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Notice of Proposed Issuance of Amend to License DPR-3 Per Util 750925 Request for Tech Specs Revisions Re Spent Fuel Storage Rack W/Reduced Spacing Between Fuel Assemblies
Person / Time
Site: Yankee Rowe
Issue date: 11/24/1975
From: Wambach T
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20151A626 List:
NUDOCS 8011030815
Download: ML20151A628 (4)



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FAC HIsY CPE Gil!!G LICENSE The Nuclear !iegulatory Commission (the Coznission) is considering the -

issuance of an rc:ndrent to Facility Operating License '!c. DPP.-3 issued to Yankee Atoric Elcetric Company (the licensee) for operation of the Y:nkee .


N'uclear Pot!cr Station (the ft.cility), a pressurized-t ater reactor located ~,

in !io.e, Masscchusetts, and authorized for operation at pot:er .

lercls up to 600 l~lt. _

In accordance ' lith the licensee's rc;p)ication for a license ar.cndr:ent  ;.

date ' Septer.ber 25, 1975, the umend.ent could add previsions in the Technical ,-

Speci!ications relcted to the desi;;n of spent fuel ntorage racks. The licen_en propcse. to replacc n:o of the existing three storage racks which ha ce , c.,. .bir e e: ors;c ccycity of C6 Juel asseriGics ti t 'c anc.lin e c r

slo ar:m fixed y>ison (ihrr ,j curtrin rocks dich ' a cr.pacity of 2 5 n.c er bli es S c.~a increased enc acity tuuld be acccuplished as a result of t' ; e reauced center-to-center spacing cF the assemblics in the design of t; . pi c-posed spc ; feel storcLe rcchs. The existing third fuel storage

" . chi ca he - ' cr.nucity ta 105 fuci 'u..blies will be retnined and for s;o- ,. of :sse:M ies tha t a.n c a 1.ininn 1:urnup of 20,000 '1lD/!rn.

s 8011030[/f .

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Prior to issuance of the proposed license cucndment, the Co:anission v:ill have nade the findings required by the Aten.ic Encrgy /ct of 1954, vs a::anded (the Act), and the Cominnion's rulen and regulations.


Dy JAt; 1 196, R, the licensee ray fiie a request for a hearing an! r.:iy person chose interest nay be affected by this pycceeding inay file a requat for t. hearing in the m nn of a petition for 1 cave to intervenc


rith respect to the issuance of the a::.endn.or.t to the subj ect facility. ~ . .

opcrating, license. Petiticns for .! eave to intervere nust be filed unfer :'::.

ceth or affirration in accordance with the previsionr. of Section 2.714 of 10 CFR Part 2 of the Co.nnission's re.alations. A petition for lenvc to inteiro,e nest set forth the interest of the petitioncr i- the proceeding, h r.- that interest aay be af fected by the rustilt: of th m nec eding, and the p;t '.ioner's contentions with respec4 t o the pr: p.d li < m ing r etion.

S.:,_:, '. e t it ic s t be flif ed in Leconh'nec ':ith inc nrovi; 4

s of tl in FFF'JJ hhGISIF .:ot ico end Secticn 2. M 4, : n ' tr.ust l'e fil::.' .ith th" .

See: ry of t'; C'. s ic.n U . S. ' uclo c r ik gul at o ry Co .

  • ic n, tlush i n g,t on ,

D.C. 20333, Attent ion: Dochctin;; and Service Scu lo:2, 1. th. nby/c dnte.

/. cep) of the petition rnd/or rer,uest for a hearing should h- sent to the E:c.c rutive Legal Director, U.S. Nuclear Her,ulutcry Cor/aission,1lashin!;t on, 9.C. 20555 cnd to Frederic Greennend, Esquire, Ncv England Electric 5"ste:,, 20 Turnpite Road,1lcstboro, l'assachusetts 01581, the for the licensee.

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z.g 5.9 A petition for leave to. intervene must be accompanied by a supporting . affidavit which identifies the specific aspect or aspects of the proceeding ~~1.:

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as to which intervention is desired and specifies with particularity the }y :

facts on which the petitioner relies as to both his interest and his con-tentions with regard to each aspect on which intervention is re' quested.

=g Petitions stating contentions relating only to matters outside the Commission's  ;-.c



jurisdiction will be denied. -

All petitions will be acted upon by the Commission or licensing board if=)

.. MEE designated by the Commission or by the Chairman of the Atomic Safety and  ;;.;;. Licensing Board Panel. Timely petitions will be considered to determine R

==g whether a hearing should be noticed or another appropriate order issued-regarding the disposition of the petitions. ....

In the event that a hearing is held and a person is permitted to .

' ntervene, he becomes a party to the proceeding and has a right to' parti-i cipate fully in the conduct of the hearing. ,

For example, he may present i evidence and examine and cross-examine witnesses. ,

For further details with respect to this action, see .the appli- -

cation for, amendment dated September 25,'1975, which is available for ,

public inspection at the Commission's.Public Document Room, 1717 H Street, N.W. , h'ashington , D.C. , , ,

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and at the Greenfield Public Library, 402 Main Street, Greenfield, Massachusetts. The license amendment and the Safety Evaluation, when issued, may bo inspected at the above locations and a copy may be obtained upon request addressed to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Co==ission, Washington, D.C. 20555, Attention: Director, Division of Reactor Licersing.

Dated at Bethesda, Maryland, this NOV 2 41975 FOR TIE NUCLEAR REGULAERY COMMISSION is( Tha.mbctch .

Thomas V. Wambhch,-.: Acting Chief Operating Reactors Branch #1 Division of Reactor Licensing i





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Form MC 318 (Rev. 943) AIC4 3240 # u. s cove nw u tar rai=Temo orrec ss io?..e,s.ios