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Rev 40 to EMF-2, Application for Renewal of License SNM-1227, Which Includes Changes to Part II of License
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Site: Framatome ANP Richland
Issue date: 01/28/1998
Shared Package
ML20199K904 List:
NUDOCS 9802100062
Download: ML20199L883 (68)



4 4

O EMF 2, Rev. 40 lasue Date: 1/28/98 Application for Renewal of Special Nuclear Material License No. SNM 1227 (NRC Docket No. 701267)

O January 1998 9002100062 990128 PDR ADOCK 07001257 C


4 SiemenS Power Corporation - Nuclear Division ew.2 SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL LICENSE NO. SNM 1227, NRC DOCKET NO. 701257 TABLE OF CONTENTS REV.


PJLQR CHAPTER 1 - STANDARD CONDITIONS AND SPECIAL AUTHORIZATIONS 1.1 C orporate I nform ation.......................................................................

11 1.2 S it e Lo ca ti o n....................................,..............................................

1-1 1.3 License Number and Pariod of Licenae.............................................

12 1.4 Posse s slon Limit s............................................................

12 1.5 Authoriz ed Activitie s..........................................................................

12 1.6 Exemptions and Special Authorizations............................................

12 CHAPTER 2-ORGAHlZATION AND ADMINISTRATION 2.1 Organizational Responsibilities and Authority........................................ 2 1 2.2 Personnel Education and Experience Re Safety Review Committees.....................quirements........................... 2-11 2.3 Training................................................................................................2-14 2.4

.........................................2-16 l

2.5 Operating Proceedures, Standards and Guides.....................................

2-18 2.6 Configuration Control and Maintenance / Calibration of Safety Related Equipment................................................................................

Intemal Audits and Inspections............................................................ 2-18 2.7 2 10 2.8 investigations and Re Records.................... porting of Reportable incidents.......................... 2 21 2.9

.........................................................................222 CHAPTER 3 RADIATION PROTECTION 3.1 Administra'.sve Req uirem e nts............................................................

3-1 3.2 Technical Requirements............................................

32 APPENDlXA......................................................................................

3 16


i 4.1 Administrative Pra ctice s........................................................

41 j

4.2 Te chnical Pra ctice s..........................................................................,


1 5.1 Effl uent C ontrol.................................................................................

5-1 l

5.2 E nvironmental Monitoring.................................................................

55 I

CHAPTER 6 - SPECIAL PROGRAMS 6.1 Proprieta ry inform ation......................................................................

6-1 i

i 6.2 Occu pa t!onal S afety.......................................................................

6-1 !

O.3 E me rge ncy Utilitie s..........................................................................

6-2 i i

6.4 Radioactive Waste Mana 6-2 l

U F, m e nt........................................


PAGE NOJ January 28,1998 i

I SPC-ND.3330 94 (R*0F92)

Siemens Power Corporation - Nuclear Division eur.2 SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL LICENSE NO. SNM 1227, NRC DOCKET NO 701257 TABLE OF CONTENTS REV.

Aa-I CSAPTER 7 DECOMMISSIONING PLAN 7.1 De com mis sioning Pla n......................................................................

7-1 7.2 Decommissioning Cost Estimate......................................................

71 7.3 Decommissioning Funding Plan.........................................................

71 CHAPTER 8 - RADIOLOGIC AL CONTINGENCY PLAN.........................

81 CHAPTER 9 GENERALINFORMATION 9.1 Corporate I nfo rm ation........................................................................ 9-1 9.2 Fin a ncia! Q u alification........................................................................

91 9.3 Summary of Operating Objective and Process................................

9-1 9.4 S ite Descri pti on..................................................................................

9-3 9.5 Location o' Buildings On Site.............................................................

9-4 9.6 M aps a nd Plot Pla ns.......................................................................... 94 9.7 Li ce n s e H i s t o ry...................................................................................

95 l


9-12 CHAPTER 10 FACILITY DESCRIPTION 10.1 Pl a nt L a y o ut......................................................................................

10-1 i

10.2 Utilities a nd S upport S ystem s............................................................ 10- 12 l

10.3 Heating. Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC).......................... 10 22 10.4 Radioactive Waste Handling............................................................. 10 51 10.5 Fi re Prote ction................................................................................... 1 0-64 10.6 Criticality Accident Alarm S AP P E N D IX A..................... yste m..............................

................................................................10-115 I

r l


l 4

I l

l 11.1 O rg a nization al R e s ponsibilitie s......................................................... 11 1 i i

11.2 Functions of Key Personnel...............................................................

11-1 l 11.3 Education and Experience of Key Personnel....................................

11 1 ;

11.4 O pe rating Proced u re s...................................................................... 1 1 -4 7 !

l 11.5 Tra i n i n g.......................................................................................... 1 1 -4 7 11.6 Changes in Facilities and Equipment............................................. 11-48 I

I i

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i l

i I

t l

l l

I h i



l January 28,1998 li i

l SPC-ND.3330 947 (Rm0F92)

4 Siemens Power Corporation - Nuclear DMslon sur.2 SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL LICENSE NO. SNM 1227, NRC DOCKET NO. 701257 TABLE OF CONTENTS REV.

an CHAPTER 12 RADIATION PROTECTION 12.1 Program.............................................................................................

12 1 12.2 Posting a nd Labeling.........................................................................

12 1 12.3 Intemal and Extemal Radiation Personnel M 12 1 R a diation S u rve ys...........................................onit oring..........

12.4 12 3 12.5 R adiation S a fety Tra ining..................................................................

12-3 12.6 R eports a nd Record s..........................................................................

12-4 12.7 I nst ru me nts...............................................................................

12-4 12.8 Prot ective Clothing...........................................................................

12 5 12.9 Administrative Co' Pol Levels (Including Effluent Control)..................

12-5 12.10 Re s pirato ry Prot e ction......................................................................

12 7 12.11 Occupational Exnosure Analysis....................................................

12-8 12.12 Measures Taken to implement ALARA............................................

12 9 12.13 Bioa casy Progra m.........................................................................

12-9 12.14 Air Sampling and Intemal Exposure Program.................................... 12-10 l 12.15 Surf ace Contamination....................................

I AP P E N DlX A.......................................................

AP P E N D I X B......................................................

................................ 12-81 CHAPTER 13 - ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY RADIOLOGICAL & NONRADIOLOGICAL 13.1 E xtemal R adia tion.........................................................

13-1 13.2 G aseous Efflue nts.............................................................................

13-1 13.3 Liq uid Effl ue nt s.................................................................................

13 1 13.4 G ro u n dwa t e r...............................................................................

13-2 13.5 Field S am pling..................................................................................

13-4 I


l l

14.1 Administrative Pra ctice s.....................................................................

14-1 j l

14.2 Te ch nical Pra ctice s......................................................................... 14-3 5 I

i 14.3 Re fere nce s............................................................

1 I


15.1 UO, Building.......................................................................................

15-1 15.2 Speclahty Fuels (SF) Building........................................................... 15 113 15.3 Engineering Laborator Warehouses...............y Operations (ELO) Building.......................15-130 15.4

...................................................................15-145 I

I CHAPTER 16 - ACCIDENT ANALYS ES.................................................................16-1 :

i l

I t

u l


SPC.ND.3330 947 (R UQU92)

i SiemenS Power Corporation - Nuclear Division sur.2 SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL LICENSE NO. SNM 1227, NRC DOCKET NO. 701257 TABLE OF CONTENTS nEv.

an LIST OF TABLES IRh EiLQA l 1.1 Specific Locations of Authorized Activities................................................

17 l 3.1 Restricted Area Airborne Radioactivity Concentration Action Levels andActions.................................................................................................

3-12 l3.2 Radiation Safety Instrument Capabilities...................................................

3 13 l3.3 Routine Urinalysis Program Action Levels and Actions..............................

3 14 l3.4 Routine Lung Counting Program Action Levels and Actions....................

3-15 14.1 System Criticairty Safety Controlled Parameters.......................................

4-16 l-4.2 Safety Factors for Homogeneous Single Units..........................................

4-32 t l-4.3 Safety Factors for Hetcrogeneous Single Units........................................

4-33 l

l5.1 Boundary Concentration Action Levels......................................................

5-7 l-5.2 Total Boundary Action Levels...................................................................

5-8 l5.3 Liquid Effluent Action Levels and Actions...................................................

5-9 l7.1 Plant Decommissioning Cest Estimate Summary.....................................

7-2 119.1 Co rporate I nform ation..............................................................................

9-6 ll 10.1 Ammonia Recovery Major Equipment..................................................... 10-68 1110.2 LU R Process Equipme nt........................................................................ 10-6 9 11 14.1 Critical Parameters for U Compounds Limited to 5 WT.% Enrichment......

14-8 l l

11 14.2 Homogeneous & Heterogeneous Minimum Critical & Safe Masses..........

14 9 l

1114.3 Expressions for Geometric Buckdng in Terms of Actual Dimensions & Extrapolation Distances..................................................... 14-10 ll 14.4 Compare 25 Keno Va RSIC Test Cases with SPC HP Work Stations..... 14-14 11 14.5 PNL Critical Experiment Date on Clusters of 4.29 Wr% U225 Enriched U O, R od s in Wate r.................................................................................... 14 18 11-1 4. 6 PNL Critical Experiment Cases Calculation Results with 16-Group, 27-Group, 218-Group, and 123-Group Cross-Sections.......................... 14-20 1114.7 Pro-ties of 2.46% Enriched UO Fuel Rods........................................, 14-24 ll 14.8 Certihad Chemical Analysis of B.d........................................................ 14 24 1114.9 B&W Critical Experiment Cases Calculation Results with 16-Grou C ros s S e ctio ns...................................................................

14-25 l

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i O



January 28,1998 iv 1

SPC-ND 3330 947 (R-907/92)

-4 Siemens Power Corporation - Nuclear Division tw.2 SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL LICENSE NO. SNM 1227, NRC DOCKET NO. 701257 TABLE OF CONTENTS -


an LIST OF FIGUREC f3Mt EAQ8 l 2.1 Organization Chart........................................................................

l 2.2 Organization Chart - Safety, Securit 2 24 Approval and Responsibility Matrix.y, & Licensing....................................

l 2.3 -

2 25 2 28 15.1 Field Sample Station Locations.....................

15.2 Lagoon Test Well Locations......................................................................


............................................ 11 119.1 Organization C hart...................................................................................

ll 9.2 9-7 Richland Area and SPC Engineering and Manufacturing Facilit ll 9.3 9-8 Land Use Within 50 Mile Radius of SPC Site Recreation........y..............

11 9. 4 9-9 Land Use Within 50 Mile Radius of SPC Site Agriculture........................

11 9. 5 9 10.

Land Use Within 50 Mile Radius of SPC Site Urban...............................

9 11 s

1110.1 SPC Site General Arran Plant Equipment Layou;gement................................................................ 10 72 ll 10.2 Specia ll 10.3 Plant Equipment Layout 00: Bu Fuels Building..................................... 10-73 1110.4 Plant Equipment Layout UO Building....................................................... 10 74 Plant Equipment Layout UO: Building....................................................... 10-75 1110.5 1110.8 Plant Equipment Layout UO Building.......................................................

10-78 ll-10.7 Plant Equipment Layout UO, Building....................................................., 10 77 Plant Equipment Layout UO Building...................................................... 10 78 Il 10.8 1110.9

.........................-1079 Plant Equipment Layout UO Building........................

Plant Equipment Layout UO Building....................................................... 10-80 ll 10.10 10-81 1110.11-Plant Equipment Layout UO Building...............................

Plant Equipment Layout UO Building....................................................., 10 -11-10.12 Plant Equipment Layout UO, BuiHing....................................................... 10 1110.13 Plant Equipment Layout UO: Building...................................................... 10-84 1110.14 Plant Equipment Layout UO Building......................................................., 85 ll 10.15 Plant Equipment Layout Building...................................................... 10-88 i

1110.18 Building...................................................... 10 87 ll 10.17 Plant Equipment EL 10-88 1110.18 Hom Rapids Road ite and Arrangement Fire & Water Su I

Il 10.18a Hom Rapids Road Site and Arrangement - Sanitary Drain...pply............. 10-89

.................... 10-90 ll 10.19 Simpitfied Schematic HVAC System - SF Building SWUR Facility........... 10 91 1110.20' Simplified Schematic HVAC System - SF Building Production Facilit Il 10.20s NAF Fumace Facility HVAC System Simplified Schematic................y.....10-92

....... 10 93 ll 10.21 Simplified Schematic HVAC System - Orginal UO Building.................... 10-94 il-10.21a Simpitfied Schematic HVAC System - Analytical La:b UO, Building.......... 10-95 1110.22 Simplified Schematic HVAC S Atta........................................ystemUO Building Line 2 Conversion

..................................................................10-98 1110.23-Sirr.plified Schematic HVAC System - Main (South) Addition.................... 10 g7 c

ip i



January 28.1998 v

SPc ND3330D0 (RWOW92)

SiOrnenS Power Corporation - Nisclear Division eur.2 SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL LICENSE NO. SNM 1227, NRC DOCKET NO. 701257 r-TABLE OF CONTENTS REV.


