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NRC-2018-000831 - Resp 8 - Interim, Agency Records Subject to the Request Are Enclosed, Part 1 of 3
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Issue date: 12/02/2020
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ML20339A429 List:
FOIA, NRC-2018-000831
Download: ML20339A431 (299)


From; Hiser Matthew To: Frankl Istvan Cc: Jregooi o Robert: Purtscher Patrick


Harvesting An nouncement Email Note to requester: Attachments Date: Thursday, February 23, 2017 9:26:00 AM are immediately following.

Attachments: Ex-Plant Materials Harvesting Workshop.pptx Harveslioo workshop Aceoda docx Email to send to following RES and NRR BCs regarding workshop. Please take a look and provide any comments or feedback today if possible, so Steve can send email.

Send to:

RES/DE/GIB- Raj Iyengar RES/DE/ICEEB - Ian Jung RES/DE/SGSEB - Dogan Seber NRR/ DLR/RARB - Dennis Morey NRR/ DLR/RASB - Brian Wittick NRR/ DLR/RSRG - Steve Bloom NRR/ DE/ EPNB - Dave Alley NRR/ DE/ EVIB - Dave Rudland NRR/ DE/ EEEB - Jake Zimmerman

Dear RES and NRR BCs:

RES is hosting a workshop on ex-plant materials harvesting at NRC headquarters on March 7-8, 2017. The scope includes any materials that could benefit from harvesti ng, including metallic, electrical, and concrete components. I have attached the agenda and workshop introduction slides that cover meeting logistics, motivation, approach, expected outcome, and session expectations.

Th is workshop includes about two dozen external participants, including representatives from DOE and EPRI as well as international research organizations in Japan, Europe, and Canada. Unfortunately, these is limited space available for NRC staff in the room . We have reached out to selected staff in RES and NRR to participate in the room to ensure we can fu lly support the workshop topics. A webinar will be available to allow additional NRC staff to observe and participate : .

If you have any questions or need add itional information about the workshop, please contact myself or Matt Hiser on my staff.

Sincerely, Steve Frankl Matthew Hiser Materials Engineer US Nuclear Regulatory Commission I Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research Division of Engineering I Corrosion and Metallurgy Branch Phone: 301-415-24541 Office: 1WFN J0D62 Matthew Hjser@nrc gov

Ex-Plant Materials Harvesting Workshop March 7-8, 2017 USNRC HQ Rockville, MD, USA

Meeting Logistics

  • Workshop will be held at NRC's Three White Flint North building Directly adjacent to the White Flint Metro station Nearest hotel within walking distance: Bethesda North Marriott Hotel &

Conference Center

  • Workshop is a non-public meeting to encourage open discussion

- Presentations and meeting summary will be distributed among meeting participants only

  • GoToMeeting webinar will be available to support additional attendees Webinar attendees will be primarily observers
  • Limited opportunities for webinar attendee participation in discussion if time allows Discussion will be recorded through GoToMeeting software to aid capturing discussion in meeting summary


  • With plants shutting down both in the U.S. and internationally, there are increasing opportunities to harvest components from decommissioning plants

- Past harvesting efforts generally more reactive as opportunities arose, rather than proactively planned

  • Ex-plant materials may be valuable because they have been exposed to actual in-service plant operating conditions

- Can reduce the uncertainty associated with the applicability of the aging conditions

  • Insights from research on harvested materials can address technical data needs identified for extended plant operation
  • Lessons learned from past harvesting programs can help improve future harvesting efforts

- Challenges encountered in previous programs can be shared and mitigated or avoided in future programs


  • Domestic and international researchers, industry, regulators, and decommissioning companies' discuss benefits and challenges with ex-plant harvesting

- Encourage sharing of lessons learned as well as areas of common interest

  • Workshop consists of topical sessions with short presentations and significant time for open discussion

- Goal is to maximize engagement among meeting participants

  • Scope includes any materials aging issue that could benefit from harvesting, including metals, cables, and concrete

Expected Outcome

  • Participants become better informed and aware of the benefits and challenges associated with ex-plant harvesting
  • Discussions help identify areas of common interest for harvesting to address technical data needs
  • Presentations and discussions provide the starting point for a "database" of harvested materials and future harvesting opp o rt unities
  • Contacts are made among research organizations to allow for further discussion of specific harvesting projects

Session Expectations

  • Session 1 Motivation for Harvesting

- Perspective from panel participants on their organizations' interest in and motivation for harvesting

- Brief {5-10 minute) presentation from each panel member followed by general discussion

  • Session 2 Technical Data Needs for Harvesting

- Presenters share high-priority data needs that may be best addressed by harvesting

  • Where does harvesting hold particular value compared to other sources of technical data 15-20 minute presentations followed by open discussion of technical data needs for harvesting

Session Expectations

  • Session 3 Sources of Materials Information on previously harvested materials and future harvesting opportunities
  • Materials located at research and vendor facilities
  • Decommissioning plants that may allow for future harvesting Short 5-10 minute presentations followed by open discussion Starting point for potential database of previously harvested materials and future harvesting opportunities
  • Session 4 Harvesting Experience: Lessons Learned and Practical Aspects Improving future efforts with lessons learned from past programs
  • Pitfalls to avoid and strategies to improve likelihood of success Practical perspective from non-researchers on how harvesting interfaces with the decommissioning process International decommissioning and harvesting experience 20-30 minute presentations followed by open discussion

Session Expectations

  • Session 5 Future Harvesting Program Planning

- Technical and logistical information needed when planning a specific harvesting program Perspective from panel participants on the workshop

- Next steps and actions from workshop

- Potential areas of common interest for future harvesting programs

- Brief (5-10 minute) presentation from each panel member followed by general discussion

Ex-Plant Materials Harvesting Workshop Agenda Tuesday, March 7 Session Time On~anization Soeaker Presentation Title Intro 8:00 NRC Welcome and Introduct ion to Workshop EPRI Sherry Bernhoft DOE Rich Reister 8:15-8:45 NRC Robert Tregoning NRC Perspective on Motivation for Harvesti ng 1

GRS Uwe Jendrich CRIEPI Taku Arai 8:45 - 9:45 DISCUSSION 9:45-10:00 BREAK 10:00-PNNL (for NRC) Pradeep Ramuhalli Data Needs Best Addressed By Harvesting 10:20 10:20-NRC Matthew Hiser High-Priority Data Needs for Harvesting 10:30 10:30-DOE Keith Leonard 10:55 2

10:55- Review of past RPV sampling test programs SCK-CEN Rachid Chaouadi 11:20 and perspective for long term operation 11:20- Im portance of Harvesting to Evaluate Westinghouse Arzu Alpan 11:45 Radiation Effects on Concrete Properties 11:45-DISCUSSION 12:30 12:30 -2:00 LUNCH Sources of Materials: Past NRC Harvesting and 2:00 -2:15 NRC Matthew Hiser U.S. Decommissioning Plants 2:15-2:30 EPRI Al Ahluwa lia 2:30 - 2:45 DOE/ORNL Tom Rosseel 2:45 - 3:00 DOE/INL John Jackson NSUF Material Sample Library Gerry van 3:00-3:15 Energy Solutions 3 Noordennen

!P otential Harvest ing of Concrete from M ihama 3:15 - 3:30 Westinghouse Arzu Alpan Unit 1 3:30 - 3:45 BREAK 3:45 - 4:00 GRS Uwe Jendrich 4:00-4:15 CNSC Daniel Tello 4:15 - 5:00 DISCUSSION

Wednesday, March 8 Session Time Organization Speaker Presentation Title 8:00 - 8:30 EPRI Jean Smith 8:30 - 9:00 DOE Tom Rosseel NRC Perspective on Harvest ing Experience and 9:00- 9:30 NRC Matthew Hiser Lessons Learned 9:30-10:00 CRIEPI Taku Arai 4

10:00 - 10:15 BREAK Energy Gerry van 10:15 - 10:45 Solutions Noordennen 10:45 - 11:15 Dominion Bill Zipp 11 :15 - 12 :00 DISCUSSION 12:00-1:30 LUNCH PNNL (for Technica l Informat ion Needed for Informed 1:30-1:45 Pradeep Ramuhalli NRC) Harvesting Decisions 1:45-2 :30 DISCUSSION 2:30 - 3:00 Action Items and Next Steps 5

EPRI Sherry Bernhoft DOE Rich Reister 3:00-4:00 Closing Thoughts NRC Robert Tregoning ALL

From : Obodoako Aloysjus To: Hiser Matthew: 1-:1!.!'. ; Oberson Greg : Collins Jay: Utkett Bernard : Treaooioa Robert : Poehler Jeffrey Subject : FYI: 03/2 1/16 Meeting Summary: Harvesting of Ex-plant Materials Date: Thursday, March 24, 2016 10:37 :25 AM Note to requester: Attachments Attachments: Agenda Harvesting Projfil;J March 21 2016.docx are immediately following .

Me.etin_a_S_ummarv~3_2_L 16.doci.

Hey Guys, The attached is a high level summary of our discussion on Monday. I'm sending this for information purposes and so that we are aligned . Let me know if it is inconsistent with your understanding .

Thanks, ALO)d.S~US obodoci lw , P.c;.

Materials Engineer U.S. Nuclear Regu latory Commission RES/ DE/CMB Office location : TWFN-10B31 Office phone: (301 )-4 15-2889 Email: Aloysius

Strategic Approach for Obtaining Material and Components Aging Information to Support Reactor Operation Beyond 60 years Agenda - NRC Task Group 1:30 pm, Monday, March 21 , 2016 OWFN-09B02 I. Task Group (NRR, RES, others) o


  • provide input to determine gaps for operation beyond 60 o key areas:
  • RPV at high fluence
  • IAD of internals and other components
  • concrete
  • electrical cable II. PNNL Work o scoping Study o evaluate relevant plant material projected to be available for harvesting o develop database of lowest knowledge of degradation with availability at plants o develop demo prototype taxonomy Ill. Public Workshop, Tentative Summer 2016 o purpose:
  • discuss industry experience from plant harvesting activities
  • discuss future planned activities IV. Develop Harvesting Plan o schedule of plant decommissioning o strategic approach to interview and schedule for harvesting of SSCs o system design o SSC and environments o materials o records V. Questions

03/21/16 Meeting Summary: Strategic Harvesting of Ex-plant Materials Participants : Robert Tregoning , Roger Kalikian, Jeff Poehler, Greg Oberson , Aloysius Obodoako, Matthew Hiser Greg suggested that research and test reactors should be considered for harvesting in addition to decommissioned plants. In particular, Savannah River and Hanford national labs were mentioned. In support of Greg's suggestion , Rob indicated that the scope should be broadened to include ex-plant materials, which would include harvesting from operating reactors. Aloysius stated that he will contact the decommissioning branch at the NRC to obtain decommissioning schedules to provide input to the harvesting plan . In addition , Aloysius indicated that he will contact the DORL PMs for the plants scheduled for decommissioning so that the licensees may be informed of the NRC's plan for harvesting. Jeff suggested that we review licensees FSARs to identify those SSCs and environments for possible inclusion for harvesting. Roger indicated that he is no longer in DLR and that another point of contact from DLR should be identified .

Roger suggested that Seung Min be included as the point of contact for DLR. It was stated that EPRI should be brought in on the discussion in regards to harvesting to facilitate interactions with licensees' of decommissioned plants. The group agreed that having a public workshop on harvesting of ex-plant materials around the summer timeframe is a good idea. It was suggested that DOE , industry, and international counterparts be invited to the workshop.

Note: see associated meeting agenda for more context.

From: Hull, Amy Sent: Monday, May 23, 2016 6:54 AM To: Hiser, Matthew; Frankl, Istvan; Purtscher, Patrick; Tregoning, Robert


great time, thanks!: Strategic Harvesting Project This time looks great for me. Thanks.

Original Appointment-----

From: Hiser, Matthew Sent: Friday, May 20, 2016 3:48 PM To: Frankl, Istvan; Purtscher, Patrick; Tregoning, Robert; Hull, Amy


Strategic Harvesting Project When: Tuesday, May 24, 2016 9:00 AM-10:00 AM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).

Where: T10D40 Just spoke with Amy and Pat, we all agreed to push to next week so everyone can participate (Amy cannot do today). I will send out an update on the status of the work at PNNL in advance of this meeting.


  • Determine staff roles in harvesting project
  • Discuss path forward for harvesting project UPDATE - Current Status
  • PNNL is working on developing a harvesting plan as well as analyzing harvesting needs for a few example degradation mechanisms: PWSCC, CASS, cable aging o This Task 1 deliverable should be finalized by early 2017
  • Matt reached out to the decommissioning BC in NMSS for info on planned decommissioning schedules o Response was that besides Zion, most plants are not planning to decommission for a long time
  • Next step should probably be a public workshop to br ing in external stakeholders/partners to discuss a strategic approach to harvesting:

o DOE, EPRI, utilities, international


Harvesting Coordination Location: 10th floor huddle Start: Tue 07/10/2018 11 :00 AM End: Tue 07/10/2018 12:00 PM Show Time As: Tentative Recurrence: (none)

Meeting Status: Not yet responded Organizer: Hiser, Matthew Required Attendees: Tregoning, Robert; Audrain, Margaret; Purtscher, Patrick Pushing time back per conflict for Pat


Harvesting Location: HQ-TWFN- 10A73-8p Note to requester: The attached email Start: Mon 08/20/2018 3:00 PM in this record is immediately following.

End: Mon, 08/20/2018 3:30 PM Show Time As: Tentative Recurrence: (none)

Meeting Status: Not yet responded Organizer: Hiser, Matthew Required Attendees: Miller, Kenneth A; Sircar, Madhumita Resources: HQ-TWFN-1 0A73-8p Hi Kenn and Mita, Can we meet early next week to discuss the harvesting prioritization and getting your input for electrical and concrete?


Matt FW: Materials Harvesting

From; Note to requester: The attachment is Hiser Matthew To: Miller Kenneth A: Sjrcar Madhumjta immediately following. This email and its Cc: Purtscher Patrick: Audrain Margaret attachment was also released in full in interim


FW: Materials Harvesting response #3.

Date: Friday, August 03, 2018 3:55:25 PM Attachments: Harvesting Neecls Prioritization 8-3-18.xlsx Hi Kenn and Mita, I just wanted to follow up from this meeting/email back in May on harvesting priorities. I have attached a template of the prioritization of harvesting needs in the metals area. Can you follow that template to provide input for the electrical and concrete technical areas?

Please let me (or Meg or Pat on cc) know if you have any questions.



Original Message-----

From: Hiser, Matthew Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2018 10:36 AM To: Purtscher, Patrick <>; Tregoning, Robert <>; Audrain, Margaret <>; Sircar, Madhumita <>; Pires, Jose

<>; Koshy, Thomas <>; Murdock, Darrell

<>; Philip, Jacob <>

Cc: Miller, Kenneth A <>; Christensen, Jason <>


RE: Materials Harvesting Thanks everyone for attending the meeting this morning. I appreciate the update on activities for electrical and concrete and have attached the documents that were printed out this morning.

Action Items for Metals, Concrete, and Electrical I.Use prioritization criteria to prioritize data needs for harvesting in each area.

2.Catalog any previously harvested materials that may be available at labs.

3.ldentify relevant information from license renewal documents for decommissioning plants Thanks!


Original Appointrnent-----

From: Hiser, Matthew Sent: Monday, May 07, 2018 3:56 PM To: Hiser, Matthew; Purtscher, Patrick; Tregoning, Robert; Audrain, Margaret; Sircar, Madhumita; Pires, Jose; Koshy, Thomas; Murdock, Darrell; Philip, Jacob Cc: Miller, Kenneth A; Christensen, Jason


Materials Harvesting When: Wednesday, May 16, 2018 9:00 AM-10:00 AM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).

Where: Tl0D40 Rescheduling for hopefully a better time for everyone.

We'd like to meet with electrical and concrete research staff to discuss the latest status of the materials harvesting

activities under Task 2 of UNR RR-2017-006.

The four topics we'd like to update you on / discuss in this meeting are:

J.CMB staff development of prioritization criteria for harvesting needs and lessons learned from exerci sing them for metals 2.CMB staff effort to development inventory of prev iously harvested materials already available at lab faci lities 3.Latest status of harvesting plans for electrical and concrete components 4.Pulling relevant information from license renewal documents for decommi ssioning plants

Criteria T itle Description Scoring Guidance H = high risk significance/ little to no available data MH = Medium-high risk significance/

limited data available Crilicalness of Technical Gap Harvesting to address critical gaps should be prioritized over less M = Moderate risk significance I some Addressed essential technical saps data available ML= low to moderate risk signficance / H = High sufficient data available for regulatory MH = Medium-high decisions M = Medium L = Low risk significance I large amount ML= Medium-low of data available L = Low Key considerations are the ease of laboratory replication of aging H = Nearly Impossible to replicate mechanism and unique. field aspects of the aging mechanism. service enviroment I critically important Degradation mechanisms that are harder to replicate with simulated to use harvested materials aging conditions would be of higher priority for harvesting, For MH = Challenging to repl icate service example, simultaneous thermal and irradiation conditions arc enviromenl / important lo use harvested difficult to replicate outs ide of the plant environme nt. Alternatively, materials Importance of Harvested accelerated aging may not be feasible for a mechanism sensitive to M = Possible w ith some limitations to Materials over Laboratory Aging dose rate. T hese two degradat ion mechanisms may be best evaluated replicate service enviroment / moderately using harvested materials. for unique field aspects, legacy materials important to u:.e harve:.ted material:.

(e.g., fabrication methods, comr>0sition) that are no longer available, ML= Not challenging to replicate service but may play an important role in a potential degradat ion enviroment I less important to use mechanism, would have a higher priority than harvesting materials harvested materials that can be oblained from other sources with represen1ative L = Very easy to r eplicate service properties. enviroment I not important to use harvested materials H = All plants There is greater value in developing knowledge to address an issue MH=AII PWRs Applicability to US Operating that may be appl icable to a larger number of plants compared to one M = All BWRs or most PWRs Fleet that may only affect a relatively small number of plants. ML= ~10-15 plants L = <5 plants H = No or very limited inspection methods available / low confidence in AMPs If mature inspection methods exist and are easy to apply to monitor MH = Limited inspection met hods degradation, harvesting may be less valuable. lfinspecl ion methods available / low-to-moderate confidence i n Regulatory Considerations do not exist. harvesting may be essential 10 ensure confidence in the AMPs Related to Inspections and AMPs assessment of age-related degradation in that particular M = Some inspection methods available I component.T he less confidence that NRC staff has in the moderate confidence in AMPs efTectiveness of the relevant AMP, the higher priority for harves1ing. ML= Good i nspection methods available

/ medium-high confidence in AMPs L = Effective, well-accepted inspection methods exist/ high confidence in AMPs H = Highly irradiated (>5 dpa)

Activities with higher costs and comp lexity are less attractive than MH = Lightly irradiated / contaminated s imilar activities wilh lower costs and 1hat are s impler to execute .. M = Minimal contamination or high effort Harvesting cost and complexity For example, harvesting unirradiated concrete or electrical cables is unirradiated less expensive and less complex than harvesting from the RPV ML= Unirradiated, moderate effort internals or 1he RPV. expected L = Unirradiated, low effort expected T he ability of a potential harvesting program to provide timely results to support either a technical or regulatory need is important.

Timeliness of results Having high confidence that results w ill be timely increases the priority.

Availability of m aterials for T he availability of materials to harvest for a particular dala need is harvesting c\e.arly essential and increases the priority.

Basic Info Technlcal C riteria Proiect s-- Ifie Cost I Complexity Av11llablllty of Purposa / TS ting C riticalness of Technical Importance of Harvested Regulatory Considerations Timeliness. of Need De.scripUon Technic al Knowledge Gained Al)l)llcabllhy to US Oper ating Fleet Scor e Average Basis for Tec hnic al Priority m aterials for Plannad Gap Addressed Mal*rial& over Laboratory Aging R elated to Inspe ctions and AMPS results harvesting METAL S Score Comment Score Comment Scor,e Comment Score Comment Score Comment EP RI performing R& D Qn L&boralory repli cation ~ ry NOE for yo<<j swell<<'lg : MRP diffieull to impossibkl to 227 usM J'.)t'i mar ily viSual Signifieanea Of void s welling al likely extent of vOO swelli ng in Fils dai s !JiiP fo,r achieve ftuences with last.ig, w hi di could <letac.t h ig hec flueBCes is u ncertain, Very high cost fo r Void swell ing, m echanicall PWRs du ring e:,,:tended o peration and elflended plant representative ii'radiation App licab le to hi9h-fluenoe void swelling once fairly and i nspections may detect h ighly i rradiated 1-fil'lh flu8ne& reactor internals roM rtKls. IASCC imaet. on eraeleiM M oooration MH eondilions MH eotnl'M'lc'IGn\S n most PINRS MH I9tlnifieant 3.75 onset Of si J'litiean t de aradatiOttl VH inttimal:!i TBD Moderete CO$! fo r P'u1pose of wort. would l>e W ould gr eatly increase contaminattld, b ut Fractu re tough ness data in real Vaida1e to i:wovide r eal-world c.onfldence i n large set of nol irradiated, Therm~ ly :aged unirradia tl;!d CASS Fractur l;! toughnl;!$$ :and mlcrosttucrure cond ~ IQ oompar1;1 to aocelera1,ed aoin o d a ta MH a ocele,rated agrlg d ata H Yalid1;11ion of :acCli!le~ted I aoloo i n lab tes.tJno May be p ossible. but M

MO$! :aippicflble to a $Ub$.el of PWRs H N,o 1$1 meth od :av,3i lable to measure bss of FT .... a cCli!lerated aging daaa with te stiM of un lrrad!ated materlal:s M primary $1.,e m comoonents difficult to replic;a1e long- t*Hgh CO$! for Modet"ate ftuenee (1*2 dp a) Fractur e toughness and Fra cture tougl1r.ess data near Nmit Conftrm regu la!CM'y term aging and lrradtation Most a.p~bte to a subset of No ISi meu,oo availa b le 10 W.oold lnctease confid ence ., ltradlated CASS microstruclure re~irina further evaluation ML 06it io n MH affect, M PWR, H measure b ss of FT 3.5 r eQu1ator;, nncinnn H comoonoots Moderate cost for Deter'mi ne whe~her sec miUgation Pu rpose of this woitt is to contaminaltld, b ul methods are effective al p re-venting Vaida1e NDE and P'u!pOse of wort would be a:ssess inspection an d nol irradiated, Metallic comJ):)nen1s with NDE Sfld destructive sec; effectiveness of NOE at nitigation melhod to provide ,eaJ.wodd mitigation method Increase confidence i n NDE primar;,stsem known flaws examin ation d~ectl on and slzlno MH e ffeciivenes.s MH Yalidatlon of lab tes11nQ H Applicab le to ah p lants ML effectiveness 3.75 and m ltJQatl<m methods M components Moderate cost for contamin.i1ed, bu1 Purpose of ~ would t>e F;:itlgve calOJla1Ions Inform not lmlldklted, Metallic oomponenl s with NDE end destructiYe Determi ne whether fatigue flaws are Veida1e fatigue ife to i:wovide r eal-world sampling i n spections of Increase oonfidence i n fatigue primarystsem limitino far ioue life examin ation resen1 in hioh usaoe localions MH methcxtolooies ML Yalida1ion of lab testino H Aoolicab le to all olants ML limi1ino faticJue locali<lns 3.2S l ife c alc:tAarions M comoonoots

Baslc:lnfo Crlte,ta Pro]ect Specific lmportsnce of Hlarvested C-o &t I Complox.ily Availa'b llity of Purpos* I THtil'lg Cr-lticalnu.s of Technic al Rog ulatoiy Considerations Timolinossof Nee-d 0escrlptlon Technlcal Knowledge Gained Materials over L;i,bo,atol'")' Ap pllcablllt:y t o US Operat ing Fleet Score Average BHls for Priority materials for Planned Gap Addressed Related t o Inspections arad AMPs results A ina hal"Ytistina ELECTRICA L Sc ore Comment Score Comment Score Comment Score Commerat Score Comment Low and m edium voltage

cable, Cables pcOlected with fire retardant coating 1 E MOVs from harsh and mild ooW oome nts 1 E Air oe,erated \lalves: 4160 1 E txeakers 1 E Moldod case br.eakers 480V, 250V DC, 125 VOC, 1 E Rela~ from mild environme nt GE - H FA.

Agastal tlmlng relays, any from Weslinghollse. Potier B rumfield. Stuthers Dunn etc.,


~ " ' e u a t;on*

rch interest enclosure s OlstribuUoo: swltch9ear, MCCs, LCs I Contt,ol:

Horseshoe, SSCP, ASP, etc.

Baslc:lnfo Crlte,ta Pro]ect Specific lmportsnce of Hlarvested C-o &t I Complox.ily Availa'b llity of Purpos* I THtil'lg Cr-lticalnu.s of Technic al Rog ulatoiy Considerations Timolinossof Nee-d 0escrlptlon Technlcal Knowledge Gained Materials over L;i,bo,atol'")' Ap pllcablllt:y t o US Operating Fleet Score Average BHls for Priority materials for Planned Gap Addressed Related t o Inspections arad AMPs results A ina hal"Ytistina CONCRET E Sc ore Comment Score Comment Score Comment Score Commerat Score Comment StruClures e:icposed to high radialio n Posl-tensi'ioned s1J1Jctures Corrosion or reinPOl'Cing steeil.

t~ don. 1.-ier. embCJdment Spenl ruel pool and transfet canal-boric add arrad:: on Concrete in f>'INRs Alkali Ag!)l'egate Reaction Large slructural sections for tesling

From; Hiser Matthew To: Purtscher Patrick


FW: strawman haivesting workshop agenda Date: Wednesday, December 07, 2016 9:37:00 AM Note to requester: Attachments Attachments: Workshop Aaenda 12-1-16.docx are immediately following.

NRC__Hariiestin_a____WoLkslloO__AnoouncemenLdocx I don't think you were on this email. ..

From: Tregoning, Robert Sent: Thursday, December 01, 2016 3:26 PM To: Bern hoft, Sherry [] (sbernhoft@epri .com) <>;

rich ard. re iste r@nuclear Cc: Iyengar, Raj <>; Hiser, Matthew <Matthew.Hiser@n>; Hull, Amy



strawman ha rvesting workshop agenda Sherry/Rich:

As promised, we've put together an announcement and a draft agenda for the harvesting workshop on March 7th and ath . I'd like you both to take a look at the agenda prior to our call next week so that we can discuss the draft agenda during the call. Our proposal is that we agree on the topics and organizations for the talks and then explicitly solicit presenters from those organizations. We'd like to finalize the agenda prior to the holidays if possible so that we can start contacting presenters. Please let me know if you have any questions prior to our call next week.

As always, thanks for your help with this.

Cheers, Rob Robert Tregoning Technica l Advisor for Materials US Nuclear Regu latory Commission Two White Flint North, M/S T-10 A36 11545 Rockville Pike Rockville, M D 20852-2738 ph : 301-415-2324 fax: 301-4 15-6671

Draft Agenda - March 7-8, 2017 Harvesting Workshop Tuesday, March 7, 2017 Introduction

  • NRC overview of workshop purpose and objectives 8:00 - 8:10 Session 1: Lessons learned from harvesting experience
  • EPRI 8:10 - 8:45 o Perspective on Harvesting Lessons Learned I Prior Experience
  • DOE 8:45 -9:20 o Perspective on Harvesting Lessons Learned / Prior Experience
  • NRC 9:20 - 9:50 o Perspective on Harvesting Lessons Learned / Prior Experience BREAK 9:50 -10:05
  • International (Japan?) 10:05 - 10:40 o International Perspective on Harvesting Lessons Learned DISCUSSION 10:40 - 11 :30 LUNCH 11 :30 - 12:30 Session 2: Technical data needs best addressed by harvesting
  • PNNL/NRC 12:30 - 12:55 o Overview of data needs best addressed by harvesting
  • DOE/industry 12:55 - 1:20 o Perspective on harvesting data needs
  • International 1 :20 - 1 :45 o Perspective on harvesting data needs
  • International 1:45 -2:10 o Perspective on harvesting data needs DISCUSSION 2:10 - 2:45 BREAK 2:45 -3:00 Session 3: Sources of Materials
  • NRC 3:00 - 3:15 o Available materials from decommissioning plants and past harvesting programs
  • EPRI/NEI 3:15-3:45 o Available materials from operating reactors and past harvesting programs
  • DOE (ORNL?) 3:45 - 4: 15 o Available materials at DOE labs from past harvesting programs
  • International (IAEA?) 4:15-4:45
  • International harvesting opportunities

DISCUSSION 4:45 -5:30 Wednesday, March 8, 2017 Session 4: Practical aspects of Harvesting

  • US decommissioning company 8:00 - 8:40 o Decommissioning process vs. harvesting: schedule, site-specific, timing for different components
  • International decommissioning company (Germany?) 8:40 -9:20 o Decommissioning and harvesting plans and experience
  • US utility 9:20 -10:00 o Decommissioning process and plans o Owner perspective on harvesting and decommissioning BREAK 10:00 - 10:15
  • Researcher perspective - (DOE/EPRI - joint?) 10:15 - 10:45 o Practical challenges to plan for and carry out harvesting DISCUSSION 10:45 - 11 :45 LUNCH 11 :45 - 12:45 Session 5: Future Harvesting Program Planning
  • PNNL/NRC 12:45-1:15 o Technical information needed for informed harvesting decisions
  • EPRI/NEI 1 :15 -1 :45 o Perspective on future harvesting efforts
  • NRC 1:45- 2:15 o Perspective on future harvesting efforts
  • International (France?) 2:15 - 2:45 o Perspective on future harvesting efforts
  • DISCUSSION 2:45 -4:00 o Potential harvesting partnerships
  • RPV, internals, piping, concrete, cables
  • US, international opportunities

Ex-Plant Materials Harvesting Workshop Location: NRG HQ in Rockville, MD Dates: March 7-8, 2017 Motivation:

  • There are increasing opportunities to harvest the safety-critical components from decommissioning plants, both domestic and international.
  • The harvested materials are valuable because they have been exposed to actual in-service plant operating conditions (temperature, irradiation, coolant, etc.), unlike virgin materials tested under simulated conditions in the lab.
  • Data from ex-plant materials should help address technical gaps identified for extended operation of nuclear power plants due to highly relevant aging conditions.

Purpose and Objective:

  • For NRG staff and interested stakeholders to have greater awareness and knowledge of the benefits and challenges associated with ex-plant harvesting.
  • Facilitate contacts and communication to enable specific cooperative ex-plant harvesting programs to be initiated.

Workshop Topics:

  • Harvesting decision-making and prioritization o Technical data needs best addressed by harvesting o Technical information needed in advance of harvesting
  • Sources of materials:

o Decommissioning reactors o Operating reactors - replaced components o Previous harvesting programs - "boneyards" o Tracking available materials

  • Harvesting process o Lessons learned from harvesting experience o Perspective of utility-owner and decommissioning contractor on harvesting o Communication and coordination between decommissioning and researchers
  • International collaborative programs on specific components at specific plants

From; Jreaooi o Robert To: Bernhott Sherry [sbernhoft@epri com) rsbernhott@epri com\: Dyle Robin


FW: Harvesting Workshop Date: Tuesday, December 20, 2016 6:47:00 AM Note to requester: Attachments Attachments: H a J Y ~ P Armouncement.docx are immediately following.

W_0dssh.oO_AaeodaJ2-12,J__6~d0CX, Sherry:

As requested, here are the announcement and agenda again.

Cheers, Rob Robert Tregoning Technica l Advisor for Materials US Nuclear Regu latory Commission Two White Flint North, M/S T-10 A36 11545 Rockvi lle Pike Rockvi lle, MD 20852-2738 ph: 301-415-2324 fax: 301-415-6671 From: Tregoning, Robert Sent: Thursday, December 15, 2016 3:54 PM To: Bernhoft, Sherry [] (sbernhoft@epri .com) <>; Reister, Richard <Richard. Reister@n .gov>

Cc: Hiser, Matthew <>; Purtscher, Patrick <>;

'Dyle, Robin' <>


Ha rvesting Worksho p Sherry/Rich:

I wanted to thank you again for the discussion that we had last week on the harvesting workshop agenda. I think it was productive and I appreciate the perspective you both brought. I've attached an announcement for the workshop that we're planning to use to solicit participants. Also, we've revised the agenda substantially based on the feedback you both provided. I think it captures the issues you had and I personally think that this is a better model to follow for the workshop.

I'd like to ask you both for two things prior to leaving for the holidays.

1. Could you provide me with any additional changes to the workshop agenda that you recommend? Just mark-up and send back the attached agenda. I'll consolidate and address any remaining suggestions from you both.
2. Could you provide me with a POC for coordinating each of the 5 workshop sessions? The idea is for the POCs to work together for planning each session.

Here are the POCs from the NRG:

a. Session 1 - Rob Tregoning
b. Session 2 - Matt Hiser
c. Session 3 - Pat Purtscher
d. Session 4 - Matt Hiser
e. Session 5 - Rob Tregoning We're hoping to get the planning teams in place before Christmas so that we can hit the ground running in early January to line up all the speakers.

Thanks again for your help. If I don't talk to you beforehand, I hope both you and your families have a Happy Holidays and a Prosperous New Year.

Rob Robert Tregon ing Tech nical Adviso r for Materials US Nu clear Regul atory Commission Two Wh it e Fl int North, M/S T-10 A36 11545 Rockville Pike Rockvil le, MD 20852 -2 738 ph: 301 -415-2324 fax : 301-415-6671

Ex-Plant Materials Harvesting Workshop Location: NRG Headquarteirs in Rockville, MD, USA Dates: March 7-8, 2017 Motivation:

  • There are increasing opportunities to harvest the safety-critical components from decommissioning plants, both domestic and international.
  • The harvested materials are valuable because they have been exposed to actual in-service plant operating conditions (temperature, irradiation, coolant, etc.), unlike virgin materials tested under simulated conditions in the lab.
  • Data from ex-plant materials should help address technical gaps identified for extended operation of nuclear power plants due to highly relevant aging conditions.

Purpose and Objective:

  • For NRG staff and interested stakeholders to have greater awareness and knowledge of the benefits I

and challenges associated with ex-plant harvesting.

  • Facilitate contacts and communication to enable 0 0 0 0 0 l;I O 0 specific cooperative ex-plant harvesting programs to be initiated.

Workshop Topics: ooooo i ooo

  • Harvesting decision-making and prioritization o Technical data needs best addressed by harvesting o Technical information needed in advance of harvesting
  • Sources of materials:

o Decommissioning reactors o Operating reactors - replaced components o Previous harvesting programs - "boneyards" o Tracking available materials

  • Harvesting process o Lessons learned from harvesting experience o Perspective of utility-owner and decommissioning contractor on harvesting o Communication and coordination between decommissioning and researchers
  • International collaborative programs on specific components at specific plants Workshop will consist of solicited presentations followed by discussion periods. If interested in attending or learning more about the workshop, please reach out to the contacts below.

Contacts: Robert Tregoning, Matthew Hiser, Patrick Purtscher,

Draft Agenda - March 7-8, 2017 Harvesting Workshop Tuesday, March 7, 2017 Introduction

  • Overview of workshop purpose and objectives 8:00 - 8:15 o NRG Session 1: Motivation for Harvesting 8:15 - 9:45
  • Why our organization is interested in harvesting (short, 5-10 min presentations) o EPRI o DOE o NRC o MAI orJRC o JNRA
  • PANEL DISCUSSIOIN with prepared questions BREAK 9:45 - 10:00 Session 2: Technical data needs best addressed by harvesting 10:00 -12:00
  • Overview of data needs best addressed by harvesting o NRC/PNNL
  • Perspective on detailled data needs from harvesting o DOE o EPRI o MAI or JRC LUNCH 12:00 - 1:00
  • Perspective on harvesting data needs 1:00 - 2:15 o JNRA
  • DISCUSSION BREAK 2:15 - 2:30 Session 3: Sources of Materials 2:30 - 5:30
  • Available materials from decommissioning plants and past harvesting programs o NRC
  • Available materials from operating reactors and past harvesting programs o EPRI
  • Available materials at DOE labs from past harvesting programs o DOE (ORNL?)
  • International sources of materials o IAEA?

Wednesday, March 8, 2017 Session 4: Harvesting Experience: Lessons learned and practical aspects 8:00 - 12:00

  • Perspective on Harvesting Lessons Learned / Prior Experience o EPRI o DOE o NRG
  • Decommissioning process vs. harvesting: schedule, site-specific, timing for different components o US decommissioning company (Energy Solutions)
  • Decommissioning and harvesting plans and experience o International decommissioning company (Germany?)
  • Owner perspective on harvesting and decommissioning o US utility (Dominion/Kewaunee, other?)
  • DISCUSSION LUNCH 12:00 -1 :00 Session 5: Future Harvesting Program Planning 1:00 -4:00
  • Technical information needed for informed harvesting decisions o NRC/PNNL
  • DISCUSSION of Next Steps / Actions
  • Perspective on future harvesting planning o EPRI o NRG o DOE o MAI or JRC o JNRA
  • PANEL DISCUSSION with prepared questions


FW: Talk about hairvesting material Location: Dave's office Start: Thu 8/25/2016 10:30 AM End: Thu 8/25/2016 11 :00 AM Show Time As: Tentative Recurrence: (none)

Meeting Status: Not yet responded Organizer: Hardies, Robert If you're available ...

