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Applicant Exhibit A-19,consisting of 1984 NRC Energy Chapter I,10CFR50,App E Re Emergency Planning & Preparedness for Production & Utilization Facilities
Person / Time
Site: Shoreham File:Long Island Lighting Company icon.png
Issue date: 05/22/1987
OL-5-A-019, OL-5-A-19, NUDOCS 8709010209
Download: ML20238B418 (7)


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l f , Jfr 3 22- O& S -/ L/L co &yg l}

1 Title 10- Ene"* g n b'7M er pMWetM Commisden t poet 50 yeordance with applicable codes, standa XIIg gsN LgNG, SfoaAGE AND Sme!Ng U 21 J, . Qt1ALITir AssuaAncr Rtc specifications, critetta, and other spec g;rds; ,,

quirements. gepures shall be established to control Sul[ Ment 7eRofdj shClie'In}aintamed to g, ine andling. storage, shipping, cleaning furntsh evidence di actfvides nflecting qual.

and presefy tion i material and equipment sty. The records shall include at least the

  1. ordance wtth work and inspection followmg: Operating logs and the results of for inspection of actlyttte, g i:1 tions to prevent damage or deteriora. reviews, mspections, tests, audits, monitor.

fe quality shall be established and e perfof[g hen necessary for particular prod. ing of,aork performance, and materials 538 ecuted by or for the organization ial protective environments, such analyses. The recorcts sha!! also include Ing the activity to verify conformance wf 14"'.

octs 3 gas atmosphere, specific moisture closely.related data such as qualifications of the documented instructions, procedures O # g gevels, and temperature levels. shall personnel, procedures. and equipment. In.

and drawings for accomplishing the activity' M spection and test records shall, as a t uni.

Such inspection shall be performed by andJ y erClfied and provided.

mum, identify the :nspector or data record.

Viduals other than those who performed the XgE INSFgcTioN. Trst. Ano OrrnATINc er. the type of observation, the results. tt.e activity being inspected. Examination 3 STATys acceptability and the action taken in con.

measurements, or tests of maternal of prod nection with any deficiencies noted. Records Octs processed shall be performed for eack aork operation where necessary to assure wasures the use ofshall be established markings to indicate.

such as stamps. tags. sistent shall be identifiable and retrievable. Cun.

3 with apphcable regulatory require.

Quality. If inspection of processed materta! Dels, routmg cards, or other suitable ments. the applicant shall establish require.

or products is imposslble or disadvanta. eans. the status of inspections and testa ments concerning record retention. such as geous. Indirect cot; trol by monitoring proc. riormed upon individual items of the nu. ouration, location, and assigned responsibill.

esains methods, equipment, and personnel car power pignt or fuel reprocessing plant. ty.

shall be provided. Both inspection and proc. ' me measures shall provide for the identi.

ess monitoring shall be provided when con. fer. tion of items which have satisfactorily XVIII. ALTDITs trol la inadequate without both. If manda.

tory inspection hold points, which require hassed A comprehensive system of planned and w6tnessing or inspecting by the applicant s eessaryrequired inspections to preclude inadvertent and tests,periodic bypassmg where audits shall be carried out to verifv destgr.ated representative and beyond which 'if such inspections and tests. Measures compliance with all aspects of the qualit'y work shall not proceed without the consent g auo be estabhshed for indicating the

\ er;ating status of structures, systems, and assurance program and to determine the ef.

of its designated representative are re. festiveness of the program. The aurilts shall quired, the specific hold points shall be indi. onents of the nuclear power plant or be performed in accordance with the urtt!

cated in appropriate documents. f q reprocessing plant, such as by tagging ten procedures or check hsts by approprt.

switches, to prevent inadvertent ately trained personnel not having direct re.

XL Trst ConTnos, hrahon. sponsibiltties tn the areas bemg audtted A test program shall be established to Audit results shall be docum' red and re. }

.W. NoNcoNFORwtNo MATERIALS. PARTS. on viewed by mar.agement having responsiblii.

assure that all testing required to demon. CoMPON ENTs .{

strate that structures, systems, and compo, ty .n the area audited. Followup action. in.

nents will perform satisfactorily in service is Measures shall be estabhshed to control cluding reaudit of deficient areas. Shall be Identitled and performed in accordance with "aterials, parts or components which do taken where indicated.


