ML20214N611 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Duane Arnold |
Issue date: | 05/21/1987 |
From: | Virgilio M Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation |
To: | |
Shared Package | |
ML112371189 | List: |
References | |
NUDOCS 8706020239 | |
Download: ML20214N611 (75) | |
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
- 1. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (the Commission) has found that:
A. The application for amendment by Iowa Electric Light and Power Company, et al, dated April 25, 1986 as clarified by a letter dated October 31, 1986, complies with the standards and requirements of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (the.
Act), and the Commission's rules and regulations set forth in 10 CFR Chapter I; B. The facility will operate in conformity with the application, the provisions of the Act, and the rules and regulations of the Commission; C. There is reasonable assurance (i) that the activities authorized by this amendment can be conducted without endangering the health and safety of the public, and (ii) that such activities will be conducted in compliance with the Commission's regulations; D. The issuance of this amendment will not be inimical to the common defense and security or to the health and s.afety of the public; and E. The issuance of this amendment is in accordance with 10 CFR Part ,
51 of the Commission's regulations and all applicable requirements have been satisfied.
- 2. Accordingly, the license is amended by changes to the Technical Specifi- .
cations as indicated in the attachment to this license amendment and- I paragraph 2.C.(2) of Facility Operating License No. DPR-49 is hereby amended to read as follows:
m l 8706020239 870521 1 PDR ADOCK 05000331 i p PDR, i
[ 'l
Technical Specifications Ths Technical Specifications contained in Appendix A, as revised through Amendment No.143, are hereby incorporated in the license. The licensee shall operate the facility in accordance with the Technical Specifications.
- 3. The license amendment is effective as of the-date of issuance and shall be implemented within 30 days of the date of issuance.
[MarinJ/Virg Pro ect1)irect io, ate I
- ting D rector II-1 Di sion fR tor rojects - III, IV, V
& Spec 1 ojects
Changes to the Technical Specifications-Date of Issuance: May 21, 1987 s
- l l
.- 1
-FACILITY.0PERATING LICENSE NO. DPR-49 DOCKET NO. 50-331 Replace the following pages of the' Appendix A Technical Specifications with ,
, the enclosed pages. The revised areas are indicated by marginal lines.
Pages Paggs 1.0-4 3.6-28*
. 1.0-7 3.~7-1
! .1.0-9 3.7-4 3.7-11*
3.1-1 3.1 3.7-13 3.1-8 3.7-15 3.1-12* 3.7-16
. 3.1-14* 3.7-18*
3.1-25** 3.7-19*
3.1-26 3.7-19a*.
3.1-27 3.7-19b*
3.2-24* 3.7-35 3.2-25 3.7-40
.3.2-26 3.7-44 I
3.2-27 3.7-48*'
3.2-28 3.7-49a
- 3.2-29 3.8-2*
3.2-30 3.8-3*
3.2-33 3.8-4**
3.2-34* 3.8-6 '
3.2-34a* 3.8-12*
3.3-2 3.10-1 3.3-9* 3.10-2 3.4-1* 3.10-5 3.4-2** 3.10-6 '
! 3.4-7* 3.13-3 3.5-1 3.13-4
- 3.5-2 3.13-5 3.5-6* 3.13-6 3.5-7 3.13-7 3.5-8* 3.13-8*
. 3.5-9 3.13-10*
3.5 6.8-2 4- 3.5-12 6.8-2a 3.5-27 3.6-5*
- Page centains " intent" change
- 0verleaf page provided for document completeness-
Primary Containment Integrity means that the drywell and pressure suppression -l chamber are intact and all of the following conditions are satisfied:
a .~ All nonautomatic containment. isolation v'alves on lines connected to-the :
reactor coolant system or containment which are not required to be open during accident conditions are closed. These valves may be opened to perform necessary operational ac,tivities.-
- b. At least one door in each airlock is closed and sealed.
- c. All-automatic containment isolation valves are operable or deactivated in the isolated position.
- d. All blind flanges and manways are closed.
Secondary containment integrity means that the reactor building is intact and the following conditions are met:
- a. At least one door in each access opening' is closed. '
- b. The standby gas treatment system is operable.
- c. All Reactor Building ventilation system automatic isolation valves are
- j. operable or deactivated in the isolated position. ,
- 17. OPERATING CYCLE For the purpose of designating surveillance test frequencies, the duration of an operating cycle shall not exceed 18 months. Surveillance tests designated "once per operating cycle" shall be conducted at least once per operating cycle except
, that surveillance tests performed during an outage which commences before.
expiration of the operating cycle.may be considered timely.
i 18. REFUELING OUTAGE l Refueling outage is the period of time between the shutdown of the unit prior to i a refueling and the startup of the unit after that refueling. For surveillance test purposes, tests are to be performed at least once during a refueling outage as indicated .in these technical specifications. In cases where the surveillance test frequency is required to be performed more than once during a refueling outage l (e.g., once per week during refueling), the surveillance test shall not be j perfomed lpss frequently than required by these; technical specifications.
Amendment No. 67, 143 1.0-4 >
. , . . . ~ . .- .- - -.
.. j
- 22. Instrumentation - Continued
- h. Protective Function - A system protective action- which results
- from the protective action of the channels monitoring a particular plant condition.
- 1. Simulated Automatic Actuation - Simulated automatic actuation ,
means applying a simulated signal .to the sensor to actuate the ~ i circuit in question.
- j. Logic' .A logic is an arrangement of relays, contacts, and other components that produces a decision output.
- 1) Initiating -' A logic that receives signals from channels and .
produces decision outputs to the actuation logic.
- 2) Actuation - A logic that receives signals (either froni initiating logic or channels) and produces decision o tu puts-to accomplish a protective action.
- k. Primary Source Signal - The first signal, which by plant design, should initiate a reactor scram for the subject abnormal
, occurrence (see Updated FSAR Chapters 7 'and 15).
- 1. Source Check - A Source Check is the assessment of channel response when the channel sensor is exposed to a source of radiation.
, 23. FUNCTIONAL TESTS A functional test is the manual operation or initiation of a system, subsystem, or component to' verify that it functions within design tolerances (e.g., the manual start of a core spray pump to verify that it runs and that it pumps the required volume of water).
- 24. SHUTDOWN The reactor is in a shutdown condition when the reactor mode switch is in the shutdown mode position and no core alterations are being performed.
' An engineered safeguard is a safety system, the actions of which are essential to a safety action required in response to accidents.
, 26. SURVEILLANCE FRE00ENCY Each Surveillance Requirement shall be performed within the specified time interval with:
- a. A maximtrn allowable extension not to exceed 25% of the surveil-
- lance interval, but
- b. The combined time interval for any 3 consecutive surveillance intervals shall not exceed 3.25 times the specified surveillance interval .
Amendment No. J09, J28, 143 1. 0 -7_.
. ~ . . , ,. _ _ . .__ _ __. - - r - - -
- 34. VENTING' VENTING is the controlled process of discharging air or gas from a confinement to maintain temperature, pressure, hunidity, concentration or ,
other operating condition, in such a manner that replacement air or gas is not provided or required during the process. Vent, used in system names, does not imply a VENTING process.
The PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM shall ggnerally describe the essential process controls and checks used to assure that a process for solidifying radioactive waste from a liquid system produces a product that is acceptable for burial according to 10 CFR Part 61.56.
- 36. MEMBER (S) 0F THE PUBLIC Member (s) of the Public are persons who are not occupationally associated with Iowa Electric Light and Power Company ~and who do not normally frequent the DAEC site. The category does not include contractors, contractor employees, vendors, or persons who enter the site to make deliveries uor to service equipment.
- 37. SITE BOUNDARY The Site Boundary is that line beyond which the land is neithe'r owned, nor leased, nor otherwise controlled by IELP.' UFSAR Figure 1.2-1 identifies the DAEC Site Boundary. For the purpose of implementing radiological effluent technical specifications, the Unrestricted Area is that land (offsite) beyond the Site Boundary.
- 38. ANNUAL Occurring every 12 months.
For the purpose of designating surveillance test frequencies, annual surveillance tests are to be conducted at least once. per 12 months.
l i
Amendment No. J99, 143 1.0-9
Applies to the Applies to the surveillance of instrumentation and the instrumentation and associated devices which associated devices which initiate initiate a reactor scram. reactor scram.
Objective: Objective:
To assure the operability of To specify the type and frequency the reactor protection of surveillance to be applied to system, the protection instrumentation.
A.1 Instrumentation systems shall be A. The setpoints, minimum number functionally tested and I
of trip systems, and minimum calibrated as indicated in Tables number of instrument channels 4.1-1 and 4.1-2 respectively, that must be OPERABLE for each position of the reactor .2 Response time measurements (from mode switch shall be as given actuation of sensor contacts or in Table 3.1-1. The designed trip point to de-energization of system response times from scran solenoid relay) are not the opening of the sensor part of the nonnal instrument contact up to and including calibration. The reactor trip the opening of the trip system response time of each actuator contacts shall not reactor trip function shall be exceed 50 milliseconds. ' demonstrated to be within its limit once per operating cycle. l As a minimtm, the reactor Each test shall include at least protection system one logic train _ such that both instrumentation channels of logic trains are tested at least Table 3.1-1 shall be OPERABLE once per 36 months and one with response times as shown channel per function such that in Table 3.1-2. all channels are tested at least once every N times 18 months where- N 'is the total number of redundant channels in a specific reactor trip = function.
.3 When it is determined that a channel has failed in the unsafe condition, the other RPS channels ,
that monitor the same variable shall be functionally l
l L
l Amendment No. J70, 143 3.1-1 t
I I' tested immediately before the trip system containing the failure is tripped. The trip j system containing the. unsafe.
failure may'be placed in the untripped condition during the period in which surveillance testing is being performed ~on the other RPS channels. The l trip system may be in the 1 untripped position'for no more than eight hours per functional
. trip period for this testing.
i B. Two RPS electric power B. The RPS power monitoring system monitoring modules (or (EPA's) instrumentation shall Electric Protective be determined OPERABLE:
Assemblies - EPA's) for each in-service RPS MG set 1. Once per six months by l or alternate source shall performing a CHANNEL i be OPERABLE or FUNCTIONAL TEST; and
- 1. With one RPS electric 2. Annually by demonstrating. l power monitoring module the OPERABILITY of over-(or EPA) for an in- voltage, under-voltage and service RPS MG set or under-frequenwy protective alternate power supply instrumentation by perform- 1 inoperable, restore the ance of a CHANNEL CALIBRA-inoperable module (EPA) TION including simulated to OPERABLE status . automatic' actuation of the within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> or protective relays, tripping remove the associated logic-and output circuit RPS MG set or alternate breakers and verifying the power supply from following limits:
- a. Over voltage < 132 VAC,
- 2. With both RPS electric with a time delay of
- power monitoring 115 +15 millisecond modules (EPA's) for an -15 in-service MG set or j alternate power supply b. .Under voltage > 108
- inoperable, restore at VAC, with a tiiiie delay 1'
least one to OPERABLE of 115 +15 millisecond status within 30 --15 minutec or remove the
! associated RP7 MG set c. Under frequency > 57 or alternate power Hz, with a time lielay supply from service. of 115 +15 millisecond
-15 AmendmentNo.7N143 3.1-2
. - ,2
t TABLE 4.1-1 REACTOR PROTECTION SYSTEM SCRAM) INSTRlNENT FUNCTIONAL TESTS B" MINIMUM FUNCTIONAL TEST FREQUENCIES (FOR SAFETY INSTRtMENT AND Group (2) Functional Test Minimum Frequency (3) f Mode Switch in Shutdown A Place Mode Switch in Shutdown Once/ operating cycle l.
- . g Manual Scram A Trip Channel and Alarm Every 3 months ,.
RPS Channel Test Switch A Trip Channel and Alarm Once/ operating cycle or after -l channel maintenance IRM C Trip Channel and Alarm (4) Once per week during refueling"or High Flux startup and before each startup unless a satisfactory test has been accomplished during the preceding 7 days.
q' Inoperat ive C Trip Channel and Alarm (4) Once per week during refueling or startup and before each startup-w unless a satisfactory test has been :
- accomplished during the preceding '
4 7 days. .
