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Rev 2 to WCAP-14477, AP600 Adverse Sys Interactions Evaluation Rept
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Site: 05200003
Issue date: 11/06/1997
From: Mcintyre B, Nydes R
Shared Package
ML20198S741 List:
FACA, WCAP-14477, WCAP-14477-R02, WCAP-14477-R2, NUDOCS 9711140115
Download: ML20198S760 (97)


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Enclosure 2. Adverse Systems Interactions Report, WCAP-14477, Revision 2.

This WCAP revision includes WCAP-14477 Revision 1, plus an additional preface page and changes made only to page 3-15.

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Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 - - >

WC AP-14477

$ $ $ '$ 4 p 4. $_ , Revision 2


The AP600 Adverse System Interactions .

Evaluation Report .

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Westinghouse Energy Systems

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P600 DOCUMENT COVER SHEET TDC: IDS; i S form 68202NW4)ltTaxxx AP600 CENTRAL FILE USE ONLY; 00'.81 RM .9 F S t. RFS ITEM #:




Ahoo Adven.e 5ssb<ns I Irkratbs




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, EVALUATION REPORT l AP600 Document Number: GW-OLR 003, Revision 2 1 November 1997 I Preface: The only change from WCAP-14477 Rav'sion I to Revision 2 is I

this page changed as marked and page 3-15 changed as marked.

4 Westinghouse Electric Corporation Energy System Business Unit P.O. Box 355 Pittsburgh, PA 15230-0355 01997 Westinghouse Electric Corporation All Rights Reserved o WN377w.non.ltsil0547 REVISION: 2

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1.1 Background 11 l 1.2 Scope 11 2.0 FUNCrlONAL WlERACTIONS 21 2.1 Methodology 21 2.2 Evaluations of Active Passive Interactions 24 ,

, 2.3 Passive Passive Interactions 2 33  !

3.0 EVALUA'!10N OF POTENTIAL HUMAN COMMISSION ERRORS 31 3.1 Objectives and Method 31 3.2 Results of Analysis 3 15 t 3.3 Commission Enor Related to Economic Consequences 3 18 3.4 Commission Enor Related to Instrumentation Errors 3 20

~ '

3.5 Conclusions . 20 4.0 SPATIAL IN1ERACTIONS 41 +


S 51


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Table 21 Potential Adverw System interactions Matrix Active Passive Interactions 25 Table 2 2 Matrix Summary of Relevant Nonsafety Related Systems' Assumptions 2 23 ,

l Table 31 Table of Assessment of Potential Adverw Human Commission Errors 34 9

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l 1,0 INTRODUCTION i 7he purpose of this report is to summarire Westinghouse Electric Cortorationi evaluation of the l AP600 for potential adven,e system interactions. This report documer s the systemstic approach used to evaluate systems' interactions and their impact on plant safety.1his report also describes how these interactions have been considered in the analyses and evaluations presented in the AP600 Standard Safety Analysis Report (SSAR) and Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PR'O (References I and 2).


'Ihe design, analysis, and testing of the AP600 systi ns have been conducted with consideration for potential adverse systemiinteractions. The AP600 incorporates a number of design features that prevent or limit adver e system interactions.1his report describes the systematic and thorough approach used to evaluate system interactions and demonstrates that potential adverse system interactions have been addressed.

1he requirement for an evaluation of potential adverse system interactions was identified during discussions between Westinghouse and the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (U.S. NRC) on the regulatory treatment of nonsafety systems (RTNSS) for the AP600 design. The emphasis was on the effect that operating active nonsafety reh.ted systems had on the function of passive, safety-related systems. The process used to address adverse systems' interactions was also discussed with the NRC staff. The NRC staff agreed that Westinghousei approach to address potential adven.e systems' interactions for the AP600 safety systems would be acceptable (Reference 3).


  • Ilure categories of adverse system interactions have been identified and are discussed in this report.

The three types of interactions include functional interactions, spatial interactions, and human-intervention interactions.

Functionalinteractions are those systen performance interactions attributed to the sharint of common systems or components, or physical connections between systems including electrical, hydraulic, e pneumatic, or mechanical connections. Spatialinteractions include fire, flood, missile hazard, pipe breal, and effects of seismic events. Human. intervention interactions involve the effects of operator actions.

l muS77w sum 1b 110397 ITV!slON I

21 2.0 FUNCTIONAL INTERACTIONS Functional interactions are interactions between systems or subsystems that result from a common interface. A functional interaction exists if the operation of one system can affect the performance of another system or subsystem. An adverse system interaction exists if the operation, or lack thereof, causes a negative impact on the performance of a safety related system during plant operation or during the mitigation of an accident.

Section 2.1 discusses the methodology used to identify potential adverse systems' interactions between

  • nonsafety related and safety related systems, and between safety related and other safety related systems in performing their safety related missions. Section 2.2 evaluates each potentas adverse systems' interaction outlined in Section 2.1. Section 2.2 also discusses how these interactions are captured in the various AP600 licensing submittals.

2.1 METHODOLOGY Westinghouse has developed a methodology to systematically identify and evaluate potential adverse systems interactions. An approach has been taken to identify adverse system interactions between active, nonsafety related systems, and passive safety related systems (active-passive interactions) as well as adverse system in: tractions between passive safety related systems (passive-passive interactions).

An adverse system interaction is defined as when the operation and/or performance of an (initiating) system adversely afiects the operation and/or performance of a safety-related (agccred) system as it performs its safety related function. The systematic evaluation of functional interactions began by examining and identifying the potential affected systems or structures based on consideration of the AP600 critical safety functions, including:


  • Suberiticality
  • Core cooling


  • Heat sink e Containment integrity

'Ihe systems, structures, or components that perform or maintain these safety functions were identified and categorized as potential affected systems as follows:

  • Core
  • RCS (pressure boundary) l l
  • Containment system l

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Eusm n=1bl10597 REYlSION 1


e in-containment refueling water storage tank (IRWST)

  • Containment recirculation
  • Passive containment cooling system (PCS)  :

In addition, other systems, such as the main control room habitability system, that perform safety. .

related functions, were identified and categorized as potential affected systems. . .

Potential initiating systems were then identified by examination of the affected systems above, and systematically evaluating each system as a potential initiating system. *Diis began with the reactor coolant system (RCS) and subsystems. For purposes of this evaluation, the RCS was divided into the  ;

following subsystems or components:

. ADS valves e Reactor vessel need vent

'These systems are listed in the left hand column of Table 21 as potential initiating systems that could cause an adverse system interaction. Additional potential initiating systems were identified by examining the systems that interfaced with the RCS and steam generator system (SOS), as shown on the RCS and SOS piping and instrumentation diagram (SSAR Figures 5.15 and 10.3.2-1

[ Reference 1), respectively). 'These auxiliary systems or subsystems include the following:

s e Chemical and volume control system (CVS) makeup pumps e CVS purification loop e- CVS letdown line e CVS hydrogen addition line

. CVS makeup control system o Normal residual heat removal system (RNS) pumps ,

e Primary sampling system (PSS) e Liquid waste processing system (WLS)

, e Component cooling water system (CCS) -

  • Main foodwater pumps-
  • - Steam generator blowdown lines Additional potential initiating systems were identified by c.xamining the passive safety-related systems including the passive core cooling system (PXS) and the passive containment cooling system (PCS),

ad3577w una.1bi10397 REVISION I.

23 l

and the systems that interfaced with these systems as shown on the PXS and PCS piping and f instrumentation diagram (SSAR Figures 6.3 2 and 6.2122, respectively). These systems and/or -

subsystems include the following potential initiating systems:  !

  • Core makeup tanks (CMTs)  :

e in-containment refueling water storage tank (IRWST)  ;

  • Passive containment cooling system (PCS)  !


  • Spent fuel pool cooling system f

a Containment recirculation +

  • - pH adjustment of containment recirculation Additional potential initiating systems were identified by considering safety related structures such as the containment, the spent fuel pool, and the main control room. These systems include the following i potential initiating systems * >
  • Containment fan coolers  !
  • Spent fuel pool cooling system j
  • Nuclear island nonradioactive ventilation system l

These systerns form the basis for t!e evaluation of potential adverse system interactions considered for  ;

the AP600. Table 2-1 is a matrix of the potential initiating systems and the potential affected systems.

l- >


Section 2 includes a discussion on the interactions for each combination of the systems and features listed above. Each section briefly describes the potential interactions between the systems considered in this evaluation. The discussions in each section identify the important interactions and any adverse interactions, and confirm that any adverse interactions have been identified, addressed, and evaluated as part of the plant design process, through the various design, analysis, and testing mechanisms  ;

discussed later.

o lhere are two principal types of system interactions that have been considered in completing this j ,

evaluation. They are:  ;

  • Process fluid interactions that include the design interactions expected between the various features, such as steam discharged from the ADS sparger and the water in the IRWST that is
used to quench this steam
  • - Actuation interactions, toch as the CMT low low level actuating the fourth stage ADS valves l and the IRWST discharge isolation valves i f

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In each discussion, the most important interactions are identified. De important interactions for each of the systems or components are generally related to the safety related functions that the system is designed to perform.

De less important interactions are included in the discussions for completeness, but they are not significant in comparison to the important interactions. Dese other interactions are considered secondary interactions, which are not important to the safety related passive systems for several different reasons, which could include any of the following:

  • here may be some intemctions between the systems or components, but the effects of these .

interactions are insignificant.

  • %e operation of the initiating systenis may affect the affected system, but the timing of the  !

interaction is such that interaction is not important for accident mitigation.

Some systems have no interactions because there may be no physical interaction between the initiating )

system and the affected system and therefore, the components are essentially unrelated. l.

Operation of the various active nonsafety related systems and passive safety related systems, and the potential interactions between these systems have been evaluated through a variety of mechanisms as part of the AP600 design process. These mechanisms include the following:

  • Detailed design work including analyses, calculations, and evaluations
  • Basic research testing at University of Wisconsin, University of Tennessee, and Westinghouse Science and Technology Center
  • Separate effects testing at Columbia University, VAPORE Italy test facility, Westinghouse Science and Technology Center, and Waltz Mill sites
  • Integral system testing at Oregon State University, SPES 2, and Westinghouse Science and Technology Center
  • Design basis safety analyses provided in Chapter 15 of the AP600 SSAR
  • PRA (Reference 2) success criteria analyses
  • Supporting Emergency Response Guidelines (ERGS) (Reference 3) analyses 2.2 EVALUATIONS OF ACTIVE-PASSIVE INTERACTIONS his section discusses potential adverse system interactions between the active nonsafety related systems and passive safety related systems identified in Table 21. Each evaluation includes a discussion of the potential adverse interactions and discussions of how such interactions have been accounted for in the AP600 SSAR and PRA (References 1 and 2).

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2.2.1 Reactor Coolant Pump Interactions he reactor coolant pumps (RCPs) are part of the reactor coolant system (RCS) and are described in SSAR subsection (Reference 1). They circulate coolant through the reactor vessel (RV), core and steam generators (SGs). De potential adverse systems' interactions associated with the RCPs have been identified. Rese include interactions with the reactor core, the core makeup tanks (CMTs),

and the passive residual heat removal heat exchanger (PRilR liX). A summary of these interactions follows.

. Reactor Coolant Pump - Core Operation of the RCPs enhances cooling of the core during operation, during a transient, or following an accident. Ilowever, during loss-of-coolant accidents (LOCAs), operation of the RCPs can mask the sevsrity of an event by misguiding the operators that sufficient coolant inventory is present. In the Bree Mile Island evein, RCP operation masked a condition of high voiding in the reactor coolant sy6 tem (RCS). Subsequently, the RCPs were lost and the void collapse in the RCS resulted in core uncovery and fuel damage. His phenomena prompted the incorporation of RV level and RCS void instrumentation in current plants. This instrumentation aids the operator in determining when to trip the RCPs following a LOCA by monitoring RCS void content and RV level. In current plants, the operator must decide when and if to trip the RCPs following a LOCA when specified criteria are met in order to prevent subsequent core uncovery due to a failure of the RCPs.

The AP600 precludes this adverse system interaction. Following a CMT actuation signal (on either a safeguard actuation signal or low pressurizer level), the RCPs automatically trip. Dis allows the CMTs to operate properly, and prevents RCP operation from masking an actual LOCA. Restart of the RCPs is allowed only after the status of the plant is verified, the reactor is shut down, the safety systems are operating properly, and the appropriate passive safety system termination criteria have been met. Restart of the RCPs occurs only after the operators have diagnosed the event. If an LOCA has occurred, CMT termination criteria will not be met, and the Emergency Response Guidelines (ERGS)(Reference 3) would not direct the operators to restart the pumps. If the plant is brought to a stable safe condition, and CMT termination criteria are met, the operator would be permitted to restart the RCPs. In addition, the PMS interlocks prevent restart of the RCPs until the CMT actuation signal

, is no longer present. To clear this signal, the pressurizer water level must be restored, and the safeguards actuation signal must be manually blocked. Blocking of this signal is allowed if the preset termination criteria are met.

Reactor Coolant Pump - Core Makeup Tank Operation of the RCPs can also affect the performance of the CMTs. As shown in SSAR Figure 6.3-5, the CMTs discharge to the RV via a direct vessel injection (DVI) line and connect to the RCS cold legs via a cold leg balance line, nis enables the core makeup tanks to recirculate and/or m\3577=.nastit 110597 RNSION 1

28 inject into the RCS to mitigate an accident. ne CMT flow rate is therefore a function of the pressure in the cold leg and the pressure in the downcomer at the outlet of the DVI non.le.

When the RCPs are running, the pressure in the downcomer is increased by the change in velocity between the cold leg, and the downcomer (approximately 45 fthec. and 15 fthec. respectively). This static head tends to reduce the resulting CMT flow rate by causing higher local pressure at the DVI connection to the downcomer. .

When the RCPs are tripped, this static head is substantially reduced and the pressure at the DVI connection to the downcomer is approximately the same as cold leg pressure, increasing available AP .

to drive CMT injection.

%e AP600 has addressed this interaction by providing a safety related automatic trip of the RCPs on CMT actuation. In addition, as *,tated earlier, restart of the RCPs is not performed unless the CMT termination criteria can be met.

Reactor Coolant Pump - Passive Residual llent Removal llent Exchanger

%c passive residual heat removal heat exchanger (PRIIR liX) is connected to the RCS to promote natural circulation cooling. When the RCPs operate, forced flow through the PRiiR liX enters the top and exits the bottom where it returns to the RCP suctions. If the RCPs are trippd, natural ciret.lation flow develops in the same direction. Earlier design sensitivity calculations were performed that connected the outlet of the PRiiR IIX to the cold legs. For this configuration, when the RCPs operated, reverse flow was developed through the PRild !!X. Following this, when the RCPs were tripped, PRilR llX natural circulation flow would slow down and eventually stop, but never move in a forward direction. His was unacceptable because for a loss-of heat sink event, if the RCPs were not immediately tripped. the PRIIR HX effectiveness would be degraded rendering i" nsufficient to mitigate the event.

As shown in SSAR Figure 6.3-6, the PRliR llX return connection is located on the suctions sides of the RCPs. This ensures a forward flow through the PRiiR llX when the RCPs operate and when they are tripped. When the RCPs opmte, a higher flow rate develops thmugh the PR11R llX, increasing the heat transfer performance of the PRIIR llX. Although this is usually not an adverse interaction, it ,

can be adverse in accidents where RCS overcooling is a concem, such as in large steam line breaks.

In the analysis of such events, the RCPs are assumed to operate at least until a CMT actuation signal is Senerated, causing the RCPs to trip. Due to the importance of tripping the RCPs in response to an accident, the AP600 in,plements this function with safety related equipment, and can perform this function assuming a single limiting failure, it was also noted in the design of the AP600 that if the two RCPs in the loop opposite the PRliR IIX were to operate in conjunctior, with the PR11R IIX, reverse flow could develop through the PRiiR llX. To avoid this adverse interaction, the power supply to the RCPs is designed so that the loss of a mV577=.tum Itrl10597 REVISION I

29 single electrical bus will not result in the loss of power to two RCPs, in the same SG. His prevents simultaneous PRilR IIX operations with the two RCPs in the opposite loop on the PRifR liX, thus ,

preventing revene flow through the PRiiR !!X.

In addition, the AP600 SSAR, Chapter 16 requires at least one RCP operate in the loop with the PRilR llX, to ensure that reverse flow would not develop through the PRHR liX upon a loss of ac power and subsequent PRllR actuation.

2.2.2 Post.Accklent Interactions involving the Pressurizer Heaters De pressurizer heaters function as part of the RCS pressure control subsystem and are described in SSAR subsection They operate to maintain pressure in the RCS pressurizer by maintaining a steam bubble water interface in the pressurizer. Deir operation following a loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA) can create an advene system interaction by adding energy to the primary system.

Such an adverse interaction can occur during a steam generator tube rupture (SGTR) event. For these events, the CMTs and PRiiR HX automatically operate to reduce the pressure in the RCS below the pressure of the secondary system, and therefore terminate the leak of reactor coolant to the secondary side. Operation of the pressurizer heaters in such an event would counteract or prevent the CMTs and PRiiR HX frorn equalizing primary to secondary pressures, and would increase the amount of primary coolant that was discharged to the secondary side, thus increasing potential radioactive releases following such an accident. Ultimately, continued operation of the pressurizer heaters for hours (assuming no operator actions) would cause the CMTs to drain to the ADS setpoint, resulting in actuation of the ADS. ADS actuation in this scenario would be acceptable and would prevent further release of radioactivity to the environment, but it does result in a significant plant transient.

De AP600 has addressed the potential adverse system interactions caused by the operation of the heaters during some events by tripping the heaters on an S signal actuation. he safety analysis provided in Chapter 15 of the SSAR is performed assuming the pressurizer heaters are tripped following S signal actuations.

2.2.3 Chemical and Volume Control System Makeup Pump Interactions As shown in SSAR Figure 9.3.6-1, the chemical and volume control system (CVS) contains two makeup pumps that maintain pressurizer water level within its normal operating band. Dese are nonsafety-related components controlled by the nonsafety related plant control system (PLS).

Ilowever, operation of the makeup pumps can cause adverse systems' interactions during some accident scenarios.

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Non LOCA Events During non LOCA events, the pressurizer level control program can cause the makeup pumps to operate. During such events, the CMTs can operate in a recirculation mode, and their operation in conjunction with the makeup pumps can cause an increase in coolant inventory herefore, in events such as loss-of feedwater or feedline break, if the makeup pumps were to operate without level control, the pressurizer water level would increase until the pressurizer became filled with water. .

We AP600 has addressed this adverse interaction by incorporating logic in the PLS and safety related logic in the Protection and Safety Monitoring System (PMS) to prevent pressurizer overfill during .

transient events. De complete list of PMS and PLS isolation functions associated with pressurizer level is provided in the table on the following page.

His logic prevents the makeup pumps from overfilling the pressurizer during design-basis events.

A description of this analysis can be found in Chapter 15 of the SSAR.

SGTR Events During SGTR events, continued makeup pump operation would maintain a primary to secondary side leak and could cause the SG to become filled, thus potentially causing water relief through the SG safety valve. Derefore, to prevent this adverse interaction, the CVS makeup line receives a safety-related signal to isolate on high SG water level (PMS), precluding die possibility of the makeup pumps continuing to operate and overfilling the SGs. A description of the SGTR analysis can be found in Chapter 15 of the SSAR.

2.2.4 CVS Purification Loop As shown in SSAR Figures 9.3.6-1 and 9.3.6-2, tne AP600 has a high pressure purification loop that takes suction from the discharge of an RCP, and discharges to the suction of an RCP. In this manner, purification flow of approximately 100 gpm is maintained when the RCPs are operating. De purification retum line to the RCS is shared with the PRiiR liX retum line and is shown in SSAR Figure 5.1 1.

Operation of the purification loop can affect the temperature distribution in the PRIIR llX return line, he temperature distribution affects the thermal center of the PRilR llX loop and the initial driving force for the PRiiR llX flow rate. To malmize the PRiiR liX initial driving force, the outlet piping of the PRilR llX should be kept as cold as possible, m V377w AmItw110597 REVislON I

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Nominal Setpoints No Load Full Load I&C  % of colume  % of volume Pressurber Level Setpoint System span 3 (ft) span (ft3) liigh 3 Reactor Trip PMS 92.0 1,360 92.0 1,360 liigh 2 CVS Makeup Valves isolation PMS 67.0 1.023 67.0 1,023 Masimum Nominal Level $1.2 811 65.8 1,008

  • Letdown Open (Standby)d) 65 996 PLS 50 794 Makeup Pump Stop (Standby)o) PLS 45 727 60 929 Letdown Open (Borate / Dilute)") PLS 40 660 55 862 Letdown Close"8 PLS 35 593 50 794 liigh l CVS Makeup Valves isolation PMS 30.0 525 30.0 $25 (Post *S*)

Makrup INmp Start (Standby)o) PLS 30 525 45 727 Minimum Nominal Level 25.3 463 40.0 657 Low l CVS Purification isolation PMS 20.5 397 20.5 397 Pressuriter lleater Trip Makeup Pump Stop (Post *S*) PLS 20.0 391 20.0 391 Mateup Pump Start (Post *S*) PLS 10.0 256 10.0 256 i

l Low 2 CMT Actuation PMS 7.0 21f 7.0 216 i DAS U3 Approximate Setpoints ne layout of the purification loop and connection to the PRiiR liX retum line has been selected to minimize the amount of PRilR IIX discharge piping that could be heated by the purification loop. In addition, temperature instrumentation has been incorporated to measure both the PRilR IIX outlet and

, inlet piping to verify that these lines are maintained at temperatures that ensure natural circulation through the PRiiR IIX when required. Finally, the SSAR safety analyses have assumed a temperature gradient that conservatively bounds the initial driving head available to the PRiiR liX by assuming lower than expected inlet temperatures, and higher than expected outlet temperatures.

2.2.5 Makeup Control System he makeup control systern is a subsystem of the nonsafety related plant cont.ol system (PLS) that controls the operation of the makeup pumps, makeup flow rate, and makeup boric acid c neentration.

Potential adverse interactions can occur if the makeup control system malfunctions in such a manner l

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as to inject makeup at incorrect boron concentrations. This can result in reactivity transients that can cause temperature excursions and affect the interactions of the passive systems with the RCS.

Uvrpected borations at power will result in a reduction in RCS temperature, and can thus aggravate condition !! cooldown events or events that result in an increase in reactor coolant inventory, such as CVS malfunction (see SSAR subsection 15.5.2). Sensitivity studies performed to support this analysts demonstrated the sensitivity of overfilling the RCS to makeup concentration m.ismatches. If the makeup pumps injected makeup at a higher boron concentration than expected, the RCS would shrink slightly, and additional mass would be added. Eventually, if an S signal were generated on either low 1 T cold or low steam line pressure, the CMTs and PRilR IIX would be initiated, llowever, due to the .

higher RCS initial mass, and the lower RCS temperatures, which in turn reduces the heat transfer capabilities of the PRilR HX, the recirculation of the CMTs could cause an overfill of the pressurizer.

Because of this phenomenon, CVS isolation setpoints have been selected to preclude the possibility of overfilling the RCS for any condition 11 event including the CVS malfunction event.

Unexpected baron dilutions can also occur if the makeup control system malfunctions. De analysis of boron dilution accidents caused by the makeup control system is included in SSAR subsection 15.4.6.

His section includes evaluations of boron dilution events in Modes I through 5. Boron dilution scenarios are terminated by isolation of the clean water source to the CVS makeup pumps. His safety related function is accomplished by redundant safety re,ated isolation valves in the CVS. his function can be performed assuming single failure criteria. These isolation valves then receive automatic signals to close on a reactor trip, safeguards actuation, source range neutron flux signal, and indications of a loss-of-offsite puwer. His minimizes the potential of an unexpected boron dilution due to a malfunction of the makeup control systems.

2.2.6 Letdowr. Line Interactions he AP600 does not use continuous makeup and letdown for chemistry control, but instead uses a high pressure purification loop inside containment. De AP600 employs a letdown line for various operations such as degassing of the reactor coolant, and for reactor coolant boron concentration adjustments. SSAR Figure 9.3.6-2 shows the CVS purification loop and letdown line.