' written test procedures which incorporate ret conform to requirements in order to f 35 FR 10499. June 27.1970, as amended at the requirements and acceptance limits con. present their inadvertent use or installa. 36 FR 18301. Sept.17,1971; 40 FR 3210D.

tr 'n appilcable design documents. The non These measures shall include. ns ap. Jan.20.1975]

t grarn shall include, as appropriate popriate. procedures for identification, doc.

p. .at* Mor to installation. preopera umentation, segregation. disposition and tione tests, and operational tests during nu.

APPENDICES C-D-[Reservec'1 notification to affected organizations. Non-clear power plant or fuel reprocessing plant operstmr., of structures. systems. and com-conforming items shall be reviewed and ac-rested. rejected, repaired or reworked in ac-gu '

1 ponents. Test procedures shall include pro- 'urdance with documented procedures- APPENDIX E-EMEacrNcv PIANNING AND visions for assuring that all prerequisites for PREPAREDNESS FOR Pacot7cTION AND the givert test have been met, that adequate XVL ContcTIVE ACTrow UTII.tZATION FACH.ITIES 3 test instrumentation is available and used.

and that the test is performed under suit. Mea.sures shall be established to assure TcNe of Con!ents able environmental conditions. Test resuRs ' hat conditions adverse to quality such as shall be documented and evaluated to laws. malfunctions, deficiencies. des i- 1. Introduction assure that test requirements have been sat. ahons. defect 15e material knd equipment.

tsfied- and nonconformances are promptly identi- , NRC staff has deteloped two regulator) fled and corrected. In the case of significant guides: 21 " Emergency Planning for Re.

XI!. ConTaot. or Mtastratwo ano TrsT conditions adverse to quality, the ineasures search Reactors." and 3.42, "Eraergenes '

' EeutrutNT sna!! assure that the cause of the condition Planning in Fuel Cycle Factittles and Planu }

Measures shall be established to assure - deter'uned and corrective action taken to Licensed Under 10 CFR Parts 50 and 70 that tools. gages, instruments, and othrr p&c;ude repetition. The identification of and a }mnt NRC/ FEMA report. NUREO measuring and testing devices used in activi-

.n 0654. FEMA-REP-1. " Criteria for Prepara -

ties affecting quahty are properly con. [e cause of the condition. and the corree-Wm7etnt tion and Evaluation condition adverseEmer.

of Radiological to quality.

trolled. calibrated, and adjusted at specified j.1e action taken shall be documented and gency Response Plans and Preparedness m p Support of Nuclear Poaer Plants for In&r-periods to mamtain accuracy within neces- y rted to appropriate levels of manage- im Use and Comment / January 1080. io sary limits.

Cour wo 14 4 75 8709010209 870522 PDR O ADOCK 05000322 i PDR o



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r Part 50, App. E Title 10-Energy

!!. The Preliminary Safety Analysts Report power reactors anel the degree to which III. The Final Safety Analysts Report compliance with the requirements of this

7. IV. Content of Emergency Plans section and sections II. III. IV. and V as nec. l V. implementing Procedures essary will be deterrnmed on a case I[- basis. I Notwithstanding the above paragraphs. in

= 1. INTitoDUCTIoM *

~ the case of an operatmg license authorizmg '

Each apphcant for a construction permit only f uel loadmg and/or low power oper.

  • is required by I 50 34(a) to include m the ations up to 5% of rated power. no NRC or prehmmary safety analysts report a discus. FEMA review. findmgs. or determmations '

sion of preliminary plans for coping with concerning the state of offstte emergency emergencies. Esch apphcant for an operat- preparedness or the sdequacy of and the ca. "

ing license is required by i 50 34(b) to in- pability to implement State and local offsite clude m the final safety analysts report emergency plans, as defmed in this Appen. \

plans for coping with emergencies. dix, are required prior to the issuance of r.

