisfy the Commission's criteria for a categorical exclusion from the requirements to perform an environmental assessment or to prepare an environmental impact statement.

J Ellis 2 All future communications regarding this license should refer to License No. SNM-2500, Docket No. 72-1. Please contact me at (301) 492-3294 if you have any questions regarding issuance of this license.


~t----- --

Robert Nelson, Chief Licensing Branch Division of Spent Fuel Storage and Transportation Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards Docket: 72-1 TAC Nos. L24098 & L32605


1. Materials License No. SNM-2500, Amendment 13
2. Safety Evaluation Report cc: Mailing List


1. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (the Commission) has found that:

A. The application dated January 19, 2007, as supplemented January 25, February 23, March 2, March 9, March 15, March 26, May 18, June 4, and July 6, 2007, complies with the standards of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (the Act), and the Commission's regulations set forth in 10 CFR Chapter I;

8. The General Electric Morris Operation Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation will continue to operate in conformity with the application, as amended, the provisions of the Act, and the rules and regulations of the Commission; C. There is reasonable assurance that (i) the activities authorized by this amendment can be conducted without endangering public health and safety, and (i1) such activities will be conducted in compliance with the Commission's regulations; D. The issuance of the amendment will not be inimical to the common defense and security or to public health and safety; and E. The issuance of this amendment is in accordance with 10 CFR Part 51 of the Commission's regulations and all applicable requirements have been satisfied.
2. Accordingly, based on the foregoing findings, the license is amended by the enclosed changes to Materials License SNM-2500.
3. This license amendment is effective as of the date of its issuance.



Robert Nelson, Chief Licensing Branch Division of Spent Fuel Storage and Transportation Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards Enclosed: Revised License Pages Date of Issuance: October 22, 2007


"~ PAGE 1 OF _ 3_ PAGES LICENSE FOR INDEPENDENT STORAGE OF SPENT NUCLEAR FUEL AN D HIGH-LEVEL RADIOACTIVE WASTE Pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974 (Public Law 93-438), and Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter 1, Part 72, and in reliance on statements and representations heretofore made by the licensee, a license is hereby issued authorizing the licensee to receive, acquire, and possess the power reactor spent fuel and other radioactive materials associated w ith spent fuel storage designated below; to use such material for the purpose(s) and at the place(s) designated below; and to deliver or transfer such material to persons authorized to receive it in accordance with the regulations of the applicable Part(s). This license shall be deemed to contain the conditions specified in Section 183 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, and is subject to all applicable rules , regulations, and orders of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission now or hereafter in effect and to any conditions specified herein.


1. GE-Hitachi Nuclear Energy Americas. LLC 3. License No. SNM-2500 Amendment No. Amendment 13
2. GE-Hitachi Nuclear Energy Americas, LLC 7555 East Collins Road Morris, Illinois May 31 , 2022
4. Expiration Date Renewed December 21, 2004
5. Docket or Reference No.


6. Byproduct, Source, and/or 7. Chemical and/or Physical Form 8. Maximum Amount That Licensee Special Nuclear Material May Possess at Any One Time Under This License A. Fuel assemblies from A. As UO2 clad with zirconium or A.

reactors using natural water zirconium alloys.

for cooling and enriched not greater than 5 percent U-235. These fuels and associated materials related to storage and transfer of fuel assemblies will possibly contain:

1. Uranium 235 1. 37.5 MT
2. Plutonium 2. 9.0 MT
3. Fission Products 3. 2.5x109 Ci B. Byproduct and special B. As solutions, calibration discs B. Quantities possessed be nuclear material sealed source or in other form no greater than that specific in Table A. specified in Table A.
9. Authorized Use: The material identified in 6.A. and 7.A above is authorized for possession and storage at the Morris Operation, and transfer as described in NEDO-21326, the approved General Electric Morris Operation Consolidated Safety Analysis Report* , as supplemented and amended in accordance with 10 CFR 72.70 and 10 CFR 72.48. Material identified in 6.8 ., 7.B., and 8.8 . is to be used for calibration and standardization purposes.
10. Authorized Place of Use: The licensed material is to be possessed, transferred, and stored at the Morris Operation located in Grundy County, Illinois, near Morris, Illinois. This site is described in Chapters 1 and 3 of the licensee's CSAR for the Morris Operation.
  • Hereafter referred to in this license as the CSAR



SUPPLEMENTARY SHEET 72- 1 Table A Authorized materials - instrument, calibration, and laboratory sources Chemical and/or Materials Physical Form Quantity Radionuclides with atomic numbers Solution or calibration disc Total Aggregate of 5 curies ranging from 1 to 83 Cobalt-60 Sealed source 10 curies Cesium-137 Sealed source 10 curies Thorium-230 Any 1 millicurie Neptunium Any 20 grams Plutonium Any 50 grams Uranium-235 Any 250 grams (In uranium of any enrichment)

