ML20148G936 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Trojan File:Portland General Electric icon.png |
Issue date: | 10/27/1978 |
From: | Mccollom K, Mark Miller, Paxton H Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel |
To: | |
References | |
NUDOCS 7811130305 | |
Download: ML20148G936 (179) | |
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)$ c, ,, [ _ l plWRBloom/wb'- , '1232 11?MADELON - L CR 9923-: 1 UNITED 3TATES OF IJSRICA l p' [ , 2' -NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMliJ'3SICN a ...--- :-- ..---- n L : i -
. .4 :In the matter of:- :
. 5- PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, ; Docket Dio. 50-344 i L et al. :
- 6. .
- (Control Building 1
(Trojan Nuclear Plant) : Proceedings.) ! '- 7 : e . 1 p 4
-g Donnevillo Power Administration, c. 'O 1002 U.E. Holladny Street, s.
Portland, Orogon,
, 10. ,
. Friday, October 26, 1978, 1 11 l l p The hearing-' in the above-entitled mattar was ! 1 12 l
, reconvened, purauant to adjournment, at 9:00 a.m. i j' 13 -
E- EEFORE: ' i-
- j. 14' n - MTiRSHALL E , tCLLER, Ecq., Chairman, 1 l 15 Atoraic Safety and Licencing Board.
16 DR. KENNETH A. McCOLLCM., Member. (liot present.) [ 17 DR,'HUGH C. PAXTOE, Member. - e 33 APPEARANCES: i {
- - 19 On behalf of Licenacea
r ! i; 20 ROLRND F. BANKS, Esq., Souther, Spaulding, Kincey, Williar. con & Schwcbe r Standard Plata 21 Portland,: Oregon 97204. ; 22-r,
.PJ !
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i; I a 1233-
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- '1wb/ .1' O'1. behalf'of Sonneville Power'Adminictration
- j h h.
2- ' [. WILLIAM KINSEY, Esq. , 1002 N.E, Holladay, ' L - Portland i Oregon. i :l [:V On behnif'of State of Oregon Department of Energy, p .4 Oregon:Public. Utility Commiacioner: , ). [ 5 JOHH H. SOCOLOFSKY, Esq.,. Department of Justice, [ Stata Offico Building, Salem, Oregon. l' -6 i- On behalf .of the Uuclear Regulatory Consaission: L 7 i
- JOSEPH . GRAY, Esq . and JANE AXELRA.D, Esq. c . ,
i 0 Office of E:Kecutive Legal Director, I h United Staton Uuclear Regulatory Commisoion, f 9 Washington, D. C. ! 10 On behalf of Coalition for.Safo Power, In tervonor, and pro se:- 11
' EUGENE 'ROSOLIE , 3926 li.E. 12th Street, 12 Portland, Oregon.
E k
.M i
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t 7.,,, j 1 . -,.- q. g , 1234 l;
. , .)' -wb' IIl . C 0 N T'E N T S }'
i 2 .. 1 Limited l Appearance Statementa i 3- Karen Dichey-Burkhart- 1235' l
. 1
(!' , 4 Jay C. Young-(written) 1236 ?- .. l; 5 Dennis A. Tollefson 1239. i
' 6~ Larry H. Niolson . -(uritten) 1240 l-7 Marh' Hill 1243 ; - 8 Andrew Prichard 1254 9 Leroy Wonce 1256 I 10 ' Phyllia'Cribby 1265 . . 11.. Leonard Lelano 1275 1 I
- j. 12 Linda Werner 1279 j i
Ih 131 Marjorie Kundiger 1298 14 Darlene Burkhcad 1299 !
- .1,5 Donald Nelcon 1301 j t
16 nnnalian 1:ennedy (written'i 1302 2 l i t 17 1 James'Dumitru 1307 i {.. 10 Pat Sitton 1326 j 4 j J-19 Steve Tygart 1356 l 1
- 20. Eric.Stachon. 1360 i
.. l 4 ,; Potor Bergel 1375 '
- 22 Eleanor Gunn- 1378 l ,
r V h. - as Sandy- Pitler 1386
. l 1 +
24 F
'Skeetor Duke 1398- j
[ $.. 25
- Tom- Enn a 1403 y
, I .l. >
l _n C , I ; ,;& . . . .. .
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.p. . P- , R' .O.- .C E.-- E- -L-D I 77 G 5 ~
1235' eb1' 4 . CHAIRMAti MILLER: 'The hearing will recume.
. I' 2: Is there someone who hac asked to make a-state-3 ment on_ limited appearance? Who wishes to-be heard?
4 Come forward, please. 3 You may just be seated before the microphone. 6 Let us have your ' nan.a , pleace. 7- -IIS . RICHEY-EURI:ludT My name ia Karen Richoy-
'S- Burkharb.
1 0 CHAI E N MILLER: Will you apall th a t , pleano? 10 MS. RICl?EY-DURKHART : H -c-r-e-n R-i--c -h +y 11 dash B-u-r-k-h-a-r-t. I 12 CHAIRMIJ1 MILLER: Thank you. You raay make your
- 13. statement.
-15 BURKHART-1G MS. RICUEY-BURKHART: Well, I just trant .to aay '
f, . l- l 17 that i have been very strongly opposed to nuclear powcr for ; I i l l 10 a long, long time, and that'if.I had my way,~cuery nuclear 19 power plant in ' the world would be ahut down. And I think F.O that it's.a big mistako'to reopen Trojan until the 7alid ara . 21 definitely o",rthquake proof. ' I think it's a bit, mictake l 7,2 .to reopon fit, ! period, but if you're going to recoen it, I l 1
,. g think for cura tha.t the walls should be safe. j i .. . 24 , . I don't feel safe as an Oregon resident living < $5; . in . t?.is i.btate r . nnowing that the Jws11a are not earthquake 3.g ) ? y .- h ,. . 3:, > - --'--.'..~~--
o1.. , _ . '.. .w-~i _,
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_ _ _ _ . . _ . . _ _ _ _ _ .~ ___ _ _ , _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ . . F F .
'1236 r.
- 1
{ .' b L eb2. ' - 11 proof, that ~ they don' t meet the -requiremonto, and I just hopa
- 22. ~that'the NRC makes sure.that PGE doesn't operate Trojan 1'
- 3 funtil it is . safe.
rg 1.W., 4 I'm just a. citis:en and I'm not evan all that i 5' ' educated about. all the construction and what-not. I just I
'S don't.think it's safe and I don't want it running.
-7 That's all I have to say.
}' 'O CHAIRMAN MILLER: Fine. Thank you. j 9- 'We are pleased to announce that the power outage has been concluded and our Reporter is utilizing the standard 4 10 [ '11 .e lec r ct i ity.
- 12 Uho is next, pleace? 'Does anyone wish to be i.
1 33 heard who.hasn't-been heard? Anyone on our list which we g 14 read yesterday, some of whom made statements, uome of whom 13 were not here? Is there anyone who has been requesting the 16 opportunity to make 'a limited appearance? 17 I hava a written atatement which was handed in i
- gg which I'll read.
( h !- 19 " Testimony of Jay C. Young.
- . "20 - "My name is Jay C. Young. I reside at l 21- 1401 S.W. Midvale Road,. Portland, Oregon.
}h, 22 I'm a scientist, having been schooled and. [1 .. 1 23 , trained in physics and nuclear engineering. ' p 4 l ! i .. ... 24: I appreciate this hearing process which per- j . / g~ - 1 .. p V-p
. '25 ;
o. mits airing such issues before those nembers j t ,I. s
.l ]
' -s lQ ' 1 4 . _ ,f .
e { 333y1
~ 5* =J i ..g . . v , , .I wb; ::of . thel public~ sho xtay bo impacted by :the outcome. j 7} ~ .1 t.
in . , .. p 2 '"I ani pro-nuclear an long as the ! j 3- - planta are demonctrated beneficial,.cou.b-I
- d - offective.and present no~ undue rick-Jco thb h'ealth t t ;
i . . I t ,: 5 4 and cafety ofitho public. Therefora, while I desira i-6 to . see ~ the Troj an Nuolear ' plant ' back on~ line and 1 ! :7 generating the electricity for which-it wac~ built, { -8 I also decire that its oporation not be hancrdous j i t [ 0 - to the public. c 2
'"At the time Trojcn wao apprece6 for e 10 } .
11 operation it was concluded by the apprcpriatt :
12' : federal and atata regulatory agencies:that the . 1 i is- . benefits to'be ' derived from it:a operation far i i 1.[ outweighed any potential hazard to ' the public. ' ' n l g I hope that the only purpose of these hearings L d y 16 ib to deterraina whether cr not that risk has A' 1 fj cignificantly incremed as a ror, ult of the PGE i
.g3 identified non-conformance of the Trojan control l j9 build shear ual-13 with their overcIl design cri- l 4 4 've t 4e a g a ~
te a. 1E o, , . -, h e ,f , .b 'c4
. .4gp i.
i' f 3 1 Wou d b.1Co ).0 0 C bIlat N l.'i d' '13 bC rmk n[1. ** }E gp, bion be mado.soiely (d) the tcChuical I"Oe";hs of g4J.., j .o f thG^iSGuG'UGth3T thaQ'khe OEOtiOD31: On O S ,. II a [ 2d ,.
- this determination.Gh0U3 that the. risk to the d h
!> i . .: o_.i,: p.ublic la not ul.r anifi6antiv. increassa, intorin: l .: , i > p . h!. N. . q: 4 7 1- c. < s .. . I.,i' , , . (( [ ! e <
,a q,t . g ,
c :a: ~s 4
1 I 'f I 1 I 1238 l
- 1. l
-wb. ; "I' ~ operation'ofi tho'p1hnt should be permitted while I
+ . 2 4 the~ control building is modified'to correct this 3 . n'on-conformance.- 4- " Havirg studied the testimony submitted 5 by persons. skilled in structural' engineering and 6 - seismic loading evaluation, namely Profencor Harold 7 I . Laursen -of Oregen . Sta te. Univeroity , .. the Bechtel 8 team of Anderson, Katanics, Johncon and White, and
'O Kenneth S. . Herring of the NRC, it 2 s my-conclusion, 10 as it'is'the unanimouu conclusion'of thesc experto, 11 that the Trojan control building can withatand the 12 effects GSE, . including the less covere CBE, }h 13 in its present condition. 'Thereforo the risk to
- 14. the public'during the, proposed interim operation 1.5 .- of'the plant while the control building it being~ l l
16 modified does not significantly change from that , 1 17 . upon which approval for initial operation was ] l 18' granted. 10 "On this basis I urge this Board to 20 rulo in favor of interim operation." 21 Are thoro any more-statements, either ora.1 or
. 22l written? O -
- 23' - Come forward, please.
' 24 '. Lotithe record show' that-.we have h stateirant, .e , 25 -.-a writtennstatement from Larry.H.-Neilson'.- And there's also a % .i . .2 -. , L , ,
t...'[.- , _,1., . , , . , , . , , , _ . __ _ _ . . . _ , , _ . , , ,,_.,_,,,.%,,
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- 8. .. 1 <
'l f.
b 123S [ 5 t a wb 1 L a statement on behalf of .Donnic A. Tollof acn. 'Mr. Tollefscn
-2 lis here and will make the pre:;entation c unless you wich to e- .--
!. 3 - cubmit it 'in, writing. . It's whichever you uia.h . i ..' LIMITED APPEARANC4 6TATEIENT OF DENHIS A.. / 4L 4' i c5 TOLLEFSON, 1525 LIBERTY STRW T, ALEnHY, OEEGON i l- 6 MR. TOLLEFSON: ;My name is Dennic A. Tollefson. I U 7 I live at 1S25 Liberty Street,' Albany, Oregon 97321. I am F 4 8 a atudent at Oregon State University. I cm speaking today 9' as a resident of the State of Oregon who is affected by tho c 10- operation of.the Trojan Nuclear Power Plant. I 11 Export tanbimony has boon submitted during thew 12 proceedings,'specifically by Harold I. Laurcen, Robert C.
- 13 ' . Anderson, Georgo Katanics, Theodcrc E. Johnson, and Williaa l~ 14 H. White and othera, which der.onotrates the ctructu.ral
- tE adequacy of the Control Building uall during a .2Sg eartn- i 2' quake.
10 3 17 With these, accurances, I do not bolinve that y 10, the operation of the Trojan Unclear Plant daring modificationn 1 p 19 pocos any unduo risk to the health and cafoty of the genera.i. U
- 20 public.
- ' gt. Therefore, I urge the nuclear Regulatory Commi r i':
22 aien l and the ' Atomic Safety and Licensing Board to. parmit,
- J "e ,
sthe' interim operation of the Trojan Plant whila the j L 33-
- i. 1 o
ji . ja required modifications are being nada.. .
'At7this tima I would to the.Atoule j
!. ' Es v ' ta --- l { @ j, p,- - . _ y . , _ . . . . . . _ . y.
.I.o . . _, , , ;; ,f.g ; _ _ ,
- t
- i 1240
l: 4
-eb1 I Safety'and Licensing Board a petition signed by 99. people lof.
2' .
.a' vide v ariety of professions. The, petition reads as L
3 follows: f 4 ' "We agree with the U. S. NRC' Staff 5' that tho Trojan Nuclear' Power Plant should Le 1 6 allowed to operate while modifications to tho- l
- 1
- :7 plant control building take place. i. 6 "We recommend that the U.S. NRC grant + l 9 an interim operating licenso to the Trojan Nuclear Power Plant provided any necoscary operating
10 l
- . +
)'. 11 ' restrictions are placed on the plant while 4 12 modifications to the control-build 4 ng are in l 13- progress." f ^
'14 Tnank you for your tine,
[ 15 CHAIRMAN MILLER: Thank you. 16 Let' the record show that we have received the 4 written statement referred and the patibien. Both that 7 17 a petition and all other written atatements have been renaived 18 q r
19 andlwill be filed as part of the record, and will be con-j-
- 20 sidered.- ,
21~ There is one' additional atetement that was ,. 22 ' presented .and I was asked to read it, which I will, the
.23 statement.of Larry H. Nielsen. 'Il .24: '"My>namo is Larry H. Nielsen and I livo -
h9 ' } 2Sl
- nt 1975 Breakwood Circle, Albany, Oregon. I am ;
c.y ; p ' i u
\ :: < .
. - _ _ _ . ' . . . . _._ :n.u.m _ .lc___ m ;, ._ ..; i ., . _ _ , . _ , .r
-,7... .- , - . , - - - . . - . - . - .-.- .--.-.- . - . . ~ . . . - , . - . . , - . . . - . . . . _ , _. .. - . - - !' 6 r i l , J :l n r E , .
.. .r L
1241 i F-. < !! t ab2 - .l.' .. a senior in Unclear Engineering at Oregon State r i-
. University.; I urge the Board to grant Portland 2- l k ,
3 . General Electric' permission to operate its Trojan ,
; '4 Nuclear Plant in.the intorim. period'while modifi-'
- 5 cations are being made to the control building.
i 6 "I make this requent not primarily aa
'7 .a nuclear engineer but as the head of'a family L 8l finding it increaaingly difficult to keep up with 9.. the rising coct of living, including electricity l 10 costa. Since August 1 of this year, PGE has per-11 chaced over 1.25 billion kilowatt-hours of oiwrgy .
7 1' [ 12' at a coat of over $7 million. This was 07 million
. 13 spent to replace Trojan's output and will cron-s.
i- 14 tually be repaid by ratepayers like nyself. j 15 "I enjoy the luxury of knowing that a 1 l 16 i light .will always come en when I turn the ewitch . i 1 1 i- 17 and I expset to pay for that luxury. However, I 1 .l 1 1 ja - do not onjoy having to pcy more than io necessa)./ )
- 1 i t
_ m when that is a result of buying more expensive ; l f p I 20 1 i power elsewhere while a safe, cheaper cupply is ' f 21 needlassly idlei I ' l 22 q' '"The real question at hand is not the j J ; 2 -" .23; oconomica of nuclear power but the cafety turgin l-i, 1 pg ~ of the. control' building structure to withstand " i f
); }
j 25! , a safe nhutdown earthquake (SSE).. Expert testimony '
.j ,
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~ , . . _ _ . , . __ _ _ . _ . _ . . _ . _ . . _ _ . _.._. _ _ _,_ _ . , _ _ _ _- =
by i .. [f. ~ .I 4
-.1242 J ,
n q u
, ob3[ 11 '- has already been thin effect.' Mr. Kenneth !
i t
-2" 'S . Herring presented an.. analysis in testimony cub-L 3 Chairman of the ASLD'on October. i, p'
4 13, 1978,. which showed . that ' . . . .the structure 1 j. y .5 had'approximately.1.4-. times the required SSE j 6 resistance....' 7' "Testinony submitted on or about Octo- _j !' .6 - bar 3, 1978, by nechtel enginecro Anderson, 9 '
. . Katanica,' Johnson, and White' stated . . . . th e -
10 structure will safety withstand the neismic chcar , 11 forces of a 0.25 SSE.' p 12 " Professor H. Laursen of Orcigon State g University testified'that ' 1.3 ....I ca.n ste:o with .. 14 reanonable assurance that the shear wall; of the , 1 15 control' building can withstand a .25g safe shut-16 down earthquake.' . 17 "With these expert assurancos, it seema
, 18 that there is no danger to the health and safety I
19 of.the general public and that the Trojan plant 20 should be soon as pocca.ble," I f. 21 Who next wishes to be heard or to submit a .}
; L22. .
Written statement 1 3 f ., .i a f' 23 ' LCome forward. i r-J.! i 24 MR. HILL: Good morning.
- l [g '
m .251 CHAIRMAN; MILLER: Good' morning. give ! l q 4 >
.' i j .1 . . ' i /
s L: wp ni s , q
, . s.
i 1243 4 g
ob4 :f Jua your;nama,'pleasc? j
'2 MR..U1LL: Mark' Hill.
3- CIIAIREM MILLEn: Thank you. L I 4 - LIMITED APPEARaHCE STATEMEMT OF MARK HILL, 15 ' ST, HELEbiS g OREGOU 6 MR. II1LL : I'm a resident of St. Helena. It's p .; l i
~ ~/ - in Columbia County, about 12 or 13 milec south of the Trojnn [
B . Nuclear. Plant,- I came here this morning'to share wili you J 9 some of my experiences in-living naar the plcnt, and to giva l .- l
10- you some idea of what-it's like to hava the Trojan plant as
. 11 a neighbor, and:from that perspective to comment on the 12 proposal to allow.chartup of the Trojan plant before it in 13 brought up to.. earthquake standards -- that in, in the in-i4 . '
terval while it is being brought up to the standards. 15 There are good neighborn and bad neighbo:es. I'd' like to 'give corae impressionc of what it is like to live jy. the" Trojan plant. I'd like to diccuss two eventa
. te which'have happened recently, just in the last 60 days ~
19 One is an airplane ' accident that occurred within La half mile of the nuclear plant, and the other le a planned
;20 21 , bombing of the plant. "> ~ 22 ' CHAIPJ4AU MILLER: Did you say " planned" or ~ " plant" bombing?
l ' 23 t.
#. - l-24 MR. : HIIi: A planned,.p-1-a-n-n'-e-d, m
CHAIRMAN MILLER: 25 ; Thank,you. l I
.1 .
- l. +
- j i i , 4 4
. -l
.. -. . ~ , - - - . , . ;: .f1 J t
- j. ;
i .. 'i~- ) m , . . 1, o -1244 - v .. . l ll Seb5l IL MR. HILL - In.both cases the PR representativas- ) L b l2 from. Portland' General Electric were. quick ta;recpond. You 3 'ht)ow, . the airplane could have collided directly into the-
'4 coolingLtower' wall without offacting any damago or threaten-ie . . ing~the health and-cafety'of the residenta living nearby. '5- '
[ [ l0 llo - menti'on,ihowever, was made - We didn t see a PR repre-8 b 7 sentative saying, "Oh, boy, 'I sure am glad that that plane i- - 8 fdidn'tuland in the opent-fuel storage pool," which is housed
- i
[ 9; .by nothing more thaa a-metal, corrugated steel shed, "or j. [ 10 other critical buildingc around the plant." 4 11 The response'wao not one to illuminate the public e b 12 as to tho real'hazardo out there but herely to protect their b. 13 own intercats. 'I don't f e:tpact . them to behave othec.uise. 14- Siniiarly with the bonibing, the planned hembing i 15 by some wierdo. He had a pack-of dynamite on hin bach. He 16 told news peopic'later that, Oh, no, he was going to put 1 l 17 this anywhere where it-cight make any difference. Ho was i 1 ja just going to plant it comewhere near the plant and give 19 people a good scare. r : is 20 And so I ascume that thic particular bomber was ' i 21 a ' nut -but .a benign kind of nut.- . L , l r - j, . 22, However,.I..want to quote the Sierra Club, l s D: 23 . Mr. Douglas:Xnight,~ who apent la good deal of time studying ;
, ; p,4 t the: aafeguards problem in the nuclear industry.- 'He pointa j 7 ' $ cut-that:,
T2 5f . ej ; , , , , 1 jl-' .[ f. i.C i.f t d
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4: 1245 t x :. ,- l- n
.eb6. 1l "Recenteviolent crimuG and: terrorist I '
2 attacks , ouggest very . strongly that ' there are ,K 3- always a; few percons ttho will cc1rmit thd raant i 4 i hei'ous-deedsn within their power. Their eventual ' 1 i i I 5 , .employu nt'of:radioactivo materiala appears almcae' > ; 1 G,1 certain ~~" i i
) .i
< ' r. ' 7 ' ', Excuce me. iia caya: I, 8i! ,
"Thei:' oventual employrcnt of radio - !j-
{ , g_l .uctive materials appeara virtually certain."' ! 10 So in this we vare lucky, and again un didn't see i jj a PR representative, " Goodness, I sura ara glad that this nu: a ] 12 wasLjust.a good nut and not a bad nut, you know, when it
. ty came to ' the ponsibility of bombing a nuclear power p'ltnt," l -ja I juct' wanted to giva you the ccnse of the kind f .g of uneasiness living necr a nuclear power plant. .Okay? ' i qq - ' Now the proposal to allow startup of the plcnt-n Lot me find my notes. I g
- 16. IF""3" * )
I 39 Befora I get into the actunl proparal for Mie
- i. 20 startup of the nuclear power plant I would 1:'m to shov ona L
'21- .moretexp ri nee r.als hopponing in the laat 60 days,.
2? Recently FGE onarcised ita -- carried . au t a. f.
, . < radiological energancy drill or anarcice -ciut at the plant, e a .
Ip along with ~ a- feuJ other merabera.'of the ' Columbia Environnen-
.pj L
g) . talHCouncil, attended;the critique,.a meeting which was t i ; a: ,b '
.j t . . . . . '8 t i _; . = . . ..a) :. - : - - -.. . . - - = -. . . = - . = . - l..
.3 / i i ,p
- i. ; :
- 1246 .
j f eb7' I conducted;by --'a kind.of self-critique' conducted by the ; p .
; 2 Lpeople who had participated in that drill.
3 I wac surprised to ' learn that the NRC requires I
- 4 'a once-a-year practice only. I was curpriced to find that--
r l '5- tiell, okay, part ofnthis drill is to insiorm large numbera 3 i
- 6
- of people. Person X informs ten peopla. Each of those-2 7 informs - ten mtde people by phone or whc.tever, in order to i
p 8 get the message = out, and each person then knows c::actly what t 9 to do and 'how to'; respond in the case of an emergency. This 4 10 'is according to the plan. >
- j. .
11 We found. people calling on their telephone and l= 12_ getting dead lines or telophono numberc that had been changed, c
-. 13- .or "Dr. Blotsmore? We don't know where Dr. Blotsmore is
! 14_ .any longer. He moved, or quit," or whatever. , i 15 One percon called- and got. a taped meaange, l 16 "After the tone, leave your mons &ge." l 17 The only message the Sta e of Unshington, right 18 'across the river, received from Portland General Electric 19 was a singlo phone call which stated hurriedly that "Thic in L )m
- j. 20 a dri11," and gave the'information t. hat was needed to nome t-L 21 :cecretary.who! happened to pick up the phone Cowlitz County, i =.
l 22 and thon:this secretary got down ac much as she could and
? 23 . wandered about wondering whom to_give this note.
[ ; i L. ?24 .They.later wanted:to -- these.same people'at > I' -
' ~' , . 25) L Cowlit::LCountylwant to'confirmLit, once that.she finally.
p ,
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I i 1 1 t
1247 ;
. i, eb8 1 found comcone Uho recognizcd what it might bo. That pardon ,
2 attempted. to call the Trojan plant to get confirmaticu cnd ; L 3 was ttnable ' to da so. (*3 4 Alco additionally, the pc.ttson who left tha incocage 3 Si on the taped recording- An you recall, comcone got a taped 6, i message to leave a roescago on a tape. That pcracn failed to 4 I 71 mention that it una a drill, Howevec, the receiver, tho , i
. f 8j n
' 3 9s could tell by the tone of the voice of tie t reporter that i
10 ve were talking about a drill and not a rasl carj a my. , 11 In any case r'it wa. a very dicconcac_ing s a { 4 12 troubling event for uc. The cnc thing thau i:apran ?ed w-13 mont waa the reprecentatuo from thu Matic ml C mrd. T h <- I 1 f 74 National Guard, by the nay ,- '#his waa a trial r or this ! , j [ 15 y drill had to do with a vary minor kind . f accident , a d ner i. 16
.3 relative to ' he t potentinlo es f ar au ce.c1 car eccidsta go, 'I J
J L no evacuatione were doomed necessary or anything lite thic. 17 !ij) '
'l 4
m IIowever, due to the cy;:uaunications problenu in i l 1 19 i this drill, the Hational Gucrd, if it had catuhily been the ; l' 1 7 4 9()
- '!i ICal thing, uculd have been evtcuatinc. i no whole tr2.p alonci >
f i e 21 the Cc1mnbia Riv'er and ~ dropping pc.mphlets and loud speakero j 1 i ! E2 and communicating to people to highball it to the neerest h l I i 23 p] decontamination contar aldng. the rivor, wharerer that might { > I g4 DG. SO, you.know, they had in a nonce overrespondid or they l !
@ ~
believed that they had overresponded in vic , of th' actual i. 25- j i
. L 4
7 e j.
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,l .Y' 1243 . I
? 'f ' l nature of the' mock drill.. eb9 1 .:
'2 So'there were'what we believed were-some carious l -
3 problems here, and he seemed to agree, alco, the National-g' ' ' 4 Guard personi He pointed out that in eraergency preparedness 5 plans,.the National' Guard has emergency preparedness planc, n 6 the communications network through which they run overy six. i 4-7' hours. They just keep their communications network alive I i - B . and active and healthy by continuing to exercise them all the l J
- . 9 time. ,1 r 1 10 .He felt strongly and suggested very strongly, 'l l
i , 11 - you know, that we nood more drills. You can't expect to kocp 12 an adequate safeguards system alive by ozercising it only 13 once a year. l I 14' Now we carried this raeaange to the Oregon State i 15 Siting' Council. I.wasn't abic to c.ttend so I'm giving you
- 16 hearsay. :A number of. people stood up and attempted to .
F 17 communicate these problems to the Siting Council. From what 18 I understand, they were. ridiculed and mocked, you know, and 3 treated just ridiculously -- disrespectfully, a 10 - - 20 So that's just about the end of that story but
- 21. . you can see that thic scare again is a disturbing kind of i I5 22 . thing.
VO ll.5 '23 How'the nuclear' industry? How sericut n
. . 24 is PGE? How serious are thece agencies.that are set up
[ ;h-. b-
.I L' ~
25 presumably to protect us, to watch after our safety, how -
, I.
y. 3 ^ }. ' i
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f .Sf !; 1249' l y j-p eb10 < l' serious are they about cur health and -safety? [. L I 2 .
'I cialled to the Columb'ia' Cotraty,. c John DeFrance, who'is to coordinate radiological emergency responce in 3- ,
{ [
My wife made telephone calla to'him and i 4- Colwabia ' County .
$ .' _ asked'him, in anticipation of the' eventual startup of the l
L 6l Trojan plant 'with substandard conditions. She saia r What i ! should I do in' cane'of an cmorgency? Is-there-any kind or j- 1 p 7: t I i; - evacuation plan for the St. Helens area?" 4 [ &[ } 3
< .' iacro waa t 9' He stated matter of factly that, "No ,
-j i ( ; - i , '10 not." f
?- 1
- ) i- 11 So another call to the State Health Division. .i 5 l 1 :
- 'i 2 ' He said that he and other people involved in State Health, j i
! . 2 [ j 1 IS- ' including Dr. Marchall Parrot -- l F 4 CHIARMAN MILLER; Do you knoi? how to apell thoGo 3- 14 ;L a , i^ { j 1, 15 names? 1 j' }.