APRM liigh Flux in Run B Trip Output Relays Once/ week (While in Run Mode)
Inoperat ive Downscale
- B B
Trip Output Relays l Tri Output Relays (, J .
()) Once/ week Once/ month I'l ?
Flow Blas B Tri Output Relays L J Once/ month d1)
High F1ux in Startup or Refuel C Tri Output Reiays Once per week during refueling or startup and before each startup unless a satisfactory test has been i accomplished during the preceding 7 days.
High Reactor P~ress'ure A . Trip Channel Alarm Every 1 month (1) :
- With _ companion IRM Hi-Hi or Inoperable.
t 4
g Instrument Channel Group (1) Calibration (4): Minimum Frequency (2) j 5
E IRM High Flan C Comparison to APRM on On Controlled Shutdown Controlled Shutdowns G
APRM High Flux
% Output Signal B Heat Balance Daily Flow Bias Signal B With Standard Pressure Once/ operating cycle. l Source LPRM Signal B TIP System Traverse Every 1,000 EFPH i High Reactor Pressure A Standard Pressure Source Every 3 months.
High Drywell Pressure A Standard Pressure Source Every 3 months-w y Reactor Low Water Level A Pressure Standard Every 3 months-
- High Water Level in Scram A Water Column Once/ operating cycle l Discharge Volume Main' Steam Line Isolation- A Note (5) Note (5)
Valve Closure M'ain' Steam Line High Radiation B- Standard Current Source (3) Every 3 months.
7 j Turbine First Stage Pressure
A Standard Pressure Source Every 6 months Permissive Turbine Control Valve Oil A Note (6) Once per operating cycle l*
Pressure Trip -
] '
- Intent ~ Change Only _(definition of operating cycle).
+- _ _ _ _ _ _ - . _ _ _ - - ' _ - ,. .
% rABLE 4.1-2
- 1. A description of three groups is included in the bases of this
- 2. Calibration test is not required on the part of the system that is not required -to be operable or is tripped. Calibration test shall be performed ~
prior to returning the system to an operable status with a frequency not less than those defined in the applicable table. However, if maintenance has been performed on those components, calibration shall be performed prior to returning to service.
l 3. The current source provides an instruent channel alignment.
Calibration using a radiation source shall be made once per operating cycle.
- 4. Response time is not a part of the routine instrment channel test but will be checked once per operating cycle. l*
- 5. Physical inspection and actuation of these position switches will be performed on::e per operating cycle. l
- 6. Measure. time interval base line data for each operating cycle as-follows: From energization of fast acting solenoid, measure time interval to response of oil pressure switch, HFA relay (RPS) and position response of control valves.
- Intent Change Only (definition of operating cycle). [
l Amendment No. 29, 143 3.1-14
. A
DAEC-1 analysis and good engineering judgement plus operating ex-perience. ,
Group 2. devices utilize an analog sensor followed ampli-fier and a bi-stable trip circuit. The sensor and amplifier are active components and a failure is almost always accompan-
. ied by an alarm an'd an indication of the source of trouble.
In the event of failure, repair or substitution can start immediately. An "as-is" failure is one-that " sticks"'mid-scale and is not ' capable of going either up or down in response to an out-of-limits input. This type of failure for analog ,
devices is a rare occurrence and is detectable by an operator who observes that one signal does not track the other three.
For purpose of analysis, it is assumed that this . rare failure will be detected within two hours, i I
The bi-stable trip circuit which is a part of the Group 2 t i devices can sustain unsafe failures which are revealed only l on test. Therefore, it is necessary to test them periodically.-
- A study was conducted of the instrumentation channels included in the Group 2 devices to calculate their " unsafe" failure
rates. The analog devices (sensors and amplifiers) are i
l 2 .
3.1-25 i
ll l w . .
'DAEC-1 predicted to have an unsafe f ailure rate of less than' 20 X 10-6 f ail ure/ hour . The bi-stable trip circuits are predicted to have unsafe failure rate of less than 2 X 10-6 failures / hour. Considering the two hour monitoring interval for the analog devices as assumed above, and a -
weekly test interval for the bi-stable trip circuits, the design reliability goal of 0.99999 is attained with ample margin.
The bi-stable devices are monitored during plant operation to record their failure history and establish a test interval using the curve of Figure 4.1-1. There are numerous identical bi-stable devices used throughout the plant's instrumentation system. Theref' ore, significant data on the failure rates for the bi-stable devices should be accumulated rapidly.
The frequency of calibration of the APR4 Flow Biasing-Network is once per operating cycle. 3nt flow biasing network is functionally tested at least once per month and in addition, cross calibration checks of the flow input to the flow biasing. network can be made during the functional test by direct meter reading. There are several instruments which must be calibrated and it will take several days to perform the calibration of the entire neteork. While Amendment No. 143 3.1-26
DAEC-1 the calibration is being perfomed, a zero flow signal' will be sent to
half of the APRM's resulting in a half scram and rod block condition.
Thus; if the calibration were perfomed_ during operation, flux shaping
would not be possible. Based on experience at other generating stations, drift of instrtsnents, such as those in the Flow Biasing Network, is not significant and -therefore, to avoid spurious scrams, a calibration frequency of once per operating cycle is established. l Group 3 devices are active only during a given portion of the operational cycle. For example, the IRM is active during startup and inactive during full-power operation. Thus, the only test that is meaningful is the one performed just prior to shutdown or startup; i.e., the tests that are performed just prior to use of the instrument.
Calibration frequency of the instrument channel is divided into two -
groups. These are as follows:
- 1. Passive type indicating devices that can be compared with like units on a continuous basis.
- 2. Vacuun tube or semi-conductor devices and detectors that drift or lose sensitivity.
- ~
Amendment No. 143 .
Instrtsnent Calibration Instruent k= Instrument Channel (5) Functional Test (9) Frequency (9) Check-a (1) Once/3 months None y 1) Reactor Low Pressure (Shutdown 400 ling Permissive)
(1) Once/3 months Once/ shift
. 2) Reactor low-Low Water Level
- 3) Main Steam High Temp. (1) Annual 'Once/ day' l.
- 4) Reactor Low Water Level (1) Annual Once/ shift- 'l- ,
" Once/3 months Once/ shift
- 5) Main Steam High Flow (1)
(1) Once/3 months. None
- 6) Main Steam Low Pressure
- 7) Reactor Water Cleanup High Flow (7) (1) Once/3 months. Once/ day.
- 8) High Drywell Pressure (1) Once/3 months None. ,
-9) Reactor Cleanup Area High Temp. (8) (1) Annual None l!
m k 10) High Radiation Main Steam Line Tunnel (1) Once/ operating cycle Once/ shift - l*6 (1) . Annual None l
- 11) Loss of Main Condenser Vacuum Logic System Functional Test (4) (6) Logic Test Frequency
- 1) Main Steam Line Isolation Valves Annual Once/6 months Main Steam Line Drain Valves Reactor Water Sample Valves V
- 2) RHR' Isolation Valve Control Once/ operating cycle Once/6 months 1 Shutdown Cooling Valves Head Spray L
- 3) Reactor Water Cleanup Isolation ~ Annual. Once/6 months j.
- Intent Change' Only (definition of operating cycle).
g7 TABLE 4.2-A'(Continued)
![ MINIMUM TEST AND CALIBRATION FREQUENCY FOR PCIS e Logic System Functional Test (4) (6) Logic Test Frequency Calibration Frequency (4) . l P
,o 4) Drywell Isolation Valves Once/ operating cycle . Once/6 months l
!a TIP Withdrawal'
,. Atmospheric Control Valves 23 Sump Drain Valves
- 5) Standby Gas Treatment System Once/ operating. cycle Once/6 months l Reactor Building Isolation ra l
4 9
@g o.
Instrument Calibration Instrument' Instrument Channel Functional Test (9) Frequency (9) Check E 1) Reactor
- Water Level (1) Once/3 months Olice/ day p 2) Drywell Pressure (1) Once/3 months None g 3) Reactor Pressure (1) Once/3 months None-
- 4) Auto Sequencing Timers N/A Annual None l 0 5) ADS - LPCI or CS Punp Discharge (1) Once/3 months None Pressure interlock
- 6) Trip Systen Bus Fower Monitors (1) Not Applicable None
- 7) Recirculat on Systen d/p (1) Once/3 months Once/ day y 8) Core Spray Sparger d/p (1) Once/3 months Once/ day
- 9) Steam Line liigh Flow (IIPCI & RCIC) (1) Once/3 months None l
- 10) Steam Line liigh Temp. (llPCI & RCIC) (1) Annual Once/da'y - l
- 12) IIPCI Suction Source Levels (1) Once/3 months None
- 13) a. 4KV Emergency Power System Annual Annual None l Voltage Relays -
- b. 4KV Emergency Power System Once/ month Annual None l Voltage Relays (Degraded Voltage)
- 14) instrunent A.C. and battery bus (1) Annual None l undervoltage relays
- 15) Low-Low Set Function (1) Once/6 months Once/ day
't J
5 '
5 Logic System Functional Test (4) (6) Logic Test Frequency Calibration Frequency (9) ,
- 1) Core Spray Subsystem Annual Once/6 months ,
- 2) Low Pressure Coolant Injection Annual Once/6 months Subsystem
- 3) Containment Spray Sub' system Annual Once/6 months
- 4) HPCI Subsystem Annual Once/6 months
.[ 5) HPCI Subsystem Auto Isolation Annual Once/6 months '
b 6) ADS Subsystem (11) Once/ operating cycle Once/6 months
- 7) RCIC Subsystem Auto . Isolation Annual Once/6 months
! 8) Area Cooling for Safeguard System Annual Once/6 months
- 9) Low-Low Set Function Annual Once/6 months a
Table 4.2-0 k Minimum Test and Calibration Frequency for Control Rod Blocks Actuatlor.
-R -
a 2
Instrument Instrunent -
Trip Function (Instrunent) Test l93Funct ogal Calibration (9) Check.
m .
? -
- Rod Block Monitor
- a. Upsc ale (1) (3) Once/6 months Once/ day O Once/ day
- b. Downscale (1) (3) Once/6 months i APRM
- a. Upscale (1) (3) Once/3 months Once/ day i b. Downscale (1) (3) Once/3 months Once/ day.
. Source Range Monitors (SRM)
? a. Detector Not in Startup Position (2) Refuel N/A ,
3 b. Upsc ale . (2) (3) Startup or Control Shutdown (2)
Intermediate Range Monitor (IRM)
.;~ a. Detector Not in Startup Position (2) Refuel N/A.
- b. Upscale (2) (3) Startup or. Control Shutdown- (2) c3 Downscale (2) (3) Startup or Control Shutdown (2)
- a. Water Level-High Once/3 months Once/ operating cycle N/A l l
F i
8 TABLE 4.2-D a
Instrument Functional Source Instrument M Instrument Channels Test (9) Calibration (9) Check Chec.k
- 1) Refuel Area Exhaust Monitors Once/3 months Once/ operating cycle Once/ month Once/ day
- 2) Reactor Building Area Exhaust Monitors Once/3 months Once/ operating cycle Once/ month Once/ day
- 3) Offgas' Post-treatment Radiation Monitors Once/3 months (10) Once/ operating cycle Once/ month Once/ day
- 4) Offgas Pre-treatment Radiation Monitors Once/3 months (10) Once/ operating cycle Once/ month Once/ day ,
h O! Simulated Automatic Isolation Logic System Functional Test (4) (6) and Logic Test Frequency (9)
- 1) Reactor Building Isolation Once/ operating cycle
- 2) Standby Gas Treatment System Actuation Once/ operating cycle
- 3) Steam Jet Air Ejector Offgas Line Isolation Annual
- 4) Stean Jet Air Ejector Charcoal Bed Bypass Annual
i TABLE 4.2-E
" instrunent Functional Instrunent y Instrument C4annels Test (9) Calibratlon(9) Check l y 1) Equipment Drain Sump Flow Integrator None Once/3 months Once/ day w
Floor Drain Sump Flow Integrator -None Once/3 months Once/ day 2)
- 3) Air Sampling System (1) Once/3 months Once/ day
" Annual None
. 4) Equipment and F1oor Drain. Sump F1ow T1:ners Once/3 months .l ,
8 l
i w m
. -. - . - . - ~. . . . .