Fioute PJLQ2 ll 10.24 Simplified Schematic HVAC System U 0. Facility............................ 10-98 3

ll 10.25 S;mplified Schematic HVAC System - ELO Buildin............................ 10 99 1110.28 Simplified Schematic HVAC System ELO Buildin Addition...............10100 11-10.27 Simplified Schematic HVAC System Contaminated Clothing Laundry F a cilit y..........................................................................................

Il 10.27a Simplified Schematic - SWUR incinerator Shroud Cooling System.......10-102 Il 10.27b Lagoon Uranium Recovery / Solids Processing Fccility Ventilation S ystem Flow Dia g ra m..................................................................... 10 103 ll 10.28 Plaat Equi > ment Layout - ARF Building............................................10-104 ll 10.29 Ammonia Recovery Waste Management Facility Engineering Flow i

Di a g ra m........................................................................................ 1 0 i

ll 10.29a Flow Diagram Lagoon SA - Sewer lon Exchange Project....................10-106 i

1110.30 Plant Equipment Layout - LUR Facility.............................................10-107 1110.31 Engineering Flow Diagram - LUR Production Facility..........................10-108 ll 10.32 Fire Ala rm S yst e m.................................,....................................... 10- 10 9 ll-10.33 SPC Site General Arrangement Dry Converm'on First Floor.................10-110 l

1110.34 SPC Site General Arrangement Dry Conversion Second Floor............10-111 I

Il 10.35 SPC Site General Arrangement Dry Conversion Third Floor................10-112 ll 10.36 SPC Site General Arrangement Dry Conversion Fourth Floor..............10113 1110.37 Dry Conversion Simplified Air Flow Diagram.....................................10-114 ll 13.1 Monitoring Well De scription..............................................................

13-5 11 14.1 PNL Critical Experiment Layout (Reference 6..............................

B&W Critical Experiment Layout..................).....

.............................. 14-17 1114.2 14 23 t

I l

l I

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i l



January 28,1998 vi I

$PC-ND.3330 947 (R UO7/9h



Distribution D. L.

Belt B. F.

Bentley (4)

J. B.

Edgar B. N.

Femreite R. L.

Feuerbacher O

J. W. Fredericks S. F.

Gaines W. G.

Keith D. C.

Kilian L. J.

Maas C. D.

Manning C. S.

Powers T. C.

Probasco A.

Reparaz 1


Urza R. E.

Vaughan C. A. Ward L. D. Weaver USNRC/M.F. Weber (6)

USNRC RIV WCFO/C.A. Hooker DOH/L. Wainhouse Document Control (5)



36 TABLE l 1.1 Specific Locations of Authorized Activities (Cont.dl Location SNM Authorized Activity Laundry Facility Uranium Compounds (up to Cleaning of contaminated 5 wt% U 235) protective clothing and equipment.

UF. Cylinder Storage UF. (up to 5 wt% U-235)

Outside storage of UF.

Areas cylinders (full and empty).

Packaged Fuel UO, (up to 5 wt% U 235)

Outside storage of fuel packed Storage Areas for shipment; the transport containers are closed, s,ealed and properly labeled for-shipment.

O Packaged Waste Uranium Compounds (up to Outside storage of Storage Areas 5 wt% U 235) contaminated materials (including low level waste and incinerator ash) which are packaged, sealed, labeled and externally free of contamination.

Process Chemical Uranium Compounds (up to Transfer, mixing, sampling, :

Waste Storage -._

5 wt% U 235)

- storage and solar evaporation Lagoon System of contaminated liquid wastes.

Retention Tanks Uranium Compounds (up to Interim storage of potentially 5 wt% U 235) contaminated liquid wastes.

High Uranium Solids Uranium Compounds (up to Transfer of uranium bearing Pond 5 wt% U 235) solids, leaching for uranium recovery.

Solids Trench Uranium Compounds (up to Transfer and storage of 5 wt% U 235) contaminated solids awaiting leaching or burial.


.-The locations described in this table are shown on the site plan, Figure Il-10.1

=5*w e = = m:

October 28,1996 N S:

19 sPC-ND:3330 647 (R U07/92)

SiemenS Power Corporation - Nuclear Division Eur.2 SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATEnlAL LICENSE NO. SNM 1227, NRC DOCKET NO. 701257 PARTI L! CENSE CONDITIONS REv.

40 TABLE l 1.1 Specific Locatior.s of Authorized Activities (Cont.d)

U Location jiNM Authorized Activity Lagoon Uranium Uranium Compounds (up to Recovery of uranium from Recovery 5 wt% U 235) waste solutions.

Ammonia Rocovery Uranium Compounds (up to Removal and recovery of Facility 5 wt% U 235) ammonia from uranium contaminated liquid wastes.

Lagoon 5A IX Uranium Liquid Wastes (up Filtration and ion exchange of Process ARF Building to 5 wt% U 235 and less uranium liquid wastes, than 140 gU/i concentrations in filters and resins)

Any Permanent or Uranium solid waste (up to Sorting and compaction.

Portable Building 5 wt% U 235) having HEPA filtration and Isokinetic sampling.

UF Cylinder Uranium Compounds, solid Cylinder recertification l

Recertification and in water solution (up to activities, including hydrostatic Facility 5 wt% U 235) strength testing, wall thickness measurement, internal examination, and pressure testing.

Operations Scrap Uranium Compounds (up to Storage of closed and Warehouse 5 wt% U 235) externally free of significant-contamination containers of i

product and scrap materials; and the unloading of such containers from and the loading g

of such containers into shipping containers.

The locations described in this table a:e shown on the site plan, Figure Il-1o.1 AMENDWENT APPLCATION DATE:


January 15,1998 1-10 I

sPC No.3330 947 (R 197S2)

I 4

Siemens Power Corporation - Nuclear Division eur.2 SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATE 9IAL LICENSE NO. SNM 1227, NRC DOCKET NO. 701257 PART ll-SAFETY DEMONSTRATION

REV, 40 CHAPTER 9 GENERAt.INFORMAT!ON 9.1 CorporateInformation The names, addresses, and citizenship of the current principal officent of SPC are listed in Table ll 9.1.

All of the common stock of SPC is owned by Siemens Corporation, a Delaware corporation with headquarters in New York City. Siemens Corporation is, in tum, wholly-owned by Siemens AG headquartered in Munich, Federal Republic of Germany.

The top organizational structure of the Nuclear Division of SPC is depicted in Figure ll-9.1.

The Senior Vice Plesident and Gel.eral Manager reports to the President who reports to the Board of Directors and directs all Company functions. The handling, processing, and storage of woecial nuclear material, to which this license applies, is under the direction of the Vice President, Manufacturing, Nuclear Division, and Vice President, Engineering, Nuclear Division.

There are five departments within Engineering and Manufacturing Facility vdiich are involved in the handling and/or processing of special nuclear material. These are Plant Operations, Materials and Scheduling, Manufacturing Engineering, Quality and Regulatory q

Affairs, and Research and Technology. Additional descriptive information on these organtzhtlons was presented in Chapter 2.

9.2 FinancialQualification l

A copy of the Annual Report for 1991 of Siemens AG, which describes the financial

- condition of the corporation with which SPC is affiliated, is appended at the end of this chapter.

I 9.3 Summary of Operatina Obiective and Proces,.a 9.3.1 General j

f T*.s ob}ective of activities covered by this license application is the production of low enriched uranium fuel for light water reactors. This is accomplished by beginning with UF.

I as a feedstock and incorporates processes ancillary to the main process including liquid l


waste treatment and disposal, scrap recovery and recycle, and combustible waste incineration and disposal. Plant capacity is nominally 700 metric tons per year. A very I

O brief description of the mainline process is given below.



January 28,1998 91 1

SPC-ND.3330 947 (R-147/92)


V e

Siemens Power Corporation - Nuclear Division Eur.2 SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL LICENSE NO. SNM 1227, NRC DOCKET NO. 701257 PART 11. SAFETY DEMONSTRATION REv.

36 9.3.2 Summary Process Description Enriched (less than or equal to 5% U 235) uranium hexafluoride (UF.) is transported to the SPC Engineering and Manufacturing Facility by truck in Model 30B cylinders. The UF. to UO, conversion process employed is either the " Ammonium Diuranate" (ADU) process or the " Dry" conversion process, in the ADU process UF. is vaporized, hydrolyzed. and then precipitated with ammonia as ADU. The ADU solids are then separated from liquid wastes and passed through a reduction fumace, resulting in UO, powder. The Dry Conversion process is considered proprietary and is not further discussed. !he UO, powder is passed directly to a blending-milling-slugging-granulating ope.ation in a closed system and then to pallet pressing or to interim storage.

The powder is fed directly to the hoppers of the rotary presses through flexible, dust-tight hoses. The press platen areas are hooded and vented to prevent UO, dust release to the l room. " Green" (unsintered) fuel pellets are conveyed from the presses and loaded into sintering containers.

The fuel pellets are sintered in a controlled hydrogen atmosphere in electrically-heated fumaces. The containers of sintered fuel pellets are removed from the fumaces and released for grinding.

The UO, promd off the fuel pellet surface is washed away by flowing water. UO, solids are centrifuged from this wash water and are processed to recover the uranium.

The sintered, ground fuel pellets are heated in fumaces to remove moisture, and then moved to the fuel rod loading station. Afiar one end cap hai been welded onto the l

cladding tube, the open end is inserted into a glove box and pellets are pushed l l

horizontally along a V-trough into the cladding tubes. Final closure welding of fuel rods is done in controlled atmosphere welding chambers.

l The sealed fuel rods are leak tested and then are moved to a fuel rod enrichment assay l l device. After fuel rod enrichment assay, the fuel rods are radiographed for weld quality, I cleaned, visually inspected for surface defects, and stored in trays until released for fuel element assembly.

Fuel rods are withdrawn from storage as needed and fabricated into fuel assemblies.

Assemblies are thoroughly inspected for dimensional characteristics and workmanship.

After inspection, fuel assemblies may be stored within the nuclear fuel fabrication building l or packaged in shipping containers for shipment to nuclear power stations.

Fuel l assemblies may also be packaged and stored in their shipping containers in advance of shipment.

O l



October 28,1996 9-2 l

$PC-ND.3330 047 (R-UO7/9.!)

Siemens Power Corporation Nuclear Division sur.2 SPE O


s 36 9,7 License Historv Ucense No. SNM-1227 was filat applied for on June 15,1970 and first issued by the U.S.-

Atomic Energy Commission on December 14,1970. The license was revised in its entirety and reissued on July 18,1974 with an expiration date of July 31, 1979.

Application for license renewal was submitted on May 31,1979. The license was renewed again on October 26,1981 with an expiration date of October 31,1986. Application for license renewal was submitted on September 12,1986. The license was renewed on September 10,1987 with an expiration date of September 30,1992.

o I

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October 28,1996 95 SPC ND3330 947 (R 147421


Siemens Power Corporation - Nuclear Division Eur.2 SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL LICENSE NO. SNM 1227, NRC DOCKET NO. 701257 PARTll SAFETY DEMONSTRATION REv.

40 Table 11-9.1 - Corporate Information Office incumbent Address Citizenshio i

Chairman of the Board A. J. Huetti Hammerbacherstrasse FRG 12 + 14 in tfach 3220 t>-6520 Erlangen, Bavaria President and R. B. Stephenson 1040 S. 70th St.

USA Chief Executive Officer Mihvaukee,WI 53214 Senior Vice President J. H. Nordahl 2101 Hom Rapids Rd.

USA and General Manager, Richland,WA 99352 Nuclear Division Director, Finance, M. D. Weiss 2101 Hom Rapids Rd.

USA Nuclear Division Richland, WA 99352 Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer-SPC Vice President B. N. Femreite 2101 Hom Rapids Rd.

USA jj i

Manufacturing, Richland, WA 99352 l

Nuclear Division l

l Vice President R. l. ieuerbacher 2101 Hom Rapids Rd.


Engineering, Nuclear (Acting)

Richland,WA 99352 1

Division Vice President J. M. Bumett 155108th Ave. N.E.


