ML20203D876 | |
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Site: | San Onofre |
Issue date: | 07/02/1997 |
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ML19317C790 | List:
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SO23-411-57-15, TR-PENG-033, TR-PENG-033-R00, TR-PENG-33, TR-PENG-33-R, NUDOCS 9712160319 | |
Download: ML20203D876 (136) | |
{{#Wiki_filter:% . o TR.PENG-433 ABB/ COMBUSTION ENGINEERING Contract No. 200'241 Rev.00 Total of Ted 47 Pasps Ref T.R. No. TS071 A PRIMARY SYSTEMS Appeedces 89 rays 3 m.1-9#-67-/r xo TEST REPORT i SE!SMIC QUALIFICATION OF 11!E SAN ONOFRE, UNITS 2 & 3 MNSA CLAMPS FOR PRESSURIZER INSTRUMENT NOZZLES AND RTD HOT LEO NCZZLES R*.tENtotbM JUL 2 51997 SfiEFR.E00PY Prepared By:, f! (13 141 M J G[)E/07 Date: K.11. Haslinger, Superviser S rallategrity & Testing 0,kf 7 C - Date: Rev'ewed By: F. V. Rossano, Structural Integrity & Testing VFL %."hD 1 % - 4ff = K9 o f C== Q gs. amov..w a ' .h.n, w,. i i W, c-r o n. grue.rr as worso - w g.,ammvso - co- - =,,., *. m., -
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PDR C 1997 Combustion Enginecering, Inc., All Rights Resentd.
o e TR PENG-033 ABB/ COMBUSTION ENGINEERING Contract No. 2007241 Rev.C3 Total of Text 47 Pages Ref. T.R. No. TS071 A PRIMARY SYSTEMS Appendices 89 Pages Dedgn-Related Testing Checklist Section 3 "ITST REPORT i Test Report seismic Qualification of the San Onofre MNSA Clamps for Document This: Pressur9er inst 6ument Nonles and RTO Hot Leg Neules Document Number: TRf _A3433,, Rev6sion: 00 Yes N/A 1 is theinst purpose stated? F 2 Are the test prtxahres listed? [ 3 Are the test results listed? 7 4 Is the test request docrent nurnber included on the test report cover page? 7 5 lias the test report been signed and dated by tir author? 9' 6 Has provision been made for approval by the inanager of the testing organistion? 9 7 lias provision teen made for a stasesnent of acceptanac by the Cognhant Engineer? 7 Conunents/Researks: Reviewed by: Frank V. Rossano gg i-Page 2 of 47
O O TR PENG-033 ABB/ COMBUSTION ENGINEERING Contrat No. 1007241 Rev.00 Total of Te~2 47 Pays Ref. T.R. No. TS071 A PRIMARY SYSTEMS Appendkes at Pays RECORD OF REVISION; NO. DATE PAGES INVOLVED PREPARED BY APPROVALS 0 07/ 03/97 All K. H. Haslinger F. V. Ro,, P. Leornbruni K. Margotu Page 3 of 47
O O TR PENG 433 ABB/ COMBUSTION ENGINEERING Contract No. 200341 Rev. 00 Total of Ted 47 Pays Ref. T.R. No. TS071 A PRIMARY SYSTEMS Appendices N Papa 1 e* i The infonnation contained in this Repon No. TR PENG433, Rev. 00 has been reviewed and approved as documented herein. 7 [3b7 Approved By: b M. PL one: V I I Manager, Primary Sprems The tests described in this report are accepted as inecting the objectives and instructions describM in the i "em) test requesthest procedures. Accepted By:,MNMM8WIM ) Date: 7/MF7 Cognizant Engineer Page 4 of 47
s TR.PENG-033 ABB/ COMBUSTION ENGINEERING Contract N2. 2007241 Rev.00 of Text 47 Pages Ref. T.R. No. TS071 A PRIMARY SYSTEMS Appendices 89 Pages TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Description Page No. L-TABLE OF CONTENTS 5 hb LIST OF TABLES 6 3l' j UST OF FIGURES 6 UST OF APPENDICES 8
9 2.0 OBJECTIVE 9 3.0
9 4.0 TEST DESCRIPTION 11 4.1 Test Specimens and Mounting i1 4.2 Equipment and Instrumentation 12 4.3 Calibrations 13 4.4 Sine Sweep Test Frocedure 13 4.5 Simulation of Seismic Environment 13 5.0 DISCUSSION 14 5,1 General 14 5.2 Sine Sweep Testing 15 5.3 Seismic Qualification Testing 15 c.'./ RECORD RETENTION 17 7.0 P.EFERENCES 17 Page 5 of 47
TR PENG 433 ABB/ COMBUSTION ENGINEERING Contract No. 2007241 Rev.C3 Total of Text 47 Pages Ref, T.R. No. TS071 A PRIMARY SYSTEMS Appendices 89 Pages
The Testing Services Group of the Pnmary Systems Department of ABB/CENO had been requested to perform a seismic qualification test on three specimens of MNSA Clamps with simulated cracks for the San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant. Reference 1. which incorporates the requirements, was the controlling document for the seismic qualification program. Testing was to demonstrate that the components could meet or exceed their specified performance characteristic when subjected to the stipulated seismic events. 'this report documents the seismic environments that were generated during this program and reports the leak resistance performances of the specimens. These tests were performed in the Dynamic Test Facility at ABB/ Combustion Engineering, Windsor CT, from Julie 10,1997 through June 18, 1997. The Quality Class I subject test program was conducted in compliance with Quality Assurance guidellacs of QPM 101, QP 3.6 (Reference 13) as Design Verification per requirements of the Test Request (Reference 1) and the Project Plan (Reference 21). The testing was performed by personnel qualified far this work per Reference 19. 2.0 OBJECTIVE The objective of this seismic test was to demonstrate that the San Onofre Pressurizer and Hot leg MNSA nozzle assemblies, with simulated 180* cracks, can maintain their physical and functional lategrity during and following exposure to a Safe Shutdown Earthquake, (SSE) preceded by five Operating Basis Earthquakes (OBEs). 3.0
Representative samples of the San Onofre MNSA designs, in conjunction with simulations of the Pressurizer (PZR) Temperature Nozzle, the Pressurizer Lower Level Instrumentation Nozzle, and the Hot leg Temperature RTD Nozzle, all with simulated 180* cracks, were provided by ABB/FSME for seismic qualification testing. These components were tested as mounted in special futures that were provided by ABB/FSME and assembled speedically for the seismic test by ABB/CENO. Page 9 of 47
. e -- 11t-PENG433 ABB/ COMBUSTION ENGINEERING Contrac' No.-2sg7248 I Rev.00 Total 4 Test 47 Pages Asf. T.R. No. T9071 A PRIMARY SYSTEMS Appendices 39 Pages j .i ~ Exploratory: low lowl sine sweep - tests, conducted prior to seisimc qualificanon tesung, desmonstrated that two of the three test assembbes, as mounted on the ma=nic sunulator, were rigid withm the seismic frequency range (I to 33 Hertz). ~ 1he nr- '; 8taa-i Mounted PZR insens=a==*ma Nonle with MNSA exhibited a nozzle rama==ce at 33 Hertz and a MNSA structure mance at 38 Hertz. The sine sweep transfer funesians are shown in Figures 16 and - 3 17c To avoid unnecessary conservatism due to a seisnue table rsoonance, the Bottom Mounted PZR ! ^c.n 2-6 Nozzle was first tested in a supported fashian With resucis to the MNSA - ) qualh%this was desemuned to be acceptable (Secuon 5.1). There were no cntical Axture resonances below 50 Hertz with exception of the MNSA resonance at 38 Hertz.. The sine sweep transfer functmns for the supported nozzle test conaguration are shown in Figures 18 and 19. Biaxial (wrucal and hansontal) seismic base excitanons were introdeced to the test specirnens in either one or in four test orientations to ensure the possibihty of the test ar=e==== to respond in all of their hor==*al, vertical or torsional vibration modes, if any, located within the seismic frequency range. Quali6 cation was enaaicsart using enodined Generic Floor Test curves that / enveloped both sets of Plant Specific curws. Artifr,ial seismic tune histones were synthesiaod with random milennequency atensities that enveloped the stipulated OBE and SSE Required Response Spectra (RRS) curves of Figure 1. The leakage performance of all specanons was monitored aAer each event simulation. There were no " the test spac==== provided are qW--i to the seismic intensity observed leaks, C{- j, - levels represensed by the spee:6ed seisnue curves. Typical Time Hisiones'and the resulties Test Response Spectra (TRS) are shown in Figures 23 through 30. A more comprehensive set of resuks is included in Appendix D. The Bottom Mounted PZR lastrwemmenhan Nozale with MNSA was tested first in the supported con 6guration and then in the free standaag -- - '; =b Because of the soinnic table resonanos being near the nozzle mane,. the latter con 6 uration was a very 3 consorynuve test. Nevertheless, the specanon was capable of wah=ranang these strong sasnue responses without dennage or loss of pressure. r All horizontal and verucal contml and response accelerometer time lustones were stored on magneuc tape and were su=le==r===iy acquired by a PC-based Data Acquianon System. The data were subsequeady analped off-line at 1% dampeg These resuks are pr=amael in Appmdix D. For the free standag Bonom Mounced PZR lastrumentanon specimen, bonsontal Top Nozzle and MNSA Top Plate time history and response spectra were also gene sen! and are provided in Appendix D for the four SSE level events. On hne wi..w analysis plots are not included in this report h= cense of the narrower (1 to 50 Hertz) analysis range. They are, however, retained as raw data. - ibe physical insegnty of the three specimen types was venfied throughout the soimme No damage was observed at any time, as acheated on the data sheets of Appendix A. _ eak L performance evalumuons were performed by ABB/CENO test personnel before and aAer eachL seismic event. f. Page 10 of 47
.~. _. TR PENG 033 ABB/ COMBUSTION ENGINEERING Contract N:. 2007241 Rev.CJ Total of Text 47 Pages Ref. T.R. No. TS071 A PRIMARY SYS'IEMS Appendices 89 Pages j i 4.0 TEST DESCRIPTION 4.1 Test Specimens and Mounting One test specimen each was provided for the three test nozzle configurations with MNSA clamps. 'Ihe drawings of References 2 through 4 and 14 provide details of the MNSA clamps. Reference 15 provides details of the est fixtures. Each MNSA clamp was assembled using the appropriate procedure of Reference 16 using calibrated torque wrenches. Minor adjustments were made to two of the seals which are reflected in the final sets of drawings and assembly promdure. One of these adjustments was the use of a spaar between the comparison collar and grafoil seal of the Bottom Moumed PZR Nozzle seal. This resulted in a drawing change, but did not affect the validity of the seismic test. The specimens were furnished already with weights that simulated the RTD heads and/or the valve that are present in the field installation. Each nozzle was inserted into an appropriately sized socket and a 180' crack was simulated by seal welding only a 180' are rather than the entire 360* circumference. The bore below the nozzle was plugged and the top of each test nozzle was furnished with appropriate fittings to allow for internal pressurization during testing. The simulated piping or pressurizer wall pieces were welded onto 16x16xt inch base plates that accommodated the bolting pattern of the seismic test table and permitted simple rotating of the test specimen in 90' truments. 'Ibe Bottom Mounted PZR Instrumentation Nozzle was supported near its top using a Unistrut/ Plate support structure. This support did not affect the MNSA, which was free to move. This specimen was subsequendy also tested without this support. Small diameter tubing was connected to a hand pump and to shut-off valves / pressure gauges to permit monitoring of internal pressures. 'Ihe gauges and hand pump were located off tDe seismic table, using generous loops in the pressure tubing, in order to acrommodate large relative table movements. SP-m were krW for any physical defects prior to test, after each seismic event, and following completion of all qualification sequences. No damage was observed throughout this entire test program. I l Symmetry of the test fixture bolting pattern allowed for simple rc+rientation of the test fixture / specimen assemblics in any of the four required test orientations. 'Ihe location of the tot fixture was near the center of the table, in close proximity to the vertical and horizontal control accelerometers. Sine sweep testing was performed to determine the rigidity of the test fixtures within the extended seismic range of I-50 Hertz. Photographic documentation of the mechanical setup is provided in Fisores 5 through 13. Several figures show the placement of the response accelerometers during the sine sweep testing. l Page 11 of 47
l i.. : l-TR PENG433 ABB/ COMBUSTION ENGINEERING Contract No. 2007248 Rev.00 Total of Text 47 Pages [ Ref, T.R. No. T5071 A PRIMARY SYSTEMS Appen Eces 3D Pages i - 4.2 r,-_ 'y and lastraneetation Seismic testing was performed in the Dynamic Test Facility using the seismic simulation shaker table. Figure 4 shows a block diagram of the general instrumentation bookup of the hydraulic test facility that was used in this test. The eacitation axis of the simulator is inclined at 45 degrees and, therefore, provides phase coherent motions of equal ungnitudes in the vertical axis and in one horizontal axis. Two - control accelerometers (Unholtz-Dickle 100-PA), snoumed to the seismic table in a 'nusually perpendxmlar arrangement a(lacent to the test fixare, were used to monhor the excitation levels in the horizontal and vertkal axes during all testing. The control acceleroineser signals were conditioned by 'Joholtz-Dicitie 2216X Signal Conditionen. De hortaontal and watial response accelerometers (Unholtz-Dickie 75D21PA) used during sine sweep and scismic testing were mounted on standard alarninum fixturing blocks that were glued to selected equipsment locations. Unholtz-Dickie D22H charge amplifiers were used to condklon the response acaleroineter signals. l 'l For sine sweep testing, the "SN21T Version 04" software package (Reference 7) of the Digital Vibration Control and Analysis System (DVCA) was employed. The input listing for this program is shown as Figure 14. For synthesis and on-line analysis of the table motions of the generated seismic environments, the "WAE 3.0 Decade" software package of the DVCA was used. De permanent file identification of this code is WAEOVI.TSL, and the synthesized SRS on-line analysis function has been Q.A. verified by RL a 8. De input listings for this program are shown as Pigure 21. For each seismic event simulation, on-line analysis was fbr the horisontal tootion of the table. These data were used to assure envelopment of the Required Response Spectra (RRS) by the achieved Test Response Spectra (TRS). For this gralification effbrt, the event duration was 32 seoands, yielding on-line test response spectra from 1 to 50 Hertz. Time hisory recordings of the table motions were used to verify adequacy of achieved Zero Period AC. Gen (ZPA) levels. in addition to performing on-line response spectrum analyses of the horizontal control aC&c-signals (at the specified damping of 1%), horizontal and vertical control accelerometer signals, and for selected events also up to two response accelerometers, were recorded by a magnetic tape recorder (Racal Store 7DS). In addition, a P.C. based computer program was used to acxtuire table time history records and to perform off-line analyses (1-100 Hertz range) from these recorded motions using the "SRSKHH" program of Reference. I1. De referenced off-line analysis program was used to compute SRS analyses at the specified damping of l% and to display the re;ults in both graphical and tabular form (see Appendix D). 4 + Page 12 of.47 -nn, .-n.., n---.- .----a ~- -n-v
~ TR-PENG433 ABB/ COMBUSTION ENGINEERING Contract No.-2007241 Rev.'00 Total of Text 47 Pages Ref. T.R. No. TS071 A PRIMARY SYS*ITARS Appeances 89 Pages I ~ A list of all equipment used during this test program is given in Table 1, 4.3 Calibrations Calibrations were required for the accelerometers, the signal conditioners, the charge + amplifiers, the multimeter, the pressure gauges, and the torque wrenches. Required calibrations were accomplished in amordance with the guidelines of Reierence 11. A signal calibration was performed on the tape recorder, using the multimeser and a signal source, as well as the full range calibration signals from the charge amplifiers. A 1 volt input signal check was used to verify the " Hands-off" autocalibration of the P.C. based data acquisition system. Time remrds of these signal calibrations are included in Appendix B. Table I lists accuracles and calibration dates of all equipment Copies of pertinent calibration records are included in Appendix C. 4.4 Sine Sweep Test Procedure f Sine sweep resonance surveys were performed in either one or in two test Orientations A and B with response accelerometers mounted near the top of each sest specimen. For the two axis i symmetric nozzle speimens testing was limited to Orientation A only. Oriemations are defined in Figure 22. Additional details are illustrated in the photographic records of Figures 5 through 13. I During resonance surveys, the specimens were excited over a na,-y range of I to 50 Hertz i-at a sweep rate of 0.83 octaves per minute (0.25 decades per minute). 'Ihc test intensity ranged between 0.1 and 0.2 Gs (a ramp from 0.1 G at 1 Hertz to 0.2 G at 2 Hertz and a l constant 0.2 G above 2 Hertz). Several test runs were made using a constant 0.1 G excitation level over the same Aa,.awy range. Data runs were displayed on the CRT terminal in the form of transfer function graphs (horizontal response over horizontal input or vertical response over vertical input) and hard copies were made. Results of these surveys are shown in Figures 15 through 20. l 4.5 Sunniasion of Seisadc Enviremment i' i Seismic qualification was performed in accordance with the documented Modified Generic Response spectra that enveloped the two sets Plant Specific requiranenm. The test sy!=m - were subjected to a minimum of five consecutive OBE level events in either one or in each of the four orthogonal test orientations, as spelfied in Referen 18. For the two axis symmetric Page 13 of 47 l l ~.