This appendix establishes minimum re- sucn a license. ,

quirements for emergency plans for use in g attaining an acceptable state of emergency II. Twz Part: WIN ARY SAFETY AN ALYsts to preparedness. These plans shall be de- Rzeomt e.

scribed generally in the preliminary safety analysts report and submitted as part of the The Preliminary Safety Analysis Report final saf ety analysts report. shall contain sufficient information to "

The potential radiological hazards to the ensure the compatibility of proposed emer. g public associated with the operation of re. gency plans for both onsite areas and the y, search and test reactors and fuel factiltles 11 EPZs. with facility design features. site ceased under 10 CFR Parts 50 and 70 m. layout, and site location with respect to g, ,

volve considerations dt!ferent than those as. such considerations as access routes. sur. u-suciated uith nuclear power reactors. Conse. rounding population distributions, land use. y quently, the size of Emergency Plannm and local jurisdictional boundaries for the.

Zones 8 ( EPZs > for f acilities other than EPZs in the case of nuclear power reactors L

g as well as the means by which the standards n.,

proude guidance in developing plans for of i 50.47(b) will be met.

As a minirnum. the followir'g items shall copmg with emergencies. Copies of these be described: "$

2 documents are available at the Cornmts- A. Onsite and offsite organizations for Q sion s Pubhc Docurnent Room. 1717 1I coping with emergencies and the means for Street. NW.. Washmgton. D.C. 20555. notification. in the event of an emergency. .

" Capies of these documents may be pur* of persons a.ssigned to the emergency orga. ,

ch ased from the Government Printing ntzations.

Othee. Information on current pnces may B. Contacts and arrangements made and # '

, i- be obtained by writing the U.S. Nuclear documented with local. State, and Federal *~

r Regulatory Cornmission. Washtngton. D.C. #

governmental agencies with responsibility 1 20555. Attention: Publications Sales Man- for coping with emergencies. including iden. "

ager. tification of the principal agrncies.


2 EPZs for power teactors are discussed in C. Protective measures to be taken within D' NUREG-0396. EPA 520/1-78-016. " Planning the site boundary end within each EPZ to

  • 13asts for the Development of State and protect health and safety in the event of an ""

Local Gosernment Radiological Emergency acrident; procedures by which these meas. **

Response Pla u in Support of Lignt Water ures are to be carried out (e.g., in the case of Nuclear Pow er Plants." December 1978. The an evacuation, who authorizes the evacus-

"I '

size of the EPZs for a nuclear pouer plant tion. how the public is to be notified and in.

shall be determmed in relation to local structed. how the evacuation is to be carned i emergency response needs and capabilities out); and the expected response of offsite '

as they are affected by such conditions as agencies in the event of an emergency demography, topography, tand characterts- D. Features of the faci!1ty to be provided , ' .

tics, access routes. and jurisdictional bound.

for onsite emergency first and and decon. the size of the EPZs also may be de- tamination and for emergency transporta termined on a case-by. case basis for gas.

tion of onsite mdividuals to of fsite treat cooied nuclear reactors and for reat tors ment f acilities.

uith an authortzed poser leselless than 250 E. Provisions to be made for emergeno MW t herrnal Generally the plume expo.

treatment at of fsite f acilttles of indaiduas sure pathway EPZ for r.uclear power plants injured as a result of heensed actn ttles.

with an authortzed power lesel greater than 250 MW thermal shall constst of an area about 10 miles (16 km) in radius and the in- ' Regulatory Guide 2.6 will be used as gestion pathw ay EPZ shall consist of an guidance for the acceptability of research area about 50 miles (80 km)in radius. and test reactor emergency response plant 476 i

_ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - ~


'. Tin, m-Energy ChcPt er 1-Nudeor Reguiotory Commission Part 50, App. E F Provisions for a train!ng program for gencies. assessment action. activation of Ser reactors and the derree LO *weh npliance with the requirements egp}oyees of the licensee, o are assigned including specific authority those and re- emergency organization. notifleation proce.

tgon and sections !!.111. IV. aD - dures. emergency facilities and equipment, ary .q) be determined on a c nsibility in the event of an emergency, training maintaining emergency prepared.

d for other perrons who are not employ- ness, and recovery. In addition, the emer.

