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Application for Amend to License SNM-1227,changing Safety Demonstration Part of License to Cover Expansion of Product Development Test Facility
Person / Time
Site: Framatome ANP Richland
Issue date: 12/08/1992
From: Edgar J
To: Jim Hickey
NUDOCS 9212150234
Download: ML20125D510 (15)




,.9 SIEM ENS December 8,1992 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Mr. John W. N. Hickey, Chief Fuel Cycle Safety Branch Division of Industrial and Medical Nuclear Safety, NMSS Washington, DC 20555 License No. SNM-12N Docket No. 70-1257

Dear Mr. Hickey:

Siemens Power Corporation (SPC) hereby notifies the NRC of a change to the safety demonstration part of License Nc. SNM-1227 to cover an expansion of the PDTF (formerly the FCTF) Building. The high bay Product Development and Testing Facility (PDTF) Building was constructed in 1979 to accommodate t' 3 Fuel Cooling Test Facility (FCTF), Portable Hydraulic Test Facility. (PHTF), atK' the Seismic Test Facility. The building was actually constructed at half its designed size. Since that time, additional loops (including the multi-loop Scalid Hydraulic and Flow Visualization Test Facility and the Material Testing System, material test apparatus, test bundle storage racks, computers. and video equipment havs been incorporated into the building. In addition there has been a significant increase in the numbo: of personnel using the facility.

The current building is too small to permit efficient use of the existing facilities and to permit installation of equipment for test bundle assemb'y. The existing electrical system is inadequate such that pumps and other essential equipment are extensively interlocked, which precludes the use of more than one test loop at a time. In addition, the present test bundle storage rack capacity is inadequate for the number of existing and projected future test bundle storage requirements.

FACILITY EXPANSION DESCRIPTION The PDTF Building will be extended with a 40'x 40' addition on the south end. This extension willincorporate an environmentally controlled computer room and office, new test bundio storage racks, an extension of the bridge crane, relocation of the PHTF Loop, relocation of the large rollup door, a new diesel compressor air supply, a new electrical power feed panel, and an extension of the existing air and water supplies.

9212150234 921208 PDR ADOCK 07001257 C

PDR Siemens Power Corporation Nuclear Division Engineering and Manufacturing Faceity ry 2101 Horn Rapids Road, PO Box 130 Richland, WA 993524130 Tel: (509) 375-8100 Fax: (509) 375-8402 l

l l

f, y

Page 2 December 8,1992

- Criticality Control The majority of fuel assemblies stored and tested in the PDTF loops contain natural uranium, depleted uranium, or steel pellets. There are, however, occasions when enriched assemblies are brought into the facility for testing. Criticahty Safety Specifications are, therefore, written for up to 5% enriched assemblies. The building is limited to one enriched assembly at any.

one time. Any other assemblies (on rods, if a test assembly is to be put together in the facility) contain only natural or depleted uranium oxide or steel (or other non-radioactive) pellets.

Badioloaical Safety There will be no gaseous or particulate re! eases since all material will be in closed rods or assemblies. Radiation work will be controlled within the Radiation Work Procedure system.

The radiologicalimpact of handling UO in test assemblies will be no greater than previously 2


Environment I,mpact The environmental impact of the expansion is judged to be nil. The expansion will be constructed and located within the restricted area (fenced area) which is already committed to industrial use. There will be no added liquid or gaseous effluents and no additional radioactive waste will be generated.

SNP has undertaken a soli contamination scoping study prior to pouring the concrete foundation and pad for the expansion. The results of the soll sample analyses are shown below:

Gross Alpha 4 pCi/g Gross Beta 18 pCi/g We will retain these analytical results in our decommissioning file.

Fire Protection Two fixed temperature rate-of-rise detectors will be added to cover the expansion. These detectors are wired to alarm both locally (at SPC) and at the City of Richland Fire Department.

Dry chemical fire extinguishers will be available. Fire resistant materials will be used for construction.

i Attached are six copies each of _ revised pages 10-7a from the existing license and 10-8 from the license renewal application of August 26,1992. The expansion is scheduled to be placed I

in service by June 1993.

I l

l l


.j 9

December 8,1992 If I can provide further information, please call me at (509; i5-8663.

