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Responds to 870107 & 15 Requests for Extension of Comment Period for Fr Notice on Proposed Agreement Between NRC & State of Il.Std Provision of 30-day Comment Period Need Not Be Changed to 60 Days.Related Info Encl
Person / Time
Issue date: 01/27/1987
From: Kerr G
To: Rader R
Shared Package
ML20210H056 List:
FOIA-87-47 NUDOCS 8703090189
Download: ML20212J983 (36)


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[3 Dir R/F JOLubenau JMapes. OGC JAN 171961 9 JRutberg, OGC RLickus, RIII TRehm, EDO Illinois file (fc) / Ref: SA/JOL JPhilips, PSD Mr. Robert M. Rader Conner and Wetterhahn, P.C.

1747 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC. 20006

Dear Mr. Rader:

This is b respond to your letters of January 7 and 15,1987 addressed to Mr. Samuel J. Chilk-concerning the Federal Register notice of the staff assessment of the proposed agreenent received from the Governor of Illinois.

In your letters, you state that certain documents referenced in the Federal Register notice (51 FR 47327-47341) as available for public inspection in, among other places, the Comission's public document roon on 1717 H Street, N.W., Washington, D.C., were not available at that location on January 5,1987. We have detemined that these referenced documents were not placed in this public document room and made available for public inspection until January 9,1987.

On January 21, 1987 the Federal Register published a correction notice concerning the NRC staff assessment and began publication for public coment of the corrected FR Notice (52 FR 2309). To accomodate public review of the corrected staff assessment NRC amended the due date for public coment to February 20, 1987 (52 FR 2309).

With respect to your request to change the coment period to sixtv davs after the documents have been made available, Comission staff have carefully considered your request and concluded that the standard provision of a 30 day coment period for proposed Section 274b agreements need not be changed.

Sincerely, O

  • C y.. . ;;Oned by 1::n3Kerr .

! G. Wayne Kerr, Director Office of State Programs 8703090189 870226


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y- SA.R/F T. Dir R/F JOLubenau 9 2"fr;;, ^CC JMapes. OGC RLickus, RIII TRehm. EDO Illinois file (f )

j.btk 5 yc. 0C

. Ref: SA/Jnl Mr. Robert M. Rader Conner and Wetterhahn, P.C.

1747 Pennsylvania Aven e, NW Washington, DC. 20006

Dear Mr. Rader:

This is to respond to your letter of Jpnuary 7,1987 addressed to Mr.SamuelJ.ChilkconcernngtheFe(eralRegisternoticeofthestaff assessment of the proposed a reement ceived from the Governor of Illinois.

In your letter, you state that certain documents referenced in the 3,9.7-47341) as available for public Federal inspectionRegister in, amongnotice other place(51 FR 4{s/ the Comission's public document roon on 171711 Street, N.W., Washington D.C., were not available at that location on .lanuary 5, 1987. Welh e determined that these referenced documents were not placed in this lic document room and made available for public inspection!until January 9,1987.

On January , 1987 the Federql Regis published a correction notice concerning'tWe NRC staff assessrient and gan publication for public conrient of the corrected FR otice 52 FR s ). To accomodate public review of the corrected sta assessment, amended the due date for public comment to February , 1987 (52 R ).


With respect to your request to change the coment period to sixty days after the documents have Aeen made available Qomission staff have carefully considered yoyt request and concluded that the standard provision of a 30 day nt period for propose \ Section 274b agreenents need not be changed.

Sincerely, 4

G. Wayne Kerr, Director Office of State Programs 11

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WASHINGTON. D. C. 30006 157 JAN -7 P4 :37 W313 N.NBCBOLS mass.- .c="***** January 7, 1987

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Samuel J. Chilk Secretary U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 Re: Notice of Proposed Agreement With State of Illinois Under Section 274 -.

Dear Mr. Chilk This is in reference to the publication in the Federal Register on December 31, 1986 of the NRC's notice of proposed agreement with the State of Illinois for the assumption of certain of the Commission's regulatory author-ity pursuant to Section 274 of the Atomic Energy Act of

, 1954, as amended (51 Fed. Reg. 47327). The notice invited

{ comments on the proposed agreement on or before January 30, l 1987.

l US Ecology, Inc. is a party tt; a proceeding before the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board regarding the low-level radioactive is directlywaste and -significantly disposal site near Sheffield, affected Illinois by the propose ,,1_d/

agreement, and intends to file comments thereon. In the Sheffield proceeding, the rights and obligations of US Ecology as an NRC licensee are now being litigated. US Ecology's motion for summary disposition is pending before the Licensing Board, which has' stated its intention to rule 1/ US Ecology, Inc. (Sheffield, Illinois, Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Site) , Docket No. 27-39 SC.


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V Samusi J. Chilk January 7, 1987 T Page 2 promptly and move to a ' hearing expeditiously if the . motion is denied. l The notice of proposed agreement states that the 1 application, proposed agreement and related materials are available for public inspection in the Commission's Public Document Room. On January 5, 1987, the undersigned counsel for US Ecology personally examined the Agreement State file for Illinois, which contained one bound and four unbound volumes. The most recent document of the materials made available to counsel was an internal NRC memorandum dated April 17, 1986 from Joel O. Lubenau, Office of State Programs, to Richard Smith, Document Control Desk, noting that certain enclosed materials were being made available for public inspection pursuant to FOIA-86-247.

I It is self-evident that correspondence with the State as well as internal Staff documents have been generated l since April 1986. For example, the notice of proposed agreement refers to a letter dated October 2, 1986, by which -

Governor James P. Thompson of the State of Illinois formally '

requested that the Commission enter into an agrsement pursuant to Section 274. The notics also refers to various State regulations adopted on September 25, 1986. These specific documents, however, were not available at the Public Document Room at the time of counsel's examination l on January 5, 1987.

Hence, the materials necessary to make a critical review of the application and provide comments, as invited, have not yet been made publicly available for inspection as I

stated in the notice. Accordingly, the comment period should be extended for at least a period equivalent to the time that it takes to place the full application and any other non-privileged materials involving the NRC's consideration of the application in the Public Document Room .

for inspection.

More importantly, the proposal by the State of Illinois for Agreement State status is unlike any previous applica-tion. To the best of our knowledge, it is the only one to ir4volve the potential transfer of jurisdiction to a State over matters which are the subject of adjudicatory proceedings where the State itself is an adversarial t


Samuel J. Chilk 9 January 7, 1987 Page 3 party._2/ The thirty-day comunent period routinely assigned such Section 274 applications is therefore inappropriate.3/

obviously, it is not possible to detail in advance tee comunents of US Ecology on ' the proposed agreement without Bowever, we do having reviewed the basic file materials.

believe that a very serious and substantial issue exists as to whether the hearing rights of US Ecology under its NRC license can be lawfully cut off, or in fairness should be overridden, by the simple mechanism of coding jurisdiction to the State of Illinois in the midst of the ongoing proceeding.

There is also, in our view, serious doubt whether the Commission can fairly substitute an agency of the State of Illinois, an adversary to US Ecology in the NRC proceedirig

' and in a related State court action, for the independently appointed Atomic Safety and Licenaing Board (and ultimately entity to determine US the Commission itself) as the Ecology's rights and obligations under its WRC license.

Without asking the Commission to prejudge these issues, we thorough respectfully suggest that they deserve more and analysis than possible under the routine research ,

thirty-day comunent periodInurually permitted this regard, wefor uncontested note that the agreement applications.

Staff's internal review of the draft application and formal submission took over a year and a half.

Therefore, US Ecology requests that the comment period on the proposed agreement be held open for a period of sixty days after all documents have been made available in the Public Document Room to allow full inspection and review of the application and related documents. This will fairly I

l case, the State of 2/ In addition to the Sheffield Illinois is a party in Kerr-McGee Chemical Corporation (Kress Creek Decontamination), Docket No. 40-2061-SC.

In fact, to the best of our knowledge, no entity has JJ ever seriously objected to an agreement between a State and the NRC pursuant to Section 274, and certainly never on the grounds to be urged by US Ecology as a basis for a temporary exception from the transfer of regulatory authority from the NRC to the State of (Footnote Continued)


l Samuel J. Chilk i January 7, 1987 Page 4


enable US Ecology to prepare comments addressing the' unique factual and legal elements of the application which threaten to prejudice US Ecology in the ongoing proceeding.


h. L $-_

Robert M. Rader Counsel for US Ecology RMR sod cca Mrs. Patricia Norry l

(Footnote Continued) the pending proceeding has been Illinois until completed.


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BOBiRT N.RADER '8?8tMU40271 A4S08 I MILS NICHOLS Benn:A=D o nacu nor"

or coussat January 15, 1983- saoai saa 3soo CABLE ADDRESS ATOMLAW 5/MK V 73' 7 I '"' *'

Mr. Samuel J. Chilk, Secretary U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 Re: Notice of Proposed Agreement with State of Illinois under Section 274

Dear Mr. Chilk:

On January 7, 1987 I wrote to you on behalf of US Ecology, Inc. noting that the NRC had not yet placed in the Public Document Room all materials pertinent to the proposed Agreement with the State of Illinois pursuant to Section 274, including the formal application.

As a result of this omission and other considerations discussed in my letter of January 7, US Ecology requested an extension of the time within which the Commission is receiv- '

ing comments pursuant to the notice of proposed Agreement published in 51 Fed. Reg. 47327 (December 31, 1986).

Because a reply to my letter had not been received as of yesterday, I again checked che Public Document Room to.

determine whether all documents pertinent to the proposed Agreement had been made available for inspection. My search disclosed that the formal three-volume application had been added to the available materials.

US Ecology did not have access to the underlying -

application until yesterday. Moreover, the three-volume application is quite voluminous. We have requested its reproduction and, therefore, do not anticipate having it for substantive review for several days. From just a quick examination of the file, it is obvious that a close look by counsel and US Ecology's technical staff will be required.

For this reason, additional time will be necessary to f

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Mr. Samu21 J. . ilk January 15, 1987 Page 2 p.

provide detailed factual and legal comments on the proposed


Mr. Lubenau, the designated contact in the notice of proposed Agreement , _ confirmed today that republication of the notice would be necessary because of errors in the original publication. He stated that republication is anticipated on January 21, 1987. For the reasons discussed above, however, the additional time for comments republication of the notice is not adequate under the circumstances. .

Accordingly, US Ecology requests that the time for responding to the notice be extended to permit comments sixty days following initial republication in the Federal Register.

Sincerely, W

1obert M. Rader

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g ggg Ref: SA/JOL r

. MEMORANDUM FOR: Illinois File' j G. Wayne Kerr, Director THRU: I Office of State-Programs Donald A. Nussbaumer Assistant' Director for ,

State Agreements Procram Office of State Programs ,

FR0ft: Joel 0. Lubenau .

Senior Project Manager State Agreements Progran Office of State Progress


UPDATES ON IDNS ORGANIZATION AND STAFF By letter of January l4 and 7,5,1987 IDNS submitted updates on the IDNS organization and staff for the propo;ed Section 274b Agreement (enclosures). Not unexpectedly, some changes in these areas have occurred in the 31 months since Governor Thompson's October 2,1986 request for an Agreement. ,, ,

The changes occur in the Division of Muclear Materials of the Office of Radiation Safety. J. Ewan has moved from He d of that Division to Staff Office Manager of the Office of Radiation Safety. He is replaced by Steven Collins, formerly with the: Louisiana Nuclear Energy Iivision (where he was Licensing and Registration Progran Manager). Joe Hwang has left the agency and has been replaced as head of the, Licensing Section by David LaTouche (who was promoted from the Licensing staff). '

LaTouche's position has been filled by Sharyn Eklead. A fourth position ,

has been added to the licensing section which has been filled by David Price. He was formerly with the Louisiana suelear Energy Division (where he was a license reviewer). In the inspection and Enforcement Section, the number of inspector slots was reduced by one by deleting a vacant position in the Springfield . office.

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Thus, overall, the nunber o# professional personnel assioned to the Division of Nuclear Materials renains unchenged. The addition of liessrs. Collins and Price, both experienced regulatory staff, significantly strergthen the nivisinn. The staff's assessment o' th?

oroposed IDtJS agreenent progran, including of personnel (criterinn 20) is not affected, bislang Tt

0* Lubena Joel 0. Lubenau Senior Pro.iect Manaaer State Agreenents Progran Office of State Procrans cc: w/ enc 1.

Public Document Roon, 1717 I! Street Public Docunent Roon, Region III P. Eastvold, IDf!S Distribution:

i SA R/F Dir;R/F JOLubenau RLickus, MI, w/ enc 1 Illinois file l

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y WASHINGTON, D. C. 20555

" e 8 Ref: SA/J0L k,, . . . . . p MA- .

() p um nh 3

MEMORANDUM FOR: Illinois File la f# .

b THRU: G. Wayne Kerr, Director Office of State Programs 7,dg-id7 [/ $#'

Donald A. Nussbaumer /


Assistant Director for State Agreements Program Office of State Programs l

FROM: Joel 0. Lubenau Senior Project Manager State Agreements Program Office of State Programs


UPDATES D$ IONS ORGANIZATION AND STAFF By letter of January 14 and 15,1987, IDNS submitted updates on the IDNS organization and staff for the proposed Section 274b Agreement 1 M Not ys:xpecthtly, some changes in these areas have M(enclosures). curred in the 31 months since Governor Thompson's October 2, 1986 4, esp dd request for an Agreement.

The changes occur in the Division of Nuclear Materials of the Office of Radiation Safety. J. Ewan has moved from Head of that Division to Staff Office Manager of the Office of Radiation Safety. He is replaced by Steven Collins, formerly with the Louisiana Nuclear Energy Division (where he was Licensing And Registration Program Manager). Joe Hwang q has left the agency ancqYeplaced as head of the Licensing Section by T David LaTouche (who was~ promoted from the Licensing staff). LaTouche's W position has been filled by Sharyn Eklend. A fourth position has been added to the licensing section which has been filled by David Price. He was fonnerly with the Louisiana Nuclear Energy Division (where he was a license reviewer). In the Inspection and Enforcement Section, the l number of inspector slots was reduced by one by deleting a vacant position in the Springfield office.

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.e .

State of Illinois: Staff Assessment of Proposed Agreement Between the NRC and the State of Illinois  ;

AGENCY: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission ACTION: Revision of Date for Coments.

SUtEARY: In a Federal Register document published on Decenter 31, 1986 (51 FR 47327-43341, FR Doc. 86-29382) NRC published a notice for public coment on the NRC staff assessment of a proposed agreement received .

from the Governor of the State of Illinois for the assumption of certain of the Comission's regulatory authority pursuant to Section 274 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended. As required by the Atomic Energy Act as amended, this_ notice was to be republished in the Federal Register for 3 successive weeks. A comment due date of January 30, 1987 was provided. Because of errors in the printing process, the December 31, 1986 and January 7,1987 notices were incomplete and also contained errors. A correction notice and the corrected notice of the staff assessment is published elsewhere in this issue. The corrected notice will be published once each week for 4 successive weeks. To accomodate public review and comment of the corrected notice, the date for coments is revised as follows:

DATES: Coments must be received or or before (30 days after date of this notice).

ADDRESSES: Written coments may be submitted to the Rules and Procedures Branch, Division of Rules and Records, Office of Administration, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission, Washington, DC 20555. Coments may also be delivered to Room 4000, Maryland National Bank Building, Bethesda, Maryland fron 8:15 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Copies of comments received may be examined at the NRC

^ Public Document Room, 1717 H Street, NW., Washington, DC.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Joel 0. Lubenau, Office of State Programs, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission, Washington, D.C. 20555, telephone: 301-492-9887.



G. Wayne terr, Director Office of State Programs l


@g,kte N EIl U#M8. Cf p da.aah a i . ***4 SA N b -  ?

y pesas o A b bu :a n Mr Federal Register / h. St. No. 250 / Wednesday. December 31. 1986 / Notices' .

, e. -no 57327 Station. Unite 1 and 2. dated May 1972 therefore, an EnvironmentalImpact NRC staff assessment of a proposed .

and June 1972. and (3) the Statement is not warranted. agreement received from the Govemor Environmental Assessment dated De following statements support the of the State ofIllinois for the enumption December 24.1986 Hese documents draft finding of no significant impact ' of certain of the Commission's ,. .,

are avauable for public inspection at the and summarise the conclusions resulting regulatory authority pursuant to section Commission's public Document Room, from the environmental assessment. 274 of the Atomic Energy Act of1954. as 1717 H Street. NW., Washington. DC. (a)De ground. water monitoring amended. Comments are requested on and at the Swem Ubrary. College of propam in effect at the Irigerey mine is the public health and safety aspects of William and Mary.Williamsburg. - sumcient to monitor operations and will the propoed.

Virginia 23145. - provide a warning system that will A staff assessment of the State'=


Deted at metheeds. Maryland, this asth day minlah any impact on ground water. Proposed am for contrfover Furthermore, additional equifer testing sources o re istionla set fkth h.6 - -=$

of Doommber.1 set Indicates that the production sone la For the Nuclear Regulation Commission. supplementary lasear S. Rubemessim, adequately confined.thereby assuring . notice. A neese oninformation me proposegtotis.. *N hydroI Bi t f unining solutions.. . agreement, program narrative. including g,,,me, pwg py,j,,,g,,ca,,,,g y, Radidogica e vents from the ibe referenced appendaces, applicable .

Arie/onof7WAUcensig A.Ofheeof .

Nuc/serReactorAegulehon. . pmPo#d opwation of the weH field and Sta'e legislation and Winois regulations.

lPR Dec. eMeses Filed 13-3D.4e; 445

  • ""I * "IbI" ! - .. ,

la available for public inspection in the regulamry halts and wHibe Commission's public document room at

,,,, m continuously monitored. 1717 H Street NW, Washington, DC, the

- (c)De environmentalmonitoring Commiselon's Region III Office.799 pmgram is compmhensive and wiH Roosevelt Road. Bull No. 4. Glen loosest sea.40 ecoal detect er radiological releases Ellyn.Elinois, and the is - w., * -

Westinghouse Electric Corp.; Draft r#Ultin5 &* oPerauon. . - Department of Nuclear Safety.1035 pineng W 98o Sognmcent impact (d) Radioactive wastes wilfSe . Outer P:rk Drive. Springfield. Elinois minimal and will be disposed of at an '

Rogereng um Rormwei M Source and aPprovpd site in accordance with .. 5xemptions from the Commission {

Byproduct Material Ucense SUA-1341 4sgulatory authority, which would for Opersson W Weennghouse applicable.'Fogers.1 agsed uponstate eesulations./ implement this proposed ag Electric Corporation *a. lttgerey anne, (e) ground water, have been published in the Federal

. pmvloustes can be restomd 16 class Register and codified as Part 150 of the Johnson County,WY of use stan s. Commission's regulations in Title to of aemocv: Nuclear Regulatory in accordance with to CFR &e Code dFderd Reguladont

-. r --a i theDirector UraniumRecoveryField Office, made the determination to issue . DaTE: Comments mus't be te elved on or acreost Notice of draft finding of n significant impact. a draft findmg of no significent impact --

and to accept comments on the draft

, befom January 3E 1987. .D If Q

^"""'a=== Written commer.ts may,be .

(1)ProposedAction finding for a period of 30 days after . submitted to the Rules and Procedures

. lesuance in the Federal Register. . Branch. Division of Rules and Records.

De proposed administrative action is This finding, together with the . . Office of Administration. U.S. Nuclear to renew Source and Byproduct Mate *ial environmental assessment setting forth Regulatory Commission. Washington; .

License SUA-1341 authorizing the basis for the finding,is available for DC 20555. Comments may also be Westinghouge Electric Corporation to public inspection and copying at the delivered to Room 4000. Maryland resume operation of their trigeray Mine Comminion's Uranium Recovery Field National Bank Building. Bethesda.g*

located in Johnson County, Wyoming. Office at 730 Simms Street. Golden. Maryland from 8:15 a.m. to 520 pK (21JteosonsfotDraf! Finding ofNo Colorado, and at the Commission's Monday through Friday. Copies of -

S4pnificoat/mpact Public Document Room at 1717 H Street. . comments received may be examined at NW, Washington. DC. the NRC Public Document Room.1717 H An Environmental Assessment was Street NW., Washington DC.

prepared by the staff at the U.S. Nuclear' g'" C838'*d** this tech day of pon mponnavioes coastacT.

Joel O. Lubenau. Office of State For the Nucleet Regulatory Commiulon.

udb h Co mis ranlum Programs.U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Recovery Field Office. Region IV. The Ed**'d F. Newklas.

Commission. Washington.DC 20555.

Envirorunental Assesement performed Chief. f.ioensig Dranch J. Uranium Aecovery FN/f*'* 8't ** *  ; hieph p 301 6 .

by the ra==iasion's staff evaluated i i supptsaspetany uponMattosc

potentialimpacts on-site and off. site IFR Dec.BD. amer Filed 13-304e; tes em]

asAsia essa nosews ..- . . Assessment of Proposed Blinois -

due to radiological releases which may -

" Program to Regulate Certain Radioactive occur during the course of the operation..

Documenu und in preparing the . Materials Pursuant to section 274 of the State of lutnola; Staff Asseeement of Atomic Energy Act of 1964, as amended.

assessment included operational data proposed Agmement Between um The Commission has received a .

from the licensee's prior mining activities, the licensee's renewal NRC and the State of Innois proposal from the Governor of Illinois application dated September 28,1983, as Aseecv: Nuclear Regulatory for the State to enter into an agreement -

l with the NRC whereby the NRC would revised by submittel dated October 13. - .


less, and the Final Environmental ulinquish and the State would assume acricec Notice of proposed agr.eement -

certain regulatory authority pursuant to Statement prepared by the Commission with Stak d Blinok* section 274 of the Atomic EnerEy Act of staff dated September 1778. Based on this assessment. the Commission has suasasany: Notice is hereby given that 1954. as amended. f I

determined that no significant impact the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Section 274e of the Atomic Energy Act y will result hom the proposed action. and is publishing for public comment the of 1954, as amended. requires that the i

i l


g 47328 Federal Register / V:1. 51. Ns. 250 / W:dn:sd:y December 31.1986 /Notices

  • terms of the proposed agreement be published forpublic comment once each future however, reurves date to NRC forthe an right amended to apply at a . functions concerning noclear power and week forfour consecutive weeks. emergency preparedness.

Accordingly, this notice will be agreement to assume authority in this area.The nine articles of the proposed F.%e proposedillinois Agreement published four times in the Federal will cover several unique facets. it will Register. agreement cover the following areas:

lactude(1)regulationof alow-level L Usts the matenals covered by the f.B d ground agreement. waste disposal site which is no longer accepting low-level radioactive waste A.Section 274 of the Atomic Energy IL usts the Commission's continued for disposal (Sheffield). (2) tegulation of Act of1954, as amended. provides a authority and responsibility for certain a new regionallow-level waste disposal

=~ "nism whereby the NRC may activities.

facility. (3) regulation of one of only two trans to the States certain regulatory HL AUowsforfutureamendmentof licensed uranium conversion plants in the agrument.

whena Sta e de ire to as is the United States (Allied-Chemical) and IV. Allowsforcertainregulatory (4) assumption of regulatory cathority and the Governor certifies that changes by the Commission. res b ty foroff a te the State has an adequate regulatory e material i program, and when the Commission V. References the continued authority of the Commision for McGee West Chicago Rare Earths finds that the State's program is common defense and security for Facility (including such material which compatible with that of the NRC and is safeguard purposes. is, or may be, stored on the Kerr-McGee adequate to protect the public health cnd safety.Section 2743 directs the VL Pledges the best efforts of the site). Jurisdiction over the tailings Commission and the State to achieve materials at this site (by-product Commission to cooperate with the coordinated and compatible programa. material as defined by section 11e(2) of States in the formulation of standards for protection against radiation hazards vn. Recognizes reciprocity of the Act) will remain with NRC.The licenses issued by the respective State's proposed programs for low-level to casure that State and Commission agencies.h - stat radioactive waste disposal and the

-_ ~ ediation protection Further,win be EWSets forth criteria for coo i AHied Chemical plant are assessed d tib under Criteria nos.9. " Radioactive

~- termination orsusgnsig Commission shall periodically review ment. Ag (,5. Waste Disposal" and 20" Personnel."

The disposition of the regulatory -

such agreements and actions taken by C. Ill. Rev. Sta t.1 ch.

I d 83b17. the enabling statute for theag responsibility for the Kerr-McGee '

ija ce radioactive materials resulting from the -

- the prov sions Illinois Department of Nuclear Safety ithi authorizes the Department to issue operation of the Rare Earths Facility is IL la tbdated October 2.1986censes to, and perform inspections of. covered in the assessment under Governor James P.n Crtierion 25. " Existing NRC Licenses on of the usen of radioactin u.aterials under the and Pending Applications."

State of Blinois reques that the proposed agreement md otherwise Commission enter into an agreement carry out a total radiition control Under the proposed agreement with the State pursuant to section 274 of pmgram. Illinois registions for jurisdiction for health and safety for the Atomic Energy Act of1954, as radiation protection were adopted on Allied Chemical's plant would be amended.He Governor certified that September 25,1986 under authority of transferred to Allied the State of hois has a program for the enabling statute and provide Chemical plant is one of 2 plants in the

- control of radiation hazards which la standards, licensing, inspection. United States licensed to convert

-' wa to protect the public health enf reementandadministrative uranium "yellowcake" to UFf,lyRC staff procedures for agreement and non- is reviewing the common defense and cnd *' safet]y'th respect to the materials security significance of the Allied te covered b the areement materials. Pursuant to proposed a'grerment, and that the State1330380 the regulations will apply to Chemical plant in consultation with of hols desires to assume agre ament materials on the effective appropriate Federal agencies. Section atory responsibility for such materia ne date of the agreement.The regulations 274 agreeme .;s are approved by the i

text cf the proposed agreementis shown provide for the State tolicense and . Commission wnen. svong other things.

in Appendix A. the proposed State p'ogram is adequate Inspect users of naturally-occurring and He specific authority requested is for accelerator- to protect the public health and safety.

