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Notice of Proposed Issuance of Amend to License DPR-3. Negative Declaration Encl
Person / Time
Site: Yankee Rowe
Issue date: 10/15/1975
From: Purple R
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20151A635 List:
NUDOCS 8011030820
Download: ML20151A647 (6)




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The 1?uclett Re r,ula t ory Cor..ti ss i on (':.he Cc:- .is t. ion) is cour.ido rint.

the issuance of an enendr:ent to Facility Operating License !:o. DP!: *i =hk9

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icsucd to Yank 6e Ato'alc Elcetric Coapony (the licensec) for ope. roticn , Z....l.9. _

of the Yankee !!ucicar . Power Ctat ion (the facility), a prescur.,ited-F5..

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Vatcr reactor loc Led in Kove, !lar.cachusetts, sud curret:tly cuthori;.ed .?= h

. =L,:::u2 for oper0 tion at povi:r Icycic up to 6CO }%L. , , }==

In cceerdence"vith.the licenccc's applicalion for a liet nse t'-

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ment dated Cetober 10, 1975, the r.=cadr.cnt. vould r:dif y cperating li:.irn in i;=.::=:

.the Technical Specificationi. based upon en evclustion of ECCS peric.::ance T .

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calculated in accordanco vith an acceproble evoluction r.odel that cen- .=+=.



forms to the r,equirecents of the- Ccccaission's rer.ulations in 10 CFR


Section.50.46. The a::.cudment would rA:dify various lir.:its established . . , . , . . . .

in accordarico .vith the domaission',p' InLerici Acccptanco Critoric, and , ,

vould, with respect to the Yan!.ee Iuelcar Power Station, terminate the <

further restrictions imposed by the Cc=iscien's December 27, 1974
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Order for Modifiestien of Licence, and would impos~d'instead, . limitations ,

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"^ ",_ s established in accordance with the Comission's ' Acceptance Criteria .

22 for Emergency Core Cooling Systems. for Light Water Ducicar Power Reactors,=1'C CFR Section 50.46. ..

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In addition,. the atendment could revice provisions in the Technical / lEEEJEi:

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Specifications in accordance with the licensee's application for license



.a._.a.a.u amendment dated July.14, 1975, related to the replacceent of 40 of the 76 -


fuel ascenblics in the Yanhec-Rove corc'vith fuel assc=blies of a different Ji" is -

design, constituting refueling of the core for operation with Core XII.


Prior to isst tnce of the proposed license amendment , th e . ~hE

.Coc: mission vill have made the findings required by the Atomii Encrgy L. n Act of 1954, as amended (the Act), and the Commission's rules and 5::d::sE"

. regulations. .


- G By NOV 171375 the licensec eny file a request for a

  • hearing and any person whose interest cay be affected by this pro- I ec.cding may file a request for a hearing in the form of a petition ,

for 1 cave to intervene with respect to the issuance of the amendment to the' subject facility operating' license. Petitions for leave to intervene must be filed under oath oY af firmation in accordance with the provisions of' Section 2,.714 of 10 CFR Part 2 of the Commission's regulations. A petition for intervono cust set forth the . ""'

interest of the pe'titioner in the proceeding, how that interest may. , [  :

. m be affected by the results of the proceeding, and the petition'r's e rc; c contentions with respect to the proposed licensing action. Such petitions must be filed in accor, dance with the provisions of this FEDERAL REGISTER Notice and Section 2.714, and cust be filed with 7 n the Secretary of the Co= mission, U.S. Nucica'r Regulatory Comission, l

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.Wochington, D.C. 20555, /.ttenticn: Docketing and service Sect. ion, -


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by' the above date


A copy of thr: petition and/or recuest for c

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h'ecrir.g sheuld be sco:. to the L:ccutivo Lecci Director, t'.S.  ::ucicer  ::lE.'li

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Segula t ory Cor.::i ss ion , tru.hington , D.C. 20555 and to Frederic =I" Orcorm.cnd , E<.qt' ire , . :Mu England ilect ric Sys t.c:$, 20 Turnpihc Road , ===

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1.'est borc , lh.c. . *ucchuret t s .. LQ5,81, thd ot torn?y ' for the licensco .  ;== _

A D.etition for leLVO to int 0rVen? bt.fSt DO n c C o- 3 0 n i ed 1 D,.* C .

s up;io t t ir.:t afiado n.t. which identi:it s the spcci fic cspect er anpcets . .



of the preceedir.,: c: to which interve:6tho.1 is der: Ired and cree'ifier .


