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Exam Rept 50-285/OL-87-03 of Exams Administered During Wk of 870601.Exam Results:One Reactor Operator & Five Senior Reactor Operators Successfully Completed Requalification Retake Exams
Person / Time
Site: Fort Calhoun Omaha Public Power District icon.png
Issue date: 06/22/1987
From: Cooley R, Pellet J
Shared Package
ML20216B978 List:
50-285-OL-87-03, 50-285-OL-87-3, NUDOCS 8706300206
Download: ML20216C049 (75)


{{#Wiki_filter:1 1 FORT CALHOUN OPERATOR LICENSE AND REQUALIFICATION EXAMINATIONS REPORT No. 50-285/0L-87-03 i l Licensee: Omaha Public Power District 4 1623 Harney Street l Omaha, Nebraska 68102 Docket: 50-285 License No: DPR-40 l 1 Operator License and Senior Operator requalification retake examinations at the Fort Calhoun Station.(FCS). Chief Examiner: 'l b-D D John L. Pellet, Examiner Tate Signed i 7 Approved By: Ralph H. Cooley Section pief Dfate Kigned i Summary: NRC administered one Reactor Operator (RO) license and five Senior Reactor Operator (SRO)' requalification retake examinations at FCS during the week of June 1, 1987. All examinees successfully completed their examinations. As a result, NRC has issued the appropriate license and renewals. Satisfactory completion of the-retake examinations satisfies NRC requirements for returning those individuals retested to license duties. This effort has no effect on the FCS requalification program evaluation, or the steps required to renew an 1 operating license at FCS. l i $$0#S0$0k$$ $5 V

1 i 1 2 i d REPORT DETAILS' j i f 1. PERSONS EXAMINED License Examinations: TYPE: R0 TOTAL PASS: 1 - 100%- 1 - 100% l FAIL: 0-0% 0-0% l Requalification Examinations: TYPE: SR0 TOTAL PASS: 5 - 100% 5 - 100% FAIL: 0-0% 0-0% 2. EXAMINERS l' J. Pellet, NRC (Chief Examiner) R. Cooley, NRC l ) 3. EXAMINATION REPORT Individual performance results are not included in this report because these reports are placed in the NRC Public Document Room. ~ ] a. EXAMINATION REVIEW COMMENT RESOLUTION In general, editorial comments or changes made during the examina-tion, review,' or subsequent grading reviews are not addressed by this resolution section. This section reflects resolution of i substantive comments made in Omaha Public Power District (OPPD) letter LIC-87-403. The modifications discussed below are included in the master examination key which is included elsewhere in this report (see 3.d), as are all other changes mentioned above but not l discussed herein. Note that comments from the letter referenced are paraphrased below for brevity. The full text of the comments is available in the referenced letter, which is attached (see 3.e), j 5.02/1.03 Add, "To limit the consequences of a CEA ejection," as a l correct answer. l l NRC: Accept. Key modified. 5.03/1.05 Delete the phrase, "the differential temperature across the core increases," since it is not required to answer i the question, and will not occur in the normal FCS operat-ing mode for the conditions given. l I

fl7 j .a i R va f 3 3 4 q + e, NRC:? ccept. ;Keymodified. A . 5'.07/1.12 Power; increases ~andpower'decreasesshouldbeconsidered as.two-separate answers, fully-satisfying the question. L NRC: Reject.. Power changes,' whether increasing or de- -creasing, are the same fundamental condition. ~ 6.03/2.03 This question should be deleted,fsince while' individual CCW pump flow decreases, per the reference, total system -flowincreasesduetoadditionalpump(s) starting. LNRC: Accept. Key modified to delete question. L 6.04-Accept' a calculated value for spray flow. a g NRC:' Accept. Key modified, o 6.07/3.06 For'part e, accept 6 as an alternate correct answer. ) NRC:. Accept. Key modified. 6.08/2.08 For part a. the. key is worded' opposite of the correct l answer, plus should also:contain the requirement of the, switch in the auto position.- NRC: Accept. Key modified. ) 6 09/2.09 Forparta,addswitchhositionasanl initiator.1 NRC: Reject. - Switch position will not initiate.the ramp, but rather permit it;to occurt ;If listed in addition to correct answers, no credit subtracted. For part b, placing the' switch in the inhibit mode-will also stop the' ramp. NRC: Accept. Key modified. 1 6.10/3.11 Add as correct answers', to indicate subchannel deviation, ~ to indicate power level,;and' to provide computer input-(for tilt;and sequencing calculations). NRC:: Accept. Key modified. 7.01/4.02' Add as correct answers, dosimetry requirements, radiologi-cal conditions, and special instructions. .l )

q 1 4 i. e... a: 2 NRC: Accept. Key modified. j 8.01/4.13 For parts a and d, accept either 1 or 2 for either. t i NRC: Accept. Key modified, i 8.06 Accept Plant Review Committee (PRC) as well as plant supervisory staff since PRC is on the change form. NRC: Accept. Key modified.. 8.10 Accept, " keys for key lock holders," as an alternate j answer for part a. NRC: Requested answer is a subset of the keys used for I normal operations, so the key is modified to accept for half credit if stated in lieu of the original answer. b. JUNE 5, 1987 EXIT' MEETING


i At the conclusion of the site visit, the NRC examiners met with representatives of plant staff to discuss the site visit. The l following personnel were present: j 9 ~NRC OPPD 'l Darrell U luehr i J. Pellet L. Kusek l D. Manderloh ) J. Tesarek Mr. Pellet started the discussion by noting that the examiners as a group had encountered a positive, helpful attitude in everyone concerned. The following general topics were discussed. (1) As required'by NUREG-1021,.the' Examiner Standards, preliminary results are no longer the exit meeting. (2) NRC will attempt to return formal, final results within 30 i I days. Meeting this schedule is very dependent on timely receipt of FCS written comments. (3) The following candidate or procedure' problems were observed j during the site visit and'are presented for the use of:the facility. Note that a problem does not imply' unacceptable performance but is simply an area where knowledge, skill, or support is less completely developed than in others. i

g j9yy A 1 g ^s gg y

  1. 7

,4 a .h g f ' _f b* Ib r. i %f.- ( t(a)! Several cases were observed;whereithe Emergency 0perating- -Procedures.(E0P)'appearedto_-be1insufficienttoprotect - plant equipment;from unnecessary damagec.Foriexample - E0Ps"do.not: appear-toEinform operators that. operation of._ g the~ Containment: Spray pumps after an RAS!without CPHSlwil1~ rapidly' result in pump damage. Reliance'on operations-m staff. recall:during a stressful transient which would. .P ace the plant in this condition; be'. incautious. l y 1(b) SeveralLaxaminees' appeared to have difficulty discussing. exp'ected plant response for events occurring at 1ow power m.R conditions. 7 (c) During discussion _ofLevents= requiring immediate. actions. NRC expects an examinee to be able to quickly'and concise - ly, describe'all immediate action steps, without prompting. Several examinees *had difficuity in so doing. k (4) The new material.(lesson plans; and question bank)lused. in : - developing this examination is considerably better;than.that provided.previously. However, several' minor errors or1 inconsistenciesiwere found during examination. development... More11mportantly, thel systems material especiallyJ seemed to.. emphasize design details at the expense of system operation. and interaction-information or the' " big picture. DIt LisLunderstood ,that'much of this'' initial issue,'and that

additionalLinformation will be added..;

,c i m. c.. . GENERIC COMMENTS 1 !The'genericcommentsbelowweregenerated-duringgradingofther . written examinations,' and regional review of the: oral examinations.-

Theycare provided for the benefit of the' facility and no response or

~ J corrective l actions are required. (1) Even though examinees were provided.with a~ complete copy of the ~ appropriate procedure during the examination, event classifica- . tion'was a problei because: l (a) Understanding of the barrier criteria', and when a barrier e was; challenged or failed was weak.. i 4 i (b) Most examinees were unaware that the classification table for loss of'.offsite power only applied during power; operation. p 'l b i )$s t

g. .Y ~ 6 T t,; ,1,. !T, -(2)'Most'examineesLdidJnotunderstandwhythecharcoalabsorber-6 filter units were. required to be-maintained: at' a : lower temp-1.0


c erature when recovering from a LOCA than before or' during.. p 'd.


~ Master copies' (questions and' answers)-for,the R0 license examination s L,, and SR0 requalification examination follow this page, j a.

e. -

FACILITY EXAMINATION COMMENTS j . The facility examination review comments in the form' of OPPD letter b LIC-87-403 follow the' examination master copies. Supporting documen-tation provided with.the comments.1s.-not included. t ) .U v 'I 1 i .l + H i 1 r ) / l

N a l f f +. U. S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY: COMMISSION SENIOR < REACTOR 0PERATOR-REQUALIFICATION EXAMINATION j { 'U ) FACILITY: _ET _06LHQUN l t REACTOR TYPE: _ E W R - Q E _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,, _ _ _ _,, _ _ y g.- DATE ADMINISTERED: _DZlR6202________________ EXAMINER:- _Pgb(Elt_Jz______________ CANBIOATE: IUSIBUGIIQOR_IQ_G8NQ1Q61Eis Road.the attached instruction pace carefully. This examination replaces the ; current cycle ' facility edministered requalification examination. -Rstreining requirements for failure of: 'this examination are the same-as for failure of1 a:requalification examination prepared?andLadministerad by 1 f -your. training staff'. Points.for each question, are indicated; in perenthesescafter the question. The passing' grade requires at least 70% in esch category and a_ final grade of at least 80%. Examination papers i wi.111be1 picked up four (4) hours after the examination starts. v ,V % OF l OcCATE60RY- %.0F ' CANDIDATE'S CATEGORY l _.MalME_ _IQI6L ___1008E-__. _V8LUE__ ______________GoIESQBY l t _lZiDD_._ _25thh ________ S. THEORY OF NUCLEAR POWER PLANT OPERATION, FLUIOS, AND .) THERMODYNAMICS l l _lEAED__ _22A31 ________ 6. PLANT SYSTEMS DESIGN, CONTROL, .i I AND INSTRUMENTATION' _1Zz0D__ _251Eh ________ 7. PROCEDURES - NORMAL, ABNORMAL,- EMERGENCY AND RADIOLOGICAL CONTROL j k _12,. 0 D _ _ 2 E s E h ________ 8. ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES, ^ CONDITIONS, AND LIMITATIONS i ._Lhtgg__ T ot als l Final Grade 9

All work done on this examination is my own.

I have neither given l nor received aid. Candidate's S ig n atn r e l l k ,1

m ., Ig , Q,j j ~ N

  1. . +

o i


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' N 1 -liF 3: m -y r N'RCiRULES'AND GUIDELINES FORLLICENSE EXAMINATIONS" -( r n' v., Dur ing(t he f s'dmin Ast rat i'on. of =IthisL6xaminatAon the following'irules apply: (. application / 1 ~.

Cheating-onfthe7 examination means-an automatic 1 denial,of your nan'dLc6u'1d resultDin
more severe _ penalties.

[S. ; :.Restroom trips'are jo bez liuited and o'nly one;candi'date - at a timefmay lI L , leave.. You mustl avoid all contactstwith anyone'outside.the examination-a, rooms to< avoid even the -appearance! or possibility ~ of J cheating. 03i 'Use7 black' ink oridark pe bi142D1Yto facilitate leg!ble+ reproductions. 4. Print your name ' in - the blank providad on the ' cover.. sheet of.the .Lexamination. 1 4 5. - Filliin the date on the; cover sheet of'the examination (if necesst y)., 6. .Use'only the paper-provided:for answers'. I s '] ~7.t Print.your name;in the upperaright1 hand. corner of the of.ggsb " sectionJof:the: answer: sheet.- 1, I8'.- Consecutively numberJeach. answer sheet, write End' of Categoryf _" as; approp(late, start ? each category on : n. D2y page, write 90lY 2D'201'kidt of thefpaper, and write '!Last L Page" on the' last ~ answer sheet. .9. Number'to1uategory'and' number, for: example, 1.4, 6.3. d" 01 0..Skipyat-least ibteg'lin'es'between each answer. j .11.fSeparata answorLsheets from padrandfplace finished ' answer sheets. face fdowncon1youredesk or table. q 1 12.cUse abbreviations only. if' they; are : commonly 'used in facilityL111Ard19ft.-. l l 13L.The point value for esch question is-indicated-in parentheses after the j question and can be 'used as a tguide forythe depth-of answer required. H d '14. Show'all calculations, methods, or assumptions used to obtain an answer .y to mathematical problems whether indicated in the question'or not. i d 11 5. P'ertial credit may be s'iven. Therefore, ANSWER ALL PARTS OF THE-J . QUESTION AND.00 NOT LEAVE.ANY ANSWER BLANK. i l "' i 16. If parts of'the examination are not clear as to intent, ask questions of j '~ .j Ethe"REEW102C only. gg i 17.-You must sign'the statement on the cover sheet that indicates that the j work is.your own and you have not' received _or been gi>/en assistance in ) completing.the' examination. This must be done afte-the exauination-has ] 'been completed., s 1 "? e 1 b

r-y- 7 .o l p -,,. ~ t 1 i l j + 185 When'you1 complete your examination, you chall: L a. ' Assemble your ex' amination as follows:- (1) Exam questions on top, i I (2) ' Exam aids - ficures, tables, etc. t - C'3) Answer peqes including figures which are part of the answer. 'b. Turn in-your' copy of.the examination and all pages.used to answer the examination questions. 1 Y c. Turn in all ocrap paper and'the balance of the paper that you did k -not use for answering the questions. d. Leave the examination: area, as defined,by'the examiner. If after _ ) leaving,- you 'are f ound 'in this area while the examination is still 1 in progress, your-license may be denied 4r revoked. ) J ) l l 4 .it l 1 u; .I 4'l j e o 1 - ) r i 1 3 a s =d a 1 i 1 1 L f, 1 [-

r 6. 't' g, At__IDE981_DE_ NUCLE 68_E0VEB_EL6NI_DEEBoIIONt_ELUIQ1t_6NQ PAGE 2 IBEBbODYNed1CS e i 1 QUESTION. 5.01 (1.50)- -l Describe the reactor response to: dropping.a peripheral rod'during operation with'the conditions below. A2sume no operator sction. (1.5) c. Reactor critical at 16% power. d b.- ' Beginning of cycle with positive'MTC. c. Manual control of steam dumps. i d. Manual' turbine' load control during o>1oad 'Acrease. ' QUESTION 5.02 (2.00)L What are three (3) reasons for the CEA Insertion limit? (2.0) 'f 1 ~ i ,4 cQUESTION 5.03 (1.00) i a .,HowLand'why does increasing boron concentration affebt AXIAL power { distribution? Assume the reactor is operating'at 50% power. (1.0) J l . QUESTION 5.04 (1.00) ~' .] How'and why doop the Moderator Temperature Coefficient vary'with' respect to l ' changes in c ontrol rod height? Assume-boron concentration cone-tant. (1~,0) I r l 4 / 'i ) c ? l 1. b1 f }', 1 1 / I ) '. l .3 oj... L*****. CATEGORY-05 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****) j . 6 0 f

i i 51__IBE9BX_9E_UDGLE6B;EDWEB_EL6NI_9EEBoIIONt_ELUID$t_6NQ PAGE' 3 -I,UEBdQQXU6b1GS I j l i . I 1 QUESTION :5.05-(2.50) o. Which is larger, the fraction of fission neutrons born delayed (Beta) { from thermal fission of'U-235, from Pu-239, or the fraction born from the fast fission of U-2387 (0.625) i b. For NEGATIVE reactivity add'itions, will the stable' period be longer, shorter, or the same at BOC as compared to EOC? (0.625)- c. For POSITIVE reactivity additions, will the startup rate be faster, slower, or the same at 800 as compared to E007 (0.625) { s l d. From.BOC to E00,.does the. average delayed neutron' fraction increase, l ~ decrease, or remain the esme? (0.625) ) QUESTION 5.06 (2.08) Technical Specifications state: "A minimum ~of 23 feet of water above the ~ top of the core shall be' maintained whenever irradiated being handled." -j c. What is.the absolute pressure at the tep of.the core with 23 feet'of i s water above it.- State assumptions for. full credit. (1.5) b. If peak ~ core exit temperature is-225 deg's F, wi11' boiling occur'at the top of the core?- Show work for full. credit. C0.5) y g- - -QUESTION 5.07 (1.007 I I Describe the two (2) fundamental operating conditions (which may be l ancountered during' norma 1' power operations) ~ when the differential j temperature across the. core is not the differential temperature j (1.0) i cerass the stesm generators.' I (- L i ? QUESTION 5.08 ( 2. 60 ), l Jf th4 Taverage program remains the same, whet effect will extensive steam ' generator. tube plugging have on the. steam generator's pressure? Assume 'onstant. power levels before and after plugging. EXPLAIN. (2.0) { c k a { 4 (***** CATEGORY 05 CONTINUED DN KEXT PAGC *****) r L

m.s y' 'I ., f I <I! f.; i '. l( ~-. ^ i 3 p s I f[- [ } 5 f f ,f4. w p w -- ..y y w~ y-l %pp'.: r 4 3,m% g "j

