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Initial License Exam Forms ES-D1
Person / Time
Site: Monticello Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 11/03/2020
Nuclear Management Co
Zoia C
Shared Package
ML19127A315 List:
Download: ML21013A545 (6)


Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Facility: Monticello Scenario No.: NRC Scenario 1 Op-Test No.: 2020-301 Examiners: ____________________________ Operators:

Initial Conditions: 100% Power 1AR XFMR is OOS for an oil leak Two non-adjacent control rods declared slow Turnover: Swap Stator Water Cooling Pumps Critical Tasks:

CT-6: When an SRV is stuck open and cannot be closed then insert a manual reactor scram prior to Torus water temperature reaching 110°F.

CT-30: When Drywell pressure reaches 12 psig then initiate drywell sprays.

Event No.

Malf No.

Event Type*

Event Description 1

N/A N - BOP The BOP will place 12 SWC Pump in service for vibration data and place the 11 SWC Pump in standby IAW with the Ops Manual.

2 NI12C I - OATC NP2 APRM #3 will fail downscale. The OATC will take action to bypass the APRM. The CRS will evaluate Tech Specs; however, all LCOs will remain met.

3 AP01H C - BOP R - OATC TS - CRS NP2 SRV H will stick open mechanically; the BOP will take immediate actions causing SRV H to partially close. The OATC will reduce power which will result in SRV H fully closing. CRS will evaluate Tech Specs for an inoperable Low Low Set SRV.

4 HP07 C - BOP TS - CRS HPCI will develop a steam leak causing room temperatures and radiation levels to rise. The Group 4 automatic isolation will fail requiring the BOP to manually isolate the system. The CRS will evaluate Tech Specs for HPCI inoperable.

5 AP01H C - OATC CT-6 SRV H will re-open mechanically and will not close requiring the OATC to insert a manual reactor scram.

6 PC09H M - Crew CT-30 NP2 Following the scram, SRV H tailpipe will rupture above the waterline in the Torus. The CRS will direct DW Sprays when DW pressure exceeds 12 psig. SRV H will close once the DW sprays are initiated.

7 03-A166-02 Post/C - OATC Following the scram the LFRV will not function in automatic level control. The OATC will be required to control RPV level in manual for the remainder of the scenario.

(N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor (NP2) - Not on previous 2 NRC Exams: >2 events

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Facility: Monticello Scenario No.: NRC Scenario 2 Op-Test No.: 2020-301 Examiners: ____________________________ Operators:

Initial Conditions: 41% Power with a Startup in progress 12 Service Water Pump is OOS for motor replacement Two non-adjacent control rods declared slow Turnover: Raise power to 44% with Recirc Pumps and Start the second Condensate Pump.

Critical Tasks:

CT-45: During failure to scram conditions with reactor power above 4.0%, terminated and prevent injection from all sources except SBLC, RCIC and CRD until RPV level lowers to at least -33.

CT-47: During failure to scram conditions with a critical reactor, insert control rods using one or more methods contained within C.5-3101 to achieve reactor shutdown under all conditions.

Event No.

Malf No.

Event Type*

Event Description 1

N/A R - OATC NP2 OATC will raise reactor power to 44% using Recirculation pumps IAW 2167 (Plant Startup).

2 N/A N - BOP NP2 BOP will start the second condensate pump when power reaches 44% IAW the Ops Manual.

3 C-03-A21 01M06-01 C - BOP TS - CRS The 11 Core Spray inboard will develop a leak that cannot be corrected. The BOP will take action to isolate the 11 Core Spray System. The CRS will evaluate Tech Specs.

4 RC02 C - BOP TS - CRS RCIC will inadvertently start requiring the BOP to shutdown the system. The CRS will evaluate Tech Specs.

5 CW02A/B C - OATC NP2 Both circulating water pumps will trip and condenser vacuum will degrade. The OATC will be required to scram the reactor.

6 PP02 CH18 M - Crew CT-45 CT-47 NP2 Following the scram, an electrical ATWS will occur. The CRS will direct actions via C.5-2007. The BOP will terminate and prevent injection from Condensate and Feed and HPCI. The OATC will use Part A of C.5-3101 and will be successful in inserting the control rods.

7 SL01A SL01B Post/C - OATC NP2 The first SBLC pump that the OATC attempts to start will fail.

The second SBLC pump will start and inject normally (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor (NP2) Not on Previous 2 NRC Exams: >2 events

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Facility: Monticello Scenario No.: NRC Scenario 3 Op-Test No.: 2020-301 Examiners: ____________________________ Operators:

Initial Conditions: 90% Power 1AR XFMR is OOS for an oil leak OPRMs are Inoperable for PMT Turnover: Place the Mechanical Pressure Regulator (MPR) in service.