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vith part icularity the feicts on vhich the poti:io:ser relics .'As to .mm

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both h i*. ini e rc:t and h ir. con t t r.tionr, i th, re.7,.1rd f.o e.a ch ::! ;.e cLj cn


. which 2n t ( T ve:it i on :: re qu e r. L o d . p e t i f i e u r e t . L i n f, r e n f r : it nn !


rcletiac caly' to r:at t ers out.pido I.lic Co:.?!8r. ion's jurisdiction il)

  • l be denied.- ,. t. .

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All ;j l.itions vill be ac t.ed u; on by the < ion or licensin;. F bc crd designatd by the Cc:.=iscien o'r by the Chaitr,an '

<,f tho /.t.o:ic '

Safer.y and Li' censing rosrd panel. Tinolypetiticas'villbeconside:cd to deterair.e rhother a hearing should be noticcJ or cnother appropricre =.

order issued regarding the dispositio:: of the petitions. .


In the event that a hearing is held and a person is petuitted to -

intervene., he becomes a party to the proceeding and has a right to .

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Miii si participate fully in the conduct of the' hearing. For.exampic, he may- $.:.25.;

present evidence and examine and cross-examine uitnesses. ^


.~~:':P For further details with respect to this action, see (1) the appli- .


cation for-acendment dated July 14'and Oc, Scr 10,1975, and ,2)' the - ":I :

Commission's Order for Modification of Lice co' and the documents referred

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to in the Order dated December 27,1974fpublished in the FEDERAL REGISTER .

__ g on January 9,1975 (40 FR 1782)), which are available for public inspection f" =?



.it the Commission's Public Document Room, '171711 Street, NW., Washington, "


- ' 7.L4' .'."

D.C., and at the Greenfield Public Library,- 402 Main Street, Greenficid, .

==L-r=:i Massachusetts.

.G The license amendment and the Safety Evaluation, when . ,

- issued, may be inspected at the above locations, and a copy may be obtained >

t upon requer.t addressed to the U.S. . Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, p D.C. 20555, Attention: Director, Division of Reactor Licensing. I g -

Dated at Bethesda, Maryland, this 15th day of October 1975. '


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1 yA . 5 Robert A. Purple, Chief i 1

, Operating Reactors Branch #1 Division of Reactor Licensing. -H 41.- '

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The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (the Commission) has ' considered =!

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the issuance of changes to the Technical Specifications of Facility .!!!l'.~.

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Operating License No. DPR-3. These chang'es would authorize the Yankee ]

Atomic Electric Company (the licensee) to operate the Yankee Rowe Atomic . =i Power Plant (located in Rowe, Massachusetts) wi,th changes to limiting 7.s. .

conditions for operation associated with application of the Acceptance ==

Criteria for Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS). This ' action is being taken in conjunction with core changeout for Core XII. = ,

The U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission, Division of Reactor Licensing, has prepared an environmental impact appraisal for the proposed


changes to the Technical Specifications of License No. DPR-3, Yankee Rowe 5 Atomic Power Plant, mentioned above. On the basis of this appraisal, the


k Commission has concluded that an environmental impact statement for the [

particular action is not warranted because there will be no environmental '

impact attributable to the proposed action. The environmental impact _

appraisal is available for public inspection at the Commission's Public Document Room 1717 H Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. and at the  :


Greenfield Public Library, 402 Main Street, Greenfield, Massachusetts.

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. Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this . Sth day of. November. t i b 1


,i iq fy . nn M m s . b ;/g w:/: J w .  := ..:y Wm. H. Regan, Jr., dhief,s T .' :

Environmental-Projects Branch 4. 49 Division of Reactor Licensing' .



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