Vo truly yours, la.$.

j mes B. Edgar Staff Engineer - Licensing JBE:pm 1

i L:

SiemenS Power Corporation - Nuclear Division EMF 2-SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL LICENSE NO. SNM-1227, NRC DOCKET NO.- 701257 d


'nev1 I

10.1.8 Product Development Test Facility (PDTF) l The location of the PDTF is shown on Figure 11 - 10.1. The building is a high bay,29-ft oave height, pre-engineered metal building 40 x 80 ft. The exterior walls are 26-gauge,


l sheet metal and the roof is 24-gauge sheet metal. The interior of.the walls and roof are fully scaled with closure strips and insulated. A concrete pit (15 x 8 x 18 ft deep) inside the building provides space for various test vessels and piping systems. All concrete used in the construction of the building had 3000 psi compressive strength and the floor--

i slab was designed for 250 psf. A 3-ton bridge crane and hoist services the entire interior of the building. Adjacent to, and constructed as part of the main building,1-s a 40 x 20.

x 12 ft high addition made of the same material as the main building which houses the

. process boiler.


The-PDTF houses various hydraulic test loops for flow, cooling mechanical and heati l

transfer testing. In addition it contains a seismic test facility to test fuel assemblies and 1 components for postulated reactor plant site earth quake events; 10.1.9 UF Heceivino and Stora_ge Facilliy

-l l:

6 i-t The location of the UF Receiving and Storage Facili"iis shown on Figure 11 10.1. The ~

b s

. j complete facility consists of:. 1) an open-air,5-ton bridge crane and hoist supported by a steel structure which operates over an area of 165 x 25 ft; 2) a 10 x 10 x 10 feet high -

2 sheet metal scale house; and 3) an asphalt area of approximately 8500 ft - used for-j storage of UF cylinders.


l The open-air bridge crane is used to load and unload UF cylinders on and off semi I

6 2

trucks. The crane structure provides an under-crane storage area of about 4000 ft where the UF cylinders can be. moved using the 5-ton crane and holst. The truck access bay t

g 2

i and a total of approximately 1700 ft is provided with a sheet metal rain _ cover. The scale

- I-house provides a weatherproof structure for the certified scales used to weigh full and.


empty UF cylinders. An additianal asphalt storage area of approximately 9000 ft is f 2

s l

provided near the crane structure where UF cylinders can be handled with a forklift. The -

i-6 i - entire facility provides load, unload and storage capabilities for up to 180 UF 30-inch l

3 l


L 10.2 Utilities and support Systems 1

' in the day-to-day operation of a nuclear fuels fabrication plant, many utilities and support

- systems are required. Utilities are required for the mouucture of the fuel and for the

- protection and safety of the product as well as the employees. A brief description of the following utilities and/or services is provided in this Utanse Application.

l 1.

Electric Power a



December 8,-1992

- 10 8 SPC40 3330 W (R-1.0M2) 2


+y-9 9

-e-.y w

V-w w

-<ar e r e4%**




.Siem' ens Power Corporation - Nuclear Division -


nev, l

H. _ _.

10.1.8 Product Development Test Facility (PDTF)

The location of the PDTF is shown on Figure 11 - 10.1 The building is a high bay,29-ft sheet metal and the roof is 24 gauge sheet metal. The interior of the wal eave height, pre-engineered metal building 40 x 80 ft. The exterior walls are 26-gauge l


fully sealed with closure strips and insulated. A concrete pit (15 x 8 x 18 ft deep) inside i j

the building provides space for various test vessels and piping systems. All concretej l

used in the construction of the building had 3000 psi compressive strength and the floor i

slab was designed for 250 psf. A 3-ton bridge crane and hoist services the entire interior -

of the build:.lg. Adjacent to, and constructed as part of the main building, is a 40 x 20 x 12 ft high addition made of the.same material as the main building which houses the.

process boiler.

i l

The PDTF houses vanous hydraulic test loops for flow, cooling mechanical and heat l

transfer testing,10 addition it contains a seismic test' facility to test fuel assemblies and,

I components for postulated reactor plant site earth quake events.


i-10.1.9 UF Receivino and Storace Facility 4

l L

j The location of the UF Mecemng and Storage Facility is shown on Figure ll-10.1. The :

6 complete facility consists of: 1) an open-air,5-ton bridge crane and hoist supported by ;

I i

a steel structure which operates over an area of 165 x 25 ft: 2) a 10 x 10 x 10 feet high j 2

sheet metal scale house; and 3) an asphalt area of approximately 8500 ft used for j j

storage of UF cylinders.

