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ML20247J071 | |
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Issue date: | 07/12/1989 |
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NEDC-31681, NEDC-31681-ERR, NUDOCS 8907310229 | |
Download: ML20247J071 (78) | |
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MONTHYEARML20107H3401996-04-16016 April 1996
[Table view]Some use of "" in your query was not closed by a matching "".Proposed Tech Specs Re ABWR Design Description ML20058L9221993-12-0808 December 1993 Proposed Tech Specs Changes Supporting Accelerated ABWR Schedule,Chapter 16,Amend 33 ML20059M1021993-11-0909 November 1993 Proposed Tech Specs Section 5.0 Re Administrative Controls ML20059B6261993-10-25025 October 1993 Proposed Tech Specs LCOs 3.8.1,3.8.4 & 3.8.7 Re Ac Sources - Operating,Dc Sources - Operating & Inverters - Operating, Respectively ML20059B6361993-10-25025 October 1993 Proposed Tech Specs LCO Re wetwell-to-drywell Vacuum Breakers ML20059A6701993-10-22022 October 1993 Proposed Tech Specs LCO 3.5.1, ECCS Operating & Associated Bases Incorporating P&R Review Comments & Agreements ML20059G9861993-10-21021 October 1993 Proposed Tech Specs Bases Addition ML20058Q2971993-10-20020 October 1993 Proposed Tech Specs Section 5.0,Paragraphs Re Primary Coolant Sources Outside Containment & Re Explosive Gas & Storage Tank Radioactivity Monitoring Program ML20057F3211993-10-0505 October 1993 Proposed Tech Spec Figure, ATWS & EOC-RPT Instrumentation Channels ML20058N1381993-10-0404 October 1993 Proposed Tech Specs LCO 3.8.1, AC Sources-Operating & New Condition Addressing Inoperability of One Unit Auxiliary Transformer ML20057C3771993-09-16016 September 1993 Proposed Tech Spec Section 3.3, Instrumentation ML20057B3391993-09-13013 September 1993 Proposed Tech Specs Supporting Accelerated ABWR Schedule Re Containment Electrical Penetration Assemblies ML20056H1081993-09-0202 September 1993 Proposed Tech Specs Section 3.3 Proof & Review Pages, Consisting of Bases B Re Sslc Sensor Instrumentation & B Re RPS & MSIV Actuation ML20056G0881993-08-30030 August 1993 Proposed Tech Spec Section 3.3, Instrumentation ML20056D8151993-08-11011 August 1993 Proposed STS 3.1.7, Standby Liquid Control Sys ML20046C7091993-08-0606 August 1993 Proposed Tech Specs LCO 3.5.1 & Bases Re ECCS ML20046C7061993-08-0606 August 1993 Proposed Tech Specs 3.5.1,ECCS-operating ML20046B5931993-07-21021 July 1993 Proposed Tech Specs 3.8.2,3.8.5,3.8.8 & 3.8.10 & Associated Bases Re Electrical Power Sys ML20045H4981993-07-15015 July 1993 Proposed Bases for TS LCOs 3.7.2 Re Reactor Bldg Cooling Water Sys,Reactor Svc Water Sys & UHS - Shutdown & 3.7.3 Re Reactor Cooling Water Reactor Svc Water Sys & UHS - Refueling ML20045G6431993-07-0909 July 1993 Proposed TS LCOs 3.8.2,3.8.Y,3.8.5,3.8.8 & 3.8.10 Re Electrical Shutdown ML20045G8651993-06-30030 June 1993 Proposed Tech Specs Re Shutdown,Addressing Issue 16 ML20045C8111993-06-18018 June 1993 Proposed Tech Specs Section 5.0 Re Administrative Controls ML20045B0041993-06-11011 June 1993 Revised TS LCO, Standby Gas Treatment Sys. ML20045B0071993-06-10010 June 1993 Proposed,Restructured