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  1. NW 7.'iE8dQDXNedIQ1?
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a" 2 1., ' ~ w ,t. 5 IQijESTIONj{5.09; ~ C 1'. 0 0 i! ~ s-3 ,s .. s. .,k m.,. . > ' How# does ?the ; coast-down -.f low' p rovided ' byg thel r eactor ' coo lant pump 1f lywh'ee ls.' f " affect:estab1'iching:'naturalicirculationiflow conditions, and WHY?, -( 1. 0 )' s A -: r; g s c I I b' q, ' + 4.. %,, -, ! QUESTION; 5.10: ,.(2.00)

s t

1 K 3u.


,.:. a. 3 iTRUE-.or FALSE? n l a.'. .Criticalfrod;heightidoes NOTldepend on how; fast control; rods'are-


,1 withdrawn. eI Critical rod;.t.e(ightfdidtates'the reactor power level Nen,critidslity-. t %, y. Lis Jachieved. - i

' ( O '. 5 ) ;

(The SLOWER' thefa~pproach to criticality, the LOWER $ the' reaci:or 'po'wer E .- level will:bejwhen, reaching 1 criticality.. (0,5) D 'i N!.t d ;.1 Whe_n react,orgpowercisjin the SOURCE range; changes.inipower 'ieve' lido.,. L:.2 not? c aus e'.taichange C i n'. T avg.7

(0,5) o

/y w e;


.. e. s U $ QUESTION;5.11: 'LC1.00): (, ~Why;isiit'recommende'd'thatja:. positive displa' cement # pump be' started onlyh' i c lwith.ithe-. discharge-valv fopen whilefa centrffugal pump'should'belstarted ? Conly)with thefdischarge~valveiclosed? ( 1.' 0 ) ? t t

ti }

^ mm l 'l l ,9 p;" J.M. l s j i i 4 4 s ..] .;p (*****:END 0F CATEGORY.05 *****)- j , y. r j \\' + E 1 b

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l '

- 61__EL6NI_SYSIEUS_DESIONt_C9 NIB 0Lt_6ND_INSIBudENI61198 PAGE 5 ) is 1 -4: QUESTION 6.'01 .(2.00) Describe automatic operation of-the Auxiliary Feedwater System after receipt of a valid AFAS.with N0 operator action. Include co'mponent -octuations and cycles', with setpoints. ( 2. 0 )'. j QUESTION'~6.021 (1.00) .What.two (2) CVCS pump trips are overridden on;a safeguards sequencer-ctort?' Setpoints NOT required. 'C1.0) j l QUESTION. 6.03 L C. 0 0 )' 4 Why is Comp'onent Cooling Water. system (CCW) flow lower during post-DBA ~ conditions.than:during normal operation? ( 1. 5 ). ] 1 I i QUESTION-6.04 . ( 1. 0 0 ) - How much pressurizer spray flow (either gpm or % )' 'is required to counter-l balance all 900 kw of. heaters? (1.0) I ~ ' QUESTION 6.05 (1.00) l What will cause the Waste Disposal System malfunction alarm on CB-10-11 to l -actuate and'once actuated, how is it cleared? (1.0) ] i l 1 (***** CATEGORY 06 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****)

1 ] F; 1 64__EL6NI_$131gd2_Qg31 h _QQUIBQLA_68Q_IU$1BydgdI611QN PAGE 6' d 1 -1 QUESTION, 6.06 (2.50) j Give1the setpoint AND whether each can be bypassed for the reactor trips

listed beloW.

(2.5) l I La.- .High Power j ~b. High SUR { c.. Low flow 1 d. Low EG 1evel j o. Low '3G p r ess ure l High. pressurizer pressure j f.. g.- TMLF j h. ASGF l l 1. APD 'j. - Coctainment pressure { k QUESTION 6.07 (1.50)' f MATCHING. Match the appropriate RPS trip to the reasons for bypass below. j Each trip;may be used.more than once or not at all. 'l a. Allows for low power physics testing. 1. High rate of power change. b. Bypassed when.NI's less'than 15% because l of NI. inadequacies. 2. Low RCS flow, g s c. Allows clutch energization when plant 3. Low SG' press. l isin' cold shutdown. j 4. TM/LP. l d. Bypassed ^when NI's < 1EE-04% to 1 f eliminate spurious trips. S '. Loss of load. e. . Adequate protection provided when 6. APD power < 15%. [ QUESTION '6.08 (2.00) a. What are three (3) of.the four conditions necessary for a " fast" ] transfer of the 4,160 volt buses? (1.5) b. What is the total dead time for a " fast" transfer? (0.25) c.- If'a fast transfer is inhibited due to lack of one of the conditions above, what is the expected impact on the plant? (0.25) 3 i (*****: CATEGORY 06 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****) i


= u, -m e , < ~ c ~ .r .g, 3 ,..,.~; .. y: n s. K' [ i i, e a T g, n s1 3


- 7/ a p g M __d 8NIiSISIEdS_ DESIGN 2_GQNIBQLd 6ND_INSIBudENI6IIQN $ 13. N.h y o p ;&: f N i 'j.. y P

( 2. 5 0 )-
m. :. ' -, QUESTION f6109 si Whatithree"C3);conditionsJi'nitist'e?the Feedwater.RegulatingLsystem

~ ~ ((1.5)- .{


protective"rampifunction?L r e

l fi
1. b e Once.:in.itinted,jhowscan the rampi.b'e stopped, ot he r t h an b'y, us'e' 'o f it h'e H

[y' ramp stop. butto'n':,on'the man /autofstation? i i( 0. 5 )g t'he :L in'g. valve ' andj contro11eri: at t: "l c '.

  • What?is,:the.statds*of f

J he. conclusion o.fythe rampdown phase?.

'( 0. 5 ) '

t T ^ LQUESTION. 6.10) (1100)1 -Oth'erlthan th Reactor [ Regulating. system, what two-(2),uses.'are msde 'off.She., e (NIDpowers. range 1 control' channels?- ~ ' C1.0) e 1 4 ' ] blt l,fl ^ t 3 n 4 -QUESTION.- 6.11P ' (1.00) 1, 9 +, - a -:C s.- ~ Why/isF itinecess ary t'o '. maint a in s the charcoal'. f ilteriun it'e din - th'e.

  1. 1 k

~ Containment 1' Cooling and F ilter ing, System (lessi.than - 500 :'deg's1 F'.ati : ', f .all. times? "w> .(0/5)i [ _ + - t .1 b Why11s /ith necessaryitoi maint'ain charcoalN ilter ' unit'.t.emper atures less i '$ S gf than1360' deg's F as,coritainment air;temperstures r'eturn toj normal ~ after;a LOCA?;, ( 0 '. 5 ) I g s r i- ,( Y I c 4 + y 1 1 ] 4 1 \\ Y . ] i J t j y, ,4, j 'f

(*****..END.0F' CATEGORY'06 *****)'


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+ 1 p;" yll ~I' hhl6 ~ ,'c '- ' s s F.-j '._ hkI_ fBQQEDLJBN.S ::ENQBd8bi_6BNQBd8kE_EdE89ENQ(8W ~ PAGE; 8 ,g. -B,8019LQQIQ8L_CQNIBQL1 .1 j nr a: 1 ,t c>- 1 p o 4 q. s ( 2. ' 0 '). ! QUESTION: 7.01' 0 A ~. 4 (What' fare.three?.C3)'of the'five. types of information:which:are; s W. ? Radiation ~ Work Permit (RWP)? - ( 2. 0 ). v. s-e h ' g / I .;QUESTI0t(.7,02-LC1.00) [ e; lWhat'is:the dose threshold for post!ng an, area',as"a'Very.High' c J. Red iat ion.Ar es?- - (0,5), li 1 [b.. 'What entry._controliis. required in addition to issuanco o f an' RWPs and ' h continuo'us ^ Healt h ' Phys ics : cove r age?; -;( 0. 5 )I i h -l QUES, TION;17h03-l ,(2.00) l c e.

Whatcare?fo'ur-(4)'ofJthe five events which requ' ire emergenc'y.borationtper:

1 ?(2;0)l ] 1 A0Pi3',:;"Enie rgency ? Boratio'n?"

. 4. c, o

r f ( 1'.' 0 0 ) s QUESTION L7;04~

.Whatl obj ective "is ass igned ito the Ass istant ; Reactor Oper a' tor ' by 'AOP-7,

" Forced =Evacustioniof, Control. Room?"

( 1. 0.)

.j -J. l QUESTION, 7.05 (1'00)-

o J

Pe r.j AdP3 27,. "Uncont rolled CEA ' Withdr awal:: -t l e. .'W' hat-action should be taken response to uncontrolled

.CE A w it h d r awa l?

C0.5). ? En . If:this actio'n"does not terminate the withdrawal, what action should' then be taken? (0.5) ~ 'l l c,.. "C*****: CATEGORY 07 CONTINUED ON'NEXT PAGE *****) .s :

+ .v. .c l%. Yx f$lh ll. Y O, g .Y d '.l .e a. O'l %[;_; ylj, ;_., ?JN ?Y q g < ' e,.

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,i... \\r 7 PAGE 9' a el m 9 B,6DIDLQQIC6LiDQNIBQL g,

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j a ,1 l: 4., a y m 1 y yg , i <: 3cp V'Y3 a-s & r 3 UESTIONM7[06? . C $.~ 0 h[ .e r ,.{b., I)' ? % ' pr ,..L,


~ s t .g, g. ,,7 .. - ~. c:Wh at e f o u rf (4 )l c r it e r i a. mtAt,.; b a s at is f ' e d to :t h r o t t l'e.o r s topYS I,? (220): i A w; m .7, S jj /g yL* ~ g

  • (p y

~ s w, s. .s,. c p;; d' .. W.. (3.00) It (3. OQUESTION s7407 7 ~. .S t a y. 1 y s.- -. 7..,,.t (.,.Fon.each o...fythe immediate actions. listed below from.EOP-01, " Reactor, Trip,"- V-y[- Tdescribe* 'what should:be"ver if ied -or; perf ormed to1 complete ther action. 'If J.the]EOPLrequiresithatly'oufconfirmia trend orisetpointfthen stateLit"in your. d it L...w/cnswerfforef.ullcrpja. (3.0] ' r, A 1a.7 + JDepress the? mar al jeector trip pusNbutton an'd) verify'what' three-(3) S y s ',,~4 f.9 sparameters?g j. V' 'C.1.0) ,ms g dgb.. 9TripHthelturbin and.gverifyowhat two-(2)' par.ameters? l(0;5) y t o.1 V M if9 RCSite eItory conNo1.v'ia,what two (2) parameters?-

,( 0 $ 5

.\\ e .Y gw: 4d'o Ve r if hf o r c ep c i,:;c u k. < ion cd r e heatpremovalzby verifying what three; m.. t ^ .(3)(parameters.U 1 M J -( 1. 0 ); 6 ... u. X s Z A y l /,' A y y( 'f e 3 g). (a s-3,, g :s o , QUESTION,[f7(08; l C 1. 0 0 3- } ' i .n n y h . Wha kthIee-(3){parametersrareicombinedLiith reagtor;pbwer to determine d Jcomplianceiwith:thefreactor core ssfety limit tinrre' hnical ) A'E c Id* ' (1.0)- ISpecifications?' b h ..g_' I a - 4 f- / -QUESTION '.7,09 (2.00) t

  • a LWh'atiere.three (3) of;the four conditions that, aftsrecompletion of the1

~ reactor : trip immediateMetlons, reautre entry into the Funct f.inal -i, z R e c o v e ' ys-P r o c e d u r e ? 3 Wr M n ;3 v( 2 iO )' T ~ r - v., 11 s A Y ,,x ,t .s y ,3 3 Lt., e ls e' 'e. ( q p jN ~,, A . \\, ; + n 9 1 k. j 4 j. p ?S L ,g g: ~ h- ..g -(*****LCATEGORY,07 CONTIMUED ON NEXT.lPAGE.*****) 9 (3 p','. w~ t

j W "'j s

9: 3. w[ \\ ] s .Zt__EBOCED!JBEH_ _NDBd6Lt_6BNQf!d6Lt_EdEBGENRY_6NQ PAGE '10 l [; 86DIQLQQIG6L_LTWIBGL 1 3 i w ,T ) y y s ,1 QUESTION. 7.10 (2.00) i Given each.of the ' events" descr ibed below,- along with. Figure OSC :_ 1.1, "EAL l Criteria'for Emergency Classification," classify each event separately to 1 the correct EAL.- Note"th,at some events may not fall into any EAL. State { cnyl ass umpt ions' tesed in making a elassification. a. While' operating atz l00% power, steady state,'a bomb thrt.t is received stating that an explosive device has been placed in-the control room. Upon conducting.a search of the control room, what appears to be such

a. device is discovered.

Examination of the device indicates that it. may be'triggeredihy\\ radio control or movement. ( 0. 5 ) ' s I b.. While moving fuel 1n the core, during. refueling ~ outage, all offsite lost duel.,to line damage from high. winds. -After discussion. .with North Omsha, offsite power will be restored in 20~24' hours. Onsite potgC. systems operate according to design,.with adequate' fuel ' oil for'at ivest 120~ hours of, operation. (0.5) s While operating at 100% power, steady state, a double' ended. rupture of' c.' one RCS cold, leg ' occurs. (0.5) l l 'hile: operating at'100%~ power, stea,dy state, a main steam line break .d. W ~ occurs downstream of containment but upstream of the main steam j l, . isolation valve. Subsequently, calculated steam generator tube laakage' increases'from 0.'2 gpm at steady state to 40 gpm with no gindication..of secondary activity in the intact loop. (0.5) { y. i f 1 s i I s g ' x s { .p., 3 s + h. >1 \\ l! h t j }'- e(***** END OF CATEGORY 07 *****) s , s\\ i

' ** f J Q-;pf y,7 ry .s Q w / q. W t> y* . : [.,. ,( . v. .. _ J.c +x t.L (, ?;-r f.- 3 #. ,3 g:s + e ,.r .c % h__oDdI4,1AI,SLIIVE EIMEldBEh_G0n!IIIONh_6t40NtBI6IIQUA ' PAGE 11-9.n n., e, m h.yiff O , j j ' j?' F ( py y ,; ; 4.. .v r/, ,,[,, h/ t-f F t. JQUESTIONl 8.b1 ? ' (..' ( 2. 0 0 'F L \\l. g ],, i MATCHING. .MatchLeech of the colors and descriptions with the correct' tag b(;y type _below. .'One. color and one descr!st ton, sfcould be used f or ' each tag ty0e. Individuylifdolors hnd descriptions may be used more then once or not i '.ct all. (TYPICAi/ ANSWER *[e. O, 9) (2.0) . yc % i. 4 . TAG TYPE' ",1 of COLOR _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. 4 7 y.; y _. DANGER,j DO N01"OfERME 1. . white / red. .a. ji, : _,jf. b. OgUUlry + ('. 2.' red / white _ (. >e,Y CL ARANCE A 3. orange j 4 .i [ p (,. Qk[p[( c;'d. V HOLD '0[RDER 4. yellow. 4, \\t i > ; kg. O, %, <. } - \\ DESCRIPTION ,a-l K >' j.. Q", l/ : ' ' '5.. Used.byLSystem' Operations-for electrical system switching. f 9 .f r 6. Special instruction in component operation. e 7. Operation.will damage equipment or pose personnel hazard. 8.