L 6

The open-air bridge crane is used to load and unload UF cylinders on and off semi-g 2

trucks. The crane structure provides an under-crane storage area of about 4000 ft where the UF cylinders can be moved using the 5-ton crane and hoist. The truck access bay; g

2 and a total of approximately 1700 ft s provided with a sheet metal rain cover. The scale -

' house provides a weatherproof structure for the certified scales used to weigh full and R

2 empty UF cylinders. An additional asphalt storage area of approximately 9000 ft is g

provided near the crane structure where UF cylinders can be handled with a forklift The g

entire facility provides load, unload and storage capabilities for up to 180 UF 30-inch r s

g I


10.2 Utilities and Support Systems -

In the day-to-day operation of a nuclear fuels fabrication plant, many utilities and support systems are required. Utilities are required for the manufacture of the fuel and for the protection and safety of the product as well as the employees. A brief description of the -

~ following utilities and/or services is provided in this License Application.

l 1.

. Electric Power i



December 8, 1992 10 8 l -.

SPC-NO 3330 %* M407% -

l L

m 4


Siemens Power Corporation + Nuclear Division




- nev.

l 10.1.8 Product Development Test Facility fPDTF) i i

The location of the PDTF is shown on Figure il - 10.1. The building is a high bay,29-ft cave height, pre-engineered metal building 40 x 80 ft. The exterior walls are 26-gauge,

l-i sheet metal and the roof is 24-gauge sheet metal. The interior of the walls and. roof are,

fully scaled with closure strips and insulated. A concrete pit (15 x 8 x i8 ft deep) inside j the building provides space for various test vessels and piping systems. All concrete used in the construction of the building had 3000 psi compressive strength and the floor slab was designed for 250 psf. A 3-ton bridge crane and hoist services the entire interior l

of the building. Adjacent to, and constructed as part of the main building, is a 40 x 20 x 12 ft high addition made of the same material as the main building which houses the I process boiler.


l The PDTF houses various hydraulic test loops for flow, cooling mechanical and heat 1 j


transfer testing. In addition it contains a seismic test facility to test fuel assemblies and l l

components for postulated reactor plant site earth quake events.

j 10.1.9.U_fe Receivina and Storaae Facility -


1 i

The location of the UF Receiving and Storage Facility is shown on Figure 11 - 10.1. The s

complete facility consists of: 1) an open-air,5-ton bridge crane and hoist supported by.

1-a steel structure which operates over an area of 165 x 25 ft; 2) a 10 x 10 x 10 feet high l 2

l sheet metal scale house; and 3) an asphalt area of approximately 8500 ft used for j storage of UF cylinders.


s The open-air bridge crane is used to load and unload UF cylinders on and off semi-s 2

-trucks. The crane structure provides an under-crane storage area of about 4000 ft where the UF cylinders can be moved using the 5-ton crane and holst. The truck access bay 3

2 and a total of approximately 1700 ft is provided with a sheet metal rain cover, The scale house provides a weatherproof structure for the certified scales used to weigh full and 2

- empty UF cylinders. An additional asphalt storage area of approximately 9000 ft is 6

- provided near the crane structure where UF cylinders can be handled with a forklift. The e

entire facility provides load, unload and storage capabilities for up to -180 UF 30-inch '



j 10.2 Utilities and Support Systems in the day-to day operation of a nuclear fuels fabrication plant, many utilities and support j

systems _ are required. Utilities are required for the manufacture of the fuel and for the-protection and safety of the product as well as the employees.- A brief description of the following utilities and/or services is provided in this Ucense Application.


Electric Power


~ onwa smcamat:

. nae e Decemoer 8,-1992 10 8-.

SPC-NO 3330 9C (R4tlT92)

SiemenS Power Corporation. Nuclear Division eur-2 SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL LICENSE NO. SNM-1227, NRC DOCKET NO: 701257 '

V j


i i

10.1.8 Product Development Test Facil;ty (PDTF)

The location of the PDTF is shown on Figure 11 - 10.1. The building is a high b'ay,29-ft I

eave height, pre-engineered metal building 40 x 80 ft. The exterior walls are 26-gauge l

j shoot metal and the roof is 24-gauge sheet metal, The interior of the walls and roof are I

fully sealed with closure strips and insulated. A concrete pit (15 x 8 x-18 ft deep) inside i

i the building provides space for various test vessels and piping systems. All concrete


i used in the construction of the building had 3000 psi compressive strength ana the floor -

I slab was designed for 250 psf. A 3-ton bridge crane and hoist services the entire interior -

l of the building. Adjacent to, and constructed as part of the main building, is a 40 x 20 x 12 ft high addition made of the same material as the main building which houses the process boiler.


The PDTF houses various hydraulic test loops for flow, cooling mechanical and heat l

transfer testing. In addition it contains a seismic test facility to test fuel assemblies and,

components for postulated reactor plant site earth quake events.