Sales and Pro.iects, Bellevue, WA 98009 Nuclear Division Vice President R. B. Stout 155108th Ave. N.E.

USA Far East Marketing, Bellevue,WA 98009 Nuclear Division I

I Legend:

FRG - Federal Republic of Germany l

USA-United States of America l


PA32 NO,:

l January 28,1998 9-6 l

SPC-ND 3330 947 (R UO742)


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Siemens Power Corporation - Nuclear Division eur.2 SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL LICENSE NO. SNM 1227, NRC DOCKET NO. 701257 PART 11. SAFETY DEMONSTRATION REV.

36 Figure ll.9.2 j'

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\\lI CJ e p' e'p n4 \\ 1 i [jd[121 i a-11]I l O l} n rv ,1 W IkIj,-- J i< ,1 1[.E v j w .I 'j} L. u 3 [ j* 0, )g$ ,I 3 I b K ,I s gf g N ,r y J fl f k 8 +: ( 4 N %' s p 11

  • 1, 0 I 1

? i t. I } C-I,'I V* a AutNOMENT APPLCATON DATE: PAGE 9.: October 28,1996 9-8 l SPC ND:3330 947 (R-90792) i

). Siemens Power Corporation - Nuclear Division eur.2 ) r-SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL LICENSE NO. SNM 1227, NRC DOCKET NO. 701257 i PART11-f' TETY DEMONSTRATION REV. 40 CHAPTER 11 ORGA ZATION AND PERSONNEL 11.1 Ornanizational ResponsibHities It is the policy of SPC to conduct its business in a manner so as to assure that its facilities are safe from radiation and other nuclear hazards, that its operations will not be detrimental to the environs, and to assure that personnel (both in-plant and off site) radiation exposures are maintained as low as is reasonably achievable (ALARA), in providing this assurance, conditions of applicable NRC licenses are complied with and full regard is given to applicable NRC Regulatory Guides. Responsibility for establishing and assuring adherence to this policy rests with the j President of SPC and is exercised through the Senior Vice President and General ! Manager, Nuclear Division; the Vice President, Manu'seturing, Nuclear Division; the Vice j President, Engineering, Nuclear Division; and the Director, Quality and Regulator'/ Affairs. /^ This policy is implemented through appropriate delegations to managers responsible for \\ particular facilities processing or otherwise handling radioactive and nuclear materials. j i Each responsible manager is required to know, understand and carry out the provisions of this policy and the procedures for its implementation. 11.2 Functions of Kev Personnel l l The organization at the Corporate level 4 depicted in Figure ll-9.1. l l The function and responsibilities of the various safety-related positions are described in Chapter 2 with the flow of responsibility depicted in Figures 12.1 and I-2.2. During the l absence of key individuals, another individual is delegated, in writing, to assume his responsibilities. In the case of a plant emergency, the C Emergency Plan lists attemates to the Emergency Director. 11.3 Education and Experience of Kev Personnel I Resum6s of personnel who currently occupy key safety-related positions are listed in this


i l-l O AMENDMENT APPLCATION DATE: PAGE NO.: January 28,1998 11-1 1 SPC-NO.3330.647 (R 1@92)

SiemenS Power Corporation - Nuclear Division gy.2 SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL LICENSE NO. SNM 1227, NRC DOCKET NO. 701257 PART ll-SAFETY DEI IONSTRATION REv. 40 11.3.1 President and Chlef Executive Officer R. B. Stephenson Education BS Mechanical Engineering 1965 Purdue University MS Nuclear Engineering 1970 University of Michigan MBA Business / Finance 1972 University of Michigan l E.x.errience .1965-1970 ! Various capacities as a commissioned officer in the U.S. Navy Nuclear Power Program, l including service aboard a nuclear powered, attack-class submarine. l 19721985

G Employed by Siemens Power Corporation.

l Manager, Test Facilities, responsible for operations and operations support for the Atomic Vapor Laser Isotope Separation Research and Development Program. (1972-1975) Manager, Methods Engineering, responsible for industrial engineering for the light l { e water reactor fuels manufacturing division. (1975-1976) i l Manager, Plant Engineering, responsible for all equipment and facilities engineering _ related to operation, maintenance, and improvement for fuels manufacturing. l } (1976-1977) l l Manager, UO, Shop Operations, responsible for manufacturing operations for pressurized water and boiling water fuel assembly production. (1977-1980) Managing Director and Manager, Manufacturing, for Advanced Nuclear Fuels GmbH in ! Lingen, West Germany, responsibb for all logistics, manufacturing, engineering, ! l security, and health physics for European manufacturing operations. (19801983) { i l

e Manager, Marketing Analysis, responsible for market environment and competitor ;

l analysis supporting sales. (1983-1984) { i Regional Sales Manager responsible for fuel sales to approximately one-fourth of the ! e U.S. nuclear utilities. (1984-1985) l wtwourm amcaron oarr: not wo.: 1 ) January 28,1998 11 2 l l SPC.NO 3330.947 (R.UO712'

Siemens Power Corporation - Nuclear Division eur.2 SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL LICENSE NO. SNM 1227, NRC DOCKET NO. 701257 PART ll SAFETY DEMONSTRATION REv. 40 1985 1987 Employed by Exxon Enterprises as President, Chief Executive Officer, and Chairman of the Board of EPID, Inc., responsible for general management of an enterprise engaged in the development, manufacturing, and sales of computer components. (1985 1986) Vice President, Administration. (1986) Vice President, Commercial D' ision. (19861987) v 1988-1991 President and Chief Executive Officer, Director, Siemens Nuclear Dower Corporation (SNP); Director, Advanced Nuclear Fuels intemational (ANFI); Director, Universal Testing Laboratory (UTL). O 1E21 i President and Chief Executive Officer, Director, SNP; Director, ANFl; Director, Siemens Nuclear Power Services (SNPS). _1991 - Present I President and Chief Executive Officer, Director, Siemens Power Corporation, Director, ANF. i i i I I i l i 1 i i i i I I i O AMELDaiNT A8'PtCATON DATE: PAGE NO.: January 28,1998 11-3 i sPC ND 3330.947 (R-UO7/92) I J

Siemens Power Corporation Nuclear Division eur2 SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL LICENSE NO. SNM 1227, NRC DOCKET NO. 701257 g w PART ll.8AFETY DFMONSTRATION REV. 40 11.3.2 Senior Vice President and General Manaaer. Nuclear Division J. H. Nordahl Education BS Chemical Engineering 1963 Montanc State University Experience .1966-1972 Sr. Engineer / Engineering Manager - General Electric / Atlantic Richfield (DOE Hanford Contract) 1972-Present O Employed by Siemens Power Corporation Sr. Engineer / Manager, Fuel Reprocessing. (1972-1979) AICHE/ ANSI Standards Committees Spent Fuel Reprocessing and Storage. (1973-1978) I I Manager, Marketing. (19791984) { l j Manager, Business Development, Europe. (1984-1986) e i Manager, Business Development Far East. (1986) l Manager, Commercial Division, Vice President US Marketing. (1986-1988) e Vice President US Marketing. (1988-1990) Vice President and General Manager, Director, Universal Testing Lab, Chattanooga. e (1990 1991) l l Vice President US Marketing, Commercial Division; Vice President and General e l i Manager, Director, Siemens Nuclear Power Services, Chattanooga. (1991 1992) I Vice President Sales and Marketing. (19931995) e autwoututa m catouoAte paos e Januay 28,1998 114 i SPC.NO.3330 947 t4197W)

Siemens Power Corporation - Nuclear Division tw.2 SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL LICENSE NO, SNM 1227, NRC DOCKET NO. 701257 PART 11. SAFETY DEMONSTRATION REV. C 40' Vice President Sales and Projects. (19951997) Board of Directors, Advanced Nuclear Fuels incorporated (ANFI). (1993 Present) e Board of Directors, Siemens Power Kabushiki Kaisha (SPKK), (Japan). (1996 Present) e Senior Vice President and General Manager, Nuclear Division. (1997 Present) e l l l l I l O AMENOMENT APPLCATitysDATE: PAGE NO.: January 28,1998 11 5 $PC-ND.3330 647 (R 19742) ' ~ ~

SiemenS Power Corporatit,n - Nuclear Division sur2 SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL LICENSE NO. SNM 1227, NRC DOCKET NO. 701257 PARTll SAFETY DEMONSTRATION REv. 40 11.3.3 Director. Q9.Allty.and Reaulatory Affairs C. M. Powers Education l BA Mathematics / Physics 1971 Willamette University l MS Nuclear Engineering 1973 University of Washington l MBA Business 1996 Washington State Ur.tversity gxperlenet 1972 1980 EmployW by General Electric Company, San Jose, CA. Held various positions (Nuclear Engineer, Lead Stadup Engineer) involved with nuclear fuel cycle economic evaluation, nuclear fuel and core design, as well as a progression of leadership positions in the startup of five commercial nuclear power plants. 1980-1993 Employed by Washington Public Power Supply System, Richland, WA. Assistant Plant Manager, Reactor Engineering Supervisor, Senior Engineer various j l Individual contributor and supervisory positions with project / program management I responsibilities (1980-1985). j Plant Manager - WNP 2 Nuclear Plant, reporting to the Assistant Managing Director - Operations (19851990). l Director of Engineering, reporting to the Managing Director (1990-1993). 1993-Present i Employed by Siemens Power Corporation, Nuclear Division, Richland, WA. i l l j Senior Staff Engineer, reporting to the Vice President, Engineering, Nuclear Division l l i e (1993). i Director, Quality, reporting to the Senior Vice President and General Manager, Nuclear Division (1993-1997). AMENOMENT APPLCATION DATE: PAGE NO,: January 28,1998 11-6 i SPC-ND.3330 947 (R UOh92)

4 Siemens Power Corporation - Nuclear Division Eur2 SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL LICENSE NO. SNM 1227, NRC DOCKET NO. 701257 PART 11. SAFETY DEMONSTRATION REV. 40 Director, Quality and Regulatory Affairs, reporting to the Senior VW President and General Manager, Nuclear Division (1997 present) 1 O l i I l l l O AMENDutNT APPLCATION DATE: PAGE No.: January 28,1998 11 7 J SPC-ND.3330 947 (R 10792)

SiemenS Power Corporation - Nuclear Division Eur.2 SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL LICENSE NO SNM 1227, NRC DOCKET NO. 701257 g PART11 SAFETY DEMONSTRATION REV. 40 11.3.4 Mansoor. Inspection Services K. L. Ford Educatioa AAS Engineering Technology 1972 Columbia Basin College Experience 1971-1972 Employed by Vitro Engineering at Exxon Nuclear, Richland WA. Design Draftsman for Mechanisms Group, responsible for design, development and qualification of remote underwater assembly and disassembly tooling for repair / reconstitution of post irradiated fuel. 1972 1976 Employed by Siemens Power Corporation. Senior Designer in Mechanical and Materials Design Group, responsible for design, detailing, procurement, testing and evaluation of post irradiation inspection equipment. Designed internal interf acing hardware for hydraulic test loops, portable test loop and hydraulic test f acility. Designed nuclear fuel components l l and measuring equipment for various PWR and BWR reactors. l l i .1223-1981 i ! Employed by Jersey Nuclear Avco Isotopes, Richland WA. l f SJper%isor Design and Drafting Group supporting the Process Physics Group, l responsible for direct supervision of staff consisting of fifteen designers and draftsman. Supported design oi experiments in Laser Enrichment Technology. j Performeo scheduling, budgeting, contract designer management and monitoring of technical adequacy of designer / drafter media output servicing the Laser Enrichment Research and Development program. i l { i i l l I } O l autat a ame..e out: per e l January 28,1998 11-8 1 sFCND.3330 947 (R 19742)

Siemens Power Corporation - Nuclear Division eur.2 k]J SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL LICENSE NO. SNM 1227, NRC DOCKET NO. 7 r~ PART H SAFETY DEMONSTRATION REV. 40 1981 Prasent Employed by Siemens Power Corporation, Project Engineer in Product Mechanical En;ineering, responsible for design e coordination of PWR fuel contracts. Provided design consulting to Quality Engineering for inspectior:, methods and special gaging requirements for nuclear fuel assemblies and components. (1981-1990) Lead Engineer, rasponsible for coordination of PWR Engineering tasks and e assisting the Manager, PWR Engineering in coordination of manpower assignments to support fuel contracts within the Product Mechanical Engineering group. (1990 1992) Sr. Metrology Engineer / Supervisor in Quality Engineering Metrology Section, e responsible for direct supervision of the SPC Gage Calibration Lab operations. l Perform scheduling, budgeting, gage concepts and designs, and procurement to O. support Siemens Power Corporation's fuel fabrication facilities. (1992-1997) V Manager, Inspection Services, responsible for process support and verification of e quality of nuclear fuel components and assemblies, inspection services for shipping containers and waste components, manufacturing quality records, new fuel site inspections and vendor source inspections for fuel components and starting materials. Continue to manage the Metrology functions, Measuring and Test Equipment, and gage design as well as Qu'.lity Organization's Gage l Calibration Lab operations. (1997 - present) l I i I I t i l O AMENDMcNT A8%ICAT10N DATE: PAGE NO,: January 28,1998 11-9 i SPc-ND:3330 947 (R-1/07/92)