Original Appointment-----

From: Hardies, Robert Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2016 9:32 AM To: Hardies, Robert; Hiser, Matthew; Rudland, David


Talk about harvesting material!

When: Thursday, August 25, 2016 10:30 AM-11:00 AM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).

Where; Dave's office Let's have a little chat about the program to harvest materials from vessels.

From: Tregoning, Robert Sent: Wednesday, January 4, 2017 2:38 PM To: Hiser, Matthew; Purtscher, Patrick


FW: test samples Guys:

Let's make sure that this initial list is captured somehow so that we don't forget about it.

Thanks, Rob From: Koshy, Thomas Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2017 1:23 PM To: Tregoning, Robert <>

Cc: Jung, Ian <>


test samples Robert I heard that you are creating a master list for harvesting specimens from shut down plants for future research efforts. I would suggest the following for electrical Power cables energized and energized in normal operation Cables from in containment applications 1E MOVs from harsh and mild environments 1E Air operated valves 4160 1 E breakers 1E Molded case breakers 480V, 250V DC, 125 VDC, 1 E Relays from mild environment GE - HFA, Agastat timing relays, any from Westinghouse, Potter Brumfield, Stuthers Dunn etc.,

Thomas Koshy, Email: Thomas.l{ Tel: Number: 301-415-2154 Room no: TWFN-10848 MS TWFN-10A36 Instrumentation, Controls & Electrical Engineering Branch 1

Division of Engineering, Office Of Research, USNRC 2


Harvesting and IASCC Code Case Location: HQ-TWFN -10A73-Bp Start: Mon 5/7/2018 9:00 AM End: Mon 5/7/2018 10:00 AM Show Time As: Tentative Recurrence: (none)

Meeting Status: Not yet responded Organizer: Hiser, Matthew Required AttendeesTregoning, Robert; Purtscher, Patrick Resources: HQ-TWFN -10A73- 8p I'll be back in RES on Monday, so I'm trying to ramp back up on my normal job.


It looks like Meg is._!_ _ _ _....,lso I thought I'd try to catch up with you guys on where things stand with harvesting as well as the IASCC code case.

Note to requester: Attachments are immediately following this email record.

From: Hull, Amy Sent: Thu, 8 Mar 2018 17:21:00 +0000 To: Burke, John;Herrity, Thomas;Harris, Brian;Tregoning, Robert;Purtscher, Patrick;Audrain, Margaret Cc: Moyer, Carol;Frankl, lstvan;Hiser, Matthew


AM and Harvesting, Posters 15 & 7: RIC EPOSTERS AND DIGITAL PRESENTER GUIDANCE - NEXT STEPS Attachments: ePOSTERS AND PRESENTATIONS Numbered, Poster Layout RIC 2018_3-1-18.pdf, 2018 RIC poster Schedule.abh, draft AM Poster Feedback 2018 Questionnaire.doc, draft RIC AM-RMC drop-by visitors.docx Importance: High We have scheduling completed for staffing (see attached). For additive manufacturing poster staffing, I have the following suggestions for consideration to help us get information about what industry is doing -

(1) Have along your business cards and try to get a business card from your visitor (if you need extra card stock, I have some in my workspace)

(2) Engage your visitor w ith topics on the draft questionnaire and try to complete for each visitor (attached draft)

(3) I will make extra small copies of the poster for visitor to take along if interested (4) If nothing else, please try to get the name and affiliation of visitor (attached draft).

If you have comments on the attached drafts or other suggestions on how to make the most of our time next week, please let us know.

Thanks for your participation in this, Amy From: Warren, Brenett Sent: Monday, March 05, 2018 1:55 PM To: Bridge, Joanna <>; Mendiola, Mary <>; Zuberi, Sardar <>; Dembek, Stephen <>; Yadav, Priya

<Priya.Yadav@n>; Kenny, Caylee <>; Sturzebecher, Karl

<>; Bernardo, Robert <>; Wilson, Joshua

<>; Hall, Victor <>; Couret, Ivonne

<>; West, Stephanie <>; Savoy, Joanne

<>; King, Shannon <Shannon.King@nrc>; Ralph, Melissa

<>; Hiser, Matthew <>; St eger, Christine

<>; Armst rong, Kenneth <Kenneth.Ar>; Gifford, Ian

<>; Smith, Todd <>; Howells, Christopher

<Christopher.>; Orf, Tracy <>; Cruz, Holly <>;

Morey, Dennis <Dennis.M>; Oberson, Greg <>; Hull, Amy

<>; Moyer, Carol <Carol.>; Bowman, Gregory


Cc: RICMST Resource <>; Kipfer, Lorna <>


RIC EPOSTERS AND DIGITAL PRESENTER GUIDANCE - NEXT STEPS Importance: High Good Afternoon Poster Presenters, We are 1 week from RIC 2018 and I want to provide you with a few details to assist:


  • ePoster and Digital Presenters should be present at the RIC. Although your poster may be set on a continuous run/feed there should be a person present to discuss the poster and to field questions from the attendee viewing the slide presentation March 13 - 15, 2018.
  • Refer to Program Agenda on the RIC website at for the full schedule of the RIC. Recommended times for visual presence should be during the following:


7:30 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. Meet and Greet - Networking Opportunity 8:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Opening Sessions 10:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Networking Break 10:30 a.m. 12:00 p.m. Commission Plenary 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. Lunch Break 3:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Networking Breaks Wednesday:

7:30 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. Meet and Greet - Networking Opportunity 10:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Networking Break 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. Lunch Break 3:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Networking Breaks Thursday:

7:30 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. Meet and Greet - Networking Opportunity 10:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Networking Break LAPTOP SETUP AND TESTING WITH OCIO TECH

  • Arrive at the Bethesda North Marriott Hotel and Conference Center on Monday, March 12, 2018 between 9:00 a.m. and 11 :00 a.m.

o Test laptop/monitor connection o Verify loaded presentation shows accurately on monitor

  • There will be a NRC technician from OCIO to complete the install of laptops with interactive (multi page slides). Single slide presenters (ePoster) may view their presentation at that time as well.


  • The preliminary floorplan is attached for your reference. If for any reason the floorplan should change, you will be notified .
  • Ensure accuracy when referring to your poster, refer to the attached ePoster and Digital Presentation by numlber. Note, the posters were previously renumbered however, some presenters continued to use the old numbers. Please use the following numbered posters and titles.


  • If you plan to include materials for your ePoster and Digital Presentation with the bulk shipment from the NRC to the Marriott, it is imperative that you have all of the items properly labeled and taken to the Reprographics OP1 -B3500 common area - labeled RIC shipping by close of business Thursday, March 8, 2018.
  • All materials must be packed, properly labeled and in the designated Reprographics pick up location by close of business March 8, 2018. Provide on the shipping label and also to

o The total number of boxes o Include your name o Include title of your ePoster and Digital Presentation

  • We do ask that you limit the amount of materials you will bring due to reduced space in the Marriott foyer area.
  • Affix a completed shipping label to each box. The materials received will be included on the manifest report for tracking purposes.
  • Return shipping will occur on March 15 at 1:00 pm. If you wish to have any materials returned to the NRC prior to your departure from the Marriott, please affix a return To ensure accurate return please affix a label with your name and mailstop. All unmarked materials left in the Marriott foyer unmarked will be discarded.

Thank you, Program Spe,ialist Office ofl\'urlear Hea-tor Regulation NRR/DMPS/RISB Location: 013D5 SO 1-4 15 - 3 I 14 Brenett.v\

Follow us on Twitter @nrcgov_ric Note to requester: This is the "ePOSTERS AND PRESENTATIONS Numbered" attachment to Amy Hull's 3/8/2018 email , and its attachment is immediately following this page.

From: N RCDigita Sent: Mon, 5 Mar 2018 11:23 :25 -0500 To: Warren, Brenett


ePOSTERS AND PRESENTATIONS Numbered Attachments: image2018-03 1 62325.pdf This document was digitally sent to you using Dell Digital Sending device.


  1. 1 Accident Sequence Precursor #9 Leveraging Cooperative Research Program - Results, Trends, and Agreements to Improve NRC Safety Insights Codes Sponsored by the Office of Nuclear Sponsored by the Office ofNuclear Regulatory Resea rch Regulatory Reseal'ch
  1. 2 Advanced Evacuation Simulations #10 Non- Reactor Decommissioning:

and Application to Emergency Unexpected Fee Billing Implications Preparedness Sponsorl'd by lltl' OfjicP ofNuclP<1r Sponsorl'd by the OJ/icl' ofNuclear Material Sqfety and Sqfeguards and the Security and Incident Response and the Office ofthe ChiefFinancial Officer Office ofNuclear Regulatory Research #11 Preserving the Lessons Learned

  1. 3 Application of the changes to from Fukushima NUREG/BR-0058 to the Re!Julatory Sponsored by the Office ofNuclear Analysis of the Decommissioning of Power Reactors Rulemaking Reactor Regulation Sponsored by the Office ofNuclear #12 Progression of Construction and Material Sqfety and Sqfeguards Oversight Activities at Vogtle Units 3 and 4
  1. 4 Digital Dashboard for Operating Sponsored by the Office ofNew Reactors Reactor Licensing Actions Sponsored by the Office ofNuclear #13 Public Communication - Learn about the Public Affairs Program at Reactor Regulation the NRG
  1. 5 Enhancements to LIC- 500, Topical Sponsored by the Office ofPublic Affairs Report Process
  1. 14 Reactor Oversight Process Sponsored by the Office ofNuclear Framework and Initiatives Reactor Regulation Sponsored by the Office ofNuclear
  1. 6 Fun Facts on International Exports Reactor Regulation Sponsored by /he Office of International #15 Review of Additive Manufacturing Programs of Metallic Parts via Direct Metal
  1. 7 Harvesting of Aged Materials from Laser Melting Nuclear Power Plants Sponsored by the Office ofNuclear Sponsored by the Office ofNuclear Regulatory Research Regulatory Research #16 Web-based ADAMS - Providin(;
  1. 8 Knowledge Management Public Access to the NRC's Of icial Agency Document Repository Sponsored by the Office ofthe Chief Sponsored by the Office hiformation Human Capital Officer OJ{icPr


  1. 17 What You Need to Know About the Supplemental Proposed Rulemaking for 10 CFR Part 61, "Licensing Requirements Land Disposal of Radioactive Waste" Sponsored by the Office ofNuclear Material Safely and Safeguards
  1. 18 xLPR Version 2 Code Brings State-of-the-art Probabilistic Analysis Capabilities to Nuclear Power Plant Piping Sponsored by the Office ofNuclPar Regulatory Research The content and views in these presentations are those of the presenters and do not necessarily represent the views of the NRC.

30th Annual Regulatory lnfor111at1on Conference 15

Stairs to Lower Level Note to requester: This page, and the Conference Center Elevator to Upper Level Conference Center Diagram next page, is the "Poster Layout RIC Entrance Lower Level Bethesda North Marriott Hotel & Conference Center ~~~1~-;;;;;~~*aa!~~~~ent in Amy Restrooms Service Area Q

Overflow Monitor Salon A Salon F

,_ Q)

(l) Salon B Salon D Salon E >,

>, Salon G 0 0 LL LL Salon C Salon H Escalators to NRC crr:rr~ru Lower Level Information Desk I I 2018 RIC ePoster and Digital Presentations Outside Veranda Note: Final ePoster Layout Subject to Change Based Upon Space Requirements and Display Placement!

Technical Poster and Tabletop Presentations

  • (16) Covered cocktail squares or rounds in front of each Display Monitor, (1) Chair in front of each,
  1. s 1, 4,5,7-12, 1, 17 and 18; (2) chairsfor#'s 2,3,6,13,15, 16
  • (2) 6 foot skirted tables in front of Display #13 and 16 with 2 chairs
  • (7) Laptops to be provided by BAV (Poster/tabletop #'s: 2, 6, 13 (2) , 14, 16, and 18)
  • (2) 27" Monitors to be supplied by BAV (ePoster/tabletop #'s: (2) for #16)
  • (17) 46" Monitors to be supplied by BAV (all ePosters except #16)
  • (16) USB Media Players to be supplies by BAV
  • (18) Electricity Required for ALL
  • (6) Internet requests for poster/tabletops #'s: 6, 13 (2) , 14, 16 (2)
  • (1) 6 foot skirted table with 1 chair for NRC Information Desk (first table on Salon H side of foyer)
  • (5) Easels for poster/tabletops #'s: NRC Information Desk; NEA, IAEA, and OECD Tables (lower level), and NMSS/FCIX

Poster staffing - 2018 RIC - March 13-15, 2018 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Adv. Mfg. Harvesting Adv. Mfg. Harvesting Adv. Mfg. Harvestin g 7:30 AM Caroll Amy Amy Carol Rob Amy 8:00AM Caroll Amy Amy Carol Rob Amy 8:30AM Caroll Meg 9:00 AM Caroll Meg 9:30AM Amy Meg 10:00 AM John Pat Tom Meg Amy Pat 10:30 AM Brian Pat 11 :00 AM Brian Pat 11:30 AM Amy Pat t-----+------+--------+------~t---------+------~----~*

12:00 PM Carol Meg Adv. Mfg. 1/2 hr Harvesting 1/2 \

Amy Pat volunte*e r sessions hr sessions l 12:30 PM Amy Pat Carol Meg Carol M. i 7 r *********;*** ..********1 1:00 PM John Pat Carol Rob Amy H. I 1o I. . . ... . ;****. * *. **1

                                                      • ~
:~ T~::::cy : : : ...........................1 2:30 PM Matt Hiser I I
: : :~ Amy Carol Tom Meg Meg A"dra;, I L : i 400 PM :al;::: i 2 i *; - i
~~ :~ Amy Amy ,.:,~:: '.,,~,! ::

,...___ _ _,__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __..._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ sessions. needed ! ..................................... !

[ *:* :*:*:*:*:* :*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:* :*:*:*:*:*:* :*:*I'.

Note to requester: This is the "2018 RIC poster schedule" attachment in Amy Hull's 3/8/2018 email.

Note to requester:

This is the "draft AM Poster POSTER 15: AM - REACTOR MATERIALS & COMPONENTS Feedback 2018 Questionnaire" VISITOR NAME/ORG: attachment in Amy Hull's 3/8/2018 email.


Do you have any personal experience with AM? Is your organization researching AM?

Please describe your interest in additive or advanced manufacturing:

l. Do you expect to implement AM in your company in the future? How so? When?

D Within 5 years D 5-10 years D sometime in future D not likely

2. Please comment on the things that stand out in your mind.
3. What should NRC be doing differently to get ready for AM implementation? Would you like NRC to have another public meeting on AM? Other suggestions?
4. Please rate the topics on a scale from 1 to 5 (5 being highest) in terms of interest:
  • AM standards &qualification
  • Industry activities
  • American AM activity in international context
  • Reverse engineering and reactor components
  • Effects of process and design parameters
  • Irradiation testing & effects on AM
  • Nondestructive evaluation of components fabricated using AM
  • Con-osion behavior of AM components
  • Other areas NRC should focus on?

Please provide any other comments or feedback that is important to NRC's review of AM for reactor materials and components.

Return to: NRC Staff at Poster 15 by Salon E By: March 15, 2018 Name Date

NRC Additive Manufacturing for Reactor Materials & Components (AM-RMC)

RIC Poster# 15, March 13-15, 2018 Do you want Organizational Current AM-RMC Name Email Phone to be on Affiliation Interest contact I ist?



















Note to requester: This is the "draft RIC AM-RMC drop-by visitors" attachment in Amy Hull's 3/8/18 email.

NRC Additive Manufacturing for Reactor Materials & Components (AM-RMC)

RIC Poster# 15, March 13-15, 2018 Do you want Organizational Current AM-RMC Name Email Phone to be on Affiliation Interest contact Iist?



21 .










31 .








NRC Additive Manufacturing for Reactor Materials & Components (AM-RMC)

RIC Poster# 15, March 13-15, 2018 Do you want Organizational Current AM-RMC Name Email Phone to be on Affiliation Interest contact I ist?



41 .










51 .





NRC Additive Manufacturing for Reactor Materials & Components (AM-RMC)

RIC Poster# 15, March 13-15, 2018 Do you want Organizational Current AM-RMC Name Email Phone to be on Affiliation Interest contact I ist?






61 .










71 .


NRC Additive Manufacturing for Reactor Materials & Components (AM-RMC)

RIC Poster# 15, March 13-15, 2018 Do you want Organizational Current AM-RMC Name Email Phone to be on Affiliation Interest contact I ist?









81 .









NRC Additive Manufacturing for Reactor Materials & Components (AM-RMC)

RIC Poster# 15, March 13-15, 2018 Do you want Organizational Current AM-RMC Name Email Phone to be on Affiliation Interest contact Iist?


91 .










101 .






NRC Additive Manufacturing for Reactor Materials & Components (AM-RMC)

RIC Poster# 15, March 13-15, 2018 Do you want Organizational Current AM-RMC Name Email Phone to be on Affiliation Interest contact Iist?





111 .










121 .



NRC Additive Manufacturing for Reactor Materials & Components (AM-RMC)

RIC Poster# 15, March 13-15, 2018 Do you want Organizational Current AM-RMC Name Email Phone to be on Affiliation Interest contact Iist?








131 .










NRC Additive Manufacturing for Reactor Materials & Components (AM-RMC)

RIC Poster# 15, March 13-15, 2018 Do you want Organizational Current AM-RMC Name Email Phone to be on Affiliation Interest contact Iist?


















NRC Additive Manufacturing for Reactor Materials & Components (AM-RMC)

RIC Poster# 15, March 13-15, 2018 Do you want Organizational Current AM-RMC Name Email Phone to be on Affiliation Interest contact I ist?




161 .







From: Hiser, Matthew Sent: Fri, 2 Sep 2016 13:12 :06 +0000 To: Hardies, Robert


Ex-plant Harvesting Hi Bob, I wanted to see when you'd have time before you retire to "show me the ropes" on reaching out to plants planning to shut down for information on their components for harvesting.

I am gone next week I !but should be in the office from Sept. 12 through the rest of the month. (b)(6) \



From : Ramu halli, Pradeep Sent: Fri, 3 Feb 2017 06:35 :32 +0000 To : Purtscher, Patrick Cc: Hiser, Matthew


[External_Sen der] Draft slides Symantec Mail Security replaced Harvesting workshop slides draft.pptx with this text message.

The original file was a malformed file, therefore it cannot be scanned and was quarantined.

1D:HQPWMSMRS04::SYQ3370fc312 The email message was also quarantined.

Note to requester: Attachment is immediately following .

From: Ramuhalli, Pradeep Sent: Fri, 13 Jan 201716:15:14 +0000 To: Purtscher, Patrick


[External_Sender] FW: Revised agenda for next week - note time changes Attachments: Agenda January 2017 NOE Tech Info Exch Public Meeting ML17011A273 .pdf FYI.

With best regards, Pradeep Ramuhalli, PhD Tel : 509-375-2763 Email: pradeep.ramuhall i@ From: Nove, Carol

Sent: Wednesday, Ja nuary 11, 20171:48 PM To : Diaz, Aaron A <>; Ramuha lli, Pradeep <>;

Denslow, Kayte M <>; D'Agostino, Amy <>; Crawford, Susan L <Susan>


Revised agenda for next week - note time changes Carol A. Nove, Senior Materials Engineer NRC/RES/DE/CIB TWFN 10871 Mailstop 10A36 301-415-2217 carol.nove@nrc .gov


AT U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION HEADQUARTERS THREE WHITE FLINT NORTH (ROOMS 1C03 AND 1C05), 11601 LANDSDOWN STREET NORTH BETHESDA, MD 20852 Time Topic Topic (Detail) Presenter Tuesday, January 17, 2017 Opening items NRC Meeting Attendance, announcements, action items, EPRl 1 and Alley 1:00 opening NRC 1 organizational updates Industry Selby Code NDE1-related Industry 1:30 ASME 1 Code Review of 2016 NDE 1-related Code activities Lofthus activities RPV1 threads Industry progress on developing a technical basis to Industry 2:00 in flange remove this requirement from Code Hacker UT1 in lieu of Update on Industry efforts enabling the use of UT1 Industry 2:30 RT1 instead of RT1 for various applications Hacker 2:50 Break PD/

Industry 3:10 PDl 1 update Update of PDl 1 operational items Anthony PDl 1 qualification Industry 3:30 PDl 1 Program statistics update since last meeting statistics Anthony update IGSCC 1 Industry 3:50 Update on Industry IGSCC1 requalification activities requalification Hacker Opportunity for members of the public to make Public NRC 4:30 comments and to ask questions of the NRC 1 comments Alley 4:40 Adjourn

Time Topic Topic (Detail) Presenter Wednesday, January 18, 2017 Reliability Joint The proposed 2013 Rulemaking (which has already Proposed discussion been gone thru public comments) contains a rulemaking Industry 8:00 condition for the encoded inspection of all Class 1 on Class 1 Hacker DM 1 welds. How may lndustry/NRC 1 handle potential DM 1 welds NRG relief requests?

Collins Industry activities for Status of Industry's activities for NDE 1 reliability Industry 8:45 NDE1 improvement Hacker reliability improvement Low Value /

High Impact Update on Industry Low Value / High Impact NDE1 Industry 9:00 NDE1 Examination Project Hacker aoolications Research overviews BWRVIP 1 Industry 9:25 NDE1 Brief descriptions of NDE 1-related projects McKean projects MRP 1 NDE 1 Industry 9:40 Brief descriptions of NDE 1-related projects projects Nowakowski 10:00 Break NDE1 Industry 10:20 Program Brief descriptions of NDE 1-related projects Hacker projects NRC 1 : provide background on regulatory interest.

Thermal Industry: Update on implementation of MRP1 -146 NRC fatigue UT 1 Cumblidge 11:05 and EPRl 1 interim guidance MRP 1 2015-025 examination Industry regarding thermal fatigue examinations and how guidance Nowakowski limited coveraqe is addressed Public Opportunity for members of the public to make NRC 11 :45 comments comments and to ask questions of the NRC 1 Alley 11 :50 Lunch Introduction High-level introduction to EPRI/RES1 joint research NRC 1:00 to EPRI/RES1 process under a MOU 1 Nave MOU 1 NRC Update on Objectives, design and execution status of Phase 3 Nove 1:10 Remote VT 1 round robin Industry Round Robin Oliveri CASS1 Research on examination capabilities for CASS 1 and NRC Nave 2:20 research the development of Appendix VII I, Supplement 9 Industry (part 1) technical basis Hacker 3:00 Break

CASS1 Research on examination capabilities for CASS 1 and NRC Nove 3:20 research the development of Appendix VIII, Supplement 9 Industry (continued) Technical Basis Hacker NRC HDPE 1 1 1 NDE capability for HDPE piping, including 2016 Nove 3:50 research round robin opportunity Industry Lofthus 4:40 Public Opportunity for members of the public to make NRC comments comments and to ask questions of the NRC 1 Alley 4:50 Adjourn Thursday, January 19, 2017 Broad NDE picture NRC UT1 modeling Research status and planning as stakeholders work Nove 8:00 and toward agreement on modeling best practices Industry simulation Hacker NRC Human Research results, literature search; summary of the D'Agostino 8:40 factors new MOU 1 Attachment on human factors Industry research Hacker Emergent hot topic within ASME1 Code, NRC 1 and Industry is the design for inspectability issue with AP10001. A new ASME 1 Code Task Group has been Design for formed to address the issue. The issue brings in Industry 9:20 inspectability many items of NDE 1 research included single sided Lofthus overview austenitic examination qualification, CASS 1 examination, limited examination coverage, and possibly risk-informed 1S11. Brief update with discussion to follow.

9:50 Break 1

RV upper NRC head bare Discuss examination requirements and experience Cumblidge 10:10 metal visual with addressing relevant conditions Industry examination Hacker 10:40 Rulemakings Discuss timeline for adoption of ASME 1 2009-2013; NRC in the works also reprise NRC 1 presentation at Code August 2016. Cumblidge 11:00 Open Industry/

11 :20 Further discussion of any items; looking ahead discussion NRC Industry/

11:40 Closing items New action items, announcements, next meeting NRC 11:55 Public Opportunity for members of the public to make NRC comments comments and to ask questions of the NRC 1 Alley 12:00 Adjourn

Acronym 1 EPRI - Electric Power Research Institute NRC - U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ASME - American Society of Mechanical Engineers RPV - Reactor Pressure Vessel RV - Reactor Vessel UT - Ultrasonic Testing RT - Radiographic Testing PDI - Performance Demonstration Initiative IGSCC - lntergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking DM - Dissimilar Metal BWRVIP - Boiler Water Reactor Vessel and Internals Project MRP - Materials Reliabil ity Program RES - NRC: Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research MOU - Memorandum of Understanding VT - Visual Examination CASS - Cast Austenitic Stainless Steel HDPE - High Density Polyethylene AP1000-Advanced Passive 1000 ISi - lnservice Inspection

From: Ramuha ll i, Pradeep Sent: Mon, 14 Nov 2016 17 :32:03 +0000 To: Purtscher, Patrick


[External_Sender] Info

Pat, As discussed last week, I owe you some info. I am waiting for some add it ional info from our financial specialist - should have it in a bit this morning. Wi ll call you after that.

With best rega rds, Pradeep Pradeep Ramuhalli, PhD Senior Research Sci ent ist, Applied Physics Group Pacifi c Northwest National Labo ratory 902 Battelle Blvd.

P.O.Box 999, MSIN K5-26 Richland, WA 99352 Tel: 509-375-2763 Ema il: http ://www .pnnl .gov

From: Ramuhalli, Pradeep Sent: Tue, 7 Jun 2016 15:58:35 +0000 To: Hiser, Matthew Cc: Purtscher, Patrick;Hull, Amy;Knobbs, Katie Subject : [External_Sender) NEI/DOE/NRC workshop on SLR at PNNL

Matt, As promised, the current list of attendees for the workshop is below.
1. Jerud Hanson, NEI
2. Jason Remer, NEI
3. Rich Reister, DOE
4. Sherry Bernhoft, EPRI
5. Rich Tilley, EPRI
6. Steve Swilley, EPRI
7. Dave Gerber, Structural Integrity
8. John Disosway, Dominion
9. Gary Peters, AREVA
10. Andy Taylor, Entergy
11. John Twomey, Energy-Northwest
12. John Hornbuckle, Southern Company
13. John Hilditch, Exelon NRC:
14. Kathryn Brock
15. Daryl Murdock
16. Mohammed Sadollah
17. Cliff Doutt
18. Brian Wit tick
19. Seung Min
20. Sarah Obadina Pradeep Ramuhalli, PhD Senior Research Scientist, Applied Physics Group Pacific Northwest National Laboratory 902 Battelle Blvd.

P.O.Box 999, MSIN KS-26 Richland, WA 99352 Tel: 509-375-2763 Emai l:

http://www.pnn From: Ramuha ll i, Pradeep Sent: Tue, 26 Sep 2017 14:34:35 +0000 To: Purtscher, Patrick


[External_Sender] RE : [Ext ernal_Sender] Discuss Report Comments Yes, but I will have to get off the call before 10 am Pacific (1 ET) as I have another meeting at that time.

Any chance you are available later today (after 3 pm) or tomorrow (anytime - I am wide open)?

I will go ahead and get this moved by an hour just in case.

With best regards, Pradeep Ramuhalli, PhD Tel : 509-375-2763 Email: pradeep.ramuhall

Original Appointment-----

From: Purtscher, Patrick [1]

Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2017 3:08 AM To: Ramuhalli, Pradeep


New Time Proposed : [External_Sende r] Discuss Report Comment s When: Tuesday, September 26, 2017 8:30 AM -9:30 AM (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) .

Where: Call-in number below I have had another meeting come up that I need to attend . Can we postpone our call for 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />?

From: Chen, Yiren Sent: Tue, 27 Mar 2018 00:19:59 +0000 To: Purtsclher, Patrick Cc: Natesan, Krishnamurti Subject : [External_Sender] Re: follow up on harvesting Hi Pat, I will check the storage and get back to you tomorrow.

Thanks, Yiren From: Purtscher, Patrick <>

Sent: Monday, March 26, 2018 1:47:05 PM To: Chen, Viren Cc: Natesan, Krishnamurti


RE: RE: Re: follow up on harvesting One more thing, could you add a descrption of the approximate size of unirradiated material. It can go under comments.

Thanks, Pat From: Chen, Viren [2]

Sent: Friday, March 09, 2018 2:25 PM To: Purtscher, Patrick <>

Cc: Natesan, Krishnamurti <>


[External_Sender] RE: Re: follow up on harvesting Hi Pat, Please see our updates on the tables as attached. The new inputs are in red. Please let me know if you have any question or need clarification.

Thanks, Viren From: Purtscher, Patrick [3]

Sent: Friday, March 09, 2018 7:30 AM To: Chen, Viren <yiren>


FW: Re: follow up on harvesting Good morning, We continue to review the information you provided regarding ex-plant/irradiated reactor materials.

We have rearranged the information in the spreadsheet that you prepared to better identify the materials. The# of samples for each line item is not always obvious when arranged this way. Could you verify the number of specimens for each condition?

Thank you.

Pat Purtscher Materials engineer RES/DE/CMB

From: Ramuhalli, Pradeep Sent: Wed, 15 Feb 2017 23:58:28 +0000 To: Purtsclher, Patrick;Hiser, Matthew Subject : [External_Sender) RE: FW: Information on the 4th international conference on nuclear power plant life management (PLiM) which will be held in Oct. 23- 26 at Lyon France Thanks.

With best regards, Pradeep Ramuhalli, PhD Tel: 509-375-2763 Email: From: Purtscher, Patrick [4]

Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2017 12:27 PM To: Ramuhalli, Pradeep <>; Hiser, Matthew <>


RE: FW: Information on the 4th international conference on nuclear power plant life management (PLiM) which will be held in Oct. 23- 26 at Lyon France Hi, I think it is fine to refer to the workshop and your report, but there will not be any specific output from the workshop that will be public.

Pat From: Ramuhalli, Pradeep [5]

Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2017 1:56 PM To: Hiser, Matthew <Matthew.>; Purtscher, Patrick <>


[External_Sender] FW: Information on t he 4th international conference on nuclear power plant life management (PLiM) which will be held in Oct. 23- 26 at Lyon France Patrick, Matt:

I presume you are aware of the upcoming PLiM meeting. This may be a good venue to talk/monitor about the harvesting issues and needs. I am not sure if either of you is planning on participating in this, but I know that LWRS is plannirng on sending a contingent, and I am looking into whether I can participate as well.

In a related note, the IFRAM (International Forum on Reactor Aging Management -funded at one point by NRC, though I believe it is no longer funded by NRC) is holding a series of conference calls later this month and in early March, to work towards a series of papers for the PLiM meeting, to be presented in an IFRAM session. I plan to participate in these calls. Is there any interest on your part in finding out the

outcomes, and is it OK for me to bring up the harvesting project/workshop as an example of how aging management may be better informed through R&D on harvested materials/components?

With best regards, Pradeep Ramuhalli, PhD Tel: 509-375-2763 Email: From: K.S.Kang@iaea .org [6]

Sent: Tuesday, February 07, 2017 7:53 AM To: Cc:;;;


Information on the 4th international conference on nuclear power plant life management (PLiM) which will be held in Oct. 23- 26 at Lyon France

Dear All,

The IAEA has organized the international conferences on Nuclear Power Plant Life Management Conference in 2002 at Budapest, Hungary, in 2007 at Shanghai, China and in 2012 at Salt Lake City, USA continuously.

Now time is preparing the 4th international conference on Nuclear Power Plant Life Management (PLiM) which will be held in Oct. 23- 26 2017 at Lyon, France.

The main objectives of the conference are to:

- Emphasize the role of PLiM programmes in assuring a safe and reliable nuclear power plant operation;

- Identify the economic impacts of PLiM and long term operation programmes, as well as methodologies for their evaluation

- Provide a forum for information exchange on national and international PLiM programmes, regulatory practises and the application in ageing management.

We will discuss and share operation experiences and information on following six main topics;

- Approaches to plant life management

- Economics of plant life management

- Ageing management and preparation of long term operation

- Configuration and modification management for safety enhancement

- Human factors and managerial aspects

- Regulatory approaches to ageing management and long term operation Please send your two page synopses before the end of April 2017 by e-mail or IDICO system.

See attached flyer.

All information will be available in conference website :

http ://www-pub.iaea .org/i aea meeti ngs/50811/ Fo urt h-1nte rn ation a1-Conf ere nce-on-Nuclea r-Powe r-PIant-Life-M an age me nt Please share above information with your colleagues to participate in the conference.

Regards Ki-Sig KANG Technical Head (PliM/LTO)

Nuclear Power Engineering Section Division of Nuclear Power International Atom ic Energy Agency Tel: +43 1 2600 22796 Fax: +43 1 2600 29598 E-mail: This email message is intended only for the use of the named recipient. Information contained in this email message and its attachments may be privileged, confidential and protected from disclosure. If you are not the intended recipient, please do not read, copy, use or disclose this communication to others. Also please notify the sender by replying to this message and then delete it from your system.

From: Ramuhalli, Pradeep Sent: Fri, 18 Nov 2016 16:35 :08 +0000 To: Purtscher, Patrick


[External_Sender] RE: NUREG/CR-5314 Vol 3 Thanks! Will call you Monday with more info.

With best regards, Pradeep Ramuhalli, PhD Tel : 509-375-2763 Email : pradeep.ramuhall i@pnn From: Purtscher, Patrick [7]

Sent: Friday, November 18, 2016 5:40 AM To: Ramuhalli, Pradeep <Pradeep.Ramuhall>


FW: NUREG/CR-5314 Vol 3 Table 1 shows all of the CASS components .

Pat From: Purtscher, Patrick Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2014 11:26 AM To: Purtscher, Patrick <>



From: Ramuhalli, Pradeep Sent: Fri, 13 Jan 2017 16:30:43 +0000 To: Purtsclher, Patrick Subject : [External_Sender) RE: update for template FYI - my cell# isl With best regards, Pradeep Ramuhalli, PhD Tel: 509-375-2763 Emai l: From: Purtscher, Patrick [8]

Sent: Friday, January 13, 2017 7:53 AM To: Ramuhalli, Pradeep <>


RE: update for template Call me on my cell phone From: Purtscher, Patrick Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 8:27 AM To: Ramuhalli, Pradeep <>


RE: update for template Good morning, We are starting to finalize the agenda for the workshop in March. When can we talk about your work and how it fits into the workshop? I am available Wednesday and Friday mornings this week as well as Thursday afternoon.

Pat Patrick Purtscher Materials Engineer Nuclear Regulatory Regulation Division of Engineering Vessel & Interna ls Branch 301-415-3942

From: Hiser, Matthew Sent: Tue, 19 Feb 2019 19:41:49 +0000 To: Hiser, Matthew Subject : FW: : pis will you send me the draft summary report?: 3 sections revised -- CMB update 20170517.docx From : Hull, Amy Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2017 8:31 AM b S To: Hiser, Matthew <Matthew.> ( )( _)


I will take along printout to! -- *land get any comments back to you by 8am tomorrow morning..... [eom]: pis will you send me the draft summary report?: 3 sections revised -- CMB update 20170517.docx I will take along printout to! ~nd get any comments back to you by 8am tomorrow morning .....[eom] (b)(6),

From: Hiser, Matthew Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2017 10:42 AM To: Hull, Amy <>


RE: pis will you send me the draft summary report?: 3 sections revised -- CMB update 20170517.docx Hi Amy, Sure thing - here you go © Please take a look and provide any comments or edits.