TR PENG-433 ABB/ COMBUSTION ENGINEERING Contract No. 2007241 Rev. 00 Total of Text 47 Pages Ref. T.R. No. TS071 A PRIMARY SYS1 EMS Appendkes 89 Pages nozzle specimens testing was limited to Orientation A only. This was followed by one SSE level event in each test orientation. For each event, on-line monitoring of the horizontal control accelerometer was performed and results - were evaluated to ensure that clear envelopment of the Required Response Spectra (RRS) had been achieved. In addition, for each event, the outputs from both the horizontal and the vertical control accelerometers were recorded on magnetic tape and stored via the P.C. based Data Acquisition System. During the seismic events, the test specimens were pressurized to 3,175 + 50 psig. Monitoring of the test pressures was performed by ABB/CENO personnel before and after the seismic event. 5.0 DISCUSSION 5.1 General At the time of testing. it was decided to test the Hot Leg RTD Nonic and the Side Mounted PZR Nonle together, but separate from the Bottom Mounted PZR instrument Nozzle. This decision was based on the tact that the first two nozzles are symmetnc about the verucal axis, and thus needed to be tested only in one orientation on the seismic table. Furthermore, the Botsom Mounted PZR !=Emwa Nozzle required some special attention to deal with the fact that the nozzle resonance of about 33 Hertz coincided with the oilatumn resonance 'of the seismic table. Since the Bottom Mounted PZR Instmmentation Nozzle had already been setsmically qualified by analysis in Reference 20, emphasis was at first placed on removing unnecessary conservatism in qualifying the MNSA seal. Whereas the seismic SSE response spectrum intensity Icvel for the pressurizer near the nozzle frequency of 33 Hertz was deterrmned fbom Reference 18, Figure A-17, as approxanately 4.8 Gs, the table resonance situation would have mcreased this level to appmximately 35 Gs Since the pnmary objective of this test was to qualify the MNSA seal, it was justi6abic to sttffen the nozzle and to shift its natural frequency away from the table resonance peak, as long as it could be demonstrated that the Zero Penod Acceleraten (ZPA) level of the actual test motion is greater than the Required Response Spectrum level at the natural fnquency of the nozzle with MNSA. According to Appendix A of Reference 18, respectrve OBE and SSE requirements at a frequency of 33 Hertz are 2.4 Gs and 4.6 Gs. As is /=wn.iod by the response spectra and time histories enclosed in this report, actueved ZPA levels for OBE and SSE events typically exceeded respective lewis of 2.6 and 5.1 Gs, which met the stated nquirement for this test. It should be noted here that these ZPA levels are obtamed from the time histories and that the spectmm levels shown in the Test Response Spectra actually indicate higher levels up to 100 Hertz. Since testmg of the Bottom Mounted PZR instrument Nozzle with support was successful, it was decided to also test this specimen in the free-stanAng configuration. This resulted in a very conservatim, second seismic qualification test for this specimen. Maximum G levels of approximately 20 Gs were monitored near the nozzle top. However, the test specimen was shown Page 14 of 47
-. - ~ p, TR-PENG433 ABB/ COMBUSTION ENGINEERING Centreet No. 2007241 s 4 ~ Rev,00: Total of Text 47 Pages Raf. T.R. No. TS071 A PRIMARY SYS'IEMS Appen Ecss 89 Pages able to accept even these extremely conservative input mouans wahout any loss of pressure or physicalintegruy 1 5.2 Sine Sweep Testing - A . The transfer functions from the sine sweep surveys, which are shown in Figures 15 through
- 20. allow the following conclusions:
1 ? 1he Side Mounted PZR Nozzle and the Hot IAg RTD Nozzle, both with MNSA seal Installed; showed no horisontal or vertical resonances within the frequency sweep. r range of 150 Hertz. There was some motion amplification towards 50 Hertz in the horizontal monhoring directions which would indicate resonances sC ge between - 60 and 80 Hertz, 1he-r -M Bottom Mounted - PZR lastrumentation Nozzle with MNSA demonstrated a significant nozzle resonance peak near 33 Hertz and a MNSA structural ruonance near 38 Hettz, as shown in Figures 16 and 17. As discussed above, it was decided to support the top of the nozzle and, thereby, forcing an upwards shit of the naural frequency of the nozzle. This was achieved successfully, as scen by the sine sweep plots of Figures 18 and 19. The sine sweep plots included in these figures show the re.;ponse behavior of the nozzle and the MNSA hold down plate in the horizontal direcsion and of the asyuunctric va!ve simulation in both horizontal and vertical dirocaions..Due to non-symmetry, sine sweep testag for this apeiman was performed in two orkmentions. _ Seismic qualification of the MNSA seal for the Bottom Mounced PZR lastrumentation Nozzle was perfbrmed at first in the supported configuration i followed by testing in the free-standing configuration. SJ-Seismic Qualiscation Testing As mentioned previously, OBE and SSE motion syntheses were performed using the Required Response Spectra (RRS) curves shown in Figure 1. Documentation of the adequacy of the components for these requirements is based in this dennear on the results from the offline analyses. On-line analyses were also performed during the course of the testing to assure-envelopment of the RRS curves by the achieved Test Response Spectra (TRS). The on-line. analyses results are not included in this report. However, they are being retained as raw data. Figures 23 through 26 show the waveform time histories and the resulting off-line analysis outputs for a typical OBE event-(Orientation A) for the MNSA clamp seismic intensity requirements. Figures 27 through 30 provide the same complement of results, however this Page 15 of 47 i .c
7 TR-PENG 433 'ABB/ COMBUSTION ENGINEERING Contract No. 2007241 Rev.00 Total of Text 47 rases Ref. T.R. No. TS071 A PRIMARY SYSTEMS Appendices 89 Pases 1 time for a typical SSE event (Orientation A). As can be' observed. the Required Response - Spectra are always cleanly enveloped b) the control accelerometer Test Response Spectra in both the vertical and horizontal directions. Appendix D contains ' all pertinent offline analyses, performed for the two control
- scoelerometers. For the Hot leg RTD and the PZR Side Mounted nozzle specimens, all five.
OBE events and the SSE event are included. For the Bottom Mounted PZR lastrument Nozzle, or.e OBE and one SSE event analyses are included for each test orientation of both the supported and the free-standing test configurations. There were no requirements to analyze any response accelerometer locations, however the horizontal MNSA hold-down plate and - i nozzle top motions were evaluated for the Boison: Mounted PZR instrument Nozzle in the free-standing test In viewing the previously mentionert time histories, the top portion always represents the "as digitized" signal, sampled at 1,000 Hertz. The bottom portion-represent the same trace, however digitally RC Icw-pass filtered at 100 Hettz. This measure enables visual determination of the signal mntent within the analysis frequency range of I to 100 Hertz. The filtered time histories are the bases for the off-line analysis results. The unfiltered traces are usable for desertalnation of actual Zeou Period Acceleration (ZPA) leveis. During respective OBE and SSE event simulations, ZPA levels in the horizontal direction were approximately 2.7 Os (Figure 23) and 5.5 Gs (Figure 27). In the vertical direction, respective OBE and SSE event ZPA levels were 2.8 Gs (Figure 24) and 5.1 Gs (Figure 28). - Specified ZPA levels, per Figure 1, were 1.5 Gs and 3.0 Gs for OBE and SSE events, respectively. Table 3 identifies the required respoese spectrum levels for the 1/6th octave spaced offline analysis frequencies. "Ihis infOrmation may be helpfkl in evaluating any of the tabulated spectrum results. Fathermore, Table 2 identifies the test runs and the data analysis file names. This facilitates cross ~ Ming besween the log sheets contained in Appendix A, the Table 2 test matrix, and the artehad graphical and tabulated spectrum results included as Ap-;+-h D. 'the spectral data are tuostly self explanatory and any observed " peaking' phenomena evident in the 1RSes are confined to the table resonance peak near 30 Hertz. There are some higher order frequency peaks, however, with regard to the quellfication in general, titse are considered irrelevant. The response spectra for the holdewn plate and the top nozzle (Bottom Mounted PZR Instrument Nozzle) reflect the respective natural frequencies of the MNSA and the test nozzle, la summary it is stated that the req'ilremenet for envelopment of both horizontal and vertical. RRSs by the TRSs were met during all seismic event simulations (20 OBEs and 4 SSEs for Bottom Mounted PZR instrumentation Nozzle each for the supported aid the free-standing test Page 16 of 47 s u m rr m. s -c-
s TR-PENG 033 ABB/ COMBUSTION ENGINEERING Contract No. 2007241 Rev. 00 Total of Text 47 Pages Ref, T.R. No. TS071 A PRIMARY SYSTEMS Appendices 89 Pages configurations and 5 OBEs and i SSE for Hot leg RTD and Side Mounted PZR Nozzles, all with MNSA clamps installed) documented herein for each of the specified sets of seismic requirements. Since the selected, modified Generic Floor RRS curves completely enveloped those for the specific plant locations. the test specimens have been demonstrated to exmed all stiputrad seismic requiremenu. 'With regard to the development / justification of the Test Response Spectrum requiremets, one is referred to Appendix A Of the applicable Test Procedure, Reference 18. Sira, in addition, there was no observance of leaks or significant pressure drops in any one of the three test specimens, it is concluded that tim seismic qualification test described has demonstrated full compliance with all acceptance criteria for the MNSA clamps, as stipulated in Reference 18, 6.0 RECORD RETENTION Test records, raw data and original data sheets were assembled and transmined to the Primary Systems (Testing Services Group) custodian of original raw data for storage. All pertinent test records are included in the test report. Magnetic tape recordings of test data are stored in the Seistnic Laboratory for a minimum of five (5) years. There is no need to store the digital files since they can be regenerated from the analog tape recordings. The calibration records for instruments used to record test data are stored in amordance with the laboratory procedure of Referenx 10. Copies of pertinent calibration records are included in Appendix C. Copies of the original test procedure and test report will be stored in the Primary Systems (Testing Services Group) files for a minimum of five (5) years. Q.A. Record Storage of the subject document is the responsibility of ABB-CENO/FSME.
1. Test Request TS071 A, Supplement 00. 2. ABB C-E Drawing E-MNSA-2284)01, Rev. 02, "Bonom Pressuruer MehnW1 Nozzle Seal Assembly", 3. ABB C-E Drawing E-MNSA-228-002, Rev. 02, " Side Pressunzer RTD Mechanical Nozzle Seal Assembly". 4. ABB C-E Drawing E-MNSA-228 003, Rev. 02, " Hot Leg RTD MehnW Nozzle Seal Assembly". 5. IEEE Std. 323-1974 & 1983, " General Guide for Qualifying Class IE Equipment for Nuclear Power Generating Stations." ' Page 17 of 47
TR-PENG433 ABB/ COMBUSTION ENGINEERING Contract No. 2007241 i Rev. C3 Total of Text 47 Pages i Ref. T.R. No. TS071 A PRIMARY SYS'IEMS Appendices 89 Pages 6. IEEE Std. 344-1974 & 1987,
- Recommended Practices for Seismic Qualification of Class IE Equipment for Nuclear Power Generating Stations."
7 C-E Analysis Report No. S669-100, Rev. 01, 'Q.A.. Verific2thn of Time / Data Sinusoidal Vibration Control Code Version 04',8.ssued April i1.1965. 8. C-E Analysis Report No. S863-113, 'Q.A. Verification 3.0 Decade Wave Synthesized SRS Analysis Program, Vibration Control System", issued May 2,1979. 9. C-E Analysis Report No. SE90-125, Rev. 02, "Q.A. Verification of C-E SRS Analysis Modification", issued April 11,1985.
- 10. MISC-PENG-IPQP-007, Rev. 01, ' Quality Program Plan for the Control and Calibration of Measurlog and Test Equipment *.
I1. C-E Analysis Report No. 00000-ESE-76D-224 Rev. 01, "Q.A. Verification of Computer Program SRSKHH used for Shock Response Spectrum Analyses", issued November 2,1993.
- 12. S NOME-WTR 0007, Rev. 00, " Test Requirements for the San Onofre MNSA Clamp for Pressurizer Instrument Norzles and RTD Hot leg Nozzles".
- 13. QPM 101, Rev. 01.
- 14. ABB C-E Drawing E-MNSA 228-004, Rw. 02, "MWaN Nozzle Seal Assembly Details".
- 15. ABB L-E Drawing E-MNSA 228-006, Rev. 02, "MNSA Seismic Test Fixtures".
- 16. MNSA Assembly Procedures, S3 NOME EP-0124. Rev. 00.
16.1 MNSA - RTD Hot leg, Section 7.0. 16.2 MNSA - Pressurizer, Bottom Head. Section 6.0. 16.3 MNS A - Pressurizer, Side Nozzle, Section 5.0.
- 17. Mini-Specification S023-41157, Rev. 00 *RCS MNSA Assemblies, San Onofre Generating Station, Units 2 and 3".
- 18. 00000 PENG437 Rev. 00, " Test Procedure, Seismic Qualification of the San Onofre MNSA Clamps for Pressurizer Instrument Nozzles and RTD Hot Ixg Nozzles".
- 19. IOC PENG-96-501, Awaarnent of Test Personnel Certificates for 1997,
- 20. Report CENC-1743, " Addendum to Analytical Report for Southern California Edison San Onofre Unit No. 3 Pressurizer," December 1986.