" bal-leve that I 16 MR. HILL: 'The last name, Parrot? I a
y 17- DeFrance in spellod D-c F-r-a-n-c-o. And Parrot to spelled l- 1
;- i y
i 18 P-a-t-r-o-t. -! 7 i-2 19 1 But in any cace, Dr. Marahall Pa.crot coaur:.Id ca { v i f- !: h . 20 [- that although he didn't have the radiolegia e agru..c.T p.7 an , i , l'
- p. at ,} for Columbia County handy, there was one in the lib.iu:y, in j 4
. i. s .
our public. lib;ary7 although a'survoy of our librarios ' - 22 l lX ' -
-33 Irbught _up none of ~ thic. I p' o ' -
'24 1 It cocms like the wholo ' idhing is ircry choddy. and n 25 yery mipinaL- The NRC is requiringionce a year trial runs
,e h-w t 5 l' e ' ' .,,. . - 1 - j jf ;; L $].: .;, ..
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1 ; o F
~1250 ,i- "
i obil. l' fthroughtheiremergoneyresponsoexercise,-andthat'sexactlyl 1
.; i 2 'what they'll do, you know.. Perhaps next year--
Wo<had all l 3 these problema you know4 this year but perhaps next year uc'll i: : i; ;.. 4 tryin'g comething different and see if we can work out acme i. 5 of these irrinidles. It's just not very reasauring. l :c2 6 7 b 9 i .I ~ c 10
- i. i 4
11' 12 ~ 14 ! F, 15 I 16 i 1 17 16-19
~ .20-s 21 '.: 22- '
I. 'h e . : Is > ;. 24 : i;
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-Anyway, ac:I-was saying, I, and I think ;csther .
[. p
-2j Columbia County citizens, have serious doubts whether
< a 3 jdecision-makers arn really that interested in.our health and-0 4 .cafety, or if they're nore interested in tho' buck, frankly. 3
( L. " 6
.l' lL ;3 Another reason which I have which creates more ? ,i 6
doubt, creates a little more dissidence here in my mind as to ,whether or not the NnC or PGE or the nuclear industry in I- i 7_ . i g really interested in. ray well-boing as a neighbor of the j D Trojan plant, I see a kind of curront of continual secrecy. : , We just saw it again. We juat saw it.again. The Buchtel [ , l 9 } 3p and PG1; contract, it was accret for thic long. f[ i It's not limitad only to tho industry oithero i y
'I've seen~it in the NRC itself.. The WASH-1400 stu6y re- ~
f g i' ]! g- mained secret for eight years, until the'Preedom of INforma-
tion Act, until somebody sued to got ahold of that thing and a l l b. .L make it public. Would it be public ' knowledge ' today if some-- g I d.n,'t know, - g Lono hadn't cued and found'our about it? > I think'there
' And I think part of it is that--
M is kind of a ' melding of the governmental regulatory.ugency I. L p- 1._ u It's hard to say hero in c lhere and the industry itself. t i,
,- 20 And you know, that kind ' of l-l' -where.onc ends and one begins.
i u c21 ~ L coordination may be good but it also can ~~ but unloac there yJ , ,s
'"" .f p l h, J
is f aiclear distinction. as far au responsibility goeu f f there
. c.g , -l Lj D
- can-bo^seriountconflicta of interest. ~ ) } JA '
The pcraon who is responsible, for erample, for
\ #4 , ) :} {. = -A-i T,sy f ;
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.dM . G ,,. ;4 ,;,u. ., . . ..i'1 .O ' - ~.-:.-.__. , , . . x }.
s y ,. e i. 1252h
. 1 i ' r eeb2' I making emergency at the Trojan plant'is the pinnt. l i ; '2 superintendent,'Mr. Dart Withers, at the plant. Now I'm I' l
- 3. aurc that Bart 171thern is a nico man but I'm not cure. that ! !
J 'd his Linteractu in the case of an emergency at the plant are 5' - identical with mine as a menber'of the public. His vould be j G= ,an admission of a probletri there at .the plant for which ho 7 takes ultimato-responsibility, so he'c kind of between 8 protecting his own ass and the asc of the public, in what i, '
-I I
9 I'm saying.i ilo's in a state of discidence, in a state of . 1I 10 conflict of interest, and I don't think it'a fair to put 11 that kind of a state, for one thing. And I 12 don' t think it's . fair for us . to e:: poet him to conduct him-h , 13 self always in an honest fashion when we put him there, 14 "'ha Nuclear Regulatory Commission is a part of,
.15 the government, and the government.itself hae tied itself 1
16 into the' nuclear industry in just co many ways that-~ Ucll, i a17 for nample, the Price-Andercon Act. If we want to stick j g closely with emergencias..or accidents, the government has i. f 19 accepted responsibility-for any kind of accident at nuclear 'l l , 20 power planto ultimately. So it han its liability there. 21- Again, the governnant may find itself in the 1 22 posttion of either protecting itself, because the government i 23 is of limited. rcsourcoa - I maan our government is not ! l
.n 4 24 omniscient and all powerful and all this, and it's- torn 4q ~ .1 .% between protecting itself and protecting.the'public-interest.. ,g .
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41- 1253^
- q. <,
i 1 , eb3 1' . So;I really would like to:see a clearnr:demarca-l 2 tionL botuacn the industry and the ' agencies ' of govaburont
'3, which are presumed,t6 regulate: that inductry. l- /+ How: corporations' arc econonic beings. ":ney are . t-5 motivated bypa, profit motive, mainly. Aa 'such, I don't
- i 1
6: expect them to behave any way other than amorally, but I m i
' t; , ~7- . think that our' governrant, the people chould' e::pe :t our F 4
s 8. government' to behave' according to' an ethic higher than that
, 1 9 which youlcan get, you know, and 2 think thin ia the cam l I
to here,- that tho issuo is can we got away with putting the
'11 public into this increased risk in order to fathpn our ,' , 12 .wallots.
g 13' 'Okay. Now there's going to be Oncrifico. Thore'sj' 14 . going to be sacrifice involved if we accido not to take i 15 the' risk vith the public's henith snd safety. Thure ic l t 10 going to be a certain measure of suffering. Toople are not
.y pj going to be as well off as they were. The rcerage PGE 13 custener may have to pay more. Tne averngo FGE atockholder i , .t !
s l-may not' gat.the dividendo that-ho got before.
.19 l 20: Dut'I think that people are willing to mako ; .i l nome kind .of sacrifice fol; the well-being of thc. raco in 21- l > j }. 22 the-long run, you know, And I think wa'chould think of it ;
l i .
.in thdt- . fashion that we are ' setting procedent here, that 23 24 I ve'reumak'ing decision here that are -- you know, that are i bL y d going to have ramifications into the future endlessly,, so 'I l 125 . %,f ' , ' , 7 ^_u I
p . - [.N'd i
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'y< ik h a ., j IilC1SonhT). that. We have to' - wo' lare really thinking about our future 63 hp 3 -
I think %'m finished. Thank you. 3
I (Applause.) , 1 6 C$AIRkAN MILLER: Who else wichec to bc heard? 7 Come~ forward, please. O LIN.ITEDf APPEARANCE ' STATEMENT OI? ANDREU PRICIlhRD l 9' 402!S.E 10th .CORVALLIS, OPIGOU 1 10 MR. PRICHARD: My nana'is Andrew Prichard, f [ 11 1 live at. 402 S.E ' 10th, Corvallis , Oregon. I'm a graduate i 12 eagineering . ' student, h 13- I'm hare to urge that Trojan be allowed to l [ 14 sttrt up on an . interitt basis. Let me state, to begin with, i: 15 thct I'm not' qualified to either the magnitude of i . 1 i ): 16 an narthquake or' the coismic loading that the building can t hw ( 1 17 the:cfore, I. am klarced to base my judgment on the analysic i-o L 18 of cthers. e o ( [' '19 ' The problem'with sterting Trojan, as I see it, I
\ l
( '20 in ' elent' of the 2a~rgeat - tha -anfo shutdoun. carthquakei. ! i
- i. .
l 21 . can' the. plant be ' shut dosm safely. - The rincond in, at'what i IU , i
. 22 l'evel of an earthquake can Trojan conthuc to operate at! .
I The first problem is by far.the neat impcrtant.
' 24 , The difinition of the cafo shutdown earthquake will 'have to (25. ;be'left"to, the. field.' >
l- '
. .- u
( '~ i < , I : s
g.-_ . _ .
.___.y_,,..,. ; a-l' .
22 1255 I ab2' The NRC, on the advice from-experts, has act this
.anfe shut'down earthquake at which Trojan As axpected to 3 shut down at.0.259' ground, acceleration.
ll . At least three expert groups, the Bechtal staff r
- 5 : the NRC Staff and Harold I. Laursen, working for Oregon 6 DOE, all working as independent identitiec, have indicated
- 7. that: Trojan can shut doun from a 0.25g carthquake.
0 I fool that while the GSE design requirements e 9 are not met as originally. atated in Trojan's license, the j .' 1
.10 Hnc standard is still met. I feel that thic inakes for ~ a l s- 4 b 11 ,very secure feeling on iny part.
12 .The second problem is at what level earthquake 4 13 should. Trojan be required to'go to cold shutdown and undergo
- - 14 .complute' inspection?- Expert analysis on this level ~of l
} l ' 15 earthquake varien more than the analysia for an SSE oarth-10' quake from the ground acceleration from 0.0G9 to 0.11g. I 17 However, if the lowest of thece levels is set for.the la required'lovel to shuc down, I see no reason why there uhon::.d 19 ~ be any sacrifice to the safety to running Trojan, 20 -While thic hea. ring is only a safety hearing, i 21 LI feel 'como economic consideration abould be taken since, if-22 ~it wcre not a large ' economic penalty in not operating Troja: - 23; there would ha-no reason to restart the plant. M-24 , However,lthero is-a Inrge penalty for.not runnint
;25 'frojan, cither economic for the. cost of replaccmant power, a . .j ; .
N' ,, . . Ji ; ..
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-1256+ , p.
i -:
,j- ,
j. Lagb3 , br social fcr.the uneva11 ability of.pc*.:nr. , i 1 In concluaion,. I urge Troje.n be' allowed to rectarb. .
' ~3" /Thank you, I .- t ^
4 CHAIRMAN MILLER: Thank you. l + i .! c i < [ b. Who next uculd'likc to be heard? j . 1 I 6. LIMITED . APPEARTWCE STATEMEliT 'OF LEROZ WEliCE, f! l 7- A nas1DgnT oy COLUMi3In COUNTY, ORCGCN I 1 1 { E '. O MR. ' WE!!CE : . My nair.e im Leroy.Wenan, U~e-t-c~o, ! L , JD and I'm'a Columbia County resident cince 19M. [ , i [ 10 'I would like, an a layperson, to give ' vare ; ! 11 , simple testimony on why I feel Trojan nhould not ba charted r 1: 12 'up. I would like to never oc.n it c harted . up N
;g 13 The carthquake stande.rd of 2.5 2.0 varj, very 14; -hm, I believe. In effect, in 1947 or 1948, thase vac nr i f' 15- carthquake of scinewhere around 4. in the naini:n aren.
- . 16( It did' considerable damage to the local crade mahool. Th ere t
17 .was a concrete structura,'suppocedly one of the n nud
- ' la modern buildings of the tina.
>: 1.
.) .19 ' That puts, in' my niud, a question af the validity . 20 'of a 2.3.
Et , The proximity of Trojen to.the ColuGin River, r_ , d whichLia very dear to my heart, and a very valthbin lif est; ca -l
'V' l
- d, ~,3 Lt o?tto whole crea al so tha t bothere aan thau Troian in cittirq. .
l u . v- .. ?
[h there right on the bank of the Coluiubin Rivor, EDd M 'any ) o l
' '25 - leakage'should occur, it'gocc into the columbia River.
p I 7 ( 'J ( .h' . f .; l . i m a a.;. ,, . .,_ ... : ; 4 h > ,, jL; .__,_L,_,_ .,_.:.__,._._. , , _ . _ . . . _ _;_____.._..__,__;; _,,_ _,.a
, ., 1 F 1257
' 1
- tab 4 And the Columbia River in dead, and soonar or later, the i 2 j.W whole; Pacific Ocean is dead, That bothers me as a Colundaia h 3 Counby resident.
- l. -
4 I have oftentimos run into workers that have L 5 . And one of [ worked on Trojan in the..last four or five. years. ,e 6 [. 'my trades has been bartending. And I've been able to have i l' 7' !. .a; rapport with theso people, that a lot of people that really ! O F don't see the quality of persons that are working on thoce j - 9 plants.- ' And, after cay.three months of dealing with 5 1'1 these people, I drew the conclusion that they wcre not i 12' really interested whatsoever in safety but more in tho over-1 time and the dollars in their pockets. l-I, myself, am a ucider and I am qualified to 15 at least give my opinion oil como of the quality of the 16 people ~that were working there'es wolders. i-And, in my I7 opinion, they are very choddy quality-wice. 1
'l0 'So I have real doubts as to the real structural I9 qual'ity of'the whole plant.
l 20 The oversecra,'of this whole thing, as far ac !' - 21' PGE ic concerned is ,.. ,ua find out a problem and if it 22 is not' too' big - a problem then the public never really hears l F : l 23 'about it.. If it's a big pro!>1cm, and:they can't contain it 24 within their 09n little clique, then it is exposed to the r h L. E a [' 25 Egoneraltpubl'iceventually. t 3 2- '
. 87 '
_ _ _ i..._ ___ _ _ _ _ , , , _ , _ . . _ , _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ ,
. , ~ . , . . - , . . _ . . . . . . . . - - - - . . . - . . . _ . ~ _ - . . . - - _ . . _ - . . . - - _ . .
? 1250
- . 3 i' - agb5 This'ia comething that bothera mn. kny isn[t h.. . there comcone from a walk of' life thstt is more in tune v/ith 3 .public safety.rather than industrial' anfety and - the ituluute.U I I. --
1 4 dollar? lNhy~isn't thero conconc say, in my capacity, at i f' 5 thht plant to: kind of give and check and balance' on that j 6' situation'thero?- Ac1. .7-8 ['1C2f1ws . E - 9 10
~ 11 i/ 12 13 4
14' i-.
. 15 4
16-17 I 18 ID-F J20'-
- c. 21
] l} .
- i. >
' ~ . _ ., f .
l ;l
'25 a -
- a. . ; - 1 , ,
L-:- i
* - 12'59 9 F ,
!? I i , 1 C 2 ;; a g b l -
-1 LI-don'.t understi.nd with the magnitude of tue F l2 i
1 .- problems that' nuclear power'can bring up, why isn't there i<
'3 comeone'with more of a-public' image involved there, other ~
- 4 I believe that someons chould be in
' than just business? 4 d: 5 the position to inforn the public. , i l 6 We find out things yeara 'lator sc astimes and -
- - 7
- j. who 'knous? :- I' don't know if. uo cver find out about come of j J
tuom.- 0 'I have.just now lately.been going to come of ~ l [
- 10 the meetings ~at the CEC, which in the Colunbia Environmental ll Association. And I've just found out that, due to this I2 -airplane accident, that the uacten are being stored in a 13 swimming pool, similar to a swinning pool situation, a coolinc 14- pool, they call it..'And it is housed in a corrugated. tin i 15 structura, i ,
c l' 16 Had thic airplanc or any piece of that airplano ; ] i i- 17 -- diarupted that and moved any of these containara closer ; 1 IQ together, we would have had a big problem right there, - j 1: . o ! 19' And this 10 what'I'm talking e. bout so far v, the 4 1-
- r. 20 Columble River is concerncd. l-p.
ij 21' :The life of the uranium, or plutonium, in S00,000 F I' 22 years,/I understand. The rate of cancor in thin county has I
' :23 -ricens and in the world, in fact,:since radioactivity has 24 L- been introduced into our .atinosphure. ,
l 425 , . 61t takes something like:15 years for a person. w r n -. v w w
} y' _
, -!iE .j; e' ...,. .}
- l. 'TJ , r 1260 t
l agb2 after they 'have bem exposed to contract this ennacr. It is not' detectable ac; plutonium canceri it'a juut cancar. If 3 this to be crematedt it goes right up ihto.nho A l atmocphere again for nomaone else to breathe.. , c ., s g ' ~ Gatting to av point of what do wn do with our J l L< 6 wttstes,: whitt is the industry ' doing with the waates? It's t - .
- an' incomplete cycle. l
. The scientists tall us that they will biwa it i .
'9 But to uc, that's insane, it
[ 4 cured when it's noccanary. f I, 10 should be taken care of new before the proceca even continues !-
. r i
M l ' to build more and mora patads of plutonium Plutonium is ! I
i 1 i 1S my' number one concern right ncA
) . . . p G .h Trojan pumps ouh ~~ if it to year -rounu -f i
I4 fottr to fiva . hundred poundo of plutonium, L ta!ma 10 pounde ID to make a nuclear bomb the cine that could wipc onu a hm: dred a M mile radium, or at 1 cast affect a hundred-mile radius, if it .
r .
... ' i 1,
dropped. l-1 16 And itic alwayo with us, 500,000 years. Can we t 19 contain that-in atainloos stecl? I 20 b lMy technical knowledge on the subject is not to : t . 21 .th'e. point that'I can rael off all the statistico, but to ma
'I .!
t it soens incanity to. continue in an industry that is no j i h
i 23 .tarribly dangercus in just the wasta that it's creating. 24 Trojan - or PGE, when.they first told us they 25 ' would likee to build, or apply for a licanao to build .a nuclear ; . t Jl ~ .
E f 12 C 3 - i i i t l r' i agb3 plant at Prescott, said thare would be no waste stcruja ; t 2 l there. [ l They had a licence - I beliove it is 60 or 90 l t ' 4 days ~+- to hold wastes, and. now they have j aat baen granted ; e r not only a license to store cno year refooling, they've j j 6 I l been granted double that. t : h l 7 1 And the people that are living in this area, ; that's noucthing that is really coming acrons to thec. nc'/, t 9 how lethal and how dangerous that 10. Eccausa un tndersnend { i
'O that there ara several stataa that nou hava entl:wed evt.a l t
11 the transportation through their state of nuala:u unste. : C3 12 My real concern, as living in tni.c north' t 13 and seeing the polition that are happaning. He r. ave iv I 1 l 14 Washington State now a prc-nuclear parcon in the offica of 15 Governor. I i l 16 I personally ualked to tha lady cotc.a years ago. 17 And I cra attest to the tact that sha will always be pro-10 nuclear. And as long ac she has arything to any about 19 Washington State, it will progrcusively be as ; I 20 f ar as anything that a governor -~ the pouss of the governo : ! 1 21 can affect that., 22 Mo have, at Hanford, the ponsibility -- and this ,a! 23 a mero projection - that it will be the dumping ground of .!
,l 24 . the whole northwest ao f ar as this 'caute prcble. goes. M.igh 25 now, they have 115,000 gallona of wastes in the crutds that l.
L l- .
J 'i- ' y + p ! 1262 L.
- have leakpd out'of containers ' This is a fact that I read
I. L o agb4- -- a
'n i our' local.'newspapero. . Thin-really'ocarea me. '3 lThis~is all' upriver,on the Coluubia. River-that
!' 3.
'A we have and that we love out here. It'a just laying in the ~
i ,
' S uniid, n 'G Say we have.a 2.5 carthquake over thero, and it
- 7
- openn.a fianure that drops thin into the Colurbia River {
< t j l 'I ' There again .itta dead, nnd- how many 'cition alo:ig the way i D are dead. And, again, the Pacific Ocean is daad. Thay'va ' i 10 already picked up increasingly amounto of radioactivity in j t. r 1 j 11 fioit in the. Pacific Ocean. .! ( i ' i 12- Wo. don't want it, as Columbia County residents, 1 i
.13 we don't want to have to worry about if.we go out s.nd cast ~
i ! 14 our fiching pole'out there and catch a fish, to vorry about 15 - whether we're going to be poiconed from thnh fish. .!.i i e ! l 16 It uand to bn that you could go out there as a kid l q 17 .and catch.a fish and it wan- cuch a prino. You bring .:.t l H
.I' F homa new -- tha kid brings it home, and.the purcata say, 19 s.
- D Oh, wc11 what do uc do with this.fich? W have to go take
,i a I LEO it .to : the university or soulothing to get ir tested to- we . l V . . l 21 .if it is safe ~to cat,'because'wa don't knou.
i [ ~22 The publici I feel,'in very uninformed about the
.g dangers and.the actuti problems that a plant like Trojan ~
23 [ l
i . g . Nuclear Plant is cmating for' cur county. j
- 25 l
'UY urderstandinge Jaa a layperson, is that we don't ,
t , s s f;f i ,
' r t
j.; , .
- . . = . . ., =-- ._= -_
- f. 8 3.'
f 1253 r 1 lG- , b-
- 1- .
agb 5 need;the~ electricity.- 'In'Colunbia' County wo don't need it. lWe've alsoys had very cheap hydroelectric power to meet our 4 3 needs.- , ! 4 I understand'that a lot of the power that is-S
.creatod'by Trojan is' cent to our southern states. Im not i -6 against ' helping someono in nead, but if ~it is at the danger
' 7 If these people level that nuclear powcr - I sec no necd. L g' want the incroace in power, then..they should take the increase 9-
' in risk not us.
10 [ He're here because it's a very clean environment ' II and we'd-like to koop it that way. This plant in 0 ~' 1 ~9 be here forever.- There is no way that tre can say, j ust move j' .' 13 -iti out of our area, we don't want it. It's here to stay, p ! 14 we have to live with it for 500,000 yearc now, there's no l .. ! 15 way we.can get out from underneath it. e I i
.y 16 If the people of this Ecard were living in this I i
i 17 area'and having to. deal with their neighborn bringing up '
.10 questions, I'd feel that we'd probably get a little more F 1 19 'rcoponse in our' outcries that'wc~ don't want this plant here.
( [ i 20 'I'd like to leave you with one obcarvation by 21 a Mrs. -Holun Coldcott, the lady who wan inatrtunantal in i , . , 22 -atopping the French from atmospheric testing in her area, ,. 23 'which was. Australia,Lat the timo. Now, aha's over here hol?ing n,
.24 um with our nuclear cause, A.nd until she:mida this-L$
525l i observabion', .I had 'never really raade the connection. . Pluto:aium l y
. ~ . . c.... . .
, ')
13 .< ', . . 1264. ! i : agb6 'b . I fecir is the number onc problem that we have to deal with . 1 -
- here becauco 'it h'ac.such a Iong life span.
- . - 3 j' . It'a a Greek name, it.was named after tho Greek i L
# God of Hell, Pluto. ~
And therein lies the real dangcr. I i .- I
'l don't want to have to have my children livo under that- _
h !- . G. dangor forever.-
- 7 If I could mova - if I thought I could movo 8
[ to a' safe place away from thiu danger, I would. But.I- J 9 understand that now there are 60 of these plants in' operation t f . 10 or in near-operation in the United States today.
. 11 This lady obacrvation of by tho *lcar f 12 2020, we will have something like 100,000 pounds of plutonium l (g. ' 13- to deal with. I don't ace how wa can watah it for 500,000 i
14 years without having a mishap. And it only takas one-millionth 1 Ie 15_ . 'of a gram to-kill you and kill ne and kill my children. L l 16 Thank you. , [End WRB ; CHAIPJiAN MILLER: Thank you. MADELON fla- 17. i I ,,, 10 1 1 Tend 1C2 - 19 ,
-. e i !
20 ; i 7 21- ! . 7 l~ ju, j . ..- - : .22- l p i 10 23 F !
' l! , r ;25 L I r 1 ,
.i .3 a~- ;]F <
V: 9;; , _ _ n , t-- .{. 1 o , 1265j. I: o ic L ! 10 '. ,s . . . . p 11hTTFLOST4. I. CliAIR!!?Ji llILLER: Who's next that would like to be a mpbl I c4- 2' h.
' hcard?~ :
a . .: ll 3 "MS. CRIDBY: I thinh I'm on-the liet:. Ph:/llis 1 i . 4J 'C'r ibby' *~ l
.-t . . . .
i L IRight. i 'O j CHAIRtIAN t! ILLER: ' g o. MS, CRIDBY: ~ from Oregon.' { i i ' [ 7 CITAIRM101 MILL 7'R: All riqht. '$ l i i
[ 9 ' RESIDUt1T , ORECOTT 10 MS. CRInHY: I was here vesterday, but it'n ulmost t ! 'l l a No nile trin which'I had to nahe on the hun the ni(Tht i 12- 'beFore yesterday but I utan't organized enounh to opea? 13 yecturday.- l 14 . CHAIR?lT01T iILLER : Sure, Ha'rs clad to hcar from l-j 15 ?you... i-
- ' I nin about.a 32 year resident. of e
, ty . oregon. I'm;n reqinterad nurca. I an not at present mployed Ii l gg i and so I' an able to ba here and participate in thin anri: of 1 i-19 cthinc 20 I know that sone people are able to 'arry c 5.his i , i , . 7.1 activitv on while they're also carrving on a ful.1 tiw job, j: i i' 1 F A2 and T don't nuo hem they can do it. .f, . 23 I' junt wish .to nay that I an not now and lievor have j.- i ! ..24 L been?collectinn food stanpc r welfare, or unoptolayment,. and ! , 3
- . I t h i n}kT. i h ' S applicablO to bring that-out'for a reason thht
n. e , 3 _
~ :
k .! ( m
,. t J): ,. s ;} .. , i L
- e _ _ , .
m .7 _ _ . _ _ _ , _ _ , _ - . _ . . _ _ . . _ _ - _ . , _ _ . . . _ . . _ _ _ . . . i:p , y l-1266 3 -. Jmpb7 l I'11: elaborate on latnr. 2 I have hacn kept in 6cn $d about thena hearinaa, and
'3 /T'apnreciate that - ltavhe it's iunt that our nail nervice a 4 down there in a little better; but I not ny notice :,hout the . .S :
hearings. 3 61 C11AIldtAti 'itILLT:R: Yes, I'm glad,
'7 -f1S. CRInBY: Although I live in a-place that is
( 8 quite far.fron here,-probably ac far as you can 9 get living in Oreg'on, people in that area are concerned about 10 . Trojan and its operations. I an.not only boce.use of the
- . 11 dangers to ourselves and our friends and relatives that do 12 live in-the irnediate periphery, but also because of the j g 13 never ending inplications of nuclear.prolife.rction which-14 were brought out so well yesterday and so far today also. ,
15 , I fully acree with I believe it was 'irm Mu:,cek ' s !. 16 opening statenant vesterday- that the world would ha bacter i. 3 I i 17 off if nore people .could cry about the precent plight of the a f Ja carth and.Its people. i l- , 19 I have spent over neven years of my life in uhat ! i' , {' 20 are referred to as Third and Fourth World courcries. And ,$ 21 the rsality of figurea'such as 20 percent of tle world's [ o l" , zl 92 ~ population using 80 porcent of nonrenewable resources in i : i 23 very meaningful to ne. -J i; '\ js 242 'Me currently hcve a plethora.of books written on~ -l
p-- i 125 ecological' matters,:and.there is really no reason for anybody-1
-i t
j < IT. _d&
- 6 . . . - - . . _ _ , _ _ _ _ __-a. , _ . ,J.A.., .%,,2,.,,, .,r.- _h w ..-.<,.4% .,wm m ,
7 l 1067' I b . rapb3 ~ td L b6 unin5crraad about them. - Dut we find that the averyday ,; g. l activities of most. people kcap then from either being informed ! O or involved au they'6hould bel Dut probably even more than ( l_
.that what concerns na is that calf-centered attitudea which a
i t i O-r are to a certain c:: tent natural, but I think they'ra hein;y 1 i i
- 4 f 0 carried to a nuch rircator. degree than they should ha in our. -l b
I !. 7 way of living in f:his. country especially. t i l E And I think that the aim and purunit of an ever-c 9 c::panding 'econony =in . not only unfeacible but very dioacter- ! 'i'
- i
( '10 cusly itstoral. ! l'y 1 ! 11- As-if you don't have econough to read,-I'd just 4 l i . . i i j T2 'like to bring to your attention this rather obacura book ; l i !l9 13 - called Econaraica and' t.he Crisic of Ecolocrv, by Muringdar Sing,i_; i 2 - 1 . . [ 14 which I found in cur lithic library, And just for an example f 4
- 15 I would like to. read a couple of things out of it. ,
i i IG He days: . f i 17 "What in-needed evidently is casentially a 18 conservation -oriented econony and not one of which 2 l' , 19 ne] f-c::citina entrepreneurial dynamism in the driv-3 20 l ing force " '
.21 And he refers to uhc.t ua have' had hefore in that I e
- 1. -22 vein ~as beiitg "creativo dentruction". But he says now va're n- ..
! t 23 having destructivo creation.