Siemens Power Corporation - Nuclear Division Eur.2 SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL LICENSE NO. SNM 1227, NRC DOCKET NO. 70-1257 PART 11 - SAFETY DEMONSTRATION REv. 40 11.3.5 Manaher. Analytical Services - M. A. Law Education BS Microbiology 1973 University of Arizona MS Chemistry 1979 Idaho State University ' Experience 1973-1977 Employed as Medical Technologist in hospital laboratories. 1978-1983 I Employed by Exxon Nuclear Company as a Methods Development Chemist for nuclear fuel reprocessing procen control. 1983-1987 Employed by American Microsystems as a semi conductor process engineer and by Martin Marietta as lase; optics staff scientist. 1987-19.qQ l l Employed by Rockwell-lNEL as Analytical Lab Supervisor for nuclear materials (depleted U) production project. ! 1990-Present Employed by Siemens Power Corporation [ Supervisor, UO Laboratory (1990-1991) 2 I I Manager, Analytical Laboratories (1991-1035) j e i i I Manager, Analytical Services, responsib!e for coordinating and supervising the e activities of the analyticallaboratories which provide safety-related support through analysis of environmental, process, waste discharge. and safeguards! accountability I 4 samples (1995-present). ] AMENOMENT APPLCATON DATE: PAGE NO.: January 28,1998 11-10 l SPC NO3330 947 (R-1107/92)

Siemens Power Corporation - Nuclear Division esp.2 q SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL LICENSE NO. SNM 1227, NRC DOCKET NO. 701257 V PART 11 - SAFETY DEMONSTRATION REV. 40 11.3.6 Vice Presid ent. Manufacturina - B. N. Femrette Education BS Metallargical Engineering 1966 Universny ofIdaho MS Metallurgical Engineering 1967 University of Idaho - Post-Graduate MBA Studies 1974 University of Washington Experience 1967-1970 l Employed by United Nuclear in Richland, Washington as a Senior Process Development Engineer responsible for manufacturing process and materials development for defense reactor fuels. 1970 - Prese01 Employed by Siemens Po'ver Corporation. Senior Engineer, Research and Engineering, responsibla for process development, materials evaluation, and process support for UO, and MOX commercial fuels (1970-1974) I l Manager, Shop Operations, responsible for manufacturing operations for UO, and i MOX fuels (1974-1978). Manager, European Projects, responsible for planning, staffing, training, and initial startup of the European Fuel Plant (1978-1979). Manager, Uranium Waste Project, responsible for process development, design, installation, and startup of liquid and solid waste recovery systems in Richland manufacturing plant (1979-1980). Manager, Richland Employee Relations, responsible for Human Resources function for Richland site (1980-1984). i i Manager, Plant Operations, responsible for design criteria, staffing, training, anu e i startup of manufamuring operations for a DOE plant at the Idaho National I Engineering Laboratory (1984-1987). %) AMENDMENT APPLCATON DATE-PAGE NO.: January 28,1998 11-11 1 SPC-ND:3330.947 (R 1/07/92)

Siemens Poww Corporation Nuclear Division EMF.2 SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL LICENSE NO. SNM 1227, NRC DOCKET NO. 701257 PART ll SAFETY DEMONSTRATION REV. 40 Manager, Corporate Employee Relations, tesponsible for corporate Human Resources function in U.S. and Europe (1987-1989). Manager, Operations-Richland, responsible for manufacti' ring, quality control, and maintenance for Richland operations (1989-1990). Manager, Manufacturing Engineering, responsible for Process and Plant 3 Engineering for Richland Ope ations (1990-1993). I Richland Plant Manager, responsible for manufacturing operations at the Engineering and Manufacturing facility in Richland (1993-1995). Vice President, Engineering and Manufacturing, retponsible for manufacturing operations and fuel engineering activities in support of nuclear fuel manufacturing at the Engineering and Manufacturing facility in Richland (1995-1997). Vice President, Manufacturing, responsible for Manufacturing Operations at the Engineering and Manufactusing facility in Richland (1997-present), j i l i j i i j l l l i i i l i '9 AMENOMENT APPUCATION DATE: PAGE NO.: 4 January 28,1998 11-12 _l SPC ND:3330 947 (R-1/07/92)

4 Siemens Power Corporation - Nuclear Division EMF 2 SPE O CIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL LICENSE NO. SNM 1227, NRC DOCKET NO. 701257 PART li-SAFETY DEMONSTRATION REV. 40 11.3.7 Mananer. Manufacturina Ennineerina - D. C. Kilian Educatiqn BS Chemical Engineering -1966 University of Minnesota MS Chemical Engineering 1977 University of Idaho Exrerlence 1966 -1974 Employed by Allied Chemical Corporation, Idaho Falls, Idaho. Chemical Engineer, responsible for developing various fluidized bed processes for nuclear fuel reptocessing and waste treatment (1966 - 1971). Group Supervisor, responsible for process development and technical liaison with Idaho Chemical Processing Plant operations (1971 - 1974). 1974 to Present Employed by Siemens Power Corporation, Ric nland, Washington, Bellevue, Washington and Idaho Falls, Idaho. l 3.. Senior Engineer, provided techniert bases for uranium conversion process design of l a commercial nuclear fuel reproct;mng plant (1974 - 1977). .- Manager, Reprocessing Process Engineering, responsible for reprocessing plant design, safety analyses and environmental assessment (1977 - 1978). Manager, Process Technology, directed development of technology for chemical and metallurgical processes of the Laser Isotope Separation Program (1978 - 1981). j Manager, Chemical Engineering, developed and demonstrated pilot plant operation + of the Sphere-Pac Fuel Production Facility (1981 - 1984). Manager, Technology, responsible for process engineering, process development, j computer engineering and environmental compliance related to design, startup and operation of a classified production facility in Idaho (1984 - 1987). O AMENOMENT APPLCATION DATE: PAGE NO.: January 28,1998 11-13 i SPC-ND2330.947 (R-1/07/92)

t 4 Siemens Power Corporation - Nuclear Division sup.2 SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL LICENSE NO. SNM 1227, NRC DOCKET NO. 70-1257 PART ll-SAFETY DEMONSTRATION REV. 40 Customer Servus Engineering, provided technical support and customer liaison for SPC U.S. sales and marketing activities (1987 - 1989). Manager, Process & Equipment Engineering, directed process support, process development and equipment engineering for SPC fuel manufacturing plant (1989 - 1990). Manager, Fuel Services, provided irradiated fuel inspection and repair services for nuclear fuel customers worldwia e (1990 - 1994). Manager, Business Development, responsible for identifying and delivering Siemens - KWU reactor services technology to U.S. customers (1994 - 1995). Manager, Process Engineering, responsible for providing process engineering support for production operations at the SPC Richland Engineering and Manufacturing Facility (1995 - 1997). Manager, Manufacturing Engineering, responsible for providing process engineering support, process development, plant maintenance, plant equipment engineering and project management at the Richland facility (1997 - present). l I i i I i l i. l l i i l l l i 9 AMENOMENT APPtlCATON DATE: PAGE NO.: January 28,1998 11-14 l SPC ND:3330.947 (R-1/07/92)

we m ~ um e Power Corporation - Nuclear Division sup.2 F 'UR? L NUCLEAR MATERIAL LICENSE NO. SNM-1227, NRC DOCKET NO. 701257 PART ll-SAFETY DEMONSTRATION REV. 40 ~/ Mananer. Process Enaineering - D. J. Hill s wation BS-Chemistry and Physics 1971 Whitworth College Experience 1971 -1973 Employed by Telodyne isotopes Company, Inc., as Assistant Scientist and Laboratory Supervisor in a low background radioisotope counting laboratory. Activities included development of speciallow background counting systems and gas purification and analysis systems. - [ 1973-1976: Employed by Hanford Environmental Health Foundation in Richland, WA as industrial Hygienist. Activities included nuclear facility safety / industrial hygiene inspections, environmental monitoring, and methods development. 1976-1984 Employed by Exxon Nuclear Company, Inc., as a Chemist in the UO Ana!ytical Laboratory, and later as Supervisor of the UO Laboratory. Responsibilities included 2 Quality Control analyses of nuclear fJet components, methods development, and testing. i r - and analyses in support of engineering studies. 198*-1987 . Employed by Exxon Nuclear Idaho Company, Idaho Falls, Idaho, as Manager of Quality Control. This position involved development and management of inspection, quality q sngineering, and analytical support for a classified govemment manufacturing activity. 1'987-1990 i Employed by Rockwell-INEL as Director, Quality Operations. This position included { l Quality Assurance, Quality Engineering, and Quality Control management for the SMC i i project in Idaho Falls, ID. l l AMEN 0 eden' APPLCAliON DATE: PAGE NO.: l January 28,1998 11-15 t SPC-ND.3330.947 (R-vo75t!)

Siemens Power Corporation - Nuclear Division eur.2 SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL LICENSE NO, SNM 1227, NRC DOCKET NO. 701257 PART 11 - SAFETY DEMONSTRATION REv. 40 1990-Present Employed by Siemens Power Corporation Manager, Quality Control. This position directs the activities of inspection, analytical and quality engineering functions in support of the SPC nuclear fuel fabrication activities (1990-1995). Manager, Quality Engireeni,.. This position manages inspection planning, quality manufacturing support, and quality assurance functions (1995-1998), I Manager, Process Engineering. This position is responsible for the development, qualification, and technical support of manufacturing and waste management processes (1990 present), l E 9 i l l l l l I l I I i i i i j i l !O aussoucur amcaron cars: not No.: l January 28,1998 11-16 l SPC-ND.3330.947 (R-1/07S2)

Siemens Power Corporation - Nuclear Division eur.2 A SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL LICENSE NO. SNM 1227, NRC DOCKET NO. 70-1257 U PART 11. SAFETY DEMONSTRATION REV. 40 11.3.9 Mpnaner. Plant Enaineering. W. G. Keith Education BS Chemistry 1960 Univer:ity of Califomia, Berkeley MS Chemical Engineering 1975 San Jose State University Experience 1963-1919 l General Electric Co., Nuclear Fuels Division Engineer in a number of assignments including lead engineer for MOx fuel fabrication, liaison with intemational licensees of manufacturing technology and process development of a dry conversion process. ph 1979-Present Siemens Power Corporation Propet Engineer, responsible for assigned plant modifications and capital equipment installations in the chemical and powder processing areas. Major projects included the ADU powder prep lines, Lagoon Uranium Recovery and Gadolinia Solvent Extraction j (1979-1990). i i Manager, Mechanical / Chemical, responsible. 'the direction of m!!Iwrights and pipe !, fitters in the support of the Ric,hland production cility as well as meenanical and l chemical project engineers in the implementation of equipment improvements and new l equipment installations (1990-1994). j i Manager, Maintenance Engineering, responsible for the direction of crafts and i engineers for the support of the Richland production facility, including repairs, preventive maintenance and equipment improvements. Special assignments included Criticality Safety Analysis Drawing As-Built Program, Successfuel restructuring effort in Plant j i Engineering and SAP Plant Maintenance module implemmtation (1994-1997). i Manager, Plant Engineering, responsible for the management of plant equipment { modifications, additions, and demolition including the scheduling and management of l project work from conception through acceptance testing (1997-present). x AMENOMENT ApptCATION DATE: PAGE NO.: January 28,1998 11-17 l sec-no:mo m (n vowa (

l Siemens Power Corporation - Nuclear Division eup.a SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL LICENSE NO. SNM 1227, NRC DOCKET NO. 701257 PART ll-SAFETY DEMONSTRATION REv. 40 11.3.10 Manaaer. Manufacturinc Technoloav - 1. J. Urza Education BS Chemical Engineering 1971 University of Idaho MS Chemical Engineering 1972 University of Idaho Experience 1972-1974 Employed by Allied Chemical Corporation, Idaho Falls, Idaho. Engineer responsible for conceptual and feasibility studies, economic and consequence analysis, and project design support Served as a technical representative at Oak Ridge National Laboratory o's the HTGR development program. 1974-Present Employed by Siemens Power Corporation in Richland, Washington, Oak Ridge, Tennessee and Lingen, West Germany. Engineer, Reprocessing Process Engineering, responsible for the ENC uranium i j conversion development program at ORNL. Pilot plant and laboratory process j l equipment was designed, constructed, and tested for conversion of uranyl nitrate to i UO,00 fluorination to uranium oxide, and purification of UF.. (1974-1977) l 3 3 l 1 !. Engineer, Reprocessing Process Engineering, responsible for lead process engineering for the uranium conversion portion of the ENC fuel reprocessing plant. ~ Served as Task Leader in a DOE-sponsored advanced fuel cycle study. (1977-l 1978) j Engineer, Design and Mechanical Development, responsible for design of uranium chemical operations and dye solution processing systems for the JNAl Experimental Test Facility, and conceptual studies of a commercial scale laser isotope separation l plant. Directed design activities of an A/E firm. Prepared conceptual plant designs l to define capital and operating costs. Prepared process flow sheets, selected and l sized equipment, material of construction, layouts, etc. (1978-1981) l Staff Engineer, Dry Conversion Process Development, responsible for the Dry Conversion Development Program including design, construction and experimental AMENOMENT APPUCATION DATE: PAGE NO.: I January 28,1998 11-18 l SPC-ND:35 947 (R-U07/02)