21 PP-2007241, Rey,00, Project Plan kr MNSA Clamp Analysis and Testing. Page 18 of 47
O TR-PENG-833 ABB/ COMBUSTION ENGINEERING Centract No. 2007241 Rev.80 Total er. Text 47 Pages Ref. T.R. No. TS071 A PRIMARY SYSTEMS A n 3,pages TABLE 1 EQUIPMENT AND INSTRUMENTATION imamilg@ifi$ittstes$ $N N6%
- Mil Sig4LfugkPG atit$ a$t*ril WWcAI.DA1sVJetsDAnh Schsi% @%,1_ ABB/C-E N/A N/A
%hyh%d.!. MTS 104.61 412 N/A N/A sussk@gpj@h$ MTS 406.11 1866 N/A N/A M.~ Q@$$ MT5 436.11 AB 463 N/A Time Data Corp. M 29 073 Unit C-E Q.A. Verificanon of Sohware Used cessM Myijil Unholtz-Dickie 100-PA 492 & 494 1 & 10G 15% of Rdg.*
- o4/28/97-tw2s/97 A 04r29/97 - IW2WV7 8ikiin@ ggpyyy unhonz-Dickie 2216X 145 & 146 1 a 10G 22% of Rag.*
04/28/97 - 10/2s/97 i %[MMp{ Unholtz-Dickie 75D21PA 109 & I11 10G - 30G 15% of Rdg.* 04/25/97 - 04/25/98 [ q$g @j@} Unhokz-Dickie D-22n 2025 & 5482 100 -300
- 2% of Rds.*
04n6/97 -04n6/9s g),$Q*y Racal Store 7DS 6330 10VInym 12% of Rdg. Signal Cal.,05/15/97 -05/15/98 i ggQT@$lQ Fide 8050A 6168012 2V &l0V 1(0.2% of Rdg.) 12/18/96 - 12/18/97 %)l l l l Conrpaq 486DX-33 ABB 01718 N/A N/A N/A f Esii% i lil'@j;Kijk Data Translation DT2831-G S/N 10593 0 - 10V att% of Rdg. 05/14/97 - 05n4/98 Signal Cal. " k MNNNNS[h Prmo 153668 Cl 1031 150 R-lb 11% of Rdg. 05/20f97-11/20/97 ,%[$l [@h@y{ Proto
- 25 250 in-Ib 14% of Rdg.
04/01/97 - 04/01/98 (r$%f% Solfrunt 4%" CL-1041-1043 0 - 5000 psig %% of fwl raase 05/15/97 -lin5/97 i
- Overall Measurement Accuracy Better 'Ihan 5% of Reading.
"See Appendn B Reference 11. [ Page 19 of 47
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..-.m. TR-PENG433 '6 ENGENERING. casernet No. 2007341 3,,,o ya;g;g, +,,9.w f24.;7,,.JJ " Totsi of M 47 Pages s ~ Ref. T.R. No. TBB71A Y ' PRIMAPX N,.. ? 3, lk, Appseeces 3D Pages --w i t-TABLE 3 REQUIRED RESPONSE SPECTRUM IEVELS AT U6th OCTAYE ANALYSIS FREQUENCIES M m = L 1.'. M L'. M M i ."s i$ &: '9' I';. Lzt, -t I E! I'E $ c.i MN 9 "I 'T.,. - Yd.H E 5 l T __ 1.e,2... i 4/ 4 8 12 4d f.4e l T 9.02 _ 12.66 12.60 l 12.00 l 11.00 1 12.66
- 12. 00._'
i-6 12.66 12 00 il60 NOTE: C 12.00 M C " ^"^i,UNDERTEST N3 4. - *h00 AT100 LATED FREQUENCES ' 7 00 18 PEResSSISLE ACCORDING TO > 1,1>,- THE asf444 GulOEUNES, ik.F E8PECIALLY WHEN OCCURING 11 00 ~ 1032 AT LOW (LESS THAN 3 HERTZ) FREQUENCES WHERE NO 4 46 RESONANCE CONDmONS IDOST. 3.5""""" 7.78 . 4 74.. ~ 8.0s .1 4.41 1.91 3.82 1 T 8 60 1.50 3 66 3.06 T Page21 of 47
TR-PhtNG433 ABWCOhWUtp0N ENGINEERING' Centract No. 2007241 Rev.C3 >'2..%p%G ' ~ ' "I.t34.MtN.,GRYSYSTE.r.lW4 M Appenecas 89 Pages a4 ~ W.,;*NJ Total of Text 47 Pages Ref. T.R. No. TS071 A r wv - y
- c -
. c. lHomZONTAL & VERDCAL TES T RESPONSE SPECTRA SONOS isNBA CLAMPS,00E M) SSE.1% DAM l m E x 1" w P E a-X / / \\ l 'y_, / / \\ / / \\ ~ s 41 41 1 4 100 i % Pee 1 l l= cesvomaaasomm
- sesemcaawommaa l l
l Note: A less conservative spectra may be used based on the results frota the Sine Sweep Test. provided they envelop the Plant. Specific Cunt (s) of Appendix A. l FIGURE 1: REQUIRED RESPONSE SPECTRA l Page 22 of 47 l
TR.PENG413 ABB/COMMIS'I10N ENGDGERING Contract A 2007241 p,y Ref. T.R. No. T9971 A , u y- - , +;, ' T M W Tem 47 % PRIMARY S,YSTEMS,._ Appendees 99 Pages ) - --.~. gr w; ^y ~ s l in 3 't@l) 2 [ l ! i l i U"l" i U l,j j l g,- = sN j I i =__ N a v i l.! t
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TR-PENG433 . ABS /COMBUSTIONENGINEERING; Contract No. 2007241 Rev.C3 ' /, Taal of Ted 47 Pages s ; *,,; Ref. T.R. No. 'Ilie71 A '7 PRIMARYSYS'IEMS Appendkes 89 Pages N a ti -~ 11 %\\ 71-i-fil p1 l t i l s\\ I J s \\ Nl Ni j ,1 5 l' . Ii E 1 1 1 g i .i 3 4
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m/l l l < 9 -I i 4 (l j\\!- f ![ > j$!dil \\- e l * -l \\ L-a i "i ' i i FIGURE 3: REPRESENTATIVE TEST FDGURE AND MOUNTING DETAILS Page 24 af 47
1 ll l ll i!, l j R .f,g m. e F i! .T g E b .R N ,l O i l l w 93 T [ - a S 0 sE 7 1 1 F A IG 1c il U l R li I ? E ll ~ 1I l A i 4 il hB i S / H sl SC Y Y 1i s 1 D l, O R' M R A "I 1 I B mf M U U A l L R m gl IC 1 K e0 V E lin 1 p.N IB R E %E t @,. 'G A l N T I !iI O D l N !p d a T E !b1l 1 E R S (g ;J I T N F 1 a 5. [ 'G A !i 1 g l e s C is l IL l '1 ATC I TY !i poo o ptat e eln r l doa l P n ifc a l c t g eT e seNx.o t 25 84 i 9 7 2 PW o f I I' P esy1 4 I 2 7 e 4 s I 1
1 l TR PENG-033 ABB/ COMBUSTION ENGINEERING Contract No. 2007241 Rev.00 Total of Text 47 Pages Ref. T.R. No. TS071 A PRIMARY SYSTEMS Appendices 89 Pages '\\.;,.~- C,; f. " ?. f- .o ,, m p. - m,s_. g% g' ,.. e ~ .y..:. L.w q< g w....: s. 9 :. ,.,f n, r... - . yy,,, ' y?/#.. e. 1,.L-u. 3, ~... Df.,l, ?. <, a ~ 4 i A g l 1 1. L l o 'J t e w. j n ',.. s i z. . h.' ( l I r 1 { l a i l 1 i 1 1 I t i i i ) i l FIGURE 5: HOT LEG RTD AND PZR SIDE MOUNTED NOZZLES WITH MNSAs DURING SEISMIC TEST i a Page 26 of 47 i 1 s ~.- -
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1 TR PENG-033 ABB/ COMBUSTION ENGINEERING ' Co2 tract No. 2007241 Rev.00 Total of Text 47 Pages i Ref. T.R. No. TS071 A PRIMARY SYSTEMS Appendices 89 Pages 1 l l m .m <z l Z2 i Eg j 55 3 <= i I j z O o a: 3 ZO I ~ a=a i $$b W O<$ l ^ dW l 888 l =>< s w i =Do C i l l l l I u %3 m i As ND N 4.u W :.,, E* aB u _m g t-- 0 1 w 5d e Ay j
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TR-PENG.033 ABB/ COMBUSTION ENGINEERING Contract No. 2007241 Rev.00 Total of Text 47 Pages Ref. T.R. No. TS071 A PR.IMARY SYSTEMS Appendices 89 Pages '_ [ y ,,_ s_ s g.7 N e
- ~
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s p. a: l ? < v... ^- - Mf',.,- = ~.; ~ f s,. r J s . f, *h, ,M". " 4 ' - [e b g .\\.* y e. FIGURE 12: BOTTOM MOUNTED INSTRUMENTED NOZZLE WITH MNSA, RESPONSE ACCELEROMETER MOUNTING BLOCK AT VALVE MASS TOP d-x...~ M . w. m } l 1 .- e 7, f( i 4 FIGURE 13: BOTTOM MOUNTED INSTRUMENTED NOZZLE WITH MNSA, RESPONSE ACCELEROMETER AT NOZZLE TOP AND TOP MNSA PLATE Page 30 of 47 4 l i i f i,__-..-.-....._
TR-PENG 433 > ARWCOMBUSTBOM ENGE4EERING: Contreet No, 2#7241 IteT. 00 Total of Text 47 Paess y c Ref, T.R. No. TS071A j W @Y SYS'US ' Appesu5ces af Peges t 1 Tits? Ins s!Muna a HEAcInce soeggsWiMCLAMPs surEP manngwasse 3 MODE ' a.Leetascis 1aLooroCT), e.t.IN 8 3 4 staaf, itND Fate, Hz 1.ees, F K o AmM W, 38C=1 000 $ SPECIFICATIeN 1=ARTE, Satum4TIOMs 1 8 TATE, DEceMIMt..aste owEEP DuwIon - Nu, nIn, pEc ..s,47, TEST LENQTH8 ? 8 SPECIFICATION,1*TTMC, 4* SWEEP CYCLE 88 e .CWLess 1.000 Tpf TIME - HRe, MIM. SEC8 e,$,47 7 ETM T-UP TI E. SEC 5 SNwT.00Wf TIME, K cs 5.000 ArfaPRENCE $PECTfqlMi 9 UNITS 1*fETRIC, eate0sHETRIO4 e to $PECTftLM LIMITSI DISPLACEMNT, INtP P)8 8.90s utteCITY, IN/9EC4 18.00 ACCELERATICPf, es.4000 11 TYPE. untAE, FKes 3,.1000,1 100 ALAAM LIMIT +De, -De 3.eet,=3.000 Apost? LIrl!T +De, -Des 10.00,-10 00 4! !YPE, URL1E, FIIEet 3,.0000,3 000 ALA8tM LIMt? +De, -Des 3.000,-3 000 AapostT LIMIT +DB, =Det 10.00,-14.00 13 TYPE,> umLis, FMes a,.aese, l ALAfst LIMIT +0s, -968 10.00,-10.00 i < A50ltT LIMIT +00, -Des 40.80, 14' TEST 12AL (De DELCW MF)t e. i 15 N N LSI 1 PROCEte 3*Aus mes, R=Ft#10,1*PEAIC, 9* fete 3 16 LIMIT CDeWWELS8 e 17 MD(ILIARY CHnteELes 8,3,4 PROCEe8 SwtuG pes, 3*Ft#9,1* PEA 8C, 4=fWIS8 2 M4xtruM EMPECTED Ct 1.See 1F ACCEL SENS, MV/Gt i CH 18 1800s. CH 88 1980s. CH Ja 1980. CH 4s 1000. 19 FILTER a= PROPORTIONAL BU, e= FINED SW8 1 BW, te ee.40 20 IEEFERENCE CHAP 9EL 1 21 fESPONoE CHaNPEL8 8 32 MONITOR CHfetNEL: 3 ( 23 COMPMS$10N SPEED 8=HIGH, 1= NORMAL, $= LOWS & l 84 LOOP-CHEce( FfPEQ(H2), MAN D8t!UE(VOLTSis a ees,. rose HEFEMNCE LEVELS 8 MAX DIePtACEFENT, IrisP-f')s 1.967 MAM UELOCITY, IN/ SECS 6.ies MAM ACCELEft4 TION, Os.e000 MIN ACCE12ft4 TION, Qt.1000 AcCEtznetIOP mRNoE, Dei s.oes ComRECTIONST FIGURE 14: DVCS INPUT PARAMETERS FOR SINE SWEEP RESONANCE SURVEYS USING SN21T VERSION 04 Page 31 of 47 l
MNN MOMBUSTION ENGDGIRINGJ Contract No. 20r1241 i Rev oo 7 .x, ,. pc;... y,. Tm et Ten c > / Ref. T.R. No. TS071A gg' PRIMARY SYS1 EMS * , 'is Appemeces 89 Pays 5 l-g. - i ~ CH 4 SWe Mounted PZM Norrie with MNSA l Onontation A l CH 2 . Vertical Norzio Too XFER Vt**t contros m ~ ~ LIN i l-l l .l. 0 I FREQUENCYr HZ LIN SB RUN 2 SDMR2 SONGS MNSA CLAMPS 5 i- -l-g -l-Side Mounted PZR Nozzle with MNSA l Orientation A l gg g CH I _. mi % y,, Hortaontal Control XFER y ~ LIN A n I-l - l .1 I FREGUENCYr HZ LIN 50 RUN 2 sit 4JR2 SONGS MNSA CLAMPS FIGURE 15: TRANSFER FUNCTION PLOTS, PRE 55URT7FR-TEMPERATURE NOZZLE. TEST ORIENTATION A Page 32 of 47
- O TR PENG-433 ASWCOhSUSTION ENGDEIRANG Contract No. 2007241 Rn. O
- e J. :
4 Total of Tat 47 Pages Ref. T.R. No. TS371 A PRIMARY SYSTDIS . Appensoes at Pages i L3 ,,,i,,,,,,3 1 f ~ b d 5 v gg j @ . l]. - 3 .j sj J l 1 j g i l i q ij g li g -l ], 1 11 is ' i,, ,11 si i i ' ,,, @ Q $55 N $ 35 I s l a .5 I b b = F ? I l 7 b N 1 g II }f i y p" .ll 1 i 1 e e d l}, ih l 1l, El ,,, Q 3 R o JL ha,Gb 65 h 6 5 s g FIGURE 16: TRANSFER FUNCTION PLOTS, PRESSURIZER LOWER I.EVEL INSTRUMENTATION NOZZLE, TEST ORIENTATION A, FREE STANDING Page 33 of 47 i
o TR PENG4D ABWCOMBUS110N ENG3EERING Contract No. 2w7241 Rev.C3 . 1.t d.. J. .- v Twal of Text 47 Pases Ref. T.R. No. T9071 A '%'g PRIMARY SYSTEMS Appemeces N Pages i g J o a .! 6 o ~ j i y y g l Jf { E 2 ll g(5 I ji h g E( 5 j c 1 g jg di l
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TR PRNG433 /*BB/COMstJSTION ENGI!EERING Contreet No. 2007241 Rev,te Total of Text 47 Pasm Ref. T.R. No. T9971 A PRIMARY SYSTEMS m Appoeaces ap Pases S ,,.,,,,.,g 1 d b r r ~ y s x- . W < g ,f 11 ji i 11-r g 5 l i II I 'I l2 I .....A. J1 11 u, e $b h h3 fl 6 2 p r l
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J .J W 1 j @ ,_ M E' g g g g ~f jf I E E ll) ll I I ~ !l) l! 1 r - l ~ ]i,,,, ii i _ (n a m 7 m. 4 55 El 6 } 55 6 I FIGURE 18: TRANSFER FUNCTION PLOTS, PRESSURIZER LOWER LEVEL INSTRUMENTATION NOZZLE, TEST ORIENTATION A, SUPPORTED Page 35 of 47
11-PENG433 ABBACMSEMININENGREIRING,. Contred No. 2007341 ' '1,:. ^ Rey,et 'M ' N, ? >. r,
- l
.+ Total of Test 47 Pages i M{3YMME,- Raf, T.R. No. T9071 A AW 89 Pages i 3 g 1 O i . x a' rm Y .~ Y .] 'j q i j !1 31 ji, j _,i l. jf 1 [ a l l .I 11 .. el 11 i i . al a..,$ 3 55 k 5 I $5 n I a ] 5 V ' W i -) -af \\~ g l ~- lj 1g g
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- . 31
Ta m 4u AIECOMBUS110N ENGDG2JUNG ContraN No, 2st7M1 Ber,C3 Twel of Tew si w Ref. T.R. No. TS071 A PRIMARY SYS1 DIS Appendka sp Pays 5 i-g. ~ U Hot Log RfD with MNSA l Onentation A _] CH I ~ I APER Hortrontel Too Nor 4 M3 Hortrontal control ~ LIN g 1 l. .I i 1. D-a n. i FREIRIENCYr NZ LIN 50 RUN l Sli4JR2 SONGS MNSA CLAMPS 5-i g-r i 4 pH M, Hot Lag MTD Nozzk with MNSA ~ CH 2 l Orientaten A l .f ~ fCER Vertical Norrie Too 055 verteel control ^ LTN '~ ~ \\ I-1. D. l .w. I FPEDUENCY, -I LIN 50 RVN 1 51NHR2 SONGS MNSA CLAMPS FIGURE 20: TRANSFER FUNCTION PLOTS, HOT LEO TEMPERATURE RTD NOZZLE, TEST ORIENTATION A Page 37 of 47
l TR PENG433 AB5/ COMBUSTION ENGINEERING Contract No. 2007241 i Rev. 90 'm ~.m 1 TM et Ted 47 Paess i Raf. T.R. No. T9071 A PRIMARY SY81 EMS - Ji. Appeneoes se Pages i e NCADINGs60M04 M NGA 91E 1 >EADINQlSONes MNGA 00E 2 SENSITIU17Yf78#4Isstee. 2 9048171U17Y fEs/0la1990. 3 Se4 Tat esE9m DEFN e*Ats ACCEL 1*sEL Dl8PLs0 3 8H0CaC IsESP 90FN e* ADS ACCCL 1*NEL DISPLes 4 !#IMIPtG CetFF s.91 4 DarP1NG COEFFe.01 5 f%m f$40e9e 5 nmx Fm[ ease 4 4 af fitCADES >R 1*t.3 2*8.8 3*313 4 e CF DECADES D*R 1*3 3 Be2 8 3=3 8 3 V brusE #8 fWEftftS 7 h8WE PfWWETEMS A FREG MPL FNc6 APPL 1 1. 3. 1 Se 1. 8 1.18 3.4 8 1 18 18 3
- 1. M a.M 3
1.35 1.44 4 1.41 3.5 4 1.41 1.75 5 1 58 4.14 5 !.98 8 07 s 1 77 5 13 8 1 77 8.H 7 1 59 s.4 7 1.99 3.8 5 3.33 7.48 8 8.83 3.73 9 f.$$ 9.03 9 2 91 4 51 te f.yl 18.9s it 8.01 5.46 11 3.s6 18. 11 3 15 8. 13 3.55 17. 13 ).55 6. 13 3 98 it. 13 3.98 S. 14 4.47 18. 14 4.47 8. SS 5.01 13. 15 5 91 6. 16 5.88 13. le $.4E 8. 17 S.31 13. g7 6.38 S. 10 7.01 it. s0 f.91 S. 10 7.94 19 7.99 S. as 3.91 1m. Se S.91 6. at 10. 13, 21 it. 6. SS 11.18 15. 28 11.18 6. 33 12.93 15. 23 18.53 8. 24 14.18 18e 84 14.18 8. td 18.94 13.