Equipment will be' operated in a test _ position or mode.

[ l a. QUESTIONL 8.02 (1.00) What is the purpose of the Shift Supervisor-sign _off before and after performance-of surveillance, tests (1.0) ) e v i ' QUESTION. 8.03 '( 1. 0 0 ) ; What are the Technical Specification AND administrative (if different) j limits.,on primary-to-secondary. leakage through steam generstor tubes for i 'both steam generators? (1.0) l I i (***** CATEGORY 08 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****) l E i-

F o O l. V i [. ?at-6DdINISIB6IIVE EB9GEDMBESt 00NDIII9NSi eND LIdII6IIONS PAGE' 12 i I l QUESTION. 8.04 (2'.50) t LComplete the following. table dealing'with. Fort <Calhoun operating modes'per Techniosi Specifications. (2.5) Mode ,1-Reactor Power-I . Reactivity i RCS Temperat'ure 1 Boron' Cone'.' ' Power . C a) (b) Hot:StandbyL '(c) (d) Hot Shutdown. (e)- (f) i Cold Shutdown (g) (h) RefuelingLShutdown, '.(i) (j )' QUESTION 8'.05. (2.00) Expla'in how the section of Technical Specification. reproduced below . represents a1 relaxation one what would otherwise be' required? (2.0) 2.0.1' (2) When a system, subsystem, train, component, or device i s' determinedLto be inoperable solely because its emergency power source is. inoper able, or; solely because its 'no rma'1 ' powe r source is' inoperable, it may be> considered operable for the purpose of satisfying the requirements of_its applicable Limiting-Condition for Operation,.... QUESTION 8.06 (1.50) l What three (3) requirements must' be satisfied to make a temporary con-the-Spot) change to a procedure? (1.5). I ' QUESTION. 8.07 (1.50) l [ 'What'are the administra'tive'dutie(s)$of the Shift Supervisor to complete a ' temporary tagging after the top. half is hung on the appropriate valve?C1.5) (***** CATEGORY-08 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****)


  • ~

QUESTION .8.08-(2.50) a. Complete the following sentences from Standing Order No. G-52, " Plant ~ Staff Working l Hours." ' 1. An individual'shall not be! permitted to. work more than 16 hours ~ straight (excluding _____). (0,5) 2.- An individual shall not: be permitted to work more than _____ in any 24 hour period, nor-more than _____ hours in any seven day period. -(0.75) 3. A break of at 'least _____ shall be allowed between work periods. ~ A Tvork period;is defined as._____ or more.- (0.75). H 'b.- Who, by job. title, must approve exceeding any of these l guidelines?. (0.5). QUESTION 8.00 (1.50) How are mistakes in the official ~ control room log corrected? (0.5) a. b. Who is~ responsible for ma'intaining the of ficial control room log?(0,5) c. .TRUE or FALSE? All operating logs must be kept in black pen? (0.5) - QUESTION-8.10 (1.'50) l c. Which keys may be. removed from the Operations Key Depository without completion of the Key Log sheet? (0,5) i b. Which keys may be removed from the Operations Key Depository by other than the Shift Supervisor? When and by whom? (1.0) I ( (***** END OF : CATEGORY 08 *****) (************* ENDLOF~ EXAMINATION ***************) I

r m/.2,k- - '~ ,L 9 4:' s I( R .m lfa ;f : s; r1 K., . J... .c ~.. t. 3 .x.. ~ ~ f 51d_IBEDBX_9E_N90LE68_EDWEB_EL6NI_QEEB6IIONt_ ELL!IDSt_6NQ PAGE 14. 18E80001N601G3 w +..,


~, ANSWERS --- FT.,CALHOUN: 287/06/03-PELLET, f. 1 1

ANSWER-5.014 (C 1j 50 )

n._ 4 k jThere acto'rf w'111l become s uber'it ic al due to~ the dro'pped ? rod o(0. 5). -The RCS: s# , wil'Ilcool urstil TM/LPforr main; steam. line 2 isolation Jterminate :theTeooldownt (0.5).s'Because MTC-isspositive,1the reactor willEremain'suboriticallas. J1ong:asJthe'reactorLis< cooler.than normal (0,5). ( 1 '. 5 ). REFERENCE t k FCS'Rx; Theory,LQC#: 007i005-01-0-03. 'm TANSWER.-

5.02 7

'C2.00), y g j Maintainlacceptable~p'owerLdistribution-limits-(peaking-l factors).L q . m .1. 3.- Maintain' minimum shutdown'roargiM ~ -3.- CEAfmisalignmentieffects-limite'd to acceptableilevels'. 1 1 i 4. 'CEA' ejection effects;. limited to~ accept'. levels.. CAnyJ3/4.8 0.66'/ ea.) 7 . REFERENCE' O FCS'Rx-Theory, QC#:,-007-005-01-C-03-3.04-0001; 1 . ANSWER '5.03 'C1'.00) s ? ' Increasing' boron' concentration moves. power upLthe, core.(0.5)Lbecause thes 3 Edenser' water-at the bottom of the the core makes the boron worth more.- .(Thelrate ofechange of not linear per degree F.'). Boron makes1 0 1ASI: more negative. CCONCEPT - 0.5) zREFERENCE-l FCS Rx Theory,-QC#:- 007-005-01-0-03-3.05-0001 ] o " ANSWER 5.04 (1_.00) -MTCibecomes more negative as rods are lowered into the cor'e (0.5) because leakage becomes moreisignificant and thermal ut1112ation? decreases.(0,5). [ iREFERENCE-1 ( FCS Rx:: Theory,-QC#:- 007-005-01-0-03-3.06-0001 h, l-l i a 1 i

(y .ii

I ' ', u+

,y W: - a r n.,

g. g;.

t i = i 9 n ' s:g p, s., 9 - m 6, O wi 6._218EDBX 9E NUCLE 6BiEQWEB_ELoNI!0EEB6IIDNt ELU1011_6ND- .P AGE.1151 > S J.<LJI,dEBdQDXNed101.~' i ,.<.S.~. 0-E: it 9 ANSWERS - 'FT.?CALHOUN; W -87/06/03-PELLET, J; g E r ~. ( ig ) .] 4 JANSWER-5.05 ,1 -'C 2. 50 ) ,p -e 4


1From;U-238.- .. Q <x a h- :( / tO: l S a m e.~. ,9 + 9,, t joi. Slower'.. .J d. 6 : Deerease'.. C4 anskere.e(01625'es.) n V.r;p ~ A l %..REFERENCS FCS1Rx Theory, QC#:10.07-005-0110-04-3/00-0001+ N


.y o ,.. Y. !

h. P i

p. ~ A , 2. 00): 'd D fANSWER L5.061


Edss ume 1 de ns ity.: =. p..= 6 2 #/ f t 3,. Patmos l =.14. 2! ps is


Ph= 62*23 /f(1;ft2/144cin2) + 14.2-psia- .' (0. 5)? 1 P =.24 ps'is (0.5) ?/ b.1 ..Tsat.8'24Tpsia ~ 238.deg's F so no' boiling, expected e core 1 exit. (0,5): REFERENCE ~

w FCS"Thermo', QC# : 5 007 007-01-0--16-1. 0 2-0 006 s>

J (A .j' g


,- 5. 07- --(1.00). l 1 1". LDuring powerLchanges.' -2 '. When:SG' steaming unequal.: (2 answere 8 0.5 es.'): i i ^


FCS.Thermo Sect.. 1.2,.QC#: 007-007-01-C-17-2.01-0002~ y.. ( ~ u. m - a b i.~ ') r 1 h*


  • s, g gtf

,j a an p.,,, (gfQ ~.1 ' ?(

  • c y --

) l is , JQ.. p;&g n4 @, g..

  • yeNCjb b l

[~" r s % N $ _ I H E d E L D E i N U Q k E e s i E Q W E s _ Ei. 6 N I i 9 E E 8 6 I 1 O N t _ El. U 1 0 1 t _ 6 N D


~ y g 7 'MNSWE RS1 FT.sCALHOUN. -87/06/03-PELLET,RJ.e r p @m i

p s....,

~ ya, w, u,m., m s, t -.h - . j", _[ r 7 ....?. 4RANSWER; .-5.08 a; s' .:(2.00), u m 'Psg1will;beiIbwer:. (0.'75)' ~' 'I ;b'ecausei'i Qn= ;uACTave-Tetm). l(0.25)- 4 (with 'Q, e u,,;T.Tavet const ant di and!A1 decreased, '(0;25) t e ~

(0. 2 5 ).

' ( O '~ 2 5 )Q so TetmLmustidecreased / P' i, s' 3..TandtsinceLSG is saturated, Petm will also' decrease.- 5(0.25)' L '~ *. - .r I (.'? j e ^ . 2 REFERENCE <..e 007-007-01-0-18-3'.'02 0001 - s ,m W VFCS#Thermo/ Sect.!3.2r QC#:c.. i b, i i .j 9: a v Y 1'. 00 ): C ~ SQANSWER 5.'09 4 g i ~ c f,: Coast-down delaysJnatural circulation 1(0.5)Lbecause,1titakes longer Ltor; < establish :.s'significant' core ; dif f erential. tempepature (0.5)... 4 / REFERENCE ~ g

FCS,Thermody.namics NRC Exam,-QC#

= b . ANSWER' 5.10V ' (2iOD) y Lb - F w ' Lc. ; F- <d.: T (4 answers'.e 0.5 es.; 2;0)c s;,. a 1 IREFER'ENCE; l FCS,Rx. Theory;'QC#:' 007-005-0SC-04-5.05-0'001 L s $_~.h ; r RANSWERi ' 5.'11 (1 00){, ^ ~ DALPD pumpistarted(with' the discharge. valve closed'may develop' excess 5 discharge pressureL(0.5)Twhile a cent. pump-started with the discharge h

valve;open may drawn excessive power.or motor amps (0,5).-
. 7.. -

FCSVTHTFF LP:;6.3.3,Jp. 6.3-5, 6 y I l g.^ i r } s A I I '. ~..f. 4

I .o i n 1 , m s b l ?"El__EL6NI_1XSIEdS20ESIGNt_Q9 NIB 9Lt_6ND_INSIBudENI611QN PAGE.17 L ~ ANSVERS -- F.T. CALH00tJ ,-87/06/03-PELLET, J. n ,C k a. 1 = ANSWER 16. 0 1 ' (2.00) 1 J s After auto start'with. low 11evel,LSG 1evel will increase from 32% WR (0.4) i 4 -to,60% WR (0.'4)',L at 'which' point. AFAS 'will reset - (0.4), closing the i fdischarge. valves ~(HCV-1107/8'A'/B) (0.4). The pumps will continu'eoto run { .until. manually shut down (0.4).. REFERENCE a FCS'LP.7-11-1, rev. 1,.p'. 63 ~ q u> I E ANSWER 6'02-(1.00) l 1 1 = 1. Low: oil, pressure (91psig). (0.5) t " 13 Low suction header pressure (10 psia) (0,5) REFERENCE' FCS LP-7-11-2, rev. 1, p. 65 i ANSWER' 6.03 -( .00) 00 NOT GRADEl-Question delete'd.per facility comments - system flow incr. l During post-DBA conditions, fewer' loads ar'e supplied (0.75), system flow resistance is. higher (0.75), and flow is consequent 1'y lower. (1.0) l Cnon-essential loads are isolated)' l REFERENCE. FCS LP 7-11-6, rev. 1, p. 20 i ANSWER 6.04 ( 1. 0 0 )' f I 53--gpm or 17% (Either of 2 answers; +/- 10%; 1.0) ? ~(Calculated value ok if method & assumptions correct 8 answer < 100 gpm.). i REFERENCE I .FCS.LP 7-11-20,- rev. 1, p. 39 i i i _]

l h .y 61__dL681_1YSIEd2_DESIGNt;GQUIBQLt_6ND_INSIBudENI6IION PAGE 18 ANSNERS -- FT,. CALHOUN~ -87/06/03-PELLET,~J. 4 . ANSWER. 6.05 [(1.00) e 1 ) It: actuates.when any alarm is received on AI-100 (0.5)'and clears when.the slarm on AI-100 has been acknowledged (0.5). REFERENCE FCS LP 7-11-31, rev. 1,.p. 48-1 i j ANSWER' 16.06 (2.50) ' a '. - 19% < LPWR' < 107%; no b '. 2.6-dpm; yes


95%; yes d. 31.2%; n o' { o'. 500 psia;nyes f.- 2400 psia;;no'.. .g. variable from.1750' psia minimum; yes' h. 13 5 ~ ps id; no i.. variable -yes dj. 5-psig;ino (20 answere 810.125 es.; 2.5) REFERENCE. FCS'QC#: 007-012-02-C-25-1.03-0004' 1 ANSWER 6 '.~ 0 7 (1.50) ~ c-4 or:2;lb-6j'c-3; d-1; e-5'or 6 (5 answere 0 0.3 es.; 1.5) 1 LREFERENCE FCS~QC#;!007-012-02-C-25-1.07-0002 1 1 b

l/. ; yx 3 .' ~ ~ + a y ,[ + f i b', , b,. i Y b., 's.,l 4 3: u l _[ .:, y s,., [b I... PAGE-19 A & _El.6NI.fiXSIEdS_DESIDNt_G9 NIB 9Lt_6ND INSIBubENI6IION g w_NSWERS - 7FT.lCALHOUN'

-87/06/03-PELLET, J.

s_. 1- .r .e .J, A n .l L -(- 8 i .li i 3 ^ 't ,( t 4 .( 2. 0 0 )' >; ANSWER L6; 081 v 1..- ~ Sources.ere in,syncronis'm fa.. 4 j a2.< NO unclearedsfault(s) exist;onfthe bus being. transferred 3..- .TheTalternate#s'ource is at-the' proper voltage' 1

- 4 L oThec oridinal supp19' breakers h' ave opened

-(Any.3/5_'e 025'es.) 5. Suitchf("43") is:in auto-m 16~ 8' 'cyc les> > ( 0. 2 5). ..l b.- i c'i Rea^ctor t r ip_ 'C loss fofasux. systems./_ fluid;translents - CONCEPT,^)(O.2531 -[ iREFERENCE' j ., L FC S. L P ' 7 2,. r e v. : 2,; 7p. i! 3 6 ',1. 37 l 1 t t 2 ~ u y.c ANSWER 2 6.09' (2.50) . + $"W ' 2.; FeedwateriReguisting system in: automatic .a.. 11 LTu r tsineit"r ip ; s 7.g - 3. .Feedwater regulating valv.e!> 5%'open' C3: answers'e10'.5 es.;.i.'5)C ~ D .m .b.- 11. i Res et 5 t he --- t u ris ine ~ t r ip (0,25)- 2.' Place auto / inhibit; switch inEthe, inhibit. position (0.'25) t


Contro'llerf.ih manual.-(0.25) with valve 5~1' (0125)- ' C 0. 5 ) ' ' ~ u, ; REFERENCE 'FCS.LPf7-12-15, r e v.. l',. p. c 3 4 - 3 6 - l lp l \\ i. t ' ANSWER 6.10 (1.00) i l '..

