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Safety Evaluation Re Util 860110 Projected Values of Matl Properties for Fracture Toughness Requirements for Protection Against Pressurized Thermal Shock Events.Response Acceptable
Person / Time
Site: Prairie Island Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 06/23/1986
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20199L446 List:
REF-GTECI-A-49, REF-GTECI-RV, TASK-A-49, TASK-OR TAC-59974, TAC-59975, NUDOCS 8607090421
Download: ML20199L449 (4)



e SAFETY EVALUATION BY THE OFFICE OF NUCLEAR REACTOR REGULATION REGARDING PROJECTED VALUES OF MATERIAL PROPERTIES FOR FRACTURE TOUGHNESS REQUIREMENTS FOR PROTECTION AGAINST PRESSURIZED THERMAL SH0CK EVENTS NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT, UNIT NO. 1 DOCKET NO. 50-282 INTRODUCTION As required by 10 CFR 50.61, " Fracture Toughness Requirements for Protection Against Pressurized Thermal Shock" (PTS Rule) which was published in the Federal Register July 23, 1985, the licensee for each operating pressurized water reactor "shall submit projected values of RT surface)ofreactorvesselbeltlinematerialsbyg$kng(attheinnervessel values from the time of submittal to the expiration date of the operating license.

The assessment must specify the bases for the projection including the assumptions regarding core loading patterns.

This assessment must be submitted by January 23, 1986, and must be updated whenever changes in core loadings, surveillance measurements or other information indicate a significant change in projected values."

By letter dated January 10, 1986, Northern States Power Company (the Licensee) submittedprojectedvaluesofRT(IhselbeltlinematerialforthePrairieIsland together with material properties and fast neutron fluence of reactor Nuclear Generating Plant Unit No. 1.

The RT and fluence values were projected to June 25, 2008, theexpirationdateofthecuhfhntlicense.

By letter dated February 21, 1986, the licensee has applied for a license amendment which would extend the operating license to August 9, 2013.

This evaluation deals only with the reactor vessel material properties and fluence to the expiration date of the current license, June 25, 2008.

EVALUATION OF THE MATERIALS ASPECTS The controlling beltline material from the standpoint of PTS susceptibility was identified to be the circumferential weld joining the intermediate to the lower shell forging (weld W-3), Weld Wire heat number 1752.

The material properties of the controlling material and the associated margin and chemistry factor were reported to be:

Utility Suomittal Staff Evaluation Cu (copper content, %)

0.14 0.14 Ni (nickel content, %)

0.17 0.17 I (Initial RT F) 0.0 0.0

PTS, 8607090421 860623 PDR ADOCK 05000282 P


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i 0 Utility Submittal Staff Evaluation M (Margin, F) 59 CF (Chemistry Factor, *F) 64 The controlling material has been properly identified.

The justification given for the copper and nickel contents and the initial RT are acceptable.

The margin has been derived from consideration N the bases for N

these values, following the PTS Rule, Section 50.61 of 10 CFR Part 50.

Equation 1 of the PTS Rule governs, and the chemistry factor is as shown above.

EVALUATION OF THE FLUENCE ASPECTS Themaximumazimuthalfluenceatthelimitingweldmaterial,thegircum{erential y

Weld, W-3 Weld Wire Heat No. 1752, was determined to be 4.3 x 10 p/cm at the end of the current license.

The Prairie Island Unit No. 1 fluence was estimated using an accepted two dimension transport code.

Details of the methodology are described in the licensee's submittal dated January 10, 1986.

The methodology and results were found acceptable.

EVALUATION OF THE CALCULATED RT According to the PTS Rule, 10 CFR 50.61, the applicable equation for calculating RT is:

PTS PTS = I+M+(-10+470xCu + 350xCuxNi) f.27 RT Where:

I initial RTNDT = 0 F


M uncertainty

= 59 F


% copper in weld W-3 = 0.19 Cu



% nickel in weld W-3 = 0.13


peakfluege([/ng 1.0 MeV) on weld = 4.3 f.


W-3 x 10 cm PTS = 0+59+(-10+470x0.19+350x0.19x0.13)4.3 27 0



59+87.95x1.483=189.4 F To quantify the margin in terms of the fluence required to reach the screening criterion the staff solved the following equation:

27 300 = 59+64.13xf or f*2 = 241 =3.758 64.13 or f = 134.7 (where this fluence value is outside the limits of the available experimental data of Reg. Guide 1.99) and in terms of the end of life peak weld W-3 fluence it is 134.7/4.3 = 31 1.e., the fluence to the end of 32 EFPYs is about 3% of that required to reach the screening criterion.

  • For circumferential weld material the governing of screening criteria at the expiration date of the license is 300 F.

189.4*F is less than 300 F by a very large margin (110.6*F).

This meets the requirements of the PTS Rule and is acceptable.

CONCLUSIONS Calculations show that RT is 189.4 F for the limiting circumferential weldmaterialattheexpihIkionattheexpirationdateofthelicense.

This is less then 300*F by a considerable margin which is the screening criteria for the limiting material at the expiration date of the license.

This is acceptable and thus meets the requirements of the PTS Rule.

In order for us to confirm the licensee's projected estimated RT the life of the license we will request the licensee to submit a Ih throughout p

evaluation of the RT and comparison to the predicted value with future Pressure-Temperatuhdbsubmittals which are required by 10 CFR 50, Appendix G.


Contributers to this SER:

P. N. Randall L. Lois D. DiIanni

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6 Distr.ibution copies:

IDocket:llo(s)3 NRC PDR Local PDR PAD #1 r/f PAD #1 p/f TNovak, Actg. DD NThompson, DHFT ELD EJordan BGrimes JPartlow Glear PShuttleworth DDilanni ACRS (10)
