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Transcript of Portland GE Co Control Bldg Proceedings. Pp.2300-2389
Person / Time
Site: Trojan File:Portland General Electric icon.png
Issue date: 11/03/1978
From: Mccollom K, Mark Miller, Paxton H
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
NUDOCS 7811130380
Download: ML20148H145 (89)


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I Mngloom/wb h'

; /'<                  MADELON                                           .^

2300 e 'I i CR 9928 'j t f UNITED STATES O? A!GRICA . i -.. 9 2 I f g NUCLEAR REGULATORY CO CIISSICU j e 3 ,, . _ __________________ 4 In the matter of:  ; t '

  • l  :


Doc':et No. 50-344
                                                                'at al.                                             :
(Control Euilding ,

j 5 jp!- (Trojan Nuclear Plant) . Proceedings)

  • 7 :1  :
            ,                                 j         _____-_____________                                                                                               .

3 ,j --. -~. . j. Hearing Room A,


4 g [ State capitol Building,.

                                                                                                                                                                          'l' Salem, Oregen.

10 Friday, 3, 1978. 11 The hecring in the abcve-entitled matter was  ! i l I 12 ! j reconvened, pursuant to adjcurnment, at 8:30 a.m. 'j .


A *

                                    . .a    'L I

l' ( l 14 BEFORE:

               ,                                                         MARSHALL E. MILLER, E3q. , Clu.irman, 15j                                       Atomic Safety and Licensing Bocrd.                                                            ,

I i 1 g , DR. KENNETH A. ti-COLLCM,Z:2cher. DR. HUGH C. PA: CON, Henber.

                                   .. e.                                                                                                                                       ,


                                     ;g            ;   . APPEARANCES:                                                                                                         ;

y .,

    ,                                19                            Cn behalf of Licensees:

20 ROLAND F. BANKS, Esq., Souther S,caulding, Kin.1oy, g 1 Williamson & Schwabe, Standard Pla::n, Portland, Oregon 97204.

      .                            2. '                                                                                                                                          ,
                                        .o                               MAURICE A CL2AD, E:q. , LO*.tenstain,. ;ft.;.Tt1. ,                                        ;

Reis and A::alrad,1025 Connecticut Ave.'.tc, I g-) "-all1 Washington,-D.C. 30036. f l .{

                                     , . .       1                        ROWALD JOIciSON,. Esq. , Iortland Gansrr.1 E12ctric
                                                     )                        Company, 121 S .W.          Salmon Street . Po-' 1 ='d ,                              ;
                                     .j,                                      Oragen.

[ 781113 3@ { U' 9 i a --- . . . . _ . _ . . . ..__ _  :

                                                               *'                         -  A qy              y-y9          -  g      9        .. _.., ,        ,g

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  . j-:4                                                                                                                                     2301 ;

{ l l- I (,) wb 1l on behalf .of Bonnavillo Pcwor Adminiotration: ) 1

      -                                          E   ,

WILLIAf! KINSEY, Esq., 1002 1:.E. ECLLADAY, 1 I Portland, Oregen. ,

                                .s                                                                .
                                  -g on behalf of the State of Oregon Dapartment of Energy, x                                V              4                            oregon Public Utility Cc.missicner:                                                  ,

5 - JOHN H. SOCOLOFEKY, Esq. ,' Capartnent of Justics,

                                                                                                                                                                 -r State office Building, Salem, Oregen.

6 '

                  '4                                                       - On' behalf _of the Nuclear Reguletory Ccmmission:                                 i 7                                                                                                ,

JOSEPH CRAY, Esq. , Office of; E::acutive Legal 0 Director, United States Nuclecr Regulatory - I' Commissien,11ashingten, D. C;

                                              . 9)                          on behdif of Columbia Envizcamental Ccuncil, 10                             Intervenor:

1 11 GREGORY .V. POUR 7, Esq. , Xafcury & Hagen, 202'Oregen Pioneer 3uilding, 320 S.W. Stark

                             .                 12                                    Street, Portland, Cregon.

l 13 Cn behalf cf Coalitied for Safs Power, Intervanor,

    ,O t             .                                        and pro set                                                               '     ;

k 14 l EUGENE ROSOLIE, 3926 N.E. 12th Street, i 15, Oregen. , l 16 . on behalf of Censolidated Intervenors, and =ro se,: 17 NI:A BELL, 2018 N.W. Ivaratt, Pertinnd, Oragen. l


\ 18

          .                                     19                                                                                                                i y                                                                                                                                              i
                       .                        20                                                                                                                 '
                  .q 21                                                                                                        i
                                                       !                                                                                                  i i    '

22 i g r  : 24 , 25 i. n ts. ): i e' 6

                                                                --er,,        v.          ,     -                                    ,.wvw-e,-...
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. ,O ' l 2302 r 1, 11/3/70 il l i . wb IL. C O N T E,M T S - 1

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n. ' e Witnesses Direct 1: card i
                                                                          .                                                                                                                                                                            1' s
     "-                                                     3             : Richard C. Anderson)                                  ,2332                                                               2350 4                                                     ', William H. Whita                    )
                               'h                           4 (Recalled) 5    I
                      .- j t                                 6                  Exhibits                                                                                                                                   Iden. Evi.
                    'k'                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ,

7 Lic. 19 Brochl ltr of 10/27/73 to Inc 2334 2336 9 Loc. 20 - Broahl ltr of 11/2/70 to ITEC 2335 2336-9, .% %= , t t' 10 .l 1! ' 1 i  ! IE i '

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                    .i 2303 j%
 ;              r                                     t

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    ~~ '

M.DELON/ 1l P 3 0,,C,E E E 1 E g E i c mpb1 t 3 E! CHAIR!GM MILLER: Good morning.. l' n 1 ' ' 3 MR. KAFOURY: Good , morning,Ilr. Chairman.

                 .o                        .

4 CHAIR! CUT MILLER: Any preliminary matters er are

                 .J 5                   we ready to start?

6 ~ MR. BANKS: Ua11, I supposs there's still a j m t I 7 preliminary matter of this -- if !!s. Dall utill wishes' to  !

                -n                     ,

G present this matter of official notica es their evidence.- ' i 1 , .

    +                                           9                                                 CHAIRMAN MILLER: - Yes.                                                                                   -

10 i MS. DELL: I cm withdrr. wing the section 7 which a; *

                      '                                ]

11 was attached; but I'm still interestad in pursuing the Deard

                      !                        12                   taking official notics of Section G en earthquakan.
        ..            1 The name of ' tha document frem v/nich Section 6
                              ~D.              13l v-                                           14 I from is Rick Assessr.snt Raview, Grcup Report to ths 15 j                                                                                                                                     And the U.S. ?!uclear negalator '                          .

Cct:miscien, NU3?:3 Cn-0400 10 fact that I'm int;..estad essentially in having the Ecard taka I

                       ;                       17-                  official notice of is that there ara differing opiniens k

la being presented on the uca of -- roll, the cenoideration of i

    .                                          19                   earthquake ris's in nuclear pcwsr plants, and that is 'ahy I 20                   wanted to present this.
       .                                       21          ,

CHAI2ICui MILIE.R: Any cbjections? i


a2 ga

                                                .                                                 MR. BIJU3:                 Yss.

23 ' "r. Chaircr.n, ths:.:a ara a couplo of t' d, , number one, under the official Echico secticn 5: it uculd be our pcsition that the enly thing chat could be l 'm \ f 4

 >         4-                                               ,

i ,

                                                           ,4 L                                  ,1

e - A- a w ,-

  • we --sa mewa e +r- er yqi -' yw-g ---&,-*-ure- c $- y me mfe i e er 3 4 -
                                                                                                                                                                                              -v -

l fb 2304 {J

 /m i                                .

'V - mpb2 1 's noticed are facts; and it's our position that this Section 6 cI

          . .;                           :                                                                                                                             5l
           .i 2[    .

from this report -- which incidentally is an ad hoc cemittee 3i report, which I guess the Commission may always do this, W. d 4I but inside the front page there's a disclaimer by the Ccr.rtissi<r SI that any of the material herein statas any posit' rn by the l

          ^                              !                                                                                                                                      I Commission.

d G ll 7 It's our position that the materini in Section 6 }l "I  !!

                                 . G a whole is_not a fact. .It censists of opinions and con-l)

O'! clusions which are not facts, and therefore shculd not be ,I 2 i . 10 l subjectad to official notice in this bulk offering. i 11 i . If there is soma particular fact in it that i 12 ; she wishes to offer, that may be a different peint. I -

    - '          i



l 13 Secondly, even if the necrd were to grant that I;

                  ,            ,14                 this is subject to official notica, we would take the posi-                                                         l i                                    tion that it is not relevant.                                          It gecs into the soisnelegy
15. , , .

i i E' question which has been alzandy ruled cs not a part of this 16, !i

                                             .                                                                                                                                  l l7. !            hearing.

I 13 It goes into mattarc tthich-havo alracdy been } ; e !l

     .                            10               considered and already determined in the licansing precefurs                                                   ii 20 ,             of this plant.                                                                                                             ,

t 23j CHAIRMtJ7 MILLER: Uhat is this section, part 2, j i L 22 l that refers to officici noti:27 :o you h:vo th207 g

                        )         3j                                            MR. BEIKS: - I think it's 2.7C.
                                                                                                                                                                        .r 3-                                            MR. KATOUn'?:             Subsecticn I.                                            ;
                                               .                                                                                                                  1 g[                                            MR. SteiKS:             Subcscticn I?                                              !
 /"'N .                                         I                                                                                                                             ,
                      ...   --              .s-.

t . vi Nl

                                                       ~ , . . - . .       _.p. _ . . , , , . , . ,    . . . _ , ..-.                   . .          , . -


                       -l                                                                                                                .

h r-2305

   . n\ 1 u t,vj'                                                     :


                         .                 'mpb3 .                                             -Yes, 2.743,                          subsection I, Scbpart 1.               It.

l p

                                                           .                                                                                                                                  p talks'cf tschnical and scientific facts within the knowledge                                                             5
                    'I 2.l.


                      .,         .A                  '3'             of- the Ccmmission as an e::part bcdy.
                                                     '4                                         CILURMAli ItILLER                            What are the facts, Ms.'3 ell,.

5 lthat you ask the Board to take official notice of, assuming-  !

                   ..,                                                                                                                                                                              3 l         .

64 that you're proceeding under the official ~notics section? 91 . . 7 MS. BELL: Well,. essentially it's the; fact that  !* 5 5.- P 8 . this paper exists within the URC, has been produced by people 1. 1 , 9 who have been working for the liRC...It was prepared for the to .NRC. And it's the fact that they are taking snception to Ei 1 11 the way earthquahe risk has been uced in the past in dater-I' . . i mining the earthquake. risk of nuclear pcwar plants'.

                              !                      12.                                                                                                                                            i


                                      ?'             13                                         And it's the fact that thara crs differing.                                         ,


   $                        4                                                                                                                                                                 i i i.i 14 ,             opinions is what I want to be includsd.                                                                                 t :
                       *i     <

i 15l CIIAIR!m!I MILLER: staff, uhat's your position 16 on this?

                       "l                                     l 17 '                                      MR. GFXI:                       Mr. Chai man, we besically have the is                same. position as the Licensee., that official notica must be 19                taken of facts, not opinions. Wa.can cite --
                     *i 20                                         CHAIM1A!! MILLER: Uall, what is the status of;
           ,         u
1 ; this document, MUREG CR-04007- Ara you fcmiliar with it? Who 1

i  ! 22i t put it out? l



                                                      =l        t e

A (TUREG it would raam has. b sen put cut by --

                                                      ;;; !                                      UR. GRTJ:                         I belis ra it nc: put cut trith --

s, CHTdRM7df MI"'.LER: A staff publication?- 3 C i N . l 7_ l l

  ,                                             <~                                 . -..          . . _          . . _ _ . .   .               _   .

s i- i 2306 ' n i i. 3 a t' ' 4 mpb4- . ,-t

                                                     !j ~ .

MR. GRAY: With a consultant. - I 3: l;

r. i J
7. 3; CHAIRMTdi HILLER: *11th' a conculte.nt?. 'I den't

" 4  !! 3i  ;; know. Wouldn't that he subject to official nctice? ' We p' 4 . taka official' notice of our own files, records, and the- ,

        -                                                                                                                                                          L s, i 1

5/- liker why wouldn't thin he part of it? 9 .j .. . 3 i, MR. GRAY:. Mr. Chair =an, raading Saction 6,.it a 1 l

                                             ...s 7i              icoks like it's. generally opinion here and not necessarily 5

s y statements:of fact. And'I'd rafar you to Mingarn Mohawk I 3} . 1  !

                                                    )    3{,{

Power Company. That's actually a licensing board position. . i' '

                                                 ~0y                                     It indicates that official'nctice shhuld only -                        [

a  !

                    ;                               ;[            be taken of- Scts,. and I think that ecmas frc:*t the plain' l                                       !.
                                                 ,;,: 3           language of th,c regulation hara also.

m < CHAITdimi MILLER: *'a' ra not talking about - j i ) .:. ;d . .

                                                 .;]               official notica now.              I'm tel* cine, chout ths pcwar of tha 4                          sg I. I         Board to ta*u. cogni::enes of not only the racerde and fi*.as F


                                                  .y]              of a casa, but I think cf thesa of the Ce;=.iszien. -


                      ;                              ,y            I mean, that's a little bree. der than officini in tha sense
                .]                                         .i*
                                                    ;              of judicial aotica.

9[r Now that's bosn, I think, mentiened by tha appeal-

               'i s(    Is board cow:n1 timas, hasn't it?
         ..                                             gi.
                                                  ,3 ,j [

MR. GRA?: Yas,l'r., di CHAIRMAN MILL 22: . Since it in the filsa

5) se' !h  :


                                                    .: p of r.hs Ccr. mission, it seer.3 tc Sa approprie.ts.

4 na. Grrr: -tut th r , Fr. ch ir= n, h11ws n

                                                   *4 :*t -


                                                  . as 1

get inta th3 Ctostion of G.M:n *.occrd c: o f f- r O c e).*d .D eur O n t D i e

 , s/

u A U b, ' g

                         ~ . . -          . _.                       , . _ .       . . _ .         , . - _ _                      .       _


                                             !                                                                                                         2307 i/                                            !

n i I mpb5- 'if it is going to he'censidered es evidence. That uould ha {) statements that have not baon tssted under cross-e:: amination.

          *i 3                              CHAIRMTJT !! ILLER: Wall, that's true. That's why:,


            ,v       ..


                     'h                   4             it would be brought to your attention.

5' The statar.ents of whom, though?. Ecw did they aa get into fiUREG if they're just' nusings? ' That's what disturbs.


6' w 7 me. If it's MUREG, the Staff hcs obviously given it seme - ,

      'q                                                                                                                                                            ,

8 attention. u . _ 9 Are we going to dicclaim all paternity cf it .


x 10 when we get to a. hearing and 'te're asked to take notice of a- [

                 ',                     11              particular section?                                                                                          ,

j '. l 12 I don't think it's a great issus, but I think:- [_ l


j' 13 g-that the Staff did.put en direct-writtan testi=cny which I  ; 14 i went into sema aapacts of seicrJ.c, even prebability. Now  ; I . . 15 ; the fact that it was supposed to be based ganeral knowledge (. d 5 1G - I supposa if you got'into a nataoxological.rp;estion that '

                ,                       17 l you wouldn't offer it bacas on the Old ?c =1rs' Almanac or I

la ' something; it wecid have to be a littla more solid than that. 4

      .                                  19                                 This indicates that there's se=s thought and                                              -
      ,                                                                                                                                                            )

n . somes study, but not the efficial- notice of facts because we 20j . do agree with the objections to thosa.


21 j I 22 :. MR. GRAY: vns going to sugg3st.that if tha-

  • 4 4 9 $ W %IS 6 6 81159 MG W J ii 24 1 differing opiniens, the Staff wculd havo no cbjections for ,.
             , .i 2                 ehme vursc=..                                                                                            '!

O i v [ L.- -

                                                                                                                                                            -+-         ,


                                                                           ~                                                                                                            -

y .w -

                                                                     . . ~


                    *l                               4                                                                                                                    2308 i
    . , ,*              t 3

mpb6 CHAIN:W1 IIILIIR: - Uell, thct'c about the positio Tv) ' 1

                    'I       '

7' the'Doard believes that you shculd t %en, frankly.

                                                                                     ~so you understand the ruling, Mr. Denks?
                  #                          J                                       !!R. BA!!KS:                I think I understand -- well, let 3                  me see if I understand.

fir. Chairunn? ' G MR. SOCOLOFSft il CHAIMM MII.IZR ' I'll racegni::e you.

        .                                    7. l O                         ;3 )                                    MR. SOCOLOFSKY: Well, is,this supposed to be
                    'N                                           the testimony frc:a sc=a ether' esse?
        .                                 .9

CHAIMM ICLL22: No.-  ! 10 I 33j MR, SOCOLCFSTI: . a report filed by the t-

12. '; Staff, or prepared by the Staff?
                                                     -t CHISIR:927 ICLLZR: We'll let the Staff explain it
                             .R               3 !
  'mi d                          j f              i               . ,4                  It's a UURDG publication.                                       .

101. GRAY: This is a nUR*:G publicaticn, which 15 [i


gh is cetually the product of studice done for the Staff by i g-  ! contracting agents. I beliew this particular ons was a i O study which critiquad the WASII-1400 Rancter Safoty Study, at

                                             .gf, N                       g           i       least in cortain aspects of it,                                and it was pui:2.iched by the 3

t.A Staff as a critique of that study. 4.0 N ' It was done'for the Staff through contracting 25 'd

                                            ,, !!                agants.
                                                           ,j '
                     *d                      , , .

MR. SCCOLOFSKY: Ucc thic -- Uhan you ray a-

                                            ,_ i
                       .i                 - g ;.I                 anu?2G publiestiona uhat do reu maan?


                                             ,5 liR. G3AY:                A liUP2G publication is actually a                                    l 2


                                 <                           1

t r c . I i 2309 :; '.

           ~                                                                                                                                                                 .
 ./^%                                                                                                                                                                        }

d i mpb7' 1! publication generally put cut *>y the NEC Staff. Quite often I [ 2' - in some instancas it~ contalus ragulatory guifanca. Eut

j. , _

2 they 'are put out by the Staff as part of its regulatory fun-

                                   )                  '4          etion in regulating pecer plants.

j 5 And quite often thera are studies en various

                   -i                                                                                .

6 aspects of interest for the operatics and building and con- . i t <

                      !                                                                                                                                                                   l 7         struction of nuclear reactors.

i 0 te. SCCOLOFSK7 Lo you mean that this type cf fl 9 material is scrathing that may or may not have actually . 1 10 resulted in changing the regulations? ' jj !G.. GRAY: . Ultimately I supposa that that's 12 possible. J

                               ,                      g3                                     !G. SCCCLOFSK7                        And if thcy were to puopose a                       ,


    \                                                 g           changs in regulations, veuld 1:he sans notice he given that is l
                          ,                           15          given in the other preposed regulatiens and opportunities for 16         ccmmants?

I j7 !a. GRM.'s In accordanca vil:h rulemckings, yes. 2 gg That's not to say, of ccurce, that every liURIG 1 1

        -                                              ID documsnt has - is aimed toverd changing the requistiens.                                                     ,

20 CHAIRMAN !! ILLER: Ycs. Some do; they cover a *

        .           r 21 wide variety of. matters.                                    It's part of the cagoing informa-                i s

22 , ti n; OL;.:ining and disper sing by tha staff, the Recu.*.atory i e.).


g.{ Staff, cad not tied to c.ny :. :r :icular caca, :::. Secc1cfshv. I yj 112. S000LC75KY:  ::t doe sn' t cpr ace to me . that 1 l gj the document could be official'$.y . noticed fcr eny purpose fj~g i j

 - -                                                            j                                                                                                  .                     ;

i nur * ~~ r w~ ~ - - = , ~ am *v c,- n-ev= ~- ,-- w ~~+--~e- ~ ~ - ~'

i l 1: m 2310- l, s , s ;i l 4 _/ mpb0 - other than to establish the fcct that the documsnt was pub-  ; I

                                               ,          lished by the TTRC, and that's about it.                I dcn't think any
                                               )                                                                                            I, r
  .            ;      m.                                  weight could be given to t!w documsnt so far as establishing                       ;

any facts in this case. . i 5l Im. BA!mS: That's kind of what -- 6 CHAIR!Wi ICLLI:n: As far as establj.shment of . I I

7. facts, yes. As far, however, as being the kind of background  ;

8Ii . information that the Staff used in the direct test % ny of I 1 9: . one of its witnocces, it wculd be ccmparable; no greater, no - 2 less. That's the basis, i 10l h 11I t tm. BJdinS: 'Jec. 1 , 11 I I understocd the Chairman to scy the Board was ta' 1 . 11 l ,- x '13 !I ing notice of the* fact that the document 2:i:43, and that it i i  ! , 14 4 might have differing opinions in it, but was not taking j .- 15 notice of the actual materici in the e::hibit or uhatwer it i 16 : is she's handad you ac actual evidence, is tist cor:20t? 1 i 17{ CHAIm!A!T :CLI2R: Pall, it's ccrrect in a ucnse.

             .. ]                                  l l                      1Gl                              It's correct in the scaca that 43' 2 not taking
    .              t                       19             official notice of the fcets as ne wculd if sie ucre filing N                                      I 20              an official notico scetien uhich La hased upon judicial I
     .           1 1

2; ! notice; it will not hava that effect. i

                                           +2 !

On the other hcnd, it will conci:ii.ut's '.:cchground q {

                         >                 g3 '            infor=:tien of the car.a qu:lity as that which wa.: ;snaral 24 9 knewledge,. or '.th taver it was, thdt tha Genff tued in !.t.3 g,,             direct tastir.ony which also went into ganorc'. 2:c 1sige

[i, f D 4 1,

         /                                              (

v q l

- , . ~ . . . . - . . -. . . . . , -. .-.. I r j 2311l

   . - .           +

O 1 mpb! I because they did not purport to maha seismic studies -- n 2 MR. DAIIKS: I understand. t

  't                0 3                                  CIIAIIC4Alf !! ILLER: And we fesi it's a fair 4         counterpart and it will stcnd on the semo basis.
         .        a 5                                  MR. SOCOLOFSIT:                     Mr. Chairs:mn?
                  ~a 6                                   CIAIRMAN MILLER: Yes.