! - These instrument channels will be calibrated using simulated electrical J signal s.
'4. ' Where.possible, all logic system. functional tests will be. performed l-using the test jacks..
- . 5. R4 actor low water level, high drywell pressure- and' high radiation ~ ma'in steam line tunnel are also included on Table'4.1-2.
- 6. -The logic system functional tesN shall . include a cal'ibration of time
- ~ delay relays and timers necessary for proper functioning of the trip systems, i
f 7. These signals are 'not PCIS trip signals but isol' ate the Reactor Water -
2 Cleanup system _only.
- j. 8. This instrumentation is excepted from the functional test definition.
The functional test will consis of comparing the; analog' signal of the active thermocouple element feeding the isolation logic to a redundant thermocouple element.'
l 9. Functional tests and calibrations are not required on the part of the- '
system that is not required to be operable or is-tripped. Functional
} tests shall be performed prior to returning the system to an-operable l status with a frequency not less than once per month. Calibrations shall be performed prior to returning the system to an operable status with a frequency not less than those defined in the applicable table. .
. However, if maintenance has been performed on those components, functional tests and calibration shall be performed prior to returning to service. -
i j 10. The Instruent Functional Test shall also demonstrate that control room
- 1. alarm annunciation occurs if any of the foll_owing conditions exist:
i 1. Instrument indicates measured levels above the alarm / trip 'setpoint.
l l
- 2. Instrument indicates a downscale failure. 'l i 3. Instrument controls not set in operate made. -
- 11. A functional test shall be performed for the . ADS manual inhibit switches as part of the ADS subsystem tests.
4 Amendment No. J99, JJ9, J28, 143 3.2-33
t h*
? (ATWS)
Instrument Channel Instrument Functional Check Calibration Frequency Reactor High Pressure Annual Annual l Reactor low Water Level Annual Annual l .
Logic System Function Test Frequency 4
-[ Recirculation Pump Trip Once/ operating cycle l h
Instrument Channel Functional Check Calibration Frequency Instrument Check Response Time I
RPT Initiate Logic Once/ Month N/A N/A -N/A RPT Breaker Once/OperatingCycle N/A N/A -Once/ Operating Cycle l*
- Intent Change Only (definition of operating cycle).
- . - 7 TABLE 4.2-H ACCIDENT MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS f Instrument Safety / Relief Valve ~ Position Indicator (Primary) (1)(2) .
Calibration Frequency Once/ operating cycle Instrument Check (2)
Once/ month' l*
5 Safety / Relief Valve Position Indicator (Backup-Thermocouple) Once/ operating cycle Once/ month l*
Safety Valve Position Indicator (Primary) (1)(2) Once/ operating cycle Once/ month l*
Safety Valve Position Indicator (Backup-Thermocouple) Once/ operating cycle Once/ month l*
f j' g Drywell/ Torus Radiation Monitor Once/ operating cycle (3) Once/ month 1 Extended Range Effluent Radiation Monitors +
al Reactor Building Exhaust Stacks Annual [l Once/ week b?TurbineBuildingExhaustStack Annual q 1 Once/ week c) Offgas Stack Annual ( ) Once/ week Reactor Coolant, Containment Atmosphere, and Torus Water Annual (5) N/A l
. Post-Accident Sampling w Drywell Pressure Monitors Annual Once/ month l :
$ Llorus Water Level Monitor Once/ operating cycle Once/ month l*
Containment Hydrogen /0xygen Concentration Once/6 months (6) Once/ month (6)
- 1. Functional test of the relay is done once/3 months.
? 2. Instrument check shall consist of the qualitative assessment of channel behavior during operation by-1 observation. This deterr.:ination shall include, where possible, comparison of the channel indication and/or
! status with other indications and/or status derived from independent instrument channels (e.g. backup
! thermocouple) measuring the same parameter.
- 3. Channel calibration ~ shall consist of an electronic calibration of the channel for ranges above 10 R/hr and a one point calibration check of the detector below 10 R/hr with.a portable gamma source.
- 4. Accident range effluent monitors shall be calibrated by'means of a built-in check source or a known - .
radioactive source.
> 5. . Not a calibration, but demonstration 'of systen operability.
i 6. Monitors shall be tested for operability using standard bottled H2 and 02-
- Intent Change Only (definition of operating cycle).
' DAEC-1
b., The control rod directional control valves for inoperable control rods shall be disarmed (DELETED) electrically and the control rods shall be in such position
- that Specification 3.3. A.1 is met.
Control rods with inoperable c. Once per week when the plant is
- c. in operation, check status of accmulators or those whose pressure and level alarms for position cannot be positively each CRD accmulator, determined shall be considered inoperable.
- d. Once per quarter verify that:
(1) the Scram Discharge Volume (SDV) vent and drain valves close within 30 seconds
-after receipt of a close (DELETED) signal, and (2) after removal of the close signal, that the SDV vent and drain valves are open.
Once per month verify that the SDV vent and drain-valve position indicating lights located in the control room indicate that the valves are open.
- e. Once per operating cycle verify l
- e. Control rods with scram times that:
greater than those giermitted by Specification 3.3.C.3 are (1) the SDV vent and drain inoperable, but if they can be valves close within 30 seconds after receipt of a inserted with control rod signal for the control rods drive pressure they need not to scram, and j be disarmed electrically.
(2) open when the scram signal is reset,
- f. Inoperable control rods shall be positioned such that Specification 3.3. A.1 is met.
! Amendment No. I'JI, J20 3.3-2 . Jpg, 143
. . . - _ . - .- - - .. =.
'DAEC-1 .l The value of "R", in units of %ik/k, is the amount by which .
e-the core reactivity, in the most reactive condition at any time -in the subsequent operating-cycle,uis:calculatedLto be l*
greater than at the time of the_ demonstration.. " R" ,
i therefore, is the difference between the calculated value of maximum core reactivity during the operating cycle and .the ;l*
l calculated beginning-of-life core reactivity.- The value of "R" must be positive or zero and must be . determined for cach. ]
fuel cycle.
J d
In determining the " analytically -stro,ngest"' rod, it is assumed' -
that every fuel assembly of the same type has identical material properties. In the actual' core, however, the control cell .
material properties vary within allowed manuf acturing .
i tolerances, and the strongest rod ^ 1s determined by a ~ combination of the control cell geometry and local K=. Therefore, an additional margin is included in the shutdown margin test'to account for the fact that the " analytically strongest" rod is. -
2 5
i l
- Intent Change Only (definition of operating cycle). l ,
i l
l; l
l I Amendment No. 59, 143 3.3-9
- t. ,
- Applicability: Applicability: ,
< Applies to the operating. Applies -to the surveillan'ce status of the . Standby Liquid requirements of ~ the Standby - '.
4 Control System. Liquid Control _ System.
Objective: Objective:
To assure the availability of To verify the operability of
- a system with the capability the Standby Liquid Control' to shut down the' reactor and -System.
maintain the shutdown l condition without the use of 2
- rcontrol rods.
' Spec ~ification: Specification:
L .
A. Normal System Availability A.- Normal System Availability
- 1. During periods when fuel is The operability of the _ Standby .
in the reactor and prior to Liquid Control System _ will be .
- startup from a Cold Condition, verified by the perfonnance of the Standby Liquid Control the following tests
( . System shall be operable, .
4 specified in 3.4.B. 1. At least once per month each
- below. This system need not pump loop shall be functionally be operable wnen the reactor tested by recirculating is in the Cold Condition and denineralized water to the test all control rods are fully tank. Minimum pump flow rate inserted and Specification of 26.2 gpm against a system 3.3.A is met, head of 1150 psig shall:be
' veri fi ed. -
- 2. At least once during each
- operating cycle: l*
i" a. Check that the setting of the system relief valves is 1350 < P < 1400 psig.
- Intent Change Only (definition of
' operating cycle) .
7 f
i hmendment No. 143 3.4-1
. ,y- -w 9 , y my---w- wy-twie- -
p-wa9- m- +--- -,-mrigvww- p we -g-- g. -w y wey s y4m v9 p,mp m,_, v%-g, -p.-g-p -----e*yr
%. .- f v-
- b. Manually initiate the sys-tem to open both explosion actuated valves and con-duct flow tests to-inject demineralized water through one Standby Liquid Control pump directly into.
the reactor vessel.
Explode. one of three charges ' manufactured ira.
same batch to verify proper ~
function.. Then install the untested charges in
- the explosion valves.
- c. Prove capability of the sodium pentaborate storage tank discharge line to convey the minimum pump flow rate of 26.2 gpm.
B. Operation with B. Surveillance with Inoperable Components Inoperable Components
- 1. From and after the date 1. When a component is found that a redundant component to be inoperable, its re-is made or found to be in- dundant component shall be operable, Specification demonstrated to be operable 3.4.A.1 shall be consid- immediately and daily ered fulfilled and con- thereaf ter until the in-tinued operation permitted operable component is provided the component is repaired.
returned to an operable condition within seven days.
C. - Sodium Pentaborate C. Sodium Pentaborate Solution Solution At all times when the The following tests shall Standby Liquid Control be performed to verify the ,
System is required to be availability of the Liquid l operable the following Control Solution: 1 conditions shall be met:
- 1. The net volume versus 1. Volume: Check and record concentration of the . at least once per day.
Liquid Control Solution in the -liquid control tank shall be maintained as required in Figure 3.4-1.
3.4-2 l 1
, _. . ...-..n. . ..- ~.-
.e.. . . . , _ ,- , -,
DAEC-1 4.4 BASES ,
Standby Liquid Control System Experience with pump operability indicates that the monthly -test, in combination with the tests during each operating cycle, is l*
sufficient to maintain pump performance. The only practical time .
to fully test the liquid control system is during a refueling outage. Various components of the system are individually tested periodically, thus making unnecessary more _ frequent testing of the entire system.
The details of the various tests are discussed in the Updated FSAR Subsection 9.3.4. The solution temperature and volume are checked at a frequency to assure a high reliability of operation of the system should it ever be required.
- Intent Change Only (definition of operating cycle). l Amendment No. 114, 143 3.4-7
Applies to the operational Applies to the Surveillance status of the core and Requirements of the core and suppression pool cooling suppression pool cooling subsystems. - subsystems which are required when the corresponding Limiting Condition for Operation is in-effect.
Objective: Objective:
To assure the operability of To verify the operability of the core and suppression pool the core and suppression pool cooling subsystems under all cooling subsystems under all conditions for which this conditions for which this cooling capability is an cooling capability is an essent.ial response. essential response to station abnormalities.
Specification: Spec'ific ation:
A. Core Spray and LPCI Subsystems A. Core Spray and LPCI Subsystems
- 1. Both core spray subsystems 1. Core Spray Subsystem Testing.
shall be ODERABLE whenever irradiated fuel is in the Item Frecuency vessel and prior to reactor startup from a COLD CONDITION, a. Simulated Annual l except as specified in 3.5. A.2 Automatic and 3.5.G.3 below. Actuation i test,
- b. Pump Once/ month Operability
- c. Motor- Once/ month Operated Valve Operability
- l l
3.5-1 i
Amendment No. 143
9- 14 c
-DA,EC-1 y . - _
. ' Item ~ Freauency ,
' ~
- d.. Pump flow
- Once/3 months 4
~. rate - i c -
'Both' loops' !
- .shall deliver--
i- 'at least- q 4 3020 gpm -
against"a j i
' system head
. corresponding-I .to a reactor- ;
vessel pressure:
-of_ 113 psig.'
- . 2. From and after the date that 2. When it is' determined that one
- -- one of- the core spray _
- core spray subsystem is -
subsystems is made or- inoperable, < the'0PERABLE- core i be . inoperable for any reason, . spray subsystem and the LPCI 1
continued reactor operation is . . subsystem shall-be demonstrated =
permissible during the- to be OPERABLE Limmediately, succeeding seven days provided The 0PERABLE. core spray sub-
- that-during such seven days system shall be demonstrated toi 't al1~ active components of the~ be OPERABLE ' daily thereafter.
other core spray subsystem and-active components.of the LPCI-subsystem and the diesel-c generators are OPERABLE.