10.1.9 UF Receivina and Storace Facility I

g g

1 f ' The location of the UF Receiving and Storage Facility is shown on Figure 11 - 10.1,- The '

g complete facility consists of: 1) an open-air,5-ton bridge crane and hoist supported by-i a steel structure which operates over an area of 165 x 25 ft; 2) a 10 x 10 x 10 feet high 2

sheet metal scale house; and 3) an asphalt area of approximately 8500 ft used for storage of UF cylinders.

s The open-air bridge crane is used 10 load and unicad UF cylinders on and off semi !

6 2

trucks. The crane structure provides an under-crano storage area of about 4000 ft where

- the UF cylinders can be moved using the 5-ton crane and hoist. The truck access bay g

2 and a total of approximately 1700 ft is provided with a sheet metal rain cover. The scale house provides a weathorproof structure for the certified scales usnd to weigh full and -

2 empty UF cylinders. An additional asphalt storage nrea of approximately 9000 ft is 6

provided near the crane structure where UF cylinders can be handled with a forklift. The.

6 l

entire facility provides load, unload and storage capabilities for up to 180 UF 30-inch g

l cylinders.

j g

10.2 Utilities and Support Systems In the day to-day operation of a nuclear fuels fabrication plant,. many utilities and support '

systems are required. Utilities are _ required for the manufacture of the fuel and for the protection and safety of the product as well as the employees. A brief description of the :

following utilities and/or services is provided in this Ucense Application.

c 1.

Electric Power G e s e m ucarm w e 1 not e

'1 December 8, 1992 l

10 8 SPC-NO 3330 947 pMOU94 =

~.. _. -,.



.SiemenS Power Corporation.- Nuclear Division wp 2



_. nsv.

L 10.1.8 Product Development Test Facility (PDTF)

The location of the PDTF is shown on Figure 11 - 10.1. The building is a high bay,29-ft n

eave height, pre-engineered metal building 40 x 80 ft. The exterior walls are 26-gauge


sheet metal and the roof is 24-gauge sheet metal. The interior of the walls.and roof are j

fully sealed with closure strips and insulated. A concrete pit (15 x 8 x 18 ft deep) inside J

the building provides space for various test vessels and piping systems. ' All concrete used in the construction of the building had 3000 psi compressive strength and the floor slab was designed for 250 psf. A 3-ton bridge crano and hoist services the entire interior j

of the building.. Adjacent to, and constructed as part of the main building, is a 40 x 20 x 12 ft high addition made of the same material as the main building which houses the process boiler, j

l-The PDTF houses various hydraulic test loops for flow, cochng mechanical and heat transfer testing, in addition it contains a seismic test facility to test fuel assemblies and components for postulated reactor plant site earth quake events.




10.1.9 UF Receivina and Storaae Facility e

l The location of the UF Receiving and Storage Facility is shown on Figure 11 - 10.1. The g

complete facility consists of: 1) an open-air,5-ton bridge crane and hoist supported by a steel structure. which operates over an area of 165 x 25 ft; 2) a 10 x 10 x 10 feet high I

sheet metal scale house; and 3) an asphalt area of approximately 8500 ft used for.

2 storage of UF cylinders.

e The open-air bridge crane is used to load and unload UF cylinders on and off semi-s 2

trucks. The crane structure provides an under-crano storage area of about 4000't where -

the UF cylinders can be moved using the 5-ton crane and hoist. The truck access bay 6

2 and a total of approximately 1700 ft is provided with a cheet metal rain coverc The scale -

house provides a weatherproof structure for the certified scales used to weigh full and f

empty UF cylinders. An additional asphalt-storage area of approximately-9000 ft2 6

is l

provided near the crane structure where U_F cylinders can be handled.with a forklift. The -

6 entire facility provides load, unload and storage capabilities for up to 180 UF 30-inch '

s cylinders.

10.2, Utilities and Support Systems in the day-to-day operation' of a nuclear fuels fabrication plant, many utilities and support I

systems are required. Utilities are required for the manufacture of the fuel and for the

- protection and safety of the product as well as the employees. A brief description of the following utilities and/or services is provided in this Ucense Application.-


Electric Power i


i P AGE NG:.

December 8; 1992-

'g o.e nu SPC NO 3330.947 (41/07W).

,, ~,




. a

o a

.Siem' ens Power Corporation (Nuclear Division gar.r SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATtiRIAL LICENSE NO. SNM 1227, NRC DOCKET NO. 70-1257 PART ll - SAFETY DEMONSTRATION

- ngv.

