ML20151S749 | |
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Site: | Shoreham File:Long Island Lighting Company icon.png |
Issue date: | 07/11/1988 |
From: | Speck S Federal Emergency Management Agency |
To: | |
References | |
OL-3-A-024, OL-3-A-24, NUDOCS 8808160096 | |
Download: ML20151S749 (35) | |
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'" INTERIM GUIDANCE GUlDE FOR . s a n v .3 9 2 o. m ouamt no. 29 THE REVIEW OF ' ~ ' sr3nm11 gcygyg STATE AND* LOCAL L-
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. % Civil Preparedness Guide fy.? Q f4 Federal Emergency Management Agency Washington, D.C. 20472 CPG 1-8A N ] l I
October 11, 1985 FOREWORD l This interim civil preparedness guide (CPG) provides State Emergency Management Agency personnel with a practical and uniform means to identify provisions to be addressed in State and local emergency operations plans (EOP's). Further, it provides FEMA regional and State staf f s with a standard, comprehensive and practical instrument to use in reviewing and determining the consistency and completeness of draf t E0P's subnitted by and to States as end products under the Comprehensive Cooperative Agreements and for assessing the quality of E0P's that are developed to satisfy the eligibility requirement to receive Emergency
' .agement Assistance (DtA) f unding.
Final issuance of this CPG will follow the completion of currant reviews of the civil defense program mandated by Congress. nuring the interim, users of this guide are requested to provide FEMA with conments based on their experience.
. This interim CPG supports the Integrated Emergency Management System approach to multihazard emegency operations plannirg . It clarifies plannirg considera-l tions that are common to multiple hazards and identifies unique planning . considerations associated with individual hazards. Further, it sets forth basic policy for the actions and activities associated with the preparation, content, and review of E0P 's.
1 We believe that the policy, procedures, and provisions outlined in this interim CPG of fer a practical and economic approach to emergency operations l plannirg . Also, this interim CPG provides a means to enhance the quality of l E0P's being produced while expediting the plan review process. I u d LJ, pd Samuel W. Speck
/ State Associate Director and Local Programs and Support 0
. t October 11, 1985 CPG l-8A Table of Contents Chapter Page I. Overview A. Introduction 1-1 B. Purpose 1-1 C. Scope 1- 1 D. Policy 1-3 II. State Responsibilities A. E0P Review 2-1
- 1. EMA Jurisdictiora 2-1
- 2. Non-DfA Jurhaictions 2-1 B. E0P Cresswalk 2-1
- 1. Basic Plan 2-2
- 2. Direction, Control, Communications , and Warning 2-4
- 3. Emergency Support Services 2-8
- a. General 2-8
- b. Specific 2-11 (1) Law Enforcement 2-11 (2) Fire and Rescue 2-11 (3) Health / Medical 2-12 (4) Public Works 2-13 (5) Emergency Management Agency (State and 2-13 Local Emergency Program Manager)
- 4. Evacua tion 2-13
- 5. Reception and Care /In-Place Protection 2-15
- 6. Emergency Public Information 2-16
- 7. Administration and Logistics 2-18 III. Region Responsibilities A. E0P Review 3-1
- 1. EMA Jurisdictions 3-1
- 2. Non-EM4 Jurisdictions 3-1 B. Reporting Requirements 3-1
- 1. Section Review Worksheets Appendix A
- 2. Summary Report Appendix B
. e October 11, 1985 CPG l-8A Chapter I Ove rview A. Introduction The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) review of State and Local Emergency Operations Plans (EOP's) should be looked upon as an integral part of a nationwide planning ef fort and an essential element of the FD4A/ State Comprehensive Cooperative Agreement (CCA) process.
Section 205 of the Federal Civil Defense Act states that eligibility for financial contributions to States for emergency management personnel and adcinistrative expenses is conditioned upon the development of State and local E0P's according to guidance approved by the Director of FEHA. FDiA program ef forts must strive to support the production of hlgh quality E0P's that are practical, well written, implementable and responsive to Federal. State and local emergency management needs. Further, adequate planning is an integral part of the Integrated Emergency Management System (IEMS) concept which incorporates Civil Preparedness Guide (CPG) 1-35, Hazard Identification, capability Assessment, and Multi-Year Development Plan (January 1985) and integrates emergency actions along functional lines at all levels of government and, to the fullest extent possible, across multiple hazard s .
, B. Purpose This CPG provides State Emengency Management Agency personnel with a practical and uniform means to identify those provisions that are to be considered when developing State and local E0P's and FEMA regional staff with a standard, comprehensive, and practical review instrument to use in determining the consistency and completeness of draf t E0P's submitted by States for FEHA review as en1 products under the CCA's. It also provides a practical means to ensure that E0P's that are developed to satisfy the eligibility requirement associated with Emergency Management Assistance (EMA) funding contain those basic plannirg considerations and provisions that should be included in every E0P. This review process will substantially impreue E0P content, contribute to the overall improvement of the energency management capability of State and local governments, and complement Federal goals and objectives.