Draft I&C TS Re Sslc Instrumentation ML20045A0001993-05-28028 May 1993 Proposed Tech Specs B 3.10.32 Clarifying Low Power Physics Test LCO Intended to Address ML20044F5061993-05-20020 May 1993 Proposed Tech Spec Sections 1,2,4 & 5 & Pages B3.3-75 & B3.3-91 ML20101G6641992-06-0505 June 1992 Draft STS Section 3.1.5,reactivity Control Sys,Bases B 3.1.5,CR Scram Accumulators,Section 3.4.1,RCS,Bases B 3.4.1,RIPs Operating,Section 3.5.1,ECCS - Operating,Bases B 3.5.1,ECCS Sys & Section ML20101G6801992-05-15015 May 1992 TS Re ECCS Actuation Logic & Re ECCS Instrumentation ML20094D2091991-12-12012 December 1991 Proposed Advanced BWR Tech Specs Covering Control Rod Accumulators,Reactor Internal Pumps - Operating,Rhr Suppression Pool Cooling,Eccs - Operating,Uhs & Reactor Bldg Cooling Water & Reactor Bldg Svc Water Sys ML20247J0711989-07-12012 July 1989 Errata to NEDC-31681,consisting of Changes to BWR STS Justification Vols & Design Features Section 4.0 ML20236C1631989-03-0101 March 1989 Draft Improved BWR Tech Specs,Consisting of Chapters 3.1, Reactivity Control Sys & 3.8, Electrical Power Sys ML20133N6841985-10-24024 October 1985 Proposed Tech Spec Changes Clarifying Staffing Requirements When Reactor Control Room Manned by Operator W/No Solo Medical Restriction ML20133C2201985-09-30030 September 1985 Proposed Modified Tech Specs Re Storage & Disposal of Liquid Effluents & Elimination of Radiation Monitors for Shutdown of Test Reactor Facility ML20128L6391985-06-26026 June 1985 Proposed Changes to Tech Specs to Permit C-E to Allow GE to Maintain Getr in Possession/Nonoperating Status ML20107M8521984-10-31031 October 1984 Revised Proposed Tech Specs for Renewal of Getr, License R-33 ML20094E7631984-07-31031 July 1984 Proposed Tech Specs for GE Nuclear Test Reactor ML20058G2191982-07-28028 July 1982 STS Pages 3/4 9-8 & 3/4 9-9 Re Refueling Operations ML20003H1311981-04-30030 April 1981 Proposed Tech Specs for GE Nuclear Test Reactor. ML19305D9701980-04-10010 April 1980 Proposed Changes to Tech Specs 4.1(c),5.4.3,8.2.2,8.2.11 & Table I.Tech Spec 8.2.5 Should Be Deleted ML19211A1591979-10-30030 October 1979 Tech Specs for post-accident Monitoring Instrumentation, Containment Sys & Special Test Exceptions ML20148P0941978-10-15015 October 1978 Review Draft of Chapter 10 to Oper Specs Containing Additions to Oper Specs Originally Submitted as Proposed Specs in June 1977 ML19320C8491978-04-0101 April 1978 Sample Tech Specs Pages 3/4 3-46 Through 3/4 3-48 for Seismic Monitoring Instrumentation ML20141A3681971-10-16016 October 1971 Revised Pages of TS for Proposed Change 8 to License DR-15 for SEFOR ML20141K8321971-10-0808 October 1971 Proposed Tech Specs for Proposed Change 7 to License DR-15 ML20141A0171971-08-0606 August 1971 Revised Pages for SEFOR TS for Proposed Change 6 ML20140J4331971-04-28028 April 1971 Proposed Change 5 to SEFOR TS ML20140H8421971-01-28028 January 1971 Proposed Tech Specs Pages 2.1 Re Safety Limits ML20140H5391970-12-22022 December 1970 New & Revised Pages for SEFOR TS for Rev 2 of Proposed Change 4 ML20140H4961970-09-0808 September 1970 Revised Pages for SEFOR TS Addendum to Proposed Change 3 ML20140H4641970-09-0404 September 1970 New & Revised Pages for SEFOR TS Proposed Change 4 1996-04-16 Category:TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS & TEST REPORTS MONTHYEARML20205P8091998-11-30030 November 1998
