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Testimonies of HR Goodwin,Ah Joyner,Dn Keast & DB Overman Re Eddleman Contention 57-C-3 (Nighttime Notification). Resumes of HR Goodwin & DB Overman Encl.W/Certificate of Svc.Related Correspondence
Person / Time
Site: Harris Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 02/18/1986
From: Goodwin H, Joyner A, Keast D, Overman D
CON-#186-142 OL, NUDOCS 8602210294
Download: ML20214C846 (31)





00CKETED February 18,1986 USNRC 16 FEB 20 P2 :13 C TN I )ki.






(Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant) )



Q1. Please state your names.

A1. H. Ralph Goodwin (HRG), Alvin H. Joyner (AHJ), David N. Keast (DNK), and Dewey B. Overman, II (DBO).

Q2. Mr. Goodwin, by whom are you employed and what is your position?

A2.(HRG): I am employed by Carolina Power & Light Company as Senior Specialist-Emergency Preparedness.

Q3. Please summarize your professional qualifications and experience.

A3. (HRG):Since 1981, I have been employed by CP&L in the Company's Emergency Preparedness Section as a Senior Specialist-Emergency Preparedness. I am responsible for providing technical support and assistance to CP&L's nuclear plants in the area of emergency preparedness. This includes ensuring that emergency response facilities, including communications networks, alert and notification systems and other equipment necessary during an emergency, are adequate. In my position I work on a daily basis with emergency preparedness agencies, including the North Carolina Division of Emergency Management and the Federal Emergency Management Agency, to ensure effective support and coordination in the event of an emergency at a CP&L plant. I have taken numerous training courses in connection with my emergency preparedness responsibilities. Prior to joining CP&L, I worked at Virginia Electric & Power Company's North Anna Power Station. My duties there included work in the areas of emergency planning and fire protection. A complete statement of my professional qualifications is attached to this testimony as Attachment A.

In connection with Eddleman Contention 5 7-C-3, I was responsible for coordinating the development of Information concerning notification mechanisms to supplement the public notification provided by the existing siren system in the Harris emergency planning zone (EPZ), including the tone alert radio system that Applicants are now proposing.

Q4. Mr. Joyner, by whom are you employed and what is your position?

A4.(AHJ): I am the Lead Planner for Fixed Nuclear Facilities within the Division of Emergency Management ("DEM") of the North Carolina Department of Crime Control and Public Safety. My professional qualifications and experience are described in my testimony which was filed on October 18, 1985 concerning Eddleman Contention 57-C-3. A copy of my resume is attached to that testimony.

QS. Mr. Keast, by whom are you employed and what is your position?

A5.(DNK): I am Vice President and Senior Project Manager of HMM Associates, Inc. of Concord, Massachusetts. My professional qualifications and experience are summarized in the testimony filed on October 18, 1985 concerning contention, and a complete statement of my professional qualiffcations is attached to that testimony.

Q6. Mr. Overman, by whom are you employed and what is your position?

A6.(DBO): I am employed by Carolina Power & Light Company as Principal Engineer-Telecommunications Engineering, a position I have held since 1977.

Q7. Please summarize your professional qualifications and experience.

A7.(DBO): I received a Bachelor of Science degree in electrical engineering from North Carolina State University. Since joining CP&L in 1969, I have held a number of engineering positions, all of which have involved the design of communications and electronic control systems. These systems include microwave systems, !and-mobile radio systems, and telephone systems. My responsibilities with respect to communications systems include planning, scheduling, preparing specifications, reviewing vendor proposals, procuring the systems, design engineering and consulting. Prior to joining

, CP&L, I worked for Texas Instruments, Inc. In the design of communications equipment.

I was also a communications technician while serving in the United States Navy. Iam active as an amateur radio hobbyist and hold an Advanced Class amateur radio license.

A copy of my professional resume is attached to this testimony as Attachment B.

Q8. Gentlemen, what is the purpose of your joint testimony?


The purpose of our testimony is to describe the tone alert radio receiver program that Applicants plan to supplement the existing siren system within a five-mile radius of the Harris Plant. We will discuss the cost and feasibility of the supplementary notification systems Applicants considered: radio receivers and telephone notification systems. This information is responsive to Item No. 6 in the Board's January 16, 1986 Memorandum and Order. We will also describe in some detail the radio receivers themselves and Applicants' program to distribute, test, repair and maintain the receivers. The testimony will also address how the public notification will be accomplished, using the facilities of the National Weather Service (NWS). We will also discuss how Applicants will provide information to residents about the use of the radio receivers. Mr. Keast will address the alerting levels that can be expected from tl e addition of a radio notification system within the five-mile radius. Mr. Joyner will describe the role of the North Carolina Division of Emergency Management in implementing this supplementary notification system.

Q9. How have Applicants addressed the Board's Order with respect to supplementing the siren system within a five-mile radius of the Harris Plant?

A9.(HRG): We have evaluated the suitability of supplementing the sirens with a telephone alerting system, as the Board asked in item No. 6 of the Order. We also evaluated a system using tone alert radios. The factors we considered were the ability of the system to provide broad and rapid coverage, public reaction to the proposed system, technical feasibility, required time for developing and installing the system, and cost.