O Ic anding the a V' P*I* hs. i ecs of the beensee but shose assistance may gency response plans submitted by an appli.

an operating , ,u h r1 zing

? c. be needed in the event of r radiological cant for a nuclear power reactor operating ernergency.

ly fuel loading and/or ow power oper. O. A preliminary analysts that projects license shall contain information needed to ons up to 5% of rated pos no RC or

MA resiew. fmdings o prmmations the time and means to be employed in the demonstrate comphance wnh the standards f e emergency notif canon of State and local governments rieseribed in i 50.47(bl.* and they will oc neerning the stal' O and the pubhc in the esent of an emergen. evaluated against those standardi The nu.

eparedness or the adequacy f and the ca- , A nuclear poser p! ant applicant shall clear power reactor operating bcense apph.

g9c, ogg3 t, bility to implement S thm Appa- perform a preliminary analysts of the time cant shall also provide an analysis of the

)ergency plans. as de i required to evacuate various sectors and dis, time required to evacuate and for takmg 1 are required prior e ssuance of 2nces uithin the plume exposure pathway other prctective actions for tarious sectors ch a license. rpZ for transient and oermanent popula' and distances within the plume exposure tions. nottng major impediments to the pathway EPZ for transient and permanent IL Tur PaELinstnaaY SArrTy Analysts esacuation or taking of protective actions. populations' RgeoaT H. A prehminary analysis reflecting the need to include facilities. systems. and A. Orgaitization The Prehrninary Safety Analysts Report tall contain suff cientofinformation to rnethods for ideritifying the degree of sert. The organization for coping vvith radiolog.

azure the compa proposed emer- ousness and potential scope of radiological leal emergencia shall be descrit'ed. includ.

ency plan.s for onstte areas and the consequences of emergency situations ing definition of authorities. responsibilities.

PLs. with facillt design features. site within and outside the site boundary, in- and duties of individuals assigned to the li with respect to tyout, and site ciudmg capab61111es for dose projection censee's emergency organization and the och considerations as access routes, sur- usmg reabtime meteorological information means for notification of such individuals in ounding popul distributions land use. and for dispatch of radiological raonitoring the event of an emergency. Specifically, the nd local jurtsdtetional boundaries for the teams within the EPZs, and a preliminary following sha!! be included:

PZs in the case oi nuclear power reactors analysts reflecting the role of the onsite ,

by which the standards technical support center and of the near- 1. A description of the normal plant oper.

.5 well as the e ating organization.

't 150.47(

met. site emergency operations f acility in assess

  • As a minimum, fonowing items shall :ng mformation, recommending protective 2. A description of the onsite emergency acoon. and disseminating information to response organization with a detailed discus-3t and offsite organizations for the pubhc. sion of.

A op'ngi with emergencies and the means for a. Authorities, responsibilities and duties l(tcation, in the event of an emergency. III. Tm FINAL SArrTv ANALYSTS REP ^at of the individual (s) who will take charge persons assigned to the emergency orga. The Final Safety Analysis Report vall during an emergency; g contain the plans for coping with emergen- b. Plant staff emergency assignments; B Contacts and arrangements made.and c:et The plans shall be an expression nf the c. Authorities, responsibilities, and duties docuwnted with local. State, and Federal oterall concept of ope ration; they shall de* on an onsite emergency coordinator who g g. ,ntal agencies with responsibility scribe the essential elements of advance shall be in charge of the exchange of infor-to  ; with ernergencies. includmg iden. pannmg that have been considered and the matlon with offsite authorities responsible

. of the pnncipal agencies- .

protistons that have oeen made to cope with for coordinating and implementing offsite tif'C . rrotective measures toeach be taken within emergency situattans. The plans shall incor- emergency measures' the site boun EP'4 to We mformation about the ememency re. 3. A description, by position and function protect hea a d safety in the event of an ense roles of supporting organizations and to be performed. of the licensee's headquar.

accident; proc dures by which these meas- ste agencies. That information shall be ters personnel who will be sent to the plant ures are to rned out te g.. in the case of .f Drient to provide assurance of coordina- site to augment the onsite emergency orga-

  • ^ 'Y"C"* authonzes the evacua' ion among the supporting groups and with z"U U-tion. Mw ablic is to be notified and in- 9e bcensee. 4. Identification, by position and function ho he evacuation is to be carned T he plans submitted must include a de. to be performed, of persons within the li-Sl"'#d'd outn an the expected response of offsite ,cription of the elements set out in Section censee organization who will be responsible
  • in the event of an emergency. IV for the Emergency Planning Zones for makmg offsite dose projections, and a