_J 10.1.8 Product Development Test Facility (PDTF) i The location of the PDTF is shown on Figure !!- 10.1. The building is a high bay,291ft l - lF eave height, pre-engineered metal building 40 :: 80 ft. The exterior walls are 26-gauge sheet metal and the roof is 24-gauge sheet metal. The interior of the walls and roof are fully sealed with closure strips and insulated. A concrete pit (15 x 8 x 18 ft deep) inside ;

i the building provide, space for various test vessels and piping systems. All concrete j

used in the cor,struction of the building had 3000 psi compressive strength and the floor F

l slab was designed for 250 psf. A 3-ton bridge crano Rid hoist services the entire interior _


of the building. Adjacent to, and constructed as part of the main building, is a 40 x 20 l

x 12 ft high addition made of the same material as the r,1ain buiiding which houses the process boiler.

The PDTF houses.various "ydraulic test loops for flow, cooling mechanical and heat transfer testing. In additior:. contains a seismic test facility to test fuel assemblies and components for pcstulateo i actor plant site earth quake events.

-p 10,1.9 U_F Receivina and Storace Facility e

The location of the UF Receiving and Storage Facility is shown on Figure 11 - 10.1. 7he' s

complete facility consists of: 1) an open-air,5-ton bridge crane and hoist supported by r

a steel structure which operates over an area of 165 x 25 ft; 2) a 10 x 10 x 10 feet high j

2 l

sheet metal scale house; and 3) an asphalt area of approximately 8500 ft used for.



storage of UF cylinders.

s The open air bridge crane li, used to load and unload UF cylinders on and off semi-1 6

2 trucks. The crane structure provides an under-crane storage area of about 4000 ft where the UF cylinders can be moved using the 5-ton crane and hoist ' The truck access bay ;

6 2

and a total of approximately 1700 ft is provided with a sheet metal rain cover. The scale i house provides a weatherproof structure for the certified scales used to weigh full and [.

2 empty UF cylinders. An additional asphalt storage area of approximately 9000 ft is 1 s

provided near the crane structure where UF cylinders can be handled with a forklift. The !

g i

entire facility provides load, unload and storage capabilities for up to.180 UF 30-inch j s



10.2 Utilities and Support Systems 1


' n the day-to-day operation of a nuclearbe5 ';abrication plant, many utilities and support )

i systems are requiredc Utilities are required for the manufacture of the fuel and for the t protection and safety of N product as well as the employees. A brief description of the [

following utilities and/or services is provided in this Ucense Application.'


i 1.

Electric Power j

l h w a va m car m re


nos e


December 8, 1992-10 8 SPC ND.3330 947 (R.UO7W) w- -,

Siemens Power Corporation - Nuclear Division EuF-2 SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL LICENSE NO. SNM 1227, NRC DOCKET NO. 70-1257 l

PART 11 - SAFET( DEMONSTRATION nev-i 10.1.7 Radioactive Materials Warenouse The location of the Radioactive Materia's Warehouse is shown on Figure ll-10.1. The building is a pre-engineered metal building 50 x 140 x 16 ft eave height. The exterior walls are 26-gauge sheet metal and the roof is 24-gauge sheet metal. The interior of the wa!!s and roof are fully sealed with closure strips and insulated. The floor slab was rnade ;

of 3000 psi concrete and designed for 250 psf.

i The warehouse is used for the storage of packaged special nuclear materialin various !

compounds and forms. Ancillary RadioactivtTterial Storace l

On occasion, additional storage for uranium oxide product materialis requ! red. During l g

those occasions, pre-engineered enclosures such as enclosed sea containers or trailers !

are used. These temporary warehouses are weather-tight and tre positioned such that '

criticality alarm coverage is provided by existing detector units.

l ll 10.1.8 Product Development Test Facility (PDTF)

The location of the PDTF is shown on Figure II - 10.1. The bui! ding is a high bay,29-ft l

cave height, pre-engineered metal building 40 x 80 ft. The exterior walls are 26-gaugo l

sheet metal and the roof is 24-gauge sheet metal. The interior of the walls and roof are j 1

fully scaled with closure strips and insulated. A concrete pit (15 x 8 x 18 ft deep) inside the building provides space for various test vessels and piping systems. All concrete used in the construction of the building had 3000 psi compressive strength and the floor slab was designed for 250 psf. A 3-ton bridge crane and hoist services the entire interior of the building. Adjacent to, and constructed as part of the main building, is a 40 x 20 x 12 ft high addition made of the same material as the main building which houses the process boiler, The PDTF houses various hydraulic test loops for flow, cooling mechanical and heat,

i transfer testing. In addition it contains a senc.ic test facility to test fuel assemblies and components for postulated reactor plant site earth quake events.

i 10.1.9 U_F_c Receivina and Storace Facility The location of the UF Receiving and Storage Facility is shown on Figure II-10.1. The 6

complete facility consists of: 1) an open-air,5-ton bridge crane and hoist supported by a steel structure which operates over an area of 165 x 25 ft; 2) a 10 x 10 x 10 feet high 2

sheet metal scale house; and 3) an asphalt area os approximately 8500 ft used for storage of UF cylinders.