C. Scope This CPG describes the responsibilities and tasks that apply to State government for quality control and to the Federal Government for review of State and local E0P's. This CPG is divided into three chapters: chapter I is an overview; chapter IJ identifies State responsibilities for quality control of E0P content and includes a form, called a crosswalk, to be used in identif ying the location of provisions in the plan; and chapter III identifies the responsibilities of the regional staf f for the review of E0P's and the preparation of a written report which identifies plan deficiencies and provides the State reconmendations for correcting these deficiencies. 1-1 )l 4 i- i l.
i . CPG l-8A October 11, 1985 This CPG uses a particular organizational scheme merely as a way of presentim content and criteria. This should not be construed as a design or format for E0P 's. An E0P can be organized in dif ferent ways other than the format described in chapter II. The crosswalk process will simply capture dif ferent formats into the one used for reviewig E0P's. Furthermore, this CPG expands upon and quantifies the criteria for plan content found in CPG l-35. Also, there is a close relationship to the eight functional areas listed in CPG 1-35 and the seven areas listed in Chapter II of thic guide. That relationship is as follows : CPG 1-35 Chapter II
- 1. Emergency Organization, - Basic Plan Planning and Management
- 2. Direction, Control, - Direction, Control, and Warning Communications, and Warning
- 3. Population Protection - Evacuation
- Reception and Care /In-Place Protection
- 4. Contamination Monitoring - Direction, Control, and Control Communications, and Warning 1
- Emergency Support Services l - Reception and Care /In-Place Protection .
- 5. Public Education and - Emergency Public Information Emergency Information .
- 6. Emergency Support - Emergency Support Services Se rvices The remaining functions in CPG 1-35, Hazard Analysis and Mitigation, and Training and Exercising, represent essential parts of the planning process but are not appropriate for inclusion in an E0P or as stand alone areas in this CPG, just as the section on Administration and Logistics in this CPG does not warrant individual attention in CPG l-35. The eight functional creas in CPG 1-35 are of a program nature and are designed to assess capa-bility related to various elements of emergency management as well as to gather information on current emergency management practices. This CPG identifies those provisions under the seven areas listed in chapter II that should be included in every E0P and also serves as an instrument to determine the consistency and completeness of E0P's submitted to FEMA.
CPG 1-8, Guide for the Development of State and Local Emergency Operations Plans, describes a reccumended format, content and process for State and local emergency operations plans. It sets forth FDiA's policy on plans pro-duced with Federal assistance. This CPG complements CPG 1-8 by providing a uniform, comprehensive and practical means to determine the consistency and completeness of E0P's developed through the use of CPG 1-8 or any other guidance selected by State and local governments. d 1-2 .
October 11, 1985 CPG l-8A D. Policy The following should be regarded as policy matters:
- 1. The provisions detailed in chapter II of this guide reflect the plan-ning considerations that should be addressed in each E0P. The re fo re ,
the applicable provisions listed in chapter II should be substantially included in each E0P submitted by the State to the region for review. Fai'.ure to do so will require an explanation for its omission.
- 2. E0P 's subnitted as end products must be consistent with the guide-lines set forth in the Population Protection Planning (PPP) Annex to the CCA guidance package. This end product is a single, multihazard plan that features evacuation and/or in-place sheltering as the two basic protective measures available for protecting people from all of the hazards a j urisdiction may f ace.
- 3. E0P's that only address a single hazard such as Hurricane, Nuclear Attack, Earthquake , etc. , or are incomplete (i.e. , lack individual anneces, appendices, etc.) may not be acceptable by the region for review.
- 4. E0P's subnitted as end products through the PPP Statement of Work in the States' CCA must bc reviewed. The regional staf f is responsible for reviewing and evaluating an E0P and will use chapter III of this CPG to review an E0P. Only those plans that contain major planning deficiencies which would preclude the jurisdiction from ef fectively responding to the hazards the community may f ace will be considered incomplete under the PPP statement of work in the States' CCA.
- 5. Use of PPP resources for final orinting and distribution of E0P's prior to regional review and evaluation is prohibited.
- 6. No jurisdiction can be considered safe from the ef fects of war.
Consequently, war-related planning is applicable to all jurisdictions. An E0P that fails to include evacuation and/or in-place shelter provi-sions for war-related hazards will be considered to have major planning deficiencies.
- 7. Of ficial guides developed by States to review emergency operations plans may be used in lieu of this CPG; provided , the FEMA Regional Director makes a finding that the content of the State guide is substantially consistent with the provisions contained herein.
