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Expresses Appreciation for 851001 Comments Re State of Il Draft Proposal for Agreement State Status.State Will Revise Proposed Regulations to Conform to 10CFR20.203(c)(6) Requirements for Very High Radiation Areas
Person / Time
Issue date: 11/19/1986
From: Kerr G
To: Minogue R
Shared Package
ML20210H056 List:
FOIA-87-47 NUDOCS 8703090091
Download: ML20212J669 (1)




g Ref: 58/JN.

' MD10RAK3tA4 FOR: Robert S. Minogue. Of rector Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research ,

FROM: G. Wayne Kerr. Director Office of State Programs


O!5P051T10M 0F RES Cf#MENTS OM DRAFT PROPOSAL FtKW ILLIROIS FOR AGREEMENT STATE STATUS Thank you for your October 1.1985 comments on the subject draft proposal. 1111 acts util revise its proposed regulattens to conform the-requirements for very high radiation areas to those contained in 10 Cft 20,203(c)(6).

When the request for a section 274b Agreement is formally submitted by

. Governor Thompson, we will prepare an NRC staff assessment for publication for public cosuutnt in the Federal Register. This will be coordinated with RES.

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G. Wayne ferr. Director Office of State Progress Distributton:

SA R/F Dir R/F l

J0Lebenau w/facoming 1111 mots file (fc) w/ incoming R.he k W i

&30lyll 870226 '

RADERB7-47 pyg SA 5A OSP -

J0Lubenau/bh DANyssbaumer GWKerr 11/19/85 11/ /85 11/ /85 U 2-

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l Ref: SA/JCL SEP 101986 MET 5W:D'.4 FOA: Johti C. Darts. Director. It'.55 James H. Taylor. Director. IE DerwaM F. Ross. Acting Director. RES William C. Parler General Counsel. OGC ,

James G. Keppler Regional Adolnistrator. Ri!!

FROM: G. Wayne Kerr. Director Office of State Programs ~

5'J3.:ECT: DRAFT PROPCSAL Ftoit ILLINCIS FOR SECTION 2745 AGREEMEhT Illinois is proceeding towards a Section 274b Agreement with NRC. The State's target date for the Agreement to become effective is January 1.


Tne State prepared an initial draft program narrative and proposed regulations last sunmer and, with your staff's assistance. OSP provided comments to Illinois on November 15 and 18,1985. Stace then. Illinois has moved their regulations through the adoption process. Minor changes to the proposed regulations have been ande to acconsmodate Illinois rulemaking requirements. These sera onde in consultation with OCC and OSP staffs. Illinois has made the necessary changes to the regulations to enable an MRC staff finding of compatibility for the regulations.

Minor amendments to the State statutes affecting the program were enacted by the legislature and signed by the Governor. These have been reviewed by OGC and OSP staffs and found to be acceptable. Lastly, the r propssed agreement document has been revised and a revlev by OGC and OSP staffs has found it to be acceptable.

1111pois staff have now coupleted a redraf t of their program narrative and submitted it to NRC for connent. The submittal includes the narrative, pertinent legislation and the regulations in their final form (enclosure 2).

The fomal request for an Agreement will be in the form of a letter from Governcr Ti.oe; son to Chatraan Zech. In view of the State's target for aa effective date of Janusry 1.1967. the Governor's request should be suboitted by the Genrncr as early as possible but no 1 ster than about Oct.ober 1.1986. To enable the State to rect this allestons, we would

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eppreciatt receivir.g your consents ce the redrafted filinois giackaga by c.c.1,. September 19, 1986. If you wish, Don Fussbewser and Joel Lubensu can meet with you to discuss the results of your review. We will the.

discuss and resolve the staff's connents with Illinois so that the Governor's request can be handled expeditiously whem it is eeceived.

When the forr.a1 request froo Goverr.or Thovsca is received.~0$P will prepar= an assess'wnt and FR notice and circulate the request (with supp;;rting docunents), assessnent ar.d FA notice to you for cor.currence.

Following the public cessment period. OSP will evaluate the consents an/.

prepare a Cosnission paper on the request. The reference criteria for evaluating a request ft,r a section 274b Agreement are cor.tained in a Cornission Policy Statement (enclosure 1).

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G. Wayne' Kerr. Director Office of State Prograns


As stated cc: w/ enc 1.

R. Lickus. SLO. Region III


D.A. Nussbaumer. 127767 J.0. Lubenau, 1298B7



SA R/F Die R/F J0Labenas,w/ enc 1.


WEspr. w/encil.

Illfeois file (fc) w/ enc 1.

RSAR w/ enc 1.

5A Staff, w/ enc 1.

SA SA OSP J0Lubenau/bh DANessbauser WKerr 9/5/86 9/ /86 9/ /86

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