Input to;' power /ratto calculat'or-L 12 b Display exial shape index

'(Any 2/4-answers e 0.5 es.j.1 '. 0 ) 4 3;. . Indicate =subchannel.. deviation 4.<s Indicate power level- ' REFERENCE FCS LP'7-12-19,.r e v.- 1, p. 61, 62

3 H r h Gi__EL68I_SXSIEdS_DESI E _GQUIB9Li_eND_INSIB!!bEUI61100-PAGE "20-i ' ANSWERS -- FT.:CALHOUN .-87/06/03-PELLET, J. e i i4, I -i - ANSWER. ' 6 ' 11. (1.00) L-a '. - To prevent-charcoal ~ ignition ,(0.5)


To prevent reisese'of con'taminants absorbed by-the charcoal -_ C O. 5 ) REFERENCE-FCS LP 7-14-2, rev. 1, p. 68'

l l

l J a j 3 l J l 1

ZA__EBOCEDUBES_ _N9Bd6Lt_6HNDBdokt_EMEBGENGr_6NQ-PAGE 21 8,6DIDL00106L_C9NIBQL. l ' ANSWERS -- FT. CALHOUN -87/06/03-PELLET, J. s.- ' ANSWER- ,7. 01L (2.00) El. Clothing &Lprotective equipment required i c2._ "A11 owed individua11 exposures;(without additional authorization) -3. Jobito be performed 4.' Description of-the hazards involved i 5. Monitoring requirements (Any.3/8 answers 0 0.666 es: 2.0) 6. Dosimetry-7.- : - R ad io log ic al1 c o n d it io ns 8. Special instructions ~ f ~ REFERENCE 'FCS. Radiation-Protection Manual, rev. 33, p.'VII-2 l -1 i ANSWER 7.02 (1.00) l .i c.- .1000 mr/hr (0.5) b.1 Locked l access. doors.Cor p'rovisions of-TS 5.11 2 ...) (0.5)- REFERENCE l FCS. Radiation Protection Manual, rev. 18,-p. VII-3-5 i JANSWER 7.03 (2.00) i 1. Uncontrolled planticooldown \\ 2. Failure of more then.1 CEA to insert following a reactor trip l I ~3. ' Unexplained reactivity anomaly with all CEA's. inserted ) 4.- 'CEA's inse'rted 12" below th'e POIL' I 5.. Forced evacuation of the. Control Room (Any 4/5 0 0.5 es.; 2.0) j l

( F,. j O ' <;p ',",. - m,jf

  • ' ' -. M,,.

',j - i ":c, " y.?p s .s. , p.] ( > N t ),j { l; 6.. _4 <c s n. y ,. $r' ?. ?& W a f',8 %,ls m;. r i "i


., ;y,


.r y


,A p ... d.;- [ - '- ,1 . i. ,r v- 'PAGE)L22 'I W LZidEEDGEQVBES.::_NDBdeLiC8BNDBdeLi_EdEBGENGL6NQ l t '6,tB.6DIDLQQIQaL_GQNIBQL'. e y Jg >.,. ANSWER $J-7FT.;CALHOUN. -87/06/03-PELLET,-J. ~ n, .x_ m o c .x .c x REFERENCE' i m ~- i ' FC S : AOP-3,f rev.' f 01 r p. -l A0P-3' -1 1.- e4 ci, "'J t 'r & ) ANSWER 7.04-k-(1.003'- l v 'ThesAR'O S chief)dbjectiveiistto.regniin access tofthe control room as'soonj ?, [ss.i p o s s ib l e'.) i .. ( 1. 0 ). / - - REFERENCE - a m" - 1 j FCSTAOP-7) fevaJ1:,1pp AOP-7-5' s o ^ J. e g' /] 1 'ec > 1

7 r



-7.05; .i,. ( 110 0 )'. d 1 M .y, 9' q a. L P lac eit hel CE Aid r. ive corit r o l'. se lecto r sw'itc h' to t'0FF" ' ( 0. 5. ) W 4 -....1 ....~. t... . Manual 1yf rip.;the'reactorLC&'go'.to E0P-1). (0. 5)l c' b.. ~ 'b I ._Vy -n .q# sREFERENCE ~ o rev.<0.p {A0P-27-2 V FCSiA0P-27sa .s -t - ( '4 9.4,. > ...w ? ANSWER} L7.06x f( 2. 00 ); N '7 1.: 1Resssubcoo. ling b/=J20 dsg's F a Piessurizer:- 1kve1/ >/= 45% j AND-not decreasin's 3 l2? +, ~, c y. .4 A:"j:' L3. -

AtJ.least icS/G available--(feed / steam flow)Lfor RCS hest removal-p 4

i 4 ". ' ...RVLMSnindicates core covered C4 answers'e 0 5 es.;;2.0); f - *-,....i. ., a f 4 - ' :,r + y i. N yt y ".LREFERENCE-6 ,,.i,FCS AOP-23, rev i.l,j p. AOP-23-2; 'n A y ., L i .s r -l 9 > y: i 'i e

7 r.,.

i,"; I d. i j i

~ 1 v t l tZA__EBQCED9BES_:_UQBdeLt_6BNQBd6Lt_EdEBGENCX_6ND-PAGE 23 88010LQ91 col _CQUIBQL. ANSWERS -- FT.~CALHOUN' -87/06/03-PELLET, J. l 1 i ANSWER 7.07 (3.00) o. 1. Reactor power decreasing i


Negative startup rate '3. No more than^1 CEA NOT inserted-(3 answers 0 0.33 ea.;

1. 0 ) -

t b. 1. A11 s' top valves _ closed 2.. All intercept valves ~ closed (2 answers e 0.25'ea.; 0.5) c. 1. Pressurizer level 30-70% trending to 45-60% 2. RCS subcooling >/=-20'deg's F (2 answers e 0.25 es.; 0.5) j d. 1. .At leastil RCP operating '2. . Core' delta TL</= 10 deg's F (3 ans'ere 0 0.33 ea.; 1.0) 3. ' RCS s'ubcooling >/= 20 deg's'F w 3 REFERENCE 'FCS E0P-01, rev. l', p. 3, 4,16, 8 ANSWER 7.08 (1.00) l '. RCS flow./ # RCP operating. 2. RCS cold leg temperature 3.-- Pressurizer / RCS pressure (3 answers e 0.33:es.; 1.0) i ' REFERENCE FCS TS, Amend. 70, p. 1-1 { I s t 1 5 i

a f h f 'Zi__EBDCEDUBES_:_NDBdokt_oBNQBU6Lt_EdEBGENC1.6ND PAGE 24 [. 8,6DIDLQQ1GoL_Q9 NIB 9L' ANSWERS -- FT."CALHOUN -87/06/03-PELLET, J. 1 i i n l ANSWER '7.09 (2.00) L-1. No immediate diagnosis or scause af ter completing ~ reactor. trip -I A'.s. 12. Any. event for.which guidanc'e cannot be i de n t'i f i e d. '3. E0P. actions'are not satisfying safety function status check acceptance criter.ia. 4 '. 2 or moreEevents occurring simultaneously.- (Any 3/4 8'O.667 es.; 2.0) REFERENCE 4 FCS E0P-20,.rev..1, p. 2 j ANSWER ~ 7.10 (2.'00.) a. ' Alert (CR evacuation may be anticipated) ( 0. 5 )'- b. None (StationLpower: tree only at power, no barrier ~ damage)- (0,5)' l I c. S.'A. E. (Failure of 2 FPB: G.A.E. if explain 3rd)..(0.5): (RCPB, Ontmnt failed; clad;fnc of subcooling loss) l 'd. .S. A. E ~. (Fail'ure of.2 FP8; MSLB w/ SGTR & uncontrolled release) (0.5) ) i REFERENCE l 'FCS EPIP-OSC-1, rev. 11, OSC' Figure 0SC -11 1 i l l l d 4 l l h i


PAGE 25 i

'ANSNERS1-- FT. CALHOUN -87/06/03-PELLET, J. ANSWER. 8.01-(2.00) ] a. 1/2, 7 l b. 4, 6 - -c. 3, 8-j


1/2,.5. (8 answers e 0.25 es.; 2.0) .) i REFERENCE FCS Standing Order 0-20, rev. 17, p. 1 1 'dN S W E'R .8.02: (1.00'). ForLnotification only-(does not. constitute approval) REFERENCE FCS Spec'isl OrderJ28-ANSWER 8.03 (1.00) TS: 1 gpm FAC: 0.3 gpm (2 answers 9 0.5 ea.; 1.0) REFERENCE -FCS~Special Order 35, rev. O l j i 3 1

at;_6Db1NISIB6IIVELEBQQEQUBESt_QDNDIIIQN2t_6ND_LIMII6IIONS PAGE 26 'ANSWhGS'-- FT.'CALHOUN -87/06/03-PELLET, J. ] ANSWER. 8.04 (2.50) c. >2% <b.- critical c.- ! c r it ic al-d. (Tavg) > 515 deg's F. e.' (SDM) >/= 4.0%'dK/K -f. (Tavg)'>1515 deg's F. g. (Toold) < 210 deg's F h. ppm req'd for'3%edK/K SDM -1 (Tcold) < 210 deg's F '."j. 1800 ppm (SOM >/= 5% dK/K)' (10 answers e 0.25 es.;f2.5) ' REFERENCE' FCS TS,. p. 1, 2,.2-50 ANSWER 8.65' (2.-00). If this specification didsnot exist, then any time a safety system power' source were inoperable,-a111 associated devices would also be considered ' inoperable (1.0).. This specification allows them to be' considered operablel .as long as redundant power sources are still available (1.0). (CONCEPT) REFERENCE FCS TS, p. 2 ANSWER-8.06 (1.50) 1. Intent unaltered (not an USQD).- 2. Approved by 2 - niembers of plant, super.staf f (PRC), at least 1 en SRO. The change is documented, reviewed by the PRC,s & approved by the L 3.. Manager-FCS within 14 days of imp lenient at ion. C 3 answers 8. 0. 5ea. ;1.5). REFERENCE-FCS Standing Order G-30, rev. 18, p. 3 f I

,a hMi t.. Y O, j 'k * .. // , / $,s }s M .,.r, j 2 x m s r ';4 -Q :' .fi s. C. ,.,.,,., f. 2.,... '. iPAGE .27= ..;M ,} } ,( ,,4. p. -L__' 6DdINISIB8IIVE_EB9CEQllBg Sr_00NDIIIQNh_eND_1.IdII6119NS -

  1. ' " V 2

FTi-CAbHOUN' -87/06/03-PELLET, .1 ? . g. l


7, y l;}- n = t z .c. i ) 4 y 1ANSkbR . 8.07n "(1.50)- l i'og'it in;(the.Temporer11y Tagged Equipment" Log).'

( 0 5 7 5 )..

~{ 1;. - L . n. ( -s H L: 2. to-?thef0perations Engineor? (0.75) L, n,m-u. m r ' d' l REFERENCE' ,i l FCS l St an~ ding : Or de r L G-48, r ev. _2,'p.J.1: a. y:. .y 3 t




i l X" g '.C O. 5 )! ^ ' H J, J a. '. 1. shift-turnover. time-2. ..- 16 : h o u r s,1 ;7 2 ' i C 2 : answersa al 0. 375i.ea.'; J0175 ); '3., -85 hours,f8. hours. (2 answe rs ? e 0.' 375 y. e a. ;'. 0. 75 ): i n m Manager?- FCS. (orthis--' des ignate)- f b. ^ JREFERENCE' '(FCS! Standing Order;G-52, rev. 1, p. 2 1 m. ANSWER' 8.09; .(1.50) ^ + a. Mistakes are' lined-out and initialed.- 'C0,5) h !b.' . The Reactor Operstor-' (assisted by the lARO). (0.5) r e.- _ False Clogs _outside CR may be kept in-pencil.) . ( 0, 5 )-> I REFERENCE FCS. Standing. Order 0-24, rev. 4 ', p. 1-4

p sy

'}. l: .,? i [ A'NSWERl 8.10 (1.50)- l L! f a.' Keys-_used by Operations in normal performance of their duties. 'C0.5) -(Keys used in key-lock holders 0.25 - subset.of full answer..) b.-

iRPS. bypass. keys-(0_.33) may be removed by the Reactor ~0perator (0.33) when needed duhing._ absence of the SSifrom the Control Room (0.34').


g d

i5 c<- I k _a t.

'-y i 1 :-. 4 (' r


'l 1, \\ 'E

ll 1

l i

. ya

. \\ i!X ! L__oDMINISIB611VE_f 80dEDUBEh_GQSDIIIDNh_6NQ_LIMII6IJQNS - .PAGE 28' q $ANSW$R$ -- FTl~CAi.,HOUN1 -87/06/03-PELLET, J.. ~ 43, 1 ~ REFCRENCE_, )-26, rev. 13,. p. 2' , FCS Standing Order - l .L. .i 4 L j e-. p.. T i


.-) 4 J I,_ _3 '.r - i 1 ) p J t :- 3 1 ~ 1 . ] 1

,3. $f o .tt .n. 4 y .c 4 ] f q. .f .? '1 eft CROSC'.REFEFENCE- 'PAGE. 11 y ,c i 3. go. [p; QUESTION.


J.j i 4 '05/01 i t. 5 01 'JJP0001906- ') 05.02, 2.00 !JJP0001908 1 R -05.63' -1.00 JJP0001910-05.04' L 1' 0 0 - J.1P b 0 01911 i -05.05 e 2 50:.LJJP0001913 t s, ,05.06 '2.00. .JJP0001916; - 05.07: l'.00. JJP0001'317 '05.0S 2.00 ' SJP0001918.

1. 0D _

JJP0001920-05.09 05.10, 2.00 JJP0001953, 05.11' L1.03 JJP0001989' y, -17.00 06.01 2 00-JJP0001924 J L6? 02' 1.00 JJP0001926 S 06.03 . 00 JJP0001927-L 06.04-1.00 JJP0001930 106.05- .1.00 .JJP0001031 j 06.06.


-JJP0001935 06.07! ~ 1. 5 0; JJP0001936 06.08- .2.00 JJP0001939 '06'.09 2.50 .JJP0001940 06.10 J1.00. .JJP0001944 .06.'11- .1.00 - JJP00019A9 15.50l 07'.01: 2.00 JJP0001972 07.'02-1.00 JJP0001973' JJP0001977 <07.03 L2.00 ' JJP0001979 '07.04 1.00-07.05-

1 '. 0 0 "

JJP0001982 l07.06 2.00-JJP0001983 07.07 3.00 JJP0001984 07.08. 1.00 JJP0001987' 07.09 J 2.~ 0 0 JJP0001990 07.10 2.00 JJP0001991 . 00 lh 1 8.01' i.00 .JJP.0001985' 0 I' l08.02 1.00. JJP0001992r [.I 08.03, 1.00 . JJP0001993 L:^ '08.04, .2.50 .JJP0001994 .00.05. 2.00 JJP0001995 08.061 1.50 JJP0001996 08.07 1.'50 JJP0001997 _ 2.50 JJP0001998. 08.08 08.09 1.50 JJP0001999 i-

.i, 'i '/ =.-[:; g.; </, ) ,e ) ,g .I 4 '.-(f ' ,i t 'I., TES ? CRUGG L REFEi<ENCE PAGE 2-l J', <.4-t QUkSTION'. VALUE REFERENCE ..L L..__ __<_.u '08.10 1.G O s JJP00 SIC 40 i ~ r 37.D0 ..r ___-m.- ( en _ d an, ese amm k 66.50 e h; i ,t' e' ., I g a f, l s 4 l I ~ l 4 i i i 4 l

7 y o f i (: j .p i / a' t 1 l 9, i ~ f l Ui S.' NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION REACTOR O.PERA.TO.R LICENSE EXAMINATION 3 FACILITY: _EIt_06680MN_____________ 1 t REACTOR TYPE: _PWB-CE__________________ l 1 .DATE ADMINISTERED:_DZ/Q6/02________________ i . EXAMINER: _EELLEIt_J. CANDIDATE: 4 -lNSIB0GIl0NH_I2_CoGRIQ61El ] Une separate, paper for.the answers. Write answers on one side only. 1 Staple' question sheet: on top' of the' answer sheets. Points for each

question'are indicated in par'entheses after the question.