7 MR. SOCOLOFSKY: If we assumed that this vera i

          '                                                                                                                                                                                l 8        sworn testimony frem another case by the Staff, even then                                                                       ;  <
          .                                     '9         it would be' inadmissible in thic case except to impeach the                                                                    ;

10 Staff. on this or something'similar. g 11 C!iAIRIGIT !! ILLER: Well, that may well be. But s' 12 why didn't you move to strika that portion of the Staff's

                                                                                                                                                               -                           t j                           .

e - 13

                                                          . direct testimony which offered no highar basis?
 .f s                 a
     'N                                                                            ' 2m. SCCOI.0FSIN:                    I'm         just trying to establish-
                      ',                        14 J
                      ;                         15         tho weight that will be given to this.

CIAIFIG1! ICLLER: It will co given enactly. the 16l same weight as the testimony end the direct written testimtny


17 l 3 of the Staff witnesses who alluded several times to probabili 13

          .                                      19 ies of earthquakescand that hind of thing which was not besad
                                               - 20 on studies, as they said. I think, te ba frank, I think T

21 slight, if'cny weight shou..d be given to either; but I I RI , think they should be compa a!)1e. 23  !?.. GCCOLOFS*2: I see. 1 gg IG. I*aFC?.3'l: Til?;*G'G anc'I 2r s'!;aratO iS3u3,' ] 1 U#'* Ch"I#"""* 25' l

 ^!             .


    -(./                                                                                                .

1- , _ . _ .- - - . __ - ,-w r . . ....... i i m. w p .g ee. 1, 9 ,--p.- 9.g+w, -cq. e-ng .-o-t+-p' M 4 f

  • pr


                                    . _ . .                      _         . _ . . .     . _ .       _.       . _ .        __:          _ ..                            i t

I 2312 *,r l l t I

 .1 rv.\                                           s.
                                                                                                                                                                 ;                   l
               /                 mpb10       1 !j                                      C11 AIR!!Ali MILLER: Yas?

1  : . 1 3 Im. KAFOUR'l: It might as troll be raised at this f 4 3.5 point. 1 m i 4 CIIAIR!!A!1 !! ILLER: All right. . i 5

  • d I MR. KAFCUR'It Councel for the State of Oregon a , ']

0: , a couple of days ago suggested that it was possible that since

                                                                                                                                                                               ,I 7                    there were questions raised by the STARDYMI: analysis as'to the                                           i ,

f. 8 floor response spectra with regard to the centrol building, i l

       .                                     91                   that similar problems might poacibly enist with the contain-                                              .
                                                    !                                                                                                                        i 10i.

ment building which has safety equipnant at' iccst as import-- .

                      .                             I
11 ! ant. .


                       ;                    12 '                                        That issue has - to some extent attaited further                                    .

I i l 13 I consideration since then and at that tims I made the coratent D r j

  \                                         IA                     that it seemed to me that the Licensos had waived whatsver i                               ..                            .
Sl cbjections might otharvios have baan proper to'such an inquiry
                      .'                              f because they had ventured into areas which mada the issue
s' f 17 f relevant. . And I have located ovidence of such wnivar and i I '

i would like to point it cut to da Ucard, that' being in the is !. i Licensen's tastimeny of ths Dechtel witnesces. Appendix A,

        ,                                   is s.
       .                                                           reading Ralated Investigations, page 32 -- that's 32 of the .

u Oc\ !l 21 li Testimony of the.Bechtel witnensen, whara at the bottom of the

        ~                                                                                                                                                                          '
          .                                            .I..                                                                                                          .

2 i,l. page it reads: i l gs  ! r' "All ethsr Trojan Catsgcry 1 structurni j 1 nt I; dacigns wara invastigatad during the raevalus-i tion study to determina if similar design Eg, ;j _j* J


i n i h

                                                          'i e


    . .).                                                 .

s, .

                                                                                                        -              .                                   ,m,
                                                                                                                                                                 *q         ,



                                           -                                                                                   ,      l j

2313 , l j;l l 1

 --                                                                                                                             i     '
                                         '                                                                                       l'
           )                  mpbli                       deficiencies existed that would in any way                                  l a            .;                                                                                                                'l
                                        ,4 affect the continued safe operation of this                            Ll f i 3                 facility.       It was found that no problem                          I
                        )               4                 existe'd in other structures and that they                                  l 5,                meet the requirements for seismic design."

ll 6 It would seem to me that by voluntarily placing  !

              ')                                                                                                                  l\

7 that in the record, PGE has waived what objections they might - 1 6' have to the Board inquiring further into the question of  ; t 9 whether or not there are floor responso spoetra issues trith  ; 10 regard to the equipment in the containment building, and I i 11 would ask that the 11oard, since it is clearly a safety issue, i 1 12 since it is relevant, and since objections, if any might I m 13 otherwise have been raised havo been waived, I would ask that  ; m 3

                         ,/                                                                                                       l

( ) 14 the Board advise PG that the Beard uculd like to see evidence LJ 15 on it at the next hearing so that the issus can be laid to 16 i rest. l

                   ,                   17 '                          citAIRI!AN MII.L2R:  t@.ich issue is this, new.

I The issue is tho ficer :ssponse 16 MR. IG* JOUR *?: 19 spectra with regard to the containment building. 20 CILUR!WT MILLER: Hell, why would -- unicss that i 4 is related to the issue of safe operation, aterim or other-21 l

        .           J 22          viso, of the control building Why uculd it h3 reisvant?


                            /          23                            liR. X.UCUR'i:   It's r21avant to safa cparation of the plant, would be my fir:t 4.rgument.

24 l 05 And the issue, by the May 26 crear,which the Bear;l i l r s l x _, N '8 i l l l

                                                                                   ~                                -                               ,


  • I 1

i l i

- e.

2314 :

                           'f                                   ;                                                                                                                                                      <

[  ! [' ij . l(D i' mpb12 7*![ .{ - is to censider, c= page 9 of that C der Ossi: cs fc11::-es: l i t . <

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ';l s                                            .                                                                                                                                           1         1 2!      3 "The issues that =ay be raised trinis d

I l

3. l1l the scope of this Crdar crs, ene, W eths:


         =        ..
                                   ')                  Afb. ;                                    interim cperatica pri'or to ths =edifications-
5. I required by this order should be pe==ittsd..."  !'
                                                                                                                                                                                                    ? --
                     .                                           I g


                   .,                                        _ 1.1 -

4 MR. KAFCURY: So first.I vculd think in any' i '1' f . . 1: *

                                                       -39                          safety issues : that arosa during the ce=se of the prec=*M gs *.

qe - l

                   .i                                                                                                                                                                                                 '


           .                                             il il    .

ce=1d be foll=*.ted .t.nre it na h 11y led.  ! s

a. ,.

0y CEA'.v. >c! !'"M: ' t~cil, if it relatsd te

                                                               ' 11                                                                                                                                  g
                             .                         :t jj                        the centrol linilding, yes.                                                     -

j ' t

.d. 251. XT.7 Cwa : i:211, sines the st:ndard is a 6 ply [..
                                                                   ..                                                                                                                                e f                          *

w 13 if i what er or net int:ari:s operaticn should he ps=ittsd, I rend I

                   .i                  ,,

n . that to say all thing: censidsrad, sheuld it ha' ps=insi.  !

                                                       ;.:. i.,,                                                                                                                                     i t                                      .
i CHAI212.II :CL ~1: - I rard it te :.*r all things  ;
                             '                         5. .. . I. .                                                                                             .                                    .

e s i

                                                       ;,'.         $               should be censidered dat 2:11t3 to epsrttica in                                     *k'    #"'a-i=                ,
                                                       -.                           whils =cdificatiens are being neds, and, han:2,                                     sra ralsted
                                                                    +;                                                                                                                                i I-           to the ::x:,difications, tha nat=s, ec ct:ss:, :nd $st kind                                                      .-
m. . .. .
                                                                  .?;                                                                                                              ~

jah of<M g. It is not of ee buildings necas::rily.- L n n ,

                                                       . a, te       .
                                                                                                         . MR. 2CTOCIC:         If t.e ass =ed that that vara in-
                                                                     .I                                                                                                                                1' . . ,,


                                                       ;; j ' het the case, nonathalass PC har volettrily placed in $s


                            .                                          4                                                                                                                               '

COccid itS e* Tid 3nc3 f d E3SE-tiCn ht d.1 c9.630.'#*O*j0s > 3 e 9. .* l. w [ tcaceve y 1 - enich tac:. ces es een-un e hututa --

                                                                                                                                                                                                         .i          ;
                                                           .           .;,                                 = . . . s e=zet=e1 enri.g.s v~ ' ~ .:w=e.1                                                    '>

d=ing tha rsavalnatica stray te d t: 2, 12 O -

                                                                       ;l                                                                                                                                l -. *.
  .Ae                                                                  'j;                                                                                                                               ;{<

(-s 3 . I S t I. ,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 .] *
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  \   .

i e- . ~ , - - + + .- n n , , n . . - - +wwe , + - ee. - --.w- , .~~ e<e -- r .r

                                                 , . - . .      - . +              g             .--              -                           '


                  !                                                                                                                     i I                                                                                        '

_x s l 2315 ,

            ,                               ,                                                                                     s         !
     ,/                                                                                                                           1 ppbl3  I                       similar design deficiencies existed that                      I g

I i 2 would in any way affect the centinued safe l


1' 2 operation of this facility." 4

      .                                                                    CILMIUGli MILLF.R:  I uould simply say in,rtaterial 5              matters do not becomo material by recson of heing injected by                  u Np 6              any party. And your rencdy is plains ttove to stri'co that,             ,

g l t 7 and I'll grant it. ' 9' ~ 8 13. KAFOUFJ: I'11 leave it in the record, thank j H 3 you, Mr. Chairman. - 10 CIIAIR!WT MILI2R: We dcn't went to get into - l t 11 , imaterial matters, and I believa you're tending teuard that  ! 1 l - l l 12 direction, Mr. Kafoury. Althcugh there's no reason -- if 1 I

 ,-                                                                                                                                   t t

( ) ',

  • 13 that's reisted we'll give you ample latituda. *
 %..J                 l      J                                                                                                        l 240       14                              !G. KAFOUnY: Thank you, sir. Chairman.                    I 15                              CILVE:WT liILLER:   Thank you.                                   i i

16 Semo of thesa matters may have a littia nore t 17 I bcdy for us to connidar as wa gat into thic tsctineny tec. 13 I think they would be a littia nora con rate.

        .                                  !9                              Are you ready to preceed?

d 20 lin. 37 3 9: I hava one more thing to bring up, 21 ;e and then I en ready to preceed.

Since '.re are at t-is point -- r t? we hava l i
                            '3s            ::

l at least c:nclud:d thors issues that us all thought ws wara , [. 2I. ;, ccming hara for a menth age and .re still hcVe ressining on2 25j cth2r nattar to censidar this 2crning r.nd pescibly later en, j

            %                                       1
   ~ ,/


                          ,                          d                                                  -      -~              _


i i-t . 7 2316

,A          u                                           !'s.

I il

 \'                                                     14 mpbl4   I
                                                                 . I would like to ask and requent of the chair that maybe wa                                      i
                    *i                           ,.i    .

i ,

                                               ' ** 'l              censider at this peint the Chair's ce==ents a week cgo that
  • j. at least as to the stage that we've new completed, that tha
     .                                           # ..h.  .

parties present to the Board within the week rafarred to by . u j the Chair - or, say, a treak from nent !!cnday -- thsir prepos-i . 8!! ed findings .on the 1:aues that we've now decidad, so that

                        ;                                Il during the interim of the delay that we have we can be e:tpedit 1                            7 i('J 0 ',j- ing the actual,decisic. of the Chair.


                                                         'b 4                        9 'i                                   Everything has bcen decided new --                                          t l

10 j.j CIIAIR:@lf FET.LE2: Yac, wa did intend to taita that 1 i i 11 f up. We did intend to'tchs thtt up,10 . Danka, at this tima I. .! -

                                                **.                 too.                                                                              '

s ' 1  : v

                           .' 'N  )

13 k We ticuld like to requeut propesad findings of-14i) fact and conclusions of lav upon thoce mattors which are 15 i. reasonably the subject of on evidenticry hearing to date. i i *

16. [1 We would make that in th:a fo:n of a request instand of an q

17 j. ordor, often do, boccuc: it might be a harfship to M it, ilu some of the pro so Intervancrs. y

     .                    2                     19 '!                                   We uculd hope that lir. Ecfcury, howevar, ac
    ..              ..g       .

to i: Counsel, would be able to prese: ; preposed findings of fact .

     .              a 2.'.                and conclusions of law, ac well w all othar C unsal' for :.he A"         tha ecse. And if r.ny ct' the Intervanors wish to
j 2.9 q we'd be happy to have them. ??e jn:t didn't va .t to i:.pcs3 a  ;
                     -                                          :                                                                                                         i
                                                ;.A Q burdan that might ha undue h. rc. ship b ref point.

j 9 1

                     ?*                                    .
                          ;                                                             MR. ROSCLIE:        Car. I ask t'.e Chairman a quaction?

.fn. n. V L. . 1.? m , , I

                                                                                                                                                           ., f
        . . , . - .                  , .           - --- -                      -       -,         .,         s  .                 . . ,    .           -.      .
                                                                       '**d"N   -
                                                                                -     edq,-45  h          apvl'        y e

i, .- . s

                                                                                                                                                                                                             't 2317':

['. s j- , I mpbl5 1 CnI%GN !C e n: Yes, a 2 ' Im. ROSOLIZ: Is the - the burdan would ha I t

     .-                                               3          ' guess in doing that in cevan days.                                                                                                       3 4                                         CIAIM!AN MILLER: Itall, we're going to give'14'-
                                                    ;5          . days, two weeks. We'll give two weeks from this coming !bnday.

l6. I'm mixed-up on what the dates'are ncv. Is this 7 the 3rd?: 3 1 . 3 MR..A:CLRAD:.._That would be ths'20th. ._ . j

      .                                               g                                         CIAIM!AN MILLEn                   Say the 20th.                                                          j
                                                   . to .                                       im. GPXI: !!r. Clairman?                                                                                 l,
11. CIAIR:W1 MILLER:" 'Je s '.  :
                      !                                                                                                                                                                                      e a

12 IIR. GRAY: ' May I suggest that for appeal purposes *

t. t '

O r ~ 13 thers is some doubt as to the partios' abilit'l to appeal. if.  ;> gg , they do not file p cpoced findings - f 15 . CI.WWi hen: Yos. That's why I put it in 16 the form of a r q uast'and not an order, so that it would not impair the status of any of the parties. And I had in mind 37 la the individual Intervenors for appeal purposes.

       ,                                             39                                          Im. KA70URY:                Mr. Chairman, would I have the N

20 PGE proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law some

         . .                                         .              time prior to that as is contenplated by the, statute? .


                                                     . ., i                                      C nInitMTliI 2In:                 Mell, I think'thr.t the erder
                                                   . u.


                                                        ,.          is discratiena_'/..

g, Wa nor= ally csh Jer sinu 13:nmous ~o that nchody , a ' g has en adgs either way, and you'il hava tha benefit of all-tho O t3 I s=- -

                                                                                                              -e.~..            .. --       n            ....m,                                       ,

ar .p;

                                                           ,                                                                                                                        t t

2318 i


, <, .m 9 , l .

'V-mph 16                         evidance.         I r. san, it's not like ser.ecna holds bac~;. en you.                           '

g L L

                                                     ?.1t                                     And I will say new:          rs::c:-hcr ren're going to                                 L
                                                     '!                   have the opportunity to file additionni or supplemental when 2
                  ,q 1                   we conclude the evidentiary pertiens, hcusvar, whansvar that's 5'                   done.         So you're not foreclosed either.

G. Say this covers two-thirds of tha evidence in s T ' the conclusions of law that ycu want; you will still have an  ! P. 3< , additional opportunity. i I, r, , l 9'li 12. 3AliKS: But that would he en the other' ,, i i 10 evidence, I assums.- i l CHAIR!Gli MILLER: Yos. 11l', 12 or insofar as this wculd be m:dified -- we don't

    ,es                     '
                                ,m                 : ,,

know the nature of tha ethar evidence. If it did have an i / ,

    \                      I y, -          ,        impact upon in way t'             t va can't predict, ne'd be fair                          j i


                                                   ;g{                    so that people get to say. thsir say on the full record as                                         I, l
16. j ' they ces it. -
                                                                                                                                                                              !              I i

IC1. DAt!KS: g All right. Tic'11 Sc glad'to cc Ply.

                                                              !!                                                                                                                           .i i# 6, CHAI?JW7 MILLE 2:        Is taine further?

1 j 1 i.

                                                    .g '                                       101. 20SOLII:       Yas.                                                        t
        .      . ~.                                                                                                      .


                                                   -                                           CETCERMAU HILL 2n:       Yac.                                                   I l


                   .<                                                                                                                                                          i             I IG. 7.OSOLIZ: A 7.ittlo clarification again.                                    -
                                                                .i 4t
                                                   -.t It's ny ::tdtratnzddng -- ar.d I've gi-ring
                                                   *~ ::
                                                   -s this ccms theu-ht -- it reams to na that cut cf this hearing
                                                   ;a, g                   the only thing that ! ' denid really file f: cts ar.d findings i


                                                    .U.         h.

1 cn bC thO *- ~ prchab1"y t** 3 b.03 that ^*1h3 hh3r Or r.Ct 'hvi

  • a
 .i i


     %                                                           '3 i
                               -.                                 .ts-
                                                                                                                                                                     '"M              i me                                     -

P .c y- mui 1 ~4  %. e- a- we? -T'TS=

.a._.w y .-- , . . , . . . . ~ . . . - . . . . ,
                                                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                    i
                                             .--          . a_           .      ,                                                                                                                                  - . , _ .              ._                     l

4 'I I 2J13- . j J

   .-[N                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          !


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            .l t                                -


                                            ;mpb17                      contro1~ building 'shaar walls n.eet the SJE or' the C37.
                                                                                    -                                                                                                                                                         l.                  ,

N 2 CIIAInfiMi'!!ILLT.R: Well, you'rs getting'into . , 3' . ultimate facts. I'm talking: about evidentiary, i 4

                                                                                                        ' Findings of fact no:mally_                                                                    recite the facts' S             ,,.you understand them to be .made up by the record; .You're.                                                                                                                             l 6             going to P. ave a pile of' transcripts. - Thereis" goirig to be .

7 some kind of facts. Your views of what' they' establish L 1 ~ "~ 8 may be d'.fferent. ~ ., d i 9


cAnd may I point cut also that en this dafarred-10u matter, once upon a time there was no STA2Dn 2 in this case, . 11 ' . and so what we're asking you-to do nou is essentially to 1? . tally. fhat you' would hava' been doing had it not been for tha t l I 10 L STARD73E matter which cama.'about-I'think in August. _S,o it's


I4 'not really a new concept and it doesn't wipe out .everything ' l 1  ;. g ' 15 it mar interact .with. i . i 16 - But STA2DYiG is a letar devalepr.ent, and it is. ', l . , . _ 17 } stil: svolring, nut nevertheless thara are substantial issues i 18 of fact, we believe-you will find when you go through the I '.

           ,                                              19             trre. script -- which is to say the diract tacti=eny and the 2c              erhibits. And from your point of view you'ra scing to be                                                                                                                 4 21 l . procenting I supposa one ' ray; and frca conecno cire's point                                                                                                                                    ;
1 12! r
S view it will be presented anothar.


                    ~q               q.                       -i
                                      >-               -*j                                         Mn. 2CSOLIE:                               I, guess the concern I he.d:is'that- l
                                                                !                                                                                                                     ~

r I didn't want to ferseless anything in the ht'.rs. 24  !

                                                       -25 i                                       CIIAIFJtA:t !!IL F.3:                                     You're hnrdly Srselesad fron                                                             l          l i

t i 1 '

                                    .c                                                                                                                                                                                                                t I
                            .- g                                   i                                                                                                         . . _ . . . . . ,            ...-           -

4 N T.; s

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            .* 7
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              *A                  .

ii ,t

._.. , ,.;;._..,.._,,4 ,_..,...;,..- , - . , . . . . , . . , , , . . . . , . . . . . . . . , , , . . , , . . . . . , , ,


  • 1 x f
                                                                   + ~ . = = = .                 .. eess e .. .          . .em.%      .                                               ;        . , ,    ,y                     .-                 .
                                                                      }jf                                                                                                                                            2320                  '

.y .

 ;G                                                                    ih                                                                                                                                                               g mpb18       i - anything.-                                                                                                                                                                            ;
                             - ,                                       1                                                                                                                                                                                    :
        ,                  - ;q                                         2.                                                                                                                                                                                   .

1I MR. KhFotTRY: Mr. Chairncn? ' l

                                                                  "! !                                                      CIIAIRMAN HILLER:- Yes.

_, 3 j' 4 MR..KAFOURY: Is uhat remains today the inquiry I, . 4 5 - l- by the: Board of the various witnesssa of PGZ on-the ficor .

                                                                          ;     .                                                                                                                                                                           1 3                     response spectra? Is ' that the romaining mattsr? .                                                                                                               ;

7i CIIAIRMAn MILLER: _Yes', it vill be their testimony . .! i 4 1 3i partly read and partly oral, I suppose, and then the Beard's 3 S. j ' questions which would been dsa-*d to be of tha sa=a quality - to f or nature. So this -- it will be actucily cs thcugh it. wars- , i i 11li writtan' direct tectimony when.ycu get it frc-. the transcript e i 12 l I on.the portions. covered. 'j t.

k. ' . =nd 13 ;

(% [ J cELONr

1v'RBLOOM 14
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       .t i

l f1ws ., 13$ i is i' .; I  : 17 : i s 18, ; l

             .                                                   19.                                                                                                                                                                         t
              .                 (                                            l                                                                             *                                                                                                 !

II ' h  !

                                                                          .c 5                                                                                                                                                                             '
i. h c
                                                                 $$ N                                                                                                                                                                                  ;.f   .

f d -l h

4. .

W 4- ' q .1 1.E , u 6

                    . . . . - , . , , - -      ~~-w        .   ,             ,,-.-,.,,.,-,,-c4=woi
                                                                                                                                 - - ~ . ~ . . ~.>.,~~,m-,          4  -me.-,,.w,-      evse , - - . , , - , . ~~-e.<--,.w-,~~                    .. ,


                                                                                                                        -                                       t 2321 1
 . [ ] ']

I - VIRBflusMADELOA 1 j MR. KAFOURY: I':a wcudering whether I taight I lAaggi l i a be able to make a strategic retreat at this point, cr.d raly.

