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Form NIS-2 Owners Rept for Repairs or Replacements
Person / Time
Site: Farley Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 04/10/1997
Shared Package
ML20149K070 List:
NUDOCS 9707290234
Download: ML20149K073 (2)


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F;rm N12-2 Own:r's R: port Fcr R: pairs Or R:plictm:nts As Required By Tha Provisions Of The ASME Code Stetion XI RType: L1.52 E11-DCP-8966-01

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1. Owner 2 Pient und

, southern Nuclear Operating Co.

Farley Nuclear Plant FNP2 40 inverness Center Parkway Highway 95 south Birmingham, Alabama 35242 Columbia, Alabama 36319 o,,,

(as agent for Alabama Power Co.)

3 Work P ^..e By 03-19.97 Type Coon Symoot Stamp Name:

Southern Nuclear Operating Company - Plant Modifications N/A Aoinoruon Nomo.,


Highway 95 South N/A Expraten Date Columbia, AL 36319 N/A 4 60ent<caten Of System RESIDUAL HEAT REMOVAL SYSTEM s m Appm con.irucion c*

ASME ill

71 Emen SUM 71

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m Apucam. secten xi utered ror Repare or Repiscemeni.

1o 83 Eddon SUM 83 -


N/A cmc-6 loontdcalion of Com,~.-4s Repared or R-i---2 and R-. ent coms e.

Name of Name of Manufacturer Natonal other Year Repewed ASME Coco Component Manufacturer senalNo Board No identicaten Bull Repieced or Stamped Rep 6acement (Yes or No)

Seal MR 81102 I A

%8 Q2EllP00l A 1995 Replacement Yes Pu np p y Seal 94P-10265 927 Q2EllP001B 1994 Replacement Yes p y Cardinal Industrial Stud, Main lleat# 37388 NA P.O. QP941264 1994 Replacement No Producu Flange 8"

Seal 94P-10266 928 Q2EllP001 A 1994 Replaced Yes Pu p o ay seal 93P-10792 911 Q2 Ell?001B 1993 Replaced Yes p

p Stud incat# 502284 NA Q2EllP001A 1993 Replaced No pu n p y

7. Descnpien of Work The 2A and 2B RHR Pumps were modified per DCP S95-2-8966. Replacement seals were installed in the pumps following impeller replacement. One damaged casing stud was replaced on the 2A RHR Pump. The seals were replaced per Work Orders 75736 and 75738. The stud was replaced per Work Order 75736.

8 Tests Conducted Nominal Operating F*assurf None Other Hydrostatic Pneumats X

Pressure 170 PSI Test Temp Ambient

  • F Nts-2 002 9707290234 970723 PDR ADOCK 05000364 C



F:rm NIS 2 OwnIr's R: port Fcr R:p: Irs Or R:plic ments RType: L1.52 Shnt of E11-DCP-8966-01 2

2 e Remaras (AppicatHe Manufacturers Dale Reports To Be Aitached)

, The rep'lacement seal for the 2A RHR Pump was purchased per Purchase Order (PO) OP941692 and issued per e

Material Issue Form (MIF) %048768.

The replacement seal for the 28 RHR Pump was purchased per PO QP93-1439 and issued per MIF 96048017.

e The replacement stud for the 2A RHR Pump was purchased per PO QP941264 and issued per MIF 96048942.

e Certificate of Compliance We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of ASME Code,Section XI.

repas or repucement Type Code Symbol Stamp NA Certificate of Authonzation No-NA Expiration Date NA Sened k

[M.5 Date 4lN 9~)

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opr or o.nor. co.- u.

1 Certificate of inservice inspection I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vesselinspectors and the State or Province of Ap eews and Employed by ma,eg7 sh __ Cam (b of uthem sess& wrvW have inspected the components described in this Owners Report dunng the pened s/n g-f to e/.r/r1

, and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner' has' performed examinations and taken c6rrefetive measures desenbed in this Owners Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By signing this certificate neither the inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, conceming the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owners Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be hable in any manner for any personalinjury or property damage or a Icss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.



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Commissions Aspectors Sgnature Natonal Board. State Provoce and Enoursements Date yf/p 19 f ~7 Nis-2 002