For letdown operations, the letdown line is automatically aligned by the plant contre 1 system (PLS) to ,

discharge coolant to the liquid waste processing system. De letdown line is also used to reduce the coolant inventory during shutdown for midloop operations. Consequently, the letdown line can potentially adversely interact with the RCS and the passive safety-related systems duritig mitigation of an accident. The letdown line represents a potential bypass of the reactor coolant pressure boundary and the containment pressure boundary. If an accident would occur during letdown operation, reactor coolant and safety injection flow could be diverted outside containment, and ultimately challenge the passive recirculation phase of core cooling, mO577 non It>llos97 REY!sloN 1

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%e letdown line receives numerous automatic isolation signals to prevent unwanted or excessive letdown. We letdown isolation valves (CVS VN5 and VN7) seceive signals from the PLS to close i on low pressurizer level. Dese valves are also containment isolation ialves and close automatically on a containment isolation signal. In addition, the purification stop va'.ves (CVS V001 and V002) provide RCS pressure boundary isolation. %ey close automatically on low low pressurizer level and on an S signal. Dese safety related functions are accomplished in accordance with single failure enteria, and protect the reactor coolant pressure boundary, as well as the containment boundary. j Rese features prevent potential adverse system interactions between the letdown line and the passive safety related systems.

De AP600 has also addressed overdraining of the RCS by the letdown line during midloop operations. %e letdown line is used to drain the water in the RCS. To achieve this, the isolation signals that isolate letdown on low pressurizer level must be blocked. Ilowever, to prevent overdraining, the letc'own line is also isolated on indication of low hot leg water level. De hot leg level instruments provide redundant safety related indication of the RCS water level.

2 2,7 Hydrogen Addition Line The AP600 reduces occupational radiation exposure (ORE) and minimizes the potential for radioactive crud formation with RCS chemistry control by excluding oxygen from the coolant %is is achieved by maintaining a concentration of hydrogen in solution in the coolant. Unlike pressurized water reactors (PWRs) that maintain hydrogen in the coolant via the volume control tank, the AP600 coolant hydrogen concentnition is rnaintained by batch addition of hydrogen via a connection in the CVS. De hydrogen addition line, as shown in SSAR Figure 9.3.6 2, connects to a limited supply of hydrogen.

As required, the operator aligns the hydrogen injection line to add hydrogen to the high pressure, purification retum line.

%e design of the hydrogen injection line promotes mixing of the hydrogen in the purification stream so that hydrogen is efficiently dissolved into solution. Due to the high pressure of the reactor coolant and the relatively low concentrations of hydrogen in solution. the hydrogen will be very soluble in the coolant,

, A potential adverse interaction could occur if large amounts of undissolved hydrogen would enter the

primary loop and collect in the high points of the PR}{R llX line and CMT lines. It has been postulated that this phenomenon could potentially degrade and/or prevent natural circulation of the PRilR I!X or CMTs Derefore, injection of a large amount of undissolved hydrogen should be avoided.

His interaction is not a concem for the AP600 for the following reasons:

Re solubility of hydrogen at RCS operating pressure is much greater than the hydrogen concentration in the coolant.

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e he msnimum amount of hydrogen that can be physically injeted via the hydrogen line is

  • Hydrogen should dissolve in the CVS line, e Undissolved hydrogen that enters the RCS will be dissolved into solution as the gas passes through the RCP and before it gets to the CMT and PRHR connections. .
  • %e configuration of the RCS loop and connection to the PRHR HX and CMT minimize the potential for undissolved hydrogen to collect in the PRHR HX or CMT lines. .

I Hydrogen is maintained in solution at concentrations ranging from approximately 20 50 ccAg. At l l

the RCS operating pressure of 2250 psia, the saturation concentration of hydrogen in water is over '

10,000 ccAg. Derefore, provided there is sufficient mixing, hydrogen gas will quickly go into solution in the primary coolant.  ;

he second reason that this interaction is not a concern is that the maximum amount of hydrogen that can be injected is very small because the hydrogen line connects to a single bottle. Design calculations show that one hydrogen bottle (6000 psi,550 scf S17) will increase the RCS concentration less than 25 ccAg. In addition, the rate of addition has been selected to preclude undissolved hydrogen from entering the RCS primary loop.

Even in the unlikely event that undissolved hydrogen should enter the RCS via the purification return line, the turbulence of the RCP suction breaks up the hydrogen bubbles and causes them to go into solution.

De AP600 layout minimizes the potential for undissolved hydrogen to collect in the PRHR HX or CMT lines. Hydrogen enters the RCS via the purification retum line that connects to SG 1, the CMTs connect to the cold legs in the opposite loop. Derefore, undissolved hydrogen that entered SG 1 would have to remain undissolved while travelling through the RCPs, through the RV, through the opposite 50 and RCPs, and into the cold leg balance lines to the CMT, his scenario is not credible.

For undissolved hydrogen to collect in the PRHR HX inlet, it would travel a similar path through the ,

RCPs and RV, and into the PRHR HX inlet line, his is not considered to be a credible mechanism, in addition, the design of the PRHR HX and CMT inlet piping have provisions to detect collections of noncondensible gasses in the high points of these lines. Each CMT inlet line as well as the PRHR HX inlet line contain a collection standpipe that is instrumented with redundant level indication to alert the operator in the event that noncondensible gasses accumulate in the inlet of the line. Although this condition is not expected, technical specincations require the operator to vent these lines should it happen.

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A direct path to the PRHR HX inlet line could exist because the purification retum line shares a f connection with the PRHR HX return line, he orientation of the purification retum piping has been configured so that any undissolved hydrogen entering this line would flow into the SG instead of going into the PRHR HX discharge piping. This line connects between the PRHR HX low point and the SG channel head so that undissolved hydrogen gas that entered the PRHR HX line would rise directly into the SG. If the connection had been made upstream of the low point in this line, then hydrogen gas could migrate into the PRHR HX discharge piping. Ultimately, this gas could then migrate through the heat exchanger (HX) and into the PRHR HX inlet piping. Derefore, the selected piping layout prevents this adverse interaction scenario.

2.2.8 Main Feedwater Ptunps As described in SSAR Sections 10.3 and 10.4.7 the main feedwater pumps supply the SGs w!th sufficient feedwater to meet the power generation steam flow rates. Feedwater flow to each SG is controlled by feedwater flow control valves that control the flow rate based on the water level in the SG. Although the operation of the main feedwater pumps during a plant transient is typically a benefit for transients by providing a heat sink for the RCS, during certain transients or accidents, feedwater operation can result in an adverse system interaction by overr~!ing the RCS.

Continued operation of the main feedwater pumps following a reactor trip could lead to the unnecessary actuation of an S signal due to low cold leg temperature. De AP600 prevents this potential adverse system interaction as follows:

To prevent overcooling to the low T cold setpoint the main feedwater flow control valves are closed on a low 1 T,y, signal.

To prevent overrooling to the low T-cold setpoint the feedwater pumps are tripped and the main feedwater isolation valves are closed on a lower, low 2 T,y, signal.

His logic serves to avoid this potential adverse system interaction caused by the operation of the mam feedwater pumps. In addition, main feedwater is isolated on a high steam generator water level. His precludes the possibility of overfilling a SG. Feedwater is also isolated on a safeguards actuation

, signal to mitigate mass and energy released following a steam line break, if this were not isolated, the fluid entering the SGs would be boiled ud eleased to containment, potentially overpressurizing containment.

I 2.2.9 Startup Feedwater Pumps l

As described in SSAR subsection 10A9, the startup feedwater pumps are part of the main and startup feedwater system (FWS) and are shown in SSAR Figure 10.4.71. The startup feedwater pumps typically operate at no-load conditions when the main feedwater pumps are unavailable. De startup feedwater pumps can also operate during transient and accident events if the main feedwater pumps mum.mmitrtlosn REVISION I

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are lost. Startup feedwater (SFW) flow is automatically controlled and the pumps are automatically J started on a low SG water level.

As mentioned above, feedwater is isolated on a safeguards signal to terminate mass and energy releases to containment on a steam line break. In addition SFW is isolated on a low RCS cold leg temperature to prevent the need for operators to throttle SFW during accident events.


De operation of the startup feedwater pumps can interact with the operation of the PRHR HX and can also affect radioactivity released following a postulated SGTR event.

Startup Feedwater - Passive Residual Heat Removal Heat Exchanger On a loss of feedwater event, the SFW pumps would be actuated on low water level in either SG.

De SFW would automatically operate to maintain water level in the normal SG level span. If the levels in both SGs fall to below the low narrow range SG level setpoint, and the SFW flow is less than a set value, the PRHR HX will be actuated to cool the plant. If, however, the SFW pumps are delivering flow, then the PRHR HX is not actuated unless the level in either 50 falls to below the low wide range level setpoint. His actuation logic provides the SFW pumps the opportunity to remove core decay heat and maintain an RCS heat sink by pmviding feed flow to one or both SGs. If SFW is unable to match decay heat, the SG water level will fall, and the PRHP HX will automatically be actuated to mitigate the event.

In the SSAR Chapter 15 accident analyses, no credit is taken for the SFW to feed the SGs and remove decay heat. Derefore, these events conservatively found loss-of heat sink events where the SFW system operates and possibly delays PRHR HX actuation.

Derefore, following a loss-of feedwater to the SGs, operation of the SFW pumps prevents the unnecessary operation of the PRHR HX. His interaction is not considered adverw, but rather reflects the AP600 design philosophy of the defense in-depth systems, if the nonsafety related system is available, its operation can obviate the need for actuating the safety related systems. If the nonsafety.

related SFW pumps do not operate, the safety related PRHR HX is automatically activated. In addition, the AP600 ERGS specify that PRHR HX termination criteria can not be met until the SFW pumps are os ional and available, and water level in either SG is recovered, thereby maintaining a ,

heat sink for the RCS.

Startup Feedwater - Steam Generator Tube Rupture During SGTR events, operation of SFW pumps can aggmvate the avent by filling the SGs, thus potentially causing a the 50 PORVs and/or safety valves to lift, and bypassing the SG pressure boundary. Derefore, to preclude this possibility, the SFW flow is automatically isolated on a high SG water level Imm the pmtection and safety monitoring system (PMS). His safety-related function can be accomplished in accordance with single failur: criteria.

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2 17 2.2.10 Normal Residual Heat Removal System As described in SSAR subsection 5.4.7, the normal residual heat removal system (RNS) retum line to the RCS connects to each passive core cooling system (PXS) DVI line. This shared connection can result in interactions with the PXS as described below.

Normal Residual Heat Removal System - Core Makeup Tank During the recovery from a loss-of-coolant accident, the operators are instructed to align the RNS

. pumps to inject from the IRWST to the RCS via the DVI lines if the CMT water level begins to decrease. Operation in this rnode provides additional injection flow to the RCS, thereby providing additional core cooling margin.

Furthermore, for small break LOCAs or in cases of spurious ADS operation, the operation of the RNS pumps in this mode can prevent the ADS-4 valves from actuating, his occurs because the RNS pumps increase the backpressure on the CMTs and prevent the CMTs from draining to the ADS-4 actuation setpoint, thereby preventing the ADS-4 valves that are connected to the hot legs from

, opening and flooding the loop compartments. Operation of the RNS pumps will refill the RCS and l

recover the water level in the pressurizer.

I Dis interaction is beneficial because it minimizes the consequences of a spurious ADS or a small l

LOCA without jeopardizing the safety of the plant, if the event is not a spurious ADS or a small LOCA, but is a larger break, the capacity of the RNS pumps will not be sufficient to prevent the CMTs from draining, and subsequent ADS-4 actuation. Its operation will then only provide additional safety injection and core cooling. Operation of the RNS pumps is not credited in the SSAR Chapter 15 accident analyses, but is modeled in the PRA. ,

Normal Residual Heat Removal System -In Containment Refueling Water Storage Tanks As described previously, the RNS pumps can be aligned to inject water from the IRWST into the RCS via the DVI lines. This capability provides additional core cooling and adds to the overall reliability l of the AP600.

l During loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA) events, continued long term operation of the RNS pumps could potentially cause the IRWST to drain at a faster rate than if the RNS pumps were not operating.

This is not a concern as long as the RNS pumps continue to operate. However, if the RNS pumps were to fail, the available gravity head for safety injection (either via the IRWST or via the containment recirculaGon path) could be less than would have been available if the pumps had not operated at all. The long-term cooling safety analysis presented in the SSAR, Chapter 15 has considered this phenomenon in the determination of the earliest possible time that cor.tainment recirculation is required. Therefore, this adverse system interacdon has been addrewd.

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2 18 2.2.11 Stemni Generator Blowdown Steam generator blowdown from the secondary side of each steam generator is provided to help control secondary side water chemistry. '!his continuous blowdown is normally routed to the condenser, but can also be discharged frorn the plant via the waste water system. '!here are two potential advene system interactions involving steam generator blowdown.

Steam generator blowdown during a loss of heat sink event (such as loss of feedwater or feedwater line breaks) will decrease the available RCS heat sink. 'Ihe PRHR HX is designed to mitigate these loss of heat sink ever ts. '!he PRHR HX performance requirements are determined assuming a -

minimum initial steam generator water inventory. Analysis provided in the SSAR takes credit for the secondary side inventory availabk in the steam geneistor. A significant reduction in steam generator inventory would reduce the available heat sink for these events.

Another potential adverse interaction associated with blowdown is related to off site doses during an SG1R event. For these events, SO blowdown could cause an increase in radioactive releases resulting from the tube rupture. ,


  • Ihe AP600 has addressed these potential interactions by providing safety related isolation of the steam generator blowdown lines on safety related signals including low steam generator water level, PRHR i

- actuation, and containment isolation as well as indication of high blowdown temperature, pressure, or i

radiation. '!hese signals protect the steam generator water inventory as a heat sink, and prevents the potential release of radioactivity via the blowdown line during tube rupture events. >

I 2.2.12 Containsnent Fan Coolers

'!he AP600 containment fan coolers provide containment cooling during normal operations. A  !

potential adverse system interaction was postulated regarding the ability of the fan coolers, acting in conjunction with the safety related passive containment cooling system (PCS) to reduce the containment pressure and challenge the integruv of the containment structure. 'Ihc results of the extemal pressure analysis (SSAR subsection . .l.1.4) shows that a loss of all ac power sources during extreme cold ambient conditions has the potential for creating the most limiting extemal pressure load on the containment vessel.- Operation of the containment fan coolers is not assumed for the following .


t i

  • '!he loss of ac power prevents the fan coolers from operating.


  • Ihe low ambient temperatures (-40*F) and high containment temperature (120*F) can only occur if the fan coolers are aligned to the hot water system for the purposes of heating the  ;

containment; therefore their operation in this alignment would add heat to the containment, and would result in a less severe containment temperature and pressure reduction.

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2 19 Derefo4e, adverse system interactions involving the containment fan coolers and the PCS are bounded by tne external pressure scenario described above.

De fan coolers are cooled by chilled water supplied by the central chilled water system (VWS). De AP600 fan coolers and VWS are not relied on for safety related containment cooling. De only safety function of the VWS is to isolate the chilled water supply and retum lines to the containment recirculation cooling system (VCS) fan cooler coil units, following any event resulting in a containment isolation signal to provide containment integrity. During cold weather when the plant is shut down, the high capacity subsystem is also designed to permit u:,e of the chilled water piping

. inside containment for containment heating. Manual realignment of the system allows hot water to be supplied from the hot water heating system (VYS) to the VCS fan coils units. Derefore, the chilled water piping inside containment is insulated.

De postulated accidem anario for the evaluation is a double-ended guillotine break of one of the reactor coolant system cold legs. His event results in a rapid increase in containment pressure (and temperatute) to near the containment design pressure, and in the longer term containment pressure and temperature can remain elevated. As a result of the increase in containment pressure and/or the loss of reactor coolant, the chilled water sul. ply and return piping from the fan coolers are isolated almost immediately. In the AP600 design the operating fan cooler fans continue to operate at low speed, circulating the heated containtnent atmosphere across the cooler coils. His would cause the stagnant chilled water in tae coolers to heat up to and be maintained at the containment air / mixture temperature. If the VWS piping is subsequently unisolated after the water in the coolers has been heated, the heated water in the coolers may Dash. He subsequent supply of cold water from the VWS to the coolers could collapse the steam, creating a water hammer. Also of conectn is that Dashing could occur in the coolers when they are in operation at elevated containment temperature conditions, causing two. phase flow and loss of cooling flow capability. Unlike other PWR plants, the VCS and VWS in the AP600 are not required to operate post accident and they are not restart d automatically.

An evaluatien has been performed which identifies the conditions when the VWS can be used post accident.

Re evaluction has concluded that sufficient overpressure exists such that the AP600 chilled water system can be unisolated and operated with no flashing of chilled water, provided the containment temperature is below 228T. His evaluation provides the following precautions and limitations to prevent flashing and potential water hammer in the chilled water piping:

  • Following an event that results in heatup of the containment air / steam above 2287, the isolated cooling water supply and return containment isolation valves should not be opened to restore chilled water flow to the operating fan coolers, until the containment atmosphere temperature has been reduced to s 228T.
  • Following an event that results in heatup of the contaiament air / sten above 228T, cooling water flow should not be initiated to fan cooler coila unless the fans for these coolers have mV577w non 1t> 110597 REVISION I

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- been running for a sufficiectly long time to ensure the water in the coils is at equilibrium temperature with the containment atmosphere temperature, and until the containment atmosphere temperature has been reduced to s 228'F.

  • De chilled water flow to operating fan coolers should be stopped and isolated using the containment isolation valves, whenever the containment atmosphere temperature exceeds 2287, ,
  • Following an event that results in heatup of the containment air / steam above 228T chilled

- water flow to operating fan coolers should be initiated by first opening the chilled water return .

4 line isolation valves before the supply line isolation valves. f he evaluation concludes that if these precautions and limitations are adhered to, the chilled water -  !

piping inside containment will not be subject to water hammer, which could lead to a containment bypass scenario. Overpressure protection of the chilled water system is provided by a thermal relief l

valve. De relief valve prevents the chilled water piping design pressure from being exceeded 'l '

following containment isolation, and subsequent heatup of the containment, with the chilled water system piping water solid. Another design feature of the chilled water piping and containment fan ,

cooler coils is the capability of these systems to withstand a perfect vacuum. Following the l containment heatup and cooldown postulated in the evaluation, the resulting minimum pressure in the system piping and components can approach a perfect vacuum, and the system piping and components shall be designed to accommodate this condition.

J De containment fan coolers are equipped with two-speed fanc. De high speed is used for nonnal conditions, and the low speed is used primarily to perform the containment integrated leak rate testing, which requires the containment to be pressurized to design pressure. Normally, the fans are manually ,

realigned to perform this test. However, following a transient or accident that results in the l containment pressure and temperature being elevated, the fan motors receive a signal to automatically i switch to low speed operation, based on a pre-set containment pressure signal. his is accomplished  !

via the nonsafety related plant control system. In addition, if the fans were to operate in a high  ;

containment pressure / temperature condition, the fan motors are provided with a thermal overload switch that would automatically trip the motor to prevent damage. Operation of the fans at high speed with high containment pressure could damage the fan motors, but would not cause damage to the . ,

chilled water system.

2.2.13 Plant Control Systesn he AP600 plant control system (PLS) provides for the control and operation of the nonsafety-related

' systems. Derefore, numerous interactions between safety related and nonsafety related systems as a result of the normal and abnormal operations of the PLS must be considered in the Chapter 15 SSAR analyses.  ;

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3 31 A systematic review of the SSAR Chapter 15 d 'Jn basis analyses (Sections 15.1 through 15.6) has been performed to determine the treatment of the most relevant nonsafety related systems for each event. Table 2 2 presents the results of this systematic review in a matrix format. In the left hand column, each SSAR Chapter 15 event is listed; along the top, each nonsafety related system is listed.

An *a" indicates that the nonsafety related system was assumed operable in the analysis of that event.

An *n" indicates that tic nonsafety.related system was not assumed. Table 2 2.a provides the rationale behind the decisions to assume noasafety related systems available. Table 2 2.n provides the rationale behind the decisions not to assume the nont.afety related systems available.

. 2.2.14 Liquid Wasle Processing System As described in SSAR Section 11.2, the liquid waste processing system (WLS) collects and processes radioactive waste from the RCS. Rese efnuents are generated from RCS bomtions and dilutions, RCS sampling, RCS loop draining, and components including vessel and RCP tiange leakoffs, safety valve leakage, and ADS valve leakage. Leakage from the ADI valves is collected and routed to the WLS reactor coolant drain tank (RCDT). De 1 inch drain v.; from the ADS valve discharge header to the RCDT contains a remotely-opera'tJ valve that closes on a safeguards actuation signal or on high RCDT tznk pressure, ne purpose of this isolation valve is to prevent ADS operation from overpressurizing the RCDT. His isolation function is not safety related, but is provided for equipment protection.

An adverse system interaction could occur if the isolation valve (RCS-V241) failed to close on demand prior to ADS operation. Actuation of the ADS valves connected to the pressurizer could cause the drain line to become pressurized and lift the relief valve on the RCDT, and/or damage the tank due to excessive pressurization. However, this is not a safety concem because of the following:

  • Re ADS function of depressurizing the RCS is not degraded; the total ADS flow would actually be slightly increased due to the increased now area.
  • The drain line is small (1 inch) and the amount of ADS flow that could be diverted from the IRWST to the RCDT is minimal; therefore the impact to the IRWST injection driving head is negligible.
  • The ADS How that is diverted from the IRWST is discharged to the RCDT (volume -

900 gallons). If the RCDT relief valve opens, the ADS How is diverted to the containment sump that eventually floods up for long term containment recirculation. He maximum amount of inventory that could be lost from the volume that provides containment recirculation is 900 gallons, which is negligible, nerefore, this potential adverse system interaction involving the RCDT does not affect the overall safety of the AP600, au577w.sortit> Il9597 REVISION 1

2 22 2.2.15 Llquid Waste Processing System Containment Sump Pumps As discussed in SSAR Section 11.2. the WLS contains two redundant containment sump pumps that automatically operate to pump out the contents of the containment sump to the WLS effluent holdut ,

tanks for processing. As these pumps operate automatically on sump water level, their operation during a loss-of coolant accident (LOCA) could result in a containment bypass scenario. Their operation could diminish the coolant inventory available to flood the containment and provide ,

long-term. post accident containment recirculation. To avoid this interaction, the containment sump pumps' discharge line is automatically isolated on a containment isolation signal. A containment isolation signal will result from a safeguards actuation signal that actuater. ihe core makeup tanks -

(CMTs) and passive residual heat removal heat exchanger (PRHR HX). Derefore, this potential adverse system interaction is avoided for the AP600.

2.2.16 In Containment Refueling Water Storage Tank Gutter As discussed in SSAR subsection, the PXS contains an IRWST F t that functions to retum condensate that collects on the containment shell. During normal power operations, this gutter directs the condensate collected to the containment sump for inclusion in th' measurement of RCS leakage.

Following actuation of the PRHR HX, the gutter is aligned to direct the condensate to the IRWST, to sustain a heat sink for the PRHR HX for a very long time. Even without recovery of the condensate from the IRWST gutter, the IRWST inventory is sufficient to provide a heat sink for the PRHR HX for 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />.

De IRWST gutter is nonsafety related, therefore no credit for condensate retum via the gutter is taken in the SSAR Chapter 15 design basis accident analyses.

2.2.17 Component Cooling Water System The AP600 component cooling water system (CCS) is a nonsafety related system and is described in SSAR subsection 9.2.2. It performs no safety related functions with the exception of the containment boundary is9ation. De CCS provides component cooling water to various components on the nuclear island including the reactor coolant pumps (RCPs). An adverse system interaction associated with the CCS and the RCS results from the failure of the CCS to supply cooling water to the RCPs. .

If component cooling water were lost to any RCP, the RCP bearing water temperature would increase, eventually leading to a failure of the RCP. De worst pump failure postulated would be an RCP locked rotor, which is evaluated in the SSAR Chapter 15 accident analyses (see SSAR subsection 15.3.3).