~ [catures of the facility to be pro'nded EPZs) to an extent sufficient to demon. desenption of how these projections will be i r onslte emergency first and at4 . acon- vrate thrt the plans provide reasonable as.

on and for emergency transporta- made and the results transmitted to State

,Jance that adequate protective measures and local authorities. NRC, and other ap.

t of onsite individuals to offstte treat' can and u til be taken in the esent of an prcpriate governmental entities, sions to be rnade fo me nc, g mg g treatment at offstte facihtles ggy p 'These objecthes are addressed by specif injured as a result of heensed actWitnes The a pp bca nt 's ic criter:a in NUREG-0654: FEMA-REP 1 emergency plans shall entitled " Criteria for Preparation and D al-optam. but not necessarily be hmited to,

> Regulatory Guide 2 6 will be used as armation needed to demonstrate compli- untion of Radiological Emergency Response guidance for the accep u 3 y of researen m with the eternents set forth below, i e., Plans and Preparedness in Support of Nu-and test reactor emergency respo maation for coping u nth radiation emer- clear Power Plants nor Intenm Use and Comment" January 1980.


Part 50, App. E TMe 10-Energy

5. Identifice.t!on. by position and function s5all include: (1) notification of unusual to be performed, of other employees of the esents. (2) alert. (3) site area emergency, heensee with special qualifications for and (4) general emerrency. These clases copmg with emergency conditions that may are furthet m wd m N U REG-0654.

artse. Other persons sith special qualifica- TEMA-R EP-1.

Lions, such as wnsultants. s no are not em-ployees of the licensee and sho may be D. Nott/tection Procedures called upon for assistance for emergencies 1. Administrative and physical means for shall also be identified. The special qualifi- notifying local. State, and Federal officials cations of th<se persons shall be described. and agencies and ureements reached with

6. A descrip tion of tne iocal offstte serv- these officials and agencies for the prompt ices to be pro"ided m support of the licens- notification of the pubhc and for public ce's emergency organization. evacuation or other protectise measures,
7. Identtheation of. and assistance expect
  • should they become necessary, shall be de.

ed from. appropriate State. local and Feder- scribed. This desertption shall include iden.

al agencies with responsibmtma far copmg tification of the appropriate officials. by with emergencies. title and agency, of the State and local gov.

8. Identification of the State and/or local ernment agencies within the EPZs 8 officials responsible for planning for. order- 2. Provisions shall be described for yearly ing and controlling appropriate protective dissemination to the public within the actions, including evacuations when neces- plume expo ure pathway EPZ of baCc emer.

sary* rency planning information. such as the methods and times required for public nott B Assessment Acetons fication and the protective actions planned The means to be used for determinmg the if an accident occurs, general inf ormation as l magilitude of and for continually assassmg to the nature and effects of radiation, and a the impact of the release of radioacttle ma- Itsting of local bro'adcast stations that w:l!

terials shall be described. Incluaing emer* be used for dissemination of information gency action levels that are to be used as during an emergency. Signs or other rr.cas-criteria for determining the need for notifl* ures shall also be used to disseminate to 'any cation and participation cf local and State transient population within the plume expo agencies. the Commission, and other Feder* sure pathsay EPZ appropriate information al agencies. and the emergency action levels that would be helpful if an accident occurs.

that are to ha used for determining w hen 3. A licensee shall have the capability to and what type of protective measures notify responsible State and local govern

{ should be considered wi6hin and outside the mental agencies within 15 minutes after de-site boundary to protect health and safety. claring an emergency. The licensee shall The emergency action levels shall be based demonstrate that the State / local officials on in plant conditions and instrumentation have the capability to rnake a public nottfi in addition to onsite and offstte monitormg. cation decision promptly on being informed These emergency action levels shall be dis- by the licensee of an emergency condition.

cussed nad agreed on by the kpplicant and By February 1.1982, each nuclear power re.  ;

State and local governmental authonties actor licensee shall demonstrate that admin- {

and approved by NRC. They shall also be istrative and physical means have be-n es- <

reueu ed with the State and local govern- tablished for alerting r.nd providing pror tpt I mental authonties on an annual basis. Instructions to the public witLn the plume exposure pathway EPZ. The f oitr-mont h C. Acttratton of Emergencit Orgaritzation erlod in 10 CTR 50.50sx2) for the correr The enttre spectrum of emergency condi- tion of emergency plan deficiencies she tions that mvolve the alerting or methatmg not apply to the mittal installation of thi-of progressively larger segments of the total public notification system that is requirec