! 3. The LPCI Subsystem shall be '3. LPCI Subsystem Testing shall. be =
i OPERABLE whenever irradiated ~
as follows:
i fuel is in the reactor vessel, _
I and prior to reactor startup a. Simulated ; Annual . l: ,
. Auttynatic 4 from a COLD CONDITION,' except as specified in 3.6.A.4, Actuation 3.5.A.5 and 3.5.A.3 helow. -Test .
- b. Pump ._
Once/ month ,
Operability l-i
l I 4
.r i
.. g r
.-- -..,.-..; , .. .,. -.-. , - - . . - . . , . - , - . - -...-,..-.-.--,.:.-...a.-.---~,. -. .., -.-
HPCI Subsystem D. HPCI Subsystem D. _
- 1. The HPCI Subsystem shall be 1. HPCI Subsystem' testing shall be OPERABLE whenever there is . performed as_ follows: .
. irradiated fuel in the reactor Frequency vessel, reactor pressure is Item greater than 150 psig, and prior to reactor startup from a. Simulated ' Annual l a COLD CONDITION, except as _ Automatic specified in 3.5.D.2 and Actuation 3.5.D.3 below.
- b. Pump Once/ month Operability
- c. Motor Operated . Once/ month Valve I Operability
- d. At rated reactor 0nce/3 months -
pressure denonstrate ability to deliver rated flow at a .
discharge pressure greater than or equal to' that pressure required i- to accomplish vessel injection if vessel pressure were as high as 1040 psig.
- e. At reactor Once/ operating [*
pressure of cycle 150 + 10 psig demonstrate ability to i deliver rated i flow at a t discharge pressure greater than or equal to that. pressure required to -
accanplish vessel injection.
The HPCI pump shall deliver at least 3000 gpm for a system head corresponding to a reactor pressure of 1040 to 150 psig.
- Intent Change Only (definition of t
operating cycle).
l Amendment No. 115,143 3.5-6
-, , -, .-- - - - - - , r- ,- y y . -
,c. , - , . , ,y. - .,.-,,
N c.-
w ,
- 2. From and after the date that- 2. When it is. determined that the l the HPCI Subsystem is made or- HPCI Subsystem .is' inoperable. l found to De inoperable for.any. the RCIC, the LPCI subsystem, .1 reason, continued reactor both core spray subsystems, and ;
operation _is permissible only the AUS subsystem actuation. ,
caring the succeeding seven - logic shall be demonstrated to
- days unless such subsystem is be OPERABLE- immediately. The
!. sooner made OPERABLE, .
RCIC system and ADS subsystem- l
- providing that during such logic shall be demonstrated 'to seven days all active be OPERABLE daily thereafter.- l components of-the ADS
. subsystem, the RCIC system,-
the LPCI' subsystem and both core spray subsystems are .
- 3. If tne requirements of 3.5.D cannot be met, an orderly shutdown shall be initiated
- and the reactor shall be in a ,
COLD SHUTDOWN Condition within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.
J E. Reactor Core Isolation Cooling E. Reactor Core Isolation Cooling.
. (kCIC) duosystem (KCIC) Suosysten l 1. The RCIC Subsystem shall be 1. RCIC Subsystem testing shall be
- OPERABLE wnenever there is performed-as follows
irradiated fuel in the reactor.
vessel, the reactor pressure Item Frecuency is greater than 150 psig, and prior to reactor startup from
- a. - Simulateo Annual a COLD CONDITION, except as l Automatic specified in 3.5.E.2 below. Actuation Test (and restart)-
- b. Pump Once/ month Operability
- c. Motor Once/ month Operated Valve Operability 4
- d. At rated Once/3 months '
4 reactor
-pressure demonstrate ability to deliver rated flow at a di_setiarge pressure greater Amendment No. 97, 143 3.5-7 1
, ,, , ., , - , , _ - - . - . ,c.,y , ., ., ,y-, . , _ ,, _.. y. ,, . .- . . _ - ...m, ,. .yme., , .y.,-v,...y.7- , , . - , .,,yr . , , _ , ,
. c
- pressure-required to l accomplish
- -vessel .
. injection if.
vessel pressure were as high as 1040 psig.-
- e. At reactor Once/ operating l*
) pressure of cycle 150 + 10 psig demolistrate .
ability to
' deliver rated flow at a discharge pressure greater than 4
or equal to that pressure required to accomplish vessel injection.
The RCIC pump shall deliver at least
< 400 gpm for a systen head j
corresponding to 1040 to 150 psig. .
- 2. From and after the date that f. Verify that the Once/ operating 5 suction for the cycle the RCICS is made or found to RCIC system is be inoperable for any reason, automatically <
continued reactor power operation is permissible only transferred during the succeeding seven from the.
days provided that during such condensate ..
seven days the HPCIS is storage tank to operable. tree suppression pool on a
- 3. If the recuirements of 3.5.E condensate cannot be met an orderly
storage tank water shutdown shall be initiated level-low signal.
and the reactor pressure shall be reduced to 150 psig within 2. When it is determined that the i 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />. RCIC subsysten is inoperable, the HPCIS shall be demonstrated
' to be operable immediately and !
weekly thereafter. I 1
- Intent Chan operating-cycge e) Only (definition of Amendment No. JJE, 143 3.5-8 f
- n
DAEC-1 -
'F. Automatic Depressurization F. Automatic Depressurization-System (ADS) System (ADS) .
-1. The Automatic 1 Once per operating cycle the l Dearessurization Subsystem following tests shall be shall be OPERABLE wnenever performed on the ADS:
there is irradiated fuel in the reactor vessel and the a. A simulated automatic reactor pressure is greater actuation test shall be than 100 psig and prior to a performed prior to startup startup from a Cold from each REFUELING OUTAGE. l Condition, except as specified in 3.5.F.2 below. b. The ADS Nitrogen Accumulator l check valves will be leak
- 2. From and after the date that tested for a maximum one valve in the automatic acceptable system leakage depressurization subsystem is rate of 25 sec/ minute.
made or found to be
' inoperable for any reason, 2. When it is determined that one continued reactor operation valve of the ADS is inoperable, is permissible only during the ADS subsystem actuation logic the succeeding thirty days for the other ADS valves and the unless such valve is sooner HPCI subsystem shall be made OPERABLE, provided that demonstrated to be OPERABLE during such thirty days the immediately and at least daily HPCI subsystem is OPERABLE. thereafter.
- 3. If the requirements of 3.5.F cannot be , net, an orderly SHUTDOWN shall be initiated and the reactor pressure shall be reduced to at least 100 psig witnin 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.
G. Minimum Low Pressure Cooling G. Minimum Low Pressure Cooling and Diesel Generator ana Diesel Generator Availaoility Availability
- 1. When it-is determined that one
- 1. During any period when one diesel generator is inoperable, diesel generator is the remaining diesel generator inoperable, continued reactor shall be demonstrated to be operation is permissible OPERABLE within eight (8) hours only during the succeeding and daily thereafter. In seven days unless such diesel addition, all low pressure core generator is sooner made cooling and containment cooling OPERABLE, provided subsystems supported by the i
! OPERABLE diesel shall be demonstrated to be OPERABLE imme-diately and daily thereafter, Amendment No. IJE, 127, J39, 143 3.5-9
. - . . . _ .- - . _~
LIMITING C0halTION FOR OPERATION ~ SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENT H. Maintenance of Filled H. Maintenance of Filled Discnarge Pice Discnarge Ploe Whenever core spray The following surveillance subsystems, LPCI subsystem, requirements shall be adhered HPCI, or RCIC 'are required to to, to assure that the be OPERABLE, the discharge _ discharge piping of the core piping from the pump discharge spray subsystems, LPCI of these systems to the last subsystem, HPCI and RCIC are block valve shall be filled. filled:
- 1. Whenever the HPCI or RCIC system is- lined up to take suction from the torus, the discharge piping of the HPCI and RCIC shall be vented from the high point of the system
and water / low observed on a monthly basis.
- 2. The pressure switches which monitor'the LPCI and core spray lines to ensure they 'are full shall be functionally tested annually.- l I. Engineered Safeauards I. Engineered Safeauards Camoartments Cooiing and - Comoartments cooling and
, venttiation Ventilation If both unit coolers serving The unit coolers for each of either the RCIC or HPCI room the RCIC, HPCI, Core Spray, and are out of service, the RHR pump rooms shall be checked associated ptrnp shC 3 be for operability during considered inoperable for surveillande testing of the purposes of Specifications associated pumps.
3.5.0 or 3.5.E as applicable.
If the single unit cooler serving eitner compartment which houses two RHR pumps and a core spray pump is out of service for a period greater than seven days, the
- associated ptsnps shall be considered inoperable for purposes of Specification 3 5.A.
l 3.5-11 Amendment No. 143
- c. . River Water Supply Systen J. River Water Supply System-
- 1. Except as.-specified in 3.5.J.2 1. River Water Supply System below, at least one pump in Testing:
each river. water supply system loop shall be OPERABLE whenever Item Frecuency irradiated fuel is in the reactor ' vessel and reactor 'a. Simul ated Once/ operating.
Coolant. temperature is greater automatic cycle than 212*F. actuation Test,
- b. Pump and motor Once/3 months operated valve operability.
- c. Flow Rate Test -
Each river. After major pump water supply maintenance and
-system' pump monthly.
shall deliver at least 6000 Daily when river gpm at TDH of elevation is less 46 ft. or more. than 727 feet.
- d. Operating Punp Flow Rate Demonstration Each Daily Operating River Water Supply System Pump shall deliver at least 6000 gpm.
- 2. From and after the date that 2. When one river water supply one river-water supply system system loop becomes inoperable, loop is nade or found to be the OPERABLE loop shall be inoperable for any reason, demonstrated to be OPERABLE reactor operation must be imediately and daily thereafter, limited to seven days unless OPERABILITY of that subsystem is restored within this priod.
During such seven days all active components of the other river water supply loop and its associated diesel generator required for operation of such components shall be OPERABLE.
- 3. If the requirements of 3.5.J.2 cannot be met an oraerly SHUTDOWN shalI be initiated and the reactor shall a COLD SHUTDOWN condition within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, 3.5-12 Amendment No. 70, J M , 143
^ -
-DAEC-1 4.5 BASES Core and Containment Cooling Systems Surveillance Frequencies The testing interval for the core and containment cooling systems is based on industry practice, quantitative reliability analysis, judgment and practic ality. The core cooling systens have not been designed to be fully testable during operation. For e(snple, in the case of the HPCI, autenatic initiation during power operation would result in punping cold water into
- the reactor vessel which is not desirable. Complete ADS testing during power operation causes an undesirable loss-of-coolant inventory. To increase the availability of the core and containment cooling systems, the components which make up the system; i.e., instrumentation, pumps, valves, etc. are tested frequently. The pumps and motor operated injection valves are also tested each month to assure their operability. A simulated autanatic actuation test once per operating cycle combined with frequent l tests of the pumps and injection valves is deemed to be adequate testing of these systems.
When components and subsystems are out-of-service, overall core and containment cooling reliability is maintained by demonstrating the '
operability of the renaining equipment. The degree of operability to be demonstrated depends on the nature of the reason for the out-of-service equipment. For routine out-of-service periods caused by preventative maintenance, etc., the pump and valve operability checks will be performed to demonstrate operability of the remaining components. However, if a f ailure due to a design deficiency caused the outage, then the demonstration of operaoility should be thorough enough to assure that a generic problem does not exist. For example, if an out-of-service period were caused by f ailure of a pump to deliver rated capacity due to a design deficiency, the other pumps of this type might be subjected to a flow rate test in addition to the operability checks.
Redundant operable components are subjected to increased testing during equipment out-of-service times. This adds further conservatism and I increases assurance that adequate cooling is available should the need arise.
