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Forwards Sser Input & License Condition Re Deferred Shielding Walls.Applicant Must Complete Const of Deferred Shield Walls within 1 Yr After OL Issuance or Prior to Radwaste Solidification Sys Operation
Person / Time
Site: Columbia Energy Northwest icon.png
Issue date: 11/04/1983
From: Muller D
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Novak T
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
CON-WNP-0671, CON-WNP-671, CON-WNP-677 NUDOCS 8311140497
Download: ML20213E668 (4)



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DOCKET FILES Docket No.: 50-397 o gel / Plant Fil.e NOV o 41983 ADRP R/F MEMORANDUM FOR: Thomas M. Novak, Assistant Director '

for Licensing, DL FROM: Daniel R. Muller, Assistant Director for Radiation Protection, DSI


WNP-2 DEFERRED SHIELDING WALLS - SSER SUPPLEMENT, LICENSE CONDITION PLANT NAME: WNP-2 LICENSING STAGE: 0L 00CKET NUMBER: 50-397 RESPONSIBLE BRANCH / PROJECT MANAGER: LBW2; R. Auluck, PM DESCRIPTION OF RESPONSE: SSER, License Condition REVIEW STATUS: Complete The Radiological Assessment Branch has reviewed the applicant's March 28 and April 27,1983 letters describing their plans for the temporary deferral of construction of several concrete block shielding walls and a leaded glass viewing window at WNP-2. In addition, we have discussed the applicant's reasons for these deferrals in a conference call to the applicant held on September 2,1983. Enclosed are our SSER input and license condition dealing with deferred shielding walls at WNP-2. The license condition states that the applicant must complete construction of all deferred shield walls within one year after issuance of the WNP-2 operat-ing license, or prior to operation of the permanent solid radioactive waste solidification system at WNP-2, whichever occurs first.

This review was performed by C. Hinson, RPS, RAB.

i Original signed by

, Daniel R. MulleL l Daniel R. Muller, Assistant Director

. for Radiation Protection l

p- Divi _sion of Systems Integration


g31g34g497 g33104 As Stated J w:: M _ADOC. _K050_00397 .

cc: R. Mattson A. Schwencer

0. Lynch R. Auluck C. Hinson 8

omcip DSI:RAB QSI F DSI:RAB-M.,. / ..........


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WNP-2, DEFERRED SHIELDING WALLS LICENSE CONDITION SAFETY EVALUATION INPUT The applicant plans to temporarily defer construction of nine (9) shield walls and a leaded glass viewing window at WNP-2 until after startup. Construction of these areas is being deferred because of financial reasons and because the equipment in most of these areas to be shielded will not be used until after coninercial operation. The Supply System will utilize a portable radioactive waste solidification system for an interim period after fuel load to solidify and package waste at WNP-2. The applicant will defer construction of block shielding walls for several radwaste cubicles until after the plant radwaste solidification system becomes operational. Other deferred shield walls are for cubicles housing redundant components which will not be used. The applicant also plans to install, on a temporary basis, locked gates instead of shield walls in the condenser tube access areas during startup. An ALARA review, performed '

by the applicant, has shown that since these access areas to the main con-denser are not in the line of sight with principle radiation sources, this deferral is not expected to make an appreciable difference in personnel exposures. The applicant will reassess dose rates in the main condenser area through the use of radiation surveys following startup.

The applicant has also performed ALARA reviews of each temporary shield wall deferral area in the radwaste building and has determined that these deferrals will have no appreciable effect on personnel exposures. These block shield walls can be erected quickly and, in all cases, will be erected for each cubicle prior to component operation. The applicant shall ensure that personnel doses are minimized during construction of deferred shield walls. This can be accomplished by drawing / flushing adjacent radioactive components, and using temporary shielding when necessary. The staff has reviewed the applicant's request for deferred -

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a shielding walls at WNP-2 and finds this request acceptable based on the -

I applicant's ALARA review of each proposed shield wall deferral.  !

Prior to operation of the plant radwaste solidification system at WNP-2, the i

applicant shall c.anstruct all deferred shield walls to cubicles which will I house radioactive components (this' includes installation of the leaded glass L i

l viewing window). The applicant shall amend the FSAR to include any plans for deletion of deferred shield walls and the staff shall review any such changes  ;

, for acceptability. ,

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License Conditien J

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{ This license condition applies to the defsrral of seven (7) block shield walls and one (1) leaded glass window in the WNP-2 radwaste building and  ;

two (2) block shield walls to the main condenseriin the WNP-2 turbine 4

building. The locations of these shielding walls are described in the l March 28 and April 27, 1983 letters from G. Bouchey, WPPSS, to A. Schwencer,



NRC. The applicant snali complete constructicn of these above mentioned '

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l deferred shield walls wi. thin one (1) year after issuance of the WNP-2

' f operating license or prior to operation of the permanent solid radioactive .

f waste solidification system at WNP-2, whichever occurs first.  ;

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