.3 24 His bookois quite technical; it's more scholarly E
h L25: ;perhaps than that acunda.- But .. I vish you;would have a chance 1 ee
-' - s_l .'p i -F i, - , , , . .. O-- - + , . . . . . I. G .i~ _ . - - ,
. - - _ . _ _ _ _ , _ . . . . _ . . _ _ . . _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - -. _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ . , ~ , . L ,' X
- l. 1263 ii
' imph4 to'lo'ch at it nonetime. It would' ceca-that the revelations of PGH and , 4 3 l Bechtel's.own testinony would be sufficient evidence for the ' l- ~~
'4 i 4 need to keep Trojan closed.. However, as was brought out { ' 5 1 youterday, past. decisions in. hearings have only resulted in f
-6 a perpetuation of these conditiono which have not net even
,^ ninimum standardo. 0 4 we of the public that ara concerned do feel i j 1
! that:wo should participate even though we're not experts. As ] : 10' l vou listen' to . those prenentationc I hope that you will keep II , in mind our past experience with such, and try to understand I
I !
- cur impatience and not take'it personally if it doesn't apply.
3 I l-
'h '
What amazes me in that not only do deficiencies I 14 exist dcapite supposedly atringent regulations that wu're l 15 always hearing about, but that thin information comec colely ]. 16 from dcoigned planta. Can it be true that the NRC did no 17-3 onsite-inspection, and that there.are no verifications of !- 18- the materials that are actually used? l 10 One of my concerna is that the rcquirements of {. > '24 NEPA, the Nationni' Environmental Policy A.ct, are not.being ;
, i 21 'I can't see that any of the points Q met by Trojan operation, i
22 are' net.
?- Sh' -
23~ But.I nichti just read under Title 1, Section loin, 24 number 13, which ic:- ik 25 " Attain the wident-range of beneficial usen w w i
, _ _ _ _ . . - , . . - _ . - . . - - . . . . . . _ ..-.--. .- . . ~ . .. .. - - . -_7 - ] -
I '..
' 1269J 4
j, i. i
, 3 'g c
h mphi' of.thoenvironer.c without degradation, rick to ,t health and anfety, 'or other uridecirablo or un- [
'. ~ '3 intended conocquences."- t f, -
It'a hard for ric to believe that -- vall, mayba x
.Ic 'I'm not right,,but it's my impraccion.that no Environmental .
e r
4 Impact Statements have ever hoen' issued on any of thoas ' 7 = projects at Trojan. And overy time I've put written input I < t
- -0 in INo asked for the Environmental Impact statemnt or to I
! 9 'know where I could read one, and I've never received any anc-- A war. e' 11 And ac far as I can understand, only Environnantal e, I2 Impact Review has river been issued, and of courna that's much h 13 .less comprehoncive than an Environmental Ivipact Statcmant I4 whicli would require going into considerations of the full 15 inipacts and alternativoa, which it seems to no is abcolutely l l IG. casential for anything auch as this. j i 17 Mhile I think that the operation of Trojen could n. 18 1 ' 'ba-.nucccoofully challenged just on an cconomic basis alone, j 3 p E 19 just econ'mic o objectionn to it leave me cold hocance'I think I l
-l 20 that there are'so nany other more important considerationc. ,
4 > ' ! s 1
- 21 I'd juat like'to put in here sanc of the experiencej , \ . (
! 22 ' that .I've had at the tino of - the Trojan occupation -in August, j I 23 ~ I waan' t Mblo t tio participata :in that occupation because I had ;
. b (24 . some othIar.'rcaponsibilitio% P,ut I did picket at- the DGil !
25 plant downtown ati that~ tina,.-andJjuct come of the things that
-b i [
O w.. : .. . J . y > -.
- .a .~.. .- . ... . - . ... . _ --- __. - - _ _. - -- - - ..
[\ ,
, l m .
11270 p ,, I mpb6-' . happened there -- ofLcource, that'was a very' hostile' environ-
- .mont to'belin'. Nou couldn't enpcot to have nuch comnunica-
- J '. .
~3 Ii tion with the peopleicoming out'of that. building.
4 .Ilowaver there was a curprising amount of it. .And 5 - also; surprisingly,.paople that didn't-even know about it I
-6 would.come acrosa the street and actually;thank us for doing
- ~
b , 7'- what.we'. wore doing in opposing the Trojan Plant and nuclear i. [. O power. And even some people coming out of the building woul<1 L 9 say that'too.- They said they couldn't got involved,'but they ) t
- . 10 did'
- - 11 And the adverse renarks that wa not - we would i, 12 have liked'to enter into.a dialogue with soms of the people 13 that.didn't foel.the way we did. However, this is hard to n
14 d o .- Usually they would just fling comments at us over their i- ! 15 shoulder, such as saying "Get to work" and things likc~that. I' ! 1G And that was why I made that ntatomant at the beginning, p. 17 because I-didn't know of any people that warc participating l [ 18- at that day with me who were on welfare or anything like that-10 They were medical students on leava from college, l 20 and things like this. And I think that the imago that this 21 projected about any opposition is'not a-trt'e one.
; , , 22. And I an-also concerned about the covorage that 23 things: got in the newspaper. I.know that sone newspaper do- I s
e i l '24- try;toLcover it completely; but where-I live I couldn't even'. h' n" F
- 25= findia wordL about the; hearincia in- the paper at all.
p j.' U ' i i . _ , ..
],. $
1271-I s g J
. amb7 i I attended the Mondgy hearing and then I uunt homs :
2 h 3 f'or a couple' of dayo liafore I cana. hare, and I couldn't find I anything about-it.'s not curpricing that the annural ! populous:in not.more concerned, hscaunc they just dau't know 5 about things. 6
~And one question I' to ach now is whcit cea 7 one find the Transcript of these hearings? Will it be in ths l t 0 ' libraries of the state? I 9 'CHAIRfmM MILLER: Wa'11 Gupply sop' inforicatibn !
IG about that, and the Envirenrauntal Impact Statamant. 11 .Mr.' Gray,.would you givia that inforraation, p3eaco? 12 MR, GRAY: tho Transcripts, a copy will bo i 13 availabic in the local Public Document Rocm in tho Columbin 14 f . County Courthouse. That 13 up in the area of the Trojan
'15 Plant. I don't have the anact addroac at the mment. 'Init I ,
i i 1G can got that. ! i 17 An - far ao tha- Environ 9cnbc1 Inpact rtates nt is l l 18 concerned, there was an Environnental Impact Sta m ouc is aa;1 [ s l
? l 1 1 19 - at- the time of the original :licansing of tN nojt : Jaallity, !
( L 20 end as issued prior to the licenning - of that facilit.y ,
~.An.l.j .; 'l 21' .it was part of .the bacic for issuing the licam,a; 30 it un -1 !
( i' Pld . considered a't)that t me. 1 t
.23 An~to subsequs.nt' licensing actions, I infor that )
, 24 you're referring to, for example, the opent fuel pool amend-z i
(mants. (There was an Environmental Inpact Appraisal lecued at 25s 1 w , k[ f i jCf -- Q.?. > y. 9
' l I-h ,
1272 1 L , l- < ! n 1 i impb8' tilat time,,- ! l i
- .p o .
~E Mou that 10 not an Environmental Impact Gtatement,
- 3 1 as,comprehansive. Dut .hased on that Mnvironinantal j l
~j- '4 . - .
Impact Appraisal the determination was made that thara could l u . ! O be no significant environmental impacts from the spent fuel is , J 6 - !. storage pool licence amendmant and that it van not nacenaary 2
i b 7 to insuo an Environnental Impact Stateraent. l 1 With regard to the present proceeding related to .i 9 the control building, the NRC Staff has concidered the enviros 1 i i 10 montal' impacts of interim operation not in an Environmental ! t i : I < 11 Impact' Statement or in an Environmental Impact Appraisal. Bati I L t I - 12 the matter has been reviewed and the Staff has concluded that 13 interim operations'will not any different enviroa-14 mantal impacts -- any environmental irapacts different than 15 what has already been evaluated at the time of the original i i t 4 16 licencing of the plant. I s 17 And that for that reason neither an Environmental I
- I i 18 Impact Statement nor an Environmental Impact Appraisal is i
i 19 . required. And we will be presenting a statement to that i i c0. effect in this hearing. i 21 An to modifications to the control building at l 1 22 this point the'dctailo of the modifications are not huaun, l
- ._23; so a ' determination can't 'be made .as to the environraantal in-
... 24 pactsaof thoso. modifications-at this-time,,- It may well be j
- i. .k l251 Lthat-some, substantial inquiry into the offoots,' environmental j L i lJ
_= _a . _ _ . _ - _ _ m . .. l-
.'1273-mpb4' e&fects of the nodifications vill bb - will hava to be made. 'h CimI1UIAN ttILLi1R: Are the materiale that ware filed l -3 before the original FES, or Environnental Impact Stateraent .
i 4 prior:to licensing, as well ac anything nubnsc:unut, . aro thoca : .
't.' . .on file and the public at the doennent contor. 'O you've told us of? '7 HR. UR2(Y: Yes. t.
O The Final Environmental Statoment for the operating. F ' license ntage of licensing of the plant in available at the , 10 local Public Document Room, as is the Environmantal Impact , i II Appraisal for tha spant fuel pool proceeding,
'I f
12 CITAITU1AN IIILLER: All right. I 13' Uc wanted the public to know whero theca documener
'14 are availabic.
15- Ms. CnIBBY: Uell, . I abill don't quite understand, i l' l' 16 The' local Public' Document Room in Colunbia County only, or f 17 would there be one in other countiea? 10 MR.' GRAY: Ho, that is in Columbia County alona. 10 CHAIRIMN MILLER: That's the only placo where all i
21 the doctunents ure filed co that the public may have accesn to l 1
-21 .then. 'They're not filed in'u number of placen, no. '1 225 .MS.LCRIHDY: -Motovan in the-stato capital?.
e. 4 R3' CHAIR?OYM _MTLLER:- Mell, I don't know where the
- 24 Documhnt Room is,' hut I don't think it:n-in.tho' capitol j j
25 ibuil' ding.: . It's not in ifashington County. r+, 3
d ! , '1274 i f I l 1 , mpb10 MRs GimY: 'The local document room ia-in the City. .h 3 of St. ' Helens, Oregon, at the Columbia County Courthouse. MS, CRIDDY: . Wall, did'I understand alco that'the 4 L Transcript of. thia hearing is only there? Wouldn't it be in 5 Salem too? c .- Thn Transcript would be filed CHAIm1AM MILLER: i I 7 at:the same place. That is the efficial placa. 1; .- O I wanted to give the information for the benefit
- i. }
9 of yourself and the public. You santed to know where, and ? p 10 that's whero it's located. 11 In thoro anything more in your statement that you , p r 12 want to make to us?
-13 MS. CRInDY: Well, I'just wish to any that that's i '14 very difficult for people to get at, I mnun other people in j
15 the state that are interested in it, i 16 I have a question. g 4 17 can I file a written statenant on Mc>nday? j 1 18 CHAlmmM MILLER: Yes - vell, I don't know about J
- 19 Monday.. .You can nail it to- tin at any time, uhatever your l l 20 convenience 10.
P1 MS. CRIBBY: That's what I mean, hacause I didn't
- 27. . have n. chance to type .it up.
l ' h-- CHAIRMAN 11 ILLER: Yes ,, (:
- 23 ~
I i 24 MS. CRIBDY: Thank you-very much for your attention, I. 25 C11AIMUW MILLER: Thank you for coming. , i I l I p -p
- . - . ~ . ~ . . . . - . , , . - . . . , . - . - - . - - - ..- ... - . - .- - ..
p . , c .; 4 e 1275, a n
- i. - .
j ,
. .mpb11 "(Applauce.) ?
l CHAIRMAN f1ILLEn: -Who wiches to ha heard ubnt? j i 1 - 3' Como forward. [. : 4' LIMITED APPETMdICE . STATEEEUT OF LEONARD. DELAITO, 1 0 RESIDEMT, PORTLAUD, OREGON L 0- MR. DELhiiO: My neune is Leonard Dolano. , 'l l - f - l
' CHAIR!mN MILLER: Would yoa spell your n ma for nu,;! i d
- a. ,!
6 pleace?- r i 9 MR. DELAMO: D-e-1-a-n-o, l l a
,O I live in Portlanda l
- . , li .I have .hcre a putition of a caral group. The !
i ; e 12 only tima I had to get thcao tocceher - in which wa wish to i .,. 3 13 express our opinion on the need fer renewing tha operation of' u
- 14. '
Trojan. . And we fac1 - and I'd liito to read my lettor which l
- 1S1 .I am handing to the Board at thia time.
2 > - a
- i iG (Handing docunont to the Board.) j ,
i-.~ .
. D- "Recognining that professional 9tudy and e
4 18 decision must be nado on any changa, if neede.d, ! n~ 19 - to- PGE Trojan control room abructura r evicienct : t i i 20 indicates feacibility und nond for continued ' i :
- 21 > operation.of Trojan and that thia can b'a donc -d t
. .. . 22 _during any repairc'to control roon valla. l . 23' - "The Qignern of the encloned patition. ara E .
s , 2r init -af few of - the nany who sea the need for rc~ 1 25 newed oppration of Trojan in our energy concuming ( 6
.y.. . g ,.
- 3. -
i II , r, e T q
- f '
.- .,- l i, L. --+ - - - - v~ -~. ,+-w v - ~ ~ --v--~~ ----=~~~'----w~- *~w"
t a 2 p , < p -1276
~ +
l 1 .c mpb12 1 area,, 'i 2 '
"Should'thero be any hazardo, real or imagin-i 3
j' g p 4 ed, we believe.these can ba resolved through further and continued atudies without idling a plant'already (i p
- i. , 5 built and put into' operation.
- 6 "
Being the procosc of hic work I' l 7 responsibilities, the writer does not have the time 1. O to attend -Inectings on this matter or much tine for : C !' 9 obtaining signatures to a petition, but han been , { '10 impressed with the few he has contacted on the
Il . matter. That fooling is that wa earnectly hopo 12 no unneceasary delay is involved in rectarting 13 operation of this facility." h 14 How I have here the signers of this, and the pati- !~ ! 15 tion-rendo as followc: !- 16- "We, tha undaraigned electric-; energy users I and ratepayers of Oregon, observe with concern the ( i 17 , 18 ' idling of the PGE Trojan reactor and the continu-c l 19 -- ing delay in its oporation. We believe prolonged 3 ! 20 . inactivity of such an available power generation 21 affects the individual and collective economy:of
4 z 22 ' cur community and could be a vital fcctor in a j
'-e ' ' - 23 ' power shortage period. We also halieve evidonce i
24- shows provisions.have been :nade for concervativa, 5~ 25 ' shfe operatio.n of the plant. m i b $ : c._ _
- , - , . , . - . .-,;.,.-.-..~... .. . - ...-. . . .- .. . _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _.
7k. l
["' 0]'. .
f ,j
,.P , '?- ,, 3 , p- 4
[ .- , .. 1 *I: b l ' r'VRB oom, , p s 1279;
- fis.MPB;
' l l[r ., [ '
ll: , ,. j Il1$4gbl. -
, s :CHhIRMAN MILT 4sni San lidted appcc':mi::: hearing Nill:rc9ume, pleace.: llbo wiches to go next?'
{ 3-
- -f y; c
J? lease'come forwnrd. 4 L a, .LniITED APPEARANCE STATEMENT OF' LINDA UCLUWd, L 5
g 1 0-l MS. WERHER: I'm Linda Werner,
- 7 .
e .. Jed there aro w.ny qucations that tha NRC Board 6 L has bolask this timo s .and while they're tryin(t , to come to the decision "an to whether or nok to Act the 1 , '70 . plapt have: interim operhtion. l,
.; 7 l- .Onci of the first things I notiacc about thn p~
l whole thing in. all of the - the taajority of inforuntion that the NRC will be relying on is' coming frcm PGU and 1 /"- Bechtcl. And I was uondering if this lo a 'mry logical
- - 13 ' l., -
thing'to do, in view of their past history. i 1t3 p., I have here some things a- and this is just a
-17 really small portion of tha reportable o curi: enc 2a filed 10 in the St. Eclans Law Library:in the County courthouse.
t -
' # And when you're consida.cin.g how rauch weight tha I
=20' l information given by..PGE chould have on your decision, I 2I~ think'you should look'to their history. I don't even have m . i 22; all, I could only_ afford to copy a'littlu. d .g:.
c. A3j From it' Reportable Occurrence Murdd .77-23, l
.I i there's Anj interesting; paragraph. And it saye that :the Jhly 6
- 23. failure'had. bean'prbviously; attributed /to an improparly.
L 7 \- , t ' '
- 7
n., .n . , v . . - - . . - - - .. -- . - . _ - - ___ -__ 4- , o t i t i j3 s} i-b t, h' ~
, :1280 1
3 p . agb2- '
' assembled solbnoid'in the hydraulic actuator, and then they o
find,that this was not the correct reason. why the reportable p
'3 joccurrence had happened.- .g And iii's. cort. of '11ke the same thing that happened O
with.these hearingo. It!'s defective, and so they come up G-with figures on in offectiva, and then later tney i' 7 come - up with all ne'i 'figuresJ 0 I'would not rely.on: people who can't be right, 9 or who ara consistently wrong. 1 is 10 Another interesting one.was the roms that the l- ( Il Lworkers who were accidentally. exposed to radiation received
' 12 during the refueling. h 13- When I first read it in the paper, it was - 14 they had one figure, i ,hink it was the 14 and 17 rama. 15 And then lator -- and that was on the front page of the i
. 16 paper in big letterc,. stating how thia icn't going to affect 17 them or be 'a danger, becauce this amount of radi tion is no 18; problem at all.
19 Dut then later, in the very back pagos of the paper, 20 in little tiny type, they showed that those first figures 1 1- 21 ware. wrong, and that'now they had new figarcs. 22 Another thing on the history of their reliability,. l 23-
.I have letters taken from the opent fuel pool storage y
. 24j. hearings.- One-in an order descinding Board's memorandumL
- ' @' and. order of' August 8,:'1977.
- -
- 23 6
lS w
< n, ->.
l ;. N- t ____.______..:_=-.:...D
I e LI i ,;< s f
- y. e.
g ,a - - 1281.
esb3 I -t ( And ,in ,thic lettcr thuy'rc talkin'; about aon.e E ' rulinga thah were mtdu,. and it caid: O We Co. rule because thc . iltato of Oregon, b- Portland ~ General Electric Company and the WRC $ 0 Staff had reprcrented to us that the spent fu 1 c)
' ]
storaga pool wac presently er.:pty and dry andr thus, '
/ . was uncontaminated." I 8 l And uincre do the KRC and the St;rce of Oregon Tet I ! i f their information that the pool was E renntly 4 , nnd i
.I 10 dry and uncontaminated? i I
11 : hnother NRC Staff rdation for recomm.leration ci! I 1 o I ! 12 ( order roccinding memornncnun. It said: h' j j il "Thic determination wac predicated i 14 1, -i on Portland General Electric Company'a v:r. m~ . i 15 i centations .to the NRC...." 16 It's not junt logical not to rely on PGE i 17 and what their statements are ' 18 It's not only the logion1 thing to do but 19
' apparently. their unroliability has armsed crabarraav"anc in -!
o 20 tb4 past. I i 21 J Thin letter from Richard H. Stadvit., Ancist. ant 'l i
. , . 22 Attorney General, it'a to Chairman Wolfe. r, It s,c/c:
, 23 "We are embarrassed that this, error 24 occurred and can only- state that we were 4 r
6. i J. 25 ; relying . upon PGM's representations in ito y 3
- h4 i,
i f a.
.- i i ,
- .L
.g, >e
{; l M
' t , . .#. \ . , . .i 2 bI
. , _ _ . _ _ ~ _ . _ . . - .._., __ _ _. . '1 .
1 1
-1232, l I' ' .1 ~l 'agb4( _ orisinal application." ' .f How herc - you know, according to.what in caid 3 'nLthese i papers,1.they:had.reprocented something to be one 4 . . .
- j. way 'and it wasn ' t.~
5 . l.- Okay. . .There really wasn't a lot of damage done ' ll 6- 1 by this,.but'if they're representing the control room j
- 7 building to;be safe and carthquake proof and there's not
[ , 0 . I going to be any.spalling falling and, if it d;ea, well, -l 9 ! it' specifically this shape and this waight and it l
'1 10- - )
i sill only' land on this thing, if they're miareprecenting
- 11 .
1 'f themselves this time it could maan hundreds.of thousanda j 1 i 12 ; of lives.. . So, .as to relying on information frc:a PGE - 14 . l- from what.I understand, the.NRC is limited in funda, and j 15 - - apparently there are no funds for the state or the federal l , j < 16
- to'financo' independent studies. And I find it really hard !
4 l F 17 r.
'to think that people hired by PGE can give independent i-18' -
otudies, oven though they nay be a professor somewherc s 10 ?' l-4 elce or work for another company,, f 20 L I think comething shous.d definitely be done to 21'
- l. ' help got funding for in' dependent otudy,, so that we don't J
^ '
., r- ; rely on people that are unreliable. t 4 - 23' Okay.' 'Apother;'re going to have ., to think abou't is whatacr r.h'; c in~ generally safe
- 1. . - i. ll '
* % . condition.; /I' menn',11t'sz just like a person. When doctors
- s. .
s s' ~ , e o. I .. ,s ll k'
.jf '. N p i i
.=. . . . _ - ' - ,1 2a
.c. . _ , _ . _ _ _ _ . _ . . . _ . . . . _ _ - . _ _ . - _ , _ . _ . _ _
,f .; a. 1233- il' , 1
(. , 1 L.
.agb5' -are thinking aboat operatingi they think about wheehar' tna whole percen is in generhily' good condition.- 1 3 These are wwr of the' reportable ccetr:rc.nces. . >
4 . 4 .I just-picked tnoce at rendom out.of the docur s t,roca. I v f' This one ia an-unplanned releace of radionativo , j 4 t
- 6. gas, and this-event occurred over a seven-dny period
{ - [ 7 - conunencing on' January 31 cnd ending the morning oE l i Februar.y 7. 0 l, , . 9 n ocven-day accident: Cutt really sounda
. 4 i 1
- , 10' incredible.
J i
, 11' And.this cuo, 13 wall and cailing punutre.Liona s.
l 12 were found deficient in their conatruction aa a fire pro- < LT) taction barrier and/or eter barrie- '
, ~ . .
During a c;enign rev.tew o.c p.tptng,pano+ratiom 3
. 14 ..
15_ through building walls, a piping acetion waa fcuna to %:va 4 !' ,is d stress levela exceeding code allo' tables. I l
- l
- 17. Then it uns intere ting an I wae 9:>ia.(,r th.n acih 'I
!, . 4 [ ? these,'to see hou many of the reportable coce;~encen o murreu l l 1
.ta ( a
{ !: aDL on-the eane piece of., equipment. !
- l. i
} '
I'll start out these enco by a from hho -- ; ,
,, 'E0 1 ;
l ja A the. minuted of a. Plant ncvice Board macting of Fabruary 6,. h2_ -- . l19 '/6.; ..They wore discussing pronably report;.bls ocaut.:ences
- c 4i -
- wL .With the s DBA 'sequencera ~.
+- . , + +.
n, . $ And . in' the minutes of thir meeting it we p 25; . noted that the acquencero are a design specified by Ecchtel m . ', u
> \
i e: , r Y
' 4 :.
i J
.l ' ! '. , p i..,__
hc >
'f: 'g , . . . O.l((L _ J, Y _ - '\ i.' - . . ,....-,L.. + - - - , - - . - + - - - = . . - , , . - <
l 1284' n ,
'I '
agb61 engineering. And:thic~..was in 77.
# Uc'have 'another one in '70, where they'rc talking 3 -
about' two possib!.e reportable occurrences. 'The first 4. concerned a failure to' actuate several-ESF flaida during i
<g "
periodic testing of the A-train scquencer. So, from '76 6 to '.78 and they're still havin'g problems with these
. ~/ sequencers and they were Bechtel, the.DBA nc-a O 'quencers. '9 An accident or reportable' occurrence with the DDA 10 coquencers, another one.
. 4 h. 11 So, in the ti;o yearn, they still don' t have tncan -
t- 12 nequencern fixed. There have been problema, all kinds of 1' .13 ; 'different problems with them. 16 If they can't - they can't .even fix thin' picco 15- of equipment. I really have no idea what it is, but if 16 it's not working in the Trojan plant, why ucrry, you know? 17 So it starte in '76 when they'rc having problens, 18 it goes'to '77. And an of Februcry 10, 1978, they're still 10 having problems. . Apparently the design is wrong or cc:nethingO 20 wrong,.I really don't know but it just doesn't sound good . al- to me. J 22: Another one that I found real-interacting, as I
.O 2b' was l going. through these, was the ate.ount of problems that 7,8 I ' they . have with the contrcl rod. lI went to:F Visitora j -.h -25 W. . *Information Center and .they have this kind of a room -- 'it's.
- s.
*j l.
- /"
~ ly a a a. .,_2_______ _,_;____,4,m _ , ' , _ , , _ ,
._._y.,._._.._ . .l 1
1 12f5 5 J I agb7 -just s tcrrificF becaus e . they . explain nuclear power and how
'it works. -
3 And apparcutly thcse control rods. control,in-l g the reactor,. control'the' activity that'a going on inside
- the reactor, if .what thay have at the Visitors Inforiaation
.6 Center isicorrect which, I'll go out on a limb and cay it Y
7 10. I 1 During the performanca of routine survcillr.nce ! 9 -testing,'it wac found that rod - that Control Rod E-12 10' would not insert from its fully withdrawn pcoition upon
- 17' receipt of an inward motion cignal.
[ 4 12 During periodic operating tectu to chack rod 13 movement, it uas noted that Bank D and Bank A vould not 14 move in Bank talocb. iL 16 Thic one wns really intcreating because, if
'i 16 these rodo control the activity innide the reacbor ~~
- L5.145 17 this -one here was very upsetting: <
1G .... individual digital rod position ).
-19 -indication was lost for Rod 1110 for approximately 20 nine hours." .
1 j' 21 . Now if these. rods are controlling what in going
}- 1 22 onlinaide the. reactor,.I don't like them getting lost at I
, 23 ~ 'all. ' . .s i
f- 14.i . Losstof-rod contt'ol which affectod'hilf , y-of the control roda. in tlic control banka a and D 7, 7 '25l j e' L y , 1 4 t
.,4 i l 5 - w : _ __-
6 . 3
. - - - - - = - :_ = . . - - - ..~.- -
~_.y___ . . . . . , _ . . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ . , _ __ _ . . _ __ _ _ . _ _ . . _ _
if - , 12061 l , c'-
' agb8. ,and shut..down bank C.
- Rod 'B-12 ' of ~ahutdown - group - .would- 'not -
f_ . j U 3
respond to an inward motion signal.
- i g-i- " Failure of control rod B-12 to
.y respond while attempting ~to insert'it on
~ 6
- August 18 "
' 7 And there'was also some control system,' rod' L -0 control' system failurcs on August 21, August 18 and August 21st, @ both of '77.
10' "During the performance of" -' I don't know i d 11 what this is ~ "... . 20T 1, rod novament ver2.2ication, b p , [a,, . , I.2 ' it was found that control bank D rods could not 13' be moved."
' 1
[- -14 un circuit failuro caused the loss of ! L' 1 !: .15- rod control which affected half' of' the control e i 4 16 rods in control banks B and D and shutdoun q, 17= ' bank C.F fj .-
~18. I-mean, these are important parts of the plant.
[ .. -19 ,
'I know that the control rods are important.
['l' ' 20~ Every' industry has problems, every parson'han
-4~ 21 accidents. But when I have an accident and spill something,
{.-- '.221
'.'or'when the paper mill-has an accident and one of their q
< -23; saws breaks'down'or something, it is generally-an accident p a , !- + - (24 :that'.is confined-to that area. I hh' , h
< (25: 'r . .
But' when; a: nuclear '. power plant has an accident, 6 I i i ?
, '}
kb .
.,( Y, lll Y 'N x , gy 1 9l ;. .r - -
u _ . e&._.r<- . . _ _ _ .
i .?
- i. a
' 143 9.. ' 4 r r ', 3 y ,') ? _' jc l: , J1287: 'l i l !
r I e. Jagb9;, 1. i 9 cit's bed enough, it's not tjust theulthat'a go- ' e-but they'ra going to take everybody else with then. And sc )
.L ,
J1 ril'eir accidents, no' natter whether they resulted in
- l. .