Americium-241 Any 200 µCi Americium-241 Sealed source 40 curies Pl utonium-Beryll iu m Sealed source 2 curies Uranium-natural Any 15 kilograms

11. Pursuant to 10 CFR Part 40 the licensee is authorized to possess, store, and transfer a combined quantity of unirradiated natural and unirradiated depleted uranium not to exceed 42 tonnes. This limitation does not include uranium in stored fuel or uranium used in construction of shipping casks.

Natural UO3 , UO2 , UNH, and UF6 , used during MFRP testing may be stored in process vessels in the Canyon area or in the site warehouse.

12. No changes shall be made to the Radiological Emergency Plan for Morris Operation, NEDO-31955, which would decrease the effectiveness of the emergency plan without the prior approval of the Commission as evidenced by a license amendment. The license shall maintain implementing procedures for the Radiological Emergency Plan as necessary. The license shall maintain records of changes that are made to the plan without prior approval for a period of two years from the date of the change. Within six months of such change the licensee shall furnish the Director, Office of Nuclear Materials Safety and Safeguards, and the NRC Region Ill Office a report containing a description of each change.

13 . The Technical Specifications contained in Appendix A attached hereto, as revised through Amendment 13, are incorporated into the license. The licensee shall operate the installation in accordance with the Technical Specifications in Appendix A. Appendix A contains Technical Specifications related to Environmental Protection to satisfy the requirements of 10 CFR 72.44(d}(2}.

14. The licensee shall follow the physical protection plan entitled "Physical Security Plan for Morris Operation, NEDS-14507," Revision D5, dated April 1995; and as it may be further amended under the provisions of 10 CFR 72.44(e) and 72.180. The requirements of 10 CFR Part 73, Appendix B for guard training and qualification are incorporated in Section 3.4, "Security Force Training and Qualification," of the approved security plan. The requirements of 10 CFR, Part 73, Appendix C, for contingency planning are addressed in Section 9.0 of the physical security plan.




15. This license is effective as of the date of issuance shown below.



Robert Nelson, Chief Licensing Branch Division of Spent Fuel Storage and Transportation Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards Washington, DC 20555 Date of Issuance: December 21 , 2004 As amended by Amendment No. 13 dated October 22, 2007


GE-HITACHI NUCLEAR ENERGY AMERICAS LLC Technical Specifications for Safety MORRIS OPERATION Amendment 13 License SNM-2500 Page2of18 TABLE OF CONTENTS ITEM PAGE #

COVER . . .... ... . .. . . . . .. . .. ... .. . . .. . . . .......... ... ..... .. . ............ 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS . ..... . . .. .... . ... .. . . ... ..... ... .. .. ...... .. .... . .... 2


..... . . ... . . . ... . .. . . .... . .. . . .. .... . . .... .. .... .. . .. . 5 1.1 DEFINITIONS .. . . . .... . .. . .. . ... ..... ... . .... . . ... .. . .. .... .... 5 1.2 GENERAL LICENSE CONDITIONS ... .. . . ... ... .. . . . . . .. . . ..... . . ... 6 1.2.1 Quality Assurance . .. . . .. . . . ... . .. . ... .. ... ... .. . . .. . . .. . .. 6 1.2.2 Fuel Transfer Canal Closure .. . . . .... . .. . . ......... .. . . . . . ... 6 2.0 FUNCTIONAL AND OPERATING LIMITS .... ... .. .. ..... . .. . ... .. . . .... . .. . 6 2.1 AUTHORIZED MATERIALS . . . . . . . . . . ..... . . ........ . . ..... .. . . .... 6 2.1.1 Specification .. . . . . ... ... .. . ..... . .... . .. ..... ........ ..... 6 2.1 .2 Basis .. ... ... . . . ... ... . .. .. ... . . . . . .. ...... ....... .. . . .. 7 2.2 FUEL STORAGE PROVISIONS . ... . .. . . ....... . . . .. . . ...... . ... ... 7 2.2.1 Specification . . ... .. . .. . . ... .... ... .. .... . ............ . . . .. 7 2.2.2 Basis ... . . . . . . .......... . ........ . ........ . .......... . . . 7 3.0 LIMITING CONDITIONS .... .. . .. .. . .. . .. . . . . . .......... . ....... . .. . .... 8 3.1 LIMITING CONDITION - WATER SHIELD . ..... . . ........ .. .......... 8 3.1.1 Specification .... . . . ... .. .. .. . . .......... . . . .. . ... .... . .... 8 3.1.2 Basis .. .... . .. .... .. . .. ... *. . . . . . . . .. ....... . ... ... . ..... 8 3.2 LIMITING CONDITION- CRITICALITY .......... . . ... . . .. . .. . ... .. . . . 8 3.2.1 Specification . ... . ..... . ... . ... . . .. ... . ........ .. ... ..... . . 8 3.2.2 Basis .. . .......... .. .. .. .. ........ .... ..... . . .... . .. .. . . 8 4.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS .. .. . . . ..... ... .......... . .. . .. . . . .. ... 8 4.1 EFFLUENT AIR . ... . . ........... . . . .. . . . . . . . ..... . . . .. . . .. . ..... 9