               .j ^

sirap1y upon the transcript for icy preparation for the later 4

        .       W                                                   hearing.

5 C11AIRMAI! 14 ILLER: Certainly you may. 34 6 l,, J h Very well, anything furtner? 7 l 14R. GluY:* Mr. Chair:aan, tnere was una additional i S L 9 W Yesterday, Dr. Pay. ten request 3d.a'rsfarence. I 10 i' This was to the Trifunce and urady study en the correlation 11 of Modified 4eren111 intensity with peak grottad e.cceleration. li 12 . l l , And we do have that rsferenca.  !- f-  ! q 13 j j ./ CImIRI!AN MILLERS Very wall. You taay supp1v it. ( 14  !

                       !                                                         MR. GRAY:     It's ir the Eu11stin-of the Seis12clogics                        .-

s l 15  ! Society of Atacries, Voltua 65,'1975. And it begins at j 16 i Page 139.  !

                                                       ;7 !                                                                                           !

DR. PA : TOM Tha.n's you ve.ry tauch. -! 18 C11AIItml MILLI:R: Th.nx you. 19 ; i

                   .                                                             ile'll take c. short ten-u.inuts racess.               You r.ay                >
         .     .m.

y get your witnesses together.

           .                                           21
                                                                ,                The.nk you.                                                            ll ,

j (Recoas.) .

3 !, .  !
MR. bilfXS s :!r. Chairman,-I a.shed Mr. 7.c.foury  ; ,

2.'.  ! to ecca back just brielly becauss I dic not ::cr.t to hir. l [g 3 not hera if something elsa cara up. j{ i () _. it a . lt;

                                                                                                                                                    ?Y t

gl 5

p 1, , ., ' i:- 2322 i t O j "I li .6 . \jf j[ agb2 And frankly, after the Board he.d an opportunity. y ~ j 3

             ,                                       i            to hear die testi:eny Etat we'ro going to put on new and.


    *                                                !-          .had an opportunity to ask questions, I had intenuse to uiscuss
                          .')                  4 !
                                                     !            wit!t the Board the 'schoduling probisht frota hora on in,
     .            -                                  a

whether it be by' deposition, unether it be by hearing, , 6

                                                         ,        whether possibly it cou..d even be dons unds: the quorum 7

rula. lald' I didn't thich it was ' fair for Mr. Itafoury to ne 8 leaving if I was going to being that up. [1 g 1,

                                                                                                                         .                                                                       i 9 li                                  CIIAIM!A!! elIL* t'.:            That's true..                I'm gicd you did.-                            ',

to L

                                                                                     ;fhy don't we tthe that up now tion so ua can                                                                    -

11 ; cover it while ak. Kafoury ..) hers? i

12. 1
                      .        .                                                     r12. KAFOURY:                Thi.dt you,ik.. Chairman.                                                      l 1

N 9 13 .

                     ;       J MR. 1WMS:                  Mr. L.Soury has indicated to me tnat,                                                 '

14 t - -

                  ..                                               for the purposes of any stipu1Aioris the.t might relate to I.i I                                 E i                      ."

dapositions, thr.t all of the In.s.rvencrc hr.vs agraed to i i

                                             .g'       h          work tirough hiza en a con::clidat:. basis.

a it U C11 AIR:!Ei MI J43R That's helpful, to hc.vo  ; F' , esntrali=od' authority. 1C ' ' '


MR.-SMTKS: Up to 611s ;. int -- and I know wa 20 haven't discussed it with Mr. K2foury t w2uce hc we.s nok

       '.                                   Ei                     here when we discussed it yestarday er this ucuning                                                                          -
                                                           ;.. when I discussed it with Ms. 3 s11 and .;.*. ncsclio -- But u;.> t:



this point, we have not basa c31e to ccL. te any such cgree-D f.< M fo ment. !ayba we will be t.bic to n'snt M.;ch.  !

                                             ': .                                     But my client 1.4 very cen:.arned. c.s I'm cure ths                                                  .

l t v n o .. d

                                                                                                   .<                                        .                                      <.         ,      g b               !

L .

                            \:                       a 2323 !.,i    '

1' y-v _ ~ 1

b. agb3 .Doard in aware from the previous statacants I'vs unds, about n,
                    - ,J
                                                                                                                                                    .i         r 4
                                                           'this fiva-week delay. And we would lika to do anything us;                                'l.
                      '1 .
                                                 #                                                           If wa could work on a-can to snortan that, if possible.                                                                   :

d deposition -- f *

  • 5 CIIAImWI MIu. ant- If I may interrupt, for a ,

it .g


6  ! reason.

                      -a i                         I e-7-                          The first thing is to know when, if they're 8          go'ing to have the studiss, restudiss', refinseants - you see,                                 j.

y y-8' this has been going en and going on. .), 10 'l, And until wa really knca with precision and

                                                                                                                                                     -l' 11           finality when is D-day on that. We nead, as anchor poinn, l .

l '. . even to talk about - - [ ] 13- MR. IIAH1(S: I undarstand that. . 14 And that's why I jrafarred to bring this Op 15 after wa mde our presentction today and after you had had ' 16 - a chanca to talk to thess gentleman. Eacause.I taink every : 17 body, aftsr die scard has had an opportunity to question 13 those gentism:n, will havs in mora perspectiva exactly what d 19 we'ra talking about, in tha of whatsver problem - might'

               -                                 20           exist.

yta . We heard tsstimony yestarday from cir. Harring 21 22

  • that thers is no probica insofar e.c the equipment is concarnad g 23 htat basically, if it is a prob 1rn, it's c prebisa with the 24 piping. Thess ' 'pecpls havs d:ne a traer.dous m unt of work i ._

25 in studying this.

 .yy                                               ,


                                   - . .                 I                    _
                                                                                                                                                    ,A'        1 VE.-


I ll l ,

                                                                                                                                                          . I:

2324 + U,

,,A                                                                                                                                                       l 1                               !

r . i - I

        /                            t
            .,               agh4        .

I think tne Staff is 2:sec:ainy more and r. orc -- i s -' 1 2} I'm not spaaking 'for the Staff, but I think they're becolainV n a 1. 1 " 31

  .         ..        -                  !            more and more satisfied with the work that has bean done.

4 !,

                                          !           And we really think the mattar that we're going to ces whsn                                                   ;
   .                                 , j                                                                                                                    s       ;
              ;                      ~ !.             we get done today is a very liuited matter.
               .i                         i Gt i

CHAILIAN MILLER: Well limited or notr my questioni '

            . . . .*                       f                                                                                                                       n 7

I. is one of finality. - l

                                            '                                                                                                                    s
                                         )                                  da. EfRS s           I understand ttiat.                                        l;     $

g .1 . g CHAImhi i4TrJ.1'.R What do you have to say witu 9 1


Dl I absoluta assurance that it's final at that point cr, if it


II ' isn't, we're just going to rejset any further consideration f s , { *9 l-i of it. .I tasan, ironclad finality. , g'.,dj i. Mow, what are you preparad to courait tc? You /'~] ..]

         ;         l
'#                                 -lA-               and the Staff are going to have to concur en this.

4 I 15 j MR. E1KS: Wa're prepared to cc ""t to presenting tt 30j our testimony today. i Uf C11 AIR:1AN 21 ILLER: In its totality with all rsfinn-


10 ll ments and everything else that are to bs cuppliad, 4 . fi 1.9 h according to your originni statsmant?

             .-p 20                                       MR. BANKS: According to -- I'Et corry?                                                   l l

2: CHAIRHari MILI2R: Well, whatever yeu filed last II !. Friday did refer to ccma claall rafinecents.

                          )         CI i                                     HR. 3AMES:          That's all praparad cr.d rce.e.y to be
                                                !'4 24 ] subnitted.

c ... ( 03N CF. AIR:GM MPJNE: Ir. otic: Nercs yce.'va gct 2.11 1  !!'

-.,                                              n
        ;                                        .i

\,, ,/

                        .                    .i_ *
                                                        . . _ _ . ~ . -         _            .__   _.
                                                                                                                                                         'La i

1 i 1

                                                 .!I                                                                                                      2325             l,                 I
d. 1
                    .                             r

. f~. i .. l j

-(                                                   )                                                                                                                                         i N            ..                agb5      i]d' refinements, you're ready-to go?-                  .
1 .

p .i . t

                                                     ;                       MR. DIlES:           'do'ra ready to go.                                                       Il;l 3         t
                            -                                                CHAIRhi iIILLER: And couplatad?                                                                .
                                                                                                                                                                         =i E)              4 (i
  • MR. BMES: Yes. I CHAIR:4Mi MILL 3R: Staff, what about taat?

5 Fl

s .


                                                  *;                          MR. GRAY: The Staff is not ready to go and be                                                                 ,
             -H I f.j. contpleted
                                                            -            . today.                                                                                                    !,,

r' sy .. CHAIR!iAlt - tiILLER: Can you give us a couaitment? j.

                                                   .,3 9,                                         .
                                                                                                                                                                                     , s ii ilow, since some of thess tninys are triggered by S                                                                                                                                                                    .

10 ;1 , further questions, we havs to ::ely upon you, not only to give '1

                                                      . us your best . judgment, but if wis're going to use thic as
i anchoring purposes for scheduling, then ws've got to have an j t
                                        #                   absoluta cotemitttent.

p -l , i MR. Gl%Y: I guess I'm not in a position to e gi 15 ,j! an absolute co:nmitment at tais time. Although it's quits I -

                                         "k                 possible that next wash, by' of written communication                                                       j
                                        ...- ri                                                                                                                             i
                                                        -   to all partias, wa may be abis to do thct.                                                                                      ,

i as <

                                          i                                   CILU%4A1 MILL R:             Tu.i right.
                                                     !                                                                                                                        I
                                         'g ,

i Then you can see how this u;cn cur t

                   -                                 .n
  • f
      *                                 'Q l scheduling.
              .a                                     i vH                                     1 2**

lt t!AiES: I might add that tns e.dditional m.teria!. . i

                                        .,,,- ll mentioned in the submittal it.s ; usen, in all covered in taa                                                                  t          .

[ i

                                       '";                  assuers to those questions t'ut wa submittad .1 day cr so                                                     'l d

24 ; ago. 3 I CHAIZ'Ali MILLER: Ua '4%s tae marriags, it takes ,! d  ! st V f . O. -

                                                                 -                .         ~.

e d < 4_ _

                                                                                                                                  . - . . . . ~ . . . . ,   . . . ,

I 1 2325 ' r [ .

 &          O                       'agb6
                                                      , ' . tuo. And you may be tus ardent grccia, but --

i m *

            .1                                                                          (Laughtcr.)                                                                                  -


                                               .t>                                                                                                                                         .,

p . f.

                                                        ;-                              CHAIMAN ICLLER:                  -- tna brida hr.s just a few                                       i s(                   4 !! .

i.} little questions yet. .

                                                       'l l                                MR. BMKS:             I undarstand.                                                                   i t

5i I've been discussing it with him, and we have .

                                               #     i j           and I understand what his situation is.                              But I have the feeling',                                            >

0 _as _he as.s e:cpressed it now, that they're about recdy to -

               -                                0 f{j present
                                                       ,i it. And I just -- I'ta concernsd about our people,
                                                                                                                                                                                                           !l i

3 ( s .,,3 as we vill indicate, are prspared to do modifications-

                     ,                                 ll
                                             ,I N are g:ing to be necessary from this testineny.

I l 1

2 f'; And, if tha plant is found from- all of thesa l
                          . ~ .

l J j ) U !; hear.ngs to be' truly safs for interin ' peratioa, o of courna,  !- V '

                                             --~ }!::              we'is vary concarned that we have an opportunity to got to                                                               -l I
                      -                                                                                                                                                                         i                ;

p! i l e 4 ths.t stage. We'ra gatting into the area in this part of  ; i g l

                                                           .                                                                                                                                    .1 Md the. country whera power is an important thing, a vary. important)                                                                             ,

a 3 l IS ' CHAIRMAM MILLER: '!sil'we consider all the issues 7 29 ; r..ised by all the parties as important. *7e recogni::c the.t. ,

                                                          ,d                                                                                                                                     1 00 4.t                .                    The Board is prepared, short of bsing o.ble t                                                           !

y< t

        .                                     II i 1-hedule when it can't cchedul2, te give the ut cst a:: pedi +d.ousi                                                                          '

U- onsideration consistent with a cound rei: ult, u;ish is cur


C :he.rga from Commi:ision. 24 . .Ma were preparsd. to do ao Scytalh : Sth. In .:rdar

                                               %'                  to do so on September 5th, es el to unscheduls c'.h2r use. ring a\

[\ a N 6 1 * 'e

                                        ..    . .               .             _ . . .                        _ . . ... .        ....    .             . . . . . . . ..                 _                        4 a

w: 4

t i j 2327 i d,

                                                             .                                                                                                             t i          i v)              ..,

i agb7

                                                          ]- we're engaged in uhich ars just a.s iuportant to those people                                                          (

l 2 '.2 g on all. sides too. And we did taat. 3 -

                                 -                        !                                And you can very readily see taat when you 5,

3 ' unschedule and set aside time on a substantial basis, that


j 5{; there is rescheduling scueplace and obviously that rescheduling I 6 l. somewhere is, largely, acverber. m . In other words, they gave way for the September 6th' l

                                                           .                                                                                                                1       L D 11                                                                                                                    I

, ;ij clearance that we gave to tais case. Licu we're going to do j

9.  !

the best we can and continus engeditiously. '

r 10 1;3 1  ?,

But we ca.nnot for tna second or third time  ! 4 4

i. ,


                                                            .!       tell people who. are ready for trial also that, sorry, probleuts {

l , . 1E '

                          ,;                                         have come up.             Uc must be fair to all parties.                                               {
                            ,                                                                                                                                                s

[~^st . r' 4 And that's tna reason we'va give.n *you the .:  !

    '"         l                                      ,. !

i *! earliost date tnat we as a doard cnd the members thereof l i  !

                                                    .c    i                                                                                                                    l
                                                              .      can schedula it.               That data was, I tninh -- what? -- Decemuer 4

1' :S

  • i 127 i

1 d  ; HowcVer, in other casec, wa've dons this. There i e 1 is no reason because taere's no prejudice to anyone to pre- ,

                         .                                                                                                                                                     l    l 10              caed by way of liking it to daposition, liking it to direct 9                                          i                                                                                                                l testimony, if you will, becauss all parties have the opportunit' 20l                                                                                                                         !
          .                                                    :                                                                                                                       l O! I             to present full, whatevar thay urnt, tW;s objections, uava                                                        l s                                                                                                                      1 00 '        . everything noted.                                                                                                 l

T ,'  : The 2 card will than as a 3:aud, go ev.: it pegs- . I4 by-pags. rule e.nd so fe.". h, j ust c.s tucugh we Ucra a2ro. se he de b a.# 4. 4. .I8*

                            <                                    ,l;
                *                                                (
                  )                                              u)
     -/                        '

3 . . _ . _ . , _ ._ _ .. ... . . -

                                                                                                                                                                   .. m
                                           ..n.   .                                                                                                                  .

O i i  ; 2323

     ,-Q                                                                                                                                                  !


               .j                agbo-                      or otherwise by proceeding en Mat basis.                   It would also be j                                  I     a conveniencs, I think, to be ccheduling these hings at

4 your mutual availability, documentation and that kind of r a, eing.

                  ,.                               4  1 So we suggast and wc would encourags it 13 'tha
                                                           , partie9 could agree. Obviously, it raquires the agree:aont
               .j of al. tne part'ics, tacu9h.

MR. U,u!KS: If we're not able to get tne agras - I

                                               .. man of the parties, vould thero be any ch to procaad
                                                                                         .        .                                                      j j

u:sler the quorum rule uith an earlier da.te than December 12? 7' j CHAIMM MILLER: viell, a quortu.1 of one is. rar.ner

                      '                  i'I 4                ough. The problems I have involvad both myself and Dr.

I n ra i .

  ;                          s.r McCollum, substantially. And then thera ars additional
  \'                                     U matters which involved Dr. Pa:: ten. So ve operate on f                        '
                                         '                  different Boards, you see.

6 MR. EEIKS: I understand. I':a not f,:uailiar F vith the -

                                        ' 0-                              CUAI.'. MAN MILLER:       2.'s also 1.sve to schedula 4

W ' meetings that are imperative Mat we attend with the Co:.u.tission,

                                                           - so that's pretty important to us.
           .                                                             What's the ma::imum guaranteed it.ngth o$ tine it c                   would tz.he to go into these additienal 11.atter.s cf uh 22vs.r
                              '                                                                                                                ~
                                          '.:.              hey may be.                                                                                       '
                                        /4                                Staff, Intervencrs         -1..d whr.t .ct -      ,r.d ha Licenses, s..-                That r.ini:aum is it, one day, is it t.ic days?

r p ' t,

    -        )         ,

1 1 1 y, l

                                                                                                                                                     +       1 si         !


             -                                                  :f                                                                                                                 223                 5 A                                                            . i;t
{ '
'n                                                          , li                                                                                                                              i avb9                                                     HR. BAdXS     Ja'11 be done, I think --                                                      :
                                                           .' :I;1) j'i                              CHAIRMMI 11 ILLER:    Ho, no, I 1.iean, on wnica we                                          f e 1:
                                                                            #                                                                                                                 t
                   ,j           ^                               I          could completa, if tua Board comes bach.                                One that svoryona                          .

4 could agrae on -

     ..               v                                                                                                                                                                       !.       ,
                                                                  .l C          ,                          !UL. S%iKS:   I uould think us would be z.bla to                                             l,
                    ~                                        .
                   , e.

6L . do in it a day.- i i l

  • 1
       -                                                    3                                    CHAIRMAN MILI,ER:     What do the rest of the people                                                     l
                   .i 5              think about it?                     . - .                                                          . . . _ . -
                       '                                                                                                                                                                                  i l                                                                                                                                   .

9.h AR. KAFOURY: We're entirely make { j 10 ill any kind of a cor.mitment, Mr. Chairman. us. Dell e::p acts It 11 " to have an expert witness highly knowledgeabla in suca I a t 1 In!i :aattera. The ready to procasd at knis point, the f% , (\ j II areas of uncertainty arm anor.'.1:as, I dcn't prett.nd to nave ll


M even a antall grasp of the issuas involvad. It seaas nighly 1 ei

                                                         *D }} technical and I would want to precsad with c.n                                                e:: pert nciding
                                         .                        i ti j,            my hand ~each stsp of the way - to ma%s a cc:cait:aent' en                                                                     ;
  • 2ight ts.!a, or even hou soon it could l
i 17-j jl how long such a matter :

be initiated sinca the Staff is unwilling to mr.%s any kind

                                                ,         12               of a colmaitmant within a veck sven, is certainly moyend us (i

1 at the moment. 20

                   %                                               )
        .                                                7,1 y                                    I'll be available - you kn:w, I'u going to oc t;
                                                                    <i                                                                                 .
                                                         .tp 'jj in Portland, and any approaches that srs .a:.da uill be.trar.tcu I

a [ saricusly. And taat's as far at I'ta prepare.d te ;c :. tac j Y. \ gj,1; moment. l r.., i. CHAI:tCW MILI."R: The Staff?


, i'. A IN ib _,

                                                                                       -W                                                                                          .        l
                                                                            +               -                                                                                             .

3 4

                                    . - . . m_                                              __         . . . ..-. . ._           _ _ .                      ._ . __       _. _ , , , .                  _

i I -

                    )                            4. .
          ,         j                            .i                                                                                                                                            2330 1 :                                  !.

e' i e, 3 ay10 '  !. *1 Gin?:

                                                                                                                             *Ir. Chaiman, I would cartainly think, i

2 *l however, that it vould not taha on tas order of a ucek.

                                                 -                                                                                                                                               I
                                              .i                                                                                                                                                            a a

4 ;;j!.woald tnisk it may range from ona to three days. . j

              .. i h                   4 Ii 4                                                            C1DLIEWT iIILLEas IIcw about the Stats of Orogen?                                             '


                                                -P*-                                                                                                                                                         r
                                              ~ '4                                                             MR. SOCOLO75K*1:            We don't hava any. ether tssticony
   '                                          6l                                                                                                                                                            !
                                                                                                                                                                                                            .1 g                                  f,, to present at the present tins and we don't plan on naving                                                                                              .

a  !

  • yy' any. .
                                                                                                                                                                                                               -l 23                                                 -

One to three days seems like a rsaconable.estin te

              ,,                                  p to me.                            And I wouldn't be ta' up one to threc days, anyself, -

1 . In kg 1' just probably a half an hour. -

 ,                  ,                             i 9

I l CHAIRWJi MILLEn: Would there be additional 1

                                            '2-testimeny which, unless ths Soard uses it discration, would                                                                                l l         -

l l 1

                                            ."- :i                                                                                                                                                                       '
                 .;        J                      .

requirs 15 days advance filing cs dirset writtan testiuony?

                                                                                                                                                                                                            .n l
                     .                             !                                                         ' IE GIMY:      *:'ho Staff would intend to hrvs an
                 .i                                ;
                    '                       D'                      additional snort written tastircay.                                                                                                        'I
                .j                                 .-

d C1(AIAITJI MILLE 2: so you asa you are building l U 15 days and from whateve: this happans alrar.dy. *lon'rs nch q , 1- '

                                                   ,                going to be far off in racember just in the nc=al :curce I

sp of ovants, I'm afraid. i 4 You say one to thrsa dr.ys.

        -                                                                                                                                                              '? u corried 'us a little;;                      ,
        -                                   ~8                     bit.                             'Ta were talking about i'ussday, we e '+ re, tha 12%7                                                       l
                                                                                                                                                                                                . ..                    l
                                                                     .                             better ::&.s that @ndcy, '-- th of Dacc.4:Or+ 32're                              7 M                                                                                                                                                                    '
                                                                 ~nct going te got caught shcrt :. tir.a.
                                            ?i                                                                 If it ges? thrne days -- ?nd ths sstirt.tas are,                                                  ji iI T5 l necesatrily a little coars e.t this tir.a - ws will raschtdal's ] t s'                 ;
                .c                ,

t ..