- 1-3
October 11, 1985 CPG l-8A Chapter II State Responsibilities A. EOP Review State Emergency Management Agency personnel are required to review E0P's by completing the E0P crosswalk specified in this chapter for each EOP that is updated by an EMA participant jurisdiction and for each E0P that is developed by a non-EMA participant j urisdiction. The following specific instructions apply:
- 1. EMA Jurisdictions The State will submit a completed copy of each EOP crosswalk to the appropriate FEMA regional of fice. In addition, the State will pro-vide a copy of the EOP (in accordance with Chapter III of this guide) for at least 20 percent of the E0P's updated in EHA j urisdictions.
- 2. Non-EMA Jurisdictions The State will submit a copy of the draf t E0P that is being submitted to the region as an end product, along with a completed
~ copy of the E0P crosswalk for that E0P. B. EOP Crosswalk The E0P crosswalk is a managerial tool that provides the user with a practical means to identify, in a logical order, these planning requirements and considerations that should be addressed in every E0P. This crosswalk should provide a quick and accurate reference to regional staf f reviewers as to the location of the following provisions in the plan. The crosswalk should be completed by writing in the reference (page number, paragraph, chapter, section, etc.) or not applicable (N/ A) . It is recognized that some provisions are hazard specific and may not be applicable to the jurisdiction. In those cases, the use of N/ A will suf fice. If an item is not referenced by page number, paragraph, or N/A, the regional reviewer will assume it is not contained in the E0P. Emengency management plannirg considerations for the special needs of the mentally and physically handicapped and the elderly have of ten been inadver-tently omitted from a jurisdictions E0P. Therefore, those provisions that are applicable to the special needs of the haadicapped and elderly have been highlighted to emphasize their importance. OMB approval number 3067-0123 has been assigned for the collection of information from State and local governments pertaining to E0P's and E0P crossvalk. 2-1 t
i . CPG l-8A October 11, 1985
- 1. Basic Plan The basic plar. establishes the framework for a viable emergency res ponse capability. The role of every organization, agency, or activity expected to contribute to an emergency response should be identified and its specific roles (s) specified. The basic plan describes the general environment that would establish the probable preconditions and assumptions for execution of the plan; a concept of operations; organization and assignment of responsibilities; coordinating instructions; an explanation of how the plan is to be administered and logistically supported; and specifies the command, control, and communications system, and procedures that will be relied upon to alert, notify, recall, and employ emergency response forces, warn and protect citizens, protect property, and request aid / suppo rt from other local communities, the State and/or the Federal Gover nment .
Provisions have been made in the plan for: Page/ Reference
- a. Identif ying the functions and responsibilities of responding organizations, agencies, and individuals. This listing should include voluntary and private onganization/ groups where appropriate. .
- b. Referencing laws / ordinances and other source documents that establish the legal basis for '
plannirg and carrying out emergency responsi-bilities,
- c. Identifying the individual by title who is responsible for implementing the plan and directirg the emergency response (e.g. , chief executive, mayor, governor, county executive) . __
- d. Obtainirg assistance in an emergency from private sector and voluntary organizations.
- e. Referencing mutual aid and other written agreements with voluntary organizations and other Federal, State, local, and private o rg aniza t io ns .
- f. Organizations , agencies, and individuals to prepare standard operating procedures (S0P's) and checklists which detail how their assigned tasks will be performed to support implementing the plan. __
l 2-2 ,
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Octobar 11, 1985 CPG l-8A Pags/ Reference
- g. Including an overall concept of operations which communicates the essence of planned arrangements (e.g. , what will occur, where, when, who will be in charg e , e tc .) , with respect to the operating time periods, (e.g. ,
pre , trans , and post-disaster / emergency conditions).
- h. Addressirg the fo?. lowing emergency planning requirement s :
Direction and Coutrol Alerting and Wr.cniqr, Communic ations Emergency Public Information Contamination Monitorirg and Control Emergency Support Services Evacuation Sheltering Continuity ot? Government Resource Management Othars:
- 1. A purpose or mission statement that describes the reason for the development of the plan and its annexes.
- j. A situation staternent that describes the geographic characteristics, population at risk to specific hazards, and potential hazard considerations (based on CPG 1-35) on which the plan is based.
- k. Identifying those assumptions that are appropriate for inclusion in the plan.
- 1. Providing administrative and logistical suppo rt to all response organizations and the general public (if required).
- m. Definitions of terms and acronyms.
- n. Maps identif ying high-hazard areas and preselected monitorirg points for emer-gencies.
i . October 11, 1985 CPG l-8A - Pige/Refersnce
- p. Emergency information (materials / instructions) for groups whose primary language is not English (if appropriate).
- q. Addressirg increased readiness operations and describing actions to be taken during periods of heightened risk.