- 6 16.84 8.
44 17.75 18. 88 17.7e g. 37 19.95 18. 27 19.95 g. as M. 30 19. 88.38 5 18 R9 85.11 S. 85.11 4.43 36 38.17 7.TS 88.17 3 33 $1 31.08 S.74 31 31.88 3.yr 3g 3.43 5.M 3E 35.43 3.33 33 30.81 5.00 33 30.31 a.34 34 44.05 4.48 34 44.e5 35 99 1 3.M 35 30 1 a PEast umLE1KT fWPL(Uls14. 8 PEAst usAE12T APPL au s s 9 AUTO Mogg 1 AWL SES 9 FULL ~ 9 AUTO Moct (Kurt age e.te. FULL' FIR $7:3 FIRSTS 3 HExtaR NEXTst ftxTs3 NEX7s3 rnxTa1 NEXT 1 edxta1 ffx?a1 to EXTERNAL Tit 100ER MODE e=MD Sewssi le Ex7gnN"L TRIQQER MODE e tep 1 11 ALsWsM Depe i 11 ALAAN DmHD 1
- DS L1RITs3.
+De LIMIT 3. -De LIMITS *3. -DS LIMITS.3. UrPEst FMO. HEs99. UPPSR FW G, HZsDe, coancersoNs e-MO 1.wss come[ettoNs e.No FIGURE 21: DVCS INPUT PARAMETERS FOR OBE AND SSE TEST EVEN'I3 Page 38 of 47
't1-PDG433 Y Contract N, 2007241 .3. w ad Total of Test 47 Pasm Rn.C3 Ref. T.X. W. TS071 A .,.,(,,, ]'.k6gk Aprendees 89 Pages j ORIENTATION A ORIENTATION 8 SCEA SOEA SOEA 50EB SOEB SOEB -@-.Q. -@. -( )..( ). -( )- -- Sh A PZR PZR Nd Lag Skle Lower RTD JL JL P P ORIENTATION D ORIENTATION C SOED SOED SOED SOEC SOEC SOEC .c:)..c:)..c;). .e..e..o..._, .;..y.;. I dl db Actuma Adualw P V TYPICAL ONLY, SHOWING METHOD OF ROTATION 11GURE 22: TEST ORIENTATIONS FOR SEISMIC QUAUFICATION 1T:.ST Page 39 of 47 t
M*PENG433 ABB/ COMBUSTION ENGINEERING Contract W. 2007241 Rev.00 Total of Test 47 Pays i Ref. T.R. *do. TS071 A PRIA!ARY SYSTEMS Appendees 89 Pages l unfiltered 1&ne Historv 3.5 ACCEL. l t03 i /k M 90 g3 ygpgE tneo I l l Lone-Pass P 4Itered T isee Histerv... 100.O 864ert a 3 1 3.5 i .oco.. tus i ) -2.7 ] O TIME Eamol 40 FIGURE 23: HORIZONTAL CONTROL AdCELEROMETER TIME HISTORY, TEST ORIENTATION A. OBE EVENT NO 5 Page 40 of 47 l l l 1
e 1 TR-PENG-033 ABB/COCUSTION ENGINEERING contrae Ns. 2007241 l R:v. 00 Total of Text 47 Pases l Ref. T.R. No. TS071 A PRIMARY SYSTEMS Appendices 89 Pages I tanfiltered fine Histerv 1 2Ph LuL -8.8 O TIM toee3 40 I i F414ered 1isee Histerv... 100.O CHerta3 -a.s O fIME tsee3 40 FIGURE 24: VERTICAL CONTROL ACCELEROMETER 'I1ME IllSTORY. TEST ORIENTATION A, OBE EVENT NO. 5 Page 41 of 47
TR.PENG433 ABB/ COMBUSTION ENGINEERING Contract No. 2087241 Rev.C3 Twal of Te_147 Pases Ref. T.R. No. T9071 A PRIMARY SYb7 EMS Appem5ces 89 Pm8es I Analysis Code: SRSKIDI Version 1 DATA FILE c \\gl\\mr.cb5h.khh DAMPING 1.00 [t] FREQUENCY ACCELERATION [ HERTZ) [G 1.00 0.9% 1.12 1.15 1.26 1.70 1.41 2.09 1.59 2.40 1.78 3.05 2.00 3.85 ':E 5:n RESPONSE SPECTRUM 2.83 7.15 3.1 8.08 .8 ,.,8c.. 3.,,7 .;..rm. m. 8.,, MM....,@.k. l%....,.. . C:,. IO 4.00 7.88 ....1. 4.49 8.08 ""i.. """~T i... ..p. 5.04 8.08 " " ~ ~ " " " " * " '~""~"~~*"' " ~ + " "' " ~ "~~ ~ " ~ * " " " " " '"""""" ~ "+" 5.66 8.11 6.35 8.95 g 7.13 10.23 = . /.. 8.00 10.43 8.98 8.81 10.08 8.09 k 11.31 9.88 . ". " ". ~.. ~ ~... "..". ". ~... ".. - .. " ". ~. "..~".;.,/ ". N. A ~ - g-~.gv .- -. ~ ~. ".. "... " ".. - .. 9"".9"..- 12.70 g 9... "~~~ ~ ~p~- ~"~~ ~*7' T '"b- ~ - - -- ~yy 14.25 8.82 ~"""" ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~.. " " " .. " " ~.. '. " ,'.~.". 'I"J " "~ r - i...".- ~~~"~~ "".."~..h...s 16.00 9.56 ~ C ~ 17.96 10.48 20.16 10.27 - 9 -N -/m -c 22.63 15.29 b. L ...1. 25.40 20.69 . 2' .[. d'.. 28.51 14.36 h. 32.00 8.05 N 35.92 5.04 40.32 3.68 l w 45.25 4.32 n:n ':g i mam en im 64.00 3.50 71.84 3.80 80.63 3.60 90.51 3.01 FIGURE 25: ilORIZONTAL CONTROL ACCELEROMETER TRS & RRS. TEST ORIENTATION A. OBE EVENT NO. 5 Page 42 of 47
e TR PENG 43~, ABB/ COMBUSTION ENGINEERING Contract No, 2007241 Rev.CJ Total or Text 47 Pages Net. T.R. No. 73071 A PRIMARY SYSIEMS Appemsces at Pages Analysis Code: SRSIGDi Version 1 i DATA PILE c:\\gl\\mnob5v.khh DAMPING 1.00 [t) FREQUENCY ACCELERATION (HERTZ) (G) 1.00 1.07 1.12 1.25 1.26 1.83 1.41 2.62 1.59 2.71 1.78 3.20 2.00 3.95 2.24 4.37 2g2 l:n g RESP.ONSE SPECTRUM 3.17 7.76 .WA. ... E. ... ~.___.. ~. 3.56 8.13 . -. ~. ~...~.. ~.. ...d..~4 ~..... '.~~...,. ~.~... ~... ~. ~ *... ..~. h-4.00 7.95 . ~.. d.W........ m._,. T.. 4.49 8.14 uy,m,uu. 5.04 8.34 ......... --. _..................._._.....I.'..~_. ...., 4.. 5.66 7.66 6.35 8.54 ~+l~ - -~~.-~~~~- -. - ~~ .--+-- - - - ~ -- ~ ~ -. ---.~~~ 7.13 10.41 g 8.00 9.23 .~~.~.-~.+-.~. ..~.. -..--~~....--..~..~~.. - - . - ~.,~.. ~., ~. 8.98 7.79 Z 10.08 7.95 11.31 9.62 / \\ 12.70 8.89 .. *.... ~... '........... - ...9...'...'A+~~'***~w*.m'.**.<..'..*.--.+ -\\ ~ -~' + '***..+...'*.*.*.*+..+4.. '. b. + ... +.. 14.25 9.56 % A-a - ~ ~ - - - -- - - - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -'-~ ' ~ -~t ~)- t-i - c 16.00 9.13 ..""."... ".t-~~~ ~ -"...-"..~..~.".*.."..T..". y 17.96 9.83 a: .~d .s ); 20.16 10.33 l / /N 22.63 14.41 . ~ ~ /,, ...) s rre- .. N,y. y 25.40 20.11 ~~~~f -~~ ~... -- ~.- .. >...-~ +.. 28.51 13.70 ~ ~ i 32.00 9.29 .~. -. Z s 40.32 4.38 \\ ..j ~ ~ ~N 35.92 5.36 l "-'"~ 45.25 4.49 w 50.80 4.13 57.02 4.16 1 FREQ M CY m W 64.00 4.80 71.84 4. 3 t> 8 0. 6~ 3 3.81 90.51 3.04 FIGURE 26: VERTICAL CONTROL ACCELEROMETER TRS & RRS. TEST ORIENTATION A. OBE EVENT NO. 5 Pge 43 of 47
] j TR PENG433 ABg/COhCUSTION ENGINEERING Contract No. 2007241 j Rec.00 Total of Text 47 Pages ] Ref. T.R. No. TS071 A PRIMARY SYSTEMS Appendices 89 Pages ll thrsitor.e ra Ms.t ru l 0 T ME tsee3 40 l 2n u ,1 l Filtered f is.e Historv... 100.0 EHert:1 '3.8 O T!ttE teac3 40 FIGURE 27: HOrdZONTAL CONTROL ACCELEROMETER TIME It! STORY. TEST ORIENTATION A. SSE EVENT Page 44 of 47 E
1 l TR PENG-033 ABB/ COMBUSTION ENGINEERING Contract No. 2007241 Rev.00 Total of Text 47 Pages Ref. T.R. No. TS071 A PRIMARY SYSTEMS Appendkes 89 Pases l f, E O A lL ed l o treet re.c3 so Lene-Pass F 4 I hered T etia terv... 100.O CHerta3 ( -s 0 TIME Esee3 40 FIGURE 28: VERTICAL CONTROL ACCELEROMETER TIME HISTORY, TEST ORIENTATION A. SSE EVENT Page 45 of 47
_. _ ~ o TR PENG 833 ABB/ COMBUSTION ENGINEERING Contract No. 2007241 Rev. O Total of Test 47 Paen Ref. T.R. No. TS071 A PRIMARY SYSTEMS Appendkes 89 Pages Analysis Code: SRSKHH Version 1 DATA FILE c \\gl\\mnss1h.khh DAMPING 1.00 [t] FREQUENCY ACCELERATION (HERTZ) (G) 1.00 2.22 1.12 2.57 1.26 3.93 1.41 4.47 1.59 4.65 1.78 6.06 2.00 7.47 2.24 8.08 ':l' 2:!! RESPONSE SPECTRUM 3.17 13.29 t- D M M 3.56
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T3-FENG 433 ABB/COMEUrnON ENGINEE3 TING Centract No. 2007241 mee. O Tosal or Text 47 Pages ^ .~ Itst. T.R. No. TS$71 A O.' PRIMARY SYSTEMS Appeedkes at Pages Analysis Code SRSKHH Version 1 DATA FILE ci\\gl\\mnssiv.khh DAMPING A.00 (t) FREQtJENCY ACCELERATION (HERTZ] [G) 1.00
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M'N N ENGINEERMG Cantract No. 200724I Rev. 80 J ":,%< >_l a.. e .s t Total of Tem 47 > Ref. T.R. No. TlW11 A ';..,..m,3:',PRIMARY SYSHMS j., h ap > APPENDIX A DATA SHEETS AND LOG SHEETS e 4 4 4 Page A-1 i
_= ilt PENG433 ABB/COMBUlrt10N ENGINEERING Comtract No. 20en41 An. 00 W - e ' r - ' ' ' i~ !; *. PRIMARY SYS1DtB,, ~ ', <TM d Teu c > Ref. T.R. N. '!19971 A Appensees M Pascs @l )% @ 6 s L k J 1 s%e
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TR PENG433 ABBROMBUS110N ENGINEERING contract No. 2007241 ( Rev. C') 4, i? Total of Ted 47 Pays Ref. T.R. No. TS071 A ' PRIMARY SYSTEMSi Appensees 89 Pays TAPC DATA LOG SHEET TEST I*udI m tvre. ctee r LOG sitECT tio. _ / OATE (-e v - e HOOKUP $H(ET N0..#/4 - TECalNICAll d'. A wt_ s i., RECORO SPEED 3 /v__ ENGliff[R b lb N0$fitt o t s/ RECORD BAND _ (J A ( RE!L RUll ATT[FUATOR - AMPL lFlfR $(1 TING NO. l(). FOOTAGE 1 2 3 4 5 6~ 7 COWtENTS ~,,ys xy$ yf. V. C. YouC
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TR.FENG433 ABB/ COMBUSTION ENGINEERING Contract No. 2007241 Rey,90 JJ.o
- Total of Test 47 Pages Ref. T.R. No.11il07t A PRIMARY SYSTDIS, '
, Appeedkes 39 Pages DATA SHEET 3 NOZZLE PRESSURE TEST OBSERVATIONS Date: /-/ Y* 9 7 Observation:
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TR-PENG433 - ABB/ COMBUSTION ENGDSERDWG Cameract No 20M241 Rev.C3 + Total et Text 47 Pages Rat. T.R. No. TSMI A ' ' PRBIARY SYIrEMS, L' A;; e-se pness DATA SHEET 3 N0ZZLE PRES $URE TEST OBSERVATIONS Date: 6-/Y-F) Observation:
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MN3 MOM ENGDRERING - Camerna No. 2007241 Rev. M 'l i' Total of Text 47 Peps Ref. T.R. No. TS071 A y _ PRIMARYSYFFEMS Appenem ao Pages TAPE DATA LOG 1HEET TEST f *
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e M.PENG433 ABBEOMBUSTION ENGREERING - contract No. 20072n Rev.O . c' - Total of Test 47 Pages Raf. T.R. No. T9971 A FRIMARY,SYM D8F Appeeeces 89 Pases TAPE DATA tor. 5HtET 4 TE$T fe a se a.m
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3.PENG 433 ARB/Cm ENGINEERING: Contract No. 2497241 3,, O "y ,f ?, !^i Total of Test 47 Pays Ref. T.R. No. TSm A <f. PRIMARY S..V8TEMS
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Appeedices 89 Pages s. m DATA SHEET 3 NOZZLE PRESSURE TEST OBSERVATIONS Date: 4-/f-17 Observation: _ 6. D. ha/ Reviewed By: ILd k, h4 hh "- f Test Norzie: Ao rT5* m Airs Nozzle Test Pressure Prior to Event l Following Event Cominent Oriendon A OBEl y see .7 h e rAEr.r g r,54 f: eo ee V/ OBE2 f o,1 3 ' y 9 s' mask m k e s-ts H.ea e OBE3 3'1ma 3' a 08E4 S' s,e i s,, OBE5 ( r3( 3s3r SSE1
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M-PItNG 433 ABB/COMBUS190N ENGE43RmG Centract No. 2007241 Rn so . /. n. c-Total of Ten 47 Pases Ref, T.R. N. TS$71 A PRIMARY BYSTEMS... ". Appendkss 89 Pagm APPENDIX B 1 VOLT PEAK SIGNAL CALIBRATION CHECK OFF-LINE ANALYSIS SYSTEM Page B2, As recorded by Data Acquisition System for Each of Six (6) Channels, Page B3, As Registered by the Off-Line Analysis Program SRSKHH for Single Channel Note: Calibration Check Consisted of Passing Nominal 100 Hertz Signal (+/- 1 Volt Pear) lato PC based Data Acquisition System Digitizing at Sample Rate of 5000 (each Channel), Display of Portions of Sampled Data by Data Acquisition System, and Finally Display of Portions of Sampled Data by Time History Disrlay Section of Response Spectrum Analysis Code SRSKHil. Calibration Performed May 14,1997. Page B-1
M.FENG433 AER/COMBurn0N ENGDEEIGNG-comeract 5,200724I mer,C) ..s N' M 'a. : C, Total of Test 47 Pages - * ~ Ref. T.R. No. TWfl A 'FRBEARY STFNhtSf' ql, Approdkes 39 Pages , r. w i,, e, .,:= frd$ - C. m 7 7 t~ w ^ B e n e 3 Eo [ c m ~ ,g _- s w. ~% f' o O h I h 5 ~ (ll0A) (ll0A) C t- -n a t_ e;;_. J ,O e c O 8 3 O e 15 1 m O ,g ,g O c c m 3 C c 0 O a en O e q O q y 1, O O 8 y [uoA) (iioA) C c-O -z C-c. D. ,O 7 0 c_ m-N. ~ -b N2 3 E c u Eu ,g .g -= C_ C 7 m b C O O q O n n O o d 8 O o I (h0A) (00A) Page B-2
TR-PENG 433 , ABB/ COMBUSTION ENGDEIR54G ~, Contract No. 2007241 l Rev.C3 ' N 'y w @ F'c '. a :Jf,PRIK4JtY SYSTEMS;;jf],'lG;'s Apposaces 89 Pages