REV, 40 operation of a pilot plant, and a prototypical test facility, Developed and demonstrated a unique dry process for conversion of UF. to ceramic grade UO (patent pending); The dry conversion process is being installed in the ANFGmbH
fuel fabrication plant. Directed and coordinated process and equipment design, equipment procurement, instehation, and process development. (1981-1985)

Senior Staff Engineer, Process and Equipment Engineering, responsible for supervision, plannirig, and technical direction for the Lingen UF. Dry Conversion project ($8.5 million) through design, licensing, procurement, construction, and startup.. Responsibilities included providing technical direction of related process and equipment development work, (1986-1989) -l Manager, Chemical and Ceramic Development, responsible for providing ongoing and long range engineering and development support to fuel production and waste management operations in the chemical and ceramic development areas. Responsibilities include development of processes which impreve product quality, - and reduce manufacturing costs, (1989-1990) Manager, Manufacturing Technology responsible for development of chemical, i e ceramic, welding and mechanical processes and techniques to implement step change advancements in existing manufacturing technology and support the manufacture of advanced fuel. (1990-Present) i i I i i 1 I o AMENOMENT APPLCATION DATE: PAGE NO,: January 28,1998 11-19 i SPC NO3330.947(R 907/92) l

Siemens Power Corporation - Nuclear Division eup.2 SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL LICENSE NO. SNM 1227, NRC DOCKET NO. 701257 PART 11-SAFETY DEMONSTRATION REv. 40 11.3.11 Manaaer. Plant Operations - B. F. Bentley Education BS Ceramic Engineering 1535 Alfred University Experience 1965-1993 Employed by General Electric. t Manufacturing Management Program (1965-1968) Three year training program that I included graduate level business / management courses with job rotation every 6 l months, location rotation every 3 months. l. Manufacturing Engineer, Neutron Devices, St. Petersburg, FL (1968-1972). O Manufacturing Engineer, Nuclear Fuel Department, Wilmington, NC (1972-1973). Process Control Engineer, Nuclear Fuel Department, Wilmington, NC (1973-1976). Manager Production Operations (1976-1993). 1993 - Present l l l l Employed by Siemens Power Corporation as Manager, Plant Operations, responsible i i

for management of fuel manufacturing and material remvery operations, including i

j i preparation of operating procedures, development and maintenance of essential material controls and inventories, and the rcview, initiation, and implementation of plant safety procedures. I i i 1 i O l ] auenoutui amcarou oats; paos so.: January 28,1998 11-20 j SPC-ND.3330 947 (R-vo7S2)

- Siemens Power Corporation - Nuclear Division sur.2 SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL LICENSE NO. SNM-1227, NRC DOCKET NO. 70-1257 \\ PART 11 -SAFETY DEMONSTRATION REV. 40 11.3.12 General Supervisor. Traffic and Warehoes!na - R. D. Norman Education Diploma 1973 Battle Ground High School Experience 1970-1975 Forklift Operator Assistant Manager, Farming Supplies 1976 - Present Employed by Siemens Power Corporation. UO Ceramic Technician - pressirg, grinding, sintering and NAF blending '% 6-2 i 1979). UO Ceramic Lead Technician - Lead over 12 people for pressing, grinding, and 2 sintering (1979-1987). . Ceramic and NAF Supervisor-Supervised 18 24 people in all areas of the ceramic operation (1987-1996). i Supervisor of the SWUR opc ration - 8 people (1996). e General Supervisor, Traffic and Warehousing - Supervise 21-30 people at shipping / receiving powder and pellets, shipping waste material, review and oversee operations dealing with DOT and NRC Certificates. Assist in scheduling and-planning of shipping schedules. Responsible for safeguards, accountability and physical inventory for the plant (1996-present). a O i AMENOWFNT APPLCATON DATE: PAGE NO.: January 28,1998 11-21 i SPC NO:3330.947 (R-It0742)

SiemenS Power Corporation - Nuclear Division EMF.2 SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL LICENSE NO. SNM 1227, NRC DOCKET NO. 701257 PART ll-SAFETY DEMONSTRATION REV. 43 3 11.3.13 Manaaer. Materials and Schedulina - S. F. Gaines Education BS Mechanical Engineering 1971 Bucknell University AB Physics 1971 Bucknell University MS Mechanical Engineering 1979 Oregon State University LXDerlence 1971-Present Employed by Siemens Power Corporation Engineer, Boiling Water Reactor (BWR) Design, performing nuclear, mechanical and emergency core cooling system (ECCS) design support for BWR nuclear power plar"s (1971 - 1974). Engineer, Thermal Hydraulic Testing, performing research and development testing for Jet-Pump BWR designs under ECCS conditions. Responsibilities included design and implementation of data acquisition software, test specification, preparation, test execution, data reduction, interpretation and documentation (1974 - 1977). l l Manager, Fuel Testing, responsible for supervising a group of enginee s and I l technicians performing all thermal hydraulic, ECCS and mechanical testing of prototype fuel designs for both BWR and pressurized water reactor (PWR) designs (1977 -1980). I i Manager, BWR Fuel Design, responsible for managing a technical group ~ e performing mechanical design analysis, developing technical bases, design and material specifications and drawings for all BWR fuel designs. Technical support included development, design coordination, documentation, customer interaction and marketing support (1980 - 1984). \\ I l. Customer Service Engineer, responsible for all technical interaction between i customers and technical staff of conipany. Responsibilities included coordination of technical service work, communications, technical presentations and marketing for customers and potential customerc (1984 - 1988). AMENDMENT APPLCATON DATE: PAGENO2 January 28,1998 11-22 l SPC ND:3330 947 (R-1/07/92)

i Siemens Power Corporation - Nuclear Division ew.2 O SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL LICENSE NO. SNM 1227, NRC DOCKET NO. 701 PART 11 - SAFETY DEMONSTRATION REV. 40 Manager, Component and Support Machining, responsble for management of e inanufacturing rations of fuel components and plant wide support machining services. Responsibilities included preparation and review of operating procedures, development end maintenance of material controls, review and implementation of area safety procedures and development of machinist and CNC machinist apprentice training programs (1988 - 1997). Manager, Material & Scheduling, responsible for production scheduling, uranium management, hardware planning and procurement, procurement or operating supplies and services, production control activities, logistics and corporate wide computing and information services (1997 - present). O AMENOMENT app (CAtlON DATE: pq m: January 28,1998 11-23 i SPC ND3330.947 (R-1107S2)

Siemens Power Corporation - Nuclear Division eur.2 SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL LICENSE NO. SNM 1227, NRC DOCKET NO. 701257 PART ll-SAFETY DEMONSTRATION REV. 40 11.3.14 Manaaer. Production and Transportation Plannirig - S. F. Kulck Education BS Chemistry 1978 University of Michigan MBA Finance 1980 University of Michigan Experience 1980-1983 Employed by Exxon Corporation, N.Y., N.Y. Financial analyst rest sible for eamings reporting and analysis. 1983-Present O Employed by Siemens Power Corporation, Richland WA. Senior Accountant, responsible for manufacturing accounting, tax accounting, and German affiliate matters (1983-1987). j Cost model and estimating analyst, responsible for cost estimates for bids and proposals and special cost studies and other types of economic analyses (1987-l l 1990). I I Project Manager, technical coordinator and project manager for several foreign j customers in Germany, Sweden, and Japan (1990-1992). j i Manager, Master Scheduling and Uranium Management, responsible for i + I manufacturing planning and scheduling and management of uranium supplies and inventory (1992-1995). Manager, Production and Transportation Planning, responsit;te for manufacturing planning, management of uranium supplies and inventory, and logistics for i l shipments and receipts (1995 to Present). i t l O 1 January 28,1998 l 11-24 i SPC ND'3330.947 (R.t107/92)

v SiemenS Power Corporation - Nuclear Division eur.2 SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL LICENSE NO SNM 1227, NRC DOCKET NO. 701257 PART 11-SAFETY DEMONSTRATION REV. 40 11.3.15 Manaaer. Safety. Security. and Lkenalna - R. E. Vaughan Education BS-Marine Engineering 1963 U.S. Naval Academy 4 =MS Systems Management 1975 University of Southem Califomia Experioring 1g63-1983 U.S. Navy Regular Commissioned Submarine Warfare Officer (nuclear power) assigned to progressively more respcasible positions in operational, technical, production and executive level management positions including command at sea. 4 1983-1992 . Employed by ABB-Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power Businesses in the designing, manufacturing, testing and servicing of nuclear steam supply systems and commercial power plant nuclear fuels. Manager, Nuclear Startup, responsible for the organization and direction of a 70-member multi-disciplinary engineering staff providing a wide range of engineering services at nuclear power plant projects. Directed the establishment and administration of the C-E Site Startup offices at projects in which the Nuclear Steam . Supply System (NSSS) was supplied by C-E. (1983-1986 and 1988) Projact Manager, Technology Transfer, Korea, assigned to the NSSS Projects e Department throughout the contract negotiation phase for Korea Nuclear Units 11 and 12. Responsible for prepa ing, resolving and coordinating all technical, commercial and legal terms leading to award of two Technology Transfer Agreements. Concurrently assigned full responsibility, including profit-loss, for award and execution of a contract for NSSS System Designers Training. (1986- -1987) C-E Nuclear Fuels independent Task Force, assigned to an Independent Task Force established by the President, Nuclear Power Businesses with the authority and responsibility for conducting an audit of C-E's nuclear fuel manufacturing facilities. Audit recults determined the status of Nuclear Fuel Department's compliance with all AMENDedENT APPLICATION DATE: PAGE No.: January 28,1998 11-25 SPC-ND.3330.947 (R 147/92)

SiemenS Power Corporation - Nuclear Division sup.2 SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL LICENSE NO. SNM-1227, NRC DOOKET NO. 701257 PART ll - SAFETY DEMONS *JRMION REv. 40 applicable licensing conditions and regulatory requirements of NRC, EPA, OSHA, DOT and state agencies. (1988-1989) Operations Manager, Nuclear Fuel Manufacturing, responsible for daily direction and overall coordination of the activities of the manufacturing process of C-E nuclear products. Assigned as Emergency Director for the Nuclear Fuel Manufacturing facilities and Product Cevelopment laboratories. (1989) Plant Manager, ABB-Combustion Engineering Nuclear Fuel Manufacturing, responsible for all aspects of the safe operation of the NRC licensed manufacturing facilities producing finished nuclear fuel assemblies and related components to the commercial nuclear power industry. (1990-1992) Project Director, ABB Combustion Engineering Windsor Site Remediation, j e I responsible for the safe and cost effective characterization and environmental remediation of the ABB Windsor site areas contaminated under AEC contact. l Provided liaison with DOE, NRC, EPA, and Connecticut DEP. (1992) 1992-Presen1 Employed by Siemens Power Corporation as Manager, Safety, Security, and Licensing, reporting directly to the Vice President, Engineering and Manufacturing and is responsible for developing, administering, and auditing the licensing, industrial safety and health, health physics, criticality safety, environmental surveillance, ALARA, security and safeguards programs for SPC's facility at Richland, Washington. l 1 4 I l i I I l l 1 i I l i I O AMENOMENT APPUCATION DATE: PAGE NO.: l January 28.1998 11-26 l SPC-ND:32%947 (R 1/07/92)