The RHR valve power bus is not instrumented. For this reason surveillance reouirements require once per shift observation and verification of lights and instrumentation operability.
i 3.5-27 Amendment No. $7, 143 9
. C. Coolant Leakage C. Coolant Leakage
., 1. Any time irradiated fuel is'in 1.- Reactor coolant system leakage -
the reactor vessel and reactor shall be checked by the sump-coolant temperature is above and air sampling system and 212*F, reactor coolant leakage recorded at least once per day.
into the primary containment from unidentified sources-shall not exceed 5 gpm. In ,,
addition, the total reactor ,
coolant system leakage into-the primary containment shall not exceed 25 gpm. ,
- 2. Both th'e sump and air sampling '
-systems shall be operable during reactor power >
operation. From and after the .
i date that one of these systems is made or found to be inoperable for any reason, reactor power operation is -
i permissible only during the .
- succeeding seven days unless system is made operable
, sooner.
- 3. If the conditions in 1 or 2
- cannot be met, an orderly
- shutdown shall be initiated .
and the reactor shall be in a
- Cold Shutdown Condition'within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.
D. Safety and Relief Valves D. Safety and Relief Valves
. 1. During reactor power operating 1. At least one safety valve and 3
! conditions and prior to relief valves shall be checked
- i reactor startup from a Cold or replaced with bench checked i Condition, or whenever reactor valves once per operating coolant pressure is greater cycle. All valves will be
- than atmospheric and tested every two cycles.
l temgeraturegreaterthan j 212 F, both safety valves and The setpoint of the safety j the safety modes of all relief valves shall be as specified in
- valves shall be operable. Specification 2.2. 1
- except as specified in
! i
- Intent Change Only (definition of- <
i operating cycle). l l
i l 1 :- <. 1 Amendment No. 143 3.6-5 i
. 1:?;p - y-n .. . *.V '
, 7 J
.DAEC-l- ,
- 2. 2. At least one of the relief valves shall be disassembled.
- a. From and after the date that and inspected once per operating the safety valve function of cycle, one relief valve is made or found to be-inoperable, 4
continued reactor. operation is permissible only during the succeeding thirty days unless such~ valve. function is sooner
- made OPERABLE.
! b. From and after the date that
'the safety valve function of l two relief valves is made or found to be inoperable, continued reactor operation is
, permissible only during the i" succeeding seven days unless such valve function is sooner '
- made OPERABLE.
l 3. If Specification 3.6.D.1 is. 3. With the reactor pressure > 100 not met, an orderly shutdown psig and turbine bypass' flow to shall be initiated and the the main. condenser, each relief reactor coolant pressure shall valve shall. be manually opened be reduced to atmospheric and verified'open by turbine within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />. bypass valve position decrease and pressure switches and thermocouple readings downstream of the relief valve to indicate steam flow from the valve once-per operating cycle. l*
E. Jet Pumps E. Jet Pumps i~
- 1. Whenever the reactor is in the 1. Whenever there is recirculation startup or run modes, all jet flow with the reactor in the pumps shall be OPERABLE. If startup or run modes, jet pump it is determined that a jet operability shall be checked
. pump is inoperable, an orderly daily by verifying that the '
l shutdown shall be initiated following conditions do not
- and the reactor shall be in a occur simultaneously:
i COLD SHUT 00WN Condition within j 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />. a. The two recirculation loops have 4 a flow imbalance of 15% or more
- when the pumps are operated at
- - the same speed.
- Intent Change Only (definition of operating cycle).
Amendment No. # 5, 143 3.6-6
'+,,'4p c'
b, G;.
9 99 9p Qp
$ Q e '$hg 0 c, ,
d #?
>Q<g,4, %e,,
6'tf pc N"he
, & ;pe+s4 gs s
49 "% tyg*i y+y# x
%;< 52 z
4 Ab;;%;egy#
p;'t s,
e' %
- Q ?r,:s*%*r:#i:;j&$'%
% .; +.
< A *2v:%%
. ^~
g., :,U:t:-
- 55ki^:I:h:
f% p
~<::A"q. $::f+4:;i:gp
%g, d,! ' .
DAEC-1 s
, 3. Functional Tests Once per operating cycle
- a ,l representative sample (10% of the total of safety- related of each type of snubber in use in the plant) shall be functionally tested either in place or in a bencn test.
For each snubber that does not meet the functional test acceptance criteria of specification 4.6.H.4 or 4.6.H.5, an additional 5% of that type of snubber shall be functionally tested.
The representative sample selected for functional testing shall represent the various configurations, operating environments and range of sizes of snubbers.
At least 25% of the snubbers in the representative sample shall include snubbers from the following three categories:
- 1. The first snubber away fran each reactor vessel nozzle
- 2. Snubbers within 5 feet of heavy equipment (valve, pump turbine, motor, etc.
- 3. Snubbers within 10 feet of the discharoe from a safety relief valve in addition to the regular sample, snuDbers which failed the previous functional test shall be retested during the next test period. If a spare snubber has been installed in place of a failed snubber, then i
- This interval may be extended, on a l one-time-only basis, for Cycle 8 I operation until April 17, 1987. The l subsequent test interval will begin l with the actual Cycle 6/9 Refuel I Outage test date. l l
l Amendment No. JJ), Jfp, 143 3.6-12 l
~ . . . . - .
,' y
- 3 DAEC
less than the Code allowable overpressure limit of 1375 psig if a flux scram .
{- is asstmed, c
The relief valve setpoints given. in Section have been optimized to maximize the simmer margin, i.e., the difference between the normal operating pressure and the lowest relief valve setpoint. The Reference'2 i
I analysis shows~ that the six relief valves assure margin below the setting
' of the safety valves such that the safety valves would not be expected to
! - open during any normal operating transient.* This analysis verifies that
- ~ the peak system pressure during such an event is limited to greater than the 1
60 psi margin to the lowest spring safety valve setpoint. '
1 Experience. in relief and safety valve operation shows that a testing.of 50 F e percent of the valves per year is adequate to detect failures or-deteriorations. The relief and safety valves are benchtested every second 4
operating cycle to ensure that their setpoints are within the i i percent \* *
' tolerance. Additionally, once per operating cycle, each relief valve is l*
- tested manually with reactor pressure above 100 psig and with turbine bypass flow to the main condenser to demonstrate its ability to pass steam. By i
observation of the change in position of the . turbine bypass valve, the i
f relief valve operation is verified. .
3 .
b *A normal operating transient is defined as an event whose probability of occurrence is greater than once per 40 years, e.g., Turbine Trip with
! Bypass, MSIV closure with direct scram, i
- Intent Change Only (definition of operating cycle).
Amendment No. JJ5, 143 3.6-28 4
o4, DAEC-1 e
Applies to the operating status Applies to the primary and of -the primary and secondary secondary containment system containment systems. integrity.
Objective: @'ective:
To assure the integrity of the ,
,erify the integrity of the primary and secondary primary and secondary containment systems. containments.
Specification: Specification:
A. Primary Containment A. Primary Containment
- 1. At any time that the nuclear 1.a. The pressure suppression pool system is pressurized above water level and temperature shall atmospheric or work is being be checked once per day.
done which has the potential to drain the vessel, the b. Whenever. there 15. indication of suppression pool water volume relief valve operation or testing and temperature shall be which adds heat to the maintained with the following suppression pool, the pool limits. temperature shall be continually monitored and also observed and
- a. Maximtin water voltane - 61,500 logged every 5 minutes until the cubic feet heat addition is terminated,
- b. Minimtrn water volume - 58,900 c. Whenever there is indication of cubic feet relief valve operation with the temperature of the suppression
- c. Maximum water temperature pool reaching 200*F or more, an external vise.1 examination of (1) During normal power the suppression chamber shall be operation - 95F. conducted before restrning power operation.
(2). During testing which adds heat to the suppression d. A visual inspection of the pool, the water temperature suppression chamber interior, shall not exceed 10*F above including water line regions, the normal power operation shall be made once per operating limit specified in (1) cycle. 1 above. In connection with ;
such testing, the pool i temperature must be reduced to below the normal power operation limit specified in (1) above within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.
Amendment No. JIE, 143 3.7-1 6-
e i. . . .
- 7) Periodic Leakage Rate Tests Periodic leakage rate tests shall be performed at or aoove the peak pressure (Pa) of 43 psig.
- 8) Acceptance Criteria The maximum allowable leakage rate (Lam) is 0.75 La, where La is defined as the design basis accident' leakage rate of 2.0 weight percent of contained air per 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> at 43 psig.
- 9) Additional Reouirements If any periodic Type A test f ails to meet the applicable acceptance criteria the test schedule applicable to subsequent Type A tests will be reviewed and approved by the Camnission.
If two consecutive periodic Type A tests f ail to meet the acceptance criteria of 4.7. A.2.(a)(8) a Type A test shall be performed each operating cycle, or approximately every 18 months, whichever occurs first, until two consecutive Type A tests meet the subject acceptance criteria after which time the retest schedule of 4.7.A.2.(d) may be , resumed.
Amendment No. JJE, 143 3.7 4 9
- b. One drywell-suppression .
- b. When a vacuum . breaker: indicates -
chamber vacutsn breaker may be non-fully closed, the-non-fully closed as indicated - contir.uous-leak ~ rate monitoring
- - by its position lights so long system utilized . -
I as it is ' determined that total immediately and every 30 days drywell to suppression pool thereafter to determine that a bypass area of less than 0.2 bypass ~ area of not more than square feet exists. _0.2 square feet' exists. 'A detailed description of -.
allowable drywell to- -
' suppression pool bypass leakage
-is found in Section' j of the Updated FSAR.
l c. When it is determined that a
- c. One drywell-suppression . vacuum breaker valve'is chamber vacuum breaker may be inoperable for opening at a ,
determined to be inoperable- time when operability is- '
for opening. required, all other vacuum breaker valves shall be ,
j- exercised immediately and every 15 days thereafter_until the.
) inoperable valve has been
- returned to normal service. '
Once each operating cycle, each l*
vacuum breaker valve shall be i
visually inspected to insure ';
proper maintenance and 1 operation.
i d. A leak test of the drywell to '
! d. If specifications 3.7.A.4.a. suppression chanber structure
.b, or .c cannot be met, the shall be conducted once per situation shall be corrected operating cycle. The drywell [
i .within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> or the unit pressure will be increased by. *
!- will be placed in a COLD approximately 1 psi with
- SHUTDOWN condition in an respect to the wetwell pressure orderly manner. and held constant. The 2 psig i scram setpoint will not be ;
exceeded. The subsequent wetwell.pressuretransient(if
- any) will be monitored with a precision pressure gauge
., capable of detecting a small pressure incresse. If the i drywell pressure.cannot be increased by 1 psi over the wetwell pressure, it would be ,
, because excess leakage exists.
Excess leakage ,
- 1
{ *IntentChangeOnly(definitionof operating cycle).
Amendment No. W , 143 3.7-11 1
1 i
. , - - - - , , - . - . ~ . , ._.,--._,---.----,..,,_.~_._,.._..--v_----_ -.-.~,,m,- - . , - - - - - - - . . . ~ , - - , .
x er 2.. .. . . .
DAEC-1 s.
- 6. Containment Atmosphere 6. Containment Atmosphere Dilution Dilution
- a. The post-LOCA containment
- a. Whenever the reactor is in atmosphere dilution system power. operation, the Post-LOCA shall. be functionally tested i
Containment Atmosphere annually. l Dilution System must be operable and capable of supplying nitrogen tn the .
- containment for atmosphere dilution if required by post-LOCA conditions. If this
-specification cannot be met,
'the system must be restored to an operable condition within 7 days or the reactor must be
'taken out of power operation.
- b. Whenever the reactor is in b. The volume'in the N2 storage
- power operation, the post-LOCA bank shall be recorded weekly.
Containment Atmosphere Dilution System shall contain
- a minimum of 50,000 scf of N2 '
as determined by pressure and temperature measurements. If' this specification cannot be i
met, the minimum volume will be restored within 7 days or the reactor must be taken out of power operation.