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Total of Text 47 Pages Ref. T.R. No. TSt71A UpWittered Tisse Ninterv l l I j M. l t O TIM tems3 9 04-Lans-Peae P S 14ered T imes' Mieterv... 1000. Ch3 1.0 1 l 1 1 I V V. V =1.0 0 TIE tema3 9.96 Page B-3
MN l Contract Noo 200/241 ..'$'II'$,hj6hdidY M Itet. T.R. No. TSe71 A A w d 4 APPENDIX C CALIBRATION RECORDS i 4 Page C-1
TR-PENG 033 ABB/ COMBUSTION ENGDGERING - contract No. 2007241 Rn.CJ W W/* Total of Text 47 races Ref. T.R. No. TS071 A PREWARY SYS'IYJM,'h4 Appeamcas 39 Pages ABB NON PERMANENT 75uGT QUALITY RECORD CERTIFICATE OF CAU8 RATION instrument Type.D;O.1 tr Calibration Date M*/ *k Manuf acturer E bfD A) Calibration Due Date /d*/ I* I 7 d - Range ME AccoracySt -1 Canbration Document: Mfg. Serial No. 0lbTDl*7 l l Procedure Rev C E ID No. N!A k) Manufacturer's SpecificationiIhi /Tfft??/ r Test Eguipment Used To Perform Calibration: Test E0uipment Serial or 10 No. Test Eauioment Serial et 10 No. %dr Wo t., A e.L-A b M T113 ;~roo n it-fW NI5 N Til/ArV'M6.9fi/arV993-95 CAU5 RATION RESULTS Stgndard As Found As Left %,,of Sgndard As Found As Left Out{of g Eb'WelbOdb M it Ddt LF)AnitLcfT55 8 o_s 3 8sobj XY r>J D urobu /' ~ T'I I hr l' e6lcl I 5 m* e o? ~3).72 2 / o'o./4 I ~3 ~~ 7 '1 6 Q .9992 3 4 -+.t. a b 'l / D. D of s~~~ > c 0.0 0 ~T~eldt-Li 4 Lefflii't 4. 10 6 o,a?. .5%.e %L ) i D.Ob7 'i tu,sV; $ ~c. - t V /.0000 .? lo9oI3 9 99.93 3 / P. 9 7V Y i n To i~ I?993 Alc-Inn 1 i TIE 5 CAUBAAT10't wAs Pt170theD 94 ACCORDANCE WT!1t PROCEDOR2 800004ags-topo CAUSAAT'ON MAS attn MVoAMED UT1u2No mea $uRtMG$rf 00ncts wmCH MAvt KNowN Rt(ATIONSMPS TO MST STANoanos wweng SUCH $7ANDAR0s ExtST. WMeRC SUCH STANDAADS 00 NOT Exist. AN Aromov1D P90CfDunt WMTTEN m ACCom0ANCE wtTN TMt MANVWACTuntm's AtCOMMINDATiONS MAS attn uSED ANO THE $T/ NOARDS DOCUMENTED. REMARKS: A
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TR.PENG 433 ABR/CORRUSUON ENGDGCERING.. Contract No. 2007241 Reve 00 y: Total of Text 47 Pages Ref. T.R. No. TS0'71 A PRIMARY SYS1tMS AppMdices 89 Pages
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Mfg. Serial No. /f f I l Procedure Rev. C E 10 No, - EL-b99 l'AI Manuf3Cturer's SpeCHiCationsTN OoY Test Ecuipment Used To Perform Calibration: Test Eouipment Serial or 10 No. Test Eculpment Serial or ID No. W W. 0.L-1 O W LM 1 0 l-p 6 t' V N6TT.s:t f/.2 *io575 -7 5 / 57i $7s/>VF9) 7.21r/29rYJ9 4C W a v. CAUSAATION RESul.TS St ard As Found As Left %,,f %,Y As FouM As M O Tot vh. La t. O m r t o G._cg. n.n - 19d% n H. L c LwvGso #t
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M N H 33 ' ABB/OOMBUSTION ENGINEERING Contract No. 2007241 Rev.00 >> ; < -e ,,n, .?" Total Cf Text 47 Pages f l g if-PRIMARY SYSTEMS.Ef[ Appendlees 89 Pages j Ref. T.R. No. TS$71 A ABB NON-PERMANENT Ta7.Foi QUALITY RECORD CERTIFICATE OF CAU8 RATION Instrument Type 5.j sM d-o a hr_ Calibration Date 'l -M* U l p e. Calibration Oue Date /O' 3 T* 97 l Manuf acturer Mob
- b Range M U Accuracy $N Calibration Document:
l' Mf g. Serial No. /N I l Procedure Rev. C.E ID No. E*69I lM Manufacturer's SpecificationsTM3 teI Test Equipment Used To Perform Calibration: Test Eouicment Serial or 10 No. Test Eouipment Serial or 10 No. %Rt cL-20tr
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f 8 TR-PENG-033 a ABBICOMBUSTION ENGBEI!3GNGJ Contract No. 2007241 i Rev.04 ip , wa,,. ^ 4. M. Total of Text 47 Pages Ref. T.R. No. TSe71 A >f PMIMARY SYSTEMS '. Q Appendices 89 Pages ABre NON PERMANENT TGE QUALITY RECORD , CERTIFICATE OF CAUBRATION Instrument Type L be 'b Calibration Date M*29 N i Manuf acturer O eb8t* If Calibration Ove Date /d*2i'97 Range N On Calibration Docurnent: Accurgey i Mfg. Serial No. / #//* f '/9 2 ( ) Procedure Rev. _ C E ID No.
- 1* bY Eb* b l ) Manufacturer's Specifications Test Equipment Used To Perform Calibration:
Test Eculoment Serial or ID No. . Test Eculpenent Serial or ID No. 'Pks % s 6 L.2 O n Adc C.L-2 0 Y4 (1.6k G.(t2 0 i3 MsT%/msrs an9v Swbus ). *)3Antrrsh.vtLL'57 t M/asC AT i / s CAU8 RATION Rt.SULTS i St ndard a.r As Left Qf As FoW Out of sbdu1U C anL L.1 % td. L 03 1*O Nn i I' )Do $.O~)b L 10 O I l Jod) 3.o*)3'l loc > /O /o' }a b.,5~
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MN " ABWOORSURBONENGgsENNG cameram No. aerrm: Rev. 40 s efp , y i% ag., q;p'- w% y Ref. T.EL No. TSrHA iO 7,i FBIbd43Y,87813358).{P Appendens op w 1ABB NON PERMANENT ~ ~t47.G7 -QUALITY RECORD cantmeArs or cauanArios - insi,umenitypeX dILdih L canibrecon 'l-4 f *T9 ~ Manufacturet b
- h td'r Calibration Due Date lo" 2I* S 9
_ Range M M Accurse I N Th Calibretion Document: Mfg. Serial No. / 45' 'l T Y l l Procedure Rev. C.E ID No, #1* b3Y [ Al* STY l ) Manufacturer's Specifications Test Equipment Used To Perform Calibration: ' Test Eguiernent Serial or 10 No.* Test Eeusement Serial or 10 No. % Lue CL.?o7 7 E 3t CL-20 T8l GA & O_ L-a o Y3 u,~f culaw-fr :ss mr.ros/mrn 21.thrtso AwLyr ~ LLtinrc n 9 CAUBRATION RESULTS St n1X As bft TI Og f As Found n_ haMew -n n-vs.. itasA. L,. WA % 6:t l ro h "/ / 9 f..s'
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>on J / f r s' 7.0720 1o e lo 10' 99 7. O'70 3 i i-f 110E CAIJBRATION WAS m De a renen. nnw wffli PtoCEDLRs N " * "" CAutAATioN mas $$$N PG4WO4Mio UTsuaNg add a enasMENT coVH:ES wasCM MAv( KNotvw Att.ATio'esseps To ansT STAmeAAos wwsnt SUCM Stassoamos gxrst, wMg4 suCH STANDAmos oc eT fxist, An apsmovts peoCloung warTTEN 88 AC*o40ANC4 wtTM TM3 MANuf ACTURER*1 MCoeMENDAflows Mas DEEN USED ANo TMg $7AmoAmoS coCUMenito REMARKS: b et. Irw 3. b N %N CN - m CAUBRATE y Accerrio o Rasc1Eo c,__,,._,,,._, TEMPERMURE /0 I- __ wustoin # % P.we iM Page C-7 4 -.,.g w, mn -, -., e, u, .w,-e--- -n- +.- n---w-,-u--- , ~. - - -. +m-
t TR-m 1 ABB/ COMBUSTION ENGINEEItINGL t'=8eact No. 2007241 Rev.08 ., &g y;<. Total of Test 47 Pages PRIMARY SYSTEMS '[;., - Ref. T.R. No. TSOM A i Appendices 89 Pages ABB NON PERMANENT 'c"Gr% -QUAllTY RECORD CERTIFICATE OF CAUSRATION hstrument Type br<o f wo Nire Cahbration Date '/ * /b
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\\ l Manuf acturer Nobbb 4 Calibration Due Oste 10-/b'S 7 tb h MM. tQ "~"DI Acey,,cy c,bration Document: Range ? MI~ l j Procedure Rev. Mfg. Serial No. C.E 10 No. S L' 9 Y *2 l Manufacturer's SpecificationsTKf Oct Test Equipment Used To Perform Calibration: Test f;oufornent_ Serial or 10 No, _ Test Eouipment _ Serial or ID No. M t._ f.5 O o O_L-AO M~ Mt,s t90 A C.L 2or4 msr%Lons~ asymr swhem. w lar.rsre 34L4 Y 1 a s RAUaRATION RESULTS Q Stgard As Found Wh Ogo Sgderd Ny Out of f As Found i of M ~>,o f.,9 4 T. ro r - 1% I S~r,a GD /-/ o LJ ltW Tf'.,, G.; lo, O& D n.'N iO OO M)wY Ih. 6 O ')!b'71 V V_ O en .S'" le f)$~ L t'Or & MTtTr~r. har DO~ L.OO Y. 7LI.2.Y l Y oc r - I 4/. O O 7, i'S/ O
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TR-PENG 433 ARB/ COMBUSTION ENGINEERING Contract No. 2007241 Rev.90 Jajen.8;, M ~ ~, A* --%. Z -u tow of Text 47 Pages 1 Ref. T.R. No. TS071 A Q 'PRIMARYSYSI11MS {ff-g. Appeneces 89 Pages 7 ABB NON-PERMANENT Ta7tA;lT>T QUALITY RECORD CERTIFICATE OF CAu8 RATION instrument TypeGen r [4 M*,k 'it (* Calibration Date
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Manufacturer Owb 3-di Calibration Due Date /d O= 7 ) b Range Wh._N, Accuracy h Calibration Document: IV ~ ~ Mfg. Serial No. S'*/ N I l Procedure Rev. C.E 10 No. 15 l-IIN l/l Manuf acturer's SpecificationsIMMofflOf Test Equipment Used To Perform Calibration: Test E'ouioment Serial or 10 No. Mr Wc 0 CL.10V5-Test Eauipment Serial or 10 No, Tr4A "Mo A C L~.n oi 4 4t 9.s"2//t nosTr".3 ar i O/. card e lii b.2%4W i s s s CAU8 RATION RESULTS Stgdard As Found As Laft Ogf St d As Found As Left O of y WA ').o6*D 'L,- r - / C 1 Steu @ I-1O IA W Hs ~% Cn d'he. OL% NR@ so,oo -kn u6m 16.00 i.b49/ 7,06 .s1614 lant hk W Mrtre t.m Od 6 oo 4tW1 Lr - 1 e/ o u af 341 ?.0'? wL l'c3o*2 '/.0 766 .?. 6 0 /, '/ t 30 l R...v-IC /d7 bod %7 dl de% -). B 6S 3 in Ha /0,oo 7 o.t"TY kt. L.t a t_ - } t O foO in Ob ")tG %\\/ 1'a 69 7 D9')(. .70 O 10 0 ') Y Tdn -e r1-1000 36o 1 o C,96 70 t/w r a oO '). D6 91 Sbo 7666 icoo lo65/ 1 ~10 f,93 p boo Tms cAusunox wAs twone w Acceewes wtra raccanuu **xxw. usa CAusRATION MAS t!!N PfEWCAAA!Q UTlullNO M(A$UR(MtNT O(VfCt3 WMfCN MAvi ENOWN R1LAT cer$>eP$ TO estST STANOAAct wwtAt SUCM St&NOAAQ$ (XIST, WHIR $ $UCM $TANOaAM Do NOT(XIST. AN A**novt0 PROCICURf W812TTIN
p, 4, Page C-9 l
TR-PENG 033 ABB/ COMBUSTION ENGINEERING Contract No. 2007241 Rev.CJ + 1,, Total of Text 47 Pages Ref. T.R. No. TS071 A PRIMARY SYSTEMS y Appendices 89 Pages ABB NON PERMANENT GT57 QUALITY RECORD CERTIFICATE OF CAUSAATION lrah UF' Calibration Date
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ManufsCturer NW b e Calibration Due Data bM* i f.ange1/!A Accuracy Calibration Document: Mfg. Serial No. /O9 i j Procedure Rev. C.E 10 No. AIM i j Manufacturer's S,acifications Test Equipment Used To Perform Calibration: Test Equipment Serial of 10 No. Test Equipment Serial or 10 No. C0.% G.L.307) liuktt >-Dichs EL-9%2 M r. 6 L-2 o f 4 l CLL'a. CL L-Q o t'.3 l an" rwleq u<-nn; a d m nr y/1 p q m u.1-n],etn9 CAU8 RATION RESULT $ Q y,,3f SYu*j As Fouruf As Leh O S'j,ndjl8 As Found Totf i CA-k n. S d*:?vu i 2,yv ' X'wr b h% i / o.o b ?. 5'l s~ 1 ,e NI~ m -).07//Vms I ) TELS CAUBRATION WAS HRECAMED D4 ACCoR. DANCE W!TH FROCEIG2,n-m.aoSa0 CAusmATION NAs titN PiiUCAuto uTIu21NG utAsuntutNT otvtCES wmCM MAvt KNOWN At' ATionssers TC ' STANoA40$ wMEM SUCN ST ANoAROS txtST. WMEM SUCM STANOAA0$ 00 NOT txtST. Au m pnoCIM WG 'N ACCORDANCE wsTM TMt uAuve ACTuntWS RACouutNCATs0NS NAS BetN U$tD AND THE STANDAA05 00CUu(NTIO M /f" o b @ 8D h REMARgs. 8 Oho.ffN T E UBRATE IACCEPTED I I REJECTED / yy%, TEM?ERATUE3 j T ,HJWCl!Y_. 477c p nr.n 1 sf h ( Page C-10 l l l
TR-PENG 433 E ABB/C05dBUSHON ENGINEERDiG' Contract No. 20m41 Rev.C3 3:v:5mo% %& ' + s -my Total or Ten w Ref. T.R. No. TS071A f j ;' PRIMARY SYSTEM ('Cfy*' Appendees 99 Pages 1 ABB NON PERMANENT 'taErE QUALITY RECORD CERTIFICATE OF CAUSAATION Instrument Type Me tb6NC r" Calibration Date M * #* D Manuf acturer b nad IE b Calibration Ove Date Y ~ ~i Range M ! A ACCuraw i Calibration Occument: Mfg. Serial No. /// l l Procedure Rev. C E 10 No. N!A l l ManufsCturer's Specdications Test Equipment Used To Perform Calibration: _ Test Eouioment Serial or 10 No. Test Equipment Serial or 10 No. 'I%' fu. e c_L ?oT) lLimth B&k'n n-9#.2 EV C L -10 E4 t 0.L.10 73 Ho M C1, en Of* 2 ch /, O 1btAeff*1, T Y M f?59.. #45W[ Yf$119 fQAUSRATION RESULTS Standard As Found Out of Standard As Found At Left Out of Value T Tot.