Matt Matthew Hiser Materials Engineer US Nuclear Regulatory Commission I Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research Division of Engineering I Corrosion and Metallurgy Branch Phone: 301-415-2454 I Office: TWFN 10D62 M atthew.Hiser@ From: Hull, Amy Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2017 10:34 AM To: Hiser, Matthew <Matthew.>


pis will you send me the draft summary report?: 3 sections revised -- CMB update 20170517.docx Strategic Approach for Obtaining Material and Component Aging Information (Amy Hull, Pat Purtscher, Matt Hiser) (LTRP)

  • Strategic harvesting is one of the new tasks in the new SLR UNR that will replace NRR-2010-006. Staff are working on specific task for Strategic Harvesting in NRR-2017-006.
  • Final deliverable expected by early 20 17. Final report publication will wait until after harvesting workshop in March.
  • Proceedings from the Ex-Plant Materials Harvesting Workshop , held on March 7-8, are compiled in a CMB SharePoint site http://fusion Fcmb%2FLTO%2FProgram%20Documents%2FStrategic%20Approach%20for%20Obtaining%20 Material%20and%20Component%20Aqing%20Information&FolderCTID=0x012000A4119D2C08 121A4CAE71 D67 AEB499BF9&View={A08F45B4-F7E9-4960-9890-37F16055A 16F} . Good frank discussion with external parties from DOE, EPRI, and international stakeholders on benefits and challenges of harvesting .
  • CMB staff i;ire arin workshop summary report (expected by end of May) and follow-up on action items with interested workshop attendees focused on a database for sources of materials and prioritizing data needs for harvesting .
  • Pradeep Ramuhalli , PNNL contractor, visited RES/DE/CMB staff concerning this project on 4/18/2017. This was a side-trip for another NOE/OLM project funded by DOE related to advanced reactors.
  • One-pager submitted for DE management review .

From: Hull, Amy Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2017 10:28 AM To : Frankl, Istvan (l <>; Moyer, Carol

<>; Hiser, Matthew <>


3 sections revised -- CMB update 20170517 .docx

From: Hiser, Matthew Sent: Tue, 19 Feb 2019 19:41:22 +0000 To: Hiser, Matthew


FW: Revised agendas for the Nov 18 interface & Nov 19 planning meetings Attachme nts: Revised Agenda DLR-RES Interface Mtg_11182015.docx, Pre-meeting agenda for Dec 2 DLR-RES Interface Mtg_1119201S.docx Note to requester: Attachments are immediately following.

From: Hull, Amy Se nt: Tuesday, November 10, 2015 3:22 PM To: Tregoning, Robert <>; Hiser, Matthew <>; Frankl, Istvan <>


Steve Bloom said if we want, we can add agenda item to Dec 2 for RES/DLR coordination on ex-plant harvesting strategic planning [eom]: Revised agendas for the Nov 18 interface & Nov 19 planning meetings Steve Bloom said if we want, we can add agenda item to Dec 2 for RES/DLR coordination on ex-plant harvesting strategic planning [eom]:

From: Wong, Albert Se nt: Tuesday, November 10, 2015 3:00 PM To: Bloom, Steven <>; Litkett, Bernard <>; Jones, Heather <>; Burton, William <>; Brady, Bennett

<>; Billoch, Araceli <>; ; Iyengar, Raj <>; Hull, Amy <>; Tregoning, Robert

<>; Frankl, Istvan <>; Hiser, Allen



Revised agendas for the Nov 18 interface & Nov 19 planning meetings The focus of the Nov 18 meeting is to discuss the remaining UN Rs and listen to management's view on how to conduct the next interface meeting on Dec 2. The planning meet ing on Nov 19 is to set the agenda for the Dec 2 meeting.

Let me know if you have questions. I will append the agendas to the meeting invites. Thx.


AGENDA Meeting between the NRR/Division of License Renewal and RES/Division of Engineering to Discuss Current License Renewal and Subsequent License Renewal November 18, 2015, Time: 09:30 AM - 11: 00 AM NRC Headquarters/ One White Flint, Room 07B04 Bridge Line: 888-455-1698 , Passcode:I - -- J . (~)(6)

Agenda Item Lead Time (AM) 1 Introduction Steve 09 :30 2 Status of User Need Request Letters Bennett/Rob 09:35 Preparation for the December 2 DLR/RES Interface 3 Raj/Albert 10:45 Meeting

AGENDA Pre-Meeting for a December 2 Interface Meeting between NRR/Division of License Renewal and RES/Division of Engineering November 19, 2015, Time : 10:00 AM - 11: 00 AM One White Flint North, Room 011B02 I - .-. . . ...

Bridge Line: 888-455-1698 , Passcode: .... J(b)((?) _

Agenda Item Lead Time (AM)

Synopsis of the DLR/RES management's insight on how to 1 Raj/Albert 10:00 prepare the December 2 interface meeting 2 Status of Deep Dive Meetings Raj 10:05 3 Outcome of the November 17 ACRS Meeting Butch 10:10 4 Status of draft GALL-SLR Report and SRP-SLR Bennett 10:20 5 Public meetings on draft GALL-SLR Report and SRP-SLR Bennett 10:25 6

Status of draft GALL-SLR Report and SRP-SLR Bennett 10:30 7 Discussion of the future use of the deep dive tables Raj 10:35 Summary and Final Preparation for the December 2 8 Raj/Albert 10:40 DLR/RES Interface Meeting

From: Moyer, Carol Sent: Fri, 7 Ju l 2017 10:53:24 -0400 To: Hiser, Allen Cc: Hiser, Matthew


FW: Acceptance of Oral presentation in the Fourth Int. Conference on Nuclear Power Plant Life Ma nagement

Allen, This is the reply I got from the PLiM organizers. It says only "your paper," so I am *assuming* they are referring to the overview one, not the one specific to harvesting. I have not heard whether the harvesting abstract was accepted for presentation.


Original Message-----

From: [mailto:PLIM2@iaea.orgl Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2017 9:59 AM To: Moyer, Carol <>


[Extemal_Sender] Acceptance of Oral presentation in the Fourth Int. Conference on Nuclear Power Plant Life Management Dear Carol Moyer We are pleased to infom1 you that your paper entitled with the rD number "143" and Moyer as primary author has been accepted for oral presentation at the Fourth International Conference on Nuclear Power Plant Life Management to be held in Lyon, France from 23 to 27 October 2017.

Please be aware however, for those authors whose Forms A and B have not been received by the IAEA through the official channels, the paper has been accepted upon the condition that these forms are received by 25 August 2017.

If the forms are not received by the IAEA by that date, it will not be possible to include the paper in the conference programme.

The number assigned to the paper is IAEA-CN-246-1 43. Please refer to this number in all future communications concerning the paper.

Following please find some guidelines with regard to your paper and presentation:

As required, liaise with the IAEA secretariat concerning your presentation.

At the conference please attend a briefing meeting shortly before the session to meet with your chairperson and the other speakers in the session. Details on the briefing will be provided to you shortly before the conference.

Please keep your presentation within the time slot allocated in the programme (to be available soon at the conference web site):

Prepare your presentation in PowerPoint. Should you wish to use a different software, please send an e-mail address: at least one month before the conference, so that compatibility can be checked.

All presentations will be uploaded in advance to the conference PC. Please email your presentation and the full paper to email address: by Wednesday, 18 October.

Please complete the biographical data form at the conference web site. The form will aid the session chairperson in your introduction at the session. This form should be sent to email address by 29 September 2017.

All accepted synopses (oral and poster) will be included in the Book of Extended Synopses which will be distributed to participants at the beginning of the Conference.

Best regards,

[AEA Scientific Secretaries Confere nce website: 5081 I/Fourth-Tntema tional-Conference-on-N uclear-Power-PI ant-Li fe-Management

From: Hiser, Matthew Sent: Tue, 28 Feb 2017 19:42:15 +0000 To: Salley, MarkHenry;Melly, Nicholas;Hamburger, Kenneth;Taylor, Gabriel


FW: Announcement of Ex-Plant Materials Harvesting Workshop Attachme nts: Ex-Plant Materials Harvesting Workshop.pptx, Harvesting Workshop Draft Agenda.docx Note to requester: Attachments are immediately following.

Agenda is attached as well as webinar information below.

From: Frankl, Istvan Sent: Friday, February 24, 2017 2:24 PM To: Bloom, Steven <>; Wittick, Brian <>; Morey, Dennis

<>; Alley, David <>; Rudland, David

<>; Zimmerman, Jacob <>; Iyengar, Raj

<>; Jung, Ian <>; Seber, Dogan <>

Cc: Tregoning, Robert <>; Hiser, Matthew <>;

Purtscher, Patrick <>; Pires, Jose <>; Berrios, Ilka

<>; Hull, Amy <>; Moyer, Carol <>


Announcement of Ex-Plant Materials Harvesting Workshop

Dear Colleagues:

RES is hosting a workshop on ex-plant materials harvesting at NRC headquarters on March 7-8, 2017. The scope includes metallic, electrical, and concrete materials or components that could benefit from harvesting. I have attached the draft agenda and workshop introduction slides that cover meeting logistics, motivation, approach , expected outcome, and session expectations.

This workshop includes about two dozen external participants, including representatives from DOE and EPRI as well as international organizations from Japan, Europe, and Canada.

A webinar will be available to allow NRG staff to observe and participate in the workshop: .

If you have any questions or need additional information about the workshop, please contact myself or Matt Hiser on my staff.

Thanks, Steve

Ex-Plant Materials Harvesting Workshop March 7-8, 2017 USNRC HQ Rockville, MD, USA

Meeting Logistics

  • Workshop will be held at NRC's Three White Flint North building Directly adjacent to the White Flint Metro stat ion Nearest hotel wit hin walking distance: Bethesda North Marriott Hot el &

Conference Center

  • Workshop is a non-public meeting to encourage open discussion

- Presentations and meeting summary will be distributed among meeting participants only

  • GoToMeeting webinar will be available to support additional attendees Webinar attendees will be primarily observers
  • Limited opportun ities for webinar attendee participation in discussion if time allows Discussion wi U be recorded through GoToMeeting software to aid capturing discussion in meeting summary


  • With plants shutting down both in the U.S. and internationally, there are increasing opportunities to harvest components from decommissioning plants

- Past harvesting efforts generally more reactive as opportunities arose, rather than proactively planned

  • Ex-plant materials may be valuable because they have been exposed to actual in-service plant operating conditions

- Can reduce the uncertainty associated with the applicability of the aging conditions

  • Insights from research on harvested materials can address technical data needs identified for extended plant operation
  • Lessons learned from past harvesting programs can help improve future harvesting efforts Challenges encountered in previous programs can be shared and mitigated or avoided in future programs


  • Domestic and international researchers, industry, regulators, 1

and decom1m issioning companies discuss benefits and challenges with ex-plant harvesting

- Encourage sharing of lessons learned as well as areas of common interest

  • Workshop consists of topical sessions with short presentations and significant time for open discussion

- Goal is to maximize engagement among meeting participants

  • Scope includes any materials aging issue that could benefit from harvesting, including metals, cables, and concrete

Expected Outcome

  • Participants become better informed and aware of the benefits and challenges associated with ex-plant harvesting
  • Discussions help identify areas of common interest for harvesting to address technical data needs
  • Presentations and discussions provide the starting point for a "database" of harvested materials and future harvesting o p po rt unities
  • Contacts are made among research organizations to allow for further discussion of specific harvesting projects
  • Workshop summary documenting discussion will be distributed among participants

Session Expectations

  • Session 1 Motivation for Harvesting Perspective from panel participants on their organizations' interest in and motivation for harvesting Brief (5-10 minute) presentation from each panel member followed by general discussion
  • Session 2 Technical Data Needs for Harvesting Presenters share high-priority data needs that may he best addressed by harvesting
  • Where does harvesting hold particular value compared to other sources of technical data 15-20 minute presentations followed by open discussion of technical data needs for harvesting

Session Expectations

  • Session 3 Sources of Mlaterials Information on previously harvested materials and future harvesting opportunities
  • Materials located at research and vendor facilities
  • Decommissioning plants that may allow for future harvesting Short 5-10 minute presentations followed by open discussion Starting point for potential database of previously harvested materials and future harvesting opportunities
  • Session 4 Harvesting Experience: Lessons Learned and Practical Aspects Improving future efforts with lessons learned from past programs
  • Pitfalls to avoid and strategies to improve likelihood of success Practical perspective from non-researchers on how harvesting interfaces with the decommissioning process International decommissioning and harvesting experience 20-30 minute presentations followed by open discussion

Session Expectations

  • Session 5 Future Harvesting Program Planning

- Technical and logistical information needed when planning a specific harvesting program Perspective from panel participants on the workshop Next steps and actions from workshop Potentia l areas of common interest for future harvesting programs Brief (5-10 minute) presentation from each panel member followed by general discussion

Ex-Plant Materials Harvesting Workshop Draft Agenda Tuesday, M arch 7 Session Time On~anization Speaker Presentation Title Intro 8:00 NRC Welcome and Introduction to Workshop EPRI Sherry Bernhoft DOE Rich Reist er 8:15- 8:45 NRC Robert Tregoning NRC Perspective on Motivation for Harvesting 1

GRS Uwe Jendrich CRIEPI Taku Arai 8:45-9:45 DISCUSSION 9:45-10:00 BREAK 10:00-PNNL (for NRC) Pradeep Ramuhalli Data Needs Best Addressed By Harvesting 10:20 10;20-NRC Matthew Hiser High-Priority Data Needs for Harvesting 10:30 10:30- LWRS Program Perspective on the Technical DOE Keith Leonard 10:55 Needs for Harvest ing 2

10:55- Review of past RPV sampling test programs SCK-CEN Rachid Chaouadi 11:20 and perspective for long term operation 11:20 - Importance of Harvesting to Eva luate Westinghouse Arzu Alpan 11:45 Radiation Effects on Concrete Properties 11:45-DISCUSSION 12:30 12:30 - 2:00 LUNCH Sources of Materials: Past NRC Harvesting and 2:00- 2:15 NRC Matthew Hiser U.S. Decommissioning Plants 2:15- 2:30 EPRI Al Ahluwalia 2:30 - 2:45 DOE/ORNL Tom Rosseel 2:45- 3:00 DOE/I NL John Jackson NSUF Materia l Sample Library Gerry van 3:00- 3:15 Energy Solutions 3 Noordennen

!P otential Harvesting of Concrete from Mihama 3:15 - 3:30 Westinghouse Arzu Alpan Unit 1 3:30- 3:45 BREAK 3:45 - 4:00 GRS Uwe Jendrich 4:00-4:15 CNSC Daniel Tello 4:15- 5:00 DISCUSSION

Wednesday, March 8 Session Time Or2anization Speaker Presentation Title 8:00 - 8:30 EPRI Jean Smith 8:30 - 9:00 DOE Tom Rosseel NRC Perspective on Harvest ing Experience and 9:00 - 9:30 NRC M atthew Hiser Lessons Learned 9:30-10:00 CRI EPI Taku Arai 4

10:00 - 10:15 BREAK Energy Gerry van 10:15 - 10:45 Solutions Noordennen 10:45 - 11:15 Dominion Bill Zipp 11:15 - 12 :00 DISCUSSION 12:00 - 1:30 LUNCH PNNL (for Techn ica l Information Needed for Informed 1:30-1:45 Pradeep Ramuhalli NRC) Harvesting Decisions 1:45 - 2:30 DISCUSSION 2:30 - 3:00 Action Items and Next St eps 5

EPRI Sherry Bernhoft DOE Rich Reister 3:00-4:00 Closing Thoughts NRC Robert Tregoning ALL

From: Hiser, Matthew Sent: Mon, 27 Feb 201715:58:15 -0500 To: Audrain, Margaret;Focht, Eric;Frankl, lstvan;Hiser, Matthew;Hull, Amy;Moyer, Carol;Oberson, Greg;Purtscher, Patrick;Rao, Appajosula;Rossi, Matthew


FW: Announcement of Ex-Plant Materials Harvesting Workshop Attachme nts: Ex-Plant Materials Harvesting Workshop.pptx, Harvesting Workshop Draft Agenda.docx Note to requester: Attachments are immediately following.

Fellow CMBers, FYI - information on harvesting workshop.

Please let me know if you have any questions or input.


Matt Matthew Hiser Materials Engineer US Nuclear Regulatory Commission I Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research Division of Engineering I Corrosion and Metallurgy Branch Phone: 301-415-24541 Office: TWFN 10D62 From: Frankl, Istvan Se nt: Friday, February 24, 2017 2:24 PM To: Bloom, Steven <>; Wittick, Brian <>; Morey, Dennis

<>; Alley, David <>; Rudland, David

<>; Zimmerman, Jacob <>; Iyengar, Raj

<Raj>; Jung, Ian <>; Seber, Dogan <>

Cc: Tregoning, Robert <>; Hiser, Matthew <>;

Purtscher, Patrick <Patrick.Purt>; Pires, Jose <>; Berrios, Ilka

<>; Hull, Amy <>; Moyer, Carol <>


Announcement of Ex-Plant Materials Harvesting Workshop

Dear Colleagues:

RES is hosting a workshop on ex-plant materials harvesting at NRC headquarters on March 7-8, 20 17. The scope includes metallic, electrical, a nd concrete materials o r components that could benefit from harvesting. I have attached the draft agenda and workshop introduction slides that cover meeting logistics, motivation, approach , expected outcome, and session expectations.

This workshop includes about two dozen external participants, including representatives from DOE and EPRI as well as international organizations from Japan, Europe, and Canada.

A webinar w ill be available to a llow NRG staff to observe and participate in the workshop:

https://attendee .

If you have any questions or need additional information about the workshop, please contact myself or Matt Hiser on my staff.

Thanks, Steve

Ex-Plant Materials Harvesting Workshop March 7-8, 2017 USNRC HQ Rockville, MD, USA

Meeting Logistics

  • Workshop will be held at NRC's Three White Flint North building Directly adjacent to the White Flint Metro stat ion Nearest hotel wit hin walking distance: Bethesda North Marriott Hot el &

Conference Center

  • Workshop is a non-public meeting to encourage open discussion

- Presentations and meeting summary will be distributed among meeting participants only

  • GoToMeeting webinar will be available to support additional attendees Webinar attendees will be primarily observers
  • Limited opportun ities for webinar attendee participation in discussion if time allows Discussion wi U be recorded through GoToMeeting software to aid capturing discussion in meeting summary


  • With plants shutting down both in the U.S. and internationally, there are increasing opportunities to harvest components from decommissioning plants

- Past harvesting efforts generally more reactive as opportunities arose, rather than proactively planned

  • Ex-plant materials may be valuable because they have been exposed to actual in-service plant operating conditions

- Can reduce the uncertainty associated with the applicability of the aging conditions

  • Insights from research on harvested materials can address technical data needs identified for extended plant operation
  • Lessons learned from past harvesting programs can help improve future harvesting efforts Challenges encountered in previous programs can be shared and mitigated or avoided in future programs


  • Domestic and international researchers, industry, regulators, 1

and decom1m issioning companies discuss benefits and challenges with ex-plant harvesting

- Encourage sharing of lessons learned as well as areas of common interest

  • Workshop consists of topical sessions with short presentations and significant time for open discussion

- Goal is to maximize engagement among meeting participants

  • Scope includes any materials aging issue that could benefit from harvesting, including metals, cables, and concrete

Expected Outcome

  • Participants become better informed and aware of the benefits and challenges associated with ex-plant harvesting
  • Discussions help identify areas of common interest for harvesting to address technical data needs
  • Presentations and discussions provide the starting point for a "database" of harvested materials and future harvesting o p po rt unities
  • Contacts are made among research organizations to allow for further discussion of specific harvesting projects
  • Workshop summary documenting discussion will be distributed among participants

Session Expectations

  • Session 1 Motivation for Harvesting Perspective from panel participants on their organizations' interest in and motivation for harvesting Brief (5-10 minute) presentation from each panel member followed by general discussion
  • Session 2 Technical Data Needs for Harvesting Presenters share high-priority data needs that may he best addressed by harvesting
  • Where does harvesting hold particular value compared to other sources of technical data 15-20 minute presentations followed by open discussion of technical data needs for harvesting

Session Expectations

  • Session 3 Sources of Mlaterials Information on previously harvested materials and future harvesting opportunities
  • Materials located at research and vendor facilities
  • Decommissioning plants that may allow for future harvesting Short 5-10 minute presentations followed by open discussion Starting point for potential database of previously harvested materials and future harvesting opportunities
  • Session 4 Harvesting Experience: Lessons Learned and Practical Aspects Improving future efforts with lessons learned from past programs
  • Pitfalls to avoid and strategies to improve likelihood of success Practical perspective from non-researchers on how harvesting interfaces with the decommissioning process International decommissioning and harvesting experience 20-30 minute presentations followed by open discussion

Session Expectations

  • Session 5 Future Harvesting Program Planning

- Technical and logistical information needed when planning a specific harvesting program Perspective from panel participants on the workshop Next steps and actions from workshop Potentia l areas of common interest for future harvesting programs Brief (5-10 minute) presentation from each panel member followed by general discussion

Ex-Plant Materials Harvesting Workshop Draft Agenda Tuesday, M arch 7 Session Time On~anization Speaker Presentation Title Intro 8:00 NRC Welcome and Introduction to Workshop EPRI Sherry Bernhoft DOE Rich Reist er 8:15- 8:45 NRC Robert Tregoning NRC Perspective on Motivation for Harvesting 1

GRS Uwe Jendrich CRIEPI Taku Arai 8:45-9:45 DISCUSSION 9:45-10:00 BREAK 10:00-PNNL (for NRC) Pradeep Ramuhalli Data Needs Best Addressed By Harvesting 10:20 10;20-NRC Matthew Hiser High-Priority Data Needs for Harvesting 10:30 10:30- LWRS Program Perspective on the Technical DOE Keith Leonard 10:55 Needs for Harvest ing 2

10:55- Review of past RPV sampling test programs SCK-CEN Rachid Chaouadi 11:20 and perspective for long term operation 11:20 - Importance of Harvesting to Eva luate Westinghouse Arzu Alpan 11:45 Radiation Effects on Concrete Properties 11:45-DISCUSSION 12:30 12:30 - 2:00 LUNCH Sources of Materials: Past NRC Harvesting and 2:00- 2:15 NRC Matthew Hiser U.S. Decommissioning Plants 2:15- 2:30 EPRI Al Ahluwalia 2:30 - 2:45 DOE/ORNL Tom Rosseel 2:45- 3:00 DOE/I NL John Jackson NSUF Materia l Sample Library Gerry van 3:00- 3:15 Energy Solutions 3 Noordennen

!P otential Harvesting of Concrete from Mihama 3:15 - 3:30 Westinghouse Arzu Alpan Unit 1 3:30- 3:45 BREAK 3:45 - 4:00 GRS Uwe Jendrich 4:00-4:15 CNSC Daniel Tello 4:15- 5:00 DISCUSSION

Wednesday, March 8 Session Time Or2anization Speaker Presentation Title 8:00 - 8:30 EPRI Jean Smith 8:30 - 9:00 DOE Tom Rosseel NRC Perspective on Harvest ing Experience and 9:00 - 9:30 NRC M atthew Hiser Lessons Learned 9:30-10:00 CRI EPI Taku Arai 4

10:00 - 10:15 BREAK Energy Gerry van 10:15 - 10:45 Solutions Noordennen 10:45 - 11:15 Dominion Bill Zipp 11:15 - 12 :00 DISCUSSION 12:00 - 1:30 LUNCH PNNL (for Techn ica l Information Needed for Informed 1:30-1:45 Pradeep Ramuhalli NRC) Harvesting Decisions 1:45 - 2:30 DISCUSSION 2:30 - 3:00 Action Items and Next St eps 5

EPRI Sherry Bernhoft DOE Rich Reister 3:00-4:00 Closing Thoughts NRC Robert Tregoning ALL

Note to requester: Attachments are immediately following.

From: Hiser, Matthew Sent: Mon, 6 Mar 2017 13:08:18 +0000 To: Pires, Jose


FW: Announcement of Ex-Plant Materials Harvesting Workshop Attachments: Ex-Plant Materials Harvesting Workshop.pptx, Harvesting Workshop Draft Agenda.docx From: Frankl, Istvan Sent: Friday, February 24, 2017 2:24 PM To: Bloom, Steven <>; Wittick, Brian <>; Morey, Dennis

<>; Alley, David <>; Rudland, David

<>; Zimmerman, Jacob <>; Iyengar, Raj

<Raj>; Jung, Ian <>; Seber, Dogan <>

Cc: Tregoning, Robert <>; Hiser, Matthew <>;

Purtscher, Patrick <Patrick.Purt>; Pires, Jose <>; Berrios, Ilka

<>; Hull, Amy <>; Moyer, Carol <>


Announcement of Ex-Plant Materials Harvesting Workshop

Dear Colleagues:

RES is hosting a workshop on ex-plant materials harvesting at NRC headquarters on March 7-8 , 2017. The scope includes metallic, electrical, and concrete materials or components that could benefit from harvesting. I have attached the draft agenda and workshop introduction slides that cover meeting logistics, motivation, approach, expected outcome, and session expectations.

This workshop includes about two dozen external participants, including representatives from DOE and EPRI as well as international organizations from Japan, Europe, and Canada.

A webinar will be available to allow NRC staff to observe and participate in the workshop: .

If you have any questions or need additional information about the workshop, please contact myself or Matt Hiser on my staff.

Thanks, Steve

Ex-Plant Materials Harvesting Workshop March 7-8, 2017 USNRC HQ Rockville, MD, USA

Meeting Logistics

  • Workshop will be held at NRC's Three White Flint North building Directly adjacent to the White Flint Metro stat ion Nearest hotel wit hin walking distance: Bethesda North Marriott Hot el &

Conference Center

  • Workshop is a non-public meeting to encourage open discussion

- Presentations and meeting summary will be distributed among meeting participants only

  • GoToMeeting webinar will be available to support additional attendees Webinar attendees will be primarily observers
  • Limited opportun ities for webinar attendee participation in discussion if time allows Discussion wi U be recorded through GoToMeeting software to aid capturing discussion in meeting summary


  • With plants shutting down both in the U.S. and internationally, there are increasing opportunities to harvest components from decommissioning plants

- Past harvesting efforts generally more reactive as opportunities arose, rather than proactively planned

  • Ex-plant materials may be valuable because they have been exposed to actual in-service plant operating conditions

- Can reduce the uncertainty associated with the applicability of the aging conditions

  • Insights from research on harvested materials can address technical data needs identified for extended plant operation
  • Lessons learned from past harvesting programs can help improve future harvesting efforts Challenges encountered in previous programs can be shared and mitigated or avoided in future programs


  • Domestic and international researchers, industry, regulators, 1

and decom1m issioning companies discuss benefits and challenges with ex-plant harvesting

- Encourage sharing of lessons learned as well as areas of common interest

  • Workshop consists of topical sessions with short presentations and significant time for open discussion

- Goal is to maximize engagement among meeting participants

  • Scope includes any materials aging issue that could benefit from harvesting, including metals, cables, and concrete

Expected Outcome

  • Participants become better informed and aware of the benefits and challenges associated with ex-plant harvesting
  • Discussions help identify areas of common interest for harvesting to address technical data needs
  • Presentations and discussions provide the starting point for a "database" of harvested materials and future harvesting o p po rt unities
  • Contacts are made among research organizations to allow for further discussion of specific harvesting projects
  • Workshop summary documenting discussion will be distributed among participants

Session Expectations

  • Session 1 Motivation for Harvesting Perspective from panel participants on their organizations' interest in and motivation for harvesting Brief (5-10 minute) presentation from each panel member followed by general discussion
  • Session 2 Technical Data Needs for Harvesting Presenters share high-priority data needs that may he best addressed by harvesting
  • Where does harvesting hold particular value compared to other sources of technical data 15-20 minute presentations followed by open discussion of technical data needs for harvesting

Session Expectations

  • Session 3 Sources of Mlaterials Information on previously harvested materials and future harvesting opportunities
  • Materials located at research and vendor facilities
  • Decommissioning plants that may allow for future harvesting Short 5-10 minute presentations followed by open discussion Starting point for potential database of previously harvested materials and future harvesting opportunities
  • Session 4 Harvesting Experience: Lessons Learned and Practical Aspects Improving future efforts with lessons learned from past programs
  • Pitfalls to avoid and strategies to improve likelihood of success Practical perspective from non-researchers on how harvesting interfaces with the decommissioning process International decommissioning and harvesting experience 20-30 minute presentations followed by open discussion

Session Expectations

  • Session 5 Future Harvesting Program Planning

- Technical and logistical information needed when planning a specific harvesting program Perspective from panel participants on the workshop Next steps and actions from workshop Potentia l areas of common interest for future harvesting programs Brief (5-10 minute) presentation from each panel member followed by general discussion

Ex-Plant Materials Harvesting Workshop Draft Agenda Tuesday, M arch 7 Session Time On~anization Speaker Presentation Title Intro 8:00 NRC Welcome and Introduction to Workshop EPRI Sherry Bernhoft DOE Rich Reist er 8:15- 8:45 NRC Robert Tregoning NRC Perspective on Motivation for Harvesting 1

GRS Uwe Jendrich CRIEPI Taku Arai 8:45-9:45 DISCUSSION 9:45-10:00 BREAK 10:00-PNNL (for NRC) Pradeep Ramuhalli Data Needs Best Addressed By Harvesting 10:20 10;20-NRC Matthew Hiser High-Priority Data Needs for Harvesting 10:30 10:30- LWRS Program Perspective on the Technical DOE Keith Leonard 10:55 Needs for Harvest ing 2

10:55- Review of past RPV sampling test programs SCK-CEN Rachid Chaouadi 11:20 and perspective for long term operation 11:20 - Importance of Harvesting to Eva luate Westinghouse Arzu Alpan 11:45 Radiation Effects on Concrete Properties 11:45-DISCUSSION 12:30 12:30 - 2:00 LUNCH Sources of Materials: Past NRC Harvesting and 2:00- 2:15 NRC Matthew Hiser U.S. Decommissioning Plants 2:15- 2:30 EPRI Al Ahluwalia 2:30 - 2:45 DOE/ORNL Tom Rosseel 2:45- 3:00 DOE/I NL John Jackson NSUF Materia l Sample Library Gerry van 3:00- 3:15 Energy Solutions 3 Noordennen

!P otential Harvesting of Concrete from Mihama 3:15 - 3:30 Westinghouse Arzu Alpan Unit 1 3:30- 3:45 BREAK 3:45 - 4:00 GRS Uwe Jendrich 4:00-4:15 CNSC Daniel Tello 4:15- 5:00 DISCUSSION

Wednesday, March 8 Session Time Or2anization Speaker Presentation Title 8:00 - 8:30 EPRI Jean Smith 8:30 - 9:00 DOE Tom Rosseel NRC Perspective on Harvest ing Experience and 9:00 - 9:30 NRC M atthew Hiser Lessons Learned 9:30-10:00 CRI EPI Taku Arai 4

10:00 - 10:15 BREAK Energy Gerry van 10:15 - 10:45 Solutions Noordennen 10:45 - 11:15 Dominion Bill Zipp 11:15 - 12 :00 DISCUSSION 12:00 - 1:30 LUNCH PNNL (for Techn ica l Information Needed for Informed 1:30-1:45 Pradeep Ramuhalli NRC) Harvesting Decisions 1:45 - 2:30 DISCUSSION 2:30 - 3:00 Action Items and Next St eps 5

EPRI Sherry Bernhoft DOE Rich Reister 3:00-4:00 Closing Thoughts NRC Robert Tregoning ALL

From: Hiser, Matthew Sent: Thu, 21 Jul 2016 15:19:56 +0000 To: Purtsclher, Patrick Subject : FW: Decommissioning Schedule From: Watson, Bruce Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2016 8:17 AM To: Hiser, Matthew <Matthew.>


RE: Decommissioning Schedule The plants in active decommissioning are either way past the point for harvesting any meaningful material or the remainder are in SAFE STORE. EPRI seems to have a good handle on what is going on with the plants and suggest you keep close contact with them.

From: Hiser, Matthew Sent: Friday, April 08, 2016 3:53 PM To: Watson, Bruce <>


Decommissioning Schedule Hi Bruce, I am a materials engineer in the Office of Research and we are in the early stages of a project to look into opportunities to harvest ex-plant materials from decommissioning (as well as operating) reactors where beneficial. I wanted to reach out to your branch to see if you have information on decommissioning schedules/plans or the plants that have announced their intention to close and decommission.

Do you know if this type of information is readily available? If so, is there a particular member of your staff that I should reach out to?


Matt Matthew Hiser Materials Engineer US Nuclear Regulatory Commission I Office of Nuclear Regulatory R esearch Division of Engineering I Consosion and Metallurgy Branch Phone: 301-415-2454 I Office: TWFN 10D62

From: Hiser, Matthew Sent: Wed, 15 Feb 2017 20:42:13 +0000 To: Tregoning, Robert;Purtscher, Patrick


FW: FW: Information on the 4th international conference on nuclear power plant life management (PLiM) which will be held in Oct. 23- 26 at Lyon France Hi Rob, Pradeep is asking about involving the harvesting topic in PLiM / IFRAM, which I think you are involved with. Do you see the harvesting topic as valuable to raise there?


Matt From: Ramuhalli, Pradeep [9]

Se nt: Wednesday, February 15, 2017 1:56 PM To: Hiser, Matthew <>; Purtscher, Patrick <>


[External_Sender] FW: Information on the 4th international conference on nuclear power plant life management (PLiM) which will be held in Oct. 23- 26 at Lyon France Patrick, Matt:

I presume you are aware of the upcoming PLiM meeting. This may be a good venue to talk/monitor about the harvesting issues and needs. I am not sure if either of you is planning on participating in this, but I know that LWRS is planning on sending a contingent, and I am looking into whet her I can participate as well.

In a related note, the IFRAM (International Forum on Reactor Aging Management - funded at one point by NRC, though I believe it is no longer funded by NRC) is holding a series of conference calls later this month and in early March, to work towards a series of papers for the PLiM meeting, to be presented in an IFRAM session . I plan to participate in these calls. Is there any interest on your part in finding out the outcomes, and is it OK for me to bring up the harvesting project/workshop as an example of how aging management may be better informed through R&D on harvested materials/components?

With best regards, Pradeep Ramuhalli, PhD Tel: 509-375-2763 Email: From: [10]

Sent: Tuesday, February 07, 2017 7:53 AM To:

Cc:; M.Khaelss@iaea .org;;


Information on the 4th international conference on nuclear power plant life management (PLiM) which will be held in Oct. 23- 26 at Lyon France

Dear All,

The IAEA has organized the international conferences on Nuclear Power Plant Life Management Conference in 2002 at Budapest, Hunga1y, in 2007 at Shanghai, China and in 2012 at Salt Lake City, USA continuously.

Now time is preparing the 4th international conference on Nuclear Power Plant Life Management (PLiM) which will be held in Oct. 23- 26 2017 at Lyon, France.

The main objectives of the conference are to:

Emphasize the role of PLiM programmes in assuring a safe and reliable nuclear power plant operation; Identify the economic impacts of PLiM and long term operation programmes, as well as methodologies for their evaluation Provide a forum for infom1ation exchange on national and international PLiM programmes, regulatory practises and the application in ageing management.

We will discuss and share operation experiences and information on following six main topics; Approaches to plant life management Economics of plant life management Ageing management and preparation of long term operation Configuration and modification management for safety enhancement Human factors and managerial aspects Regulatory approaches to ageing management and long term operation Please send your two page synopses before the end of April 2017 by e-mail or IDICO system.

See attached flyer.

All information will be available in conference website : l-Conference-on-Nuclear-Power-Plant-Life-Management Please share above information with your colleagues to participate in the conference.

Regards Ki-Sig KANG Technical Head (PliM/LTO)

Nuclear Power Engineering Section Division of Nuclear Power International Atomic Energy Agency Tel: +43 1 2600 22796 Fax: +43 1 2600 29598 E-mail:

This email message is intended only for the use of the named recipient. Information contained in this email message and its attachments may be privileged, confidential and protected from disclosure. If you are not the intended recipient, please do not read, copy, use or disclose this communication to others. Also please notify the sender by replying to this message and then delete it from your system.

From: Hull, Amy Sent: Monday, March 5, 2018 2:25 PM To: Herrity, Thomas; B-urke, John; Moyer, Carol; Tregoning, Robert; Purtscher, Patrick; Audrain, Margaret; Harris, Brian Cc: Frankl, Istvan; Hiser, Matthew


filling in some more time ....: RIC EPOSTERS AND DIGITAL PRESENTER GUIDANCE - NEXT STEPS Attachments: @POSTERS AND PRESENTATIONS Numbered; Poster Layout RIC 2018_3- 1-18.pdf; 2018-shipping-label.docx; 2018 RIC poster Schedule.abh; RIC Poster 6 on AM_

20180213.pptx; RIC Poster 8 on Harvesting_20180213.pptx Note to requester:

Attachments to this email are Importance: High immediately following.

Per our guidance below, I have updated the attached schedule for next week. Bren recommends below that poster presentations be staffed all of Tuesday morning . So there are 3 more hrs for AM and 3 more hrs for Harvesting. Please let us know if you want to have added time by the posters.