[Table view]Some use of "" in your query was not closed by a matching "".Excess Flow Check Valve Testing Relaxation ML20248F6391998-05-31031 May 1998 Environ Fatigue Evaluations of Representative BWR Components B210059, Rev 1 to GE-NE-B2100594-1, Radiological Analyses of Design Basis Accidents1998-03-0909 March 1998 Rev 1 to GE-NE-B2100594-1, Radiological Analyses of Design Basis Accidents ML20216G5151998-02-28028 February 1998 Non-proprietary Version of NEDC-32788, Safety Review for Enrico Fermi Energy Center Unit 2 Safety/Relief Valve Setpoint Tolerance Relaxation Analyses B110073, Rev 1 to GE-NE-B1100732-01, FitzPatrick Reactor Pressure Vessel Surveillance Matls Testing & Analysis Rept of 120 Degree Capsule at 13.4 Efpy1998-02-28028 February 1998 Rev 1 to GE-NE-B1100732-01, FitzPatrick Reactor Pressure Vessel Surveillance Matls Testing & Analysis Rept of 120 Degree Capsule at 13.4 Efpy ML17292A8301997-03-31031 March 1997 Wppss WNP-2 RPV Surveillance Matls Testing & Analysis. ML18038B8281997-01-31031 January 1997 Rev 1 to GE-NE-B13-01805-22, Internal Core Spray Line Flaw Evaluation Handbook for Browns Ferry Units 2 & 3. ML20212C1491996-05-31031 May 1996 Stability Monitor B130180, Surveillance Specimen Program Evaluation for River Bend Station1996-04-30030 April 1996 Surveillance Specimen Program Evaluation for River Bend Station ML17292A2741996-04-25025 April 1996 Rev 0 to UT-WNP2-208V0, Exam Summary Sheet. ML20107H3401996-04-16016 April 1996 Proposed Tech Specs Re ABWR Design Description ML20101C4951996-03-31031 March 1996 Nonproprietary Giraffe Test Apparent Test Results Rept (ATR) Helium Series Tests (H) H-3 & H-4 Tests ML20101C4851996-03-31031 March 1996 Nonproprietary Giraffe Test Apparent Test Results Rept (ATR) Helium Series Tests (H) H-1 & H-2 Tests ML20101C5051996-03-31031 March 1996 Nonproprietary Giraffe Test Apparent Test Results Rept (ATR) Helium Series Tests (H) T-1 & T-2 Tests ML20087K6571995-08-31031 August 1995 Blind Analysis for Geraffe Helium Tests H1 - H4 ML20092C6141995-08-23023 August 1995 Rev 2 to Fabrication Spec 25A5601, Fabrication of Shroud Stabilizer ML20086D2551995-07-0505 July 1995 Pre-Test Analysis for PANTHERS-IC Tests ML20086E8471995-06-19019 June 1995 Rev 0 to Field Disposition Instruction (Fdi) HT2-0121-12900. Fdi Documents Design Requirements & Matl Required to Install Stabilizers for Shroud Horizontal Welds ML20086E8311995-06-0909 June 1995 Rev 0 to Fabrication Spec 25A5719, Fabrication of Shroud Stabilizer ML20086E8141995-06-0606 June 1995 Rev 1 to Code Design Spec 25A5717, Shroud Stabilizers ML20086E8121995-05-17017 May 1995 Rev 0 to Design Spec 25A5718, Shroud Repair Hardware ML20092C8091995-05-12012 May 1995 Rev 2, Shroud Repairs Program for Dresden Units 2 & 3, Back-up Calculations for RPV Stress Rept Number 25A5691, May 1995 ML20083L6611995-05-11011 May 1995 Apps A-E to Thermal Hydraulic Data Rept of PANTHERS-PCC Tests ML20086H5021995-05-10010 May 1995 