The passing 1 grade requires at leau?.?70% in each category and a final grado of-at 'least:80%. . Examination papers picked up six (6). hours.after the examination starts.. .j % OF CATEGORY % 0F CANDIDATE'S CATEGORY. .__V6LUE_ _IQIeL ___SQQBE_._ _VaLUE__ ______________061ESQBY j _25100__ _25120 ________ 1. PRINCIPLES OF-NUCLEAR POWERl PLANT OPERATION,- THERMODYNAMICS, HEAT. TRANSFER AND FLUID FLOW _22th0__ _22igh ________ 2. . PLANT DESIGN INCLUDING' SAFETY AND EMERGENCY SYSTEMS' 'I 25A99_. _25A2E' ________ 3. INSTRUMENTS AND-CONTROLS _25199__ _2'A2a ________ 4. ' PROCEDURES - NORMAL, ABNORMAL, i E EMERGENCY AND RADIOLOGICAL CONTROL i _RaiHQ__ ' Totals i E Final Grade l I i i 'All work done on this examination is my own. I have neither given nor' received aid, i o Candidate's Signature i I. l I l

y 4 w-t, s s 4 [- 4 4 f i A i 7: -, f. ~ ~NRC RULES ANDl GUIDELINES FOR LICENSE EXAMINATIONS Ouring'the^ administration'of this examination thetfollowing' rules apply: .j 1 1. l Cheating'o'n the e'xamination means an automatic. denial of your application 'j and could1 result'in more severe penaltiesi - 2.; Restroom: trips:are to be;11mited'and onlyLoneLoandidate'.at."'a time.may 1 i leave.. You must ' avoid 'a11 ' contacts with.anyone outside. the examination. EroomLto' avoid even theLappearance/or possibility of? cheating. i ~ .3. Use black ink or dark pencil gDIY1to facilitate' legible reproductions.' '4.' Print your~name in the blank'prov'ided on the' cover sheet of the 1 ~ examination. .i n 1 f ; 5 '. -. o x Fill in the date~on1the cover sheet of;the examination ( iff necess ar y.). 'l . ~ s 6.: Use only 'the paper provided:forfanswer'..

l h.

Print your. name infthe ' upper'right-hand cor.ner of.the.first page of gg2h' section of the. answer: sheet. a 8.J. Consecutively-, number each. answer sheet,. write "End of Categorys__" a s. ' -appropriate,' start, leach-catego'ry onta DgwLpage,.' write 201Y120 QDR Elda 1 offthe paper, and' write'"Last'Page"Lon the last answer' sheet.- j 9'. Number each answer as to1 category ~and. number, for example', 1.4j961 3'. ] i 10; Skip at least'ibcgg" lines betweenteachianswer. l ~11 ~ Separate answer sheets;from pad.and place.. finished answer ~ sheets' face d ldown on yourgdesk or table 12.nuse. abbreviations only if they areJcommonly used in facility'll12Ea19ts.- - 13. The point 1value for each ques' ion is indicated in parentheses after.the t l question'and can be used"as a guide for the depth of answer r.equired. .j

-14. Show all calculations, methods, Lor assumptions used to obtain an answer

'to mathematical problems whether; indicated in the question or not. I

15. Par.tial credit may be_given.


16. If parts:of the examination are not~ clear as to intent, ask questions.of.

j fthefgggm1Dgt only. l'7. : You must, sign.the statement on the' cover, sheet that indicates.that-the. work?is,your'own'and you have not received or 'been given assistance in completing-the examination. This must be done after the examination'has _ be'e n' comp leted.

,q s j .18. When you compleie your examination,!you.shall:. Assemble your examination as-follows: q 's. (1) Exam questions 1on top. j 4 .i -(2) Exam aids - figures, tables, e t o '. j

(3)-' Answer pages; including; figures-which are part'of the answer.

'b.. Turn;in:your-copy.:of the' examination and all pages used'to answer ] ~ the examination questions. i


Turn'in?all scr'ap paper and the balance of the paper that'you did j G f e._ f o r lanswe r ing. t he. q'ues t ions. ~d. Leave the exam'instion area, as defined by the examiner. .If after , leaving, you are found in this area while the examination'is still in progress, your; license may be denied or revoked.- 1 j .j f i F 4 l j i 1 I o i

b u lIi__EBINCIELES_DE_ NUCLE 68_E9 WEB _EL6HI_0EEB6IIQNi PAGE 2 IBEBdQDYU8dICSi_UE6I_IB8NSEEB_8ND_ELUID_EL9W I T fQUESTION 1.'01 '(1.50) j Describe the, reactor response to dropping a peripheral rod.during operation with'the conditions below. Assumeino operator action.- (1.5) c.- Reactor. critical et 16%' power. --b. Beginning of:cyc'le with positive MTC. i c. Manual. control of; steam' dumps. d. Manual turbine-' load contro11during a load increase.. i I l '.02 (1.50) j l QUESTION 1 How and:WHY. doesLPlutonium-239 produo' tion affect' core reactivity? (1.0) QUESTION 1.03 (2.00)- What are three.C3) reasons for the CEA Insertionflimit?; (2.0) QUESTION -1.04-(2.00) How does Integral Rod Worth-change (INCREASE,_ DECREASE, NO CHANGE) for an INCREASE in1each of the'following. core parameters. State any assumptions {

needed' f or your answers.

Consider each case separately. ) k a. Taverage. (0,5)- b. Poison concentration. (0.5) c. Reactor power,'l to 100%. (0.5) d. Core age,.800 to E00. (0.5), l QUESTION 1.05 (1.00) How and'why does increasing boron concentration affect AXIAL power distribution? Assume the reactor is operating at 50% power. (1.0) ] (***** CATEGORY 01 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****) y

y a v It__EBIN91ELES_9E_N99LE68_EQWEB_ELoNI_DEE86IIQNt PAGE 3 .IdEBd90XNedICSt_BE6I_IBaNSEEB_6ND_EL91D_ELQW } ,1 t QUESTION .1. 0 6 < (1.00) How and why.does.the Moderator Temperature Coefficient vary with respect to ' changes in control rod height? Assume boron concentration constant. . (1.0). ,] QUESTION-1.07 (1.00) i How is AXIAL power shape affected byla power change? ' ( 1. 0 ) ' -i ~ . QUESTION 1.08 -(2.50)' a. Which;is larger,.the fraction of fission neutrons, born delayed (Beta) from thermal'fissionfof U_235, from Pu-239,-or.the fraction born:from j the fest'fiss~ ion'of U-2387 (0.625) 1 b. For NEGATIVE reactivity additions, will the stable period be longer, shorter', or the same at 800'as' E007 (0.625). .c.. For POSITIVE reactivity additions, will the startup rate'be faster, l slower,'or the same at.800 as compared to EOC? (0;625)' ~ I d. From BOC to EOC,,does the average' delayed n'eutron fractionlincrease, decrease, or. remain the same? 'C0.625) -l L I L QUESTION 1.09 (1.50) o L During a criticality, the operstor' dilutes' boron concentration to'800 ppm. The source range count rate levels at.1857' cps. The initial j count r_ ate was 400 cps at 1150 ppm boron with Keff=0.940. I t j. (0,5) p 'a. 'What is the inverse CR ratio (1/M) value? b. What is the new value of Keff? (1.0) i l l (***** CATEGORY 01 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****) l'

q 4 li__EBINDIELES_0E_ NUCLE 68_E0 WEB _EL6NI_DEE86IIQN PAGE '4 t IBEBdDDINedIGSt_BE6I_IB6HSEEB_6ND_ELUID_ELQW t QUESTION 1.10: C'.50) -Select the letter-which corresponds to.the best answer: (0.5) l' With.the reactor critical at 1EE_04%,1 r od wit hdr awal-is used to increase power one decade.. At 1EE-03%: a.

the rod position will be higher than' initial because more f uel must be-exposed to7 thel'available' neutrons'to' maintain the higher-power.

b. theErod position.will be higher than initial to' overcome.the ) isothermal power defect. c4 the rod position will-be lower-than initial due to-the-increased neutron population associated 'with the higher power level. l d. .the rod position will be the same as the initial because the' outward. rod motionsrequired to increase power equals the inward motion . required to stabilize at a new power. level. ' QUESTION. 1.11 '.(2.00) . Technical' Specifications' state: "A minimum of 23 feet of water above the. top.of'the core ~shall be maintained whenever irradiated fuel is being handled." a. What is the absolute pressure at.the top of the core with123 feet of water-above it. - State assumptions for_ full credit. (1.5) i b '.- If peak core exit temperature;is 225 deg's F, will boiling occur at. 'the top of the core? Show work for full credit. (0.5) J l l QUESTION 1.12 (1.00) ~ l ' Describe the,two (2) fundamental operating conditions (which may be l Jencountered-during. normal ~ power operations) when the differentia 1' temperature across the core is not equal to the dif f erential temperature 3 across the steam generators. (1.0) ] i l l i (***** CATEGORY 01 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****) .J

- spp x mm ~ , n 1 i. g, f-A.y -s n W;, / s S it _ _ EBI N GI E L E L 9 E_ U U 9 L E oB _ E 9 W E B _ E L 6NI_0 E E B 6I198t "k-' r ' '4 QAGE 5 ) m JUEBdQQ186digst,.Ug61_IB6NsEEB_6HD_ELUID_ELQW \\. i e . r ' i i 'k H - 3 g '( QUESTION 1.13 (2.00) ~ If the Taverspaprogsam remsig tht. same, what effect will extensive steam .generstor tubeSpluggingjhovg on th;3: steam generstor's prtssure? Assume 5 constant' power levels before and after plugging. EXPLAIN. 3 (2.0'k g s w s [y t;.h -i, ~.A f,,' ,i. -s s sh 4 + A a 4 1 ( ,\\ \\ g) k 'QUESTIOR ~1.14 (1.00) 'N I a,, l +,. Why does a4decreene'in circulating water temperature result'in a dk/ Ebae,' J iiri' the absolute' pressure in the conda<yser? l L(4,0) y, $ 5 m t.. i ~ s 3 h' i m i QUESTION-1.15 ( 1 l'0 0 ) s 'N 4 ) How does the coast-down flow provided by..'t'To reactor coolant pump flywheele

t L

offeet establishing natural; circulation flow. conditions, and WHY? ' ( 1. 0 )U' l J g Q t i I g f 7 T JUESTION 1.16 ( 1. 0 0 ),, p L Why is secondary mass flow rate only about 10% of the primary mass flow h. rate? (1.0) W s ,' S \\ ( V. -), iv i QUESTION 1.17 (2,50) ] Orief1Y explain how each of the following factors operate to ci)snge fue1.', " Centerline temperature over core life. ? !, <, w s. . Fue l ' p e lle t. swe ll'. (0.6ks) ( b. Clad creep. ( 0. 6,2 5 ) )g c.9 Clad crud buildup. (0.625) q (\\? .c. ; V d. Gas gap fission. product contaminstion. (0.625) e I 1 (***** END OF CATEGORY 01 *****) l 1 ~J

T <F n. j q. J } . y.. ( y m ,8 2d_f16NI_DESION_INGLUDIND_S6EgTY AND_gdEggfjNGMYSIgd3 PAGE 6 m 1 j 1.'. i q s% v g .n* MsESTION ' 2'/01 ' (2.00). g a What are tite t hr e e C 3 ) sources of makeip to the Emergency Feedwater' Tank cod-which is the preferred.or normal source? (2.0) t .W QUE$ff0N';2.02 (1.50) Complete the following statemenks with'r.espect to the Chemical'and Volume. Contro1Lsystem (CVCS). design-basan .Each blank'may be' completed with.a ,i .. eingle number. (1.5) .;YrThe.CVCS cis cap;nbl.a of maintein og $,Nesserizer ' level within the Q, Technical Specification ^ bounds of ;(a)_ 'and _(b)_ % during: 1 - ( 1' ) A heatup'or.cooldown of _(c)_ dyg's F/hr.. i (2) A step change of _(d)_ %.-'of fbil-powery ,a i r amp ' h',inge ' o f _(e )_ % of} 'f ull podi p e r mi nute, '.(3) A ,N 4 4 \\ 3 m . QUESTION; 2. 0hy ((.00) s f p w Why is Corrponent Choling Water-system. (CCW) flow lo'wer during post-DBA' conditions than during nprmal operation?- (1.5) a v a ' QUESTION-2.04 (3.00) \\ \\ Answer'the..following questions relating to;etarting a' main feed pump. Assume this is the first pump,' started cold. (3.0)~ a.- How many condensate pumps operating? C0.75) i b. How'many consecutive starts may be attempted? -(0.75) j

v How should-the temperatyre of'the seal water lines change when the

'c.; feed. pump goes from standbytto normal operation? (0.75) s t, d. .What should be the' status of the warmup valves before starting-the .n~ feed pump? (0.75) ,I i 'l x s s l'. '(***** CATEGORY 02 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE,

        • )

l .l '}. 4 ) / .w

i n 21__ELoNI_ DESIGN _INCLUDIND_foEEIY_6ND_EMEBGENCX_SXHIEd$ PAGE 7 hi 1 l Q'UESTI'ON 2.05 (1.'00). How much pressurizer spray' flow'(either gpm or %) is required to counter. balance all of heaters? ( 1. 0 )- QUESTION 2.06 (2.00) .What are five-(5) circuits or. components actuated by'the SIAS' lock-out' ' relays? (2.0) l J QUESTION 2.~ 07 (2.50) ~ Give the setpoint AND whether eachFcan be bypassed for the reactor trips h listed below. (2.5) c. High Power .b. High SURo c. Low flow d.- Low SG 1evel e. Low.SG pressure f. High pressurizer pressure 9 TMLP l h. ASGT l 21. APD .j. Containment. pressure' i IL QUESTION 2-.08 (2.00) i .c. What are'three (2) of ihe four conditions necessary for a " fast" transfer of the 4,16cs volt buses? fl.5)- b. What i. the total dead time for a " fast" transfer? (0.25) { c. If.a fast transfer is inhibited'due to lack of one of the conditions above, what is the expected impact'on the plant?. (0.25) i i (***** CAiEGORY 02 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE'*****)


s. y

,e .x 0 ? Ni


< ~ n cb ~


, '1__EL6NI_ DESIGN 21NCL!JDINGCS6EEIX_eND;Et1EBGENCX_HXfIEd3 ,PAGE ,~8." ~ g Win ;;.L u r m.