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OF RELEVANT NONSAFE Main Start Feedwater Main Feedw Control Feedwater Cent SSAR Chapter 15 System Pump Trip Syst Event Bounded by increase in feedwatch 15.1.1 Feedwater System Malfunctions nat Result in an increase in Feedwater Temperature n.2 a.5 n.5 15.1.2 Feedwater System Malfunctions That Result in an increase in Feedwater Flow a.2 n.10 p.5

- 15.1.3 Excessive increase in Secondary Steam Flow a.2 n.10 a.')

15.1.4 Inadvertent Opening of a Steam Generator Relief or Safety Valve a.2 n.10 n.7 15.1.5 Steam System Piping Failure a.2 n.10 n.

15.1.6 Inadvertent Operation of the Passive Residual Heat Removal System 15.2.1 Steam Pressure Regulitor Malfunction or Failure that Results in Decreasing Steam Flow here are no steam pressure regu Bounded by turbine trip event (S 15.2.2 Loss of External Electrical Load n.15 n.15 n.1 15.2.3 Turbine Trip Bounded by turbine trip event (S 15.2.4 Inadvertent Cicaure of the Main Steam Line Isolation Valves 15.2.5 Loss of Condenser Vacuum and Other Events Resulting in Turbine Trip Bounded by turbine trip event (Sl n.2 n.15 n.1 15.2.6 Loss of AC Power to Plant Auxiliaries n.2 n.15 n.1 15.2.7 Loss of Normal Feedwater n.16 n.16 n.1 15.2.8 Feedwater System Pipe Break a.2 n.15 n.

15.3.1 Partial Loss of Forced Reactor Coolant Flow a.2 n.15 n.

153 2 Complete Loss of Reactor Coolant Flow a.2 n.15 n 15.3.3 Reactor Coolant Pump Shaft Seizure (Locked Rotor) 15.3.4 Reactor Coolant Pump Shaft Break Bounded by locked rotor event ({

15.4.1 Uncontrolled RCCA Bank Withdrawal from a Subcritical or Low-Pcwer Startup Condition nermal-hydraulic codes not use l calculated.

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2 Y.RELATED SYSTEMS' ASSUMPTIONS Chemical sp and Automatic Turbine Mala Steam iter Volume Pressurizer Rod Stop and Branch

'ol Control Pressurizer Pressurizer lleater Steam Control Control Isolation SG in System Sprays Heaters Block Dump System Valves Valves PORVs flow ev:nt (Section 15.1.2) and increase in secondary steam flow event (Section 15.1.3).

n.5 a.8 n.9 n.11 n.5 a.1 a.5 a.5 n.5 ,

n.5 a.8 n.9 n.ll n.3 a.6 n.5 n.5 n.5 n.12 n.5 n.9 n.1I n.5 n.13 a.5 a.5 a.3 n.12 n.5 n.9 n.i t n.5 n.13 a.5 a.5 n.5 n.12 - a.8 n.9 n.1I n.5 n.1 n.5 n.5 n.5 ators in the AP600 whose failure or malfunction cause a steamflow transient.

ction 15.2.3)

> n.5 a.6 n.25 n.I1 n.4 3.7 a.3 a.4 n.4 iction 15.2.3) rction 15.2.3)

I n.2 n.2 n.2 n.11 n.2 n.2 a.4 a.4 n.2 L n.3 a.1 n.6 a.5 n.4 r7 a.4 a.4 n.4 L n.3 n.18 n.17 n.11 n.4 n.7 a.A a.4 n.4 n.5 n.19 n.19 n.11 n.4 n.7 a.4 a.4 n.4 n.5 n.19 n.19 n.1I n.4 n.7 a.4 a.4 n.4 n.5 n.19 n.19 n.11 n.4 n.7 a.4 a.4 n.4 section 15.3.3)

I io analyi.e plant transient response. Core nuclear power transient and core heat flux transient are calculated, then DNBR is e n m .- -. -


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2 TABLE 2 2 (

h1 ATRIX SUMhtARY OF RELEVANT NONSAFE Main Sta Feedwater Mala Fentw SSAR Chapter 15 Control Feedwater Con Event System Pump Trip Syst

- 15.4.1 Uncontrolled RCCA Bank Withdrawal from a Subcritical or Low-Power Startup Condition nermal-hydraulic codes no' "sr calculated.

15.4.2 Uncontrolled RCCA Bank Withdrawal at Power a.2 n.10 hk y.

15.4.3 One or more dropped RCCAs (same group) a.2 n.10 -

Yiq 15.4.3 Satically misaligned RCCA Thermal-hydraulic codes not use Withdraws af a Single RCCA (and/or number of rods in DhB 15.4.4 Startup of an inactive Reactor Coolant Loop at an incorrect Temperature a.2 n.10 n 15.4.5 A malfunction or Failure of the Flow Controller in a BWR Reactor Loop Does not apply to AP600.

15.4.6 CVS Malfunction nat Results in a Decrease in the RCS Boron Concentration inadvertent boron dilution evcnts inadvertent boron dilution evcnts Following reactor trip, automatic 15.4.7 Inadvertent Loading and Operation of a Fuel Assembly in an Improper Position nermal-hydraulic codes not use rated thermal power using a t wo-15.4.8 Spectrum of RCCA Ejection Accidents hermal-hydraulic codes not use over which the core response is 15.5.1 Inadvertent Operation of the Core Makeur Tanks Duri- Power Operation a.2 n.10 n.1 15.5.2 CVS Malfunction nat increases Reactor Coolant Inventory a.2 n.10 n.

15.5.3 BWR Transients Does not apply to AP600.

15.6.1 Inadvertent Opening of a Pressurizer Safety Valve or inadvertent Operation of the ADS a.2 n.10 n.

15.6.2 Failure of a Small Lines Carrying Primary Coolant Outside Containment Thernuthydraulic codes not use non-limiting primary system tran 15 6.3 Steam Generator Tube Rupture (for offsite doses) a.2 n.10 n.2 15.6.3 Steam Generator Tube Rupture (for SG overfill) a.2 n.10 a.1 15.6.4 Spectrum of BWR Steam System Piping Failures Outside of Containment Does not apply to Al%00, 15.6.5 Small Break LOCA a.2 n.10 n Larg Break LOCA

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loved) f.REIATE.D SYSTEMS' ASSUMPTIONS Chemical p and Main Steam er Volume Pressurizer Automatic Turbine Stop Branch 4 Control Pressuriier Pressurizer llanter Steam Rod Control and Control Isolation SG i System Sprays IIcaten Illock Dump System Valves Valves PORVs o an lyze plant tmsient response. Core nuclear power transient and core heat flux transient are calculated, then DNBR is n.5 a8 n.9 n.11 n.4 n.7 a.4 a.4 n.4 n5 a.8 n.9 n.II n.4 n.7 a.4 a.4 n.4 3 analyze plant transient response. Steady state power distributions are used to calculate minimum DNBR n.5 n.5 n.9 n.1I n.4 n.7 a.4 a.4 n.4 l


% prevented during refueling and automatically terminated during cold shutdown, hot shutdown, and hot standby modes.

juring start-up or power operation, if not detected and terminated by the operators, result in an automatic reactor trip.

Irmination of the dilution occurs and any post-trip return to criticality is prevented.

analyze plant transient response. Steady-state power distributions in the x.y pane of the core are calculated at 30 percent

mensional few group diffusion code.

) analyze plant transient response. *ll.e operstion of non-safety-related systems have little effect on this <3 second transien blyzed.

I n.3 n.18 n.6 a.5 n.4 n.8 a.4 a.4 n.4 l c.3 n.1 n.6 a.5 n.4 n.1 a.4 a.4 n.4 I

l n.20 n.5 n.9 n.11 n.4 n.7 a.4 a.4 n.4 N analyze plant transient response. Offsite doses are calculated based on break flow isolation after 30 minutes. This is a Xt.

c.9 n.5 a.9 a.5 n.22 n.23 a.5 a.5 a.10 a.9 n.5 a.9 a.5 n.24 n.23 a.5 a.5 a.10 l n.20 n.5 n.6 n.11 n.4 n.7 a.4 a.4 n.4

( AiMr&g l APERTwa 9 9//l V O// S I l

l Also Avalinh'eveen: 1 Apertmt, Crvd


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LEGEND FOR TABLE 2 2 (Continued)


_a a = nonsafetv-related system not -- " available in safety maalvsis .

n.1 Sensitivity studies were performed and showed that operation of this non-safety system results in a less limiting transient.

n.2 - Not available as a consequence of the initiating event.

r n.3 Isolated on an S-signal coincident with high pressurimr level of 30% span. CVS contribution only significant during post S-signal portion of transient.

n.4 Steam generators are co servatively assumed to be bottled up to maximize their stored energy and minimize their heat removal capability.- Only safety-related SG safety valves are assumed for steam relief after reactor trip.

n.5 Not actuated during transient.

n.6 The pressurizer heaters are blocked on an S-signal. Heaters contribution only significant post-

"S". signal portion of transient.

n.7 Provides additional shutdown prior to reactor trip.

n.8 Reactor is tripped on S-signal at initiation of event.

n.9 It is conservative to neglect heat addition from pressurizer heaters; this reduces primary system pressure and thereby minimizes the calculated values of DNBR.

n.10 Redundant safety-re:4ted functions are available for MFW isolation without MFW pump trip, n.ll Pressurizer heater block is met since heater operation is not assumed.

n.12 CVS is not credited. Shutdown is accomplished via the passive, safety-related core makeup tanks.

n.13 Analysis performed at HZP, Reactor is in manual rod control at HZP.

n.14 Startup feedwater is not credited to minimize secondary side heat removal capability.

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3 27 LEGEND FOR TABLE 2 2-a = nnnanfety-re!MM system - ~' available in safety analysis a.1 Sensitivity studies were performed and showed that operation of this non-safety system results in a more limiting transient.

a.2 Nonsafety-related system operation is assumed because a detectable and non-consequential random, independent failure must occur in order to disable the system.

a.3 Spurious operation of this non-safety-related system is the initiating event.

a.4 . Steam generators are conservatively assumed to be bottled up to maximite their stored energy and minimize their heat removal capability, Only safety related SG safety valves are assumed for steam relief after reactor trip.

a.5 Nonsafety related equipment credited as backup protection. Equipment is included in the in-service testing (IST) program.

a.6 Cases with and without this non safety-related system are presented in SSAR, Chapter 15.

a.7 Startup feedwater increases secondary side heat removal capability and worsens the severity of a cooldown event.

a.8 Nonsafety-related system operation is assumed, because it reduces primary system pressure and thereby minimizes the calculated values of DNBR.

a.9 Nonsafety related equipment which maintains p.imary pressure is conservatively assumed for the SGTR event h order to maximize break flow, a.10 Assuming the SG PORVs to be operable results in a higher primary secondary AT, which maximizes break ficw during the SGTR event.

a.l l Maximum startup feedwater is assumed to add inventory to the SGs and reduce steaming; both of these effects minimize margin to SG overfill.

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l LEGEND FOR TAllLE 2 2 (Continued)

I n = nonsafety-related system not assumed available in safety analysis A n.15 Non necessary to assume nonsafety-related MFW pump trip. MFW is assumed to be lost at the time of event initiation; this minimizes the secondary side heat removal capability.

n.16 MFW is assumed to spill out the break.

n.17 It is conservative to neglect heat addition from pitssurizer heaters; heaters maintain primary

. system pressure and margin to saturation.

n.18 he pressurizer sprays are disabled when the RCPs trip. RCPs are tripped upon receipt of an S-signal. Sprays contribution only significant during post S-signal portion of transient.

n.19 Pressurizer pressure control systems not assumed for transient analysis. A conservatively low initial pressurizer pressure n transmitted with statepoints used for steady-state DNBR calculations.

n.20 It is conservative to neglect the make-up capability of the CVS for this decrease in reactor coolant inventory event.

n.21 Startup feedwater is not credited to maximize the amount of steaming and offsite doses released during the SGTR event.

n.22 he steam dump system is assumed to be inoperable; this maximizes the amount cf steam released through the SG PORVs to the atmosphere.

n.23 As a result of an SGTR, primary pressure decreases until the low pressurizer pressure reactor trip signal is reached. No significant power excursion occurs during the initial part of the transient, so the operability of the automatic rod control system has a negligible effect on the transient.

n.24 De steam dump system is assumed to be inoperable; this reduces the ability of the SGs to cool down the primary and reduces the amount of steam inventory leaving the SGs, both of these effects minimize the margin to SG overfil!.

n.25 Pressurizer heaters have a negligible effect on the peak pressure which occurs within 11 seconds of the transient initiation.

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Since the CCS supplies each RCP with cooling water, a complete loss of CCS could lead to multiple RCP failures inchviing multiple locked rotor scenarios. To preclude this possibility, the AP600 protection and safety monitoring system (PMS) (see SSAR Chapter 7) has incorporated automatic features to trip the reactor on a high bearing water temperature in any RCP. Each RCP has four safety related temperatu.e sensors that mesure bearing water temperature. 'Ihey pmvide a signal to the PMS (on a two-out-of four voting logic) to trip the reactor on high temperature. 'Ihey also provide

, a signal to trip the affected RCP after the reactor his been tripped. ,

Another potential adverse system interaction between the CCS and the RCS is the potential for the RCS to leak into the CCS via the RCPs and cause an overpressure of the CCS that would lead to an. .

~ intersystem LOCA. The CCS provides cooling water to the canned-motor RCPs to support normal pump operation. Reactor coolant circulates through cooling coils around the stator, where it is cooled by component cooling water. In the unlikely event that the cooling coil pressure boundary is breached, reactor coolant would leak into the cooling water jacket and into the CCS. "Ihe CCS is desigaed to minimize the consequences of in-leakage from the various components it services.

There are several possible scenarios, depending on the size and location of a leak. Minor leakage of a few gallons per minute into the CCS would be discovered via gradually increasing surge tank level or system radiation.

For intermediate size leaks from the RCPs, a flow meter in each CCS line servicing the RCPs will

,- detect the increased flow rate and automatically close the valve in the individual CCS line returning

! from the RCP. Closure of this valve will not terminate the leak however, since the associated CCS relief valve will lift and discharge to containment. If the leakage is within the makeup pump capacity, no safeguards actuation signal is generated, and the plant would be shut down ard depressurized with normal systems.

For large leaks from the RCPs that exceed th capacity of the makeup pumps, the event is a small LOCA inside containment, since the associated relief valve will lift and discharge to containment.

Ultimately, the continuing loss of inventory will result in a safeguards actuation signal, RCP trip, and containment isolation. The appropriate emergency response procedures would be used for recovery.

2.2.18 Primary Sampling System ,

The primary sampling system (PSS) is connected to the primarv system and provides normal and post-

accident sampling of the RCS, PXS and containment as required (see SSAR subsection 9.3.3). 'Ihe system is connected to the RCS and penetrates the containment boundary. It represents, therefore, a

, potential containment bypass path that could lead to a loss of_ reactor coolant and/or containment recirculation fluid outside containment.

To preclude potential containment bypass scenarios post accident, the PSS sample lines that penetrate

= containment are automatically isolated on a containment isolation signal. 'Ihese lines would be l

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l j manually re-opened eight hours post-accident to permit the post accident sampling required (see SSAR subsection De sampling volumes taken at this time are very small and would not impact the volumes of reactor coolant and containment recirculation fluid necessary to maintain long-term containment recirculation. Herefore, adverse system interactions associated with the primary sampling system are avoided.

2.2.19 Spent Fuel Pool Cooling System The AP600 spent fuel pool cooling system (SFS) is a nonsafety related system and is described in

. SSAR subsection 9.1.3. It performs no active safety related functions with the exception of the containment boundary isolation. It also provides a safety-related path for long-term (post-72 hours) spent fuel pool makeup in the event of a loss-of-spent fuel pool cooling. De SFS functions to provide cooling of die spent fuel pool during all modes of operation. The safety related means of cooling the spent fuel is provided by the inventory of water in the spent fuel pool. To achieve this, the spent fuel pool itself is safety-related and is seismic category I. The SFS can also function to purify the refueling water when it is in the IRWST (during power operation), and when it is in the refueling cavity (during refueling operations). It also functions to transfer the refueling water between the IRWST and the refueling cavity to facilitate refueling operations.

He SFS is shown in SSAR Figure 9.1-8. Due to the various interconnections of the nonsafety-related SFS to the various safety-related pools and tanks (spent fuel pool, IRWST, refueling cavity), special design considerations have been incorporated to preclude adverse system interactions involving the SFS. Rese design considerations are discussed in the following paragraphs.

He spent fuel pool is designed to provide the safety-related means of spent fuel pool cooling. He SFS connections to the spent fuel pool are located at an elevation sufficient to maintain spent fuel cooling and prevent uncovery of the spent fuel for at least 72 hou:s following the loss-of-spent fuel pool cooling. SSAR Table 9.1-4 provides the times before boiling would occur and minimum fuel pool inventory for various postulated loss-of-spent fuel pool cooling scenarios. These scenarios include ones where the initial fuel pool inventory is reduced to the level of the SFS connection immediately prior to the loss-of fuel pool cooling that could occur if the SFS line to the fuel pool was severed.

He SFS connection to the spent fuel pool is located 4 feet below the normal water level in the pool.

As discussed in SSAR subsection 9.3.6, the CVS makeup pumps can also take suction from the SFS as a backup emergency boration water source. To preclude adverse system interactions involving the CVS and the SFS, the CVS connection to the spent fuel pool is located 2 feet below the normal water level in the pool, and 2 feet above the SFS connection. Herefore, CVS operation cannot drain the spent fuel pool, which could result in a loss of normal fuel pool cooling.

De SFS also contains connections to the IRWST to transfer refueling water to the refueling cavity.

These lines are safety-related and are administratively controlled to prevent inadvertent draining of the m\bhrvuI1>l10$97 REVISION 1

3-33 IRWST. IRWST level is monitored and is included in the AP600 technical specifica; os (SSAR Chapter 16, subsection 3.5.4). In the event of the mispositioning of the manual valves - at connect t'ie IRWST to the refueling cavity, the administratively controlled drain of the refueling cavity, aligned to the containment sump during power operations, would cause the IRWST to drain to the containment sump. This prt. vents the IRWST inventory from being lost (that is, held-up) in the refueling cavity, causing it to be unavailable for post-accident containment recirculation.

De SFS contains a line that connects the IRWST and the refueling cavity to the SFS pumps and therefore penetrates the containment boundary, The containment isolation valves close automatically on a containment isolation signal to preclude the possibility of draining the IRWST during an accident. -

Rese valves alsc close on a low spent fuel pool level to ;,reclude the possibility of draining the refueling cavity and/or spent fuel pool during refueling operations.

The SFS also contains a connection to the bottom of the fuel transfer canal to permit draining of the canal for maintenance operations. His line is safety-related and seismic category I up to and including the normally closed manual isolation valve (SFS-V040). His valve is administratively locked-closed to ensure that inadvertent draining of the spent fuel pool cannot occur. It is opened only when the gate between the fuel transfer canal and the spent fuel pool is closed, theitby preventing its opening from draining the spent fuel pool.

Rese design features have been incorporated to avoid potential adverse system interactions involving the SFS and the safety-related pools and tanks that it services.

2.2.20 liabitability Systems SSAR Section 6.4 discusses the design of the AP600 habitability systems, including the nuclear island non-radioactive ventilations system (VBS) and the main control room emergu v habitability system (VES). He VBS provides main control room (MCR) HVAC during all normal and abnormal conditions with the exceptio;.s of a loss-of-all ac power, and for conditions of high radioactivity in the MCR. He VES provides safety-related HVAC for the MCR in the event of a loss-of ac power or high radioactivity in the MCR. Adverse system interactions between these systems is avoided by segregating the operation of the two systems. Furthermore, the nonsafety related VBS has safety-related isolation upon actuation of the VES, as described in SSAR Section 6.4. ,

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2 33 2.3 PASSIVE - PASSIVE INTERACTIONS nis section discusses the various interactions, including the adverse systems interactions, associated with the operation of passive safety-related systems and components. Also described are the passive safety related system and component operations and their effect on the operations and performance of other passive safety related features.

Interactions between the following passive safety related systems and components are included in this evaluation of adverse system interactions:

  • Passive core cooling system

- Core makeup tanks (CMTs)

- Accumulators

- In-containment refueling water storage tank (IRWST)

- Containment recirculation

- Passive residual heat removal heat exchanger (PRHR HX)

- Automatic depressurization system (ADS) valves

  • Passive containment cooling systee (PCS)/Contamment
  • Main control room habitability system

The reactor coolant and steam generator systems are also included in the list of passive safety related components that must perform safety related functions. The functions for these two systems are primarily related to maintaining sufficient system integrity to support the passive injection and core cooling mechanisms.

The RCS includes interactions with both the reactor core and the RCS pressure boundary. De RCS must provide the following important flow p4ths to support safety injection and core decay heat removal after any accident:

  • Injection from the various passive injection sources such as CMTs accumulators, the IRWST, and containment recirculation.
  • Natural circulation heat transfer of both decay heat from the core and sensible heat from the system components for safety-related heat removal by the PRHR HX or nonsafety-related heat removal by the steam generators.
  • Steam venting through the ADS valves in the pressurizer and the hot legs.

De steam generators (SGs) are also discussed as part of this evaluation for two important interactions.

ney perform a safety related function to maintain RCS integrity, which is lost following a steam mM577w smlb-110597 REVISION 1

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generator tube rupture event (SGTR). Bey also impact the reactor coolant system heat removal processes. Following events where heat removal is provided by the passive safety related systems only, the steam generators and the secondary side water inventory can provide heat input to the reactor coolant system (RCS). However, the heat input becomes less significant to the RCS for those events where there is reduced RCS flow or significant voiding of the RCS and the heat transfer is through vapor on the primary side of the steam generator. De SGS secondary system integrity is also important since a loss of this pussure boundary can release steam to containment, thereby affecting

De interactions between the various passive components and the PCS also directly affect the .

containment since steam generation following an event results in an increase in containment pressure thst can challenge containment integrity. In addition. vtuation of the PCS removes steam from the containment atmosphere and results in condensate formation on the inside of the containment vessel shell, which drains back to either the IRWST or the containment recirculation areas, depending on the status of the condensate retum isolation valves. Derefore, in the following discussions, the interactions between the various components and the PCS also implicitly address the containment and containment integrity. Here is one important difference in the interactions between the safety-related passive components and containment that is different from the interaction with containment and nonsafety-related systems and components. The passive components are generally located within containment and do not have containment penetrations, while the nonsafety-related systems generally penetrate containment and have containment isolation valves ir their process lines. Therefore, the passive component interaction discussions focus pharily on how the passive components impact containment pressure, which could challenge containment integrity, and the related actuation of PCS that mitigates the pressure transients and provides long-term decay heat removal.

Approach his section includes a discussion on the interactions for each combination of the passive systems and components listed above. Each section briefly describes the various interactions between the specific components, including how the first component affects the second one, and vice versa. He discussions in each section identify the important interactions and any adverse interactions, and confirm that any adverse interactions have been identified, addressed, and evaluated as part of the plant design process, through the various design, analysi+., re.3 testing mechanisms discussed later. ,

There are three principal types of component interactions that have been considered in completing this evaluation:

  • Process fluid interactions that include the design interactions expected between the various passive components, such steam discharged from the ADS sparger and the water in the IRWST that is used to quench this steam, mA1577w.non:Ib-110597 REVISION I

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  • Actuation interactions, such as the CMT low level actuating the fourth stage ADS valves and the IRWST discharge isolation (explosive) valves.
  • Other physical interactions that may not normally be expected, such as the IRWST inventory flooding the CMT compartment and cooling the CMT that may be at high temperatures Iollowing recirculation operation.

In each discussion, the most important interactions are identified. He important interactions for each of the components are generally rela

  • d to the specific safety related functions that the component was

, designed to perform.

