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Application for Amend to License SNM-1227,revising Section 5.1.2 to Account for Change.Encl in Support of Request of Revised Page 5-3 W/Changes Denoted by Vertical Lines in Right Margin
Person / Time
Site: Framatome ANP Richland
Issue date: 04/23/1998
From: Maas L
To: Weber M
LJM:98:045, LJM:98:45, NUDOCS 9804300171
Download: ML20217J129 (3)


1 Ytre l ISIEMENS April 23,1998 LJM:98:045 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: M. F. Weber Licensing Branch (T8D14)

Division of Nuclear Materials Safety and Safeguards Washington, DC 20555

Dear Mr. Weber:


Siemens Power Corporation License SNM-1227, Docket 70-1257 Approximately two years ago the City of Richland relocated and increased the capacity of its lift station to which Siemens Power Corporation (SPC) discharges its plant liquid effluents. The lift station is now located more directly south of SPC's plant than it had been previously and west i

of the old site. At that time SPC began the process of relocating and upgrading its liquid effluent sampling station which was inside the perimeter fence and combining it with its flow measurement station which had been in the City's old lift station. By mid 1996 these relocations were complete. SPC's combined effluent sampling and flow measurement station is now outside its puhneter fence approximately 300 feet to the north of the City lift station and there are no additional SPC discharge connections to the line between the two stations.

Section 5.1.2 of SPC's license application, therefore, needs to be updated to reflect that flow measurement is performed at SPC's effluent sampling and flow measurement station and not at the City lift station.

The purpose of this letter is to request an amendment revising section 5.1.2 to account for this change. Enclosed in support of this request are six copies of revised page 5-3 with the chenges denoted by vertical lines in the right margin.

If you require further information, please call me at 509-375-8537 or J.B. Edgar at 509-375-8663.

Very truly yours, v

n b

L. J. Maas, Manager Regulatory Compliance l

9804300171 900423 i

PDR ADOCK 07001257 I

C FDR Siemens Power Corporation Nuclear Division Headquarters P.o. Box 13o Tel:

(509) 375-8100 L

(ngineering & Manufacturing 2101 Horn Rapids Road Fax:

(509) 375 8402

/ O


Richland, WA 99352 013o I

W00.7 L

Siem' ens Power Corporation - Nuclear Division sw.2 SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL LICENSE NO. SNM-1227, NRC DOCKET NO. 70-1257 PART I - LICENSE CONDITIONS asy.

specified in 10 CFR 20.1302 as reasonably achievable and in accordance with 10 CFR 20.2003. Procedures shall be adequate to assure that the effluent treatment systems function properly, and that immediate steps are taken to rectify any observed deficiencies as soon as practicable. See Table I-5.0 for action levels and required actions regarding liquid effluents.

t Released liquid wastes are combined and discharged to the Richland City lift station l

l where the total combined liquid effluent from the plant is pumped to the Richland

Mun'icipal Sewerage System.

The combined liquid effluent shall be continuously

! sampled and the flow measured at the SPC effluent monitoring station.

The composited samples shall be analyzed for uranium and regulated chemicals. Any i

increase in the chemical or uranium content of the composited samples statistically l above those limits described in 10 CFR 20.2003 or the State of Washington Liquid 1

Waste Discharge Permit shall be cause for an investination and appropriate corrective l


I Sanitarv Wastes Sanitary wastes shall be discharged to the sanita'ry sewer system which joins other liquid wastes prior to being discharged to the Richland City lift station.

,l l

l j Process Coolina Waste Water j

! Process' cooling water shall be isolated from actual process atmosphere by double physical barriers. Process cooling water shall be discharged from various facilities (with the exception of the ELO Building) via building sewer systems separate from both sanitary and process chemical waste sewers. Process cooling water may be j

disposed of by discharge to the municipal sewerage system or discharge to the SPC Process Chemical Waste Lagoon System. Process Chemical / Radioactive Wastes i

l All process radioactive liquid wastes shall be routed to the lagoon system. Some l lagoon solutions require further treatment prior to discard to the sewer.


' solutions shall be treated, as necessary, for chemical / radioactivity removal prior to release to the sanitary sewer system.

The release of chemical wastes to the sanitary sewer system is controlled by local authorities via a permit system. The licensee shall notify NRC for informational purposes of any occurrences which, by permit, require reporting to the authorities.



April 23,1998 5-3 sPC ND 3330 947 (R407/92)

I SiemenS Power Corporation - Nuclear Division sup.c SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL LICENSE NO. SNM-1227, NRC DOCKET NO. 70-1257 PART l - LICENSE CONDITIONS REv.

36 5.1.3 Process Chemical Laaoon Manaaement System The lagoons shall be sealed on the bottom and all sides with an impervious liner to prevent the migration of lagoon contents to the adjacent subsurface soil or groundwater. The liner consists of a double layer of impervious material, separated by a layer of sand or other material used to maintain spacing between liners. A system of sampling tubes shall be installed between the liners to provide sampling capability to permit detection of leaks in the upper liner.

Routine monitoring of the integrity of the upper liners shall be accomplished by l

l drawing a vacuum on each group of the "between-liners" sampling heads at least monthly, unless weather conditions (e.g. ice and/or snow) make it too hazardous to ;

l i perse nel to perform such sampling. In the event that a significant amount of liquid is pumped from any sampling head (s), the liquid shall be analyzed for fluoride and uranium content. If uranium and fluoride are present above previously measured

. levels, an investigation shall be initiated which shall include:


Additional between-liner sampling; 2.

Lagoon solution sampling for comparison of the content of the sample I

to that of the lagoon-l l

1 3.

Checking the integrity of the lower liner of affected lagoons; for i

Lagoons 1 and 3 by activating sampling lines located between the lower liners and the original Petromat liners of these two lagoons; or checking the integrity of the lower liner of Lagoon number 4 by sampling the three dry wells associated with the three " French Drains" located under the lower liner of this lagoon; and 4.

Making use of the lagoon test well system.

l The between-liner sampling system is the first line of defense for detecting liner leaks,

, and sampling shall be scheduled monthly. The beneath-the-bottom liner leak detection l

system shall be activated at anytime the upper liner is determined to be leaking to !

confirm the integrity of the lower liner. Test wells are provided around the lagoon l

system as a backup to provide the capability to detect leaks penetrating both liner

layers, in the event that a leak in an upper liner is confirmed, the liner shall be repaired. A report of the leak, including results of the investigation and corrective actions taken, shall be forwarded, in writing, to the Administrator, NRC-Region IV within 90 days of detection of the leak, l




I October 28,1996 5-4 sPC ND 3330 947 (R 007/92) i u