(1) byproduct material as defined in materials. producedradioactive ne NRC etaff assessment finds the section11e.(1)of the Act.(2 st*.arce proposed hois program will provide ,

D.hois is one of two States with a mitirill (3) special nuclear)ma terialincabinet-level agency devoted adequately for public health and safety, quantitles not sufficient to form a %e Atomic Energy amended.

exclusively toradiation safety and however, states that such agreements critical mass and (4) permanent disposal control. hols' role in radiation safety tflow-level waste containing one or shall not affect the Commission's is traceable to 1955 when the Illinois authority to protect the common defense more of the foregoing materials but not General Assembly created the Atomic contlining uranium and thorium mill and security. The decialon on whether to PowerInvestigating Commission.He tailings (byproduct material as defined exclude the Allied Chemicalplant from Illinois Department of Nuclear Safety he Agreement will be made by the in section11e.(2)of the Act.He State Program provides a comprehensive does not wish to assume authority over program encompassing radiation :ommission concurrent with its decision

m the Blinois request for an Agreement.

uranium recovery activities. %e State, protection regulation for radioactive I materials and machine produced L NRC Staff Assenment of Proposed I

' A.9yproduct meterido es denned b 11e(1) ag on. laHN. IowleWI rs&acdn hs Pmanm for controlof '

yp,. duct amertete as denned to W2t waste management. surveillance of Agreement Materials

'1 C. source metertale: and I e transportation of radioactive materials a s,mois,uis m quenos,e ,,,


Criteria for Guldsnee of "dhanat to form a critaat maae and environmental radiation.

coordination of State government States and NRC in Discontinuance of NRC Regulatory Authority and

'. j

', g. .

C _ _.

< m 1

Federal Register / Vol. 51 No. 250 / Wednesday. December 31,1986 / Notices 47seg Assumption %ereof by States % rough 4. TotalOccuputionalRadiation -


32IIL ADE CODE Part Agreement.s . , . _ . Rxposure. De regulatory authority shall 400.

Objectives consider the total occupational radiation 8.Stongre. Licensed radioactive expesure ofindividuals, including that material in storage-shall be secured

1. Protection. A State regulatory from souras which are not regulatad by against unauthorized removal.

am shall be designed to protect the it. He Illinois regulations contain a es th and safety of the people against he Illinois regulations cover all radiation hazards. ' requirement for security of stored )

. sources of radiation within the State's ' radioactive material. 1 Based upon the analysis of the State's . jurisdiction and provide for


32ILI. ADE CODE f proposed regulatory program the staff consideration of the total radiation 34n 9nnn .

believes the Illinois proposed regulatory exposure ofindividuals from au sourcee 9. Radioactive Woste Disposci. (a) program for agreen.ent materials is of radiation in the possession of a ~ Waste disposal by material adequately designed to protect the licensee or registrant. .

health and safety of the public against standards for the disposal of radioactiv ei) gf,,,,,,. 32 HL ADM CODE ~


32IIL ADE CODE radiation hazards.

Ma1010 Im&1080. .

34a1080,3m3010 to Ma 3110, Pm b '/

A 1 ca 5. Surveys. Monitoring. Appropriate Section 151[a)(2), Pub. I.97-425.

for e Sta S surveys and personnel monitoring under 10. Regulations CoverningS ',, ment - ',

R diationProtectionStandards the close supervision of technically ofRadioactiveMaterials. e State

2. Standards. %e State regulatory competent people are essentialin shall to the extent ofits juri ...

m shall adopt a set'of standards achieving radiological protection and promulgate regulations applica le to the .

protection against radiation which shall be made in det shipment of radioactive materials such )

shall apply to byproduct. source and comphance with safety ations. regulations to be compatible with those special nuclear materials in quantities The 111inois requirements for surveys . established by the U.S. Department of not sufficient to form a critical mass. to evaluate potential exposures from Transportation and other agencies of the Statutory authority to formulate and suces of radiation and the personnel United States whose jurisdiction over promulgate rules for controlling ,

monitoring requirements are uniform interstate shipment of such materials cxposure to sources of radiation is . . with those contained in 10 CFR Part 2a necessarily continues. State regulations

  • ~ - contained in the enabling statute. In ~ Additionally, for personnel dostmeters regarding tramportation of radioactive cecordacca with that authority the -(except extremity dosimeters and pocket materials must be compatible with to Statsandopted radiation centrol lonization chambers) that require CFR Part 71.

regulations on September 25,1986 which processing the accreditation criteria in ne Illinois regulations are uniform include radiation protection standards the January 1.1985 revision of15 CFR 7b with those contained in NRC regulations which would apply to byproduct source and in American National Standards to CFR Part 71.

cad special nuclearmaterials in Instituta N13.11-1983,1963 edition, must


32 IIL ADE CODE Part quantities not sufficient to form a be met. 341.

critical mass upon the effective date of


32 IIL ADE CODE ' - 11. Records andReports.De State an agreement between the State and the 340.2010,340.2020 and 340.2070. - regulatory program shall require that .-

Commission pursuant to section 274b of 6. Labels, Signs. Symbols. It is holders and users of radioactive the Atomic Energy Act of1954, as - . desirable to achieve uniformity in materials (a) maintain records covering cmended. . . labels, signs, and symbols, and the personnel radiation exposures, radiation


32IIL ADE CODE Parts posting thereof. However, it is essential surveys, xad disaposals of materials:(b) 310,320,330,340,341,350,351.370,400 that there be uniformity in labels, signs, keep roccrds of the receipt and transfer and 801. .. - and symbols affixed to radioactive of the materials;(c) report sigmficant

3. Uniformity in Radiation Standards. products which are transferred from incidents involving the materials. as

[ lt is important to strive for uniformity in person to person. prescribed by the regulatory authority; }

technical definitions and terminology, ne prescribed radiation labels, signs (d) make available upon request of a particularly as related to such things as and symbols are uniform with those former employee a report of the units of measurement and rad:ation contained in 10 CFR Parts 20,30 thru 32 employee's exposure to radiation;(e) at dose.nere shall be uniformity on and 34. ne Illinois posting requirements request of an employee advise the maximum permissible doses and levels

'are also uniform with those of Part 20. employee of his or her annual radiation j ,

cf radiation and concentrations of


32 IIL ADE CODE exposure: and (f) Inform each employee f radioactivity, as fixed by 10 CFR Part 20 330.220(g),330.220(i) 33a28Qfd), in writing when the employee has

.of the NRC regula' ions based on 33a284fg). 340.2030 and .2040, 350.1050. received radiation exposure in excess of c.fficially approved radiation protection 7. Instruction. Persons working in or the prescribed limits.

guides. - -

- frequenting restricted areas shall be He Illinois regulations require the Technical definitions and terminology instructed with respect to the health following records and reports licensees contained in the Illinois Radiation - s risks associated with exposure to and registrants:

Control Regulations including those .. radioactive materials and in precautions (a) Records covering personnel related to units ofmeasurement and to minimize exposure. Workers shall radiation exposures, radiation surveys, radiation doses are uniform with those chave the right to request regulatory and disposals of materials.


. contained in 10 CFR Part 20. authority inspections as per to CFR 19, (b) Records of receipt and transfer of


32 IIL ADR CODE 310.20. Section 19.18 and to be represented materials.

3410.20,350.30,351.30,370.20, and 801.20. during inspections as specified in (c) Reports concerning incidants b

. Section 19.14 of to CFR 19. Jnvolving rediosctive materials. F

  • NaC Statenient of Policy poteshed la the %e Illinois regulation contain - (d) Reports to former employees of Federal"aestater lenvoy 23. isst us ra moos #1 requirements for instruction and notices their radiation exposure.

'*Yses se eadeENcn p$nNm the to workers that are uniform with those (e) Reports to employees of their Federal assister July 21.1sas He ra 3337s) of 10 CFR Part 19. annual radiation exposure.

, e-t . .

47330 Federal Regi:ter / Vcl. 51. Nr. 250 / Wedn:sday, Dec;mber 31, 1986 / Nstic:s (f) Reports to employees of radiation use of riaterials without evaluating each Other special requirements for the cxposure in excess of prescribed limits. specific use. issuance of specific licenses are


32 ILI. ADM. CODE 310.40. Prior to the issuance of a specific 340.4010,340.4030. 340.4050 and 400.130. contained in the regulations.

12. Additiono1 Requirements and license for the use of rediosctive


3211.1. ADM. CODE materials, the Illinois Department of

. Ex mptions. Consistent with the overall Nuclear Safety will require the 330.250 to 330.200 and Part 601: Illinois criteria here enumerated and to submission of information on, and will Program Statement. Sections II.B.1.a(1) ac::ommodate special cases and " Licensing" H.C.1.(a) " Low. Level

- make an evaluation of, the potential Radioactive Waste Management"and circumstances, the State regulatory hazards of such uses, and the capability cuthority shall be authorized in of the applicant. III.B " Licensing."

ladividual cases to impose additional


321LI. ADM. CODE 15. Human Use. %e use of radioactive requirements to protect health and 33a240 to 330.340 and Part act; lllinois materials and radiation on or in humans g shall not be permined exce saf;ty,

which willor notto grant necessary jeopardize health and exemptions Program Statement.

" Licensing." ILC.tfa)(3) " Regulating Sections . properly normally qualified persons (ii

y. I censed physicians) possessing Low-14 vel Waste Disposal" and III.B.

linois Department of Nuclear " Licensing." - - -

. prescribed minimum experience in the y uthorized to impose upon any use of radioisotopes or radiation.

li Provision is made for the issuance of registrant by rule, regulation, general licenses for byproduct, source ne ll;ino a regulations require that or crder such requirements in addition and special nuclear materials in the use of radioactive materials to those established in the regulations as situations where prior evaluation of the (including sealed sources) on orin I it deems appropriate or necessary to hcensee's qualifications, facilities. . humans shall be by a physician having minimize danger to public health and equipment and procedures are not substantial experience in the handling saf;t{;or property. . required.The regulations grant general and administration of radioactive Re rence:3211.1. ADM. CODE 310.70. licenses under the same circumstances material and, where applicable' the He Department may also grant such as those under which generallicenses clinical management of radioactive cxemptions from the requirements of the are granted in the Commission's pa enta.

regul:tions as it determines are g. .12 ILI. ADM. CODE tuthorized by law and will not result in rekulations.

undue hazard to public health and eferences:3211.1. ADM. CODE m w)(a),fb). and/c).

330.210 and 330.220. Inspection or pro Provision is made for exemption of saf:tbrence:perty.

Re 32 ILI. ADM. CODE 310.30. '

certain source and other radioactive s pos e 1 d us of ra i ctive Piirr *# Evo' $ation of Uses of/todioactive , . "*di I e emptions materials shall be subject to inspection for materials covered by the Agreement by the regulatory authority and shall be 13.PriorEvoluotion ofHazards and are the same as those granted,by NRC subject to the perfonnance of tests, as Uses Exceptions. In the present state of regulations. required by the regulatory authority.

kn:wlIdge,it is necessary in regulating Inspection and testing is conducted to the possession and use of byproduct.


321LI. ADM. CODE 330.30 and 330.40. determine and to assist in obtaining source and special nuclear materials '

compliance with regulatory

14. Evoluotion Criteria. In evaluating ,

th:t the State regulatory authority a proposal to use radioactive materials, requirements. Frequency ofinspection require the submission ofinformation the regulatory authority sha'l determine shall be related directly to the amount on, tnd evaluation of, the potential the adequacy of the applicant's facilities and kind of material and type of hazards and the capability of the user or and safety equipment, his training end operation licensed, and it shall be possessor prior to his receipt of the . experience in the use of the materials adequate to insure compliance.

mattrials. This criterion is subject to for the p'urpose requested, and his cert in Exceptions and to continuing Illinois materials licensees will be re:ppraisal as knowledge and proposed administrative controls. States subject to inspection by the Department should develop guidance documents for of Nuclear Safety. Upon instruction from l cxperiince in the atomic energy field use by license applicants. This guidance Incre:se. Frequently there are, and the Department, licensees shall perform l or permit the Department to perform incre: singly in the future there may be. should be consistent with NRC licensing -

-and regulatory guides for various ' such reasonable tests and surveys as the i cat: sori:s of materials and uses as to accategories oflicensed activities. ' u aDepartment deems appropriate or which there is sufficient knowledge to m..In evaluating a proposal to use' , 4 - necessary.The frequency ofinspections permit possession and use without prior- agreement materials, the Illinois ,

is dependent upon the type and scope of cv:lu tion of the hazards and the' Department of Nuclear Safety will ',. the licensed activities and will be at capability of the possessor and user.:

. determine that:

least as frequent as inspections of These categories fallinto two groups--

those materials and uses which may bereason ~. -(1)ne applicant is qualified . . similar licensees by NRC. Generally, of training and experience to byuse inspections will be unannounced.

compt;tely exempt from regulatory . '

the materialin question for the purpose controls, and those materials and uses



' requested in accordance with the 310.50. 310.00. 310.70 and 400.14gth):

in which sanctions for misuse are ' regulations in such a manner as to Illinois program Statement. Section maint ined without pre. evaluation of minimize danger to public l relth and i

! th2 individual possession or use. In . II.B.1(a)(2) " Inspection and safety or property: Compliance." Section !!!.C. " Inspection '

t tuth:rizing research and development (2) ne applicant's proposed and Enforcement" and Section IV.C.,

j gr ethir activities involving multiple equipment. facilities, and procedures are " Division of Responsibilities." '

uses cf radioactive materials, where an adequate to minimize danger to public

' instituti n has people.with extensive 17. Inspections Compulsory. Licensees health and safety or property; and shall be under obligation by law to tralning and experience the State - ' (3)The issuance of the license will not provide access to inspectors.

4 regulat:ry authority may wish to . be inimical to the health and safety of 8

Illinois regulations state that licensees 8 l pr:vid)o means for authorizing broad . . . the public. .o.r. . . shall afford the Department at all 8 l


Fede! Register / Vol 51. N2. 250 / Wednesday. DecemberNotices 31,1986 /

i 47331 reasonable times opisiunity to inspect sources of radiation and the premises authorizations and inspection of licensees must be conducted by persons the foregoing categories, prolier' cnd facilities wherein such sources of considrration should be given to radiation are used or stored. possessing the training and experience relevant to the type and level of equivalent competency which has been


32 ILL ADM. CODE 310.50.radioactivity in the proposed use to bar. gained by'eppropriate technical and

18. Notification o , radiation protection experience.

Inspection. I.icensee/ResuAt of . evaluated andinspected. . -

s are entitled to be To perform the functions involved in - . Itis recognized that radioactive cdvised of the results ofinspections and evaluation and inspection, it la desirable materials and their uses are so varied t3 notice as to whether or not they are in that there be personnel educated compliance.

trained in the physical and/orlife that theand evaluation andinspection functions wm require skills and j Following Department inspections.

sciences, including biology, chemistry, experience in the different disciplines

- ccch Econsee will be notified in writing which will not always residein one of theresukaof theinspection.The physics and engineering, and that the person.The regulatory authority should  !

I;tters and written notices indicate if the personnel have had training and .

licensee is In compliance and if not. list experience in radiation protection. %e have the composite of such skills either tha areas of noncompliance. person who will be responsible for the inits employ or atits command, not


Illinois Program Statement. actual performance of evaluation and ' only for routine functions, but also for emergency cases.

SectionII.B.1 a)(2)" Inspection and Inspection of all of the various uses of  !

Compliance.[SectionIII.C " Inspection byproduct, source and special nuclear a.RadioactiveAfoterialsPmgram.

g,p,f,onn,L  !

material which might come to the '

and Enforcement"and SectionIV.C

" Division of Responsibilities " . regulatory body should have substantial There are approximately ao0NRC

. training and extensive experience in the specific licenses in the State of minois.

Enf a m nt *ield of radiation protection. Under the proposed agreement, the ,


29. Enforcement Possession and use It is recognized that there will also be State would assume responsibili lor '

cf radioactive materials should be persons in the program performing a about 800 of these licenses.The cm:nable to enforcement through legal , more limited function in evaluation and Department's Division of Nuclear sanctions, and the regulatory authority inspection.These persons will perform Materials is currently staffed with 13

  • sh:ll be equipped or assisted by law the day.tedsy work of the regulatwy professional persons and has one . ~

with the necessary powers for prompt program and deal with both routine .

vacancy. Including the Manager of the enforcement.This mayinclude as situations as well as some which wfIl be Omce of Radiation Safety (in which the r;ipropriafa, ariministrative remedies out of the ordinary. These people should Division of Nuclear Materials is lookinglowardissuance of orders have a bachelor's degree or equivalent located). fourladividuals will be requiring affirmstive action or in the hysical orlife sciences, training assigned management and supervisory

- suspension orrevocation of the right in in hea th physics, and approximately duties in the materials program. '

possess and use materials, and the two years of actual work experience in Exclusive of the low-level redioactive impounding of materials: the obtaining the field of radiation protection. waste regulatory p am and the cf injunctive relief; and the imposing of The foregoing are considered regulatory oversigh r a uranium civil or criminalpenalties. -

desirable qualifications for the staff who conversion plut (discussed below) we The minois Department of Nuclear will be responsible for the actual estimate the State willneed to apply Saf:;ty is equipped with the necessary performance of evaluation and between 7.9 to 12 s!aff. years of powers for prompt enforcement of the . inspection,In addition, there will pmfessional effort to the radioactive regulations. Where conditions exist that probably be trainees associated with the "*tulais U"8'am, minois wW apply creat) a clear presence of a hazard to regulatory program who will have an " 8 the public health that mquires academic backgmund in the physical or 33 "$I" ' ,Q'**

, yg,,

immediate action to protect human life sciences as well as varying amounts of t);elt arsigned responsibilities, health and safety, the Department may . of specific training in radiation trMn*P sad experience an as follows issue orders to reduce, discontinue or pmtection but little or no actual work p ssn fum climinate such conditions. The experience in this field. The background ,, t he a ve ateria s department actions may also include and specific training of these persons pmgram wm be 95 w momb.

impounding of radioactive material, willindicate to some extent their TerryR.LasMmetw minois imposition of a civil penalty. revocation potential role in the regulatory program. Departme,nt of Nucles le af e license, and requesting the State These trainees, of course, could be used verno a agna Att rney General to seek injunctions initially to evaluate and inspect those (15 of ume devoted to materials y and convictions for criminal violations, applications of radioactive materials pmgram).

Ref;rences:32II.L ADM. CODE which are considered routine ormore Training-310.70. 31(L80,310.90, 330.500; 111. Rev. standardized from the tadiation safety standpoint. for example, inspection of Ph.D.-.-Yale University (1970 Stat.1985, ch.111% pars.219,222,223 ' -Molecular Biophy:Ics and )

and 224: Illinois Program Statement, industrialgauges, small research programs, and diagnostic medical Biochemistry. Yale University  !

Secti:n II.B.1 fis M.Ph.-Molecular Biophysics and Compliance.'3 )(2). " Inspection and Section m.C. " Inspection programs. As they gain experience and  ;

competence in the field, the trainees Chemistry and Enforcement" and Section IV.C.,  ;

" Division of Responsibilities." could be used progressively to deal with -Yale University (1987]

the more complex or difficult types of B.A.-Reed College (1965) i Personnel

' J

  • radioactive material applications. It is -Physics Mafor 9 l

. desirabia that arch trainees have a TXperiace: (

Inspection Personnel The regulatory 20. Qualifications ofRegulatory 1984-Present: Director. andIllinois

, bechelor's degree ) or e cgency shall be staffed with sufficient physical or life sciences and specific Department of Nuclear Safety trained personnel. Prior evaluation of -training in radiation protection. In .' 1983 - 1984: Deputy Director. Illinois applications forIIcenses or determining the requirement for '

Department of Nuclear Safety academic training ofindividuals in aD of 1983 -1983: Independent Consultant r .



- - . . .. - - - - m..

. t 47332 Federal Register / Vol. 51. No. 250 / Wednesday. December 31. 1986 / Notices 1982-.-1981: Science Director. Scientists' "Ucensing Course-Byproduct. Source.

Institute for Public Information. New fou-Cuant#oeJHwons: Ucensing and Special Nuclest Materials." US York City Section Head. Division of Nuclear NRC. Maryland (1972) 1981 - 1982: Independent Consultant Materials. Responsible for supervising Experience: the review of radioactife material h

Colorado ysto'n nYer.ill 1 esent: Blinois Department of .

Nuclear Safety -

h a # ca %

Training: \

.t 1972 - 1980: Staff Scientist. Natural 1971-1980: hois Department of Public Ph.D.- Purdue University (1965)

Resources Defense Council. San Health. Division of Radiological -Health Physics Francisco, California. Health MSPH-University of South Carolina 1970-1972: PostdoctoralResearch 1970 - 1971: University ofl'owa Fellow. Yale University Medical .D961) .

R.adiation Protection Office .".--Industrial Hygiene and Environmental School,NewHaven Connecticut MichoelEwon: Chief. Division of QualityAssessment -

Pau/D.Eastvold: Manager. Office of Nuclear Materials. Manages the Radi: tion Safety. Responsible for Division including supervision of staff B.S.--National Taiwan University D978) l

-Pharmacy .  !

managing the programs, functions and , and establishment of program ., . . . , , ' _"Uraniumand norium: A Perspective activities of four technical divisions: objectives.

.on the Hazard" Radiation Safety Nucle:r Materials. Electronic Products. . Training:, .

Associates. Inc., Springfield. hois Radiologic Technologist, Accredits tion rnd Medical Physics (33% of time M.A.-Sangamoa State University . II. (1986)

(1980) '

. External Dosimetry." Health Physics '

'-*d.1 materials program). , . . . ,

--Business Arfrntntatratfori -

Society. State College. Pennsylvania ining: g . . . . , .. ,' ~ . ' B.Se-University ofIowa (1971)

B.S (1986).

y ofIowa (1970) . . .-CeneralScience/NuclearMedicine " Introduction to Ucensing Practices and

-Cen:ral Science /Nucleer Medicine Technology Procedures." US NRC. Bethesda.

Technology ., " Uranium and norium: A Perspective Maryland (1986)


.tN"SposeneTopics in Licensing.

on the Hazard." Radiation Safety " Medical Uses of Radionuclides for Contingency Plans." US NRC. San - Assodates.Ing Springfield hols . State Regulatory Personnel." US NRC.

Francisco, CA (1986) 11986) . .

Oak Ridge Tennessee (1986)

" Impact of Proposed Changes to to CFR ' ' "Special Topics in Licensing-Experience:

20," Technical Management Services. Contingency Plans." US NRC, San Inc Gaithersburg. Maryland (1986) Francis.:o CA(1986) .

1986-Present: hois Department of "Large Irradiation Radiation Safety , " Incineration Basics." Univ. of Nudear Sdety shop." US NRC, New Jersey . -

rnia. Irvine. Charlotte. N.C. 1983-1988: Purdue University Graduate .

g.eadhg beer. School d .

"Incinertion of Radioactive Materia! * " Basic Supervision."Keye Productivity Pharmacy. Nursing and Health, Workshop." University of California'. Center. Springf eld. Illinois (1986) Schnces -

(1964) '- " Impact of Proposed Changes to to CFR 1980-1982:Purdue University. Graduate

' Transportation of Radioactive 20." Technical Management Services. Research Ins tructor. School of Health M;t: rials." US NRC. Illinois (1983) Inc., Caithersburg. Maryland (1986) Sciences ,

" Recognition. Evaluation, and Control of " Transportation of Radioactive .

1980-1981: University of South Carolina.

Non-lonizing Radiation." US Dept of Materials."US DOE, Illinois (1965) Graduate Teaching Assistant.

Labor, hois (1981) " Technical Writing." Richmond Staff Department of Environmental Health

  • Inspection Procedures." US NRC. Sciences Development. Illinois (1965)

Illinois (1980) '

" Health Physics and Radiation 1980-1980: University of South Carolina.

" Safety Aspects ofIndustrial Radiography." US NRC.14uisiana '

Protection." Oak Ridge Associated Graduate Research Assistant.

Universities. Tennessee (1985) Department of Environmental Health (1980) ' ' " Gas and Oil Welllegging." US.NRC, "Quility Assurance in Nuclear Sciences Medicine." US FDA Maryland (1979) Texas (1964) . .J 1978-1979:The Church of Taipel.

"Hedth Physics in Radiation " Licensing Praetices and Procedures." Minister.Taipel. Taiwan Accidents," Oak Ridge Associated USNRC Maryland (1964) -

1978-1979: Yun-Fu Pharmaceutical Ltd.,

' Transportation of Radioactive Pharmacist. Taipel. Taiwan Universities. Tennessee (1979) -

" Laser Safety Seminar." US Food and . Materials." US NRC. Illinois (1983) 1977-1977: National Taiwan University.

Drug Admin Wisconsin (1979) . " Current Applications of Nuclear Hospital. Pharmacy Intern. Taipei.

,Radi; logical Response Operations Imaging." Siemens Cammasonics. Inc Taiwan '

l Training Course." US NRC. Nevada Blinois D981) 1977-1977:Pfizer Pharinaceutical Nuclear Cardiology." Univ. of Company.' Assistant Pharmacist "R: o harmacies-Problems and a n n. isc ns n ( 980) Untungan-Shul. Taiwan ROC Solutions." Univ. of Southem Experience:

Y.DovidLa Touche Radioactive Calif:rnia. California (1978) 1982-Present: Illinois Department of Materials License Reviewer. Division of

  • Radi: logical Emergency Response Nuclear Safety Nuclear Materials. Performs reviews of PI:nning Course." US NRC. Minnesota 1973-1982:St. John's Hospital.