~ x l p h~ QUES'TIONi 2.09_- C'1. 5 0 ).L 4 7 ,w A ' t in 3 - At.what[ power'.41evel-/isitheMextended rangeLmode'of theiNI?WRclog. ~ channeli: disabled,1.;ANDJtoCwhat'countirate does'this correspond?- ( 0,5 ), + ['b ;. HowfisH;thed$tection;crouitryidifferent for the NIJWR 1 g channels 6: ' when in" the" extended? range 'operatingjmode? - -(0.5)


~ e n c.= How-is.theDindication'different f or the NI WR ' log 'channelsia when Lin the t C0.5)~ .ex en ed dl operating mode?,' ~ ,d,- i i s i ij e (1 1,,. .h -QUESTION-2.10< (1450)L 4 What three..(3).RPS reactor N rips receive an input..from thefreactor power c. r ] range safety channels?/ g (1.5)- a l >.,.:i) QUESTION. 2.11' - ( 2 [0 0 ) '. - Describe the sequenceCof eve'ntsI. f ollowing' RASL C SIRWT T1o'. concur rent w'ith w

  • PPLS).- : Inc lude. mot iveL power ?. f o'r. a'utomat ic Jact ions.-

- ( 2. 0 )' .j.- J s /.,. s i g JQUESTION 2.~12. ' ( 2 { 00 T; g What are'the normal ^ANDl alter:nate supply sourcesiCNOT transformer) to the'- 1A12.1A2,'1A34.and.1A47 (2.0). 'four;4,160V: buses j. l x? . QUESTION 2.13~ .(1 00)- a . a i- ' Why is,it.necessary to' maintain the charcoal filter unita in the 'I ^ Containment l Air Cooling and Filtering System less.than.500 deg's F at: i all times? (0.5). ( o gf .b.- Why~ is 1 1t'necessary to' maintain charcoal-f11ter unit! temperatures less than 360'deg's F as containment air temperatures return to normal i V ', after a LOCA?. (0.5); j I h/ - l f a 4-e ~ ~ (***** CATEGORY 02' CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****)

i p"- 32t__EL6NI_ DESIGN _INCLUDIND_S6EEIY_6ND_EMEB9EN91_HXSIEd1 -PAGE 9 s l QUESTION :2.14 (1.50) j i The= control room 3 ventilation system is controlled by a'five position' mode 1 ~ celector-switch (ALD & OFF) located on AI-44 in the control room. Describe: briefly Lthe : operating modes represented by three -(3) of the four (4); position not including "0FF," (3 of A, B, C,fand D). (1.5) l 'i i i'l l l cj i i i i i 1 i f (***** END OF CATEGORY 02 *****) i j

p q l 1 1A__INSIBUbENIS_6UQiGDNIB9LS PAGE 10 J } 7 l F .i 1 . QUESTION 3.01 .(2.00) Describe automatic operation of the Auxiliary Feedwater System s'fter l receipt.of a valid AFAS with NO operator action.. Include component cotuations and cycles, with setpoints. (2.0) 'QUESTIONL 3.02 (1.00) j. b i What'two.(2) CVCS pump trips are overridden on a safeguards sequencer' l ctart? Setpoints NOT required. (1.0) l ~i 's ' QUESTION 3.03; (2.00) l MATCHING. Match each of"the actions with the' appropriate-pressurizer level deviation'from setpoint Level deviations may be used more then once or'not at all. (2.0), ACTION LEVEL DEVIATION 'e.7 36 GPM letdown flow. 1. -5.0 %. increasing? t b. Clear backup heater signal 2. -2.0 % increasing c. Backup heaters'on. 3. 0.0 (8 setpoint) d.: Hi level alarm 4. +1.7 % increasing j e. Permit. start.2nd & 3rd chg.-pumps 5. +2.6 % increasing .j f. Backup signal to start all chg pumps 6. +5.0:%: increasing l


Minimum. letdown ~ flow of 26 gpm 7. +8.0 %" increasing Clear low level error alarm 8. +14.0 % increasing h. i. Start' 2nd. ' charging (chg) pump-9. +7.8 % decreasing .j. 2nd & 3rd'chg pumps off' 10. +3.8 % decreasing. 11. -2.0 % decreasing. ') 12 -2.9 % decressing-13. -3.3 % decreasing 14. -6.0 % decreasing 1 QUESTION 3.04 (1.00)- I What'will cause the Waste Disposal System malfunction alarm on CB-10-11 to .cctuate and once actuated,1how is it cleared? (1.0)' l LC***** CATEGORY 03 CONTINUED.ON NEXT PAGE *****) a

o m >n Q .19 [ f^


I '.1. a NY


/. 4 ;, u y... [' h e ^ ARINSIB!Jt!ENIS_6ND_GQNIB9LS ; PAGE/11" u q. 3 8 F i: y; -Y f ,3 I LQUEST' ION.k-3.'05 (2.50), ~

How(do.kne'.Containmentf. Spray; test switches: affect the'sprey valves-b c..

both with:and without a.. Containment Spray Actuation. Signal;(CSAS) .; z 3 L present? -(1.5)


.Ifr a validsCSASLoccurs dur'ing test, with the: spray. valve-(HC-3.44.-on: L.; -0345) overridden, what are two.(2) ways the operator could open-the: j - spray-valve?.. ( 1 ~. 0 ) - p I ' 4 ) l [ 1 4 T QUESTION!~3.06' (1.50) l . ~,.- 9, MATCHING. t1atch' th"e-appropriate"RPS tr'ip'to the reasons'for bypass tielow.: JEach trip may be?use'd more than once or not at-all.- ~ -Allowsfforflow p'wer physics' testing. 1. m' 7 ~ High^ratefof, c___ a.- o power change. ___c..b., BypassedLwhen: NI.'s,-less than115% because 'ofcNIO1nadequacies. 2. Low RCS? flow.' 'J ,.___e c.. . Allows clutch energization when' plant'. 3. Lo'w:SG press.- Er ~1s t in'coldishutdown.' 4. TM/LP.. a ___Jd.- -Bypassed-whenfNI.'s < 1EE-04% to. ~ eliminateispurious trips.- .5.' Loss'of. load. ___e. Adequet'e' protection'provided when. 6.l 'APDT power <115%.. 3 .( EQu'ESTI'ONI'3'07' (1.50) ^ w -With Engineered' Safeguards Control, system ~in'ebergency standby status,: which of..'the following action (s)'would occur if the'PPLS test' switch on-i . AI-30 At werei placed min TEST 7"- (1.5) ) :q.

n. '

.86A /.PPLS trips. 'b.3

86B / SIAS trips._

l Mc.- -86Al'/'SIAS' trips.- i S: d. 480V Load'shed channel A occurs. 3ll "", 0. : 480V Load shed channel B occurs.

y..l f.

TwoCand only,two) HPSI loop _ isolation valves open. 1 .g. Eight?HPSI11oop isolation valves open. j h f 4 5: y.(***** CATEGORY.03 CONTINUED ON,.NEXT PAGE.'*****). c s H.. :p = i;ig

b)p;p[J5 R$['# ' y' ~ -[ / 4 's p q; =; + 7 og nig C' s Q .~ Li b 4 DN1.ilhjlB O tjg dI1_6NQ _G Q tf1B Q L $ f n PAGE.112'- j 'l we q


. M ' [ g fM j D,F - Q ,,./ .j > 9.; < r ,i N..,, s !.~ ;. s "QUESTIONz T3'.08 L(1.00). y .M important;to. reset'PPLS:and'CPHSHlockout. relays before resetting: fl JSIAS" lockout 0 relays?' 7 . : (1. 0 ): 4 ., e


] 'q iQUESTION ?3.09 (2}50);

C l

- S 2s ( s.; What?three-(331. conditions-initi. ate;.;the Feedwater Regulating system p'rotective ramp 1 function? 1(1.5) ~ 1 ,m b.- ' -Oncetinitiated,[how/canthe.ramptbe'sEoppedb'other than by.use ofethe'- rampfstop". button on the" man / auto sta. tion? '( 0, 5 ) f j 1 Ec h What is t he. status fof; the f eedwater p regulat ing,' valve end i contro.Iler ? et o .) 'ithe conclusion ofitheorampdown phase?; C D'. 5 ) i v L UESTION 3.104' Q -(1.50) -l '..What'three-(3)]. systems receive a; signal'.fromethe.Nuclearl. Instrumentation' W y W i de? R'ang e '. ( N IS W R ) Log.channelsLAND what'signaltdoes"esch' receive?l .( 1'. 5 )1 L k , QUESTION 53.11 a. (1'.00) ~0therEthan'the Reactor:Regu1Eting system, what two'(2)Tuses i are made"of.the. 1NI-Lpowerfrangeicontrol channels?. - ( 1. 0 )) 1 ) QUESTION 3.12-(2.50) 1 Thre'e l(3)' level transmitters.(LT-903X, LT-903Y, a LT-903Y-1) supply a .- j

t. measurement'of-downcomer. level used by the Feedw' ster Regulating system H

(FRS)lto con. trol SG RC-2A11evel. (2.5' j 1 's. x one'(1) of the twof(2).uses that'may-be made by the FRS o'fSthe 1 t .levelf s'ignal Ef rom' LT-903X? (Os 5' ^ b.y What.are three (3) of the four (4) uses that may be made by the'FRS of ' the 11evel s ignal f rom, LT-903Y? (1.5) i lc. . What 'is the single use-by FRS o.f.the level signal from LT-903Y-1.?(0.5) n. . (*****--CATEGORY--'03~ CONTINUE 0'ON.NEXT PAGE *****) e

e k 'k2i__INSIB00ENI1_6NQ_CONIB0LA .PAGE 13 i 6 -QUESTION 3.13 (1.50) 'What-areLthree1(3) possible causes for annunciation of'the " Inverter 4 3 Trouble" A157 (1.5) j <4 -QUESTION' 3.1'4 (1.50) -Where are the three.C3) thermostats located for the three zones of:the control room ventilation system? (1.5) n i -QUESTION 13.15 C'.00) 2 .Whatfarenthe four (4) ENGINE: trips for the emergency diesel generatorLwhich are overridden on an emergency start? (2.0)' l 1 -l i i -1 s 'l i i i i W 1 I (***** END OF CATEGORY 03 *****)

i i 1 o PAGE 14


_NDBd6Lt_6HN0Bd6Lt_EdEBQENGY_6NQ t .,3 .B,6DIDLQQIQ6L_CQUIBQL' l l .i 'QUESTIONj-4.01 (2.00)' l en What are'the normal-0. P. P. D'.' permissible accumulated dose (PAD) as set by-the Radiation Protection Manual: 1.

daily, (0. 4) -


weekly, (0.4) 2 3.

q u a r t e r.l y,. e n d. (0.4)' f ( '4. yearly. (0.43' .b. By what' factor.are.the daily-and weekly PAD's increased during maj or ~ maintenance or ref ueling proj ects? C0.4) l . QUESTION 4.02 (2.00) What ar'e three (3) of the'five types of information which are,provided by a Radiation Work-Permit (RWP)? (2.0) 'l QUESTION 4.03. l (1.00)- -{ c. 'WhatJis the dose threshold for' posting an area as a-Very High. Radiation Area? (0.5) f 'b.- What entry control is' required in addition to issuance of'an RWP and' 'I continuous Health Physica coverage? C0.5) l i QUESTION 4.04 (1.00) i [ Why does OP-8, " Reactor Shutdcwn," note that for a s'hort durationEshutdown, L .all Reactor Coolant Pumps should be.left in operation? (1.0) l 1 l QUESTION 4.05 (~2.00) .What are four (4) of the five events which require emergency boration per j .AOP-3,J" Emergency Boration?" ( 2. 0 )- l (***** CATEGORY 04 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****)

c g

E fat __EB9CEDUBES_:_NDBd6Lt_60UQBd6Lt_EUEBGENQ1_6ND PAGE 15 X B6010LQQIC6L_C9 NIB 9L + ) 1 i LQUESTIONL 4.06 '(2.00) i s. Complete.the following notes from AOP-5, " Emergency Shutdown"' -l - 1. ' Limit load change rate to _____. (0.5) \\ 2. Limit turbine.first inner metal temperature rate of . change to _____. (0.5)


Load' change (SHOULD/SHOULO NOT) be' stopped if.boration-is required to. maintain regulating CEA's above the POIL. - ( 0. 5 ). b.. During an' emergency' shutdown,s at what power level should the reactor be manually tripped? C0.5) f. QUESTION 4.07 (1.00) What objective is assigned to the. Assistant Reactor Operator by AOP-7, " Forced Evacuation of Control Room?" (1.0) QUESTION 4.08-(2.00) 4-Complete the following operator' actions required by A0P-10, " Loss of-Circulating Water":'(Blanks may_ represent one or more words, phrases,oor j numbers.) f -] e. If all circulating water flow is lost to the condensers and cannot be . restored, ( 0. 5 ). i ~ I ' b.- Terminate any _____ by closing HCV-691 or HCV-692. (0.5) i l c. Ensure Steam Generator pressure is maintained at _(1)_ by operation'of the _(2)_ and _(3)_. ,(0.5) d. Start _____ prior to turbine speed' reaching 900 rpm. (0,5) l -(***** CATEGORY 04 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****) b

a '4-j e a t;_E B D C E D U B E L.:_ ND B d6 L t_6 B N D B d6 L t _ E M E B Q E NC Y _6 H D PAGE-16,


QUESTION' 4.09 (2.00). i 'Completefthe following operator actions required by AOP-11, " Loss of . Component Cooling. Water": b If component cooling' water flow cannotfbe restored within _Ca)_ 1 g~ minutes or a high temperature alarm is annunciated for _(b)_, _(c)_, j or _(d)_ then: e[ -l' _Ce)_. l J -2. Stop _(f)_. l 3. Stop all _(g)_. i 4.- If component cooling water cannot be restored, p'rovide _Ch)_ for those components-so. equipped. QUESTION 4.10, C 1. 0 0 )- Per'AOP-27, " Uncontrolled CEA Withdrawal":- e. What action should be ta' ken immediately in, response to uncontrolled-CEA withdrawal?- (0,5) sb. If this action does not terminate the withdrawal, wha't; action should ] then be.t.eken?' C0.5) 1 o QUESTION 4.11 (2.00) .What'four (4) criteria must be satisfied to thrott se or stop SI? (2.0) ~ i i l ?


TdA__EEDGEDUBES_:_U9806Lt 6080Bd6Lt_EMEB9 EURY _6NQ PAGE" 17 H ( LE6010L90106L_CQUIB0L. l d b ' QUESTION' 4'.12 (3.00)' For each of'the immediate-actions listed below from E0P-01, " Reactor-Trip," i describerwhat'should'be verified or. performed to complete the' action. If l the E0P requires that you confirm,a~ trend or setpoint then state it in your l answer for fu111 credit. (3.0) o. Depress the manualireactor trip pushbutton and verify what three.(3) parameters? (1.0) 1 'b. ' Trip the turbine and-verify what two (2)' parameters? C0.5) c.. ' Verify RCS~ inventory control'via what'two (2) parameters? C0.5) d. Verify forced circulation core heat removal by. verifying what three C3) parameters? (1.0) i 1 i QUESTION 4.13 (2.00) l MATCHING. Match each offthe. colors and_ descriptions 1with the correct' tag type.below. One color. and one description should be used for each tag , type. Individual colors and descriptions.may'be used more than once or~not 'ot all. (TYPICAL' ANSWER: e. O, 9) (2.0) TAG' TYPE' COLOR .a. ' DANGER, D0'NOT OPERATE l '. white / red i b. CAUTION 2.- red / white c. TEMPORARY CLEARANCE 3. orange d. HOLD ORDER 4. yellow l DESCRIPTION I ) 5.- Used by System Operations for electrical system switching. 6. Special instruction in component operation, j 7., Operation will. damage equipment or pose personnel hazard. 8. Equipment will be operated in a test position or mode. = l i l i -(***** CATEGORY 04 CONTINUED ON NEXT Pl.GE *****) '1

{4 -. m , y- .A -m ys n ; e c n'. e u 'jp .a s ,,. v ";p:, i 8 j:y L.:. f1 (, .c,.' e ' Dwi(b9,EL_EBOCEDUBE nidNDBdeL1;;.8 BNDBdeL cE ME BGENG LEND'. t 1 r-PAGE 4 BSDIQLQQIC8L G9NIBQL:' w pgi'., i .,i ,:.c.. \\l.'f !?, : Q U'E S'T I O N! 4.idi I(1.00) - t .c q 3~- -A h;.? M Exp la inL t he'i d ifr e r enc!.e between.a'." channel? check," and.a'!" channel'n '.7. 9,J e alib r ation,' Las;Jdef ined ' in. Technic al Spec if ic at ions.' 3' '(1.03' 3 -t g M ~ QUESTION; 4.15! '(1.00) = g jg

Whate.threei(3)lparameters/areTeombined with'. reactor powerito determine ~

complianceSwith th'ei reactor ' co r e: s af,ety f Technical- 'H . Specifications?f ( 1. 0 )I ^ 4 i e u. I.

f. }.,

? ) 1 ) 5' L 3 t tv ?,' g p. .g .g 4 '; e., a i ,,,.I e A }},1 J 4 0 1. 1 y ,,.i b i :. L-J k i 31 9; s cu.. g i .f q


) r L l y i i t a h> ~ j n -- + .q y< ,i + .j 1


Rl er > o. i,.,c < 1 (***** ENDuoF3 C ATEGORY: 04 ***** ) 1 w ) ?. .( * * * * * * * * * * * * *.. E N 0 0 F '. E '4 A M,I N A T I O N. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ) 1 y

l i


,19_ j e-ICEBdQQ186dIGSt_BE6I_IBeUSEgR AND_ELUID_ELQW ) ANSWERS - .FT. CALHOUN -87/06/03-PELLET, J. i i U ANSWER l'.01 (1.50) i The-reactor will become suberitical due to the' dropped rod (0,5). The RCS "will cool until TM/LP or main steam line isolation terminate the cooldown (0.5). Bec ause-MTC: is positive, the reactor will remain sub'oritical as long as the reactor is' cooler than normal (0.5). (1.5) ' REFERENCE FCS Rx Theory,- QC#: 007-005-01-C-03 \\ " ANSWER. 1.02 (1.50) ) 1 Production adds positive reactivity (0.75) since Pu-239 (fissionable)'is j generated from non-fuel U-238 (0.75) (1.5) REFERENCE FCS Rx Theory,.QC#: 007-005-01-C-03-3.02-0001 ANSWER 1.03 2.00) -1. Maintain accepttble power distribution _ limits-(peaking factors). 2. Maintain minimum shutdown. margin, j