From: Warren, Brenett Sent: Monday, March 05, 2018 1:55 PM To: Bridge, Joanna <>; Mendiola, Mary <>; Zuberi, Sardar

<>; Dembek, Stephen <>; Yadav, Priya <>; Kenny, Caylee <>; Stur2ebecher, Karl <>; Bernardo, Robert

<>; Wilson, Joshua <>; Hall, Victor <>; Couret, Ivonne <>; West, Stephanie <>; Savoy, Joanne

<>; King, Shannon <>; Ralph, Melissa <>; Hiser, Matthew <>; Steger, Christine <>; Armstrong, Kenneth

<Kenneth>; Giffor,d, Ian <>; Smith, Todd <Todd>; Howells, Christopher <>; Orf, Tracy <Tracy.Orf@nr>; Cruz, Holly <>; Morey, Dennis <>; Oberson, Greg <>; Hull, Amy <>; Moyer, Carol <>; Bowman, Gregory <>

Cc: RICMST Resource <>; Kipfer, Lorna <>


RIC EPOSTERS AND DIGITAL PRESENTER GUIDANCE - NEXT STEPS Importance: High Good Afternoon Poster Presenters, We are 1 week from RIC 2018 and I want to provide you w ith a few details to assist:


  • ePoster and Digital Presenters should be present at the RIC. Although your poster may be set on a continuous run/feed there should be a person present to d iscuss the poster and to field questions from the attendee viewing the slide presentation March 13 - 15, 2018.
  • Refer to Program Agenda on the RIC website at https://ric for the full schedule of the RIC. Recommended times for visual presence should be during the following:


7:30 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. Meet and Greet - Networking Opportunity 8:30 a .m. - 10:00 a.m. Opening Sessions

10:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Networking Break 10:30 a.m. 12:00 .m. Commission Plenary 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. Lunch Break 3:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Networking Breaks Wednesday:

7:30 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. Meet and Greet - Networking Opportunity 10:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Networking Break 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. Lunch Break 3:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Networking Breaks Thursday:

7:30 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. Meet and Greet - Networking Opportunity 10:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Networking Break LAPTOP SETUP AND TESTING WITH OCIO TECH

  • Arrive at the Bethesda North Marriott Hotel and Conference Center on Monday, March 12, 2018 between 9:00 a.m. and 11 :00 a.m.

o Test laptop/monitor connection o Verify loaded presentation shows accurately on monitor

  • There will be a NRC technician from OCIO to complete the install of laptops with interactive (multi page slides). Single slide presenters (ePoster) may view their presentation at that time as well.


  • The preliminary floorplan is attached for your reference. If for any reason the floorplan should change, you will be notified.
  • Ensure accuracy when referring to your poster, refer to the attached ePoster and Digital Presentation by number. Note, the posters were previously renumbered however, some presenters continued to use the old numbers. Please use the following numbered posters and titles.


  • If you plan to include materials for your ePoster and Digital Presentation with the bulk shipment from the NRC to the Marriott, it is imperative that you have all of the items properly labeled and taken to the Reprographics OP1-B3500 common area - labeled RIC shipping by close of business Thursday, March 8, 2018.
  • All materials must be packed, properly labeled and in the designated Reprographics pick up location by close of business March 8, 2018. Provide on the shipping label and also to

o The total num ber of boxes o Include your name o Include title of your ePoster and Digital Presentation 2

  • We do ask that you limit the amount of materials you will bring due to reduced space in the Marriott foyer area.
  • Affix a completed shipping label to each box. The materials received will be included on the manifest report for tracking purposes.
  • Return shipping will occur on March 15 at 1 :00 pm. If you wish to have any materials returned to the NRC prior to your departure from the Marriott, please affix a return To ensure accurate return please affix a label with your name and mailstop. All unmarked materials left in the Marriott foyer unmarked will be discarded.

Thank you, Program Specialist Otlke of N udear Keartor Kegulation NRR/DMPS/RISB Location: 013D5 30 1- 415- 3 I 14 llr'f:,'11'4J"rv lnjunnultou

( "'1/f"f"t"* ,,.

Follow us on Twitter@nrcgov_ric 3

Poster staffing - 2018 RIC - March 13-15, 2018 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Adv. Mfg. Harvesting Adv. Mfg. Harvesting Adv. Mfg. Harvestin g 7:30 AM Carol (AM) Amy (Harv.) Amy (AM) Carol (Harvestina\ Rob (AM) Amy (Harv.)

8:00AM 1 1 1 1 1 1 8:30AM  ???  ???


9:00 AM  ???  ???


9:30AM  ???  ???


10:00 AM Pat  ??? Meg Pat John Amy (AM) 10:30 AM  ???  ???


11 :00 AM  ???  ???


11 :30 AM Amy(AM)  ???


2:00 PM Meg  ! Adv. Mfg. 1/2 hr ilfai'viiiitli'ig'f/2.1 Pat

---+-_..._. Amy(AM)

___....,._ _ _ _ _ _...,_ _ Carol (AM)

_.....,_..._~._---------1******volunteer .....$sions .......... i hrsessions :

2:30 PM 1 Pat 1

Meg Carol M. I 5 I 3 l 1:00 PM John Pat 1 Rob Amy H. I 9 I************~*************1 1 :30 PM J. Burke  ! 2 1***************************1

t .

j 2:00 PM Thonn Herrity 1 2:30 PM Matt Hise, I 1.. .. ....

3:00 PM Amy (AM) Carol (HarvestinQ)  ??? Meg Meg Audrain I I 4 3:30 PM Pat Purtscher I 1* * * * * * ; **** *** *1 4:00 PM ************~*************1 4:30 PM 5:00 PM Amy (AM) Amy (AM) 53

_ M__.________....__ _ _ _ _ _.....__ _ _ _ _ _.....__ _ _ _ _ ___.sessions.needed i................~~****************i

.___: _0_P Note to requester: This is the "2018 RIC poster Schedule" attachment to Amy Hull's 3/5/18 email.

Note to requester: This page, and the next page, is the "2018-shipping-label" attachment in Amy Hull's 3/5/18 email.

rhl3-15 Annual R egulatory Iriformation Conference

- - - - of - - - - (boxes/items)

SHIP TO (pre-conference): Bethesda North Marriott Hotel and Conference Center 5701 Marinelli Road North Bethesda, MD 20852 Attn: Gabor Csaszi, Director of Event Management, 301/822-9270 HOLD FOR: NRC's 30th Annual Regulatory Information Conference (RIC), March 13-115, 2018 (NRG points of contact: Lorna Kipfer, 301-415-4065, or Bren Warren, 301-415-3114)

Delivery Dmp-off Location(s) (check one): [ ] NRC Staff Office [ ] Grand Ballroom Foyer

[ ] Registration Desk Lead Presenter's Name: - - - - - - - - - NRC Office: - - - - Phone: - - - -

ePoster/Digital Presentation Title Only: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Contents: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

rhl3-15 Annual R egulatory b iforrnation Coriference

_ _ _ _ of _ _ _ (boxes/items)

RETURN TO (post-conference):

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation 11555 Rockville Pike, Rockville, MD 20852 Received by: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ NRC Office: - - - - Phone: - - - -

Delivery Drop-off Location(s) (check one):

[ ] NRC OWFN P1 Level (ADIM/PB) [ ] NRR RIC Closet (8th fl)

Addressee Name: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Addressee Mailstop: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


From: NRCD igita ISende Sent: Mon, 5 Mar 2018 11:23:25 -0500 To: Warren, Brenett


ePOSTERS AND PRES ENTATIONS Numbered Attachments: image2018-03 162325.pdf This document was digitally sent to you using Dell Digital Sending device.

Note to requester: This page, and its attachment, is the "ePOSTERS AND PRESENTATIONS Numbered" attachment in Amy Hull's 3/5/18 email.


  1. 1 Accident Sequence Precursor #9 Leveraging Cooperative Research Program - Results, Trends, and Agreements to Improve NRC Safety Insights Codes Sponsored by the Office of Nuclear Sponsored by the Office ofNuclear Regulatory Resea rch Regulatory Reseal'ch
  1. 2 Advanced Evacuation Simulations #10 Non- Reactor Decommissioning:

and Application to Emergency Unexpected Fee Billing Implications Preparedness Sponsorl'd by lltl' OfjicP ofNuclP<1r Sponsorl'd by the OJ/icl' ofNuclear Material Sqfety and Sqfeguards and the Security and Incident Response and the Office ofthe ChiefFinancial Officer Office ofNuclear Regulatory Research #11 Preserving the Lessons Learned

  1. 3 Application of the changes to from Fukushima NUREG/BR-0058 to the Re!Julatory Sponsored by the Office ofNuclear Analysis of the Decommissioning of Power Reactors Rulemaking Reactor Regulation Sponsored by the Office ofNuclear #12 Progression of Construction and Material Sqfety and Sqfeguards Oversight Activities at Vogtle Units 3 and 4
  1. 4 Digital Dashboard for Operating Sponsored by the Office ofNew Reactors Reactor Licensing Actions Sponsored by the Office ofNuclear #13 Public Communication - Learn about the Public Affairs Program at Reactor Regulation the NRG
  1. 5 Enhancements to LIC- 500, Topical Sponsored by the Office ofPublic Affairs Report Process
  1. 14 Reactor Oversight Process Sponsored by the Office ofNuclear Framework and Initiatives Reactor Regulation Sponsored by the Office ofNuclear
  1. 6 Fun Facts on International Exports Reactor Regulation Sponsored by /he Office of International #15 Review of Additive Manufacturing Programs of Metallic Parts via Direct Metal
  1. 7 Harvesting of Aged Materials from Laser Melting Nuclear Power Plants Sponsored by the Office ofNuclear Sponsored by the Office ofNuclear Regulatory Research Regulatory Research #16 Web-based ADAMS - Providin(;
  1. 8 Knowledge Management Public Access to the NRC's Of icial Agency Document Repository Sponsored by the Office ofthe Chief Sponsored by the Office hiformation Human Capital Officer OJ{icPr


  1. 17 What You Need to Know About the Supplemental Proposed Rulemaking for 10 CFR Part 61, "Licensing Requirements Land Disposal of Radioactive Waste" Sponsored by the Office ofNuclear Material Safely and Safeguards
  1. 18 xLPR Version 2 Code Brings State-of-the-art Probabilistic Analysis Capabilities to Nuclear Power Plant Piping Sponsored by the Office ofNuclPar Regulatory Research The content and views in these presentations are those of the presenters and do not necessarily represent the views of the NRC.

30th Annual Regulatory lnfor111at1on Conference 15

Stairs to Lower Level Conference Center Elevator to Upper Level Conference Center Diagram Note to req~ester: This page, and the next page, 1s the "Poster Layout RIC Entrance Lower Level Bethesda North Marriott Hotel & Conference Center 2018_3-1-18" attachment in Amy Hull's

. - - - - - - 1 ~ - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 3 / 5 / 1 8 email.

Restrooms Service Area Q

Overflow Monitor Salon A Salon F

,_ Q)

(l) Salon B Salon D Salon E >,

>, Salon G 0 0 LL LL Salon C Salon H Escalators to NRC crr:rr~ru Lower Level Information Desk I I 2018 RIC ePoster and Digital Presentations Outside Veranda Note: Final ePoster Layout Subject to Change Based Upon Space Requirements and Display Placement!

Technical Poster and Tabletop Presentations

  • (16) Covered cocktail squares or rounds in front of each Display Monitor, (1) Chair in front of each,
  1. s 1, 4,5,7-12, 1, 17 and 18; (2) chairsfor#'s 2,3,6,13,15, 16
  • (2) 6 foot skirted tables in front of Display #13 and 16 with 2 chairs
  • (7) Laptops to be provided by BAV (Poster/tabletop #'s: 2, 6, 13 (2) , 14, 16, and 18)
  • (2) 27" Monitors to be supplied by BAV (ePoster/tabletop #'s: (2) for #16)
  • (17) 46" Monitors to be supplied by BAV (all ePosters except #16)
  • (16) USB Media Players to be supplies by BAV
  • (18) Electricity Required for ALL
  • (6) Internet requests for poster/tabletops #'s: 6, 13 (2) , 14, 16 (2)
  • (1) 6 foot skirted table with 1 chair for NRC Information Desk (first table on Salon H side of foyer)
  • (5) Easels for poster/tabletops #'s: NRC Information Desk; NEA, IAEA, and OECD Tables (lower level), and NMSS/FCIX

Review of Additive Manufacturing by Direct Metal Laser Melting A. Hull, T. Herrity, and C. Moyer, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)

Background and Motivation Current Activities Path Forward The NRG has been informed that parts created by additive manufacturing (AM) The NRG is developing a strategic plan to address the use of additive AM has been identified as a technique that the nuclear industry may use in the are being considered for applications in the operating fleet as early as calendar manufacturing for reactor materials and components. The NRG plans to leverage future. Prevailing questions are: How will AM be used in nuclear power plants, and year 2018. In 2017, industry prototyping efforts involved use of the direct metal ongoing research and evaluation of this technology being performed by Federal when? What is the regulatory infrastructure for determining how safe it is?

laser melting (DMLM) method to manufacture parts for reactor components. The counterparts.

Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research is beginning to evaluate the technology to NRG areas of interest include the quality, properties, and structural performance of gain insight into any technical issues that must be addressed to assure safety and The NRG strategic plan will focus on topic areas of interest identified at the AM parts, including their inspectability. The service performance and aging reliability of specific DMLM-produced components that may be accepted by the Additive Manufacturing for Reactor Materials and Components public meeting: degradation of AM parts are critical. It will be essential to compare the NRG, including design, precursor materials, finished material properties, structural performance of parts from AM and those from conventional manufacturing integrity, nondestructive evaluation, and quality assurance. This welding-based processes.

process may be susceptible to, for example, porosity, systematic defects, and Quality of AM materials and components for nuclear power plants anisotropy of properties not currently addressed for conventionally manufactured Codes and standards development for AM Note to requester: This page components. Properties and structural performance is the "RIC Poster 6 on Challenges to be addressed include the limited understanding of acceptable AM_20180213" attachment ranges of variation for key manufacturing parameters, limited understanding of key Service performance/aging degradation in Amy Hull's 3/5/18 email. failure mechanisms and material anomalies, the potential for systematic defects, On November 28-29, 2017, the NRG held a public meeting entitled, "Additive Regulatory infrastructure cybersecu rity considerations, lack of industry databases, and lack of industry Manufacturing for Reactor Materials and Components." Presentations from specifications and standards. The development of codes and standardsfor AM is 28 speakers representing American and international industry, EPRI, NEI, DoD key to successful implementation.

facilities, DOE and National Laboratories, ASME, ASTM, ANSI, FAA, NASA, and NIST are available in ADAMS (Accession No. ML17338A880).

  • =

International American ASTM Organization Societyof International

'" , Mechanical -A;"1I Standardt~tioo E~ineers IEE~ : ....

SAE lntematlooal 54: American Weld!fli Society Institute of Electr1caland Vf**te" 11 Electronics Engineers 11'(-


~~;:""'"' AAMI As,odaUoo Connectilli QPC, Electronics lnstrumer1tatlon lndustri~

Meta\Pol'lder .

Industries Fedmtlon I

. . AmericaMakes ~ --

DMLM Process Demonstration Specimen at GE Power Advanced Westinghouse sDMLM Examples: Thimble Plugging Device, Advanced Standards Development Organizations Involved with AM Manufacturing Works, Greenville, SC, C. Moyer, December 11, 2017. Debris Filtering Bottom Nozzle, B. Cleary, November 28, 2017. Standardization, J McCabe, November 29, 2017

Harvesting of Aged Materials from Nuclear Power Plants M. Hisera, P. Purtschera, P. Ramuhallib, A.B. Hulla, and R. Tregoninga; 2 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRG), bPacific Northwest National Laboratory Background and Motivation Potential Criteria for Harvesting Prioritization Harvesting Database Recent developments in the nuclear industry include stronger interest in extended A number of criteria may be considered when prioritizing the data needs for The NRC is pursuing the development of a database for sources of materials for plant operation and plans to shut down a number of nuclear power plants (NPPs). In harvesting, including the following: harvesting, which could include both previously harvested materialsand those the United States, there isstrong interest in extending NPP lifespans through

  • Applicability of harvested material for addressing critical gaps available for future harvesting. This database would allow for aligning high-priority subsequent license renewal (SLR) from 60 to 80 years. _ Harvesting for critical gaps is prioritized over less essential technical gaps. data needs to the available sources of materials. The level of detail for the database Extended plant operation and SLRraise a number of technical issues that may should be appropriate for the factors influencing decisionmaking. The NRC is
  • Ease of laboratory replication of the degradation scenario interested in engaging with other organizations in developing the database.

requ ire further research to understand and quantify aging mechanisms. U.S. utilities and the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) have focused on the aging of _ For example, simultaneous thermal and irradiation conditions are difficult to systems, structures, and components and in particular four key SLR issues: reactor replicate, and accelerated aging may not be feasible for a mechanism Path Forward pressure vessel embrittlement, irradiation-assisted stress-corrosion cracking of reactor sensitive to dose rate.

internals, concrete structures and containment degradation, and electrical cable

  • Unique field aspects of degradation In the NRC's experience, harvesting can yield highly representative and valuable data qualification and condition assessment. _ For example, unusual operating experience or legacy material (fabrication on materials aging, but these efforts will be challenging. Having a clearly defined Meanwhile, in recent years, a number of NPPs, both in the United States and methods, etc.) isno longer available. objective and early engagement with other stakeholders are keys to success. As internationally, have shut down or announced plans to shut down for various
  • Fleet-wide vs. plant-specific applicability of data specific harvesting opportunities are identified through thisstrategic approach, the reasons, including economic, political, and technical challenges. Unlike in the past _ There is greater value in addressing an issue applicable to a larger number of NRC welcomes opportunities for cooperation and leveraging of resources with other when there were very few plants shutting down, these new developments provide plants. interested research organizations.

opportunities for harvesting components that were aged in representative

  • Harvesting cost and complexity light-water reactor environments. Plate A (41.22" wide)

_ For example, harvesting In a third related development, economic challenges and limited budgets have unirradiated concrete or electrical restricted the resources available to support new research, including harvesting cables is less expensive and less programs. Given this constrained budget environment, aligning interests and complex than harvesting from the leveraging with other organizations is important to allow maximum benefit and value reactor internals or reactor for future research programs. Plate C (7.8" wide) pressure vessel.

  • Availability of reliable inservice Current Activities inspection (ISi) techniques for the material/component * =52dpa The NRC has recently undertaken an effort, with the assistance of Pacific Northwest

_ If mature inspection methods exist + :32dpa National Laboratory, to develop a strategic approach to harvesting aged materials - :15dpa and are easy to apply, harvesting from NPPs. Because of limited opportunities, past harvesting efforts have been + =11 dpa may be less valuable.

reactive to individual plants shutting down and beginning decommissioning. Given the expected availability of materialsfrom numerous plants and anticipated

  • Availability of materials for harvesting research needs to better understand aging out to 80 years of operation, the NRC is
  • Timeliness of the expected research pursuing a more proactive approach to prioritize the data needs best addressed by results relative to the objective.

harvesting and identify the best sources of materialsto address high-priority data needs for regulatory research. Note to requester: This page is the "RIC The first step in this strategic approach is to prioritize data needs for harvesting. A Poster 8 on Harvesting_20180213" data need describes a particular degradation scenario and should be defined with attachment in Amy Hull's 3/5/18 email.

as much detail as appropriate in terms of the material (alloy, composition, etc.) and environment (temperature, fluence, chemistry, etc.). Lifting operation for irradiated Example of reactor internals harvesting plan materials transport cask

From: Hiser, Matthew Sent: Tue, 10 Oct 2017 14:29:09 +0000 To: Purtsclher, Patrick


FW: Harvesting of Aged Materials from Operating and Decommissioning Nuclear Power Plants Matthew Hiser Materials Engineer US Nuclear Regulatory Commission I Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research Division of Engineering I Corrosion and Metallurgy Branch Phone: 301-415-2454 I Office.* TWFN 10D62 From: Tregoni ng, Robert Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2017 8:32 AM To: Hiser, Allen <>; Hull, Amy <>; Moyer, Carol

<>; Hiser, Matthew <>; Iyengar, Raj

<Raj .>

Cc: Thomas, Brian <>; Wilson, George <>;

Frankl, Istvan <>


RE: Harvesting of Aged Materials from Operating and Decommissioning Nuclear Power Plant s Allen:

Thanks for the head's up and for offering to make a presentation on this for RES. We're targeting to put together a 20 minute presentation on harvesting that we can discuss with you on Thursday morning. We'll also cover your points 2 and 3 at that time.

Cheers, Rob Robert Tregoning Technical Advisor for Materials US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Two White Flint North, M/S T-10 A36 11545 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852-2738 ph: 301-415-2324

fax: 301-415-6671 From: Hiser, Allen Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2017 7:27 AM To: Tregoning, Robert <>; Hull, Amy <>; Moyer, Carol <>; Hiser, Matthew <>; Iyengar, Raj


Cc: Thomas, Brian <>; Wilson, George <>


FW: Harvesting of Aged Materials from Operating and Decommissioning Nuclear Power Plants Importance: High Another twist to the harvesting paper/presentation/poster for the PliM conference.

I am willing to make a presentation at this "side event" if RES will put together slides - I would shoot for 20 minutes.

A couple of questions on this topic:

1. Can RES pull together a presentation in the next day or two, that we can discuss Thursday AM?
2. Has a paper been prepared (it appears from below that this is possible for inclusion in the conference proceedings)? If so, can I get a copy of it, or other background information.
3. When will the poster be available to be mailed to Lyon? (Can I get a copy of what it will look like?)

I am sure that other questiions will arise.


Original Message-----

From: KANG, Ki-Sig [mailto:K.S.Kang@iaea.org1 Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2017 7:17 AM To: Hiser, Allen <>

Cc: KHAELSS, Martina <>; KRIVANEK, Robert

<>; 4th PLiM Conference - Contact Point <4th-PLiM-Conferen ce. Contact-Poi >


[External_Sender] Harvesting of Aged Materials from Operating and Decommissioning Nuclear Power Plants

Dear Allen,

Regarding " Harvesting of Aged Materials from Operating and Decommissioning Nuclear Power Plants", now this paper will be presented on poster session in programme.

I think all of participants will be very interesting to this topic. But we have no time slot to present in oral session. Thus I recommend to arrange a side event to introduce this topic from 13:20 -14:00 on 24, Oct (Tuesday) if you want.

We can arrange the meeting room for presentation and discussion. Please think about and let me know.

Ki- Sig KANG Technical Head (PLiM/L TO)

Nuclear Power Engineering Section Division of Nuclear Power International Atomic Energy Agency Tel: +43 1 2600 22796 Fax: +43 1 2600 29598 E-mail : Ki-Sig .KANG@iaea .org This email message is intended only for the use of the named recipient. Information contained in this email message and its attachments may be privileged, confidential and protected from disclosure. If you are not the intended recipient, please do not read, copy , use or disclose this communication to others. Also please notify the sender by replying to this message and then delete it from your system .

From: Hiser, Matthew Sent: Tue, 10 Oct 201711:34:17 +0000 To: Frankl, Istvan


FW: Harvesting of Aged Materials from Operating and Decommissioning Nuclear Power Plants Importance: High From: Hiser, Allen Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2017 7:27 AM To: Tregoning, Robert <>; Hull, Amy <>; Moyer, Carol <>; Hiser, Matthew <>; Iyengar, Raj


Cc: Thomas, Brian <>; Wilson, George <>


FW: Harvesting of Aged Materials from Operating and Decommissioning Nuclear Power Plants Importance: High Another twist to the harvesting paper/presentation/poster for the PLiM conference.

I am willing to make a presentation at this "side event" if RES will put together slides - I would shoot for 20 minutes.

A couple of questions on this topic:

1. Can RES pull together a presentation in the next day or two, that we can discuss Thursday AM?
2. Has a paper been prepared (it appears from below that this is possible for inclusion in the conference proceedings)? If so, can I get a copy of it, or other background information.
3. When will the poster be available to be mailed to Lyon? (Can I get a copy of what it will look like?)

I am sure that other questiions will arise.


Original Message-----

From: KANG, Ki-Sig [

Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2017 7:17 AM To: Hiser, Allen <>

Cc: KHAELSS, Martina <>; KRIVANEK, Robert

<>; 4th PLiM Conference - Contact Point <>


[External_Sender] Harvesting of Aged Materials from Operating and Decommissioning Nuclear Power Plants

Dear Allen ,

Regarding " Harvesting of Aged Materials from Operating and Decommissioning Nuclear Power Plants", now this paper will be presented on poster session in programme.

I think all of participants will be very interesting to th is topic. But we have no time slot to present in oral session. Thus I recommend to arrange a side event to introduce this topic from 13:20 -14:00 on 24, Oct (Tuesday) if you want.

We can arrange the meeting room for presentation and discussion. Please think about and let me know.

Ki- Sig KANG Technical Head (PLi M/L TO)

Nuclear Power Engineering Section Division of Nuclear Power International Atomic Energy Agency Tel: +43 1 2600 22796 Fax: +43 1 2600 29598 E-mail : This email message is intended only for the use of the named recipient. Information contained in this email message and its attachments may be privileged , confidential and protected from disclosure. If you are not the intended recipient, please do not read, copy, use or disclose this communication to others. Also please notify the sender by replying to this message and then delete it from your system .

From: Hiser, Allen Sent: Wed, 11 Oct 2017 07:13:17 -0600 To: Hiser, Matthew


FW: Harvesting of Aged Materials from Operating and Decommissioning Nuclear Power Plants Importance: High And of course yesterday (??), let's also do a presentation and a paper!

From: Hiser, Allen Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2017 7:27 AM To: Tregoning, Robert <>; Hull, Amy <>; Moyer, Carol <>; Hiser, Matthew <>; Iyengar, Raj


Cc: Thomas, Brian <>; Wilson, George <>


FW: Harvesting of Aged Materials from Operating and Decommissioning Nuclear Power Plants Importance: High Another twist to the harvesting paper/presentation/poster for the PLiM conference.

I am willing to make a presentation at this "side event" if RES will put together slides - I would shoot for 20 minutes.

A couple of questions on this topic:

1. Can RES pull together a presentation in the next day or two, that we can discuss Thursday AM?
2. Has a paper been prepared (it appears from below that this is possible for inclusion in the conference proceedings)? If so, can I get a copy of it, or other background information.
3. When will the poster be available to be mailed to Lyon? (Can I get a copy of what it will look like?)

I am sure that other questiions will arise.


Original Message----

From: KANG, Ki-Sig [mailto:K.S.Kanq@iaea.org1 Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2017 7:17 AM

To: Hiser, Allen <>

Cc: KHAELSS, Martina <>; KRIVANEK, Robert

<>; 4th PLiM Conference - Contact Point <>


[External_Sender] Harvesting of Aged Materials from Operating and Decommissioning Nuclear Power Plants

Dear Allen,

Regarding " Harvesting of Aged Materials from Operating and Decommissioning Nuclear Power Plants", now this paper will be presented on poster session in programme.

I think all of participants will be very interesting to this topic. But we have no time slot to present in oral session. Thus I recommend to arrange a side event to introduce this topic from 13:20-14:00 on 24, Oct (Tuesday) if you want.

We can arrange the meeting room for presentation and discussion. Please think about and let me know.

Ki- Sig KANG Technical Head (PLiM/LTO)

Nuclear Power Engineering Section Division of Nuclear Power International Atomic Energy Agency Tel: +43 1 2600 22796 Fax: +43 1 2600 29598 E-mail: This email message is intended only for the use of the named recipient. Information contained in this email message and its attachments may be privileged, confidential and protected from disclosure. If you are not the intended recipient, please do not read, copy, use or disclose this communication to others. Also please notify the sender by replying to this message and then delete it from your system.

From: Purtsclher, Patrick Sent: Tue, 19 Dec 2017 15:55:35 +0000 To: Hiser, Matthew;Tregoning, Robert;Audrain, Margaret


FW: Harvesting TLR FYI From: Brady, Bennett Sent: Tuesday, December 19, 2017 10:55 AM To: Purtscher, Patrick <>


RE: Harvesting TLR The branch chiefs say that they have a lot of RES reports to review. The branch chiefs and SLs will get together in January to prioritize and set up a schedule for the review of these reports. I will let you know in January when I can get back to you with comments.

Bennett From: Purtscher, Patrick Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2017 8:28 AM To: Brady, Bennett <>


RE: Harvesting TLR I would like to get some feedback, verbal or written, by the middle of January.

Pat From: Brady, Bennett Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2017 10:53 AM To: Purtscher, Patrick <>


RE: Harvesting TLR Thank you, Pat.

I am getting in DMLR to review the TLR. What is the timeline?

Bennett From: Purtscher, Patrick Sent: Monday, December 11, 2017 2:32 PM To: Brady, Bennett <>


FW: Harvesting TLR Here is the report from PNNL related to harvesting of ex-plant materials to support NRR-2017-006, task 2.

Pat From: Ramuhalli, Pradeep [mai lto:Pradeep.Ramuhall]

Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2017 10:29 AM To: Purtscher, Patrick <Patrick.Purtscher@n>

Cc: Hass, Kay E <>; O'Neil, Tara <tara .oneil@pnn l. gov>


[External_Sender] Harvesting TLR

Patrick, Attached is the cleared TLR, w ith the PNNL number included . Let me know if you have any questions.


With best regards, Pradeep Pradeep Ramuhalli, PhD Senior Research Scientist, Applied Phys ics Group Pacific Northwest National Laborato ry 902 Battelle Blvd .

P.O.Box 999, MSIN KS-26 Richland, WA 99352 Tel : 509-375-2763 Email: http://www.pnnl .gov

From: Tregoning, Robert Sent: Wed, 16 Mar 2016 09:22 :34 -0400 To: Obodoako, Aloysius;Hiser, Matthew


FW : Harvesting WG Good news, see below .... .

Robert Tregoning Technical Advisor for Materi als US Nuclear Regulatory Comm iss ion Two White Flint North, M/S T-10 A36 11545 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852-2738 ph: 301-415-2324 Blackberry: 301-873-6393 fax : 301-415-6671 From: McHale, John Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2016 8:46 AM To : Tregoning, Robert <Robert.Tregoning@nrc .gov>


Harvesting WG Rob, After our conversation yesterday, I did confirm with Jeff Poehler that he will be our rep on the harvesting WG . Unfortunate ly, he had al . . . . . . . .. . . . .... .. . . . . * * * *************** *** * * ******* * *** **** *** **** ********J(b~_(6) . . .

(b)(6) I !so he won't be able to make it in today for the meeting. I hope this w ill not be too much

  • of an impact for t oday's meeting and we' ll be able to support better t he next time around .


Note to requester: The RIC poster was attached to this email, it is immediately following.

From: Hiser, Matthew Sent: Wed, 24 Jan 2018 14:45:18 +0000 To: Frankl, Istvan Cc: Purtscher, Patrick


FW: Gentle Reminder for Presentation Submissions to OGC/QTE Importance: High Hi Steve, I have put the harvesting poster info into the RIC template. This is largely the same information that was used for the PLiM meeting late last year. Please review and send on to division management for approval if you approve.


Matt Matthew Hiser Materials Engineer US Nuclear Regulatory Commission I Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research Division of Engineering I Corrosion and Metallurgy Branch Phone: 301-415-2454 I Office.* TWFN 10D62 From: RICMST Resource Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2018 8:09 AM To: Bernardo, Robert <>; Hall, Victor <>; Wilson, Joshua

<>; Jones, Heather <>; Bridge, Joanna

<Joanna.>; Mendiola, Mary <>; Zuberi, Sardar

<>; Dembek, Stephen <>; Yadav, Priya

<>; Gifford, Ian <>; Smith, Todd <>; Orf, Tracy <>; Criuz, Holly <>; Morey, Dennis

<>; Oberson, Greg <>; Hull, Amy <>;

Savoy, Joanne <>; Ralph, Melissa <>; King, Shannon

<>; Hiser, Matthew <>; Armstrong, Kenneth


Cc: RICMST Resource <>; Kipfer, Lorna <>


Gentle Reminder for Presentation Submissions to OGC/QTE Importance: High Good Morning ePoster and Digital Presenters, This is a gentle reminder to do the following:

  • Obtain managerial ap proval for your ePoster and Digital Presentation
  • If your poster has been selected for OGC Review please submit and cc
  • Submit your poster to QTE for Level 1 review (note all ePosters and Digital Presentations should be submitted to QTE for final reviews)

Refer to ePoster and Digital Presentation Flowchart for further guidance (also attached). It is important that you adhere to the due dates as close as possible. If you are unable to meet this deadline please contact me as soon as possible via email or call me at 415-3114.

Once again thank you, Program Specialist ofN11clear Heactor Hcgulation RR/ DYIPS/ RI B Location: 01 3D:'i 30 1-4 15- 3 11 4 Cm!f,m111 Follo w us 011 T witter @nrcgov_ric

Harvesting of Aged Materials from Nuclear Power Plants M. Hisera, P. Purtschera, P. Ramuhallib, A. B. Hulla, and R. Tregoninga; au.s. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRG), bPacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)

Background and Motivation Potential Criteria for Harvesting Prioritization Harvesting Database Recent developments in the nuclear industry include stronger interest in extended A number of criteria may be considered when prioritizing the data needs for The NRC is pursuing the development of a database for sources of materials for plant operation and plans to shut down a number of nuclear power plants (NPPs). In harvesting, including: harvesting, which could include both previously harvested materialsand those the U.S., there is strong interest in extending NPP lifespans through subsequent license

  • Applicability of harvested material for addressing critical gaps available for future harvesting. This database would allow for aligning of high-priority renewal (SLR) from 60 to 80 years. _ Harvesting for critical gaps prioritized over less essential technical gaps. data needsto the available sources of materials. The level of detail for the database Extended plant operation and SLRraise a number of technical issues that may should be appropriate for the factors influencing decision-making. NRC is interested in
  • Ease of laboratory replication of the degradation scenario engaging with other organizations in developing the database requ ire further research to understand and quantify aging mechanisms. U.S. utilities and the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) have focused on the aging of _ For example, simultaneous thermal and irradiation conditions are difficult to systems, structures, and components and in particular four key SLR issues: reactor replicate, and accelerated aging may not be feasible for a mechanism Path Forward pressure vessel (RPV) embrittlement, irradiation-assisted stress corrosion cracking of sensitive to dose rate.

reactor internals, concrete structures and containment degradation, and electrical

  • Unique field aspects of degradation NRC's experience is that harvesting can yield highly representative and valuable data cable qualification and condition assessment. _ For example, unusual operating experience or legacy materials (fabrication on materials aging, but these efforts will be challenging. Having a clearly defined Meanwhile, in recent years, a number of NPPs, both in the U.S. and internationally, methods, etc.) no longer available. objective and early engagement with other stakeholders are keys to success. As have shut down or announced plans to shut down for various reasons, including
  • Fleet-wide vs. plant-specific applicability of data specific harvesting opportunities are identified through thisstrategic approach, the economic, political, and technical challenges. Unlike in the past when there were _ Greater value in addressing an issue applicable to a larger number of plants. NRC welcomes opportunities for cooperation and leveraging of resources with other very few plants shutting down, these new developments provide opportunities for interested research organizations.
  • Harvesting cost and complexity Plate A(41 .22" wide) harvesting components that were aged in representative light water reactor (LWR) environments. _ For example, harvesting un-irradiated concrete or electrical In a third related development, economic challenges and limited budgets have cables less expensive and less restricted the resources available to support new research, including harvesting complex than harvesting from the programs. Given this constrained budget environment, aligning interests and reactor internals or RPV.

leveraging with other organizations is important to allow maximum benefit and value Plate C(7.8" wide) for future research programs.

  • Availability of reliable in-service inspection (ISi) techniques for the Current Activities material/ component

_ If mature inspection methods exist NRC has recently undertaken an effort, with the assistance of Pacific Northwest and are easy to apply, harvesting National Laboratory (PNNL), to develop a strategic approach to harvesting aged may be lessvaluable.

materialsfrom NPPs. Due to limited opportunities, past harvesting efforts have been

  • Availability of materialsfor harvesting reactive to individual plants shutting down and beginning decornrnissioning. Given
  • Timelinessof the expected research the expected availability of materialsfrom numerous plants and anticipated results relative to the ob1ective.

research needs to better understand aging out to 80 years of operation, the NRC is pursuing a more proactive approach to prioritize the data needs best addressed by harvesting and identify the best sources of materialsto addresshigh-priority data needs for regulatory research.

The first step in this strategic approach is to prioritize data needs for harvesting. A data need describes a particular degradation scenario and should be defined with as much detail as appropriate in terms of the material (alloy, composition, etc.) and environment (temperature, fluence, chemistry, etc.). Lifting operation for irradiated Example of reactor internals harvesting plan materials transport cask

Note to requester: The article starting on the bottom of this page is also publicly available at htt ps :// /holtec-international-to-purchase-oyster-creek


From: Moyer, Carol Sent: Tue, 31 Jul 2018 13:24:48 +0000 To: Hiser, Matthew


FW: Holtec International to Purchase Oyster Creek Generating Station &

Decommission Nuclear Plant Within Eight Years Matt, In decommissioning (and harvesting??) news ...