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j TR-PENG433 ABR/COMBUS110N Contract Nr. 2007241 u.i" m.y ( " ENGINEERING ' met. es .s.~ .O 7 m Total of Text 47 Pages Ref. T.R. No. TS071A ' f PPRIMARY SYSTEMS 4 '.h. ' Appenaces 89 Pages StGMAL CHECK 1 iTurui 7 RELmen8Mt. CHAADMr # f 7 I CAL. DATE 95154F I UUE DATE G5-1545 l l v m,rs. 5.DJr. I ENE. IUUt. I i v as s usu. -- - - _ T w uc _ T - -sVULT UesIrwIVULT wwIrWT VU4.T (ad shamelq) CE1 CKI CE3 CE4 CE8 CE8 CET D0V ATTBl. OcV DCV Dcv OcV Ocv ocv Dcv 1_- 1.uuv asse n__ n - 1.os1 asmo 1_t-- 1 -- i E800 E8III 0.790 0.8EIl 0.800 OA05 0**E 0A03 0.805 0.000 0.000 cm 0.58 OARD A802 Om 0m 0.804 OA00 QA00 CJBO 02 OJeg R401 R3EE 4401 OAGt 020 O.2D0 0.15 0.1Sr aite aim atte 021 021 e nna e ana a nna enna .o.cDe .a aam A aa' 6 001 a aaa i-m, m. CE. CE. CE. .E. m, DOW ATTEnt DCV DCW DCW ncV DCV DCV DCV Z _-_ r 1.uuv n n
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o TR-PENG 433 ABR/COMBUSDON ENGDEERD(G Contract No. 20tT241 g,,, g i. 78.g: :); my, i FT A ', 'FRmfARK. SYST,DES Appeac5ces 69 Pages
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i. e MMUN Contract No. 2007241 E8T. O ' e. PRIMARY SYSTEadSl })4[~ ; r. Total of Text 47 Pages i Ref. T.R. No. TS071 A Appeneces 89 Pages l estanovin neveraras rana W com,qn or narco ano couramen sevts M(( f /> f reanrve. coaascr russonous numnee TORQUE CALIBRATION CERTIFICATE REPORT NUMBER:213012 PO Nember: 45676KP DATE OF CALIBRATION: 5/2W97 CUSTOMER: ABB Combation Engineering uALIBRATION I INSTRUMENT: Torque Wrench,150 Mbs. '%EDAMM-4 M ? S/N CL 1031 MAKE: Proto 153668 PRECENT OF RANCE f CLOCKWISE 20 % 40 % 60 % M% 100 % INDICATED WRENCH TORQUE: 30'hs. 60'Ibs. 90'Ibs. 120'lbs. IS0'Ibs. ACTUAL TORQUE: 30'Ibs. 60'Ibs. 90'Ibs. 120'Ibs. I49'Ibs. COUNTERCLOCKWISE INDICATED WRENCH TORQUE: ACTUALTORQUE: PROCEDURE: #32 TEMPERATURE / HUMIDITY:68'/41% THIS INSTRUMENT,WAS CALIBRATED USING MASTER CALIBRATOR SERIAL Norf(17 CALIdRATED ON 6/l7/96 DUE:6/17/98 TRACEABLE TO THE NIST THROUGE NIST TEST NO. MMAP 822/LA h E. CALIBRATION TECHNICIAN Ret ANSI 3101.14 Ret Federal Spee. GGC-W.446 MW W.26497 Calibration eeeferens to ANSI 15401 f.stimated imi of accurney is 21% Page C-14
- ABB/COMBUSUONENGanmarrNG Contract Noa 2007241 Rev.00 4
Total of Test 47 Pages 4 Ref. T.R. No. TS071 A gPRIMAR(Q Appendees 89 Pages APPENDIX D OFF-LINE ANALYSIS-RESULTS GRAPHS & TABULATIONS Hot Les RTD Nozzle and PZR Side Mounted Nozzle input Test Response Spectra for 5 OBE Events and i SSE Event in one Test Orientation (Axis-Symmetric SWm=) Pages D2 through D11 Horizontal & Vertical OBE Spectra Pages D12 & D13 Horizontal & Vertical SSE Spectra PZR Bottom Mounted PZR Instrurnent NozrJe, Supported Confimration input Test Response Spectra for 1 OBE and 1 SSE Events in Each of Four Test Orientations Pages D14 through D17 Orientation A Pages D18 through D21 Orientation B l Pages D22 through D25 Orientation C Pages D26 through D29 Orientation D l PZR Bottom Mounted PZR instrument Nozzle Free Suh e Test Configuration t Input Test Response Spectra for 1 OBE and 1 SSE Events in Each of Four Test Orientations 1 i Pages D30 through D33 Orientation A l Pages D54 through D37 Orientation B Pages D38 through D41 Orientation C Pages D42 through D45 Orientation D Time Histories for 4 SSE Events, for Horizontal Nozzle Top and Horizontal MNSA Top Plate Pages D46 and D47 Orientation A Pages D48 and D49 , Orientation B Pages D50 and D51 Orientation C Pages D52 and D53 Onentation D Test Response Spectra for 4 SSE Events, for Horizontal Nozzle Top and Horizontal MNSA Top Plate Pages D54 and DSS Orientation A Pages D56 and D57 Orientation B Pages D58 and DS9 Orientation C Pages D60 and D61 Orientation D Note: Graphs can be identified by File Number in mbination wita Table 2. Page D-1
TR N ABBROMBUSTION ENGDEERING contract No. 2007241 h.M Total of Text 47 Pages Ref. T.R. No. TS071 A PRIMARY SYSTEMS Appendices 39 Pages A Analysis Code: SRSKHH Version 1 DATA FILE C:\\gl\\mnob1h.khh DAMPING 1.00 [t] FREQUENCY ACCELERATION (RERTZ1 (G) 1.00 0.95 1.12 1.03 1.26 1.81 2:'i ':15 RESPONSE SPECTRUM g 1.78 3.57 a4 . 4 4_---- - T- - t .mNT 1.*.* 4
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' TR-PENG433 ARB/COMBUS'ITONENGREERING contract No, 20tT241 Rev.06 " 7; m-Y.d? % - Total of Text 47 Pages Ref. T.R. No. TS$71 A ', e PRIMARY SYSTEMS 4 y; Appendkes 89 Pages Analysis Code: SRSKHN Version 1 DATA FILR c:\\gl\\mnob1V.khh DAMPING 1.00 [t] FREQUENCY ACCELERATION [ HERTZ} [G] - 1.00 1.09 1.12 1.01 1.26 1.70 1.41 2.16 1.59 2.69 1.78 3.39 ':n ':n RESPONSE SPECTRUM 2 52 5 36 b PE~'N 2 83 7$10} ~~f"~:~ 2:{~~~~ ~~ 3.17 7.40 3.56 8.16 - y-7-{"- t 7-t~- ~~$EXadno]HJ@ii~j~ ~~~ i "'~T-+~~i~ ~~~~ "" ' - ~ ~ ~~ #~~ 4.00 7.63 -- 1~~"~ ~}" 'i ~~~~~~"' "l'I~P
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e o TR.PENG-033
- ABB/COMBUSnON ENGINEERING Contract No. 2007241 Rev.00
,,c Total of Text 47 Pnses Ref. T.R. No. TS071 A PRIMARY SYSTEMS ~ Appendices 89 Pages l Analysis Code: SRSKHH Version 1 DATA FILE C:\\gl\\mnob2h.khh DAMPING 1.00 [t] FREQUENCY ACCELERATION (HERTZ) [G) 1.00 0.96 1.12 1.10 1.26 1.98 1.41 2.23 1.59 2.80 1.78 3.04 2.00 3.95 2.24 4.39 2.52 5.45 b RESPONSE SPECTRUM 2.83 7.47
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w e TR-PENG 433 . ABB/ COMBUSTION ENGINEERyGy-contract No. 2007241 { Rev. 49 P.m 2, s Ref. T.R. No. TS071 A PRIMARYSYSTEMS Total of Text 47 Pages Appeances 89 Pages Analysis Code: SRSKHH Version 1 DATA FILE c \\gl\\mnob2v.khh DAMPING 1.00 [t] FREQUENCY ACCELERATION [ HERTZ] [G) 1.00 0.94 1.12 1.21 1.26
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a TR-PENG 433 - ABB/COMBUS110NENGNGiERINGy Contract No, 2007241 Rev.00 'JP A 6... D. i* Total of Text 47 Pages Ref. T.R. No. TS$71A PRIMARY SYSTEMS y, Appeedices 89 Pages Analysis Code: SRSKHH Version 1 uATA FILE c \\gl\\mnob3h.khh DAMPING 1.00 [%) FREQUENCY ACCFV. RATION [HER "Z) (u] 1.00 0.91 1.12 1.15 1.26 1.84 1.41 2.27 1.59 2.71 1.78 3.33 2.00 3.97 2 24
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TR-PENG 433 UABBCOMBUSTION ENGDG33 TING Contract A 2007241 ? Rev.00
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TR.PENG C33 ABB/COMBUS1 TON ENGINEERING ' contract No. 2007241 Rev.00 s: Total or Test 47 Pages Ref. T.R. No. TS071 A ' PRIMARYSYS'lWMS ~ Appeedkes 89 Pages Analysis Code: SRSKHH Version 1 DATA FILE c:\\gl\\mnob4h.khh DAMPING 1.00 [%) FREQUENCY ACCELERATION [ HERTZ) [G) 1.00 1.06 1.12 0.98 1.26 1.62 1.41 2.40 1.59 2.76 1.78 3,30 2.00 3.93 2.24 4.40 2:52
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TR-PENG-033 ' ABB/COMBUSTIONENGsEERNG Contract No. 2007241 t ,i,, Tow of Text 47 Pages l Rev.O Itet. T.R. No. TS871 A PRIMARY SYSTEMS Ap;s-w 89 Pages Analysis Code: SRSKHH Version 1 DATA FILE c:\\gl\\mnob4v.khh DAMPING 1.00 (%) FREQUENCY ACCELERATION (HERTZ) (Gl 1.00 1.02 1.12 1.26 1.26 1.64 1.41 2.37 1.59 2.52 1.78 3.40 2.00 4.22 2.24 4.46 ':51 S:' RESPONSE SPECTRUM b 7.45 3.17, . 4l.. - - - q ~ g g g g -j-4.00 7.88 v - -- - ~~- ,.. j. "'".. 4.49 8.15 ~.._~._".."~.~.__~.T.~.._~.~.. ~.~"T... +..' t' ~~~..~. - - - - - - ".... "...'. ~.. ~ ,......t - "--"---t ;t- +}".... 7,,, 7 5.66 7.77 --~~ ~ ---"---- 8 ....[.l. 1.. 6.35 7.98 l l l 7.13 9.97 8.00 9.41 $ .....p.4... ,..~I...p.t t t- -' * * * * '** 8.98 8.84 \\ 10.08 7.89 Z T i 11.31 9.34 ( -~~~7.5.. 12.70 8.5,1 5--. +... 7. -'. .. 7..l.,. . g -e -+ +- +-+- .. d, t t.-N. + +- /s 2-14.23 7_ y +- 16.00 9.10 t-- r--- 17.96 10.16 i ~~t""j~g- '~ ~'" ~"~' ~"" ~ ~ " ~N i "t~~T~ ~ ~~ [7".?~ ' ~ " g e / ~i"" ~ ~~~"~'""'y'T 20.16 9.16 -"-A Nl..'- '^ -- ---/ 22.63 15.16 -'--~ 7 .l.N., 25.40 19.99 .......) 28.51 13.98 ,/, ' I 32.00 7.97 .t- -N ' t-35.92 4.82 .N 40.32 5.86 45.25 4.56 w 50.80 4.55 U:n
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TR-PENG433 ABB/COMBUS110N ENGINEEluNG, comeract No. 2007241 Rev.C3 Total or Text 47 Pases Ref. T.R. No. TS071A PRIMARY SYSTEMS" c ~ Appendices 89 Pages Analysis Code: SRSKIDI Version 1 DATA FILE c:\\gl\\mnob5h.khh DAMPING 1.00 (t) FREQUENCY ACCELERATION .WRTZ) (G) 1.00 0.92 1.12 1.15 1.26 1.70 1.41 2.09 1.59 2.40 1.78 3.05 2.00 3.85 2.24 4.52 2.52 5.49 2.83 7.15 3.17 8.08 8 RESPONSE SPECTRUM 3.56 8.89
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TR.PENG.433 ABBEOMBtJSTION ENGINEEIUNG ' Contract No 2007241 Rw. es a ,- 1... Ref. T.R. No. TS07t A PRIMARY SY.S. M...^ Q< m
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t TR.PENG 033 1; ABB/ COMBUSTION ENGINEERING Contract No. 2007241 Rev.C3 WNN6 W Total of Text 47 Pages Ref. T.R. No. TS071A + PRIM,ARY SYSTEMS Appendkes 89 Pages Analysis Code: SRS10DI Version 1 DATA FILE c \\gl\\mnssiv.khh DAMPING 1.00 [t] FREQUENCY ACCELERATION l [ HERTZ] (G) 1.00 1.95 1.12 2.56 1.26 3.58 1,41 5.30 1.59 5.06 1.79 6.41 2.00 7.31 2.24 8.02 2.52 10.71 2.83 12.63 RESPONSE SPECTRUM o 3.17 13.47 C 3.56 17.18