We contacted the local telephone company (Southern Bell) and several manufacturers of telephone equipment to determine the availability of technologies for notification based upon the existing telephone system. There are two different systems

that potentially could be used for this purpose. The first is a system using automatic dialing equipment. It was determined that seventeen automatic dialers would be necessary to ensure that the residents are contacted and a prerecorded message given to them within the required 15-minute time period. The automatic dialing equipment could be purchased by Applicants and located either on Applicar.ts' property or in facilities controlled by State or local emergency preparedness agencies. For the system to operate, dedicated telephone lines would be required to connect the dialing equipment with the local telephone company. The system must be manually activated by a person at the location of the dialing equipment. Upon activation of the dialing equipment, each unit would begin dialing its assigned group of numbers in sequence. Those lines which are busy or which are not answered within a predefined number of rings would be redialed later after the unit completes dialing its group of telephone numbers. Systems having two different means of acknowledgment are available. One is voice activated; upon hearing the voice of a person answering the telephone, it registers that residence as being notified. The other requires each resident to enter a specific code from a touch-tone telephone, or to activate a separate hand-held tone generator if the telephone is rotary dial or pulse dial, to register that residence as being notified. If the code is not properly entered, that number is added to the bottom of the group of numbers requiring dialing.

A second option based upon the existing telephone system is a one-way automatic ringdown module that would be wired in series between the telephone company's central office switch and each subscriber line to be alerted. This equipment would be physically installed in the telephone company's central office and is available only on a lease basis.

Theoretically, such a system would be abh to dial all the residences at one time. This would be limited only by the telephone company's capability to produce the required ringing voltage. According to Southern Bell, it would take 6 to 8 weeks to evaluate their ability to provide such a system. Each phone dialed will rir.g continuously until it is answered. Busy lines would receive a warning tone (similar to a " call-waiting" tone) to notify the resident to hang up so he or she can receive the emergency call.

We also evaluated the possibility of distributing tone alert radios to residents within five miles of the plant. Our investigation revealed that the area around the Harcis Plant is within the primary coverage area of two transmitters already maintained by the

National Weather Service for use in transmitting routine weather information and alert signals in the event of an emergency weather condition. Radio receivers capable of receiving NWS alert signals are commercially available. Based on contacts with the supplier, we found that a receiver that meets our needs, the Realistic Weatheradio Alert III, is available in sufficient quantitles and within the time frame needed.

i Q10. What is the approximate cost to install each of these systems to cover the households within a five-mile radius of the Harris Plant?

A10.(HRG): According to information we received from the manufacturer, a system

[ using automatic dialing equipment could b obtained for a one-time cost of l approximately $147,900. This cost covers the purchase and installation of the required voice-activated automatic dialing equipment and related hardware, and the installation of the required leased telephone lines between the dialing equipment and the telephone

! company office. It does not include maintenance and repair costs. Lease costs for the required telephone lines would be approximately $2,800 a month ($33,600 annually).

There would be no one-time cost associated with an automatic ringdown system since it would be leased from the telephone company. Due to the technical nature of our request for information, Southern Bell was unable to provide the precise cost associated with the lease of such a system. However, the equipment manufacturer was able to provide the estimated cost of similar installations in other locations. Based on these estimates, an automatic ringdown system to cover the households in the five-mile radius J


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would cost in the range of $2,300 to $8,200 per month ($27,600 to $98,400 annually).

Southern Bell indicated that it would take approximately 6 to 8 weeks to provide a more precise cost estimate. Current tariff charges do not reflect installation of equipment of this type. Therefore, specific costs are unavailable at this time.

With respect to tone alert radios, we determined that it would cost approximately

$28,000 to purchase radio receivers for each household within a five-mile radius of the Harris Plant and an adequate number of spares. Additional costs would be associated with distributing the receivers and developing a public information program to educate residents about them. Although we have not developed precise cost figures for distribution and public education, I estimate that initial distribution would cost about

$27,000 and development of a public information program would cost at least $25,000 Thus, establishment of a radio notification system would cost at least $80,000. This figure does not include the cost of maintaining and repairing the receivers, testing them, replacing them when necessary, and maintaining an ongoing public education program.

Q11. Why have Applicants opted for a tone alert radio system?

All.(HRG): After completing our review, we concluded that a tone alert radio system is an effective supplemental notification system. It is a practical means to provide timely notification to the targeted households. Together with the existing siren system, the use of tone alerts will provide excellent coverage to alert residents at night -- the subject of Eddleman Contention 57-C-3. A tone alert radio program can be tailored to meet this specific concern.

Although a system based on residential telephones would also be feasible, we concluded that a radio system has several advantages. First, U. S. Census data indicate that approximately ten percent of the households in the Harris EPZ do not have telephones. With a tone alert system, radio receivers would be distributed to every household in the five-mile radius. Not all households that do have telephones have them i


in locations that are most conducive to nighttime notification (e.g.,in the bedroom), and Applicants cannot reasonably request that residents relocate their existing telephones.

With tone alert radios, residents can be instructed to place the receivers in a location where they are most likely to awaken the household at night (e.g., in the bedroom of the head of the househald). In addition, as Mr. Keast will discuss later, the alert tone of the radio receiver we have chosen has a greater sound level and notification capability than the ring of a standard telephone.