GE-HITACHI NUCLEAR ENERGY AMERICAS LLC T echrncal Specifications for Safety MORRIS OPERATION Amendment 13 License SNM-2500 Page 5 of 18


These technical specifications govern safe possession, storage and transfer of irradiated light-water reactor fuel at the Morris Operation.*

1.1 DEFINITIONS The following definitions apply for the purpose of these technical specifications:

a. Administrative Controls: Provisions relating to organization and management procedures, recordkeeping, review and audit, and reporting necessary to assure that operations involving storage of spent fuel at Morris Operation are performed in a safe manner.
b. Design Features: Facility features associated with basic design such as construction materials, geometric arrangements, dimensions, etc., which, if altered or modified, could have a significant effect on safety.
c. Functional and Operating Limits: Limits on fuel handling and storage conditions necessary to protect the integrity of the stored fuel; to protect employees against occupational exposures; and to guard against uncontrolled release of radioactive materials.
d. Fuel Bundle: Unit of nuclear fuel in the form used in the core of a light-water reactor {LWR).

Normally, will consist of a rectangular arrangement of fuel rods held together by end fittings, spacers and tie rods. The BWR fuel bundle does not include the reusable fuel channel which is not shipped with fuel bundles.

e. Limiting Conditions: The lowest functional capabilities or performance levels of equipment required for facility safe operation.
f. Surveillance Requirements: Surveillance requirements include: (i) inspection and monitoring of spent fuel in storage; (ii) inspection, test and calibration activities necessary to ensure the integrity of required systems and components and the stored spent fuel is maintained; (iii) confirmation that facility operation is within required functional and operating limits; and (iv) a confirmation that limiting conditions required for safe storage are met.
g. Tonne (Te): One metric ton, equivalent to 1000 kg or 2204.6 lb. Fuel quantity is expressed in terms of the fuel heavy metal content, measured in metric tons, and written TeU.
  • See Section 7.0 of this document for references and notes.

GE-HITACHI NUCLEAR ENERGY AMERICAS LLC Technical Specifications for Safety MORRIS OPERATION Amendment 13 License SNM-2500 Page 6 of 18 1.2 GENERAL LICENSE CONDITIONS 1.2.1 Quality Assurance Morris Operation activities shall be conducted in accordance with 10 CFR 72 subpart G, as described in Morris Operation Quality Assurance Plan, NEDE-31559.

1.2.2 Fuel Transfer Canal Closure The transfer canal upper end (CSAR Figure 1-4) has been sealed by welding a 1/4-inch thick stainless steel plate to imbedded steel angles framing the opening. There are no protrusions from the plate that could be used to facilitate removal. The fuel basket transfer arm has been rendered inoperative by welding a block in place preventing arm movement, and disabling the arm hydraulic system. These conditions shall not be changed without prior Nuclear Regulatory Commission approval.


a. Light-water reactor nuclear fuel stored at Morris Operation has previously met specific requirements detailed in earlier Amendments of this license. Fuel currently in storage has been at Morris Operation since 1989, the basins are essentially full. No new fuel will be received and storage is limited to the current inventory.

Bundle 1st Bundle Last Bundle Total Station Type Cladding Array Received Received Bundles Conn Yankee PWR ss 15x15 01-13-72 08-05-87 82 Cooper BWR Zircalloy 7x7 & 08-24-84 01-27-89 1054 8x8 Dresden BWR Zircalloy 7x7 09-05-75 03-31-77 753 Monticello BWR Zircalloy 8x8 11-21-84 04-24-87 1058 San Onofre PWR ss 14x14 03-27-72 09-07-80 270

b. Tools and equipment incidental to the conduct of GE-Hitachi Nuclear Energy Americas, LLC's nuclear and nuclear related business that have become radioactively contaminated may be possessed, stored, repaired and decontaminated. Items bearing smearable contamination shall be packaged for storage. The total contamination of all tools and equipment shall not exceed 10 Ci as determined by external exposure from the items as packaged for storage.