                                                                                ~                       -.                   - . . . . -                                                             . . . _ ,

l I I  !

t. .
                                                 ;                                                                               2331
    ,,-                                          7, (x          }.                                  I
           /                                 t *l
                .o                  agbil        !     the hearing unicss the parties crn agree by proceeding by 2                                                                                                      !

stipulation or sone type of agreed procedurs . If they can, I e

                          ^                                                                                                                          l
                . .j fine, the parties can indicate their agreentns, tae stipulation by a letter, we don't cara hou forIcal, providing they're all

_. ; in agreement. Short of that, then, we will reconvene our 6 evidentiary hearing on Monday, Decetabar lith. L1 7 ~ n I-ut. KAFOURY: Thank you, Mr. Canir* tan. l C11AIItiAN s1 ILLER: Don't forget tus 15-day rule, i 0 ' if it should apply to any of your tactiuony, cir. 1:afotcy. MR. ICAI'OURY: Yes, sir. 4, e

                                            "                              C1IAIluMN MILLER:           And all parties.

I 12 ! l You may proceed. Do you hav2 your witnesses? I m e"-

 /         \


  • Ycs.
t. ) i
                                          M                               I call Mr. Andarson a.nd Dr. White.

I 15 end1A 13

                                          , !7 15
         .                                  '9
        ,        R
12. , l 3


                                                     \                                                                                                 \
                                            =t                                                                                                         i 24                                                                                                         I
                            .                        i 21:
    /^,.                                                                                                                                               i
             )                                                                                                                                         l c                                                                                                                                                 '
                                                                                                                                           . n gy O       i


                                                                            .i                                                                                                                            !



[o 2332  ! e I l { ($ <1 lb ebl 1 I, trasreupen, l 21 RICHARD C. MIDERSON

                                     ,                                     3                                                                             and m


                              .h                                       :

4 l WILLIAM H. WHITE 5 resumed tha,. stand on behalf of the Licenseen and, having. i, i

                         ,                                                 6              been praviously duly sworn, were eramined and testified 7              further as follows:



U ~ 0 'BY MR. BANXS- '; Do .you have before you, 2:r. Anderson and Dr. Whita,. I 10 i O a j 11 t the materials submitted with the letter of PGE cf October  ; i .

                                                                                                                           .                                                                                                l 27th,1978, referring to the ficer respense spectrc?                                                                               !
                         ;,                                            12 j

(^ 3 13 -- A (Wituase Andersen) Yss, we do.. . r ( !v  :.t A- (Witness Whita) Yes. A .

                         ;                                              15 '                         Q        And are you both personrelly familiar with that                                                       l 16
  • material as submittad?' L!

k 7' 5 j 37 l A Yes.. ' j i + r "ditness Andaracn) - Yec.

                                                                         ;g[                         A                                                                                                      !

I r 19 ! Q And did you participate and supervisa the prepars-

                  '"og a                   tion of this material as subnitted?                                                                                              l W

i . A (Chorus of Yas.)' g

                                                                     - 2! Il
                      'a"                                                                                                                                                .                                   t g[                           Q        . And is the material es submittsd t v.t?

l 1 9 i i . s e.,

                                                                        ~ ' ,d ..

A (Chorns of Yes.)- -

                      -                                                           y                                                                                                                          ;
                                .s                                       ;; ;;}                     .O        ' And ! 2 you proposc to prs:snt this sicng
  • ith l
                                                                                't                                                                                                                          i ', '

g cartain other matters as your direct'.castimany cn this j I (N p'

                         ,                                                         (

r ... m ..c . , . , . . . . <

s. a ,

e dl '

                 ..                    . . _ .             . . . . .             .                 ._,.a.._.         _. - - _ . _ .          . . . . .         ,...,:_      .. .       . _ . . .      _m          . s

i j . . t i 2333


.(',- *l ' eb2 1 particular issue -- 2 A (Chorus of *Iss.) J 3 0 -- as portions of your direct testimony?

                              ,~h              4            ,                            Did others participate with you in connection                                      i
      .                                        5          with the preparation of this material?                                                                           .t O                                                                                .                                                                         !

6 A (Chorus of Yes.) i b I 3 7 0 could you just briefly describe to what extent? es 8 A (Witness Anderson) We had a team of people in , I a 9 San Francisco working on this: a stress analyst, st.uc- ,, i j-10 tural engineers, equipment specialists, peopis reviewing  ; <

                         ,                    11          the rtsspense spectra and the respenso of equipment.
                   -l    ^

12 Q And was there, in the process of preparation -- t

             ,                   -s           13          in tan process of the preparation of this matepial. and the

.? l J (  ; l' 14 discussions that went on, was there any discenting group or l l 15 dinsenting opinions e:: pressed insof ar as t.his material is  :! .I 16 cencernsd7 I l 17 A' No, there was not. a ja MR. BANKS: Mr. Chr.irman, I would liks to have the  ; 19l ..etter and the materials attached thereto, which have been vi  ! 20 previously supplied to the Bot.rd and the pcrties, the letter i hs dated October 27th, 197S, marked as Licensees' Exhibit !!cmber 21  ! 22 . 19. j 3 CHA2?.twI MIL In: It will be se marked. 24 ) G 26 k

 /         .

b' {G -- --- .- _ .. _ _ - .- _

                                                     ..                      ~                                 .                                                      .

k u F


                         .                                                                                                                                                                                                                             l, a                                                                                                                                                        i      l in r                                                                                    -                                                  2334             .      1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ; .j) f -v                                                                           i i '

i I eb3 1 (Uhereupon, the documents }.  ! 1 2 4

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    -l referred to were marked                                       i      1 3                                                                                             as Licensees' Exhibit 19 I-9 h                                           4                                                                                             for identification.)

I q

         .                                                                             1                                                                                                                                                               ,

5 BY MR. BANKS: , c: 1 1 6 Q Mr. Anderson and Dr. White, do you also havs before; ,

                    '                                                                 y                                                                                                                                 -

j 7 you additional materials concerning this*issus attached to

  • p -


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      .3 1

g a letter _d._at_.ed November 2nd, 1973, frca Portland Ganeral gi S lj Eleetrie?

                           ,                                                    !C                   A                       (Witness Andsrson)                      Yas, we do.

l And did ycu again participata and supervise the -) 11 Q l k 12 ' preparation of this materic17 *


m,.  ;;, { A (Chorus of Yes.) t i d *

      \                                                                         14                   Q                     And again, was thera input supplied or assistance i                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ,

15 supplied by others wi'M" the sachtel group, or other in PGE l 1

s insofar as the preparntion of thic cataria 17 1


                                                                                ;; i                 A                       (Witness Andersen)                      '.'as , tharm was .                                                                 l
                                                                                       !                                                                                                                                                                i
                                                                                ;g                   Q                     Will you describa in ganeral uhat that participatier 29            was?

2o A This participation was by essentially the saca

            .       v)
           ,                                                                    2. >i.       team that worked on the earlier submittal,                                                           a tanm of struc-t'                                                                                                                                                             ,

22 N tural engineers a.d stres ana'.ysts . 1

                                           ].                                     3
                                                                                         !l Q                     What is the status in connection Uith :he dissentini; p,j;           situation en this =ctarial?                                                                                                                               l l


                                                                                 .g y                A                     There was ao dissanting cpinion On tha praparation i

ll lj N)) lat u -

  • y-

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                                             . . . - . .                  ...,__-         ~


                      '                                    }

l '2335

  !           )    1 (j'                                     ab4.          I         of'this materia'..

1 , . . 2 -0 ,I should have asked "ou this about 2:hibit 19. Do i 3 you desirs to make any corrections or additions to the

                 .;            ^

4 h 4 material contained in Exhibit l' ) ?

      *-                                             5                A     No.

G MR. RANKS I would ask that this Nover.ber 2nd, H

                   .'                                7          1978, letter and the materials attached, which have been 1

8 previously supplied to ths Board and the parties, be marked  !

                                                                                            .                                           _   _   l.

g as Em51 bit 20.  ;

                     ;                                                        .,                                                                i 10                        CHAINMAN MILLER:       It will be marked Z:dtibit 20.              ;

m 11 (Whereupon, the docur. ants f 12 referred to uare marked .p c  ;

                                  ] e 13                                                             es Licensoes' E::hibit 20         ,

i 14 for identificatien.) i 13 ' BY MR. BANXS 4

                        !                          16                 O      Do you desire to make any additions c ecrrections f                    i b                                                                                                                              l
                                                   ;7           to the matarials contcined in 2::hibit 20?                                           i
                                                   ;g                 A      (Witness Anderson)           ;ic .
                       ;                           gg                 0      I think there's a typographical error. Would you
                .o      '

20 take a look at the response to Question 77 It's tha second

                                                   ;; -         page, which happens to be the 1 st page in the c::hibit, linc u
4. .The first werd is "les." ,

1 'h

                                   >               23                 ^      (Witness White)     I: ahould be "icu," 1-c-w.
                        ;                                    l'
                                                 -y                    G     Thrnk you.

And cc you likewise uish to adc;t, e.: a pertica of 25 1

.          h
                                                                                                                                            .il g       i
                                                                                                                                                                                                     %.m.e--        _         a.+.

l , , w

  • d
 . .O                                    -
 - s(                                                                                                                                               -
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4 i-

                                                                                                            -                                                               '                                                                                                                                                                                       7
                         .                                                                                                                                                                                                          *                                                                                                                            , r.


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               -                              ~


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r. ,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ...m.                   ,


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ...:' p ;                        ,
             ,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            i

l . a.

                                                                                     * * , ~ . *". t. . -
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        .                 ,G*..
                                                                                                     . . / ,Y f..: ~.y,.                            r .c } r :. ,
                                                               . -                            4                                    ..                                                        .

r :. . ., * .. .> ..; . C.i '* ., -

                                                                     .,?                                           ,
                                                                                                                                                        . c.: .


                                                                                                  ._ c . .                                                                            .                                             ..                                                  .                           .                           ...f.e s 1                                                                         . IN THE MATTER OF:

e M!

                                                                                     ..'                  41 = '.!,',,^.                              .                                                                     ._.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  < .                                                           -,e--


                                                                ,                              ' PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPNTI, et al.                                                                                                                                                                                                 ~ ,"
                                                                                                         . . -                 .cs ,                         .
                                                                                                ..( Trojan Nuclear Plant)                                                                                                              .
                                                                                                                 ,        r.

i **

                                                          .y                                 . . l eg.:g[-c.'            ... .. . . ~         ,

Docket No. 50-344 ' Y, 2,. .


r- - 6 .- 7M., .. .

                                                                                                                                                                                                          -               (Control Building Preceedings).
                                                                  .'>.                 . .c                            .
                                                                                                                         .: .: v. :...                                        . ..                                                                          .
                                                                                                  .v.      ,,                                           .                     . ,                                                                                        ., .


                                                                                                  ,cr 9
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                                                     ,                                  .        . .s  . . .:. .                    . . . . . . ..


                                                ..                                               .wg.
.r .. .y .... ": y. ~~;e . '. .- .
                                                                                                                               ..3...x                 .
                                                                                       ' Place -                               ' Sale::1, Oregon                                                                                                                     .
                                                                                       .Dete -                                       3 November 1978                                                                                                                               Pages                        2300 - 23 tift
                                                                                                      ~                            .
               .>i                                                                                                                                     ... . .

I t. 4 1

                                                                                     . ...:.;:            .-                               n    . ..                                               . ,                .=..
              .i                                          .                         ..,;                          --    . , . - - .                                     .                           .,
                                                                            .-w.'.-                       .                                                                                                                                    ,
                                                                                                               .. . :u ..c.-
                                                                                                      .                                       . . .                           ,.                   3 s

Telephone: f (202)347 3700 s ACE-FEDERAL REPCRTERS,INC.  ; OfficialReponers 1 4

1. 44 North Capitol Street j
                     \                                                                               -

Washington, D.C. 20001 7 i

   \                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      :


                                                                                                                                                                               <                                                                                                                                                                                      > t
                                                   ,,/ .. , . ~ . - . . . +                                                                    . - .                                        .               --             - --- - - --- - - -                                                           * - ~ ' - - - -                               .

a , (- r e- = . , , - - - , - .,%vw-,  : - ,t---. --v , .,...w.w- , -.yr -g. - -w w .- , .,

                                                                                             . _ . . u_

1 L 2336 [ M! 8 d' b/ ab5 -1 your direct tectimony on this issue', the nctariale contained i 1 I

                                  ]       in~ Exhibit 207.

d \ .

                 ,              3                A      (Chorus of Yes.)

h- 4 .MR. BANKS: We would offer as a portion of the l 5 direct testimony of these two witnesses on this' issue Echibits n

           .j                   6         19 and 20.
       '1                                               CHAIRMAN MILLER: Any objection?



8 (No response.) ( 4

                              . 3 1l          ,

Licensees' Cd11 bits 19 and 20 are admitted into I g l t to evidence. , L 5 i 3 11 i (Licensecs' Exhibits 19 andi I  ! 12 20, having been previously:. ' I

 /]            ,

E 13 marked for identification,j j 14 were rec.aived in evidencey { J 13 BY MR. BNU'S : , ,

        . :j                                                                                                       ;
                              '6                 O      Mr. Anderson and Dr. White, could you explain in            -
               ,              g7 ;         general for the Soard and tha parties hev these particular ggj         exhibits and the materials in them happanad to be developed,
        ;i I

19 and could you also explain in general for the Board and the

    . PJ 20 .         parties the significance of this material, and the matters to
        'd                          ft
     -                        2. lj        vhich they are addressed?                                                -

y 3 d;l A (Witness Anderson)  :: think I can give a brief description of what is centained in these materia 12, and how

                              ~.,.j af            this information ;;as develcped. And than I would like to M

[d call en Dr. Whit to enplain, in a littio cora heu

                 .._                  1

1 f ., i

                                '                                                 j                                                                                                                       2337 :          l f'N.

eb6 i the new response spectra was daveloped. n 2 We have always considered the effect of any chitngas

                         - '1                                                                                     . .                                           .                                                         ;

3 in this building on eq2ipment, piping,~and electrical cable-  ! h 4 trays. In the original re-evaluation in May, we locked at 5 the effect on equipment as would be brought about by the weigh <: y , 6 reduction and the changes in stiffness in tha building,' and

 ,                        s 7                we concluded at that tine that there would be no effect on d

8 - previously qualified equipment, piping, and elsetrical systems . l 9 s Late in Augunt, as you know,.we ecmpisted the  ;

              .             4                                                                                                                                                                                          :

J to STARDYNE analysis and ' the STAR 3ETE analysis, although -it was  ; 4 11 primarily developed to dstarmine loads on the various parts i 12 of the building, the STARDWII analysis also allowed us to 6, , 's 13 other things, the effects en natural frequency { ',.

  • U ',

N - t4 of the building. 4 i 15 We investigatad as.part of the STARDYNE analysis

                            .i 16                  work the effects of inelastic behavior and we have testified' q

9-37 that we do expect some inelastic bahavier, .m egect soms - ja cracking, we expect some-higher'dc= ping, ua expect some-g3 redistribution of load, wo expect some you mi -t say mora i ,8 20-1 relaxation of the building. The building is less stiff; it's more relaxed than we had originally thought it was.

          '.                                                                21       !

l. g, j - And what this-results in is a chift in frsquancy.. to th's laft, a icvar frequency of tha buildiag. If thei

                                                                         . 3 1

24 !i building is less rigid, it has a ic:!er .intu:.t1 frequancy. s ' gl And so ve'resiewed the.aquipmsnt, piping, and



                             ,..*'De' wd %e
                                                                                                    "           9'"+9f           ee . -*'s-                                 , ,

t ,

                                                                                                                                                                                                       l y     y v            ,,           *a--.-y-we---tr--. p pm--   =         *r g r        .e-                                         p..-m              vec-e.,s..,,w,+.-
2338 l

i p-_ Y t 4 {- ab7 i electrical cable trays against icwor natural frequancies of N

  • 2' the building.


   .         ,                  3                                Ve also could run and did run the STARDYHE analysis
             ',     ,_h         4                assuming that this inelastic behavior did not take place, m                                                                                          ,.

38 that the cuilding remained in the elastic range, and that the 9 6 damping values that were specified and put into the STARDYNE s 7 analysis were correct, a very low damping value of 5 percent,

          /e1 3               and /a ran the STARDYME cualysis as if the building, in n
9 9 very academic sense, remained strictly cicstic.

10 Now if that happens than the natural fraquencles 8 11 cf the building shift to the right, er to the higher side 12 , cid they becoms higher.

      ~                                  i

D m, 37,, f And so we have developed then, afts: this analysis k' < 'd 34 ' work, new floor response spectra for each ficer of the I i auxiliary, control and fuel buildings in the north-south and ' 15 , gg east-west directions that describe the 'auildings' behavior, i 3,, assuming that it is antirely in the slactic range and that lb :g the damping rce.ains at 5 percent. ,

      .                 Ic     jg                                Now what this has done, it has given us a very
     . q' 20                broad response spectra, a responso spectra that has to be                                                             !

o I

     ".                          ,               broadoned on the left side to acccm.cdate lowai- frequencies, u.

gj natural frequencies of tha building, end a resper. a spectra

                      )          .,

1 that has to be broadened enthe right side to :ccc = :dnte

                                  .I             higher frequencies of the building.
               .               <-* l a     '

i And Me have tah n that broadened respense spectra 3 s I - G t .



m. u.. __. - .


I l l 1339 - l CV i ~ \* eb8 1 as developed for each ficor o.1 the building, and we have

     ,i t

3 reviewed the equipment, the piping, and the electri::a1 cable 1 . m 3 trays against'that broadened -- 2cse broadened respense [

  . o h           4       spectra.                                                                      f.

5 Now when we did this we found that this had very 6 little effact on equipment and we would expect that this kind H f  ; 7 of a frequency shift wculd have very littlo offect on equip-I

i 8 ment. Equipment is_genarally qualified in the rigid rcnge; ,

9 it's qualified to very high frequencies. Equipment generally 10' has very high natural fraquencies, and usually equipment is 11 qualified to accom=cdate many different plants and many l 12 different seicnic conditions. So it's generally quclified 13 above the response spectra that wo are investigating'hers 14 and that we have here. I' 15 We have gono back and reviewed each'picco of ll 16 equipment, including alactrical equipment e.nd tvachanieni l a 'l 17 i equipment, in these three buildings above alavation 45, shove 18 the ground level where these changes tcke placa, and we find 19 that the equip = ant still remains qualified, bcond en 2e a 20 original qualification of the equipment.

   . 1                                                                                                                     ,
                          .1                    We have also reviewed electrical cable trays and                             l l

22 , generally cable trays are qualified to breed spectra, and i I 23 we have fcund that the cable trays also still remain 24 qualified to this broadanad rsspensa sp,actra. 4 . . 25 However, when wa r:2viawed the piping, we find that D ' (vl

                                                                                    ... _ .                                                                _ ._                        i

i II 2340 1-1 j {/] eb9 I the broadened spectra recults in soms piping syntaus that ars - y

                                              .2                 .overstressed under these very conservativs conditions. And l                   .                                                                                                        i 3                   the conservatism is in a way ecmpounded in the piping systems a
                                               -'                   because wa are dealing not only with the building cnd tha -                                                  !

I j 5 conservative factors that have been built'into the building . j 6 analysis involving the damping valuas and the'moro sophisti-

  • 7 cated STARDYNE analysis and the widening of thass response 8 _ spectra curves, but we also hcve a requiramont in the FS!d i
*.                                         --.-.1.                                                                                                                                         _

l 1 .

                ,.i 9'             '

that. states that piping systens must be evaluated based on , [. t I I 10 ' very icw damping characteristics of a half'a peernt, . 5 g ; 11 percent damping.  ! 12 Mow the latast Regulatory Guidas indicato that

                                     .                                                                                                                                             3

( i 'N 13 3 percent damping for large piping, over 12 inches, and'2 , . r, . .J . . b , 14 j percent damping for smaller piping, itnder 12 inches, is l it  ; , l

                          '                              l                                                                                                                                   l 13         e            acceptable for uswer plcats. Ecuever, this the 15                    F3AR was usod to re-evaluate :hu piping systems, so we havs 17                      that additionni             _ actor of conaarvatism that we are using 1

16 very icu damping valuce for the piping systens. 19 1 We have completed now thic re-ovaluation for the 20 piping systems and that is all piping that is shove eleva-

          .                                   21                       tion 45 in this three-building cc:Lplan, and uo h:vs found,                                                           ;


27. j as we reportad in the answar to Question 7 oi' :chibit Mcmher n.. . t.

23 i 20, that 10 additicnal restrainta nead to ho added to 'ia MP piping cystems as listaf. La thch r3 spence. k .l 25 il Now wo airsady hava soms 772 supports cnd restraint l i

    ,A                                             'l                               .


    .                                                 I a                                                                                                                              ,

_= 2__ l 1 e J 4 -

                                                                                                                     .          .,           ,   ,e       -.           .w.,


                                                        ._                  _       _ _ _ .             .                  .__      ___ m 1.

2341 i p l _( 1 , k eblo. 1 in-those sys cms, so this is, percentago-wise, a sec11 addi-i ' _2 tion'but nevertheless, it shous that 18 rectraints need to

                                      '3      be added to these systems.
    .       ~
                          )             4                   Now in addition to that we have re-evaluated the 5     loads on axisting restraints and we find that soma 65 of the E

1 6 existing restraints need to have so=a minor modifications. 7 These modifications would involve maybe stiffening of the r i 8 support with a steel picts or an additional anchor bolt, or___. _ p ., a . g something of that nature, to strengthen.the onisting sup- i l 10 ports in the case of these 65 supports. t l i 11 We have evaluated small piping, thct is, 2 inches I and under, and we have determined th:t no cdditional wo4 - l 12 l 13 needs to be dono t:o the safo shutdown systems and the emer-  !

                   !]                  g4     gancy core ecoling systens.

I!cwevar, there ars soma peri-i I 15 pheral systems, these room'ccolers that have been discussed, g that have copper pips. They cre hind'of secondary. systems 37 and we have to add some additienal holddown cicmps on that small cepper piping. I think it's in the rnnge of 15 addi-13 39 tienal holddown clamps. 20 So these are the results of these cdditionci

      ^        '

studies and we are proceeding to install these additional 11 22 rsstraints and to ma' e thena mciifications. g3 At'this point think I uculd lihe to c:11 on p Dr. Whits to seme of the uced in dater-mining the neu response :pectra, and see if us can devslop 3 A . V  ; _, 1 __ _. . _ _ _ . . . _ . ._ . . _

                                                                                . . -         - . . ~                   --                     .
                                                                                                                                                   '-?h MM


                                           .r                                                                                                             . .
                                                                                                             -                            ..        - ~ .                     .-                                 . . _ . _
                             .                                                                                                                                                                                                                              l 2342 I l

y(, )sG


3{ 1-j. e i a , . N ' a better understanding s.nd perspactive r.s to mhat has gene . 'l


obil 1 . .. [. :j into the development'of this additional work. l 1 . . 3 . DR. MC CCIJ.,0:13 - Dr. Whits, when ycu do this, will

        .              .<            ~

4 .you be'sure and. carry us through step-by-stop from back'in 1 m  ! 5- the very beginning and show what each one of those.respcase 6 spectra is?.