December 8. 1992 Wa SPC ND 3300 947 tR LO7.9?)


- Siernens Power Corporation - Nuclear Division



10.1.7 Radioactive Materials Warehouse i

The location of the Radioactivo Materials Warehouse is shown on Figure 11 - 10.1. The.

l building is a pre-engineered metal building 50 x 140 x 16 ft eave he!ght. The exterior walls are 26-gauge sheet metal and the roof is 24-gauge sheet metal; The interior of the walls and roof are fully sealed with closure strips and insulated. Th3 floor slab was made of 3000 psi concrete and designed for 250 psf.

i l

The warehouse is used for the storage of packaged special nuclear material in various-compounds and forms. Ancillary Radioactive Material SQragg

.l On occasion, additional storage for uranium oxide product inatorialis required. During those occasions, pre-engineered enclosures such as enciosed sea containers or trailers d

are used. These temporary warehouses are weathe -tight and are positioned such that,

criticality alarm coverage is provided by existing detector units.

b,I 10.1.8 Product Development Test Facility (PDTF)

.i The location of the PDTF is shmyn on Figure II-10.1. The building is a high bay,29-ft i

I eave height, pre-engineered metal building 40 x 80 ft. The exterior walls are 26-gauge sheet metal and the roof is 24 gauge sheet metal. The interior of the walls and roof are,

i fully scaled with closure strips and insulated. A concrete pit (15 x 8 x 18 ft; deep) inside c the building provides space for various test vessels and piping systems. All concrete i


used in the construction of the building had 3000 psi compressive strength and the floor i slab was designed for 250 psf. A 3-ton bridge crane and hoist sewices the entire interior.

of the building. Adjacent to, anJ constructed as part of *he main ouilding, is a 40 x 20 4 x 12 ft high addition made of the same material as the main building'which houses the j

process boiler.

-i j.


L The PDTF houses various hydraulic test loops for flow, cooling mechanical and heat j _


l transfer testing. In addition it contains a seismic test facility to test fuel assemblies and,

j l

components for postulated reactor plant site earth quake events.

F l:

10.1.9 U_ F_e Receivina and Storace Facility L

f The ieation of the UF Receiving and Storage Facility is shown on Figure il-10.1. The g

complete facility consists of: 1) an open-air, 5-ton bridge crane and hoist. supported byg a steel structure which operates over an area of 165 x 25 ft; 2) a 10 x 10 x 10 feet high' <

2 sheet metal scale house; and 3) an asphalt area of approximately 8500 ft used for storage of UF cylinders.

6 L


-December 8, 1992-

[0-7a l

SPc ND 3330 947 f R.t4?c92)

'i l,~





, ~. _,.. _

.Siemens Power Corporation,- Nuclear Division age SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL LICENSE NO. SNM 1227, NRC DOCKET NO. 701257 PART 11 - SAFETY DEMONSTRATION nevc 1

l k.-.--

- = - - -

-l 10.1.7 fladioactive Materials Warehouse

1 The location of the Radioactive Materials Warehouse is shown on Figuro 11 10.1. Tho-building is a pre-engineered metal building 50 x 140 x 16 ft oave height. The exterior I

walls are 26-gauge sheet metal and the roof is 24-gauge sheet rnetal. The interior of the -

walls and roof are fully sealed with closure strips and insulated. The floor slab was made of 3000 psi concrete and designed for 250 psf.

l The warehouse is used for the storage of packaged special nucioar matorial in various-l compounds and forms. Ancillary Radioactive Material Storaae l

1 l

On occasion, additional storage for uranium oxide product.materialis required. During those occasions, pre engineered enclosures such as enclosed sea containers or trailers are used. These temporary warehouses are weathor-tight and aro positioned such that ;

j criticality alarm coverage is provided by existing detector units.

j L

10.1.8 Product Development Test Facility fPDTF) f


The location of the PDTF is shown on Figuro il - 10.1 The building is a high bayi29-ft


l eave height, pre-ongineered metal building 40 x 80 ft. The exterior walls aro 26-gauge -

i sheet metal and the roof is 24-gauge sheet metal. The interior of the walls and roof are f.

l fully sealed with closure strips and insulated. A concrete pit (15 x 8 x 18 ft deep) inside i

the building provides spaco for various test vessels and piping systems. All concrete i used in the construction of the building had 3000 psi compressivo strength and the floor:,

i slab was designed for 250 psf. A 3-ton bridge crane and hoist services the entire interior j

of the building. Adjacent to, and constructed as part of the main building, is a'40 x 20


j x 12 ft high addition mado of the samo material as the main building which houses the ~


process boiler.