GE-HITACHI NUCLEAR ENERGY AMERICAS LLC Technical Specifications for Safety MORRIS OPERATION Amendment 13 License SNM-2500 Paoe 7 of 18

c. Tools and equipment specifically related to fuel storage operations, such as shipping cask internals, contaminated with radioactive materials may be possessed, repaired and/or decontaminated.

GE-HITACHI NUCLEAR ENERGY AMERICAS LLC Technical Specifications for Safety MORRIS OPERATION Amendment 13 License SNM-2500 Page 8 of 18 2.1 .2 Basis The design criteria and subsequent safety analyses of Morris Operation assumed certain characteristics and limitations for fuels that have been received and are currently stored.

Specification 2.1.1 a assures these bases remain valid by defining the authorized stored fuel inventory.

The design bases for criticality analyses were selected from detailed analytical studies based on physical parameters of specific fuel designs (see Table A.10-1 , CSAR Appendix A.10). The largest bundle cross-sectional area and infinite bundle length were assumed in the calculations.

These limits were based on unirradiated clean fuel and include allowance for the poisoning effect of the stainless steel baskets. Fuel centerline locations and other orientations were assumed to be those giving the maximum system reactivity.

Specification 2.1.1 b provides for storage of tools and equipment incidental to the conduct of GE-Hitachi Nuclear Energy Americas, LLC's nuclear businesses while awaiting decontamination, reuse, or ultimate disposal. Activity will be calculated from exposure rate measurements from a package, assuming the radiation originates from a uniform volumetric source having approximately the same dimensions as the package. Unless otherwise determined, gamma emissions of 1 MeV/disintegration will be assumed.

Specification 2.1.1 c provides for storage of tools and equipment specifically related to the conduct of GE-Hitachi Nuclear Energy Americas, LLC fuel storage operations, such *as cask internals and yokes while awaiting decontamination, reuse, or ultimate disposal. These tools and equipment may be contaminated with Co-60, Cs-137, or other isotopes as encountered in fuel handling and storage activities.

2.2 FUEL STORAGE PROVISIONS 2.2. 1 Specification Irradiated fuel bundles shall be stored in authorized fuel storage baskets, mounted in a support grid, under water in a fuel storage basin.

2.2.2 Basis The design criteria and subsequent safety analysis for Morris Operation assume irradiated fuel is stored under water in fuel storage baskets, mounted in a support grid in a fuel storage basin.

Specification 2.2.1 assures these assumptions remain valid. The fuel storage baskets and support grid are those described in the CSAR, Chapter 5.

GE-HITACHI NUCLEAR ENERGY AMERICAS LLC Technical Specifications for Safety MORRIS OPERATION Amendment 13 License SNM-2500 Page 9 of 18 3.0 LIMITING CONDITIONS 3.1 LIMITING CONDITION - WATER SHIELD 3.1.1 Specification The depth of water between the top of the fuel bundle upper tie plate and the surface of the basin water shall be a minimum of 9 feet.

3.1.2 Basis This specification establishes a minimum water shielding depth to limit radiation dose rate in the basin area. This specification applies to all fuel in storage or being transferred from storage to cask (also, see Section 5.2).

Tests have shown the water surface rate does not increase above background until the water depth is decreased to about 7 feet. A conservative water shield depth of 9 feet has been chosen to provide an increased margin of safety.

3.2 LIMITING CONDITION - CRITICALITY 3.2.1 Specification A structure (unloading pit doorway guard: CSAR Figure 5-5)1 shall be used at the doorway between the unloading basin and Storage Basin No.1 to prevent a basket from tipping in a manner that its contents may be emptied into the unloading basin.

3.2.2 Basis The analysis of a fuel basket drop accident (CSAR Chapter 8) indicates that a basket dropped or tipped over in Storage Basin No.. 1, near the doorway to the cask unloading basin, could empty its contents into the unloading basin. It is assumed the fuel might fall into a critical configuration in the bottom of the unloading basin. The unloading pit doorway guard assures that a basket cannot empty its fuel into the unloading basin.

4.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS There is no credible event, planned discharge or design basis accident identified at Morris Operation that would expose a member of the public to radiation in excess of limits specified in 10 CFR 72.104 or 10 CFR 72.106. However requirements for surveillance of various radiation levels, water levels, and other physical quantities, as well as inspections and other periodic activities are contained in this section to provide assurance that these limits are met. These requirements are summarized in Table 4-1 from details contained in Section 4.1 through 4.6.