A tone alert radio system is considerably less expensive and could be in place sooner than either of the two types of telephone-based systems. As I indicated in my previous answer, either of the telephone systems would be considerably more expersive i than the tone alert radio system over the lifetime of the Harris Plant. Indeed, Southern Bell could not even provide us with a reliable cost estimate for an automatic ringdown i

system. In our discussions, Southern Bell estimated that it would take approximately twelve .nonths to install a system which would be leased from them. In contrast, the radio receivers are readily available and can be procured within approximately thirty days. Thus, a radio system (unlike a telephone-based system) could be in place prior to the Harris fuel load date.

In order to ensure notification by telephone, it would be necessary to establish and properly maintain an up-to-date call register. This register would require frequent revision as people move in or out of the area and whenever residents within the five-mile radius change their telephone number. Such a register would be difficult to properly maintain; it would require the cooperation of the local telephone company and of residents within the area in divulging ineir telephone numbers.

Either of the two types of automatic dialing equipment (voice activated or requiring the resident to enter a code) has some limitations. A voice activated system would regard notification as complete if any person answered the telephone, whether or 8-i

not the person is capable of responding to the emergency message. A system that requires the resident to enter a code through the telephone has a more serious limitation since it would require a resident to remember and enter the code. Residents with rotary _

dial or pulse dial telephones (rather than touch tone telephones) would be required to have a separate hand-held tone generator in order to enter the code. Unless the code is properly entered, the dialer would continue to re-dial the number, thus increasing the overall notification time.

Another advantage of a tone alert radio system is that it could be readily used to broadcast both the alert tone and the entire Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) message. The broadcast would be made to all residents simultaneously. On the other hand, neither of the available telephone systems is designed to facilitate the rapid recording and distribution of an EBS message. Most likely, only a prewritten message telling persons to listen to an EBS radio or television station could be conveyed by telephone. While a ringing telephone does not necessarily signal that an emergency exists (and some persons may even ignore it), the sounding of a radio alert tone immediately conveys to the populace that an emergency condition has occurred. Thus, a tone alert radio system has a better capability to provide more information rapidly to the public.

From the standpoint of public acceptance, a tone alert radio system is also advantageous because it would be associated with the NWS notification system that has already received wide public acceptance and with which many individuals would already be familiar in connection with weather alerts. No utility uses a telephone-based system for public notification of a nuclear emergency. The NWS radio notification system has been in use across the country for about a decade and is a proven technology. On the basis of these considerations, Appicants chose a tone alert radio system.




(DNK): I would add that the NWS weather radio system has been well received across the country. As of 1983, 46 million weather radio receivers had been sold since 1978 and were in use, and NWS continues to report very high levels of public support for the program. This support reflects the system's usefulness to all areas of the nation in providing both routine weather forecasts and warnings of severe weather. These routine and severe weather forecasts provide valuable - and sometimes lifesaving -- information to government officials and members of the public involved in agriculture, recreation, transportation, energy conservation, marine travel and emergency management. 'l hus, the NWS weather radio system has utility to the public on a routine, daily basis. This is a unique feature of the NWS weather radio system. Because the NWS weather radio broadcasts have proven to be a widely-accepted, highly valuable public service elsewhere across the nation, it can be expected that the broadcasts will be similarly popular with residents in the Harris EPZ, particularly considering the predominance of agricultural and recreational activities within the EPZ.

Q12. What type of radio receivers do Applicants propose to distribute to residents living within a five-mile radius of the Harris Plant?


The receiver will be a Realistic Weatheradio Alert III, Model No.12-140 (manufactured for Radio Shack, a division of Tandy Corporation), or a radio receiver with comparable features. The Realistic receiver is capable of operating on both ordinary house current and a standard 9-volt battery as a back-up. If the electrical power supply to the receiver is interrupted for any reason, the receiver automatically shifts to the battery back-up mode and continues to operate. When the radio is in the " alert" standby position, it is capable of automatically sounding an alarm tone and voice message upon receipt of the radio signal from the National Weather Service. The receiver can operate on any of the three frequencies (162.550,162.475 or 162.400 MHz) that the National Weather Service uses for weather alert notification of the public. The alarm operates at full volume regardless of the volume control setting for the voice message. The receiver has an " alert lock" feature whereby the alarm will sound continuously until it is manually reset. There is also a " test" button that allows the owner to check for the proper operation of the alarm tone at any time.

Q13. Mr. Keast, would you please describe the aleriing sounds produced by the Model 12-140 Realistic Weatheradio Alert 111 receiver?

A13.(DNK): When the receiver is first activated by a NWS radio transmission, it produces a relatively high-pitched tonal sound with a slight frequency warble. I call this the


" initial alert tone." This tone persists as long as the NWS continues to transmit its activation signal - typically 10 to 15 seconds. A red light on the receiver begins to blink when the transmission begins, and continues to do so until the device is manually reset.

When the " alert lock" switch is in the "on" position, the initial alert tone is followed by a somewhat lower-pitched tonal sound, also with a slight warble. I call this the " continuous tone." The continuous tone lasts indefinitely, or until the receiver is manually reset.

Q14. What is your estimate of the likelihood that these sounds will awaken sleeping people?

A14.(DNK): Based upon Figure 2 of Lukas (Ex. 48), I conclude that 86% of sleeping people will be directly awakened by the combined effect of the two tones within the first 15 minutes after activation. Intuitively, this percentage seems low to me after hearing the piercing sound of the alert tone from the receiver. Perhaps this reflects the conservative nature of the Lukas results, which has been pointed out numerous times in the record of this proceeding.