Siemens Power Corporation - Nuclear Division eup.2 SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL LICENSE NO. SNM-1227, NRC DOCKET NO. 70-1257 PART ll-SAFETY DEMONSTRATION REV. 40 11.3.16 Supervisor. Safety - T. C. Probasco Education BS Microbioingy 1970 Oregon State University BS Military Science 1970 Oregon State University Certified Safety Professional 1982 Board of Certified Safety Professionals Experience 1970-1972 Highway Engineering Technician for the Oregon State Highway Department. 1972-1975 Employed by a food processing company. OV Supervised chemical and bacteriologicallaboratories in the Quality Assurance e Department. (1972-1973) Safety Engineer. (1973-1975) 1975-Present z Employed by Siemens Power Corporation. Plant Safety Engineer (1975-1984). Plant Criticality Safety Engineer (1975-1984). Supervisor, Radiological and Industrial Safety, responsible for supervising Health Physics Technicians, Radiological Safety Specialist, and industnal Hygiene Specialist (1985-1989). Supervisor, Safety, responsible for supervising Criticality Safety Specialists, Health + Physics Specialist, Radiological Safety Supervisor, Health and Safety Technicians, j and the Health Records Clerk (1990-1995). Manager, Safety, responsible for emergency preparedness and for supervising O Criticality Safety Specialists, Health Physics Specialist, Radiological Safety V Supervisor, Health and Safety Technicians, and the Health Records Clerk (1996-present). AMENOMENT APPUCATON DATE: PAGE NO,: January 28,1998 11-27 i SPC ND:3330.947 (R-1107/92)

Siemens Power Corporation - Nuclear Division eur.2 SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL LICENSE NO. SNM 1227, NRC DOCKET NO. 70-1257 PART ll-SAFETY DEMONSTRATION REV. 40 11.3.17 Criticality Sa'atv Specialist - C. D. Manning Education BS Nuclea Option of General Engineering 1982 Idaho State University Experience 1976-1984 Employed by Union Pacific Railroad. I 1984-1985 I Employed by Newport News Reactor Services as a Radiological Control Engineer. Training HPT technicians and operators j Shielding and dosimetry requirements Auditing radiological control program compliance 1985-1987 Employed by Rockwell Hanford Company as a Criticality Safety Engineer. I Criticality safety ana!yses + Auditing criticality safety program compliance i I 1987-1990 Employed by Westinghouse Hanford Company as a Nuclear Safety Engineer. Cognizant Safety Engineer for the Plutonium Metal Production Line. Event Investigation Team Leader Plant criticality safety approval authority 1990-Present I Employed by Siemens Power Corporation as Lead Criticality Safety Specialist. i

  • Engineer responsible for all aspects of the criticality safety program.

l j e i AMENDMENT APPLCATION DATE: PAGE NO.: January 28,1998 11-28 l SPC.ND.3330.947 (R-itC7/92)

Siemens Power Corporation - Nuclear Division EMF-2 SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL LICENSE NO. SNM-1227, NRC DOCKET NO. 701257 PART ll SAFETY DEMONSTRA TION REv. 40 3 11.3.18 Criticality Safety Specialist - J. M. Delst l Education BS Nuclear Engineering 1990 Kansas State University Nuclear Criticality Safety Short Course 1994 University of New Mexico SCALE Training Course 1995 Oak Ridge National Laboratory Experienca 1290-1992 Employed by Kansas State University as a Graduate Research Assistant in the Nuclear ! Eng!"eering Department. l Radiation Detection Laboratory Assistant Neutron Activation Analysis Laboratory Assistant e 1992-Present i Employed by Siemens Power Corporation. PWR Neutronics Engineer (1992-1996). Lead Neutronics Engineer for H.B. Robinson plant j j Neutronics input for safety analysis j Startup and operations data j incore monitoring data e Safety Analysis Report and Startup and Operations Report i j Criticality Safety Specialist (1996-present). I I l

  • Criticality safety analysis Criticality safety audits l

l i l i l I e AMENDMENT APPLEATION DATE: PAGE NO.: January 28,1998 11-29 l SPC NO2330.947 (R 14742)

SiemenS Power Corporation - Nuclear Division eur.2 SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL LICENSE NO. SNM-1227, NRC DOCKET NO. 701257 PART ll-SAFETY DEMONSTRATION REV. 40 11.3.19 Criticality Safety Specialist - G. A. McGehee ESLucation BS Nuclear Engineering 1989 Mississippi State University Experience 1986-1987 Employed by Entergy Operations (formerly System Energy Resources, Inc.) at the i Grand Gulf Nuclear Station as a co-op student. 1989-1993 Employed by Westinghouse Savannah River Company as a Criticality Safety Engineer. Crit: 'ty safety analyses Proceoure review 1993-Present Employed by Siemens Power Corporation as a Criticality Safety Specialist. I I Criticality safety analyses l e Criticality safety limit esrds i j Criticality safety audit: e i i i I O AMENDMENT APPLCATION DATE: PAGE NO.: January 28,1998 11-30 i SDC-ND:3330.947 (R-U07/92)

Siemens Power Corporation - Nuclear Division EMF 2 SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL LICENSE NO, SNM-1227, NRC DOCKET NO. 701257 PART ii-SAFETY DEMONSTRATION REV. 40 11.3.20 tiealth Physicist - R. K. Burklin Education BS Physics 1969 State University College MS Physics 1972 University of Tennessee Public Health 1985-89 University of South Carolina Experience 1973-1975 l Employed by Virginia Electric Power Company at the Surry plant as a Reactor Health Physicist for Surry Units 1 and 2. In charge of extemal dosimetry and effluent release programs. Also hosted NRC inspections and supervised radioactive shipments. 1975-1990 Employed by Westinghouse Commercial Nuclear Fuel Division in Columbia, SC as a Senior Engineer, in charge of bioassay and intemal dosimetry program, respiratory protection program, air sampling, training, extemal dosimetry, and the ALARA program. 1990-1992 Employed by Precision Castparts in Portland, OR as Manager of Health Physics. In l cha':Je of all aspects of health physics including extemal dosimetry, intemal dosimetry, j i bioassay, air sampling, respiratory protection, environmental monitoring, contamination ! control, and waste disposal. Also in charge of ALARA and training programs. I f 1992-Present f Employed Siemens Power Corporation in Richland, WA as a Health Physics Specialist responsible for assuring compliance with the health physics requirements of the license i ! and current regulations for a uranium fuel fabrication facility. i I t i i I O AMENDMENT APPLCATION DATE: PAGE NO.: January 28,1998 11-31 I SPC-ND.3330.947 (A vo7/92)

0 Siemens Power Corporation - Nuclear Division eur.2 SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL LICENSE NO. SNM-1227, NRC DOCKET NO. 701257 PART 11 - SAFt!TY DEMONSTRATION REV. 40 11.3.21 Supervisor. Radioloalcal Safety - E. L. Foster Education High School Diploma 1960 Richiand, Washington General Studies 1962 Columbia Basin College Pasco, WA Nuclear Weapons Technician School 1964 U.S. Air Force Experience l 1967-1971 Employed by Battelle Northwest in Richland, WA as a Radiation Monitor in the development and application of health physics programs for radioactive chemical I separations plants, multi-curie laboratory operations, and nuclear fuel manu*acturing. Perfomied monitoring duties during major cleanup and modification of plutonium hot cells and gloveboxes. Direct participation in surveillance of effluent from plutonium facilities while assigned to an environmental monitoring group. Direct participation in setting up routine health physics program for PRTR. l l I Completed special assignment involving modification of plant air monitoring l program. l 1971-Present Employed by Siemens Power Corporation. Health Physics Technician involved primarily in all phases of the radiological safety program throughout the entire plant site. (1971-1976) l 1 Technician Specialist, Radiological Safety. (1977) l l Radiological Safety Assistant. (1980) l l 1 I Radiation Safety Officer for Washington State License. (1984) AMENOMENT APPLICATION DATE: PAGE NO.: January 28,1998 11-32 i SPC ND:3330.947 (R-1/07/92)

4 94 Siemens Power Corporation - Nuclear Division sup.2 SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL LICENSE NOW SNM-1227, NRC DOCKET NO. 701257 pd PART11 SAFETY DEMONSTRATION REV. 40 Radiological Safety Specialist, responsible for implementation of radiological safety training program, dosimetry program, bioassay program, writing of Radiation Work Procedures, reporting of radiological conditions to plant supervision. (1985) Direct participation in decommissioning of four facilities for unconditional release. Mixed Oxide Fuel Fabrication in 1986 ) Centrifuge Test Facility in 1987 "Old" Reactor Services Building in 1989 Plutonium Storage Vault in 1990 Supervisor, Radiological Safety Component, responsible for providing information, advice, and assistance to Company operating and engineering components such that personnel safety and environmental protection are maximized, and assures that records adequately document conditions (1993-Present), L U l l l 1 l l O AMENOMENT APPtlCAfl0N OATE: PAGE NOa January 28,1998 11-35 l SPC-ND 3330 947 (R-1/07/92)

SiemenS Power Corporation - Nuclear Division Eur2 SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL LICENSE NO. SNM-1227, NRC DOCKET NO. 70-1257 PART 11 - SAFETY DEMONSTRATION REV. 40 11.3.22 Manaaer. Reaulatory Comollance - L. J. Maas Education BS Environmental Health 1973 University of Washington i Experience 1974-1992 i Employed by Hanford Environmental Health Foundation, Richland, WA Supervisor, Air and Water Surveillance Programs, Environmental Health Sciences. j e I Division. Provided environmental surveillance consultation and technical services to support environmental programs of operating contractors on the U.S. Department of Energy Hanford Site. Typical service areas included ambient air surveillance, air pollutant source testing and water quality monitoring. (1974-1980) Manager, Site Support Services, Environmental Health Sciences Division. Provided e direct technical and administrative supervision of a staff of industrial hygienists, environmental scientists, and technicians providing industrial hygiene and environmental consultation and technical services. Primary clients were individuals responsible for the health, safety, and environmental programs of the U.S. Department of Energy and its Hanford contractors, although services were also provided outside the DOE sector to private industry, academic institutions, and other govemmental agencies. (1981-1986) I I Director, Environmental Health Sciences Division. Managed overall operation of a i multi-disciplinary division providing comprehensive environmental health services to contractors on a major U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) nuclear material production, waste management, and R&D Site. Through. DOE Use Permit, I provided similar services to non-DOE clients including private industry, academic institutions, and other govemmental agencies. Key technical service areas included industrial hygiene, environmental surveillance, hazardous waste, analytical chemistry, training / chemical information, and emergency preparedness. i Responsible for all aapects of divisional planning, budgeting, personnel actions, and l l technical services. Division employed approximately sixty personnelincluding ( industrial hygienists, environmental scientists, chemists, technicians, and supporting i clerical staff. (1986-1992) l 9 AMENDMENT APPUCATION DATE: PAGE NO.; l January 28,1998 11-34 l SPC-NO:3330 947 (R UO7/92)

Siemens Power Corporation - Nuclear Division svF.2 O SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL LICENSE NO. SNM-1227, NRC DOCKET NO. 701 PART 11 - SAFETY DEMONSTRATION REv. 40 1992-oresent Employed by Siemens Power Corporation. Manager, Regulatory Compliance. Provide overall management of Regulatory Compliance programs in the areas of Licensing, Nuclear Materials Safeguards, Environmental Protection and Industrial Hygiene. Includes responsibility for assuring that the SPC Engineering Manufacturing Facility attains, maintains, and complies with all required licenses and operating permits, including the NRC site license; properly accounts for all special nuclear materials; and consistently complies with regulations aimed at protecting the health of its workers and minimizing the environmental impacts of its operations. O l 4 I I l I l I I O AMENOMENT APPLCATON DATE: PAGE NO.: January 28,1998 11-35 i SPC-ND:3330.947 (R-UO7/92) l