-Carol From: Holtec Internat ional [11] On Behalf Of Holtec International Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2018 9:04 AM To: Moyer, Carol <Carol.>


[Externa l_Sender] Holtec International to Purchase Oyster Creek Generating Station &

Decommission Nuclear Plant Within Eight Years Download HH 33.14 __,

HOLT INTERNAT I ONAL E C Holtec International to Purchase Oyster Creek Generating Station and Decommission Nuclear Plant Within Eight Years

Exelon Generation, tlhe owner of the nation's largest fleet of nuclear energy facilities, and Holtec International, a global leader in used nuclear fuel management technologies, today announced an agreement for Holtec to purchase Oyster Creek Generating Station.

Under the terms of the agreement, which is subject to regulatory approvals, Holtec will assume ownership of the site, real property and used nuclear fuel.

As the site's owner, Holtec will manage all site decommissioning and restoration activities.

The transaction is expected to close in the third quarter of 2019, pending the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's and other regulatory approval, and will not impact the scheduled shutdown of Oyster Creek, as previously announced.

Holtec will be accelerating Oyster Creek's decommissioning timeline with the highest standard of safety, quality and environmental stewardship.

"This landmark agreement is good news for Oyster Creek employees, the Lacey community and the state of New Jersey," said Bryan Hanson, Exelon Generation's chief nuclear officer. "Holtec's commitment to the nuclear industry and its presence in New Jersey will allow many of our employees previously facing relocation to continue living and working in the Garden State. Further, with three decades of experience in nuclear fuel technologies and a partnership with global decommissioning leader SNC-Lavalin, Holtec is ideally positioned to complete the decommissioning of Oyster Creek safely and swiftly."

"It is with wistful pride that we, a New Jersey-born company which has spread around the globe, will take over the State's oldest nuclear plant and decommission it with the latest technologies that will preserve the pristine New Jersey shore and accrete minimal dose to the workers. We hope to offer job

opportunities to the many Oyster Creek-based Exelon employees who may wish to pursue exciting career opportunities with our company, " said Holtec's President & CEO, Dr. Kris Singh.

As the new owner of the plant, Holtec will contract with Comprehensive Decommissioning International, LLC (CDI) to perform the decontamination and decommissioning of the plant. CDI is a joint venture company of Holtec and SNC-Lavalin. Headquartered in Camden, N.J., CDI will bring the expertise of both companies together to ensure safe, rapid, and economic nuclear plant decommissioning. With its experience and state-of-the-art technologies, COi is well equipped to decommission Oyster Creek within eight years, more than 50 years ahead of the industry-allowed 60-year timeline.

As part of the sale agreement, CDI will offer employment to Oyster Creek decommissioning employees, effective upon the transaction closing.

Holtec will submit a new Oyster Creek decommissioning plan, which must be reviewed and approved by the NRC. The process provides opportunities for public review and comment on the plan during the NRC evaluation period.

Holtec recently submitted a license application for an autonomous consolidated interim storage facility (CISF) in New Mexico to accept spent nuclear fuel from all nuclear plants in the US, including from Oyster Creek. Once licensed, fuel could be sent to the New Mexico CISF based upon the established use of interim storage locations by the federal government which would allow Holtec to return the full site to unrestricted use once the fuel has been transported off-site.

The funds from the site's decommissioning trust will be transferred to Holtec

upon closing and will be used by Holtec to cover the cost of the decommissioning. The trust fund was established decades ago to pay for decommissioning, and no additional funds from utility customers will be required.

In February 2018, Exelon Generation announced Oyster Creek will permanently shut down this fall at the end of its current operating cycle. Exelon Generation is required to close Oyster Creek no later than December 20119 as part of an agreement with the State of New Jersey.

Oyster Creek is located about 60 miles east of Philadelphia in Ocean County, N.J. The plant produces 636 net megawatts of zero-emission electricity at full power, enough electricity to supply 600,000 typical homes, the equivalent to all homes in Monmouth and Ocean counties combined.

About Holtec International Ho/tee International is a privately held energy technology company with operation centers in Florida, New Jersey, Ohio and Pennsylvania in the US, and globally in Brazil, Dubai, India, South Africa, Spain, UK and Ukraine.

Ho/tee's principal business concentration is in the nuclear power industry.

Ho/tee has played a preeminent role since the 1980s by densifying wet storage in nuclear plants' spent fuel pools deferring the need for and expense of alternative measures by as much as two decades at over 110 reactor units in the US and abroad. Dry storage and transport of nuclear fuel is another area in which Ho/tee is recognized as the foremost innovator and industry leader with a dominant market share and an active market presence in eighteen countries.

Among the Company's pioneering endeavors are the world's first below-ground Consolidated Interim Storage Facility being developed in New Mexico and a 160-Megawatt walk away safe small modular reactor, SMR-160. The SMR-160

is developed to bring cost competitive carbon-free energy to all corners of the earth including water-challenged regions. Ho/tee is also a major supplier of special-purpose pressure vessels and critical-service heat exchange equipment such as air-cooled condensers, steam generators, feedwater heaters, and water-cooled condensers. Virtually all products produced by the Company are built in its three large manufacturing plants in the US and one in India. Thanks to a solid record of consistent profitability and steady growth since its founding in 1986, Ho/tee has no history of any long-term debt and enjoys a platinum credit rating from the financial markets. Nearly 100 US and international patents protect the Company's intellectual property from predation by its global competitors and lend predictable stability to its business base. To learn more about Ho/tee International, visit:

About Comprehensive Decommissioning International (CDI)

CD/ provides comprehensive project solutions for the accelerated retirement of nuclear power plants. COi's global operations provide expertise and technological innovation to protect the public in an environmentally responsible, safe and ethical manner. The joint venture is committed to the enrichment of the communities in which it operates, employing financially sustainable business practices that ensure the upholding of obligations made as a trusted steward of legacy nuclear materials. To learn more about COi, visit:

For more information, please contact:

Erika Grandrimo, Publisher Phone: (856) 797-0900, ext. 3920 I Email:

From: Hiser, Matthew Sent: Wed, 21 Sep 2016 19:59:24 +0000 To: Watson, Bruce Cc: Carter, Ted


FW: HRP/IAEA/NEA Decommissioning Workshop-Third Announcement Hi Bruce, I am involved with the Halden Reactor Project as part of my responsibilities here in RES and I wanted to share with you a decommissioning workshop that Halden is planning in Norway in February of next year, in case you or any of your staff are interested. NRC is a member of the Halden Reactor Project, so it looks like there would be no registration fee from my reading of the announcement below. If you have any other questions, please feel free to reach out to the contacts listed below or I can help facilitate communication if you'd prefer.

I a lso spoke with you a few months ago regarding harvesting materials from decommissioning plants. Regarding the material harvesting effort, we are looking at reaching out to plants (both already shutdown and planning to shutdown) to inquire about technical information regarding what materials they have available and whether tlney might be of interest for harvesting. I want to make sure this is coordinated through the proper channels, so I am reaching out to DORL in NRR for plants still operating. For plants that have already shutdown, would your branch be the proper place within NRC to work through in order to find information regarding contacts to the plants/utilities that I could reach out to?


Matt Matthew Hiser Materials Engineer US Nuclear Regulatory Commission I Office of Nuclear Regulatory Resea rch Division of Engineering I Corrosion and Metallurgy Branch Phone: 301-415-2454 I Qfjice: TWFN 10D62 From : Jannicke M argrethe Neeb [ mailto:jannicke.neeb@if e.n o]

Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2016 6:08 AM To: Tregoning, Robert <>


[ External_Sender) HRP/IAEA/NEA Decomm issioning Workshop -Tlh ird Announcement

Dear Robert TREGONING,

A workshop on "Current and Emergi ng Methods for Optimising Safety and Efficiency in Nuclear Decommissioning" (7th - 9 th February 2017) organised by the Institute for Energy Technoll ogy (IFE) on behalf of the OECD Halden Reactor Project {OECD-HRP) in collaboration with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA).

Registration is now open on the Workshop Home Page.

PLEASE NOTE!: Due to the high interest the venue for the workshop has been moved to Qua lity Hotel Sarpsborg (about 30 km from Halden), and the deadline for early bird registration has been changed to November 1. The registration fee has also been reduced!

Cost s:

Regi stration fee:

450 EUR by October 31 650 EUR after October 31 Registration fee will be waived for tlhree participants from each IHRP member organisati on, as well as al l IA EA and NEA staff.

Accommodation at workshop site (Quality Hotel Sarpsborgl:

The hotel is situated approximately 4 kilometres from Sarpsborg city centre. Since there are no other hotels and restaurants in the nearby area, we recommend you to take advant age of our offer for accommodation with fu ll pension:

  • Doulble room (1 person) 16.50 NOK (currently ~130 EUR) pr. person per day, including ful l pension (breakfast, lunch and dinner) and use of hotel commod it ies.
  • Double room (2 person) 1350 NOK (~147 EUR) pr. person per day, including fu ll pension (breakfast, lunch and dinner) and use of hotel commodities.

For those w ishing to stay at other hotels we request:

  • a da ily charge for 550 NOK (~60 EUR) pr. person per day that covers all coffee breaks and lunclh at the worlkshop hotel; and
  • a ti clket for the w orkshop dinner ticket for 580 NOK (~63 EUR) if you w ish to participate.

For those staying in the workshop hotel this is included in the registration fee and hotel price.


Abstracts should be submitt ed by November 30.

Maximum one A4 page (12 pt, 25mm margins) abstracts written in English are expected.

Abstracts can be submitted via email to Jannicke.Neeb@ Authors will be notified by December 23.

Finall presentation and paper:

Presentations for accepted abstracts should be submitted by January 31.

Submittal of a paper is also welcome. Dead line is January 31.

Papers will be uploaded onto the workshop website at your discretion.

Please distribute this invitation!

We are looking forward t o see you in February!

With Kindest Regards from the organisers,_

Jannicke Margrethe Neeb (IFE - workshop secretary) : Inge Weber (OECD-NEA): l nge.WEBER@oecd .org Vladimir Michal (IAEA): V.M icha Grete Rindahl (IFE / OECD-HRP): Grete.Rinda Espen Nystad (IFE / OECD-HRP): Espen .Nystad@ if Istvan Szoke (IFE / OECD-HRP):

From: Hull, Amy Sent: Wed, 4 Oct 2017 12:04:59 -0400 To: Hiser, Matthew


FW: I recommend we go forward with NRR presenting our work..... : PLiM Conference Did you withdraw?


MOYER From: Hiser, Allen Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2017 11:51 AM To: Thomas, Brian <>

Cc: Moyer, Carol <>; Frankl, Istvan <>; Hu ll, Amy

<>; Iyengar, Raj <>; Tregon ing, Robert

<>; Regan, Christopher <>


RE: I recommend we go forward with NRR presenting our work.....: PLiM Conference

Dear Brian ,

I just want to clarify that the only paper for PLiM is this one:

Regulatory Research on the Aging Management of Structures, Systems and Components in Nuclear Power Plants Supporting License Renewal C.E. MOYER, A.B. HULL, M. Sircar, J. Philip, J. E. Pires, D. D. Murdock, T. Koshi Also, my last day in the office is October 12, so hopefully I will be able to have time that day or earlier to discuss the presentation material with the originators.

Allen From: Thomas, Brian Sent: Friday, September 29, 2017 1:35 PM To: Hiser, Allen <>

Cc: Moyer, Carol <>; Frankl, Istvan <>; Hu ll, Amy

<>; Iyengar, Raj <>; Tregon ing, Robert

<>; Freeman, Eric <>; Wilson, George

<>; Regan, Christopher <>


RE: I recommend we go forward with NRR presenting our work ..... : PLiM Conference


As promised, I have checked-in with Steve Frankl and Amy Hull, and we agree that since we (a number of folks have contributed) have made significant progress in preparing the research presentation, we would be happy to accept your offer. We are in the 'home stretch' for completing the work, and it should be ready, in draft, within the next week. Once we get all the material, we can consider what aspects of it you can deliver based on the agenda and how the research sessions align or not align with your sessions.

Let's talk about how we see things unfolding.

Thanks. Have a good weekend!

Brian From: Hull, Amy Sent: Friday, September 29, 2017 10:15 AM To: Thomas, Brian <>

Cc: Moyer, Carol <>; Frankl, Istvan <>


I recommend we go forward with NRR presenting our work ..... : PLiM Conference

Brian, (b)(6)

Carol is I *I I have been working on both presentations and they are both in pretty good shape and soon coming to you to sign off on. I recommend that we let NRR make the presentations for RES; many people in RES/DE already have much time invested in writing the papers, and preparing both the oral and poster presentations. We are in the 'home stretch' of this work, and it would be unfortunate to withdraw our presentations.




Thanks, Amy From: Thomas, Brian Sent: Friday, September 29, 2017 9:09 AM

To: Hiser, Allen <>; Freeman, Eric <>; Wilson, George


Cc: Frankl, Istvan <>; Moyer, Carol <>; Regan, Christopher

<>; Hull, Amy <>; Tregoning, Robert

<>; Iyengar, Raj <>


RE: PLiM Conference

Allen, Thank you for the offer. The idea crossed my mind. If you can do that it would go a long way towards satisfying expectations our international partners. I will check in with Steve and Carol and get back with you on your offer.

Brian From: Hiser, Allen Sent: Friday, September 29, 2017 8:57 AM To: Thomas, Brian <>; Freeman, Eric <>; Wilson, George


Cc: Frankl, Istvan <>; Moyer, Carol <>; Vera, Graciela

<>; Cole, Cassandra <>; Regan, Christopher

<>; Hull, Amy <>; Tregoning, Robert

<>; Iyengar, Raj <>


RE: PLiM Conference

Brian, What is the status of the RES presentation & paper?

If needed, I can make the presentation for RES.

Allen From: Thomas, Brian Sent: Friday, September 29, 2017 8:55 AM To: Freeman, Eric <>; Wilson, George <>; Hiser, Allen


Cc: Frankl, Istvan <>; Moyer, Carol <>; Vera, Graciela

<>; Cole, Cassandra <>; Regan, Christopher

<>; Hull, Amy <>; Tregoning, Robert

<>; Iyengar, Raj <>


PLiM Conference Eric, George, Allen, After further discussion of this matter with Mike Weber, RES has decided to not participate in the PLiM Conference this year. Notwithstanding that George has been invited as Keynote speaker, and the RES travel was previously (initially) approved , Mike has expressed concerns

that we are even planning on sending additional staff to the conference given all our higher priority program activities. He also thinks, and I agree, that we address research to support SLR through a number of different venues in our interactions with the international community.

Our plans were well intended, however, given our priorities coupled with our drive to be more efficient and effective in the conduct of research we will not participate in this year's PLiM Conference.

Please stop all activities to prepare for the research part of the conference. Thanks to all the staff who provided your support in preparation for RES to be presented in the conference.

Brian From: Hiser, Allen Sent: Monday, September 25, 2017 5:18 AM To: Freeman, Eric <>

Cc: Wilson, George <>; Thomas, Brian <>


Fwd : [External_Sender] CN-246_ PliM conference - pending designation

Eric, Any assistance is appreciated.
Thanks, Allen

Original Message --------

From: "KHAELSS, Martina" <>

Date: Mon, September 25, 2017 9:33 AM +0200 To:, "Hiser, Allen" <>,,, "Thomas, Brian" <>., "Wilson, George" <>


[Extemal_Sender] CN-246_PLiM conference - pending designation RE: Fourth International Conference on Nuclear Power Plant Life Management (PLiM), 23-27 October 2017, Lyon, France

Dear Madam/Sir,

You are registered for above conference but we are still awaiting approval from your authorities.

Thus, we have not yet been able to send you the final confirmation, logistical details & login to the local web site providing access to hotel, meal, gala dinner, tour bookings.

Above will be provided as soon as your official designation has been received.

Kind regards Ms Martina KHAELSS Conference Service Assistant Conference ServicesSection I Division of Conference and Document Services! Department of Management I

International Atomic Energy Agency Vienna International Centre, PO Box 100, 1400 Vienna, Austria I T: (+43-1) 2600-213151 M: !  ! F: (+43-1) 2600-7-213151 (b)(6)\ ,

60 Years IA EA t\tomf for Peace ,md D<!l*dopmefll Follow us on PLiM conference web site This email message is intended only for the use of the named recipient. Information contained in this email message and its attachments may be privileged, confidential and protected from disclosure. If you are not the intended recipient, please do not read, copy, use or disclose this

communication to others. Also please notify the sender by replying to this message and then delete it from your system.

From: Hull, Amy Sent: Fri, 29 Sep 201710:18:39 -0400 To: Hiser, Matthew;Purtscher, Patrick


FW: I recommend we go forward with NRR presenting our work..... : PLiM Conference FYI. I did what I could.

From: Hull, Amy Sent: Friday, September 29, 2017 10:15 AM To: Thomas, Brian <>

Cc: Moyer, Carol <>; Frankl, Istvan (

<Istvan. Fra>


I recommend we go forward with NRR presenting our work ..... : PLiM Conference

Brian, (b)(6)

Carol is!  ! I have been working on both presentations and they are both in pretty good shape and soon coming to you to sign off on. I recommen d that we let NRR make the presentations for RES; many people in RES/DE already have much time invested in writing the papers, and preparing both the oral and poster presentations. We are in the 'home stretch' of this work, and it would be unfortunate to withdraw our presentations.




Thanks, Amy From: Thomas, Brian Sent: Friday, September 29, 2017 9:09 AM To: Hiser, Allen <>; Freeman, Eric <>; Wilson, George


Cc: Frankl, Istvan <>; Moyer, Carol <>; Regan, Christopher

<>; Hull, Amy <>; Tregoning, Robert

<>; Iyengar, Raj <Raj>


RE: PLiM Conference

Allen, Thank you for the offer. The idea crossed my mind. If you can do that it would go a long way towards satisfying expectations our international partners. I will check in with Steve and Carol and get back with you on your offer.

Brian From: Hiser, Allen Sent: Friday, September 29, 2017 8:57 AM To: Thomas, Brian <>; Freeman, Eric <>; Wilson, George


Cc: Frankl, Istvan <>; Moyer, Carol <>; Vera, Graciela

<>; Cole, Cassandra <>; Regan, Christopher

<>; Hull, Amy <>; Tregoning, Robert

<Robert>; Iyengar, Raj <>


RE: PLiM Conference

Brian, What is the status of the RES presentation & paper?

If needed, I can make the presentation for RES.

Allen From: Thomas, Brian Sent: Friday, September 29, 2017 8:55 AM To: Freeman, Eric <>; Wilson, George <>; Hiser, Allen


Cc: Frankl, Istvan <>; Moyer, Carol <>; Vera, Graciela

<>; Cole, Cassandra <>; Regan, Christopher

<Christopher.Regan@n>; Hull, Amy <>; Tregoning, Robert

<>; Iyengar, Raj <>


PLiM Conference Eric, George, Allen, After further discussion of this matter with Mike Weber, RES has decided to not participate in the PLiM Conference this year. Notwithstanding that George has been invited as Keynote speaker, and the RES travel was previously (initially) approved , Mike has expressed concerns that we are even planning on sending additional staff to the conference given all our higher priority program activities. He also thinks, and I agree, that we address research to support SLR through a number of different venues in our interactions with the international community.

Our plans were well intended, however, given our priorities coupled with our drive to be more efficient and effective in the conduct of research we will not participate in this year's PLiM Conference.

Please stop all activities to prepare for the research part of the conference. Thanks to all the staff who provided your support in preparation for RES to be presented in the conference.

Brian From: Hiser, Allen Sent: Monday, September 25, 2017 5:18 AM To: Freeman, Eric <>

Cc: Wilson, George <>; Thomas, Brian <>


Fwd: [External_Sender) CN-246_ PLiM conference - pending designation

Eric, Any assistance is appreciated.
Thanks, Allen

Original Message --------

From: "KHAELSS, Martina" <>

Date: Mon, September 25, 2017 9:33 AM +0200 To:, "Hiser, Allen" <>,, ronaldo.szilard@inl. gov, "Thomas, Brian" <>. john.wagner@inl. gov, "Wilson, George" <>


[Extemal_Sender] CN-246_PLiM conference - pending designation RE: Fourth International Conference on Nuclear Power Plant Life Management (PLiM), 23-27 October 2017, Lyon, France

Dear Madam/Sir,

You are registered for above conference but we are still awaiting approval from your authorities.

Thus, we have not yet been able to send you the final confirmation, logistical details & login to the local web site providing access to hotel, meal, gala dinner, tour bookings.

Above will be provided as soon as your official designation has been received .

Kind regards Ms Martina KHAELSS I Conference Service Assistant Conference Services Section Division of Conference and Document Services! Department of Management I International Atomic Energy Agency I Vienna International Centre, PO Box 100, 1400 Vienna, Austria T: (+43-1) 2600-21315 IM:! F: (+43- 1) 2600-7-21315 [


60 Years IA EA Atomf for Pea ,, mu/{) l'elopm nr Follow us on PLiM conference web site This email message is intended only for the use of the named recipient. Information contained in this email message and its attachments may be privileged, confidential and protected from disclosure. If you are not the intended recipient, please do not read, copy, use or disclose this communication to others. Also please notify the sender by replying to this message and then delete it from your system.

From: Hull, Amy Sent: Wed, 4 Oct 2017 12:35:35 -0400 To: Hiser, Matthew Subject : FW: I recommend we go forward with NRR presenting our work..... : PLiM Conference Looks like Steve F. did not follow up. I was about to do reply all with the correction, but then noticed your email to Steve, and agreed that it was his job to support his staff.

From: Thomas, Brian Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2017 12:32 PM To: Hiser, Allen <>

Cc: Moyer, Carol <>; Frankl, Istvan <>; Hull, Amy

<>; Iyengar, Raj <>; Tregoning, Robert

<>; Regan, Christopher <>


Re: I recommend we go forward with NRR present ing our work..... : PLiM Conference

Allen, Thanks for getting back to me on this. Please go ahead and coordinate with Steve Frankl and staff on the paper and presentation material. I expect to see the final draft of the material that is to be provided to you. Given that and your need to have the material sooner than expected,! expect that they will have accelerate their efforts a little to get the material to you before Oct. 12th.

Thanks again Brian On: 04 October 2017 11:50, "Hiser, Allen" <> wrote:

Dear Brian,

I just want to clarify that the only paper for PliM is this one:

Regulatory Research on the Aging Management of Structures, Systems and Components in Nuclear Power Plants Supporting License Renewal C.E. MOYER, A.B. HULL, M. Sircar, J. Philip, J. E Pires, D. D. Murdock, T. Koshi Also, my last day in the office is October 12, so hopefully I will be able to have time that day or earlier to discuss the presentation material with the originators.


From: Thomas, Brian Sent: Friday, September 29, 2017 1:35 PM To: Hiser, Allen <>

Cc: Moyer, Carol <>; Frankl, Istvan <>; Hu ll, Amy

<>; Iyengar, Raj <>; Tregoning, Robert

<>; Freeman, Eric <>; Wilson, George

<>; Regan; Christopher <>


RE: I recommend we go forward with NRR presenting our work ..... : PLiM Conference

Allen, As promised, I have checked-in with Steve Frankl and Amy Hull, and we agree that since we (a number of folks have contributed) have made significant progress in preparing the research presentation, we would be happy to accept your offer. We are in the 'home stretch' for completing the work, and it should be ready, in draft, within the next week. Once we get all the material, we can consider what aspects of it you can deliver based on the agenda and how the research sessions align or not align with your sessions.

Let's talk about how we see things unfolding.

Thanks. Have a good weekend!

Brian From: Hull, Amy Sent: Friday, September 29, 2017 10:15 AM To: Thomas, Brian <>

Cc: Moyer, Carol <>; Frankl, Istvan <>


I recommend we go forward with NRR presenting our work ..... : PLiM Conference

Brian, (b)(6)

Carol is! I I have been working on both presentations and they are both in pretty good shape and soon coming to you to sign off on. I recommen d that we let NRR make the presentations for RES; many people in RES/DE already have much time invested in writing the papers, and preparing both the oral and poster presentations. We are in the 'home stretch' of this work, and it would be unfortunate to withdraw our presentations.




Thanks, Amy From: Thomas, Brian Sent: Friday, September 29, 2017 9:09 AM To: Hiser, Allen <>; Freeman, Eric <>; Wilson, George


Cc: Frankl, Istvan <>; Moyer, Carol <>; Regan, Christopher

<>; Hull, Amy <>; Tregoning, Robert

<>; Iyengar, Raj <Raj>


RE: PLiM Conference

Allen, Thank you for the offer . The idea crossed my mind. If you can do that it would go a long way towards satisfying expectations our international partners. I will check in with Steve and Carol and get back with you on your offer.

Brian From: Hiser, Allen Sent: Friday, September 29, 2017 8:57 AM To: Thomas, Brian <>; Freeman, Eric <>; Wilson, George


Cc: Frankl, Istvan <>; Moyer, Carol <>; Vera, Graciela

<>; Cole, Cassandra <>; Regan, Christopher

<>; Hull, Amy <>; Tregoning, Robert

<>; Iyengar, Raj <>


RE: PLiM Conference

Brian, What is the status of the RES presentation & paper?

If needed, I can make the presentation for RES.

Allen From: Thomas, Brian Sent: Friday, September 29, 2017 8:55 AM To: Freeman, Eric <>; Wilson, George <>; Hiser, Allen


Cc: Frankl, Istvan <lstvan.Frankl@>; Moyer, Carol <>; Vera, Graciela

<Graciela.Vera@n>; Cole, Cassandra <>; Regan, Christopher

<Christopher.Regan@n>; Hull, Amy <>; Tregoning, Robert

<>; Iyengar, Raj <Raj>


PLiM Conference Eric, George, Allen, After further discussion of this matter with Mike Weber, RES has decided to not participate in the PLiM Conference this year. Notwithstanding that George has been invited as Keynote speaker, and the RES travel was previously (initially) approved, Mike has expressed concerns that we are even planning on sending additional staff to the conference given all our higher priority program activities. He also thinks, and I agree, that we address research to support SLR through a number of different venues in our interactions with the international community.

Our plans were well intended, however, given our priorities coupled with our drive to be more efficient and effective in the conduct of research we will not participate in this year's PLiM Conference.

Please stop all activities to prepare for the research part of the conference. Thanks to all the staff who provided your support in preparation for RES to be presented in the conference.

Brian From: Hiser, Allen Sent: Monday, September 25, 2017 5:18 AM To: Freeman, Eric <>

Cc: Wilson, George <>; Thomas, Brian <>


Fwd: [External_Sender] CN-246_PLiM conference - pending designation

Eric, Any assistance is appreciated.
Thanks, Allen

Original Message --------

From: "KHAELSS, Martina" <>

Date: Mon, September 25, 2017 9:33 AM +0200 To:, '"Hiser, Allen" <>, leonardk@oml. gov,, "Thomas, Brian" <>., "Wilson, George" <George.W>


[Extemal_Sender] CN-246_PLiM conference - pending designation

RE: Fourth International Conference on Nuclear Power Plant Life Management (PLiM}, 23-27 October 2017, Lyon, France

Dear Madam/Sir,

You are registered for above conference but we are still awaiting approval from your authorities.

Thus, we have not yet been able to send you the final confirmation, logistical details & login to the loca l web site providing access to hotel, meal, gala dinner, tour bookings.

Above w ill be provided as soon as you r offic ial designation has been received .

Kind regards Ms Martina KHAELSS I Conference Service Assistant Conference Services Section Division of Conference and Document Services! Department of Management I International Atomic Energy Agency Vienna International Centre. PO Box 100, 1400 Vienna. Austria Email:m.khaelss@ I T: (+43-1) 2600-21315 IM: !  ! F: (+43-1) 2600-7-21315 I (b )(6)\\


Note to requester: The IAEA logo after her contact information did not come through in our redaction software , instead it created a box with an X inside it.

Note to requester: After the IAEA web site ,

there are 5 small social media icons, which did 0 X X x 0 not come through in our redaction software.

Follow us on PLiM conference web site This emai l message is intended only for the use of the named recipient. Information contained in this email message and its attachments may be privileged, confidential and protected from disclosure. If you are not the intended recipient, please do not read, copy, use or disclose this communication to others. Also please notify the sender by replying to this message and then delete it from your system.

From: Hiser, Allen Sent: Wed, 11 Oct 2017 07:08:07 -0600 To: Hiser, Matthew


FW: I recommend we go forward with NRR presenting our work..... : PLiM Conference This is the first I was aware of the poster.

From: Hiser, Allen Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2017 1:52 PM To: Tregoning, Robert <>

Cc: Moyer, Carol <>; Frankl, Istvan <>; Hull, Amy



RE: I recommend we go forward with NRR presenting our work ..... : PLiM Conference I do not see the poster on the agenda for PLiM .

Allen From: Tregoning, Robert Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2017 1:49 PM To: Hiser, Allen <>

Cc: Moyer, Carol <>; Frankl, Istvan <>; Hu ll, Amy



RE: I recommend we go forward with NRR presenting our work.....: PLiM Conference Allen:

I forgot to add that we also have a poster on material harvesting for PLiM that 1 ...____ __.lis utting together, so we have to add this to the list of topics to cover.

(b )(6}..

Cheers, Rob Robert Tregoning Technical Advisor for Materials US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Two White Flint North, M/S T-10 A36 11545 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852-2738 ph: 301-415-2324 fax: 301-415-6671 From: Tregoning, Robert Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2017 1:41 PM To: Hiser, Allen <>

Cc: Moyer, Carol <>; Frankl, Istvan <>; Hull, Amy



RE: I recommend we go forward with NRR presenting our work.....: PLiM Conference Allen:

This is the only RES paper for PLiM. Once you have the paper and slides, I would expect that only a brief meeting will be necessary on this to make sure that we are in alignment on key messages and we can answer any questions that you have. The other thing that we'd like you at PLiM is represent us at a side-bar meeting on IFRAM. We will therefore need to get you up-to-speed on the efforts of IFRAM, the players at the side bar, and the objectives that we are trying to accomplish during that meeting. This effort may require more time to get you up to speed. I estimate that we will need between 1 - 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> to cover both topics, depending on the questions that you have and the level of discussion depth.

Your schedule is challenging. Can you identify a few windows between now and 10/12 when we can meet to discuss both PliM and the IFRAM side-bar meeting?

Cheers, Rob Robert Tregoning Technical Advisor for Materials US Nuclear Regulatory Comm ission Two White Flint North, M/S T-10 A36 11545 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852-2738 ph: 301-415-2324 fax: 301-415-6671 From: Hiser, Allen Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2017 11:51 AM To: Thomas, Brian <>

Cc: Moyer, Carol <>; Frankl, Istvan <lstvan.Fran>; Hull, Amy

<>; Iyengar, Raj <Ra>; Tregoning, Robert

<>; Regan, Christopher <>


RE: I recommend we go forward with NRR presenting our work.....: PLiM Conference

Dear Brian,

I just want to clarify that the only paper for PliM is this one:

Regulatory Research on the Aging Management of Structures, Systems and Components in Nuclear Power Plants Supporting License Renewal C.E. MOYER, A.B. HULL, M. Sircar, J. Philip, J. E. Pires, D. D. Murdock, T. Koshi Also, my last day in the office is October 12, so hopefully I will be able to have time that day or earlier to discuss the presentation material with the originators.

Allen From: Thomas, Brian Sent: Friday, September 29, 2017 1:35 PM To: Hiser, Allen <>

Cc: Moyer, Carol <>; Frankl, Istvan <>; Hu ll, Amy

<>; Iyengar, Raj <>; Tregoning, Robert

<>; Freeman, Eric <>; Wilson, George

<>; Regan, Christopher <>


RE: I recommend we go forward with NRR presenting our work ..... : PLiM Conference

Allen, As promised, I have checked-in with Steve Frankl and Amy Hull, and we agree that since we (a number of folks have contributed) have made significant progress in preparing the research presentation, we would be happy to accept your offer. We are in the 'home stretch' for completing the work, and it should be ready, in draft, within the next week. Once we get all the material, we can consider what aspects of it you can deliver based on the agenda and how the research sessions align or not align with your sessions.

Let's talk about how we see things unfolding.

Thanks. Have a good weekend!

Brian From: Hull, Amy Sent: Friday, September 29, 2017 10:15 AM To: Thomas, Brian <>

Cc: Moyer, Carol <>; Frankl, Istvan <>


I recommend we go forward with NRR presenting our work .....: PLiM Conference

Brian, Carol is out today. I have been working on both presentations and they are both in pretty good shape and soon coming to you to sign off on. I recommend that we let NRR make the presentations for RES; many people in RES/DE already have much time invested in writing the papers, and preparing both the oral and poster presentations. We are in the 'home stretch' of this work, and it would be unfortunate to withdraw our presentations.





Thanks, Amy From: Thomas, Brian Sent: Friday, September 29, 2017 9:09 AM To: Hiser, Allen <Allen>; Freeman, Eric <>; Wilson, George


Cc: Frankl, Istvan <>; Moyer, Carol <>; Regan, Christopher

<>; Hull, Amy <>; Tregoning, Robert

<>; Iyengar, Raj <>


RE: PLiM Conference

Allen, Thank you for the offer. The idea crossed my mind. If you can do that it would go a long way towards satisfying expectations our international partners. I will check in with Steve and Carol and get back with you on your offer.

Brian From: Hiser, Allen Sent: Friday, September 29, 2017 8:57 AM To: Thomas, Brian <>; Freeman, Eric <>; Wilson, George


Cc: Frankl, Istvan <>; Moyer, Carol <>; Vera, Graciela

<>; Cole, Cassandra <>; Regan, Christopher

<>; Hull, Amy <>; Tregoning, Robert

<>; Iyengar, Raj <>


RE: PLiM Conference

Brian, What is the status of the RES presentation & paper?

If needed, I can make the presentation for RES.


From: Thomas, Brian Sent: Friday, September 29, 2017 8:55 AM To: Freeman, Eric <>; Wilson, George <>; Hiser, Allen


Cc: Frankl, Istvan <>; Moyer, Carol <>; Vera, Graciela

<Graciela.Vera@n>; Cole, Cassandra <>; Regan, Christopher

<ChristopheLRegan@n>; Hull; Amy <>; Tregoning, Robert

<>; Iyengar, Raj <Raj>


PLiM Conference Eric, George, Allen, After further discussion of this matter with Mike Weber, RES has decided to not participate in the PLiM Conference this year. Notwithstanding that George has been invited as Keynote speaker, and the RES travel was previously (initially) approved, Mike has expressed concerns that we are even planning on sending additional staff to the conference given all our higher priority program activities. He also thinks, and I agree, that we address research to support SLR through a number of different venues in our interactions with the international community.

Our plans were well intended, however, given our priorities coupled with our drive to be more efficient and effective in the conduct of research we will not participate in this year's PLiM Conference.

Please stop all activities to prepare for the research part of the conference. Thanks to all the staff who provided your support in preparation for RES to be presented in the conference.

Brian From: Hiser, Allen Sent: Monday, September 25, 2017 5:18 AM To: Freeman, Eric <>

Cc: Wilson, George <>; Thomas, Brian <>


Fwd: [External_Sender] CN-246_PLiM conference - pending designation

Eric, Any assistance is appreciated.
Thanks, Allen

Original Message --------

From: "KHAELSS, Martina" <>

Date: Mon, September 25, 2017 9:33 AM +0200 To:, "Hiser, Allen" <>,,, "Thomas, Brian" <>.,

"Wilson, George" <>


[Extemal_Sender] CN-246_PLiM conference - pending designation RE: Fourth International Conference on Nuclear Power Plant Life Management {PLiM}, 23-27 October 2017, Lyon, France

Dear Madam/Sir,

You are registered for above conference but we are still awaiting approval from your authorities.

Thus, we have not yet been able to send you the final confirmation, logistical details & login to the local web site providing access to hotel, meal, gala dinner, tour bookings.

Above w ill be provided as soon as you r official designation has been received.

Kind regards Ms Martina KHAELSS I Conference Service Assistant I Conference Services Section Division of Conference and Document Services! Department of Management I international Atomic Energy Agency Vienna International Centre, PO Box 100, 1400 Vienna, Austria I T: (+43-1) 2600-21315 IM: I I F: (+43-1) 2600-7-21315 I (b)(6) \

60 Years IA EA Atom~ for P,*aet' and Dt*rt'!IJJ111u*111

Follow us on PLiM conference web site This email message is intended only for the use of the named recipient. Information contained in this email message and its attachments may be privileged, confidential and protected from disclosure. If you are not the intended recipient, please do not read, copy, use or disclose this communication to others. Also please notify the sender by replying to this message and then delete it from your system.

From: Tregoning, Robert Sent: Wed, 5 Oct 2016 10:30:23 -0400 To: Hiser, M atthew;Purtscher, Patrick


FW: ICOND 2016 - International Confer ence on Nuclear Decommissioning - 21st-24th November - Aachen - Germany Another interesting conference of interest to our harvesting efforts . ....