GE-HITACHI NUCLEAR ENERGY AMERICAS LLC Technical Specifications for Safety MORRIS OPERATION Amendment 13 License SNM-2500 Pace 10 of 18 Table 4-1 Surveillance Requirements Summary Section Quantity or Item Period Value 4.1.1 Effluent Air Weekly [3: 4x1 o-aµCi/ml 4.2.1 Water-evaporation pond Monthly [3: 10-5 µCi/ml and sanitary lagoons a: 5x10-6 µCi/ml 4.3.1 Sealed Sources [3, y, n,"' Semiannual a or [3: 0.005 µCi Sealed Sources - a Quarterly a: 0.005 µCi 4.4.1 Instruments (see Table 4-2) 4.5.1 Basin water Monthly Conductivity:

<1.35 µMho/cm 4.6.1 Basin water Monthly <0.02 µCi/ml 4.1 EFFLUENT AIR 4.1.1 Specification Effluent air shall be continuously sampled for particulates at a location between the main stack and the sand filter. Samples shall be analyzed weekly for gross beta ([3) activity. The maximum value shall not exceed a weekly average of 4x 1a.a µCi/ml.

4.1.2 Basis This specification requires sampling of ventilation air leaving the sand filter to demonstrate that offsite concentrations do not exceed 10 CFR 20 limits. The Morris Operation sampling and analysis program provides data for estimating the amounts of radioactive material released to the environment during routine or accident conditions.

4.2 HOLDING BASINS 4.2. 1 Specification Water in the sanitary holding basin and the evaporative pond shall be sampled at least once each month and analyzed for gross alpha and beta radiation. The maximum concentrations shall not exceed 10-5 µCi/ml beta and sx 10-6 µCi/ml alpha radiation. If either pond is dry, 2 no sampling of that pond is required.

GE-HITACHI NUCLEAR EN ERGY AMERICAS LLC Technical Specifications for Safety MORRIS OPERATION Amendment 13 License SNM-2500 Page 11 of 18 4.2.2 Basis Morris Operation is designed to preclude the release of radioactive materials in normal liquid effluents. As a precautionary measure the sanitary lagoons, which receive and retain plant sewage and some ground water runoff, are periodically sampled to detect inadvertent contamination by radioactive materials.

4.3 SEALED SOURCES 4.3.1 Specification Each licensed sealed source (not irradiated fuel) containing radioactive material in excess of 100 µCi of beta-gamma emitting material or 1O µCi of alpha-emitting material shall be tested for leakage at least once every 6 months, except that each source designed for the purpose of emitting alpha particles shall be tested at intervals not to exceed 3 months. The maximum level of removable (nonfixed) contamination shall be less than 0.005 µCi total for each source, using dry-wipe testing techniques.

4.3.2 Basis Surface contamination is measured to determine that a sealed source has not developed a leak. The limitations on removable contamination are based on 10 CFR 70.39(c) limits for plutonium, but other provisions of this reference are not applicable.

4.4 INSTRUMENTATION 4.4.1 Specification Systems and equipment shall be tested for operability and calibrated at least once during the intervals specified in Table 4-2. Calibration shall be performed in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations, specific Morris Operation approved procedures, and operational tests shall be performed to check alarm functions and demonstrate other operational features of the system or equipment.

Table 4-2 Summary Requirements System and Equipment Test Calibration System or Equipment Operability Test Calibration Basin Leak Detection System Weekly Monthly Area Radiation Monitors Quarterly Quarterly Criticality Monitors Annual Quarterly

GE-HITACHI NUCLEAR EN ERGY AM ERICAS LLC Technical Specifications for Safety MORRIS OPERATION Amendment 13 License SNM-2500 Page 12 of 18 4.4.2 Basis Bases for these test and calibration requirements are as follows:

a. Basin Leak Detection System: Operation of this system ensures that a leak in the basin liner will be promptly detected so that corrective action can be initiated. Since the operation of the system is related to the level of water in the detection system, the level alarm set point is checked and instruments receive periodic calibration.
b. Area Radiation Monitors: The audible alarm system for these monitors is tested (operated),

and the alarm set point calibrated periodically to provide assurance of reliable operation within equipment specifications and to alert personnel to radiation above preset levels.

c. Criticality Monitors: The audible alarm systems for these monitors, which warn personnel of a criticality, are tested (operated) and the alarm set point calibrated periodically to provide assurance of reliable operation within equipment specifications.

4.5 BASIN WATER CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS 4.5.1 Specification Basin water chemistry shall be maintained as follows:

Item Acceptable Analysis Conductivity less than 1.35 µMho/cm (equivalent to pH of 5.5 to 8.0 in demineralized water) 4.5.2 Basis Basin water chemical characteristics are selected to maintain a benign environment for fuel and equipment stored in the basin water.