Siemens Power Corporation. . lear Division EM F.2 SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERlt.L L. ~NSE NO. SNM 1227, NRC DOCKET NO. 701257 PART ll-SAFETY DEMONSTRATION REV. 40 11.3.23 Staff Enaineerina - Licensin.g - J. B. Edgar Education BS Physics 1965 Whitworth College MBA Business Administration - Finance 1970 University of Washington ExDerlence 1965-1967 l Employed by Douglas United Nuclear, Richland, WA. Pcocess Physicist, performed physics calculations and advised, from a reactor physics standpoint, on the operation of a Hanford production reactor. 1967-1970 I Employed by Battelle Northwest Laboratories, Richland, WA. Reactor Engineer, supervised two technicians in the operation, maintenance, and data collection for experiments in Plutonium Recycle Critical Facility. Also assisted ... analysis of data. (1967-1969) Nuclear Safety Specialist, provided guidance for Battelle Northwest operating components and performed audits, reviews, and wrote manuals and safety analyses in the area of nuclear safety. Interfaced with AEC on nuclear safety questions. } (1969-1970) I 1970-1973 Employed by Westinghouse Hanford, Richland, WA. Supervisor, Materials Management, supervised three engineers, one technician, and two clerks in a nuclear materials accountability function for Westinghouse Hanford. Provided expertise in packaging and shipping of radioactive materiais. Criticality i safety specialist for three laboratories, including preparation of safety anahsis i l reports and criticality safety specifications and auditing for compliance with ( applicable limits. I 8 i O i AMENOMENT APOUCATION DATE: PAGE NO.: .lanuary 28,1998 11-36 i SPC-ND:3330 947 (R-1M)7/92)

Sie. mens Power Corporation - Nuclear Division w.2 p SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL LICENSE NO. SNM 1227, NRC DOCKET NO. 701257 PART11 SAFETY DEMONSTRATION REv. 40 1973-Present Employed by Siemens Power Corporation. Senior Mo'erials Engineer, managed Exxon Nuclear's uranium and plutonium inventories throughout the world from the point at which title transferred to Exxon Nuclear. Administered criticality safety program for fuel fabrication facilities at Richland. Provided special nuclear material *raffic expe dise on state and federal regulations. (1973-1977) Manager, Traffic Operations, managed the traffic and warehousing function for Exxon Nuclear Company at its Richland site. Managed the shinment of hardware, I UO, pellets, and mir. ?!laneous items from ENC-Richiar,d to E. GmbH Lingen in I support of ENGmbH fuel fabrication. (1977-1979) i Contract Administrator (Bellevue, WA), administere:I contracts for six reload fuel e customers (four domestic and two foreign) for the sale of reload fuel, uranium, anu O) technical services. Responsibilities included evaluation of compliance with contract l y commitments; contract execution including commencement of work, progress reports, invoicing management, and closeout at completion of work; and mariceting interact %n including proposal writing and assbting in contract negotiations. (1979-1988) Staff Specialist-Safeguards, provided technical expertise on safeguards; acted as Accountability Coordinetor and Measurement Control Program Coordinator; acted as l working level contact with NRC on safeguards matters; conducted annual j i measurement review; prepared and maintained ANFs Safeguards Plan (ANF 12); provided ad guards training for plant pensonnel; hocted NRC safeguards audits and bienrM % Hoc Committee review of safeguards activities; maintained knowledge of l current radioactive material transport regulations; prepared and maintained j Radioactive Material Shipping Standard (Chapter 5) cf ANPs Safety Manual (ANF. i 30); reviewed radioactive material shipment for compliance with regulations; l i prepared and maintained ANF's SNM Physical Protection Plan (nNF-538) (1988-1 1991) l l Staff Engineer-Licensing, provide licensing expertise on NRC licensing issues including plant operatirg license and transportation-related licenses and permits; act as company contact with NRC on licensing matters; prepare and maintain { I Radioactive Material Shipping Standard (Chapter 5) of SPC's Safety Manual (SMF-30); review radioactive material ahipment for compliance with regulations; prepare i and maintain SPC's SNI' ohysical Protection Plan (EMF 538). (1991-Present) LJ AMENDMENT A*'PLCATION DATE: PA$E NO.: January 28,1998 11 37 SPC ND-3330 947 (R 197/92) -a

Siemens Power Corporation - Nuclear Division Eup.2 SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL LICENSE NO. SNM 1227, NRC DOCKET NO. 701257 PART 11. SAFETY DEMONSTRATION REV. 40 11.3.24 Environmental Enaineer - S. R. Lockhaven Education BA Biology 1974 Central Washington University BA Environmental Studies 1976 CentralWashington University Industrial Hygiene Training Courses 1979 Present Experience 1976-Present Employed by Siemens Power Corporation. Senior Analytk,a! Laboratory Technician. (1976-1979) Industrial Hygienist duties included scheduling environmental sampling, e environmental data review, and assisting the Plant Criticality Safety Engineer. (1979-1986) Plant Criticality Safety Engineer. (19861989) Industria Reputations Specialist. (19891990) l e I Environmental Engineering SpeciaDst. (1990-1991) l e t i j Environmental Engineer, responsible ss SPC Industrial Hygienist for development, j e implementation, arid oversight of worker health and safety programs (1991 Present) i l l l I l ~ i l h AMMDMENT APPLCATION DATE: PAGE NO.: l January 28,1998 11 38 i SPC ND.3330 947 (R-1pv2)

Siemens Power Corporation - Nuclear Division Eur.2 p) SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL LICENSE NO. SNM 1227, NRC DOCKET NO e PARTll. SAFETY DEMONSTRATION REV. 40 11.3.25 Environmental Ennineer K. H. Tanaka Education BS Chemical Engineering 1969 University of t>tah Experience 1969 1978 Rockwell Hanford Operations Weste Management Process Engineer, process control and process development in ceslum ion exchange and strontium solvent extraction processing. Design Engineer, design and construction of underground waste storage tanks and auxiliary systems, Chemical Engineer, pilot plant development with vacuum evaporator-crystallizer and screw calciner. _1978-Present Siemens Power Corporation Process an:t Maintenance Engineer, day to-day and long term operation and maintenance of chemical processes and related separating, drying and calcining equipment for the conversion of uranium hexafluoride to uranium dioxide in the production of nuclear fuel (19781983). l Chemist, Analytical Laboratory in Quality Control Department, responsible for Spectroscopy instruments and analyses including Emission Spectrometer, Inductively Coupled Plasnia (ICP) Spectrometer, X-ray Spectrometer and other analyzers (1983-1932). Environmental Engineer, Regulatory Compliance, responsible for the environmental - monitoring and reporting of plant gaseous and liquid effluents in compliance with the NRC, federal, state and local environmental regulations and permit conditions (1992-Present). L.)N AMEND 8 DENT APPLCATIONDATE: PAGE NO.: January 28,1998 11 39 i SPc-ND 3330.947 (R-UO79h

SiemenS Power Corporation - Nuclear DivlSlon ew.2 SPECIAL NUCLdAR MATERIAL LICENSE NO. SNM 9227, NRC DOCKET NO. 701257 PARTll SAFE 1Y DEMONSTRATION REv. 40 11.3.26 Environmental EncinggI J. B. Perrymta Esfucation BS Environmental Science 1992 Washington State University Currently working towarja a MS in Environmental Science, Washington State University. Experience } 1993-Present Employed by Siemens Power Corporation. Envire... ental Engineer, responsibilities include waste designation, groundwater e monitoring program, sampling and analysis plans, hazardous substance spill j reporting and cleanup, waste minimization practices, offsite waste shipments, regulatory ageracy interface, and general regulatory compliance activities. I l l I ( i i l l l l l 1 l O AMENDMENT APPLCATON DATE: pgg yr., January 28,1998 11-40 l SfCND.3330 047 (R-UO7/92)

l t S!emens Power Corporation Nuclear Division sup.2 SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL l.lCENSE NO. SNM 1227, NRC DTKET NO. 701257 PART 11-SAFETY DEMONSTRATION REV. 40 11.3.27_ Safeguarda Snecialist D. L. Noss Education BA Business Administration 1974 Washington Etate University ExperlPDGt 1974-1976 Employed by Rainier National Bank Operations Assistant, supervised 25 tellers and new accounts. Dealt with customer problems and complaints. 1976-1978 Employed by Old National Bank Operations Supervisor, supervision and training of tellers and new accounts. Maintain branch audit program. Deal with customer problems. 1978-Present Employed by Siemens Power Corporation, t Nuc8sar Materials Accounting, maintained the plant nuclear materials records by running the Nuclear Materials Control System (NICS). Provided special amistance during the physical inventory of nuclear materials in the taking and reconciliation j efforts. (19781980) Accountant for Engineering and Technology, preparvd monthly analysis letters detailing opergting costs; assisted managers in the preparation of their operating budgets; prepared cost estimates from engineering and manufacturing inputs for marketing use; and provided assistance as needed in the preparation of invoices. (1980-1983) -. - - Nuclear Materials Accountant, maintained the on-site perpetual inveidory records of nuclear mattrials as required by regulations and in accordance with company standards required to provide anset control and verification. Planned and designed improvements to the Nucioar Materials Accounting System and worked with the Company's computer systems group to implement necessary changes. amatm ammcw onts: raos e ) January 29,1998 11 41 j SPC-NO:3330.947 (R 1474h ~

~ Siernens Power Corporation - Nuclear Division eur.2 SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL LICENSE NO, SNM 1227, NRC DOCKET NO. 701257 i PART ll. SAFETY DEMONSTRATION REv. 40 Plannad, conducted and reconciled the physicalinventory of nuclear materials. Organized the efforts of the plant wide inventory and focused the reconciliation efforts of problem areas. Tracked and monitored the build up of uranium wastes and reported to management the progress of the Company's recovery systems. Determined and communicated the financial liability to the Company as the result of waste inventory buildups. (1983-1992) Safeguards Specialist, provide technical expertise on safeguards; act as Accountability Coordinator and Measurement Control Program Coordinator; act as working level contact with NRC on safeguaros matters; conduct annual measurement review; prepare and maintain SPC's Safeguards Plan (EMF-12); provide safeguards training for plant personnel; host NRC safeguards audits and biennial Ad Hoc Committee review of safeguards activities. (1992 Present) O l l h AMENOMENT A%CATON DATE: PAGE NO.: January 28,1998 11 42 l SPC.ND3330 947 (R-197/92)


  • 1.3.28 Mananer. Product Mechanical Enaineerina - T. M. Howe Education BS Engineering Physics 1970 Texas Tech University MS Nuclear Engineering 1972 Purdue University Experience 1972-1974 Employed by General Electric Company, Nuclear Energy Division, San Jose,CA.

l Engineer for proposal fuel cycle evaluations. I 1974-1979 Employed by EG&G Idaho, Inc., Idaho Falls, ID Senior Engineer for preparatian of LOFT pretest predictions (1974-1976). Project Manager for LOFT neutronics/ safety analysis for licensing (;9761979). 1979-1980 l Employed by Tennessee Valley Authority, Chattanooga, TN Supervisor Reload Safety Analysis, l 1980-1983 g Employed by EG&G Idaho, Inc., Idaho Falls, ID Manager Fuel Rod and PWR Plant Safety / Accident Analysis Model Development. l 1983-1986 Employed by Gulf States Utilities Co., Beaumont, TY. Technical Leader for River Bend Safety Analysis Group. I (M AMENOMENT APPLCATON DATE: PAGE NO.: January 28,1998 11 43 t SFC-ND3330 IM7 (R-1107/92)

Siemens Power Corporatiori - Nuclear Division eur.2 SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL LICENSE NO. SNM 1227, NRC DOCKET NO 701257 PART11 SAFETY DEMONSTRATION REV. 40 1986-Present Employed by Siemens Power Corporation. Various positions including Staff Engineer in Research & Technology, Manager Mechanical Design Engineering, Project Manager (1986-1997). Curreintly Manager Product Mechanical Engineering responsible for mechanical design, stress analysis, and design packages for SPC product hardware (1997-present). I i t I l9 l l l i { i i i I l f l i i O AME NDMENT APPLCATON DATE: PAGE NO: January 28,1998 11 44 l SPC-ND.3330 947 (R 147$2)

9 SiemenS Power Co.'poration - Nuclear Division e w.2 q SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL LICENSE NO. SNM 1227, NRC DOCKET NO. 701257 o PART11 SAFETY DEMONSTRATION REv. 40 11.3.29 Director. Research and Technoloav R. S. Reynolds Education BS Engineering Scler,ce 1965 University of Nevada, Rono MS Nuclear Engineerlag 1969 Kansas State University PhD Nuclear Engineering 1971 Kansas State University Experience _1967-1987 Experiment Supervisory, Fallout Shelter Research Program, Nuclear Engineering, Kansas State University (19671969).

  • Project Supervisor, Fallout Shielding Research Program, Nuclear Engineering, Kansas State University (1969-1971).

