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Differing Professional OPINIONS.1987 Special Review Panel
Person / Time
Issue date: 01/31/1988
NUREG-1290, NUREG-1290-ADD, NUDOCS 8802020172
Download: ML20148R408 (9)


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Differing Professional Opinions I

1987 Special Review Panel f

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U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Special Review Panel

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f NUREG-1290 Addendum Differing Professional Opinions l

t 1987 Special Review Panel l Manuscript Completed: December 1987 Date Published: January 1988 Special Review Panel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 1 Washington, DC 20555

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In November 1987, the five-member Differing Professional Opinions Special

, Review Panel established by the Executive Director for Operations of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission to review agency policies and procedures for handling differing professional opinions (DP0s) presented its findings and recomendations in NUREG-1290. The issuance of that report completed the first task of the Panel's charter. In accordance with Manual Chapter 4125, Section L, and the charter of the Special Review Panel, the Panel's second task was to "... review...the DP0s submitted subsequent to the previous Panel's I

review, in order to identify any employee whose DP0 made a significant contribution to the Agency or to the public safety but who has not yet been recognized for such contribution." This Addendum provides the findings of that review.

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DP0 Special Review Panel iii Addendum


I CONTENTS Abstract ............................................................ iii


Addendum to NUREG-1290 .............................................. I t



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DP0 Special Review Panel y Addendun


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E ADDENDUM TO NUREG-1290--DIFFERING PROFESSIONAL OPINIONS REPORT OF THE SPECIAL REVIEW PANEL In November 1987, the five-member Special Review Panel established by the Executive Director for Operations of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission to review the process for handling differing professional opinions (DP0s) presented its findings and recommendations in NUREG-1290. The issuance of that report completed the first task of the Panel's charter. In accordance with Manual Chapter 4125, Section L, and the charter of the Special Review Panel, the Panel's second task was to "... review...the DP0s submitted subsequent to the previous Panel's review, in order to identify any employee whose DP0 made a signifiant contribution to the Agency or to the public safety but who has not yet been recognized for such contribution." This Addendum provides the findings of that review.

Consistent with its charter, the 1987 Special Review Panel considered all DP0s that were filed subsequent to the 1982 Special Review Panel's effort. The 1987 Panel reviewed each of the 22 recorded DP0s filed since the last meeting of the DP0 Special Review Panel in 1982 to determine if the submitters had been appropriately recognized for the contributions their DP0s made to the public health and safety.

In its deliberations, the Panel agreed that the criteria for recomending submitters of DP0s for recognition would include the significance of the differing opinion raised, how effectively the issue was defined and presented, and the impact on agency operations resulting from the review and disposition of the differing opinion.

In their initial review, the Panel identified six cases that they considered for possible recomendation for recognition. Upon completion of their review, the Panel specifically identified four submitters of DP0s as potential candidates for further recognition.

The Panel unanimously agreed that the submitters of two DP0s deserved further recognition. In both cases, the submitters have left the agency.

The Panel recommends that one submitter be given a letter of comendation because the substance of his DP0 was instrumental in changing and improving NRC regulations.

The Panel recommends that another submitter be given a letter of commendation because the submitter used the DP0 process appropriately and effectively to present a view on a significant agency issue.

The Panel identified two other submitters who warranted recognition. However, the Panel agreed that they had already received recognition pert 5ent to the DP0s they had submitted.

An employee who had submitted a DP0 on a specific safety issue had already been recognized for the significant contribution of that effort, as well as other efforts, by being awarded a High Quality Increase.

DP0 Special Review Panel 1 Addendun c

l Another submitter had received letters recognizing the professional  !

approach and appropriate use of the DP0 process related to a safety I concern. The Panel felt that this constituted sufficient recognition for l having brought up an important issue for resolution.

After further deliberation, the majority of the Panel felt that the last two j cases of the six did not justify reconsnendation for recognition.

In one of the cases, the DP0 record was removed from the agency's DP0 files as agreed by the parties involved.

The Panel reached a unanimous consensus that no awards reconsnendations were justified for the remaining 15 cases reviewed.

This task is considered complete with the publication of this addendum and its <

recomendations to the Executive Director for Operations.

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In November 1987, the five-memb D' fering Professional Opinions Special Review Panel established by the Executi irector for Operations of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission to review a ncy policies and procedures for handling differing professional opinions s) presented its findings and recommendations in NUREG-1290. The issuance of ha report completed the first task of the Panel's charter. In accordance with P ual thapter 4125, Section L, and the charter of the Special Review Panel,.th )anel's submitted subsequent to the revious\secondtaskwasto"... Pyel's review, in order to identify review...theDP0sany employee whose DP0 made a s gnificant c9ntribution to the Agency or to the public safety but who has not ye een recognizled for such contribution." This Addendum provides the findings of at review. .

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