4.6 BASIN WATER RADIOACTIVE CONTAMINANTS 4.6.1 Specification Additional basin water cleanup measures shall be initiated if the concentration of radioactive material in the water exceeds 0.02 µCi/ml beta.

4.6.2 Basis Periodic sampling of basin water is required to assure that concentration of radioactive materials remain as low as reasonably achievable. The value selected is consistent with current decontamination practices.

GE-HITACHI NUCLEAR ENERGY AMERICAS LLC Technical Specifications for Safety MORRIS OPERATION Amendment 13 License SNM-2500 Page 13 of 18 5.0 DESIGN FEATURES 5.1 FUEL STORAGE BASIN The energy-absorbing pad on the cask set-off shelf shall not be altered without appropriate safety review and documentation as required by 10 CFR 72.48.

5.1.1 Basis The cask drop accident was analyzed for the IF-300 cask with the energy-absorbing pad in place (CSAR Chapter 8).

5.2 FUEL STORAGE SYSTEM The following pieces of equipment employ favorable geometry, specific materials, and methods of construction to assure nuclear criticality safety and radiation protection and are considered important to safety. Modifications to the design in dimensions, construction materials, or construction methods shall not be made without appropriate safety review and documentation in accordance with 10 CFR 72.48.

a. Fuel Storage Basin - concrete walls, floors, and expansion gate are principal elements in protection of stored fuel, and in isolation of basin water from the environment.
b. Fuel Storage Basin - stainless steel liner forms a second element in fuel protection and basin water isolation, facilitating decontamination.
c. Fuel Storage System, including baskets and supporting grids is a principal element in protection of stored fuel.
d. Unloading Pit Doorway Guard - is designed to prevent a loaded fuel basket from being tipped so that fuel bundles could fall into the cask unloading pit. The unloading pit doorway guard is an element in protection of fuel during movement of a loaded basket.
e. Filter Cell Structure - the concrete cell part of the basin pump room area provides radiation shielding to reduce occupational exposure.
f. Fuel Storage Basin building - the steel structure that surrounds/protects the fuel Basins.
g. Fuel Basket Grapple - Used to remove the fuel baskets from their storage location in the fuel basin support grid.
h. Fuel Grapple - Used to remove the fuel bundles from the fuel baskets when they are in the unloading pit.

GE-HITACHI NUCLEAR ENERGY AMERICAS LLC Technical Specifications for Safety MORRIS OPERATION Amendment 13 License SNM-2500 Page 14 of 18

i. Fuel Basin Crane - Crane utilized to move the full fuel baskets to the unloading pit
j. Fuel Handling Crane - Crane used to rernove the fuel bundles from the fuel storage baskets and placed into a cask.
k. Cask Crane - 125 Ton overhead crane used to lift a fully loaded cask from the unloading pit and place cask onto transport vehicle.

I. Spent Fuel Cladding - Fuel in Morris Operntion basins are clad with SS or zircalloy.

6.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 6.1 RESPONSIBILITY The Manager, Morris Operation shall be responsible for overall facility operation in accordance with these specifications and applicable government regulations, and shall delegate in writing the succession of this responsibility during his absence. Operations involving licensed materials shall be performed by, or under the supervision of individuals designated by the Manager, Morris Operation, or his delegate.

6.2 ORGANIZATION 6.2.1 The facility staff organization is shown in the CSAR, Figure 9-2 and senior positions and responsibilities within the organization are described in CSAR Section 9.2.3.

6.3 PLANS AND PROCEDURES Plans and procedures shall be established and implemented to assure compliance with these Technical Specifications and applicable governmental regulations.

6. 3.1 Changes to Plans and Procedures All changes or revisions of plans or procedures requir-ed by this section shall be made in accordance with facility modification control practices as described in the CSAR, Chapter 9.

6.3.2 Plans and Procedures - Minimum Requirements Plans and procedures required by this section shall include:

a. A safety manual defining responsibilities and specifying actions to protect the health and safety of employees and others while on site, appropriate safety training programs, and other measures to maintain exposures as. low as reasonably achievable.
b. Requirements for analysis of cask drop accident consequences prior to handling spent nuclear fuel shipping casks not previously handled at Morris Operation per 10 CFR 72.48.

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c. Procedures for the conduct of routine fuel storage operations.
d. A preventive maintenance system for structures, systems and components important to site radiological and criticality safety.
e. Arrangements for providing makeup water to the storage basins under normal and emergency conditions.