' radioactive ma terial license applica tions (1977) Springfield. Illinois and performs inspections of radioactive "H:alth Physics and Radiation- *^

- 1981: Lincoln Land Community College, materials licensees.

Protection." US NRC. Tennessee ' Springfield. Illinois (Instructor) Training:

(1977) ,

1973-1977:Nucleer Medicine Institute. Ph.D.--Oregon State University (1981)

" Fundamentals of Nori-Ionizing Radi; tion Protection." U.S. Food and Ohio (Affiliate Instructor) - -Radiation Biology 1971-1973: Wesley Medical Center. M.S.-Oregon State University (1978)

Drug Administration. Maryland (1973) Kansas


-Biological Scienca l

. . (

. - . - - - , , . _ . _ -r-- - , - -. _ - - - - .

Feder 1 ReS i ster / W .it. N2. 250 / Wednesday DIc:mber' 31 M6'/ Nsticts 47333

i" B.S.- Coocordia University. Montreal. 1982 - 1985: Kansas Department of 1979 - 1979:FeralNational Accelerator Health and Environment. Topeka. Laboratory. Proton Department.
. Canada (1976)

- 86 Kansas. Radiation Control inspector Batavia. Illinois i, Topica in Licensing:' .

19et-1982: Eastern Virginia Medical Brucef.Sanso: Inspection and

  • niingency Plans." US NRC, San Authority Norfolk. Virginia. Assistant Enforcement Section Head. Division of Francisco,CA (19e6) .

Radiation Safety Officer Nuclear Materials. Manages the h

" Health Physics and Radiation , 19eN9st: Eastern Virginia Medical . and enfo. 8


i- Protection." US NRC, Oak Ridge.' Authority Norfolk. Virginia. Radiation .p, J

. ' Tennessee (19es) Safety ResearchTechnician y,g g g y g =% n-- '

.. " Uranium and Thorium
A Perspective - 1979-19e0:Old Dominion University -Nulm EnginwM., H. M Physies) an the Hazard" Radiation Safety Norfolk, Virginia,Research Assistant g,g,_g,g ,ggy ,g y nia (1979) '

Associates.Inc Springfield. Illinois Steve Meiners: Radioactive Materials -Nuclear Engineering (19es) . Ucense Reviewer. Division of Nuclear " Uranium and Thorium: A Perspective

" Introduction to Ucens Practices and Materials. Performs reviews of ' " the Hazard." Radiation Safety Procedures " US NRC, thesda. . radioactive materiallicense applications Associated. Springfield. Illinois (1986]

j Maryland (19es) '

... and performe laspectmas of radioactive ---

= Procedure." US NRC.

i; Rxperience:

materials licenseen -* =At lanta. Georgia (1986) ,

1 19eh Elinois Department of 'haining:* . -" ' m .' " Gas & Oil Well lagging for Regulatory Nuclear Safety -

M.S.-University of Arkansas for Personnel."(Accepted for attendance 3

l 19es-19es: Oregon State University. Medical Sciences (1985) at November.19es course. Houston.

i) Corvallis. Oregon Research Associate -Radiation Health Physics Texas) f5 1979-1981: Oregon State University. B.A.-Harding University (1981) - .

Experience- - 1 Corvallis. Oregon Graduate Research -Biol

  • t:Einois DepartmenW 3 Associate .

- "Medi Uses of Radionuclides for , NuclearSafety

  • 1977-1979: Oregon State University. State Regulatory Personnel." US NRC, 19e3-1986: Texas A & M University.

Corvallis. Oregon Graduate. Teaching Oak Ridge.Tenneesse (19e8) Health Physicist. College Station. ,

. Assistant -

Experience: Texa*

I #

f,(g 1985-1985: Texas Tech University. 1900 -1003: Carolina Power & Light .

. y, Radiation Safety Omcer Company. Radiation Control

.,uclear Materials. Performs reviews of Specialist. Hartsville. South Carolina 1984 - 1984: University of Arkansas. -

radioactive material license applications Graduate Assistant -

George K.Merrihew: Radioactive end. performs inspections of radioactive 1981-1984: University of Ankansas. Materials License Inspector. Performs

"***I* II**""** .

Imboratory Technologist - reviews of radioactive materials license Training-19st-1983: University of Arkansas, applications and performs inspections of M.S.-Old Dominion University (1982) at radioactive materials hcensees. .

-.-Norfolk. Virginia

. AquaticEcol 19e N 9et:Ha ' University.

Training" '

--Physics - Teaching Assistant M.A 8angamon State University (1972)

B.S.-Tam Kang college of Arts and SherylO.Sodertfahl: Support ology /Psychc5 Sciences Services Section Head. Division of B.A - Se amon State Uru,versity (1971) .

, --Physics .

Nuclear Materials. Responsible for the Kansa y M so (Y s tion ao

" Health Physics and Radiation reviews andinspections,assis in c

,' ~er re n u : p o * ~ . r.,z,xdg, a e ,e m(1989).r3.Ln.-e >

S ,

Operation " FEMA. Las Vegas.

.." Safety Aspects of Industrial Department's Radiation Safety Officer. Nevada (1908)

Radiogre by for State Regulatory Training-Personne " US NRC Baton Rouge. . " Medical Uses of Radionuclides" US B.S.-Purdue University. Indiana (1980) NRC. Oak Ridge. Tennessee (19e6)

Imuisiana (1984) Health Physics " Gas and Well Logging f f. uguistory _ i

" Cobalt Teletherapy Calibration." US * #

, " Inspection Procedures." US NRC. Personnel." US NRC, queton. Texas ~

i NRC. Houston. Texas (1984) Atlanta. Georgia (1985) (1985)


" Medical)se of Radionuclides for State " Writing for Results." Sangamon State " Radioactive Material Training Course:

Regulatory Personnel." US NRC. Hazardous Material Regulations of University, Springfield. Illinois (1965)

I Tennessee (1984) " Introduction to Ucensing Practices and - . the United States Department of

" Gee and Oil Well- ~ na for State Procedures," US NRC. Washington. 'hansportation" Chicago. Illinois Regulatory Personne " 08 NRC.

- s . i D.C. (1985) (1985)

(1983) " Safety Assiects ofIndustrial

' "Hasardous Waste Management." Old' " Environmental Health Pre c'tices."

' Dominion University Virginia Beach. ' University of Massachusetts. Radiograpl.y."US NRC Baton Rouge.

  • Amherst. Massachusetta (1982) Imuisiana (1985)

Experience: " Introduction to Ucensing Practices and i " Inspection Procedures." US NRC. - .

' Procedums."US NRC Bethesda.


. Atlanta. Georgia (19e6) .

1985-Present: Illinois Department of

! 'i Nuclear Safety

Experienceif -


19eo-.1968: University of "Inspectica Procedes ,

1--- %..-M!inois Department of Massachusetts. Department of Atlants. Georgia (1 Nuclear SaSty

.19e5-19e6:lowa Ele'etric Ught & Power Environmental Health and Safety.

! Company. Cedar Rapids. lows.

Amherst. Massachusetts. Staff Health.

Protection" US NRC.O " Health dae. Physics and Physicist . ., Tennesm (1964)

! Radiological Engineer , , q, 1 ~

- h

_. 3 E :- _ _ -_

1 -

h 47334 Federal Register / Vol.11; No. 'Eso / Wedneeday. ~ December 31.1988 / Ntices

" Radiation ProtocelenTechnology."

  • Transportation ofRadioactive vnalmealGovernment Emergency Rockwei!1sterestieaal.EnerEF Maleelale." US Dt'3E. Chicago. Elinois Preparedness Personnel." FEMA.Las

. Systems Group (19ss) (1993)

' Transportation of Nuclear m turimis." . Vegas. Nevada (1979)

  • "MedicalUses of Radionodidesfor USNRCilamois (1983) 9 tate Regulatory Personnd."US MRC. "Special Procadwes s's CT Scanners"

" Executive Development Academy,- Oak Ridge Tennessee (1984) USPublicHeakh service. Chicago.

nia ols Department of Personnel. "S,efey AspectsofIndurtr'al Dlinois(1970)

"Radaological Workshop.". US Public Systems Analysis:(1980):" General urse."(1980): "Baalc 5e NR R ge. HeaMcMce4% h MN Exper6esce Louisiana (1983) .

Introduction to Statistical Package for "la8Pection Procedures for State Regulatory Personnel." US NRC. 19eo-Present: Elinois Department of the Social Sciences"(1979):"DP Nuclear Safety Concepts"(1979): "IMS Environment Atlanta. Georgia (1963)

Course"(1979):"Easytrieve/IMS 1sW1980: Illinois Department of Public "Radological,E, mngency Response Class"(1979);"Basia in Easytrieve " Operations. FEMA.las Vegaa' Health. Division of Radiological State of Blinois Data .'t-n '_4 Nevada (1983) Health Training Center (1977) Experience: 1973-1976: Oak Park Hospital. Nuclear

" Air Pollution Control Orientation." US Medicine Technologist. Oak Park.

thPresent: Illinois Department of - Blinois EPA (1978) . Nuclear Safety "Cossemaity Hyssene." US HEW, 1982-1965: Kansas Department of Health 2n1973: Oak Park Hospital. X. Ray Georgia (1978) Technologist. Oak Park. Illinois and Environment. Bureau of Radiation University of Illinois. School of Clinical Contro!. Topeka. Kansas, Robin Gehrhardt Bauer-Radioactive Medicine. (1974) 1981-1982: Argonne National Materials Ucense Inspector. Performs University of Illinols. School of Basic Laborotory. Argonne. Illinois reviews of radioactive materials license Medical Sciences (1973) M7-1981: Northeastern Illinois i applications and performs inspections of Expedence University. Chicago. URnois audioactive meterials licensees.

1963-Present: Illinois Department of John D. Papendorf Radiocative Training: -

Nuclear Safety Materiale Ucense Inspector. Performas 1974-1983: Illinois Department of Public g g , )

reviews of radiactive materials beense Health; Division of Engineering ap lications and performs inspections of ' -Radsological Physics 1h1972: Sar:samon State University, re oactive snate me. g gg Department of blogy. Graduate Training- _,gogy Assistant " Health Physics and Radiation N.M.T.-Oak Park Hospital (1975) th1967: Memorial Medical Center. -Nuclear Medicine Technologist Protection." US NRC. Oak Ridge, Clinicallaborstory Certification Tamnessee (1988)

LoriKirnFodolak Radioactive -

R.T.-Hines V.A. Hospital (1972) Experience: .

rials License Inspector. Performs -X. Ray Technologist Certification A.S.-Central YMCA College (1972) 1986-Present: Illinoit Department of reviewe of radioactive materials license Nuclear Safety.

applicationa and performs inspections of " Inspection of Transporta, tion of radioactive rnaterials licensees. . Radioactive Materials. U.S. NRC. th1965: Georgia Baptist Hospital.

TrMMng. " Glen Ellyn. Illinois (1985) JntemsMp.WdicalPhysica. Adata.

uR "Noclear Transportation for State Ceorgia

~=Redioniversity ygical Sciences of Lowell(1986) Re story Personnel." US NRC. Ih1985: Emory University. X. Ray.

    • . Nuclear Medicine. Calibration.

"r.tucky Wesleyan College (1964) umbia South Carolina (1984)

-Physics -

"Hazardcas Materials Training Course." A:lanta, Georgia . .

Experience: U.S. DOE. Chicago. Illinois (1983) 19893-1984: Loyola University. Research

" Radiation Safety." Northwestern. Technician. Maywood. Illinois 19es-Present: Illinois Department of University. Evansion. Illinois (1982) fiuclear Safety foonne B. Karkt Radioactive Materials Isse- - : University of Lowell " Radiation Therapy Workshop. Medical License Inspector. Performs reviews of Linear Accelerators." US Public 1

khaven National Laboratory radioactive materials license 1983: Oak Ridge National Laboratory Health Service. Chicago. IDinois (1981) applications and performs inabeetions of

" Acceptance Testing of Radiological AndrewS. Cu/crynski Chicago I"'ging Equiproent." American radioactive materials licensees.


inspection and Enforcement Section asociation of Physicists la u.m -

He:d. Division of Nuclear Materials- American CoHege of Ra& ology and Graduate work toward M.S.-Colorado Supervises Chicago office materials Society for Radiological Engineering. State University (1965) license inspectors. , - Chicago. Illinois (1981) -

--University of Tannessee (1982)

Tr"E"I'E. " Safety Aspects ofIrut*fal -Hasith Phys (es Radiography for State Programs." US B.S--Northeastera lllinolel$ ty NRC. Baton Rouge. Louisiana (1981)

B.S-Villanova University (1975) 09stl -Biology

-Biology " Inspection Procedures." US NRC.Clen Ellyn. minois (1960) Certificate-St. Joseph's Hospital and Week Health Physics end " Quality Assurance in NucleaWedicine Medical Center School of Nucleat

-%_ Prosection Cowse."US Departments." US Food and urug g,g. cine Tachology W" h 2 ak Ridge. Tennessee 0906)

Adminis tra tion. Rockville. wlaryland I"*'II3g77I -

" Intern:1 Dose Asseessant."Technicel ( "Anspedian Procedures"USNRC. ,

M*n*8885ent SsMces lac Rhnois " Radio col Ehc..q Respome AdanMemgia 0906)

(1965) .,.,, ..

Operations Trainmg Couise for State Experience:

I h'

.s.- '

- - - - - - _ _ , - - - - - - - - .,.-__,,,,,,_m__-, _ _ . , _ , _ _ . - , . _ _ , . , , - . , . . . , , , - , , , __ ,. . - - _ , . _ , *

!. .~ m m- . . . < .:.<,... _ n v -e- ~ r c. . ., ._. . : = - ~ u veemw _ mw y-.m -

1 Federal Register / Vol. 51. No. 250 / Wednesday December 31, 1986 / Notices 47335 1986-Present:hols Department of


hols Program Statement. IN1976: East Texas State University.

Nuclear Safety -

SectionIIL" Implementation of the . . Commerce. Texas 1981-1984: Oak Ridgs National Agreement State Program for Materials 1973-1974: Young-Ho Middle School.

Iaboratory. Health and Safety Licenses," Section tV.A.3. " Staff


Young-Ho. Taiwan ROC Research Division. Senior Laboratory Requirements" and Appendix 5. -

1971-1973: Military Service. Taiwan, i Technician " Current Agreement State Staff ROC 1 1 N 1981: Oak Ridge National. Positions:' . mduct Materia!. Source I Laboratory. Biology Division. DavidA. Filler: Assistance Chief.

Material a ; < , ciel Nuclear Materials Division of Radiochemistry l

' ^ " Iabmtwies.OHice of Envimnmutal l 1 97t edi ogy Associates. Albert Cri i ss.'"

Einstein Medical Center, No. Division.

. . Safety. Provides radiochemistry support. ,

Nuclear Medicine Technologist. b. Regulatory Oversight of Umnium Training:- i

. IN1977:SpectroChem Laboratories.-

  • Conversion Plant . l .Ph.D.-University of Michigan, (1976)- i Inc., Analytical ChemistryTechnician L n,,,,,,,f . ., Biochmistry l
fohn W. Cooper Manager. Office of There are'two plants in the United . M.S.-University EnvimamentalSafety.Provides . - Biochemistry of Michigan, (1973) ..

States which convert natural urania - .B.S.-Purdue University (1980)-

~ technical support to the Division of oxide (yeHowcakeHo uranium Nuclear Materials on an as needed Chemistry .

gg,, , , ,

hexafluoride.nese activities are . "Vax Applications Manager." Canberra a- , ~- conducted pursuant to source materials ining:- Industries. Inc., Conucticut (1964) licenses issued by the NRC.Under the Introduction to S-90-VMS Apogee Ph.D-University of lows (1971) proposed Agreement, the source .

System Operations." Canberra

-Radiation Biology materiallicense for the Allied Chemical uranium conversion facility located in Industries.Inc Connecticut (1964)

M.S.-University ofIowa (1966) " Auditor Training." Gilbert /

-Pharmacy Metropolis will be transferred to B.S.-Drake University (1960) Illinois.' He Office of Radiation Safety. Conunonweath (1964)

" Radiological Monitor.,, Indiana

--pharmacy -

Division of Nuclear Materials will be Department of Civil Defense and

  • Industrial Ventilation Systems." OSHA res naible for regulatory oversight with Emugacy Managment (1983)

Training Institute. Illinois (1983) cal support from the Offices of

" Respirator Safety for CSHO's," OSHA Environmental Safety and Nuclear "Radochmi,stry for State Regulatory

. Training Institute, hois (1982) Facility Safety.OverallIDNS will Pusonnel. NRC(1983) commit 0.8 full-time equivalen: " Radiological Monitoring. Sampling and Ehperience.

pmfessionals effort to this program. Key An si 1981-Present:lllinois Department of staff assigned to this p am together

_ DO ( b)f Nuclear Facilities,"US Nucl Safety th! : U.S. Nuclear Reguia' tory with summaries of thei7r uties..;and"Ra ologic e cy Response

,-; . . a ve m en

Commission. Region III, Inspector and training and experience are: , ,,

. !icense reviewer (a)Staffpreviouslyidentifiedln the 1971-1975: Allegheny General Medical materialspmgmm(Section 20.o)

FEMA /US DOL (1982) -.

. Center Radiation Biology Laboratory Expelence. .

Jou-Guang (Joe) Hwang,Y. David La 1964-Present: hols Department of 1964-1971:Universi ofIowa Radiation research and tes Touche BmceJ.Sansa JohnW.Coope. Nuclear Safety AppamoDevota: Chief. Division of (b)OtherIDNSstaff: 1981-1964: Indiana State Board of Medical Physics. Provides technical - Health, Radiochemistry Lab, Lfh-Ching Chu-Chief. Division of support to the Division of Nuclear Radiochemistry Laboratories. Office of Indanapohs. Indana Materials on an as needed basis. 1977-1981: Indiana University Medical l Environmental Safety. Supervises l Training: Center. Indianapolis, Indiana PtLD.-University of New Orleans analytical supporttechnica programs.Provides for all Def artment 1976-1977: St. Jude Children a Research supportin (1975)-Physics radiochemistry and radioanalysis. Hospital. Memphis. Tennessee M.S.-University of New Orleans '; Training: -^ ' ' fames F.Scheweitzerr Health I. (1972)-Physica .

Ph.D-Washington University (1981)-- - Ph sicist Office of Environmental

, MSc.-Andhra University (1968}- .~ Chemistry . ety. Serves as a specialist in

.A .

M.A.-Washington University (1981}- environmental monitoring and will B$@pplied dhraPhysics leyola College (1965)- Chemistry . Provide technical support and guidance Mathematics f . M.S.-East Texas State University in this area.

. . Experience: - .- .',,..*: (1976)-Chemistry Training-

. .1985-Present:Illismis Department of - . B.S.-Tamkang Colle e of Arts and Ph.D.--Purdue University (1985)-

Nuclear Safety

  • Sciences (1971 emisty Environmental Toxicology 1985: Medical Physics Consultant "Vax Applications Manager Canberra M.S.-Purdue University (1981)-Health

' 1983-1985:St. James Hospital Medical Industries,Inc., CT 1964 Physics

, Center Chicago Heights, hols. " Introduction to S-90,VMS Apogee B.S.-Randolph-Macon College (1976}-

Medical physicist SystemOperations Canberra Bio!

1h1983: St. Joseph's Hospital. Elgin, ladustries. Inc., CT.1964

  • Envi ental'aws and Compliance Illinois, Medical physicist Experience: pourse 1975:Mt. Sinal Hospital, Chicago. r 1964-Present: hols Department of. Short Course: Uranium and horium: A Blinois Medicalphysicist . Nuclear Safety ' Perspective on the Hazard (1986)

VA Hines Hospital. Hines, Blinois. 1961-1964:lllinois Department of Energy

- Medical physicist - Expwience:

mad Natural Resources . .

198p-1975: University of New Orleans 1976-1981: Washington University. St. - 1986-Present: Illinois Department of

. Research and teaching lauls. Missouri Nuclear Safety nC wa d A c4 s PAC b n aa6 4 #M  %*L M si w u4* ~}

u,%w..sw &t~%j wk*h

l ,

47336 Federal Cesister / Vd. 31. No. 250 / Wechesday. Decemb- St. nees / Nodas i

1985-1988: Purdae University. Arnra of "d Radiological and Chemical Control "Radashipical Pneedies Office ,

NualearSafety Course? U.S. Army (twal 1980-19aa:Pardue,Unitarauy.OEiceof IsrJ-tano: manais Depuctusunt of Ashinc R;diologica24nd ChunicalControl Health "ChemicalOGscer Advanced Course."

Miclace/#..&famard Cidef. law-land 1E-1973: #------ Westaa Sh*-W U.S. Assy 0975-twul Wata Siteg Setina. Office of Ccmpany. Springfield. Einais  ;- - _ _..-Gon d Hemdous Meerials Environrant41 Wy. Provider. by Air." US DOT (1972) 19'*3-19E: ""^^' P"-- Eactac . . . .

r:dirlogical : virt.nmental sapp.. Conqpany.ForseetHilla insaasylimal" "ChemicdOlheur Basic Coene? U3.

for the Office - a<1rmnen'al Safet; Army DwD Beievence- Giinois Program Statement.

cnd wi!!prm.. eckracalsuptortIr Section Ill.D? Allied ChemicalUransam y,,E'gg**

  • j Allied themicat rer latu ac1m ConversionEscility." Appendix 5.and see6-Pmest Emsta " . ^ = af Training: Appendix 1.** Current AgreementState Nuclamr Saisty Ph.D-UniversTt) . fo rra--a.4ophysk s7 Staff Positions:lew.14ve1 Radioactive temess.UA Assy,Radia6an Safety R:diation Bioiccy Waste Management Program,nir;,= d OHicar.Ft. RileyJames MS-thiversity ofIowa,% clear EnvironmentalSafety? . . 1975-tWE:U.S. Army.Mannahira. West B.A. TherCollege-Phys' .a.


~ 5 k g g,g 1 US AE8"F81 ~~d-Esparlance: Radioacarw Wasde MichaelKlebe: Nuclear Safety 198Hkeseat:Ehmosa departspeantof . . . Enginm. Sems as technical momce NuclearSaggy The Od6cm afEaviressmeutdSa6 sty on LLW management environinental 1985-1988:M-aHat Oak Ridge has responalbility darthe lowdent ' problems, decomissioning and disposal r

Associated Universities. Oak Rhige, wante (M.W) smanagement nipdatory facility siting.

Tennessee program wbich isadades the Sheffield Training-1983-1985:Pmfesear, Director of Heahh a6te and the regnanal waale disposal " r ,a r of Af._ '

Physica Prograst.5ee Diego 5 tate M.S.-Monamna '

facihty.He asasemmaat of the Univeralty. San Diego. California Science and Txhnoingy (19' - E sulpdatory framework is included under 8&ning Engrrarica -

1975-19lD:SeniorSciestist. Arganne Critorioua. Radioactiw Waste BS.-Montaren C4, . .A Mineral k Nanona11.abocatory. Argonne.Elinels Disposa!"The LLW and transportatissi Scterrce andTu.n tory (1980}-

1970-1975: Biophysicist Lacturer.The management program is staffed by la - ,

Universly of CahTor'nla. Davis. Mining hgh.6 '

technical staff Manage' Calif rnia Experience-dGie OfEice ef Environmental Safety "

1962-1963: Science Teacher.Urbans wal Provideeveratsopevisionand hh Encis Depaeant of Consdlidated Schools.2awa management and the Chid of the Nuclear Safety Cary Wiigh.u. .. org;c, y Office's Divis6on of Nudear Chermistry 1982-1956:Shell Mining Company.

Nuc1; rFacilitySalety.Pmvides will provide lahnratary support. TTouston. Texas and FfNrt. Illinals.

technical a siatance concernirig Technical mapport will aise be aval!able Mang Engineer ,.

from the Division of Nuclear Materials, oordr/ an:Cesiegist.

f Evaluates '

engineeringfrinciples pt:nning an response. and emergencyThese m a and sammaries of their gesiegical and hydrologic fadors Tranining: , ehtties are: relating to LLW sannagement

--Sangumon State Univerufty(1974) (a) Staffprevioua/p identfred in tire

--Degree approshalf completein Public rnaterinJr orsnrCam cours M BA--Southeun lihnes th ireralty Administsation .~ rug Madory oversightprq;'rmes(CaMia. (1979$-Ceslogy MS.-Univeretty df ft!!nois 0965)- 20oondhp " Uranium amdThorinra: A Perspectrve B. IhkiI y"' " "

(1354} - sso ( 98Q Physics / Mathematics *

' " Corrective Actions for Containing and '

' Man:gement Education Workshop."111. (b) OtherIDNSStaff: s*^ Contmihag Ground Water Dept.of Personnel Oiempaign (1975)

" Int:rnational Sympeslum on Migrathm . Roberf A. lerverder: Chief.Diviston d Contam: nation." Na tional Wster Well Waste and Transportation. Has Associatten Columbus. Ohio 0966) ef Trstsum in the Environment? responsibilities for implementing the "A Standardized System for Evaluation tional AnosecEwgy Agent 7 j Illinois LLW management act, ofGreendwater Pollution Potential California 0978)

R dirlogicalEmergency Response supervices staffin the 11W program ang Using Hydroheologic Settmg?

manages the spent nadear fuel and11W National Water Well Association.