De less important interactions are included in the discussions for completeness, but they are not significant in comparison to the important interactions. These other interactions are considered as secondary interactions, not important to the safety related passive systems for several different reasons, which could include any of the following:

  • Dere may be no physical interaction between the specific passive system components, rendering the components essentially unrelated.
  • There may be some interactions between the components, but the effects of these interactions are second-order.
  • he operation of the first component may affect the second component, but when the interaction occurs, the operation of the second component is not important for accident mitigation.

The following examples help to clarify the distinction in interactions between the safety related passive components.

De following is an example of an important system interaction:

  • De ADS has an important impact on the IRWST, significantly affecting the tank temperature once ADS actuates. De water temperature primarily affects the IRWST quenching capability,_

although it is a consideration for both the water injection temperature and the PRiiR llX heat

- sink temperature, in an opposite sense, the IRWST lew , md water temperature have an important impact on ADS, affecting the tanki ability to quench the ADS steam discharEe and the ADS (stages one to three) backpressure due to the ADS sparger submergence in the IRWST.

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. . - . . . ~ . -. . - . - ....-. . . - - -.-.. - _ . . . - - . - - - -.. .- . . - - - .

2 36 -

The following is an example of a ucondary interaction:

r - The ADS impact on the PRHR HX heat removal capability when the IRWST heats up appears to be important.- However, this is a secondary interaction since ADS heat removal is much i

more important than PRHR HX heat removal for events where ADS occurs. In this case, there am interactions between these two components, but they are not considered important.

Another second-order effect is the impact of the higher temperature water on tie IRWST ,

gravity injection.

The following is an example of two components that do not interact:

a' 1he effect of ADS operation on the main control room habitability system is insignincant since their operations are not related.1he habitability system actuates on high radiation, which requires significant multiple failur s of various safety related passive systems to cause radiation levels that would actuate this system. Therefore, this system is not significantly impacted by any other single passive, satMy related system component, and is expected to only be a concem following a severe accident.

For many interaction cases, the integral systems tests. Oregon State University and SPES 2 tests (References 5 through 8) provide insight into the various systems interactions, and are cited where l,


2.3.1 Core Makeup Tanks

- Core Makeup Tanks - Accumulators The core makeup tanks and accumulators are both designed as safety injection sources to maintain inventory for the reactor coolant system, but they have different safety injection functions, as discussed in Section 63 of the AP600 Standard Safety Analysis Report (SSAR)(Reference 1). Their injection

- capabilities complement each other and they are designed to interact with each other since each core


makeup tank shares a common direct vessel injection line with an accumulator. The general design philosophy for safety injection following an event is that the CMTs can inject at full RCS pressure,

. followed by the accumulators (at lower pressures), the IRWST (at very low pressures), and finally by -.

containment recirculation as the reactor coolant system depressurization continues and containment floodup progresses.

1he CMTs, which are ' designed to provide safety injection to maintain RCS inventory at the existing RCS pressure, preclude the need for accumulators for most non-LOCA events except main steam line breaks, where the resulting cooldown of the reactor coolant system (RCS) reduces system pressure below the accumulator pressure. The accumulators are designed to provide rapid reflood and refilling of the reactor vessel following larger LOCA events.

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-,-m-,-v. -,..e -y.-. -, .-e, ,- w -_- , --- m.,-, - .n,--,---- , , , - - , - , .- - - ,, ,

3-37 One specific interaction is relatively important in the design of these two components. The accumulator injection stalls CMT injection (as described below), which reduces tne CMT injection water that is lost out the break early in the event when pressure is higher, This additional CMT water is then available after the accumulator injection ends, extending the duration of CMT injection and delaying the actuation of ADS depressurization. For non-LOCA events, ADS is not expected and, therefore, accumulator actuation is also not expected, except as noted above.

During the injection phase for LOCAs with a break size about 2 inches or greater, the accumulator injection How stalls the CMT injection flow due to the higher driving head available to the

. accumulators when the reactor coolant system pressure decreases significantly below the static accumulator pressure. His phenomena can be seen in the analysis of an inadvertent ADS actuation provided in the AP600 SSAR. As discussed in SSAR subsection 15.6.5, CMT recirculation begins immediately upon actuation of the CMTs. Maximum CMT injection occurs approximately 500 seconds into the event, and slowly decreases until approximately 1000 seconds. During this time, the RCS pressure is slowly reduced to the operating pressure of the accumulators, and they begin to inject.

At approximately 1000 seconds, the secord stage ADS valves are actuated, and the RCS pressure is significantly reduced. At this point, the accumulator flow is significantly increased, thus effectively shutting off CMT flow, This lasts until the accumulators empty, and CMT injection flow begins again

(-1300 seconds).

The potential benefits of this interaction were identified early in the system design process before the safety analyses were performed, and this interaction has been evaluated in the SSAR analyses provided in Chapter 15, and in the Oregon State University and SPES-2 tests.

The potentially adverse interacticn between the accumulator nitmgen and the CMT is insignificant.

Nitrogen cannot be discharged from the accumulators until the RCS is almost fully depressurized to less than about 100 psig. Accumulator nitrogen interactions are not important to CMT operation in this plant condition due to either the timing or volume of the nitrogen release. The Oregon State University and SPES-2 test results confirm this conclusion.

Operator actions may be taken to isolate the accumulator (by closing the motor-operated discharge isolation valve) in Emergency Response Guideline AES-1.2, Post LOCA Cooldown and Depressurization (Re'erence 3), prior to reaching the accumulator discharge pressure during the RCS depressurization in Step 13, if the operator confirms that accumulator operation is not required based on the existing plant conditions. This isolation prevents unnecessarily injecting the accumulators.

However, there are no concerns with the associated nitrogen discharge if the accumulators do inject into the RCS.

m V577w.non:lts t 10597 REVISION 1

- 3 3g --

- Core Makeup Tanks'- In-Containment Refueling Water Stor.sge Tank De core makeup tanks (CMTs) and IRWST are both designed as safety injection sources to maintain inventory for the reactor coolant system, but they have different safety injection functions, as discussed


in SSAR-Section 6.3. Deir injection capabilities complement each other and they are designed to interact with each other since each core makeup tank shares a common direct vessel injection line with

.one of the IRWST gravity. ,

1- De CMTs, which are designed to provide sdoty injection to maintain RCS inventory at the existing RCS pressure, initiate the trr.nsition to IRWST gravity injecdon by actuating ADS as the CMT levels .

decrease. The IRWST is designed to provide a long. term injection source followina, reactor coolant system depressurization.  !

' Although the CMTs share a common injection line with the IRWST, IRWST injection does not occur until later in an event during or after the opening of the fourth stage ADS valves. His does not occur until the CMTs are nearly empty. Depending on the event and the specific component failures that ,

occurred, the timing and rate of the RCS depressurization will vary. For most I.OCA events, there is ' ,

not a significant amount of injection overlap between these two injection sources. Flow rates from these sources are relatively low, and interactions between these two mmponents are not consideved significant.: In the PRA (Reference 2) success criteria analyses, the CMT is generally empty when the ,

IRWST begins to inject.

The CMTs actuate ADS stages one to three, which dircharge into the IRWST. ADS directly impacts IRWST conditions by rdding heat to the IRWST inventory as the ADS discharge is quenched. De interactions between the ADS and the IRWST are discussed in subsection of this report.

One specific interaction is relatively important in the design of these two components, but it is a valve actuation signal and not a process fluid interaction. The CMTs actuate the fourth stage ADS valves, and this same signal opens the IRWST injection isolation (explosive) valves. Valve actuation results in iRWST injection, reducing the IRWST water level, once RCS pressure has decreased sufficiently to initiate IRWST gravity injection.

Since there is little overlap between IRWST and CMT injection, the IRWST does not have any ,

r significant effect on the CMT from the perspective of process fluid interactions. Core Makeup Tanks - Containment Recirculation De core makeup tanks (CMTs) and containment recirculation are both designed as safety injection sources to maintain inventory for the RCS, but they have different safety injection functions, as discussed in Section 6.3 of the SSAR. Deir injection capabilities complement each other and they are designed to interact with each other since each CMT shares a common direct vessel injection line with

. - one of the containment recirculation lines.

mumuonib-110597 REVISION I i-4.

3 39 l

The CMTs, which are designed to provide safety injection to maintain RCS inventory at the existing RCS pressure, initiate the transition to IRWST gravity injection, and eventually containment recirculation, by actuating ADS as the CMT levels decrease. The containment recirculation is designed to provide a long-term injection source, in conjunction with the IRWST, following RCS depressurization.

Although the CMTs share a common injection line with containment recirculation, the latter does not occur until later in an event after the fourth stage ADS valves open and the IRWST is almost empty.

Typically, this does not occur until long after the CMTs are empty Therefore, there are no periods of

. common injection flow expected, so there are no significant interacuons between these two components. In the PRA success criteria analyses, the CMT is empty when containment recirculation begins.

De CMTs actuate the stage four ADS valves, which discharge into the containment loop compartments, and the resulting RCS mass loss can contribute to the containment floodup and recirculation inventory. De interactions between the ADS and containment recirculation are discussed in subsection 23.4.2 of this report.

23.1.4 Core Makeup Tanks - Passive Residual Heat Removal Non LOCA Events During non LOCA events, operation of the CMTs can degrade the performance of the PRHR HX.

This occurs because the operation of the CMTs removes heat from the RCS, and cause the temperature in RCS hot ler to be reduced. Since the effectiveness of the PRHR HX heat removal is proportional to the inlet temperature to the PRHR HX, the heat transfer capability of the PRHR HX is reduced and l the RCS temperature is reduced. However, if CMT operation serves to remove heat from the RCS

! during non-LOCA events, the required heat transfer from the PRHR HX is therefore reduced. This

! phenomena is presented in the SSAR Chaper 15 analysis of non-LOCA events. These analyses model the operation of the PRHR HX in conjunction with recirculating CMTs.

PRHR HX operation can result in CMT actuation by reducing RCS temperature during an event, which reduces the pressurizer water level his is a beneficial interaction and for most significant i plant events, when CMT actuation occurs, the PRHR HX is also actuated, ar.d their operation complements one another as demonstrated in plant analysis and testing. PRHR HX operation also reduces the potential for RCS overfill following a spurious CMT actuation.

l LOCA Events ne interaction between these two components is considered as a secondary effect, which is not significant, since CMT injection now does not directly interact with PRHR HX heat removal flow.

De CMT injection Dowpath is from the CMT into the direct vessel injection nozzle in the reactor m \3577w.non:ib 110597 REVISION 1

3-40 vessel, with balance flow back to the CMT through thr ;old leg pressure balance line. De PRHR HX heat removal flow path is from the reactor vessel, through the hot leg, through the PRHR HX piping and heat exchanger piping, retuming to the reactor through the steam generator cold leg channel head and the cold leg.

De CMTs can radirectly impact PRHR HX heat removal capabilities in two ways following LOCA event. First, they provide cold makeup water to RCS, which maintains the reactor coolant system

  • inventory; for LOCA events, the PRHR HX heat removal process, which is only significant prior to ADS actuation, may be either liquid phase heat conduction or steam condensation heat transfer, depending on the leak rate. For non LOCA events with the exception of a main steam line break, the CMTs will provide sufficient water to keep the PRHR HX piping water-filled. Also, the CMTs initiate ADS stages one to three that discharge into the IRWST and increase IRWST water imperature. However, during LOCA events, once ADS actuates, the PRHR hX heat removal is small compared to ADS heat removal. Derefs, this CMT interaction with the PRHR HX is a secondary interaction which is not important. Core Makeup Tanks / Accumulators - Automatic Depressurization System One important interaction for the CMTs is the actuation of the automatic depressurization system (ADS). Stage one is actuated after CMT level has decreased to a specific level set point and the stage four ADS valves actuate at a second level set point before the CMTs are empty.

De accumulators can indirectly impact ADS actuation, but not the ADS ability to depressurize the RCS, since the accumulators can temporarily delay the need for CMT injection, as described in subsection of this report. His interaction is only important for LOCA events where the accumulators provide injection flow.

ADS actuation can affect CMTs and accumulators by opening the reactor coolant system (RCS) and removing RCS inventory, requiring safety injection from these two sources. Inventory removed through ADS stages one to three, except for steam that vents from the IRWST and water that flows out of the IRWST into the containment recirculation inventory, is retained in the IRWST and used to provide IRWST gravity injection. After ADS stage four actuation, the steam that vents from this stage is condensed on the containment shell and retums to the IRWST through the condensate retum lines ,

for subsequent re-injection into the RCS.

As documented in Appendix A of the PRA, additional CMTs or accumulators do not adversely impact the ability of the ADS to depressurize the RCS and initiate IRWST gravity injection for the success criteria assumed. Sensitivity analyses varying the number of CMTs and accumulators credited in the accident scenarios show that the minimum tank availability produces the most limiting results. This conclusion is true for all ADS success criteria that are credited in the AP600 PRA.

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2-41 Core Makeup Tanks - Passive Cor.tainment Cooling / Containment here are no direct interactions between the Ch Ts and the PCS. The PCS actuates on high containment pressure resulting following steam releases to containment from either breaks such as a-LOCA or main steam line break and from tRWST steaming due to PRHR HX or ADS actuation. The CMTs indirectly affect PCS operation by acaiating ADS discharge to the IRWST and to containment.

De ADS interaction with the PCS is discust :d in subsection of this report.

%e PCS affects passive injection indirectly through control of containment pressure, which affects the

. RCS pressure and therefore, the ability of the passive RCS injection sources. However, containment steaming does not initiate until later in most events after either the IRWST temperature increases or the stage four ADS valves actuate. Derefore, the PCS impact on the CMTs is a relatively insignificant secondary interaction. Core Makeup Tanks - Steam Generator System As discussed in Section 2.3 of this report, the focus of the CMT and SGS interactions is related to the effects on the integrity of the reactor coolant system pressure boundary. A break in the SGS secondary system pressure boundary can discharge steam to containment, but this interaction is not significant.

The CMTs do not directly interact with the SGS since CMT injection flow and pressure balance line

flow does not pass through the steam generators. De CMTs provide safety injection flow to the RCS following a steam generator tube rupture (SGTR).

Dese design interactions have been confirmed as part of the testing and plant analyses. Core Makeup Tanks - Main Control Room Habitability Dere are no significant interactions between the CMTs and the main control room habitability system. Core Makeup Tanks - Reactor Coolant System The core makeup tanks (CMTs) are designed as safety injection sources to maintain inventory for the RCS at the existing RCS pressure, as discussed in SSAR Section 6.3.

Spurious operation of the core makeup tanks can result in an adverse system interaction wi h the RCS.

l Actuation of the CMTs when the RCS inventory is near normal results in CMT operation in a l recirculation mode as described in Section 6.3 of the SSAR. The CMTs will inject cold borated water into the reactor coolant system that will heat and expand once it enters the RCS. The cold water in the CMT is replaced by high temperature water from the RCS cold legs.

mM577wmn It*ll0597 REVISION 1 l


3-43 Spurious CMT actuation during full power operation results in a reactor trip and subsequent cooldown of the reactor coolant system. He effects of this transient are discussed in SSAR Chapter 15. In addition, RCS design transients discussed in SSAR subsection 3.9.1 have been performed for the purposes of component design that bound the thermal transient on the primary components as a result of spurious CMT actuation. Therefore, the AP600 design has addressed this adverse system interaction.

2.3.2 Accumulators Accumulators -In. Containment Refueling Water Storage Tank .

De accumulators and IRWST are both designed as safety injection sources to maintain inventory for the RCS, but they have different safety injection functions, as discussed in SSAR Section 6.3 (Reference 1). heir injection capabilities complement each other and they are designed to interact with each other since each accumulator shares a common direct vessel injection line with one of the IRWST gravity injection lines.

De accumulators are designed to provide safety injection to maintain RCS inventory when RCS pressure decreases below the static accumulator gas pressure. The accumulators function as an intermediate pressure safety injection source, with one of the more important functions to refill the reactor vessel and reflood the core following larger LOCAs.

Although the accumulators share a common injection line with IRWST, IRWST injection does not occur until later in an event during or afer the opening of the fourth stage ADS valves, ne IRWST does not provide gravity injection until the RCS is completely depressurized and the accumulators are empty. Therefore, there are no inter"als of significant injection overlap between these two components so that sharing a common injection line does not result in any significant interactions.

For the same reason, the IRWST does not have any significant effect on the accumulator, from the perspective of process 'luid interactions. Accumulators - Containment Recirculation De accumulators and containment recirculation are both designed as safety injection sources to maintain inventory for the RCS, but they have different safety injection functions, as discussed in SSAR Section 6.3. heir injection capabilities complement each other and they are designed to interact with each other since each accumulator shares a common direct vessel injection line with one of the containment recirculation lines. The general design philosophy for safety injection following an event is that the CMTs inject first, followed by the accumulators, the IRWST, and finally by containment recirculation as the reactor coolant system depressurization continues and containment floodup progresses.

mA3577wmn:lt>l10577 REVISION 1

2 43 D =cumulators are designed to provide safety injection to maintain RCS inventory when RCS pn are decreases below the static accumulator gas pressure. The accumulators function as an int nediate pressure safety injection source, with one of the more important functions to refill the rea ir vessel and reflood the core following larger LOCAt. De containment recirculation is designed to provide a long. term injection source, in conjunction with the IRWST, following RCS depressurization.

Although the accumulators share a common injecon line with containment recirculation, recirculation does not occur until later in an event after the fourth stage ADS valves open and the IRWST is almost

, empty. Containment recirculation does not occur until long after the accumulators are empty.

Therefore, there are no periods of common injection flow expected, so there are no significant interactions between these two components.

De accumulators can also directly contribute to water mass lost to containment during a LOCA, either

' bdirectly after the water passes through the RCS and out the break, or directly into containment during a DVI line break LOCA. However, this water may or may not be available for containment recirculation depending on the break location, since the accumulators are located in a compartment in containment that is not normally flooded. Inventory retained within the accumulator compartment due to a pipe break in that compartment will not be available for containment recirculation unless the piping penetration seals in the compartment wall leak. He accumulator Hoodup interaction is insignificant since the accumulator inventory contribution is insignificant, when compared to the IRWST inventory.

Since thew as no injection overlap between containment recirculation and accumulator injection, containment recirculation does not have an effect on the accumulator, from the perspective of process l

i fluid interactions. Accumulators - Passive Residual Heat Removal Heat Exchanger he interaction between these two components is considered as a secondary effect, which is not

' -

  • significant, since accumulator injection flow does not directly interact with PRHR HX heat removal flow. The accumulator injection flowpath is from the accumulator into the direct vessel injection nozzle in the reactor vessel. The PRHR HX heat removal flow path is from the reactor vessel, j through the hot leg, through the PRHR HX piping and heat exchanger piping, retuming to the reactor

- through the steam generator cold leg channel head and the cold leg.

l' The accumulators also indirectly impact the PRHR HX heat removal capabilities through the impact on RCS inventory following LOCA event. The accumulators provide cold makeup water to the RCS, which subcools the core and traintains the reactor coolant system inventory. However, when accumulator injection occurs following a LOCA, the RCS has significant voiding and PRHR HX l operation is in a steam-condensation mode. Since the accumulator injection does not fill the PRHR HX, the accumulator operation does not impact PRHR HX operation. In addition, once ADS actuation I

l mV577w mxt!b 110597 REVISION I

2-44 occurs, the PRHR HX contribution to heat removal is not important. Derefore, the accumulator interaction with PRHR HX is a secondary interaction which is not importantc j

PRHR HX operation can result in RCS cooling and the resulting coolant contraction reduces RCS riressure and pressurizer level. - But PRHR HX operation by itself is not expected to inithte .

accumulator injection. In general, the PRHR HX impact on accumulator operation is a secondary interaction that is not significant; .

De adverse interaction between the accumulator nitrogen and tne PRHR HX is insignificant.

- Nitrogen cannot be discharged from the accumulators until the RCS is almost fully depressurized to-- .

less than about 100 psigi Dis is only expected for events where ADS operation is also expected and j~ PRHR HX operation is not required for heat removal. Derefore, the accumulator nitragen interactions are not imponant to PRHR HX operation in this plant condition. De Oregon State University and l_ - SPES.2 test results suppon this conclusion.

2.3.2A Accumulators - Passive Contahuneet Cooling / Containment here are no direct interactions between the accumulators and the PCS. De PCS actuates on high containment pressure resulting following steam releases to containment from either breaks such as a LOCA or main steam line break and from IRWST steaming due to PRHR HX or ADS actuation. De accumulators provide RCS injection for larger LOCAs and in conjunction with ADS actuation for other LOCAs. For these events, the accumulators indirectly affect PCS operation since they help to maintain the RCS inventory and some of the accumulator volume can contribute to containment steaming. However, this is a secondary effect that is not significant.

De PCS affects passive injection indinctly through control of containment pressure, which affects the RCS pressure and, therefore, the ability of the passive RCS injection sources. However, containment steaming does not initiate until later in most events after either the IRWST temperature increases or the stage four ADS valves actuate. For events that depressurize the RCS very rapidly, the accumulator injection is complete before the PCS operation has any significant impact on containment conditions.

Therefoie, the PCS impact on the accumulators is a relatively insignificant secondary interaction. Accumulators - Steam Generator System ,

- As discussed in Section 2.3 of this document, the focus of the accumulator and SGS interactions is related to the effects on the integrity of the reactor coolant system pressure boundary. A break in the

- SGS sacondary system pressure boundary can discharge steam to containment, but this interaction in not significant.

De accumulators do not directly interact with the SGS since accumulator injection flow does not pass through the steam generators. Accumulator injection is not expected following an SGTR, and mumwmelb. nom REVISION I

'2 45-i accumulator injection can not cause steam generator overfill since'they do not inject until RCS pressure is much lower than steam generator pressure. Derefore, this is not a significant interaction. ,

De S0 is not expected to initiate accumulator injection following a steam generator tube rupture since the RCS will not lose sufficient inventory to depressurize to accumulator static pressure and ADS is not expected to be actuated.- Derefore, this is not an important interaction. However, the initiation of accumulator injection following any decrease in RCS inventory is a beneficial design interaction.  ;

Oscillatory behavior noted between these systems during the AP600 testing does not result in any

, significant adverse interactions since the oscillations are damped, satisr actory core cooling is maintained, and core uncovery is prevented. Accumislators - Main Control Room Habitability Dere are no significant interactions between the accumulators and the main control room habitability system. Accumulators - Reactor Coolant Systen De accumulators are designed to provide safety injection to maintain RCS inventory when RCS pressure decreases below the static accumulator gas pressure, as discussed in Section 6.3 of the SSAR.

De general design philosophy for safety injection following an event is uutt the CMTs inject first, followed by the accumulators, the IRWST, and finally by containment recirculation as the RCS

, depressurization continues and containment floodup progresses. De accumulators function as an intermediate pressure safety injection source, with one of the more important functions to refill the

, reactor vessel and reflood the core following larger LOCAs.

The RCS pressure determines accumulator injection. Once the RCS pressure decreases below static accumulator pressure, tix. discharge check valves open and accumulator injection initiates. The rate of accumulator injection is based on the change in RCS pressure. His important design interaction has


been confirmed as part of the testing and plant analyses.

he adverse interaction between the accumulator nitrogen and the RCS is not significant. Nitrogen cannot be discharged from the accumulators until the RCS is almost fully depressurized to less than about 100 psig. His is only expected for events where a larger LOCA has occurred or where ADS actuation occurs, resulting in RCS depressurization. De accumulator nitrogen interactions are not important to RCS operation in this plant condition. De Oregon State University and SPES-2 test results support this conclusion.

I Operator actions may be taken to isolate the accumulator (by closing the motor-operated discharge I

isolation valve) in Emergency Response Guideline AES 1.2, Post LOCA Cooldown and F

Depressurization, prior to reaching the accumulator discharge pressure during the RCS depressurization mS3577wmatit>ll0597 REVISION I

2 in Step 13, if the operator confinns that accumulator operation is not required based on the existing plant conditions._ This isola' ion prevents unnecessarily injecting the accumulators. However, there are no concerns with the associated nitrogen uischarge if the accumulators do inject into the RCS.