  • ernergency organization shall be described. by February 1.1982. The four-montit pence The commumcation et ps to be taken to will apply to correction of deficiencies idrn alert or activate ernergency personnel under tified durmg the initial installation and tv each class of emergency shall be described. ing of the prompt public notification n-lI Emergency action levels (based not only on tems as well as those deficiencies discover".

onsite and offsite radiation monitormg m- thereafter. The design objective of t' formation but also on readings f rom a prompt public notification system shall N number of sensors that Indicate a potential to have the capability to essentially o -

emergency, such as the pressure in contain- plete the mittal nottfic9 tion of the pc ment and the response of the Emergency ulthin the plume exposure pathway 1P Core Couting Systems for notification of off- withm abo at 15 mmutes The use of tha -

site agencies shall be described. The exist- ttfication capability will range f rom imm.

ence. but not the details. of a message au- ate notification of the public tsithin thentication scheme sna11 be noted [nr such mmutes of the time that State and loca! -

agencies The emergency classes defmed ficials are notified that a situation exists n 9

478 1

b 1


Trtle 10--Ene'9Y m h-Nuclear Regulatory Cornmission Port 50, App. E t

sh includt (1) notlhrstion of unusual s

events. (21 alert, (3) site area emergency, c;uiring urgent action) to the more likely near-site emergency operations facihty; and and (4) general emergency. These cla.4es een ors here there is substantial time avall-the State and local governmental among the nuclear facihty. the prmelpal are further discusset in NUREG-0654; ele State and local emergency operations cen.

Fe** A-REP-1. offlC als to make a judgment whe'her or not to "yate the public notification system. ters. and the field assessment teams. Such D. Nof theaf son Procedures commumcations systems shall be f ested an.

Where there is a decision to activate the no- nually admmistrattve and physical means for nottfying local. State, and Federal officiala

" e State and b al of'< dbmWmmmmpw D*i3 stil determine whether to activate the licensee with NRC Headquarters and the and a.encies and agreements reached with ""nre

'" a gr%duated notification or systern simultaneously staged manner. The re- or appropna t e NRC Regional Offme Ope r-these o!!scials and agencies for the promDt auons Center f rom the r'uclear pow er -"m.

nott!! cation of the pubbe and for pubhc honstbthtyeation nstemfor shall activatmg rernatnPich with athe pubhc aD- no- ior c ontrol room. the onsite f at hrural up. l evacuation or other protectise m*asu res- propriate governmental authonties. port center and the near site emergen7 ep-  !

should they become neerssary shall be de- eratirms f acihtL Such commururation, wt!

scribed. This description shall include iden. E Emergeno racatifies and Ecairment be testec monthly.

tificaL60n of the appropriate o!!acials, by Adecuate provisions shall be made and de-title and agency of the State and locks gov. E UGintMF crnment agencies within the EPZs. .cribed for emergency facilities ant' c:iutp.

ent. includmg: The program to proude for (1) the tram.

) 2. Provisions shall be demhl for >eatly Eq uipment at the site for perscnnel ing of tmployees and exercising' by per odic l' I

dissemination to the pubhc within the pmring: drttls. of radint)on emergeney plans to plume exposure paths my EPZ of baste emer.

gency planning information such as the 7 Equipment for determining the inagri. ensure that employees of the brensee are methods and times required for public nog tade of and ior continuously assessing the famihar with their specific emergency re.

fication and the protective actions planned ;rnpact of the release of radioactive materi- sponse duties and (2) the participation m

!! an accident occurs, general Information as m to the enwronment; the training and drills by other peruns 1 Facibiles and supphes at the site for de' whose assistance may be needed m the to the nature and effects of radiation and a 'entaminat: m of onsite individuals; event of a radiation emerg:ney shall be dr '

listing of local broadcast stations that wilj 4 yacilseit s and medical supphes at the scribed This 5 hall inelude a description of be used for dissemmation of information # "

during an emergency. Signs or other meas. ,,r e Nr appropriate e mergency first and i