  • Operatana. USMitC. Nevada (1977) shipment inspectk a program. Derrver.Colorwoo D966)

W:rkshop on colanctave Bergutm:.3f or Trainlag: ,


"Croundwater Pollution and n ' 'Ft 8f B.S.-ltent State Univer*Jty 4271)-- Hydraingy."' Princeton ai Asscciates. '


! o pt C esith "I 81. US NRC.Spnagneld. "En n e n a a n of Waste 0474 Illinois (198g DisposalSystesta. Civa Engineering g

"Ptolasional EngineerinI Resi *

  • " Incinerator Ba sica? Uriv. cl Calituais. Department ra'nrado State , f UWv. lat.(184) .

Charlotte. N.C. D986.1 University. Fort f'nttina Colorado

  • ,1 esp ==== tg % u Eh! "Radioacttre Materta!Tn nspor.atton 0985)

Forces.l.a.tarth vakes Tornah W tkahop." US DOE.Chicaga.H!!nois "Croundwater Momforing Wmishop."

(tc.? Penn. Sukd968)



"10 CFR 8: Cornpfisuca"*IMS.Inc.

Illi'iois Department of Energy and

,A.3 NaturalRaa sones. Champaign. I

{ .

Washins(ton.D.C.MSI) Illinois (1984) j h'4 b.,b QA ; a r,i .' M

'i- '

Py . fr

. m u,%m w. .-.t.;m.i, sa mu.ra.

u.,-,  ;


'f h E ** 'l 'I'* N -


Federal Register / b. 51, Nz. 250 / Wednesd;y, Decemb:r 3a.1986 / N:tices 47S37 l

" Radiological Emergency Res B.A.-Humboldt State University. Expenence:

Training for State and California (leseWogY 1986-Present Blinois r ' t of Government Emergency 7..  :'-- - Post Graduate Work: Education, ge3 , g,g.,y, og;c{,g

, Personnel."PEMA NevadaTestSite Humboldt State University. Economic Environmental Safety (18e3) , ,

, Evaluation. Colorado School of Mines. . 1975 1986: Illinois Department of Experience: . . N Colwah - Nuclear Safety.OfBee of Radiation lesS-Present Hlinois Department og EXpeience- ,


! Nuclear Safety lessk-Present Elinois Department of Sdsphes A ShefstrNuclear Safety

? 1est-tees:Mine Geologist. Atlas --

Nuclear Safe 3en Minerals. Inc., Silver hputer H. Performs ' ' -" nd Minerals Corporation,Moab. Utah 1984-198e:Boli Oly. New Mexico. . health physics SurveFs-19e61981: Associate Mine Geologist. .

don & Du t N '* P G des Classee (non-degree)


_ mg, - -

80HIO,"~ ~' 2

- New University of minois (tese) ggyp3ggg, pg, ,, [ . .1975-1880: Mexico .

B.S.-Western Blinois University (19e3)-

teedb-1975:Kerr McGee Corporedon Geophysics Exploretion & C. -t Hasardous Materials Transportation C aporaden,^'

. Grants, hw Mexico .

- . - -hw Enforcement Course.Minois State i

.m - ,- ..

' ~

DemoM WilleforuhNuclearSafety lice. Springfield.Elin (lese)

ShannonM W Godogist. '- .;.&. Responsible for overall

- operation of waste generator ologica Emugency po Reviews,interp.ts 'c, and evaluatesysicaland tion; andinspeedon

- psegram., . mdesCame. FEMA hvada geologic '.,l. - ,,,


M.P.A. "-- n m State University Short Course: Uranium and norium: A in ct des location, Perspective on the Hazard (1986) contrados and '-- '- ' * 'af (1983)

B.A.-University of minaln (1931)-




Political Science. Math / Physics Minor less.Present Blinois Department of R&-Drake University (1 ogy. "Radosedw Materials Transportation Nuclear Safety

- Course," US DOE, Kansas City, 1ges.-leet:llhnois Department of is A.A. d)'hisinem-- Ald Cdiese in Missouri (tese) Nuclear Safety,Summerlatem (19 ." Uranium and Dorium: A 7 , A 3.,jeschwi,qr: Attorney.Provides legal Raedogical Emwgency *-------- " . . . on the Hazard." Radiation Safety conned to the Director and technical

@ hvada(tese) tee,Inc., Springneld. Elinois staffin low-level redoactive waste

) " Groundwater Contaminant Transport Modeling." Princeton University' ' "***8'"

l . " Recognition. Evaluation, and Control of Princeton, hw Jersey (tese) lenising Raeade. OSHAD IY'I"I'8 .

- "A standardised Systeen for Evaluating Ph.D. r'.annlidate (presently enrolled).

Plaines. Minois (19e5)

Groundwater Pouution Using Michigan State University. Resource l . . " Environmental Laws and Reguladons ,

Hydrogeologic Setting" Denwr, ., r'ampliana Course " government .Deve t/ Environmental

, Colwedo(1ees) . Institutes, Washington, D.C. (1985) Toxi .

' " Groundwater Pollution & Hydrology," "RadiologicalEmergency Response Doctor of Laws (1982).%omas M.

Princeton Aaeociates. Princeton.New Operations Course " FEMA,hvada . . . Cooley Law School l

(19e3) .

B.A. "r State University (1976)

%2ees) " Expwience enistry ving G e Pro Expwience Nadoe61WaterWell Association, . 19es-Pmeent Minois Department of Nuclear Safety tees-Present: Elinois Department of Denver. Colorado (1986) 1981-19e3:lilinois Department of I

Sou Med=nta and Foundations."

Nuclear Safety u min Land Community College, - .- Nuclear Safety /Sangemon State . 1g7s_19es: Michigan Department of University (Graduate Public Service Public Health Springneld. IDinois (1981)

"EnvironmentalRisk Assessment." Intern) 1971-197e: Michigan State University Sesamon State University, Springfield, 18,77-[: )

University of Blinois (Student 1971-1972: William Beaumont Geneal Blinois (1986)

Hospital (UA Army)

Tim Aunyon: Nuclear Safe y

" Recognition. Evaluation, and Control of . Inspector. Assists the Chief. Weste a . Giugo-P sosdsing Radadon." OSHAheining g,g,,,' fog.y.Direcu Qouch: the Chief.

OHice's Division of Institute, Elinois (1986) . Transportanon - ; - .t. environmental surveillance program.

Expulence: - '

2 e Central ' ""-diologic D*

Sees,-Present Elinois Department of Techndogy M.P.H.-University of Minnesota (1988) l Nuclear Safe y " Hazardous Materials Transportation --Environmental Health 1986-1986:Hanson Enginews.Inc. Course "ISP. Illinois State Policy M.S.-Purdue University (1977)

Spr'ngSeld. Elinois Acedemy, -Bionucleonics/ Health Physics eld. Illinois (1985) 1981-1984: Veesay Geoeervice. Inc.

" Review of US R etions." US B.S.-Purdue University (1975)

Denver, Colorado

  • NRC. Hanford. Was on (1985) -Biology 1976-test:Hanson Engineers. Inc. . " Evaluation and Control lonizing " Seminar on the Transportation of I Springneld.Uhnois. ,.

., , . Radiation." OSHA. Argonne National - Nuclear Materials." US NRC, l

. George T. At CeroM: Nuclear Sefety Laboratory (1981) Springfield. Illinois (19e3)

Engineer 1. Principally responsible for " Emergency Response for Radiological " Radiological Emergency Response geokgy. Course," US DOE / FEMA. Nevada 3 .e . , . , 4 y ;. .: - Accidents " REECO. Ias Vegas. "-

'thining: . y r.a . r.r, . n ,04 - . Nevada (1981) Test Site (19e3)

j . .,

4 .

.~ .

4 -

h-m -

_x -__-""'9__'_ -_--' 6_ _2E _ . . . . , _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ ,

nw samm (1333 Federal Register / Wl. 51. Nr. 250 / Wednesday. December 31.1986 / Notices

, " Inspection Procedures Course." US AbdulKholique: Nuclear Safety NRC Atlanta. Georgia (1982) Nuclear General Empbyee Training Scientist L P!ans, implements and Experience: '


(NGET). Commonwealth Edison.

pani :l 'aies in radiaanalytical programs. Ch!cago. Blinois (1965) 19es-Present:111inois Department of TmL*3: ,

" Radiation Detection and Nuclear Safety  : Ph.J.-University of Birmingham.

1981-1984: Illinois Department of Wasurement-Advanced Course."

' F.y%d (1970). Ana:ytical Cheulstry Eberline Analytical. Albuquerque.

Nuclear Safety ?4.h--Univers"yiscarschs Pakistan 1977-197t Indiana University Medicr* New Mexico (19851 (1957). C'"mtsw " Fundamentals of Ground Water Center. Assistant Radiation Safety b.E --Univers!'y of KhraclJ. Pakistan Officer Contamirwuon." beraghty a Milier.

. (IW) - -

- Chicago.Dlinois (1965) 1976-19n:Purdue University.

Q.;ality ControlC 2rse. University of Radiological Services. Graduate Exaerier":e:-

Assistant Business Administration. University '

of Karachi. Pakistan 1964)

Cistory/.Shott: Nuclear Safety Expe lence: .

Nuclear Safety Supervisor. Supervises the . .

1986-Present Illinois Department of ggggg,4 gg ,,p gg, Department %.-Mobile Radiochemistry .

Nuclear Safety Department of Nuclear Safety laboratory. - - - -

1951-1386: Department of Pharmacol Richard WalkertNucleat Policy Traini"8' Southern Illinois University School i Analyst. Performs review and analys,s i versity of Michigan (1985). Medicin of Federal and State regulations.

1h3-1980:Claxo Laboratories .

. Training-B.S.-University of New Hamps. hire . (Pakistan). Ltd. Ph.D-Purdue University (1978)

(1981). Biology 1986-1972 Opal Laboratodes. I td.

Mology (Research Methods and Expenence: . (Pakistan)

' Statistics) 1986-Present: Illinois Department of , Afelonie A. flamel: Health Physicist. M.S.-Purdue University (1974) c Se ty Functions as a health physics specialist . -Sociology in the environmental monitoring

  • B.S.-Marietta College (1972) 1984 I wknce Li ermostic I Ta -

viro tal Radiation Surveillance.

laboratory:Research Associate. B.S.-University of Imwell. MA (1977), . Harvard University Massachusetts EnvironmentalIntern Program Health Physics (1965) - -

1981-1964:Unfversity of Washington. . University of Lowell. MA (1977). " Fundamentals of Radiation Safety."

Laboratory of Radiation Ecology. Environmental Monitoring and Radiation Safety Associates (1985)

Rese:rch Assistant Surveillance. Health Physics -


DavidD. Ed Assistant Manager. ' ky$ tion Review MedicalHealth Dffice cf Environmental Safety. 1965-Present:lllinois Department of l Nuclear Safety *

.. Environmental Law and the Citizen." .

1 Training: - .

Sangamon State University *. 1976-1964: Chairman Departmut of .. ,

B.S.-University ofIllinois. Urbana Springfield. Illinois Sociology.Blackburn College.


Carlinville. !!!!nois ,

. " Post. Accident Radiation Assessment.~

-Chemistry. Northwestern University.!!!Incis 1976-1972 Department of Sociology ,

" Radon Training for State Personnel." . " Radiation Protecuon Instrumentation." . Muhlenberg College. Allentown. ,

US EPA (1988) -

- Harvard University. Boston. MA Pennsylvania ,

" Comprehensive Health Physics." " Radon Training Session for State Teresa A. Adams: Nuclear Policy r

Rockw;11Intemational(1985) Personnel." US EPA . . . , .

Analyst Performs ataff functions t

  • Biological Effects ofIonizing .

Experience: , a -r . .

Radi: tion." Harvard University. . coordinating and assisting with the 1982-Present: Illinois Department of

, o

- direction of office programs.

School cf Public Health (1982) Nuclear Safety .;.. 11 Training- rr

" Dose Projection. Accident Assessment .19n-1981: Yankee Atomic Electric- " -

and Protective Action Decision Company . B.A.-Wellesley College (1981) O

<......... tt Making for Radiological Emergency . . 1975 Universt of Imwell. Research .

Response." US NRC. ITMA (1980) . , , Reactor Fa ty. Health Physics.

.,, Environmental Radiation

.' Mass c. _c,[(setts institute 6f Technology' IC

.., Technician n .. Department of Urban Studies and In Surv llance." Georgie Institute ofe . -~ - v.

T Arichael y,y'odonia: Nuclear Safet ology (1977) - Y Unive o r. West Germany:

.,, Radiological Emergency Response Associate. Performs technical duties

. Department of Planning and concerning nuclear facility monitoring ,,

tions Training." US NRC. ERDA and environmental radiation control.


Training- * -

,Ad o a co ework decision

'" Environmental Source Term Modellag." . analysis, fundamentals of radiation Universi of Chicago. Argonne . ..B.S.-University ofIllinois protection, hazardous waste de Nation:1 boratory (1971) clearEnginudn . Radiation minimization 3 Experience: ' ' De

Ullnois Department of ' a s .. ah'*m"pl f rR do tivg

. e > ' . Experience: . .


  • Materists." Oak Ridge Associated 1985-Present: Illinois Department of Cr:

Nuclear Sa'e'y .

Universities: Oak Ridge. Tennessee Nuclear Safety

  1. [88k111mois Department of Public" (1988) 1984: Parliamentary Research Service: Ad

'" Personal Computer Applications in .

Bonn. West Germany 2 i

17 g7 Illinois Environmental .. - Health Physics." TMS Inc.: Boston, ,

    • % Agency h; M ' ' '

1982-1984: Worked on a variety of i

'I MA (1988) > '

projects dealing with policy pre i

+de . . .

Federal Register / Vol. 51, No. 250 / Wedneed:y, December 31, 1986 / Noticest 47339 development and dispute resolution in - review of actions taken by the Agreement becomes effective. At that environmentallaaues .

. Department of Nuclear Safety. .

Pbu1E SeidlertNuclear Policy.

time.the NRC staff will requeet Reforance: 32 IIL Adm. Code Parts 200, termination of the ASLB proceeding.

Analyst. Responsible for iseplementing 310.00. 310.110,330.500. Part 400. . ... Jurisdiction qver the sourcq material in the IHinois public participauon plaa, 24. State Agency Designation. He Reed-Keppler Park will also be also performa as *lalaca with local . .

relinquished toIllinois when the government grLups. . Illinois Department of Nuclear Safety ' . . . Agreement become has been assignated as the State's Experience: radiation control a ency. With respect to the Sheffield low-level M.A n edty of Chicago (1986) i[Depa

'c hcy ent o Nu e r fety, furisdict ill t s reh quis ed by the llL Rev. Stat.1ess ch.127, par.63b17.

B.A-Uniwrsiry rifIlhnois (1983) 25.ExistingNRCLicenses and NRC to Illinois when the Agreement tical Science. Communicationa Pend Applicofions. becomes effective. At that time. NRC es staff willrequest termination of the The ,sertment has made provision .

tJrban & Regf acalIn'ormauon Systems ASG proceedmg [ Docket 27-39-SC A-lation,1980 Annual Conference to continu NRClicenses in effect teasposarily af'er the transfer of . (ASW No. 76-374-01-OT))'

lle00s .; 3 . briedic.lon. Such Ecenses wiU egpire c' -Reierence:32ILI. ADM. CODE

. Expmense. . .

. . the date of expireMo's specified h the 331300. '

see6-Present:Ilunois Departaent of FRC Heanse. Js.Relat/ons With redeml Nuclear Safety . With respect to the radioectivs Coninmaat andOtherStates.Here tees-lees: University of Chicago. Offi:e Clic nse shotid be at:intarr.hange of Federal and of the Comptroller g",,'*jjgy3, g, State infors.2ation and assistance in 1985-1985:IHinoisBureauof theBudget Uon ga West gcaso Ram connecuon with the Isauance el 1es4-less: Compass Health Plana Earth.a Facili regulations sad licenses or (Docket No. 40 "061-SC les4-1964:U.S. Senator Paul Simon . e etd as detendnMaW ) authorisationA laspection oflicensees, a reporting ofincidents and violations 1982- 982: Creative Research

  • I'* ' '

, '"," ",,p"jjals at fa y g,,, g em and trainir.g and education problems.


He Prop 0?el aSreement declares that


Illinois Program Statement. mill tailings, Le., byproduct materials  ;

. are defined in Section 11e.(2) of the the State weluse its best efforts to J!iection" Low level Waste Atomic Energy Act of1954, as amended, cooperate with the NRC and the other Management "jSection ILC.1.b) Agreement States in the formulation of "Sheffield Low-14 vel Waste Disposal

- whereas the thorium-bearing materials recovered from off-site residential standards and mgulatory programs for Facility $"Section IV.B. " Law.14 vel the protection against hazards of Radioactive Waste Management

  • propwties and sewer tmatment plant in.

Program " and Appendices 5 and e.

West Chicago and stored at the Kerr- radiation and to assure that the State's ,

McGee facility are source material.%'e Program will continue to be compstible

21. Conditions Applicable to Special former fasterial(11e(2) by product with the f%=ission's program for the NuclearMoferiot Source Material and . . material] will not be subject to the - mguladon oflas matwials.

Didium. Nothing in the State's . . . . Refemnce:Propmed Agreement agulatory program shall interfere with -Agreement and NRC will retain ~ ,

regulatory jurisdiction,%e latter between the State ofIllinois and the the duues imposed on the holder of the material will be regulated byIDNS NuclearRegulatoryCommission, Article materials by the NRC, for example, the . when the Agreement becomes effective. YL

. duty to report to the NRC, on NRC . -

27, Cnemge, Amendments, prescribed forms (1) transfers of special , ..RadiologicaUy contaminated in Kress Creek and in Reed-Keppler matedals Recipmcity, cuclear material, source material, and Part. West Chicago have also been De Proposed Illinois agreement tritium: and (2) periodic inventory data. determined by NRC staff to be source provides for the assumption of he State's regulations do not prohibit material. %e former is the subject of an regulatory authority over the following

! or interfere with the duties imposed by Atomic Safety and ucensing Board . categories of materials within the State:

the NRC on holders of special nuglear

' (ASLB) Proceeding [ Docket 40-20 tit-SC (s) Byproduct material, as defined by material owned by the U.S. Department of Energy or licensed by NRC, such as (ASLBP No 84-502-01-SC)). Irr the Kress Section11e(1)of the AtomicEnergy Act, Creek proceeding,in which Kerr.McGee es amended.

the responsibility of licensees to supply and the People or the State ofIllinois are (b) Source materials.

to the NRC reports of transfer and parties, the ASLB found that the - (c) Specialnuclear materials in inventory. .

. presence of this materialin Kress Creek quantities not sufficient to form a R:ference: 32 ILI. Adm. Code 310.10. and the West Branch of the DuPage critical mass.

22. SpecialNuclear Afoterio/ Defined. River probably resulted from the (d)He land disposal of source, by.

He definition of specialnuclear conduct of an NRC(and AEC) licensed product and special nuclear material l

materialin quantitles not sufficient to activity at the West Chicago Rare Earths received from other persons.

forta a critical mass, as contained in the ASLB.however, declined to -


Proposed Agreement, IHinois regulations,is uniform with the require clean.up of the Creek and River Article L definition in to CIT Part 150. based uponits analysis of the hazard Provision has been made by illinois


32 IIL Adm. Code 310.20, - posed by the radiologically for the reciprocal recognition oflicenses Definition of Special Nuclear Material in contaminated NRC staff to permit activities within Illinois of Quantitles Not Sufficient to Form a has appealed that decision to the persons licensed by other lurisdictions.

Critical Mass. Atomic Safety and ucensing Appeal His reciprocity is like that granted Adorinistation Board, but a decision on appeal has not under 10 CFR Part 150.

. yet been issued. Jurisdiction over source



23. Firit ond /mportio/ Administmtion. materialin Kress Creek and the West 330.000.

De Illinois statute and regulations . Branch of the Dupage River wi!! be .

provide for administrative and judicial . . relinquished to Illinois when the 28.NRCondDepartment ofEnergy Contmetors.

Y w

47340 Federal Reglster / W1. 51. N . 250 / Wednesd y. December 31. 1986 / N:ticas

' authority of the Commission within the 'C.Special nuclear materials in De State's regulations provide that quantities not sufficient to form a State under Chapters 6.7 and 8.and certain NRC and DOE contractors or

  • Section161 of the Act with respect to critical mass: and.

subcontractors are exempt from the D.De land disposal of source.

State's requirements forlicensing and byproduct materials as defined in

- - ' Sections 11e.(1)and(2)of the Act, byproduct and special nuclear material

.- registration of sources of radiation received from other persons.

which such persons receive, possess. source materials and special nuclear ' - - -

use. transfer, or acquire. ~ - materials in quantitles not sufficient to A#fiCI'II . .



32ILL. ADM. CODE 310.30. - form a critical mass; and.

WHEREAS. the Governor of the State His Agreement does not provide for ggg. Staff a of Illinois is authorized under Illinois discontinuance of any authority and the Section274dof the AtomicEnergy Act : Revised Statutes.1965, ch.111 %. par. Commission shall retain authority and af1954, as amended, states; / 216b and ch.111 %. par. 241-19 to enter' responsibility with repect to regulation ~

- lato this Agreement with the . - . of:

De Conumiselon shall enterinto an '

agroaneet under subsectionb of this section . Comunission: and. ., . A.He construction and operation of

  • ""I * """ * * " " ' *
  • I

( 111[e Go of that State certifies that og , ,d on tth export from wimpat into me the State has a program for the control of Stat"i Elinois (hereinaft ferred to United States of byproduct. source or radiation hasarde adequate to protect the ' as the State) has a program for the public health and safety with respect to the

- specialnuclearmaterial.orof any sneteriale within the State covered by the control of radiation hazards adequate to producuon or utWzation facWty:

proposed agreement, and that the State ' protect the public health and safety with disposalinto the ocean or ses desires to assume regulatory responsibility respect to the materials within the State of byproduct. source or special nuclest -

for such materiale: and . covered by this Agreement, and that tlpe waste materials as defined in (2)ne Comunteeton finde that the State . State desires to' assume regulatory regulations or orders of the Commission; petgramis in accordance with the nelbWty fw d mMals and' D.%e disposal of such other

" * * "

  • ggICo

- WHEREAS, the Commission found on e

! that the program of the State for . byproduct. source, or special nuclear

prograin tN regulationof suchmeterialu ' material as the Commission from time to em is adequate to ' the regulation of the materials covered time determines by regulation or order and that the State protect the public a th and safety with -  ? by this Agreement is compatible with should,because of the hazards or ,

I rupect to the materials covered by the n. the Commission's program for the potentialhazards thereof.not be so ,

propeesd asmendment. . e . regulation of such materials and is disposed of without a license from the

%e etaff has concluded that the State

  • sidequate to protect the public health . Commission;and.

af Illinois meets the requirements of 5- and safety; and. ' -

  • ' WHEREAS, the State and the' E.%e extraction or concentration'of Section 274 of the Act.%e State's [4 Commission recognize the desirability . source material from source material ore statutes regulations, personnel. and the management and disposal of the . l licensing, inspection and administrative and importance of cooperation between resulting byproduct material.

procedures are compatible with those of the Commission and the State in the the Commission and adequate to protect formulation of standards for protection ArticleIll the public health and safety with respect '"

against hazards of radiation and in his Agreement may be amended.

to the materials covered by the - assuring that State and Commission upon application by the State and proposed agreement. Since the State is programs for protection against hazards' approval by the Commission, to include not seeking authority over uranium of radiation wul be coordinated and the additional area specifiedin Article

  • compatible:and. - s. h a milling activities, subsection o. is not II. paragraph E, whereby the State can epplicable to the proposed Illinois WHEREAS.the Commissiori aihd the exert regulatory control over the agreement. ' State recognize the desirability of materials etsted therein.

Deted at Bethuda. Maryland. this 24th day

  • reciprocal recognition of licensee and ' '

of December test

- - exemptions fromlicensing of those yf,p-

- materials subject to this Agreement:

For the US. Nuclear Regulatory C - .- Notwithstanding this Agreement,the comuninion. - and.

- WHEREAS, this Agreement'Is entered Commission may trom time to time by C. Wayne Karr. rule, regulation or order, require that the Erscior.Ofice o/ State Progmms I ' ' '.' " ; ' .into pursuant to the provisions of the ' i

- ' ~ * - " - Atomic Energy Act of1954, as amended; ' ' manufacturer, processor, or producer of any equipment, device, commodity, or Appendix Am. . p, Agreement

- NOW.*IIIEREFORE, FT IS HEREBY other product containing source.

Between the United States Nuclear .- [

Regulatory c- laalaa and the State the Governor of . ofACREED the State, acting between in "-

the Commission byproduct andmaterial or special nuclear shall not transfer possession or control L IDinois for mecoatinuance of Certain behalf bf the State as follows:

r==lselon Regulatory Authority and of such product except pursuant to a '

2 license or en exemption from licensing Responsibility Within the State Pursuant Article I. . .

To Section 274 of the AtomicEnergy Act Subject to the exceptions provided in issued by the Commission.

et1964,as Asneeded . Articles II.IV and V, the Commission Article V WHEREAS,the United States Nuc! car shall discontinue, as of the effective %is Agreement shall not affect the date of this Agreement, the regulatory Regulatory Commission (hereinafter g-

' authority of the Commission in the State ' authority of the Commission under referred to as the Commission)is under Chapters 8,7 and a, and Section subsection tot b. or L of the Act to issue authorized under Section A74 of the 161 of the Act with respect to the rules, reguhtions or orders to protect the Atomic Energy Act of1954, as amended '

common defense and security, to protect (hereinafter referred to as the Act), to ' following- restricted data or to guard against the enter into agreements with the Govemor ' A. Byproduct m'aterial as defined in

  • - - section11e.(1)of the Act; loss or diversion of special nuclear of any State providing for material.

discontinuance of the regulatory B. Source materials;

.@ gg

. 3... .

Feder'l ReSi ster / V:1. 51, N . 250 / W:dnesdry Decemb'er 31, 1986 / N:ticIs 47341 Article Vf , . , , , , ...