6.4 REVIEW AND AUDIT 6.4.1 Safety Committee Plans, procedures and operations carried out under established plans and procedures involving elements of radiological safety shall be reviewed and approved by a Safety Committee. Three members must be present to conduct business. Other individuals may participate in Safety Committee meetings. This committee will consist of five members as determined by the Manager, Morris Operation and described in a Safety Committee operating procedure and CSAR Section 9.0, figure 9-2.

The Safety Committee shall normally meet on a monthly basis, but at no greater than 45-day intervals. The Manager, Morris Operation shall establish appropriate procedures and practices for the conduct of Safety Committee responsibilities.

6.4.2 Audits Morris Operation activities shalt be audited to ascertain the degree of compliance with specifications, standards and procedures. Audits shall be conducted by organizations and persons at such times as designated by GE-Hitachi Nuclear Energy Americas, LLC, Management. Audits and audit response shall be performed in accordance with GE-Hitachi Nuclear Energy Americas, LLC, procedures.

6.5 ACTION REQUIRED FOR SPECIFICATION NONCOMPLIANCE 6.5.1 Functional and Operating Limits The following actions shall be taken if a functional or operating limit is exceeded:

a. Prompt action shall be taken to assure timely return of operations to specification compliance.
b. The Safety Committee shall be promptly notified of the noncompliance.
c. NRC Operations Center shall be notified as specified in 10 CFR 72. 75, advising them of events that resulted in a noncompliance condition.

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d. A review of the incident shall be made by the Safety Committee to establish the cause and to define means to prevent reoccurrence in accordance with the GE-MO Reporting of Defects and Noncompliances program as documented in NEDE-31559 and implementing procedures.

6.5.2 Limiting Conditions The following actions shall be taken if a limiting condition is exceeded:

a. Prompt corrective action shall be taken to assure timely return of operations to specification compliance.
b. The Safety Committee shall be advised of the noncompliance within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.
c. A report shall be sent to the NRC Operations Center as specified in 10 CFR 72. 75 to advise them of events resulting in limiting conditions being exceeded.
d. A review of the incident shall be made by the Safety Committee to establish the cause and to define means to prevent reoccurrence in accordance with the GE-MO Reporting of Defects and Noncompliances program as documented in NEDE-31559 and implementing procedures.

6.5.3 Surveillance Requirements The following actions shall be taken if surveillance requirements are not satisfied:

a. The Manager, Morris Operation, or his delegate, shall take such action as may be required to assure future compliance with surveillance requirements and, if necessary, to assure return of operations to specification compliance in minimum time.
b. The Safety Committee shall be advised of any event, or sequence of events, involving surveillance reqHirements that involve systems directly related to radiological safety. The Safety Committee shall investigate such events and recommend corrective action.

6.5.4 Design Features Design features shall only be changed in accordance with Specification 6.3.1, CSAR Chapter 9 and 10 CFR 72.48. Unauthorized modifications of specified design features, or unauthorized introduction of unapproved tools, fixtures, or other equipment shall require action as specified for functional and operating conditions in Specification 6.6 LOGS, RECORDS AND REPORTS 6.6.1 Logs and Records

a. A shift log shall be maintained to record nonroutine and significant events that my occur during a shift.

GE-HITACHI NUCLEAR ENERGY AMERICAS LLC Technical Specifications tor Safety MORRIS OPERATION Amendment 13 License SNM-2500 Page 17 of 18

b. Minutes of the Safety Committee shall be documented, including copies of reports required in Section 6.5.1, and other actions of the Safety Committee.
c. Records of facility changes, and changes in procedures described in the CSAR shall be maintained throughout the lifetime of the facility.
d. Records of tests or experiments conducted under provisions of CSAR Chapter 9, and 10 CFR 72.48 shall be maintained throughout the facility lifetime and shall include written safety evaluations providing the bases for determining if the test or experiment did not involve unreviewed safety or environmental questions.



1. The use of the unloading pit doorway guard is described in CSAR Chapters 1 and 5.
2. Dry to the extent that water samples cannot be obtained in the usual manner.
3. Authorized modifications and approved tools, fixtures, or other equipment are those processed under the provisions of CSAR Section 9.


8. 1. 1 Specification The licensee will maintain the effectiveness of the environmental monitoring program detailed in specific Morris Operation Compliance and Operability Test procedures and in the CSAR, Section 7. 7.1.

8.1 .2 Basis The environmental monitoring program results from over 20 years of Morris Operation environmental monitoring experience. These years of operational experience with the monitoring program provide a sound basis for evaluating the programs effectiveness.