4 c .- The limiting conditions for c. Surveillance requirements for operation for the CAD system the CAD system H2 and 02
. H2 and 02 analyzers serving analyzers are specified in
, the drywell and the Table 4.2-H. The atroosphere suppression chamber are analyzing system shall be
- specified in Table 3.2-H. functionally tested annually l in conjunction with specification 4.7. A.6.a.
l l
- Amendment No. 134, 143 3.7 13 i
DAEC-1 s
B. Standby Gas Treatment System B. Standby Gas Treatment System
- 1. Except as specified in 3.7.B.3 1.a Annually it shall be l below, both trains of the demonstrated that pressure drop standby gas treatment system across the combined high and the diesel generators efficiency and charcoal filters required for operation of such is less than'll inches of water trains shall be OPERABLE at at 4,000 cfm.
all times when secondary contaimnent integrity is b. Annually demonstrate that the l required. inlet heaters on each train are capable of an output of at least 11 Kw.
! c. Annually demonstrate that air l i distribution is unifonn within 20% of averaged flow per unit across HEPA filters.
- d. Once per operating cycle l automatic initiation of each branch of the standby gas treatment system shall be demonstrated.
- e. Manual operability of the l bypass system for filter cooling shall be demonstrated annually. l
- f. System drains shall be inspected quarterly for adequate water level in loop seals.
- g. Each bed will be visually inspected in conjunction with the sanpling in Specification to assure that no flow blockage has occurred.
Amendment No. 143 3.7-15
] FOR OPERATION 2.a The results of the inplace 2.a The tests and sample analysis cold 00P and halogenateo of Specification shall hydrocarbon tests at design be performed initially and then -
flows on HEPA filters and annually for standby service or charcoal adsorber banks shall after every 720 hours0.00833 days <br />0.2 hours <br />0.00119 weeks <br />2.7396e-4 months <br /> of system show > 99.9% DOP removal and operation and following
> 99.7% halogenated significant painting, fire or liydrocarbon removal, chemical release in any ventilation zone communicating with the system, The results of laboratory b. Cold 00P testing shall be
- b. performed after each . 'olete carbon sample analysis shall show < 1.0% penetration of or partial replaceme "* the HEPA filter bank or e any radioactive methyl iodide at 70% R.H.,150*F, 40+4 FPfi structural maintenance .a the f ace velocity with an inlet system housing.
concqntration of 0.5 to 1.5 mg/m3 inlet concentration methyl iodide.
Fans shall be shown to be C. Halogenated hydrocarbon testing
- c. shall be performed after each
- capable of operation from 1800 to 4000 cfm. complete or partial replacement of the charcoal adsorber bank or after any structural maintenance on the system housing,
- d. Each. circuit shall be operated with the heaters on at least 10
- 3. Fran and after the date that hours every month, one train of the standby gas treatment system is made or 3. When one train of the standby found to be inoperable for any gas treatment system becomes reason, continued reactor inoperable, the OPERABLE train operation or f uel handling is shall be demonstrated to be permissible only during the OPERABLE immediately and daily succeeding seven days unless thereafter, such train is sooner made OPERABLE, provided that during such seven days all active components of the other standby gas treatment train shall be OPERABLE.
- 4. If Specifications, 3.7.B.2 and are not met, the reactor shall be p1 aced in the COLD SHUTDOWN condition and fuel handling ,
operations shall be prohibitec.
3.7-16 Amendment No. 18, 143 9
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maintain the remainder of the secondary containment at 1/4 l inch of water negative pressure l under calm wind conditions. ;
l 2. If Specification 3.7.C.1 cannot be met:
- a. Suspend reactor building fuel cask and irradiated fuel movement, and
- b. Restore secondary containment integrity within one hour; or,
- c. Be in COLD SHUTDOWN within the following 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.
D. Primary Containment Power D. Primary Containment Power Operatea isolation valves Uperatea Isolation valves
- 1. During reactor power operating 1. The primary containment conditions, all isolation isolation valves surveillance valves listed in Table 3.7-3 shall be performed as follows:
and all instrument line flow check valves shall be OPERABLE a. At least once per operating
- except as specified in cycle the OPERABLE isolation valves that are ower operated c1d automaticall initiated shall be tested or simulated automatic initiation and closure times,
- b. At least once per quarter:
- 1) All normally open power operated isolation valves (except for those exempted as noted -in Table 3.7-3) shall be fully closed and reopened.
- 2) With the reactor power less than 75%, trip main steam isolation valves individually and verify closure time.
- c. At least once per week the main steam line power-operated isolation valves shall be exercised
- Intent Change Only (definition of operating cycle).
Amendment No. J29, 143 3.7-18
- d. At least once per operating
- cycle the operability of the reactor coolant system instrunent line flow check valves shall be verified.
- 2. In the event any isolation 2. Wherever an isolation valve valve specified in Table 3.7-3 listed in Table 3.7-3 is becomes inoperable, (except inoperable, the position of at for those exempted as noted in least one other valve in each Table 3.7-3) reactor power line having an inoperable valve operation may continue shall be recorded daily, provided at least one valve in each line having an inoperable valve shall be in the mode corresponding to the isolated condition.
- 3. If Specification 3.7.D.1, and 3.7.D.2 cannot be met, an orderly shutdown shall be initiated and the reactor shall be in the COLD SWJTDOWN condition within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.
- Intent Change Only (definition of operating cycle).
- ~1 Amendment No. JS, 143
CA'?-1 LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATI0d __. SpdVEILLANCE REQUIREMENT 3.7 4.7 Main Steam Isolation Valve E. Main Steam Isolation Valve E.
Leakage Control System Leakage Control System 4
- 1. MSIV-LCS Testing
- 1. The MSIV-LCS shall be operable whenever the reactor is Item Frequency 1
critical or when the reactor
- temperature is above 212*F and a.' Simulated Actua- Once/Oper-fuel is in the reactor vessel, tion Test ating Cycle except as specified in 3.7.E.2 below, b. Blower Opera- Once/ Month bility 4
- c. Motor-operated Once/ Month Valve Opera-i bility
- d. Heater Opera- Once/ Month bility Once/Oper- *
- e. Blower Capacity ating' Cycle
- 2. From and after the date that 2. When it is determined that one one MSIV-LCS subsystem or one MSIV-LCS subsystem or one blower is made or found to be blower is inoperable, the other inoperable for any reason, MSIV-LCS subsystem or blower continued reactor operation is shall be demonstrated to be
- permissible during the OPERABLE immediately. The succeeding thirty days OPERABLE MSIV-LCS subsystems provided that during such shall be demonstrated to be thirty days all active OPERABLE weekly thereafter.
components of the other MSIV-LCS subsystems are operable. -
- 3. If the requirements of 3.7.E j
cannot be met, an orderly shutdown of the reactor shall be initiated and the reactor shall be in the COLD SHUTDOWN CONDITION within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.
- Intent Change Only (definition of operating cycle).
Amendment No. 7$ 143 3.7-19 a
J -
n : >-
- 1. The mechanical vacuum pump 1. At least once during each i shall be capable of being operating cycle verify l*
autanatic securing and isolated and' secured on a signal of high radioactivity isolation of the mechanical in the steam lines whenever vacuum pump, the main steam isolation valves are open.
- 2. During mechanical vacuum pump operation the release rate of gross activity except for halogens and particulates with half lives longer than eight
days shall not exceed I curie /sec.
- 3. If the limits of 3.7.F.2 are not met the vacuum pump shall be isolated.
i i
l i
- Intent Change Only (definition of l
' operating cycle).
- Amendment No. 7$7, 143 3.7-19b
- DAEC-1 The capacity of the 7 'drywell: vacuum relief valves are sized to limit the pressure differential between the suppression chamber and drywell during post-accident drywell cooling operations to well under the design limit of 2 psi . .Jhey are sized on the basis of the Bodega Bay pressure suppression system tests. The ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section III, Subsection 8, for this vessel allows a 2 psi differential; therefore, with one il vacuum relief valve secured in the closed position and 6 operable valves, containment integrity is not impaired.
- 4. Leak Rate Testing -
3 The water. in the suppression chamber is used only for cooling in the event of an accident and for meeting the requirements of operational transients; therefore, a daily check of the temperature and volume is adequate to assure that adequate heat removal capability is present.
The interiors of the drywell and suppression chamber are coated-to prevent rusting. The inspection of the coating once per operating cycle assures the coating is intact.
j i
Amendment No.143 3.7-35
- 2. Limit the buildup in the containment pressure due to -
nitrogen addition to less than 30 psig.
- 3. To limit the offsite dose due to containment venting (for pressure control) to less than 30 rem to the thyroid.
By maintaining at least a 7-day supply of N2 on site there will be sufficient time after the occurrence of a LOCA for obtaining additional nitrogen supply from local comercial sources. The system design contains sufficient redundancy to ensure its i
rel iability. Thus, it is sufficient to test the operability of .
l the sole system annually. l The H2 and 02 analyzers are provided redundantly. There are two H2 and two 02 analyzers. By l ,
permitting continued reacto'r operation at rated power with one of the two analyzers of a given type (H 2 or 02) inoperable,
- 1 redundancy of analyzing capability will be maintained wiile not imposing an unnecessary interruption in plant operation. If one of the two analyzers of a particular type (H 2 or 02 ) fails, the frequency of testing of the other analyzer of the same type will be increased froa monthly to weekly to assure its continued availability. Monthly testing of the analyzers using bottled H2 or 02 will be adequate to ensure the system's readiness because of the multiplicity of design.
Amendment No. 143 3.7-40 v
DAEC l' the aecidents analyzed, as the Updated FSAR Section 15.6.6 for the loss-of-coolant accident shows compliance with 10 CFR 100 guidelines with an assumed efficiency of 99% for the adsorber.
Operation of the fans significantly different from the design flow envelope will change the removal efficiency of the HEPA filters and charcoal adsorbers.
Pressure drop across the combined HERA filters and charcoal
> adsorbers of less than 11 inches of water at the system design flow rate will indicate that the filters and adsorbers are not clogged by excessive amounts of foreign matter. Heater capability, pressure drop and air distribution should be -
l determined annually to show system performance capability, i
I The frequency of tests and sanple analysis are necessary to show that the HEPA filters and charcoal adsorbers can perform as ev al uated. Tests of the charcoal adsorbers with halogenated hydrocarbon refrigerant shall be performed in accordance with USAEC Report DP-1082. Iodine removal efficiency tests shall follow RDT Standard M-16-1T. (The design of the SGTS system allows the removal of charcoal samples from the bed directly through the use of a grain thief.) Each'sanple should be at least two inches in diameter and a length equal to the thickness of the bed. If test results are unacceptable, all adsorbent in the systen s' hall be replaced with an adsorbent qualified according Amendment No. 175,143 3.7-44 i
DAEC-1 f
The main steam line isolation valves are functionally tested on a ..
more frequent interval to establish a high degree of reliability.
The containment is penetrated by a large number of small diameter instrument lines. The excess flow check valves in these lines shall be tested once each operating cycle. l*
t' i
i l
- Intent Change-Only (definition of operating cycle). l 1
Amendment No. 143 3.7-48
, , - - - . -, - v- - -.
, , , - r ex-- -e,- , v.,
DAEC-1 3.7.E & 4.7.E BASES: .
The MSIV-LCS system is 'provided to minimize the. fission 1 products which could bypass the standby gas treatment system after a LOCA.
t It is designed to be manually initiated after it has been determined that a LOCA has occurred and that the pressure between the MSIV's has decayed to less than 35 psig. The Systen is also t
inhibited from operating unless the inboard MSIV associated with the MSIV-LCS subsystem is closed and the reactor vessel pressure has decayed to less than 35 psig.
Checking the operability of the various components of the MSIV-LCS system menthly assures that the MSIV-LCS system will be available in the remote possibility of a LOCA. Performance of a capacity test of the blowers and initiation of the entire system once per I
operating cycle assures that the MSIV-LCS system meets its design ,
! criteria. Allowance of thirty days to return a MSIV-LCS subsystem or blower to an operable status allows operational flexibility while maintaining protective capabilities.
l Amendment No. JS, 143 3.7-49a
- n e-
- During the semiannual test the same checks to the air start -
, . system and fuel oil pumps performed during monthly testing _shall be performed. In .
addition, the diesel starting time to reach rated frequency and voltage shall be logged.