If there are two persons sleeping in the bedroom, then using Lukas, there is a 98%

chance that at least one of the two people will be awakened within the first 15 minutes.

United States Census data for the EPZ indicate that 68% of households within the EPZ include married couples. Hence, it is reasonably conservative to assume that there will be two adults sleeping in 50% of the adult bedrooms witbin the EPZ. On this basis, I conclude that the radios will alert 92% of the households in which they are installed.

The awakening of adults by the alerting tone from the radios will, of course, be combined with alerting by the siren system. Fifty-two percent of the households in the EPZ have three or more persons. These households have a median alerting probability of 38% purely because people sleeping in bedrooms without radios ceuld be awakened by sirens. The combined effect of the radios and sirens is that 94.4% of all households would be directly alerted.

None of these estimates include contributions from alerting of those sleeping in other bedrooms who might be awakened by the radio, or those awakened by informal notification or mobile alerting. These contributions will tend to further increase the percentage of households elerted within the first 15 minutes.

Q15. On what do you base your estimates?

A15.(DNK) I have measured the acoustic properties of the initial alert and continuous tones in a normal residential bedroom. For these measurements, the receiver was placed on a bedstand and its sounds were measured 42 inches to one side and 6 inches above a pillow on the bed. This measurement location simulated that at the ear of a person sleeping with his or her head at the center of a king-sized bed. (if two people were sleeping in the bed, one would presumably be closer to the radio and one further away. If the bed were smaller, such as a twin bed, then the sleeper would generally be closer than 42 inches from the radio.)

The measured spectra of the two tones at this location are shown on Attachment C. Also shown are the A-weighted and C-weighted levels of the tones, along with the PNdB levels computed in accordance with Dr. Kryter's book, The Effects of Noise on Man

I l

l (Academic Press, New York,1970). These PNdB levels include tonal corrections. I computed EPNdB levels as follows:

Initial alert tone:

EPNdB= PNdB + 10 log 10 (2x10 sec.)

= PNdB + 13.0 dB Continuous tone:

EPNdB = PNdB + 10 log 10 (890x2)

= PNdB + 32.5 dB IIence, the initial alert tone produced 104 EPNdB in 10 seconds and the continuous tone produced 127.5 EPNdB in the remainder of the 15 minutes. I then determined the combined percentages awakened using Figure 2 of Lukas (Ex. 48).

For the Board's information, I have also done these same analyses using the Horonjeff and Krallmann sleep-awakening relationships derived by the Board, and illustrated on Figure 2 of the Board's Order of January 16,1986. In addition, I have done the analysis using the sleep-awakening relationship in Dr. Kryter's testimony for 35- to 54-year-old people. See Figure 7A of Kryter Testimony in this proceeding, p. 25. The results of all of my analyses are shown in Attachment D.

Q16. How does the sound level produced by the Realistic Model No.12-140 receiver compare with that of other notification or awakening devices?

A16. I measured the ringing sound from a conventional Bell telephone at the same distance and under the same circumstances described above for the Realistic radio receiver. The sound from the telephone was lower (72 dBA) than that from the receiver when producing either the initial alert tone (76 dBA) or the continuous tone (79 dBA). On this basis, I conclude that the radio receiver is more likely to awaken a person than a ringing telephone.

In addition, I asked several co-workers to measure the sounds produc(d by alarm clocks and clock radios in their own bedrooms. The results averaged 56 dBA (three samples) from clock radio alarms and 60 dBA (two samples) from alarm clocks. When the clock radios were producing voice or music at the volume control settings normally used by the resident, the results averaged 36 dBA for voice and 38 dBA for music. All of these sound levels are considerably less than that produced by the tones from the Realistic Model 12-140 radio receiver.

Q17. Some people with receivers may not use them as instructed. For example, their receivers may be turned off or the alert lock switch may not be engaged. If this is so, how would your conclusions be affected?

A17. FEMA has published information on the percentage of the population they discovered were not operating their tone alert radios properly (" Fort St. Vrain Nuclear Generating Station Site-Specific Offsite Radiological Emergency Preparedness Prompt Alert and Notification System Evaluation," December 27, 1985). In one survey,33.8% of respondents reported this to be the case. In a subsequent survey at the same plant site -

presumably after improved public education - the percentage reporting that they were not using their radios properly dropped to 13.6%.

Based upon the worst of these numbers: the assumption that 34% of the households provided radios will not be using them properly, I conclude that 86% of all households would still be directly alerted in an emergency. This is because of the l alerting effect of the siren system on those families with inoperable radios. In the case i

j of 13.6% of the households having inoperable radios, I conclude that 90% of all households would be directly alerted. This seems to be a more reasonable result because j of the extensive public education program planned by CP&L. These estimates are based

! upon Lukas and would, of course, be higher if Kryter's approach or that deduced by the Board from Horonjeff or Krallman were used. None of my estimates include the l

l additional alerting that will result from mobile alerting or informal notification.

Q18. How does the National Weather Service alert system operate?