                        <                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   i 7                                                       WITNESS WHITE: ; That's exactly what .I have in mind,                                                                   ,

lG .to start from the very.beginning and progress all the way g throutJh to the point whers wa have assentially dsts:mtinad ' .l 4

                                                                      -10                       the breadened-response-spectra that is the report.

t1 okay. Along with that there are savarcl figuras j .. 12 'and that kind of information that is presa.ntad in these- -l [ , O m 13 tus dccuments, Number 19 and Munbar 20,.'t.nd I:think that


( ) ( *4, hy referring. to ' thesa we'11 he aisle to ses e::actly what i jg pieces we used in order to gensrate these rasponse spectra. 16 Now tha- starting point in developiny the floor' l


j ;7 response spectra is the time history that you uso t Laxcita j  ; 4  :

                                                                                  the building.                                 So Figura 1 in Document 19 shcVa the arti-tg
         ,                                                                ;3                   .ficial time history that was usef in the preparction of thess a                                                                                                                                                                                                                              !

20 floor response spectra. L



           .                                                           11              :                                              If. you gentismen have ever r:can e.ny acceleration 22                        time histeries frcs natural sarthquakes                                                                :hsrs's a ver;-


                        +}                 rQ
                                            .-                                                   definito d*.ffar:nco hatueen ths tina histcry fr i c'n=tural                                                                                                l 23 .

serthquaks as cppe::sd to 3:h:t us have here. l 24 ((

                                         -                                           l                                                                                                                                                            ,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       .l 25 j                                                          Motica ,that there is atrong : action, in other words' l

i I l

 .,               J.                     ,
   )            ,D'                                       .            ,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           .a                :
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          - ['I*        1)

D  ! I

 ..                )..L. m                ..        .i...,.~..._.,_-,                       . . . . . _ . . , . . . - , . , _ , .,           ,J..,....__      _ , , , -        .,,..._.._,.,__..;,,,...,.._/,,J,.,__,,......                  ,,.,,,_.I

j 1 l

                                              ..          .                                                                                        i

[  !! 2343 i f f ,


I a ( ab12 1y big acceleration pecks, going frem about 2 seconcs all the f

             'l                            , ;t
  • 2 way out to 20 seconds, so it's c. very 1cng duratica of strong '
              -j O                motion. A natural timo history does not show this duration
    -        q            ,

4 of strong motion. l 5 Now the reason it's necessary in the synthetic I 6 time history'is to develop a response spectra frem this time 7 history which envelopes the ground response spectra. ' 4 .  ;

                                         & ll1                              DR. MC COLLOM:       The one that is aircady specified?                  (l ti

{ 3 [{ WITNESS WHITE: Alrer.dy specified. ,] f 10 l So that's the main function, the main acceptence ;l t \ 11 critaria for the usefulness of this time history. l I i tg i Nov Figure 4 in the same document cheers, for d p m, 13 ;' comparison purpose, these two respcase spect a. The scooth

\                           J                   l
  \                                    14 j.                line is the design respensa spectri. This is tha cne tha'c 1                          l'
                       ,               15j                  shows in the FSAR. And this in the 5 percent damping which I

16 is consistant with what is being used for structural dar. ping

               .                                            for the SSE.
  • 17[ j 13 i Now the jagged line is the rasponsa spectra of
  • i  !
      ,                                tg ,'                the synthetic tims history.

l Now the important part of this rasponse spectra a 20 !l>

       .                               2                    comparison is frem, say, 4 cycles per second to higher
                                                                                 .                                                             i n ;;                 frequancies. This is where enr et uctural fucqusncias nra,                         e g                    and the portien of tha cur'73 be".r3 tha structurni frequencies ;

[ -, [ w J is of littla importc .cs, so the important p::.ri i f cm 4 cps I { t

                                        , . ,               en to highar.frequenciss.                                                          t
                                        *~ :                                                                                                    :

i ( s

                              -        .w                               _            ._.       _ . . . - -

7d Ei

_a-.. . _ .__ _ .

                                                                                                                   ._4              .

4 2344 I i l . l t: ' ' ab13 ' 1 Notica that the response spectra from the time: l , M -. .

                      .                                    #                , history :is always above the design rasponse spectra, and in                                                                               1 g                                                                          .                 ..                                          .

3 many frequencies, above quite a bit. 'This is our first level 1

                   .,       . m                                                                                         .

4 of conservatism. 5 DR. MC COLLCM: You say "always above," but there 6 ar's some places where it drops below.

                   .g                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ,

7 WITNESS FdITE: Not of frequencies associated.with-8 ,the_ structural frequency arean. In other words,..if you go 9 >from 4 cps into higher frequencies, there is no place where 10 it drops below the ground response spectra. . (


l 11 There are a couple of casas like at 1 eps and maybe l i 12 1.5 where it dips below a little bit, but there are no' , j i [ 'm- - 13 structural responses in that area so it doecn't maks any

   \                               U 34                differance one way or the other.

i s i 15 } The important part is the portion of.the response ] , 16 ' spectra associatad with the structural responses which is in i 37 the 4' cps and higher. area. l gg Okay. So I've gona through the nececsary staps to" l* 39 generate the synthetic time history whcse respense.spectrn-u

                      .,                                       20                envelopes the ground response spectra. That tekss us through :
     .              M
  • 21 Figuras 1 and 4. ,

22 How we subject the finita elatant =cial to this 3.240 ;3 tins history, sticking -it at the betten of the building and 24 j this thing shakos. Ucu what ue've done from thct peint,, l n ..


g _if we turn to Figura 9, thic chews a plan of a typical floor j u< l s . - . . + , - + - . . ,, L .i m.

           . - , ,           -        ,                .        ..w.          -    .-           , - - + - -           .     . . . - - . ,         ....b.,..._%.......              -...~....._.~._-.-_.s.                   ~ ~ , . .
                                                          !                                                                                       2345 i r

i . 't . : I b Q p ebl4 1,


of the three-building corpic::. 2i Ncw just for simplicity, I would like to talh

                .q 3            about the control building, althcugh anything I say about.
   .          .s 4           ^the control building uas also done'for the other ttfo build -

5 ings, but just to narrcw cur attention a little bit here, a'  ! 6* When the building is the ground 4 7 acceleration time history, the motion of the pointa in the

               .4 0           control building are d,eterminud.             The five points that were
                 .                                         5 3 Ij        sonitored are shown as Point 32, 26, 63,.G9, and then the r                                                                              -

to one in the middle, 174. So while the building is shahing,  ? l

  • I 11 we actually determine the accolaration timo history at those '

1 12l individual points.

                        ;                                   I          .
                                 -m                 13                                Now for each individual point like Point 32, we've (A                      s
                                       )                    l

( ' 14 ! got the acceleration time history at that point ac now we

                        '                                   l y,             determine the responcs spectra for that particular point.                                              -

l 16 .' And we will do that' for eva:n.' point en the structuro tare l 0 l l

7 [i: we have a black dot. j i t l i !D ! So for the control building we are dotarmining I s


                                                     ;g h          the responsa spectra at the four corners and a typical point O                                            !

20 [j! in the middle of the slab. l v l' l 21 if So at this stage we have, for this particular l a

                         ,                                   ii                                                                                                             I
                                                    .~.., ,!,      ficer of the control buildine five differsnt ::spensa l

f) lI i

                                                    =           '. spectra, all different.

3y new in order to data-mine ths design ficer ras- { n' g5 j; pense spectra,13o anvalops nil five of f and let ma j  ! t '

                                                                                                                                                                        ;l e

v t


e _ -- i 7


Yf s d-4 i

                                           ,. ,     y                     _ , , - . -   v-.   ,                            ,    -           _             .,- -__,

i . - - . ._ . _ _ . _. . _.,:. 444k .-


l 3 1 abl5' - -1 e:: plain the enveloping. precess.

                                   ;                           2                                                We've got these five spectra. Wa laid thesa'dcwn s

3 on a light table so you een se.e through all fivs of these

        ,            P 4         . sheets, ge: them all lined up so it's the same scala, put 5           another sheet down on top of that, and than draw a line' that 4                                          .
                                                            .6              includes every point of all of thase, so-we have a single k
                                                            '7             response spectra model for this particular ficor for this 6           particular building, which envelcpes all five'of these points,                                                                                         ']

4 the fear corners- The four corners ware chosen so as to- I 9 10 include any offect of torsion, and then you threw in a point y ., 1 11 in t'ae middle, just. to pick up r.nother point the.t may show


i 1

servathing a little bit dif ferent than the other four points.



[ ,- - 13 This is our cecond level of conservctism.' The~ _ 14 c14 sign floor response spectra envelopes essentic11y overy ' I -


15 action en that particular fleer. ic jg i 17 15

          .                                                   19 '                                                                                                                                                                    l
  • d  :


          .            4                                                                                                                                                                                                              t dl 22
                                   *Q                                                                                                                                                                                                 ,

e . e 9 25 e

                             'u                                   d                                                                                                                             . _ _
                                                       + 4                                                                                                     ~ _ . - .                  .           . . . .
-                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ..,,4,.,,     .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ., Mpy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             .m       7

- . . . . - - . , ~ . - _ . m.... . . . _ . , _ , , . . . , _ . . . . - , . . . . . . , _ , _ . . _ , . . . . _ . . _ . . ,

                                                                              . . ~                        ,
                                                                        .                                                                                                                i I

1  ! e 8 i i.<l 2347.' l t. * ./N I:  ? A) 10 aTol

                                                      ,!    ~

McW i this envelops curve is broaden:d w tah2 y -..


1 into account variatieno in m ss and ctiffnass e.nd this hind of 3l thing. Normally this is broadened plus or minus 10 parcant.

                          ;c .

M .. 4 !! C4 J Jcw, that tn' css us to Figurs- 11. And the solid  ; 1 f , E a line represents the envelops of this elastic respcnsa z.

             >2 5fr                 spectra.         If we saw tha raw spectra, it wculd be a banch of jagged linas. We have breadanad it, saccthed it cut, G;                  so now this is another level of concervatism.                                    a a                                              .

9i Now as I r.cationed c:.rlier, tha sclid line is i U tne respcuse spectra e.ssocie.ted uith clastic bel.p. vier, i . g.* <' assuming that the thing remains uncrackad. This gives us nn 1 12 l upper-bound en the frequency. Tha structure can't got any i .

,Cs      s           .
                                 .j 1**      i           stiffer than what we've got hara, so wa've get sometaing

j , t Mf  ; located on the high sido. 13 il Now, as we discussed last uach, thero is the i 16 I possibility of scns stiffscss dc: rats durin't an SS~; cvant. , i l 17 Ig Ncv the dotted lins or dtshod lins sha'.r thers in Figurc 11 x 13! is a decraase in natura.1 fregues:y due to thic pot:nnie.1 ]  ; 4'I decrease in stiffacss. Mcv the.t broadens the cerve to tha

     .                                                          t 20 i                  low fraquency side, as Mr. Andersca menticned o.e.rlier.                                                       ^
       .        1                                               il
       .                                             21 '                                    New, tha method,or the dsc~~                " stiffness l*                                          -

r 22 i is givan bac*: in 02.bic 4. Th:re it sivas a util was '; rcesed j

                                %                                                                                                                                 #"            l
                                                     ?.3 :, to 50 percent of its origine.1 stilina:3, 2 3 00:~'"#*
                                                                    .                                                                                                             }       '

d  :! t 8 24j crignal stiffneca, ut?.tcver, the t:h;la =ing is 111d :=.

              -J             . . .                               11 25 11 there as to the hinds of decrar.s:s consider:1.. a.nd basics 11y, t

f !/ ' ' t 1 i

. (,e                                                              -,4                                                                                                             (
                            . . .                                  .ri.                                      n           -                . -.., _ .. . ..- . -                      ,     ,
                                                   ,    ..                           .-                          . . - .       - - _       .                             .-                4
                                                                                                                                                                            - 4 W.
                             - -             --                                         - --    -                   , _        . . . _ _ .      ._ _ . ,                  . _ , . . ._.e_e.            _

1 i , i 2348- I i i. p , I

 '\                                                    1               .



agb2- the reduction factors were detarnised as a func*. ion of M e 2ll expected load level in taase we.11s. So Wis'is how taa

            .i 3

U " second frequency was deternined. 4

q I might =3ntion for the elastic system, the-5 .
            ,                                                            frequency was 6.8.          And by including the decrease in stiffness                                                          ,

3 6 f the frequency dropped dcwn to 4.9, so that's quite a reduction


in frequency. 8 - q

                                                              -                 -- How you see on Figure 11, there's a. -third set 9

of curves or a third line. And this is a dot-dacn lina. And this is a further widaning of the curyn to include 11 possible non-11naar behavior.

  • 12
  • Now when the non-lincar behavior starus ir, j
              -                                                          taera is also a decrease in pen!c accaleration, r,o tais is' j                                                   why the step stops at atout seven g's,,rathar than going up 15
                 .j i        to apprc=imately 10 g's associated wi% the elastic response.                                                                              .

16 Now, the final curve'that we used for evaluatica U of the equipment and the 'like f.s tse solid line on the 18 ~ high frequancy side, the dahsud lins for that pernion, and II then going to the dot-dash lino. So tnis is what was used for 20 the equipment evaluanics, piping evaluation and everything o

         ,                                            21                  eise, a very conservative curva.

22 i New the o%er locatienc in . structura, tas

                          '    )                                  !

E3 lj rest of tn.cse ff Juras usrs dat' sloped en the enact str.a idaa. l

                  <                                                .t 24U                                DR. PAX':'ON:      Ho i is the inslantic pcrties taken                                                                    l d                 .

l l 25.h into account? l (G) i W-'d + w6 m ms-- d s wee- me s . enewesen e ow. = -eu.mme .e --ee,wd- . e.en* ene,e===-- O

                                                - * -                                                           ._,                 . . , _              , . .                                .e.,            .
                                                                                                                                                                                                         'b.,       l l

1 _ _ . . ,_ _~ ___

              .                                                                                                              .           = -                                      -.



11 2349 1 j, e (O l  ! - U agb3

                                                         .j                                            CR. WHITE: This waa done using sc:.a mathed:4-

i j


g devaioped by Professor tiew:cark, which goes back to a ductility 3

             .j             .-                                             kind of ratio, that kind of thing, and vara dava;.oped along
                              &    4.050 A

thosa lines. l 50 That gets us from, starting with tha synthstic l

              .;                                                           time history, all the way through to the broacanad design..

7 i

                                                           )               floor response spectra that were used..                                                                                                 ,

S! CHAIRMAN HILLE2: Thank you, you may continue.

              ,q ,

j f' e' DR. W11ITE: That'c all I hc.vs at this time. t* I t 10 Ec BY MR. HAIES:- i i 11l Q' Tha culy thing furths: I wanted to csh - and I 1 1' *' , think you'va covered this, but I just wanted to be cu Ja: I

                               )                                            In doing this, you assumed and used the 0.5 de.mping requirement of tne FSAR, is that corrsct?.

l 15 A (Witness Andarson) Yec, we did. . 10 Q But the'prssant Ro,caGuiv.s:s wou".4. have clicwed ] ja+i a damping factor of, wha.t, thras? i a 18 A Thras for the large piping and tic for tha j 1

      -                                             18        a smallar piping.                                                                                                                      i
     .               1 20                                          Q        So what you've denn is, you have studied this on
      -       4 an extremely conservative basis?                                                                                            s i                                                                                                                                      8 U!                                         A'        Yac. The piping h2s haen ovalue.ud on :. v=ry                                               !
                                                   "3 !'
                                                     -                      conservativs basis. As you ce.s see from the, curva cu                                                                      !

l  !  ! E4 ! ' Figuro 12, Murn is 4 graf t difict.ince ;. . f.OM10rW:1000 I i i - j , 23 3. betseen 0.5 parcent darping c?.rva that has 2.0g as n per.k 4 i t L

                                                                 't                                                                                                                                      i

[ 4 l1 1 {

  \                                                          -.,

I t' e-

                          .$                                                          e -_                                                   seeen -                                             _ _
                                                 - - .                        - , - +                                                     .          ..       ..                 .

t .4 ' n v- --- y v- v- + .- - ., e y, ,,...: y raw.-,~ , +c- -- n.- , e-sw>+

I' 2350 l 4 (3- < 1

 \           ,                                                                                                                              !*           ;

v 1 agb4 and the fivs percant dampinJ. en: S tnat hu, oh, betueen  !  ;

                    ;                   2                                                                                                           l-
               .a                                      . three and four g acceleration is the peak._ Two per:snt                                      i 9
                .j     r,                                damping or three percent damping would be censwhsra in h      ~

4 between scmewhat prqportionally to what has beza represented

  • 5 i here. i
w. . ..

I 6 MR. BATES 4 I gucsa thmy're all yours.

               -a                                                                                                                         .l, 7                                         EXAMInTICII aY THE DOMtD                                   I
                                                                                                                        .                     I 8

BY DR. MC COLLCM:. _ . _ . _ _ . . 'jl;

       .                                 g                                                                                                   1
                    ,                                          Q           I think I have a little probicm in kncving all.                     :
  • 10 '

the analyses that wera made. .' - II For instanca, whe.n you say - LP.t r.a tahs anotner 22 each. 3

 .y                   l>]              I3                                  How r.any, and on wash basis were the floor response                     ,

3# spectra r. ads to investigate equipmcat behavier frca the vary _ 15 first of the design of this huilding until the present? 10 How many times, and on what bases vera responsa spectra 17 created and then equipaant invsstigated? I presums tant

                 .s 18                taa first one is the STIC; Ocdal?
       -                               19 i                    A           (Witness b'hite)        Right. The STICC Ocdel was tne
       .       F5                              l 20 '              first set of respense spectra that were used. And, in the 21 ,              error of May 5, May 24 aubmittala, the ct:.agno that vere M E censiderad at that                         6'- ? usrs ths charges tc u_c         changea
                        -              U.                a.nd stiffnzas changes.

24 And tness ch::.yes did n:P,. causa any chann of tna a . 15 ; respenso spectra 4. hat would be cutside the brordaned respence ,i m l lt

.W;        _


                                  -.                __s.        .~                                                 _,
                                                                                                                                         .. e

1 1 h 2351 !l-I P, . A) . 1 4 agb5 spectra, so essentially everytaing that us.s qutlifisc prior . 2 .. . 4 to that time was still qualified. 3 u Q And at that time you did make another rssponsa

  . . .       ,y
                           ^h                               4 spectra investigation, or you just reassured yourself that-I
                                                           ~5 o                                                                  the old response spectra was satisfactory?                                                                                                     l 6

7,1 1 A Yes, we reassured ourselves that the old spectra 1 ,

              .a                                                                was satisfactory.

i 8'ii So you've still only done one -- ws11, len me i Q } p

                                                                 .                                                                                                                                                     e g4                                                                                                                                                         g "t

ask a question about the STIC medal cud gatting responsa- -

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      .1 '"
                                                          -10                                                                                                                                                         ;

I spectra. Did you have to have an accalerati'on i:sc histcry U i! to do that?. ' le 12 4-l . Yes. s i A m , I2 1


J i Q All right. I I# ' I'do not understand ahy ws had to.crects-another 15.s one. Can you give me soma hsip on thc.t? You havs now i 16 created a new accaleration tima history.

              ,j I7                                   A           The method of developing artift:ial tine histories
             . za                                                   ,                         -
1 1*a I .
                                                                             . in the 70-71 era was not 4.drancsd or progressed to the point l

19 ; where it has today.. So the ' original tina history wasn't

   ..         tt                                                     .

20 ! nearly as good' as this tims history -- I uish I had some i I

      .       ?ts
  • 21 figures to show the comparison. I 201' .

It was not a sced co: parisen be .tos.*. tha tim: i 20 ' histery and the design res';ones 3;setrn.- So wa'v.s 200 3 scue j

                                                                      .                                                                                                                                                          \

T4 , imprcvamants as far as taat's c::ncerad.


25 *i Q And what is the effect of that chwic, cf changing 9 J

,l                                                              ,5
\ .
 ?v-                                                            -l           '
                                                                 'li                                                             .--      . - - _     . - .                                 . _ . ._ . _ .                      I i


                                                   ,-e,. %====   -

m e. + . . , . g,



                                    ~                  -.                -                                                                                 -


                                        -                ._            ._ . - . ,        ~ _ _ . , ._                  _

5 r .

                                                   -l                                                                                              2352      i T..

t  :- P  !.

                .j 1

s L. .

      %                                      - 1 !!
              -q                  agn6-             i          from the old tina his ory to Sis new cra?                                                                 i
                                                .t A              The old time hist:ry uas.ruch higher- than tas

w design response spectra. This one provides a closer an-4{ velope, 'so there is so:se reductica in reQonas, if ycu want

       ..                                           1 5I                                       .

N l to look at it that way. Yat, as tre hava noticed,- thare is 5 6 - 4 -g still a gene.rous envelope of tais ti=a history's responsa 7 spectra var sus the design responss spectra. . - 2 a!

  • Q A12. riefat. __

9. l A' I might =sstica tn t, since the 70-71' era, 4 10 1

               .j j        tais is the only rageneratics of rnspcase spec.ra, starting
                                             "                 at tha poirt of tne titsa history e.t the base of ' taa strac are.

p' ,

                     ,                                                                 There were efforts to :acdify the existing j                                       raspcase spectra by inclMd: g pea.ks associa.ted with the                                                 ,

14 i

                       ,                               i       ST;dtDriZ faequencias, but this is tha first one vners we I
                                             '5 f have gone hack and rerus the 'finita ale.:ss=t =cdel to ganarata 1                                  I i                       16                                                                                                               l response .Tjectra.
                       ;                     1I        p                 Q             Way did this?- Why did ycu start bach I                                  t 5                      I8 '             and rs-de' it then, what was the raasening tha said we had I8
                                                         , better de it again?
                                                                                                                                                                      '[ >

A 11e focad that it vs.s very difficcit to c. dify I  ! 8 k, i . l . 21 j[ the exishi=y or the raspensa spectra fret tha STICK, toda.1, l  :

i. 1 E N vr. foc:d it very difficult t: ::dify these i: *:ty thc~c va 9# !i l U y ' f alt we.s . ccusarvative without h.21:q 'a--* *1y c userntivs. .j M  := cthar Mcrds, tat.:s ara :c r2& * 'y a:::.i.1:. bis L -

U f tachniqass f:r doi:; uhat us war.ted to de. Je.d, as such, vc l}t , w , lI*

     ~                                                   k.