'E - 4 : somchhing terrible happening or 'not - obviously. thcae ; l 0 . accidents . didn't, otharwise wn wouldn 't be ' here -- bitt , j,. O. . you have to assume that-at any time an accideau big.'enough i ju 7 coyld happen. I t- . 3 0 - Okay. Let'a ecc. I ! b 9 These~are all reportable occurrenaco and th:i. j- > 10 is.the type of thing to take into canaidoration when ; 11 just. deciding is the plant generally . afe, are thnas people
, 12 g -generally reliable. t L. m This one, .the plant was ttlen from -1.toda Four A 14 to' Mode Three without reading all the praraquisitan for y chango. 4 16 " Charging pump' rotor, a me,chanical F
,_g - failure of the south centrifugal charging 2..
3g_ pump retor occurred while the purg was in F, s 39 - operation..nupplyin.g. normal charging to the I 20 reactor coolant ayatom." e , .
'p3 In-this onc,.they're talking about a reactar i
e 'h;, ' cavity scal ring that was denigned poorly, oud they were p ., [
, gi . aifraid ib wac' going to'.bocono a Projectilo cu .the re;tchor. -1 I I - m .was notally.saf2 with people g3[I .- ,taking ' cara -of it -- Here's a failure to perform rcquired n- '-
g : <
-t u
12 s 4 N e S di y : o t t
. 6.4 ,, .' lh . . l ;. W.i ^ ' . i . . J ' ' , . . - . - - - -- --L- - ~ . " - - - - - , - ~ ~
a 128!J ' f : l
.. .)
l' ag bl0:
t- ' surveillance testingi f allure to eninino the 2."equired numoer -
' ofl containmentL tendons for surveiliance of .the containment-
. 3- . . . . l-
. atructural- integrity, if ailure to perfona requred technical
- 4. i
, specification curveillance, f ailure -- Okay, . this is not i 5 - .
- the same thing.
I '~ 6 . But anyway there's a lot of thane. And, yoa know, 7 . . L i- all the failures of them to just adequately perfor:a the inspections and the safety tests on everything. ,
- . 9,
' lE 10 11 l. .i . 12 ,I g 13 l 14 15 10 17 18 p
- c. ' 19
l l 20 l I h
- .. 22 i $' - 23
. l i
1 l s'24 i; o , 1
' !. 3 l y I
\i L l
' )l .
1 n i
*, e : ' , )
1289 L. 1 ,; p,1
m:- 1FI..wbl . i In thic one they ~ had ..tostod . comething - i Soll I I t.
'2 don't understand what they varo teating so 'I'll skip over it.
I 3 Okay. 1 All of those onca that; I'm going through 4
.. ~4 .are things being out of calibration, and component failuren, 5 cafety pumps ' not starting.
C6 6 There's. another one en tho ' failure of normal
- 7. . shutdown'and denign bisin accident coquen'cera to'energizo
. a'- all engineered safety feature loads during . testing. And the 9, cause of.this was a design deficiency..
Ipd Thic in a reportable occurrance concerning como
- n. welda that were cracking.
- 12. This-is a reportabic occurrence about another weld'that cracked in a letdown line..
g3: g In. fact, generally speaking-- Here's another .,
.l 1
15 crack in a. weld. 33 Ch, by the way, those are all different reportable 37 occurrences. I'didn't juct copy the name one ovsr and over 93 again. gg Licenace Event Report dealing the cracking 20' Of a weld on letdown line,
21 A reportable occurrence due to atross corrosion
- . . ,2 cracking. -
gy In fact there are quite a few , things cracking.- lF g -It's hard for- me to believe that standing still it's falling
?O .Laparti ~During- an earthquake, you know, .averything is goina. to l
,y I_/-
[ . o. s J.w .n .
- .. ,i s
.m. ., , o '
- h. ,
[ . 1:Y 1290' i a "wb2: 3.; (go. : 1
- j. .
' Laakage. A reportablo occurrence concerning
[ .lcakage'through the containment personnel airlock. q h 3 l h-4; Leakago from a comon four4nch suodon pMng. Leakage through !the waterprqof barrier .docigned . 5 I to protect engineered .cafety feature equipmnt. !. 6 ' t
- So .it's cracked, it's leaking. The general 7 .
4 . . i g condition of the plant doesn't seem very good to me. 1 :
- 1. And also with the general condition of the l 9
1 4 10 has to realize that a nuclear power plant is safe l if ~it is absolutely built properly, designed properly, and 11 F I . , g everything is working 100 percent, including the t people working there. 13~ r L And I don't racan this part to be any reflection i ll 14' , -i on the. people working at the Trojan plant. In fact I-live in that area. I live in Deer Island. And just about every-16, body-on my road works at Trojan. So a lot of my frienda t t
- are people who work at the Trojan plant.
I 18 i , !' Dut nobody la perfect. And these reportable 4 :19 i L ' occurrences deal. with the fact that to have a totally safe ' i 20 , j .. nuclear power plant you'have to.have 100 percent safety on the ! j , i 21 ; i I part'of the' people. Theco reportable occurrences havo to do 4 . 22 -. withc that.
--l 23 -
I There was afvalve that was wired incorrectly'as : 4 24 l " .. f ai result.fof. a' po'rsonnel error. 1 q25 l >
,. ' ii, .
m ,
.! \ '- %, \P
- yp; T
,w. .". . - .; a' >. . _ . u_u_
1291 I wb3 1 There uno a failure ef- Somebody didn' t rasat 1
, 2 a lockout relay ~nnd caused a failure of power.
r ! 3 Personnel error by not initiating required cur- ! A veillance of an item within the requirca tiua period. 5 Original airflow controllcrs were adjusted and 6 Pre-operationally tcsted to verify aufficioni: airflw to com-7 ply with tech spcas. Subnuquantly the airflovr control trann-8 niittern wera replaced with a ni.rallar narrou ramja ' ?do? but 9 than were never adjusted or tested to verify a Tc ! rud flcu lO rat tO . PCrConnO1 Orror, jj An operator failed to properly ~ ' u ahe trip and throttic valvo for the turbino-driven auxiliary fe26 water .l 12 ; 1 a O a. t. t 9~- Turbine impulse pressuren were incorrectly yl adjusted. In > , 4 i . Personnel error in not o..or.alning a new radioact.r, m; l . 16j i g[ gno dischaI:ge permit for nitrogen purga releaau of unste j i. decay tank. :
.n,; j ,9 Tt dispatcher do-anars;irmd switchyard uhich r: culte i I ,,, in a lacs of DHR flow. ) :
du. I Personnel Miatakenl;{ chut the Pl?P hunt O_cclulng::r j
- 6. 1 M.
bypass valve instead of the pump discharga , al'n . l
'O ,, ,
Losa of power to the reactol coolant puropa accurr n j when oarsonnel .tripp~ ed the generator output breuker befare an t
~ ?A ,
. interlock, which prevented the energiding of plant buncet f rr.1 {l-25 4,
+ i 9
- i_ _____._._____________________p__,._____'______________
__,_,.._....__._._._m._-_,_ . _ . . _ _ _ . -_ __ ,, lIf k?'; f J ,
-1292 z
wy.. Jwi>4 -j; joffaitepower,had, cleared. The.cause of thic event is ,
.r i, K6 .. .2; personnel error. . -
I l1 b - The apparent cauce of this occurrence is personnel.
- e. .' 3-5 error. Another one.
.4- .
f U Pornonnel did not perforn tho required surveillancp 3 as: scheduled, .[ i G. 7 Monthly - surveillance testing o'f the contrifugni 8 charging pumpo was not . performed within the. required time j L t- 9 interval. 1-M nthly. nurveillance of the proceso and effluent 10 radiation taonitoring systnm was' not performed within the j i ! required tirne interval. ' 12 o . So, you know, nobody is perfect. To run an
- 3. : . .
13 absolutcly perfectly built plant uith perfect design and g perfectly operating equipment would be impossible, to run l 15-l- it safely. Because-poople are not perfect. p 16 , Dut here we also have the added problem that it in not a perfectly designed plant, it's not a perfectly built [g 48 h . plant. The inachanisms within the plant are not perfect. 19 L Okay. All the rest of these -- I'm nch going- to 20 L I
- j. go. through them all -~ are just dif ferent reportable occurrences t.
. 21 h . . o n- - Here's one.concerning the release of sodium in the
- <~~ 22 iColumbia Rivar.
,m . < .' - 23' .
L, :Just generally thinga are' leaking,' things are
> , .24 Lcracking,. things are breaking.down. l #2s i +
k i! . . . . c g p S . y.
- "' . . . , [ t 'f ., N ;j y; .'..[. ,, .
.<in6 t ,..._,p .
7_ _ _ _
< it . n' >
q q q L 1293 I vb5. <1 :Another' thing: when relying'on information from f i .. l
'2- PGE,1 it would juct scom logical to ' think that thay cared
- 3. about -the. public safety.- But'I don't'think.PGE has any 4! respect forjtho'public whatsoever, they have no respact for :
'S our safety, our' lives , they hava~no.considoration for uhat l I
l 6 the public wanto. And tharc's really no rernon why they l t- ! j i
- 74 .should.-, they're not a government agency who f i
l 8 C'is paid by the peoplc. I mean they'ra juct nort of - l 9' their own thing, trying to make their money. And that's up
[ 'lo to them if they want to do that. And I. Suppost.j it's up to un } [ I, . i F ,
'Q , to stop it.
12, But'it's pretty clear they have no reapect for l g ,g -the public;
- - y In these Mtters
- - This one is to Dr. Morris, 4
' and I can' t road the signaturo nt the bottom as to who it's ;
g . from. But it'a .on PGU stationery, so I ic:agine it's frem then. ,. g7 It says, i 18 Mherefore, the withholding of the 99 q attached answer will not advarsely affect the , { I ! -E0 public interest." L !. +10 And this: 3; "We have determined that disclocure L . 22 L J- ,* of; the information contained in the above-referenced Eg _ o , K not required inthe public interost nor 24 p..
- x. . .L j byithefAtomic.EnergyiCommission."
i t
'd. , , -.,,G. i ... a ._,.L ,2 i; J. ..*. .c E . ..;.L u ; ., 1 ._ ;;_ cn . _ .,, _. . ; L .., _ _; ._1__ _[_ _ _ . , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,,
w, - ' L' t
'1294i , !
' c i
wh6 1, And they were talking here: about the amount of . ( i.' . I I ,l . 2. conservatism and uncertainty utilized in the Trojan Muclear j i
b . e 3 Plant' analysis prepared by Westinghouse. And to think that ; { } [ 4- the public wouldn't be affectedt if they want to bolicyc that, that's-fino. 'Dut I believe that overythin~g thht goes on in /, 5 l ' L 6 that plant: should. be released to the public. And I fool that ; J L- 7 Lit's not .just going to affect them; it's going to affect us. 8 Anything that affects the plant affects us. , 1 9 But obviously from thece, they hold back informa-e. 10' tion from the public, that they don't - it's their decision j 11 that it will not affect us. I would prefer to nee.the I 12 information and then let me decide if it's important 'or not. 2 !. 1.3 During Ballot Measurc Mo. 9, the elections a 14 few years ago, PGE had things in the paper just prior to the jg elections.on their spent fuel storage, that there would be J -{ 16 no radioactive waste stored at Trojan. And people relied i 37 on this information. I didn't rely on it because I knew g better. But I know a great many people who did rely on this jg. infor. nation and took all these things into consideration 20 'that PGE had said, and their'representativac' statements. ) i 21, And Ballot 14casure No. 9. was defeated in that election. And 22 : then immediately afterwards I think the spent fual pool . hear-23, ings started. And' the information is clear nou that they hd g 'l$ eon pinnning':to do this'even'befcro the election. But
-W-. . -257 ppamn ly ithey Edidn' t feel that . the public was .important y-x L '
- g. .. . -. , -.m . . . . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . .
o .. a t 1295 i i i e '. 3 [
.wb7' 111 , : enough to givo them the truth. ) ^
i: l i F
.h '5' ~ As a member of the public I' recented 'it.
And-l .. ; -3 that one Lincident made me reali::o that. they. were abcolutoly l g l; ' 4 fgoing~to do'nothing to inform ua, and we would have to inform- * ! S ourselves,. that they were ' going to do nothing to protect ! the public, and that we were going ~to have to protect our-
6 i.
t ! 7, selites ... i i ! 8 During that election another thing that a great 1 1
'many people. relied on, and ntill do rely on is, they say,.
- 9. ,.
i 10 Wall if it.wasn' t safe the government would not lot bo in {
- i. i q' :
e 11 - operation; . thnt- there are rules the Trojan plant has to 12' abide by, and, if they don' t, well the NRC in tioing to get i' . .. 13 .them. y But now it seemo like just to consider changing l-3
- .. 3 3 those rules, lowcring the cafety margina to fitthe Trojan plant, would really 'bc violating the trust that the people fi 16 p j7 have put in the NRC4 g ' And I think that when considering uhether to
- q. .
Y allow interin operation, that tha safety of the- the general j 3 9. . - i, i g safetyfof the plant, the accuracy of the present condition of ;
e the plant, and.then also just the responail>ility,which isn't ; I. i, 121 t 7 722 reallyfaL safety question, but the responsibility that the {
.poople have.pu, t thairitrust in the government agency to b g;.- [/ .g rogulate . the nuclear 'indus try, I ' think it's pretty obvious .g ithat'dustry isn't. going to regulate itself. ~ -I-7 q . m . ~
m[ y
,4 - S' ,
.' ._.__...._L _ . . . - .. .. -.. #.s 2 , "q s: - - - ~' a
g h,
'..,. ~ ~..._ _ _ y
_._____.7 .
^ ' '
m ,. y)t: ,
- 129 g ;
in L. T know!manylpeople'did'.not aupport Ballot Measure No.'9, and Lwb8 :1 -, a i. !; i t i 2 .thofreasono given to1me were that, you know, that the 11RC ::- w , F 4 3 will make sure that it';s safe. , m
rm - l P:- - 4 And have-to fulfill-your. responsibility. t th , ; 5 and yourLobligation to.the people, and not any-- The , l L '6' Government agency has no obligation or responsibility to PGE 1. [ -n 7 an far'as.I can aco. a To change the regulationn to fit the Trojan l l' 3 9 plant would be obviously, you . know, violating the trust of c 10 .the people. 11:
.Well I d n't think you shauld reopen the plant 12 f r interim operation. . And Ithink that probably, j ust speaking: . 13; .au a Colutobia County resident especially, I'd really loso a ~
g lot of faith in' government if it is allowed interim operation,
. I' v already:1 st a lot of faith just by attending the Imc 15- ] 1 l
16 hearingsin the first place. I had pictured something mtich, j much dif ferent. I had pictured govarnment by the people.and 37 l'
. ;g . for the people that I had heard about in grada cchool. Ihdd.l 1 g . thought it really exiated. But I found that it's a littic i m re complicated land a little more detailed 'than that. .20 ' Dut I'm really expecting that you will uphold the 21 g' regulations' and that you will not allow. PGU to start operating -
U. ur ng o intedm. 23
.Alco'I have nthe point that if they do, and if 24 Lthereilscan earthquake,' that they have absolutely no evacuation '25 : 1 L
9 3. . t l-
- r
" II :;
,,o 12V/ ,
ji l i ub 9 '. 1; . Lplana : whatsoever ; for. coltnabia County. . Apparantly thore are - j- q 1 , 'I
; lp;; evacuation: plans for two. miles-around the plant.
,.7h i ! G 3 So if you let it go, and-if thdre'a an onrthauake, 4'i . a
' nd if it hae ?a raaltdown' or hac .a . atoan relcanal or haa any-5 . thing . .,. and you're in Washington, you'll. hnow that I'm dead 'G - in. Columbia County.
l y ,., (Applause)- J' , 6{ CIfAIIMiui MILLIJR: Thank ynu. ] ! g Who wiches to be heard ne::t? , 3 1
End-1P 10 ! i l - l
- 11jW l
, I
- l. 12 13 ;
.{4 > >F l i ., I i .15 N
6 47 g 19 p i - c0 1-6 , '.Esk. L kt' ' i
- m
'l , < 24'
,y ,e . s
- 1) ,"
-{. }.;
4 , w .;e 9 :, n , ,
, , , - ,+ . . . , . , . . - , . . . - . . . . - . . , . . . . .
' h > itt ,
- 'Y '
(.. l'_
.1 i
1 [; [2 LKUNDIGER,..ST.'HELENS, OREGON 3 'MS. KUNDIGER: I am Marjorie Kundiger. I'm a l - bT '4
- residentiand propertyfowner in Columbia' County. I moved into
[. 'S - the county with.a certain quality of life 'and life otyle in 6 mind'. I; feel that the.ctartup of Trojan would interfere'with e ( -7 my rights to that. quality.of life. . 8- There are three nnin concerns I havo. llumber { a i- 9 one, the safety-of the construction of the plant and tha 1 ! )
.10 anfety of'the operation of the plant itaelf.
11 Number two, the storage of wante that .i a being
- 1. 12 planned at'the plant.
- 13 lAnd three, the fact that thero is no evacuation 14 plan for the - area that I live in.
15 I feel a legacy of a.cican, healthy environuent 16' should be left to the children of Columbia County. 17 I '.would also like to say sone of tiie feeling's
- 18 that Linda said about the governraent, and having an effective 19 government organization' arc also cemething I feel very 20 strongly
- about. Otherwise I-wouldn't be here, trying to 21- ' appeal to make the placa.that I. live safe.
I' i .(Applause.) .l> 22'
;.g. '
l: 23; CHAIRMAN MILLER: Thank you. 1:
. 24- Does anyone else.wish to be heard?- '- e .25i VG9' Well -
/t '
i l'
; :,
- y
...1299 -l-Leb21 I ic (LIMITED APPEARANCE STATEMENT OF DARLDUE EUPJHUADr T RESIDENT, COLUMBIA COUNTY, OREGON 3' MS. BURKHEAD:- I'm a resident of Colnrabia County 4 living 12 miles.from Trojen.- I'm concerned with the quality 5 of' life for myself as-well as for my neighbors. The things 6 thtit concern no most are the effects of los-level radihtion 7 and-the transport and storage of waste, as well au the 8 structural rell' ability of the plant.
O g I believe those thinga nhould ba looked into very I 10 carefully as they affect thoucando of people, f 11 Thank you. 12 (Applausc.) 13 CHAIRMAN HILLER: .Thank you. 14 Anyone else? I s i' 13 Doca anyone also wich to heard? 70 VOICE: Mr. Chairman, there woro puopic coming 17 :from Eugena at this time who haven't arrived yet. I wonder, l if nobody elac wanta to speak nou, if wo could adjourn l ts ) l 19 for lunch and hear them later?- l i 20 CHAIPJtAN MILLER: Yuc, we can do that. Do you I 21 know who they aro? ! l 2f VOICE :- Tom Lynch, Don Helson,,Skoeter Duke, 23 and. I= think maybe Sandy Pitler, and possibly others.
'. 24 < =
CHAlPJ4AN- MILLER: -All right. Is there anyonc
-:25/ else who you believe'will be' coming in?. Ia ther4 anyone am, -
N!3 , , , , , , . .
,' a- ,__J_'__,___-_________-
- . , . . , . . , . _ . . - . . _ . - . , - - . . - . . - . _ . - . , - . . . . - . . - - . . - . , , . . . ~ , ,
gA _... 1 N' ) i, g:- s f' g9 4 n .
?eb3 }i Leise.haro.who..would like to be heard at this time?
4 t t :. - 2
'(No ' response . )'
A ' CHAIRMAN MILLER: All'right, Then'we will take " ' #1 our lun'ch rocess, and we'll reconvene at one o' clock. i - e "e ' We stand in reccsa . 6 Oraercupon,.at lli35 a.m., thel hearing in the ; f ! l e I t7- 'above-entitled matter was rocessed to raconvene at n .
! 12 00 p.m. the same day.)- {.. 9 . r 5 10 i [. '33
-l o - .
'k : - l 34 15 i .
1 16 -' i. f 17 l e
10 i. !^ Ih
- h. 20
.1 i- 21 j-... .' 22 [ . g (, .. u~ :c 1s: .
- g. >,
I pj , !r -
..y. ':'j. c g ;
(? -
.: e : ) pf '
w B ' + i , , . g (i g g 'sq- I wy .+,-qw.,.,--,+ ,4 e,t , 9 vr -s-- e - b , ,e--w,.,yaere, 4we,d--w-,, e-,,,#. . , , . . . . , ,. e w
.-.,--77..-, ,
- j .. ..... .o .a .t y;
j 1 ( .. O . p.) ~ 1301 ew P 1 r' g' ('
"11 ')MADELON/.- AFTERMOOM SESSIOM ! . ; . ':,enbb 2 t 'f '(1:00DP.n.) l 3 . .
CliAIRMMI MILLER: We 'will resunn the limite: f ? ' appenrance ntatements. < i ,< a p r. i 4 iiho wiches to be next? ;
- l. g i -
- (N'o. responsa. ) . '
l r ) i 7' > a Calling for. statements? ! r U
? Come forward.-
9 LWould you spall your nama pleasa? 10 i MR. IIELSO!i: Donald IIolton.
4 fp
'13 MRa UnLSON: My natna ia Donald Halcon. " reside
- - 1 14- at 2625 Ealforni Eugene, Oregon, 15 CHAZitEN ' HILLER
- ~ You may procaed.
N -Mik iTELSON: Occupation: tencher; but . ro?evant, t' 17- - CHAIRMAM MILLER: Perhaps not<, n i i 18 , .MR.'MELSON: First I hava a atatenent I uould like 1 j' 19- to read, .pleace, from anothar individual narmd Annn. lina , t l' 20 Kennedy. j: i e= 21 , . CHAIRMNT MILLER: Who? Would you-spell it?
~' ! U, - 4 M R c H D L S O.ti: A-n-n-a-1 i-0-a, XendcGy, lib- the PI' .. .m i !
23' t.bigfboyiin Uanhington .1370 e Ea'st 25th Shmot, Et.igano,. -:Crngon f . , s n ,. , ,
-f '97403L 1 l25f . I ' ha .ve two copies.-
i '
- , , , t (4 ,
- r. . , r ..j
, . , .~ ,
I d 1 ,N , - I 9 g e t < r . .,
,,6, _. . n _ e ssi . - a ..Y--~ v-. As v v e wss, ~=w- =v-=rt '*"'u E = = ' ' * '"**'*d*'& **"'***~~***;N**^
,_. ~ , . - - =- . .. - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
l s. x s x n 4 s
,1302i 1 E
t'.l l i:,
.. y .c. I n mpb2,. - ' CHAIRMAU MILTER:: They will ha received. Thank ;
; Y*W . = . .
F "~ ~,. - MR dELSON:' This 10'Annalica's>statem?nt: ' 1 I> p
.~ "I art well.auare of the. Varioun assurancoa . )
i- 0 i
.that hava'heen preadited by the engineers brought j j 6' byfBochtel and Portland General Electric,:
f l1 7' specialistG' that Lapeak of STARDYNE tents, opera ~ j. j 1 O ! tional. basin and safe chutdoun caridiquaku atings l 2 . h [ i 0 measured in:G~gorcun,.spalling that won't occur, j 1 1 10 eg: cetera, I don't want to quibble tha.1' , i
- j. 11 statistico and technical jargon. To uce thex l ?
l .: I3 facts alone to juctify tho operation of tha Proy.n i j .-
- 13. : . plant?during:reconsbruction of'the control room F 14 in not valid,.. Thy concarna of this hcarinct arb 1'
- 15 '
health and-cafety, which cannot be mtacured onli , I :. i 16- . by ' STARDWID teata - and G- forces.
I, I 17 =
" Health is reasured by the wholenoco, the l 18 coundnenciof.somethings Hou accure, or frca 4 .19 ' 'from dangGr Something ia, rGflecta itL 5;1ft::ty. '
1, r. 20 -The Tro'lan Plant is not in good h&'.th et thic 23 tiMSI: 'in fuchf iN haU a TGCord Of.D00? OpOrD. bit i M ' DCO.1t le . ThC CORDrol ROOM 'at TIOjan O'riOdG to h0- , ~ m, , zeaobae umdmxeus, - m.1mm , m q:, 3 I 24 >b& abic Lto,.' perforin'its vital 'funetioria unaar - l' , i-k). g ', > l , ,~ - as' genvir.onmental stress that in known to be precant, i jf ;
? !
.a y' .i M,
g, r. . , ';
- o. ( .
, .i j } - ' j } ' \_'\j, e
c 3' h, i n _" ;;.. L.:.; ~ ._ :,_...x...J--.- s
' - - ~ - " - ' " .,* " ' "
' " " ~ >1
, ,-.- ~~. . . , , -- -- -- - - - - - - -~ - --...,,[ '
f T - - - - 7, , ' -, , '. r , e o. 4 y 3 . a 1303 t
t. J e ! I- ! g 1, ,:- , ! Jngb3 -"I:do;not agree with the prognosic of Erc v . m L" PGE' nna Bechtab that their pratient should bc -able 1 to function while they parform an oparation en.
its brain.."If they had acted toro rcSponcibly i 1 5 ' to begin with, practiced preventive nadicino e un [ '6 ~ would.not now ha faced with this cak.
The cara. E 7 and responsibility that thculd have r;uided their I-i
! 8-actions'from the beginning nead to be reinctitut-9 od to guarantco the wholenada'of tha Tro'an j ?lcot.,
10 "If error is to continue to be to1rst.;t.;dj l l M let un err on tho side of forbe.arance i Ucr] now i. 1. e t 12 Oith eure-~and secure the control room; ' 13 .take tho' time and effort neccccary to inatill, the ! 14 quality that han bocn 1cching;- than uith accuranca J
' 15 of work uall'donn e allen the pl' ant to function.
t [ 16 "I ack that this Im dono, ao ths.t all hl- I 3- ,. . I i 17 people concerned may'have co'a paace of nind in> i i [ 10- '.hnouing: that your bcat ef fort unn 1sado to gnur:- j 19= too our hon 1th and safety. 20 - "1v.~ina.liac . Ibnnedy o " t 4
- 21. CHAITp!An 111LLim: That will be recciv > am. P - !
ic 22, -put l'n. th6 tilos ! I.E t . 2
' 23. ?IL : TIRLSON: .First of'alle I'd like to Ops *: to n (
- F.C frsdor tihat a.;been goi~ng.around:ac.of:Inte. LI do not recaiva 2 '": h- - '25 '
10500Eto; appear here and.give'tostimonym .I think scasono has
-? . t 5 ,
I,' 3 4b }f . s 9, ":. ,
' f .~ ,' ,a . ,a., ., ,:. u .- - ad . .. . -- -,2 . - - 2 - ;--.c - " - - " - - - -
. , 7.. __,. ,_ _-_.,___ _ . ,
': y ,
-o i e
q, ,. .
'yjg4-i p 1 /
Lupb4 J- 9 mr$ confused'with.como other exports. W 2 lCH1tIRMMI MILLER: -I hadn't 'hsare the rumor, but l :' i p :3 Un ll entertain it now. i A l(Laughter.) I > i o
- 5: HR., MELSOM: But I'm accepting contriNticy: n t i
b ' (Laughter.) 7 MR. NCLSON: What compelled me to br b era today i [ G was not money, but fear; fear that the p accicion timt is L 1 0 going to ha made by Board in going to be har 15 on poli-a 10- tics and. economics. Lota of money b involved here, tremen-t 11 aouc amounts of nenuy. < i 1 J 12 . Ana .if hictory ic going to rcma.t :ttna10~, than the J C -decicion.will ha based on neney. t ) o .
1A It'c curious that PGE wants n to tolarn 6 un
.uncAfe condition while they repair the buildinn.
15 Ahr *: I i 4- I '
-10 corporations don't do that. They . call I.n the a: a, " hey s
!= 4 t 17 ' don't ask -- General Motors calls in the vehicina, m ' ' N;.7 1
- j. 18 don't nak pcopic to drive then in uncafe conditiomt, M !.
i 19 Osnta nu to darive our clectricit7 nimda -- if them el auch ! '20' noods - .from a faulty facility, i
- -' , 4 t
. ! t .q L- 21 , I :think there are enough riahn inharan': in the ' ~22 ' operation of nucicar power planto I think peoph t:rtc -d -enough riskri living by~thsn, downwind frop them, not to be j
s 240 expected. to"l carry additional ricks by having workera troup.' 25 .. faronna1the planti while they3ra trying to roctify all of the i ,
, .. )1
(. _ c_ m . . . -
_ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . . . ~ _. . _ , _ . _ _ _ . .- 4< -
(' g # ' pq . . 1305~ 7 v. - ' Emp1W,L T : numerouc deficiencioc -of that plants i r
[7'~; 2- Trojan has'bcen choddy.