The National Weather Service (NWS), which is an agency of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, maintains a radio transmitter system throughout most of the United States which provides continuous weather forecasts and other information about weather conditions. In addition to providing routine weather information, the NWS has the capability to broadcast an alert signal when an emergency weather situation occurs. The receivers that Applicants propose to distribute to residents around the Harris Plant are capable of sounding an alarm tone upon receipt of such a signal from the NWS. From its facilities at the Raleigh-Durham Airport, the NWS has the capability to control transmitters in Durham and Fayetteville. Both of these transmitters cover the geographical area surrounding the Harris Plant. The Durham transmitter broadcasts on 162.550 MHz and the Fayetteville transmitter broadcasts on 162.475 MHz. The NWS has agreed to broadcast a radio signal from these transmitters that will activate the alert tone in the event of an emergency at the Harris Plant requiring public notification. The NWS facilities at the Airport are raanned continuously, so there will be a 24-hour capability to notify the public. From past experience, it is known that this system is extremely reliable.

Q19. Is the radio signal from the NWS transmitters strong enough in the area surrounding the Harris Plant to sound the alert tone?

A19.(DBO): Yes. Based upon our tests and measurements, I can conclude that the transmitter coverage in the Harris area is more than adequate. I supervised tests that were conducted on several Realistic Weathe adio Alert 111 receivers to determine the minimum amount of radio signal that was required to set off the alarm. This is called a receiver sensitivity test.

Since the area surrounding the Harris Plant is in the primary coverage area of both the Durham and Fayetteville transmitters operated by the NWS, residents have the option of choosing the transmitter frequency that produces the strongest signal. Under my direction, field strength measurements were taken of the signals produced by both transmitters. Field strength is a measure of the amount of radio signal that is present at a particular location distant from the transmitter of interest. Measurements were taken at numerous locations within a five-mile radius of the Harris Plant. The locations were selected to be representative of situations encountered within the five-mile area with respect to propagation conditions. Measurements were taken at low ground elevations where homes are located, during the daytime and at night between the hours of 1:00 and 6:00 a.m. Measurements were also taken inside homes during the daytime. Comparing the field measurements with the receiver sensitivity readings, the signal strength at every location exceeded by a considerable margin the level necessary to set off the alarm.

Q20. Mr. Joyner, what is the Division of Emergency Management's position on a notification system using tone alert radios?

A20.(AHJ): DEM will cooperate fully to implement the tone alert radio system for use in the event of an accident at the Harris Plant. We fully support the Applicants' plan to establish a supplementary notification system. We have discussed the plan with NWS officials; they have confirmed that NWS is willing to broadcast an alert signal and message if an accident requiring public notification occurs at the Harris Plant. The State emergency plan for the Harris Plant will be revised to reflect the utilization of NWS to activate tone alert radios within a five-mile radius of the plant.

Q21. Mr. Joyner, how will the NWS be notified of an emergency condition at the Harris Plant?

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A21.(AHJ): The NWS office at the Raleigh-Durham Airport will be notified of an emergency condition in the same way as the lead Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) radio station is notified. DEM will contact the NWS office via a State-controlled l

reserved, restricted telephone system to request NWS to activate the alert signal and to convey the EBS message. If DEM has not yet assumed control, the Wake County Emergency Management Agency will contact the NWS office. The NWS will first broadcast the alert tone; then it will broadcast the EBS message in the same manner that an EBS radio station would. DEM will develop procedures to ensure that notification of NWS is accomplished.

Q22. How do Applicants plan to distribute the radio receivers to residents within five miles of the Harris plant?

A22.(HRG): In preparation for distributing the receivers, those residents living within a five-mile radius of the Harris Plant will be identified using several different sources of information. First, maps outlining the five-mile radius will be studied to identify the area boundaries. The CP&L meter reading routes for the areas within the identified boundaries will then be identified, and a list of customer accounts within the designated area will be developed. This list will then be verified through a field survey of the area.

Each customer account record will then be coded onto CP&L computers to identify it as being within the five-mile radius of Harris. This identifying code will then appear on the meter reading document, which will enable CP&L meter readers to confirm that each residence in the five-mile radius has been identified.

Individuals moving into the area will be identified and their company service accounts computer-coded from these same sources of information. The electrical inspections and field engineering work required prior to the establishment of electrical service allow for early identification of new dwellings. When a customer within the five-mile radius disconnects electrical service, the identifying code will remain on the idle customer account record. If a new customer applies for service on this idle account, a message on the company computer will indicate that the service address is within the five-mile radius of the plant and a receiver will be made available to the customer.

Once a service address is determined to be within the five-mile radius, the company field office will distribute a receiver to that address. CP&L will maintain a record showing when the receiver was distributed, the date of issue of the last replacement battery, and the total number of batteries issued.

The initial contact will be made by specially-trained company representatives, who will personally distribute the receivers and meet individually with a re.;ponsible adult in each household. The company representatives will receive training which will allow them to explain the operation of the receiver, suggest the best location within the home to place the receivers and answer questions the residents may have concerning the tone alert radio program. When the radio receivers are distributed, residents will be instructed on the importance of maintaining the receivers in an operable condition and of contacting CP&L if there is any problem or if they have questions. Residents will also be Instructed to keep the receivers in the " alert lock" position for maximum effectiveness of notification. (As discussed below, there will also be a sticker on the receiver itself to provide this instruction.) The Company representatives will give guidance to the residents about where to place the receiver to provide the most effective notification at night. Generally, this means that the resident will be instructed to place the receiver in the bedroom of the head of the household on a bedstand beside a bed. All of these instructions will also be included in public information materials distributed to the residents.