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1R.PENG 433 Abs / Coleus 110N ENGDRERING Comerset No. 2007241 Rev.C3 Total of Test 47 Paens Ref. T.R. No. TSt71 A PRMARY SYSTEMS., ' ' '. Appemeees 99 Pages 1 l Analysis Code: SRSKHH Version 1 DATA FILE c:\\gl\\mnobealh.khh DAMPING 1.00 (%) FitRQUENCY ACCELERATION [HERT**) [G) 1.00 0.88 1,12 1.18 1.26 1.89 1.d1 2.54 1.59 3.37 1.78 3.30 2.00 3.72 2.24 4.55 1:H RESPONSE SPECTRUM 3.,1*2 7.56 ....,._.r .,L .._,...g.. 4,oo ,,,1 5.0 7.61 .._~1, 3,,4 (.. _'i y,,, ~....... ....... 7. 6.35 8.15 ..m 7.13 9.89 53 .l. 8.00 9.04 m 8.98 8.02 l 10.08 7.59 11.31 9.39 '2.70 8.29 ~ ~ ~ ~ '. ~ ~. - .~. ~^ ~h_N= m - w ~~ ~. ~p - ~ -~ ~~ t.W,~. - N.- .. ~.. -~. ~.. ~ _ -~..".+..~.7.- %.25 8.60 4 V ~~~~ -~~-.- . --- ~.---..- .00 8.91 ~ " " " ' " ~ ~ ~ "~~f T ~
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i e TR-PENG433 ARB/COnmUs110N ENGEM8NG Comeract No. 2$07241 Rey,O ,C Total of Test 47 Pages Ref. T.R. No. T9971 A PREWARY SYtrEMS Appeamees se ragse s. l Analysis Codes SRSKKH Version 1 DATA FILE c \\gl\\mnobesiv.khh DAMPING 1.00 (%) FRAQUENCY ACCELERATION [HERT2) (0) 1.00 0.86 1.12 1.10 1.26 1.70 1.41 2.31 1.59 3.32 1.78 3.49 2.00 3.51 2.24 4.41 2.52 5.52 2: n ':2? g RESPONSE SPECTRUM 8.33 4.00 7.82 .g..g ~ .i.. Dam 1pQr!.2010E ....M..F. 4.49 7.83 , ~. W....-l. ...W..... 5.04 7.46 .....,_..,~ ., _cg t.. 5.66 7.43 ..~.. 7.13 9.52 ~~~~-- ~ ~ - --~~- - --~~ -< - - - ~ ~< - - ~~- ~<-- -- 8.00 8.73 Q 8.98 8.10
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e TR-PEN (HW ABB/COtst)311GW ENGI!GERING, comeraet No. 2097241 T**"I T'8 47 P'8" >c Ref. T.R. No. T9871 A PRNARY SYSTE3S _ i Appeedkrs 89 Pseu L Analysis Code: SRSKHH Version 1 DATA FILE C \\gl\\mn,ss av.khh DAMPIhG 1.00 (%) FREQUENCY WCELKdATION [HERTE] [Q] 1.00 2.03 1.12 2.16 1.26 3.40 1.41 4.04 1.59 4.21 1.78 6.66 2.00 7.23 2.24 8.08 2.52 11.05 2.83 P.05 3.17 u.82 3.56 16.23 8 RESPONSE SPECTRUM 4.oo 13,33 4.49 14.06 11su~t._ _. _ . :mIR'Ew. WS .~ - .--..~.~ 5.04 13.24 ~.... ~ gg m..- - - ~ ~ ~ --~~~--"-- - --.-"- -" -.----* 5.66 14.01 ~ ~ ~ -
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e TR PENG433 ABS / COMBUSTION ENGINERIUNG Contract No. 2007241 Rev.CJ Total of Test 47 Pases s Ref. T.R. No. TSB71 A PRIMARY SYSTEA48 < Appmsces af Pages 1 i Analysis Code: SRSKHH Version 1 DATA FILE c \\gl\\mnobeb1h.khh DAMPING 1.00 (t} FREQUENCY ACCELERATION (HERTZ] (G) i 1.00 0.91 1.12 1.02 1.26 1.77 1.41 2.39 1.59 2.78 1.78 3.34 2.00 3.93 2.04 4.52 2.52 5.72 2:17 7:48 RESPONSE SPECTRUM 83 6 91 3 b 3.5 8.27 .. 6, , 33 .,..,.... _.+.. 4. 4 4.4, ,.,3 .y 7.. .~.. 3.0 ,.6, ,.,4 6.35 8.3, 7.13 9.87 8.00 9.12 .....-....d u.. L.. 4 8.98 8.42 h 1,,,, 11.31 9.67 12.70 8.34 / 14.25 8. 6 '1 ( 16.00 8.96 A.
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TLPENG.033 ABB/COhm0STION ENGINEERam contract No. 2007241 g,g Total of Test 47 Pages lief. T.R. No. tsp 71 A WYsyW j Apposaces 89 Paers Analysis code: SRSDD( Version 1 DATA FILE ci\\gl\\mnobab1v.khh DAMPING 1.00 (t] FREQUENCY ACCELERATION [HERTE) (G) 1.00 0.91 1.12 1.13 1.26 2.05 1.41 2.47 1.59 2.66 1.78 3.48 2.00 3.87 2.24 4.21 2.52 5.94 2.83 7.11 3.17 7.65 3.56 7.89 8 RESPONSE SPECTRUM 4.00 7.70 4.4, .,,44 ..nmm..m1. _parmei.1on: - 5.04 7.26 5.66 7.63 ~~d..M.... N M.I.- ---~~~-- - ~ ~ ~~- ~ --- ~~~-.--- 6.35 7.97 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ ----- ~~~~-~~~- ~~v-~~ ~~- 7.13 9.63 . 4-i- -~~- ~ -. ~.. ~ .. ~ 8.00 8.87 8.98 8.23 " " ~ ~ " " " " "' " ~ " " " ""~"" ~ "~"""'"""'~ ~~~~~ 10.08 7.38 Q ~~~"'"~"~' ~"""" ~ 11.31 9.20 --- + --- - - 12.70 8.23 - + ' - + - 14.25 8.25 16.00 8.88 17.96 10.40 r- ~~-.- .._ *-py~[ L. ~ 4 - - - ~ ~ - ~~-- - - - - - - 7's' 20.16 9.02 .~ "".'C..,..~..',." ~~~~~~ .~.~~7.. ~------~ T~~. "."i.. "~"~t . ~.~.". ._'~. ~ 22.63 12.98 ~~ - j. c ~ 25.40 18.75 ? ~/ -p~~ y -- 74--- -- s -~~~~- 28.51 12.86 .. 5/. e,...--]-p -j- _y -/ 7 . ~.2 ,32.,00 ,.5,6 /...r.' .s N s.. 40.32 3.91 "l ' ~ ~~ -~ ~"" '~ ~~ ' /" e 45.25 4.85 r A 50.80 4.24 ~ i s "", 57.02 3.37 N,..l i.. 64.00 3.78 71.84 2 98 k I 80.63 3.12 1 MMW M 100 90.51 3.22 Page D-19
TR.PENG.433 ABB/ COMBUSTION ENGINEfJUNG contaN No. 3007241 Rw. O Teal of Tem 47 Pages Ref. T.R. No. 71it71 A PRIMARY SYSTEMS Appendkes 89 Pasec l Analysis code: SRSKHH Version 1 DATA FILE c \\gl\\mn,,ss.,bh.khh DAMP 1NG 1.00 ft) FREQUENCY ACCELERATION [HERTE] [G) 1.00 1.91 1.12 2.68 1.26 3.83 1.41 4.93 1.59 4.54 1.78 6.27 2.00 6.93 2.24 8.22 2.52 10.26 2.83 13.08 3.17 13.38 2:n 25:3g RESPONSE SPECTRUM 4.49 15.57 ,e '._~4 j._.-4.. g ".."". g -.-.. g" gF.g _.---~~- 5.04 14.02 ~~. ,... "."...r.. ".. ",.._ - '". ---~~~-- .4.66 14.31 .. ~, ....c...= N1.g...g g.. .}.. 6.35 14.66 L-. .. _.. _ ~.. 7.13 14.70 I _. -.....4 8.00 17.15 j 8.98 14.87 -- ----"-' - ~ ~ ~ ~- ~ ----+-~ --"-"-- + - - - ~ ~ ~ - 10.08 14.26 / 11.31 14.10
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TR.FENG.433 ABB/ COMBUSTION ENGDdEERING Cameract No. 2087241 Rev.90 ?. '~ Total of Text 47 Pages 3 Raf. T.R. No. T9971 A PRIMARY SYh7 EMS Appeedces $9 Pages Analysis Code: SRSKHH Version 1 DATA FILE c:\\gl\\mn,_as_bv.khh DAMPING 1.00 [t] FREQURNCY ACCELERATION [HERTE) [G) 1.00 2.03 1.12 2.88 1.26 4.04 1.41 4.87 1.59 4.43 1.78 6.56 2.00 6.74 2.24 8.25 2.52 10.03 2.83 12.52 3.17 12.80 3 55 25 54 4.00 12.95 8 RESPONSE SPECTRUM 4.49 14.42 "..M 1 UK.1. t.. ~~. " ~..~~..~~ .L-- , DAMEREP..H..R'.:M' 5.04 13.31 5.66 14.42 ...h ..----~~.~ .. ~M D._.2...M.. M I. 6.35 13.86 - - - -. -. -~~ 7.33 14.21 ...{.. . - p- -~~~ ~ - - - - - - - - - ~ ~ ------ 8.00 16.99 ... ~. -...... 8.98 14.65 """"""""~~~~""" ~~~"~"""" ~""""" " ~ " " " " * ~ ~ ~"" # *" 10.08 13.98 (g j "'""" ' " ""~"""""- ~ 11.31 13.95 ' " " " " " " - ~ ~" " " ~ ~ """'+. f ~J- ~ 12.70 18.20 Z [\\e/, [ l ^ &.... 14.25 14.66 /\\ \\ 16.00 16.17 \\_. 17.96 16.05 ~ -~~~-'--- ' ~ -- .g 7_ 'a- ;-'. ^ m. ......g. q. - ~ *- 22.63 29.60 . ~.-~.- ;, 25.40 32.62
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e a TR.PENG-433 ABB/ COMBUSTION ENGgprarM Contract No. 20m41 ge,, et 'c" Total of Test 47 Pages Ref. T.R. No. TS071A , PRIMARY.SYSTEMSn Appeedkes 89 Pages Analysis Code: SRSKIDI Version 1 DATA FILE c \\gl\\mnobeciv.khh DAMPING 1.00 (%) l FREQUENCY ACCELERATION [ HERTZ) (G) 1.00 0.97 1.12 1.18 1.26 1.88 1,41 2.30 1.59 2.48 1.78 2.96 2.00 3.67 2.24 4.22 2:l2 M; g RESPONSE SPECTRUM 3.17 7.36 w . g..g.7... ...-..._t..~..~_ ~ ~. ..... ~.~...~ ~~~ t .44.,..c_ ...t. l 3.56 8.01 y g,?. g. ~~ ,.3, J . 3.. 4.49 7.39 5.04 7.72 .a ....I. ..(.._ 5.66 7.72 6.35 7.91 - - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~'~ ~~-- - - - - - -~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ - >~ <~-'~"-" 7.13 9.93 Q 8.00 9.07 ~ ~ - - ~ ~~ ~ - ~ ~- ~~-~~ . -e-~~~-~ ~ ~ ~ - ~~'--- 8.98 7.74 g 10.08 7.70 A / 11.31 1 8.72 , 70 8.36 !... S.. 2h.f.- . L ..].%..]. ~~"-dp (' ~~#w ".g O-+ N.,, 1..+ 14.25 8.86 ' - " " " - ~ ~ ~ - -~ "..'",t-T-1-' t t-i- ~~
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o TR N 66N W W. MI Rev. OS Total of Test 47 Pages Ref. T.R. No.13071A PRIMARY SYSTDES Appendkas 39 Pages Analysis Code: SRSKIUt Version 1 DATA FILE c \\gl\\mn,ss ch.khh DAMPING 1.00 (%) EREQUENCY ACCELERATION [HERTE] (G) 1.00 2.17 1.12 2.27 1.26 3.42 1.41 3.93 1.59 4.82 1.78 5.89 2.00 7.13 2.24 7.80 2.52 11.80 2:n 1;; 5 RESPONSE SPECTRUM g 3.56 16.10 w g.3g . 4- ..------ t 4.00 14.52 p'ggg ~t. ~~~ 'l'
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i TR.PENG 033 ~ ABS /COMsUSTION ENGI!GERING - contrace No. 2087241 gg, rg Total of Test 47 Pays i Ref. T.R. No. TS071 A NY N' AW "* Analysis Code SRSKICH Version 1 DATA FILE c:\\gl\\mnobua1h.khh DAMPING 1.00 (%) i i l FREQUENCY ACCELERATION [HERTE) [0] 1.00 0.95 1.12 1.10 1.26 1.85 1.41 2.17 1.59 2.91 1.78 3.59 2.00 3.92 2.24 4.59 M' 5:n g RESPONSE SPECTRUM 3.17 7.62 w g- -h '.." 'j. 3.56 8.25 . ~.. . ~ ~ ~ ~ - f. - <. ~.. '.... ~ ~ ~. ~. ~. ~. ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ g- ~.g ~ ~~ "~"~"~ ~ 4.00 7.34 . 004lg.fg g.4m 4.49 7.82 5.04 7.40 -.i 5.66 7.66 2 ..1 6.35 7.84 - * " ~ ~ - - " ~~~~~~~~" ~~-"-" -- -- '" -' " - - - ~ ~ - - -"-~ ~ -~~~" -* ~ " - "*""b 7.13 9.77 Q 8.00 9.32 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~'~~~~~~ --~~~ -'~ - 8.98 7.71 ~~ ~ -- ~~' ---~~ --'~ 10.08 7.39 11.31 8.88 12.70 8.36 x,../ g ~ 1,. 14.25 8.53 . ~ - ~. ~ ~,. ~. ~ ~. j ^ N~ ~# r., g- ~~~ ~~- - -.- +-- - - T"'"'~h".*I_*"".. ". ". /.~. 7<uW. r. ~"~ ~ ~ 16.00 8.90 ~ ~ \\~, 17.96 10.16 -/.y s ....L. 20.16 8.30 4 tj ~<.--- /