.to ensure compliance with Section 274,of supptassestfAftv lesponssAnow:

the Act; - .;- o He Commission will use its bes't-


, ;. L M gmund efforts to cooperate with the State and other Agreement States in the - ArticleIX -

  • - . Secuon 42M of the Employu

.2 Retirement in.come Security Act of1974.

' formulation of standards and regulatory. . Dis Agreement shall become , " "

  • as amended by the Multiemployer '

.programa of the State end the effective on - and shall Commission for protection against ' Pension Plan Amendments Act of1980.

- 'remainin effect unless and until such ("ERISA" or "the Act"), provides that e-hasards of radiation and to assure that - time as it is terminated pursuant to bona fide arm's-length sale of assets of a State and Commission programs for Article VIII. ,

., . contributing employer to an unrelated protection against hazards of radiation Doneat  : in triplicate, party will not be considered a will be coordinated and compatible. ne this day of , - withdrawalif three conditions are met.

State will use its best efforts to .

These conditions, enumerated in section cooperate with the Commission and . For the United States Nuclear 4204(a)(1)(A)-{C), are that-other Agreement States in the Regulatwy Commssemn.

(A)he purchaser has an obligation to formulation of standards and regulatory Cimrman . . contribute to the plan with respect to the programs of the State and the .

For the State ofIllinois.

operations for substantially the same Commission for protection against number of contribution base units for hazards of radiation and to assure that Govemor which the seller was obligated to the State's program will continue to be contribute; compatible with the program of the [FR Doc. aNessa Filed 12-30-ta:iL46,sm) (B) The purchaser obtains a bond or Commission for the regulation oflike saAma cosa rees es.m .

7 ., ; ,

places an amount in escrow, for a period State and the'

- e of five plan years after the sale,in an Commission will use their best efforts to amount equal to the greater of the beep each other informed of proposed seller's average required annual changes in their respective rules and PENSION BENEFIT GUARANTY


  • a af , contribution to the plan for the three regulations and licensing. inspection and -

se% i- Plan years preceding the year in which enforcement policies and criteria and to sale ccurmd w the seks mquked Esemption From the Bond /Eacrow obtain the comments and assistance of Requirement Relating to the Sale of annual contribution for the plan year the other party thereon. paceang Se yeaHn M th sale Assets by an Employer Who gjef,

.g yff ,

. Contritputes to a Muttlemployer Plan; ,

j, g"g"'th

' d MOS Acquismon CorporaHon a s in ne Commission and the State agree reorganization in the year in which the

.that it is desirable to provide reciprocal sale occurred); and Aossocw Pension, Benefit Guaranty recognition oflicenses for the materials Corporation. - (C)De contract of sale provides that listed in Article I licensed by the other ~

if the purchaser withdraws from the AcTioec Notice of exemption. l Party or by any Agreement State.

Accordingly, the Commission and the . haninnin8 within the after thefirst salefive and plans years fails to pay suusesann This notice advises Interested

  • State agree to use their best efforts to Persons that the Pinsion Benefit any of it 11 ability to the plan, the seller develop appropriate rules, regulations - Guaran Corporation has granted a shall be secondarily liable for the

,' and procedures by which such . request rom MDS Acquisition liability it (the seller) would have had reciprocity will be accorded. Corporation and Culbro Corporation for but for section 4204

... . . : :c. an exemption from the bond / escrow The bond or escrow described above


Article Vid . -

- c. ^

requirement of section 4204(a)(1)(B) of would be paid to the plan if the the Employee Retimment income urchaser withdraws from the plan or De Commission, upon its own . fails to make any required contributions Security Act of1974, as amended. A

' initiative after reasonable notice and to the plan within the first five plan opportunity for hearing to the State, or ' "

h, C',q nen apub{QI years beginning after the sale.

upon request of the Governor of the Additionally, section 4204(b)(1)

State, may terminate or suspend all or .,. November 18,1986 (51 FR 41713).Theprovides that if a sale of assets is ,

art of this Agreement and reassert the ~ effect of this notice le to advise the 1 icensms and regulatory authority public of the decision on the exemption . assumes c vered by section 4204. the purchaser by operation oflaw the vested in it under the Act if the "9""t" i contribution record of the seller for the Commission finds that (1) such Aconsas:The non-confidential portions plan year in which the sale occurred and termination or suspension is required to of the request for an exemption and the the preceding four plan years.

protect the public health and safety, or PBCC response to the request are (2) the State has not complied with one ' available for public inspection at the Section 4204(c) of ERISA authorizes or more of the requirements of Section the Penelon Benefit Guaranty PBCC Communications and Public Affairs Department. Suite the Corporation ("PBGC") to grant 274 of the Act.De Commission may . ,

i also, pursuant to Section 274)of the Act.- above address, between the hours of individual or class variances or temporarily suspend all or part 'of this 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.

exemptions from the purchaser's bond / '

Agreement if,in the judgment of the escrow requirement of section con PunTwan sweonseAffoN CONTACT: 4204(a)(1)(B) when warranted. The Commission, an emergency situation - John Carter Foster, Attorney. Corporate legislative history of section 4204 exists requiring immediate action to t Policy and Regulations Department j indicates a Congressional intent that the protect public health and safety and the (35100). Pension Benefit Guaranty State has failed to take necessary steps. sales rules be administered in a manner Corporation. 2020 K Street NW.,

  • that assures protection of the plan with De Commission shall periodically Washington, DC 20006; telephone 202-review this Agreement and actions the least practicable intruolon into 778-8850 (202-778-8859 for 'ITY and normal business transactions.The taken by the State under this Agreement TDD).nese are not toll free numbers. granting of an exemption or variance  ;


. 1

'. b

  • L

ig j

Fed;r:I Regist:r / Vol. 52. Ns.13 / Wednesday. Janu ry 21, 1987 / Notices -

2309 r 4  !

uipment. When a diesellocomotive is without the necessity of persons going h Commission's regulatory authority us . the locomotive will not remain between the ends of such equipment. pursuant to section 274 of the Atomic .

wit 150 feet of piller workings but 2. Petitioner states that automatic Energy Act of1954, as amended. As erill b removed from that area until the couplers would restrict the ror.kdu tanks and air compressor need required by the Atomic Energy Act,as maneuverability and make it diffi !!to amended, this notice was to be is be mo d again: make turns on the sharp curves a d republished in the Federal Register for 3 -

(c) Airc ents will be directed so narrow confines of the gangway aulage successive weeks. A comment due date that intake a is coursed over the non. road. of January 30.1987, was provided.

permissible eq ipment when it is in use: 3.The mine cars are only inches Because of strors in the printing process.

(d) Brattice li s will be maintained wide. As an alternate meth . petitioner the December 31.1986, and January 7.

between the trac nd the job area with proposes to couple the min cars with a regulators in locati e that will ensure 1987. notices were incomplete and also pin in the center of a me! and female positive ventilation a al times the non. contained corrected notice of hitch which can be even reached from the staff assessment is published .

permissible equipment operating: the side of the car: the ore the following this notice.The corrected (e) Ventilation and me one motorman would not we to get notice will be published once each week examinations will be mad in the area between the mine ca .ne male and for 4 successive weeks.To -

et least once each hour whikthe non.. female couplers me e the mine cars accommodate public review and permissible equipment is ope ting: and maneuver easily a und the sharp comment of the corrected notice, the (f)If ventilation is disturbed, e non. curves and over evenness in the date for commenta la revised as follows; permissible equipment will be eit er track.

deenergized or removed from the a a 4.The batte locomotive le operated DATas: Comments must be received on until proper ventilation la restored. by one man, ere is no brakeman, and or before February 20.1987

4. petitioner states that the propose there is no r movement during the sm citernate method will provide the same coupling o couplin4 process. A{nassd d degree of safety for the miners affected 5. Petiti ner states that the proposed Branch. Division of Ru,les and Records, es th:t afforded by the standard. Iternat method will provide the same. Office of Administration. U.S. Nuclear ree f safety for the miners affected Regulatory Commision. Washington DC Request for Comments 20555. Comments may also be delivered as afforded by the standard.

Persons interested in this petition may to Room 4000. Maryland National Bank R t for Comments Building. Bethesda, Ma land from 8:15 furnish written comments. These comments must be filed with the Office rso interested in this petition may a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monda through Friday.

cf Standards. Regulations and Ish 'tten comments. nese Copies of comments received may be .

Variances. Mme Safety and Health omments ust be filed with the Office -

examined at the NRC Public Document Administration. Room 627. 4015 Wilson ofStandards, egulations and Room.1717 H Street. NW, Washington.

Boulevard. Arlington. Virginia 22203. All Variances. Mi Safety and Health DC.. -

c:mments must be postmarked or Administration. oom 627. 4015 Wilson een PunTHen mPons4AT1oM ColtfACT:

received in that office on or before Boulevard, Arling n. Virginia 22203. All Joel O.Lubenau. Office of State February 20.1987. Copies of the petit' n comments must be stmarked or Programs. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory ,

are available for inspection at that received in that offic n or before . Commission. Washington. DC 20555. "-

cddress. February 20.1987. Cop a of the petition telephone: 301-492-9807.

Dated:lanuary 12.1ss7. are available forinspect n at that Dated at Bethe4ds. Maryland, this 13th day address. ollanuary. tes7.

Patricia W. SUvsy.

For the U.S. Nuclear Regulatary AssociateAssistantSecretaryfor ime DeM lanuary 9.1987 Conuniebon. )

Sofity andHeo/th. Fatricia W. Silvey. g, w,y, g ,,,  !

l11t Doc. 07-1275 Filed 1-2Ml7' 45am) AssociateAssistantSecremryfor Director. 0)1 ice ofState Progran.e. l 87127s Filed t-ao.47; t4S asi " **I

, _ , , , , , , , _ a_a cooe t k;t No. M-se-43-C)

N:u elster CoalCo Petition for NUCLEAR REGULATORY State of Hilnols; Staff Assessment of i M diff tion of Ap ication of COMMISSION Proposed Agreement Between the Safety tandard l Mandet NRC and h State of M4 State of Illinois; Staff Assessment of Reputscation Neumeis C 1 Company. R.D. 8r1 Proposed Agreement Between the Box 327-D. A and. Pennsylvania 17921 has filed a pe n to modify the NRC and the State of Hilnois; Revision of Date for Commenta

,$ ,Nodo d ent gg ,

cpplication 30 FR 75.1405 (automatic issue of Wednesday. December 31,1sse, and

  • couplers)t its No. Slope (l.D. No. 36- Acancy NuclearRegulatcy wee repubhabed at page als in the leeue of l

Commission. wedanday. lanuary 7.19a7.1o sadi 07166) loc edin Sch 1killCounty. Pubhcation, several peregraphs of text were Pennsylv nis.De pets ,on is filed under ACTeost Revision of date for comments.

omitted from section lle. no corrected Secti:n 01(c)of the Fed 1Mine suussAnY:In a Faderal Reglast document is reprinted below in its entirety. l Safety nd Health Act of t . document published on December 31, ne omitted meterial has been added and A mmary of the petitio 's 1986 (51 FR 47327.-43341. R Doc. 86- other fyPesetting errors have been corrected.)

stat ments follows: 29382) NRC published a notice for public Acetecv: Nuclear Regulatory

.The petition concerns the comment on the NRC staff assessment '  !


r ulrement that all haulage equip ent - of a proposed agreement received from e equipped with automatic couple the Govemor of the State ofIllinois for ACTsost Notice of proposed agreement which couple by impact and uncotrple the assumption of certain of the with State ofIllinois* -

6 .



    • l -


2310 Federal Register / Vol. 52. No.13 / Wednesday. January 21, 1987 / Notices s

suuuaRY: Notice is hereby given that relinquish and the State would assume more of the foregoing materials but not the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission certain regulatory authority pursuant to containing uranium and thorium mill ' -

is rublishing for public comment the section 274 of the Atomic Energy Act of tallings (byproduct material as dermed NRC staff assessment of a proposed 1954, as amended. . in section 11e.(2) of the Act.The State agreement received from the Gevernor Section 274e of the Atomic Energy Act does not wish to assume authority over cf the State ofIllinois for the assumption of 1954. as amended, requires that the uranium recovery activities.The State, cf certain of the Commission's terms of the proposed agreement be however. reserves the right to apply at a regulatory authority pursuant to section published for public comment once each future date to NRC for an amended 274 of the Atomic Energy Act of1954, as week for four consecutive weeks. agreement to assume authority in this amended. Comments are requested on Accordin ly, this notice will be area.The nine articles of the proposed the public health and safety aspects of publishe four times in the Federal agreemer' rever the following areas:

the proposal. Register. L List. % r*.eterials covered by the A staff assessment of the State's 1. Background agmment proposed r ram for control over II. List x Commission's continued sources o re istion is set forth below as A.Section 274 of the Atomic Energy - authority .d responsibility for certain supplementary information to this Act of1954, as amended, provides a activities.

notice. A copy of the proposed mechanism whereby the NRC ma IIL Allows for future amendment of agreement, program narrative. Including transfer to.the States certain re story the agreement.

the referenced appendices, applicable authority over agreement materials 8 . IV. Allows for certain regulatory State legislation and Illmois regulations, when a State desires to assume this changes by the Commission.

is available for public inspection in the authority and the Governor certifies that V. References the continued Commission's public document room at the State has an ade uste regulatory sueonty of ee Commissbn for 1717 H Strees NW., Washington, DC, the pro ram. and when e Commission common defense and security for Commission's Region Ill Ofhce 799 fin that the State's p amis rd Roosevelt Road. Building No. 4. Glen compatible with that o e NRC and is **f*fpj,p y; d3 e est efforts of the Ellyn. Illinois, and the Illmois ade unte to protect the public health Commission and the State to achieve Department of Nuclear Safe 1035 and afet . Section 274g directs the coordinated and compatible programs.

Outer park Drive.Springfiel . Illinois. Commiss n to coo rate with the ML Recognizes reciprocity of Exemptions from the Commission's States in the formu ation of standards licenses issued by the respective regulatory authority, which would for protection against radiation hasards implement this proposed agreement, to assure that State and Commission 88'"'I'8-have been publ shed in the Federal . programs for radiation protection will be termination UN . Sets or forth criteriaof suspension forthe Register and codified as part 150 of the coordinated and compatible. Further, -

section 274) provides that the ag m m nt.

Commission's regulations in Title 10 of the Code of Fedetal Regulations. Commission shall periodically review IX. Specifies the effe,ctive date of .

eagm mni.

CATE: Comments must be received on or such agreements and actions taken by g 111. Rev. Stat.1985, ch.127, par.

before January 30.1987 * . the States under the agreements to e e Compliance with the provisions . ee n sta tir e CDDRESSES: Written Comments may be g, g g O

submitted to the Rules and Procedures B. In a1et er' dated October 2.1988, ausodzes the Department to issue .%

Branch, Division of Rules and Records. licenses to, and perform inspections of.

Governor james P. nom Office of Administration.U.S. Nuclear State ofIllinois requat] eatson the of the users of radioactive materials under the Regulatory Commission. Washington. proposed agreement and otherwise DC 20555. Comments may also be Commission enter Mto an agmment with the State pursuant to section 274 of carry out a total radiation control delivered to Room 4000. Maryland program. Illinois regulations for National Bank Buildmg. Bethesda, ' ^ * '

radiation protection were adopted on Maryland from 8.15 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

th' Ald bin G ve o rt fied that September 25,1986 under authority of Monday through Friday. Copies of 0f Illi" i h ' ' P [ the enabling statute and provide 8, g radiatfo'n hazards w is ,

comments received may be examined at adequate to protect the public benlth standards,licensi inspection, the NRC Public Document Room.1717 H i rnpect to th materiale enforcement and a nistrative Street NW., Washington DC. procedures for agreement and non. ,


agreement materials. Pursuant to proposed agreement,and t at the State joel O. Lubenau. Office of State ofIllinois desires to assume re 1 story - l 330.300 the regulations will apply to Programs. U.S. Tuclear Regulatory agreement materials on the effective responsibility for such materia s.The Commission. Washington, DC 20555' text of the proposed agreement is shown date of the regulations telephone: 301-492-9887. provide for the State to license and In Appendix A.

supeLausw?Any swronstAtt0N: ne specific authorit utsted is for inspeCl users of naturally-occurring and Assessment of Proposed Illinois (1) byproduct material s fined in - accelerator-produced radioactive Program to Regulate Certain Radioactive section11e.(1)of the Act.(2) source materials.

Materials Pursuant to section 274 of the material, (3) special nuclear material !n D. lllinois is one of two States with a Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended. quantities not sufficient to form a cabinet level agency devoted

%e Commission has received a critical mass and (4) permanent disposal exclusively to radiation safety and oflow level waste containing one or control. Illinois' role in radiation safety toposal from the Govemor ofIllinois of the State to enter into an agreement is traceable to 1955 when the Illinois General Assembly created the Atomic with the NRC whereby the NRC would . A sprodni matenale se denned in tietti Power Investigating a encoduimaienare as dennedin stetti Illinois Department of Nuclear Safety see the praedine docwnent in whch the C. sowa meienelund D spual nulear matenate in geantities not Program providee a comprehensive Natear sesulatory comaussion remes the comment deadhne. sumceent to form e enwel masa program encompasting radiation

% w .3'  :.; - ~C , .

4 i

Federal Register / Vol. 52. No.13 / Wednesday, January 21.I987 I Notices 231L .


. I protection regulation for radioactive H. NRC Staff Assessment of Proposed Technicaldefirdtfons and'tarminology'

  • materials and machine produced Illinois Program for Control of contained in the II!!nois Radiation ..-

r:dia tion. lasers. low level radioactive Agreement Materials Control Regulations including those 3 4

wa:te management. surveillance of relared to units of measurement and transportation of radioactive materials Refmnce:Crikria for duMance of  !

States and NRCin Discontinuance of radiation doses are uniform with those cnd environmentsI radiation. cumbed b 10 CFR PaMO.

coordination of State government NRCRegulatory Authority and .


32Ill ADM. CODE 310.20 functions concerning nuclear power and em:rgency preparedness.

Ag,p n,nmoRy Staks h@ 3410.20, 350.30, 351.30. 370.20. and ic1.20.

4. Totaloccupationoinodiation . proposedillinois Agreement Gjectives E.xposum. ne regulatory authority shall will cover several unique facets. It will 1. Protection. A State regu! story consider the total occupational radiation include (1) regulation of a low. level program shall be designed to protect the exposure ofindividuals, including that waste disposal site which la no longer health and safety of the people against from sources which are not regulated by tccepting low. level radioactive waste '

radiation hasards' II'De UHnois mguladone em au fir disposal (Sheffield) 2) regulation of Based upon the analysis of the State's c new regionallow.leve waste disposal awrces of meauon within ee Stam,a facility,(3) regulation of one of only two

'd I p am th aff licensed uranium conversion plants in es th i p ,d abry jurisdiction and provide for pmgta g,r a e g s consideration of the totalradiation the United States (Allied. Chemical) and ,q ,

exposure ofindividuals from all sources (4) casumption of regulatory healthan safet of the public against responsibility for off. site source material **distion h r s. *I"b'UO"mgistant Ecensem I" O' P'.*I" **

resulting from operation of the Kerr. Refmnce:32 H.l. A M N E McGee West Chicago Rare Earths Reference Illinois Pro 8"m Statement. 340.1010 to 340.1000.

Facility (including such material which Applicauon for Agreement State Ststus.

5. Surveys. Afonitoring. Appropriate is, cr may be, stored on the Kerr.McGee Radiation Protection Standards surveys and personnel monitoring under site). Jurisdiction over the tailings 2.Standords.%e State regulatory me clon supciale of achnicauy mat: rials at this site (by product compeknt puple are essentialin program aha11 ad pt a set of standards material as defined by section 11e(2) of

"'U" " U'" *

  • achieving radiolo cal protection and the Aet) will remain with NRC.He I"'" [",'gpp "UO" '8 '

ahallbe madein terminin State's proposed programs for low level gg n a ri 1 M UUn compliance with safety regu ations.

radioactive waste disposal and the De Illinois requirements for surveys Alli:d Chemical plant are assessed not sufficient to form a critical mass.

to evaluate potential ex sures from Statutory authority to formulata and sources of radiation an[ he personnel under Criteria nos. 9. " Radioactive Waste Disposal" and 20 " Personnel." promulgate rules for controlling monitoring requirements are uniform ne disposition of the regulatory uposm 2 surces of radaUonis

  • contained in the enabling statute. In with those contained in 10 CHL Part 20.

responsibility for the Kert.McGee Additionally, for personnel dosimeters radioactive materials resulting from the accordance with that authority,the (except extremity dosimeters and pocker .

tperation of the Rare Eartha Facility la State adopted radiation control lonization chambers) that require c:v: red in the assessment under regulations on September 25,1966 which processing. the accreditation criteria in Crtierion 25. " Existing NRC Licenses include radiation protection standards the January 1.1985 revision of15 CHL 7b and Pending Applications. which would apply to byproduct, source and in American National Standards Under the proposed agreement jurisdiction for health and safety for

,[u s ot\ d P

t a Institute N13.11-1983,1963 edition. must beinet.

Allied C1 emical's plant would be criticai mass UPon the effective date of


3211.1. ADM. CODE tran:ferred toIllinois.De Allied

' h l*t nd 340.2010,340.2020 and 340.2070

,'" n p u tw tic ,

Chemical plant is one of 2 planta in the 6. Labels. Signs, Symbols. It is 1 the Atomic Energy Act of1954, as desirable to achieve uniformity in United States licensed to convert ***nd'd.

uranium "yellowcake" to UT.. NRC str.ff labels, signs, and symbols, and the is reviewing the common defense and Refennee:32il.l. AN CODE Parts posting thereof. However,it is essential 314 324 334 344 341.354 351,374 400 that there be uniformity in labels, signs, security significance of the Allied and 001. and symbola affixed to radioactive Chemical plant in consultation with appropriate Federal agencies. Section

3. Uniformity in Radiation Standards. products which are transferred from  !

274 agreements are approved by the It is important to strive for uniformity in person to person.  !

Commission when, among other things, technical definitions and terminology He prescribed radiation labels, signs particularly as related to such things a's and symbols are uniform with those the proposed State program is adequate is rotect the ublic health and safety. units of messement and raesuon centeined in to CFR Parts 20. 30 thru 32 dose.%ere shall be uniformity on and 34. De Illinois posting requirements He NRC staffassessment finds themaximum permissible dosee and levels p posedIllinois am will provide are also uniform with those of Part 20 adequately for pu 1 c health and safety, of radiation and concentrations of


3211.1. ADM. CODE radioactivity, as fixed by 10 CFR Part 20 330.220(g). 330.220(i). 330.280(d).

The Atomic h: wever, Enerhy states t at suchAct.aa agreements amended, of the NRC regulations based on 330.280(g). 340.2030 and .2040. 350.1050.

shall not affect the Commission's officiauy appr ved ra6aum proucu" 7. instruction. Persons working in or authority to protect the common defense guides. frequenting restricted aress shall be and secunty. The decision on whether to instructed with respect to the health exclude the Allied Chemicalplant from a Nac suieswne of Pohey pubided as sw risks assodated with exposure to the Agreement will be made by the radioactive materials and in precautfoos Commission concurrent with itsseewund decision $[g/,UIgM,%e '$5k to minimize exposure. Workers shall

. ,,n. ion ar cneenon e pubhaned in ib, cri the Ilhnois request for en Agreement, n.,i ).ir rt isss (4s ni swei. have the right to request regulatory

= -- n - . . _ _ ,

i -


. i 2312 Federal Register / Vol. 52. No.13 / Wednesday January 21'. 1987 / Notices


authority inspections as per 10 CFR 19. essentially uniform with those of10 CFR received radiation exposure in excesa of J.

Section 19.16 and to be represented Part 20. Waste transfer and manifest . the prescribed limits.- a er : s - rs .. I during inspections as specified in system requirements for transfer of De Illinois regulations require the $

Section 19.14 of 10 CFR 19. waste for ultimate disposal at a land, following records and reports licensees' The Illmois regulation contain disposal facility are included in the and registrants: e . N .a e t -c.= l requirements for instruction and notices Illinois regulations.The waste disposal . (a) Records covering personnelm rr io workers that are uniform with those requirements include a waste radiation exposures; radiation surveys. -

cf to CFR Part 19. classification scheme and provisions for and disposala of materials. 6.7 . -r d


32 ILL ADM. CODE Part waste form equivalent to that in 10 CFR (b) Records of receipt and transfer of * -

400- Part 61. .

materials, s.Storose. Licensed radioactive The Illinois regulations provide for (c) Report's concerning incidents . -

materialin storage shall be secured land disposal of low-level radioactive ' involving radioactive materials.M ; ' d against unauthorized removal. waste received from other persons - (d) Re ris to former employees of

  • The Illinois regulations contain a which are compatible with the their rebtion exposare.- - 4: 9 rzquirement for security of stored appl. cable technical definitions. ~ (e) Reports to employees of their " -

8 C'I ' performance objectives. technical annual radiation exposure. ~ .$ '-

'8h"7ence32 ADM. CODE requirements and 8UPPorting sections - (f) Reports to employees of radiation 060 se ut in 1 CFR Part 61.The Illinois exposure in excess of prescribed limits.

W'. 9 Rod'ioactive Waste Disposal. (a) regulati no include provisions for


32 iLL ADM. CODE 310.40.

Waste disposal by material users. The financial arrangements for 340.4010. 340.4030. 340.4050 and 400.130. .

standards for the disposal of radioactive dec ntammati n. Closure and 12. Additiono/ Requirements and- .

materials into the air, water and sewer- stabilization. Under the Nuclear Weste Exemptions. Consistent with the overall .

and burialin the soll shall be in Policy Act of 1982 (Pub. L 97--425) the criteria here enumerated and to accordance with to CFR Part 20 financial arrangements for long-term accommodate special cases and .