Q23. Please describe the public informatbn program that Applicants plan regarding the radio receivers.

, A23.(HRG): Applicants will establish a vigorous, ongoing public information program to familiarize residents with the radio receivers and their purpose. In addition to information conveyed by a company representative at the time the receivers are

distributed, a variety of other means of public information will be used.

Operational instructions, in the form of a pamphlet, will be distributed to the residents with the radio. The pamphlet will include information on how to operate the receivers, how to select the frequency, the need to keep the receiver in the " alert lock" position, the importance of keeping the radios plugged in and batteries changed, where to place them in the home, how they will be tested and maintained, and how to contact CP&L to request repairs or receive further information. Operational pamphlets will be redistributed annually with a letter to the esidents.

Each receiver will have an insuactional sticker placed on the outer case. These 3

stickers will be designed to serve as reminders to residents concerning the importance of proper placement of the receiver within the home, the need to keep the receiver in the

" alert lock" position, the importance of keeping the receiver plugged in and batteries changed, how to select the proper radio feequency, and how to request service.

Prior to distribution, each residence will be sent a letter which will include the above information concerning the tone alert radio program as well as a description of the purpose of the radios and how the Company will distribute the receivers to them.

The Safety Information calendar and the children's brochure distributed to residents in the Harris EPZ will be revised as appropriate to include information on the purpose of the radios. their operation, placement within the home, testing and how to request repairs. Around the time of the initial distribution of the radios, the Harris Newsletter (distributed approximately three times yearly to Harris EPZ residents) will provide 4

information about the tone alert radio program. The Harris Newsletters will continue periodically to remind residents of important information about the radio program. Prior

to distribution of the receivers, a news release will be prepared and distributed to area news media. This release will include appropriate information to be provided through the media about the tone alert radio program.

CP&L personnci (such as customer service representatives and the staff of the Harris Visitors Center) who might receive questions from the public will receive training to ensure they understand those aspects of the tone alert program that would affect the public. They will then be in a position to answer the residents' questions or to refer them to someone else who can.

After distribution of the radios, residences in the five-mile EPZ will be surveyed to measure the level of operability of the radios. Random samples of the residences will be surveyed by telephone three times during the first year of the radio program and at least annually thereafter. From the data provided by the surycys, information will be 1

j available concerning the number of radio receivers maintained in operable condition and public acceptance of the radio program.

Q24. How do Applicants plan to test the radio receiver system?

A24.(HRG): The receivers will be tested on at least an annual basis. Testing will be described in the public information materials distributed to residents. Residents will be told when the receivers will be tested and that they should monitor their receivers for proper operation. Residents will be instructed to call a designated telephone number should their receiver fall to operate properly. At the designated time, tne NWS will i

transmit a radio signal activating the alert tone on all operable receivers. Residents will then be able to evaluue the operability of their receiver. R.&nts whose receivers fall to operate properly will be able to receive repairs or a replacement by calling CP&L at the designated telephone number. The Realistic Weatheradio Alert III also has a "self test" capability that will allow residents to test the operability of the alert tone at any time.

(DBO): Each receiver will also be tested prior to distribution to the public to make sure that it meets the sensitivity specifications and is otherwise in good working order.

Q25. What type of program for the maintenance of the receivers do you plan?

A25.(HRG): A telephone number will be made available for residents to use to obtain assistance with the operation of their receivers. Upon receipt of a call from a resident, a company representative will ensure through conversation with the rasident that the receiver is properly situated and adjusted. If it is determined that the receiver was in a proper standby status and still failed to operate, a replacement receiver will be provided for the residence promptly.

In order to ensure proper operation of the receivers during power outages or while the receiver is being repositioned vitbin the home, each residence will be mailed a replacement battery annually. Each household will receive a fresh battery along with instructions concerning how to replace the battery, how to ensure proper operation of the receiver and how to obtain any other needed repairs.

Q26. Does this conclude your testunony?


i ,


SENIOR SPECIALIST - EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EMPLOYMENT September 1981 to Present Carolina Power & Light Company P.O. Box 1551 Raleigh, NC 27602 Employed as a Senior Specialist - Emergency Preparedness. Accountable for providing effective technical support and assistance to nuclear generating plants in the area of emergency preparedness. Responsibilities include providing assistance to the plants in maintaining current emergency plans in compliance with regulatory requirements, ensuring the proper training of personnel and preparing, executing, and evaluating exercise scenarios to test emergency preparedness. Responsible on a continuing basis for ensuring that emergency response facilities, including communications networks, alert and notification systems and other equipment necessary during an emergency at a company nuclear facility, are adequate. Other responsibilities include interfacing department emergency plans with Corporate emergency plans, and working with involved Federal, State, and local agencies to ensure effective support and coordination in the event of an emergency.

Have served as project engineer and manager for the design, installation, and testing of early warning systems for three nuclear generating facilities.

Have served as chief planner and chief controller for three full-scale, four small-scale, and one Ecensing emergency preparedness exercise. Responsibilities included identificat'.on of exercise objectives and developmant of exercise plan, scenario, and controller / evaluator organization to support those objectives.

Currencly employed part-time as u?>nct instructor for North Carolina State Board of Community Colleges, Fire Service Training Division.

1975 to September 1981 Virginia Electric & Power Company North Anna Power Station P.O. Box 402 Mineral, VA 23117 Employed originally as Station Draftsman. Duties included revising and updating station drawings.