. ,r at m en t. p gr s o 8

l ures shall also be used to disseminate to any M "5 Arrangements for the servkes of physi- th I llou'tM caWories of emgmet pn transient population within the plume expo. , as and other rnedical personnel qualtited g .

sure pathway EPZ appropriate information to !.andle radiation emergencies ordatte; n. Directors and/or coordmators r.,f the that sould be helpful if an accident occurs. 6 Arrangements for transportation of plant emergency organization;

3. A bcensee shall have the capability to contaminated injured individuals from the notify responstbae State and local govern. b. Personnel responsible for accident as 3ite to specifnally ident:fied treatment f act!, sessment. includmg contrut room shift per-mental agenches withm 15 minutes aller de. it ws oatside the site boundary; sonnel.

claring an emergency. The beensee shall 7 Arrangements for treatment of Individ, c. Radiological monitormg teams:

demonstrate that the State / local of ficials mis mJured in support of licensed activities d. Fire control teams (fire bngades);

have the capability to make a public notift.

cation decision promptly on bemg informed on the site at t7eatment faelhties outstde the site boundary;

e. Repair and damage control teams; by the hcensee of an emergency condition. f. Ftrst aid and rescue teams:

r bruary 1.1982. each nuclear power re.

8. A heensee onsite technical support g. Medical slipport personnel;  ;

Center and a licensee near.stte emergelmy h. Licensee's headquarters support per censee shall demonstrate that admin. nperations facility from which effective di. sonnch e and physical means have been es. rection can be given and effective control

t. . >ned for alerting and providmg prompt 1. Security personnel.

can be exercised during an emergency; In addition, a radiological oriental Nn instructions to the public within the ph:me exposure pathway EPE The four month 9 At least one ons Le and one offsite com. training program shall be made available t..

period in to CFR 50.54(sM2) for the correc. munications a backup power system; source.each system shall have local services personnel, e g.. local Civil De tion of emergency plan deficiencies shall All communication plans shall have ar. fense, local law enforcement personne locai news media persons.

not apply to the initial lastallation of this rtneements lor emergencies including titles The plan shall describe provisions for tt.

eb!!c notificatica system that is recuired U February 1.1982. The four month per od ^nd alternates for those in charge at both conduct of emergency preparedness e v r erds of the communication Imks and the ctses. Exercises shall test the adequacy will apply to correction of deficiencies iden. fr. mary and be.ekup means of commumca.

tified durmg the initial installation and test. tion Where consistent with the function of timmg and content of implementing pro,.

ing of the prompt pubhc notification sys- W go ernmental agency, these arrange. dures and methods. test emergency cum tems as w ell as those deficiencies dtscovered ments willinclude: ment and commumcation networks, test '

t hereaf ter. The design objective of the pubhc notification system. and ensure r e .

a Prot asion for communications with con. I prompt public notification system shall tse neu us State / local governments withm the emergency organization personnel are fant to hate the capabihty to essentially com Nme exposure pathway EPZ. Such com. tar ulth their duties. Each heensee shah .

plete the initial notification of the pLbhc '"inwations shall De tested monthly. ercise at least annually the emergency .

within the plume exposure pathua) EPZ o Protision sur communications u tth Fed. for *ach site at u hlch it has one or rm utthin about 15 mmutes The use of this r.a 'C m rp ncy response organtrations. pr>uer reactors beensed for operation it tification capability will Irorn immedi { uch con nunications systems shall be f uWscMe and small scale exercises shau 1..

ate notification of the pubhc t withm la, y- conducted and shall include participation n c appropriate State and local got ernmem minutes of the time that State and local of- prmision for cr'mmuntcattons among

., i ficials are notified that a situation exists re aRencies as follows:

,,jeuclear power reactor control room. the technical support centstr. and the LA f ull-scale excretse w hich tests d much of the licensee. State, and local emer 78 479



  • y Port 50, App. F Title 10-Energy b gency plana as as reasont oly achies able nuclear poner reactor or a heense to posseg aLthout mandatory pubhc participation nuclear material one copy of the apphcant :

- shall be conducted; detailed implementing procedures f ar its a For each site at uhnch one or more emergency plan shall be submitted to the power reactors are located and beensed for Admmistrator of the appropriate NRC Re.