2.3.3 In-Containneen Refueling Water Storage Tank In-Containment Refueling Water Storage Tank - Containment Recirculation ,

De IRWST and containment recirculation are both designed as long-term safety injection sources to maintain inventory for the RCS, but they have different safety injection functions, as discussed in .

CSAR Section 6.3. heir injection capabilities complement each other and they are designed to interact with each other, since each IRWST gravity injection line shares a common direct vessel j injection line with one of the containment recirculation lines. De IRWST and containment  !

recirculation also interact because the containment recirculation isolation valves are automatically j opened on low IRWST level signals. De general design philosophy for safety injection following an event is that the CMTs inject first, followed by the accumulators, the IRWST, and finally by containment recirculation as the RCS depressurization continues and containment floodup progresses.

De design interactions have been confirmed as part of the integra' systems testing (References 5 l

through 8) and plant analyses (Reference 1).

he IRWST is designed to provide safety injection to maintain RCS inventory later in an event, after the RCS has been depressurized. This normally does not occur until after the fourth stage ADS valves are open. Containment recirculation is also designed to provide long-term RCS injection. As the IRWST becomes nearly empty, the containment has flooded up sufficiently to provide recirculation flow, and the RCS is depressurized. Dese two injection sources complement each other to provide continuous long term injection.

De interaction of these two components is important to long term RCS injection. De IRWST p ovides the initial gravity injection following RCS depressurization. Once the low IRWST level actuation signal opens the containment recirculation isolation valves, containment recirculation initiates in parallel with injection of the remaining IRWST inventory, the IRWST establishes an equilibrium injection head with the containment recirculation inventory, based on the injection line flow resistance from the two sources. Dere is the potential for water flow between the two sources to establish and ,

maimain this equilibrium, once containment recirculation is actuated.

Both the IRWST and the containment recirculation areas are exposed to the same containment overpressure. As the IRWST water temperature increases due to PRHR HX or ADS actuation,-

steaming to containment from the IRWST is possible, which could cause a small increase in the pressure due to the steam venting through the air space above the IRWST, but this is not significant.

With significant steaming to containment following a LOCA or a main steam line break, the PCS actuates and the condensate that collects on the containment vessel shell is retumed to the IRWST. If

- musn.mmlb 110597 REVISloN 1

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2 47 the condensate retum valves remain open instead of failing closed, the condensate retum flows directly to the containment recirculation areas. However, after containment recirculation actuation, the IRWST L is connected to the containment recirculation areas through the shared injection lines and the condensate return is shared between these two components.-

4 De IRWST can also directly impact containment recirculation following a DVI line break. In this case,' the IRWST provides injection through the intact injection line and drains directly to containment through the broken line, increasing the containtnent floodup rate and decreasing the time until containment recirculation is actuated. At the wne time, the IRWST provides gravity _ injection through 3 , the intact injection line, where LOCA break flow and ADS fourth stage discharge flow increases the contaimnent recirculation invento y.

Derefore, the overall interaction between the IRWST and containment recirculation is very imponant, -

- as sown by the testing and plant analyses, and the two injection sources work closely together to provide, continuous long term RCS injection.

An adverse interaction can occur due to spurious opening of the containment recirculation isolation valves. This occurs if the line with the motor-operated valve and explosive valve is opened and the IRWST starts to gravity drain to containment, causing floodup of containment. His event does not result in any plant transient, but it does have some adverse effects if the IRWST is allowed to drain significantly. De spurious opening of these valves is prevented by the instrumentation and control I

design. De response to spurious opening of the containment recirculation isolation valves is to

confirm that the actuation is spurious and then to take operator actions to close the motor-operated
valve. His is not a significant interaction since it does not cause a p' ant transient and there is sufficient time, alarms, and indications to allow the operators to diagnose the problem and take the corrective actions required.

1 Oscillatory behavior noted between these systems during the AP600 testing does not result in any e significant adverse interactions since the oscillations are damped, satisfactory core cooling is maintained, and core uncovery is prevented. In-Containment Refueling Water Storage Tank - Passive Residual Heat Removal Heat Exchanger De interaction between the IRWST and PRHR HX is important for non-LOCA events where the PRHR HX provides the primary heat removal mechanism for the RCS, as shown in the testing and plant analyses. The IRWST provides the heat sink for the PRHR HX, with IRWST level and water temperature significantly impacting se PRHR HX heat transfer capability. De design interactions have been confirmed as part of the integral systems testing (References 5 through 8) and plant analyses (Reference 1),

snA3577w. mon lb-110597 REVISION 3

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48 l Initially following PRHR HX actuation, the IRWST maintains the PRHR HX completely covered with water, and the IRWST water temperature is expected to be relatively cold (close to the containment ambient temperature)._ Following PRHR HX actuation, the IRWST temperature increases and after the containment saturation temperature is reached, the IRWST begins to steam to containment. - De containment pressuie determines the limiting IRWRT water temperature, within a relatively small temperature range.

For events such as LOCA or other events where ADS actuates, the interaction between the IRWST and PRHR HX is only significant early in the event prior to ADS actuation when PRHR HX operation is providing the primary heat removal mechanism. For larger LOCAs where the break provides .

r,ignificant heat removal, PRHR HX heat removal is generally not expected to be important when compared to heat removal f>om the break and from ADS, and the interactions between the IRWST and PRHR HX are not important for these events.

' For very small LOCAs (0.5 inch or less), PRHR HX operation will heat the IRWST up to saturation  ;

temperature prior to ADS actuation, ADS opemiicr. st this time will then add energy to a saturated IRWST, which limits the steam condensation capability his PRHR HX operation results in significant venting of steam from the IRWST.

De important difference between PRHR HX heating and ADS heating of the IRWST is that the PRHR HX heats the entire tank depth, while the ADS discharges heat to the upper part of the IRWST, at and above the ADS sparger elevation. In addition, the ADS spargers and the PRHR HX are located on opposite ends of the IRWST. ADS tank heating generally results in subcooled IRWST gravity .

injection, followed by saturated injection Low, For non-LOCA' events, PRHR HX heating of the IRWST is not expected to be followed by gravity injection since ADS actuation is not expected. . But heated gravity injection can occur for events such as a small break LOCA, where PRHR HX heating initiates shortly after the event, followed eventually by ADS actuation and the initial gravity injection flow is much hotter. De difference in injection temperature has no significant effect on gravity injection capability, but subcooled injection flow has a quenching effect in the core region. In Containment Refueling Water Storage Tank - Automatic Depressurization System -

De ADS ' valves are designed to provide a controlled RCS depressurization when safety injection from ,

the accumulators, IRWST, and containment recirculation is needed.: De ADS stage one to three valves that connect to the top .of pressurizer steam space discharge two-phase flow into the IRWST-through the spargers that are located about ten feet below the normal IRWST water surface. De

. purpose of this arrangement is for the IRWST to condense the ADS steam discharge and collect the condensate for return to the RCS, once the RCS is depressurized and gravity injection flow is initiated.

This arrangement also minimizes the potential for discharging steam to containment following ADS -

actuation. The design interactions have been confirmed as part of the integral systems testing (References 5 through 8) and plant analyses (Reference 1).

d m\3s77w. mon:Ib lioS97 - REVISION !

2 49-he IRWST water temperature controls the capability of the IRWST to condense the ADS steam -

discharge. Once the IRWST water heats up and seaches saturation temperature for the existing containment pressure, the ADS steam discharge passes up through the water without condensing and

-. discharges directly to the corttainment atmosphere..

l  :

De IRWST wster level and temperate e also control the backpressure on ADS stages 1 to 3, which

- affects the discharge flow rate. De backpressure is not significan't for the early stages of an ADS discharge. However, it becomes more important late in the depressurization p;ocess, when RCS pressure is nearly equal to the containment pressure. At very low RCS pressures, the IRWST water

. backpressure can significantly reduce the stage one to three ADS discharge flow. De long-term backpressure contribution from IRWST level can be reduced by several important processes:

  • Early IRWST heat additions, such as PRHR HX heating prior to ADS, cause steaming to occur sooner, t.


  • A LOCA break location, such as a DVI line break can drain the IRWST much faster.
  • ' Condensate return from the containment shell maintains the IRWST level.


-* Gravity injection slowly drains the IRWST.

he IRWST water can be heated by both the PRHR HX and the ADS discharge, as discussed in  ;

subsection of this report. De important difference between PRHR HX heating and ADS heating of the IRWST is that the PRHR HX heats the entire tank depth, while ADS discharges heat to l the upper part of the IRWST, at and above the ADS sparger elevation. In addition, the ADS spargers and the PRHR HX are located on opposite ends of the IRWST.

ADS heating of the IRWST generally results in a transition from subcooled IRWST gravity injection to saturated injection flow, once the subcooled layer below the ADS sparger is injected. For non.

LOCA events, PRHR HX heating of the IRWST is not expected to be followed by gravity injection since ADS actuation is not expected. But heated gravity injection can also occur without ADS heating of the IRWST for events such as a small break LOCA, In this case, PRHR HX heating initiates shortly after the event, followed eventually by ADS actuation and the initial gravity injection flow is much houer since there is not a subcooled layer that injects first. He difference in injection temperature has no significant effect on gravity injection capability, but subcooled injection flow has a quenching effect in the core region.

1 Oscillatory behavior noted between these systems during the AP600 testing does not result in any i

significant adverse interactions since the oscillations are damped, satisfactory core cooling is maintained, and core uncovery is prevented, i- - musn.-ib.tioS97 REVISION 1

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2-50 IRWST - Passive Containment Cooling / Containment

%c PCS actuates on high containment pressure resulting following steam releases to containment from either breaks such as a LOCA or, main steam line break and from IRWST steaming due to PRHR HX or ADS actuation. De IRWST wa:. level and temperature control the amount of ueaming to containment, for boe ADS discharges rand PRHR HX operation. The rate of steaming to containment determines when PCS is actuated. De impact of IRWST conditions on PCS actuation is most

  • important for non LOCA events and for smaller LOCAs. De IRWST has insignificant impact on PCS actuation for larger LOCAs and main steam line breaks inside containment, since the break flow rapidly prer.surizes containment, regardless of IRWST conditions. .

The IRWST configuration also has some effect on the steam venting to containment, since steam must pass through the IRWST vents. De IRWST vents are designed to prevent pressurization of the i IRWST, so this interaction is not significant to the steam venting process.

PCS operation controls the pressare in containment by the condensation of steam from the containment atmosphere. His interaction effects the resulting containment floodup liquid temperatures, the IRWST saturation temperature reached following PRHR HX or ADS heating. De condensate return temperature from the containment shell and the RCS temperatures. However, the range of IRWST and containment recirculation water temperature changes are nelatively small.

PCS opera: ion also affects IRWST inventory since the condensation on the containment shell provides condensate return to either the IRWST or the containment recirculation areas, depending upon the status of the condensate retum isolation valves.

De design interactions have been confirmed as part of the integral systems testing (References 5 through 8) and plant analyses (Reference 1). In. Containment Refueling Water Storage Tank - Steam Generator System As discussed in Section 2.3 of this document, the focus of the IRWST and SGS interactions is related -

to the effects on the integrity of the reactor coolant system pressure boundary. A break in the SGS secondary system pressure boundary can discharge steam to containment, which results in an increase ,

in containment pressure and condensate retum to de IRWST, similar to the interaction effects discussed in subsection of this report.

The IRWST does not directly interact with the SGS since IRWST gravity injection flow does not pass through the steam generators. The IRWST is designed to provide safety injection to maintain RCS inventory later in an event, after the RCS has been depressurized. This normally does not occur until after the fourth stage ADS valves are open, except for larger LOCA events. Derefore, IRWST injection is not expected foMowing a steam generator tube rupture since ADS does not occur.

- numwelb lioS97 REVISION I

2 51 ne derdgn interactions have been confirmed as part of the integral systems testing (References 5 through 8) and plant analyses (Reference 1). In. Containment Refueling Water Storage Tank - Main Control Room liabitability There are no significant inte. actions between the IRWST and the main control room habitability system. In. Containment Refueling Water Storage Tank - Reactor Coolant System The IRWST is designed as a long term safety injection source to maintain inventory for the RCS, as discust.ed in Section 6.3 of the AP600 SSAR. he geneml design philosophy for safety injection following an event is that the Chfl's inject first, followed by the accumulators, the r3WST, and finally by containment recirculation as the RCS depressurization continues and containment floodup progresses. The important design interactions have been confirmed as part of the testing and plant analyses.

The IRWST is designed to provide sufficient gravity injection flow to keep the core covered and to remove core decay heat, in conjunction with ADS venting. The IRWST maimains the RCS inventory at lower levels within the RCS than exist during power operation, since the fourth stage valve elevations and the gravity injection head elevations limit the amount that the RCS can be filled.

he IRWST does not provide gravity injection until after the founh stage ADS valves are open. Two-phase flow is primarily discharged out through the fourth stage ADS valves late in an event when IRWST gravity injection initiates. When gravity injection first initiates, the highest expected IRWS'I water level is at about the 128 foot elevation. De hat leg centerline elevation is at at>out the 101 foot elevation, and the fourth stage ADS valves disenarge at about the ll2 foot elevation.

he RCS affectt IRWST level since the gravity injection flow depends on the existing RCS pressure, in additian, the RCS affects the IRWST temperature conditions through heat additions from both PRilR llX and ADS operation, he specific interactions are discussed in subsections and of this report, respectively.

Oscillatory behavior noted between these systems during the AP600 testing does not result in any significant adverse interaction = since the oscillations are damped, satisfactory core cooling is maintained, and core uncovery is prevented, l

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2 52 i

2.3.4 Contaisunent Recirculation Contahuneet Reeirculation - Passive Residual Heat Reasoval Heat Enchanger De interaction between these two components is not significant since containment recirculation flow i

does not interact with PRHR HX heat removal flow.

i PRHR HX heat removal occurs either for non.LOCA events or early in smaller LOCA events before the initiation of ADS. After the RCS is depressurized. PRHR HX heat removal is not important.

- Containmort recirculation does not occur until the RCS is fully depressurized, RCS temperatures are .  !

relatively close to the IRWST temperasures, the PRHR HX is voided, the IRWST is essentially drained, and the PRHR HX is mostly uncovered.

Derefore, when PRHR HX operation oce T containment recirculation cannot occur because the RCS pressure is too high and when containment recirculation initiates, the PRHR HX is unable to provide  !

decay heat removal. [

An adverse interaction can occur due to spurious opening of the containment recirculation isoation valves. . Dis occurs if the line with the motor-operated valve and explosive valve is opened and the 4 IRWST starts to gravity drain to containment, causing floodup of containment. Dis event does not {'

result in any plant transient, but it does have some adverse effects if the IRWST is allowed to dmin significantly, he spurious opening of these valves is prevented by the instrumentation and control  !

t design. De response to spurious opening of the containment recirculation isolation valves is to confirm that the actuation is spurious and then to take operator actiona to close the motor operated ,

valve. Dis is not a significant interaction since it does not cause a plant transient end there is sufficient time, alarms, and indications to allow the operators to diagnose the problem and take the corrective actions required. In addition, if the motor-operated isolation valve spuriously opened to initiate draining, it is expected that it would again function properly to close and terminate the IRWST i flow.

I PRHR HX operation doer, not significantly impact conenment recirculation. PRHR HX operation can reduce RCS pressure ar,d temperature and, therefore, somewhat affect the time that it takes to reach '

containment recirculation. However, RCS depressurization following a larger LOCA or ADS operation is required to initista containment recirculation and the resulting recirculation temperatures are a result of the containment sa.uration conditions and not significantly impacted by PRHR HX operation. Contahunent Recirculation - Aue -aele Depressurination System he ADS valves are designed to provide a controlled RCS depressurization when safety injection from the accumulators, IRWST, and containment recirculation is needed. Derefore, ADS operation is very l iuportant to containment recirculation.

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3 53 he ADS stage four valves connected to the top of the RCS hot legs discharge two-phase flow directly to contrinment inside the RCS loop compartments, at an elevation above the nonnallv flooded areas used for containment recirculation. The purpose of this arrangement is to have the minimal ADS backpressure at the completion of the RCS depressurization. De steam from the fourth stage ADS discharge condenses on the containment shell and returns to either the IRWST or the containment I

recirculation areas, depending upon the status of the IRWST condensate retum isolation valves.

De containment recirculation inventory has io impact on the ADS discharge flow, from the perspective of affecting outlet conditions. The fourth stage ADS valves discharge above the maximum

. containment floodup elevation. De containment recirculation area floodup elevation and the IRWST water surface elevations are interrelated following recirculation actuation since these volames are cross-connected through the common gravity injection lines. l{owever, the IRWST elevations at this time are well below the ADS Dage one to three sparger elevation and the sparger is uncovered.

Therefore, the containment recirculation has no effect on the ADS discharge backpressure.

%e containment recirculation inventory does have an indirect impact on the generation of the ADS flow within the RCS. Recirculation provides the long-term injection that maintains the RCS inventory and that subsequently is needed to generate the ADS discharge flow, llowever, without recirculation.

ADS flow would still continue until the available RCS inventory was depleted and core uncovery occurred.

! Oscillatory behavior noted between these systems during the AP600 testing does not result in any

( significant adverse interactions since the oscillations are damped, satisfactory core cooling is l maintained, and co : uncovery is prevented.

%e design interactions have been confirmed as part of the integral systems testing (References 5 through 8) and plant analyses (Reference 1). Cohtainment Recirculation - Passive Containment Cooling / Containment o

Containment recirculation has no significant impact on the actuation of the PCS De PCS actuates on high containment pressure irsulting from steam releases to containment from breaks such as a LOCA l

l ,

or mMn steam line break, and from IRWST steaming due to PRiiR liX or ADS actuation. The l containment recirculation floodup elevation does not get high enough to affect the discharge of any of l

the ADS stages by providing a backpressure on the ADS discharge, and the containment recirculation j temperatures are at sataration for containment pressure, so that the recirculation inventory could not condense the ADS steam discharge.

Containment recirculation does indirectly impact continuing PCS operation in that it indirectly impacts the generation of the ADS flow within the RCS. Recirculation provides the long term injection that maintains the RCS inventory and that subsequently is needed to generate the ADS discharge flow.

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l llowever, wi:hout recirculation, ADS flow would still continue until the available RCS inventory were depleted and core uncovery occurred.

PCS operation controls the pressure in containment by the condensation of steam from the containment atmosphere. His interaction affects the resulting containment Hoodup liquid temperatures, the IRWST saturation temperature reached following PRHR llX or ADS heating. The condensate retum temperature from the containment shell, and, indirectly, the RCS temperatures. Ilowever, the range of IRWST and containment recirculation water temperature changes are relatively small.

PCS operation also results in condensation on the containment shell, which provides the condensate .

return that either passes directly to the containment recirculation inventory or indirectly to both the IRWST and containtnent recirculation inventories, de,wnding upon the status of the condensate return isolation valves.

The design interactions have been confirmed as part of the integral systems testing (References 5 through 8) and plant analyses (Reference 1). Containment Recirculation - Steam Generator System As discussed in Section 2.3 of this document, the focus of the containment recirculation and SGS interactions is related tu the effects on the integrity of the reactor coolant system pressure boundary.

A break in the SGS secondary system pressure boundary can discharge steam to containment, which results in an increase in containment pressure and condensate retum to the containment recirculation area, similar to the interaction effects discussed in subsection of this report.

Containment recirculation does not directly interact with the SGS since recirculation flow does not pass through the steam generators. Containment recirculation is designed to provide safety injection to maintain RCS inventory later in an event, after the RCS has been aeprenurized. His normally does not occur until after the fourth stage ADS valves are open, except for larger LOCA events.

Containment recirculation is not expected following a steam generator tube rupture since ADS does not occur. If the RCS is subsequently depressurized following a steam generator tube rupture to facilitate repairs, the containment recirculation cr.c not cause steam generator overfill. Derefore, this is not a significant interaction. ,

he design interactions have been confirmed as part of the integral systems testing (References 5 thmugh 8) and plant analyses (Reference 1). Containment Recirculation - Main Control Room Ilabitability here are no significant interactions between containment recirculation and the main control room habitability system.

m U$77w.exe it*llosv7 REVtStoN l

3 55 Containment Recirculation - Reactor Coolant System Co.itainment recirculation is designed as a long-term safety injection source to maintain inventory for  ;

the RCS, as discussed in Section 6.3 of the SSAR. The general design philosophy for safety injection following an event is that the CMTs inject first, followed by the accumulators, the IRWST, and finally by containment rec!rculation as the RCS depressurization continues and containment Hoodup progresses.

Containment recirculation is designed to provide sufficient gravity injection now to keep the core

. covered and to remove core decay heat,in conjunction with ADS venting. Containment recirculation maintains the RCS inventory at lower levels within the RCS than those that exist during power operation, since the fourth stage valve elevations and the gravity injection head elevations limit the amount that the RCS can be filled. Containment recirculation does not provide gravity injection until after the fourth stage ADS valves are open. Two-phase now is primarily discharged out through the fourth stage ADS valves late in an event when containment recirculation initiates.

The maximum containment floodup elevation is to about the 107. foot elevation. When containment recirculation initiates, the highest expected IRWST water level is at about the 107 foot elevation and the IRWST will establish equilibrium levels with the containment Hoodup inventory, which varies slightly based on the specific event. The hot leg centerline elevation is at about the 101. foot elevation, and the fourth stage ADS valves discharge at about the ll2 foot elevation.

The RCS affects containment recirculation Goodup level since the gravity injection now depende on the existing RCS pressure.

Oscillatory behavior noted between these systems during the AP600 testing does not result in any significant advenne interactions since the oscillations are damped, satisfactory core cooling is maintained, and core uncovery is prevented.

The design interactions have been confirmed as part of the integral systems testing (References 5 through 8) and plant analyses (Reference 1).

2.3.5 Passive Residual Heat Removal Heat Exchanger Passive Residual 11 eat Removal liest Exchanger - Automatic Depressurization System

  • Ihere are several important design interactions between the PRiiR IIX and ADS. First, both components use the IRWST as a heat sink, as described in subsections and of this report in addition, both components are connected to the RCS, and the PRilR llX inlet piping shares a common section of piping with the fourth stage ADS valves connected to that RCS hot leg. PRilR llX cooling prior to ADS operation can also impact the initial RCS pressure when ADS actuates. The mV577=mn itsl10591 REVISION I

2 56 design intaractions have been confirmed as part of the integral systems testing (References 5 through

8) and plant analyses (Referen:e 1).

When FRHR HX actestes, the IRWST temperature will increase and depending upon the duration of the PRHR HX operation, some IRWST inventory may be lost due to steaming. Dese two effects tend to reduce the backpressure for ADS stages one to three, which is not significant in the early stages of the depressurization, but affects flow through these stages more toward the end of the depressurization

  • process when RCS pressures are low. However, this is not a significant effect since the fourth stage ADS valves provide the most significant venting contribution at the end of the RCS depressurization.

PRHR HX operation also tends to heat the IRWST closer to saturation temperatures, which allows the ADS discharge to vent from the IRWST without being condensed. His effect does not significantly impact ADS performance, but as discussed in subsection herein, it does contribute to esilier PCS actuation.

De heating of the IRWST from ADS operation is not significant to the PRHR HX because for those events that initiate ADS depressurization, the primary heat removal occurs due to ADS venting, along with any break flow that may exist for LOCA events, and PRHR HX heat removal is not important.

Although the PRHR HX and one of the fourth stage ADS valve groups share a common section of piping, this is not significant since the ADS and PRHR HX are not simultaneously required to operate.

PRHR HX heat removal is only important prior to ADS actuation; when fourth stage ADS actuates, the RCS is significantly voided and at temperature and pressure conditions where the PRHR HX is not important to heat removal. Passive Residual Heat Removal Heat Exchanger - Passive Containment Cooling / Containment here are no direct interactions between these two cornponents. PRHR HX operation indirectly affects the PCS through the PRHR llX heating of the IRWST. De PCS impacts PRHR HX operation by controlling the saturation temperature that the IRWST can reach during an event. De interactions between the IRWST and the PCS are discussed in subsection, earlier in this document. Passive Residual Heat Removal Heat Exchanger - Steam Generator System As discussed in Section 2.3 of this document, the focus of the PRHR HX and SGS interactions is related to the effects on the integrity of the RCS pressure boundary. A break in the SGS secondary system pressure boundary can discharge steam to containment, which results in an increase in containment pressure and condensate retum that indirectly affect the PRHR HX through IRWST interactions discussed in subsection of this report.