-. The work in Trojan hac .{
3; Lbeen. shoddy;- It'n bcen chutdown;'itfs-hsd nore proh1nsa . j I' 4 from thatUfacility than we should. e::pect. Thcre he.o bnen a 4 p 5. lot.of money and time putinto that facility, and keap 6 . uncovering little things under the ruga., Tharc nre ceriouc : 4 f: 7- things. We're talking about the health and riafety of 'all o l 7 G people in'the Pacific Northwest. .And I'm concarned tha.t J j L 0 they're going to be starting up soon, p 10 I'm alno cencerned that the~inifore M on that this 11 relying on comes prodoninently frer: corporc% ions I
. [( )
s ..<
- h. 12' that have c. aciC-intarect in the outc m ~of the
. h mriwa. I 1
i . 13 Bechtel Corporation in providing a grea': the .k Sc:na- l 14 which '/ou aro going ~to basa your dec;11er. lachtel 1 3 1 15; Corporation'hna'celf-interonto; that's obvious to aiwe m., - I . . t 8 L 16 don't know if they should ba trustad to provide ade.quato i r '17 1 safe operation,.or safe adequate information for you to m1!m , h } j l 18 the accision.
! I L.
e 19 Wo'ra lookir.g at Trojar hera an an icolar >d inci-20 dent.. Trojan ic'not un. isolated incident, 95m typa of d. [ '21 ' situation ia parvacive throughout the nuc:1&r ir.auctry. They 2i ' declcin eternity in.the waste thdy creath nnd va don't have f
- 23 ' any wayLof ctoring or of dealing with that vauts an of m t.
r24: So on another point, I'ni'in opposition .to s cnt-up
- E 25 c(Trojan until they ; find out what tlicy're going' to do uith I
- +
l Y: a. , * ?
' .t ; ,1.- * \.
y_,._.,.... _ . _ ___.-__._ - _ __ __ I 3 t { k - [2j l w-. ,, f , t i
)p i 3_,
~. n f
, : 1306 o- 1
. n, r l' b f f f , n impb61 1 it his warto-cafd1pf?but I.guesa you're not horn to. decide that
, c 1 ..2: .isr,aeQ r .. - -
4; . l3; ' And 11haJe one'morc', concern - and I probably will I [. 4 7e overruled on iti huh I'm. going to.-present it anywan [ j H ,
-5 i would like the Commissionera to'indntify khat l f
s their particular' backgrounds are, and what your part.icular 6- [. o l T ; education and;past work hictorico are, so ther uhe . nbara - e 8 of the yancral public.can har3 a bottar view of th: indi"id-1- }~ l 9 ualc who.are going to mdko this accicion. t . 4
.1).. CHAImmH . MILLER: Aro ' Iou rcfarm ao ud l
(. 1 L 11 MR. 01ELCOU: Yoi, you'ta the Com . in ia n t :. a > > 3 l p 12- CHAIM11m MILLER: Well, since wa to Canair.::$ cnora, t-l 13 .se-thank you for the, promotion. , 14 - (LaughterJ t u a
- 15- 'CilAIRMTW MILLER:~ I hope it vcficets in our next J 16 paychecka.,
l: 4 17 (LaucthterJ
. . , ) i e . L, e
- 4 ,e & .. .%.= 4 4 5
^ .Safutylan Licencing Board pan 21. hav0 b' m a lwym:; i'va i i 20 chCOn in ' prCChiCD for n,HUDDOr OI yCr3 s ' ~ 7R.C h iC 2S l.'r1T j i f ,
21 :in Illinolo; I practicoO law in 1icchinithon, D L. c y1 are y ndo.-I joined. ho.NRC: Federal Goverm ont. i
2F I'va bca cr duci: ' .g N ) \ n 23 3rio m y s m in emmmm m ~ 1 . s n . pg i 4 , L257 fI.tvo(handled a number of caces- I'm apeakintf of -t t: 1
- - t i ;L
'{ < .V r rl , , ,a, 4.) : "l [4 N. , 'f '. ,,, }f 4 , , . ,
a' s. >. < ; ; .. ;
..;m 2 _ ,l,E --
M __ n__.____________.__.__.__ _______.________1 _u__'___C__.____.u___:_, ___..,___.g_;_,.a .,. , ._. ;. g,s. .R;_ J
-- -. - n- - - -- ---- - -
, !sg <
W > i ,,
,,, ' t.
1307, y w t
-) r .
l- 1 mpb7 1 (MRCitype,fantitrunt, HEPA inquiries, health and safety,c
}. - ]8 - . hearings ~in regard'to the construction permit applicationu r
' 1 . operating licencea, and the lihm. .
. 2
- l
' L 4 I'lllauk'Dr. Panten if he'll bt good-anaughto-give] -
' I us hin hackgroundo.
~ ] ! -DR. PA% TON: Ye.% . It goes bach quit; a u:r m . .I 1-t.
T'm called a nuclear physicint, nou catirca, nnd I n t 0 i for the laat aldost three decades I've corkc6 et ~tha Las Alamo 9 S Scientific Laboratory, tiy field haa heen critical w parincata 10 and nuc1 car criticality cnfaty. l 11 I'm precantiy juGt n' consultant to the URC, , i 12 'MR, HELGO3T: i Thank you very much, l
! I3 ' That's all I hhva to Amy, other than that I hope j -1 14- :you maho' safety the prirmry issuo in thic hearing, nonny.
15 Thank you' vary, very much. . 1 10 ctyaryuinn nIfJ.En: Thank you. [ v; ]'. l 1
- 17 (Applauan.) l 1
18 CHAIRMLN-MILLLR: tiho wishec 2:o go . ::t? I t. l
. .w - ;)
s .1 cone,ronward, picano. 20, Spell :your nam, pleans? 2! 'LI!iITED APPEAPAtiCE STATENENT OF CAME5 Dm1I'MiU., I-22 ~RE!iID%T, .GLUEIDALE, OTWTO'?
-l 23 - : MR., DU!iITRU:. My nano-ia clamen Dumitru; the 2.::.nt. !i .I I '24. . na.s 'is ' 1D-u-mbi-t- r. a. . . And I'. liva in 'couther. .n 'ong.. on -i l
_ 25i :Glendal~ok ! l '1
- j
-) lj y
- d. ,
v< , i;,
- [ . .) .
t / 3
' ~ -
( , z
'r' NK j i.!)i q
! s i y 4 t 1303' mpbS.' I Do I understand then that you cra act rormincionera m. 2 of-'the Nuclear Regulatory Cortuission? ' 1 CilAIPJIAN MILL 1:R: That's correct., 4 There aro fivo Commincionorn who are PrecidNcial
- 5 appointcan, cubject to confirmation by the Senate. Their b
offices are in Wanhington, D.C. And tm are ncsicro of the 7 Atomic Safety and Licensing Board panol, of which there are 4
- r. l
[ G lawyers and acienticta. The panel nembers are dr:w t U1 era-i.; 9 frem. I i 1 l 10 i An attorney, called the Attorn mahairaan - I'm I 1-q 11 , n also an administrativa law -indge - pres:u!.x nad m&:s rulinga 1 l l 12 and the othar tuo micra are technical pernomio!., el.thnr l i 1 th 13 cngineering - nu in thic case a physiciat and ,m cnel cc ar. C
-14 Mn, DUMITRU: >
Thank you, 15 Living out in the hillo in sotr@eri 02 oc;c i ; j 8, , 16 ,i
- wan nuare that hearings-vero trying to be echcdu3ed; cut tin !
l e 17 last I heard they wara going to b9 in Salem u a tiin I 4 18 was attending conathing elea' here in Portland. j- 10 I came here
!~ to ettend hha P,iccon', arnion con f.en.mee; ;
- t.
20 which were at the Sharator in the last !!cw <'_ n , a nd I juct P 21 heard-about thic; ' t."
.i 22 .I have' been concerned about nucJ.c:u powar for
- i. ,
i 23 . sovarnl years now, co I .cctic right owr,
;24 CHA1RMhN MILLER: Glad to havo you. ; ;is . ;
MR. DUMITnU: .I'll ba atraight with you: my fealint 3
), i k
,2 i
__,,,___l_ __ , ,_,;, , , ,.---e--e--
. - - , , _ _ _ _ - ,._ . - _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . ~ ._.
f,? ,.a. s 13097 i p itnpb9 l' is that I.sould like all'of them'to be nhut down. 'I feel - 2 - that- they are - n terrific ~ gamble cn the safei:.y af ou:1 uholo l ,3-race for. future gonorationnf you know, longor forward than : {
'4 civilization ~has even been recorded.
), 5- So any move that you can unko uhich would nlow 4
'down, give tho' public an. opportunity to 'sne it Ecr what it in ! ~
I. E ! t. . n t b 7 and not push the richo any farther than they already are 'l
- j. g.
's 8 heing paahed,.I would urge you to b D I would urge you to make nnce that io can he cc s 1 10 it can, becanoc my fear 10 that - un11, to c. cart l. i' I. 11 from another place, I balievo nuclear parer vill : 2. .,,::opped , i 1 . 12 I think that if un arc not able to stop it in C H ,h o u:- I j- 13 ' demonstrati. ar or education or votes, v.v u nvwr, you 7. rme, p 14 coming frc:. that anglor eventually there in going to 'M ,
- i t i 15 mistake that is going to co
- ::t Go nany livaa that i t;: n ricing
- 16 to be obviona.- 3 i.
4 / [ .1/ The public is going te rico all over the world i i 18- and demand that they be shut down. ~ And'I hope ua can ot;op i e ! 1' 19 'it beforc tha't happens. 20 Go I'm asking you to be as cautioun as you can { 4 i.- 21 with it no that it doman't httva to cops to th t.
'E2 Thanh you.
Thmak ycm i~~- 23 .CliAIRMAN MILLER: i7 24 .(Applauseo)' i: ' c-25 CHAIRMAti l HILLER: Who wishea to go nz":fi? i i 1 i 1.,. _# 8 f,
.2- f . . . :.u . :- . .. a.w. - . . .-...a ~ -
o . . .g . _m -: ,
.! c u ,
s , c, l 1310- +
i .. .1 4
- t. . .4e -l i r b '{
i smpb10' T Plause coma forward, h
) , . . i l 't ' ,: ' 4') )
,5 yl
[ :1134 R 2ND GTDERT, EUGEtiR, oi E OM, 97402' 4 MIb LYKCH: My namu is Tom Lynch) and'I livi at i. 1 5 1134 E 2nd Strost in EMgene, Orogon. -( y P 6 - To .begin with it- disturbs me comuht W n . son' l t 1 j l 7 limited appearances: bacn unparated fran Oh. ongoing
.j k
j i
- j. 8 proceedings andL placed, you' know, like af tc the firr . tin x
- i. . .
l 9 days, because there' c ' a' lot of people -~ho 'I wanted e c '1L l i 10 to who wouldL have been there had day bu,, hold ae the ':ag-nou becan se thov 1I inning of the hearings but who a::'c not har .t l 12 knew that all they'd have to nit through linier- apnear~ 4 c. i g- 13 anaca r and puople 'like Mart HithEs and F'texo Lay f roia M3E,
. 14 .and peopic frox Bechte.1 who I would have 'iik 6 to hm apokt:n
! 15 to,cbut who ara not here, lo I think thac's one of thn n . Y l s i i; 1G important reasonc for putting the limited appe rancon at l l 1-j7 the beginning,Lso that overybody?c dere a u;ar '. M her g- 4
,s s
L 18 than juct-a few peop1b Who .eal_like chey h m to ha p ,
- l. 19 'f alco think that .thero should m m'ac'md . tion lq .q 3 ..
1 . . i- .
- . 20 made:for'peoplo who work regule.r hours rc .
l? .- 22- testiniony. ' A: lot of 'the rhataric that' a direc9 4 gainct 1 j,? ? 23 i th.e-anti-nuclear movcaent,has to do vith people be'ng na- , .! ( , t ,. -24 Lemployed: and enLwalfare = and food ctuaps and all thc.t Uud of 1 j.< - i::
.g. Intuff, and that"probably;it's'the indication the.t the hearings l^
i t
U . t 5 4
=--; . , .r. ,F fI .'.." . f l . . . ;
i .. , . . ~ . . - .
- - - - ~ ~ . - - , - .-
..s. n pn.. .-..--~....-..7 -.yn - o , . .q . ' s
') ' h' im m.) ' .
. . . c S ~. mpbl1 V . wero :only hold 'in tha .uty and : people chou .up nant mean timr. u :'e -) 4 . i . ,a . , n;
*b ~ ~
del .' e 4 41 ' 4 & a e b 4
- a - b 4, ., -
in"thG-QVhnind.. for WoridiUCT c,DGoplG sto atc'Dd th2t you 'd 9-%L f - E a different porspect33c.
1 ..
,' d I also would liho to entend my ism & to o the ,
p l , .
. people who ara heing Ititorvanora becaune I realim thac #
7 they are doiny no without any hind of payment untcocvat:. e . !
,!j nub it'C.QukDS-E COnCidCrab10 kUGNu .
SDd 1 MOnd$r hoW D3ny. 'I - 3- of tha people who cr6 hero defending th 5.'roj n PlMt WOuld >
f - M, i 10 be hara' defending the Trojnn Plant ura they not being paid - 11 to do so. t a i' ' !lE I L think that would be vary intems ting co cea. I 4 l 13: ' W0ndcr if yOU gentlG10n Yould he h al0 if yGU Ucra not paid [~ s 14 . to ha hero,,no many othe1. people tre. } 2 b tai w ,. a)* , Cn bI " ['dtObCN h#; rdA e J n, 16 !On February 7., I?76, thrca ocianiI. m ,. D i I
#1 b i r ',~
17 isridgnbaugh,; Richard IIubbard and Gregorf nine, reaica , 1 3 i l s. MJ frCill i.hdir PO91tionMWith OSnerel ElCctric Co'Faar. h [ , {' j 1D- testimony before tha Joint CoWxtoa on Atomic I.:nere,1 they - 4 v. 4
.}.* .
i' 20 listed among their rencona ^ hat, >The nuclear :arutry hac ! ) fv 21 dwelopcd to become an indu=ry ' of nr:nou apaci ,li c "r . cach L e 22 promoting and refining._ a-' fragmelit o:? Lthe tachnology cinh littldcomprehension of the totn?. impact on our ucrid cyctem "' Ih
- s, -
P.Jj i-I L.. ' 24 . It)is my fceling dhat one of the prim.rj factora- ~ i
y ,
- 25) for thcLeontinued. expansion:of.tha n961 oar power industry in 1 d'
o$.- e ...
..(. ')'
t 'N W.!..
t - , ,i , r-
- b' , ,.p. ., g,- 2[.' .. . ( ^ ;[ .. (b ..._,-__.____-.-,_-,.s .--.~....,,.--h-.- s,-~,- - , ,., l
- ni, ' y;wi; ,
t 11312 , l I i mpb12 lidh't!of'the nany~and;cerious quections of~hcalth, c;2cty,. .l
-2 ' economics and jobs which have haon raised equinct it iu tN o' fact that wontorn technological 'cociety, of which %c nuale*.r L ' ..
' . 4' l industry ic no doubt noar the Ichding;odqc, han cu.ccumbud to , h-
"- 5 the: cult of cpacialization.
1 p 6- I hope that during the procent procca. dingo you - : n l 7 throo men;of the Atonic Safety'and Licensing Donrd will not i 8 succumb to this cult. Unfortanittoly it acomo that the very D nature of the pocition in rhich you now cit dicts.har that- .; 10 you .vicu only one narrow band i:c. the vast spcatre of:thic r ! -11 cituation.
- 4. .
il 1R I am not sura if you era required, er mur:9y find
-13 it convenient to limit uhe. cenpa oi your inn Hr" m one
[ t 14 specif2.c topic.. That is, tho inherio opom cica of the , 15 Trojan Pirmt prior to repairn which would recucn i, to r n-- 16 :plia'n'ca with tha law., 7.. 17 I am going to ask you to atts pt u vic, [: this iscrel , t 10 frc:n a wider perupective than that. I could like you to try 2 [ 19' to 006 it from the vicwpoint of those of un who hava uttched 3 . L. 20 PCE operate: the Trojan Plant for ~ cavornl yeart now 4
. - 4 . + , 4 - + d af . o I .b 4
, .2$ roCDJOt po1ikiCO1.CaUpai9nc CDS ChC 8bCobuI @.Y b18t EC biOc I'
I l23 E'hich PGE hac indn' perpatrating against nave ra.? 00 the ballo? E , M Ee - 4 ee se * - 4 e e6 4 f W em. % -
+I6 +. 8 e e** 4 '" Wl^'b F ^ +'
- l. _
- 25 ,v a cy.,
.y-I s l'
i 'i g p
/ k. '- f :--
l t
. . .... . _ _ _ . _ _. _ _ - _ _ ._ _ _ _ _ _ _. -_~_.,7__._.____
e . -t 3 i 1313 ,; l r; , .l . 7 L 'mpb13- If thio violation of the le.v ucro the i'irat 2cr i -l_ l PGE it might be'renconable: foi: you'to view the.requeou for. 3
- k. intorim operation in a' favorable nannaro I have placed into H.
_ i, the: record a number of' news clippinga and reports which Z p v 3 have been'able to collect in the pact few daya. i I'm:curo a 1 p G more thoroughilint of Trojan michapc.can ho obtained f! rom 7' L the Oregon Dept.urtment of Energy, if you're interentud. 1' O
- g. Ao an . indication of my' point I'd lika to criote 9
from a lettor written by Frad Miller, Diz:octor of tF Oregon 10 h Dopartment of En?rgy tihich was acnt to PCE _ n 1' t {
.U incident last spring in which two workdra at Projuc r./:aivod i-
. { I2 tha highest exposura to. radiation avcr at a ccn.A cair7 U.S. .: <, t r 13 reactor: g u I4 "This incident raiseo questions about nafotv r 15 - - - 1>
- p. or plant op6 rations cua, an conjunct: ton omher i.
4 . j 16 similar incidents, about PME*a mismanagemant of
~ 17 Trojan,.
i' 19 "The Dapartment of Energy b21!evea that thu t 19 [- high radiation done to Trojan pornannel on Ap ril 5, j' l p - L 20 1978, ranulted from como of ene'ndma tactore that V t a-21- have contributed to previous inci&ints at he ,
.t p -- 22 plant."
L L'
- 23. Further:
24 "The Department of Energy han.previously I-
) ~
J25 discucced with Portland General Elect:dic the i.'
j D A f
-_a=--_...-----__-- --
, - c ,. .,m - .- --, ,--.-. . - - . . . - - . - - - - . -, . . - ,
' -:91" L
! ). ;t. i . 'l r p' .' '
%' .-\-
~. ,
, . ,-) j>
4 "..s 5 1{
' ~
i 1 tr ,o, , < .; , , f.
' !* - J l5 ?hpE14l
- 11mportance of thorough: corr &ctiva.' action for even l r -,
cmall problems before largar probicma dhvclop; - In b l
' 3 '- - ]-
i LSeptember, 1976n the Dspartannt of Energy c:preacad - l I- 4-l2 Litri concern ah'out Portland General incet'ric'c appar- s e , i , .e
~nntylack:of. aggressive identify Ge root f f
i cpuse of personnel contaminations.- The iriportance q 1
7 ot tin.s pallocon. F n y wan Ocmonceratad in- Furmary, 0 1977,1when parconnel contaminationa providod.ently 9 warning of a liquid hold up tank failurm VI: ? s s I M' failed .to identify bluz unde.r2,ying etune of thb can-a i i . 4 . i. b nb a n . .b , =bb hb [1 bb k . I). ..' . l-- g { p- l p f.or several c%ays bat. ore the prm1cm us. u, .,r::a < m s. t a
"TrOj"1n PCrGORRO1 F EO r,"S PDM S .blf., for i5 d-- !
( i .-
@ 'tifying thq need for and'dnDigning an adcqntte a
F -10 radiation survcy, df an cdaquatu survey had ' on ! l i 4 >1
.A. g4 h .I . A 4. 4.e - e = ' er r e- J .-
No } rM.?O OCCUrfGda . sed 3J1r3y .i.n MC'tVN9 ?' , 1OUr i. N all'four COntainDGMt prog 5nrG dGtOctorG Era found ' l og - . .c 1
- to .na capped r.or nx mont. nam i i
N TrojnD haf CXPST'ibr.CCd Chronic $30ig?f D ' S ii- , -, .OdCid nt UCQUCUCOr fdi1UrkCc On Septmber 10, 1P~7, jf [ - 2s- tnmpemmme a mr mgmas stc _ ., e :
4 I
- h. L 3 Nhb U; Corr 6CtkVUldCtkOn' web nOt '3DOCb3DNlIl 4n 7 d*' !
k r
.2s ww eie pronzem oceg1to rat = eseermmce, <m t" ,
n l: d k l- s u ,d ' e pS. i
-/, ,
t ;
,b- ,
za ,. , L if. - 1. .'.
> - - v ., . - (. . ...._....,; ,.u.,_ . . . . , ~ . . . _ -;_____ _ _ __ -- -
~ . . __ _ _
'l ? .273. ,t t
r mpblS ' I October 16, 1977, t.h-3 no furth v decign o e1Ne- ! tion was necan'mry, cnoth::r DBA .s Tm " ' - 1 1 f 4 1 3 uro occurred on Tanuary 30, 1973.' f 4 PGi?.'c operatien of 'lroj na U2:, 01c0 - /lu a A iv - 4 r J i. various other organientionn Collc;Jin el ~-u' ' 3 :. h
' oc a:: .
l 6 In a.Mition to um ;;aua incident. ca.'. :ic sc tt -? ;a r fi
? '7 4 4 .g~ I he c';u:.: c, rl c r ::;";:a >~'
scientlsts arouno= 1. - t . . l I U formar health phyciciut, Ron ?.h h r n , T bich ~ <
J ' '/ t 97
With thO S!" TiOU i G P O GE.i'r O^ < si n U " ? C r u , E '/ - i 10 vverely criticir:S by n:- SL o- Tol f' o
Es ~ tit .
~' - - " nh! t .
l , 11 Group cud Richtrd Pol.lrs ' of Crc;ics.1 "' . I ~ . '.r} ec ,, I i i end 12 ! MADCLON ; i
>s 13 ! i O,.'~,RD l,U. a"*
>< k 11 6 i ]
y d 1 1S < -
. j I: } a 1 2 i i
j ! i L i 1 m'e o i ft s ID , I i il 1U i ' l :l [eN,, i
'l '
- i t i 21 J, !
d Q .. 4
/. . '
O f , nn I i1 60 'l 1 i
- s l
8 3p i f ll m t -1 i i O ' 40 (
}l g <w-- ---u-
, 1 l ,- , . g iWRB1com .1316 j. l IfisMPB.
Y I I i klh .cb11 L A letter cent by theco two man to the Ena ntat :a n , p
..2 .thati l
3 "The April 5 incident in the latw t
. .I 4 of a series of. system-wide accidenta that h a u F S . taken place at.the. Trojan plant. An auch, it 6 raises profound questions about the adogaacy of a
- 7 PGE's operations and procedurce....
- - 0 .- "A
- review of the operation of tha-0 Trojan facility reveals that this typt of acci-10 dent fits a racurring pattern that is crerging
'71 at the plant. 'i mC' reporting docenents from the 2
e 12 period of the last tuelve months dducloce thab t j 13 the Trojan plant has experienced at le:ot 30 + u minhaps. Several of theco acto cf non-ccmplianac g 15 with' federsl . nafety requireraanta appem: to h w I 16 .bcon cunacd by cyatenatic procedural arror'or . 1
- jy 'dofectiva. monitoring proceduren." !
[ Lc2 - - ja These~ criticians follow uhnt 4s only nb
- Os t. t 2
19' .'recent" accident'at Trojan. The subject of: ';hece heanngn k i , 20 notwithstanding, ono:uonders how many other incidnatn Jould ' L, t I hj have occurred betyden 74pril Sth and now had tne picnt not ,. I [' . been. closed.during that period.
- . 22 l:; And of courst -there are c:ther problem with p; '23. -
g Trojan. .Prioroto Trojan's going critical, tbe reactor vaasel lf y ?
;2k) wasisubjected to a .600 percent- overpransurination as s a result p
- 1. '
I. . ;r.. 3; ,
> 9 i .,%. o. ie . . . . _ . , ... _ ,
.. _ . _ __ ~ . _ . ~._ _. . _ _. _ _ _. _ .. _ .... . _ . _ .. ._ _ . - .- .. ... ,. _ _ , _ ,. . _ _ _.. _ . _ _ _ . ,
' I 1317.
i 1< . L 'eb2 , .I ofi operator error. and; equip: cent malf tmchien. Conne ns Mada n f- , . . . 1 by Karl' Morgan suggest that this combination of low ta- s: a-r: I., 3 ture/high pressura conditions um/ bo the v:orci, r:chellurg: al 9 F-
.- 4 . case to which n' reactor vessel can be subjected.
d" 0 Between July 1975 and June 1977, there were 91 a:? port- ] J (! I able occurrenced reported to the NRC, : netween Dacetar 19'75 [. / and Juno 1977,-Trojan exparienced 40 unplanned ahutdowns. .c
.On August 21,[1977,'13 of' Trojan's 53 control roda failed to I ~8
- l. -l v-j '9 operator'commenda.
L.' 10 I'm sure the list of Trojan foulunc couln go on, b I 11 but tnat'c what I've been able to dig up in et lan i: few 12 days. i g- 13 Some roasons for theca luroble with ai sn R > i r i [ 14 be explained by an article. published in Janucr; .d 1:GS by { ! L { 1 h 15 Oregon Timea. 71 few oncerpts from tre art'cic n.y i llus tra te 4 4 16 its profoundly prophetic ir. sights, i [ 17 Under the heading of "Dechtel's nuug.1;""' t I 18 " Criticism centera around nachhel i.' . j 19 Corporation. Hired by P E As architect-on anow , e 20- for Trojan,'Bechtel hec c cor,t-plus contracc i vith PGC; - that :u , a profitiia guarantw1 em han
- 21. t .
i 22 of. whatever it cocks to put up the' olant. As for 43: ! quslity., whatever parces PGE'o muster is good 4 .
.. 24 i jenough for.Bechtel.
'f Bechtel Corporation in .a gian t in the.
w i f
...~..s:..-. . d L i .._ .;_.-i.-_.-..a.__,.Ja..____._..
_ _ - _ . . . _ _ _ _ . . - .,m.....~-.........,._...._._.;__-,___,_.;,
. ,_ __.,..m,. . m .. _ __ , . _ . . . _ . <= ,n rm.
e) m "p, w .,319 , y v-l p: > ( )l l
. ob 3 ; ~
! field with-thoucando of nuclear contracts:. running [ ; 5 K2. - Tconcurrently and many more cigned. Critica.of
- t. . t li 3- Ebchtel's performance at Trojan. nav that the ace -
I f
.h pany is overextended and arrogant, that it in a-t 5 . prodigal spender of.PGE'aimoney but parsimoncoes l 6 .with'its own. ' Cost ic'aimply not a factor out .
I i ,< 7 there,' said a field inspector." 0 If you notico, none of thego useple 's nuirm arc 9- given because they aaked not be re c71ed i to when.they talked'to tha roporter here, to protact i:he r oua jj safety. 12 "'Cocb is,airply not a factoz out 13 there, said a field inrcpactor. 'Un rmdel a , 14 cmall ditch to catch surfaaa 1:n!;n " ming , I i: p: . off a hill next to tae-fuel and building. l
qs They put in n' canal'uith cement reinforcing, ty An'expencive concreto and brick pinna for tha , 18* Administration Building was no sooner corsolated - 1-39 -than it van torn up to run acmo pipe t. car to ic 20 Dachlorinization Building.' E" = pj.. "On~tlio other hcnd, Bochtal ftold in-g spectors are 1.unang the worot-paid wo: ':ers x he l 1
. 23. job? You neo Bechtel eds all over the amitrf.
., .You wouldn't many ads if thov vere .n. aid a - !
I , ,
- 25t ; decent: Wage. Lcw vages mean marginal perconnel.
' r I ' .r ss _ ; .kn + -
m, ,& . -
-.3~ _ - - + . ~ , , - . - -..-_. -- _ -.- -- .------.-----L--------~
-1* I ,-[
f 1319- !~ i f ob4 1- '"One welder said the-. inspectors won'.e b A' 2 inako the controveraial decicion. They follow the i 3
'pl'an long'after it is obvious that it w< ,1' t T . j ,
f' ,s [.
- LI When everything is ' hung wrong and .overyone can c 5 . see -it won ' t work , it. goca back. up dtrough c'a c d-U' chain'of command until it rdachen coraeone who will ,
h j 7 do acraethincj about it. i : 8 "The absence of compet n t field in~ l v I
- , .O spectors is doubly'significant aa Bachtal een* l
, 10- hava 1een riddled with finws. In engineer hem a ! i i 11 aubcontracting unit said, I can't counL the nwaber i, < r ' 12 ' of detailed errore on working plans I've ?ound.' '
- i. .
i 13 He cited work he had just completid on raposition- j . 14 ing a transfer tube uced in r.oving' fuel in a.ud out i 15' j- of the reactor. S'ho tube had been p3 sccd in < ccord-t )' 16 ance with decigns but ita collar would noi . tn ,' i a 17 with previously insunlled rack.;; it unu tdn o incha b 1G Off-I 19 "A surveyor said morte of the a :ip l: l 20- Inent isn' t even referenced according to m g: d ; t jr p >c ~ 21, system. There ic no way to preparly alte . b '- 1 i> 1 . ,, i: m
- c. s .
causo t.nere is no specli.,uca rasition on the p,unt L - 23 :"If Trojan flops i t vill no t im !;c i el'a 2$1 'first fianco. .According to The /all Strauc ocurnal } - h;.. !