                                               ..u                ..+m            .r..                                                                              ,

Y g ,g Y g.' l - .. _- - - -


                     }                         r' l

2353 t A 1

 \j                                        g   I
.gb 7 .i *roula had to ta.ko a vary ccassrvative positics. So tais
                                            !g gava us core ru.listic response spec 7.ra, ovan though tnese
                         ,_.               *l          themselves are still quita conservativs.

ItR. EAliKS: May I ask a question on this while 5i we are en it?- T i 6L Before 2.aking this study for the new response 7: 1 spectra, you did talk to the Staff about it in ordar to 8' determine whether they thought this would be approprieta, ,. 9i did you not? 10 , ;TI':"JZSS hi1II":: Devtioping these tima histories,

                       ,                  II j.l yes.

i  :: 12 'fi BY DP.. MC COI.LOM: 4 . I C 3- 10.; f Q I presur.c' they encouraged you to de it? (' l d 1 A l{1 A (Witness Whits) Yes.

                                                 't 1

is l C Was your sr.ste=ent abcut ?iguro 4 saying that 4 j t 16 g -;ne 1:gortant part is abcVe four cycles par sacend, do you 17! have sicita.r stnter.ents on ths etner impoPsnt die.grts.c ) 1 0 13 3 previces to that, Figures 2 and 37 -; 19 I h A These response spectra hora are for da::! ping 20 .I, values othsr the.n SSE cend.iticas. In other words, one percent - ; Jl h  !

           .                              21 ) is just she*n for ce=parison purposes and uculd net be used                                                            '
i 2  ! in any analysis tt all.

t Q- 2: 9 rie.tre 3, this acciu 22 e. r,: pense =pecarn 24 CCanisi.fst ITiin the C3C Ccndition. 7.nd IO DEO SDIONJ.!El I a is frsquancteo ayain, this is a s12t:fe=t=.,. a=,11:ya ei tas d 7,y , t i

 'nd) i 5
                                                         ._                     ._.                _ - . .                         .                        .         l (4n4    I i


                                                                        , - - -         -                  ,     , , , ,  #    .     - 4    s        .,   .
                                                                                                                     .                                            il n              i
                                                    ~~                                        -                      .-                       n...._,.

2354 f- , j & agb8 -rasponse spectra " rom the artificial time history. y 2 There is one extreraoly minute peak tar.t goes

                            -                                           down below, and that is of no significance. And then at five.'                              L
                           -Q                            4                      .

parcent damping, a very conservative envelope.- Q And, again, ~ you coulb say on this chart for tas t 6 ' OBE, that the pertinent frequencies are those at four cycles I per second and greater? 8 A Yes,-on-ell-of these. --. 3 Because of the building charactsristics, the. Q [ 10 ' modal charactaristics. II I A Hight. 12 on Page Five of your tastimony, Licenssa's-

                     ,                                                               Q                                                                              !
                         '                             13               Exhibit Number 19, you indicate that in the STARDD!E spectrum,

( ,/ ] . 14 l =the second spectral peak with lower magnitude, exists at l



                                  .    .               15              -the second north-south moda frequency (D.49 cycles per second) -
               .l                                      16               of the STARDYNE teodal. The original spectrum does not ravaal I
                     '                                 17               a corrcoponding sacend pe,ak."

l 13 The' original spectrula is what spectrum? 19 -A That goes back to the 70-71 model. w n 21 22 g n } m


.i )

                                                                        -@ Mee-         -
                                                                                          .e e.ppen .     .ag   ,_
  . -                  .-.;.-                               . . - - . . . - . - . - .                         . = . . . . . - . - . . . . . .

fi [ . 2355


ld h 1 le abi  !! I i O '1hy did thic a::iat in this =edel and it did not 2l

  • in the ene in '70 717
                 .y 3                 A        I think basically. it gets back to tho fact that -

s ,

                        )             4            the three-building complen is a *.ary difficult building 5            to modial with 'a stick type medel, and the finits element-6            systen is a better representation of this ever-all behavior.

p 7 And I think that this particular frequency was one that the 8 stick model was not capable of picking up. i , 3 ;- 0 Did the change in tho tir.e history input have any-  ?

                                          !                                                                                !L with this change?                                          E 10 ;I.

11 ' A It wou'.d be very doubtful. 12 O Do you have the Tourier amplitudo cpect um of G 1- 't che original timo histcry? k'-- j 'i - A I don't. 14 I Wouldn't that shew you if it were a peccihie 35 , O L 1 1G y pr'oduct of the time histcry if you icched at the amplitudes 17 f. present in the Fcurier spectrum and compared the tfo? l gg A It might chew sc=ething. t t, I.have seen the response spectra f cm ths cricfinal s time history and I'm trying to remember if there was a peak 1


_e 1 i, out in that area, and I don't recall, but tharo was no t na h Fourier spectra d evolcped fer the original tima hictory.

                                   -      .I!           Q        Ynan you say that the changas tchs placs abe's g[              :.he ground level due to the brcadaned respon:2 spectra, are
                                   .               you anying that tharo is acma diffarsnco bet::sn ths id-fect a                                                                                  >.   ,

O ' ( 's i /

    %./ '
  • j 1 1  :
                                                          **Mp gh  i 4

l I l' 2356 7 eb2 1 level'and the 61-foot level in terms of changes having.  ; a ~ 2 cecurred? 3 'A Yes. s

                 .y r 4                         Q          T1111 you elaborate en that?                                                                ,.

5 .A okay.-

r 6 What we're talking about here is respense spectra
7. that are different frem the ground response spectra. Now i  !

8 . _ . if you ':. ave a. piece of equipment-- And these differeness are g viewed as structural amplification. If you had a piece of i 10 equipnant that was supportad on the base sich elevation 45 L

                      .                           11                which is at' reek level', then the structural amplification i                          12                dtie to the building dcas not.' influence the equipment attached                                            ,

l diractly to the base sich at c11. r 13 14 You can' the building as a filter. You have the time history ecming in and the building filters 15 l 1G sud amplifies scr.s fraquencies, decreases others, and at the 37 ground level, the building is not between the tima-history 18 lj and the piece of equipment that you're looking ct. Go this

                     !                                    l                                                                                                                            1 gg               is the reason that it dcasn't raflect everything at ground                                                         1 g                level or balow ground level.
       .          d    '
                                                  ,,3                         Q           It's independent of whether the building ic 22                 there or not?

4.230 23 A Dcactly.  ! g i l y .A (Witness Anderson)- I might e.df, Dr. Mccc11cm, j that mest of the cafety systen equipmant in this thras-buildin. 25 o

                                                                                                                                                                             ]I s
0 1
                                   . . , . . , - . . . , _ . - , . . ,   mv.    , , , , ,         , -    , , - . - . , , . , , - ,.            , . ~ . . . ,


                                              -                          -                                                  a          .         ._    .
                                       ,                h                                                                                                               I          i
                                                        !!                                                                                               2357

.b  :

  .(            }/                         ib3     1l             comple:c is located either at grade level, at 45, sievation
                       )                                                            .                                           .

l 45, or. in two basament floors in the au::ilicry building and 1 h

                                                        .                                                                                                               l         .

3 [g . that would not be affected then by any change in the response f 4 spectra.  :


5 The Mping that we're talking about hara is piping . , k, s l that is above that elevation, supported from parts of the

                  ','                                    \\

r 7 building above that elevation that would ses some change. 1

                                                                                          'To' follow that up:



e U!

  • If you're in tha basement you  ;
                               .-                                                                               __.                               .                          i' a                                                                                                                                                               ,

a j - assurne no amplification? 10j A (Witness Whita) . Right.

                                                                                                                                                              ~ ' !

[, I

                                                   ;j                      Q               Why is that?-                                                                          ;
                           !                       12                      A               The way thay constructed that trac cssantisily
      -,         -1                                                                                    .

I hollow out a hole in.the reck and then the talls' ara poured -( '

3 33
  • lt
   \                                               3,3              directly up against the rock, se for all intants,and pur -

t . i 33 J posas that entiro rock mass is moving the sene"hid the walls ,, I 16 l have to fo11cw along.

            *     ~4 37        ,             O               Will you turn to Figure 9'which shews where the-                                        ,

gg . nodal points are en the 77-fcot level for tha response tima 'j 1

                                                       -l                                                                                                                          ;
        ,                                          ;g t             history output?

h l

                                           ,      29 -t                    A               Yes.                                                                               'i
                - 68
g. !! - 0 Why did you decida en the ::nars and one point )

1.,. , gy in the centsr as,being typical er entrauss er otherties

                                    .) ,

2 he . of tha varistiens that eculd cccur? f n i 4 yf A Chcy. "I'll go building by building or et larst' f I


A  !; u i: tj Acck'at the centrol. building first. ' lI't; b l 3 o .

k. *

.t 1. I


v' / ' ' k'

                                         - -- ,- - . : w .- ,.             --                  -            _ - - -           -                                                    .
                                                                 .~-          . , ,                  ~ ..._         . . . ~       ,
                                                                                                                                                               .-+;              _;
                                                                                                                                                                   /           ')

w  %



> y' [ I 2353  !' ' q 4 l i

f r .f l


^\                                                          eb4           1                            As I msntioned earlier uhen we wara going thcough
\ , s ..

2l these particular points,'any influence of torsion vill'ba i

                              ~l                                               i I

3 . maximized on the extremity.of this floor slab. The s*, ab i ,

             ..              -           ~.

d is - fairly rigid and is forcing svary point on that slab to l

                                                                        ~5            sssentially move'as a common unit. There is some in-p1.ana                                               ,

6 ' deformation bat it is not terribly significant.- < r.. 7 :50 to take,the extreme case, e. psrfectly. rigid-

                                                                        '8            floor syster.t, every point is moving back and forth and you-                                      i 7)


9. can decompose'that motion'into translation and a rotation ~.

to The rotatic.n 'is maximis:ad the further you gat awcy frem the  ! Li

                          ,4           .
                                    ,                                   11-        ' rotational centar.           So this is why the selecticn of the pointsj                                  I l-                                                                                                                                               i-        i

12 on the extremity.  !

[" 3 -

13 on the point 'in the middle, Os probably cou1.d have ', l

u. gotten by with only those fcur corners. I don't know of any.'

l 15 responss spectra where the point at the middle centro 11ed. 1 16 any frequency-range ia developing tha cvar-all onvalopa.- It J l 17 may hcie, but by and large ths-cornors are ths enes that j j 10 centrol. c gg O. I think that we can go to E:2ibit :!u:6er 20 shcrtly,  ; 1 yt ~ 2C and look at the individual nodas. Didn't you put them in a i I

               .                                                         21-          tanle there?

g A- Let's coe. Ma do hava the indi:idual accolsrations, s ((es, j i 1 gf; j O '

                                                                                                       ..nd  we can find out then by locking at dict.
                             ',.;                                                1                                                                                                              1 i         ..A -

25 Right. I r,

'                                      8 y

ps .a

                                                                                                                                                                               . w'
                   .,             ~. . , . . . _          . _ , . . - . _ < . . . . . _ . . . -.,.-......___._,_-._.;.... . . _ . . _ _ . . . . . _ . . , . . ~ - _ . _ . _ . . . - ,
                       !                             y

b [__ 2359-

  %                                                  y!L eb5      't 4                                 Q       Before ve go thero --

il  !! - 2!  ! A Now the same logic follous in'tha other buildings 3 , as well, taking' points at the entra::te to maximise the in-o . _; z. c , d

                                            -4 I fluence of torsion and, in the au: ciliary building, .the sichs.

5 i are even thicker there. They are 2-1/2 to 3 feet thich, so 6 again the points on this ficer you can break dsm into


y essantially a translation at a location. N . i 8 -Q- Just as curiosity, in the fuel building why did - i 1 . .  ! g you choose 241 and not the corner, which does not have a F 10 .: ode on it'there? 241 of course is .the corner of the au:ti-11 liary building but you. did' not checsa the corner of the fuel I i 12 building.- There is no node on that one corner of the fuel 33 I . building.. 34 A I'm trying to ra=ar.ber if there is an opening in  ! i l  ; 1E . the slab at that point. i t i

                       ,i                    1.t -                               0        There may be because if you look ct the 03-foot                                                            j
                  -j                                                                                                                                                                                 !
                                             ,7                  level, they did choose the node en that corner.                                                                                     <

l  !

                        ,                  . ;g !,                              A         I think-there is sc=e sort of 1 c11 disr stion                                                             !

It'seemed gg m that keeps that floor sieb fro:n being continuous.

      .          r, 20                   to me there is .a fuel handling cask pit or sc::sthing over

w 4 - 21 I: there that makes that an area where the ficer slab is not . 1

                     ]                                !I                                                            ,                                                                    i           1 1

22[ tied in. -  ! , 'h 'T . l- J 3: And again at slevc'.icn 51, that corns: is bach. , y f.! O' Let's go to the table in E::hibib 20 which is -) 1 h.

                                               , i'              Table 3-1.
                                            ~1     .
 .,D                                                    {,.                                                       .

t l4.,

                                  .                      b.-                        - - -                -
                                                                                                                            ~ . . . - - - -
n .


                 !                     i
    , - ,        t                                                                                             2360 I,
   'q                       eb6      1               A      ' as Y    .

n i 2 0 . Will you c:: plain that table to us so that we knew  ! q ' 3 what each. heading is? r) 4' A Okay. This is a table of manimum accelerations 5 and starting frem the left edge and moving ceress, first-

            .                           6
                 .                   6          is the building designation, followed by an elevation of 7i         the floors within that building, and then the nodal points
       .                                I a          on that particular floor level, and then sema aces 1 orations                   ;

i l

       .                             9          broken dcwn into ncrth-south accelerations and east-west, l,                                 .

{ 10 .two columns for each direction, the first one being the  ; 6 ti.' acceleration associatsd with the time history :tethod of 1 12 analysis and the cacond one, an accloration associated with

                       ,.-          13          using the ground respence spectra, the s=cothed ruspense

14 spectra as input. 1

                   !                15                       Sc thct's how theae various numbars wera deter-                     ,

r 16 mine!.

                                                                                                                                       ..e 17               Q       The ground recponse-Spectra being the cno that was             '

18 specified in the FSAR7

       ,                            1D A       Yes, and shown in Figure 4 -- no, not.4, but
  • d Tigure 9 I guess -- no, it is Fi7ure 4.


                  ,                                                                                                                       i
       *   "                                                 New then, if we compara Figura 8, which is the                               i
         ,                          21               Q 22 a        el-fcot leval, a-d tha nede that is in the middle of the                    l        ,

I 9 e j, floor is 151 -- l l 24f 9 A Y25- !j , l g Q -- and that is point-3G, which is the SM1113St

 - ["N -                                                                                                                      ,

( i a x >

                                                                                                                         . c'. .          ,

W j i

             *1                                                                                                                                                        i
                                                                                                                                                                      .I 7

2361 ( , eb7 1 ene there, avon though the ecrnor, which is point 25, which l],

             .i f~                       2 i:             I think is a centinuous slab right on thrcugh tha aus:iliary                                             I 1
            .i                                                                                                                                                        'I 3                building, too, -              -


     *-   .          m l           .

h 4 A Right. , I 5 O -- is as icy as that is. 6 A Right. . d Now ist ma explain a little bit more about this i n I1 8 .particular elevation because it is ons that bas a peculiar L,' s feature. f I l i 21otice' in the flecr designation at G1/35 the i1 10l 1 northern third of this ficer essentially is-at elevation 65. 11l- 1 l 1

                  !                         12!.               so, like at nodal point 20, there is a 4-fcot chcage in the f             floor slab elevation. The sinb is not coniinuous across

[n r' 13 i g this entire plan vieu. i I i 15 Now the reason for the increase in olevation j e 16 thers is tha train comes through this portien of the struc-

                                          . ; ,.                ture so you need a little e::tra clearasca. And as you can
c. ,

10 see, the accelerations en that upper level, givsn by points ,


i j 1g 61 and 91, are higher than the accalerations associated with q

     .    ,A                                                                                                                                                 *
                                                                                                                                                              .       )

20 points 25, 97, and 151.

      -                                              j                              If that sich were continuous, we uculd not ses 21
                                            ,. 1:                as much veristien ac ess than sich, but it icn't, and' thic f is at least e partial s:: plane:len as te uhy such . big
                                            -h q

variation across tha ovar-all, plus the f*:.ndmental l

2. '
           .a                                       i
                                             ,4     :           nede of this ctructura systen ic senawhat of a rotatien.                                            .i
                                             -       t                                                                                                                ;
             #1 3

t . i. W-

  • _ . . . . . . . .

9 b'

a. ;

l q W 2362 - 23G3 \- eb8- i about the fuel building end.

                   +4 7                           2                             So in general, the acceleratiens on the western i

3 'part of the structure are ser.swhat higher than ones to the  !

         =.                        m
                   ,.3 a

d 4 east of those points. 5 In general, that's the situation. There are a few 6 exceptions.'  ; Z

                                                               ,                   Q         To go to Figure 10 in Exhibit 19 you'll find' r
                                                             ;8 point 189 in this case is the highest of the five, being j,    1 3'                                                                                                                                 .
            .                                                  9             ' equal-to one corner, but it is the highest.                                                                                                         )

a 10 A Right. ['

                                                                                   ~Q-        That doesn't quita fit with th's simple model                                                                          ,

12 that you suggssted- a while ago, that-the highest peint is 13 on the outside corners. ,

                             ,                                14                    A         Well, that's why we put one in the middle, just                                                                         i I       '

15 to make sure that we havsn't miused anything.

                             '                                                                                                                                                                                               t ;

16 Q Now I think you're getting to my point. If that ). 17 one is higher, hcw de I knew one halfway in between the two 18 might not even be higher?

                           .                                                                                                                                                                                            i
  • jg A We-can't say with absolute certainty that there i

20 isn't a point on hero semeplace that dess get a little bit  ; i I

             '.                                              21                above the points that have haen selected. But let's go back n                to the over-all process that tre use in orde.: to gsnsrate de                                                                                       j
                                                              =               design floor responsa spsetra.                                                                                                                     -

d 2/; First, we daternino ':he individual ficer racponse

                     "                 ~
                                                            - gg               spectra that tre have hers, and then wa snvelope all five of

^ u _ - - - . . - -- ....~ .-

                                                                                                                                                                                                                '%         ;        j 1,
.',j l .'

_ . - , . , _ . _ . _ , . . ~ _ . . _ , . , _ _ , , _ _ . _

                                -                                                                                                       =-                                                                          .-,                 . ..            .
                                                               . . - -             ~                         -..-                                                                                                               - . . .      . . - . .

i i  : r 1

                                                                       .j                                                                                                                                                                                     2364~t            ;

I f.-~ , T ab9' 1 l those, or however many there shculd happen to bo.

                                                                '2       ]'

h Then, on top - of: that, wa broadaned this enti: e  ! J 3, response spectra so in order for the response of seme addi-A tional point on thin floor to peak cut f cm under the


5 broadened response spectra is e::tremely unlikely with the 6 selection of these points. , 7 Q 'All righti 2- .

                                                                                                                      - Now accepting that fact, let's compara Table 3-11 a                                                                                                                                                 .

D[ that we're herring to here with Table 5 in 2::hibit Number to'.i 19. I'm not sure that this has any.particular validity to 1 l

                            ;                                   11               Table Number 5.                                                Can you tell me? I see the ccmpariscas of
                            !'                                                   the specific points, tha nedal' points, ehd the time history 12 and the spectrum."


   \                                                             14                                                      Does this just average all of those, or does it                                                                            .

1 1 15 take a maximum, or what? How did you get frem the tabis

                                                                 ;3 l             in Table 3-1 to Table 3-57                                                                                                                                                                    ,

i A That is an average. - Like at elsystien 51, 65, > 17 [. t

                                                                  !C l           tha .39 is the avarage.of all these..                                                                                                                                                          ,
                       '.i                                                 l toj                              Q                      What doas this table then tell you? 'That am I                                                                                                        ,

20l supposed to judge from Table 57

                                                                                                -A                        Let me go back to why it was avan put in at all.-

( 21 . 1 i a- , When you mako a tir.e history analysia and responsa !' ,

                                                                            .                                                                                                                                                                                           t g                spectra analysis, ens of the natural things to do is to maka                                                                                                                                  l s'                                                     .                                                                                                                                                                                          .       ;

g4 j n comparison of the two analysac and see how they comparsi. ' H . and that' attempt to de thct at thic level.  ; 3 ,i w~~* .n. + ~. --m. .~. .

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ,,s. 3 w          i
 - . . . . . . . - , , , - - - , ~ , , , , ~ , . . - . , _ . .                       , ~ - . . . , , . . . . . . . - . - , . . . . . , . . . . . . . - , _ . - , . . . , . . - , . . . . ~ . . . ~ _ . . - . . . _ ~ . . _ _ . . .
                                                                                                                                                     -                l

l ' i i

  ;, m ' j
  ,                                                                                                                                                 2355    :

b- ab10 1 A more detailed comparison was me.da in Enhibit 20 o . 3 j in Table 3-1. l, 3 0 So if I want to compara and see hcw well they i

            ;<             +

b' 4 compare, I really ought to icok at Table 3-1 and not Table 37 5 A If you vant to get down to point by point. Table { i 6 5 gives more of a global comparisont for a point by point com- -l 6' ) 7 parison, then ycu do need Tnble 3-1. ]

                                              '8                       0              As a matter of,informatien, ara you. surprised or                              l 1

i not that they're sa close together? ,  ! l 10 A The ec=parisen isn't partic :,larly surprising. I {

                  ;                           11             wouldn't have been surpriced if. the tico history solution
                 }-                                                                                                                                            i

[ 12 would have been perhaps a little bit higher, based on the i _ i f ** 13 comparistan of the response spectre going back to Figure 4

  \s               .      -d                                                                                                                                   :,    ,
                                        . 14                  where we've got the responsa spsetra frcm the ti=s histe.y                                        ,

i 15 and the grcund response spectra. [ 16 But this is typical of the kind of c cparisons  : 1 1- that ena finds going through this precass. d 19 , a 20 s

                  ,                           21 20 J bb l,


    %-                                              ,I i
                     -.           ~                 >                                                       , . . . . . .
                                                                                                              ,                     pwi--e.,- ., ..      ,

a lh

                                                                                                                                                           - l

i n'. j;! 2366 ,

 '(                                                1 ,i                                                                                                                  4
   'u             .