Critical Tasks:

CT-2: If more than one control rod is drifting then insert a manual reactor scram.

CT-16: Inhibit ADS to avoid auto initiation that would result in a violation of cooldown rate (>100°/hr) or a loss of adequate core cooling (<-126).

CT-22: When RPV water level can NOT be maintained >-149, Emergency Depressurize the reactor.

Event No.

Malf No.

Event Type*

Event Description 1

N/A N - BOP NP2 The BOP operator will place MPR in service and secure the EPR IAW the Operations Manual.

2 RR05A C - BOP TS - CRS NP2 11 Recirc pump will trip. The BOP will take actions IAW the abnormal procedure. The CRS will evaluate Tech Specs for single loop operations.

3 03-S72-01 03-DS107-02 C - OATC R - OATC When the OATC attempts to insert control rods to exit the analyzed region of the P-F Map, the normal rod insertion switch will fail requiring the OATC to insert rod using the Emergency Rod-In method.

4 C-08-B01 ED03 C - BOP TS - CRS NP2 The 2R trouble alarm will annunciate. Operators will report that there is a severe oil leak on 2R transformer. The BOP will transfer to 1R via the emergency method IAW with the Operations B Manual. The CRS will evaluate Tech Specs for Off-Site sources.

5 CH06-080 CH06-091 C - OATC CT-2 Rods 46-35 and 50-31 will begin to drift into the core. The OATC will Scram the reactor IAW the Control Rod Drift abnormal procedure.

6 HP09A RR01A FW16A/B M - Crew CT-16 CT-22 Following the scram a LOCA will occur. HPCI and RCIC will fail to auto start. When HPCI is started, an Aux Oil Pump lockout will occur rendering HPCI unavailable. RCIC can be manually started will not keep up with the leak. The crew will perform an emergency depressurization on low RPV water level.

7 CS06B Post 12 Core Spray pump will fail to auto start from the ECCS signals.

The OATC or BOP will manually start the pump so its available for low pressure injection (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor (NP2) - Not on previous 2 NRC Exams: > 2 events

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Facility: Monticello Scenario No.: NRC Scenario 1 Op-Test No.: 2020-301 Examiners: ____________________________ Operators:

Initial Conditions: 100% Power 1AR XFMR is OOS for an oil leak Two non-adjacent control rods declared slow Turnover: Swap Stator Water Cooling Pumps Critical Tasks:

CT-6: When an SRV is stuck open and cannot be closed then insert a manual reactor scram prior to Torus water temperature reaching 110°F.

CT-30: When Drywell pressure reaches 12 psig then initiate drywell sprays.

Event No.

Malf No.

Event Type*

Event Description 1

N/A N - BOP The BOP will place 12 SWC Pump in service for vibration data and place the 11 SWC Pump in standby IAW with the Ops Manual.

2 NI12C I - OATC NP2 APRM #3 will fail downscale. The OATC will take action to bypass the APRM.

3 AP01H C - BOP R - OATC TS - CRS NP2 SRV H will stick open mechanically; the BOP will take immediate actions causing SRV H to partially close. The OATC will reduce power which will result in SRV H fully closing. CRS will evaluate Tech Specs for an inoperable Low Low Set SRV.

4 HP07 C - BOP TS - CRS HPCI will develop a steam leak causing room temperatures and radiation levels to rise. The Group 4 automatic isolation will fail requiring the BOP to manually isolate the system. The CRS will evaluate Tech Specs for HPCI inoperable.

5 AP01H CT-6 SRV H will re-open mechanically and will not close requiring the OATC to insert a manual reactor scram prior to torus temperature reaching 110°F.

6 PC09H M - Crew CT-30 NP2 Following the scram, SRV H tailpipe will rupture above the waterline in the Torus. The CRS will direct DW Sprays when DW pressure exceeds 12 psig. SRV H will close once the DW sprays are initiated.

7 03-A166-02 Post/C - OATC Following the scram the LFRV will not function in automatic level control. The OATC will be required to control RPV level in manual for the remainder of the scenario.