CEA misalignment effects limited to acceptable levels. l 4. CEA ejection effects limited to accept. levels. (Any 3/4 0 0.667 ea.) i REFERENCE FCS Rx Theory, QC#: 007-005-01-C-03-3.04-0001 l ANSWER 1.04 (2.00) n '. - Incr. b. Decr. l c. NC. d.- Incr. (4 answers e 0.5 es.) g REFERENCE FCS Rx Theory, QC#: 007-005-01-C-03-3.04-0003 t i


ANSWER l.0b (1.00)

Increasing boron concentration moves power up the core (0.5) because the' j denser water at the bottom of the the core makes.the' boron worth'more. (The rate of change of not linear per degree,F.) Boron makss' ASI more negative. (CONCEPT - 0.5) i P.EFERENCE

CS Rx Theory, QC#: 007-005-0120-03-3.05-0001 i

ANSWER '1.06 (1.00)^ MTC becomes more negative as rods are lowered into the core (0.5) because ' leakage becomes more significant and thermal utilization decreases (0.5). 3 REFERENCE FCS'Rx Theory, QC#: 007-005-01-C-03-3.06-0001 ANSWER 1.07 (1.00)' i Power increase moves axial peak lower in core CASI more +] & reverse. (1.0) REFERENCE F C S ' fD( Theory, QC#: 007-005-01-C-03-5.03-0001 ANSWER. -1.08 (2.50) c. From U-238. b. ' S ome.- i c. Slower. d.- Decrease. (4 answere 0 0.625 ea.) REFERENCE .) LFCS RxLTheory, QC#: 007-005-01-0-04-3.00-0001 d I; i i



CALHOUN; -87/06/03-PELLET, J. 1 1 g . NSWER 1.09 (1.'50)- c.- CR1/CR2 = 400/1857 ~ 0.215 +/- 10% (0.5) j b. .CR1/CR2?= [1-K2)/(1-K1) (0,5)l ') K2 ='1-(CR1/CR2)(1-K1)1=. 0.9871 +/- 10% (0'.5) ' REFERENCE FCS:Rx Theor', QC#: 007-005-01-0-04-5.03-0001 y ANSWER 1.10 (-.50) i d. .(0.5) j 1 . REFERENCE FCS Rx Theory, QC#: 007-005-01-0-04-5.-05-0003 1 '1 ' ANSWER 1.11' '(2.00) j i c.. Assume. density =s p = 62 #/ft3, Patmos = 14.2 psia (0.5) l -P'= 62*23 / (1 ft2/144 in2) +'14.2 psia (0.5) P = 24 psia '(0.5) l } d b. Tsat 0'24 psia ~ 238 deg's.F'so no boiling" expected a core exit. (0,5) i f I REFERENCE FCS Thermo Sect. 1.2, QC#: 007-007-01-0-16-1.02-0006 c. 1 I-ANSWER 1.12 (1.00) 1. During power changes. -2. When SG' steaming unequal. (2 answers 8.0.5 ea.) REFERENCE I' =FCS Thermo, Sect._1.2, QC#: 007-007-01-0-17-2.01-0002 4 I i l I

I 'It-_EB'INDIELES-QE NUCLE 8B_E0 WEB _EL8NI;0EEBoIIQUt PAGE 22 j s' IBEBdQQXNed1GSt_HE6I_IBeNSEEB eNQ ELUID_ELQW q ' ANSWERS.-- FT.LCALHOUN' .-87/06/03-PELLET, J.- l'i ANSWER 1.13 (2.00) l i (0.75)' j Psg will be: lower (0.25) because: .Q =.uACTave-Tetm) with Q, u,,8, Teve constant (0.25) L and;A decreased (0.25) so Tetm must decreased (0.25) L ~and since SG is saturated,'Patm will also decrease. (0.25); l 1 REFERENCE FCS Thermo' Sect. 3.2, QC#: 007-007-01-0-18-3.02-0001 ANSWER. 11.14 ' ( 1. 0 0 )' y As circulating water temperature decreases, condensate temperature also L decreases. Condenser pressure is determined by the saturated vapor 1 pressure of.the' condensate so it decreases also. CCONCEPT) (1.0) ~ REFERENCE FCS'Thermo Sect. 5.2, QC#: 007-007-01-0-20-5.02-0001 1 ANSWER 1.15 ( 1 '. 0 0 ) J l Coast-down delays natur al-' c irculat ion (0. 5) because it takes o l .cstablish's significan?, core differentfalttemperature.(0.5). RE'FE RENC E' L .FCS Thermodynamics'NRC Exam,'QC#:' 007-007-01-0-21-6.01-0001 l ANSWER. 1.16 (1.00) Secondary-mass undergoes phase change (CONCEPT). (1.0) REFERENCE -FCS'Thermo NRC Exam, QC#: 007-007-01-C-24-9.04-0003 l.,~.,,--.

w .a m.- y," + a .,. i;.3 a. ~ 3 '3j.l:-). m 'T. ?']j. ./dic < l p ^;


,.. j.. t sg. p g'. ; .l? ) At h ~ !1h.EBINCIELES:.9E_ NUCLE 68_EQWEB_EL6HI_DEEB6IIQNt ' P AG E: "23-1 e11 LIk!E B d Q D XN e DIG 2 r_B E 61_IB 6NS E E B _6 ND _ E L UI D_ E L O W 1 '/.' ~ ~ ] !. ANS'WE R$l -'- ; F T. I.C ALHOUN ' ~ _ .-87/06/03-PELLET; J. 1 u . t. - y ei c. ANSWER, !1.17/ C2.50): c.> Na r. rows t h'e g as ?g ap,u which ' actsNo','dec reas e; ce nte r lin'e, temp.. (0.625)- s t ..,c Ti


(0.625)- 'b. fNar rows 5 he gas < gap,.. which7 acts to. decrease c oenter line. temp.: f o '. ' Decreases clad / coolant heat't'ransfer coefficient, which actsVto: ' 'I t:?

increase' fuel / centerline temperature.

4C0~.625). ,'s . Re' duces " heat t r ans f er.1 pro' pert les 'of the jas ' gap,: whicht-acts to' -d., s ' increase fue1Loenterline' temperature.- (0.625).


..g r i J.REFERE'NCEI. i , FC S pT he rmo ' S e'c t.'.- ~ 10. 3, i QC # : ~007-007-01-C-25-0.03-00011 J q s "f ~ r. I J A t. '{- .,g..- .i - + b { ' d e i t .4 j.,-.. f[ ( I 1 i Y q p

u + ' J gj, m .a n[a; m f; ..O b:.. t D$ 3Y ::tb, is br 4._ ,( k,4 ^ sy , I i h.I .[' f' 4 i, \\ ( f w;;. u C; I .K.... l ,17421_' EL6NI_DESIQN_INCLUDINQ_S6EEIL880 EMEBGENcy_SYSIEdS' - PAGE-L24 T.y . _ ; y; ~ w y ' M ' ANSWERS,E--:' FT ':n C ALHOUN ; 87/06'/03-PELLET,-1. .L - m ' n, $:__ i s... 1 ~ 'lfj _ hN' j k [, a. n: i., i r 4-1250'1 1 f(2700). t iANSWER ^ ~ , Jt[4. 11'.! . Demin.Jwater e ( 0;. 5 ) 7.-:: no rma lf s o u r c.e a( 0. 5 ). > ; ( 1. 0 ) ' ' y^ .2. . Condensate system. C p ump ".d is ch a rg e ) ; 2;.. . (0.5). ~

r. 3..

4 Fire 9 protection system (temporary! hookup); i(0.5)- b' L


f F C S : L P i 7.- 11-l', L r ev. -L1, p. 15, 16f i-v ~ 1 iANSWER-2.'02-(1.50)J . y' , t,} ,a.x '40 l. L' Lb; 69' e 75 c '. - i d: 10 1 j ' e.3 '10 ~(5 ar,swers'e 0.3 es.;-+4.'1'0% sec' racy for fu11' credit;;1k5)l u y REFERENCE W FCS ?LP 7-11-2, rev. 1',.; p ; :20; t ! ;W ANSWER 2.03 C. 0 0.) L-DO.NOT.GRADEl QuestionEdeleted,per?fso111tyLcomments'-1 system, flow:inor. 1 - During post-0BA conditions, f ewe r f.lo'a'ds, a r e s up p l ie d ( O ' 75 )', system' flow. 'l resistance-is higher--(0;75), and flow?is' consequently 1~ower. -(1.0) . C non-essential':-loads; are' isolated)


'FCS;LP 7-11-6, rev. 1,. p. 20-l 1 ANSWER '2.04L ( 3. 0 0 )-. y . 1) o..- Lb. 2';Temperatureidifference (in-out) should disappear. -c.. 'd L Is'o l at e d. (4' answers 18 0.75 es..

3. 0 ).

1 1 ' i .. s ) u h { p'- h$ e . ['.

a a i2t__EL6NI_ DESIGN _INCLUDIND_S6EEIX_6HD_EdEBGENCY_SYSIEd3- .PAGE 25-l f ANSWERSj---FT. CALHdVN' -87/06/03-PELLET, J.- 'I ' REFERENCE. f FCS LPE7-11-11,:p. 47-53 j l I 1 ANSWER

2.05 L(l' 00) 1 53 gpm or 17%

CEither of 2 answers; +/- 10%; 1.0) ~ (Calculated value ok' if method & assumptions' correct & answer < 100 spm.) ? REFERENCE FCS LP 7-11-20, rev. 1, p.*39 ANSWER. 2,06 (2.00). 1. . VIAS L-0 relays 2.' Open-HPSI loop-injection valves 3.' .Open'LPSI loop inj ection valves 4. Close SI checkovalve-leakage cooler outlet'PCV's 5 ' Input signal to OPLS 6.- 480v-load shed. 7 Actuates auxiliary SIAS relays (Anye5/8 e 0.4 es.; 2.0) 8. . Multiple'SIAS alarms and annunciators REFERENCE .FCS LP 7-12-5, rev. 1,_p. 42-44 ANSWER 2.07 (2.50) c. 19% < PWR < 107%; Hno b. .2.6 dpm; yes c.. 95%; y'es d.- 31'.2%; no-e. 500 psis; yes f. 2400 psia; no g. -variable from 1750 psia minimum; yes h.. 135 psid;.no 1.- variable; yes J. 5 psig; no (20. answers e 0.125 es.; 2.5) REFERENCE FCS QC#:: 007-012-02-C-25-1.03-0004 _ _ _ _ _ = _

L.' m. !2A__EL6NI_ DESIGN _INCLUDINQ_S6EEIY_6ND_EMEBGENCX_SYSIEUS PAGE 26 s P ANSWERS --~FT. CALHOUN ' 87/06/03-PELLET, J. -l F 1 1 h ANSWER 2.08' (2.00)- n.. 1. ' Sources are in syncronism ] [: 2. NO uncleared fault (s); exist on the bus being transferred '3.- The alternate. source is at the proper voltage -j 1 4. The original supply breakers.have opened (Any 3/5 0 0.5 es.') 5. Switch ("43") is in auto I i b. 6~8-cycles -(0. 25); .c. Reactor trip (loss'of aux. systems / fluid transients CONCEPT)(0.25) i l REFERENCE i FCS LP 7-13-2, rev. 2, p. 36, 37 ANSWER 2,09 (1.50) a.'. 4EE-05 % or 1000' cps'C+/ factor.of 2)- . ( 0. 5 3 - b.. Both fission' chambers are energized instead of one (0;5) l l c. ~(CB-4) power meter and recorder indicate-in counts per.second (0.5) REFERENCE FCS LP 7-12-18, rev.'1, p. 53, 54 ANSWER 2.10 (1.50) .1.. -TM/LP (thermal margin / low. pressure) 2; APD (axial power distribution) 3. High power (3 answers e 0.5 es.; 1.5) REFERENCE FCS LP 7-12-19, rev. 1,'p. 14, 15 l I

l { L2t__EL6NI_DESIGU_INGLUDIND_SoEEIY_6ND EdEB9ENCY_SYSIEd$. PAGE 27' .. ANSWbRSt-- 'FT.:CALHOUN; -87/06/03-PELLET, J. 3 1 .5 ANSWER 2.11; .(2.00) l 1 1'. Containment sump' suction valves open - MOV's j '2.- SIRWT isolation valves close'- A0V's. '3.. .LPSI pumps trip -4.~ ECCS recirculation return isolation valves close - A0V's (4 answers e 0.5 ea'. ;- motive power - 0.1;' action - 0.4; 2.0) i i REFERENCE-FCS LP 7-11-22, rev. 1, p.;20, 21 l k -ANSWER 2.12 (2.00) . BUS NORMAL ALTERNATE i 1A1 22-~'KV MG 161 KV BLAIR 1 1A2 22-KV MG' 161 KV BLAIR-j 1A3 161 KV BLAIR 22 KV MG 1A4 161 KV BLAIR 22 KV MG (8 answers-8 .25 es.;

2. 0).

0 I REFERENCE FCS LP'7-13-1, rev. 1, p. 13, 14 ANSWER 2.13 (1.00) n. To prevent charcoal ignition ( 0 '. 5 ). b. To prevent release of contaminants absorbed by the charcoal (0,5) i [. REFERENCE FCS LP 7-14-2, rev. 1, p. 68-3 t l l 1 i

x. a d H !!2i__EL6HI_DESIDU INGLUDINQ_HeEEIY_oND_EdEBDENCY_SYSIEdS-PAGE 28 e 'JANSWERS - .FT. CALHOUN1 -87/06/03-PELLET, J. 1 _ 1. 5 0 )- ~ ANSWER 2.14-( i 'N:. Normal operation' ( Adj ustable if rosh. air: input)- B:: Filtered a'ir. makeup (As above but outside1 air filtered) i C: 100% return air'(All recirculation fresh air intake) j i D: 100% fresh air (inlet 8. outlet 9 100% open) >CAny 3/4 0 0.5 es.;

1. 5 ) -

REFERENCE FCS LP 7-14-6, rev. l', p. 20, 21 a i-o b 1 q 'I

p ?jd +MI - m,' 1 .' Q.

  • 'h'..

!$ e t 4 -s ~ lp Q, (. , % :.. y (' q jf cf: j. -j_,-. QC" / w~ 4 W ~ ' 4'. :, Q

3l; e

n > ll l _.,. , !0 ..{, t. 'Vi ,t w,021L._IN2IBL!t1ENIA 6ND_CONIBQLS.- /


~ - m. s,~.. 3 . j


87/06/03-PELLET, J. r m u. - ~ o.c g. ,1 y II;. n;

x 4

,y, $ 1 ' 'l j ,. 1 .. q..

ANSWER 13.014' (2.~00):

T. s N ~ ...y m s

Aftermautoistart:with,lowSlevel,. SG 1evel will' increase.from.32% WRL.CO.4);

x ,[ h toi60M WRf(0!4), stW hich/ point-:AFAsi will reset (0.4), closing th'ei' j ^$L4 '.( d isc ha rge' cvelves 4( HCV-1107/8 ' A/8 ):: (0. 4 ). iThe pumps 'will) contiriue-to Nrun- -f L u rit'i ll m a n u'e l l'y ;. s h u t i.. d o w n [ ( 0 f 4.). ~ ~ <T 4. +.. ^ JEFERE'NCE. FCS;LPi7-11-;1,.rev.ji,'pi331 f y


f-p M:. '3.02! ~ " '? ANSWER # (1.00) g u m P ..k., s s t 1.. Low :o'i1 Lp r ess u r e (9?psig); -(0. 5)- ,w W f 2'.-

Low sucti~on-header pr'essureJC10' psia)}
( 0,5 ).