If ebi *

                                                                  .O        Do both of,these have the we've been d                                 -

2 talking about. built into them, or'does just the tima history 3 acceleration, the sc-called brcadening of the -- f <^

                                                  .4               A        If you use -- I'm not really clear.                                  Do you want 5         to give me the question again?

6 Q I think I'm trying to mix two things together . ry - 7 that shouldn't be, and that's what I'm trying to get you to G tell me.

         . _ . _ .                                              -                                                  _s    .-._

p We tcthed abcut the rssponse. spectrum curvas for 10 the control building and having broadensd those curres. 15 A Right. ,

                                                  ;I               O        Uhat relationship d:es this have?

g/ - 53 A To the information in Tablo 57

                                                  ;4     l         0        Right.

1 i 15 , A None. I thought that's whara ws wore. I Q okay. 16 l

                                                  ;7 !                      CUAIRMAN MILLER:                  Me'll have a recess at this point.

i  :: 53 !. (Racess.)

       .                                          jg                        CHAIRMAN MILLER:                  Dr. McCollom.                                              .j ys                        DR. 5C COLLCM:                  I concluded while I was out that
       .             e
         ,             y                          g; j-. that Tabla 3-1 is just to reassure us that we et., in a 1
                                                  = ;! realistic situatien.
                                 -qsc5                  ll                    .-


                         ,                              9                                                                                                                   l u                O        Is that correct?

n , i a :

                                                        .          A        (Witness Mhite)                  Right.

v 9-6 _. k


_ _. ._ - _ . m. _ . _ . . . Y.r N. ., '[Q[


d . WRS/mpbl

                     . f1ws abi
                                                                  'O   cn page 3 cf m:hibit 19, what is the implica-2367 g

( tion under Paragraph C, the fourth line frc= the bette= vhare 6 y 1 you say in the STARr/ art: progran you .use the La Place trans-

h. 4 form nothod, but no numerical da:.tping is introduced.

5 A. In the process of datarmining the response

j. 6 . spectra you integrate from - let me back upia minute. .

y 7 The synthetic time-history is definsd as accel-  ! 8 eration *rersus titte at discrete points. These diderste points l 4 9 are 1/100dth of a second apart, .01 sacends apart. So' in 10' the process of detsr=ining the response spectrc for this

                                                  !      Particular time-history you integrate fren one time stsp to 11 i                                 I i

l .. 12 l another. I e ] [

                 ','s                             I                    There are varicus nu=orical prcessses that do

j v9 ;3 l

  • l s 1.t this-kind of integration. Scza have round-off arrer cnd'this l 15 kind of thing,'and this is a process that tends to eli=inate i

16 cr reduce this kind of round-off srrer ani tha nurarical error 1 e 17 i intreduced through the stsp-by-stop integrati:n : recess. ]

                                                                                                                                                                .l1 13                           This la sc=s
  • es rafarrsd to as tha encet method:

19 ! but that's =cre in quotes than anything else. 5.010 m 0 treuld you explain the stiffness reductica factors

        '                                                 as you used then in Tchlas 11 thrcugh 14, and ce= pare them cad 21 l l

i ~ 2 show dat you did to respond to the Staff's q=csuien which 3 I _,/ 33 q rasulted in T.nhibit nurber 30, riguro. 4-1 through 4-4? 24l A Cksy. g[ Let's f.ake a ens-to-one ec=parisen. If we t. l .

                                                                                                - ,--.e      ,w.+,-,

l l l 3 l I

           .~     t                                  .                                                                                                        23G8 !
 . /, T ' 1
 -Q/            e mpb2         I [j compara Figura 11 in decur.ent nu:se 19 and Figura 4-1 in                                        -

2 :' \ i document 20, those are companien respense spectra. j

              .;                                     i 3l                                     MR. BA!UCS:         I'm not sure the record is scing to m                                                                                                                                                             1
                    'd                       a                    be rirht on that.

1 5 You're comparing Figura 11 in 20 stith 4-1 in 19-  ! 1 4 I rean Figure 11 in 19 with 4-1 in 207

7. _ WITNESS WHITE: Right.

8 The difference betw.rsn these two response spectra  ; ll

        .-                                   3                      ja a little tiny corner between the broken lina and that                                                  i, l

to lot-dash line at essentially four cps. iiotics that in Figure i tt 11 at four eps there's a little step or a shelf, where on I 1I fl Figura 4-1 thers is a transitien rather than a step-function, [ l


1: l so to speak. h)- I _ . r t.g Now the reason -- how that transition was develop; I gy [ ed is the icwsr level shcwn in Figure 11 is 'for a ductility i i }. pj ' facter of 1.5. And the er.coth transition goes fecm a ductil- [

                                                                                .                                                                                      i 7,                   ity factor of 1,-1.1, 1.2, and that's hen that was octablished.).
                                          ;g{                                      DY DK. MC COLLOM:


       ,                                 *0 j                             0-       If I look at that and say that's how it was 20,i                     established, does that mean tSat I could have a fourth
       ",                               at                       column in the table?                                                                                            ;

yg . .Two pages earlier in that sans docer.ent as . *

              'l h                 p;,                    Figure 4.1 that has ductility ratio as enc celtma, frsquency                                            -

I 1 yj raduction facter in tha no::t, r.nd spectral pcC: =cduction 4 d - z ;f . factor 'in the ne::t, .can I have just a frequency column on 4 ii (% ' k l

     \.                                              I j
                                     . - , . , =
                                                                                                                                                               - - -- sm          l g$,         l
                                                             -+              --

y- -- =+..---,.+--.w.-. -


                               , - -                                    =-

l-i l eCD 2369  ; i ;l

    '                         mpb3     i   that too? Is there a one-for-one relationship between where p                  2   the ductility ratio changed and the fraquency?
              ,      m 3           A     (iiitness Whits)  Let me om lain how we go about 4   doing this.

5 The frequency that gets multiplied by the re-6 ductioa factor, that would be the frequency at the upper

           ;.;                                                                                                   1 7   left-hand corner of the dashed line, which is approximately t

8 5, it,'s like 4.9. i 9 Q Now, I'm sorry -- where ara you now? i 10 A This is on Figure 11, Document 19. I 11 Q Now would you go over that again? i

                '                    12            A     The frequency that is used as part of the 2

l 13 frequency reduction factor -- in order to u:;e these frequency L 14 reduction facters you have to hcve some frequency to multiply i [ by, okay? That frequency is the upper left-hand corner of 15l , 16 the dashed line, whi:h is -- reading from the chart - about l 17 4.9 cps, okay? 13 O All right. 19 A So'how that's the frequency that we will use 20 as the starting point.


2! So if you' multiply that by .95, this would be 22 the frequency associated with the ducti:.ity of 1.1. So, 23 4.9 multipliad by .95, new ra have a fraqusney. And 24 then the spactral acesleration associrted <ith tnct will gg take the spectral acce13 ration cf that upper co:tner, which

   'V 4_u y-   -

g -

          !.                              c                         -

s 7 /. ~~~,h 2370 i V i mpb4

                                       't ' is - I den't know -- maybe 9.7, sc=ething like that, multi-1                                i ply that by .91. It gives us ancther        point.

A 3k soyou3ustkeepplottingthosepoints,andthat u d . 4 t will take you from the upper left-hand corner cf the dashed S[ g . line to the upper left-hand cornar of the dot-acshed lina. 5i Q But you always use the frequency of 4.3 cycles 5 7 per second for each one of thane cultiplications, though? 3 .) A-__, Right.

        .i I                            D                         Q      But that ssults in another frequency, and that's 1-
          .l 1                         10 i         . fhe one you plot?

I ' I A 11 That's cc :act. 1 12,  : Q And that gives you the slanted line.

    .~. i-                               ,I _
    .i;/                            C. J.                       A      Right.*

A l ,u . 1/, If we wanted to chew the actual coordinates, g; so to speak, of each of the additional points, us would nsed is the frequancy, the new frequency and the now crectral acceler-

                                      ;7 i               ation to hnve the ccordinates of each of theze points.       But
        ,                                    i,
                                      ;g i             - that basic infc==ation is in tnst tabic.


                                      ;9l                         Q      Why is that - or is that a =crs realistic                    -


                                              ,          assumptien than the one you used when you said it was 1.57 20l1    .

A Showing the results from 1.5 enly, hors we're 21 !{ h  ; 3 d, charactericing the e.-tre=2 ccca, and perhcps f : c =pisteness

                                                     ! the transition to closa eff that little pcckat in thero, it's
                                      .- 3
                                                .1 ga !! more conservativa.                   If sc=2 thing vers to fall in that pceket
         .i                                     iI

O it  : m a. , 4

                                                -1                                                                                         l j

_ ~ . _ . _ _ 4.4 i

                                                                                                                             - ' g' 4l:


/ s.

2371 '\N mpb5 1  ! O Is that why you said these revised response d _ 2 spectra had no i= pact on the results of analyses in that

                 ,                                                                                                                                              j
     ..                                           3                     nothing fell into that little pockat?                                                    I p          r'
            -                                     4                         A       Right.                                                                       l 5                                 And even if it did the systems.we'ra talking 6               about are not that sensitive; but we knew of nothing that                                      l 1


       .                                           7              falls in that pocket.
8. --~0 'I believe .that this is the time for you to tela  !
              ,                                                                                                                                                 l
              *l 3              me, now that I know that - Figure 11, I' presem3, is the one to               that you hava.used in your actuni analyses of the equipment,
                    ,                            11               or did you use has been modifica, like Figura 1

12 4.17 ' g.[ I  ! ("

  • 13 I don't guess it matters, but I would like to b i 14 know which one you used to 1cok at your equipment cEpability. 9 l

i i s 15 Both of them? l 16 A I said earlier that we used Figura 11. For all I ., 1 l .l 17 of them, I'm not sure what we did. Ua did uss with ons with ' [  !

               .i gg              the slanted cur te filled in thera.                                                  {!

0 So that is the one you used to make ycur final-19 f i 71  : 'l 20 investigation?  ;

3) i 21 A I take that bach.

22 0 Should we have'scasons sice up hers who % news a g

                                  /               23              .littic coro detail about this? Uculd this ba helpfu:.?

I 24 A I can confer with him, if that would help. 25 0 All right. Why 'on't you? ' And maka surs of the 4;

,.C                                                                answer on it.

L 17 (pause.) \ l i

                                                              . . - . +
                 - , . ~ - . .. ,,          ,.                  ,        ,     ~    ,,.      -,     ,        . .-.      ... ..s.   ,     -.-
                                            -          --                   -             -~                              --_.                   . .

i, .. 2372 I

 '(            ,,

l V '1G1 1

                    ,                 .tgb1                                              Figure 11 and M esa type figures 'nre te.e ones a            '

21* x C6 that were used in the evaluatics for aquipr. ant, piping,



     =           .

f, cable trains and the lika. .

     .         - si d                    4 In the piping analysis, they havs gonn bach and l


  • looked at whether or not a piping system has a frequency v ,

6t I a" i[ that will. fall into the pocket, and thera are none, so it won't have any impact on piping. _J , S' l j - Tae electrical equipment, its frequencies are

                   ,*                                                                                                                                          .l
      .                                                 1 g!               on the high frequancy sida of this response spectra.and,                                     ;

s I

u. s \
                                                "l                  as a ecsult, will not be affectad.                  .
                                                                                                                                                               ,l l                                                                                                       1
                      !                         II l                                     cable trains arc in the sans cituatica as piping.-                      l I.                        p" ,i There asn't anything that falls in that particular pochat.                                   l l

s C U Q All right. N ' New I'll go back to Figure 11. That is ths 1" curve the dusdida cnvelope of which was used to icok at the 1 - 16 of the equipsc.nt? I' ij

                                                          !.                     A       Yes.

18 Nould you describe for us in a qualitative way Q 18 how you ge fro:a this to a valuatics of the equipmant under d 3 the staps tat ara undergone, we have now gensrr. tad thic El i responso turve? 2E jii A Okay. As far as tha aquipment is cene.rned, tse o C responc s spectra that tras used for qualifict.ti:n cf tr_t n F 24 I equip :v2 c, is ccmpared uith this curvs. I 13'h '

                                                                                  ;. Do you havs another curva the.t says this'ic uhr.t                  j G

{v a t I

                                                               .i             -

1 . _ . _ _ .


2373 . ,/- i( . agb2 the response spectrum of tha.t equicnont is, e.cch piece? e . 2~ A In many cases, that's e:tactly unat we have.

              .A 3
                                                                       -Q                    Uhat happens in the other casas? You say in C

y 1

                        '-                    4                                                                                     +

l many cases that you have this.

      .       a 5                        -A                    I think for all the aquipment supplied by
                    '                         O Westing':ouse, wo do have that hind of response spectra.

n _ l A (Witness Anderson) There are other pieces of '

              .q                                                                                                                                                4 8             equipmsnt that vers qualified maybe on a generic basis for                                         I

9 .a max:.::mm acceleration, or there are pieces of equipment like  : 10 a lazge tank that actually has supports that have to be lookedI -. l 1

                                             *1 at.                                                                                                l 1


                                                     ,                                       The original calculations ara icoksu at and                        I
     ,.-                                                                                                                                                        l IO              chseked against tais hind of acceleration, the forcas that                                      I v                    - l]                  14 t                                      usuld result from this kind of acceleration at thess                                             .,
                 -l                                                                                                                                          !
                    ;                        15            .!requencies.

16 Q And whenover equipasnt is generict.11y approved, 17 if 'you wish, for certain ma::imt= acccleraticna, dcce frequency l 10 l enter into that same generic evaluatien? 19 ' l A It can if it was approved based en a response i 1 27 3 spectra. If it was approved based on just a ma::inum 21 acceleratics, taan the fraquency doesn't. u 12 Q Ecw does that fit, thcugh?

                            .g                                                                                                                           I 4                                               If, cay, a ma:cimu:a accaleration -- Doe.a that imply 24              that it dcasn't matter what frequency the.i acce.lcratie:t occurs                               j j                                                                                                                                             l 23              at?                                                                                             l

^ '%/ I )

                      -                           -    (                                                                                    . _ ..
                                                                -+a9.e           * * = * * -                                                  .#+  .gm ,


                    .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    l 1
a. -. _ . .- _
                                                      .                                                                                                                                                                                                  l 2374 l*        '

fT ,I 1 w agb3 . I A (Witness ifnite) Let's say wa qualify the piace J , i

                    '\                          '
                                                          .of equipment to 20 g's, for instance. And some little pieces 3
   ,      ,.                                                 of gear, you knew, could take that very easily.


                                              -4 And the highest -- that would bo a respcase spectra                                        -
    .     ' .1                                          1 O

essentially a hori=ontal line right across ct all frequencies, 6 at 20 g's.


7 Now you compara that with the input response spects

          ,,- j                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          l 8
              .                                                that it has to behave prcperly _in_the.

a 0 Trojan complex, that's the requirement. And as'long as this 10 th*.ng is below that, no probl6m. 11 Q I was just trying to mcha sure that the'line II vas flat, and in the frequency varsus accoloration plot As j

 \              i(]-

l - 12 ' that the qualifications of equipuant has been done generically 14 as being a straight lins - l 15 I A A13 ' generic qualification is not for a horizontal 16- response spectra. They have a responso spectra.which 1.: a i *' function of frequency.-  ! I i 10 Q They can have that?

            ...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  I      i
   -                                          19                           A                  Right.                                                                                                                                             i
    . i                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       i      1 20                             0                  They can have the other?                                                                                                                            i
          '1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      !

21- A Ye's .  ! j l 22 'Q And one or the other of fthese was compared to c) 20 this plot hern? 1 1 24 " A night. 1 i 25 - depending en utsra tho equipment is, en what


Q j 1


U r i h+

  • 6ep ews- so. o a.- wa> *..e(+,eh** * =se e * * * - m64 m e- e-7 ,
                            .w                               -     .,.y .             . . _,. 6                            .,,s   ,,,%.-                   ,,w   ,w. . , , , . . . -         .., _ . . .,, , - - - ,
                                                                    .                                                                                                                         1 1

1 I

                    !.                                                                                                                                                             I 4

l g 2375 l I  ;

                '        ~
                                .agb4                       floor, 2nd all of them eitner will or ara underneath tho                                                                           ,

2  ; spectrum for which they are qualified? , 3 1

    .                   n                                             A              Well I think they aro, because there is no


            ,. ;                                            modification required for the equipmant.
  • l 5 '

Q I guess a was thinking of tha broader terms. 6 1

            ,                                                                        Now then, let's go to piping.

7 ' 1 y A Okay. j 8

            .g                                                      ~Q'              Tell us the mtchanism by which you compare 9                                                                                                                                       l*

the piping here on this. l: j 10 A Okay. , Il . 11 . I' ' I think the simpleat is to talk in terms of tue 12 l big pipes. And in the big pips category is 2.5 inchas or i

   /~~                  ^                 13

[\ } ') ..

                                  .                         more.                                                                                                                      .

J 14  : 1 A full-bicwn dynamic analysic is made of the - J . I 15 1 i piping system. In other words, it's the identical process .

                                                                                                                                                                                             .j 16 as used for the cu'.1 ding analysis.                                                                                               1 17
  • l You 'suild tha mass acdel. You d-stermina the i eg i

fraqsoncias, tha mcde shapes, participatics factors, this kind I 1 of thing, and then go to the respcsse spsetra to derezmins

    .       G 20 ths spectral acceleratica associated with each code of the
     .      o                                                                                                                                                                                  j
      '                                   21        .                                                                                                                                          '
                                                 -i         piping systam.                  So the process i: s:cuctly the atmo as in ths
i l

building analysis. ifnen you go through thr.t proc::.cs, yo. cces up

                                                   !q   '

with stressss and defisctions in ths piping nahtorh. Ycu I q i 25 ' compara thase against c:de e.11o tablas, and that's 4 V - t t

                                                            **h*-       -+ao-ew-        N.m                     e                -                 w                      w .            ,

, ,. , , .a. - -

                                                                                 , ,        , . , , , .   , , . -   -~   . - , , . . - - . . , . -           ..   .   ,       ---

__ -l j ij , 24/b 't4 m 9

 -1                                                                                   I.


1. !i '
                      ,4-agbS                         ;; essentially how the pf. ping systam is qm*it'ind a alstito to I                                                                         *
                                                                  , ". ' 2s
                                                                                    !           these kinds of spectra.


                                                                             .i, a     s, A'           c and1G1                                         k t
          .           m Q                                    a1
                                                                             . f,

{l 3 6 !i a ~ t 3} l,

                          ,                                                          ,1                                                                                                                                >
                                                                             -p ;i                                                                                                                                   ,

i 10 i

                      .u 11 i                                                                                                                                                                                   1 1
                                                                         - 12 j}

N' l: 13 ' .

                          'l   '

14 i i' 1

                                                                            !5 *
I>l 16 L
                                                                                       .l'i 17 1

IC l s Ot

           .          .s
                      .                                                                   ,,t
            *         '4 -


            =                                                               at *I8, 4.e .
                       -e                                                                                                                                                                                         ,

t [

                                                                            ** 1                                                                                                                                  ;

M s t-

                             .                 .                                        y O*           I
                                                                            - ;i         .
                                                                            ?A l1           t n                                                                :l E3 I                                                                                                                                   ,
                                                                                          'l                                                                                                                           >

II it - - lsI ' f$ A$. 4

    =wy-,g        Vmy                 y       q q-      g--  -amw     -*+eg      g  r+ygw----**13ww'g--'wy      vw wr---sy q=i - pe-       m-v~e--p-+g-asg--ew-

t , 1 l l 2377 IL A}; ( 1g2 i

i.  !

IfRD/mpb1 Q Look at Figure 31 in E:chibit number 19. 4

                                                             . 1f .

2 ,. This, I believe, is the only one of these J 3 figuras where you placed and compared the original and the 4 STARDYME spectra on any of these curves. .

                             <                                  5       .

A Yes.

                     #J .j                        6 6                                        0                                You said hora about the fact that ca.                                                                                                                                                            *
                                                              '7                     there was- a shifting -                                                                                               -

e: . _..-_._.._8 A - Yes. 9 Q -- to e higher frsquency. . And that this 15 J 10 second peak -- an'd 'I presume'that8 s that flattened off area 11 - on the STARDY!E linear elastic spectrum -- was in the appro-12 Priate spot to reflect -- what?, - that other peak that's - in the' original?

                                     ]                        13
                                                           - 14                                          A                                 I didn't follow that.                     .

l l

                               !                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        i 15                                          Q                                 Let r.s get back to your stcter.snt.
                         .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              )         1 1
                                                              ;6                                                                           Look at page 6 of Licencee's E:chibit nur.ber 19,.                                                                           !

l the second paragraph in that page. It says: 17 l

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                .l 18                                                                           "The STARDYNE spectrum in Fig. 31 also                                                                                                l q                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           I 19                                         shows a third spectral paa's at about 13 cycles
    .                 w 20                                          Per second, which corresponds well with the-                                                                                                                    ,       l 21 ;                                         second peak of the original spectrum, but has -


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                .l 22j                                          a icwer peak amplitude than that of the ori-23                                          ginal'spactrum."
                                                               ;4 l                                       A                                  Right.-

A ~l l 25 I Q New uill you show r.3 t/nich- enas ars which en [ r., . ye,-'ageto-+w- 3 py.- =y 6 y 4 ste gg_-- w-i e m- g -we.1-9yy-P ye--..yp-eewaw-g . e-mw~ee+or'mm-*gr**es 6'*** 'M N '.f **WW W t'**s'WD#1re " --~w-M

  • Ne-9 4 4 we '#r %r ? n'ti 'r
c. _
                                                                        - . - .                        _._        _.-     a.                           _ . . _                                                                   _._a__                    ,
                           .i    .

e 2378 s - g 1 V' mpb2 1' this?

                        ~4     '

n 2 A Ckay. A . . . 3 We have the dominant pr-N #or the particular

                         '1         A'  ,.)


