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Resubmitted Application for Amend to License SNM-1227, Authorizing Change in Corporate Name from Siemens Nuclear Power Corp to Siemens Power Corp.Initial Application Submitted Via Withdrawn
Person / Time
Site: Framatome ANP Richland
Issue date: 11/25/1992
From: Edgar J
To: Jim Hickey
NUDOCS 9212030316
Download: ML20128A387 (3)



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November 25,1992 U.S. Nucioar Regulatory Comm!ssion Attn: Mr. J.W.N. Hickey, Chlof Fuol Cyclo Safoty Branch Division of Industrial and Nuclear Safoty, NMSS Washington, DC 20555 Uconse No. SNM 1227 Docket No. 70 1257 Re:

Letter, J. B. Edgar to J. W. Hickev, dated November 23,1992

Dear Mr,


With the referenced lottor Slomons Power Corporation submitted revised licenso pages which woro inadvertently printed on forms with the previous corporato namo. We, thoroforo withdraw that request and hereby resubmit the request for an amendmont to Uconso No.

SNM 1227 to authorizo a chango in the corporato name from Siemens Nuclear Power Corporation to Siemens Power Corporation.

As wo noted in our lotter of July 24,1992, the name of tho Slomons Nucloal Power Corporation was changed to the Siemens Power Corporation on July 10,1992. Enclosed are revised pagos of 1-1 and 91 the license to reflect the namo chango. Wo request that you authorize an amendment to chango Material Uconso No. SNM-1227 to show the now-corporato name.

Very truly yours, James. Edgar Staff Engineer, Licensing JBE:pm Attachment GD ?> O Siemens Power Corporation rj


Nuclear Division Engineering and Manufacturing Facility kh' I

2101 Horn Rapds Road, PO Box 130 Richland. WA 993524130 - Tel: (509) 375-8100 Fax: (509) 375-8402 9212030316 921125 I -- l PDR ADOCK 07001257

-l M --


SiemenS Power Corporation - Nuclear Division wr.2 SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL LICENSE NO. SNM 1227, NRC DOCKET NO. 701257 i



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1.1 Corporato information l

Tho name of tho applicant is Slomons Power Corporation (SPC).

Applicant is incorporated in the Stato of Delawaro with its principal corporate officos located at 155 108th Avenuo N.E., Bellovue, Washington 90009 0777. Eighty-eight and oight tenths h

porcont (B8.8%) of the common stock of Applicant is ownod by Siemens KWU, Inc., a' i

Dolaware corporation that is a wholly owned subsidiary of Slomons Corporation, a :

Delawaro corporation with headquartors in Now York City. Slomons Corporation is, in turn, wholly-owned by Slomons AG headquartored in Munich, Fodoral Republic of l Germany, which owns the romaining cloven and two tonths percent (11.2%) of the '

ccmmon stock of Applicant. Tho Engincoring and Manufacturing Facility of the Nuclear Division of SPC, for which this application is being mado,is located at 2101 Hom Rapids i

Road, Richland, Washington 99352-0130.

i I

1,2 Site Location The Engineering and Manufacturing Facility is located in the state of Washington, county of Benton, city of Richland. It is sited on a 320-acro tract, 0.9 miles west of the i

Intersection of Stevens Drivo and Horn Rapids Road within the north boundary of the city l of Richland. The sito is on the south sido of Horn Rapids Rc*d which prnvidos access.

l All activitios with special nuclear rnatorials are conducted within a controlled access area. i i

The processing of uranium compounds is conducted primarily w,(hin the UOg and l

Specialty Fuels (SF) Buildings with somo developrnent activity or pilot scalo work in the !


Engincoring Laboratory. Liquid wasto processing is conducted primarily in the Ammonta Recovery (AR) and Lagoon Uranium Rocovery (LUR) facilities which aro sitod within tho,

wasto - Mrago lagoon area. Solid wasto is packagod in the various facilities and stored in corno nors in designated storago areas while awaiting shipment to a low level i radioactive wasto disposal site or incinoration of the combustible waste in the SF Building.

I Storago of various uranium compounds is conducted in the various production facilities


or in the Packaged Radioactivo Materials Warehouso, Matorials Warehouse and the UNH Drum Storago Warehouse. Storage of UF cylindors is conducted outside on pads '

e i

adjacent to the UO Building, and packaged fuel oloments or other uranium products are 2

stored outsido or in a warehouse whilo awaiting shipment.

l l

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November 25,1992 l


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SPC ND 3330 947 (R A/07$2s l-

c SiemenS Power Corporation - Nuclear Division eus.2 SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL LICENSE NO. SNM-1227, NRC DOCKET NO. 701257 PART ll - SAFEiY DEMONSTRATION nov p


I 9.1 CorpoLato Informati_of o

i Tho names, addressos, and citizenship of the current principal officers of SPC aro listed in Tablo ll 9.1. Eighty-olght and cight tenths porcont (88.8%) of the common stock of SPC is ownod by Slomons KWU, Inc., a Delawaro Corporation that is a wholly owned i subsidiary of Slomons Corporation, a Delawaro corporation with headquarters in Now i York City. Slomons Corporation is,in turn, wholly-owned by Slomene AG headquartered '

in Munich, Federal Republic of Gormany, which owns the remaining oloven and two tenths percent (11.2%) of the common stock of SPC.

Tho top organizational structure of tho Nuclear Division of SPC is depicted in Figure 11-9.1. <

The Senior Vice Prosident and Gonoral Manager reports to the President.vho reports to the Board of Directors and directs all Company functions. The handling, processing, and storage of special nuclear mL -lal, to which this licenso applios,is under the direction of the Vice President, Manufacturing, Nuclear Division, and Vice President, Enginacring, Nuclear Division.

Thoro are fivo departments within Manuf acturing and Engincoring which are involved in the handling and/or procersing of special nuclear material. Those are Plant Operations, ;

Materials and Scheduling, Manufacturing Engincoring, Quality Control, and Rosearch and i Product Docelopment. Additional descriptivo information on those organ;zations was l

presented in Chapter 2.

9.2 Financial oualification A copy of the Annual Report for 1991 of Siemens AG, which describes the financial condition of the corporation with which SPC is affiliated,is appended at the end of this chaptor.

9.3 Summary of Operatinn Obloctivo and Process 9.3.1 General The objectivo of activitics covered by this license application is the production of low onriched uranium fuel for light water reactors. This is accomplished by beginning with UF as a foodstock and incorporates processes anciliary to the main process including 6

liquid waste treatment and disposal, scrap recovery and recycle, and combustible waste -

incineration and disposal. Plant capacity is nominally 700 metric tons per year. A very brief description of the mainline process is given below-AVWWih AbkCAbON DAlb (IkdNO November 25,1992 9-1 SPC ND 3330 947 (R 107 92)