Rev 1 to 25A5677, Giraffe Helium Test Specification Legend or Description of Group ML20101F3381995-05-0101 May 1995 Rev 1 to PPCP-QA-01, Panda Project Control Plan ML20082M1941995-04-18018 April 1995 Nonproprietary Thermal-Hydraulic Data Rept of PANTHERS-PCC Tests ML17059B0221995-02-15015 February 1995 Rev 0 to UT-NMP-311V0, Procedure for Manual Ultrasonic Exam of Nozzles Inner Radius & Bore. ML17059B0211995-02-10010 February 1995 Rev 0 to UT-NMP-309V0, Procedure for Manual Ultrasonic Exam of Planar Flaw Sizing for Nozzle Inner Radius & Bore Regions. ML17059B0201995-02-10010 February 1995 Rev 0 to UT-NMP-703V0, Procedure for Geris 2000 Ultrasonic Exam of RPV Nozzle Inner Radius & Bore Regions. ML20080H5461995-01-27027 January 1995 Rev 0 to Test Spec 25A5677, Giraffe Test Spec ML17059A8881995-01-18018 January 1995 Rev 0 to Field Disposition Instruction 0245-90800, Shroud. ML20078R0141995-01-0909 January 1995 Rev 3 of Test Spec 23A6999, Isolation Condenser & Passive Containment Condenser Test Requirements ML20073J7251994-09-24024 September 1994 Rev 1 to Core Design Spec 25A5580, Shroud Stabilizers ML20073J7171994-09-24024 September 1994 Rev 1 to Design Spec 25A5579, Shroud Stabilizer Hardware ML20073J7311994-09-24024 September 1994 Rev 1 to Fabrication Spec 25A5601, Fabrication of Shroud Stabilizer ML20073J7701994-09-24024 September 1994 Rev 0 to Installation Spec 25A5581, Stabilizer Installation ML20073F5541994-09-12012 September 1994 Shroud Stabilizers Legend or Description of Groups ML20073F5441994-09-12012 September 1994 Shroud Stabilizer Hardware Legend or Description of Groups ML20073F5671994-09-0909 September 1994 Fabrication of Shroud Stabilzer Legend or Description of Groups ML20073E8091994-09-0707 September 1994 Final Test Rept CRD Performance Evaluation Testing W/ Driveline Misalignment, Including Test Correlation W/Hatch Unit 1 ML20073F5331994-08-31031 August 1994 Rev 0 to GENE-771-54-0894, Project Instruction Shroud Repair for H1 Through H7 Welds for PECO Energy Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station ML20073F6811994-08-29029 August 1994 Draft Rev 0 to Installation Spec 25A5581, Stabilizer Installation ML20072T2641994-08-23023 August 1994 Isolation Condenser & Passive Containment Condenser Test Requirements Legend or Description of Groups ML20072F2611994-05-24024 May 1994 RPV Surveillance Matls Testing ML20210U7551994-04-30030 April 1994 Rev 0 to GE-NE-523-48-0494, Structural Assessment of Brunswick 1 RPV for Scram Event ML20058L9221993-12-0808 December 1993 Proposed Tech Specs Changes Supporting Accelerated ABWR Schedule,Chapter 16,Amend 33 ML20058C3331993-11-17017 November 1993 Rev 1 to Procedure MIUB-W812, Ultrasonic Insp of Pressure Retaining Bolting Two Inches or Greater in Diameter ML20058C3501993-11-15015 November 1993 Rev 0 to Procedure GE-UT-307, Procedure for Ultrasonic Exam of Reactor Pressure Vessel Closure Studs ML20059M1021993-11-0909 November 1993 Proposed Tech Specs Section 5.0 Re Administrative Controls ML20059B6361993-10-25025 October 1993 Proposed Tech Specs LCO Re wetwell-to-drywell Vacuum Breakers 1998-05-31 |
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