                                                                                                  . floor response spectra at 6.-07, somawhora around in thero..
            '            d                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     '


                                                                                                                              - That's of the STARDYN37 5                           0                                                                                                                                         '

l o

                            ~'               '

S -'A Right. - tm 7 'Okay. , Uhat I want to do is to find a third y 3 peak on the STARDYNE and then va*11 go t'o the second peak-w 0j on the stick, okay?. I All right. to t - Q-i 11l A So as you move to the right on higher frequency j i ,

12. ou run down the stoop side, you find a littia plateau 'l C i 13 , centered about.10 cps. 'Okay. You keep going and there's
>      \                                                                          gl                  another plateau vary low,: liko 'naybe 1.5g's er sensthing like -

15 that. Okay. That's tha third peck. It's net much of a peak, 16.; .but that's the paah. Q - And it comparas to the second peck --

                                                                                  $7 {


                                                                                  ;g '

A Right. l: 9 191 Q - of the original.

           ...           N                                                        g                            n-Yes.
             *           'y '

33 That's the third plateau or tha second plateau r. f

                                                                                  .;.      ;          whichaver one you want to es1. it, and about 15 cyc is.the
  • influencs of this higher mode tinocs frequancy is about 15.
                                                                                      .i                                         Nov, while we're en- thic I might .uantion a
                                                                                  ** 31
                          #                                                                           little bit ahcut the cerjaricen betvoen th3 stich and the c
                )                                                                            g V                                                                                        j                                                                                                                                                                 ,

_-. i

                                                                                                -_                 ._                                   _ _.__                                 ._.                 __ -                  . __/ _


  ,,-r.y,-.            - - , , - - , . ,       ,      .,,' a k. u - , , , - , -                . . , ~ . ,  vw...     .   .~,..._._,,y .4w-~v,.-c.            .~J ..e...--.-...-.-...c-4...-           . . _ . _ . _ . . . . . , ,         , , - , . .

,m . . _ _ _ _ , o .


1 2 , l 2379 o .lq DY. - apbI ' I 'STARDYtm model en a more general ~ basis. Ie.C, as has been f M - i 4


3 mahtioned earlier, one of the influences, ens of the major l 4

                                         - - -                              '3"                   in' fluimcas that has resulted in these diffarant frequencies
          .              y &-                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             4 4                   has bsen the lack-of symmetry of the'threa building complex.-'
         ,.,             u
                         .;                                                   5                   And this Lis 'something that is difficult to model with a-
                      .A 6                  ' stick model.                                                                                                                                                                                             i N                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 .
                                                                            .7'                                                         Another_ aspect of the problem is the short                                                                                                                         j
                         ,,a 8                       l squatty nature of this three building complan. 'You're 9~                'looking 'at a beam' essentially that's 93 fost dsop. in one                                                                                                                                     {

l , i, e

                                                                          ' 10                     direction, and about 250 feet dsap in the' other direction,                                                                                                                                    i:'


                                     ,                                    . 11                     and 90 feet long, or 72 feet long. Again, thase cra the.                                                                                                                                                 ,

t main difderences.-

                                   -                                         12 Now if we were tc take the tall building all'.

( l] 13 by:itself, separate it from the oth3r st:n.teturask now there' . ,

                                 ;                                           1A                                                                                                                                                                                                                             i I


                                 ,                                           15                    would be vary little difference between the rasponse of that l:                                                                                                                                i
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      -l 16                    building chtracterized by ths stick mods 1 versus a'finita'                                                                                                                                           l
                                                                             ;7                     oler.snt mode., the reason being it's a nice, clean sptric

16 structure. f.nd the responses of the two are very comparable. ) to There have been stuelles mada en symmetric struc-3.h

           ~           '
                               .                                              20.1                   tures modeleit by the stick model technique and the 'finito
           ,-            N
  • element techr.ique, and they compare very well.

a 21 ., 22 l 0 .in Onble 1 of 7.:iihit 19,1 where nnd when are - y q _-gq j thass .73 frac.nsncias used in thic calculction?

                          $                                                              j:                           h

2A '1i M 25 Vioing back to the-ideas no ;cra ta2hing earlier j u.

  • m e. . s .
                                                                                                  . ._                       - _ .                                                .__                   _e_.


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        - s j       g -.           )              &  v       u-in--'g d     ly---g-y'y..w,-=            g--  9   y 4--e , -+ me e m'e-n-      -,--+-+r+e- - e
  • a u ree F + *v- m-*v*---e.-& -wt-ww-w-w >w s r- w e =r asa-a 4-,r,we EP -s ee%-., - ,'we.em-u-w2-- -a

i J 3 i. . 1 O s-  ! 2300 h.j


1 j' ' r E w l-f

                                                                                              -                                                                                                                               -i
m. ,, , .-,,+--,,.e., *m,. 4-,.;- , . . . + .
                                                                                                                                             . - - , - , ,   J,...~.~._,     .-----~._...m..&      ..6.~----,.L.-.
 .            .-                                         ,                              ~                                  .~                          ~             .
  • 1 ll s
   ! -                                                                                                                                                                                               2381

. f.,% . . s 2. 4 l't , wk1 1, n". *tC ('nyJ, oat  :: missa I'ni finished. q .: L ?, nP. Du'*0'1: L Acain, nv nuestions hcVe hasn a 3 answerert. " hank you.

       .                      n
                                                                   .)                           Dit, - !!C COLLGits. ~ I'n - sorry; there is another .
       .          ~

S thing I~.want t,o no into. 6 DY. DR. ftC COLLO!! -

                   ..y y                   0        I wonder, on page 6, under- (f) in Exhibit 10-8                   A         (tTitnes a . tThite)                    Page.5, under....?



g O tinder paranraph ' (f) . You'say,. i' i l 10

                                                                                                                " Based on the'new horinental spectra'.                                                                 j)
j. .I i and the criainal vertical spectra for floor g3
                                                                                       .the: qualifications-ware reviewed."                                                                                                 ;

12 13 "cw tell un.a littia hit in cenaral chout ,this .

            -h                /
                                                                ,34 vertieni snectra and tin 5r it van usad as connared'to naking
                                                                                #urther channen in that as compared to the horizontal spectra 15                                                                                                                                                             l which you did nahe channes in?.                                                   :

16 , 1.,, A Theverticalspectra,ifycucrocoingtoidentifk 18 flexibility of the ficers. This would he a drunning hind

        *        *i-of behavior. That aspect was included in tha developnent-20 0

( 2,a of the original response spectra. And thera is'nothing that we have cena across that vould ::hanga - ncna of ' the 1 22 l , deficiencias or anything siss affect the behavior of tha g. i

                                                                                 #1oor itself.        So we Assi no raasen to qum: tion that.

24 .,

                                                                         ~!                      f"e've cone hach and icohaf a*: it, ~ and they hava 23

U..  ; 4

                                                                                                                                                                                                         ~[p'O,       :


     ,           , .. . . ...           ._.._ ., ,.. ,.., ., ,,,,...,, -- ,,,n                .
                                                                                                      ....,.,,,_,r..._.,            , . ,    5,.._._y.~,         _r.u.,      , . . _ . . _ , .          . . . _ , ,
., m
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         . 2382 f-M tt                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              .

wb2 1{ includad the single nest important'effect, the drunning. l H "' 2 0  !!ow. dous that effect. cenpare to the effect of

               .i                                                      {

3 the forces on the huilding conpared to the horizontal, y' A .

   .           s d                                4               what is the order of inportance as far'as puttinn stresnes 3      '

on the ecptipment and the pipino? t 3 6 A - So'far as the vertical response on equipnsnt is w ' y concerned, nest thinna - it's under 14 already vertically. 3 So normally thinns are built to handle dead load, so normally  :) gf vertical is not a.real najor problen with equipnent. 1

                    ,                                            1C '                                             In terns of piping, the vertical accaleration i                                                              and the horicontal acceleration are.sonauhat similar, and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               .                  I i
                      ;                                          11 l                                                                                                                                                                               So thare r'e ally-l                                         12               the piping is dusigned to accennW'*e it.

i -

g. isn't a problen.

[]\ '

                                                                                               .O                 The horicontal acceleration'of the piping would 14 t
                       .                                                          ba novanant this way (denonstrating)' --

t g)  : , i 5 Right. ' 10 -

                                                                                              "O                   -and the vertica*. - ths' affect of the vortical 1.,

1 citisnic action would be noving it this way (dononntrating) ? la ,: ' A Might.

    ,                                                             g
               .q                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      '    1 g                              n                 *he pipinn is under - hangina, let a put it                                                                                                              )
    '.                                                                             that way, by cravity.                                              Is that taken into censideration uhan
                                                              - 21 you .1da ycur calculadons; or is it neclinih107
                                                                  ,,., Ji                                                                                                                                          ~
                                                                   .a        ,i
                                  )                            .

11 Uell I don't know if it's nonlinible or not. l: It demnds on tha circumstancas. Cut.tha rio ar3 includ:.d. 24

  • Thsra is a load conhination traich includes dead loe.d, seicnic l a >
  • i e

uw y.r , I J' __ a 1 _._ ,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              'U         \
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             'h y   . - - . , , . ,       .--#-g,,y  .y, --

c.+.,- p 4,,,y-- ,w, m y--m-, ,,.g,,my&- -t"e rr w tw'e-g=py-wr+ a + we ate +--+-*-*e'e--* w ar r*w--*--e at a---**a-u.=*e-eem- m- 'r - + ' - - * *-=

4 e

  .c .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     .          .

[Qs i A 1

                                                                                                                                                                                                    .                                                                2333             I m;

[' / ' wb'l 1 - and the rent of the infernation. v .q

'2 0 'I do understand that the aquipnant and piping and 3 components in all three buildings hava he a rechacked by
                            .;          N                                                                              .                                                                                       .
              .             e C                                            4              :   this same tschniqua since we've been discucaing it- for .-

i 5- the control building.- ' 6 .A Yes.- Tia have. generated new responsa spectra ~ J 4 \

                                                                                   -7                  -
                                                                                                         .for the.entira complex.                                                                                                                                                   -

( , . 8 CHAIR"Ni ?tII.T.nRt . I halieve that's it at this - L ;1 9 tina, ' than, unless there in further e:>anination by you,  ; I L L 10 r. Danks. [',. y9 ?Dt. TWTKS: Stone. , CITAIRfW1 MITJZR:

  • hank you. '
  • lou'ra excussa at 9*4
p. 5
                                                                                    ,,                     this timo.
                                                                                                                                                                                                               . (panel oxcused)                                                     r 34 13 C1 m Wi MI E R: Uan I Wm that concidas                                                                                        l ,
                                                                                                                                                                                        .                                                                                             l
t. a e en /p n s haaring-16 t .,
                                                                                                                                                 !!It. ROSOLID:                       Itv. Chairman, I van wondering about-e the possibiliti2s of-discovery on this issus.                                                                                    Is the 11oard coing to. allow discovery?

, 1

               #             D, CitAIMW7 ftITJ.ER: .I would doubt it.                                                         You're in 20
            ' '.           'N                                                                              hearina now.                               IF vou neod infomation I think you can probably                                                                                 )

21 i ohtain it hv regnact. ' n:t vour opnertunity 'is hsre neu, you u.

                             ,'            %                                                                sea, on this' portion.                                           *hs o : hor is en-qcing. Fo in via
                                          . .,)                                      v 4                                                               .

o# uha .'act that uhic is an e::psdited evidentiv - 7 haarinq l 24 H you'ra est':ing discovary cs you go, really. Or you can J w.


Nq e, t_

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          $.          1

p ( g 9y aq.agyg-+ rey-- p m w-y'mi.e-< -gg--.y- y-gr -rgw-,--*$ -y i.e y yv.ogi.wg 3- ggp <myym, y ., g,.-. +- fg e 4--pz,q..y .g e..y gagy-q - se *pd--,-+-aap-weg 4,rg. i.,qt ++e-e e me-

j . 7 H 2384 f k.g wbd anticipata 1" inst want. nut I veuld not think the ruins of

                    ,                                 .1 ll!



2' discovery woulel apply now, sinca wo have conducted a vser p 1


s substantial evidentiary haarine, and the other r.sttars are (' . .

                            ,-)                                                                                 If you want discovary you can 4            tendered to you, in effect.

3 peart ashing right now. It's your opcion. r, I suppoce, sinca you raisad the question, you


should indicate for the racord whether or not you wish to 7 I ask questions of thesa witnesses. g! _ gl  !!R. ROSOLIEr !?o, not at this tina. Il

  • Ir. na mn, trith ragi.rd to diccovery s 10 !

there wau one natter intich unf'ortunately I nn-lacted to brino 11 1, un while itr. Kafoury was hero.

      ,                                                g{                         "'he Staff' en the Friday before this evidentiary
                        !                                            hearine; ccmienced racsivnd frc 1 the Colunbia Environnental v                                                14 I

Counc!.1 n. set of .intsrroqctories. U2 have attenptad to in. 16 gi asse.'ble ansvar to thosa while tra have bean out here at the e hearing but have been unsucccssful in catting cenpic :a ensw2r. 17 l to all the intarrog' atories hrscause of the frct that ecmc of 13


tre resourcas nra bach in Washington, and so on. 19)

        -     H                                                                   The interrogatories Iblisva relats to matters 20
  • which have already been considarso. :But what I intend to.
                                                                ;    do is to -- wall, lat r.2 hachtrach a minuta.
O a. l who respc=scs, uneer the r=1=s, wou15 he e:2 .

i l \ this cominn maday, tieve her t%h. 17 hat I'm :c-ruestinc at :ni i 14 .); ( 7 tino is an J.::tansion of tinsuntil nant hid2.*, !iOver/Ocr -- i


h -f / fd

 'I                                                              te
       %)                                                        &

ii  ;

                                                                                          ~ - - , - -            -,-ne.    , . -                   . . , ,

L x

I 23S5 '

( /'T) '; ,



' N,/ ub5 I whatavur next Friday is. s  ?- CIIAIE!!A!! !!IL72R: The loth, I ballsvo. W . 0 f tR. OR,W: --ths loth to rsspond to those inter-

        .        g

fh,. 4 rogatories. In the neantins I vill contact !!r. Itafoury to 5 inquire as to whether ha actually desiras rsspenssa to the 6 'interroaatories sinea, in fact, they do daal with matters u 7 which have alraady been considered. 8 _ . _ _ _ CNAIR?WTPtILTIR: All right. _ _. . g Laava is extended to the Staff to file the , to responses to the interrocatortec filed -~ P s it on the eve E iti of the hearing they were filed? i 12 101. GTWl .They unre received by the Staff on the

    ,/k ,                      .H J                                 33 (           20th of Octobar.            I beliavn they we'rs filed by nail on the tb')                                                             14             18th.

I 15 CIIAIRl!Ati IIIIJIR: All right. The Staff is given , 16 an extension of tina to and including Friday, Movanber loth, i to respond to those interrocctorias. 37 gg Are thers any othcr intorrogatorias outstanding

               ,                                                     gg             whl=h. h' ave not besn rsspo'nded te that anysnm knoun of'?
               .1 3                               fin. RAtMS: 17e not the sane intarrecratories, but 21 we have responded.

1 g !tn. MCOLTS:"l: Ite. not tr.1s quartiens 8:= t -ia n g Envis on~.tntal Council that .m yet to snau .r. The 1 y, r: aron that we didn't :ncune them scrlice i.1 ba;nts: upotrant1; s:: they used thasp2n. fuel ar"ien list c.nd ch:y wen: to the , I

n. .

1 ( ~

                         ;                                                                                                                                                                    y
                         '                                                    o h           \'
                                                                                                                                                                              't j

j >- l

                                                                                                                                                                     .2386 l/%

r 4 [ l J l Y /j> wh6 1 4- wronn person. Tiut I have the questions now and will provide  !

                      .W                                                                                                                                                                    ,
                                   ,"                     2          the answers.                                                                                                           .

1 4 . 3 GAIft?tMT MIT.I.ZR: Yan. I might ray there was a l f"'


A } v s 4 problem with service. There are two lists of parties who- -)

          *              ..i 5          are on the service list. And there was, I know, one event
                            '.J g          where the wrong service list was used.                                                                                 .
                           ..,                                        .                                                                                                                      l 7                                  th BA!TKS:- Mr. Chairman, thera was one other.

thing that<somshedy has raised. I g I think it is clear, but , l-g I thought if.somebody-- tiell, my people had a question about a t , to it and I thourtht I had bettsr e:: plain it again. That is - i g3 tiat we do intend to procaed with these cedifications that 12 have been discussad hora, and we expect to have them done l (~ j. s . 4 within three or four wacks. I'm talking aheut the improve- i y (. )' d -' g mants in the piping supports. 1 i GAITtMNT MIT.T.T.R: The the piping -

                                 .                      15                                                                                                                           ;

i i suoports. I 16 i ,  ! ma ask the ste.ff: Iswthat. included in any.

                                                                     "*Y          ** #             ^*            # "#        #~          *                     '

16 , matters befora the Board?

            -                                            10
         '*                  2                                                                MR. GPAY:              Mr. Chairman, provided that those e


             .'            '1                                         improvements don't weaken the walls of tha control buildinri, 21 !                                   -

y l I believs that was included in the cricinal cr!.cr. I gusos. e.dr. *

                                                                 !     I. would say. that is tha only provini::n of the order 23- !*
                                                         ,,i. Whicht            would ssen co 5 affected.
                             .                          a ;-

1 h na other entan I u=uld :ay is, e=:e ==difica-

                ,                    m                   IS:].

lw. )? ,  ! ,

                                    .J.'    <                                                                                                                                                 '
                                   ~ . . .                                                                                      .


                                                                          . . .     .L                                            .w-4 s            :

I i/ % 2387

   ]A          </

f. Vr wb7 I tions, of course, will he at she rish of th4 Licensas. .And 1 t 3

                              -I                        ::        if this proceeding determinas sene different modifications

3 should be made, or that none should he nada, or whatsver may l

        .             .a C                     t.        be deturmined, it nay wall be that that work would have to l                                                        5         be u.idone.

6  ? tit. D ATTK S : Me understand that. And, cf course,

                     ,.,0 9

1 i


7 when I Made the statement I made it in the context of what u a _ we have already told f.e Board _ insofar as the fact that we . 9 intend to abide by the conditions in that order and all the l t 10 regulations. 11 CitAImtMT ILI?JJ:Tt: Yec. We apprecists the fact 12. thtt you have, and are keepingsta Donrd as. well as Staff i


g i

                   # ;4 c-'                   13          inf.:ned of all mattara.                          .                                                          l'
   -(                 ')                                                                                                                                                        I
                            ;'                         g                           itR. BAITKS: We'll keep averyhedy informed as to                                            ]

l what w. ra doing. CHAIM1Aff !! ILLER: Ara thare any rattsrs 16 i that an/ of the parties or corn =31 wish 'to raise or go int:7 l 1s l With refarsace to the proposed findings l gg gg conclusions, that'sedar Saction 2.754, thare new you will ..

        -                 i g           note that any party to a proceedinn nay or, if so directed                                                  )
  • i
                                                       .,1 by tihe c.*scidiner officer, shall film prepoeco findings of 4ct and onclusions of 1su, hriefa and so forth.


                                     )                                             Me havo requented tha fili:.g ef prep: sed :2indings u., ' t of fact an!. c:nclusions cf law on tha substr.tial r:rtions of                                              l
                                                              !     the eviden :iary hanrings which.htvs been conductsd 2: this
           . . .                  .                     25 O,

J. _ . _ _ _ . . _ . . . . _ _ . . . . _ _ 9 .,. . . . . - . . . . . 7.y , y


                             .                          b                                                                                                                                                        ?


    ,j-g d

V M' wb3 'tI this time. 1?a have not directed, in the sense of tha 2 renulation, because of not wishing to impose undus hurdans


3 on individual nre na intervanors. Ac I said, we would lihe si C) 4 to have them, but we'ra not nahing it part of the order, 5 makinn it an ordar at this ti:,s. 6 ii.

                                                                                                                                     'fov when we conclude the evider.tiary hearing I

yj itself,'which will be either by deposition proceduras or as si agreed to by the parties,or by our ra...umed hearing ecmmencing  ;

                                -                         l l

on December lith, 1973, we will enter an appropriate order. a 9l , j i i , to . It :nay. bo that- Usil, we still have Staff councal at that j l

                   ,                s      33                      tima explain to ths intervenors the censsquancas in tsrne of 12                      matters that you might wish to raiss on appeal and tha like, fm             .

g3 So you are new requestad.- Chers will cens a f 3) - i) Qb - "~ i 34 time, howsvar, when there will be an order, at thm conclusion, w re a np ance. si 1 tU to tamer h to

                                          .15 16 those things which ara within yetd capabilitits .nd your 1.,  .

desires. But you will have s::plained to you at that tima . l t ,,o by ftr. dray the implications in tsrns of tha appt.sichility of 1 g issues of that hind. And you can confer with hi= in the nean-

       ,       a                                                   tima, of course.


       .-                                  21 In other words, ws're trying to protset your 2,.,.
                                                            ,      rights. And wa'd-                                                                  lika to haar rom f   you on proper.2d findings, U

h , , , ,

                                           .e t if you wish to submit, and cenclusions of la.7, rither                                                                    .       ena.
                                           ,, . . [Y Ma itcald find it ha*.pful, jucu as :tc told Mr. K:.fon: f y: ster-
m. i 1

a ,,, I,. day, 'in understanding Icur theory of tha esas cs is applies ne:r ) l p*w w a l' l, . h

    .v                                                       ,I
                                                                .r e
s. --
                                                                                                                                                                                                          ~ *wew k,

[ . .. . . . . . . . - . . . .. . - _ _ _ - - _ _ _ - - - _ - - - - - - - - _ - . . - - - . - - - . - --


t i 2389 ' l , (~V}'j-~g/ , who i 1 to the evidentiary record as oc reloped. It is helpful to (

           '1 8

2: the Board and helpful in seeing that your point of viaw is 3 both understood and your application of it to ths facts is i r. J -

                ,       h            4        developed.

5 Anything further that we need to considor at 6 this time? g.. l 7 Ufo response) 4; 3 We wish to thank all counssi and all parties. i _ s.

  • I g You've been very helpful. And us think than thars have been 10 important afUnificant aspects of the record davaloped by
                                    ;y        all counsel and the intervening parties. Ma appreciata your cooperation. Ma think ve'ra crotting a racord from which a                               i 12 6'

(J;(~3 decision can he made with as much input as ic possible, g 34 and,in the ultinate decision,-public safety is parancunt, as you know. 15 16

                                                                    "' hank you. He'll look forward either to hearing             ,

from you or seeing you on Decamber lith. 97 13 i gg GThereupon, at 11:':0 a.m., the ho: ring in tha N' above entitled mattar was adjournod.)

        . r 21 02 22     ,

L e, u yc - 25 3 q

                                                    ..                             ._}}