-j The PDTF houses various hydraulic test loops'for flow, cooling mechanical and heat j

transfer testing. In addition it contains a seismic test facility to test fuel assemblies and

- = components for postulated reactor plant site earth quake events.

3 f

10.1.9 UF Receivina and Storaae Facility l

e i

The location of the UF Receiving and Storage Facility is shown on Figure 11 10.1. The '

g complete facility consists of: 1) an open-air,5-ton bridge crane and hoist supported by ~

a steel structure which operates over an area of 165 x 25 ft; 2) a 10 x 10 x 10 feet high..

2 l-sheet metal scale house; and 3) an asphalt area of approximately 8500 ft used for t.

storage of UF cylinders.


2 December 8. 1992-10$a SPc-ND 3330 94714007/93 n,me nn..



.,n x,

.Sieniens Power Corporation - Nuclear Division sue.2 SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL LICENSE NO. SNM-1227, NRC DOCKET NO. 70-1257__


nev, h_

10.1.7 Radioactive Materials Warehouse i

The location of the Radioactive Materials Warehouse is shown on Figure 11 - 10.1.- The building is a pre-engineered metal building 50 x 140 x 16 ft oave height.. The exterior walls are 26-gauge sheet metal and the roof is 24-gauge sheet metal. The interior of the walls and roof are fully sealed with closure strips and insulated. The floor slab was made of 3000 psi concrete and designed for 250 psf.

i The warehouse is used for the storage of packaged special nuclear material in various l

compounds and forms.

l j

10,1.7.1 Ancillary Radioactive Material Storace l

On occasion, additional ctorage for uranium oxide product materialis required. During l

those occasions, pre-engineered enclosures such as enclosed sea containers or trailors are used. These temporary warehouses are weather-tight and are positioned such that criticality alarm coverage is provided by existing detector units.

l l

10.1.8 Product Development Test Facility (PDTF)


j The location of the PDTF is shown on Figure 11 - 10.1. The building is a high bay,29-ft


eave height, pre-engineered metal building 40 x 80 ft. The exterior walls are 26-gauge j

shoot metal and the roof is 24-gauge sheet metal. The interior of the walls and roof are j

fully sealed with closure strips and insulated. A concrete pit (15 x 8 x 18 ft deep) inside the building provides space for various test vessels and piping systems. All concrete 1 r

used in the construction of the building had_3000 psi compressive strength and the floor 4

3 slab veas designed for 250 psf, A 3-ton bridge crane and hoist services the entire interior of the building. Adjacent to, and constructed as part of the main building, is a 40 x 20 jl 1

x 12 ft nigh addition made of the same material as the main building which houses the i -

procesa boiler.

l j

The PD"F houses various hydraulic test lo' ops for flow, cooling mechanical and heat L transfer testing.. In addition it contains a seismic test facility to test fuel assemblies and components for postulated reactor plant site earth quake events.

il 10.1.9 UF Receivino and Storaae Facility f

e l


The location of the UF Receiving and Storage Facility is shown on Figure !!- 10.1. The-t 6

complete facility consists of: 1) an open-air,5-ton bridge crane and hoist supported by ;

j --

a steel structure which operates over an area of 165 x 25 ft: 2) a 10 x 10 x 10 feet high j,




' -sheet metal scale house; and 3) an asphalt area of approximately 8500 ft used' for i j_

storage of UF cylinders.

F g



December 8, 1992 l



SPCAO 3330 94 MW9M

T 3

SienfenS Power Corporation - Nuclear Division -


r 10.1.7 Radioactive Materials Warehouse i

The location of the Radioactive Materials Warehouse is shown on Figure !!- 10.1. The building is a pre-engineered metal building 50 x 140 x 16 ft eave height. The exterior :

walls are 26-gauge sheet metal and the roof is 24-gauge sheet metal. The interior of the j walls and roof are fully sealed with closure strips and insulated. The floor slab was made of 3000 psi concrete and designed for 250 psf.

l The warehouse is used _for the storage of packaged special nuclear material in various ;

i compounds and forms.

i i Ancillary Radioactive Material Storace l

On occasion, additional storage for uranium oxide product materialis required. During -

l those occasions, pre-engineered enclosures such as enclosed sea containers or trailers are used. These temporary warehouses are weather-tight and are positioned such that l

criticality alarm coverage is provided by existing detector units.