1 mU577w,310597 REVISION 1

3 57 De PRHR IIX does not directly interset with the SG'i since PRHR HX now does not pass through the steam generators. liowever, PRHR IIX affects the SGS through changes in the RCS due to PRHR llX cooldown and depressurization of the RCS. The PRIIR HX provides decay heat removal for non.

LOCA events, including a steam generator tube rupture, by transferring the core decay heat to the IRWST. PRHR HX actuation is very important following a steam generator tube rupture (SGTR) since its opera: ion reduces RCS temperature and pressure, which helps prevent steam generator overfill and precludes the need for ADS actuation to mitigate this event.

Oscillatory behavior noted between these systems during the AP600 testing does not result in any

, significant adverse interactions since the oscillations are damped, satisfactory core cooling is maintained, and core uncovery is prevented.

%c design interactions have been confhmed as part of the integral systems testing (References 5 through 8) and plant analyses (Reference 1). Passive Residual Heat Removal Heat Exchanger - Main Control Room Habitability Dere are no signincant interactions between the PRHR HX and the main contml room habitability system. Panalve Residual Heat Removal Heat Exchanger - Reactor Coolant System De PRHR HX is designed as the primary heat removal mechanism for non-LOCA events.

De PRHR IlX is actuated when the normal heat removal systems are unavailable. RCS integrity and Duid conditions affect the PRHR HX operation. PRHR HX actuation with the reactor coolant pumps operating pmvides the most effective single-phase heat removal. However, PRHR HX operation with natural circulation How can effectively remove core decay heat. As the RCS cools down and contracts, RCS voiding may occur, which can eventually change the PRilR HX heat transfer process to steam condensation heat transfer that increases the PRilR HX heat removal effectiveness. As the RCS temperatures untinue to decrease and the IRWST water temperatures increase, the PRHR HX heat transfer capability decreases.

For events that result in extensive RCS voiding and subsequent ADS actuation, such as a LOC A, the PRHR HX heat removal is not important following ADS actuation.

Spurious actuation of the PRHR HX sesults in an adverse system interaction with the RCS. Spurious actuation of the PRHR HX during power operation will result in a reactor power increase due to cooling of the reactor coolant that passes through the PRHR HX. De effects of this transient are discussed in SSAR Chapter 15. In addition, design analyses have been performed for the purposes of component design that bound the thermal transient on the primary components as a result of spurious m u m . m . w iio m REVISION 1

2 58 PRiiR actuation. Therefore, the AP600 design has addressed this potential adverse systems interaction.

Dere are no significant adverse interactions from stratification effects on the RCS when PRiiR liX is operating. As discussed in Section 3.9 of the AP600 SSAR (Reference 1), the stress analvies for the RCS loop piping and components include consideration for the thennal stratification resulting from PRiiR IIX operation. ,

The design interactions have been confirmed as part of the integral systems testing (References 5 through 8) and plant analyses (Reference 1). .

l 2.3.6 Automatic Depressurization System l l Automatic Depressurization System - Passive Containment Cooling / Containment l l

De ADS valves are designed to provide a controlled RCS depressurization when safety injection from the accumulators, IRWST, and containment recirculation is needed.

De ADS stage one to three valves, which connect to the top of pressurizer steam space, discharge two-phase flow into the IRWST through the spargers that tre located about 10 feet below the normal IRWST water surface. De purpose of this arrangement is for the IRWST to condense the ADS steam discharge and collect the condensate for retum to the RCS, once the RCS is depressurized and gravity injection flow is initiated.

De ADS stage four valves, which connect to the top of the RCS hot legs, discharge two-phase flow directly to containment inside the RCS loop compartments, at an elevation above the normally flooded areas used for containment recirculation. De purpose of this arrangement is to have the minimal ADS backpressure at the completion of the RCS depressurization. De steam from the fourth stage ADS discharge condenses on the containment shell and retums to either the IRWST or the containment recirculation areas, depending upon the status of the IRWST condensate retum isolation valves.

His ADS arrangement minimizes the potential for discharging steam to containment during the ca ly part of the RCS depressurization using ADS, and then enhances ADS performance when the RCS is ,

nearly depressurized.

Derefore, ADS contributes to containment pressurization and PCS actuation through two flow paths.

During the ADS stage one to three depressurization, the ADS discharges to the IRWST and contributes to PCS actuation, once the IRWST heats up to saturation, as described in subsection of this report.

During the ADS stage four actuation. ADS i retly discharges steam to contr,inment. By the time the fourth stage ADS valves are opened following ADS actuation during LOCA events, it is expected that PCS will already be operating.

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2 59 l

l Dis ADS and PCS interaction is designed to provide the long term passive heat removal mechanism for those events where ADS actuation is expected, such as LOCA.

De PCS affects ADS perfomtance by cooling the containment, which condenses the steam in the atmosphere and reduces the containment pressure following an event. At RCS pressures that are much higher than the expected range of containment pressures (early in an event), critical flow exists from the ADS stages. Containment pressure variations and, therefore, PCS operation have no significant impact on ADS perionr.ance until the transition to suberitical now is approached as the RCS continues to depressurize.

Later in the ADS depressurization sequence when the RCS pressure is much lower and decreasing, approaching about twice the existing containment pressures, the operation of the ADS moves out of a critical flow regime. At this late time in the depressurization, and later, the existing containment pressure, which is significantly affected by PCS operation, affects both RCS injection and ADS vent flow. Containment pressure also affects the ADS vent flow since the discharge pressure in containment controls the ADS vent flow steam density, increasing discharge steam density with increasing containment pressure. His interaction is included in the Chapter 15 LOCA analysis. Automatic Depressurization System - Steam Generator System As discussed in Section 2.3 previously in this document, the focus of the ADS and SGS interactions is related to the effects on the integrity of the reactor coolant system pressure (RCS) toundary. A break in the SGS secondary system pressure boundary can discharge steam to containment, which results in an increase in containment pressure and condensate retum that indirectly affect die ADS through IRWST interactions discussed in subsection of this WCAP and by increasing fourth stage ADS backpressu.e. as described in subsection, herein.

4 he ADS does not directly interact with the SGS since ADS flow does not pass through the steam generators, although ADS does impact the RCS pressure that exists on the primary side of the steam a generators. During a steam generator tube rupture, ADS is not expected to actuate to mitigate die event. If the ADS were to actuate following a steam generator tube rupture, the ADS operation would reduce the RCS temperature and pressure, reduemg break flow into the steam generator, helping to prevent steam generator overfill. Following such an ADS actuation, some steam generator secondary water from the faulted steam generator could drain back into the RCS as the depressurization continues, potentially causing a reduction in RCS boron concentrations. His flow is limited by the pressure equalization which occurs, thus maintaining the RCS reactivity within shutdown limits.

He ADS is not required following a steam generator tube rupture since PRHR HX operation helps to reduce break flow into the steam generator, preventing the CMTs from actuating ADS. Derefore, the SOS does not impact ADS operation following a steam generator tube rupture in design basis events.

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i 2-60 For beyond design basis SGTR events where multiple failures in the safety related systems occur.

ADS operation will successfully reduce the RCS pressure, thereby terminating the primary to secondary leak. The use of the ADS in mitigating an SGTR event is inodeled in the PRA.

De AP600 Emergency Response Guidelines (ERGS) also address the use of the first stage ADS valve to manually terminate an SGTR event. Section AE 3 of the AP600 ERO Dackground Information demonstrate the successful use of a first stage ADS valve by the operator to mitigate the consequences ,

of an SGTR event.

Oscillatory behavior noted between these systems during the AP600 testing does not result in any .

significant adverse interactions since the oscillations are damped, satisfactory core cooling is i maintMned, and core uncovery is prevented.

The design interactions have been confirmed as part of the integral systems testing (References 5 through 8) and plant analyses (Reference 1). l Automatic Depressurization System - Main Control Room Habitability Dere are no significant interactions between the ADS and the main control room habitability system. Automatic Depressurlastion System - Reactor Coolant System De ADS valves are designed to provide a controlled RCS depressurization when safety injection from the accumulators, IRWST, and contijnment recirculation is needed.

De ADS stage one to three valves, which connect to the top of pressurizer steam space, discharge two-phase flow into the IRWST through the spargers that are located about ten feet tielow the normal IRWST water surface. De puipose of this arrangement is for the IRWST to condense the ADS steam discharge and collect the condensate for retum to the RCS, once the RCS is depressurized and gravity injection flow is initiated. His arrangement also minimizes the potential for discharging steam to containment following ADS actuation.

The ADS stage four valves, which connect to the top of the RCS hot legs, discharge two-phase flow ,

directly to containment inside the RCS loop compartments, at an elevation above the normally flooded areas used for containment recirculation. De purpose of this arrangement is to have the minimal ADS backpressure at the completion of the RCS depressurization. De steam from the fourth stage ADS discharge condenses on the containment shell and retums to either the IRWST or the containment

- recirculation areas, depending upon the status of the IRWST condensate retum isolation valves.

De RCS affects ADS operation since RCS pressure controls the ADS flow rate and the RCS conditions affect the ADS discharge (such single phase versus two-phase flow and fluid enthalpy).

muS77w nmitullosv7 REVislON I

3-61 he ADS and RCS interactions are designed to provide the long term passive heat removal mechanism for LOCA events.

1 Spurious operation of the ADS results in an adverse system interaction with the RCS. Spurious actuation of the ADS valves during power operation will result in a reactor trip on low pressure, i followed by depressurization of the RCS. De effects of this transient are discussed in SSAR Chapter 15. Derefore, the AP600 design has addressed this potential adverse systems interaction.

Oscillatory behavior noted between these systems during the AP600 testing does not result in any  ;

, significant adverse interactions since the oscillations are damped, satisfactory core cooling is maintained, and core uncovery is prevented.  ;

The design interactions have been confirmed as part of the integral systems testing (References 5 thmugh 8) and plant analyses (Reference 1).

2.3.7 Passive Contrhment Cooling / Containment Spurious operation of the PCS results in an adverse system interaction with the containment, his occurs if either PCS isolation valve is opened and causes ti e PCS storage tank to drain water onto the outside of the containment vessel. His event does not result in any plant transient. De spurious opening of these valves is prevented by the instrumentation and control design. His is not a significant interaction since it does not cause a plant transient and there is sufficient time, alarms, and indications to allow the operators to diagnose the problem and take the corrective actions required.

De effects of this transient are bounded by the analysis presented in Chapter 6 of the AP600 SSAR.

%erefore, the AP600 design has addressed this potential adversc systems interaction.

Complete failure of PCS water flow onto the containment vessel following an event results in adverse interactions with the containment. For this beyond-design basis event where containment heat removal is provided by air cooling only, analysis has been performed, which shows that although containment piessure can increase above design pressure, containment oressure is not expected to reach a pressure with a significant probability of containment vessel failure. Passive Containment Cooling / Containment - Steam Generator System As discussed in Section 2.3 in this WCAP, the focus of the PCS and SGS interactions is related to the effects on the integrity of the RCS and SGS pressure boundaries. De PCS is designed to maintain long-term heat removal by condensing steam that is released to containment from either PRHR or ADS actuation.

A steam generator tube rupture does not 'firectly affect PCS operation, anhough i;inniirectly interacts with the PRilR liX and IRWST following this event, based on the interactions discussed in subsections, 2.3 3.5,, and of this docume.nt.

m\3377w Jean it>l10$97 REVislON I

2 62 A break in the SGS secondary system pressure boundary can discharge steam to containment, which results in an increase in containment pressure that directly affects the PCS actuation. Le PCS actuates, condensing the steam that is discharged from the steam generator. Passive Containment Cooling / Containment - Main Control Room flabitability here are no significant interactions between the PCS and the main control room habitability system. . f assive Containment Cooling / Containment - Reactor Coolant System he PCS is designed to piovide long term passive heat removal by condensing steam that is released to containment from breaks such as a LOCA or main steam line break, and from IRWST steaming due to PRilR IIX or ADS actuation. De PCS actuates on high containment pressure tesulting from these steam releases to containment. De PCS is responsible for removing both sensible and decay heat from the RCS, and PCS operation impacts the containment pressure by condensing the steam and retuming the condensate to either the IRWST or the containment recirculation area for subsequent injection into the RCS.

Since the PCS controls the containment pressure, it indirectly affects RCS pressure. Containment pressure is affected by either PRiiR liX operation for non LOCA events or from break flow and ADS flow, which removes core decay heat and sensible heat as the RCS depressurizes, for LOCA events.

De PCS affects ADS performance (and RCS pressure) by cooling the containment, which condenses the steam in the atmosphere and reduces the containment pressure following an event. At RCS pressures that are much higher than the expected range of containment pressures (early in an event),

critical flow exists from the ADS stages. Containment pressure variations and, therefore, PCS operation have no significant impact on ADS performance and RCS pressure until the transition to suberitical flow is approached as the RCS continues to depressurize.

Later in the ADS depressurization sequence when RCS pressure is much lower and decreasing, approaching about twice the existing containment pressures, the operation of the ADS moves out of a critical flow regime. At this late time in the depressurization, and later, th existing containment ,

pressure, which is significantly affected by PCS operation, has more significant effects on both RCS injection and ADS vent flow. Bis interaction is included in containment pressure analyses (Chapter 6) and in LOCA analyses (Chapter 15).

PCS operation and, therefore, containment piessure also impact the ADS vent flow (and RCS conditions) since the discharge pressure in containment controls the ADS vent flow steam density, increasing discharge steam density with increasing containment pressure, nd3577=.non.ll> lios97 REYlslON I

.. . g

2-63 Late in an event, the RCS affects PCS operation since core decay heat affects the ADS flow required to remove this decay heat, along with sensible heat as the RCS depressurizes. Core decay heat tends to increase RCS prenure until sufficient ADS steam can be vented. Derefore, RCS conditions affect how fast and how much total heat is released to the PCS over time. For non LOCA events that do not result in RCS depressurization, the core decay heat transferred to the IRWST by PRilR llX operation affects the PCS heat transfer rate. In addition, for LOCA events, the break size and location significantly affect the PCS heat addition rate.

2.3.8 Steam Generator Systern Steam Generator System - Main Control Room Itabitability Dere are no significant interactions between the accumulators and the main control room habitability system. Steam Generator System - Reactor Coolant System he interactions between the RCS and the SGS are divided into two categories. De first category, that is not important for the purposes of this report, includes normal system funeJons to maintain system integrity and support normal system operatiot. and power generation.

De second category of interactions is related to the interactions between the RCS and SGS and the associated safety related passive .ystems following an accident. A loss of integrity for either the RCS or the SGS initiates an accident, such as a LOCA. SGTR, or steam break from the secondary system.

De various interactions between these two systen,s and each of the safety related passive components are discussed in the appropriate discussions throughout Section 2.3 of this document.

he design interactions have been confirmed as part of the integral systems testing (References 5 through 8) and plant analyses (Reference 1).

2.3.9 Main Control Room Ilabitability System De main control room habitability system only interacts with the main control room and not directly with any of the afo .-iated passive systems discussed in this Section 2.3, herein.

Spurious actuation of the main control room habitabit;ty system is an adverse system interaction that only affects the future operability of the main control room if the system were needed. Spurious actuation has no significant consequences on the main control room operation.

Actuation of this system occurs if either main control room habitability system isolation valve is on.ened and causes the main control room habitability system emergency air storage tanks to vent compressed air into the main control room. he spurious opening of these valves is prevented by the m\3577w non It>l10591 REVislON 1

2 64 instrumentation and control design. This is not a significant interaction since it does not cause a plant transient and there is sufficient time, alarms, and indications to allow the operators to diagnose the problem and take the corrective actions required.11w effects of this transient are discussed in Chapter 15 of the AP600 SSAR. Therefore, the AP600 design has addressed this potential adverse systems interaction.

atV577w Am Ib 110597 REVislON I e .

31 3.0 EVALUATION OF POTENTIAL I?UMAN COMMISSION ERRORS 3.1 Objectives and Method he adveru systems interactions are already studied from a functional point of view in Section 2.0 of this report. In this section, these interactions are emnined from the point of view of potential human errors that may cause the same adverse interactions. Since the AP600 plant is designed to minimize the reliance on operator actions to mitigate accident, cognitive opesator actions are deemed to be the tource of potential adverse system interactions, as opposed to omission errors that are routinely


modeled in the AP600 Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA)(Reference 2).

Cognitive commission errors involve human errors in the decision making process in dealing with event sequences studied in the PRA models. Dese errors may include the starting or stopping of safety systems that are neither called for nor include prematurely performed actions, and actions performed out of sequence in follawing procedures. Nonnally, the failure probabilities of such errors are very difficult to quantify. On the other hand, other actions such as non-response to a cue, omission, unable to complete an action due to lack of time, and commission errors associated with manipulation are routinely modeled and are quantified in the AP600 PRA model. His section, the potential for cognitive commission errors as they relate to the potential adverse system is studied qualitatively.

he most likely sources of cognitive commission errors are as follows:

  • An accident sequence where there is a goal conflict that is not resolved by the procedure
  • Too little or too much information that would either mislead or confuse the operator
  • Procedures that allow or lead operators to make knowledge-based decisions To avoid cognitive commission errors, the AP600 design has placed requirements in task analysis, Emergency Response Guidelines (ERGS) (Reference 3) De AP600 man-machine interface design process discussed in the AP600 Standard Safety Analysis Report (SSAR) (Reference 1) Chapter 18 includes the development of the following for this purpose:
  • Function based task analysis
  • Symptom-based ERGS he function based task analysis results identify the hierarchy of instrumentation for operator use and present it logically to the operators.

He emergency operating procedures address resolution of conflicting indications between nonsafety-related and safety-related instrumentation. Moreover, the ERGS are symptom based, thus they do not allow the operator to make knowledge-based decisions contrary to the rule-based decision philosophy of the ERGS. De ERGS are computerized to provide case of access and self-checking.

enU577w.non Itwil0$97 REY!SloN I

33 Another design feature that provides a diverse path to prevent cognitive comm.ission errors is die status t'res that are monitored by an independent plant staff member, usually an engineer who is not a member of the routit : control room team. This engineer monitors the status trees, and when a red or orange path is reached, instructs the operators to follow the ERG associated with that path. Thus, the operators, regardless of the decisions made and actions taken to that point, go to a separate procedure to handle the current plant status. This allows recovery from, or mitigation of cognitive errors that might have lead to the current plant status, by breaking the operator team away from the path they

  • have been following.

To provide a systematic evaluation of potential human commission errors that may cause adverse .

systems interactions, each of the adverse system interactions already identified in Section 2.0 of this report are examined from a human commission error point of view. In this examination, three questions are asked for each candidate adverse system interaction:

  • Is there an opportunity for a commission error?

Namely, is there a procedure that the operators are following, in which the operator is supposed to manipulate the system causing the advene interaction while the affected system is operational?

  • Are there safeguards against a commission error?

Namely, are there:

- Proceduralized steps to avoid a specific commission error, or recovery steps to recover from such an error if it happens?

- automatic actuation of both systems involved?

- Automatic termination of a system function, when the adverse system interaction happens?

  • ls the effect of adverse system interaction already modeled in die PRA? ,

Namely, is the effect modeled:

As a part of system models?

As a part of establishing success criteria basis?

m\3577= wn Ib ll0597 REVISION 1

34 l

l l De responses to these questions allow the adverse system interaction to be classified as follows:

1. Dere is no credible concem for human commission error for this adverse system interaction to occur.
2. Dere is a credible way for this human commission error to occur, but there is sufficient time to reover. %es, the overall effect is not significant.
3. he error is credible and is already modeled in the PRA or is bounded by other failures or

, tuccess criteria modeled in the PRA.

4. We error is credible and is not modeled in tte PRA.

Each of the potential adverse system interactions identified in Section 2.0 of this report is examined imm the point of view of human errors of commission. For each adverse system interaction, the method described above is applied. De answers to the three questions in the method are evaluated to reach a conclusion about each interaction from a human commissico error point of view. Each item is classified in one of the four categories described above. He items classified as category (4) are then further discussed in Section 3.2 of this repert, in additien, some items identified as category (3) that merit further discussion and/or explanation are also discussed in Section 3.2.

Section 3.3 has been provided to addrt:ss a specific operator error of commission related to economic consequences. His section has been included in cesponse to specific concems raised by the NRC with regard to the errors of commission that the ornator may commit to avoid adverse economic consequences. Specifically, the NRC has drawn comparisons with an incident that occurred at Davis-Besse and the puential for such an incident at an AP600, doe to the use of rnanual actuation of the automatic depressurir.ation system as specified in the AP600 ERGS (Reference 3) and credited in the PRA (Reference 2).

Section 3.4 has been provided to address a specific operator error of commission related to instmmentation errors.

m u m . = ib-ito m REVISION l

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$ TABLE 3-1 (Continued) 7 TABLE OF ASSESSMENT OF POTESTIAL ADVERSE HUMAN COMMISSION ERRORS I Adverse Internetson Does opportunity for Are there anfeguards Is adverse lateraction Conclemens already needded la the [il e ith category of 1 human error exist in seminst bwman errer?

Section Descriptico precedures? PRA? classification 5

. Number Pressurizer flester - CMT No; pn=4us heaters are Yes. automatie tripping logie No this potential adverse There is no credible 2.2.2 and PRilR (during SG tube tripped on a safeguards exists. interacnon is not modeled concem for human rupture event). actuation signal; there are in the FRA. If the commissson error for this no procedure steps to turn automane trrppng of adverse system inter-action pressure heaters fails, a to occur. flowever,if the them on.

potential adverse inter- anao trip fails, the functional action exists. liowever, the adverse inter.actxm would failure probability of stiD te valid.

automatie signal is sma!L [Il ima..n mstruct the cprator to trip the heater if automatie trip fails.

2.2.3 CVS Makeup Pump Yes, there are gmdui.I Yes, auto tripping logie by No. this pnential adverse There is no credible interaction with non-IDCA steps for operator to control FLS and PMS exits. micracuan is not modeled in concern for human events CVS pumps to maintain the FRA. If tir succHmme commrssson error for this psssuruer level tnppeg of 'NS rr_akeup adverse system inter-action purrys fals, a potennal to occur. Ilowever if the adverse inter-action exists. auto trip fails, the functional flowever, the fahe adverse inter.actxm wouki pobablity of automane snD te valid _

signalis small. Procedures [1]

mstruct the operator to trip CVS pimps if automane trip fails.

! l O ba Z

- 0.



' TABLE 3-1 (Continued)

EI TABLE OF ASSESSMENT OF POTENTIAL ADVERSE HUMAN COMMISSION ERRORS Are there safeguards is adverse lateraction Cen." * ,x I. Adverse fateractlen Does opportunity for (il = ith category of against human error 7 already moedeled la the 1 human error exist in classification procedures?

PRA7 Section Description 5

3 No...L .

i Yes. The automstre trip of There is the potential for CVS Makeup Pump Yes, step 4 of ERG AE.3 Yes.CVS purrps are 2.2.3 the CVS pumps via PMS is human commission enor.

instructs operator to start automatxally tripped on interaction with SGTR modeled for high SG level. Ilowever, this enor would one CVS pump. Thus. high SG water level.

Pime .s instruct the be neutralized by the auto there is potential for a operator to trip CVS pnnps SG high level signal. Thus commission enor.

if auto-matic trip fails. the overall effect is negligibly small "Ihe failure of the auto trip signal is already modeled in the FRA.

111 Not applicable, since there is No need to model in PRA. There is no credMe adverse 2.2.4 CVS Punfication lep No operator action needed.

no operator action. operator action.

(Il Not applicaNe. since there is No need to model in PRA. There is no credible adverse 2.2.5 Makeup control System No operator action needed.

no operator action. operator action.