- r. Requesting State assistance in those cases where local resources cannot meet response or recovery requirements.
- s. Requesting Federal assistance in those cases where State / local resources cannot meet response or recovery requirements. In addition, provi-sions must be made for incorporating the Federal res ponse . (State plan only) .
- t. Block diagrams illustrating each organization and suborganizations roles.
- 2. Direction. Control. Communications. and Warning State and local governments should have the capability to direct and control those activities of government that are essential to saving lives, protectirg property, and restoring government -
services during and following a major emergency. A description of how emergency response forces will be used to protect citizens and property when it is necessary to respond, contain (if possible), and recover from the hazards the jurisdiction faces should be included. This description should detail command and control relationships, alertirg and warnim , communications, response and recovery proce-dures and use of emergency facilities and field forces to provide the command and control needed for each disaster response operation on a 24-hour basis. Provisions have been made in the plan for:
- a. Describing who is in charge for each emergency or disaster situation and where direction and control will emanate from (E0C or in disaster situations where field forces are used as the on-scene commander),
- b. Determining the need to evacuate.
- c. Identifying the individual responsible for issuing evacuation orders.
2-4 e
Octobsr 11, 1985 , CPG l-8A Pegs /Referanca
- d. An alternate EOC (either fixed or mobile) to serve as a backup if the primary EOC is not able to f unction.
- e. Identifying the of ficial responsible for managing the EOC during emergency periods.
- f. Identif ying by title or position in the plan, personnel assigned to the EOC in the event of a crieis situation.
- g. Identif ying program and administrative authorities and fiscal procedures needed for emergency operations.
- h. Identifying the circumstances under which predelegated authorities would become ef fective, and when they would be te rminat ed .
- i. Identifying alternate sites for departments or agencies having emergency f unctions,
- j. Lines of succession to assure continuous leadership, authority, and responsibility in key positions.
- k. The identification and use of resources for special or critical facilities, including radiological laboratories.
- 1. Logistical support for food, water, lighting ,
f uel, e tc. , to support E0C staf f and personnel deployed to the disaster site.
- m. Including radiological protection of ficers and disaster analysis staf f, including recorders, analysts and plotters as a part of the E0C staf f.
- n. Primary and backup radio communications
( fixed and mobile) .
- o. Describing the methods of communications between the EOC, field forces if employed ,
shelter / lodging / feeding f acilities, adj acent j urisdictions, ana State's EOC.
- p. The timely activation and staf firg of emergency support pe rso nnel .
- 2-5
i . CPG l-8A October 11, 1985 Page/ Reference
- q. Operational and administrative support to department or agency personnel assigned to the EOC, disaster site, or at agency's work / control / dispatch center.
- r. Including a clear and concise summary of emergency functions, command and control relationships , and support communications system.
- s. Detailing the communication requirements for emergency response organizations and warning systems for notif ying the general public.
- t. A disaster ef fects monitoring and reporting capability applicable to all hazards the j urisdiction f aces.
- u. Establishirg a means to warn the public in the event of a disaster situation, defining responsibilities of agencies or personnel, and ' describing activation proc edure s. ,
- v. Developing an emergency classification and action level scheme consistent with '
that established by the facility licensee and the State for those jurisdictions located within a 10-mile radius of a commercial nuclear power plant.
- w. Developing a flood warning system for those jurisdictions subj ect to frequent flooding.
- y. Ensurirg E0C staf f members can be recalled on short notice.
- z. Identif ying a commander responsible for on-scene direction and control in the j event of an emergency.
aa. Describirg EOC functions, layout, concept of operations, duties of staf f, use of displays ! and me s sag e fo rm s , and brirg the EOC to full readiness on a continuous 24-hour basis, for coumunications .and other emergency functions. em 2-6
Octobsr 11, 1985 CPG l-8A Page/ Reference bb. The collection and display of damage assessment information in the EOC. ec. The use of aerial radiological monitoring to support radiolo61 cal monitorirg and assessment needs. dd. Communication links between State and local EOC's, and Federal and private organizations, if appropriate. ee. Two-way radio communications between the EOC and emergency response forces, such as police, fire / rescue, and public works. ff. Two-way radio conmunications between the EOC and other forces, such as hospitals, ambulance dispatch points, and amateur communications networks. gg. Ensure canmunications staf f members can be recalled on short notice.' hh. Obtainigg telephone services duriqz emergencies. ii. Obtainirg radiation exposure rates using a network of reportirg sources. jj. A continuous 24-hour warning point to alert key of ficials and activate the public warning system. kk. The warnirg point to simultaneously activate all warning devices.
mm. Notifying key of ficials in the event of l an emergency. nn. Protecting resources (i.e. , essential l personnel and equipment) durirg disaster situations. 2-7 l
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CPG l-8A October 11, 1985 Page/Raforance oo. A central coordinating point (s) for obtaining , analyzing , reporting , and retaining (e.g ., events log) disaster related information (casualty infor-mation, property damage, fire status, number of evacuees , radiation dose , etc.) for EOC staf f and/or field forces. 1 pp. The Radiological monitors to provide data to the EOC. qq. The EOC workers to acknowledge / authenticate repo rt s. rr. The dissemination of emergency information within the energency organization and other units of the local, State, and Federal Gove rnment s. ss. Implementirg resource controls. , tt. Safeguarding essential records for continuing government f unctions, protecting the rights of individuals , etc . uu. Implementing protective measure, based on . protective action guides and other criteria consistent with the recommendations of EPA, DHEW, FDA, e tc . .