8.2 ANNUAL ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT 8.2.1 Specification An annual report will be submitted to the NRC Region Ill office with a copy to the Director, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, within 60 days after January 1 of each year, specifying the quantity of each of the principal radionuclides released to the environment in liquid and gaseous effluents during the previous 12 months of operation and such other information as may be required by the Commission to estimate maximum potential radiation dose commitment to the public resulting from effluent release and direct radiation at the site property protection area.

GE-HITACHI NUCLEAR ENERGY AMERICAS LLC Technical Specifications for Safety MORRIS OPERATION Amendment 13 License SNM-2500 Page 18 of 18 8.2.2 Basis The report of Specification 8.2.1 is required pursuant to 10 CFR 72.44(d)(3).

UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION WASHINGTON O.C 20555-0001 SAFETY EVALUATION REPORT Docket 72-1 General Electric Morris Operation Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Special Nuclear Materials License SNM-2500 Amendment 13 This Safety Evaluation Report (SER) documents the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff's review and evaluation of proposed Amendment 13 to Special Nuclear Materials License (SNM) number SNM-2500 for the General Electric, Morris Operation (GEMO)

Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI) The application for a conforming amendment to the 10 CFR Part 72 license was filed on January 19, 2007, pursuant to the provisions of 10 CFR 72.50 by the General Electric Company (GE), license holder and principal owner and company with the responsibility for maintaining the Morris Operation, as part of a direct transfer in ownership from GE, to a new entity. GE-Hitachi Nuclear Energy Americas, LLC. The staff's evaluation of the direct transfer of the GE holdings to GE-Hitachi Nuclear Energy Americas, LLC, is documented in an NRC Safety Evaluation Report dated September 26, 2007.

The conforming Amendment request to SNM-2500, which includes Appendix A to SNM-2500 (Technical Specifications), is to change the indicated license holder from General Electric Company to GE-Hitachi Nuclear Energy Americas. LLC. The NRC has reviewed the Amendment 13 request, as supplemented January 25, February 23, March 2, March 9, March 15, March 26, May 18, June 4, and July 6, 2007, and accompanying documentation in association with the direct transfer of ownership of certain GE holdings. Supplemental information received following the Federal Register notice of the application did not affect the applicability of the Commission's generic no significant hazards consideration determination set forth in 10 CFR 2.1315. The staff has determined that the proposed license change is acceptable and does not adversely impact the safety of the GEMO ISFSI. Based on the information furnished by GE, the staff concludes that the proposed conforming Amendment 13 to SNM-2500, including Appendix A to SNM-2500 (Technical Specifications), for the GEMO ISFSI accurately reflects the approved license transfer and thus meets the requirements of 10 CFR Part 72.

In accordance with 10 CFR 51 .22(c)(21 ), approvals of direct or indirect transfers of any license issued by NRC and any associated amendme nts of licenses required to reflect the approval of a direct or indirect transfer of an NRC license belong to a category of actions which the Commission has declared to be a categorical exclusion. Therefore, in accordance with 10 CFR 51.22(b), neither an Environmental Assessment nor an Environmental Impact Statement is required for this action.

As requested by the applicant, SNM-2500, including Appendix A to SNM-2500 (Technical Specifications), for the General Electric Morris Operation ISFSI, will be amended to indicate GE-Hitachi Nuclear Energy Americas, LLC, as the license holder. This change does not affect the ability of the ISFSI to satisfy the requirements of 10 CFR Part 72.

Materials License No. SNM-2500, Amendment No. 13, will be issued and made effective at the time the transfer is consummated in accordance with the Order approving the transfer, dated September 26, 2007.

Mr J Ellis GE-H:tach1 Nuclea1 E:nergy Americas. LLC - Mo r::, Ope rat10 Docket No 72-1 cc Mr. Christopher J. Monetta Scott P. Murray, Manager General Man ager GE Energy Environmental Health and Safety 3901 Castle Hayne Road GE-Hitachi Nuclear Energy Americas, LLC MIC K84 3901 Castle Hayne Road Wilmington, NC 28402 Mail Code J26 Wilmington, NC 28402 Donald J. Silverman Morgan Lewis & Bockius, LLP Grundy County C lerk 1111 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW.

111 East Washington Street Washington, DC 20004 P. 0. Box 675 Morris, IL 60450-0675 Mr. Thomas W. Ortciger, Director Illinois Department of Nuclear Safety 1035 Outer Park Drive Springfield, IL 62704 Director, Division of Nuclear Materials Safety, Region Ill U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 801 Warrenville Road Lisle, IL 60532-4351 Mr. James E. Ellis Manager, Morris Operation GE-Hitachi Nuclear Energy Americas , LLC 7555 East Collins Road Morris, IL 60450-9740