Ifolders of radioactive material desiring monitoring and maintenance at specific circumstances, the State regulatory -

to release or dispose of quantities or sites in Illinois will be subject to authority shall be authorized in concentrations of r mosctive materials Commission review and approval prior individual cases to impose additional in excess of prescribed limits shall be to Illinois relieving the site operator of. requirements to protect health and -

required to obtsin special permission licensed responsibility. safety. or to grant necessary exemptions '

from the appropriate regulatory


32 ILL ADM. CODE which will not jeopardize health and authority. 340.1060. 340.3010 to 340. 3110. Part 001: eafety. . -

^ ~

Requirements for transfer of waste for Section 151(a)(2). Pub. L 97-425. . He Illinois Department of Nuclear the purpose of ultimate disposal at a 10. Regulations Coverning Shipment Safety is authorized to impose upon any land disposal facility (waste transfer licensee or registrant by rule. regulation.

and manifest system) shall be in o/Rodioactive Materials.The State

  • shall to the extent of its lunsdiction or order such requirements in addition .

accordance with to CFR Part 20. promulgate regulations applicable to the to those established in the regulations as The waste disposal standards shall shipment of radioactive materials. such it deems appropriate or necessary to include a waste classification scheme regulations to be compatible with those minimize danger to public health and -

and provisions for waste form. A

. established by the U.S. Department of safety or property.

cpplicable to waste generators. that is Transportation and other agencies of the Reference. 32 ILL ADM. CODE 31'O.70.

' squivalent to that contained in 10 CFR United States whose jurisdiction over The Department may also grant such Part 61.

(b) Land Disposal of waste received interstate shipment of such materials exemptions from the requirements of the from other persons.The State shall necessarily continues. State regulations regulations as it determines are regarding transportation of radioactive authorized by law and will not result in I ' promulgate regulations containing undue hasard to public health and licensing requirements for land disposal materials must be compatible with to safety or property.

cf radioactive waste received from other CFR Part 71.

persons which are compatible with the The Illinois regulations are uniform


321LL ADM. CODE 310.30.

with those contained in NRC regulations .

applicable technical definitions, PriorEvoluch.on ofilses ofRadioactive performance objectives. technical 10 Cnt Part 11.


32 fLL ADM. CODE Part Matersols. . ,,

requirements and applicable supporting

  • sections set forth m 10 CFR Part es. *341.

'13.PriorEvoluotion ofHosards and

11. Records State Uses. Exceptions. In the present state of.

Adequate financial arrangements (under terms established by regulation) shall be regulatory program shall require that knowledge. it is necessary in regulating holders and users of radioactive the possession and use of byproduct, required of each waste disposal site source and special nuclear materials licensee to ensure sufficient funds for materials (a) maintain records covering decontamination, closure and personnel radiation exposures. radistion that the State regulatory authority stabilization of a disposal site. In surveys, and disaposals of materials:(b) require the submission ofinformation keep records of the receipt and tramifer on, and evaluation of. the potential addition. Agreement State financial hazards and the capability of the user or arrangements for long-term monitoring of the materials:(c) report significant and maintenance of a specific site must incidents involving the materials, as possessor prior to his receipt of the prescribed by the regulatory authority: materials.This criterion is subject to be reviewed and approved by the (d) make available upon request of a certain exceptions and to continuing -

Commission prior to relieving the site reappraisal as knowledge and operator of licensed responsibility former employee a report of the employee's exposure to radiation;(e) at experience in the atomic energy field (section 151(a)(2). Pub. L 97-.425). request of an employee advise the increase. Frequently there are. and The Illinois regulations contain employee of his or her annual radiation increasingly in the future there may be.

provisions relating to the disposal of categories of materials and uses as to radioactive materials into the air, water exposure; and (f) Inform each employee in writing when the employee has which there is sufficient knowledge to and sewer and burialin soil which are

- . , _ _ _ - _ _ . , - , . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _m,_._ _ _ ._ _ _ _ _ . ,- . ~ . . _ . , - - _ . . .. . . , _ _ _ . . . - . , . _ _ , _ _ , - , . _ . - _ _ - -

r.4.s. - < ff?',@*UTW T.' E e n : 1 dW'M:"~f"EGI.NE "tph JMvm R A, l


Federal Register / Vol. 52, No.13 / Wednesday, January 21. 987 / Notices 2313 l permit possession and use without prior' In evaluating a proposal to use is dependent upon the type and scope of

, evaluation of the hazards and the agreement materials, the Illinois the licensed activities and will be at "

l capability of the possesso~r and user. Department of Nuclear Safety will least as frequent as inspections of

. These categories fall into two groups- determine taat:

  • similar licensees by NRC. Generally.

j-those materials and uses which may be (1) De applicant is qualified by ~ inspections will be unannounced. .

completely exempt from regulatory reason of training and experience to use


32111 ADM. CODE controls, and those materials and uses the materialin question for the purpose - 310.50,310.00,310.70 and 400.140(a): -

< in which sanctions for misuse are requested in accordance with the ' Illinois Program Statement. Section maintained without pre-evaluation of regulations in such a manner as to ll.B.1.(a)(2)" Inspection and the individual possession or use. In minimize danger to public health and Compliance " Section Ill.C. " Inspection i authorizing research and development safety or property; and Enforcement" and Section IV.C.,

J or other activities involving multiple (2)De applicant's proposed " Division of Responsibilities."

uses of radioactive materials, where an equipment. facilities, and procedures are 17. Inspections Compulsory. Ucensees institution has people with extensive adequate to minimize danger to public shall be under obligation by law to training and experience, the State health and safety or property; and provide access to inspectors.

regulatory authority may wish to {3) De issuance of the license will not Illinois reguistions state that licensees provide a means for authorizing broad be inimical to the health and safety of shall afford the Department at all use of materials without evaluating each the public. reasonable times opportunity to inspect I specific use. Other special requirements for the sources of radiation and the premises Prior to the issuance of a specific issuance of specific licenses are contained in the regulations. and facilities wherein such sources of license for the use of radioactive radiation are used or stored materials. the Illinois Department of


3211L ADM. CODE 310.50.

330. o3 . d 61 1 I nols Nucle,ar Safety will require the B1 18. Notification ofResults of submission of information on, and will , rogram St,atement.

make an evaluation of,the olential P,g , II.C.W Sections

Mv II.d .a(1)Inspection. Ucensees are entitled to be 1 Radioactive Waste Management" and advised of the results ofinspections and hazarda of such uses, and t e capability to notice as to whether or not they are in 111 B "Ucenalng."

of the applicant. 15. Human Use.He use of radioactive compliance.


32 ILL ADM. CODE materials and radiation on or in humans Following Department inspections, 330.240 to 330.340 and Part 601: Illinois shall not be permitted except by each licenste will be notified in writing Program Statement. Sections II.D.1(a)(1) of the results of the inspection.The Licensing. II.C.1(a)(3) Regulating [roperly qualified persons censed physicians) (normally letters and written notices indicate if the possessing Low. Level Waste Disposal and Ill.B. prescribed minimum experience in the licensee is 'n compliance and if not. list Ucensing. use of radioisotopes or radiation. the areas of noncompliance.

j Provisi De Illinois regulations require that


Illinois Program Statement.

generaleenseshon isfor made forsource byproduct. the issuance of the use of radioactive materials Section II.B.1.(a)(2)" Inspection and and special nuclear materials in (including sealed sources) on or in Compliance," Section !!!.C. " Ins pection J situations where prior evaluation of the humans shall be by a physician having and Enforcement" and Section IV,C i licensee a qualifications, facilities, substantial experience in the handling " Division of Responsibilities."'

equipment and procedures are not and admmistration of radioactive required. The regulations grant general ""f material and, where applicable the licenses under the same circumstances clinical management of radioactive 19. Enforcement Possesalon and use

) as those under which generallicenses patients, of radioactive materials should be are granted in the Commission's


32111 ADM. CODE amenable to enforcement through legal regulations. 330.280(a),(b), and (c). sanctions, and the regulatory authority j


32!!L ADM. CODE shall be equipped or assisted by law 330.210 and 330.220. Inspection with the necessary powers for prompt j Provision is made for exemption of 16. Purpose. Frequency. He enforcement.This mayinclude as certain source and other radioactive possession and use of radioactive appropriate, administrative remedies materials and devices containing materials shall be subject to inspection looking toward issuance of orders l requiring affirmative action or

radioactive materials.The exemptions by the regulatory authority and shall be for materials covered by the Agreement subject to the performance of tests, as suspension or revocation of the right to are the same as those granted by NRC required by the regulatory authority. possess and use materials, and the regulations.- Inspection and testing is conducted to impounding of materials; the obtaining


32111 ADM. CODE determine and to assist in obtaining of injunctive relief; and the imposing of 330.30 and 330.40. compliance with regulatory civil or criminal penalties.

1 14. Evoluotion Criterio. In evaluating requirements. Frequency of inspection ne Illinois Department of Nuclear a proposal to use radioactive materials, shall be related directly to the amount Safety is equipped with the necessary

' and kind of material and type of powers for prompt enforcement of the the regulatory authority shall determine the adequacy of the applicant's facilities operation licensed, and it shall be regulations. Where conditions exist that and safety equipment, his training and adequate to insure compliance. create a clear presence of a hazard to j

experience in the use of the materials  !!!inois materials licensees will be the public health that requires for the purpose requested, and his subject to inspection by the Department immediate action to protect human proposed administrative controls. States of Nuclear Safety.lfpon instruction from health and safety, the Department may should develop guidance documents for the Department. licensees shall perform issue orders to reduce, discontmue or use by license applicants. This guidance or permit the Department to perform eliminate such conditions. The should be consistent with NRC licensing such reasonable tests and surveys as the department actions may also include

' impounding of radioactive material and regulatory guides for various Department deems appropriate or l categories of licensed activities. necessary.The frequency of inspections imposition of a civilpenalty, revocation J

I r;

C -L M s._C M e b ir s ==r:tw e n ~ ~ w ~,- - ,s.

... ,m. s., _ ,,

2314 Federal Register / Vol. 52. No.13 / Wednesday, January 21. 1967 / Notices cf a license, and requesting the State initially to evaluate end inapact those (10% of time devoted to materiala *

....r applications of radioactive materials program). . .. m ,. . . ...,2o'.* : l Attorney Ceneral to seek injunctions . .

and convictions for cnminal violations. which are considered routine or more Treint"E * " " - .


3211.1 ADM. CODE Ph MsWnkenny(1W w,, r. w"-

310.70. 310.80. 310.90. 330.500. !!!. Rev. star.dardized standpoint. for example. frominspection the radiation o -

safet[ -

cdarhpWes and , ,, ; ,

Sta t.1985. ch.111 %. pars. 219. 222. 223 industrialgauges. small research Blochemistry. Yale University cnd 224: Illinois Program Statement.

programa M.Ph.-Molecular Biophysics and _ -

Section II.B.1.(a)(2). " Inspection and programa. Asand theydiagnostic gain experiencemedicd 'and C:mpliance."Section III.C. "Inspeetion competence in the field. the trainees O*"I8IFT - . . ..a . :

-Yale Universify(1987) .

and Enforcement'* and Section IV.C., could be used progressively to deal with .

B.A.-Reed College (1965) ,,

" Division of Responsibilities." the more complex or difBcult types of -hysics Maje ,

radioactive material applications. it la Personne/ Experience: .

desirable that such trainees have a

20. Qualifications o/ Regulatory and bachelor's degree or equivalent in the 1964-Present: Director. Illinois Inspection Personnel. He regulatory physical or life sciences and speciBc Department of Nuc!sar Safety cgency shallbe staffed with sufficient training in radiation protection in 1963 - 1964: Deputy Director.Ilhoois -

trained personnel. Prior evaluation of determining the requirement for Department of Nuclear Safety .

applications for licenses or academic training of individuals in all of 198bl983: Independent Consultant cuthorizations and ins ection of the foregoing categories, proper 1982 - 1983: Science Director. Scientists' icensees must be con ucted by persons consideration should be given to institute for Public Information. New p:ssessing the training and experience equivalent competency which has been York City relevant to the type and level of gained by appropdate technical and 1981 - 1982: Independent Consultant

,I *,h y;

e pmposed use to be

,d radiation protection experience.

it is recognized that radioactive 1980.-1981: Director. Science and Public Policy.The Keystone Center. Dillon, To perform the etio'ns involved in materials and their uses are sovaried Colorado cvaluation and inspection. it is desirable that the evaluation and inspection 1972 - 1980: Staff Scientist. Natural, -

that there be personnel educated and funcuons will require skills and Resources Defense Council. San trained in the physical and/or life experience in the different disciplines Francisco. California sciences. Including biology, chemistry, which will not always reside in one 1970 -1972: Postdoctoral Research physica and engineering, and that the Fellow. Yale University Medical P" son.The regulatory authority should personnel have had training and risve the composite of euch skills either School.New Haven. Connecticut cxperience in radiation protection. The in its employ or at lie command. not PaulD. Kostvold: Manager. Office of person who will be responsible for the only fa souune funcuens, bu.t also for Radiation Safety. Responsible for cctual performance of evaluation and emugmey casn. managing the programs, functions and Inspection of all of the various uses of a.Radioactire Afoterio/s Pivgrum, activitisa of four technical divisions:

byproduct source and specialnuclear Nucle ar Materials. Electronic Products, material which might come to the I. Personnel.

Dere are approximately 890 NRC - RadiologicTechnologist Accreditation regulatory body should have substantial specific licenses in the State of Illinola. and MedicalPhyalca (33% of time ' .t-training and extensive experience in the Under the proposed agreement, the devoted to matarials program).

field of radiation protection.

It is recognized that there will also be State would assume responsibility for Training- - -

persons in the program performing a about 800 of these licenses.The .

B.S.-University of Iowa (11r70) more limited function in evaluation and Department's Division of Nuclear Materials ie currently staffed with 13 -Cons! Scince$uclear Medicine inspection.These persons will perform . Technology the work of the regulatory profesafonalpersona and has one vacancy. Including the Manager of the "SpecialTopics in 1.losestng:

program and deal with both routine Contingency Plans." US NRC San situations as well as some which will be Office of Radia tion Safety (in which the cut of the ordinary.These people should Division of Nuclear Materials ta Francisco.CA (1986) located), four individuals will be " Impact of Proposed Changes to to CML have a bachelor's degree or equivalent 20." Technical Management Services, in the physical or life sciences, training asalgned management and supervisory dunes in the materials program. lac., Caithersburg. Maryland (1986) in health physica, s'nd approximately *l.arge Irradiation Radiation Safety two years of actual work experience in Exclusive of the low-level radioactive waste regulatory program and the Workshop." US NRC. New Jersey the field of radiation protecuan, ,(1983) ~

The foregoing are conaldered regulatory oversight for a uranium

  • desirable quahf cations for the staff who conversion plant (discussed below) we "Incinertion of Radioactive Material estimate the State will need to apply Workshop." University of Cahfornia will be responsible for the octual performance of evaluation and between 7.9 to 12 staff years of (1964) ,

professional affort to the radioactive " Transportation of Radioacuve inspection. In addition, there will Ma terials." US NRC lilinois (1983) ,

probably be trainees associated with the materials program. lllinois will apply about 14.4 staff years to this program. ** Recognition. Evaluation, and Conteot of regulatory program who will have an Non.lonizing Radiation." US Dept of ecsdemic background in the physical or The personnel together with summansa life sciences as well as varying amounta of their assigned responsibthties. 1. abor. Illinola (1981) training and experience are as follows *Inspectico Procedures." US NRC cf specific training in radiation protection but litue or no actual work (except as noted percentage of time Illinois (1980)

" Safety Aspects ofIndustrial experiente in this field. The background devoted to the radioactive materiala prograin will be 90% or more): Radiography." US NRC louisiana and specific training of these persons -

willindicate to some extent their Terry R. Losh: Director.Ilknots (1980)

Department of Nuclear Safety. "Quahty Assursoce in Nuclear potential role in the regulatory program. Medicine." US FDA, Maryland (1979)

These trainees, of course, could be used Governor's Designated Watson to NRC l

. . - = = -



t l Fed:r^l Register / Vcl. 52. N:.13 / Wcdnesd:y. January 21, 1987 / Notic s 2315 h'

" Health Physics in Radiation


  • Transportation of Radioactive Accidents." Oak Ridge Associated 1977-19f7:NationalTaiwan University.

l Universities. Tennessee (1979) Materials." US NRC. Illinois D983)

'" Current Applications of Nuclear ~ Hospital. Pharmacy Intern.Taipel.

" Laser Safety Seminar." US Food and - Taiwan .'

Drug Admin Wisconsin (1979) Imaging." Siemens Gammasonica. Inc.,

lllinois (1981) 1977-1977:Pfizer Pharmaceutical J

  • Radiological Response Operations Company. Assistant Phannscist ' '

Training Course." US NRC, Nevada " Nuclear Cardio!cgy." Univ, of -


s U878) Wisconsin. Wisconsin (1980)

(Intern). Tan. Shul. Taiwan ROC : * . - m Experience: y, DoridLa Touche: Radioactive i lut$ons1 v o So them 1982 Present:lllinois Department of Materials Ucense Reviewer. Division of California. Califomia Nuclear Safet Nuclear Materials. Performa reviews of i " Radiological Ernergency(1978) radioactive materiallicense a plications 1973-1982:St. Jo 's Hospital.


l Planning Co::tse." US NRC Minnesota Springfield. Illinois , and performs inspections of r dioactive p pg77) materials licensees. .

1981:Uncoln Land Community College. Training: .

t I

" Health Physics and Radiation Springfield. Illinois (Instructor)

Protection." US NRC. Tennessee 1973-1977:NuclearMedicine Institute. Ph.D-Oregon State University (1981)


Ohio (AffiliateInstructor) -Radiation Biology

( 1

" Fundamentals of Non-lonizing 1971-1973: Wesley Medical Center. M.S-Oregon State University (1978)

Radiation Protection." U.S. Food and Kansas -Biological Science f Drug Administra tion. Maryland (1973 B.S.-Concordia University. Montreal,

! "Ucensing Course-Byproduct. Source.) fou-Cuang(foeJNwons:Ucensing Canada and Special Nuclear Materials." US Section Head. Division of Nuclear -Biology (1978)

NRC. Maryland (1972) Materials.Res onsible for supervising the review of dioactive material "Special Topics in Ucensing:

Experience: license applications. Contingency Plans." US NRC. San i 198kPresent:lllinois Department of Training: Francisco, CA (1988)

Nuclear Safety " Health Physics and Radiation k Ph.D.-Purdue University (1985) Protection." US NRC Oak Ridge,

! 1971 - 1980: Illinois Department of Public -Health Physica Health. Division of Radiological Tenneasee (1988)

Health MSPH-University of South Carolina

" Uranium and Thorium: A Perspective 1970 -1971: University oflowa (1981)

-Induetrial Hygiene and Environmental on the Hazard." Radiation Safety Radiation Protection Office As:ocistes. Inc., Springfield. Illinois

' Quality Assessment Michoe/Ewan: Chief. Division of (1988)

Nuclear Materials. Manages the B.S-National Taiwan University (1978) " Introduction to Ucensing Practicee and

. -Pharmacy

{ Division including supervision of staff Procedures." US NRC. Bethesda.

" Uranium and %orium: A Perspective l and establishment of program on the Hazard." Radiation Safety Maryland (1988) i sbjectives. Experience:

As sociates. Inc., Springfield. Illinois 1986-Present: Illinois Department of M.A. gamon State University !L "

t al Dosimet . Health Physica N 0980) Soclety. State Co7lege. Pennsylvania 1  : ore n State University, ~

! k r vers y o I w 1971) *! tod etion to Ucensing Practices and Corvallis. Oregon Research Associaie'

-General Science / Nucle (ar Medicine Procedures. USNRC.Bethesda, 18j7 8 0 gon 8

, , ,gon dusteYe arch

' gcgg, ,

h "U a andnorium: A Perspective "Me Uses Radionuc!! des for 1977-197t': Oregon State University, j en the Hazard." Radiation Safety State Regulatory Personnel." US NRC.

intes.Inc Springfield.1111nola Corvallis. Oregon Graduate. Teaching Dak Ri e Tennessee (1988) An a "Special Toples in Ucensing.

y ,p I 19eo-Present. lllinois Department of Materials Ucense Reviewer. Division of ContingenbPlans." US NRC. San Francisco. (1988) Nuclear Safety Nuclear Ma terials. Performs reviews of

" Incineration Basics." Univ. of 1983-1988: Purdue Universi . Graduate radioactive materiallicense applications California. Irvine. Charlotte. N.C. and performs inspections of radioactive

' p$'[,",8I"[,Q

y, a Hee th "' ' "I' N"*'"'

" Bas upervision." Keye Productivity "

3, 39yPurdue University. GraduateMS Dominion University (1982)

  • 1mpact i opos a et CFR Research instructor. School of Health orfolk. Virginia

, Gal u . arfland 1 1 198 . University of South Carolina. ES.--Tam Kang college of Arts and


" Transportation of edioactive Graduate Teaching Assistant. Sciences Materials." US DOE. Illinois (1985) Department of Environmental Health -Physica ,

" Technical Wrtting." Richmond Staff Sciences " Introduction to Air Toxies., US EPA.

Development. Illinois 1985) 1980-1980:Universit of South Carolina.

  • llealth Physics and Re lation Kansas City.Minourt (1965)

Graduate Researc Assistant. " Health Physics and Radiation Protection." Oak Ridge Associated Department of Environmental Health Protection." US NRC. Oak Ridge.

i Universities. Tennessee (1985) Sciences

" Gas and Oil Well!ogging." US NRC. Tennessee (1964)

' 1978-1979:The Church of Talpel. " Safety Aspects ofIndustrial Texas (1964) Minister.Taipel. Taiwan

'Ucensing Practices and Procedures." Radiogre hy for State Regulatory

! 1976-1979- Yun Fu Pharmaceutical Ltd Personne ." US NRC Baton Rouge.

USNRC Maryland (1984) Pharmacist. Taipei. Taiwan Loulslana (1964)

%- g--u w ,_ w s_ w ----- --

@.". '"(M '~$5-ENTfD76d.*N%@f469sjiMD6d@@@ME'@'s] _ .

2316' Federal Register / Vol. 52. No.13 / Wednesday, January 21, 1987 / Notices '

" Cobalt Teletherapy Calibration." US Health Physica " Gas and Welllegging forbgulatory j-NRC. Houston. Texas (1984) " Inspection Procedores." US NRC. Personnel." US NRC. Houston. Texas

" Medical Use of Radiontclides for State Atlanta. Georgia (1985) ' ' - .

  • 1 (1985) .

Regulatory Personnel." US NRC. " Writing for Resulta." Sangamon State "Radioacteve Material Training Coursei!

  • Tennessee (1984) . University. Springfield. IUinois (1985) Hazardous Material Regulations of J ~

"Cas and Oil Well Logging for State " Introduction to Ucensing Practices and the United States Department of Regulatory Personnel." US NRC. Procedures." US NRC Washington

(1983) D.C. (1985) U D985)

" Hazardous Waste Management." Old " Environmental Health Practices." " Safety Aepects ofIndustrial


Dominion University. Virginia Beach. University of Massachusetts. Radiography." US NRC Baton Rouge.

Virginia (1982) Amherst Massachusetts (1982) g g

" Inspection Procedures." US NRC. )

Experience: " Intr c lon i Ucensing Practices and Atlanta Georgia (1986) 1985-Present: Illinois Department of Procedures."US NRC Bethesda.

Experience: Nuclear Safety -

Maryland (1984) .s .

1986-Present Illinois Department of 1980-1985: University of " Inspection Procedures." US NRC. "

Nuclear Safety Massachusetts. Department of Atlanta. Georgia (1984) 1985-1986. Iowa Electric Light a Power Environmental Health and Safety * " Health Physica and Radiation

  • Company. Cedar Rapids. Iowa. Amherst. Maseachusetts, Staff Health Protection " US NRC Oak Ridge. ~

Rediological Engineer Physicist 1982-1985: Kansas Departrnent of 197s _ 1379:FermiNational Accelerator Tmesaw (1964)

Health and Environment. Topeka. Radiation Protecuan Technology,, _

Laboratory. Proton Department.

Kansas. Radiation Control inspector RockweU tntemaunal.Enegy Batavia. Illinois 1981-1982: Eastern Virginia Medical Systems Group (1983)

BruceJ.Sonzo: Inspection and "Trampwtadon omuelear Maurish.,,

Authority. Norfolk. Virginia. Asatstant Enforcement Section Head. Division of Radiation Safety Officer Nuclear Materials. Manages the US NRCillinola (1983) 1980 - 1981: Eastern Virginia Medical "Execuun Denlopmat Acadmy.,,

inspeedon and enfacment pmgram. Illinois Department of Parsonnel.

Authority. Norfolk.Wrginia Radietion Safety Research Technician Training: Ulinois (1981) 1979-1980' Old Dominion University M.S-Texas A & M University (1985)

ANS Cobol Course.** D980):" Basic

-Nuclear Engineering (Health Physics) Systems Analysia:(1980):" General Notfolk, Virginia Research Assistant O'8"U"I'IIY *I Virginia (1979) Introductiodo Stausucal Package fw Steve Meiners: Radioactive Materials d '

Ucense Reviewer. Division of Nuclear ,"nl a ori m: APerspeetive the Social, Sciences"(1979):"DP

. Materials. Performs reviews of on the Harard." Radiation Safety Concepts D979); IMSEnWonment radioactive materiallicense applications Course"(1979);"Easytrieve/IMS Associated. SpringGeld. Illinois (1986) and performs inspections of radioacuve Cla s s" (1979); "Ba sics in Es eytrieve ,

..Inspecuan Procedure." US NRC.

materials licensees. State of Illinois Data Processing Atlanta. Georgia (1986) ,

Training: "Cas & Oil Welllegging for Regulatory Training Center (1977) . ~

M.S-University of Arkansas for Personnel."(Accepted for attendance " Air Pollation Control Orientation." US Medical Sciences (1985) at November.190e course. Houston. EPA (1978)

-Radiation Health Phy: Ice " Community Hygiane." US HEW.