- 3. Emergency Support Services Emengency Support Services (ESS) should develop the operational planning and preparedness capabilities to respond in the event of an emergency. These organizations collectively perform the services that allow the j urisdict '.on to react to and recover from disaster events. Additionally, the agencies provide the necessary support l that allows evacuation operations to be implemented.
- a. General: (The followirg may not be applicable to every ESS)
Law Enforcement - LE Public Works - PW Fire and Rescue - FR Emergency Management Health / Medical - HM Agency (S/L) - EM j Provisions have been made in the plan for: Page/ Reference
- 1. All emergency support services and vital facilities and essential industries to LE train radiological protection personnel FR (radiological response team personnel IN and radiological monitors) . PW EM 2-8
Octobsr 11, 1985 CPG l-8A Page/ Reference
- 2. Obtainirg and maintaining monitorirg equipment for radiation hazard evaluation and exposure LE control. FR HM PW EM
- 3. Taskirg each emergency support service to LE maintain current internal notification / recall FR rosters and communications systems. HM PW EM i
- 4. Emergency s;pport services to ubtain the LE appropriate protective equipment, FR instruments , antidotes , and clothing HM (as necessary) to perform assigned tasks PW in a hazardous chemical or radiological EM e nvironment. )
- 5. Taskirg each emergency support service to LE develop SOP's that address how the agency FR will accmplish its assigned tasks and HM will deal with the hazards the jurisdic- PW
. tion faces. EM l
- 6. The preparation of mutual aid agreements. LE
- 7. Maps / charts of the local area for all LE hmergency support services. FR HM PW EM
- 8. Handling inquiries and informing f amilies on LE the status of individuals injured or missirg FR l
due to a disaster event. HM PW Di
- 9. Logistical support during emergency LE i ope ra tions . FR l HM PW EM r
e 2-9 I l ,
i . CPG 1-8A October 11, 1985 Pag e/ Ref erence l l
- 10. Reporting the appropriate information LE a (casualties, damage assessment, evacuation FR l status, radiation levels, etc.) to the EOC HM l
during emergency operations. PW EM
- 11. The direction and control of emergency LE
) support services personnel durirg FR emergency operations. HM j PW ( EM
- 12. Designating a representative for each LE support cervice to report to the EOC FR during an emergency to advise decision- HM f
i makers, to coordinate with other operating PW { forces, and to direct and control their EM j own response. l f 13. Recovery operations durity disaster events. LE } FR } HM PW EM
- 14. Estimating total population exposure. LE FR HM -
- 15. Maintainirs dose records for emergency LE workers and ensurirg that dosimeters are FR read at appropriate frequencies. HM PW EM
- 16. A decision chain for authorizing emergency LE workers to incur exposures in excess of FR the EPA general protective action guides. HM PW EM
- 17. Specif ying action icvels for determining the LE need for decontariination. FR HM PW EM 2-10
,;, m . .
-. i I October 11, 198.1 CPG l-6A I Ref erence
- b. Specific..
Provisions haver beHe e b's lhe plan for: (1) Law Ergf;;c . ment _
- a. Traffic m trol during x' anin e .cy.
- b. nelocst(q and ws) t ! petwe;;: in the ever 'f ar wen, LD r.
- c. The use of law enforcement perronnel to assist in movement to sheJtte or evacuate.
- d. Security for critical f acili+ f os and resources.
- c. Security in the disaster and other af fected areas.
- f. Law enforcement in reception centers. lodging and feeding facilities, and emergency shelters.
- g. The protection of property and damaged areas.
- h. Evacuating disasters areas during energency ope rations.
- i. Limitirg access to the evacuation area durirg response and recovery operations. ,
(2) Fire and Rescue 4 a. The deployment of fire / rescue personnel and equipment in the event of an eme tg e ncy.
- b. Fire protection in emergency shelters.
- c. Providing decisionmakers advice on
- the hazards associated with hazardous materials.
- d. Rescuing injured people during )
emergency operations. i e e ' 2-11 i
CPG l-8A October 11, 1985 t .