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e a i TR.FENG 433 ABB/ COMBUSTION ENGBWEERING Contract No. 3897241 Rev.O i Total of Text 47 Pages Ref. T.R. No. TF071 A p FRIMARYSYSTEMS l Apremeces 89 Pages Analysis Code: SRSKHH Version 1 DATA PILE c:\\gl\\mnobualv.khh DAMPING 1.00 [t] FREQUENCY. ACCELERATION [1!ERTZ) (G) 1.00 1.05 1.12 1.28 1.26 1.68 1.41 2.40 1.59 2.91 3 3.17 2.v0 3.68 2.34 4.47 2.52 5.92 J.17 7.72 8 RESPONSE SPECTRUM 2.83 7.49 3.56 7.68
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'IR-PENG433 ADB/ COMBUSTION ENGENERING Contract No. 2ee724i Rw.CJ i Total of Teu 47 Pases Ref. T.R. No. TS971 A PRIMARY SYSTEMS T Appendkes 89 Pases Analysis code SRSKHH Version 1 DATA FILE c \\gl\\mnobub1v.khh DAMPING 1.00 (t) FREQUENCY ACCELERATION (HERTZ) (G) 1.00 1.06 1.12 0.98 1.26 1.98 1.41 2.38 1.59 2.71 1.78 3.53 2.00 3.88 2.24 4.47 ,6.,8 6 8 RESPONSE SPECTRUM 2 52 5 42 2.83 3.17 ,5 3.56 8.69 .y. ._....y. .w i. .-db..... @..M..b 4.00 7.18 - - - ~ ~ ~ - --.~. --W.------ -- --~ ~ ~--- 4.49 8.01 - - - - - - -~~-- ~~ -~~- ------------------- 5.04 7.56 --..-. ~ - -.~~. ~.- . ~ ~ -..-~ 5.66 7.40 6.35 7.73 ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~" ~ ~ ~ ~ " ~~~"~""~ ~~~~ ~* " ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '~~~~" ~~" "~"*~~""~" 7.13 9.56 h 8.00 8.41
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s TR PENG.033 Att/ COMBUSTION ENGINEERING Contract No. 2007241 } Rev.C3 w or Teat 47 Pages kef. T.R. No. TS071 A PRIMARY SYMEMS Appeedkes .9 Pays i Analysis Code: SRSKIDI Version 1 D\\TA FILE c:\\gl\\mnasubh.khh DAMPING 1.00 (%) FREQUENCY ACCELERATION [ HERTZ) [G] 1.00 1.94 1.12 2.97 1.26 3.64 1.41 4.41 1.59 4.63 1.78 6.29 2.00 7.43 2.24 6.36 2.52 10.40
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TR.PENG.033 ABS / COMBUSTION ENGINEERING; contract No. 2007241 an.C3 Total of Ten # PaSa met. T.R. No.11it71 A PRIMARY SYSTEMS Appeeeces 39 Pa8es Analysis Code: SRS30GI Version 1 r DATA FILE c:\\gl\\mnssubv.khh DAMPING 1.00 [t] FREQUENCY ACCELERATION [l!ERT5] [G) 1.00 2.47 1.12 2.55 1.26 3.29 1.41 4.46 1.59 4.55 1.78 6.09 2.00 7.20 2.24 8.34 2.52 10.7G 2.83 13.20 3.17 13.68 8 RESPONSE SPECTRUM 3.56 15.91 NHL'.I..4.+.i..... 4~ 4.00 14.17 . 8DIk12L~1 .. ~. ~.. ~.T. .-. " - - - -. --i-"-...~RAMFRE M' : ~M ~ M.......... i..!E..E 4.49 13.80 M ~G -~~ ~~~- 5.04 12.83 ~ ~ ~ - ~~ 5.66 13.37 . g-- -p-- = -~~- .r.,.. 6.35 14.03 "-[" -'"""" -"'"""~~~"- 7.13 14.27 ~ " ' " " * " " " " """""~~ ~~~" " ~~** ""'~'" --"-~*"""" 8.00 15.37 h / 8.98 14.30 '"""""-~~~ ~~""- -""" " ~' " "*""**- " - ~~~~"7 \\ ~~~ " ~ ~""" ""' ' '"-- 10.08 14.29 ..'.~/ "' U .s 11.31 13.43 N..... "'.... 12.70 16.83 14.25 17.00 ~.. ~ ~.... -/. .~~... .~. ,_m. sf,..An...i. -t- + .2 ~ 16.00 15.57 5r . h., N L. ..--~~[$ 17.96 17.71 ~.- -h - .+ ~ ~~ -.-~ E.. 20.16 20.48 h t
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TR-PENG 833 . ABB/ COMBUSTION ENGIfGERING" conW No. 2007241 Rn.C3 Total or Test 47 Paow Ref. T.R. No.13071 A PRIMARY SYS' IDES Appendees 89 rages 7 Analysis code: SRSKHH Version 1 DATA FILE c:\\91\\wsobuc1h.khh DAMPING 1.00 (%) FREQUENCY ACCELERATION (HERTZ 1 (G) 1.00 0.99 1.12 1.04 1.26 1.76 1.41 2.28 1.59 2.38 1.78 3.56 2.00 4.03 2.24 4.33 RESPONSE SPECTRUM 2.52 5.97 ,,,5 b: 2.83 6.9 1 .i.. _.. 4_. .a..DAMH5w1.... 3,1, 3.56 8.49 ._ _EN...M..-E 3.. 4,4,0 4.0 7.44 - - - ~ ~ - ----~~- ~ ~ ~ ~ - _ p-5.04 7.84 -~ ~~- _~_..- .-. - -. ~. - -.- - - . ~.--..-- 5.66 7.67 6.35 8.05 h 7.1,,3 ,9.54 h 8.98 7.49 10.08 7.22 j 11,31 8.94 4- =- O-. / . ". t..,I. b...T. "q *_ " M. 12,70 8.50 """" - -"..*...~~~y... ~. - ~. ~._ "."."".s-~ .8 - ". ~. 14.25 8.31 ~ ~. m _~ ~ ~ 7.- 16.00 d.99 s c- --~~--+--- // - -' 17.96 9.74 -~~~~-- 7 <r 20.16 8.56 A' --~ ~ -~ ~- a . % p- .~.--- c -e i 22.63 13.28 N
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'm. M ABB/COMBUSUON ENGEfEERING - Comaract No. 2007241 I gg Total of Test 47 Pages Ref.3* R. No.11il#71 A " PRIMARY SYSTEMS. Appendices 89 PaSus .s I l i 41alysis Code: SRSKMH Version 1 DATA FILE c:\\gl\\mnobuciv.khh DAMPING 1.00 (t) FREQUENCY ACCELERATION [ HERTZ] (G) 1.00 0.91 1.12 0.97 1.26 1.83 1.41 2.19 1.59 2.32 1.78 3.40 2.00 4.16 2.24 4.22 2: n 5:L2 g RESPONSE SPECTRUM 3.17 7.67 w ~ g g'gggy~.. - - + -. 3.56 8.04 ~~.~N ggt-.M ---.i ... '~.. ~... ~ ~. .' ~..~. ".. - ~ " ~ 4.00 7.44 ~. ~ l6M. h.5 l.. .-.5X 4.49 7.66 .---.~ -- .-..~ .. -- - ~. -.. - -. - -.... -. -. 5.04 7.36 5.66 7.10 6.35 8.03 ~ ~ " - ~ ~ ~"~~~~~~"~--~"--" - - ~ ~ ~ ---~-~--"--- 7.13 9.16 Q 8.00 8.50 ~~~~ ~---'*~-- - - ~~~~~~"-"-- 8.98 7.48 ~--~~~~~~ ~-' - ~~ 10.0S 7.21 A 11.31 8.68 / 12.70 7.84 -/ - t-- ~4~ j w -m 14.25 8.39 . I. < f %, ~- ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -- ~*
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TR-PENG.433 ABB/COMcOSTION ENGMEERING cestract No. 2007248
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<Q AW # Papis 1 1 Analysis Coder SRSKHH Version 1 DATA FILE C:\\gl\\ainssuch.khh DAMPING 1.00 (t) FREQUDICY ACCELERATION (HERTE) (G) 1.09 2.22 1.12 2.71 1.26 3.67 1.41 4.12 1.59 5.03 1.78 5.90 2.00 7.65 2.24 7.99 2.52 10.84 2:' 22:ll g RESPONSE SPECTRUM 3.56 16.18 w ..44 4.00 14.77 -n_ 7---- -< ~ - - .., g, g i 4.49 14.70 ... ~ ... ~.. .~t- ~~~ g.Wr"~ Pr 5.04 14.32 5.66 13.84 6.35 13.80 .)/. 7.13 14.07 ~ ~ ~. - - - - - -. ~.-- ~--~. 8.00 16.61 g ~-~~~-.--..~.- / 8.98 14.98 q -/ 10.08 13.89 -g~.-. ... ~.. .-~ u _/ 11.31 14.08 s /N 12.70 15.18 4 N 14.25 16.10 4. r-.- "~ .*N _.-.. ". Y 16.00 16.01 7;=i --~- -~- -~- ~ %-~- 17.96 18.41 e - - '~~ 22.63 29.43 g- ...._. ~. . ~... .-~~....-. ~..... ~. -. _ -..~ .-.~.~.-%.".*.. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~" 20.16 23.50 /)1- ."_i 5, 2s.40 39.46 '- ? '.N 28.51 26.07 ~/ L ~~ 32.00 16,86 g 35.92 12.82 40.32 11.36 45.25 9.28 50.80 8.56 w 57.02 7.43 64.00 7.77 1 71.84 6.98 WNT M 80.63 6.11 100 90.51 7.41 Page D-40 F l " ~ ~ ' ' ~~ '
TR-PENG 433 ABB/COMBlJSTION ENGREERING Contract No. 2007241 Rev.C3 Total of Test 47 Paers Ref. T.R. No. 79071 A PRIMARY SYSTEMS A;;. h 89 Pages Analysis Code: SRSKHH Version 1 DATA FILE c:\\gl\\mnasucv.khh DAMPING 1.00 (t) FREQUENCY ACCILERATION (HERTZ) (G) 1.00 1.85 1.12 2.61 1.26 3.37 1.41 4.32 1.59 5.47 1.78 6.74 2.00 7.50 2.24 7.91 II:n RESPONSE SPECTRUM 3,.,17,,.19 b_ 13 m-.,4 .,4 t i.- 4.00 13.13 " -"gjgjg"~{' - - - - - ~ ~ " --""--""--""---"-" "-"- - -- ~ ~ - " - - 4.49 13.63 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~~~~-~~" ~ ~""" "~'""" "" " ~ " " ~ ~ ~ " ' -~~, 5.04 13.94 7iT 5.66 12.97 - ~~~~~ ..., ".. " " " " "/ -~-- -y ~ +j 6.35 14.01 r 7.13 13.66 g ...........l 8.Ob 15.04 ,.I. ... h. 8.98 14.13 g ,,,,,,.w gj- #V 10.08 12.88 ys N/g 11.31 14.36 / -~- s 12.70 14.51 - ~ ~.. -.. /".. -..V. N- -+ .w% /.--. 14.25 16.59 + ..s -.. y c 16.00 14.80 ^ 17.96 17.16 ' b-~/' "= -'~ '~'- --~ ~ ~ ~' ~ ' ~ -s- - "r '-~~ 'P~ ~ ~ 20.16 21.70 ~h ~ ~~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ T E - Y ~ 22.63 30.48 --"/ r-".. ".. T s 25.40 39.99 ..-g< s 28.51 22.68 32.00 18.03 /.. ..~. 35.92 15.48 40.32 13.49 45.25 15.44 50.80 12.33 71.84 8.40 80.63 7.63 90.51 9.38 Page D-41
+ + TR-PENG433 AnaCaggUSTION ENGINEERggg Contract No. 2007241 Rev.00 -F Total of Text 47 Pages Ref. T.R. th. TS071A 72tMARY SYSTEMS - Appeneces 89 Pages Analysis Code: SRSKHH Version 1 DATA FILE c:\\gl\\mnobud1h.khh DAMPIM 1.00 (%) FREQUENCY ACCELERATION [ HERTZ) [G) 1.00 1.00 1.12 1.20 1.25 1.78 1.41 2.14 1.59 2.50 1.78 3.31 2.00 65 4 2.24 .43 2.52' .60 2.83 7.39 3,17 7.76 8 RESPONSE SPECTRUM 3.56 8.17 * - 2;c., -t--t--i --)-- t 4------b . gg g '7' 4.00 7.58 ,'.'.H-+7 T-I 't"~~'""~~~?~~"~~"" - r- *- - 'N----- _ ~ ~'. i- ~~ T~I~~ ~ 4.49 6.01 -.-i-L- -r-- . - - ~. - .-.+. p- - 4'-4 -f ..~7.... M.._. M,... i-l - 5.0 7.51 7. .57 _~. 6.35 8.17 v. l j 7.13 9.75 ~j'- " " " " ~ " ' " ~ ~~~~~~~~~" "-~~~"-~~ ~~-~~~~ ~ * ~ " '"~t-~ "f 8.00 9.08 l l l l 8.9B 8.02 - - - ~ ~ - ~~"'"~+-~" - - ' - ~'" t-'- ~~*'""'~"t"- "-~~-~~~--"~ ~~~~ 10.08 7.44 l 11.31 8.95 l 12.70 8.24 _e +-/.%~.I-t p:-- # %,/ i 4 14.25 8.36 +- + - - + - <
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'm-PENG433 ABB/ COMBUSTION ENGDEERING Contract No, 2007241l Rev.O .J.. PRIMARY SYSTEMS'* *):J' Totd of Text 47 Pages w Raf. T.R. No. TS071 A ,~1 Appadkes 89 Pages Analysis Code: SRSKHH Version 1 DATA FILE c:\\gl\\mnobudiv khh DAMPING 1.00 (t) FREQUENCY ACCELERATION [ HERTZ] [G) 1.00 1.09 1.12 1.15 1.26 1,72 1.41 2.23 1.59 2.37 1.78 3.36 2.00 3.83 2.24 4.53 2.52 5.53 ':S RESPONSE SPECTRUM 3.56 7.82 ,.e 4.00 7.43 g-ggg.y.9-.. -f-H.--- .9 r "..~_~.~.".-..._-b - -.7.T T-- ~~~~ T- --~T-g 3,,9 4.4 7.66
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l o o TR-PENG-033 ABB/ COMBUSTION ENGINEERING Contract Ns. 2007341 Rev.00 Total of Text 47 Pages Ref. T.R. No. TS071 A PRIMARY SYSTEMS Appendices 89 Pages l Linfiltered Fleie Historv 15.3 i I i GCCli.e (03 i l j ~19.0
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