, .25 on ' October 8th, Concumers l Power Company of I'ichigan i 3-4-
f- , I ,$~- , p
'N >
i ('" - i'
- w), - . - . . - .- . .: - . .a._-... - . . u . . =_ . -. n-
,.., ~;.. . - - - ,. - -. - - - - _._ _ _ __ ,1; M > .x.>. '"
- > t 4
( n o. r
- h. ? cb5.1 il Lia suing.nechtc1:as'the. principal: defendant in k ! tf ' ;. 3 2 'at$300 million $2it for d.amages'rcaulting fuca ,
[ 3 alleged 1 faulty work at 'ita PalisaSca Muclear Pcw L[ : 4 Plant. This plant, designed to pucance 021 mag: - ; o . .
5' - watts, has operated at 35 percent capecity since a 6 going comx.orcial in December of 1971." D 7 He further goes on'to diucuas tha 1&or situc- ; O tion. s
.9 " Labor trouble hns further contributcd s
!. -10 'to cost overrunc. Wildcat atrikes have been a regu~ I
- 11. -lar feature, uith. safety the most frequently cited 1
12 reason for welhoute. Scid one old hand, Pcu i fear
-g 13 the constant call of the wobblo' bird aue thare.'
I l- pt Pipefittern in particular are fairly militant. 15 The largest portion - of ( '1e work foran coi: 4
. frcen t
to the . electrical and pipofitting unione . (n < > ndent I - jj ,scurces report that.both unions took af ercvry 30 ' positions from the beginning.- g , l i ,, 19 "According to PGE's.?!anager of Unclear
, 20 Construction, Mr. Steinar,'the unions obliged
', 321 1them'to hire' dregs befora sending out relicb k , a ~ trorthwhile, energetic worhcra. Steiner said the
' 22 '
. g'
23 p. unio.ns rorced PCE to hi:a 'not only unproductim ; uorkers; from the innodiau area but also importad '
.24 ~ . . '25 rejects and' picked up travelers that nobody else f Is s 4 ...(,-
} '! ?
z -- u +
- m .;
$2_ y
i' .l
,,)., , ...J.
ob6 1 wmited . 2 "Consequencly, Staincr s f:, j 3 Trojan prTject hac been noticaably we m ~1 , O 4 labor productivity in compm icon to am oi L ' i L
- S West job he har seen . ' !? m ive f-ahlm " .
C N k). 7 I b. . bb .. k k [) . b .> - b [3 . . O .I II i 7 Trojan, the development of a n , art fo' , <nong 1 6 I 0 the workers. F o r p i p a c i i. t o r>; c ' d '.n:l f m:3 , f url-I, f,
* # E ,f - ' .
c . . a u. ...t . .s .a u" , s.~ r$ j j $
.x, . . , c. . . - .-
- m j t
. () .
a , ,, . l 'e & . .
.) . kI de. (1 ) ./. . .b d e i N M )
. [.3 53 , f $ .- .
a 6 s - y.
' .% $ ,.,.4 4 4 I ' *
- e .
[ f.
$3 " }D71 d t ' l ' l y '2 7, , an : l d .' ; '
0 3.' . , 14 much difforant fro., untuday ic cn e cre ~ , ' m, 15 maapt that they are n >id .1' ,- Sour, m na 10 mahO huch. LOD. { ( { 7/orker disenchantv :a + j r u...~ioc % c 17 l 3 ja in omall things. Jal?< 2mide Ga "7 act are CplCO Cl Ul tN grO f_f(l*Cl j9 , , f R O f-: C G7 _ D Ub[> F/I3 th010 .JY 20 directed a: pens!.blo lici.aont m t Mn '.m .1ini;~ m i f og '
~ and goats. -With litt3e '1p:21. D' a :, 6, C:7 4
e ' ' '
/ . 4 .. . . . = .. 6 s O .w .mmm 1m= mm ,
m.m. , 9).b OOC Cb bn l Il ,~ ' id . . CL I ' 1I+ '* {f, !p . O 25 chaped copper tubes, :cprocen tin:; :an L a of , s " -- l t i
- 7 . ,
.',t E
( 1322-' I t ' L y eb7- 'I was destroyed during a ni.ght chift by someone T i j 2 [ wielding a sledge haraner. .
3' "One cubject of frequent spaculatien i.
" 2 A concerned the. pressure resistanens Ecchhol would- I
' '5 . discover when.thuy flushed.the milas oF pipes in t the plant prior-to activating the reactor, r:orkers a
- 6 L L 7- talk about obatructions having been wolded in'.11 tin ,
j-0- the pipes. It may just be. talk but th( h.ct'Bhat [ r i, $- D' thie ' hind of spaculation doesn' t raise eyebrmes 10~ among laborers says comething abca. the extant of 11' their alienation." i. il F i. 12 The conclucion of the article contairc a con-g 13 siderably. prophetic statement I think. [. , ll I 14 "Meanwhile the work drags on at Projan j
' 15 au the Colu'nbia flows' by full of its wintcv b urdan ,.
16 Looking over the mazo of unconnectsd wire and a I , 17 atainlesa pipe dripping in the rain, one worker t {, scratched his head and chrugged, 'I 'rl't c.h * ;k ; l 18: ' i , ll -
-this thing will ever start up.' An 03 der n*n, c {
L 19 : ii : ; i L 20 pipe springer, as. the pipofitters call thw alvec, ,l 1 ' u. 21 :1 coked up., 'The prob 1cm is, what if ;' do c * ' " ; l I~
. 22 -There's a copy of this article arnut % .a -23 . documents, l . 24-If the recent Trojan problens - nith f ailure of !
[- f, 25; 5 the, control room and other cafety related cauiprJent to
, 4 t , _ lff' , <\ f
[:f , y .C, . . _ _ _ ._ _ ;;_ u,,, _ _ _ , _ , _ _ .
rn. .- -,- -- ----- . - = - - - - - - . - - - L, 1
,, N , ' '3 ? , {, g f 1323 1 l ~
feb8. 1 comply withDNiiC regulations were an ~ is al'ated incidea b, ono 2 'might'.be:judtifiediin allouing the plant to continua interim 3' operation and granting that degrea~of trust bo W' 'md l 4- Bechtel ., : But-it la my contention that neither POP nor b 5- Dechtal havoi shown Lby tl:ioir past record that they ro ' do-- c j 6 ' serving of auchctrust. e j 7' I h' ope that the. racmbers of the. Atc nic Euf aty and - i B- Licencing! Board'do not succumb, an so many-other HRC end F E 9 nuclear industry people have, to the cult of specialization. [ 10 An Wendell Bprry puta it in hia .newes t book, The itncorelinq
; j111 of America, "The discace of the modern chexacter ir 1
12 apacialization." .i . I 13 'I hope that the recabors of the Ate <,; Stety .n d
'14 Licencing' Board have the wiudem to vion'thi:: e r ,uc. c i int.>cim 1 .
- 15 operation in a broad manner, noting the full iup.1u ationn of 4
4 10 the decision which you have boon entrusted m Cm. " hic 4 i' 17 decision involves tens of nillions of dollara and rco.uidar-a' 18 able' corporate prestige. , 10 'However, if the membare of the Atonic Bnfcty and 1
.20 Licanoing' Board choose to refueu PCE permiacion for Interar
, ~21 'operatipn of Trojan, this decision will be viewed as ese l ? withl broad rainifications extending .well beyond . the cabpa of ; l l 1 - g3 - thin' particular hearing. And if-the Atceic Safoty and 4 r -
.4, e- ! 'Licsnsing' Board choosos to do, as I feel is the only'visb- 3' 1 a.
25 : decision 1they: can maka, to demand a comploto and independent j t 1 O ?- i sF. ll ! (. i i 4
.. .. .t ag > +-
r e e6.e,d
-&r---- t
_ - ,-.sf+n
p,; nl . i 1 , ), .
'1324- ;
- f-1 t l7 .
i eb9 11.- c'afety review of the entire Trojan complu by F grx;.of j. 2 competent people with no.monotary or ego nethcha van ::o 'the l ,. _. 1 -outcome of.'their findinga, then we may.yet havc co man to 4- believe 'that' we' will- survive thic. vory caricut and real 5 nuclear threat to cur. survival. I-3 6 IL' hope that you rocogni:" the importance of the 1 7 decision before ycu. I wish that I had the power to make O cuch a decision. IL hope and trust that you vi31 use thah l 4 i I 0- ' power wicely'and to .the banofit of all of us, no; " rely to , 1-10- the racnctary benefit oE a i'cw. 11 I would further'like to ev Phat Z've cea hear- i f ! l l
.12' ing that the only inaua that these haar2ngc are E R O'uith '
g-4 . 13 is health'and scfoty, that need for prue: ir no t to b . con-- 14 an iscue and cost Ja not to be conci&c ad a nn i 15- issue, but I think it 'c obvicua that even the mou t chaunchly 1 1 16 pronuclear supporter uould' have to m;rce tha'; ' ualear l 17 plant that is not operating ia, marginally a? J.o n c t , aafer 10 thanLa nuclear plant which in operating. And therefore, 4
- 10 the need for power, or suppocad need for powcr, and the h 20 cost factor 'must be. incorporated .into there smacMMre 'or 21 the planta uould not be.licenro5 to opo_ ate in the first
. 22' ' place , . ond it . would j us t bo obvictm 6 hat yon 10:0d kntp th e j
[ . . w w .n.iant closed down.until at Iceat it una M cu'.On no tt rho . I t* 1, n ! 1
;23 ' standards.
- - .'E .O -
. 2y !So I think;that need for power.and cosu m:c f l -
) 1 p-
_ . . . . . . . . . . ~ ..-
,. .._ .-~ . . - . . - - ---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - -
.,,..-._w.e,,.,,-,.- .-..-.. - . ~ . . . - . - . . . - - - . - - - - _
{~? Y
.. , 0 it ,
'"R ' ' '
1325- 1 1 ., t .'l !y 1 p lebl0 1 'boing concidered but they.aren't~being discussed. I think-
p i f 1 the reason for.that is that there in no need for Trojan'c F- -3 power.. The plant-has been shut down sinco laat narch, and. ; E R4 - we've'had absolutely no brownoutc,.nobody's light has conc . l l
'5 out, and there has been no, economic cataatrophe. All the j k
!. G~ things they predicted would happen havo not happcnol. i- . i .L7 The only reason PGE wanto tha plant turn A on l l T I is-becauno their utockholders cro Uct edtry,. j
- I
> ; 8 I 9' I thciy've got this : investment, they 'vc ' got their prem: ige on !
- l I l -- 110 the line, ~ they've got this cocond largest nuclear plent in i i
the westorn world and it's not' running. ; And I 'ha.nh tbay are l 11 ) 1 L 12 considering those iconos in caming and anking you gentleman , 4 I i
'g 131 to be allowed to operate the plant.
L -14 .They are considoring the cost to them and yet , .[ 15 ue're not allowed to discuco these kinds of costa and got i 10 those on the. record and get docutaontatica en tha coots and i e a l j7 need for power. And I think if you're only going ta con-
- 1 13' sider health and safety, than there is absolutely rm renaca o
19 for.the plantLto be turned on because iC only nonlth .a6 20- cafetyjis considered, you havo to agree that it'n t.afer L 23- shut. 22 Thank you.
' l E T 23:' (Applauso.) .
1 1 24 CHAIRMAN MILLER: Tnank you,
L ,. i 1_ -
- 25 r '
Who'siches,to'go'next?' - i y f ' i ,1 l s ~
. . , . . . __ _ .,__y . , _ , . . __- . _ , , . . . - . . ..__... _ . . _ , . _ _ . . . . _ __ _ _ . _ _ . _ . _ _ . , . . . # a I
.s4 -).
4 .. i i 1326J J
.l1 h l
( l'- . . ..
'f '
lflIfagbl~ . -LIMITED: APPEARANCE STATE!ENT OF PN2 SI W &i ,; i L 105 L L .21ct ST11EET, CORVM LIS, ORdGON. '}
-r I 1 ~;
l- 3 liR. SITTOM: My nama in Pat sitton. I live w. ; l 1 : j-. g b 9 . C3 - 105 N4L.21st Street in Corvallic. I hava e dx.,.cu ta l g l l 5; Physical Chemir>try frow Oregon State Universitp uicth j l 6 considerable Gtudica in physics attached'to thic, nnd I'm ? i i f '. 7 i also cloce to a A S. in' Math ct. Oregon Stato. .I i 6 ' As farLas the question of uhather or not T'n i 4 9~
' paid by the sthto to'ba.uncicployed, I quit a job <a that I i
10'} L could' attend thene hearings and put my tima and anargy into II l them.bocause I considor thic n very impo;.: tant thing to do, of auch im?ortance that it outzeighs aty tu mrary concerno q l U of ny own about ny own or wacien.
' M Mow, au far na what I've seen hare co far, I have l
! U' to cowacnd the Board on tha objectivity una int:/ : cat Shc.t l 1 4 l l'6 thev ocma to be ahowing.
"b I hate to ecund at - h : \
r ,i - i i i 17 - to scund patronizing, it's hard to sc.y this t .:n w ' un g.: Lug ( t 18 patronizing, but I notica as timo'n go:c bv ti - <e da I've , e i gv . . . . bann working iwith and ' tulking e.o cub in the autlianc: .ea ; -q i
- 20 - to bcibocoming inorc open to uhat R.n Board in drng id i.,-
6 n 4 ~ scam to foal there's more. communication going on. And T } r e
. . . I y .- :24 ; . think this is.largely becauce of the reaponse that wo ucera 8
_j23 j .to be gettingf'from you, and I commaw you on'that. Thank' j. r n ,
]a.a.-~[ , 'you, J
g ?25 It pan l brought up in the first day of the 'hcaring' i
. N- . !- -\
6 - l{ l i.n 1
't, : ,1 - . , . , , , , , , , .m. .
_-m...s . , .
.w..z....~._. .....,___....__.._i.____.....___ . .- .= , e l-
..._.._,__ _ _.__-. -..,.._.-...._.. - ._._.,. - .- -._-__ - -~.- - -. . .k k I' n. "i w%~ .vw .. c.
, Avl . 1 s
). ~
i: ~ ,A, :)
~ 1- -l' Lagb2. ' by the' NRC Staf f -that the purpose of dum . e ;: , ::n to f
- k. u a
deal uith tho inta<3rity, the structuinl' int .Je1..f - on ;he l control room and' not to Uch into 'insuca of a uimn.w : _ ling !'[- h- '4. sufoty.or the'nced for power from Trojan.
. 4 O .l v
! And so I will try'to be as fe.atual and brief
- p
.. G as possible and dbal with those ianuea rather than anything f.
! 7 , 1 philosophical or emotional since, ac I undaraecnd ic., you , 1 3
- . gentlemen 'havo limited enpowerment - to deal with the d ,
- .i o
9 . . . . . . . . . I specifa..c.lasuc.In d.u.c case, thia in un.a vaive or t,he 1 1 7 '
.10 .
- - specific ' regulation of the dRC ar.d f ed.crdl regulaccions that m
U uill allow'interin operation of this plant. Y :.1r tccm-recairsl: e ^ lc
'gp~ ,
are being mado, i U L h . After caying I'2m going to dtal ud 6 ;u : s m2 :- I am going to rather paradoxically tall a ototy. 0.nd that f
'M is a very old story conmonly u.nid ac' a mchinj atos.,y about - - =W coven men who are nightleco nd a r:ather lusgs gra; i , elephant.
I ke n- - i l V \ ,, f [ @ And IW sure ua:ra all familiar u%h tha m:ory i i j
;- N po ?I won %. go. into it, but it illustrates that, if w i:6 rot 'f s . N: ; have compleuo fachta al_ data and the nac.ns #,o en a;lm it and- l N Ulcok atrit, that a reelly havea a great 6.eal of 4.uidornustding '2> - - any,. situation.
l ' l.h:
' 23 0 .ted.I think wo could e.halogounly nEy i-; thin 9
- 9 e = ' . . - ,,p e e e 4 .s .a m 7 T 25? L engincaring " surveys and proper .unbicsc.d e?.pers L.rought in, n,
t j / T-l
, L 1 4 2 Nl 9 3 .,y v y ey gas I .e .t e s, t'+ ;m. -+- ,,,w.. +-- , +
' . _ . _ , _ . _ . . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ s_ _ _ _ , _ _ _ . , _ . _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ._ , _ . . _ _
a~ jy
.if I ' ',h, 1 1 . . i
( L , 1320 [ {- i 1 - -
- lagb3' And,'hence, came tinn2 for thma to takc !
their. judgment,'it could ba neon by beepic on thu autside i 3' . L looking-at;it.that perhaps they tended to be Wahhcr-ludicrous beh i: "
;,4 and fragmentod.
y '5 F What I intend to addronn mynsif'hera today du 6' the uncertainty of the design informntion'of W "'rojan L, t'
- plant., the uncertainty of all tha information' that Duchtal s.
- 8' l.
and PGIT and other' pcopic have boon. bringing ' form:rd aimplV n' j bachuac 'of 'innues that ' arc ;nau being conside: fad bui ihich,. l
.I'-bolieve, are pertinent to uhat's <?oing on.
!- 11 Mow.the Bochtal psopla, as I t h 'ad '.:, l i 12' [ claim that their' plant according to their matM'aticcl
& i 13-approxiwationc will not meet the apara. ting bnsis ca.hhTc.cRe 1 . M. .
b . gi, l' level of 0.15g, as they originally clairmd at uould, and i-t ll l19 'thay now clciin it uill incat an ODB of 0,08 07: 0.11g, j i j j..
- * - .10 i.!- ' depending upon what part of tha discusaion we a v into.
[i However, '; hey do claim that -it will meet the 3GE.- t &
!* -or safe shutdown earthquana lovel of 0.25g, as o::i:Jinglly i ?w cpscified and dcri'/ed from 'tha saisnic citing an:.vgs.
Tho saismic ultiidf curveyn,-I've heer told, [ i; y-h N notJs'upposed to be conuidored in thic h er.ugo Uct m ;, it f
. . . I 2 >a boceram a
- I
@o seems to be. essential that th6v should i 1 .
I OlkinQ-.Op a gOldOn Cal [f CS3GDnik lyy Qi'hh13 h10M*Yh
' (, < .,e% !r . . -7 e4 e gg. derived from thesc' ou::vnys and we'ro spendihg. daye md
- ., :\
I' -hourc-and thousands:ofidallars discussing.whetner or not I ' i s v e i~ i 4f I
m ,; , , , ,
'r 1329 r .g
(( ;agb4 this plant'can meet that SSR lovel uncro,Jac.far as I can r - 4" . F
)$ "
2. {tell~ from my' analynic ' -~ woll', aucuce me, tumlycia lo . a bad
- l. word -- my curvey of the geological studius that hrze been 4' dono .in the area that thic OSE is not based cn completo or,
#r for that matter, legal data. It is not bacec on currm,ra
[ 6 c which natiafy.the current MRC regulationa fo- ceimic citing.
'7 .And, henca,..I feel that this .r:eally deos need O' -to bo brought in and discuoced.on a vs..ry d anoive leval and I}.
h c ,
i l j 9 'I think it should be addreased by the Daard. j 10- In addition - uall, perhaps T should j u:3t say D 1 ! M. that I am tendering v.ou uith the formal ' wtont to approach ~k l 1 1 ' 1 " the LIRC - I'm not certain how your administrativo structure [ 13 works and how your information Nancfer operatec within tha I4 URC, but I uculd like to aah you to specifically concult l 15 wh'atover branches of tho MRC are' necessary and as}c the.n 16 if there io currently' doubt within the 21RC about this 0.ata
.17 and if there uro any further studien planned. i 1 '16 And, if thera are, it acama ho me @ cc thia, !
19 parhapa,.uhould be taken as e tacit admincim. bu uhoar i 9 is. planning -thene studios that -they hava sor " dont o! c.h g - + 4 -
'21 ; safe chutdown carthquake li:, val r.nd the v:ibl. ' s. , '
22 And-I would like perhaps to go so,far as to c a"u - 1 b' 123 ithat.if thora is coma doubt of this anfc' shux.down carthqwdo u
....l - .. 24 ' .' level i thatiuntil'that can be completely 1taken cara,c.; and '4 l; 25 . set on a firmar~ engineering basis, that wa're faced with l-i l,
j L- , ,4{ i vg. i-
- ,l .- e
. . - - . _ , , _ ...: ;. J . a -. ..,.--.._: ,; . --a .. .a ,. a _ - . . ,.n . . ; .; .,. .; , . l._ w .. , . . , . . . +
_..____.m_. . _ . _
{. f: s i
'* I
- 1. Q S t ,
c .a p: L13 30.- , . . , *q :
- i i
i p' . . . . .
~i p l agb5 the situationLwhercqtc.rcally cannot cafely.Ich thin giant ]
- k operato at d.1 until,that is done with,
!~ y
' It's not just a question .of wheth:Er or not.tbiu-
!.O '
" w . plant can operate-with a cubatandard ODE leval .or e year-1 .e 1
with guarantees that it will meet the GSE.lsval, but if - 6-L there are any doubts of that SSE level, that ncede to be i i I looked at-too. And I will submit a formal written quascion on that iacue. I . Also,- .I have so:a documents hora :hich dnal with ;
,1 N this and the derivation of thtt ficure.
i I. , a < 1 I ,'
- CHAIRMM MILLim: Deal with what?
- l i- &
MR. SITTON: Deal with the S0.0 level and the L lI T ... seismic citing lovel. And C'aill roc.d from tha in a v . ! N -fcw minuten, I would li' e .to subait tha fc the n ;ord,. E The other question that I would li!t c.c go into , to deal's.uith uncertainty of dat% it:s the qum ;i0 of t a n t
- U construction. proceduroc that Mr. Lynch jus c " .nt W/.o .
o 1 o 10
. I've at,tonded two of the ; arac d/tyn al evidan.bla ry E .hearinga so far, and I've listened to many houra e' crocs~
20 -examination and :: cad come cf the abudio; of th" acht:sl [ W ~ witnccses r specifically their.STARD2ME utudion, 22 I'm impressed at tha 91%nD2H2 ntudy. Tb4n 4 9a
231 very advanced analyais of on building., b2:Luiking in up into '[ 1- .p
- 24. . finife.clemcht w And it is probably.very gomi within ins. --
25 :cwn limita.of. approximation taking;intol account all the 1 ,.
l h-V w t . _ _, ._ . n: . :,;,; . . " Q __, d 4 .< ' ,4 4 . .
. s ._.__ n ,;.._..;_ _ _.2 ,_,,____
I 4 3 lv 1331 l'l r. I - agb61 necescarh justifications 'and qualifications which tuey probably 000. take care of very well by naking conservativa cricilntn I - 3 Howeifor,' it is a' mathet.iatical model ansi at ic-n '
' # also baced entirely,.as fan as I know, on the dasign crincria -[ " that woro originally.drawa into the blueprintu, anl secondly, l
I i 6- upon specific.engincaring tanta conducbed upon Model walla 7 and model' blocks, F E Now, it's fairly ucll kImda among canatruction . i i .I !-. '9 workers in Oregong .as has been brought forward in huiu article! r. J l 10 and with several people that I've talkad to, that tiern wcre 11 come.very strango things going on during the conat-tchica i ', 12 of that citee I 13 And it has came out,just from the Tenhtal i t i- 14 tantimony itself, that we have acna uncsrr.dnty J.s '.o t cc :actly I i 13 what is in those 4:alla, what the arebar xrmtruction wan in !~ , r 16 those walls - for one well of tha control roow., T anculd y 17 cav. - 16 And in addition ^to that. from the Mata .any of 10 . thene workers, wo cnn coo that;parhaps there's a graah deal p i 20 morc'quection than to whab was left cut of the sito, ic .} 21 what was put into the sito and their reasons for doing so, i .t - t , . 22 :Perhapnlit was not aireply just oversight on the part of the [ designora'or mistakca on the part of the work m , pc':Mpa
'l b, ' S2s . ' E Ja- 4 ft es4- % 4 's # ' 84
- l
> 25~ (with.- -.3, 6f , , . j ; ..; ' ?, f[ ~.(
- m. . . _m ...-_;
t <!( '\,______2__________ i
a 4 la--32 : o
- i. -.
4: 4 - {..
- 1 <
{ [ -1Jlagb7, In addition to my provicue requx t to t:e naard,. I wotild also liho 'to make a very carious ' plan c.hai. you should
- '3 . . .
g do.whatever possible to.get tentimony.frou.thnac uos-la.r ato y f4
- coe what ,i 'indacid, 'is citting out there at the c .ca. &:<t'lar i .e>
[ 'than what.wo have'here as a piece of paperwor%. 1: G I C4 We're citting here discussing decign' critaria, blueprintc, paperwork, test modelo and uc hava evidecca ! 8- .
..that this may not portain to what's c:xc there at all,, - ~4 i And I have to admit that:the evid:m e on tha lascl L
! nnd' professional level-is alightly questionable, to tP.c i
11 >- extent is anonymous tcct.iuony co?3.cch ' fran con-
'12' '
F struction korkers. Houaver, the people who have talhad to % uca L- - 14 , i
. workers. and the people I've who kncu H+u nay (
f 4=a 10' that thoce non uro indeed very concarned nbout theik carcers j - ' 1G 1 F and their actual' physical nafety unen they do cuccify on ; { t - 17 th2.a 1, 4:
i Because they're involved in ft.irly ' clous -
- f. 4 i .c
,. they'could be involved in fairly carious union axsitraticuc-L, g' o ( . l i [e .and things . like this as wall as , perhapc , tram i /,1.) . I- ~ P' PGE or somebody like this.
- i. ,
r r Mhthdr or not thin ic paasible or poimntial , ; 7e'.
.. - h .n 1
Or 17b40ther.I Sharc that SCOling Or not, th3se Wod aru'dD,
' 15. !
1 kp bDd'1. Mod 1d'lihC DO SOO MQUU.Uff DO'Qu3rdhbOC khGM S cmc 1 ,
? Y O- fM3aSurG O'fiCafety Or'SO3G enc 0Eragon13nt to come - faninId and l ,,. t a s '
IL: ! !. L: 4 I
\ ';.t., i 7
P 4 +m-. _- r 4 w w.v- w w r .e--' *,- sw-. 4* *---.----,--.----_____=-e_m -__.--e==---.=------r- .'+
_., , _ . . ~ -..-,__.n...-._,.._..- t t 5 [a ' u lj - . . 1333:
- c , , , ,
W-i i-I. .1 F Tagb8 ' epaaL h' - IL don't kncu if' there'9 an.?t' vay ind thia .could I '9 ~ y bo'donc, but I think it should be.inveatigated. L. 9 2 I'm alco submitting the foroml Writta" questien y i 'r ', on that. 1. 6 1*d like to get back to the citing.y actions.
- i. ._.
/ As has been . caid before, and I bel ~ieve that c
1 4 (.' Intervenors have actually barn overruled. m c.ausa.of thia, 1 . > 4: n- I nuouldn ' t am al.'.cwad , wa're not allowed to discuss -- N but ' siting quantions. nra nei'. cariide: red to ca p :ti rx to , i e [ ,i hn . this hearing. ! g Jul.d on an OfficiCl 1sval, this FC.y ;U C:Gb HC'./SVC Cr ( l. hh 3 I'd liko to point out that ec'ro diccucsing citimg criteria i i I M every time we .ay CBS or SSL Theco are cricaria couing-I' # . e m, g e , y a . . l; '12 apacna.cally out om sumyn :um no . m. ink uo are i 16 diccuscing those curvnys, whetcer wo Wit it or noh and ,. I L 17 I think they should ba brought in in ih61 un gih.n a rc~ i. 18 evaluntica if rs.casuary. E i, e , C PC oU 9[C d ., $Cr Qu.1, L J a
+ , .
j 1 Tbb nUC).odr J.DNUM2.7 4 20' - fm# yeare e a sort of a prirm donnu pt.sition a a crowning e
.A- e e l, ' . # e.-- p . _f ,, . ,d 4 ( .) ' ! .a h $
i, hat has bocn sold as e or at least -init1Aly ms cold, as t
~ -I pollution free,. it ~ do can ' t 'smoku , in tuan ' t m' ' . J.o '
23 } .l - t t. Of .nO1GC y ' 3.t' G t/ cry pr2.Ot.1.n% 2 t n&S a 4 . 4 4 3 Or 02 U n d,
- r e4 4A 4 ,! N D 1 2.5 . coatst 3.t has a lat of din 1s, it# a . vary ' f?.nhy.