- e. Alertirg all emergency support services of the dangers associated with techno-logical hazards and fire during eme rg ency operations.
(3) Health / Medical Page/ Reference
- a. . Innoculating individuals if warranted by the threat of disease.
- b. Determining the radiation levels for contaminated and ecposed individuals and for the treatment and care of these individuals, including decontamination,
- c. Expanding mortuary services in an emeogency.
- d. Establishing and operating emergency medical care centers for essential workers in the hazardous area followirg the evacuation of the general population. .
- e. Provide for health / medical care at shelter / congregate care f acilitf es. _. ,
- f. Health / medical services in reception and care f acilities.
- g. Obtain euengency medical support and hospital care during and af ter and emergency.
- i. Identifying hospitals, nursing homes, and other f acilities that could be e< pa nd ed into emergency treatment centers fo: disaster victims.
- j. Crisis augmentation of health / medical personnel . e.g . , nurses' aides, paramedics, Red Cross personnel and other trained volunteers.
2-12 . j
-'" ' " ' -w* - , - - y.. ., _ _ , _ _ ,_
October 11, 1985 CPG l-8A
- k. Transport and care of individuals from the disaster site to medical ,
facilities. (4) Public Works ' Page/Re f erence
- a. Clearance of debris in an emergency.
- b. Backup electrical power to the EOC.
- c. Preparation and maintenance of a resource list that identifies source, location and availability of earthmoving equipment, dump trucks, road grades, fuel etc. , that could be used to support disaster response / recovery operations,
- d. The repair and restoration of essential se rvices and vital f acilities.
- e. A potable water aupply during an eme rg ency.
- f. Restoring utilities to critical and essential f acilities.
- g. Sanitation se rvices during an emergency.
(5) Emergency Management Agency Page/ Reference
- a. Assigning shelter / reception center tems. __
- b. Coordinatirg EOC operations.
- c. The distribution of bulk-stored radiological monitorirg equipment. _
- d. Staf firg a report section in *.he EOC durirg disaster operations.
- 4. Evacuation In the development, maintenance, atd exercise of an E0P, a capability should exist to evacuate people and move resources (i.e., food, medical, radiological) from threatened areas. It should of fer the flexibility to satisfy the full spectrum of evacuation considerations that apply to the jurisdiction. The f undamental assumption for evacuation is that suf ficient warning time will be available to evacuate the population that is threatened.
, 2-13
CPG 1-8A October 11, 1985 In addition, an assortment of evacuation options that are tailored to the dif ferent types of hazards (natural, technological, and nuclear) the jurisdiction faces should be available to the decisionmaker for implementation.
, Provisions have been made in the plan for:
Page/ Reference
- a. Identif ying transportation policy and quantifyirs transportation resources (i.e., movement control, use of public and private vehicles, etc.) . ,
- b. The relocation (personnel, critical supplies, equipment) of essential resources to the reception area. _
- c. Idet.tifyirs the number of people requirity traasportation to reception areas along with the means to get then there.
- d. Identif y1rg centrally located stagirg areas and pickup points for persons without private sutomobiles or other means of transportation.
- e. Identifying the single individual by title ,
or agenct responsible for the coordination s of all public transportation resources l planned for use ir an evacuation. . l 1
- f. Designatirg rest areas along movement routes where evacuees can obtain f uel, water, inedical l aid , vehicle maintenance, information, and I c om fort facilities.
- g. Movement control guidance which details the population at risk, evacuation routes, zones, alerting / warning of the public, identifies reception areas, and routes for return to residence.
- h. Handling vehicles with mechanical problema.
1 l 1. Vehicle security and parking in the reception area. l J. Transportation for essential workers to I commute to hazardous areas.
- k. Pracuees to receive instructional materials showing evacuation zones, routes, reception areas, parking f acilities, lodging , food se rvices , and medical clinics. ,
Octobsr 11, 1985 CPG l-8A Page/ Reference
- m. Reentry into the hazard area.
- n. Dealing with potential impediments for evacua-tion, including contingency measures.
- 5. Reception and Care /In-Place Protection Suitable protection and emergency lodging should be provided in shelters with essential life support systems for persons displaced as a result of any type of emergency. Shelter considerations include protective measures / care for evacuees and care for those people who must rely on in-place sheltering because time or circumstances did not allow evacuation. l Provisions have been made in the plan for*
Page Reference l
- a. Identif yi sg f acilities (schools, churches, motels, restaurants) that are appropriate for short term use as lodging and feeding facilities for evacuees that do not require
- f allout shelter protection.
- b. Providing living space (at least 10 sq. ft.
- per individual) for protection from f allout for each person evacuated from the threatened area. __
- c. Identifyirg those facilities suitable as public f allout shelters (including shelter capacity, protection factor and the allo-cation of shelter spaces to the public) as a result of the national f acility survey or by any other means.