- b. l*
OncekerOPERATINGCYCLEthe condi ion under which the -
diesel-generator is required will be simulated and a test conducted to demonstrate that.
it will start and accept the emergency load within the specified time sequence. The diesel-generator shall be operated loaded for a minimum of 5 minutes. .The results shall be logged.
- c. The quantity of diesel fuel available shall be logged 4
_ monthly and after each use of; the diesels..
- d. Once a month a sample of diesel
. fuel shall be checked for.
viscosity, water and sediment.
The values for viscosity, water and sediment shall be within the acceptable-limits specified in Table 1 of ASTM D975-77 and logged.
- e. Each diesel-generator shall be given an annual' inspection in accordance with instructions based on the manufacturer's recommendations,
- f. A sample test and record shall be made of each oil delivery
, before it is placed in the storage tank.
. 2. Unit Batteries
- a. Every week the specific gravity, the voltage and temperature of the pilot cell and overall battery voltage -
shall be measured and logged. j
- Intent Change Only (definition of !
operating cycle). l Amendment No. $$, D ), 143 3.8-2
.. . .=. . - . - . .
DAEC-1' a
- b. Every three months the measurements shall be made of voltage of each cell to nearest 10.01 Volt, specific gravity of
- each cell, and temperature of
. every fifth_ cell. These
-measurements shall be logged.
- c.
- Once each operating cycle, the l*
stated batteries shall be -
subjected to -a rated load discharge test. The specific gravity and voltage of each
-cell -shall be determined after the discharge and logged.
B. ~ Operation with Inoperable B. Surveillance with Inoperable l Components Components Whenever the reactor is in Run
- Mode or- Startup Mode with the
! reactor not in the Cold Condition, the requirements of 3.8.A shall be met except:
- 1. Diesel-Generators 1. Diesel-Generators From and after the date that When it is determined that one e one of the diesel-generators of the diesel-generators is or its associated buses are inoperable the requirements of
- made or found to be inoperable Specification 4.5.G.1 shall .be for any reason and the satisfied.
remaining diesel-generator 1s-operable, the requirements'of i Specification 3.5.G.1 shall be satisfied.
l 2. Batteries 2. Batteries
, a. From and after the date that a. From and after the date that ventilation is lost in the ventilation is lost in the battery room, portable battery room, samples of the ventilation equipment shall be battery room atmosphere shall i provided. be taken daily for hydrogen concentration determination.
l i
- Intent Change Only (definition _of operating cycle).
I Amendment No. 143 3.8-3
4 .
k i
- b. From and after the date that one of the two 125 volt station tattery systems is made or found to be H inoperable for any reason, reactor operation may con-tinue for three days ,
provided Specification 3.5.G is met, and repair is itamediately initiated. 1 l
- c. From and~after the date j that the 250 volt station ,
battery system is made or ;
found to'be inoperable for ,
any reason,ithe HPCI '
system shall be considered !
to be inoperable and the I requirements of specifica-tion 3.5.D shall be met.
- 3. Offsite Power 3. Offsite Power !
- a. From and after the date a. When it is determined that
- hat the startup or standby one of the diesel generators transformer and one diesel- or-associated buses is generator or associated '
inoperable, the requirements buses are made or found of Specification 4.5.G.1 to be ~ inoperable for any shall be satisfied, reason, reactor operation may continue provided the requirements of Specifica-tion 3.5.G.1 are satisfied.
- b. From and after the date ,
- b. When it is determined that that both the startup and both the startup and standby standby transformers transformers are. inoperable become inoperable, reactor both diesel-generators, operation may continue for associated buses and all seven days provided both low pressure core and con-emergency diesel-genera- tainment cooling systems tors, associated buses and shall be demonstrated to all low pressure cooling be operable immediately systems are-operable, and daily thereafter.
3.8-4 April 1974 5
. DAEC-l'.
SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENT LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION Emergency Service Water ~ System. C. Emergency Service Water System C.
1.. Except as specified in 3.8.C.2 1. Emergency Service Water _ ,
below, both emergency service Subsystem Testing water- system loops shall be
- a. Simulated auto- Once/
OPERABLE whenever irradiated - operating fuel is in the reactor vessel matic actuation and reactor coolant .
test. cycle.
temperature is' greater than once/3-212*F. b. -Pump and motor operated valve months operability.
- c. Flow Rate Test Each emergency after major service water purip mainte-punp shall nance and deliver at . . ~ every month.- -
least that flow except weekly determined from during Figure 4.8.C-1 periods of for the existing time the river water -river water temperature. temperature-exceeds 80*F.
From and after the date that 2. When one emergency ' service '
one of the emergency service water system pump or loop water system pumps or loops is 'becomes inoperable, the made or found to be inoperable OPERABLE pump and loop shall be-for any reason, reactor demonstrated to be OPERABLE
- operation must be limited to . immediately.and daily there-
! In addition, the seven days. unless OPERABILITY after.
l of that system is restored requirements of.4.5.G.I. shall within this' period. During- be met.
' such seven days all active components of the other Emergency Service Water System shall be OPERABLE, provided the requirements of 3.5.G are ^
- 3. If the requirements of 3.8.C cannot be met, an. orderly SHUTDOWN shall be initiated and the reactor shall be in a COLD SHUTDOWN condition within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.
Amendment No. 19,71,77),143 3.8-6
.4 At the end of the monthly loads test of the diesel-generator, the fuel ,
oil transfer pump will be operated to refill the day tank and to check the operation-of this pump. The day tank level indicator and alarm switches and fuel oil transfer pump control switches will be checked at this time.
The test of the diesels once each operating cycle will be more [*
comprehensive in that it will functionally test the system; i.e., it ,
will check starting.and closure of breakers and sequencing of loads.
The units will be started by simulation of a loss-of-coolant accident.
In addition, a loss of normal power condition will be imposed-to simulate a loss of off-site power. The timing sequence will be checked to assure proper loading in the time required. Periodic tests check the capability of the units to start in the required time and to deliver the expected emergency load requirements. Periodic testing of the various components plus a functional test each operating cycle are l*
sufficient to maintain adequate reliability.
Logging the diesel fuel supply after each operation (at least monthly) assures that the minimum fuel supply requirements will be
- Intent Change Only (definition of operating cycle).
Amendment No. 5$,137,143 3.8-12
[ DAEC-1.
PLANT CAPABILITIES ' CAPABILITIES Aoolicability: Acolicability:
Applies to the operating Applies to the surveillance status of the main control requirements for the main room ventilation system and , control room ventilation the emergency shutdown local system, and the emergency control. panel. shutdown control panels which are required by the corresponding Limiting Conditions for Operation.
Objective: Objective:
To assure the availability of To verify that operability or the main control room availability under conditions ventilation system, and for which these capabilities emergency shutdown control are an essential response to panels under the conditions station Manonnalities.
for which the capability is an essential response to station abnonnalities.
- 1. Except as specified in 1. Annually, the pressure drop l Specification 3.10. A.3 below, across the combined HEPA the centrol room air treatment filters and charcoal adsorber system and the diesel banks shall be demonstrated to generators required for be less than 6 inches of water operation of this system shall at system design flow rate. -
be OPERABLE at all times when contairment integrity is required.
2.a The results of the in-place 2.a. The tests and sanple analysis cold 00P and halogenated of Specification 3.10.A.2 shall hydrocarbon tests at design be performed initially and then flows on HEPA fiiters and annually for standby service or charcoal adsorber banks shall after every 720 hours0.00833 days <br />0.2 hours <br />0.00119 weeks <br />2.7396e-4 months <br /> of system show >99% DOP removal and >99%
operation and following halogenated hydrocarbon significant painting, fire or removal , chemical release in any ventilation zone communicating with the systen.
l Amendment No. 143 3.10-1
DAEC-1 .
- b. 'The results of laboratory b. Cold 00P testing. shall be carbon sample analysis shall performed after each complete show >90% radioactive methyl or partial replacement of the ,
iodide removal at a face HEPA filter bank or after any velocity qf 40 fpm, 0.05 to structural maintenance on the 0.15 mg/m3 inlet iodide system housing, concentration, > 95% R.H. and
> 125'F.
- c. System flow shall be 1000 cfm e. Halogenated hydrocarbon testing
+ 100 cfm. shall be performed after each complete or partial replacenent of the charcoal adsorber bank or after any structural maintenance on the system housing.
- d. Each circuit shall be operated at least 10 hours1.157407e-4 days <br />0.00278 hours <br />1.653439e-5 weeks <br />3.805e-6 months <br /> every month.
- 3. From and after the date that 3. Annually, automatic initiation l one of the control roan air of the control room air treatment systems is made or treatment system shall be found_to be inoperable for any demonstrated.
reason, reactor operation or refueling operations is-permissible only dur ing the succeeding sever, days unless such circuit is sooner made OPERABLE.
- 4. If these conditions cannot be met, reactor shutdown shall be initiated and the reactor shall be in COLD SHUTDOWN within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> for reactor operations and refueling operations shall be terminated .
- 1. At all times -when not in use 1. The emergency shutdown local ,
or being maintained the control panel shall be visually l emergency shutdown locu, checked once per week to verify i control panel shall be it is secured.
- 2. Operability of the switches on ,,
the emergency shutdown local j control panel shall be i functionally tested once per operating cycle.
Amendment No. 143 3.10-2 l l
- DAEC-1 4.10.A BASES MAIN CONTROL ROOM VENTILATION Pressure drop across the combined HEPA filters and charcoal adsorbers of less than six inches of water at the system desion flow rate will indicate that the filters and adsorbers are not clogged by excessive anounts of foreign matter. Pressure drop-should be determined at least annually to show system performance l c apabil ity.
The frequency of tests and sanple analysis are necessary to show that the HEPA filters and charcoal adsorDers can perform as eval uated. Tests of the charcoal adsorbers with halogenated hydrocarbon shall be performed in accordance with USAEC Report DP-1082. Iodine removal efficiency tests shall follow RDT Standard FL16-1T. Test cartridges are provided to allow removal of a representative charcoal sample without affecting the operation of the bed. If test results are unacceptable, all adsorbent in the systen shall be replaced with an adsorbent qualified according to Table 4.10-1. The replacement tray for the adsorber tray removed for the test should meet 1the same adsorbent quality. Tests of the HEPA filters with DOP aerosol shall be performed in accordance to ANSI N101.1-1972. Any HEPA filters found defective shall be repl aced. The replacement HEPA filters should be steel cased and designed to military specifications MIL-F-51068C and MIL-F-51079A. The HEPA filters should satisfy the requirements of UL-586. The HEPA filter separators should be capable of withstanding iodine removal sprays. HEPA filters should be tested individually by the appropriate Filter Test Facility listed -in the Amendment No. 7%, 143 3.10-5
DAEC-1 5
current USNRC Health and Safety Bulletin for Filter Unit Inspection .
and Testing Service. The Filter Test Facilityf should test each filter at 1005 and 20% of rated ' flow, with the filter encapsulated to
, disclose frame and gasket leaks..
Operation of the systen for 10 hours1.157407e-4 days <br />0.00278 hours <br />1.653439e-5 weeks <br />3.805e-6 months <br /> every month will demonstrate operability-of the filters and adsorber ' system .and .rtmove excessive moisture built up on the adsorber.
If significant painting, fire or chenical release occurs such that the HEPA filter or charcoal adsorber could become contaminated fran the funes, chemicals or f'ereign materials, the same tests and.sanple analysis shall be performed as required for operational- use.- The determination of significant shall be made by the operator on duty at the time of the incident. Knowledgeable staff nembers should be consulted prior to making this determination.
Demonstration of the automatic initiation capability is necessary to assure system performance capability.
[ Once per week verification of the panel being properly secured is considered adequate. The associated equipment is proven operable during surveillance testing of that equipment. An operability l verification by functional test once per operating cycle is adequate .
l to assure that the panel is available and can perform its design function.
1 Amendment No. 77, 143 3.10-6
. - =_- - - - . . . , .- , - . --. . .
I o
DAEC-1 l l
LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENT l B. Fire Suporession Water System B. Fire Suoeression Water System
- 1. The Fire Suppression Water 1. The Fire Suppression Water System shall be OPERABLE with: System shall be demonstrated OPERABLE:
- a. The river water supply system a. By verifying that the river OPERABLE. water supply systen is OPERABLE per Specification 3.5.J.