Ill Yes. Une is automatically No. 'Ihcre is no credible adverse 2.2.6 letdown Une Interactions No. LOCA-related isolated. operator action.

pmdu.s instruct the operator to close the


letdown line Yes. Amount of hydrogen No. 'Ihere is no credible -d.u s 2.2.7 Ilydrogen Addition Line Operator action does not that can be introduced into operator action.

contribute to this adverse instruction. RCS is limited. [Il E

a a

Z 4 9 8 4


& TABLE 3-1 (Continued)

M TABLE OF ASSESSMENT OF POTENTIAL ADVERSE HUMAN COMMISSION ERRORS E Are there safeguards Is adverse interaction Condosions

__ Adverse Internetlen Does ,; . ; :;y for 1 human error exist in against homen enver? already anodeled le the [i] = ith category of Sectica Description ,,. w J.. o? PRA? classification 5

$ f. amber 2.2.8 Main Feedwatts Pumps Yes. Potential operator Yes, MFW is automatica!!y No. Potential for human commission error exists in isolated. Also step 3 clearly commission error can be j step 3 of ERG AES41. states objective; instructs postulated but it is deemed j closure of MFW control to be highly uniekely due to valves before establishing the safeguards discussed in feedwater flow to the 3G. column 4. Even if the unlikely failure occurs,it will lead to a transient with a spmous SI signal which is not a dominant risk contributor.

I21 2.2.9 Startup Feedwster Pumps - Operator is expected to Not needed. Not modeled. There is no concern.

PRIIR utilire SFW if MFW is not [1]

available, as a preferred heat removal means after transients. Thus there is no concem 2.2.9 SFW - SGTR Yes. With an SI event, the Yes. Automatic termination Yes, failure of automatic ' tode!cd in the PRA.

operator is instructed to of SFW flow on a high SG SFW termination is [3I start SFW pumps (step 14 water level. modeled in the FRA.

of AE-0).

a 6

z Y


Y' 7


41 1

4.0 SPATIAL INTERACTIONS Spatial interactions are interactions resulting from the presence of two or more systems in proximate locations. He spatial interactions considered include the effects of fire, Dood, pipe break, missile hazard, and i.eismic e ents. These interactions are addressed in the SSAR in Sections 9.5,3.4,3.6, 3.5, and 3.7. The protection required for safety-related systems and the potential for spatial interactions from nonsafety-related systems are largely independent of whether or not a nonsafety-related system is operating.

. Safety related systems are required to be protected from the effects of failures in safety-related and nonsafety related systems. Safety-related systems are limited in location to within the containment, containment shield building, and the auxiliary building. De restricted extent of the safety-related systems and components limits the number of nonsafety-related systems that need to be considered as possible sources of adverse interactions. In addition to separation of safety-related and nonsafety-related systems, one of the important features providing protection is the exterior and i:.terior structural walls, floors and roof of the auxiliary building and the structure of the containment shield building.

Nonsafety-related systems, including systems with RTNSS missions and defense-in-depth missions, are generally not required to be protected from the effects of failures in nearby systems.

Specific considerations for the spatial interactions are provided in the following paragraphs.

Fire The key method of addressing fire hazard is the use of fire barriers (walls, floors, and fire-rated doors) between fire zones in the haxiliary building. Redundant trains of safety-related equipment are located in separate fire zones so that the effects of a fire or fire fighting efforts do not hinder shutdown or accident mitigation capability. Automatic fire suppressi. on systems are not provided in the containment or auxiliary buildings. This minimizes the potential for adverse effects of flooding or water spray due to fire fighting efforts on safety-related systems.

Significant quantities of combustible materials such as diesel fuel and hydrogen are not located in the buildings containing safety-related systems. This also minimizes the potential for a fire-related adverse

, system interaction.

Flood Safety-related systems and components in containment are located above the maximum flood-up level or are designed to operate when under water. The approach of using water stored inside containment for the safety-related core cooling and safety injection limits the amount of water available to flood the containment 'o a known finite amount.

mA3577wnib-Il0597 REVIslON l

42 Two primary sources were evaluated for potential flooding in the auxiliary building. De first was water in pipes routed through compartments containing safety related systems and components. In these areas, drains, vents, and other means quickly conduct water and steam out of the auxiliary building and away from the safety related systems and components. The second significant source of potential flooding evaluated was water used for fire fighting. Fire fighting is provided by hand-held hoses connected to a water supply. The water for these hoses from the PXS tank above containment provides sufficient volume and water head. Water from fire fighting efforts finws through drains, '

under doors and down stairwells to t'.e lowest level of the auxiliary building. The amount of water available for fire fighting is limited. If all the water remains in the auxiliary building, the tu : could be several inches of water on the floor in the lowest level. .

Pipe Break Safety related systems are protected from the dyne.mic effects of pipe breaks and cracks in safety related and nonsafety related, high-energy piping systems. Dynamic effects include pipe whip, jet impingement, and subcompartment pressurization. Moderate cr ergy line breaks are evaluated for spray wetting and environmental effects. De separation of safety related from most nonsafety-related piping systems minimizes the potential for adverr.c interaction between safety-related and nonsafety related systems.

A number of the safety-related high energy lines inside containment are shown to have leak-before-break characteristics. Dynamic effects of pipe breaks in these lines did not have to be evaluated. He portions of nonsafety-related, high-energy lines that are not constructed to the criteria of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code are not qualified as leak-before-break lines.

De portion of piping adjacent to containment penetrations is in a break exclusion zone. Piping within the break exclusion zone is subject to additional limits on pipe stress, and the effects of pipe break did not have to be evaluated. An exception to this exclusion was the main steam and feedwater piping in the steam tunnel subcompartment adjacent to the main control room complex. The main steam and feedwater lines in this area do qualify as break exclusion zone piping. Because of the importance of the function of the main control room and a safety-related battery room below, the wall and floor are evaluated for the effect of pipe whip, jet impingement, and subcompartment pressurization. High-energy line bitaks in the turbine building were also evaluated for dynamic effects on the control room. ,

Missile llazard Safety-related systems and components are protected from the effects of potential missiles by separation from missile sources, the building structure, system and component design, and if necessary, barriers. Missile sources may include fragments from failures of rotating elements including pump and fan impellers, failure of pressurized components, and explosions. Because of the design requirements and construction codes used, safety-related components are not considered to be credible sources of missiles due tu impeller failures or failure of pressurized components.

mA3577=.non:ltwitos97 REVISION I

43 he exterior and interior structural walls, floors and roof of the auxiliary building and the structure of tl e containment shield building provide protection fom potential sources not located in the same subcompartment for the safety related systems and equipment. Where nonsafety related equipment is located in the same compartment as safety-related systems and components, the equipment is built to requirements similar to safety related equipment to preclude the generation of missiles or is located inside an enclosure constructed to retain missiles.

The AP600 turbine is oriented to preclude the impact of low trajectory turbine missiles in areas containing safety related systems and components. The design, metallurgy, and fabrication methods

, used for the AP600 turbine result in such a low probability of rotor failure that the impact of high trajectory missiles did not have to be evaluated.

Seismic Events Safety-related structures, systems, and components are designed, analyzed, and constructed to withstand the effects of a safe shutdown earthquake Rese structures, systems, arid components are classified as seismic category 1. Nonsafety-related structures, systems, and components whose failure could have an adverse impact on a seismic category I structure, system, and component are classified as seismic category 11. Seismic category 11 structures, systems, and components are designed and evaluated to provide that 'he failure of the seismic category Il structure, system, or component does not result in a failure of a seismic category I structure, system, or component.


m U577w.non.Itri10597 dEVISION 1

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'I 51 i


S  !

- this report summarizes the systematic and thorough approach that has been used to evaluate the . i

- AP600 for potential adverse system interactions. Potential adverse system interactions that reduce the -

capability or degrade the performance of the safety related systems to pcrform their safety _related-missions are identified. ' This report also documents that the AP600 Standard Safety Analysis Report (Reference 1) and the Probabilistic Risk Assessment (Reference 2) have properly considered these adverse system interactions.

4 3 Insights to the regulatory treatment of nonsafety-related systems have been obtained by identifying the important interactions between nonsafety-related systems'and the safety-related systems in the AP600.

By understanding the important interactions and potential adverse system interactions, the operation of l l i the nonsaiety related systems can be properly accounted for in the pertinent AP600 licensing submittals.

4 I

insights to the AP600 Emergency Response Guidelines (Reference 3) and man-machine interface system (MMIS) design have been obtained from this report. By identifying important adverse system interactions, the AP600 emergency operating procedures and MMIS can be developed to avoid potential operator errors that result in unintended adverse interaction that leads to degradation of the plant safety during an accident, i



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1. AP600 Standard Safety Analysis Report, Revision 11, February 28,1997
2. AP600 Probabilistic Risk Assessment, Revision 8. September 30,1996
3. AP600 Emergency Response Guidelines, Revision 2, January 10,1997
4. Regulatory Guide 1.97
5. AP600 inw Pressure integral Systems Test at Oregon State University, Final Data Report, WCAP-14252, March 1995 (Westinghouse Proprietary Class 2)
6. AP600 Low-Pres:ure integral Systems Test at Oregon State University, Test Analysis Report.

WCAP 14292, September 1995 (Westinghouse Proprietary Class 3)

7. AP600 Design Cenification Program SPES 2 Tests, Final Data Report, WCAP-14309, Rev.1, March 1995 (Westinghouse Proprietary Class 2)
8. AP600 SPES-2 Test Analysis Repon, WCAP-14254, May 1995 (Westinghouse Proprietary Class 2)
9. EPRI MAAP 4.0 Users Manual e

l I

mM57tw.non.ltst t0597 REVISION I

4, 4

Enclosure 3. Response to Reference 1.

This enclosure provides Westinghouse responses marked on the NRC letter (Reference 1). It reflects resolution of NRC comments and notes ERG changes included in Enclosure 1, ASI Report changes included in Enclosure 2, and response revisions marked in Enclosure 4.



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August 28, 1997 "

          • cn j 3 97 QA A Brian A. Mc Intyre APPLICANT: Westinghesse Electric Corporatten PREWECT: AMet


SesWWV 0F TELE 7Hout CONFERDICE TO DISCUS $ WESTINGHOUSE RESPONSES TO APG00 Dm'acturY RE570NSE RUIDELINE CODENTS On Amyest 26,1987, the teclear Regulatory Commission (IRC) staff, an imC centracter, and Westi (see Attachment) conducted a tel conference t

(talecus) conceratog AP600 Emergency Response Geldelines ( s). IRC

courmets en the EBEs were provided se liestloghouse via IRC letters dated l

February 6 Isad 13, and April 9,1997. Westinghouse subsequently revised l the EREs and the Adverse System Interactions (ASI) ovaluation report to i address the imC comments. The purpose of the telecon was to discuss how the ist comments were addressed in the revised ERGS.

l The following is a summary of actions from the telecon:

  • Westinghouse agreed to formally document its responses to the three NRC ERG comment lettr's. See Enc osure. S.

. Westinghouse will revise the introduction to the ERE background document to discuss the need for the E0P writers to identify the continuous action steps. Westinghrsse will provide some examsles of ERG steps which are subject to ct .tinuous action. see Endosuce_ i .

  • Westinghouse will revise the introduction to the EM background document l to explate abat is meant by the statement ' Evaluate Long Term Plant, l

States' which appears in a number of ERss. This discussion will include the COL licants development of an accident management plan and its relatt lp to the ERGS /EOPs. See Enclosure l.

  • Westlogheese ul)1 place a statement in the introductien to the ERG background document editch directs the E0P writer to consider the insights identified in Chapter 3 of the ASI report, WCAP-14477. Sefp Lb4 l Westleghouse will include a discussion in its response to comment #1 of the 1st February 6,1997, letter which will address that adverse lateractions from the pressurizer spray and reactor head vent were reviewed but that no interactions were found. See todosxe .
  • Westinghouse will revise ER$ procedures AE5-0.1 and AES-0.2 as commenter See in its response to comment #7 of the February 6,19g7, NRC letter. Encl 05 .
  • Westinghouse w111 revise its response to comment #8 of the NRC Febru-ary 6,19g7, letter by noting that the ERG background document discusses the rela of automatic trip of the pressurizer heaters. g gjy_(050cc N.

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8 4

August 28, 1997

  • Westlaghouse will revise information in the background document for AES-l.t. step 15, to be consistent with the A51 evaluation report concerni the iselatien ef accumulators to prevent aitrogen inject 1on into the . Westingheese will aise nake this revision la other ERG step backgrounds where appropriate. See Enc.\osure 1.
  • Westi so will clarify its response to comment #18 of NRC letter dated 11 9, 1997, to explain that there is no backup for the accumu lators and none needed when they are isolated in step 25 of&AE-3.

. see c iosurt 4.

  • Westteghouse will 1ssee an errata en the ASI evaluation report, WCAP-144T1. Sectlen 3.2, Sebsectten 2.2.1, which clarifles that ERGS permit restart of the ACPs after reset on an $1 signal - and do not allow the operator to bloca the CNT actuation. See {nciosace Q, original signed by:

W1111am C. Huffsan, Project Manager Standardization Project Directorate

' Olvision of Meactor Program Management l Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation i

Docket No.52-003


As stated l

I cc w/att: See next page DISTRIBlilGI ulattwheant:

Docket File POST R/F TKenyon PU8 tlc 8Huffman JSebrosky

, DJackson l

DISTRIBUTIM w/o attV -- t:

SCollins/FMirag'ta, 0-12 GIS BSheron, 0-12 GIS JRoe 0Matthews TQuay W0ean, 0-5 E23 ACRS (11) JMoore 0-15 BIS ACubbage 0-2 E23 JBongarra, 0-9 H15 Alevin, 0-8 E23 TCollins, 0-8 E23 00CtmENT MAME: l

v. . - i ERGA:TLCON-1c .c. -

n r .c. .nc- = = . . ,

OfflCE PM:PDST:0 RPM l 0:PDST:0 RPM l l l NAME WCHuffean G ' w TRQuay M V

DATE (r'/0797 N/AS/97 i 0FFICIAL RECORD COPY j l

l 1

( . ~.


JIM MIGGIIIS WR, Attachment 1

Enclosure 4. Formal transmittal of responses incorporated into Revision 3 of the ERGS.

As noted in letter DCP/DCP0920, NRC comments received via letters dated 2/6/97,3/13/97, and 4/9/97 were incorporated into Revision 3 of the ERGS. During an 8/26/97 telecon, as noted in a letter dated 8/28/97, the NRC requested that the responses to the comments provided in these three letters be provided formally. Although these were informally provided, Westinghouse is submitting those responses under this one letter per NRC request.

l l

The markings on this enclosure represent incorporation of NRC comments documented in Reference 1 (see Enclosure 3).

l l


' Revision 4 of the ERGS was provided by letter DCP/DCP0947 on July 17,1997 and '

incorporated the responses to RAls 440.648 through 440.658 from letter DCP/DCP0948 of that same date

s-3 Response to NRC Comments in February 6,1997 letter.

. Westinghouse Response to Staff Comments cn Comparison Between the Adverse System Interaction Report and Emergency Response Guidelines Completen.ns and Accuracy Some issues were noted with regard to the completeness and accuracy of the ASI report.

Specific examples follow:

(1) Not all of the SSCs noted in Section 2.1 appear in Table 2.1.

- pH adjustment of contamment recirculation does not appear on the top of the Table.

RCS pressure control (pressurizer spray), reactor vessel head vent, and the steam generator system are missing from the initiating system column of the Table.

Westinghouse Response:

The ASI report has been updated to address this comment. The left hand column of Table 2-l l has been modified such that pressurizer heaters has been relabeled RCS pressure control.

l Interactions from pressurizer spray and reactor vessel head vent were considered, but no l adverse system interactions were founde-Section 2 2.2 b; k;n mcdified to addr =

pressurieer-spray 4nternetions-The steam generator system was not added to Table 21 as a separate line item because its interactions are accounted for in the sections on MFW pumps, SFW pumps, and the SG blowdown system. The pH adjustment function ,vas not added to the top row of Table 2-1 because this function is now performed by baskets located inside containment containing trisodium phosphate (TSP). No system interactions with the TSP baskets have been identified.

(2) in Section 3.1 a statement is made that "the ERGS are symptom-based, thus they do not allow the operator (to) make knowledge-based decisions." This is not in accordance with the current philosophy of ERGS and EOPs in the industry. In par icular, one of the documents (NUREG/CR-6208) authored by and provided by WEC for the _ Operating Experience Review of Chapter 18, makes a strong case for operator knowledge-based reasoning (pr.rticularly situation assessment and response planning) during the execution of emergency procedures.- The statement in the ASI report should be revised or removed.

1 l

i Response to NRC Comments in February 6,1997 letter.

This section also states that when a red path is reached in the status trees, the operators go to the FRGs. This is also true for orange paths but is not noted.

Westinghouse Response:

The ASI report has been modified. The statement reads that "the ERGS are symptom-based, thus they do not allow the operator to make knowledge based decisions contrary tc the rule-based decision philosophy of the URGs". This is consistent with NUREG/CR-62v8.

In addition, the comment regarding the response to an " orange path" within the ERGS has been incorporated.

-(3) Section 3.2 states that each adverse system interaction identified in Section 2.0 is examined from the point of view of buman errors of commission. However, those adverse interactions of Section 2.2.14 are not included here.

Westinghouse Response:

Section 3.2, Table 31 has been revised to address this comment.

(4) Section 3.3, Commission error Related to Economic Consequences, concludes that such an error is "not credible" without seriously considering the possibilities and explaining why it may not be credible. The only reason given is that procedures require it. However, there have been many cases where procedures have not been followed and there are also cases where operators have been reluctant to uke actions that have economic consequences (e.g. Davis Besse). The ASI report should be revised to acknowledge that such an error is possible but of low probability. It may be appropriate to discuss if the PRA accounts for such an occurrence.

Westinghouse Response:

Section 3.3 has been revised to address this comment as follows:

3.3 Commission Error Related to Economic Consequences Another set of potential commission errors is related to economic consequences. In some events sequences, the operators may be reluctant to actuate safety-related system if it may have a large adverse economic consequences to the plant. An example of such an action often cited is the reluctance to start emergency feed and bleed operations in a conventional 2

6 Response to NRC Comments in February 6,1997 letter.

plant. In current plants, emergency feed and bleed operation can be required to mitigate loss of heat sink events, where the operator needs to cool the core without the use of the steam generatora. To accomplish this, the op?rators " feed" with the high head safety injection pumps, and " bleed" with the PORVs connected to the pressurizer. However, the operators are reluctant to perform this operation since operation of the PORVs would lead to a cleanup of containment; therefoie, this operation is used as a last resort. A potential failure is the operators may continue to try to recover secondary cooling, rather than go to feed and bleed until it is too late.

In the AP600, a counterpart to feed and bleed operation is related to actuation of the automatic depressurization system. The ADS valves, in conjunction with the CMTs, accumulators, and IRWST provide automatic emergency core cooling in response to loss of coolant accidents. However, the important differences between manual actuation of ADS in the AP600 and the use of feed and bleed cooling in current plants are:

- ti e ques and man-machine interfaces available for manual ADS actuation

- the consequences of manuai ADS actuation These differences are explained below.

! The decision making process that the operator is faced with in the AP600 is much different than that of current plants. To estabbsh feed and bleed cooling in current plants, the operator must make a decision to initiate feed and bleed soley based on conditions in the plar.t.

Therefore, as the RCS conditions slowly degrade due to the loss of the RCS heat sink, the operator may continue to try to re establish the normal, front line safety system (i.e. steam i generator cooling) and forego the onset of feed and bleed cooling.

In the AP600, ADS is an automatic safety feature that is used in response to design basis accidents. It is not a "last resort", but rather a front-line safety system that would be i expected to actuate for loss of coolant accidents. There are two scenarios where manual actuation of the ADS is required. These are:

- following failure of automatic actuation of ADS on low CMT water level l

- following a loss of all RCS heat sinks (SGs and PRHR) l The use of ADS following a failure of automatic actuation of ADS on !ow CMT water level

!- is not comparable to manual actuation of feed and bleed cooling in current plants. In this case, the automatic protection system should have automatically actuated ADS, and therefore the operator has a cler and unambiguous que that manual ADS actuation is required.

The use of manual ADS following a loss of all RCS heat sinks is more similar to feed and bleed cooling in current plants. In current plants, the use of feed and bleed cooling is used i

l 3 l


3-i Response to NRC Comments in February 6,1997 letter, in beyond-design basis events, where multiple failures result in a loss of all RCS cooling via the steam generators. In the AP600, the use of manual ADS to provide feed and bleed cooling is even more unlikely. The failure of an RCS heat sink occurs only after the failure of both the normal and startup feedwater systems, and requires the complete failure of the safety related PRHR heat exchanger. It is only after the failure of the PRHR, that the operators would then use feed and bleed via manual actuation of ADS.

In this scenario, the emergency procedures would have provided clear and unambiguous guidance to actuate ADS manually. In addition, the presentation of the emergency operating procedures (EOPs) via computerized procedures will provide the operator with clearer guidance than provided in todays plants. Due to the importance of ADS, the presentation of the information necessary to que the operator to manually actuate ADS will be given a sufficiently high priority in the AP600 MMIS design process.

The other major difference between current plants and the AP600 is that the AP600 is designed to minimize the consequences of ADS operation. In current plants, even limited feed and bleed can result in rupturing of the pressurizer relief tank and causing reactor coolant to be spilled into containment. In the AP600, the first three stages of ADS connected to the pressurizer discharge to spargers located in the IRWST. This minimizes the consequences of the Grst three stages of ADS operation to the containment environment. As discussed in section 2.0 of this report, following a ADS without a LOCA, if the normal residual heat removal pumps were to operate, the CMTs will not drain to the fourth stage ADS setpoint, and significant containment flooding will not occur. Even in the event of a full ADS (i.e. fourth stage ADS opening), the RCS loop compartments would fill with water, but significant flooding elsewhere in containment would be avoided.

In summary, failure of the operators to manually actuate ADS is a very unlikely event.

Operator acts of commission to prevent ADS are not credible. Failure of the operators to manually actuate ADS would require the operators to ignore and / or override emergency procedures. Whereas in current plants, the operators failure to actuate feed and bleed has been noted, it is much less likely in the AP600 due to the fundamental design difference between automatic depressurization, and manual feed and bleed cooling. The use of advanced MMIS and computerized procedures, as well as the clear and unambiguous guidance provided in the ERGS provides assurance that the operator will not be tempted to overrides system actuation of ADS when required. Furthermore, the economic consequences of ADS in the AP600 is much less severe than feed and bleed in current plants, and it will not pose an undue temptation to the operators to avoid its use. Therefore errors of commission related to economic consequences have been sufficiently considered in the design of the AP600 and are not considered credible.


i Response to NRC Comments in February es,1997 letter.

(5) Section 3.4 states there are six human actions impacting adverse system interactions, but ' hen lists seven. Also the section does not give the criteria for :tecting these seven from the larger number in Table 3.1.

Westiighouse Response:

The ASI report has been updated to provide the criteria for selecting the interactions that require further discussion in this section 4

(6) The Table 3.1 analysis of RCP interactions (Section 2.2.1) notes that no opportunity for human error (IIE) exists and that there is no LOCA related procedure where the operators are instructed to restart RCPs if CMTs are required. This response misses an important point. There are ERGS that direct the restart of RCPs. In the TMI ac-cident, the operators didn't know thue was a LOCA and were not in a LOCA related procedure. The ASI report should address the design features that prevent restart of the RCPs if the CMTs are actuated Westinghouse Respoase:

The ASI report has been updated to address this comment. The ERGS address this inteisction by providing clear and unambiguous guidance to avoid this interaction. In addition, the PMS prevents the restart of the RCPs in the presence of a valid CMT actuation signal The following section has oeen added to section 3.5 (formerly 3,4).

2 21 RCP - Core This adverse interaction is addressed in the design of the AP600. The automatic reactor l coolant pump trip sigmficantly reduces the potential for this interaction when compared to current plants, inadvertent pump restart is prevented by the interlocks provided in the protect and safety monitoring system. Restart of the pumps requires the operators to manually block the safeguards actuation signal, and restore nCS conditions (i c. pressurizer level) to pre-CMT actuation conditions. Subsequently, if pressurizer level can not be maintained, then the CMT actuation signal will be re-estaMished on low pressurizer level, and the RCPs again will be tripped to aliow proper CMT operation. Explicit reactor coolant pump restart criteria are provided in the ERGS that allow the operator to block the CMTs and restart the RCPs.