B.A-Harding University (1981) Georgia (1978)


-Biology 1986-Present: Illinois Department of UninW oh6, hbNM

" Medical Uses of Radionuclidea for Medicine. (1974)

Nuclear Safa University of Illinois. School of Besic State Regulatory Personnel." US NRC. 1983-1986 Tedts A & M University.

Oak Ridge.Tenneasee (1986) Health Physicist. College Station. Medical Scionen D973)

Experiena: Texae Experience:

1985 -1985:Texae Tech Univeralty. 1980 - 1983: Carolina Power a Ught 1983-Present: Elinola Department of Radiation Safety OfDeer Company. Radiation Control Nuclear Safety 19fA-1984: University of Arkansas. Specialist. Hartsville. South Carolina 1974-1983: Illinois Department of Public Craduate Assistant George E. Merrihew: Radioactive Health. Division of Engineering 1981 - 1984: University of Ankansas. Materials Ucense Inspector. Performs gg73.gg72. Sangamon State University.

Laboratory Technologist reviewe of radioactive materials license Department of Biology Graduate 1981-1983. Univeralty of Arkansas, applications and performs inspections of Assistant Aquotic Ecologist radioactive materials !!censees. 1965-1967: Memorial Medical Center.

1980 - 1981: Harding University. Training: Clinical Laboratory Teaching Assistont MA-Sangamon State University D972) ter/KimPodolck Radioactive Shery/ O. Soderdahl: Support -Biology / Psychology Materials Ucense inspector. Performs Services Section Head. Division of B A.-Sangamon State University (1971) reviews of radioactive materiala ticeose Nuclear Materials. Responalble for the -Biology / Psychology applicatfor.a and performa inspections of Division's data processlag system and A.A-Springfield. College in Illinois radioacuve materiala licensees.

registration program, assists in license pgeg) .,,,

reviews and inspecuona, asalsis in Ceneral Seclence -

review and revision of regulations and M.S-University oflowell(1986)

.. Radiological Emergency Response standards and serves as the

-Radiological Sciences Operation." FEMA. Las Vegas.

Department's Radiation Safety OfLeer. B.S.-Kentucky Wesleyan College 0964)

Nevada 0986) -Physica Training: " Medical Uses of Radionuclides " US B.S-Purdue University. Indiana (1980) NRC. Oak Ridge.Tannessee (1986) Experience:

, s. .t .:

V -ic & -h~iVE$UTli~% $ $ $ $ -

.  ?:


' Federal Register / Vol. 52, No.13 / Wednesday January 21, 1987 / Notices 2317


{ 1966-Present: lilinois Department of " Radiation Tlierapy Workshop. Medical Nuclear Safety app!! cations and perf'orme inspections of

' Linear Accelerators" US P.iblic 1984-1986:Univestty ofIAwell radioactive materials licensees. >

l Health Service Chics i 1985: Brookhaven National Laboratory " Acceptance Testingadiological of ko. Illinois (1981)%. '" ' .o 1983: Oak Ridge National Laboratory Imaging Equipment " American Graduate work toward M.S.-Colorado AndrwwS. Culczynskir Chicago 1

Association of Physicists in Medicine, State University (1985) -

Inspection and Enforcement Section American College of Radiology and -University of Tennessee (1982) ,


l Head. Division of Nuclear Materials. Society for Radio!L2ical Engineering. -Health Physica .

Supervises Chicago office materials Chicago, Illinois (1981) B.S.-Villanova University (1975) license inspectors. " Safety Aspects ofIndustrial -Blology Traidng. Retiography for State Programs,"US Certificate-St. Joseph's Hospital and B.S-Northeastern hols University NRC, Baton Rou e Louisiana (1981) Medical Center School of Nuclear i

" Inspection Proce[ures," US NRC, Glen Medicine Technology Paterson, New (1981)  !

Ellyn. Illinois (1980) Jersey (1977) 4 50IOBY

" Quality Assurance in Nuclear Medicine " Inspection Procedursa." US NRC, "Five Week Radiation Health Protection Physics and, Course. USDepartments." US Food and Drug Atlanta, Georgia (1986)  :

NRC, Oak Ridge. Tennessee (1986) Administration, Rockville, Maryland 9979) Experience: l "IntemalDose Assessment," Technical  ;

Management Services,Inc., Illinois Radiological Emergency Response 1986-Present:!Ilinois Department of  ;

(1985) Operations Training Course for State Nuclear Safety I

'Transporta,t,lon of Radioactive and 14 cal Government Emergency 1981-1984: Oak Ridge National Materials, US DOE, Chicago, Illinois Preparedness Personnel"FT.MA. Las Laboratory. Health and Safety D985) Vegas, Nevada (1979)

"Special Procedures on CT Scanners" Research Division SeniorLaboratory

  • Technician I S e uNtory r US NRC, US Public Health service, Chicago, 1979-1981: Oak Ridge National Oak Ridge Tennessee (1964 111in is(1976) Laboratory. Biology Division,

" Safety Aspects ofIndustrial ) " Radiological Workshop," US Public Biological Technician i

Radiogra Health Service. Chicago, Clinois (1978) 1977-1979: Radiology Associates Albert Personne(hy for State

" US NRC, BatonRegulatory Rouge. Experience:

Eins tein Medical Center. No. Division.

Louisiana (1983) 1980-Present: Illinois Department of Nuclear Medicine Technologist.

" Inspection Procedures for State NM SpectmNm Laboutorin.

Nuclear Safety Regulatory Personnel" US NRC, lac., Analytical Chemistry Technician Ig76-1980: Illinois Department of Public Atlanta, Georgia (1983)

" Radiological Emergency Response Health. Division of Radiological /0h8 W C00PertManager.OIDce of Health Environmental Safety. Provides Operations." FEMA, Las Vesss-1973-1978: Oak Park Hospital, Nuclear technical support to the Division of -

Nevade (1963) Medicine Technologist. Oak Park.

Experience: Nuclear Materials on an as needed, Illinois basis. .

1985-Present: Illinois Department of 1972-1973: Oak Park Hospital.X-Ray Training:

Nuclear Safety I Technologist. Oak Park. Illinois 1982-1985: Kansas Department of Health Ph.D-University ofIowa (1971) j and Environment. Bureau of Radiation MaRobin Gehrhanft Bauart Radioactive terials License Inspector. Performs

-Radiation Biology Control. Topeka. Kansas- M.S.-University ofIowa (1986) 1981-1982: Argonne National reviews of radioactive materials license -Pharmacy 4

Argonne. Illinois applications and performs inspections of B.S -Drake University (1980)

Laboratoy,rtheastern Illirois 1977-1981:No radioactive materials licensess. -Pharmacy 4

University, Chicago, Illinois Training: " Industrial Ventilation Systems OSHA

/ohn D. Papendorf:Radiocative Training Institute, Illinois (1983)

M.S.-Emory University (1965) " Respirator Safety for CSHO's," OSHA Materials License Inspector. Performs -Radiological Phyales I reviews of radiactive materials license Training Institu te, Illinois (1982)

B.S.-University of Miam!(1983) .

cpplications and performs inspections of -Biology Expe&nce-radioactive materials licensees. " Health Physics and Radiation 1981-Present: Illinois Department of j  ;

Training- Protection," U NRC, Oak Ridge, N.M.T-Oak Park Hospital (1975) T'"""*" l I 197 U. . uclear Regulatory

-Nuclear Med;r.ine Technologist Experience: Commission, Region 111, laspector and '

i Mcation license reviewer

, R.T-Hines V.A. Hospital (1972) 1986-Present:lllinois Department of 1971-1975: Allegheny General Medical

~X Ray Ter.hnologist Certification Nuclear Safety Center Radiation Biology Laboratory ,

, A.S.--Central YMCA College (1972) 1985-1985: Georgia Baptist Hospital. 1964-1971: University ofIowa, Radiation '

Internship,MedicalPhysics, Atlanta, research and teaching

" Inspection of Transporta, tion of Georgia

, Radioactive Materials. U.S. NRC, . Apparco Devoto:Chlef, Division of

Glen Ellyn. Illinois (1985) 1985-1985
Emory University, X Ray, Medical Physics. Provides technical

, Nuclear Transportation fgr Stats Nuclear Medicine, Calibration, j support in the Division of Nuclear Re ulatory Personnel" US NRC' Atlanta, Georgia i

, Materials on an as needed basis. '

19893-1984:Loyola University. Research Training:

' Technician, Maywood,Ilhnois "Hazar)o e at ri r n ng utse,. Ph.D.-University of New Orleans U.S. DOE, Chicago. Illinois (1983) foonne B. Kark: Radioactive Ma terials (1975)-Physica *

  • Radiation Safety," Northwestern License Inspector. Performs reviews of M.S-University of New Orleans University, Evanston Illinois (1982) radiosctive materials license  !

(1972)-Physics P

I I*

. ~

2318 Federal Register / Vol. 52. No.13 / Wednesday, January 21,1Po7 / NotlNs - * *!

MSc.--Andhra University (1968)- analytical support for all Department 1976-1977:St.Jude Children's Reisarcli Applied Physica programs. Provides technical support in _ Hospital. Memphis. Tennessee -

BSc.-Andhra Loyola College (1965)- .,

radiochemistry and radionnalysis. . famee F.Scheweitserr Health -

Mathematics -


Experience: .f Physicist. Omce of Envir9amental , .

Ph.D-W64bington University (1981)-- Safety. Serves as a specialist in '

1985-Present: Illinois Department of Chemi try Nucleat Safety environmental monitoring and will d 1965: Medical Physics Consultant M.A.-Washington University (1981}- provide technical support and guidance Chrmistry in this area.

1983-1965: St. lamee Hospital Medical '

M.S.-East Texas State University Training-

' -'?

{ ente Chicas ! eights.!dinois. (1976}-Chemis 1975-1963: St. h s Hospital Elgin.

B.S.-Man y e Arts and . Ph.D.-Purdue Univerv.'y (1965f' ' -

EnvironmentalToxIcology lilinois.Me ical physicist 1975:Mt.SinalHoi tal. Chicago.

Illinois. Medical hysicist V h I onsManas Industrbs.Inc CT.1964 Canberra M.S M ysica urdue hnMm1NM Introduction to !> vo-VMS Apoon B.S.--Randolph Macon College (1976)- .

VA Hine: Hospital Hines. Illinois.

Medical hysicist S stem O rations." Canberra 830I'8Y 1969-1975: niversity of New Orleans Industries Inc.' CT.19t4 .. Environmental Laws and Crnrplina Research and teaching Experience: Coune . -

Short Course: Uranium and norium: A


Illinois Program Statement. 1964-Prumt:mino3 Depertment of Nuclear Safety Perspective on the Ha.ard (1966)'. .

Section Ill. " Implementation of the Agreement State Program for Materials Pedence.-

IJcenses."SectionIV.A.3 " Staff 1981-1964: mincia Department of Energy .1986-Present: minals Departm and Natural Hewurces Requirements" and Appendix 5 1976-1981: Wash!ngton Ualversity. St. Nuclear Safety 14uls.Missourl

" Current Agreement State Staff ,1965-1966. Purdua Un!versity. Office of .

Positions: Byproduct Material. Source 1974-1976: East Texu State University. Radiclogical and Chemical Controi' Material and Special Nuclear Materials Commerce. Texas 1960192. Purdue University.Omce o' in Quantitles Not Sufficient to Form a 1973-1974: Young.Ho Middla School. Radiological and ChemicalControl Critical Maas. Young-Ho,hlwan. ROC 1971-1973: Military Service. Taiwan. Afichoe/N. Atomenh Chief. law-!avel

b. Regulatory Oversy, ht of Uranium ROC Waste Siting Ssetion.Omce of Conversion Plant Environmental Sa1ety.Provides DavidA.Tillarr Ass'atance Chlef. . redialogical and environmental support
1. Personnel Divialon of Redioche nistry for the Omco of EnvironmentalSafety Laboratoris Omt,<of Environmental There are two plants in the United and will provide technical support for States which convert natural uranium Safety. ProvLies radiochemistry support. Allied Chemical regulatory actions. '

TralMng- ng efluori e ese e Ph veralty of Michigan.,(1976)-

are Ph.D- University of Iowa-81ophyses/

conducted pursuant to source materfats E* E'd" **I8Y licenses issued by the NRC. Under the M.S.--Unive ty of Michigan. (1973%- ~

Biochemistry RS.-Munhy o!!aMuclear g proposed Agreement,the source M ysics

  • B.S.-Purdue University (1969)-

materiallicense for the Allied Chemical Chemistry B.A --Luther coHege- Mysica.

uranium conversion facility located in Metropolis will be transferred to "Vax Applications Manager."Cnberra Mathemahga Industries.Inc Connecticut (tut) Experience; Illinois.' The Office of Radiation Safety. " Introduction to S 90-VMS Apme ' 1966-Present:lEnols Department of Division of Nuclear Materials will be System Operations."Canber S responsible for regulatory overs!ght with NueJear Safety technical support from the Offices of Industries.Inc Connecticut (1941) 1965-w. Iciatist. Oak Rjdge

" Auditor Training." Gilbert / Assons ted l'niversit es. Oak Ridge.

Environmental Safety and Nuclear Facility Safety. OverallIDNS will Commonweath (1964) Tanenee

" Radiological Monitor." Indiana commit 0.6 full. time equivalent Department of Civil Defense and 1963-1M5: Professor-Tr:seto of Health professionals effort to this program Key Emersency Management (1963) staff assigned to this program together Physics University.Pruram. San Diebo San Diego.Ca fornia State "Radioclemistry for State Regulatory with summaries of their duties cud Personnel."NRC(1963) 1m.1963 SedorSdum Argone training and experience are: " Radiological Monitoring. Samp!!ng and Nauma%ratg, Argonne.Einds 1W 1*lb (a) Staffpreviously identifiedin the materials progrom (Section J00) f9 a l yf Nuclear Facilities." US , y ,,,f*)

  • C g

E' Radiologica EmergencyResponse California jou-Guang (Joel Hwang.Y. David La Training for State Governmeng 1962-1963: Science Teacher, Urbana Touche, Bruce J. Sanza John W. Cooper. Emergency Preparedness Personi'.rl." Coneohdeted Mods, k va (b)OtherIDNSstoff'. FEMA /US DOE (1962) Gory Wright: Manager. Office of LibChing Chur Chief. Division of Experience. ' Nucleer Facility Safety. Provides Radiochemistry Laboratories. Office cf 1 ese ois Departmut of technical assistance csrcerfdng Environmental Safety. Supervises

,, engineering principlee end eturgency 1981-1964: Indiana Stste Board of planning and tesponse.

Health. Radio'.bernistry Lab. Training:

  • m cowni. ton t n id.etas whee.' Indianapolfe. Indiana -Sangamon Stsie University (1974)

$ "f.*n. I.[. 7n $ "n N 'Ir N U 1977- W 1:L*3t Univeralty Medical -Degree approx. half complete in Public det.n .ad emnes t uw ve.4 sm .. Center,Indlariapo'is. Indiana Administration 9

4 h' b

l '

Federal Resister / Vol. 82. No.13 / Wednesday, January 21,19e7 / Natione 231g E h

, l' MI--University ofIllinois (teseF fo)Stoffprevices/ridentifiediade . 3& Southern Einois Univoretty - ';.

Nuclear Enginwring . meteriole or won /um osaversion plant (tys) r ' .- '-

i< B.S.--Mdlikin Univweity (seed)-. ,jugulatory oversight priyoms (Sect,an M-

~*Uraniwa 'l .0 Physics / Mathematics - 30e and&A on the Hazard."and dorium.-A -. 'fety

. Radiation Sa ,

, " Management Education Workshop." El. Miahael H. Moment, uh.Ching Chu,- Associates. SpringReid. Elinois (1988) '

I Dept. of Personnel. Champaign (197e) John W. Cooper. James F. Schweitser. " Corrective Actions for Containing and ,

  • International Symposium on Migration .

Controlling Ground Water . .

, of Tritium in the Environment," 6)OtherJDMausff{ . Contamination" National WaterWeB International Atomic Energy Agency' Robert A LommJer Chief. Division of AmociaHon, Columbus, Ohio [tese)

California (1pe) Weste and Transportation.Has "A Standardised System for Crsluation responsibilities forimplementing the . of Groundwater Pollution Potential

" Radiological Emeryncy Rapona Blinois Lt.W management act, Using Hydrogeologic Setting" .

l Operations." US NRC, Nevada (1977) supervises staff in the EW program and l National Water Well Association, l

" Workshop on Collective Bargaining for manaps the spent nuclearfuel and EW Denver. Colorado (18es) 2 )

Public Saployees," Dl. Dept. of shipment inspection program. "Croundwater pollution and '

i Personnel (two) Trehdag: Hydrol , Princeton & Amociates. l ,

" Administrative and Or8anlaational B.S.--Kent State University (1971)- Mami. '(tees) ,

Behavior," E! Devt. of Public Health Chemistry "Enginwring and' Design of Wasta j (1975) "10 CFR 81." US NRC, Springfield. Dispoul systems."Ovtl Engineering .

i *Professiotal Engineering Raview," tilinois(1ees) Department. Colorado State University. Fort Collins. Colorado Univ, ofill(two) , "lacineretor Besics," Univ. of California,

' " ' "R8 08Cliv's I teri dwat'er Monitoring Workshop."

F e Ea 9 wasda, n8Portation -

Workshop," US DOE, Chicago.Elinois Blinois Department of Energy and etc.,,, f%nn. Sta te Univ. (1988) Natural Resources, Champaign.

(1988) ,

t Expulence: "10 CFR 81 Compliance."'fMS,Inc Elinois (1984)

! Ste@ resent: Illinois Department of Washington. D.C. (1984)

" Radiological Emspacy Res Nuclear Safety " Radiological Protection OfSeer Training fw State and I< Course." U.S. Army (1978) Government Emergency Preparedness 197ble011111nois Department of Public Personnel FEMA, Nevada Test Site Ii Health " Chemical Officer Advanced Course,*

1987-1973:Sarigsmo.Weston Electronics 8 (

Compar.y. 6prit' afield. Illinois "T Es u h MMeride ace-  :

by Air." US DOT (1972) 1983-Present
Elinois Department of leektesh We4.inghouse Electric

" Chemical Officer Basic Course " U.S. Nuclear Safety Company.Fohest Hins. Pennsylvania Army (1971)

, 1981-1983: Mine Geologist, Atlas .



Blinois Program Statement. Expwience. - Minnels Corporation.Moab. Utah '

Secuon III.D." Allied Chemical Uranium '

spleet: Asociate Mne Gulogist.

Conversion Facility." Appendix g, and 1m-Paunt: t!,!!nois Department of Rancher's Exploration & Developa ent Appendu S." Current Agreement State y, cia, g,g, y .

l 1979-1983:U.S. Army. Radiation Safety Corporation. Albuquerque New. - .

ji Etaff PosP.'nns: Low.14 vel Radioactive Mexico Wsete Management Program. OEco of Omcu Ft.RDey.Kuus i

1975-1978:U.S. Army.Manaakl= West tw&1eem Juniw Cologist, Ranchu's l Environmer.tal Safety." Exploration a Development Gamany

c. Lhens/t.g 2ndAegulot/on of 1971-1975:U.S. Army Edywood, Corporation, Albuquerque.New

! M aico

( Arrmanent DisposulafLow4evel Maryland ,

Radioactive Weste MichoolKJebe
Nuclear Safety Shannon Mannigan:Cologist. ^

l Engineer. Serves as technical resource Reviews,inte rets and evalustaa L

,j on EW management environmental geologic hydro ogic, physical and l De Omce of EnviramentalSafety roblems, ataca=taatoning and dispoed environmental data related to has responsibility for the low level facility siting. environmental impact, design, location.

iI weste (RW) management regulatory Training: construction and decomunissioning of iI program whichinclude the Shemeld M.S.--Montana College of Mineral I**NIU"'

iJ site enJ tiie regional waste (isposal Science and Technology (1e82)-- TW l.,I faciley.%e assessment of the Mining Enginewing B.S.-Drake Universi (1978) Geology regulatory framework !s inc%.ded under ~ B.S.--Montana Coll ofMineral A A.-Springfield Co eseinIllinois i criterion s. " Radioactive Weste Science and Te osy (1880)- II")'3"*I"" -

ii DM.ual."De LLW and transportatica Mning Enginewig " Radiological Emergency Response I ' PEMA.Newsda (lese) i manzgement frogram is Manage.

technical staf members.De staffsa by13 Expwience: "Croundwater Contaminant Transport cf the Omco af EnvironmentalSafety sees-Pmsent: lilinois Department of Modeling." Princeton University.


i willprovide overall sapevisico and N.aclear Safety .. Princeton,New Jersey (tese)

!j management and ti:e Chief of the 1982-test:Shell Mining Company. "A standardiud System for Evaluating ,

i, Office's Divioloa of Nuclear Chemistry Houston. Texas and Elkhart.Bhnois.. Groundwater Pollution Using i l will provide laboratory support. Mning Engineer Hydropologic Setting." Denvu.

'f' Technical support will also be avausble Dov/dT/ynn: Geologist. Evaluates- Colorado (1seel i'

from the Division of Nuclear Materials. geological and hydrologic factors "Croundwater pollution a Hydrology."

! .i Thus personeel and summaries of their relating to EW =aang== mat Princeton associates, Princeton, New i duties are. -

Training. Jersey (156.5

{ ,

I' .



~ .

D20 Federal ReSi ster / Vol. S2. No.13 / Wednesday. January 21.*1987 / Notices' -

! *Sorehole Geophysics Techniques for Emperience: - .' - '-

' Experience; 1- V S 'hib .C Solving Groundwater Problems." 1ess-Present: Illinois Department of - '19ee-Present: Blinois Department ofO National Water Well Association. Nuclear Safety

  • NuclearSafety - C ' '/- 9 3 Denver. Colorado (1986) 1901-1983: Illinois Department of 'sg76 19es: Michigan Department of.*1 ~

,Soi! Mechanics and Foundations.,, ..'.

Nuclear Safety /Sangamon State - Public helth /.

Lincoln Land Community CollegS . University (Graduate Public Service 1g73-1978: Michigan State University -

Springfield. Illinois (1961) - Intem) 1971-1g72: William Beaumont Geneal .

,,EnvironmentalRisk Assessment,<. 1977-1981: University ofillinoisistudent ', '  :

. Hospital [U.S. Army) ..~

gamo te University. Springfield. . Worker)

  • Ciggory P. Crouch: Chief. Divislo'n'of
  • R:cogn$ tion. Evaluation, and Control of Tim Runyon: Nuclear SafeY Radioecology. Directs the Omce's .. J, In8pector. Assists the Chief. Weste & . environmental surveillance program l' I:nizing Radiation." OSHA Training on anagent.

Institute. Illinois (1965) ",,s Training: ,

.. ..- l Emperience: MM-Unlely dManeta 0906)

A.S.-Illinois Central College-Radiologic --Environmental Health 1965-Present: Illinois Department of Technology Nuclear Safety M.S.-Purdue University 0977) ..,

" Hazardous Materials Tranwortation 196M985: Hanson Engineers. Inc.

  • Course."ISP. Illinois State Policy - -Bionucleonics/HealMysics -

Springfield. Illinois Academy. Springfield. Illinois 09es) B.8-Purdue Unimity D978) 1981-19H: Veesay Geoservice. Inc. " Review of USDOT Regulations" US -Bi'I*EF Denver. Colorado " Seminar on the Transporta' tion of - .

NRC Hanford, Washington (less) 197M981:Hanson Engineers.Inc. " Evaluation and Control ofionizing Nuclear Materials." US NRC. - ',

Springfield. Illinois. Radiation." OSHA Argonne National Springfield. Illinois (1983)

Ceorge T. Fit:Cerold Nuclear Safety Laboratory (1981) " Radiological Emergency Response

- Engineer 1. Principally responsible for

  • Emergency Response for 5tadiological Course " US DOE / FEMA. Nevada .

geology. Accidents." REECO Las Vegas, Test Site (1983)

Training: Nevada (1981) " Inspection Procedures Course." US B.A.-Humboldt State University. NRC. Atlanta. Georgia (1982)

Experience: '

Califomia (1968)-Geology 1985-Present:Elinois Department of . R"Perlence. . .

P:st.Craduate Work: Education. Naclear Safety.Omce of 1906-Present: Elinois Department of Humboldt State University. Economic Environmental Safety Nuclear Safety .

Evaluation. Colorado School of Mines. 1979-1985: Illinois Departmen't 'of' ., 1981-1964: Illinois Department of Golden. Colorado Nuclear Safety.OLice of Radiation s Nuclear Safety .

Experience: gar,ty Sg77-1978: Indiana University Medical

., 1966-Present:1111nois Department of Stephen B.Shafer: Nuclear Safety Center. Assistant Radiation Safety Nuclear Safety inspector II. Performs inspections and Omcer 1964-1986:BolidenMinerals.Inc Silver health physics Surveys. 1976-1977:Purdue University.

City. New Mexico Training: Radiological Services.Creduste 1900-1964:Minatome Corporation. Graduate Classes (non-degree)


Assistant '

Denver. Colorado University ofIllinois (1984) . CisyoryJ.Shotte Nuclear Safety -

1975-1980:SOHIO. Seboyeta. New B.S.-Western Blinois University (1983}- Supervisor. Supervises the Mexico .