Assistant Professor, Nuclear Engineering, Mississippi State University (1971 1975). Resident Associate and Visiting Scientist, Zero Power Plutonium Reactor, Argonne National Laboratory / West, Idaho National Engineering Laboratory (Summers 1973, 1974,1975,1976). Associate Professor, Nuclear Engineering, Mississippi State University (1975-1979). I University Rad % logical Safety of'icer, Mississippi State University (1971-1982). Reactor Enginee. Grand Gulf Nuclear Station, Port Gibson, Mississippi (1982-1984). Puclear Fuels Engineer, Nuclear Support Department, Grand Gulf Nuclear station, Jackson, Mississippi (Summers 1985,1986,1987). Professor, Nuclear Engineering, Mississippi State university (1979-1987). l 1987-Present 1 l Employed by Siemens Power Corporation. he Senior Nuclear Engineer, BWR Safety Analysis Team Leader (1987-1990). U AMENDWENT APPLCATONDATE: PAGE No.: January 28,1998 11-45 l SPc-ND.3330 947 (R WS2) J

i e. SiemenS Power Corporation - Nuclear DivlSlon eur.2 SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL LICENSE NO. SNM 1227, NRC DOCKET NO. 701257 PARTll SAFETY DEMONSTRAT40N REV. 40 Stoff Nuclear Engineer, BWR Fuel Engineering, BWR Safety Analysis Team Leader (1990-1991). Staff Nuclear Engineer, Product Development Team Leader, Research and Product Development Department (1991 1992). Manager, Advanecd Product Development (19921995). Manager, Research & Technology Methods & Codes, Siemens Power Corp., responsible for methodology and code development for ti.e worldwide Siemens Nuclear Fuel Business (1995-1997). Director, Research & Technology, responsible for development and management of the world-wide Siemens Nuclear Fuel Business research and development program (1997-present). O i ' S AMENOMENT APP.CATON DATE: PAGE NO.: January 28,1998 11-46 SPC-ND.3330 947 (R-147.92)

Siemens Power Corporation - Nuclear Division ew.2 l O SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL LICENSE NO. SNM-1227, NRC DOCKET NO. 701257 h PART ll SAFETY DEMONSTRATION REV. 40 11.4 Operatina Procedures Plant operations are conducted according to written procedures. The procedures are written by the Manager, Plant Operations or his designee. They are approved by the Manager, Plant Operations and concurred in by the Managers of Inspection Services; Safety, Security, and I icensing; Manufacturing Engineering; and, if appropriate, Product Mechanical Engineeri ig. These procedures are prepared in accordance with appropriate criticality safety specifications, radiction work procedures and other Industrial and fire safety related or pertinent documents or procedures. The procedures are documented and issued by Document Control to appropriate personnel and locations. There are mini libraries located within the various ope /ating facilities which contain copies of the approved operating procedures for ease of access by operating personnel. 11.5 Trainina 11.5.1 Initial Trainina ex Each employee is provided initialinstruction adequate to allow him to safely start on the-job training by his manager or supervisor. This initial instruction includes emergency procedures. If the employee routinely works with special nuclear material, radiation protection and criticality safety, requirements and procedures are included h the training. Within +wo weeks after starting work, fullinstruction in Standard Operating Procedures (including instrumentation and control, methods of dealing with process malfutu.ons, control of hazardous chemicals, control of contamination and decontamination procedures), industrial safety, fire protection, emergency response procedures, radiation protection (including Al. ARA p- ::ticee.:ature and source of radiation, interactions of radiation and matter, biological effects of radiation and the use of radiation monitoring equipment and step-off pad procedures) and criticality safety, requirements and procedures is provided. The degree of training is commensurete with each employee's ! position in the Company (related to general and special responsibilities) and with the extent of the employee's contact with radioactive and fissionable materials. Employee instruction is provided by personnel knowledgoable in the various training topics. Prior to assignment to independent operation, each employee is required, by signature, to Indicate that he has been instructed in radiation protection, criticality safety, and emergency response requirements and procedures. I l /'~' V AMENDWENT APPLCATION DATE: PAGE NO.: January 28,1998 11 47 sPC NO.3330 947 (R 19742)

i O Siemens Power Corporation - Nuclear DMslon eur.2 SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL LICENSE NO. SNM-1227, NRC DOCKET NO. 701257 i PART ll SAFETY DEMONSTRATION REv. 40 11.5.2 Followuo Trainina ) When changes are made to processes invniving special nuclear materials, radiation protection procedures, enticality safety controls (procedures, specifications, limits, etc.), fire protection or emergency response procedures, each employee affected is promptly informed and properly instructed by his manager or supervisor. Adortionally, each employee who routinely works with special nuclear material receives annual refresher instruction as part of SPC's continuing program in radiation protection and criticality safety awareness. This training is provided by radiological and nuclear sefety personnel knowledgeable in the various training toples. The effectiveness of this annual refresher training is determined by giving the employees a written examination and reviewing the correct answers to the questions at the end of the test. Employees routinely discuss safety topics in safety meetings. 11.5.3 Emtroency Response Trainina Training in operating plant fire extinguishers is offered to all employees on an annual basis. Plant Emergency Response Team members are offered training in incipient fire fighting techniques, advanced first aid, self-conta!ned breathing apparatus in a smoke-filled environment, and chemical and radiological incident stabilization techniques on an annual basis. Semi-annual training is provided to all employees in the proper response to a criticality accident when a preannounced criticality evacuation drill is conducted. Periodic training is provided to employees in the proper responte to a fire alarm when unannounced fire drills are conducted. 11.6 Chanaes in Facilities and Eauloment 11.6.1 Enaineerina Chanae Notice Changes in facilities and equipment involving licensed materials are accomplished through application of the Engineering Change Notice (ECN) procedure, which is issued l and maintained by Manufacturing Engineering. This procedure provides instruction for i authorizing and documenting the installation of new equipment, facilities, and services and modifications to existing equipment, facilities, and services. The procedure defines what kinds of work or changes require use of an ECN and what kinds of work may be accomplished via a work order. AMENOMENT APPLCATIUN DATE: PAGE NO.: January 28.1998 11 48 SPC-ND.3330.947(R UO742)

Siemens Powsr Corpcration - Nuclear Division Eur.2 SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL LICENSE NO. SNM 1227, NRC DOCKET NO. 701257 PART ll. SAFETY DEMONSTRATION REv. 40 IDillation and Review The initiation and review process includes the preparation of an ECN package and its review by industrial and criticality safety specialists, as well as Plant Engineering and the user organization. During this review period it is determined if a criticality safety evaluation is required. If so, it is formally requested from and completed by the Criticality Safety Component. Documentation Each ECN is given a r' umber and a title which are entered in a logbook. The ECN form and applicable documents are stored in an ECN file and retained per regulttions and Co npany policy. Review Prior to Execution Depending upon the nature of the modification, a varying number of people must approve or concur prior to execution of the work described in the ECN. Some %/ modifications require more extensive review by engineering groups than do others. All, however, require concurrence by Safety and the user organization. Execution Work specified by the ECN may be accomplished by either SPC Maintenance craftsmen or by local construction contractors depending on the current backlog of SPC maintenance work or the type of work involved. ECN packages are issued to different personnel in SPC depending upon which organization does the work. Accentance of Comoleted Work For work not involving fissile material, formal acceptance is accomplished by at least the user's group Safety, and the groep responsible for the work. For projects involving fis6ile material, a physical review of the installation by a Criticality SU 'v Review team must be made prior to the introduction of fissile material. This revmv team consists of the Criticality Safety Specialist, a user's group supervisor, and the engineer responsible for the work; the review is documented by the signature of the Criticality Safety Specialist on the ECN form. If the ECN involves work by outside contractors, the Manager, Facilities / Landlord signs the ECN Indicating that all required contractor work was performed as required. ) AAIENDMENT APPUCATONDATE: PAGE NCL: January 28,1998 11-4g $PC-ND3330 947 (R44742) a

Siemens Power Corporation - Nuclear Division y p.2 SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL LICENSE NO. SNM 1227, NRC DOCKET NO. 701257 P/ 8tT 11. SAFETY DEMONSTRATION REv. 40 Final acceptance of work and agreement that the new or modified facilities and/or equipment can be tumed over to the operating organization may require the convening of a Startup Council and/or the performance of an acceptance test. 11.6.2 Startuo Council If a Startup Councilis required to be convened, the council will be responsible for reviewing and concurring with projects for conformance to plant production and schedule requirements and safety requirements. Startup Couu:i! concurrence is usually required for system operation, however, final authority for approving actual startup rests with the respr>nsible manager. While the Council is staffed to be appropriate with the project content, the basic Council for most projects consists of: . Manager, Manufacturing Engineering (Chairman) . Manager, Plant Engineering (Secretary) Director, Quality and Regulatory Affairs . Manager, Safety, Security, and Licensing . Manager, Process Engineering . Responsible operations manager . Starwp coordinator 11.6.3 Acceptance Test if an acceptance test is required, it is carried out under an Acceptance Test Procedure (ATP). The purposes of the ATP are (1) to outline the requirements for documenting the testing of work for proper installation, for conformance to the criteria and specifications to which the work was done, and for confirmation that the modified facilities and/or equipment are ready for safe operation; and (2) to assure that the Master Equipment File is supplied with atpropriate documents as required by the ATP. T he ATP is reviewed prior to performance by Engineering, Safety, and the responsible operations manager. Final acceptance after performance of the ATP is documented by signatures of Engineering, the responsible operations manager, and the Criticality Safety Review Team, if the work involved fissile material. 11.0.4 Records The ECN record file is maintained by Plant Engineering and includes the original ECNs, a set of detailed drawings, specifications, applicable excavation and penetration permits, a copy of any Criticality Safoty Evaluation requests, and the completed ATP. Copies of safety and hazards analyses are maintained by the project engineer and/or the persons performing the analyses. l AMENOWENT APPUCATION DATE: PAGE NO.: January 28,1998 11-50 SPC.NO.3330 947 (R 197Sh

0 Siem:ns Power Corporction - Nucle:r Division o EMF.2 SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL LICENSE NO. SNM 1227, NRC DOCKET NO,701257 PART ll SAFETY DEiAONSTRATION REV. 40 m . TABLE 1114.2 . HOMOGENEOUS AND HETEROGENEOUS MINIMUM CRITICAL - AND SAFE MASSES ASSUMED CONDITIONS: SPECIAL GEOMETRY,~ FULL WATER REFLECTION, OPTIMUM MODERATION Enrichment, Minimum Critical Maximum Uf,ilmum Critical l Maximum Wt.% Mass, kg UO, Allowed Mass, kg UC Allowed Batch U" UO, Powder Batch Size, UO, Pellett Stze, kg UO, kg UO, Depleted e e e e 1 i l Natural e e e = l f l I 1.0 e e 2723 1225 l 1.25 3970 1786 1009 454 I I 1.5 941 423 521 234 4 'Q 1.75 453 204 321 145 2.0 283 127 226 102 { l 2.25 204 92 169 76 2.5 156 70 135 61 i I 2.75 124 56 1r. 50 i t 3.0 102 46 93 42 i j 3.25 85 38 81 36 } 3.5 72 32 69 31 3 l 3.75 64 29 61 27 j 4.0 56 25 55 26 l 4.25 51 23 50 22.5 t' i t 4.5 46 .20.7 45 20,3 4.75 43 19.3 43 19.3 i i 5.0 40 18.0 40 18.0 5.25 37 16.7 37 16.7 i C'N 5.5 35 15.8 35 15.8 AWENOMENT APPLCATONDATE: PAGE No.: January 20,1998 14 9 i SPC.ND 3330 947 (R.14792) 1 D

o 't Slem:ns Power Corporation - Nuclear Division wp.2 SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL LICENSE NO. SNM 1227, NRC DOCKET NO. 701257 O PART ll-SAFETY DEMONSTRATION REV. 36 Bucklina Conversion K, values for elementary systems and compositions may be estimatcd using buckling calculations with data from sources such as References 1 and 2 of this chapter. For buckling calculations, % = Y 1+p'Bl. The formulJ for geometric buckling of standard geometries are listed below in Table ll-14.3. i 9 TABLE 1114.3 I l' EXPRESSIONS FOR G20 METRIC BUCKLING IN TERMS OF ACTUAL DIMENSIONS AND l EXTRAPOLATION DISTANCES ' i Geometry Buckling B-8 ie Sphere of radius r r 3 1 i


( r + ds l l i i I Cylinder of radius r and height h r 3 2 l pi r l < r + Si <h + 26> l Cuboid of dimensions a. b. and c e 3 e 3 e 3 2 l <a + 26) \\c + 26) l l

Buckling equations may also be used to determine various equivalent geometries for any i

i given material. This becomes usefulin some surface density calculations. !j { 1___ e SPC-NO 3330 947 (A 00792) i . _. - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.. _ _ _ _ _ _}}