operation, at least once cury fne years and givnal Of fice specahed in Append.x D of at a frequency u bich stil enable each State Part 20 of this chapter and tuo copies are to and local government withm the plume ex- be sent to :he Document Control Desk. (.'.s posure pathway EPZ to participate in at Nuclear Regulatory Commissnn Washing.

least one full-scale exercise per year and ton. DC 20555. Licensees a ho are authorized which will enable each State withm the in- to operate a nuclear power facihty shall vestion pathway to participate in at least submit one copy of any changes to the one fullacale exerene es er> three Sears. cmergency plan or procedures to the Ad.

b. For each site at w hich a power reactor intrust rator of t he appropriate NRC RTor.

is located for which the first operaltr.g li- al Of f.ce, specified in Appendix D.10 CFR cense f or that site is issued af ter July 13. Part 20, and two copies to the Document 1982, utthin one year before issuknee of the Control Dr;k within 30 days of such first operating license for full postr and changes.

prior to operation abose Seb of rated power of the hrst reactor, which will enable each Stat. 948 (42 U.S C. 2001% sec. 201. as State and local gosernment within the amended. Pub. L 93-438,88 Stat.1242. Pub plume erposure pathmay EPZ knd each L 94-79 (42 U.S C. 5841 D State withm the ingestion pathway EPZ to participate.

f 45 FTt 55410. Aug.19,1980. 46 FR 28839.

2. The plan shall also describe provtssons May 29,1981, as amended at 46 FR 63032, for msolvinz Federsi emergency response Dec. 23.1981; 47 FR 30236. July 13.1982; 47 agencies in a full-scale emergene) prepared. FR 57671. Dec. 28.19821 ness excrewe for each site at which one or more power reactors are located and li- ,

censed Mr operation at least once every 5 APPENTsIx F-Poucy ret.ATJNG TO THE ING w Et. WESSING Nm 3 small-scale exercise which tests the AND R Et.ATED WASTE MAN AGEMENT adegaacy of communication hnks estab.

inhes that response agencies understand FACIUTIES (1 the emergency action lesels, and testa at 1. Public health and safety considernions least one other component te s., medical or relating to hcrnsed fuel reprocessmg plants of bite monitoring) of the offslte emergency ggg gg response plan for licensee. State, and incal on land owned and controlled by the Feder.

emergency plans for jurtsdications within al Go ernment. Stich plants, inchidmg the the plume exposure pathway EPZ shall be facilities fttr the temporary storage of high-conducted at each site at which one or more level radtuactive wastes, may be located on power reactors are located and beensed for pMvately owned property.

operation each year a full-scale exercise is gg p ,, g g not conducted which involves the State (s) hW WWW WM MM within the plume exposure pathway EPZ. limited to that produced in the prior 5 All trainmg. includmg exercises. shall pro-side for formal critiques m order to identif y .. ,

g weak areas that need corrections. Any scak-means those aqueous wa.stes resulting f rom nesses that are identihed shall be corrected.

G Slatnicaning Emergency Preparrdr.ess traction system. or equivalent. and the con-Pros 1stons to be emplos cd to ensure that tion cycles, or equivalent,"in a f acility f or re-the emergency plan, its imp Tientmg proce- Drocessmg tiradiated reactor fuelsJ lbgh-dares, and emergency eqwpment and sup- level hqmd radioactive wastes shall be con p( phes al'e mamtamed up to date shall be de- scrted to a dry solid as regmred to comph

.l scribed. Alth this inventory hmitattort and placed ir a sealed contamer pMor to transf er to a Fed

4. Recot cey eral repository m a sh:pping cask meetird Criterna to be used to determine when fol the requirerrients of 10 CFR Part 71. Tt e
om mg an accident reentry of the f acility dry sohd shal' be chemicalls. thermall> r u.uid be appropriate or w hen operatior, radio;> heally stable to the extent that could be resumed shall be describet equihbrium pressure in the scaled cont..v ill not exceed the safe operatmg preyer.

V. IMeuurNTING PROCIITRES f or that centamer during the period f r-No less than 180 dass prior to the sched. tannmg through a minimum of 90 da uled tuuance of an operatmg license for a af ter receipt tiransfer of ph>sical custod'.

480 i.

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