Geophysics Department *a-Mobile Radiochemistry 1966-1975: Kerr McGee Corporation Hazardous Materials Transportation laboretary.

Grants.New Mexico Enforcement Course. Illinois State Tra Dona Af. Willoford: Nuclear Safety Police. Springfield. Illinois (19e6)

Supervisor. Responsible for overall Radiological Emergency Response M.8 Unimity dMchigan D985),

cperation of waste generator Operations Course. FEMA. Nevada Fisheries registration and inspection program. pges) . B.S-University of New Hampshire Training: 0981). Biology Short Course: Uranium and Horium: A M.P.A.-Sangamon State University Perspective on the Hazard 0906) Experience:

(1983) Experience: 1986-Present: Elinois Department of ~

B.A.-University ofIllinois (1961)- 1986-Present: Blinois Department of Nucim Safey '

Political Science. Math / Physics Minor Nuclear SafHy 1985-1986: Environmental & Chemical

  • Radioactive Materials Transportation Sciences. Inc.; Environmental Scientist 1964-1964: Illinois Department of Course." US DOE. Kansas City. Ner Safdy.SummerInkrn 1964: Lawrence Livermore National Missouri (1986) Kric Schwins: Attorney. Provides legal Laboratory:Research Associate.
  • Uranium and Thorium: A Perspective EnvironmentalIntern Program counsel to the Dirimor and technical on the Hazard, Radiation Safety 1981-1964: University of Washington. .

staffin low. level radioactive waste Associates.Inc., Springfield Elinois management.

Laboratory of Radiation Ecology.

(1986) . Research Assistant

  • RecogniSon. Evaluation, and Control of haining:.

DavidD. Ed: Assistant Manager'-

Iontaird.adiation" OSHA Des Ph.D. Candidate (presently enrolled). Omce of Environmental Safety. -

Plaines. Illinois (1965) Michigan State University. Resource. ,

  • Environmentallaws and Regulations Develop:nent/ Environmental Training-Compliance Course.". government Toxicology B.S.-Univerrity of Blinois. Urbana institutes. Washington, D.C. (1965) Doctor of Laws (1982) %omas M. D971)
  • Radiological Emergency Response Cooley law School -Chemistry .

Operations Course." FEMA. Nevada B.A-M!chigan State University 0976) . " Radon Training for State Personnel." '


-Chemistry US epa D986) j D983) s Mb


,h FedIrel Regist:r / Vol. b No.13 / Wednesday. January 21. 1987 ; aoticss 2321 J

" Comprehensive Health Physics." " Radon Training Session for State '

j .

i coordinating and assisting with the ' - 1 Rockwelllnternational(1985) Personnel." US EPA - -

direction of office programs.' '  ;


" Biological Effeels ofIonizing - - Experience: '* ~

Training: '8' -

i -

Sch of lihtealth( )

e H in A ellule se

^ d ar .

9815 - ! . 7

" l an o et ve'Ac on c sIon Making for Radiological Emergency I'd 77 1981:Ya es Atomic Electric. ' s chusetts'Instit'ute of Technhlogy. '

"""" k 197 kn i ofim 11 rch * *" '" " * " ~

Response." US NRC. PT.MA (1980)

Reactor e ity.He$lth ysica **"'"8 II"*"I"'I M

  • Environmental Radiation ninhy of Hanom. W'ut Germanr.  :

Technician Surveillance." Georgia Institute of Technol Michael V.Madonia:Nudest Safety Department of Planning and - -


- 1 gsi.

(1977) Architecture (1981-1982) - - '- e Tc

  • Radiologi Emergency Response Associa te. Performa technical duties
  • ea it ni Additional coursework in decision .<

Operations Training." US NRC. ERDA yC',.ing analysis, fundamentals of radiation

, yg,,

,g, n (1977) protection. hazardous waste -- i

" Environmental Source Term Modeling.= Training: .


minimization -

B.S.-University of Blinois '

National bof Chicago.

boratory (1971)Argonne -Nuclear Engineering. Radiation ExE'rience- '


198&Present: Illinois Department of Pro'ection and Shielding "A!r Sampling for Radioactive 1985-Present: Blinois Department of -

Nuclear Safety .

g Nuclear Safety Materials." Oak Ridge Associated 1984: Parliamentary Research Service: * .J . -

1973-1980:!!!inois Department of Public Universities: Oak' Ridge.Tannessee Bonn. West Germany Health (1988) 1982-1984: Worked on a variety of 1972-1973: Illinois Environmental

" Personal Computer Applications in projects dealing with policy Protection Agency Health Physics." TkS. Inc.; Boston, development and dispute resolution iri '

AbdulKhohque: Nuclear Safet MA (1988) environmentalissues Nuclear-General Employee Training Scientist L Plans. implements an Pou/E SeidlenNuclear Policy <

(NGEI'). Commonwealth Edison.

participates in radionnalytical programs.


Chicago. Illinois (1985)

" Radiation Detection and Anal st. Responsible forimplementing '

the 11 incia public participation lan. i d^

Measurement-Advanced Course.,, also performs as liaison with local '1 Ph.D.-University of Birmingham.

Eberline Analytical. Albuquerque. government groups. 2 England (1978). AnalyticalChemistry M.S.-University of Karachi. Pakistan NewMexico 1985) ExPth- - 2 1 (1967) Chemistry " Fundamentals (of Ground Water -

M.A-University of Chicago (1988) q B.S-University of Karachi, Pakistan Contamination." Geraghty a Miller. -Public Policy (1964) Chicago. Illinois (1985) B.A-University ofIllinois (1983)  ;

- Quality Control Course. University of Experience: -PoliticalScience. Communications -  ;

Business Administration. University 1985-Present:lllinois Department of Studies -

cf Karachi. Pakistan 1964) Nuclear Safety Urban & Regional Information Systems Experience: 1983-1984 (Summers): Dlinois Associstion.1988 Annual Conference i 1986-Present Illinois Department of Department of Nuclear Safety (1988) -


- Nuclear Safety Richard Walken Nuclear Policy Experience: ~

1981-1988: Department of Pharmadogy. Analyst. Performs review and analysis 1986-Present:ll!!nois Department of Southern Illinois University Schoo of of Federal and State regulations. Nuclear Safety

.i Medicine Training: 1985-1988: University of Chicago. Office .

1975-1980: Glaxo Laboratories Ph.D-Purdue University (1978) of the Comptroller ..

(Pakistan). Ltd. -Sociology (Research Methods and 1985-1985: Illinois Bureau of the Budget 1968-1970: Opal Laboratories. Ltd.

Statistica) 1984-1985: Compass Health Plans (Pakistan) M.S.-Purdue University (1974) 1984-1984: U.S. Senator Paul Simon Melanie A. Namel: Health Physicist -Sociology 1982-1982: Creative Research Functions as a health physics specialist B.S4arietta College (1972) Associates in the environmental monitoring -Sociology


Ulinois Program Statement.

division. Environmental kadiation Surveillance. ~'

Harvard University Massachusetts (Section II.C.1.s). " Low-Level Wa ste Training. Management."(Section II.C.1.b)

B.S-University of Lowell, MA (1977). M "Sheffield Low-Level Weste Disposal Health Physics Fundamentals of Rediation Safety Fa cility."Section IV.B. " Low. Level o University ofImwell.MA (1977). . Radiation Safety Associates (1985)

Radioactive Waste Management Environmental Monitoring and Expertenem Program." and Appendices 5 and 9.

Surveillance. Health Physics 198FPresent: Illinois Department of 21. Conditions Applicable to Special a Certification Review, Medical Health Nuclear Safety Nuclear Material. Source Material, and -

Physics 1978-19A4:Chainnan. Department of nitium. Nothing in the State's Sociology.Blackburn College. i

" Environmental Law and the Citizen." regulatory program shallinterfere with 1 Sangamon State University. Carlinville. Illinois the duties imposed on the holder of the 1 Springfield. Illinois 1976-1978: Department of Sociology materials by the NRC. for example. the 1

  • Post Accident Radiation Assessment." Muhlenberg College. Allentown. duty to report to the NRC on NRC '

Northwestern University. Illinois Pennsylvania prescribed forms (1) transfers of special .'

" Radiation Protection Instrumentation," Teresa A. Adams: Nuclear Policy nuclear material, source material, and .' -

Harvard University.Easton. MA Analyst. Perfonna staff functions tritium: and (2) periodic inventory data.


) ,

. . [.ms. E Cs-.T It%Vev- 6 e ew'"N M MW s ,,t. N ~


.hD U.::Wid ' d h .J 4 2. L at.r f a m m h u 2322 Federal Register / Vol. 52. No.13 / Wednesday. January 21,1987 / hotices He State's regulations do not prohibit former is the subject of an regulatory authority over the following er interfere with the duties imposed by Atomic Safety and IJoensing Board categories of materials within the State:

the NRC on holders of special nuclear ( ASLB) Proceeding [ Docket 40-2061-SC (a) Byproduct material, as defined by material own7d by the U.S. Department (ASLBP No 84-502-01-SC)). In the Kress Section11e(1)of the Atomic Energy Act.

cf Energy or heensed by NRC. such as Creek proceeding. In which Kerr McGee es amended. *' '-

the responsibility of heensees to supply and the People of the State of hois are to the NRC reports of transfer and parties the ASLB found that the (b) Source materials. F F " "'#.

(c)Specialnuclear malertals 12 M inventory. presence of this materialin Kress Cnek


32iLI. Adm. Code 310.10. quantities not sufficient to form a ~~'~ .

and the West Branch of the DuPage #** " " * *

22. Special Nuclear Material Defined River probably resulted from the
  • ~~

The definition of special nuclear (d)%e land disposal of source,by -

conduct of an NRC(and AEC) licensed materialin quantities not sufficient to activity at the West Chicago Rare Earths product and special nuclear material form a critical mass. ea contained in the Facility.He ASLB.however declinedto received from other

Illinois regulations,is uniform with the require clean-up of the Creek and River


Proposed Agreement. .

definition in 10 CFR Part 150. based upon its analysis of the hazard Article L


32 ILL. Adm. Code 310.20* posed by the radiologically Provision has been made by hols -

Definition of Special Nuclear Materialin contaminated material.Re NRC staff for the reciprocal recognition of licenses Quantities Not Sufficient to Form a has appealed that decision to the . to permit activities within hoia of -

Critical Mass. ARmic Safety and Licensing Appeal Persons licensed by other jurisdictione.

Administmtion Board, but a decision on appeal has not his reciprocity is like that gractai

. . yet baen Icsued. Jurisdiction over source under 10 CFR Part 150.

23. Fair ondlmportic/ Administmtion. rna;rrialin Kress Creek and the West


32ILI. ADM. CODE a The Illinois statute and regulations 331900, Branch of the DuPage River will be I

e le of et ons t en y relinquished to hois when the 28.NRCandDepartment ofEnergy Agreement becomes effective. At that Contmeton.



of32 Nuclear Ill. Adm. Co Parts 200, time the NRC staff will request Safetfe. He State's regulations provide that 310.90. 310.110,330.500. Part 400. termination of the ASLB proceeding. certain NRC and DOE contrectors or

24. State AgencyDesignation.Re jurisdiction over the source materialin subcontractors are exempt from the Illinois Department of Nuclear Safety Reed.Keppler Park will also be State's requirements for licensing and has been designated as the State's relinquished to hols when the registration of sources of radiation redistion control agency. Agreement becomes effective. which such persons receive, poness.


Enabling statute for With respect to the Sheffield low. level use, transfer. or acquire.

Illinois Department of Nuclear Safety, radioactive waste disposal site.


32 ILI. ADM. CODE 310.30.

. Ill. Rev. Stat.1985. ch.127. par. 63b17. lurisdiction will be relinquished by the NRC to hols when the Agreement IIL Staff conclusion

25. Existing NRCLicenses and Pending Applications. becomes effective. At that time.NRC Section 274d of the Atomic E6ergy Act The Department has made provision staff willrequest termination of the of1954. as amended, states; to continue NRC licenses in effect ASLB proceeding [ Docket 27-39-SC , A temporarily after the transfer of (ASLB No. 78-374-01-OT)]. ,gg,g a g, jurisdiction. Such licenses will expire on


32ILI. ADM. CODE with any State if; the date of expiration specified in the 330.360. (1)ne Govemor of that State certifin that NRC license. 28. Relations With Fedeml & State has a program for the coctml of With respect to the radioactive Government andOtherStates.Dere radiation huards adequate to protect the materials covered by the NRC license should be an interchange of Federal and public bulth and ufety with rupect to the issued to Kerr.McGee Chemical State information and assistance in meteriate within the State covered by the connection with the issuance of propoud agreement, and that the State Corporation for the West Chicago Rare e Earth's Facilit (Docket No. 40-2001-SC) regulations and licenses or i"l *""*j *nguhtory ruponsibility' the NRC staff as determined that the authorizations, hspection of licensees. f*"h')"g," bg on finds ht & State radioactive materials at the facility are reporting of incidents and violations, program is in accordance with the most appropriately treated as thorium and training and education problems. nquimments of subsection o. and in all other mill tailings,i.e byproduct materials The proposed agreement declares that rupects compatible with b Comminion's are defined in Section 11e.(2) of the the State will use its best efforts to program for the ngulation of such meterista.

Atomic Energy Act of1954. as amended. Cooperate with the NRC and the other and that the State program is adequate to whereas the thorium-bearing materials Agreement States in the formulation of protect the public health and safety with standards and regulatory programs for rupect to the materisis covend by the recovered from off-site residential pmPowd amedmet.

properties and sewer treatment plant in the protection against hazards of West Chicago and stored at the Kerr. radiation and to assure that the State's ne staff has concluded that the State McGee facility are source material.The program will continue to be cc:npatible of mois meets the requirements of .,

former material [11e(2) by product with the Commission'a program for the Section 274 of the State's material] will not be subject to the regulation oflike materials. statutes, regulations, personnel.

Agreement and NRC will retain Refennce: Proposed Agreement licensing, inspection and administrative regulatory jurisdiction.De latter between the State of mois and the procedures are compatible with those of material will be regulated by IDNS Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Article the Commission and adequate to protect when the Agreement becomes effective. VL -

the public health and safety with respect Radiologically contaminated materials 27. Coverage. Amendments, to the materials covered by the in Kress Creek and in Reed-Keppler Reciprocity. proposed agreement. Since the State is Part. West Chicago have also been ne proposed hois agreement not seeking authority over uranium determined by NRC staff to be source provides for the assumption of milling activities, subsection o. is not s

a w - - - , ,

a Fed:r:1 Register / W s2. No.13 / Wedn:sday. I:nuary 21.19c , N:tices 2323 i l

cpplicable to the proposed Illinois WHEREAS, the Commission and the exert regulatory control over the.. -

cgreement. State recognize the desirability of materials stated therein. .

Dated at Bethesda. Maryland, this 24th day mci Procal recognition oflicenses and of December teso. exemptions fromlicensingof those MCI'IY ** l For the U.S. Nuclear Regula' tory materials subject to this Agreement: Notwithstan this Agreeme'nt,the- f C mmission. . and. Commission may m time to time by - '

G. Wayne Kerr, WHEREAS, this Agreement is entered rule, regulation or ordeg. require that the -

arector. Office ofstot,hoymma, into pursuant to the provisions of the manufacturer, processor. or producer of .

Appendir A-Proposed Agreement * '

'O ITES Y -[th p ct t s urce '

and byproduct or o cial nuclear ma'terial e lator Co s on ad e$te of rnor oYthe S$a . n 8 8 8n8 "Paunim a cetrol I!!inois for Discontinuance of Certain behalf of the State as follows.- of such product except pursuant to a Commissloo Regulatory Authodty and license or an exemption from licensing Responsibility Within the State Pursuant Article f Ta Section 274 of the Atomic Energy Act Subject to the exceptions provided in of1954,as Amended Articles 11.IV and V, the Commission Article F WHEREAS the United States Nuc!rtr shall discontinue, as of the effective - e Agnement shallnot affect the Regulatory Coramisalon (hereinafter date of this Agreement,the regulatory au ority of the Commission under ref;rred to as the Commission)is authorit of the Commission in the State subsection 161b.or1.of the Act toissue cuthorized under Section 274 of the under C[apters 6.7 and 8. and Section rules. ngulatina or orders to protect the AtomicEnergy Act of1954 as amended 161 of the Act with respect to the

' common defense and ururhy, to pmtect (hereinafter referred to as the Act), to following- ,

restricted data or to guard against the A. Byproduct material as defined in 'r iversion of specialnuclear cnter into arreements with the Governor g

, cf cny ute providing for section11e.(1)of the Act: d discontinuance of the regulatory B. Source materials; .

suthority of 11 e Commission within the C. Special nuclear materials in Article VI St.te under C apters 6. 7 and 8. and quantities not sufficient to form a critical mass; and. The Commission will use its best Section12: os he Act with res efforts to cooperate with the State and byprodcet mate'fale as define in [ect to land disposal of source, o?her Agreement States in the Sectbns1.e.(;) nd(2)of the Act. byproduct and special nuclear material received from other persons. formulation of standards and regulatory ecurce materials and special nuclear pr grams of the State and the Comissim for protection against materi.!s f:rm a critica in \unntities not sufficientall mass:and, to hazards of radiation and to assure that WHEREAS, the Governor of the State his Agreement does not provide for.

discontinuance of any authority and the State and Commission programs for cf!!!inois is authorized under Illinois protection against hazards of radiation Revised Statutes.1985 ch.111 %. par. Commission shall retain authority and responsibility with repect to regulation will be coordinated and compatible.The 216b and ch.111 %. par. 241-19 to enter of: State will use its best efforts to into this Agreement with the A.He construction and operation of cooperate with :he Commission and ,

Commission: and. other Agreement States in the WHEREAS. the Governor of the State any production or utilization facility; ,

B.The export from orimport into the formulation of standards and regulatory-cfIllinois certified on that the programs of the State and the State of Illinois (hereinafter referred to United States of byproduct. source or special nuclear material, or of any Cornmissim fu protection against as the State)has a program for the c:ntrol of radiation hazards adequate to production or utilization facility: hazards of radiation and to assure that C.%e disposalinto the ocean or sea the State's program will continue to be protect the public health and safety with of byproduct, source or special nuclear compatible with the program of the respect to the materials within the State c:vered by this Agreement, and that the waste materials as defined in Comissim for the ugulation oflike State desires to assume regulatory reguistions or orders of the Commission: materials.De State and the D.Re disposal of such other , . . Commission will use their best efforts to responsibility for such materials: and.

WHEREAS. the Commission found on byproduct, source, or special nuclear . keep each otherinformed of proposed that the program of the State for material as the Commission from time to changes in their respective rules and time determines by regulation or order reguistions and licensing, inspection and . _

the regulation of the materials covered should, because of the hazards or,. ' enforcement policies and criteria and to by this Agreement is compatible with the Commission's program for the potential hazards the'reof.not be so obtain the comments and assistance of disposed of without a license from the the other party thenon.

regulation of such materials and is cdequate to protect the public health Commission; and. Article VII cnd safety: and. extraction or concentration of WHEREAS the State and the source material from source material ore ne Commission and the State agree Commisalon recognize the desirability and the management and disposal of the that it is desirable to provide reciprocal cnd importance of cooperation between resulting byproduct material. recognition oflicenses for the materials -

th2 Commission and the State in the listed in Article Ilicensed by the other

, f:rmulation of standards fer protection A#Clelll party or by any Agreement State.

against hazards of radiation and in his Agreement may be amended, , Accordingly, the Commission and the

! assuring that State and Commission upon application by the State and State agree to use their best efforts to programs for protection against hazards approval by the Commission, to include develop appropriate rules, regulations cf radiation will be coordinated and the additional area specified in Article and procedures by which such compatible; and. 11. paragraph E. whereby the State can reciprocity will be accorded.

l I


. : :_2- = _ - w - w w x y- e w wnnwgmyymg 3 g _-

x. ,, ., .


. t *a

, , 1324 Fed;ral RIgist:r / V 52. N2.13 / Wednesday, J:nuary 21.11 / N:tices c - . - -

Article VM part to the public. ACRS full Committee review the proposed Station Blackout.-

The Cora.usion, upon its own meetings begin at 8:30 a.m. and . rule.

- ~

initiative after reasonable notice and Subcommittee meetings usually begin at /ointOccupationaland *. . - I cpportunity for hearing to the State, or 8:30 a.m.W time when items listed on Envienmenta/Petection Syste.n/ %

upon request of the Govemor of the the agenda will be discussed during full Severe Accidents /Seabrook Date to be,. .

State. may terminate 6r suspend all or Committee meetings and when determined (March). Washington.DC. -;

part of this Agreeaent and reassert the Subcommittee meetings will start will be The Subcommittee will review T licensing and regulatory authority Published prior to each meeting. . Brookhaven National Laboratory's dr' aft '

vested in it un ler the Act if the Information as to whether a meeting has report of the Seabrook Emergenqy . .f.,

Commission finds that (1) such been firmly scheduled, cancelled or Planning Sensitivity Study. .

termination or suspension is required to rescheduled, or whether changes have Nima/NydmulicPhenomeno. Date'-.

protect the public health and safety, or been made in the agenda for the to be determined (2 day meeting. April /'.

(2) the State has not complied with one February 1987 ACRS full Committee May). INE1. Idaho Falls. ID.The -

cr more of the requirements of Section meeting can be obtained by a prepaid Subcommittee will review:

telephone call tc the Office of the 274 of the Act.The Commission may Executive Director of the Committee ECCS Rule and associated (1)h final also, pursuant to Section 2741of the Act. documentation. (2) uncertainty temporarily suspend all or part of this (telephone:202/634-3265. ATIN:

methodology to be applied to review the Agreement the judgment of the Barbara Jo White) between 8:15 a.m. new BE ECCS code models, and (3) TIC Commission an emergency situation and 5 00 p.m Eastern *!)me.

activities at INEI. '

sxists requiring immediate action to ACRS Subcommittaa Meeting DecayHeatRemova/ Systems protect public health and safety and the (tentativeJ. Date to be determined State has failed to take necessary steps. StructumlEn ineerity. January 21 and22.1987. Al uquerque NM.m (A g,[ril/May). Washington. DC. m The Commission shall periodically committee will continue its review review this Agreement and actions Subcommittee will review the NRC of the NRR Resolution Position for USI liken by the State under this Agreement safety resectch programs on g ia ensure compliance with Section 274 of ctures d e a a Seabrook l/ nit 2. Date to be the Act. determined. Washington.DCh facilities.

ArticleIX AdvancedReactorDssigns. February Subcommittee will review the This Agreement shall become 4.1987. Washington. DC h application for a full power operating Subcommittee will review DOE license for Seabrook Unit 1.

rer sin n effect unless and un i su van ' a reg ding time as i terminated;ursuanti , e t . be d7t ned ay g ,

standardization. Arlington.TX.h Subcommittee will

^$ ' , ' in triplicate. Standardization ofNuclearFacilities. continue its review of the activities this day of February 11.1987. Washington. DC h under the control of the RegionIV For the United States Nuclear Subcommittee will discuss the definition Office.

of an essentially complete EPRI MetalComponents.Date to be Regulatory Commission. determined. Washington.DC &

standardized plant and the scope of the chairmen licensing basis agreement between Subcommittee will: (1) Review public For the State ofIllinois. General Electric and NRC on the ABWR. comments on GDC 4 broad scope rule ,

Waste Manageinent. February 12 and (LBB) and criteria for component .~

Covemor 13.1987. Washington. DC h support design margins (2) hear a status Subcommittee will review several report of the Whipjet program

[m Doc. a6-29382 Eled 12-3H6. 8.45 am) pertinent nuclear waste management (application of broad scope CDS 4

~******" topics which are to be determined criteria) as applied to lead plant Beaver -

during an agenda planning session with Valley Unit 2. (3) review public Advisory Committee on Reactor the NMSS and RES Staffs on January 21. . comments on NUREG-0313. Revision 2 Safeguarda; Proposed Meetings 1987- (long range fix for BWR-IGSCC g man factors. February 1'8.1987 Problems). (4) discuss Regulatory Guide in order to provide advance Washington. DC.The Subcommittee will 1.99. Revision 2. and (5) review other information regarding proposed public review the " Safety Conscience" conc 2pt related matters.t.e Surry feedwater i meetings of the ACRS Subcommittees at utilities. suction piping failure.

end meetings of the full Committee, the Regionalandl&EPmgmms. March 12-following preliminary schedule is 1987. Washington.DC.The ACRS Full Committee Meeting published to reflect tne current situation. Subcommittee will continue its review February 5-7.1987:ltems are - ~

taking into account additional meetings of the activities of the OfDee of . tentatively scheduled. ~

which have been scheduled and Inspection and Enforcement.

'A. Quantitative Sofety Goole-meetings which have been postponed or Severe Accidents. Date to be Discuss proposed NRC Staff plan for cancelled since the last list of proposed determined (February / March), implementation of the NRC Safety Goal meetings published December 23.1986 Washington, DC. The Subcommittee will Policy statement.

(51 FR 45970).Those meetings which are continue the review of the NRC *B. Meeting withNRC definitely scheduled have had, or will - Implementation Plan for Severe Commissioners-Disucas matters have. an individual notice published in Accidents specifically the genericletter related to NRC regulatory requirements the Federal Register approximately 15 for Individual Plant Examinations (IPE) and procedures (tentative).

days (or more) prior to the meeting. It is for ex.Isting plants. 'C StandardPlantImpicramente-sxpected that the sessions of the full AC/DCPowerSystems Reliability, Discuss proposed ACRS comments Committee meeting designated by an Date to be determined (March). . regarding improvements in standardized esterisk (*) will be open in whole or in Washington, DC. The Subcommittee will nuclear power plants.

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