- d. The crisis training of radiological monitors for all public f allout shelters planned for use,
- e. Identif ying upgradeable f acilities
(:nc_uding shelter capacity, protection f actor, if known, and the allocation of shelter spaces to the public) which can be used as a supplementary shelter resource, if required . _
- f. The use of expedient fallout shelters only af ter all appropriate upgradeable f acilities have been used.
CPG 1-8A Octobar 11, 1985 Ptge/Referenes
- g. A crisis shelter stocking plan.
- i. Designatirg f acilities within commuting distance of the hazardous area for essential workers and their families,
- j. Identif ying campgrounds to accommodate families evacuating in recreational vehicles.
- k. The assignment of responsibilities (individual (s),
organization ( s) for emergency mass feeding o perat ions .
- 1. Identifyirg f acilities for mass feeding ,
- m. Crisis upgrading of shelters.
- n. Crisis marking of unmarked f acilities. ,,
- o. The management of reception and care activities (registration, staf fing , lodging ,
feeding , pertinent evacuee information, etc.) .
- p. Assigning evacuees to lodging and fallout shelters (if applicable), and feeding f acilities.
- q. Assignirg trained managers and staff to all facilities during any period of lodging or fallout shelter occupancy. __
- r. Maintaining shelter areas free from contamination (monitorirg , decontamination, quarantine, etc .)
- s. Controlling the exposure of personnel within the jurisdiction to hazardous substances.
- t. The distribution of exposure-inhibiting or
-mitigatirg drugs, vaccines, or other preventives.
- 6. Emergency Public Information An energency public information (EPI) system should provide for the dissemination of of ficial information and instruction in order to facilitate timely and appropriate public response in an emergency. Information should be released through a designated spokesperson to people that have been evacuated and to those people that were not evacucted.
Provisions have been made .in the plan for: Page/ Reference An information of fice which is the of ficial a. point of contact for the media during an , eme rge ncy. - 2-16
Octobsr 11, 1985 CPG l-8A Pagc/ Rcf orsnce
- b. An authoritative spokesperson designated as the public information of ficer (PIO).
- c. The PIO to coordinate with the departments or agencies the release of information to the public.
- d. The distribution of energency public j info rmation materials using all sources l available such as newspapers, radio, television, etc.
- e. The preparation of EPI guidance materials based on all hazards af fecting the jurisdiction (pamphlets, magazines, etc.)
- f. Disseminating prescripted emergency information materials available for use by the media,
- h. Written or oral agreements wit'h the information media for dissemination of emergency public information and emengency warnirgs.
- 1. Points of contact for release of public information in an enengency.
- j. Includirg EBS operational area plannirg r eq uir eme nts.
- k. Disseminating essential information to the public, including the appropriate protective actions to be taken.
l 1. Authenticatirg all sources of information being received and verified for accuracy.
- m. Clearirg information with the chief executive l before release to the media.
- n. Addressirg rumor control.
- o. Informing the public about places of contact for missirg relatives, continued emergency services , restricted areas , etc.
- p. Announcements urgirg residents to share their homes with evacuees.
, 2-17
October 11, 1985 CPG l-8A
- 7. Administration and Logistics Provisions have been made in the plan for:
Page/ Reference
- a. Review and written concurrence from all departments of governnent and private sector organizations assigned emergency responsibilities.
- b. Approval and promulgation of the plan by the chief executive of the jurisdiction.
- c. Identif ying the approval date.
- d. Identifying the of fice or individual (by job title) that is responsible for the maintenance (review / update) of the plan and for ensuring necessary changes and revisions to the plan are prepared , coordinated , published and dis tr ibut ed .
- e. Updating , as necessary, based on deficiencies identified through drills and exercises, changes in local governments structure, technological chenges , e tc. .
- f. A resource inventory listing that includes ..
source and quantity. ,
- g. Statements which identify additional emergency resource requirements for personnel, equipment, and supplies.
- h. Identif ying the availability and accessibility of resources.
- i. A table of contents listing the sections in the basic plan, anneces, and appendices.
J. The training of response staf f and specialized teams to carry out emergency f unctions.
- k. Accelerated training of shelter managers in a crisis building period.
- 1. Storage, maintenance, and replenishment / replacement of equipment and materials (medical supplies, food and water, radiological instruments , etc.)
- m. Reviewing those portions of the plan actually implemented in an emergency event in order to determine if revisions can be made that would .
improve disaster response and recovery operations. - 2-18 .