(N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor (NP2) - Not on previous 2 NRC Exams: >2 events

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Facility: Monticello Scenario No.: NRC Scenario 2 Op-Test No.: 2020-301 Examiners: ____________________________ Operators:

Initial Conditions: 41% Power with a Startup in progress 12 Service Water Pump is OOS for motor replacement Two non-adjacent control rods declared slow Turnover: Raise power to 44% with Recirc Pumps and Start the second Condensate Pump.

Critical Tasks:

CT-45: During failure to scram conditions with reactor power above 4.0%, terminated and prevent injection from all sources except SBLC, RCIC and CRD until RPV level lowers to at least -33.

CT-47: During failure to scram conditions with a critical reactor, insert control rods using one or more methods contained within C.5-3101 to achieve reactor shutdown under all conditions.

Event No.

Malf No.

Event Type*

Event Description 1

N/A C, R - OATC NP2 OATC will raise reactor power to 44% using Recirculation pumps IAW 2167 (Plant Startup). A Recirc Pump Scoop Tube LOCK will occur requiring the OATC to reset the scoop tube.

2 N/A N - BOP BOP will start the second condensate pump when power reaches 44% IAW the Ops Manual.

3 C-03-A21 01M06-01 C - BOP TS - CRS The 11 Core Spray inboard will develop a leak that cannot be corrected. The BOP will take action to isolate the 11 Core Spray System. The CRS will evaluate Tech Specs.

4 RC02 C - BOP TS - CRS RCIC will inadvertently start requiring the BOP to shutdown the system. The CRS will evaluate Tech Specs.

5 CW02A/B NP2 Both circulating water pumps will trip and condenser vacuum will degrade. The OATC will be required to scram the reactor.

6 PP02 CH18 M - Crew CT-45 CT-47 NP2 Following the scram, an electrical ATWS will occur. The CRS will direct actions via C.5-2007. The BOP will terminate and prevent injection from Condensate and Feed and HPCI. The OATC will use Part A of C.5-3101 and will be successful in inserting the control rods.

7 SL01A SL01B Post/C - OATC NP2 The first SBLC pump that the OATC attempts to start will fail.

The second SBLC pump will start and inject normally (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor (NP2) Not on Previous 2 NRC Exams: >2 events

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Facility: Monticello Scenario No.: NRC Scenario 3 Op-Test No.: 2020-301 Examiners: ____________________________ Operators:

Initial Conditions: 90% Power 1AR XFMR is OOS for an oil leak OPRMs are Inoperable for PMT Turnover: Place the Mechanical Pressure Regulator (MPR) in service.

Critical Tasks:

CT-2: If more than one control rod is drifting then insert a manual reactor scram.

CT-16: Inhibit ADS to avoid auto initiation that would result in a violation of cooldown rate (>100°/hr) or a loss of adequate core cooling (<-126).

CT-22: When RPV water level can NOT be maintained >-149, Emergency Depressurize the reactor.

Event No.

Malf No.

Event Type*

Event Description 1

N/A N - BOP NP2 The BOP operator will place MPR in service and secure the EPR IAW the Operations Manual.

2 RR05A C - BOP TS - CRS NP2 11 Recirc pump will trip. The BOP will take actions IAW the abnormal procedure. The CRS will evaluate Tech Specs for single loop operations.

3 03-S72-01 03-DS107-02 C - OATC R - OATC When the OATC attempts to insert control rods to exit the analyzed region of the P-F Map, the normal rod insertion switch will fail requiring the OATC to insert rod using the Emergency Rod-In method.

4 C-08-B01 ED03 C - BOP TS - CRS NP2 The 2R trouble alarm will annunciate. Operators will report that there is a severe oil leak on 2R transformer. The BOP will transfer to 1R via the emergency method IAW with the Operations B Manual. The CRS will evaluate Tech Specs for Off-Site sources.

5 CH06-080 CH06-091 C - OATC CT-2 Rods 46-35 and 50-31 will begin to drift into the core. The OATC will Scram the reactor IAW the Control Rod Drift abnormal procedure.

6 HP09A RR01A FW16A/B M - Crew CT-16 CT-22 Following the scram a LOCA will occur. HPCI and RCIC will fail to auto start. When HPCI is started, an Aux Oil Pump lockout will occur rendering HPCI unavailable. RCIC can be manually started will not keep up with the leak. The crew will perform an emergency depressurization on low RPV water level.

7 CS06B Post 12 Core Spray pump will fail to auto start from the ECCS signals.

The OATC or BOP will manually start the pump so its available for low pressure injection (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor (NP2) - Not on previous 2 NRC Exams: > 2 events