Robert Tregon ing Technical Advisor for Materials US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Two White Flint North, M/S T-10 A36 11545 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852-2738 ph: 301-415-2324 fax: 301-415-6671 From: Hull, Amy Sent: Wednesday, October 05, 2016 10:25 AM To: Tregoning, Robert <>

Cc: Frankl, Istvan <lstvan.Frankl>


FW: ICOND 2016 - International Conference on Nuclear Decommissioning - 21st-24th November

- Aachen - Germany Just passing on before deleting (am not sure who gets what info) Maybe of interest re strategic harvesting ?

From: Andreas Havenith (mailto]

Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2016 3:03 AM To: Hull, Amy <>


[External_Sender] ICOND 2016 - International Conference on Nuclear Decommissioning - 21st-24th November - Aachen - Germany

Dear Mrs. Dr. Amy Hull,

In autumn 2016, the decision of the Federal Constitutional Court to phase out nuclear power in Germany is expected.

Will the German government be liable for financial damages caused by the phase-out?

The 5th International Conference on Nuclear Decommissioning (ICOND) provides a platform for professional exchange.

The conference focuses on decommissioning strat egies, project management, cost-effective approaches and waste management.

Decision makers and project managers of the utilities, nuclear industry executives and experts from technical safety organizations and regulators are among the participants.

We are pleased that M r. Jan C. Homan (Managing Director of PreussenElektra GmbH, formerly E.ON Kern kraft GmbH) will give an overview of decommissioning in Germany and short-term development s.

Furthermore, M r. Kjell Westerberg, head of decommissioning at Vattenfall AB, will repo rt on the situation in Sweden .

The ICOND takes place in Aachen (Germany) from 22nd to 24th November 2016. On November 21st a pre-conference workshop will be offered .

You can find the progra mme on our website: Just in time for the ICOND 2016, the Aachen Christmas market starts, which was voted to be one of the most beautiful Christmas markets in Europe.

We offer an early bird discount of 10% for bookings up to and including 16th of September 2016.

Representatives of nuclear regulatory and licensing authorities as well as government departments and academic institutions receive an additional discount of 20%.

The ICOND will be accompanied by an exhibit ion. An up-to-date exhibitor list is available at: If you have any quest ions or remarks, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind Regards Andreas Havenith Aachen Institute for Nuclear Training GmbH (AiNT)

CockerillstraBe 100 52222 Stolberg (Rhld.)

Germany Dr.-lng. Andreas Havenith Managing Director Tel: +49 24147 58 32 45 Fax: +49 24147 58 32 21 Mobile: j .. j(~)(?)

E-Mail: Web: www.icond .de Register court: Aachen Register number : HRB 16884 VAT ID: DE277764612

From: Frankl, Istvan Sent: Wed, 7 Sep 2016 09:41:57 -0400 To: Hiser, M atthew;Purtscher, Patrick Cc: Hull, Amy


FW: ICOND 2016 - International Confer ence on Nuclear Decommissioning - 21st-24th November

  • Aachen
  • Germany FYI May be a good source for developing harvesting related contacts in Germany.

Steve From: Andreas Havenith [12]

Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2016 2:50 AM To: Frankl, Istvan <>


[External_Sender] ICOND 2016 - International Conference on Nuclear Decommissioning - 21st-24th November - Aachen - Germany

Dear Mr. Istvan Frankl,

In autumn 2016, the decision of the Federal Constitutional Court to phase out nuclear power in Germany is expected.

Will the German government be liable for financial damages caused by the phase-out?

The sth International Conference on Nuclear Decommissioning (ICOND) provides a platform for professional exchange.

The conference focuses on decommissioning strat egies, project management, cost-effective approaches and waste management.

Decision makers and project managers of the utilities, nuclear industry executives and experts from technical safety organizations and regulators are among the participants.

We are pleased that Mr. Jan C. Homan (Managing Director of PreussenElektra GmbH, formerly E.ON Kern kraft GmbH) will give an overview of decommissioning in Germany and short-term developments.

Furthermore, Mr. Kjell Westerberg, head of decommissioning at Vattenfall AB, will report on the situation in Sweden .

The ICOND takes place in Aachen (Germany) from 22nd to 24 t h November 2016. On November 21st a pre-conference workshop will be offered.

You can find the programme on our website: Just in time for the ICOND 2016, the Aachen Christmas market starts, which was voted to be one of the most beautiful Christmas markets in Europe.

We offer an early bird discount of 10% for bookings up to and including 16th of September 2016.

Representatives of nuclear regulatory and licensing authorities as well as government departments and academic institutions receive ain additional discount of 20%.

The ICOND will be accompanied by an exhibition . An up-to-date exhibitor list is available at:

http ://www.icond .de/index.php/exhibitors .html If you have any questions or remarks, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind Regards Andreas Havenith Aachen Institute for Nuclear Training GmbH (AiNT)

Cockeril lstraBe 100 52222 Stolberg (Rhld.)

Germany Dr.-lng. Andreas Havenith Managing Director Tel : +49 241 47 58 32 45 Fax : +49 241 47 58 32 21 Mobile:!

E-Mail: haven ith@nuclea r-train i Web : www.icond .de Register court : Aachen Register number: HRB 16884 VATID: DE277764612

From: Hiser, Matthew Sent: Fri, 17 Feb 2017 12:57:02 +0000 To: Tregoning, Robert;Purtscher, Patrick


FW: NRC Materials Harvesting Workshop Just received this email from John Jackson about INL participation in the workshop. His rationale is their NSUF sample library. I'd suggest we could have one person from INL attend in-person, but let's talk first thing next week and then get back to people.


Matt From: Jackson, John Howard [

Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2017 7:06 PM To: Hiser, Matthew <Matthew.>


[External_Sender) NRC Materials Harvesting Workshop

Matt, My NSUF folks have asked me about an NRC Materials Harvesting workshop that you are hosting next month. It looks like an LWRS/NRC effort (Rich Reister, Keith Leonard, and Tom Rosseel) and I know they're highly involved in materials retrieval efforts. As you are most likely aware, we've got a pretty large effort to collect and place relevant specimens in our NSUF sample library. ( ...the Zorita TEM discs, for example) Rory Kennedy (NSUF director) has expressed an interest in having someone from NSUF participate (I would probably be this someone). There may be good reasons to have NSUF participation since we are set up to store and catalog materials and are focused on providing funding to researchers who propose research on them.

Hopefully I'm not stepping on toes. I understand your space is limited so let me know if this is too big of an ask.

Best, John JOHN H. JACKSON, Ph.D.

GAIN Technical Interface/NSUF Industry Program Lead Idaho National Laboratory P.O. Box 1625 Idaho Falls, ID. 83415-3870

Voice: 208-526-0293 Fax: 208-526-4822 john.jackson@inl. gov 1 *T t ., l tN l l (OIIIJ 1 I( ICI ti


SAVE THE DATE! Mark your calendar today!

August 13-17, 2017

  • Marnott Portland Oownto1Vn Envlronmental De9 r1dulon'(Ma1erlals WEllerfront Portland, On;gon, USA

. Nuclear Power S~1em1 - am Rta<ton

Note to requester: The attachment is immediately following.

From: Moyer, Carol Sent: Thu, 15 Mar 2018 15:34:29 +0000 To: Hahn, Alison (Krager)


FW: one additional presentation Attachments: SLR NRC Overview_DOELWRS_final_20180315_2slides.pdf Oops, I meant to include you on this .

From: Moyer, Carol Se nt: Thursday, March 15, 2018 11:33 AM To: 'Hallbert, Bruce P' <>


RE: one additional present ation Thank you , Bruce.

For your reference, my slides are attached.

See you soon, Carol From: Hallbert, Bruce P [13]

Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2018 9:58 AM To: Moyer, Carol <>; Hahn, Alison (Krager) <>


[External_Sender] one additional presentation For our introductory remarks.

I look forward to seeing you this afternoon. Alison and I will already be meeting with Mark Thaggard so will come over to the desk at about 12:30 from lunch at the NRC cafeteria.

Best Regards, Bruce Bruce P. Hallbert, Ph.D.

Director, Light Water Reactor Sustainability Program Technical Integration Office Idaho National Laboratory ph: 208.526.9867 cell:! -.... *. -. L{~)(?L Light Water Reactor Sustainability Program:


~ U.S.NRC l**mt ~ ,-.11<1,., Rtt-<>'1 C-mlu-Pw,,rrtuff ~ "",., ,.,.,,,,,,.,.Ntnd Overview of NRC Research Initiatives for Aging Management Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research DOE-LWRS Meeting, March 15, 2018 Carol Moyer Sr. Materials Engineer, Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research, Division of Engineering, Corrosion & M etallurgy Branch


\l*WM.. lod- a<<pt..-yC-11,Mo*


  • Background, motivation for plant life extension
  • Technical bases and regula tory guidance
  • Materials-related research for SLR 1




  • 86 U.S. nuclear power plants granted renewed licenses to operate up to 60 years
  • Research on materials degradation central to RES mission for> 3 decades
  • RES supports the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) with technical bases for license renewal guidance documents Motivation: Aging of the US NPP Fleet ~ U.S.NRC

~.... ""1......r i c : - i - .

Figure 17. U.S. Commercial Nuclear Power Reactors-Years of Operation by the End of 2017 40 reactors I 30-39yeara Note: Agel how been ltUldod up 10 lhe tnd d ... r-- Fa the,,_ """"" rlomiallcn, go ID lhe 0 . - Index Woo -

  • hffpa;Jtw-~-col<<anl..-

Source: NRC Information Digest, NUREG-1 350, Vol. 29, Rev. 1, ML18037A641 2

03/14/2018 US NPP Fleet (as of Feb. 2018) ~ U.S.NRC License Renewals Granted for Operating Nuclear Power Reactors Licensed to Operate (99)

a. Original License (13) a. License Renewal Granted (00)

Note: The NRC has issued a total of 89 lioense renewals;_three of these units havli permanen~ shut down. Dala are as of rebrualy 2018.

For the most recent informabon, go to the Dataset Index Web page at https1i,w, .

US NPP Fleet (as of Feb. 2018) ~~,~.i-..,..a.-rc:..,,,*-

U.S.NRC License Renewals Granted for Operating Nuclear Power Reactors Lead Plants for SLRAs:

Turkey Point /FL), PWR Peach Bottom (PA}, BWR Surry (VA), PWR licensed to Operate (99)

a. Original License (13) a. License Renewal Granted (66)

Note: The NRC has issued a total of 89 lioense renewals; three of these units have permanen~ shut down. Data are as of Februaly 2018.

For the most recent informatioo, go to the Dataset Index Web page at httpsi i,w, .


03/14/2018 Anticipated SLR Applications by year ~ U.S.NR C (as of 4/2017) 4 I


\l*WM.. lod- a<<pt..-yC-11,Mo*

Foundation for Aging Management

  • Proactive Material Degradation Assessment (PMDA) (2004 - 2007) - NUREG/CR-6923

- Expert e licitation to identify degradation that could affect plant systems in operation up to 40 years

  • Extended Material Degradation Assessment (EMDA) (2008 - 2016) - NUREG/CR-7153

- Evaluated broader range of structures, systems, and components (SSCs), up to 80 years

- Focused on reactor pressure vessel, internals & piping, concrete structures, and electrical cables

- Joint work with DOE ORNL 4


~ U.S.NRC Development of SLR Guidance Involved Rigorous Staff Review

  • Technical sources used for SLR guidance

- Expanded Materials Degradation Assessment

-AMP effectiveness audits at plants in the period of extended operation

- Relevant domestic and international operating experience

- External stakeholder, staff comments


\l*WM.. lod- a<<pt..-yC-11,Mo*

SLR Guidance Documents and Technical Bases

  • Generic Aging Lessons Learned for SLR (GALL-SLR)

Report (NUREG-219 1)

- Contains generic aging effects to be managed and appropriate AMPs

- -3000 aging management review (AMR} line items

  • Standard Review Plan for the Review of SLR Applications for Nuclear Power Plants (SRP-SLR)


- Contains guidance to NRC safety reviewers of the SLR application

  • Updated guidance documents published in July 2017
  • Technical! Bases for Changes in the SLR Guidance Documents (NUREG-2221 ), Dec. 2017 5


~ U.S.NRC Ongoing Confirmatory Research:

Four Key Technical Issues for SLR

  • Irradiation-assisted stress corrosion c racking (IASCC) of reactor internals and primary system components
  • Concret e and containment degradation
  • Electrical cable qua lifica tion and condition assessment

~ U.S.NRC l,;a,ml kMcct ,:,.Mu k~o,y c -1,.

Prdtrf'tUll f'tor,r-11.J .,£.,,,,,,_,,,,.,.,

Subsequent License Renewal (SLR)

Confirmatory Research:

Materials Degradation Overview Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research DOE-LWRS Meeting, March 15, 2018 Carol Moyer Sr. Materials Engineer, Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research, Division of Engineering, Corrosion & M etallurgy Branch 6

03/14/2018 Staff is Ensuring Reactor Pressure Vessel Integrity 40vears

  • Confirming predic tive 60 e~n; 80 ears methods using operating experience (including surveillance data) L,l .!.. 150 100 e u... ,,,,,,m."°""

E ~

  • Assessing ~g ~


_2 C

  • embrittlement a t ~

~i 0


  • ? :~*.. ~ * *. . **

higher fluence levels ~~ .50 ** * *


~~ *100 G ~  : ASTM 1900, lOIS]



\loWM.. lod- a<<pt..-yC-11,Mo*

RPV Embrittlement

  • A revised aging management program (AMP) included in the GALL-SLR report will provide a consistent generic approach for existing p lant surveillance programs.

- Capsules from such programs will be removed from their host reactors for testing in the coming decade.

  • EPRI has undertaken supplemental surveillance programs to obtain data at high fluence for PWRs.
  • The staff wi ll use the data from these programs to assess the continued validity of the NRC predictive model and to confirm the adequacy of the RPV AMP.



~ U.S.NRC RPV Embrittlement:

Cooperative Research

  • The NRC seeks to cooperate with DOE on research to resolve SLR sub-issues, including:

- Formation and effects of late-blooming phases (LBP) and other potential high-fluence embrittlement mechanisms

- Neutron attenuation in RPVs

- Modeling of flux effects at high neutron fluence

  • Fracture toughness data that is not from test reactors is lacking

- EPRI PWR Supplemental Surveillance Program (PSSP) will supply some data, through 2028

- DOE data or specimens for benchmarking would be welcome


\l*WM.. lod- a<<pt..-yC-11,Mo*

Staff is Assessing Effects of Irradiation-Assisted Degradation of Internals

  • Evaluating impacts of IASCC, loss of fracture toughness, and void swelling
  • Testing materials at higher irradiation levels ~

~ ' .

\ *il * ,' '

,A ' I * .I .I *

~ .... "*

Cracking in a PWR baffle bolt 8


~ U.S.NRC RPV Internals

  • Materials harvested from decommissioned p lants are being tested to assess damage
  • Samples will be subjected to additional irradiation at the Halden reactor to simulate the irradiation-assisted degradation expected during the SLR period.
  • Collaborating with EPRI and international regulators

- The Zorita Internals Research Project is examining specimens from the decommissioned Zorita plar1t in Spain.

  • The staff will use confirmatory research to evaluate a revision to EPRl's MRP-227 report from the Materials Reliability Program: "Pressurized Water Reactor Internals Inspection and Evaluation Guidelines."

- The revised report covers the SLR period (80 years)


\l*WM.. lod- a<<pt..-yC-11,Mo*

RPV Internals:

Cooperative Research

  • The NRC continues to cooperate with EPRI and DOE on testing of materials from the Zorita plant

- NRC hos proposed additional irradiation of Zorita plate material to 80 dpa, then characterizing void swelling and mechanical properties. This would require further cooperation/leveraging with DOE and identification of a suitable test reactor.

- Baffle former bolts from a US plant may be made available to DOE NSUF materia l library

  • DOE work on modeling segregation & predictive model for IASCC are of interest to NRC 9


~ U.S.NRC Staff is Assessing Concrete Degradation

  • Evaluating effects of r_~ *~* ~1 r_Ll* * ~1 ~ ( ** * ~

ASR on structura l , .. "" ' ~ > -,,. 1

  • ,.. ~ * -1. i .c . . o' performance of concrete
  • Confirming struc tura l integrity
  • U.S. and international collaborative research


\l*WM.. lod- a<<pt..-yC-11,Mo*

Staff is Confirming Structural Concrete Integrity

  • Evaluating effects of irradiation on concrete structures

- Confirming DOE concrete irradiation damage and EPRI concrete structural performance results

- Assessing EPRl's evaluation of susceptible plant configurations

- Assessing neutron fluence and gamma dose on structural bio-shield concrete 10


~ U.S.NRC Concrete Degradation:

Cooperative Research

  • ORNL and ANL staff participation in RIC 2018 session is appreciated
  • Concrete Joint Roadmap process is working for monitoring research activities
  • Some open questions include:

- Rate effect of irradiation

- Configuration effects - attenuation, inspectability of bio shield walls of various plant designs

- Modeling of flux at concrete surfaces inside containment and possible streaming effects

- Methods for effective non-destructive examination of concrete structures


\l*WM.. lod- a<<pt..-yC-11,Mo*

Staff is Confirming Adequacy of Cable Condition Assessment Techniques

  • Evaluating condition monitoring techniques for detecting degradation of low voltage cables w ith concurrent radiation and thermal aging
  • Confirming condition assessment of medium voltage cable submergence qualification by reviewing EPRI program and test resu lts. Considering additional tests.



~ U.S.NRC Cable Degradation:

Cooperative Research

  • DOE Lab staff participation in RIC 2017 session is appreciated,
  • DOE and NRC are both working toward understanding synergistic effects of radiation and thermal aging. A predictive model of degradation appears beyond NRC's reach, but it would be of use to us.
  • Cable condition monitoring is the main focus for NRC and EPRI. NRC intends to review a nd validate EPRl's guidance for qualification and condition monitoring.


\l*WM.. lod- a<<pt..-yC-11,Mo*

Staff Engagement with DOE & EPRI

  • Deep-dive meetings - detailed technical reviews of available information and research gaps - 2015-' 16
  • Strategic Harvesting workshop - March 2017
  • Site visits & Roadmap meetings

- Salem/Hope Creek (buried pipe, electrical, self-assessment for LR inspections) - Feb 2015

- ORNL (RPV, internals, inspection) - July 2015

- Westinghouse (RPV, internals, inspection) - April 2016

- PNNL (cables degradation, NDE) - July 2016

- AREVA {internals, inspection) - October 2016

- Univ. of TN (concrete degradation, ASR) - April 2017

  • Periodic phone calls, meetings, program reviews, etc.

to maintain alignment 12


~ U.S.NRC Ongoing Work

- Research provided the basis for enhancements to the SLR guidance

  • Extensive stakeholder engagement continues
  • Confirmatory research is ongoing for technical issues

- Near-term results support review of initial SLR applications

- Longer-term research w ill continue, to augment the technical basis for further updates to SLR guidance

- NRC p lanning public workshops in 2019 & 2020 to solicit and disseminate research results

- Industry guidance (MRP-227 R2) for SLR expected in 2020

  • As our technical understanding evolves, guidance documents may need additional updates


\l*WM.. lod- a<<pt..-yC-11,Mo*

Further Information

From: Hiser, Matthew Sent: Fri, 3 Feb 201718:10:18 +0000 To: Purtsclher, Patrick Subject : FW: RE: Draft slides (b )(6)

Hey Pat, can you give me a call atl...._ _ ____.l to discuss feedback to Pradeep?

From: Ramuhalli, Pradeep [14]

Sent: Friday, February 03, 2017 10:37 AM To: Purtscher, Patrick <>; Hiser, Matthew <>


[External_Sender] RE: Draft slides Shoot! Will resend in a bit.

With best regards, Pradeep Pradeep Ramuhalli, PhD.

Senior Resea rch Scientist Pacific Northwest National Laboratory 509-375-2763 Sent from my Android phone uising Symantec Touch Down (

Original Message-----

From; Hiser, Matthew []

Received: Friday, 03 Feb 2017, 4:46AM To: Ramuhalli, Pradeep []; Purtscher, Patrick []

Subject : RE : Draft slides FYI - slides didn't make it through ...

From: Ramuhalli, Pradeep [15]

Sent: Friday, February 03, 2017 1:36 AM To: Purtscher, Patrick <>

Cc: Hiser, Matthew <Matthew.>


[External_Sender] Draft slides Symantec Mail Security replaced Harvesting workshop slides draft.pptx with this text message.

The original file was a malformed file, therefore it cannot be scanned and was quarantined.

ID:HQPWMSMRS04::SYQ3370fc312 The email message was also quarantined.

From: Purtsclher, Patrick Sent: Mon, 30 Jan 2017 11:14:19 -0500 To: Hiser, Matthew


FW: RE: Harvesting Workshop slides FYI From: Ramuhalli, Pradeep [mai]

Sent: Monday, January 30, 2017 10:56 AM To: Purtscher, Patrick <>


[External_Sender] RE: Harvesting Workshop slides Patrick -yes. Working on these and will have them out Thursday, On the report -we had an internal review of the document that came back with numerous comments. I am finishing up addressing the comments today and hope to have it sent out tonight or tomorrow.

With best regards, Pradeep Ramuhalli, PhD Tel: 509-375-2763 Email: From: Purtscher, Patrick [16]

Sent: Monday, January 30, 2017 7:47 AM To: Ramuhalli, Pradeep <>



PAT From: Hiser, Matthew Sent: Monday, January 30, 2017 9:40 AM To: Purtscher, Patrick <>


RE: Harvesting Workshop Will do Pat - here are the documents we'll be speaking to.

Matthew Hiser Materials Engineer

US Nuclear Regulatory Commission I Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research Division of Engineering I Corrosion and Metallurgy Branch Phone: 301-415-2454 I Office: TWFN 10D62

From: Purtsclher, Patrick Sent: Wed, 11 Jul 2018 15:40:06 +0000 To: Audrain, Margaret;Hiser, Matthew


FW: RE: PNNL Visit FYI From: Ramuhalli, Pradeep [17]

Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2018 11:34 AM To: Purtscher, Patrick <>


[External_Sender] RE: PNNL Visit

Pat, Let me check on the status of this inventory and how to share it with you. Last I heard, it was pretty close to ready to be sent out. I have to check with the PM on that work though - he may prefer to send it formally to Carol (if it is a deliverable) and have her route it to you.

With best regards, Pradeep Ramuhalli, PhD Tel: 509-375-2763 Email: From: Purtscher, Patrick [18]

Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2018 10:29 AM To: Ramuhalli, Pradeep <>


RE: PNNL Visit When we talked yesterday, you mentioned that you already had an inventory of ex-plant materials that was assembled for Care Nave.

If you can forward that list to me soon that could let us review it and then Meg could come to the meeting better prepared. She said that they have a pretty full agenda for her trip and the time to talk harvesting is valuable .

Thanks, Pat

From: Hiser, Matthew Sent: Tue, 3 M ay 201617:08:11 +0000 To: Purtsclher, Patrick


FW: RE: RE: RRI M Project Updates From: Hiser, Matthew Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2016 8:24 AM To: 'Ram uhalli, Pradeep' <>; 'Knobbs, Katie' <>;

Hull, Amy <Amy. Hull>


RE: RE: RE: RRIM Project Updates Action Item Summary

  • Pradeep will work with the materials group at PNNL to evaluate CASS and cables with respect to:

o Materials degradation data gaps -where can harvesting add unique value o Harvesting plan - what information is needed to make harvesting decisions: technical, practical considerations

  • Pradeep/PNNL will flesh out the harvesting plan focused on three stages:

o Planning - assessing technical needs and available materials for benefits of harvesting o Harvesting - technical and logistical consideration for implementing a harvesting program o Research - how will harvested materials be tested or characterized in order to i mprove technical basis for safe operation

  • Matt will provide feedback on draft review of DM welds degradation data gaps
  • Matt will work within NRC to get more information on decommissioning schedules o Look into FSARs for technical information related to components of interest Thanks!

Matt Matthew Hiser Materials Engineer US Nuclear Regulatory Commission I Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research Division of Engineering I Corrosion and Metallurgy Branch Phone: 301-4 I5-2454 I Office: TWFN I 0D62 From: Hiser, Matthew Sent: Friday, April 08, 2016 1:53 PM To: 'Ramuhalli, Pradeep' <>; Obodoako, Aloysius

<>; Knobbs, Katie <>; Hull, Amy



RE: RE: RE: RRIM Project Updates Summary of Action Items

  • Pradeep will provide a draft document of the review of DM welds degradation data gaps early next week (April 11-12).
  • Pradeep will work with the materials group at PNNL to evaluate CASS with respect to:

o Materials degradation data gaps -where can harvesting add unique value o Harvesting plan -what information is needed to make harvesting decisions: technical, practical considerations o Expected draft deliverable by April 15-19

  • In May, Katie will put together a proposal for a phased approach to develop the software tool.
  • Matt will reach out within NRC to get more information on decommissioning schedules o Look into FSARs for technical information related to components of interest Thanks!

Matt From: Ramuhalli, Pradeep (]

Sent: Friday, April 08, 2016 11:34 AM To: Hiser, Matthew <Matthew.>; Obodoako, Aloysius <>;

Knobbs, Katie <>; Hull, Amy <>


[External_Sender] RE: RE: RRIM Project Updates Matt, (b)(6)

I am working from home today l______lbut should be able to get on the call. Let's take care of this today. Talk to you in a bit.

Pradeep Ramuhalli, PhD Tel: 509-375-2763 Email: From: Hiser, Matthew [19]

Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2016 11:27 AM To: Ramuhalli, Pradeep <>; Obodoako, Aloysius

<>; Knobbs, Katie <>; Hull, Amy



RE: RE: RRIM Project Updates Hi Pradeep, (b)(6) I....* *-* _

. ________....ll'd vote to stick with the meeting tomorrow.

(b)(6) _J . !we can reschedule for Monday. I am free from 12:00 to 1:30 and 2:30 to 4:00 on Monday.


Matt Matthew Hiser Materials Engineer US Nuclear Regulatory Commission I Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research Division of Engineering I Corrosion and Metallurgy Branch Phone: 301-415-2454 I Office: TWFN J0D62 From: Ramuhalli, Pradeep [20]

Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2016 12:34 PM To: Hiser, Matthew <Matthew.>; Obodoako, Aloysius <>;

Knobbs, Katie <>; Hull, Amy <>


[External_Sender] RE: RRIM Project Updates Matt, Amy, (b )(6)

(b )(6) ............... 1should we move this meeting to Monday next week? If so, what time on Monday wou ld work for you?

Pradeep Ramuhalli, PhD Tel: 509-375-2763 Email:

Original Appointment-----

From: Ramuhalli, Pradeep Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2016 9:20 AM To: Ramuhalli, Pradeep; Hiser, Matthew (; Obodoako, Aloysius; Knobbs, Katie;


RRIM Project Updates When: Friday, April 08, 2016 10:00 AM-11:00 AM (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada).

Where: Skype Meeting Join Skype Meeting This is an online meeting for Skype for Business, the professional

meetings and communications app formerly known as Lyne.

Join by phone Join the meeting and have Lyne call you or dial-in (Richland) English (United States) 866-528-1882 or 509-375-4555 (Richland) English (United States)

On-campus PNNL staff dial 5-4555 (Richland) English (United States)

Find a local number Conference iol *** .. j(b)(6)

Forgot your dia l-in PIN? 1.1:itlQ

Note to requester: This email record was provided to the FOIA staff only containing the 2/26/2018 email header at the end.

From: Hiser, Matthew Sent: Tue, 27 Feb 2018 14:22:58 +0000 To: Purtsclher, Patrick;Tregoning, Robert Cc: Hull, Amy;Frankl, Istvan


FW: RIC -- 20 of 34 segments now have proposed volunteered time for st affing 2 posters Hi Pat and Rob, Would either of you guys be able to help cover time slots for the RIC poster on harvesting? Amy has graciously coordinated the cov,erage for the harvesting and AM posters as you can see below...

I may be able to help some, particularly the little 30-minute slots, but I'm hesitant to commit given the unpredictability of my schedule, especially that week ...


Matt From: Hull, Amy Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2018 8:56 AM To: Burke, John <>; Herrity, Thomas <>; Hiser, Matthew


Cc: Moyer, Carol <>; Frankl, Istvan <>


RE: RIC -- 20 of 34 segments now have proposed volunteered t ime for staffing 2 posters Thanks. Schedule below and on Gdrive is updated.

Poster staffing

  • March 13-15, 2016 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Adv. Harvestin Adv. Harvestin Adv. Harvesting Mfg. g Mfg. g Mfg.

7:30 Carol AM Carol Amy Amy (Harvestin Amy (AM) (Harv.) (AM) Q) (Harv.)

8:00 AM  !  !  !  !  !

8:30 AM 9:00 AM 9:30 AM 10:00 Amy AM John (AM)

10:30 AM 11:00 AM 11:30 AM 12:00 Amy(A Carol PM M) (AM) 12:30  :  ; Harvest PM I Adv. Mf~. 1/2 hr I int:'

2 volunt j sessions j session 1:00 PM John  !


1:30 PM

    • ;~*****tI*** * * * * *~** *** * *
  • It* * **:* * *
  • Amy 6

4 2:00 2


-- - - - - , ! - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -**

2:30 Jr:::*.1************* *************** i ****************


PM 3:00


  • Carol HerritY......

Matt L. ................. ...........\.................

Ii Ij PM Amy (Harvestin Hiser (AM) g) 1 - - - - - - - - - ~- - - - - - - - - - - -****-*****************i*********************************-i*****************

3:30 Pat \ \

PM Purtscher i I 1 - - - --


1--------- R.  ! t PM Tregonin j j l----+------+------+----+--------+--.. . . 9.........+. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,. . . . . . . . .

r! . . . . . . .

4:30 PM total  ! 13 7 5:00 "i'o'it}'i"j""""". .. . .. .. . . . . .

PM session : 17 17 s  !

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -...':!~.~.~~.~....!..................................:.................

From: Burke, John Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2018 8:06 AM To: Hull, Amy <>; Herrity, Thomas <>; Hiser, Matthew


Cc: Moyer, Carol <>; Frankl, Istvan <>


RE: RIC --17 of 34 segments now have proposed volunteered time for staffing 2 posters I'll do some on Tuesday John Burke

NRO/DCIP 301415 2343 From: Hull, Amy Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2018 8:04 AM To: Herrity, Thomas <>; Burke, John <>; Hiser, Matthew


Cc: Moyer, Carol <>; Frankl, Istvan <>


RIC--17 of 34 segments now have proposed volunteer ed time for staffing 2 posters As a starting point, Carol and I have each proposed about 8 1/2-hr sessions for ourselves over the 2 posters. Thom and John would you also like to staff the AM poster sometime? Please fill in which/any slots you would like. (You can bounce me if that helps)

See below and saved to G\DE\CMB\RIC. Matt would you like me to send this to the other Harvesting coauthors also or are you handling this?

Amy From: Moyer, Carol Sent: Monday, February 26, 2018 4:12 PM To: Hull, Amy <>


RE: prototype schedule to complete for staffing posters I entered my proposals & saved to G\DE\CMB\RIC From: Hull, Amy Sent: Monday, February 26, 2018 10:21 AM To: Herrity, Thomas <>; Moyer, Carol <>; Burke, John


Cc: Hiser, Matthew <>; Frankl, Istvan <>


prototype schedule to complete for staffing posters Attached and pasted below (highlighted in blue) are the times when thee-posters are highlighted in the attached agenda. Please let me know if/when you would like to volunteer to stand by the poster and interact with the visitors. I will work around your desired schedules to fill in the blank spaces because I am flexible during this time.

Matt, I have copied you on this because I am a coauthor on your poster and I can help staff that poster also if you would like. I don't know where you are with developing a volunteer schedule.

The RIC CAC to use for this is MF1396.

Amy From: Hull, Amy Sent; Monday, February 26, 20 18 10:10 AM

To: Hull, Amy <>


prototype schedule to complete for staffing posters

From: Frankl, Istvan Sent: Mon, 27 Nov 2017 15:15:51 +0000 To: Hiser, Matthew Cc: Hull, Amy;Moyer, Carol


FW: RIC ePoster Approval: Evaluation -of Additive Manufacturing of Metall ic Parts via Direct Metal Laser Melting (DMLM)

Attachments: NRC 1102 - AM (IF).pdf Note to requester: The attachment is Importance: High immediately following.

Matt, Amy and Carol are busy now, so please send the attached form to the RICMIST resource by noon.

Also, since you already prepared the ePoster for harvesting, please share your lessons learned with Amy.

Thanks, Steve From: Frankl, Istvan Sent: Monday, November 27, 2017 9:30 AM To: Hull, Amy <>

Cc: M oyer, Carol <>


RE : RIC ePoster Approval : Evaluation of Additive Manufact uring of Metallic Parts via Direct Metal Laser M elting (DMLM)

Importance: High

Amy, I have a minor fix in the attached revision.

This needs to be sent to the RICMIST resource by noon.

Please note additional actions for the ePoster below.

Carol, If Amy is busy with the prep for the public meeting, please send the attachment to RICMIST.
Thanks, Steve From: Hull, Amy Sent: Saturday, November 25, 2017 5:31 PM To: Frankl, Istvan <>

Cc: M oyer, Carol <>


FW: RIC ePoster Approval: Evaluation of Additive Manufacturing of Metallic Parts via Direct Metal Laser Melting (DMLM)

Hi Steve, Here's my NRC 1102 for the RIC poster on additive manufactur ing for your review. It needs to be "vetted through your division level management" by Monday, November 27.


Amy From: RICMST Resource Sent: Friday, November 17, 2017 7:45 AM To: Oberson, Greg <>

Cc: Bowman, Gregory <>; RICMST Resource <>;

Zabel, Joseph <>; Difrancesco, Nicholas <>; Boyce (RES), Tom <>; Peters, Sean <>


RIC ePoster Approval: Harvesting of Aged Materials from Operating and Decommissioning Nuclear Power Plants We are pleased to inform you that the topic mentioned above has been approved as a Digital ePoster for the RIC 2018 program.


1. Refine Title, Description, Information - Now is your opportunity to fine tune your eposter title, description information in preparation for publication. (Please note that his is the version that will be published in conference materials and on the RIC website.)

Use the updated NRC Form 1102 located in the NRC Sharepoint Library (descripton field has been expanded). Please ensure all changes have been vetted through your division level management before submission to (deadline for updated write-u[>s to RICMST by 12 noon on 11/27/2017)

2. Determine ePoster Format -As you develop your eposter, you might consider what format would be most useful (i.e., single slide or multi slide). Guidance for Determining the type of eposter template is located on RIC Central at, under the "Digital Presentation (ePoster) Toolbox" tab.
3. Development of ePoster - Beginning this year the Graphics Team will no longer be developing ePosters for offices, rather, offices are now responsible for developing their ePosters. However, the Graphics Team is available to provide guidance through the process and will be hosting a meet/greet with ePoster developers to answer any questions you may have on the process. Graphics has created an ePoster template which is available for your use on RIC Central at (deadline for providing names of ePoster developer(s) and presenter(s) to RICMST 12/1/2017)


  • CAC information and guidance for creating your Digital ePoster, etc.
  • Graphics meet and greet information.

We thank you for your participation and we look forward to working with you!

Lorna Kipfer and Bren Warren RIC Meeting Support Team { RICMST)



    • ¥**





A graphical presentation of research results, the status of standards development, the status of safety or security issues, or other topics of major interest to the agency, interested parties and/or the public.

Standard Setup: Standard setup consists of one 46" monitor (screen size 40" w idth x 22.5" height) mounted on a floor stand ; one USB media player; o ne remote control; one small table and one chair.

  • Digital Presentation (Single-slide): Format is a one-slide PowerPoint. Word limit is 400-500. Limit of 5-6 large photos, images, o r diagrams.
  • Digital Presentation (Multi-slide): Format is a multi-slide PowerPoint. Word limit is 400-500 per slide .

Limit of 5-6 large photos, images, or diagrams per slide.

Submitting Office(s): Enter office acronym, if a joint session, enter lead office followed by supporting office.



Tille should be relatively short, yet creative and appealing to the audience.

Evaluation of Additive Manufacturing of Metallic Parts via Direct Metal Laser Melting (DMLM)



Description should be innovative, succinct, and include key elements such as purpose, learning objectives, focus areas, and/or take-away messages.

The NRC has been informed that Additively Manufactured (AM) parts are being considered for applications in the operating fleet as early as calendar year 2018. The first industry alert in June 2017 concerned using the DMLM method to manufacture parts for reactor components. A subsequent scoping study by RES staff provided more insight into the technical issues that must be addressed to assure reliability of specific DMLM-produced components accepted by NRC, including design, precursor materials, finished material properties, structural integrity, nondestructive evaluation, and quality assurance. This poster also discusses the emergence and harmonization of relevant codes & standards activities.

This poster will give an overview of NRC findings and preliminary recommendations related to additive manufacturing via DMLM.

