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Notice of Violation from Insp on 880606-21.Violation Noted: Failure to Perform Periodic Audits of Emergency Operating Procedures Between Apr 1984 & 880414
Person / Time
Site: Prairie Island  Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 07/12/1988
From: Wright G
Shared Package
ML20151E957 List:
50-282-88-10, 50-306-88-10, NUDOCS 8807260280
Download: ML20151E971 (1)



NOTICE OF VIOLATION Northern States Power Company Prairie Island, Unit 1 Docket No. 50-282 Prairie Island, Unit 2 Docket No. 50-306 As a result of the inspection conducted on June 6-21, 1988, and in accordance with 10 CFR Part 2, Appendix C - General Statement of Policy and Procedure for NRC Enforcement Actions (1987), the following violation was identified:

10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Criterion XVIII, requires that a comprehensive system of planned and periodic audits shall be carried out to verify compliance with all aspects of the quality assurance program and to determine the effectiveness of the program.

Contrary to the above, the licensee failed to perform planned and periodic audits of the Prairie Island Emergency Operating Procedures between April 1984 and April 14, 1988. This is evidenced by the fact that during the course of the inspection, the licensee could only show evidence of one audit of the Prairie Island Emergency Operating Procedures. This audit was perfonned on April 14 through May 11, 1988, at the request of the Prairie Island Operations Department.

This is a Severity Level IV violation (Supplement I).

The inspection showed that action had been taken to correct the identified violation and to prevent recurrence.

Consequently, no reply to the violation is required and we have no further questions regarding this matter.

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Date Geoffrey Operation (C / Wright, Chip 9

s/ Branch 8807260280 880712 gDR ADOCK0500g2