5 yp s c.. ) n s


c 'e .,.s FC S LP: 7 2, r ev.'.1, - p.7 6 51 1

j r

i i k 1 sANSWER. 3.03s JC2.00). m t.' c-3;' b-10; Jc-6; 2d-7;L e-10; f-14;1g-2-OR 11; h-1.;.,1-12; j-6: W .' REFERENCE-

7 2, d r e v = 1 ~,: p.l32

? p1 . '[A'NSW'ER0: s3.04-Cli00) .It actuates when any alarm is received onfAI-100-(0.5).and^ clears when thei- ~ 'elarm on1AI-100 has'been acknowledged:(0.5).' q.


'FCSjLP:7-11-31',e rev.L1,+p.. 48 4 1 4. i 1 is 4 4 -l }, s't }., I ij ',. * %c a ( f' .c

w: a; 5, ( Mil ~ 4 ,p s y hl;.l13 : 'D: [UM~.Li I 4


' s ' h., s.INSIBijt3ENIL8ND_QDNIB0LA: 1 y .a ANSWERS; --; FT'. C A, LHOUN;: - - 87, / 0 6 / 0 3 - P,E L L E T,. J. 2 7 f i I} L /AfdSWERI 3.05~ (2.50)~ f c 1 1ai Withoutfa(CSASrLboth s' pray'valvesfare. held. closed byfan alternate ~; air-- ~ N 1 path'(O'.75) 'iff eitherstest1 switch. is' in:.: theETESTT position; (0.75), h- .. q - WithzeiCSAS,~;3the';sprayLvalves wille open regardless1of:the positionLof , t h e.!t e s t -- s w i t c h e s 1. ( 1 '. 0 ).1-s [PlaceLthe control switch in' AUTO. Eb 4 '


i 2 '. Place the 3.- Position 3the valveius'ing_the HIC.(-Any;2/3Lanswers e 0.5 e's.;'1'0) s ,i.1 Y JREFERENCE-eCS?L P: 7-12-6, ' r ev.11'r Lp.f? 5, 26,)36, M n % LANSWER-y 13.06:- (1.50)- Oa-4 or:2; bi6;Sc-3; d-1;ie-5'orf6: (5 answers e'O.3-es.;; 1.5); t



. F C S E.Q C # 1? 0 07- 012- 0 2-C- 2 5-1. 07- 0 0 0 2 c.

1 ANSWER-307 ~C1.50) 5 Ja, t c, d, e,-&'s -(5; answers e 0.3 es.; 1.5) ~R'EFERENC'E-L FCS ~ QC#:f. 007-012-03-C-05i2.03-0002 w +


-(1;00). 6 TSIAsilockout-r'elay coil:will burn out if reset before clearing PPLS & CPHS. 4 " 2 REFERENCE FCSyQC#: 10 07- 012- 0 3-C- 0 5-3 '. 0 4-0 0 01 1 j.' -1 f: 7 Ei ,(' ' { '- l' 13' [ j + a )

} fyy 3* 3' v a. ~ -l 3 1. I

7 '

ll -{

  • i e

sew: f. 'y 123 INSIBut!ENIlleNDiGQNIBQLE. PAGE-31 { N@m s -


-87/06/03-PELLET,'J' 7 r!;h ?

g 3

il f y_{ i b M ANS'WERl .3.09' C2.50) m; ~ 70 3,. ~ 1 '. ' 'T u r b i n e t r'i p'.- i v 2 '.. .Feedwater} Regulating.systemLin automatic. A' .1 (


.Feedwater; regulating.value ). 5% open (3 answers e 0.5.ea. ; 1.5) { r a ~.. L p' bl.. __1. '. Reset'the' turbine' trip- '(O.25)

I (0.25) l

( 2.: *. Place 1 auto / inhibit' switch-in the' inhibit. position- . y : c '.. : C'ontro11erdinlmanual-(0:25)Jwith valve.5~10% open (0.25) (0.5)f u. l [' M 'REFERENCEJ '1 i 2 j FCS LP 7-12 15,nrev.'1, p.<34-36'- .l i F

n g;

f 'I i <:o... + / / ANSWER;

3.10 '

(1.50) S. 1.),) Auxiliary Cremote)' shutdown' panel (AI-185) gets power indic at ion. C O '. 5 ) 4 [.

  • 2'
CRDM. system gets'(high) r ate 'o f : chan'ge L s ignal.'

.C 0. 5 ) : ms 63.. - LRP'S gets C hiih):. ratefof-change 's ignal. '(O.5) F. i.;

m l. REFERENCE;....

1 ~ :FCS9LP.h7-12-18, rev. 1~,V. p. ' 12 - 7 7 r

i q

.3.11- . ( 1. 0 0 ) E 1 4 i J1.- .InputSto power.ratto calculator-c2.- ' Display' axial' shape index -(Any.2/4: answers >e 0.5 es.; 1.0). ] 1. R' '3.- Indicate subchannel deviation ~ i E L 4..; , Indicate. power level L ' REFERENCE. I ~FCS(LPt7-12-19,.rev.-1,

p.. 61,-62.-

n 7' y N t 4 4 ) 9 '.f.' fI ~ b. f. &g ' ,... s .y. v ML .c m...

p 12t__INSIBudENIS_6HD_G0NIBQLS' PAGE 32 1 1 t,- ANSWERS'-- FT.'CALHOUN -87/06/03-PELLET, J. ' ANSWER 3.12 o (2.50) L 1 c. 1. Auto control using 3 element mode y. 2. Indication for manual control (1/2 0 0.5) b.. 1. High~1evel override of reg valve 2. Auto control of bypass valve 3. Indication for manual control 4. Level alarms Chi and lo) (Any 3/4 8 0.5 ea.; 1.5) c. Indication (on AI-179) (0.5) REFERENCE FCS LP 7-12-28, rev. 1, p. 19, 20 ANSWER 3.13 (1.50) l


DC output voltage low 2. AC output voltage low (~105VAC) 3. Output grounded 4. Inverter not in sync (Any 3/4 0 0.5 ea.; 1.5) REFERENCE FCS LP 7-13-4, rev. 1, p. 38 i ANSWER 3.14 (1.50) 1. Control room 2. Shift supervisor's office 3. Computer room (3 answers e 0.5 ea.; 1.5) REFERENCE FCS LP 7-14-6, rev. 1, p. 54 I 1

7-l ~22[_INSIB9dENIS_6sD_C9 NIB 0LS-PAGE 33 ANSWERS'-- FT. CALHOUN -87/06/03-PELLET, J. ANSWER 3.15-(2.00) . c 1. Low. lube oil. pressure 2.. High' crankcase pressure 3. High water temperature 4. Generator. lockout (4 answers e 0.5 es.; 2.0) REFERENCE FCS QC#: 007-013-06-C-05-1.09-0002 4 '.f t l

I i e'at__EBQGEDVBEH_:_NDBd6Lt_6BUQBd6LiiEdEBQENC1_6NQ PAGE' 34 BeDIDLQGIC6L_GQUIB9L. 4 LANSWERS'-- FT CALHOUN -87/06/03-PELLET,-J. ' ANSWER 4.01 (2.00) e. 1. 100 mr 2. 300 mr-3. 1250 mr 4.- 5000 mr i b. 3 (5 answere 8 0.4 ea.)- REFERENCE FCS Radiation Protection Manual,.rev. 33, p. VII-2-4 ANSWER 4.02 (2.00) 1. Clothing &' protective equipment required ) ) 2. Allowed individual exposures (without. additional authorization) i 3. Job to be performed 4. Description of the hazards involved 5.. Monitoring requirements (Any 3/8 answere 8 0.666 es; 2.0) 6. Dosimetry. 7. Radiological conditions 8. Special instructions REFERENCE FCS Radiation Protection Manual, rev. 33, p. VII-2-9 AN'SWER 4.03 (1.00) n. 1000 mr/hr (G.5) b. Locked access doors (or p r ov is ions of TS 5.11.2 ...) (0.5) REFERENCE FCS Radiation Protection Manual, rev. 18, p, VII-3-5 ) { l f


St__EB99EDUBES_:_N0Bdokt_8BNDBd6Lt_EMEBGENCY_680 PAGE' 35 bed 10LQQIGoL_Q9 NIB 0L q

ANSWERS -- FT. CALHOUN -87/06/03-PELLET, J. 1 i .) i ANSWER 4.04 -(1.00): RCP's should be'left on because starting with the system at temperature 1 - puts a significant temperature transient on the RCP seals. (1.0)- REFERENCE l FCS OP-8, rev. 8, p. OP-8-3 l ANSWER 4.05 (2.00) -1. Uncontrolled plant cooldown 3 Failure of:more tha'n 1 CEA to insert following a reactor trip 3. Unexplained reactivity anomaly with all CEA's inserted. 4. CEA's~1nserted 12" below:the P O I L' 5.. Forced evacuation;of the Control Room. (Any 4/5 0 0.5 es.; 2.0) REFERENCE FCS AOP-3, rev. O, p.'AOP-3-1 ANSWER 4.06 (2.00) a. 1. 10% / minute 1 2. 150 deg's F / hour ) 3. should NOT 4 b. 20% (4 answers G 0.5 es.; Accept +/- 10% for full credit; 2.0) { REFERENCE FCS AOP-5; rev. O, p. AOP-5-1 i i i

c P f .at__EBOCEDUBEA_:_NDBdelt_6BN9Bdokt_EdEBGENCY_oND PAGE 36 BAD 10 LOG 196L_CQUIBQL 1 o. ANSWERS -- FT. CALHOUN -87/06/03-PELLET, J. I ANSWER-4.07 (1.00) The ARO's chief. objective'is to1 regain. access to the control room as soon es.poss ib le.. (1.0). REFERENCE FCS'AOP-7, rev. 1, p. A0P-7-5'

ANSWER 4.08 (2.00) a.

manually trip the reactor (& go to1EOP-1) . ( 0. 5 ). b. radioactive liquid release (0 5) c. 1. 85d-900 psia (0.25) .j 2. steam dump. 3. bypass valves (0.125 ea.;: swap'2-3 OK;'O.25) d. .turb'ine oil lift pumps (0.5) ' REFERENCE FCS A0P-10, rev. O, p. AOP-10-2

ANSWER 14.09 (2.00) n.

5 b.- RCP lube oil coolers c '. RCP seal bleedoff temperature 4 d.. CEDM seal temperatures (b/c/d any order OK)' o. Manually trip the rector (& go to EOP-1) f. the RCP's indicating high temperatures g. RCP's prior to 5 minutes ~ .h. Raw Water-(8 answers G 0.25 es.;-2.0) REFERENCE i FCS A0P-11, rev. O, p.-AOP-11-1, 2 i

P St EB9CEDUBES_:_N9Bd8Lt_6BNQBd6Lt_EdEBQENGl_8ND PAGE-37 BoDIDL00198L_CQUIBQL ANSWERS -- FT. CALHOUN. -87/06/03-PELLET, J. ' ANSWER' 4.10 (1'00) a. Place the.CEA drive. control selector switch to "0FF" (0,5) b.. -Manually trip.the reactor (& go to E0P-1). (0.5) REFERENCE FCS A0P-27,'rev. O, p. AOP-27-2 l ANSWER 4.11 (2.00) 1. Ros'subcooling >/= 20 deg's F -l 2. . Pressurizer level >/= 45% ANO not decreasing j 3. At least l'S/G available (feed / steam flow) for RCS heat removal 4. RVLMS indicates core covered (4 answers e 0.5 es.; 2.0) 1 . REFERENCE FCS AOP-23, rev. 1, p. AOP-23-2 l l l i [ 1 1 i I L o

Ldi__EB9CEDUBES_:_NDBdeLt_6HNQBdekt_EMEBGENGl_6ND PAGE 38 4Bo210L90106L_RQUIB0L ANSWERS --'FT. CALHOUN -87/06/03-PELLET, J. ) ' ANSWER 4.12 (3.00). a. 1. Reactor power decreasing f l 2. Negative startup rate j 3. No more than 1 CEA NOT inserted (3 answern 0 0.33 ea.; 1.0) b. 1. All stop valves closed 2. All intercept valves closed (2 answeis e 0.25 aa.; 0.5) c. 1. Pressurizer level:30-70% trending to 45-60% ) 2. RCS subcooling.>/= 20 deg's'F (2 answers 0 0.25 es.; 0.5) -i d. 1. At least 1 RCP operating 2. Core delta.T </= 10 deg's F I 3. RCS subcooling >/= 20 deg's'F (3 answers e 0.33 es.; 1.0) i REFERENCE-FCS E0P-01,.rev. 1, p. 3, 4, 6, 8 1 i ANSWER 4.13 (2.00) f a. 1/2, 7 b. . 4,. 6 l c. 3, 8 d. ' 1/ 2, ' 5 (8 answers e 0.25 es.; 2.0) [ l REFERENCE-FCS Standing Order 0-20, rev. 17, p. 1 ] J k i 1 1 i

at _EBQCEDUBEH_=_NDBdekt_oBN9Bd8kt_EdEBDENCY_6NQ PAGE 39 BeQIQLDQIQaL_CQUIBQL' ANSWERS.-- FT. CALHOUN ' 87/06/03-PELLET, J. 4 ANSWER 4.14 (1.00) ' /L " c h e c k, " is a qualitative evaluation, based on other' readings while a " calibration," is an actual adj ustment. (CONCEPT). (1.0) REFERENCE FCS TS, Amend. 86, p. 4 ANSWER 4.1S (1.00) 1. RCS flow / # RCP operating 2. RCS cold leg temperature 3. Pressurizer / RCS pressure (3 answers e 0.33'es.; 1.0) REFERENCE FCS TS, Amend. 70, p. 1-1 I i


~ TEST" CROSS' REFERENCE PAGE 1 c-QUESTION .VALUE REFERENCE' ~ '01.01c 1.50' JJP0001906 -01.02. 1.501, JJP0001907.- 01.03 . 2 '. 0 0 JJP0001908 01.04-2.00 JJP0001909

01' 05' 1.00 JJP0001910
01.06 1.00 JJP0001911 01.07-1.00 JJP0001912 01.08 2.50 JJP0001913 01.09 1.50' JJP0001914 01.10

.50 .-JJP0001915 i 01.11 2.00 JJP0001916- '01.12-1.00 -JJP0001917 '01.13 2.00 JJP0001918 03 14: 1.00 JJP0001912 l 101.15. 1.00 JJP0001920 I 01.16 1.00' JJP0001921 01.17 2.50 .J J P 0 0 019 2 2. 25.00 .02.01 2.00 'JJP0001923 .03.02' 1.50 JJP0001925. '02.03 .00-JJP0001927 02.04; 3.00 JJP0001929' 02.05' 1.- 0 0, JJP0001930 02.06 2.00 JJP0001933 02.07 2.50 .JJP0001935 02.08' 2.00 JJP0001939. 02.09 1.50'

JJP0001942 02.10.

1.50 JJP0001943 02.11 .2.00 JJP0001945 s 02.12 2.00 JJP0001947'


'1.00 JJP0001949 02.14 1.50 JJP0001950 l 23.50 -03.01 2.00 -JJP0001924 03.02. 1.00 JJP0001926 03 03 2.00 JJP0001928 l 03.04 1.00 JJP0001931 03.05 2.50 JJP0001934 03.06 1.50 JJP0001936 03.07 1.50 JJP0001937 03.08 1.00 JJP0001938 03.09 2.50 JJP0001940 03.10 1.50' JJP0001941 03.11 1.00 JJP0001944 03.12 2.50 JJP0001946 03.13 1.50 JJP0001948 i l



PAGE 2 -l q QUESTION VALUE-REFERENCE 1 03.14 '1.50 JJP0001951' 1 03.15' 2.00' JJP0001952 j l 25. '1 04.01 2.00 JJP0001971 j 04.02 2.00 JJP0001972 1 04.03-1.00 JJP0001973 f 04.04 1.00 JJP0001974 ,[ 04.05 ' 2. 0 0-JJP0001977; j 04.06 2.00 .JJP0001978 i 04.07 1.00 .JJP0001979 I 04.08 2.00 .JJP0001980 04.09 2.00-JJP0001981 l 04.10-1.00 JJP0001982 04.11 2.00 JJP0001983 t 04.12 3.00 JJP0001984 04.13' 2.00 JJP0001985 04.14 1.00 JJP0001986. d 04.15 1.00 JJP0001987 25.00 j 98.50' 8 t 'k 1}}