Presenter(s): If known, for each presenter, enter first and last name, position, division title and organization. If possible, list names in the order they will be presenting.

Office/Organization Organization/Agency Add(+)

No. First and Last Name Position Title Division Title (NRC) (Acronyms) (Non-NRC) Remove(-)

Amy Hull Senior Materials Division of RES [!][:]

1 Engineer Engineering Thomas Herrity Reactor Division of NRO [!][:]

Operations Construction 2 Engineer Inspection &

Operational Programs 3

Carol Moyer Senior Materials Division of Engineer Engineering RES GD Topic Submitted By: If the names of the Presenter(s) are not known, enter a point of contact, Name and contact information, for the topic submission.

Please submit the completed form, via e-mail, by the following date: Due Date:I 11/27/2017 I

NRC FORM 1102 (09-2017) Page 1 of 1 Submit by E-mall

From: Hiser, Matthew Sent: Thu, 1 Dec 2016 22:42:56 +0000 To: Hiser, Allen


FW: strawman harvesting workshop agenda Attachme nts: Workshop Agenda 12-1-16.docx, NRC Harvesting Workshop Announcement.docx

!Note to requester: The attachments are immediately following.

(b)(6) ..l_

This is the email Rob sent to DOE/EPRI just today with the "strawman" agenda for discussion. Our thought is to get input/engagement from DOE and EPRI on the agenda/topics. As part of that discussion, we'd try to identify the international presenters. If you have ideas of individuals/ organizations that might be good for certain sessions, please share because we are very open to ideas.

For session 1, the thought is to more lay the groundwork of what the prior harvesting experience has been, both a description of what was harvested as well as some reflection on technical benefits and challenges in the past programs. The thought is for Session 5 (retitled, but similar focus as before to my mind) to focus on the discussion of future harvesting programs (hopefully building off the prior 4 sessions, including the lessons learned in session 1.)

I discussed the agenda yesterday with Rob, including your suggestion of one presentation summarizing past harvesting activities. We decided to keep it as-is for now with separate talks by NRC, DOE, and EPRI, but will raise a single summary presentation as an option when discussing with DOE and EPRI.


Matt From: Tregoning, Robert Se nt: Thursday, December 01, 2016 3:26 PM To: Bernhoft, Sherry [] ( <>;

richa rd. reister@n Cc: Iyengar, Raj <>; Hiser, Matthew <>; Hull, Amy



strawman harvesting workshop agenda Sherry/Rich:

As promised, we've put together an announcement and a draft agenda for the harvesting workshop on March 7 th and 8 th . I'd like you both to take a look at the agenda prior to our call next week so that we can discuss the draft agenda during the call. Our proposal is that we agree on the topics and organizations for the talks and then explicitly solicit presenters from those organizations. We'd li ke to finalize the agenda prior to the holidays if possible so that we can start contacting presenters. Please let me know if you have any questions prior to our call next week.

As always, thanks for your help with this.

Cheers, Rob Robert Tregoning Technical Advisor for Materials US Nuclear Regulatory Comm ission Two White Flint North, M/S T-10 A36 11545 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852-2738 ph: 301-415-2324 fax : 301-415-6671

Draft Agenda - March 7-8, 2017 Harvesting Workshop Tuesday, March 7, 2017 Introduction

  • NRC overview of workshop purpose and objectives 8:00 - 8:10 Session 1: Lessons learned from harvesting experience
  • EPRI 8:10 - 8:45 o Perspective on Harvesting Lessons Learned I Prior Experience
  • DOE 8:45 -9:20 o Perspective on Harvesting Lessons Learned / Prior Experience
  • NRC 9:20 - 9:50 o Perspective on Harvesting Lessons Learned / Prior Experience BREAK 9:50 -10:05
  • International (Japan?) 10:05 - 10:40 o International Perspective on Harvesting Lessons Learned DISCUSSION 10:40 - 11 :30 LUNCH 11 :30 - 12:30 Session 2: Technical data needs best addressed by harvesting
  • PNNL/NRC 12:30 - 12:55 o Overview of data needs best addressed by harvesting
  • DOE/industry 12:55 - 1:20 o Perspective on harvesting data needs
  • International 1 :20 - 1 :45 o Perspective on harvesting data needs
  • International 1:45 -2:10 o Perspective on harvesting data needs DISCUSSION 2:10 - 2:45 BREAK 2:45 -3:00 Session 3: Sources of Materials
  • NRC 3:00 - 3:15 o Available materials from decommissioning plants and past harvesting programs
  • EPRI/NEI 3:15-3:45 o Available materials from operating reactors and past harvesting programs
  • DOE (ORNL?) 3:45 - 4: 15 o Available materials at DOE labs from past harvesting programs
  • International (IAEA?) 4:15-4:45
  • International harvesting opportunities

DISCUSSION 4:45 -5:30 Wednesday, March 8, 2017 Session 4: Practical aspects of Harvesting

  • US decommissioning company 8:00 - 8:40 o Decommissioning process vs. harvesting: schedule, site-specific, timing for different components
  • International decommissioning company (Germany?) 8:40 -9:20 o Decommissioning and harvesting plans and experience
  • US utility 9:20 -10:00 o Decommissioning process and plans o Owner perspective on harvesting and decommissioning BREAK 10:00 - 10:15
  • Researcher perspective - (DOE/EPRI - joint?) 10:15 - 10:45 o Practical challenges to plan for and carry out harvesting DISCUSSION 10:45 - 11 :45 LUNCH 11 :45 - 12:45 Session 5: Future Harvesting Program Planning
  • PNNL/NRC 12:45-1:15 o Technical information needed for informed harvesting decisions
  • EPRI/NEI 1 :15 -1 :45 o Perspective on future harvesting efforts
  • NRC 1:45- 2:15 o Perspective on future harvesting efforts
  • International (France?) 2:15 - 2:45 o Perspective on future harvesting efforts
  • DISCUSSION 2:45 -4:00 o Potential harvesting partnerships
  • RPV, internals, piping, concrete, cables
  • US, international opportunities

Ex-Plant Materials Harvesting Workshop Location: NRG HQ in Rockville, MD Dates: March 7-8, 2017 Motivation:

  • There are increasing opportunities to harvest the safety-critical components from decommissioning plants, both domestic and international.
  • The harvested materials are valuable because they have been exposed to actual in-service plant operating conditions (temperature, irradiation, coolant, etc.), unlike virgin materials tested under simulated conditions in the lab.
  • Data from ex-plant materials should help address technical gaps identified for extended operation of nuclear power plants due to highly relevant aging conditions.

Purpose and Objective:

  • For NRG staff and interested stakeholders to have greater awareness and knowledge of the benefits and challenges associated with ex-plant harvesting.
  • Facilitate contacts and communication to enable specific cooperative ex-plant harvesting programs to be initiated.

Workshop Topics:

  • Harvesting decision-making and prioritization o Technical data needs best addressed by harvesting o Technical information needed in advance of harvesting
  • Sources of materials:

o Decommissioning reactors o Operating reactors - replaced components o Previous harvesting programs - "boneyards" o Tracking available materials

  • Harvesting process o Lessons learned from harvesting experience o Perspective of utility-owner and decommissioning contractor on harvesting o Communication and coordination between decommissioning and researchers
  • International collaborative programs on specific components at specific plants

Note to requester: Attachments are immediately following.

From: Tregoning, Robert Sent: Mon, 8 Jan 2018 13:08:29 +0000 To: Frankl, lstvan;Moyer, Carol


FW: ACTION: input to bilateral meeting planning sheets for RIC Attachments: International Priorities - Canada.docx, International Priorities - South Korea.docx, International Priorities - Germany.docx, International Priorities - France.docx, International Priorities - Japan.docx Steve/Carol:

Should we add a general topic on material's degradation to cover both OpE and long-term operation issues on all of these (except for Germany)?

Cheers, Rob Robert Tregoning Technical Advisor for Materials US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Two White Flint North, M/S T-10 A36 11545 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852-2738 ph: 301-415-2324 fax: 301-415-6671 From: Oberson, Greg Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2018 3:31 PM To: Frankl, Istvan <>; Iyengar, Raj <>; Boyce (RES), Tom

<>; Seber, Dogan <>; Jenkins, Ronaldo

<>; M iller, Kenneth A <KennethA.Mi>; Ake, Jon

<>; Birla, Sushil <>; Pires, Jose <>; Tregoning, Robert <>; Homiack, Matthew <>; Gardocki, Stanley <>

Cc: Regan, Christopher <>


ACTION : input to bilateral meeting planning sheets for RIC BCs & Sls:

RES is preparing for bilateral meetings with Canada, France, Japan, Germany , and South Korea at RIC. IPT has requested that for each country, that we provide a listing of requests for assistance or engagement to help support our research programs . These are not intended to document ongoing collaborations, but rather new requests. I've started lists using info previously submitted under the "international prioritization" activity. Please add/delete/edit. The status line s hould indicate if you have had any previously discussions or interactions on the topic. If you have had none, you should indicate as such . You can mark up these sheets and email back to me. I w ill consolidate the list. Please aim to provide by Jan. 16. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Greg International Priorities Canada Priorities:

1. Request for participation in Observatory of Durability of the Reinforced Concrete (ODOBA) project
  • Overview - Project involves experiments on large concrete blocks to investigate several types of concrete that have been used to build reactor containments. Blocks will be subjected to accelerated aging processes to simulate operating periods from 60 to 80 years.
  • Regulatory Need - Tests will complement ongoing NRC research on alkali-sil ica reaction and creep and are needed to address technical knowledge gaps in preparation for review of applications for reactor subsequent license renewal
  • Status -
2. Request for technical exchange on safety certification of digital devices and systems (Software Safety Consortium - McMaster University)
  • Overview - McMaster University is knowledgeable about third-party certification of digital systems, including experiences from medical devices, automotive, and aerospace applications
  • Regulatory Need - The technical exchange would support staff progress in addressing aspects of the Dl&C integrated action plan.
  • Status -
3. Request for participation in international probabilistic fracture mechanics working group (CNSC)
  • Overview - Exchange information and share best practices on the use of probabilistic fracture mechanics for component integrity analyses.
  • Regulatory Need - Engagement will increase NRC confidence in the use of probabilistic fracture mechanics computer codes for regulatory applications
  • Status -

International Priorities South Korea Priorities:

1. Request for materials harvesting from decommissioned reactors (KAERI , KINS , KHNP)
  • Overview - Components or materials may be harvested from decommissioning reactors, with particular interest in reactor pressure vessel (RPV) steel , reactor internals, concrete , and cables .
  • Regulatory Need - Harvested materials may be tested to assess the effects of in-plant conditions on component integrity, with focus on aging-related degradation relevant to subsequent license renewal
  • Status - Kori 1, a Westinghouse PWR shut down in 2017, has been identified by KHNP as a potential source of harvested materials.
2. Request for embrittlement and mechanical property data for RPV steels (KAREi, KINS)
  • Overview - Acqu ire data reflecting the mechanical properties of, and embrittlement effects upon, RPV steels.
  • Regulatory Need - Data can assist with the verification and validation of models used to predict the embrittlement of RPV steels
  • Status -

International Priorities Germany Priorities:

1. Request for materials property data from AVR prototype pebble bed reactor (GRS)
  • Overview -AVR was a prototype pebble bed reactor that operated between the 1960s and 1980s. It is currently undergoing decommissioning.
  • Regulatory Need - Materials property data will be used for component integrity analyses to further staffs read iness for advanced reactor safety evaluations .
  • Status -

International Priorities IRSN Priorities:

1. Request for engagement on digital instrumentation and controls (Dl&C)
  • Overview - A technical exchange would allow NRC staff to benefit from IRSN's significant experience with digital systems in nuclear power plants. IRSN is also active within IEC and IAEA.
  • Regulatory Need - The technical exchange would support staff progress in addressing aspects of the Dl&C integrated action plan.
  • Status -

2 . Request for materials harvesting from decommissioned reactors

  • Overview - Components or materials may be harvested from decommissioning reactors, with particular interest in reactor pressure vessel (RPV) steel, reactor internals, concrete, and cables.
  • Regulatory Need - Harvested materials may be tested to assess the effects of in-plant conditions on component integrity, with focus on aging-related degradation relevant to subsequent license renewal Status -
3. Request for embrittlement and mechanical property data for RPV steels
  • Overview - Acquire data reflecting the mechanical properties of, and embrittlement effects upon, RPV steels.
  • Regulatory Need - Data can assist with the verification and validation of models used to predict the embrittlement of RPV steels
  • Status -
4. Request for cooperative research on non-destructive examination and in-service inspection of reactor components.
  • Overview - Cooperative research may involve assessing the ability of simulation tools such as CIVA and UltraVision to model inspections conducted in NPPs.
  • Regulatory Need - The findings from this research will be used to evaluate licensees' alternatives to ASME Code requirements, new plant submittals, proposed changes to the ASME Code, and ASME Code Cases for NRG endorsement.
  • Status -
5. Request for materials property data from Phenix a nd Superphenix reactors
  • Overview - Phenix and Superphenix were fast breeder reactors in France. Phenix was a small-scale test reactor and Superphenix was a full-scale power reactor.

Superphenix was shut down in the 1990s.

  • Regulatory Need - Materials property data will be used for component integrity analyses to further staffs readiness for advanced reactor safety evaluations.
  • Status -

International Priorities JAPAN Priorities:

1. Request for irradiated concrete data (JNRA)
  • Overview - JNRA has completed high value accelerated irradiation and testing in Halden for characterization of some aspects of degradation of concrete due to radiation. This is the most significant research results on radiation related concrete degradation under LWR environment.
  • Status - RES/DE staff visited JNRA in December 2017 to discuss these data 2 . Request for technical! exchange on state-of-the-art seismic 30 modeling methods (Tepco, NRRC)
  • Overview - The Japanese seismic evaluation methods are highly developed and unique. A technical exchange would help to ensure US readiness to assess seismic risk for certain sites
  • Regulatory Need - This technical exchange would help address NTTF recommendations and support staff efforts associated with regional seismic source and ground motion models for the Central and Eastern United States.
  • Status -
3. Request for materials harvesting from decommissioned reactors (JNRA, JAEA, CRIEPI)
  • Overview - Components or materials may be harvested from decommissioning reactors, with particular interest in reactor pressure vessel (RPV) steel, reactor internals, concrete, and cables.
  • Regulatory Need - Harvested materials may be tested to assess the effects of in-plant conditions on component integrity, with focus on aging-related degradation relevant to subsequent license renewal
  • Status - Staff from JNRA, JAEA, and CRIEPI attended the RES-sponsored workshop on materials harvesting at NRC headquarters in March, 2017.
4. Request for embrittlement and mechanical property data for RPV steels (JNRA, CRIEPI)
  • Overview - Acquire data reflecting the mechanical properties of, and embrittlement effects upon, RPV steels.
  • Regulatory Need - Data can assist with the verification and validation of models used to predict the embrittlement of RPV steels
  • Status -
5. Request for participation in international probabilistic fracture mechanics working group (JNRA, JAEA)
  • Overview - Determine feasibility of pursuing a benchmarking project involving xLPR V2 and PASCAL-SP codes and further pursuit of international activities to increase confidence in probabilistic fracture mechanics methodologies and tools
  • Regulatory Need - Engagement will increase NRC confidence in the use of probabilistic fracture mechanics computer codes for regulatory applications
  • Status -

6 . Request for materials property data from Monju sodium-cooled fast reactor (JNRA)

  • Overview - Monju is a Japanese sodium-cooled fast reactor, located in Tsuruga Nuclear Power Plant, Fukui Prefecture . The reactor has been inoperative for most of the time since it was originally built, and was last operated in 2010. It is planned to be decommissioned.
  • Regulatory Need - Materials property data will be used for component integrity analyses to further staffs readiness for advanced reactor safety evaluations.
  • Status -

From: Tregoning, Robert Sent: Fri, 10 Feb 2017 12:27:45 +0000 To: Hiser, M atthew;Purtscher, Patrick


FW: AW: AW: Interest in Harvest ing Workshop Seems like a better talk for session 1?

Robert Tregoning Technical Advisor for Materials US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Two White Flint North, M/S T-10 A36 11545 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852-2738 ph: 301-415-2324 fax: 301-415-6671 From: Jendrich, Uwe Dr. [

Sent: Friday, February 10, 2017 7:14 AM To: Tregoning, Robert <>

Cc: Sievers, Jurgen Dr.<>; Hiser, Matthew <>; Purtscher, Patrick <>


[External_Sender) AW: AW: Interest in Harvesting Workshop

Rob, Thank you for the information about the workshop.

I am willing to give a short presentation in session 3: Role of GRS, plants in decommissioning in Germany.

Another contact address of a state-owned company dedicat ed to dismantling (Greifswald (WWER 440),

German research reactors, presumably involved in KWO(PWR at Obrigheim)) :

EWN Entsorgungswerk fur Nuklearanlagen GmbH Postfach 1125 17507 Lubmin Technical Director: Henry Cordes Telefon 038354 4-5000 henrv.cordes@ewn-gmbh .de Kind regards Uwe Von: Tregoning, Robert []

Gesendet: Mittwoch, 8. Februar 2017 19: 12 An: Jendrich, Uwe Dr.

Cc: Sievers, Ji.irgen Dr.; Hiser, Matthew; Purtscher, Patrick Betreff: RE : AW: Interest in Harvesting Workshop


Thanks for your reply. I'm glad you'll be attending the workshop. I've attached a presentation file that has logistical information, the overall workshop objectives, and objectives for individual sessions. Would you be willing to make a presentation in 1 or more of these sessions? In general the presentations should be short (e.g., a few slides at most for sessions 1 and 5; and at most 20 - 30 minutes for one of the other sessions) and the plan is to have everything be informal so that the preparation time is not too great and we leave plenty of time for discussion.

Please let me know if you would be amenable to this and if you have any questions about the workshop.

Also, thank you for the contact information at VGB Powertech. We will certainly contact Dr.

Mohrbach. Let me know if you have any luck finding any other contacts. We've currently trying to reach someone at EBnW.

Warm regards, Rob Robert Tregoning Technical Advisor for Materials US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Two White Flint North, M/S T-10 A36 11545 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852-2738 ph: 301-415-2324 fax: 301-415-6671 From: Jendrich, Uwe Dr. (

Sent: Wednesday, February 08, 2017 12:02 PM To: Tregoning, Robert <>

Cc: Sievers, Jurgen Dr.<>


[External_Sender] AW: Interest in Harvesting Workshop

Dear Rob,


Please apologize my late reply due to two weeks of!.___ __,

As answers to your questions:

1. I am planning to participate in the workshop. I just need the traveling permits etc.
2. I try to contact a couple of people to find out persons responsible for decommissioning. These will certainly be different for the plants from different operators. You may also try Mr. Mohrbach at the headqarter of the Association of all power plant operators (VGB Powertech, Dr. Ludger Mohrbach, Tel: +49 2018128 221, E-Mail:

Kind regards Uwe

Dr. Uwe Jendrich Gesellschaft fur Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) gGmbH Abteilung Anlagenkonzepte / Plant Concepts Department Bereich Reaktorsicherheitsanalysen / Reactor Safety Analyses Division Schwertnergasse 1 50667 Koln Germany Phone: +49 221 2068-879 Fax: +49 221 2068-10879 E-Mail: de Vorsitzende des Aufsichtsrates: Parl. Staatssekretarin Rita SchwarzelOhr-Sutter GeschaftsfOhrer: Uwe Stoll, Hans J. Steinhauer Registergericht: Amtsgericht Kain , HRB 7665 Sitz der Gesellschaft: Koln Disclaimer: Von: Tregoning, Robert [21]

Gesendet: Montag, 30. Januar 2017 13:31 An: Jendrich, Uwe Dr.

Cc: Sievers, Jurgen Dr.

Betreff: RE; Interest in Harvesting Workshop Dr. Jendrich:

I just want to follow up on the information that I sent you on the Harvesting Workshop that will be held on March 7 - 8, 2017 at the U.S. NRC Headquarters in Rockville, MD USA. I have two questions that I'm hoping you can help me with.

1. Will you or a colleague from GRS attend and hopefully participate in the workshop?
2. We would like to invite a participant from a German decommissioning company. We currently have participants representing U.S. decommissioning companies but the German situation is both unique and different compared to the U.S. Is there someone in one of these companies that you can put me in touch with? I'm aware of a few companies but I would prefer not to just randomly contact them.

Thank you so much for your consideration and support of the workshop.

All the best,

Rob Robert Tregoning Technical Advisor for Materials US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Two White Flint North, M/S T-10 A36 11545 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852-2738 ph: 301-415-2324 fax: 301-415-6671 From: Tregoning, Robert Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 4:56 PM To: Jendrich, Uwe Dr. <>

Cc: Hiser, Matthew <>; Purtscher, Patrick <>


Interest in Harvesting Workshop

Dear Dr. Jendrich:

Thank you so much for your email and your interest in getting more information about the harvesting workshop. I've attached a workshop announcement as well as a condensed workshop agenda for your information. You can see that we are planning five unique sessions as part of the workshop. Each session has a specific theme, or objective, as outlined below (and in the attached agenda).

1. Session 1 will consist of short presentations and a panel discussion on the motivation for harvesting.
2. Session 2 will discuss data needs best met through harvesting.
3. Session 3 will discuss sources of materials for harvesting programs
4. Session 4 will discuss lessons-learned from past harvesting programs and practical aspects associated with harvesting.
5. Session 5 will attempt to summarize the workshop and planning a harvesting program, as well as discuss actions and next steps Please let me know if you have any questions or would like any additional information after reviewing the attachments. Thank you again for your interest.
Regards, Rob Robert Tregoning Technical Advisor for Materials US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Two White Flint North, M/S T-10 A36 11545 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852-2738 ph: 301-415-2324 fax: 301-415-6671

From: Jendrich, Uwe Dr. (

Sent: Monday, January 16, 2017 3:38 AM To: Tregoning, Robert <>


[External_Sender] Interest in Harvesting Workshop

Dear Mr. Tregoning,

I am interested in the topic of the Harvesting Workshop.

Can you please provide me with more detailed information.

Thank you.

With kind regards Uwe Jendrich Dr. Uwe Jendrich Gesellschaft fur Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) gGmbH Abteilung Anlagenkonzepte / Plant Concepts Department Bereich Reaktorsicherheitsanalysen / Reactor Safety Analyses Division Schwertnergasse 1 50667 Koln Germany Phone: +49 221 2068-879 Fax: +49 221 2068-10879 E-Mail : de Vorsitzende des Aufsichtsrates: Parl. Staatssekretarin Rita Schwarzeluhr-Sutter Geschaftsfuhrer: Uwe Stoll, Hans J. Steinhauer Registergericht: Amtsgericht Kain, HRB 7665 Sitz der Gesellschaft: Koln Disclaimer:

From: Hiser, Matthew Sent: Fri, 21 Oct 2016 17:26:20 +0000 To: Tregoning, Robert;lyengar, Raj


FW: RE: [External] FW: Harvesting Workshop Announcement It looks like there's an ACRS full committee meeting on SLR GALL planned for Thursday, March 9 before RIC. http://www. n ng/renewa I/su bsequent-license-renewal .html#m ilestones That's tough if we want to have a 2-day workshop...

From: Bernhoft, Sherry [mailto]

Sent: Friday, October 21, 2016 1:04 PM To: Reister, Richard <>; Tregoning, Robert

<>; Dyle, Robin <>

Cc: Iyengar, Raj <>; Hiser, Matthew <>; 'Rosseel, Thomas M.' <>


[External_Sender] RE: [External] FW: Harvesting Workshop Announcement One thought- if most of the attendees for the harvesting meeting are not planning to attend the RIC consider having the meeting the week before since it is already impossible to get hotel rooms in the area for that week.

Sherry Bernhoft Electric Power Research Institute EPRI , Senior Program Manager 1300 West WT Harris Boulevard I Charlotte, NC 28262 704.595.2740 (office)

(b)(6) I kcell)

Email: Together... Shaping the Future of Electricity From: Reister, Richard [22]

Sent: Friday, October 21, 2016 11:57 AM To: Bernhoft, Sherry <>; Tregoning, Robert <>; Dyle, Robin <>

Cc: Iyengar, Raj <Ra>; Hiser, Matthew <>; 'Rosseel, Thomas M.; <>


RE: [External] FW: Harvesting Workshop Announcement We can probably support any of the dates suggested and agree with Sherry about trying to limit travel by combining meeting dates/locations. I'm including Tom Rosseel on these emails who is coordinating LWRS lab participation.


From: Bernhoft, Sherry [23]

Sent: Friday, October 21, 2016 12:49 PM To: Tregoning, Robert <>; Reister, Richard

<>; Dyle, Robin <rdyle@epri .com>

Cc: Iyengar, Raj <Ra>; Hiser, Matthew <>


RE; [External] FW; Harvesting Workshop Announcement I would prefer this around another meeting to limit travel - either the RIC as you have suggested, or the ACRS meeting on the SLR GALL that will be the week before the RIC.

Sherry Bernhoft Electric Power Research Institute EPRI, Senior Program Manager 1300 West WT Harris Boulevard I Charlotte, NC 28262 704.595.2740 (office)

(b)(6)1 l(cell)

Email: Together... Shaping the Future of Electricity From: Tregoning, Robert (mailto:Robert.Tregoning@nrc.gov1 Sent: Friday, October 21, 2016 8:16 AM To: Bernhoft, Sherry <>; Rich Reist er (

<>; Dyle, Robin <>

Cc: Iyengar, Raj <Ra>; Hiser, Matthew <>


[External] FW: Harvesting Workshop Announcement Robin/Sherry/Rich:

Attached is a draft announcement for the materials harvesting workshop that we're planning around the time of the RIC. Before setting final dates, we wanted to get some feedback from you whether the Thursday-Friday of RIC week (March 16 - 17) or the following Monday -

Tuesday (March 20 - 21) are preferable from your current schedule.

We're leaning toward the Thursday - Friday of RIC week just to capture some international folks who may be coming anyway for the RIC but recognize that a workshop ending on Friday can also have its drawbacks. We're anticipating two full days for this. Please provide any feedback on dates by COB next Friday (10/28) so that we can finalize the announcement and start to publicize the workshop.

We'd also like to work with you both in identifying discussion/session topics and speakers/organizations.

Cheers, Rob

Robert Tregoning Technical Advisor for Materials US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Two White Flint North, M/S T-10 A36 11545 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852-2738 ph: 301-415-2324 fax: 301-415-6671 From: Hiser, Matthew Sent: Friday, October 21, 2016 9:05 AM To: Tregoning, Robert <>; Iyengar, Raj <>


Harvesting Workshop Announcement Hi Rob and Raj, Please find attached the final version of the harvesting workshop announcement. If you could share this with your contact s at DOE/EPRI (Raj), and internationally (Rob), that would be great to begin to publicize this workshop and receive feedback on the preferred dates as well as those interested to present at t he workshop.



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From: Tregoning, Robert Sent: Fri, 10 Feb 201711:46:54 +0000 To: Hiser, Matthew;Purtscher, Patrick


FW: RE: RE: Harvesting Workshop Matt/Pat:

We need to determine if we have room for these two talks. I'm probably less interested in the talk in Session 2 unless it's like a 5 to 10 minute talk at most. We don't need a talk here.

Rob Robert Tregoning Technical Advisor for Materials US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Two White Flint North, M/S T-10 A36 11545 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852-2738 ph: 301-415-2324 fax: 301-415-6671 From: Alpan, F. Arzu [

Sent: Thursday, February 09, 2017 6:40 PM To: Tregoning, Robert <>

Cc: Semmler, Michael G.<>; Hiser, Matthew <>;

Purtscher, Patrick <Patrick.Purt>


[Externa l_Sender) RE: RE: Harvesting Workshop

Dear Rob,

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to present. I would like to propose to give two talks:

(1) Under Session 2, t itled "Importance of Harvesting to Evaluate Radiation Effects on Concrete Properties" (2) Under Session 3, t itled "Potential Harvesting of Concrete from Mihama Unit 1" Please note that the talk in Session 2 will be focused on irradiation effect s on the compressive strength of concrete. I am not sure if there would be a similar talk in Session 2 that would make mine redundant.

Please let me know the deadline for submitting presentations.

Best regards, Arzu From: Tregoning, Robert []

Sent: Tuesday, February 07, 2017 7:05 AM To: Alpan, f. Arzu

Cc: Semmler, Michael G.; Hiser, Matthew; Purtscher, Patrick


RE: RE: Harvesting Workshop Arzu:

Thank you for your email and your interest in the workshop. I've attached a presentation that has logistical information as well as more information on the overall workshop objectives and the format and objectives of each session.

You can see that we are planning five unique sessions as part of the workshop. Each session has a specific theme, or objective, as outlined below (and in more detail in the attachment).

1. Session 1 will consist of short presentations and a panel discussion on the motivation for harvesting.
2. Session 2 will discuss data needs best met through harvesting.
3. Session 3 will discuss sources of materials for harvesting programs
4. Session 4 will discuss lessons-learned from past harvesting programs and practical aspects associated with harvesting.
5. Session 5 will attempt to summarize the workshop and planning a harvesting program, as well as discuss actions and next steps I think the talk you proposed might fit best in either sessions 2 or 3. Session 2 is focusing on data needs best met through harvesting. Session 3 is focusing on potential sources of materials or components. You can see that the focus is on relatively short talks to allow plenty of time for discussion. You could even split your talk to cover why you want to get irradiated concrete in session 2 and then address the attributes of Mihama in Session 3.

Given these options, can you provide me with your preference of one talk or two and provide title(s) so that we can add you to the agenda.

Regards, Rob Robert Tregoning Technical Advisor for Materials US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Two White Flint North, M/S T-10 A36 11545 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852-2738 ph: 301-415-2324 fax: 301-415-6671 From: Alpan, F. Arzu [24]

Sent: Monday, February 06, 2017 4:48 PM To: Tregoning, Robert <>

Cc: Semmler, Michael G. <>; Hiser, Matthew <>;

Purtscher, Patrick <>


[External_Sender] RE: Harvesting Workshop

Dear Rob,

Thank you for the information you provided to me on the harvesting workshop that will be held at the NRC Headquarters next month.

I would like to attend this workshop, and, if possible, give a short talk. Westinghouse is in the preliminary stages of communicating with Kansai in investigating the possibility of harvesting concrete from Mihama Unit 1 to analyze the irradiation effects on concrete. This topic (irradiation effects on concrete) has been an interest to various organizations particularly for long-term operation of nuclear power plants. The talk would be mainly to inform the attendees why we are interested in this work and why we are interested in the Mihama Unit 1 concrete.

Is there an attendance fee for the workshop? I would appreciate it if you could provide me any further information related to the workshop (I have the attached documents) and the possibility for my attendance and a short talk.

Best regards, Arzu Arzu Alpan, Ph.D.

Principal Engineer Nuclear Operations & Radiation Analysis Group Primary Systems Design and Repair Products and Services Westinghouse Electric Company 1000 Westinghouse Drive Suite 332 Cranberry Township, PA 16066, U.S.A.

Phone: +l (412) 374-4735 Fax: +l (724) 940-8565 Email: Home Page: www.westinghousen From: Tregoning, Robert []

Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 7:37 AM To: Alpan, F. Arzu Cc: Semmler, Michael G.; Hiser, Matthew; Purtscher, Patrick


RE: Harvesting Workshop Arzu:

Thank you for contacting me about the workshop. The invitation is not open to the public and we are soliciting/inviting both talks and participants so that the workshop stays relatively small and focused. Having said this, it's fine to send the announcement and agenda to Kansai.

Please also be aware that we are already in contact with both JNRA (Kazu Sakamoto) and CRIEPI (Naoki Soneda) to coordinate Japanese participation . It would therefore be good for Kansai to coordinate with them if they are interested in attending or participating in the workshop. Kansai should also contact me as well if they are interested in participating or attending.

Thanks for your interest. Please let me know if you have any other questions about the workshop.

Regards, Rob Robert Tregoning Technical Advisor for Materials US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Two White Flint North, M/S T-10 A36 11545 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852-2738 ph: 301-415-2324 fax: 301-415-6671 From: Alpan, F. Arzu

Sent: Friday, January 13, 2017 S:44 PM To: Tregoning, Robert <>

Cc: Semmler, Michael G. <>


[External_Sender] Harvesting Workshop

Dear Robert,

Sherry Bernhoft has informed Westinghouse about the harvesting workshop that will be held at the NRC Headquarters in Rockville, MD on March 7-8, 2017. If this is a workshop that is open to the public, I would like to send the announcement and agenda, which are attached to this email, to our col leagues at Kansai Electric Power Company. I would appreciate it if you could let me know if I may forward the attached information to Kansai.

Best regards, Arzu Arzu Alpan, Ph.D.

Principal Engineer Nuclear Operations & Radiation Analysis Group Primary Systems Design and Repair Products and Services Westinghouse Electric Company 1000 Westinghouse Drive Suite 332 Cranberry Township, PA 16066, U.S.A.

Phone: +1 (412) 374-4735 Fax: +l (724) 940-8565 Email: Home Page: This e-mail may contain proprietary information of the sending organization. Any unauthorized or improper disclosure, copying, d istribution, or use of the contents of this e-mail and attached document(s) is prohibited. The information contained in this e-mail and attached

document(s) is intended only for the personal and private use of the recipient(s) named above. If you have received this communication in error, please notify the sender immediately by email and delete the original e-mail and attached document(s).

This e-mail may contain proprietary information of the sending organization. Any unauthorized or improper disclosure, copying, distribution, or use of the contents of this e-mail and attached document(s) is prohibited. The information contained in this e-mail and attached document(s) is intended only for the personal and private use of the recipient(s) named above. If you have received this communication in error, please notify the sender immediately by email and delete the original e-mail and attached document(s).

This e-mail may contain proprietary information of the sending organization. Any unauthorized or improper disclosure, copying , distribution, or use of the contents of this e-mail and attached document(s) is prohibited. The information contained in this e-mail and attached document(s) is intended only for the personal and private use of the recipient(s) named above. If you have received this commu nication in error, please notify the sender immediately by email and delete the original e-mail and attached document(s).

From: Hiser, Matthew Sent: Thu, 29 Sep 2016 12:44:58 -0400 To: Purtsclher, Patrick


FW: RE: RE: Thanks!

Hi Pat, My calendar is up to date for next week and fairly free (maybe 1 or 2 meetings per day).


Matt From: Ramuhalli, Pradeep [25]

Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2016 12:43 PM To: Purtscher, Patrick <>; Hiser, Matthew <Matthew.>


[External_Sender] RE: RE: Thanks!

Patrick, Just catching up after travel. Would next week work for you and Matt?

With best regards, Pradeep Ramuhalli, PhD Tel: 509-375-2763 Email: From: Purtscher, Patrick [26]

Sent: Monday, September 19, 2016 10:53 AM To: Hiser, Matthew <>; Ramuhalli, Pra,deep <>


RE: RE: Thanks!

Good morning, We had another internal meeting here with NRR to discuss the Harvesting Program. We would like to update you on where we are & discuss your progress on the draft report.

We are not available on Tlhursday the 22nd or Tuesday & Wednesday next week, the 2ih & 28th .

Let us know when is a good time.


From: Hiser, Matthew Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2016 8:01 AM To: 'Ramuhalli, Pradeep' <>; Purtscher, Patrick



RE : RE : Thanks!

Hi Pradeep; I just wanted to follow up from our meeting a couple weeks ago and see where you stood with developing another draft of this report.


Matt From: Ramuhalli, Pradeep [mai]

Sent: Friday, Sept ember 02, 2016 4:11 PM To: Hiser, Matthew <Matthew.>; Purtscher, Patr ick <>


[External_Sender] RE: Thanks !

Matt, Same here - good to finally meet both of you in person! I also appreciated the chance meeting with louri - it was good to see him back!

With best regards, Pradeep Ramuhalli, PhD Tel: 509-375-2763 Email: From: Hiser, Matthew [

Sent: Friday, September 02, 2016 12:53 PM To: Ramuhalli, Pradeep <>; Purtscher, Patrick <>


RE: Thanks!

Thanks Pradeep! Appreciate you making the time in your travel to stop by, also great to finally meet you in-person!

Have a happy Labor Day!

Matt From: Ramuhalli, Pradeep [mai]

Sent: Friday, September 02, 2016 3:41 PM

To: Hiser, Matthew <>; Purtscher, Patrick <>


[External_Sender] Thanks!

Matt, Patrick, Thank you for the time spent on meeting with me Wednesday, and the subsequent info on Zorita. I will work these into the report draft and get it out to you next week for review and further feedback.

With best regards, Pradeep Pradeep Ramuhalli, PhD Senior Research Scientist, Applied Physics Group Pacific Northwest National Laboratory 902 Battelle Blvd .

P.O.Box 999, MSIN K5-26 Richland, WA 99352 Tel : 509-375-2763 Email: pradeep.ramuhall i@pnn http ://www .pnn

Note to requester: This email record was provided to the FOIA staff only containing the 2/26/2018 email header at the end.