Incontiskncuv11h_tilcJiRGs (7) Section 12 i Reactor Ceolant Pump Interactions: A potential adverse interaction noted here is similar to TMI operation of RCPs can mask the severity of an event by 5

J Response to NRC Comments in February 6,1997 letter.

misguiding operators that sufficient coolant inventory is present. This section states that, "as presented in the AP600 ERGS, restart of the RCPs requires core subcooling and pressurizer level to be indicated." This is true for ERGS AES-1.2, AE 3, and AFR 1.3, but it is nal true for ERGS AES 0.1, step 10, AES-0.2, step 1, or AES 11, step 17.

Westinghouse Response:

The ERGS are consistent witn the ASI report. As noted by the NRC, ERG AES 1.2, AE-3, and AFR l.3 include the aforementioned CMT termination criteria prior to RCP re-start (followed by CMT isolation). The NRC correctly points out that no such criteria is included within ERG AES 0.1 (step 10), AES 0.2 (step 1), and AES-1.1 (step 17). The reason that this criteria is not included within the body of these guidelines is that entry into these guidelines is predicated on meeting the CMT termination criteria. A more detailed description'is provided below:

AES-0.1 This ERG is entered after a reactor trip without a safeguards actuation signal.

Therefore, since a safeguards signal is not actuated, the CMT discharge valves, if opened on low pressurizer water level, can be re-closed if pressurizer level is recovered (Step 6). For this case, the RCPs can then be restarted. The ERG background document will be revised to incorporate this insight, and state tb detailed pump restart criteria should include precautions that pressurizer level be stable or increasing.

s AES-0.2 Similarly, this ERG is entered from AES 0.1, when it is determined that a natural circulation cooldown is desired. No safeguards actuation signal has been generated, restarting the RCPs is allowed. The ERG background document will be revised to incorporate this ins,ight, and state that detailed pump restart criteria should include f precautions that pressurizer level be stable or increasing.

AES l.1 This ERG - Passive Safety System Termination, is used to recover the plant after actuation of the passive safety systems. It is entered from AE-0 -- Reactor Trip or Safety injection, or AE l -- Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant, when the specific CMT krmination criteria have been met. Therefore, the termination criteria is not repeated AES-l. l.

(8) Section 222 Post-Accident Interactions involving the Pressurizer (PZR) Heaters:

This section states that AP600 addresses the potential adverse interactions during an 6

Response to NRC Comments in February 6,1997 letter.

SGTR by the tripping of the PZR heaters on an S-signal actuation. However, AE-3, for an SGTR, step 11 directs the operator to turn off the PZR heaters and does not mention at all the automatic trip.

Westinghouse Response:

The ERG is written to cover both design basis type events (where isolation of the pressurizer heaters is required) and multiple-failure events whero the operator may have turned on the heaters to proceed with a cooldown (due to a loss of event) and subsequently a steam l generator tube ruptures. Westinghouse recommends no change to the ERGS. The ERG l background document discusses the role of automatic trip of the pressurizer heaters following j a safeguards actuation signal and the need to potentially energize the pressurizer heaters l during recovery guidelines.

-The-ERGhackground-document-vnll-be-fevised-to4nelude-the above discussionrand-will alstestate4 hat-step 4-1-is4ntended-fof the-operatof9404)loek-the-eulematie-controlsystem signal-thetitart9-the-pressufiger-heaters-(9) Section 2.2.3 Chemical and Volume Control System (CVS) Makeup Pump Interactions: discusses three actions to prevent PZR overfill, including stopping the makeup pumps. AFR l.1, Response to High Pressurizer Level, does not include any of these three steps and in fact step 2 starts a makeup pump. Other ERGS (e g. AE-0, step 17, and AFR H.1, step 14) do contain a step to stop makeup pumps on a high PZR level. Table 3.1 states that procedures instruct the operator to trip CVS pumps, however not all appropriate ERGS appear to do so.

Westinghouse Response:

The ERGS address stopping the makeup pumps on high pressurizer level (AE-0, Step 17b; AFR li.1, Step 14b). AFR-1.1 will be revised to more appropriately prioritize starting the Reactor Coolant Pumps to initiate letdown, and as a backup, instructs the operator to start the makeup pumps to initiate letdown. Either RCP operation or makeup pump operation is necessary to establish letdown via the normal letdown line.

(10) Section 2.2.3 also states that during SGTR events to prevent adverse interactions, the CVS makeup line receives a signal to isolate on high SG water level. However, AE-3, for an SGTR, does not mention this isolation. Further, step 4.b says to stop the makeup pumps, and step 4.c says to operate makeup and letdown to maintain PZR level between L(05) and L(06). Table 3.1 mentions an automatic CVS pump trip on high SG level, which is not mentioned in Section 2.2.3. Thus, the appears to be that 7

1 l

Response to NRC Comments in i%bruary 6, I997 letter, on an SGTR with a high SG level, the automatic system will be tripping the pumps and/or isolating the makeup line, while the ERG is telling the operators to run the pump and maintain level. Table 3.1 recognizes the conflict here, but does not appear to think it a problem and still classifies this adverse interaction as a [1] or "no credible concern fc- human commission error." This issue / concern is not mentioned in the background material for ERG AE 3.

Westinghouse Response:

The ERGS will be revised to instruct the operators to verify that the makeup pumps are stopped on high steam generator level.

(II) Section 2.2 5, Makeup Control System: This section discusses boron dilution scenarios and notes that the clean water (demin) isolation valves receive auto isolation signals on reactor trip, safeguards actuation, etc. AES-0, Reactor Tiip or Safety injection, and AES 0.1, Reactor Trip Response, do not mention or verify this isolation. Thi.

line is left out of Table 3.1 in an apparent oversight, and hence this interaction was not analyzed in Section 3.

Westinghouse Response:

he ERGS (AE 0 and AES 0.1) will be revised to incorporate this comment. Table 3.1 in the ASI report has been revised as appropriate.

(12) Section 2.2 6, Letdown Line Isolations: This section discusses letdown line isolations to prevent loss of reactor coolant outside of the reactor coolant pressure boundat/ and outside of containment. Of particular note is the case during shutdown operations when draining water from the RCS via letdown. Ihre the letdown isolation on low I'ZR level r ust be blocked The section notes that in this case there is also an isolation on low hot leg level. ERG SDG 1, Response to Loss of RCS Inventory During Shutdown, step 2 states, " Verify RCS Drain Path Isolation." Neither this step nor the rest of the ERG says anything of the PZR low level isolation being blocked.

Table 3.1 incorrectly notes that LOCA related procedures instruct the operator to open the letdown line. Also the Table does not acknowledge or analyze the potential for shutdown draining operations errors that have occurred in many operating plants.

Westinghouse Response:

The Shutdown ERGS are correct as written. The Shutdown Safety Status Tree uses low pressurizer water level and low hot leg water level as the appropriate ques to enter Shutdown 8

Resjx>nse to NRC Comments in February 6,1997 letter.

Guideline SDG 1. It addresses whether the low pressurizer level signal is blocked by the block "CMT Actuation Signal Blocked." No change to the ERGS are necessary. Table 3.1 has been modified to state that LOCA related procedures instruct the operators to close the letdown line, as appropriate.

(13) One particular potential adverse interaction was noted in the ERGS, that was not contained in the WCAP. Instrumentation can interact with various systems in adverse ways, particularly when there are failsres or inaccuracies in the instrumentation. This type of interaction can also contribute to the possibility of human errors of commission. An example noted in ERG AE-1 was in steps 5 and 6, where improper instrument readings by the operators could result in incorrect termination of the Passive Safety Systerns. A discussion of the potential for this type of interaction would seem to be appropriate in the ASI report. .

Westinghouse Response:

The ASI report has been updated to address this comment. The following section has been added to the ASI report.

3,4 Commission Error Related to Instrumentation Errors Another set of potential commission errors is related to instrumentation errors. The issue is whether the AP600 design has accounted for the potential oJ errors in instrumentation that cause the operators to make an error of commission. This has been addressed in two ways.

The ERGS have addressed potential instrumentation errors due to adverse environments. This has been addressed by providing instrument setpoints for operator actions for vonditions when an adverse environment exists, in addition to the normal setpoints for when environmental conditions are normal. In addition, the AP600 advanced control room and MMIS, with computerized procedures, will assist the operator in determining when to utilize the setpoints for adverse environmental conditions.

Another exercise that Westinghouse has performed to address the potential for errors in instrumentation to cause operator errors is the description of the analysis of the AP500 safety-related instrumentation requirements provided in SSAR section 7.5. This section presents the results of this analysis, conducted in accordance with Regulatory Guide 1.97 to assure that the AP600 safety-related instrumentation has sufficient redundancy and diversity of qualified instruments to provide the operators with clear and unambiguous information following an accident. In this manner, the potential for operator errors due to failures in instrumentation has been addressed.

9 i


Response to NRC Comments m March 13,1997 letter.

Westinghouse Response to Additional Comments on Comparison Between the Adverse System Interaction Report and Emergency Response Guidelines (1) Table 2.1 of the ASI report for IRWST interactions does not cross reference Sections and under the columns for Recirculation and PRHR (for the IRWST).

Westinghouse Response:

The ASI report has been modified to incorporate this comment.

(2) Section refers to an old and outdated Rev. O of the SSAR.

Westinghouse Response:

The ASI report has been modified to incorporate this comment.

(3) Section 2.2.8, Main Feedwater Pumps, discusses the potential interaction between the l a MFW Pumps the SGs. Of particular concern is continuing MFW flow after a reactor trip and overfilling or overcooling the SGs. The discussion in Section 3.4 (relating to Section 2.2.8) notes step 3 of ERG AES-0.I, " Check FW Status." Table 31, under Section 2.2.8 of the ASI report, indicates that the objective of this step is to instruct the closure of MFW control valves before establishing SFW flow to SGs

(in step 3.c). However, step 3.a " response not obtained," in fact, bypasses closure of the MFW valves and goes directly to step 3.c. The objective of the step is not as clearly stated as Table 3-1 would imply. This ERG presentation could lead to higher l potential for the noted error of commission.

Westinghouse Response:

The ERG background document will be revised to refcrence section 3 of the ASI report so that the insights captured in this section of the report are svailable to the COL applicant for their use in developing the Emergency Operating Procedures.

l (4) Section 2.2.9, Startup Feedwater Pumps, addresses two interactions, SFW with PRHR l

and SFW during an SGTR event. The ASI report states that the PRHR can not be terminated until the SFW pumps are operational and water level in b_qth SGs is l recovered. The ERGS (e.g., AES-1.1 step 6) conflict with the ASI report in that the i termination criteria are SFW in operation and narrow range level m at least one SG l


Response to NRC Comments in March 13,1997 letter.


In addition, discussion in Section 2.2.9 on a SGTR event notes the problem with SFW causing an overfill and an SG PORV lift. The ASI report states that SFW is automatically isolated on a high SG water level. This is not consistent with the ERGS. ERG AE-3, SGTR, does not mention SFW at all, and step 3.b tells the operator to stop feed flow. AFR H.3, Response to High SG Level, step states " Isolate SFW to Affected SG." Neither one makes reference to the automatic isolation. Other places in the ERGS, where there are automatic isolations, have the operator " verify"

'he actions have rcurred.

Westinghouse Hosponse:

The ASI report ,has been revised to reflect the correct ERG termination criteria.

The ERGS are consistent with the ASI report. Step 3 instructs the operators to stop feed flow to ruptured SGs. In the ERGS, the term feed flow applies to feedwater supplied to the SGs from either the SFW or the MFW pumps / lines. However, the NRC is correct that the verification of the automatic isolation of FW isolation on high SG level is not included in ERGS AE-3 and AFR H.3. Westinghouse will update the ERGS to include this verification as appropriate.

(5) Section 2.2.13. Plant Control System (PLS), discusses how the PLS provides for the control and operation of the nonsafety-related systems. This section discusses the interactions that the PLS and pertinent nonsafety related systems have on the various accident scenarios analyzed in SSAR Chapter 15. These are summarized in Table 2.2 of the ASI report. Regarding section 15.4.6 of Table 2.2, it is noted that an adverse interaction is mitigated by automatic termination of boron dilution after a reactor trip.

However, AE 0, for a reactor response does not mention or verify this.

Westmghouse Response:

ERG AE 0 will be revised to incorporate this comment.

(6) Section 2.2.14, Liquid Was.e Processing System (WLS), states that the WLS collects and processes radioactive waste from the RCS, including from the ADS lines to the Reactor Coolant Drain Tank (RCDT). If ADS is actuated, RCS-V241 should automatically close to isolate the RCDT. A small adverse interaction is noted if the valve fails to close. The ERGS do not check this valve closed after an ADS actuation.

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Response to NRC Comments in March 13, u97 letter.

Westinghouse Response:

- ERG AE 0 will be revised to address this comment. This verification has'a low priority, and may be addressed with a generic note (as done in the standard ERGS) to inform the EOP writer where to add (or consider adding) steps to check appropriate operation of miscellaneous nonsafety-rt. lated equipment as necessary (After Step 21 in AE 0).

(7) Section 2.2.16, IRWST Gutter, sLtes the IRWST Gutter returns condensate from the' containment walls to the containment sump normal operation, but realigns on PRHR actuation to return the condensate to the IRWST. This realignment is not checked in the ERGS.

Westinghouse Response:

ERG AE-0 will be revised to address this comment.

(8) Section 2.3.1, Core Makeup Tanks (CMTs), deals with interactions of the CMTs with other passive safety systems. It mentions operator action to isol:te the accumulators l

before the accumulator tanks empty, in order to prevent injection of the nitrogen gas into the reactor. Neither AE-0 nor AE-01 contain a step to isolate the accumulators.

Westinghouse Response:

The ASI report has been modified to better explain that nitrogen injected into the RCS from the accumulators does not result in an adverse system interaction with the CMTs. Therefore, a-tions are not taken in the ERGS to attempt to isolate the accumulators prior to injecting nitrogen into the RCS.

(9) Section .2.3.2, Accumulators, deals with interactions of the accumuiators with other passive safety systems. It also mentions operator action to isolate the accumulators before the accumulator tanks empty, in order to prevent injection of the nitrogen gas i into the reactor. See comment (8) immediately above.

i- Westinghouse Response:

See the response to item 8 above.

l i (10) Section 2.3.5, Passive RHR (PRHR), states that PRRR is very important for decay 12 l

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i Response to NRC Cr..nments in March 13,1997 letter.

heat removal in an SGTR event. Yet ERG, AE 3 for SGTRs, in step 6 b isolates PRHR carly in the ERO. These two facts seem contradictory.

Westinghouse Response:

PRilR is not isolated "early" in the event. Prior to entering this ERG, the operator has alreadv proceeded through AE 0, which includes verifying reactor trip and verification of the plant status, including proper operation of the safety systems and the nonsafety related system. At that point, the operator transitions to the diagnosis phase of AE 0, (Steps 22 27) and tro,sitions to the SGTR ERG. Not until Step 6 of this ERG (after which they identify ana isolate the faulted SG a,id verify the status of the RCS), does the operator verify the prc sence of a heat sink (SG level and SFW operable). At that time, it is appropriate to cool down the RCS with the steam dumps.

In addition, the EP.G background document will be revised to reference section 3 of the ASI report so that the insights captured in this section of the report are aveilable to the COL applicant for theh use in developing the Emergency Operating Procedures.

Westinghouse will revise AE 3, Step 6 to clarify that the operator should verify level in the intact SG (as opposed to either SG) to preclude feeding a faulted SG.

(II) Section 3.4, relating to Section 2 3.5.5, state that spurious actuation of PRHR affects the RCS by increasing reactor power. They state that the operators would follow ERG AE 0 arc < .ventually in step 26 transfer to ERG AES 1.1, which in step 6 terminates PRilR. This appears to be an excessive delay in terminating the sparious actuation. Further, it is not clear that the spurious actuation would necessarily cause a safety injection signal which would be necessary to place one in AE 0 at step 26.

Westinghouse Response:

Termination of spurious actuations of safety rela'ed systems may be performed by the operators without the use of procedures, prior to the generation of a plant trip or safeguards actuation signal. However, upon receipt of these signals, the operators are directed to follow the emergency operating procedures. The emergency procedures provide the explicit termination criteria for safety related systems, once a reactor trip or safeguards actuation signal has been generated. This is consistent with the approach in current plants, with regards to spurious operation of safety related systems.

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t i Restwmse to NRC Comments in March 13,1997 letter.

(12) Section, Automatic Depressurization System (ADS), discusses spurious ADS actuation. The staff's review of'he ERGS has noted that the ADS is only addressed within the context of " verification of actuation / manual actuation backup." Unlike ,

other " passive" safety systems (e g., CMT) where the background documents make reference to spurious operation, the ERG background document information on ADS  ;

did not provide any' guidance on isolation of ADS valves or actions subsequent to spurious operation of the ADS.

- West!nghouse Response:

Operator actions to terminate inadvertent ADS are not included within the context of the Ef'.Gs. The resulting pressure transient due to inadvertent system level actuation of ADS would result in an immediate reactor trip and safeguard actuation (the entry point 'or the  :

ERGS). Therefore, procedural actions wculd not bc effective in preventing the consequences of an inadvertent ADS. Instead, the ERGS instruct the operator to take appropriate steps to ensure plant safety, and to minimize the consequences ofinadvertent ADS, The ERGS do not address ADS termination criteria since this is dealt with vu the long term action management plan.

I In addition, since the entry point for the ERGS is a reactor trip or safeguards actuation, recovery of inadvertent operation of the CMTs and/or PRHR is not within the context of the ERGS. Termination criteria for these safety related features are provided to recover the plant and transition to a normal condition.


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Response to NRC Comments in April 9,1997 letter.

Westinghouse Response to Staff Comments on AP600 Emergency Response Guidelines Termination Criteria ,

AE .n. Henctor Trio or Safety Inlection ,

Westinghouse Response to item #1 ,

in general, the termination criteria for CMT operation does not include the status of the nonsafety systems as a criterion, but rather uses measured parameters that provide inJication of the state of the plant. Specifically, the termination criteria are a stable RCS conditions with adequate RCS subcooling and level stable or increasing. As to the use of the nonsafety related makeup pumps, they are not designed to be continuously operating, and their operation during many events is not required. Therefore, in most cases, the operation of the makeup pumps is not a gcod indicator of whether or not the Chits can or should be isolated One exception is during a LOCA. For most LOCAs, the makeup pumps would be expected to run continuously. During a LOCA event, termination of the Chits would cwur while the operator was in AES l.2 Post LOCA Cooldown ud Depressurization. Therefore, Step 9 of AES 1.2 will be revised to include a check of the operability of the makeup pumps j

prior to isolating the Chits.

With regards to the comments regarding termination of PRIIR in AES 1.1 Passive Safety Systems Termination, this termination is made independent of the termination of the core l makeup tar ks. Termination of PRilR is made soley on the basis of whether the normal heat sink is available. Therefore the operator should proceed through this procedure with either M11R or the SGs as a heat sink.

1 AES 0.l. Reactor Trio Response l

l Westinghouse Response to item #2 As stated earlier, termination of PRilR operation is treated independent of Chit operation.

The PRilR is the safety related RCS heat sink. If the normal nonsafety related heat sink is available, the operators are permitted to terminate its operation in addition, the PRiiR may operate without the presence of a safeguards actuation (i e. safety injection signal). PRi{R is also actuated on low steam generator water level when the startup feedwater is unavailable.

Therefore, sm.ilar to the explanation above, continuation of this guideline with PRIIR operating is acceptable.

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e Response to NRC Comments on April 9,1997 letter.

Westinghouse Response to item #3 The CMTs are actuated on a safeguards signal, or on low pressurizer water level. If a safeguards signal were to actuate while the operator was in this guideline, then a transition to AE 0 would be appropriate. Ilowever, if the CMTs were actuated on low pressurizer level, but no safeguards actuation signal is present, then the operator is permitted to continue with this guideline.

Westinghouse Response te item #4 AES 0.2 does not assume that the PRIIR and/or CMTs are not actuated. It is written to accommodate either scenario.

i Westinghouse Response to ! tem #5 As explained above, this guideline can be followed regardless of whether PRJIR is in operation.

AES 0,2. Natural Circulation Cooldown Westinghouse Response to item #6 The actions to establish cooling of the IRWST need not be initiated immediately, but can be performed later, if circumstances dictate lo,g term PRIIR operation. Therefore, the ERG background document (Step 6 of AES 0.2) aas been revised to addres the need to align the necessary support systems for IRWST .:ooling mode.

AE 1, Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant Westinghcuse Response to Item #7 See the response to item #1

[There was no NRC Item #8}

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Response to NRC Comments in April 9,1997 letter.

Westinghouse Response to item #9 The isolation of PCS cooling on cc ' sinment pressures less than the PCS actuation setpoint is acceptable. If termination of PCS would result in the containment pressure increasing above the PCS actuation setpoint, (as might be the case if the contt.inment fan coolers were not eperable), then the PCS would automatically be reactuated. However, to avoid intermittent, long term cycling of the PCS valves, the ERG background document for this step has been revised to provide guidance to the operators that if termination of PCS causes the containment pressure to increase above the PCS actuation setpoint, subsequent termination of PCS should not be performed unless verification of the operability of the containment fan coolers to remove heat from containment has been established.

I Westinghouse Response to item #10 a.) Following larger LOCAs, it is expected that the operator would proceed though this guideline without being able to terminate the passive safety systems. It is appropriate that once the operator has completed this guideline, evaluation of the long term status of the plant should be made. This would be conducted under the auspices of the plants accident management plan. For smaller LOCAs, steam generator tube ruptures, or secondary side breaks', it is anticipated that a transition to one of the other procedures could be made, and passive safety system termination would be addressed in those guidelines.

b) The ERGS utilize the hot leg level instrument as appropriate, when an operator action based on this instrument would be warranted. In the ERGS, this is limited to manual actuation of the ADS, in instances where the CMT level instruments read high, but hot leg level instruments show that the hot legs are empty, core exit thermocouples i indicate that core cooling may be inadequate. In the shutdown ERGS, the use of the hot leg level instrumentation is more prominent, in that it is used to provide guidance

' for manual initiation of injection during mid loop operations.

Westinghouse Response to item #11 See the response to item #1.

Westinghouse Response to item #12 A transfer back to AE 0 is not necessary. Termination of CMT injection will not result in the loss of the cenditions for CMT termination criteria unless a loss of reactor coolant is 17 i


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Response to NRC Comments in April 9,1997 letter.

't ongoing. Therefere, if while in this guideline, termination of the CMTs causes a loss of RCS  !

subcooling, then it is appropriate to transition to AE 1. l Westinghouse Response to item #13 See the response to item #1..  !


- Westinghouse Response to item #14 .

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See the response to item #9.

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e Response to k.C Comments in April 9,1997 letter.

MS 1.2. Post LOCA Cooldown and Depressurization Westingiicuse Response to item #15 The Optimal Recovery Guidelines (AES 1.2 Step 8, and AE 3 Step 13) have been revised to instruct the operators to transfer back to AE 1 if ADS is actuated.

Westinghouse Response to item #16 As discussed in the response to item #1, Step 9 of AES 1.2 will be revised to include a check of the operability of the makeup pumps prior to isolating the CMTs.

I Westinghouse Response to item #17 See the response to item #9.

l l Westinghouse Response to item #18 l

Step 14 - See the response to Item #1. For a tube rupture, CVS makeup pump operation may act be continuous, and would not be a reliable CMT termination criterion.

Step 21 - See the response to item #9, l Step 25 - Accumulators are required for large break LOCAs. There are no nonsafety related l system that performs this function. Accumulator isolation is permitted to allow for a l controlled depressurization of the reactor coolant system during the implementation of the l ERGS.

Westinghouse Response to item #19 See the response to item #12 of the NRC ASI/ ERG letter . ated 3/13.

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