I 10.1.8 Product Development Test Facility (PDTF)


'l 4

The location of the PDTF is shown on Figure 11 - 10.1, The building is a high bay,- 29-ft eave height, pre-engineered metal building 40 x 80 ft. The exterior walls are 26-gauge sheet metal and the roof is 24-gauge sheet metal. The interior of the walls and roof are fully sealed with closure strips and insulated. A concrete pit (15 x 8 x 18 ft deep) Inside

-l the building provides space for various test vessels and piping systems. All concrete 1 l

used in the construction of the building htd 3000 psi compressive strength and the floor L i

slab was designed for 250 psf. A 3-ton bridge crane and hoist services the entire interior l

of the building. Adjacent to, and constructed as part _of the main building, is a ' 0 x 20


4 j

x 12 ft high addition made of the same material as the main building which houses the 1

l - process boiler.

l The PDTF houses various hydraulic test loops for flow, cooling mechanical and heat

-f i


j transfer testing. In addition it contains a seismic test facility to test fuel assemblies and i

components for postulated reactor plant site earth quake events.

t 10.1.9 ilfe Receivino and Storace Facility i

The location of the UF Receiving and Storage Facility is shown on Figure 11 - 10.1. The g

complete facility consists of: 1) an open-air,5-ton bridge crane and hoist supported by

- a steel structure which operates over an area of 165 x 25 ft; 2) a 10 x 10 x 10 feet high -

2 sheet metal scale house; and 3) an asphalt area of approximately 8500 ft used for

_j. storage of UF cylinders.



i i

December 8, 1992 j

10 7a -

SPC-ND 3330 947 (R407/92) l-


.Sierrtens Power Corporation,- Nuclear Division eus.2 SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL 1.lCENSE NO. SNM 1227, NRC DOCKET NO 70 1257 PART 11. SAFETY DEMONSTRATION nev.

j 10.1.7 Radioactive Materials Warehouse The location of the Radioactive Materials Warehouse is shown on Figure II-10.1. The building is a pre engineered metal building 50 x 140 x 16 ft eave height. - The ederfor i

l walls are 26-gauge sheet metal and the roof is 24 gauge sheet metal. The interior of the walls and roof are fully sealed with closure strips and insulated. The floor slab was made of 3000 psi concrete and designed for 250 psf.

The warehouse is used fe tne storage of packaged special nuclear materialin various l

l compounds and forms.

I f Ancillary Radioactive Material Storace i

On occasion, additional storage for uranium oxide product material is required. During j those occasions, pre-engineered enclosures such as enclosed sea containers or trailers i are used. These temporary warehouses are weather tight and are positioned such that i criticality alarm coverage is provided by existing detector units.

j 10.1.8 Product Development Test Facility (PDTF)

I l

The location of the PDTF is shown on Figure 11 - 10.1. The building is a high bay,29-ft.

3 j

cave height, pre-engineered metal building 40 x 80 ft. The exterior walls are 26-gauge !

sheet metal and the roof is 24-gauge sheet metal. The interior of the walls and roof are l l

I fully sealed with closure strips and insulated. A concrete pit (15 x 8 x 18 ft deep) inside '

I the building provides space for various test vessels and piping systems. All concrete used in the construction of the building had 3000 psi compressive strength and the floor slab was designed for 250 psf. A 3-ton bridge crane and hoist services the entire interior -

of the building. Adjacent to, and constructed as part of the main building, is a 40 x 20 l

x 12 ft high addition made.of the same material as the main building which houses the l

process boiler.

I-s The PDTF houses various hydraulic test loops for flow,- cooling mechanical and heat -

l transfer testing, in addition it contains a seismic test facility to test fuel assemblies and 1-

_ _ components for postulated reactor plant site earth quake events.



i 10.1.9 MF Receivino and Storace Facility

_l e

s The location of the UF Receiving and Storage Facility is shown on Figure il-10.1. The e

complete facility consists of: 1) an open-air,5 ton bridge crane and hoist supported by 1

a steel structure which operates over an area of 165 x 25 ft; 2) a 10 x 10 x 10 feet high j

sheet metal scale house; and 3) an asphalt area of approximately 8500 ft used for 2

storage of UF cylinders.



-December 8. 1992 10-7a SPC-NO 3330 947 (R40742)

_ _,. _ -