From: Tregoning, Robert Sent: Tue, 27 Feb 2018 15:08:32 +0000 To: Hull,Amy Cc: Audrain, Margaret;Moyer, Carol;Purtscher, Patrick;Hiser, Matthew;Frankl, Istvan


FW: RIC -- 20 of 34 segments now have proposed volunteered time for staffing 2 posters Amy:

See below for the revised table of volunteers. We've got the harvesting poster covered. I can also do the Thursday morning AM slots. It looks like we just need to cover the Wednesday AM sessions at 10:00 and 3:00 pm. I might be able to help out with one or more of these, but I need to dig into my RIC sessions more deeply to determine this. Let me know if you still need coverage for these sessions.

Regards, Rob Robert Tregoning Technical Advisor for Materials US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Two White Flint North, M/S T-10 A36 11545 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852-2738 ph: 301-415-2324 fax: 301-415-6671 From: Audrain, Margaret Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2018 10:01 AM To: Purtscher, Patrick <>; Tregoning, Robert <>


RE: RIC -- 20 of 34 segm ents now have proposed volunteered t ime for staffing 2 posters I can cover the other spots on Wednesday, except for the very end of lunch (have to be back in TWF by 1).

From: Purtscher, Patrick Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2018 9:55 AM To: Audrain, Margaret <>; Tregoning, Robert <>


RE: RIC -- 20 of 34 segments now have proposed volunteered t ime for staffing 2 posters I can cover 5 slots on Tuesday and Thursday.


Poster staffing - 2018 RIC - March 13-15, 2016 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Adv. Harvestin Adv. Harvestin Adv. Harvesting Mfg. g Mfg. g Mfg.

7:30 Carol AM Carol Amy A my (Harvestin Amy (AM) (Harv.) (AM) g) Rob (Harv.)

8:00 AM  !  !  ! Rob  !

8:30 AM 9:00 AM 9:30 AM 10:00 A my AM John Pat Meg (AM)

Pat 10:30 AM 11:00 AM 11:30 AM 12:00 Amy(A Carol PM M)

Pat (AM)

Meg 12:30

                                                                                                              • i**H~;;~~t* *1 PM *
  • ing 1/2 \

Pat Meg  ! Adv. Mfg. 1/2 hr j hr 1 1--~-:~-0--+-J-o......lh_n___P _a_t_ _ ____,_:---+--R-o_b_ _ v:;:** f **~*" j~: !

~~o ******~~~******T**************~************* r.*.*.*.*.*.~.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.1, ,

l - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - + - - - - -***********..*********i******......................... ~.

2:00 ' '

PM I-----+--------+-----+-----

2 :30

.. J. .Burke Thom i

....1.* ...............~ 1 i

1--P_M _

__ - - + - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - + - - - - -.... HerritY..... .L....... . .. . ..... .......... \........... .......

3:00 Carol Matt i l PM Amy (Harvestin Meg Hiser : j (AM) a) i Meg i

! i ...... .... 1 4


3-:3 - + - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - + - - - - -

Audrain Pat !I I i *********** ******

PM Purtscher !  ! 5

!::~:o::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::= Tr+,;:J 2 '. ; J

4:30 total 13 17 PM 5:00 PM tot~/'2 i I session j 15 \ 17 s  :  :

. needed....:..................................\.................

From: Burke, John Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2018 8:06 AM To: Hull, Amy <>; Herrity, Thomas <>; Hiser, Matthew


Cc: Moyer, Carol <>; Frankl, Istvan <>


RE: RIC --17 of 34 segments now have proposed volunteered time for staffing 2 poste rs I'll do some on Tuesday John Burke NRO/DCIP 301415 2343 From: Hull, Amy Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2018 8:04 AM To: Herrity, Thomas <>; Burke, John <>; Hiser, Matthew


Cc: Moyer, Carol <>; Frankl, Istvan <>


RIC --17 of 34 segments now have proposed volunteer ed time for staffing 2 posters As a starting point, Carol and I have each proposed about 8 1/2-hr sessions for ourselves over the 2 posters. Thom and John would you also like to staff the AM poster sometime? Please fill in which/any slots you would like. (You can bounce me if that helps)

See below and saved to G\DE\CMB\RIC. Matt would you like me to send this to the other Harvesting coauthors also or are you handling this?

Amy From: Moyer, Carol Sent: Monday, February 26, 2018 4:12 PM To: Hull, Amy <>


RE: prototype schedule to complete for staffing posters I entered my proposals & saved to G\DE\CMB\RIC From: Hull, Amy Sent: Monday, February 26, 20 18 10:21 AM

To: Herrity, Thomas <>; Moyer, Carol <>; Burke, John


Cc: Hiser, Matthew <>; Frankl, Istvan <>


prototype schedule to complete for staffing posters Attached and pasted below (highlighted in blue) are the times when thee-posters are highlighted in the attached agenda. Please let me know if/when you would like to volunteer to stand by the poster and interact with the visitors. I will work around your desired schedules to fill in the blank spaces because I am flexible during this time.

Matt, I have copied you on this because I am a coauthor on your poster and I can help staff that poster also if you would like. I don't know where you are with developing a volunteer schedule.

The RIC CAC to use for this is MF1396.

Amy From: Hull, Amy Sent: Monday, February 26, 2018 10:10 AM To: Hull, Amy <>


prototype schedule to complete for staffing posters

INote to requester: Attachment is immediately following .

From: Hull, Amy Sent: Thu, 28 May 2015 10:03 :27 -0400 To: Frankl, Istvan Cc: Tregoning, Robert;Hiser, Matt hew


Harvesting Efforts June NRC-lndustry materials mtg 5-28-15 mah.abh.pptx Attachments: Harvesting Efforts June NRC-lndust ry materials mtg 5-28-15 mah.abh.pptx We have made changes suggested. I will drop the 390 form off for you now.

~ U.S.NRC United States Nucle2r Regulatory Commission Protectirlf{ People and the Enviromnent

Outline ~ U.S.NRC United Scares Nuclea r Regularory Commission Protecting People and the Environment

  • Purpose
  • Background
  • Harvesting Experience
  • Approach to Strategic Harvesting
  • Engagement with Other Stakeholders

Purpose ~ U.S.NRC United Scares Nuclea r Regularory Commission Protecting People and the Environment

  • Create a framework for a strategic approach to harvesting ex-plant materials to support regull atory needs associated with SLR

- Ex-plant materials offer unique environmental exposure that cannot be entirely replicated by laboratory testing with fresh materials

  • Align high priority data needs identified in SLR/LTO activities with harvesting opportunities from decommissioning plants

Background ~ U.S.NRC United Scares Nuclea r Regularory Commission Protecting People and the Environment

  • To date, harvesting opportunities have been limited due to few decom1m issioning plants

- Zion in U.S., Zorita in Spain

  • However, several U.S. plants have already shut down or are planning to do so in the near future

- Kewaunee, SONGS, Crystal River, Vermont Yankee, Oyster Creek

  • This provides a unique opportunity to plan harvesting to address the highest priority technical and regulatory issues

Harvesting Experience ~ U.S.NRC United Scares Nuclea r Regularory Commission Protecting People and the Environment

  • Past harvesting efforts have generally involved reactive decision-making

- Limited opportunities to acquire ex-plant materials

- Limited strategic planning for harvesting

  • Harvesting projects with NRC involvement:

- Reactors internal materials from Zorita

- Concrete from Zorita

- Neutron absorber material from Zion

- Cables from Zion and Crystal River

Zorita Internals Research Project (ZIRP) <1tU.S.NRC Un ited Scares Nuclea r Regularory Commission Protecting People and the Environment

  • Materials Harvested :

- Baffle plate and core barrel weld materials '

  • Scope: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 J O O0

- Mechanical testing (tensile, CGR, FT) I

- Microstructural characterizat ion (void I swelling) I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 0 0 0


- High-fluence (up to 50 dpa) IAD effects with I representative LWR exposure conditions to I Support regulatory decision-making associated with SLR

  • Timeline:

- Initial discussions in 2006, harvesting in 2013, testing ongoing through 2016

  • Coordination:

- EPRI, international consortium, Studsvik, Halden

ZIRP Timeline ~ U.S.NRC United Scares Nuclear Regul arory C ommission Protecting People and the E nviron ment Task 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Project Inception *t Feasibility S,tudy Project Planning Cutting Plans Equipment Design & Manufacturing On-sitePreparations Material Extraction I On-site Logistics Shipping Radiation and Temperature Analyses Material Inspection, Inventory, Documentation I Materials Testin1g I Reporting ,r

Neutron Absorbers from Zion ~.!!:?.:,~!!-~ Protecting People and the Environment

  • Materials Harvested:

- Select Bora I NAM panels from Regions 1 and 2 of the Zion SFP

  • Scope:

- Visual and microstructural examinations {incl. areal density)

- Corrosion testing

  • Purpose :

- Identify degradation mechanisms and estimate degradation rate

- Confirm results of in-situ areal density measurements

- Provide confirmatory data to support regulatory decision-making

  • Timeline:

- Initial discussions in 2014, harvesting in 2015, testing in 2015-2016

  • Coordination:

- EPRI, ZionSolutions, SRNL

Concrete from Zorita (Plan) ~.!!:?.:,~!!-~ Protecting People and the Environment

  • Materials Harvested:

- Concrete from structures that are in close proximity to RPV

  • Scope:

- Mechanical testing (compressive, tensile, modulus of elasticity)

- M icrostructural characterization

- Physical change


- High fluence in combination with temperature and humidity that are representative of LWR environmental effects on structural and shielding performance

- Supports regulatory decision-making associated with SLR

  • Timeline:

- Initial discussions in 2014, harvesting in 2015, testing 2016-

  • Coordination:


Cables: Zion and Crystal River ~ U.S.NRC United Scares Nuclea r Regularory Commission Protecting People and the Environment

  • Materials Harvested:

- Low and Medium Voltage Cables

  • Scope:

- Condition monitoring to assess ca b le performance under norm1al operating conditions (accelerated aging) and accident conditions


- Cable degradation due to normal operating environment and accident conditions

- Supports regulatory decision-making associated wit h SLR

  • Timeline:

- Initial discussions in 2012; Cable samples harvested from Zion in 2013

- Plan is to harvest additional samples from Crystal River and Zion in 2015

- Testing expected to be completed in 2017

  • Coordination:

- ORN L, Zion Solutions, N 1ST, EPRI

Approach: Integrated Aging Degradation ~ U.S.NRC United Scares Nuclea r Regularory Commission Need/Resource Interrogatory Tool Protecting People and the Environment

  • Utilize various sources of technical information with respect to anticipated degradation in N PPs out to 80 years of operation


  • Identify high-priority data needs that cou l d be addressed through harvesting ex-plant materials

- Focus on identifying characteristics of important systems, structures, and components (SSCs) for harvesting

  • Evaluate what relevant ex-plant material from decommissioned reactors is projected to be available for potential harvesting given previously identified nee J

Sources: IP MDA & EMDA ~ U.S.NRC United Scares Nuclear Regul arory C ommission Protecting People and the Environment How does one try to predict the future? PLANT DATA Based on drawings.

DRAWINGS Pla.nt-sp8Cllic [TI doc.uments, e.g., FSAR, informaUon

  • Experts were tasked with consultants, Listing vulnerable reactor components ,

Reviewing relevant degradation mechanisms Ci] PARTS INFORMATION

~ Excel spreadsheets by groop developed by BNL. revised based oo technical inout.

Determining the degree to which the components were vulnerable to these mechanisms Determining confidence level in their predictions 0 COMPONEN1i SUBGROUPS Exoe/ sprNdsheets developed by a

!4-Panel lead expert, revised t,8S6d on rli.<cusslons amonn =nel.

  • The PMDA panel evaluated 3863 components Members I

(2203 for PWRs, 1603 for BWRs) for their +

EVALUATIONS susceptibility to 16 degradation mechanisms. [TI Exe&/ spreadshaets with degradation mechanisms scored and rommented on by panel members.

- Documented in NUREG/CR-6923

  • The EMDA panels investigated issues of reactor EVALUATION DATABASE aging beyond 60 years to identify possible 0 A CCESS database with all evaluations knowledge gaps, and provided an expansion of REPORTS scope and time [D Compitallons, filt9rs, counts, etc.

- Documented in NUREG/CR-7153



. RC mt


~ded lh!MIII Oegradltion A l * - t (EMDA)- RC Volllme 1: Ei!tQJlivt Svmma,y of hplncltd Materlall 0tGt1dldon

!M DA Procen a:nd R..ub MttMffllflt (EMOA)

Volufflt 2: AQlno Of eoi. tntemat EXplndtd lb4111811 Otg,adtclon Ind Piping Sysuim.

Anllysla (EJIDA) RC bpanded MalNII Degradallon V ~ 3; "9!ng Cl( R..,c;tQf

~ t(EMOA)


VOMllll 4: Concffll llnd Cl'WI ~Ma!WII~

-- Slrvrnira AIMl-,it (EIIDA)


lnNMiOn 6: Ctble llldC...

Source: DOE LWRS Program ~ .!!:?.:,~!!-~ Protecting People and the Environment (J. Busby, Overview Presentation to NESCC May 12, 2015)

  • Complete characterization of by 202 - First SLR demonst1ration of Lice plicati License A proved b~ RPV s ect ions lected following 1tted RC anneali ng and re ir radiat ion
  • Com p lete development and testing of new adv anced a llo y w it h s u per io r degradat ion res istance w ith
  • Expa.nded
  • Model for
  • Predictive ARRM partners Materials env ironmentally- capability for end Degradation assisted fat igue i n of useful life for Assessment LWR components cable insulation
  • Mod el for
  • Model for cable
  • New or improved ransition NOE technologies for concrete and

The Vision: Integrated Aging Degradation ~ U.S.NRC United Scares Nuclea r Regularory Commission Need/R,esource Interrogatory Tool Protecting People and the Environment EPRI LTO Decommissioning Reactors Plans Operating Information Tool for Prioritization of Experience High-Priority Data Strategic Harvesting Needs Oooortunities NRC Data: SLRGDs, Internationa l Data Sources DOE LWRS EMDA, PMDA

Implementation ~ U.S.NRC United Scares Nuclea r Regularory Commission Protecting People and the Environment

  • What might the output of this activity look like?

- For example, the review may show there is value in acquiring CASS material around 15% delta ferrite with various dose ranges

(<0.08 dpa, 1-3 dpa, and >5 dpa)

  • Once that need is identified, this activity would identify what SSCs might be the best candidates for harvesting

- For example, perhaps lower support columns would be identified as the ideal SSC to address the CASS data need

  • As decommissioning plants announce their plans, there is a clear list of SSCs and their characteristics (metallurgy, temperature, fluence, etc.) that would be desired t address the data need

Coordination with EPRI and DOE ~ U.S.NRC Un ited Scares Nuclea r Regularory Commission Protecting People and the Environment

  • NRC has memorandums of understanding with EPRI LTO and DOE LWRS covering exchange of information related to SLR and welcomes the involvement of other stakeholders.

Concrete Aging Material Aging Risk and Safety Equipment Aging GALL Program LTO (NRC)

Digital l&C IGALL (IAEA)

International Experience

Stakeholder Engagement ~ U.S.NRC United Scares Nuclea r Regularory Commission Protecting People and the Environment

  • IAEA CRP: Evaluation of Structures and Components Material Properties Utilizing Actual Aged Materials Removed from Deco1m missioned Reactors for Safe LTO.
  • Conduct public workshops to further refine the concept of useful database of research objectives for ex-plant materials
  • NRC welcomes collaboration under current EPRI/LTO and DOE/LWRS MOUs.

Acknowledgements ~ U.S.NRC United Scares Nuclea r Regularory Commission Protecting People and the Environment

  • Mita Sircar, RES/DE

~ U.S.NRC Acronyms United Scares Nuclea r Regularory Commission Protecting People and the Environment

  • ARRM - advanced radiation resistant
  • NAM - neutron absorbing material materials
  • NIST - National Institute of Standards
  • CGR- crack growth rate & Technology
  • CRP - coord inated research project
  • NPAR - nuclear pl.ant aging research (IAEA)
  • PMDA- Proactive Materials
  • CSN - Spanish regulator Degradation Assessment
  • EMDA- expanded materials degradation
  • PTS- pressurized thermal shock assessment
  • ENRESA- Spanish decommissioning
  • SFP-spentfuel pool authority
  • FT - fracture toughness
  • GALL - Generic Aging Lessons Learned guidance documents
  • IAD - irradiation-assisted degradation
  • SRP-LR standard review plan fo
  • LTO - long-term sustainability
  • LWRS- LWR Sustainabi .

Note to requester: Attachment is immediately following .

From: Hiser, Matthew Sent: Thu, 28 May 2015 13:21:49 +0000 To: Hull, Amy


Harvesting Efforts June NRC-lnd ustry materials mtg 5-28-15 mah.pptx Attachments: Harvesting Efforts June NRC-lndust ry materials mtg 5-28-15 mah.pptx Hi Amy, Here are my changes to the slides based on Steve and Rob's comments. I deleted your first slide, but added one on "I mplementation" to address Rob's comment. I also went through your slides and tried to reduce the wordiness to keep it more concise on the slides themselves . You can add the detail verbally.



~ U.S.NRC United States Nucle2r Regulatory Commission Protectirlf{ People and the Enviromnent

Outline ~ U.S.NRC United Scares Nuclea r Regularory Commission Protecting People and the Environment

  • Purpose
  • Background
  • Harvesting Experience
  • Approach to Strategic Harvesting
  • Engagement with Other Stakeholders

Purpose ~ U.S.NRC United Scares Nuclea r Regularory Commission Protecting People and the Environment

  • Create a framework for a strategic approach to harvesting ex-plant materials to support regull atory needs associated with SLR

- Ex-plant materials offer unique environmental exposure that cannot be entirely replicated by laboratory testing with fresh materials

  • Align high priority data needs identified in SLR/LTO activities with harvesting opportunities from decommissioning plants

Background ~ U.S.NRC United Scares Nuclea r Regularory Commission Protecting People and the Environment

  • To date, harvesting opportunities have been limited due to few decom1m issioning plants

- Zion in U.S., Zorita in Spain

  • However, several U.S. plants have already shut down or are planning to do so in the near future

- Kewaunee, SONGS, Crystal River, Vermont Yankee, Oyster Creek

  • This provides a unique opportunity to plan harvesting to address the highest priority technical issues

Harvesting Experience ~ U.S.NRC United Scares Nuclea r Regularory Commission Protecting People and the Environment

  • Past harvesting efforts have generally involved reactive decision-making

- Limited opportunities to acquire ex-plant materials

- Limited strategic planning for harvesting

  • Harvesting projects with NRC involvement:

- Reactors internal materials from Zorita

- Concrete from Zorita

- Neutron absorber material from Zion

- Cables from Zion and Crystal River

Zorita Internals Research Project (ZIRP) <1tU.S.NRC Un ited Scares Nuclea r Regularory Commission Protecting People and the Environment

  • Materials Harvested :

- Baffle plate and core barrel weld materials '

  • Scope: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 J O O0

- Mechanical testing (tensile, CGR, FT) I

- Microstructural characterizat ion (void I swelling) I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 0 0 0


- High-fluence (up to 50 dpa) IAD effects with I representative LWR exposure conditions to I Support regulatory decision-making associated with SLR

  • Timeline:

- Initial discussions in 2006, harvesting in 2013, testing ongoing through 2016

  • Coordination:

- EPRI, international consortium, Studsvik, Halden

ZIRP Timeline ~ U.S.NRC United Scares Nuclear Regul arory C ommission Protecting People and the E nviron ment Task 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Project Inception *t Feasibility S,tudy Project Planning Cutting Plans Equipment Design & Manufacturing On-sitePreparations Material Extraction I On-site Logistics Shipping Radiation and Temperature Analyses Material Inspection, Inventory, Documentation I Materials Testin1g I Reporting ,r

Neutron Absorbers from Zion ~.!!:?.:,~!!-~ Protecting People and the Environment

  • Materials Harvested:

- Select Bora I NAM panels from Regions 1 and 2 of the Zion SFP

  • Scope:

- Visual and microstructural examinations {incl. areal density)

- Corrosion testing

  • Purpose :

- Identify degradation mechanisms and estimate degradation rate

- Confirm results of in-situ areal density measurements

- Provide confirmatory data to support regulatory decision-making

  • Timeline:

- Initial discussions in 2014, harvesting in 2015, testing in 2015-2016

  • Coordination:

- EPRI, ZionSolutions, SRNL

Concrete from Zorita (Plan U.S.NRC Protecting People and the Environment

  • Materials Harvested:

- Concrete from structures that are in close proximity to RPV

  • Scope:

- Mechanical testing (compressive, tensile, modulus of elasticity)

- M icrostructural characterization

- Physical change


- High fluence in combination with temperature and humidity that are representative of LWR environmental effects on structural and shielding performance

- Supports regulatory decision-making associated with SLR

  • Timeline:

- Initial discussions in 2014, harvesting in 2015, testing 2016-

  • Coordination:


Cables: Zion and Crystal River ~ U.S.NRC United Scares Nuclea r Regularory Commission Protecting People and the Environment

  • Materials Harvested:

- Low and Medium Voltage Cables

  • Scope:

- Condition monitoring to assess ca b le performance under norm1al operating conditions (accelerated aging) and accident conditions


- Cable degradation due to normal operating environment and accident conditions

- Supports regulatory decision-making associated wit h SLR

  • Timeline:

- Initial discussions in 2012; Cable samples harvested from Zion in 2013

- Plan is to harvest additional samples from Crystal River and Zion in 2015

- Testing expected to be completed in 2017

  • Coordination:

- ORN L, Zion Solutions, N 1ST, EPRI

Approach: Integrated Aging Degradation ~ U.S.NRC United Scares Nuclea r Regularory Commission Need/Resource Interrogatory Tool Protecting People and the Environment

  • Utilize various sources of technical information with respect to anticipated degradation in N PPs out to 80 years of operation


  • Identify high-priority data needs that cou l d be addressed through harvesting ex-plant materials

- Focus on identifying characteristics of important systems, structures, and components (SSCs) for harvesting

  • Evaluate what relevant ex-plant material from decommissioned reactors is projected to be available for potential harvesting given previously identified nee J

Sources: IP MDA & EMDA ~ U.S.NRC United Scares Nuclear Regul arory C ommission Protecting People and the Environment How does one try to predict the future? PLANT DATA Based on drawings.

DRAWINGS Pla.nt-sp8Cllic [TI doc.uments, e.g., FSAR, informaUon

  • Experts were tasked with consultants, Listing vulnerable reactor components ,

Reviewing relevant degradation mechanisms Ci] PARTS INFORMATION

~ Excel spreadsheets by groop developed by BNL. revised based oo technical inout.

Determining the degree to which the components were vulnerable to these mechanisms Determining confidence level in their predictions 0 COMPONEN1i SUBGROUPS Exoe/ sprNdsheets developed by a

!4-Panel lead expert, revised t,8S6d on rli.<cusslons amonn =nel.

  • The PMDA panel evaluated 3863 components Members I

(2203 for PWRs, 1603 for BWRs) for their +

EVALUATIONS susceptibility to 16 degradation mechanisms. [TI Exe&/ spreadshaets with degradation mechanisms scored and rommented on by panel members.

- Documented in NUREG/CR-6923

  • The EMDA panels investigated issues of reactor EVALUATION DATABASE aging beyond 60 years to identify possible 0 A CCESS database with all evaluations knowledge gaps, and provided an expansion of REPORTS scope and time [D Compitallons, filt9rs, counts, etc.

- Documented in NUREG/CR-7153



. RC mt


~ded lh!MIII Oegradltion A l * - t (EMDA)- RC Volllme 1: Ei!tQJlivt Svmma,y of hplncltd Materlall 0tGt1dldon

!M DA Procen a:nd R..ub MttMffllflt (EMOA)

Volufflt 2: AQlno Of eoi. tntemat EXplndtd lb4111811 Otg,adtclon Ind Piping Sysuim.

Anllysla (EJIDA) RC bpanded MalNII Degradallon V ~ 3; "9!ng Cl( R..,c;tQf

~ t(EMOA)


VOMllll 4: Concffll llnd Cl'WI ~Ma!WII~

-- Slrvrnira AIMl-,it (EIIDA)


lnNMiOn 6: Ctble llldC...

Source: DOE LWRS Program ~ .!!:?.:,~!!-~ Protecting People and the Environment (J. Busby, Overview Presentation to NESCC May 12, 2015)

  • Complete characterization of by 202 - First SLR demonst1ration of Lice plicati License A proved b~ RPV s ect ions lected following 1tted RC anneali ng and re ir radiat ion
  • Com p lete development and testing of new adv anced a llo y w it h s u per io r degradat ion res istance w ith
  • Expa.nded
  • Model for
  • Predictive ARRM partners Materials env ironmentally- capability for end Degradation assisted fat igue i n of useful life for Assessment LWR components cable insulation
  • Mod el for
  • Model for cable
  • New or improved ransition NOE technologies for concrete and

The Vision: Integrated Aging Degradation ~ U.S.NRC United Scares Nuclea r Regularory Commission Need/R,esource Interrogatory Tool Protecting People and the Environment EPRI LTO Decommissioning Reactors Plans Operating Information Tool for Prioritization of Experience High-Priority Data Strategic Harvesting Needs Oooortunities NRC Data: SLRGDs, Internationa l Data Sources DOE LWRS EMDA, PMDA

Implementation ~ U.S.NRC United Scares Nuclea r Regularory Commission Protecting People and the Environment

  • What might the output of this activity look like?

- For example, the review may show there is value in acquiring CASS material around 15% delta ferrite with various dose ranges

(<0.08 dpa, 1-3 dpa, and >5 dpa)

  • Once that need is identified, this activity would identify what SSCs might be the best candidates for harvesting

- For example, perhaps lower support columns would be identified as the ideal SSC to address the CASS data need

  • As decommissioning plants announce their plans, there is a clear list of SSCs and their characteristics (metallurgy, temperature, fluence, etc.) that would be desired t address the data need

Coordination with EPRI and DOE ~ U.S.NRC Un ited Scares Nuclea r Regularory Commission Protecting People and the Environment

  • NRC has memorandums of understanding with EPRI LTO and DOE LWRS covering exchange of information related to SLR and welcomes the involvement of other stakeholders.

Concrete Aging Material Aging Risk and Safety Equipment Aging GALL Program LTO (NRC)

Digital l&C IGALL (IAEA)

International Experience

Stakeholder Engagement ~ U.S.NRC United Scares Nuclea r Regularory Commission Protecting People and the Environment

  • IAEA CRP: Evaluation of Structures and Components Material Properties Utilizing Actual Aged Materials Removed from Deco1m missioned Reactors for Safe LTO.
  • Conduct public workshops to further refine the concept of useful database of research objectives for ex-plant materials
  • NRC welcomes collaboration under current EPRI/LTO and DOE/LWRS MOUs.

Acknowledgements ~ U.S.NRC United Scares Nuclea r Regularory Commission Protecting People and the Environment

  • Mita Sircar, RES/DE

~ U.S.NRC Acronyms United Scares Nuclea r Regularory Commission Protecting People and the Environment

  • ARRM - advanced radiation resistant
  • NAM - neutron absorbing material materials
  • NIST - National Institute of Standards
  • CGR- crack growth rate & Technology
  • CRP - coord inated research project
  • NPAR - nuclear pl.ant aging research (IAEA)
  • PMDA- Proactive Materials
  • CSN - Spanish regulator Degradation Assessment
  • EMDA- expanded materials degradation
  • PTS- pressurized thermal shock assessment
  • ENRESA- Spanish decommissioning
  • SFP-spentfuel pool authority
  • FT - fracture toughness
  • GALL - Generic Aging Lessons Learned guidance documents
  • IAD - irradiation-assisted degradation
  • SRP-LR standard review plan fo
  • LTO - long-term sustainability
  • LWRS- LWR Sustainabi .

Note to requester: Attachment is immediately following.

From: Tregoning, Robert Sent: Thu, 8 Feb 2018 16:45 :33 +0000 To: Purtscher, Patrick;Audra in, Margaret


Harvesting Jan 25 Meeting Summary and Path Forward.docx Attachments: Harvesting Jan 25 Meeting Summary and Path Forward.docx Pat/Meg :

Here are the minutes from last meeting. Let's use this to frame discussion for today's meeting.


Harvesting 1/25/2018 Meeting Summary/ Path Forward Harvesting

  • Actions o ALL - do prioritization before next meeting: first ad hoc, then by using criteria
  • Next, socialize with NRR and NRO technical staff to solicit additional ideas for harvesting and a path to staff consensus on prioritized list o Pat - ANL spreadsheet
  • Send requested NRC revisions to ANL
  • Contact PNNL / Pradeep o Matt - columns in INL database
  • Identified corresponding columns in INL database to ANL spreadsheet -

see column headings shaded green in attached Excel spreadsheet

  • Pat/ Meg - follow-up with INL NFML as-needed o Pat / Meg - follow-up on RIC poster as needed (per forwarded emails)
  • Boneyards o ANL - Pat and Meg
  • Visit complete, input complete pending tweaks to spreadsheet o PNNL - Pat coordinate with Pradeep
  • Meg and Eric to visit in spring during regular PWSCC meetings
  • Contacts: Pradeep Ramuhalli, Steve Doctor o ORNL-Meg
  • Meg to visit in April during ICG-EAC travel
  • Contacts: Mikhail Sokolov and Tom Rosseel o Battelle - Matt
  • Matt to visit in June during EWI training in Columbus
  • Contacts: Bruce Young, Paul Scott
  • Prioritization table o Latest version attached to email. Use in advance of next meeting and determine future use of table/criteria for prioritization o Engage staff in NRR/NRO/RES for socialization / feedback
  • RIC o E-Poster- with division management for approval (emails forwarded to Pat and Meg) o Bilaterals - how much to support each country?

From: Hiser, Matthew Sent: Fri, 26 Aug 2016 14:30:13 +0000 To: Tregoning, Robert


Harvesting Material Availabil ity Hi Rob, I'll take on the investigation of materials at decommissioning plants per Bob's suggestion yesterday. I'll talk to Steve on Monday.




Harvesting Meeting Prep/ Alignment Location: HQ-TWFN -1OA73-Bp Start: Wed 5/16/2018 10:00 AM End: Wed 5/16/2018 11 :00 AM Show Time As: Tentative Recurrence: (none)

Meeting Status: Not yet responded Organizer: RES_DE_CMB Branch Calendar Required AttendeesPurtscher, Patrick; Tregoning, Robert; Audrain, Margaret Resources: HQ-TWFN -10A73- 8p Prep/ Alignment for meeting with electrical / concrete folks the following day.


Harvesting Meeting Prep/ Alignment Location: T10D40 Start: Tue 5/15/2018 3:30 PM End: Tue 5/15/2018 4:30 PM Show Time As: Tentative Recurrence: (none)

Meeting Status: Not yet responded Organizer: Hiser, Matthew Required AttendeesPurtscher, Patrick; Tregoning, Robert; Audrain, Margaret Prep/ Alignment for meeting with electrical / concrete folks the following day.

From: Obodoako, Aloysius Sent: Tue, 15 Mar 2016 08:53 :37 -0400 To: Hiser, Matthew


Harvesting Meeting Tomorrow Discussion Let me know when you are in the office and free to talk.

AL011stus oboclotiR-o, P.6.

Materials Engineer U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission RES/DE/CMB Office location : TWFN-10B31 Office phone: (301 )-415-2889 Email:

From: Tregoning, Robert Sent: Thu, 5 Apr 2018 12:00 :59 +0000 To: Audrain, Margaret;Purtscher, Patrick


harvesting meeting Guys:

(b )(6)

I'm going to be I !this afternoon and will miss the meeting . I think you should have it and we should continue to press forward with finishing the PNNL report and populating the ex-plant database. We've heard now from ORNL but should start planning to get PNNL contributions and also finalizing the ANL contributions using the extra data fields that we wanted to add. I also got some information from battelle yesterday which I will forward .

Cheers, Rob Robert Tregoning Technical Advisor for Materials US Nuclear Regulatory Comm ission Two White Flint North, M/S T-10 A36 11545 Rockvil le Pike Rockville, MD 20852-2738 ph: 301-415-2324 fax : 301-415-6671

Note to requester: Attachment is immediately following .

From: Hiser, Matthew Sent: Fri, 29 Jan 2016 15:05:29 +0000 To: Frankl, lstvan;Hull, Amy


Harvesting One Pager Attachments: Harvesting One Pager.docx Hi Steve and Amy, Please find attached the one-pager on the harvesting project to help facilitate transition with Aloysius.



Strategic Approach to Ex-Plant Harvesting (1/29/2016)


  • Understanding the causes and control of degradat ion mechanisms forms the basis for developing aging management programs (AMPs) to ensure the functionality and safety margins of NPP systems, structures, and components (SSC). The resolution to these issues should provide reasonable assurance of safe operation of the components in the scope of license renewal during the subsequent period of extended operation.
  • In many cases, the scientific basis for understanding and predicting long-term environmental degradation behavior of materials in NPPs is incomplete. A strategic approach to examination and testing of materials and components from decommissioned reactors can dramatically increase our knowledge-acquisition rate in this very important area.
  • This project to develop a strategic approach to ex-plant harvesting was originally conceived and initiated through the NRC's Long-Term Research Program (LTRP).


  • A task order (NRC-HQ-25-14-D-0001 Task Order Number NRC-HQ-60-15-T-0023) was placed with Pacific Northwest National Lab (PNNL) in September 2015 to support NRC in developing a strategic approach to ex-plant harvesting. Task 1 focuses on a scoping study to pull in information from other sources (EMDA, GALL, ASME code, etc.) to populate an information tool that will allow the prioritization of harvesting opportunities.
  • An internal NRC working group consisting of staff from RES and NRR was formed to advise the strategic harvesting effort.
  • NRR/DLR staff and management have expressed strong support and interest in this project and intend to develop a user need request to support this effort in the context of SLR.


  • Under Task 1 of the task order, PNNL is currently working on developing examples for dissimilar metal welds and cables of what type of information will be captured and how it will be presented.
  • The working group has met once in December and has another meeting scheduled for February to review some information put together by PNNL.

Next Steps

  • By mid-February, PNNL should provide examples for dissimilar metal welds and cables in the information tool. This will allow NRC (likely through working group) to review what type of information will be captured and how it will be presented.
  • NRC staff should work with PNNL to organize a public workshop to discuss the topic of.ex-plant harvesting and engage relevant stakeholders, particularly EPRI, industry, and DOE that can help provide information and cooperation in these efforts.
  • RES staff should work with NRR staff to develop an updated UNR incorporating this strategic harvesting effort.

From: Moyer, Carol Sent: Tue, 26 Sep 2017 11:52 :18 +0000 Note to requester:

To: Frankl, Istvan Attachment is Cc: Hull, Amy;Hiser, Matthew immediately following .


Harvesting poster abstract Attachments: Harvesting poster abstract_cem.docx

Steve, The attached abstract is for a RIC poster on harvesting. Please edit it, if necessary.

I am planning to go to the Standards Forum this morning, so if this needs changes, please feel free to make them .

At the Standards Forum, I will mention that we are starting to look at standards for AM, including having participated in an ANSI collaborative program kick-off. I will not specifically "plug" the public meeting that we are planning for this fall , since we do not have full management buy-in on that just yet.




Harvesting of Aged Materials from Operating and Decommissioning Nuclear Power Plants Poster/Tabletop Topic and Description :

In the U.S. nuclear industry today, there are some nuclear power plants (NPPs) that are prematurely ceasing operation , while other plant operators are making plans to extend operating lifespans through subsequent license renewal (SLR) from 60 to 80 years. Extending plant operation raises technical issues that may require further research on aging mechanisms to reduce uncertainties associated with material performance. Decommissioning plants provide opportunities for harvesting components that have been aged in representative light water reactor (LWR) environments.

The NRC has recently undertaken an effort, with the assistance of Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), to develop a strategic approach to harvesting aged materials from NPPs.

The work will identify criteria to consider when prioritizing the data needs for harvesting. The NRC is interested in engaging with other organizations to prioritize data needs for harvesting, to share information about harvested materials and those that may become available, and to identify areas of common interest. The poster will give an overview of NRC findings and recommendations related to harvesting of components and material specimens from operating nuclear power plants and those undergoing decommissioning.

Poster/Tabletop Presenter:

  • Matthew Hiser, Materials Engineer, RES/DE/CMB , phone: 301-415-2454 , email:


Harvesting Prioritization Location: Kenn's office Start: Mon 9/24/2018 2:30 PM End: Mon 9/24/2018 3:00 PM Show Time As: Tentative Recurrence: (none)

Meeting Status: Not yet responded Organizer: Hiser, Matthew Required AttendeesMiller, Kenneth A Sure, I'll have to run quickly over to OWFN for a meeting at 3:00, but this should work.