,6 . t j .l ' _ j l v, I L I f 1 l i 'a , '
. . . - , , . . .._._,._,.._,,a..1i, ;,, _ g ,_ _
c ,. .- = -. - .- ,...-. - - . . , . , . ag,, y 'i , , , 0
~ ~.
- 8. ' ,
t 3 1334 i; l '. 1 L 1 -- m i , ' t ;agb9L a>- : And'whetiidoubts ucre brought .about the safety
- ofthAsind0sbry3 'it was a- cu n red that indeed tachnology e
- 3 LJ 'had reached cu'c li a point that g even though uc had to taaintain
!L'h. _4 incredible l levels 'of redundant clouble-chcaking and incredible- I l i !' 5
- . Icvols of p'o rforniancor that thic could be dono becausa uc a
!' had reached a level uhure.this was possible. i.
- 7 l- And no1what'we have is conathing thech's approachint t
~ .-8 - a heirarchical prienthood of technology, approaching tha I --
9' . pinnacle of. perfection. This is'the claim wo have. j. h 10 [ And I' acc that ~- I've always felt thic uns very U- ' hard to do,. and nera that ,I'm getting into theco Shings - h
- l F 1 ?-
!" thic -in the first hearing I've attended - I'm learning that, , 1 W indeed, my fonra uero justified that thic in vary hard to. t i , d "4' . ~, do.. l J i' B I see that the tiRCs role in this, if thero in y E to be.any credibility for the nuclear industry at all, or i: 17 for the NRC '-- and I've heard thin said many timaa in a I8 the; pact :fcw days and it tande to' cound <.lracnt lika a threat, } -. 5
- - 19' and I don't maan it that uay ab all,. it's more liita a plea -
p 20 . and that ic, to' the mtent that thers ic pousibility for f_ i- [ , 21L objectivity in this and to'the extent that there in a
- - ~3 F;~ =
"- -possibility <for safn'uan;of nucicar powere the only ucy to.
-23 guarantee this is for completely objective and truly .
1 I -
' 24 . ; honest;atid straightforward analysia by Elio regulatory industry - .O . 25 e- - regulatory cormticsions.
j s
' A.G '{. ,
s _.. _a __;._.,, t :
. ~ . - . .
- y
[> , 1335 ' !L
- ,1!
,, '.ngbl0 .And'that is that 1 believe PGE themaclveu chould,- i - perhap,s[lso up!here pleading uith you'to shut the'.in'j. ,1
,. i
~ - ;in~the intorim, becauuo I do not-think it'is in their bast . ;
g . interest either to'.be,getting univers on accurancco that
.5 were given to the public -in the first plcea of' tha nefcty 6 ~~~
of-this plant. <, l 7 f
' . Thero. wore thcae stringent regulationa sch down- i S
to assuro tho. cafety of this. operation and tcp - I believ" 9
also agreed to by the plants for public relation enanurca I. E
and soms~other reasonc'cnd I think neu there'r a tremendous j
' j ;' .. .
l potential for bad presa here when those people find themcc1ved I coming back nowfand asking for a loophola. ! It's.a littic bit of a slipshod uny~to clip
, -through cnd yet get by. This in definitely counter to What I5 -
they have claimed in the paab about their ability to carry 7, J on at auch fantastically credible levels. { 4
\ g n- . - !# Nou, inLrelation to the siting of this pladt, s t 1 ,IO I
I've been looking over documents that he.vo been put fcatard I {
@ in the pcst eight yearn, or actually, the past 10 years {
20 starting in '60 uith preliminarv atudies. l l
,z. . s. >
NI And it was ;looking at those documents that ectually i l 7
, l -M- cauced molto turn:down an offer I hnd for a job starting 8q 23' thia ucek in a couple:of these henringo, -becauus'I was quito i s
i. J 20 g . literally terrified!by uhat~I saw'in ther;c:documenta. ' h "
.. J 25' Tliin 'is ' a discussion of .the oversigh* and .\ .s ^ ~
t 1,'e'k ol ( '
, 9;,.
u.1 2't li h , j1"
- 1 s f
, q ' 7 1336 c e , i i
p ps , o I
"}~ .. ., X -. . . coverup'a :that went ;cn during the geological citing ofithis g :agb11: -
t i . 2J plac And.I dihink I can, perhaps.-- v:all, I can say that - ' .3 what'I've read of the docunvanta submitted by Ib, Susan-L' 4 Garrett to the 'fue.l' siting hearinga in which ano aunmariaca
's.,l- .come of. these concerns I've also road the moat recent 6 ' report of' tho' Oregon Department of Geology'and Mineral 7- Inductries submitted in March, thic year, uhich is a ' rovioit .
1 of~.all siting, geological citing,that'han been done.on tho l l 9 Trojan. nite donc by the.ntato geologist. l
]O- .;And he was requested by a Mr. Hunt, I'bd ieve,- - 11 - . woll, I won't. cay - But he was requonted by the Oregon 12f Departmsnt of Energy to prepare thin study.
- g -13 And.he sent cut requests for papers to 33 pc.ople 14 as well as an unspecified - well, a memo to an unapecified 151 number of his staff.
1 10 11e rocsived back 22. replica frca profoccicnal i' '
'17 people qualified to apaak.on thic nubicch from around the ilG . stato. July my concerns in this matter are swr &M w-d by 19 . quotes fronIa specific.latter that came back in rouponac to his.requeat.
f0 , 1- . . 21 ' CIIAIRMAN 11 ILLER: ' Ara _you planning on filing 22 'thoco documents with the Board?
'I ' ^
I >
23 I% SITTON: Yes, houaver, I uould like to make 24- brisf.? quotas, g.-
q, I :25 . CHsIRMAN MILLER: Certcinly. I wasn't trying;to y 5 l N fl 3.,;.> ~f b y :. . g_ >:rs = ^ 3h" __ , j
- . 1 - agb121 cut you off. ' ~ ; MR, SITTO11: This- is a ichter back to Mr. Donald 3 . . . . - .. Hull, the State Geologist, written by Professor Leonard I, . ,
Palmer, who's an Aacociate Profecaor. of Gaology .at Portland - W S-State, This was written February 73 1978, which is at least cight youro after the beginning of formal studica of 7 this cito.- And he begins ths letter:- 8
Dear Mr Hull,
"In' resp 6nse to yobr certified letter 10 requesting factual data for a revieu'of the Trojan I
l1 Huclear Power Plant cite, I must first emphasico 12 that the site is best hnoun for its laah of ; factual daba on geology." 14 CHAIR!4AN MILLER: Who is this letter from, by the Way?- N MR., SITTON: This is from Dr. Leonard Palmer, I ,', !
an Associate Profcosor of Geolo"Jy at Portland State University . 10 CHAIRMAN MILLSR: Thank you. t s
'O MR. SITTON: The letter containa 25 points of i < 24 information which he thinks Mr. Ut.ll should be considaring, "1 i in addition to conclucicus and discussion of that data. 1 l
2E l :- ! He then says: L 23 "Specifically, no nnpping of any
+ , )7 24 ourficial units of an ago which could definc ! , h.
3' t 6 jrecentl faulting or tectonic deformation is kncun tw
) ' L; ,' . > ,, a p , .
e s cs at'
, .. .. 'b
_,__7.______,_.,__._-..,,___._..___.,_...__.. _ _ _ . - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
.,u n'4 ; -i , . .
t i . L , 1338c;f L r
- 7. . 4 b agb13 tolbe in that arca. Low stream terrace and channel .
( .. r - b ; .l deposits and soil.'unitsicxist-all'ar:ou;d the aitd; . !n 3 C* '
"Thw faults whidh underlie the j ,'
Ij- 4" l ' ii reactor and power plant hava:apparently no' j.- c, , j, 5' ' bien mapped to datormine ltheir: extent or their ' 7
.6; . relation to younger geologic units or other h .
L 1 . i-
.7. necessary characteriaticca to verify thair i l
D relative activity."' l' . I O iia concludoc by saying th.:.t:
- b. .
10 "The inacmplete and naattered ovi-- l 4 F j: 11 dsuca ic.not consictent, as'one night expect, p p 12' witli:the incotplete studiec in an ' area' co'
- 13 coverad with so much mud and brush.
p 14 "The Trojan site study, however, is ; !i - ( 15' _ moat blatantly 1heking in any of the nomal " {, }' 16' geological information, no pretext wec e.ver i l' 17- made that any geological criteria for citing l i-1 [ 18 was followed (1970 he.aring records, I hava
- e i .
y ! I- 19- 'a copy)," }.
- i - )
! ; 20 1 would like to c~ommant on what he's cclhing about ' . 'l
- ! .. 21.- ' heros -What he's talking about id 'that when the o'fficial .
L':22L . siting. survey was mado, the AEC had. not yet .as I underatud
- i. .
23 - iit M andithis is put forward in theco documento here - n
;241 chad: not yet established formal'critoria for how nuch .a -
[. h 3 coismic: curvey should be. conducted. And ' thc1 requiremento 2Sf k,,' ls a 33 5 i I.'
... ..m_.- . _ .. . . _ . _ _ _ _ .
"'f* \
..y. _
y.,_pj a _(
, , i.
' j '. .,,r, I. .1 > + .t 3 .. -
m-ij , 1339.
- v. ., a: .
r , il .-
- L .. ..
- 1; ;
I ,+
.,3agbl4 .were not explicit enough to detail w.actly' chat had"to bc ', ,
4 A 2- .. . . . i T- deternined.. 1 [ ' 3 ' i j., J . . What 'Jaa done on the site war. primn.rily a- vit ual o '- . i l:. . it
.e ;
j survey which in lono from'the air'uaing arcallphotograp 1; 5 , t j4 and on-the ground, valking around looking- at thinga, l r . i k
~ +. 6-
- tearching for evidence of faulting or gcological achiva.ty, t l
. > l i- y 7 Nos from the; air, thuco uho:.. up na wh % they e, ! 3. [ a call lincomenta,-any. linear fdatura stretching acroun the i. i t O < cnvironment that might be - environment, God, chat a v[ord - '
i 10 - '~ the surface which might be conaidared to be avidence of 1- ! t jt. .. movement of'the carth'or a fault. ~ 12 A hictorical survey involves going back and g checking through.the.nraac en the racord, looking for any 6 i 14 records of'recent earthquakes. I 15 It should be noted, as pointed out in those E revieuc, that this aron has bean inhebited for,. r.u most, 1: ! U 150 yearc by peopic who could give distinoc hiatcrical ! 3 IO? records of carthquakec with any way to measure thca. i {
- c B And'150 years,~as any qcologist. uill.tell you,
, i
^0 is not worth concidering,. that stay would ratier hcvc
'- MI records going bath sevaral thousand, if possible, t ! 22
- Oy
- -r just for n~ start;
[ ,. i Now'the OBE itself is act directly frow this q' historical; curvey. =The operating basis carthqucke, ns I L25 . understand it'drom one of these documents, is cet fa.tyard'ac [^in 'g i s
.=.. ;
_ x aw
+. ,
v;3 . .. . . . . , p' , ,
. 1340 ,
l' i hi .. , .- ..
.Lagbl5 Jthe : largest earthquake recorded in recent history, and this g '
is. whatjic : cacpecfcod to happen in tbc :futurs., , L 9 The SSE is taken'from the. siting curveyc na - i i-the largoat happen at that placa, 5 L according to tho geological ohnervations mada,. F G- And thase'observationc, an'cotifcxwnrd by.'tho ,.. i
- prescnt NRC regulationc on this, are quita explicit and f o
L -8 theylare actually quita oxtensivo. And I quota hare now i. i 9 from Volume 10,..CFR Part 100, Appendix A. This ic Section t-
- l. 10 Fours i-11 " (a) Investigctions shall....," and I will l 12 cmphasine "shall" - " . . . . include the f ollowing:
-g- '13 ." Ono, determination of the atructural
! N geologic conditions of the cite und the region 5 i' i 15 i surroundbg the site, include its geologic !
.16 hiatory,"
l t l' ( ! 17' And I will comment that this would includc - ? , L ( 16 this'would take care of the historical curucy whica was 19 done. i 20' "Part twos identification cnd evalue 11 21 tion' of tectonic st. ructurca underlying the cite t . . i 22; .and the region currounding the sito, whether R ,"' 24 4 l j huried or. expressed or. the surf aca." l 5 .' . I . 24' Comraenting 'again,' that the original visnal survey ; j' "g ., t_ j-
'25- would.certainly,not' guarantee thic..
g . i
.o f' ';'
I. 4 I y i:
- --- 4-g' 9 :;4 -
- .c ,
.,r..1, ..~...-.,2-c m#m-,,c -w +-m.,,,.g ,_,,%=,,,-, ,,i,i.,,,yp-y.-- f * -g .- g
. m _ _ _ _ . . _j. .
r_ ,
, c 4
13.41l qf -
# 'Part threc, . ovalua. tion o' f phypical agb1G.' -i ovidence Ooncerning the behavior during prior 3
i. F . carthquakon of the surficial geologic raatorials '
and the subotrata underlying the, site. e
#e y "Part four , determination' of pro-6 . porties neaded to the behavior of tho underlying material during earthquakes and .
! i 0 the charactoriatics of the quake--induced motionn ' l ' s 9 to the, foundations of the plant,.such ac seismic g i M navc velocities, density, water content, po:Joaity L i
'M and atrengtho lJ i
12 "Five, licting of all historical l 2 i ._ . . .
- 7 13- reported carthquakes which have affectnd or I. . - ..
I4 which can renconably expcct-to have affected ' l' i s L 13 the cite." -
't 16 Again, this historical.survny.
4 17 " Sin, correlation of epicantern of u.
- IS- hintorical reported carthquakas where pocaible r
19 uith. tectonic ctructuren, any part of which is - l-
- h. 20 located within-200 milen of the cite. .
' ul I 21 "
Seven, for fault 3r any part of I 1 . . . I 122 - which is within 200 miles of -the sito cad which i L $ [; R g1 .i 23 ' may. bcLof significance in -catabliching the anfa ; I ; t, 24 > shutdown earthquake, determination of Uhtthor , i . l 25f. ' these ' faults-are to be;concincred as capable faulto,,
' . [- ,
P as- , .
' ' ~' .{- $ [],\, y '-< '
j _ I
,.,4,,,m%,--,,, .wenm%4....,Lws,.,,ynr.,m.,,vb,-.,e.,,,.4..%.,,g.,,,,A.m w e w ,
- e. .--erww e.-.m .a-,4-,w1, ,I- -,.i-,.e , . I
g- .
. -. . . . _ . - _ . _ , ,,,-.-..... ..,.-.,~.,. _ , . . _ . - , , _ _ . _ - .-. ,;
I a_ m , 1 - 4 e 3
, /t . .[ ~
q y f -,.
- lya -
..,; ( -
g ,
. . . , 1 -
- ,?agb17-' ' "M se.t forward i'n Appendix A,
- Sectio'n1 3,;a..dhpable f'ault is. defined'as a i
i 3 I J
- i. ;
' fault for. which, (1) , movement at or near the .I 4
!' ground'aurface at 1 cast enco within the pact t. ! U ' S h '35,000~ years <>r movement of a recurring nature t lc ' 6 .. .l l within the past 500,000 years; (2), micro- j. i o
, t 7
e aeinmicity._instrunientally datorniined uith a i 6 L records of: sufficient precinion to demonatr=to i 1 1; Q' l a direct relationship with the f6 ult; and (3), [ F' to j the structural relationship to a capabla fault," l-L 11 i At.the timo tha sito una exenvated - tha founda-
'tions wore excavated for the sito, Mr. Corcoran who 'ias, at s'
.that time, the stato geologist, was ; quite concerned -- and I f
1/' y have literature to that cffech - about a: lob of fracturac I D found in the bedrock unGar the excavation. U
# And, in general, it has been cho;rn that many of h
17 the fault-like features in this cito are vary old. And they ; 5 IO' are cufficiently old and cufficiently well- canented, or , 1
- l
-m" haven't moved in auch - a sufficiently long tim that they 'ra i l
J L 20 not concidored grounds for ccaccen. .
.I 21 .
[ ' And I will granb this mny well be truo,, Ho;7ever, h i i 1 E. .2n'- when it ' cama ito. consider the faults - not t!u.a faulta, bub ( ' ' " 23 rather theffiscuros undar the plante Mr, Corcoran rcquached y, LM 'specifically 'that these should to examined, that there chauld L. p j' 25l r r
- be. microseismic testa perforned on thenc fissures.
This was -4 i 3
.$ [.
I. li 1 i
, i j
j b ; 1 . o gg_ ,_.
/' -[7 .
[.; _ .[ ,_ _ _ n , _ ,, _ ,,, ,_ a .,_.. .,,..., _ , _ , _ , . _ , . , _ . , , , , , _ , , ,
-[ } J
- g. - " ; "V .. . ".t. ?
_g .
, (' =!' i
< 1 1343i 1-l-i agbl8;.. J1 .nover'dono. .a , ,
[ W f ..And'ILhave a letter here frca PGE #espond'ing to D 3' i this question, saying that. thic .was noi done becanse . 1 i
'h._' .
g _ T' .1 by the time the excavation was cado, the-nite had hnan dia- [ ' 3 a c - g - l turbed to auch an ontent'that any readings uculd bc -; '! t . G !
, disturbed by achtling in<the bedrock frca the constractinnm j , e .I i 7 <
3'. And I have not boon able to do any chocking on l l. 0 I this,:but I notice in writing Mr. Corcoran specifically , d a1 sayc those testa nhould be donc after the construction ic F n' p' i j' finiched, so 1 would assume that, an a .goologist, he night ] 11' I q 'well understand thenc things well e.nough to understand that . , r 1D-i. tosta could. bc made of thonc conditionar - E I' don't kncu whether this is true or not.- i do' : 14 -
. know tiny warc .not nade, whatever the ':casons woro,. thesc i
U! tests woro not performed. i
! 1 t c'. i' ~
In 1972, this matter was brought up by Intar~ m vonora for discussion. And there was something of c. compro-je D- misc worked out in which the Intervonor" droppad the caar i F 3l t in exchange for getting a survey of a more snanaiva naturc j l- e I } l
'g. l done, which hac been referred to over since the i L
c "y" l- ! :Dodds~ survey, q A And'ILwould'like to say that the'Dodd curvey.
-I .h- , , , .
tock advantage.of many of the prescutly available and mora V 6t j
,,J . - J . ndvanced goophysical- surveying raathods which -arn accoming #2 favailablenop. j.
p 'l > 1
.t ,!' I, r ! .! [ .,. :I
_ ,, , m _ _ . . _ _
_ _ _ . _ ,_ _ _ . . _ . . , . _ _ _ . . _ . ~ _ , . _ _ . . _ . . . . . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ , 7 ,
- x -
i 4 , , F -1344 lc . 1 , ,
. . . . t~ ..
l i, ' Jagbl91 It uac . :cet 'fontard by . the Daard at that time -- m 4 -
.Let mef sec, let;me get this straight- here. I'll quote:
3: l "On liay'2, 1972,-Intervenora against
- t. 1 ' the construction of the Trojan Plant before the i
n . 5 lNRC signed a memorandum of agrecacnt' with PGE "G. I .in.' exchange for a promica'to never.again challenge-7 . ll .the'constr chion or operation of the Trojan Plant, i. F. O' . L '"The Intervanors, in turn, received ' i. W 9~ p certain concessions- from PGE, One of th?ce i t f0 [ concessions was that a 'goaphysical advisory U 11 , board' of throc.persono chosen by the partiec ' 12 and paid by PGE,lwould prepara certain saismic L 13: . - .
,W- .
[ .utudies-notably.nbaentifron the initial PGE-i.
'14 l.< : Dechtel evaluation of the-sitci,"
i. 15: ~ g I'. can vote -outside of thin that, outsido of thic
' y" . " point,.uost cf the evaluations had, indeedf been performed i. !U' by'Ucchtol. I I. ,
01 "The' Board was to arrange for, one.- a p . <
~10 l . scismic refraction tect; two, a resistivity p
20 U
- sounding; three, an aeromagnetic study and,Afour, 3
m, 12I and; gravity [ profile.,"
}, Ll ~"dnfort'ubately, tho, Memorandum of f23' LAgrecuent was prepared primarily by resycaenta-e ,
24 .:tiv$si of the LIntervonors who vero not proteasionally-7 ,, .c h hp 4 4 trained.infgcology, and the' requirements 4
,y' w + , y, : s: , >
'y j t'* ll ,
s, .,: ,hl es -b";
, ,v. , , , ;p. t.
._..._.._...._______7 # r. .. :
A' '.1 s j 1- 5 1345. a 4 t t o 'js ' f' agb20, the~ study was to reet woro aodewhat locacly drdun. ) M "Although the report of tho' Geophysical ( c - f .. . 3' Advisory Doard was. meant to resolve many. of the
' f' iscuco that had initially caused nany Portland. ;
- 5- ,
. area geologists concern, in point of. fact, tha '
j. ! 0 . study wac very limited in scopa and affect, and {
- 7 responded to thoce iscuca only within'the vary [
e -
- O narrow.acope of its inquil,(.."
i 9 This paper.goca forward to point ou'; tnat whilo. t. 10 these touts were performed, they were often parfo.t:rmd to a i' ! El 1 .Very, very limited extent and wherc2s something w.ight ho I' ; L ! 12 . 2iormally -- a testi might normully ha required to cover an I n
- 13 Larea or the whole.arca of the sito, they ucre . W;imen 1
- . 14 g done as only ninglo-lino studica, or line of aig)rc ctudieu. >
-l' 15 For instanco hare, the oniemic re'~rn.ction tect i-i 16 s, " intended to probo beneath the bedrock undar the Colu2 ia 3 1 17 3 River for evidtnce of fsultin% i'n fact involved only onn h ,; e 10~ . linear profile acrossothe river itcalf.'"
I l ; 19 This was done to.a depth of caly 500 fcot, 20 altliough such studies are known. to be able to penetrato 21L J t to-soveral thousand foot. ! b I L l'
, ' M-i .23 i . $ h 'I .. .L. ' ' ' u~
f< w . n. . r [, , [ .' w f f.;;w s l ., , . i
.;lO , , .I ' . . .= m = m- - -
,/ ~
!- i
]J(. =? , ~
- \l
?- 71346. M.
L , l q 4 1 L i3aiebl l' i phrase l that comes !up inf those documents all the' 1- 3 time, that.comesJtoo frequently, is that' - and I'llu quote -
c5 2 , I j- 3 a 4pecific case here. This in coming out of the' seismic
- l. .
j.. - 4- refractionLtest. T1 e's a quote here in thic paper by
- 5. Ms.' Garrett that says:
f - G- "Within the linits of the method, no 3 ii L7 evidence.of a major cheur zone was diocovered, -l
- l. 8' according to the Board."
[ i
- 9 Now what we hove bare is something that says ,
i-1- j- 10 "within the limits of the method." I have cpokan-to geo-i 11 physicists about this sort of thing within the pact vech and f [ 12 they have assured me that.geophysica is a very uncertain b ' 13 ccience, that it's, and that it deals with activi- !: -14 tips ubich go on over a time scele of millions of years l
'whereas1something may lie dormant jor millions of years and-15 .]
- y. .
16 then suddenly ;iump, or it may be activo for a long time und j L: , then it stops, and we'have no assurance of this. I ' -- 17 l I 18 And so these people annura me that they can i 1 I I F 19 never'possibly give a clean bill of health to any site any 1 i.-
- 20 pince in the world, and I understand that, However, what 1
! 21 they cay in what we're trying to do ia a probabilistic l' t thing, so'ro.trying to givo ccme accurance'by doing a full L i 22-I
'and ' thorough scarch . of all the available dat6 - .I. shouldn't..
23) 24 1say7 "available- data," but by doing .ns many studica an possi-- '
'I .: i ..23 'Eble,"we're.trying to.get-as much information as we can about J a ,. j l.
- - ] 5
(,. 3 p _...r-4 .c = _ _ __ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ m _ __ _ t_ 11 :
,# .2. ---m.<; .g * ..g -
gr . y /( ' ya g i ~. g r
- 1347 F
J':l ._ ' p . db2 '- 6 aiplace toitry and give the l best accurance padsible:that such 2 althing3 won't' happen. 3 'And I asked . some off these people to como hera and [. n W.c 4 4- speak in the limited appearancas before tho.Ecard and the . I, . %. j 5 man'I s' poke to;was a grnNuato ntudent and.he was uufficiently t ,. p 6 profecaional. about' this that he did not want to cc:ua and n O. i t [ '7 speak.. on the grounds that the inforraation fron thec< c tedies - i- , i l O' was sufficiently scanty that he didn't think either way, p n 9 He felt that he would be - He felt'that the i 10 people who had put forward'any contention that the cite wac h, [ 11 cafe wero being dichonest, and he did tell mn thia. Ile told 12 'me this was definitely dishonest. Ucrever, he felt that if , {> g 13 ha .were to come and say that, that there would . be come i 14 possibility of him being determisad no geing on record that L 19. the site was unsafe, and he una sufficiently professional 10 'that-hs'did not want that micinterpretation to ecme'up.
- 17 However, what he' did cay was tha t fro the date
.1 4 ,
qa available,~wo can't cay anything, Me cannot say eitner i i-i !. 10 ' thing. We cannot cay it is safo nor that it in um.afe. 2nd ( i I. go 'thic:goes.beyond-hia former statement that tk re au no i 4 l ! 2p possibil'ty i of a clean l bill of safety over. { 1 J l ! . l2[ , What;he.was'aaying was that this atudy is..uffi- 1-j p- , pa ciently scant that it's a travesty. a
~ . g .- ,..
Going-on~a.l'ittle bit more about the limitad ! , I. ~ f' . DoddS Survey
]_ -g - nattire Lof J these ltosts : performed under the j v.. I' .p,,
j .. b.Y . - 3 # , 3 L= . .: ., r m
.."- w's .;__L , 7,2;_,
P j, , , , 1
_ ,. _..,_...,_m_ . . . . . _ . - __ _ . _.- . _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . . _.
. . 7.;. . _ - . _ _ .
\6 't , i ; f ;;
.# j <
q bp, (, c
- g. . , . . ,
y 1340- >! p < , < I Leb3 1 pesformetFin 1572,-they then performed;a-resistivity counding. , n- ,.t , q' g 2 .:which.Jis again 'another geophysica1Echaracteristic of the rock-c . . - . . i .stt that. point, ' and I'll quote - again. . - ll E y f4 i ~"Only.two points were sounded, one west L t: . .
- j. D > of the Trojan Ridge, and one west.of a similar .
F '
- G.. ' rock mound on'the opposite aide of the river."
L . h 7- And once again,-thin revealed no new information n 8 but'again it wac.a very limited' test. !
'O .The aeromagnetic. survey is also covered here. 'l 10 "Again,.the area covored by-this par-i.
- 11. ticular stulvey was extremely limited, and covered l
t 12' a quadrangle 5-1/2 miles to the north of the cita., 4 . 13 1-1/2 milen to the weat, 2-1/2 ' miles to the eas t, h 14. nnd 1 mile'to the south. The recultc within thin 15' - narrow rango'did'not indicate' changes 'such as J
l 16 might accompany a major. fault coincident with
' 17 ' f the river bottom.'" ,
1 , 16 - Now I wo'uld like to point out again that accord-1 F 10 ing to the NRC siting regulationc that I just road, there in
. ,1 20 reference in there to checking faulta as far away as coveral 4 .L (hundred. miles. .Anything that ic remotoly within the region :i .. '2, " needsi to.bc. considered. An aron 1 curvey a few miles around p.' h h
s-the cite .doesn' t strike me as.'suf ficient.
. 1 c23 y . .c L + :24 The'$;ravity profil'ing. ,
t: ; , p o : 250 . .D- >
' !The Board concluded from. this test that + , \ ,
'.r;. l 1 s, j h , .
a Ii&,((',, w=
,e. I:]j z.; lh . 1 U.. ,
- ~ '
- *] ! ^? , z ..
{? o
- 1349 !
- ]
i, m . k eb41 1 tho . Trojan 7 Ridge 'was a : ' rigid - and competentL body . '
- j. '
2 .. Ath no Ltinvd,! houover, did : the 130ard addrous. the
- 3. 1 possibility,.ezpressed by Corcoran and other j's
- 4. ' local:geologicts, that the entire Trojan Ridgc i..
L 5 ntight be a' largo landalide block that had slid i . 6" from the higher terrain to the west of tho' Ridge ;
'e and.stabilizAd at n 1cuer level nearer the river. l 1 'l 8' ! Corcoran' thin concern at length in' hic l p 1
[ 9 May 21, 1970 memo to the (Department of Geology i
.i 1
.. 11 and Mineral Industry'c) Coverning Board.," ' 4 i p 11 Quoting Mr.'Corcoran now: , 12 '"Ths question has-been raised as to .]