In 1976, transferred to the Station Quality Assurance Department. Responsibilities included reviewing, inspecting, and auditing of Station Records, Fire Protection, Emergency Planning, Station Security, and Mechanical Maintenance departments.

Certified as follows: " Lead Auditor" in accordance with ANSI N45.2.23, " Level II Inspector" in accordance with ANSI N45.2.6 and " Level II Visual Inspector" in accordance with ANST-TC-1 A.

o In 1979, promoted to Coordinator Training and Sauty. Responsibilities included supervising the power station industrial safety program. the industrial health care program which included supervision of the station medical staff, and the development and coordination of the Station Emergency Plan. Responsible for the Station Emergency Plan and ensurinr; the adequacy of response to an emergency at that nuclear generating facility. Responsible for coordination as necessary to ensure adequacy of facilities, communication systems, and equipment necessary to implement the Emergency Plan.

Responsible for personnel training necessary to ensure proper response to an emergency.

During 1979 - 1980 also carried out responsibilities of station Fire Marshal.

Responsibilities included ensuring compliance with Federal Regulations and insurance carrier requirements in the areas of fire protection and prevention. This included formulation of design specifications, monitoring of construction and installation activities and the development, implementation and supervision of maintenance programs. Supervised the training of an eighty-man industrial fire brigade.

Employed at North Anna during construction, start-up, commercial operations and refueling of two nuclear units.

1970 to 1975 Stone and Webster Engineering North Anna Power Station P.O. Box 409 Mineral, VA 23117 Survey Crew Party Chief Employed as Survey Rodsman and gradually promoted to Party Chief. Responsibilities included reading and interpreting construction drawings and supervising a survey crew which worked during construction of North Anna Power Station.

1971 to 1972 Arde' Telecom Fredericksburg, VA Cable Records Coordinator Worked as a second job while working nights for Stone and Webster Engineering.

Employed as Cable Verifier, promoted after 3 months to Cable Records Coordinator.

Responsible for the development of cable records for First Colony Telephone Company, Fredericksburg, Virginia. Responsibilities included the supervision of four cable verifiers in the development of records necessary to describe the local telephone company system.

1969 to 1970 Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company Culpeper, VA Linesman Employed as a Linesman. After four months promoted to Cable Splicer Trainee. Duties involved the construction and repair of telephone lines.


  • EDUCATION AND TRAINING Spotsylvania County High School, Spotsylvania County, Virginia - 1969

" Fire Protection for Nuclear Power Plants" National Loss Control Service Corporation, Long Grove, Illinois - July,1979

" Industrial Hygiene for Health Professionals" Johns Hopkins Medical Institution, Baltimore, Maryland - May,1980

" Breathing Apparatus Specialist" University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland - April 1981 Have completed the training requirements as set forth by the Commonwealth of Virginia to be certified as " Emergency Medical Technician - A," " Fire Officer II," " Fire Instructor II," and " Fire Inspector 1" - November,1980 Have completed the requirements of the American Red Cross to be certified as an instructor in " Advanced First Aid," "CPR," and " Multi-media First Aid," 1980 Met requirements set forth by Nort?' Carolina State Board of Community Colleges to be certified as " Fire Instructor" - February, 1982

" Emergency Public Information," a workshop presented by INPO -

December 5-7, 1983 Scenario Development for Emergency Preparedness Exercises, Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories - January 10 - January 13,1984 Completed education / performance requirements of NFPA 1041 and NFPA 1021 and certifed by National Professional Qualifications Board for the Fire Service as " Fire Service Instructor II" and " Fire Officer II" -

f. November 1984 i

PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES National Fire Protection Association i

North Carolina Society of Fire Service Instructors International Society of Fire Service Instructors American Nuclear Society American Nuclear Society


DEWEY BENTON OVERMAN, II EXPERIENCE - ENGINEERING Texas' Instruments. Inc. - Dallas. Texas 3/68 to 2/69 Circuit Design Engineer 3/68 to 2/69 During the year spent at TI, I worked in circuit design for communications equipment. I did the complete electronic circuit design for a 1.3 volt DC regulated power supply, and I started the redesign of a 40-watt, multif requency power-line carrier transmitter. I completed the circuit design of a crystal-controlled FET oscillator for this transmitter.

Carolina Power & Light Company - Raleigh, North Carolina 3/69 to Present Junior Engineer 3/69 to 3/70 Engineer 3/70 to 3/73 Senior Engineer 3/73 to 2/76 Project Engineer - Telecommunications 2/76 to 9/77 Principal Engineer - Telecommunications Engineering 9/77 to Present All of the above positions have been in the design of communications and electronic control systems. These systems included optical fiber systems, line-of-sight microwave systems, land-mobile radio systems (FM, AM, VHF, UliF) ,

telephone systems (PABX's, key systems, four-wire switches, leased facili-ties), telemetering and load control systems for generating plants, tie telemetering for power interconnections, and power-line carrier systems used for voice, data, and protective relaying applications. Responsibilities included planning, estimating, budgeting, scheduling, preparing specifi-cations, reviewing vendor proposals, procurement, design engineering, and consulting.

From March 1972 until March 1976 I specialized in the design of line-of-sight microwave systems. This included path layout, site selection, transmission engineering, equipment engineering for towers, buildings, antennas, and transmission lines, termination and signaling, voice frequency cabling and cable protection, and emergency power systems (AC and DC).