October 11, 1985 CPG 1-8A Chapter III , Region Responsibilities A. EOP Review Review of E0P's will require the combined ef forts of the regional staff. Staff responsible for population protection planning must ensure that the review of each E0P is conducted as soon as possible after a State or local E0P is received in the regional office. Staff members responsible for other emergency management program areas such as Emergency Management Assistance, Radiological Protection Planning, Disaster Preparedness Improvement Grants, etc., should be relied upon to review some of these E0P's. E0P review will be accomplished by completing the Section Review Worksheets (appendix A, pages A-1 thru A-7) on each E0P s ubmit t ed . A Section Review Worksheet is provided for each of the seven major sections of the plan. If the plan format used differs from this division, that is, by title change or number of divisions, the region has the discretion to modify the Section Review Worksheet. Comments recorded on the Section Review Worksheets Lust, at leas t , identify deficiencies in the EOP and, where appropriate, suggest specific corrective actions or recommendations to improve it.
- 1. EMA Jurisdictions The regional of fice is responsible for examining the crosswalk for
' each plan and for reviewing at least 20 percent of the E0P's updated in EMA jurisdictions. The region will identify for the State the E0P's it wishes to review, and will request the State to forward a copy of those E0P's.
- 2. Non-EMA Jurisdictions
< The regional of fice is responsible for reviewing every draf t E0P : of fered as an end product for non-EMA jurisdictions it receives. B. Reporting Requirements Subsequent to the review, the region will provide a formal written summary report (appendix B) on each E0P submitted for review. The region, upon completing the section reviews on the E0P, will be responsible for making a determination as to the completeness of that section of the E0P. PPP s taf f will ensure that the summary report is prepared and forwarded back to the State; the completed section review forms may also be sent. The summary report will contain the region's evaluation as -to the completeness and compliance of the E0P, major planning deficiencies, and suggested corrective actions. If accepted , Federal resources may be used to print and publish the plan. Only those plans that contain major planning deficiencies that would preclude the jurisdiction from effectively responding to the hazards the community may face will be considered incomplete under the CCA statements of work. A copy of the summary report will be retained in the regional file. , d
; . 3-1 -_. _ __ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ , _ - . _ . _ . ~ _ _ _ _ . _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ . _
Octobsr 11, 1985 CPG l-8A l Section Review Worksheets (Cover Sheet) ! 1 I State: County: Date of Plan: .- O
< Appendix A e
October 11,' 190' CPG l-5A Section Review Worksheet
- 1. BASIC PLAN Date:
B Reviewer (s): General Comments: Sugge stions/ Recommendations : 1 e 4 1 a ! Appendix A-1 r I. . . , . _ - - , - , - . - - - - , - - . . . - - - , . - - , , . - . - , - - - - . . . . - - , - , - - - - . . - , - - - - - - . - - - - - - , - , - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , -
Octobsr 11, 1985 CPG 1-8A Section Review Worksheet I
l l DIRECTION, CONTROL, COMMlJNICATIONS, AND WARNING Date: 2. Reviewer (s): General Comments: Sugge stions/ Recommendations: 1 s Appendix A-2
Octobsr 11, 1985 CPG l-8A Section Review Worksheet
Revlever(s): General Comments: e. Sugge stions/ Recommendations : e Appendix A-3
'Octobar 11, 1985 CPG 1-8A Section Review Worksheet 4 EVACUATION Date:
Reviewer: f General Comments: 1 Sugge stions/ Recommendations : l Appendix A-4 e
Octobst 11, 1985 CPG l-8A Section Review Worksheet
Reviewer ( s) : General Comments: JI , 4 Sugge stions/ Recommendations : l I i j l 4 1 Appendix A-5 , 0 t,
" - " " * " ' " - F T-swev y -=7w- e r .y ,_m,ms,%_,, , ,,, , , , , , _ , , ,, __ __ , , _ _ _ __ _ _
CPG l-8A Octobsr 11, 1985 i
- , Section Review Worksheet l
Reviewer ( s) : General Coraments: L 1 Suggestions / Recommendations I i i i i 4 Appendix A-6
. t i
e 9 E r f
October 11, 1985 CPC 1-8A Section Review tiorksheet l l 4 j
- 7. ADMINISTVTION AND LOGISTICS Date: i Reviewer ( s):
General Comments: Sugge stions/ Recommendations : ll 1 l l l Appendix A-7 l W t
- -- , - - - n ,-- -nne.v-. . . , , , - , - --n-c,w-,.-,,m- na,. ,- - , , , - , ,-,=-,-----,n--..-,-,,
October 11, 1985 CPG l-8A l Summary Report on E0P Section Reviews , Plan Reviewed: Reviewed By: Title of Plan FEMA Region State: County: Date of Plant FDIA Region Reviewer (s) Developed by: Date of Review: Narrative statement on completeness and consistency of the E0P: ,. Listirg of Major PlannirE Deficiencies (if any) and Suggested Charges: General Comment, if Appropriate
*U,$. GOVEfM4ENT FHINTING OFF12: 1987 723 663/62660 t
Appendix B o}}