- b. Two (2) fire pumps OPERABLE b. Once every week by starting the l and aligned to the fire diesel-driven fire pump and suppression yard header, operating it for at least 30 minutes.
- c. Automatic initiation logic for c. Once.per month by starting the l each fire pump. motor-driven fire pump and operating it for at least 15 minutes on recirculation flow,
- d. Once per six months by a flush -l of the yard header.,
- e. Annually by verifying that each l pump will develop a flow of at least 3100 gpm with a discharge pressure of 112 psig,
- f. Once per three years by verify- l ing the hydraulic performance of the system by starting the motor-driven fire pump and directing flow around the yard header. Under this condition the flow and pressure require-ments described in Specification
- 4.13.B.l.e shall be met,
- g. Once per 92 days by verifying l that a sample of diesel fuel from the fuel storage tank, obtained in accordance with ASTM-D270-65, is within the acceptable limits specified in :
Table 1 of ASTM-0975-74 with !
respect to viscosity, water content and sediment.
I l
Amendment No. 73, 143 3.13-3
- h. Annuall y, by verifyino the diesel j starts from ambient c6nditions en the auto-start. signal and operates for > 30 minutes while loaded with the Tire pump.
b d!Ne d ka N for two hours operation.
hf $
J. Once per month by verifying that l gach valve in the flow path is in its correct position.
- 2. When only one pump is GPERABLE, 2. When ' t is determined that only one restore the second fire pump to pump 's OPERABLE that pump shall OPERASLE status within 7 day 5 be demonstrated dPERABLE or prepare and submit a Special immadiately ano daily thereafter Report to the Commission until Specification 3.13.B.1 can be pursuant to Spec 1fication 6.11 met.
within the next 30 days outlining the plans and procedures to De used to provide for the loss of redundancy in this system.
- 3. If the Fire Sucoression Water System is not OPERABLE:
- a. Within one hour establish an hourly fire wat powerbloQkbui$hpatrolinall dings and maintain it until a backup fire
."$biks N.
- b. Establish a backup fire suppression water system within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.
- c. If neither fire pumo is OPERABLE within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> submit a Special Report f.o the Commission pursuant to Specifi-cation 6.11 within 30 days outlining the cause of tne inoperability and the plans for restoring the system to OPERABLE status.
- d. If Specifications 3.13.B.3.a or can. ot be met place the reactor in H0 S" D$Y within the next s x I hours and in COLD SHUTDOWN' thin the following thirty (30) hours.
- 4. When maintenance on the irqu-lating water / fire cump oit is being performed the following conditions shall be met:
- a. The River Water Supply System the will kire water supp fuch be maintained y canthat be restored within one hour; and
- b. atch patr 1 will An be 'estabfiri'w$hgd in alk hourlv power block bu' dings.
3 13-4 Amendment No. g, U2,143 v __ --
, DAEC-1
' LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENT C. Deluge and Sprinkler Systems. C.. Deluae and Sprinkler Systems
< 1. The deluge and sprinkler 1. ' The deluge: and sprinkler systems located in the systems 'shall be denonstrated f.ollowing areas shall be to De OPERABLE:
OPERABLE whenever safety-
- related equipment in the a. Annually
- l-deluge / sprinkler-protected 4 area is required to be ' 1) By performing a system OPERABLE. functional test which includes
. simulated automatic actuation a'. RCIC Room (Deluge System #1)
of the~ system and' verifying that the automatic valves in
- b. .HPCI Room (Deluge System #2) .the flow path actuate to' their correct positions.
.c. . Diesel Generator Diesel Fuel -
Oil Day Tank Rooms (Sprinkler 2) By' visual inspection of-
! Systems- #2 and #3) ' sprinkler headers to verify
.their' integrity. '
- d. Control Building air i conditioning charcoal beds. 3) By inspection of. each nozzle' i (Deluge Systems.) for obstructions or damage..
- e. Gas Treatment System charcoal -b. Once per-three years by an air l beds. (Deluge Systens.) flow test of the deluge systems.
- 2. If any of the above listed deluge and sprinkler systems is found to be inoperable,
- a. Within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />, establish a fire watch with portable fire extinguishing equipment to ,
, ensure that each area where protection-is lost is checked hourly, and I
- b. Restore the system to OPERABLE status within fourteen days. 1 i
- 3. If Specification 3.13.C.2.b cannot be met, prepare and submit a Special Report to the Commission pursuant to j Specification 6.11 within 30 4
dgys outlining the cause of inoperability and plans for restoring the system to OPERABLE status.
Anendment No. JJ, 143 3.13-5 i
- 1. The CO 2 Systen for the cable 1. The CO2 System shall be spreading room shall be demonstrated OPERABLE:
OPERABLE with a minimun level of 90% and a minimum pressure a. Once per seven days by verifying l of 275 psi in the storage CO2 storage tank level and tank. pressure.
- b. Annually by verifying that the l system valves actuate automatically ar.d manually to. a simulated actuation signal. A l brief air flow test shall be made l to verify- flow from ea;h nozzle. -)
- 2. If Specification 3.13.D.1 cannot be met,
- a. Verify immediately that hose station #35 outside the cable spreading room is OPERABLE per Specification 4.13.E.1.a. .
- b. Within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />, establish a i fire watch with portable fire extinguishing equipment to ensure that the cable spreading room is checked continuously, and
- c. Restore the system to OPERABLE status within 14 days.
- 3. If Specification 3.13.D.2.c cannot be met, prepare and submit a Special Report to the Commission pursuant to Specification 6.11 within 30 days outlining the cause of inoperability and the plans for restoring the system to OPERABLE status.
- 4. For personnel safety consider-ations, the system shall be isolated when personnel occupy the caole. spreading room.
During this time, the personnel in the cabl.e spreading roan constitute a continuous fire watch if they have portable fire extinguishing equipment available.
3.13-6 Amendment No. O , 143
- 1. The fire hose stations in the 1. Each fire hose station shall be followin7 locations shall be verified to be OPERABLE:
ope,rable whenever safety-related equipment in the areas a. Once every three months by- l protected by the fire hose visual inspection of the stations is required to be station to assure all equipment operable.
- is available and the pressure in the standpipe ~ is within (See Table 3.13-2) limits, and that all valves in the flowpath to the hose station are open.
- b. Annually, by removing the hose -l.
for inspection and repacking and replacing all gaskets in the couplings that are degraded,
- c. Once per three years partially l open hose . station valves to
verify valve operability and no blockage.
- d. Once per three years conduct a l hose hydrostatic test at a ,
pressure 50 psig greater than the maximum pressure available at that hose station.
- 2. With a hose station inoperable, restore the hose station to operable status within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> or, establish a fire watch with portable extinguishing equipment until an additional hose can be routed from an operable hose station to the unprotected area.
Amendment No. 13, 737, 143 3.13-7
- 1. All fire barrier penetration 1. Fire barrier penetration seals -
seals protecting safety- shall be verified to be related areas shall be intact. functional by:
- a. A visual inspection of-approximately 35% of the fire barrier penetration seals once -
per operating cycle, with 100% of- l*
the fire barrier penetration seals visually inspected within a
. period of five years,
- b. A visual inspection of a fire barrier penetration seal-following maintenance to verify
' that it has been returned to its original condition.
- 2. All fire doors protecting 2. Fire doors shall be verified to safety-related areas shall be be functional:
- a. At least once per operating cycle l*
via visual inspection to verify integrity and assure no blockage exists.
- b. Prior to restoring a fire door to functional status following repairs or maintenance to verify it has been returned to its original condition.
- Intent Change Oniy (definition of operating cycle).
Amendment No. (3, 732, 143 3.13-8
DAEC-1 Only hos.e stations and sprinkler / spray systems protecting safety related systems' are required to be operable per the requirements of this Technical Specification. All other hose stations and sprinkler / spray systems are maintained per the regular plant maintenance and inspection procedures. ,
4.13 BASES Periodic testing of the Fire Protection System will provide positive indication of its operability. If only one of the pumps supplying the Fire Protection Systen is operable, the pump that is operable will be checked immediately and daily thereafter to demonstrate operability.
If the CO2 System becomes inoperable in the cable spreading room, a continuous fire watch will be established within an hour.
Wet fire header flushing, spray header inspection for blockage, and nozzle inspection for blockage will prevent, detect, and remove buildup of sludge or other material to ensure continued operability.
Semiannual tests of heat and smoke detectors are in accordance with the NFPA code.
One detector in zones 1 or 3 (control auxiliary panel room) may be inoperable without making that fire detection zone inoperable due to the nunber of adjacent detectors in these zones providing coverage.
All the fire detection equipment in zones 15 to 16 (essential swi.tchgear rooms), zones 13,14 and 17 (battery rooms), zones 21 and 22 (diesel-generator rooms) and zone 2 (control auxiliary panel room) are considered essential for adequate fire detection in these areas and are therefore all required to be operable. Up to three detectors for each zone in the cable spreading room (zones 5, 6, 7 and 8) can be inoperable without making that zone inoperable, as long as there are no adjacent detectors which are also inoperable. Adjacent detectors will provide coverage.
Smoke detectors will be tested "in-place" using inert gas applied by a pyrotronics type applicator which is accepted throughout the industrial fire protection industry for testing products of combustion detectors or by use of the MSA chemica' smoke generators. ,
Circuits checks by initiation of end of the line or end of the branch detectors will more thoroughly test the parallel circuits than testing on a rotating detector basis. This test is not a detector test, but is a test to simulate the effect of electrical supervision as defined in the NFPA Code 72 A-18, Article 240.
- ]' Inspection of fire doors at least once per operating cycle will verify their integrity and thus their ability to maintain the integrity of the associated fire barrier and prevent fire propagation outside of the affected fire zone.
Inspectipn of fire protection raceway wrap and structural steel fireproofing will verify their ability to perform their intended design function which is to mitigate the effects of a fire in the affected fire zone.
- Intent Change Only (definition of operating cycle).
Amendment No. O , D7, 143 3.13-10
DAEC-1 B. Procedures required by the plant Security Plan. ,
- 9. Operation of radioactive waste systems.
- 10. Fire Protection Program implementation.
- 11. A preventive maintenance and periodic visual examination program to reduce leakage from systems outside containment that would or 'could contain highly radioactive fluids during a serious transient to as low as practical levels. This program shall also -include provisions for performance of periodic systems leak tests of eacn l system once per operating cycle.
- 12. Program to ensure the capability to accurately determine the airborne iodine concentration in vital areas under accident conditions, including training of personnel, procedures for monitoring and provisions for maintenance of sampling and analysis equipment.
- 13. Administrative procedures for shift overtime for Operations personnel to be consistent with the Commission's Jun - 15, 1982, policy statement.
- 14. Offsite Dose Assessment Manual.
- 15. Process Control Plan.
- 16. Quality Control Program for effluents.
. 6.8.2 Procedures described in 6.8.1 above, and changes thereto, shall be reviewed by the Operations Committee and approved by the Plant Superintendent-Nuclear prior to implementation, except as provided in 6.8.3 below.
i 6.8.3 Temporary minor changes to procedures described in 6.8.1 above which do not change the intent of the original procedure may be made with the concurrence of two members of the plant management staff, at least one of whom shall hold a senior operator license. Such changes shall be documented and promptly reviewed by the Operations Committee and by.the Plant Superintendent-Nuclear. Subsequent incorporation, if necessary, as a permanent change, shall be in accord with 6.8.2 above.
Amendment No. 19),72$. 728,143 6.8-2
,. - - . . . .---m. . . %-
- DAEC-1 6.8.4 Selected drills of emergency procedures'shall be conducted in .
accordance with the provisions of the Emergency Plan.
6.8.5 The preventive and corrective,, maintenance progran above shall be implemented as follows:
- 1. Once per operating cycle, a detailed walkdown inspection shall be l performed and the results recorded.
- 2. Additional walkdown inspections shall be performed detect iny visible leakage. ,
Amendment No. 777,143 6.8-2a
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