In March 1976 I became Acting Unit IIcad of the Communications & Electronic Controls Unit (now Telecommunications Engineering Unit). In September 1977 I was promoted to Principal Engineer and Unit Head. In this capacity, I am presently responsible for a staff of 23 engineers and technicians, who with an operating budget of over $1,000,000, is responsible for providing engineering support for a construction budget totaling more than $4,000,000 in 1986 expenditures.

., ti Page 2 r

EXPERIENCE'- OTHER ITT Telecommunications - Raleich. North Carolina 6/65 to 9/65 Performe'd routine _ production testing on transformer and filter circuits for multiplex carrier systems and performed set-up for coil winding' production line.~

-Capitol Broadcasting Company - Raleich. North Carolina 5/67 to 2/68 3/69 to 4/70 Held various part-time and full-time jobs with WRAL Television. Jobs included Film Projectionist, Master Control Operator, Director, and Studio Engineer.


Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina - 1968 Three semester hours in Telecommunications Graduate Work North _ Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina - 1981 Other Collece Level:

Six semester hours in Mathematics University of Maryland Extension, Bremerhaven, Ce.rmany - 1963 Two semesters - Mathematics Major Atlantic Christian College, Wilson, North Carolina - 1963-64 Three semester hours in Business Law

' North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina - 1969 Other:

Basic Principles of Supervisory Management (AMA) - 1971 Kepner-Tregoe CENCO Program (CP&L) - 1975 Project Management (CP&L) - 1979 Numerous short courses sponsored by vendors or employer in various technical and management areas.

PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS AND ACHIEVEMENTS Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers (IEEE) - Member Communications Society of IEEE - Member Raleigh Engineers Club - Member Cencral Radiotelephone Operator's License - FCC Engineer-in-Training (EIT) - 1972 1

o a 5 Page 3


MILITARY SERVICE United States Navy - August 18, 1960 to August 9, 1963 Communications Technician (Radioman) Class A School -

Pensacola, Florida - 14 weeks - 1961 U.S. Air Force Security Service Radioprinter School -

San Angelo, Texas - 10 weeks - 1961 Duty Station - U.S. Naval Security Group Activity -

Bremerhaven, Germany - 24 months - 1961-63 Highest Rank Attained: Communications Technician (Petty Officer) 3rd Class (E-4), Discharge: Honorable PERSONAL DATA Born August 22, 1942 in Wilson, North Carolina; attended Wilson public schools; graduated from high school in 1960.

Active in Amateur Radio; hold Advanced Clas; amateur license WD4CWQ; member of the American Radio Relay League; Associate l' ember of the Southeastern Repeater Association.


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M T NG 5 Y$/v"Ib['

In the Matter of BRANCH





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(Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant) )

CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that copies of Applicants' prefiled " Testimony of H. Ralph Goodwin, Alvin H. Joyner, David N. Keast, and Dewey B. Overman, II, on Eddleman Contention 57-C-3 (Nighttime Notification)" were served this 18th day of February 1986 by deposit in the United States mail, first-class, postage prepaid, to the parties on the attached Service List.

Dale E. Hollar Associate General Counsel Carolina Power & Light Company Post Office Box 1551 Raleigh, North Carolina 27602 (919) 836-8161 Dated: February 18,1986 i

SERVICE LIST Jsmes L. Kelley, Esquire M. Travis Payne, Esquire Atsmic Safety and Licensing Board Edelstein and Payne U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Post Office Box 12643 Washington, D. C. 20555 Raleigh, North Carolina 27605 Mr. Glenn O. Bright Dr. Richard D. Wilson Atsmic Safety and Licensing Board 729 Hunter Street U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Apex, North Carolina 27502 Washington, D. C. 20555 Mr. Wells Eddleman Dr. James H. Carpenter 806 Parker Street Atsmic Safety and Licensing Board Durham, North Carolina 27701 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555 Thomas A. Baxter, Esquire Delissa A. Ridgway, Esquire Charles A. Barth, Esquice Shaw, Pittman, Potts & Trowbridge Myron Karman, Esquire 1800 M Street, NW Office of Executive Legal Director Washington, D.C. 20036 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555 Bradley W. Jones, Esquire U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Docketing and Service Section Region II Office of the Secretary 101 Marietta Street U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Washington, D. C. 20555 Robert P. Gruber Mr. Daniel F. Read, President Executive Director Chapel Hill Anti-Nuclear Public Staff Group Effort North Carolina Utilities Commission Post Office Box 2151 Post Office Box 991 R leigh, North Carolina 27602 Raleigh, North Carolina 27602 Dr. Linda Little Mr. Joe Flynn Gsvernor's Waste Management Board Associate General Counsel 513 Albemarle Building Federal Emergency Management Agency 325 Salisbury Street 500 C Street, S.W.

Rtleigh, North Carolina 27611 Room 480 Washington, D. C. 20740 Jchn D. Runkle, Esquire Ccnservation Council of North Carolina 307 Granville Road. Steven Rochlis Ch:pel Hill, North Carolina 27515 Federal Emergency Management Agency N 1371 Peachtree Street, N.E.

Jo Anne Sanford, Esquire Atlanta, Georgia 30309 Special Deputy Attorney General P:st Office Box 629

Raleigh, North Carolica 27602 1

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