-g whether the basaltic 'bcdrock' that comprices the 4 .,
l, 14' . Trojan sito may not be a 2arge alide block which L ( t-l ts; broke away from- the main mass to the wes t at a p 16- , tiine when the river, uas considerably lower than l I I '1 _17
.ita procent' level. This possibility does not ; ~
i o .13 ccom to have been seriously considered by the i 19' Bechtel.goologista becausa..they do not mention .tr l 20 anywhere in 'their r2 ports . , + I i I 21 "It is. a well known fact that land- ! 1 ( . 22, cliding Lis connan along the Columbia River and in .; gp , esome p1heen tairly 'large-sized blocho have bden !
.i j '
tinvolved. : 'Even though the. .icland may be . .- F " h"; _.. .
-g : stab' the present time, there is always j <1 4 e i 3
- 1 y. , _
- c. , i
(;& '
. . + = . n ;. . . .,7 . . ~ . . - _ _ .
.,g . .- , - m l ,
s I n. p y ." 1350 T]'6 i e ,
' thel possibility that another;carthquake could ~
- , eb5" LI
- t
!:. ~ p 2 } trigger movement of the block if it is lying on 3 aofter sediments." l, . i . W ,This paper by Ms.-Garrett also point 1 out that t !' 5 there is an~ extremely. wide and unusual U-shaped gap between [ : 6 .- .the-Trojan' Ridge-and tho higher hill to the weut of tho l [ 7 ridge which might, by some stretch of the imagination, cug- l s 8 gent that' comething orice filled that gap and might perhaps l b 9 .be.the Deer Island block that is being referred. to, p f
-10 The Board in this caso concluded that:
- i. 11 ....with the submission of.this re-i r
- 12- port, geophysical toolc have boon applied to the I 13 development of'the geologic settings for the 14- . Trojan Nuclear' Plant to the most practical extent
- 15 .and no further work is warranted."
u 16 However, this paper by Ma Garrett points out l' thdt'at the time the Memorandum of Agreement was signed in t j7
- 1 4
i' 10 ' May of 1972, 'the study wac scheduled to be completed by 19 August,.a period of about four months. By this time the l
- 20 basic foundation excavations at the site had jmen completed.
L. i F l21 All' foundations for the plant and the cooling tower had been i~ I.
'22 pouredL. The' frames of buildinga' wore in place and approxi-L' - .23 matelyi-020 millon had already been spent on the Trojan s
L e l. [ *- 124.- cons truction . ..
/25 -
It is within.this content that the. Geophysical-r.' ' u ,
't. .L i t , .4 ' / '^;; , ( . . . - = ., .4m ..,..m.,.,wi,,..,,,.ng,, , 4p .
+ ' i L m. ] ,
~ h
+ ' 1351: y. e eeb6' I Advisory Boap;d.'n conclusions to ita study must be evaluated,-
1 4 2 and alsofIfthink within the context of the. points brought
, , . t L ,31 up earlier.fabout}the limited nature of the tento' conducted. i I- -
4' And'it's with'referenca to.the limited nature of i j 5 -these. testsLand the doubts expressed about them that I'm j;. G- mking'you' gentlemen to Inake inquirica within;the ctructura ' r )=
.7 of the'NRC and-oce if thero in further study plannad at this D' site. 'And I}uould be very interested if that could ha -l 9- brought. forward during the evident!.ary hearing. I don't . g-10 'know ifithat's possible; if it io merely in-houco informa-l t
! s . L 11
- tion which cannot be revedled, I just cc}: you gentlernn j
- i i-12 toLconsider it yourselvoc.
;13 It is also brought forward in thic paper quitt.
I .14 a few times that while the Nnc regulations for citing i i. b 15 studiott tond to- be of a very regional nature, encouraging e i- 16 the body conducting the survey te look outward from the ,. [
}y site and detect faults which might be connected to it, the .
l .m ntudica conducted so far all seem to be co;awnat the con-i 1D vorce of .that with tha studies beginning in the T.coj an site ,. t i 20 ' and : attention being given only where easentially nocasonry 21- to faulta that poople seem to trip over. )i
' 22 Again hora when the Donartmant of Geolocy and ]
{_ S o . Mineral Induntriodioublished the report in 1973, titled {
~ 23 1 .
.. --. ' 24 '"GeologialCriteria for. Siting Nuclear Power Plants in' Oregon,' :
y I ; o
;25 DY SYlvesterHVF C, Newton, who also authorod criticisms of .; .#h 5 ,' Mo- = , , .j. .] ', y u- ,( .;< ~.. ' ? E .I l . ' . , , , .
,. . . . , M' .
_ , - . . - . . - . ~,,-,,--..we ...w.~--..-w...w,,.,--ww._, e.
- w,- - , , , = - .,
, y ' ',Y '
e 1352 s 1 p.. . 1
- eb7 1: the 1972LGeophysical. Advisory Board study 'that's the DO J2l : Dddda ' study - ~and. also a Mr. N. . V, Peterson 7 authoring this l 23 article', thi's ~ document prepared for the Stdtte NTEC, and I
-- 4 believe that is - what? . - Nuclear and Thermal Engineering 5- Council? -I'm not certain. - further emphasize the 'importance 6- Lof regional' study, and'they quote,.naying: '
l a. 7 -a Board regional evaluations must ha i 8 followed by detailed atudien for specific loca- ., 9 tions. Such work will involvo a complche nrray [ 1 10 . of. geologic, hydrologic, and sciamologic inves- l 1 11 tigations besidea including data from other dis-J. r 1.2 ciplines." l
- c. 1
.g . I have ' looked at the most recent survey titled ~ . 13 'j j-14 "The Geologic Hazard Review of the Trojan nuclear Power
l- g a 15 Plant. Site, Columbia County, Oregon," filed by the Stato'of .l. (. , 16 Gregon Department of Geology and Mineral Induutries, March 4,. i 17 1978. This'is a survey prepared by Mr. Hull as a result of l~ .18 the;33 requeats he put out for any data avc.ilable on tho
- L
- 10 site. And he writes'about ten pagen of conclusiona hare,-
g 1 20 and'then has an additior cen to fifteen pages of biblio- [' 4 21 graphy, citing references. i t-22 It was my observation from looking at this that p 23 .. this study also bringa:up again #:he-pnraseology that T was I,, i. 24 objecting .to 'before, that' the data as seen does not reveal ! L
" 3 - 25. any:- causo 'for -alarm, e rnaking no trention of the f act that there - -( - \:, I .w ,
a M --a , w . ,-n. -- -,~s. , . ., - - - - - - . - - - - . - - , . - - - . . . ~ >
...,.,. . , , , . . . - . .. . - . . - . ~ - - . . . -- . . . . . . - ... .- . ,i g; a l;.y .,). ,
y +. i
.,]c i : .
3 .
. . - . i '1 '1353- , -)
i; , i j
'ab 8 .I. " 10 great question placed upon the sufficiency of that data.
{ l[ g t 4' fr. Hull-in'thic paper says: i b.. > I "No now ceiamic data src available j l , F [!-
.to-change the conclusion in th'a Trojut i'SAR iaat l I notential scisraicity of the site arca aa 4.ndicated , 1 j' it i l l
!. 6 in the.hictoric ricord and in tho egional d.ic-l 1 i tribution of coic:qic eventa iu adequatol;/ F w-4 0 trayed'in cite design." . i- 9 In other varus he 's anying thcc tha hir toria l 10 curvey of earthquakec on record, and the hiscarie curvey c.f 1i regional distribution of eterthquAeu is what w t.:we haced ; L 12 this conclusion' on, and w have no now Moda to ;&an c thnb
$ 'i3 - conclusion, arid that. is the most - direct thir;.;; thai .I see him'!
h 14 saying in here about tha actuci safe.ty of the 15 And I don't cannidar that what I would call a
;& claan bill of health. I think that's a pratty nebulous l'
4 a e;tatomont to unke, cna in soma ways it can even be inter- [ 6 4 e. J 'a 4 . . e +.* - . . . . 1 J a 4 . e bb bb L c 4
. o.h. n .bn . . .kI . kk b- b ?> e , . . . o }b' ... k*
4 1 j
,{O' H O' CQyC hardr RUS I quOl'O J ga2.3 :
, t i
- F;jgj. "ThO roSt Dignificant 9 2610 car - M< {
I' l, 1, -
. g. . , . - ; s 'an - inaCrDOb1DN t ldI C WO C5n C Of 0'!a +". 3M.'?.1.D U ? .s -. M l l/ <.3 Ei )I.l. .I O. ~
d j - - m.,, m
a within ' the earth cu:ed co:subit.v.t in th; 'uta/c in 1 $i
. l .. O., . IDOra pr0 Cide '
atG Oh . attril.G P3Cinto- ;
.i s
jp cone (unita ,c.", !'
, su.- (-
I l b , ,
- j. i j ..' ?
.- ,[=. J .....-.wa-.
e , . - - .., - . . , - - , - . , . - . , . . .
, - , . - . . . . . . . ~ . . , . . . . .
e> I. .' #. . .
Ah - } : ; 's, . ' ' 1354-n t-
.g. cAnd:I'will cay [in the stuff I'velreaG, the rei'er-seb9 + !
2? ence -here Lto.51aterite Pleistocene unita refor .to sediments :! [. j , and 'volcanici ashklaid down in. specific timo pericids which 1 3 t L 15 . l'3 0 : h ' h.- A havo been used in theno faulting studica to. establinh the ~L i 3 time line of activity'in these areas, ;
- 6' If the lateritco ceem to'b'e. undisturbed, that 3-r
'i 1
i n 7 manns that'~ there has been no movement in that- area cince ; c [ 5 they were laid'down thousando of yearc ago So he's.'sayins i g-here that wa can got more'preciso data on laterite P1cisto-10 cene improve recognition and determination of . 11 Jincamsnts and better definition of northeont and northeast !L 12 trending'ctructures that may exint. , 13 Again to cocenent, there are cleforences mada 14 7throughout theue dachments to thene lineaments, theso. linear l c !. 15 visual structures c.nd long linec of linenre ants running i I- 16 northwest and northeast . through Oregon and through thic area 1 J t l 17 which.are open to debate ac to exactly what they are and L what their significance ia. 1B-i I 1
- . 19 He saya:
I. i. L 20 (3) Is more complete vaismic record
- o
- a. -
l !- -21 for the stato? through the eneration of the ctate- 1 4 l i i- -{ 1 wdd'c seismic.not. c ! . :22 i' -'" (4) More complete infernation on . land- s. l
- t. 1 j
ll . I24 ' slide dama along the Columbia Rivar ; i 25 - (5) More-precise province definitiona,.." l,- '1
- l # I L 1 'l',-' , ,
n .k
._ ., z u ,._ ' _ . _ ..;_..____
_ 7 . . _ , , _ _ _ _ _ - _ , , , _ l: y ![.. __. o ~ g' x .hn. .p > , i355-' -
" l
[ e chi 0 1L > ' more precice definition of...the geologic ~. 1: 2 . structures, large-senic structures in this proa.and how they
l 3 arc 1 broken up, which will allor unsto interpret how saisnic ,
'l 4 activity in:one area might be expected to trancfer to another' i., .
l- '5 ! area indLto affect it. . l
-6 "(6) More predico tectonic modala. .'. ." ;
i 7 That is again.more precise large-sca]e modela .I !- 1 j 0- of movements of plates on the surface of the earth 1 L i- .9 "We respectfully request the oppur!xnity
-10 10 review our conclusions in the ovent that ns.:w 11 information-contradicta and/or nececcitates addi-12 tional studies."
13 He finichen:
- j. .14 "In summary, we know of no gcologic-
.t J
is ' reason, based en presently available inforr -ion , I
- he to reasonably quection.the geologic adequm of l' 17 ' ' the site for safe plant operation 'or for temporary I
, 10 storage of spont. fuel." d i 5 1 p 19- I would Gay that in light of hic stctemente in the p 20 paragraph just' above that the he is contradicting himaalf ,
- j. '
t 121 Ho's calling for more complete studies and then hot caya ' t i g g l 26 Lknow of?no gaologic reason ~to quection our previous utedies
'? .-', 23 .that were baaed on incomplete information. !
u" , i lh -. 24 Thin ' terrifics 'me , "lh7 4 -- 23r " Recommendations...." 3 c l _[:(t f
- f]i I [I;h
/. ,
% )2, ; & , <, ' b ??; ,',k
, L.+. l4 ::; . , ,_. . ;. ..a , . ;. _ w. J.
,~ . _ . . _ - , - _ .. . __,_ .. _ _ _ . - _ _ _ _ _ , . - .
- v. k-' 4 . . . ! 3 E p ,
p w ;- 4 m - " U '
' 13562 . Je 1 .1; TS61M w -Again quoting from Mr.' Hull:- . I ~ "Due to the over-increasing volumo of - 3 - pertinentJgoologic data in' oregon',.it is recom-S
[- i. mended that the. Energy Facility Siting Council p "5' consider the systematic'and. periodic' review of v 4 [ 6' the geology'of.the Trojan cito on regular inter-7 vals of possibly ten years or more frequent 1y'if f 4 j 8 significant new data so require, or if licensing
- ..9- procedures so require.
l-h 10 " Clear definition of agency responci-2 i 11 bility.for requenting and initiating such reviews ' 17. - of availabic new data and a cicar definition of' p -13' the means of financing.such periodic reviews is t' !- 14- needed." I . l- 15' I think this is'the question that we find our-l- 16 1Gelves' dealing with by_ force of nocoscity in these hearings i-17 ' when we colac up with tho' question of whether or not the plant 1
.18. is safe.In f acing earthquakes that are predicted on the 19 site, we como up with the qucation of how we're going 'to 20; predict those earthquakon.
21 Whether or not we want to deal with it or whether i l-l- - 22 :or.not you're empowered to' deal with it, it exista. .It 2 n \; Lpg .a' physical fact, andiit has to ba dealt with somehow, somehoul L i= 1 124$ E throughithe organization of.the NRC. I. don *t know how it I [5h. c . . g m. 16 fcanibe don'a.- 1 ., , m:
- 19 I
t!w s i 4 5 e +
'w , 1 <
s :. . A, _._._ _ . . . _ _ - ______...._,___._..__4___.._._.._
- . ,. ,.- ..,~;. , , , . , . . . - _ _ . _ _ _ . _ , - _ _ _ - _ _ , _ __ . , _ . _
I __ , '_ ~ 4., .
_, 7 p- t ' o d' <
, 1357'-- H q
i; . t [ 7 3 1 i . . . = . [ ;3D ubl. 1" j{ These-reports are saying quite factually that. b [ j;. 2.. .it'.needs'to be done, e j 3 t-p This question of " clear definition.of agency r. l:' 4 r[coponsibility for_requeating.and' initiating nuch revieus" i
.1 cecms to be what I'm facing here today in spanking with some l
5 1 ' ) t i G. doubt aa to hou this can be. implemented, uhether you gentle- l l d,en uant to do it.or not, And I assuma that you vill.take 1 7 l g nterest in thece. things. You seem to be ' rosparding. Dub i [ ; I 1
- you may have no way-to do anything about thia. I can cacily l 9 r :
I 1 I g' see how that could happen, j 3- 4 ! y 11 j Again, the " clear definition of the means'of j
$ }
j .-
'12 financing.auch periodic rovicun" in what people have been ! ; a bringing-up here for ceveral' days nou. I've heard innumer" -J - 73 .
i <
, Able requests for independent etudios conducted by people
- -. 14
. g who are-not working for Bechtel or PGE, and o*/en como pcople l
c a' :s g requesting studies beilig done by people who are not aployed l
- g y.the Nnc. 'I pornonally would not be.tco cancarnou nbout r s t the employoas.of tha MRC. But, again, wo have a quxtion I i- %s . a
{ i ! here of financing of auch pariodic reviewc. l a,, i i .
- l. ,.
$ .I'VO DOOn told tilGYO S no EOnGy fDr finCinCing #
- t I , i:ndependent surveys of power plzutta, or at leact that such 4 d ,.
p C-6 y luoneyf is hard to ' come by, and that generally peoplc -den' t ,
.- w -
- 9 .
j; .- i .. l /. -1
,,,a_ @ough?itLup because they don't'n:needed. [
, s. c. n [ in -p We might. have a similar situation hare -'of' probicms !
- 24 ?
1'." 6f.'findingLwhere such grants might-be available; y c25 # < T
.a fl i .l ..) : -, . r y+ c +
,t ....+r- .I- .+. ., =m'..'.e.'
~~ = . --~- -- - - --"
w:3;n ~~.3 a 3
.. l h
- )
l 1358 E b 'wb21 1'_ The reforence- to .Mr.. Itull's ;sentonce about requir-m ,
- .2 Jing.sito review on regular intervala of possibly ten yearn -!
3 or more frequently if cignificant:new data no require, or if j
-4 licensing procedurea_co require: it could possibly be . inter- i t- l 1 -9 preted that. licensing proceduren require'this evaluation now-. I 1
- ~
l l 6- Considering that"the licensing procedures set forth at'the j , 71 construction of.the Trojan plant sare never met, it could be m i 8 argued that; thic.-in- a chronological thing; that they fulfilled ) 9 the ~ criteria at .the time it wan built, but they cartainly ? I don? t meet the atudica that are required ' now .by tho- 'i 10
- =
11 licensing procedurec. ! l
- 12' The question also here
- he'says, Do thosa reviewn
}. . 13' 1 more, frequently if new significant data requires this.
Hell', 14 significant new; data t'a-the extent that the geophysical b p y sciences are progressing exceedingly rapidly theco dayc, they l [ g a):e one of' the arcac of fasted.and most exciting growth in ' , i.
- l- -97 .any'of.the sciencea these dayc. And I get thic feeling.from
! g - the . geophysicista" th I've talked to, very cor:getent, verp l gg_ eager, excited peopic, nut what'a' coming out of thin is that 20 there are novi methods and refinemento of enthoda coming about i
- g very
- rapidly at ldtis. time 'in the past few yeal:s since these .
1 I g most.recent tenta scre performed.- Their nothoda are far mora l c 23 refined now.than'thay were at that time. And th_e methods jg themselyes hre practically calling'for rc7 evaluation o'f the l. pd. o .-- site, simply.. becaupe wa can now do it f ar better than we
. - 25. . .
t > ~\ hi gg,'*'
.q : y e- rOA
- e , , , , , ~n,mv , -,ua .J m. . w . ., a w L J.-- --
, , . . .; --7.-__..,-..-_..
- n. ,
5 .r.. e .in ., L','. 1 1359 - L, < i 1 Lwb3l .1 c6uldsat th'e~ tim A Even if tho' informas. ion'had not been - i .. 1
?inadeqQate :by.' the ntandard of that tirAe,3le could certainIy ~
, .g; 2
, 3~ do-'far'better now.'
4 And when he talks about doing ctudiac in regular 4 3 intervals 'of ten yeara, voll, uo' re -- what? - nix years L ! 6 .beyond the Dodds survey nov, which was the most recent geo-1 !. 7 physical curvey of any sort done. Uc' re pushing that ten- l'
;g year l interval..
9 4l I've heard some peoplo describe thic documant
. 39 from Mr.. Hull as'boing in favor of the present levala l g classifying present licensing of the Trojan plcat and thc g p'esent.SSE r critoria and OBE criteria ac cat, and I supposa they could be interpreted that. uay. IIowever, in looking at 93 i
l -g it myself, I was quite intercated to diccover that.. i.h could also: be interpreted .other ways, and that it could be inter-i n~
;3- ' Jproted, if looked at carefully, tc pointing out that indeed j we are chort information, and that parhapa more needed to be r 3-done. And it could wc11 be that Mr. Ilull vaa in such a g political position that.he could not state this explicitly.
I:wouldn't want to' speculate on that. , 4 20 4 4 f L' , DR. PANf0!T: Oculd you give us Mr. ifull' a full ,
,1 4 4 ' d,%
namo?. g MR. SITTON: Yes. Mr. Hullis nana in' Donald A.
. 2 . ,3 s :!Iull,.. His'titlo in'the paper >is State Geologint. This is hou j.
. ).
jic Gigns hi.s'lotters:1 Donald A. Hull, State Geologiat.-
i - HoweveIj
*. 25 :.
- i. .! .
T . .* l 1s ( ': 4 li g ^s s I .p '7 ' t i 4 -- 3
! 9 Y t- t k- e e 9 W+ -- , ,- fy, s.y.h,,,,.,_,.._,,w.,,,_,.v , _,, ; , _ , _ , , , , . . __
- - - - - . . - . ~ - . - . . , - - - - ) y . .i 1360- t wb4: ' t .- his natWid, no.t attached to the front of this. report. It I
l- 2- . ic Lspecifically referenced .to - the State of- Oregon Lopartrent I of> Geology and flineral Industry. However, in tha cttachments f- 3 l i h a - at the- back .of the report vc hava .latters specifically from ' 5 Mr. . DonaldLA;:. Hull' cigning himself ar - Stato Geologist on 6 Department of Geology and Mineral Industry stationcry dated 7 . at the. time immediately prior to the report, calling for 0 the information that he used to write the report. l l 9 CUAIPJmU MILLER: About hou'much longer do you l P, ' f 10 have? t jy MR. SITTON: I'm just going to go a few momenta l , 12 ' longer, with a few brief remarks. l i l-
- g CHAIRMAN MILLER: I was going to say we can recoas r
-g now if you.havc nore. . l 15 LMR. SITTON: I'm about at my conclusion.-
. CHAIRMAN MILLER: Vary well. I don # t intend to i cut you off,. Please procted.
.MR. SITTON: I beliove the Deparixent of Geology ,
gg and. Mineral Industry is right here in Portland. Their l l- [ g l offices are over in Southwant Fortland, and Mr. Hull is i available. t,
- 21. t I
p g, I have not spoken to him mycolf, I have not asked- 1 l Mm. Mr anp .per.donal inWpreWons of % docent or 73 an M ng on(or off the record, so ..I don' t know how he feels I- -
- 24 - l b about :mv interpretations .of' his worb l.
! 25 ^ - 8 ? Y P
\ ' '(
i / 4.j. ,s > [ ,, . i
l' L. .c4 . - 1 , n,
.136f ,
wb5- 1, .But I would like'to, onco again,.go back to i t s .o J.
~- -
2 my previous, more philosophical justifications for what I've i' . n 3. naid hare'today, dealing with.the general uncertainties of t .
4 thio -information. And this is almost similar to Dany of- thel i' P 5 thinJc that itera said yesterday by peoplo uho - are students ; l 1
- 6. -
of the .philocophy of science, and things. like .-this, t )~ 7 We're dealing with the philosophy of information
.t g aad the nature of engincering studios, and things like thic.
'1 '
g I've hadL two yearn of training an an electrical engineer at s l .;f ' Cal Tech. .I underotand a little bit at least'of how
{ .i j; ); j ongineers work, and mdking models and appronmatiens does not 1 j j frighten go in the leact. I enjoy mathematica and applied pg]/ f i p g b.~ f mathematica very much. R c t L ,
-However'I've also learned through these studies J, . .
that what beconen very crucial in a clear underatanding of L i . i - .. l the nature of reality and how to bana your etudios on l ., i t> l. r g reality' as it exista. And I cea here comething happening I i t j l: d L that is, ' wall', parhaps not prefencional for bhe poopic involved l: but it is'*- it dicturba na. That.ic, that we have informa- l-10
,. tion taken from a wide range of sources in nevarol differcnt a3 .
g scientific and engineering dicciplinec, wher people arn t perhaps thinking in different uays., And over the course of- ; 2,- _ l many yearc we are nowLreferring back to ctudaan conf.uctcG y
' ten yeara-ago. 'And these studios coom to bc more and more J
, - r s, }
. .-approa,ChingLthe naturc Of Old' Testament gospel. And I -think -
5 Y yl, , c . i:: > . E~ ' ' ~ ~,.w.-.-.- ._1.- -. 0 0:- .: ,Li s ' ' ' i ,
m , g < y r .g > a . . . jwb6
- j. Ethataparhaps:as they got older.and older they'should be 1362' .h
. [
U j 1 1 (questioned nore because.of the better nature of materials'. ;
, 3 J Land studies lnvailable tolus'now, or equipment and possibili-l a tics L for stuciics, ILchould say. 5 The geophysicist tells me that indeed he can- - s t 6 new. give a' clean bill of health to any nite. Ho gives ; f p 7 this' report to~an engineer who looko at it and says ~~ ucll,- q
- 1
- G cxcuno m ; the.geophyuiciut will say he cannot give 100 per- q 4-(
I g cent clearance to any site, but that there*a a very good l ) 4 e3 chance that this site ia safe. And I will agrea uith that j 3 . . g and I'will accept that as a reasonable basic for proceeding. However he then givaa this to an engineer who looks at it and'.nayn: This man huu given'me. quantitative
. l o, .-
figures; he's given bc .25g SSE and .15g OLE, and we will now deal?with thene' b.c structural engincMing criterin.
- . 15 g - And perhapa' not ' intentionally, but at least by tPo nature I;f .of.the
- way things seen to be going, it seems that the origins J l
of these criteria are being forgotten that are being paraded ! 18 ;. F around as accepted facts, wheruan they're not. ! , 10 .}, l-i ,0 c, I.think when sa talk about expanniva mathematical . s 1
' approximations,.' studies and mo(tela donc uaing UC Berkeley's -
- 21 h
Stardyne prograis by competent experts - and I don't question 22 I( 3 12o, their competency -- we begin to realice those people. nre f - j '- i 1 , { ! L X .compotent'.ctructural ongineers, and they thennelves mny'have v :24- -
~ g ~ ,
a i
%s '
q ,): 9;a s m- , < > i: g ,
,M,4 m
e Ujp
+ , *:n>
. (,7 , . . . .,>w s s ,
eg ,, ,
,, ( e c
{: j' 1363 j f,,'. p . i j.j $. Lsb7f 1 Rthe sere handed canio' frem;f theyJhave no 'idca there are any- -}. ji k t } ,1 l2 cuestions : surrounding .those criteria, And 'thi,a I think would.
13: salao iL nfluenco strongly any of their margina of. error that
- o. 4 '
they.' build into;their programs, what they call their . 4 .s 1.. j g conservativo estimates. 1 . . . c And-I think we have here an encallent opportunity
'7: for' pulling all this'anta together. Uc have an overall 4
p g c review' board sitting hero onJa - specific limited topic of the i 1 l- , g atructural integrity of the control 1 room. However I think 1 .. !
- s. it's' essential' that the structural integrity of that control 10 l i
n j 3p rocra should be ovaluated in terms. of physical reality, and - 6 g phynical reality in this caso includes where the control 4 g 13 rocm is, sitting, and tho. fact that we are unfortunately-chort . of inforrantion on where it in sitting, cind what's -likolv to j i }4 -
'l t: ,
- g. happen to it'when it cita there longar.
' i g Also, as I said before, I' hava peraonal queetionc l g ' chared by a lot of peoplc about the actual I.shysical natura [ i j
-i E . l o, of that control room as'constructad, no cpocifically 'i -g separated from that control roora as denioned and as considered on' papar, that control roon as it exists, made out of sand .
t (' 4
-and ceraent and rock and steel. -or the lack tharcof. And ,
2u, - I.'d appreciato: the moat objective study that you gentlemen o... g J.d) : can'give'to these issuee and tho.Othsr incues, brought up k
,w a' lherei by ;othert people. - And 7 think that in the long run this }_. .;
m..-. c4 J 3roublialso be- forlthe benefit 'of the nuciaar industry,whatever .! o +. . .q p q s' '. t ;,+ '
. .\ , ,} ,
, , , gys .- 3. . 1
_ ,f, m 3 w
, f, ' ' !0, [ q. .. _ ,. < . . . d '. ] (- .
- y. ,
.4 ) .{'
i 1364 s 09,a s 1 e s y. p"4 .
.wb8 El ' that~ might be; that thesc'.'studien be donc, and that the-li-
- g. 2 ' Trojan plant bo' given onco and for all an analysis ' on these i-; l_ 3 . grounda, and-perhapa :a general safety analysis alco, which :
la ?- : 4 would give it a clean bill of health, or. find.whatover b 5' LProblema be corrected.
'6 This.hac just reminded me of what was mentioned i
by the Bechtel panel in the hearing on their crocn~oxaminntion ? I f> l f that this design error was found eight years after the .j
! l b.
[ 9 design by conobody who was naking'the mcdification of the
~ ]
- q. +
10.y wall, when ' they- consulted the bluaprints and the design '; l- ~ 1, jy calculations, and they could not any if thcao dcsigns had hi 12 been reviewed by the URC or PGE; they couldn't any they had R 13 not been but they.had no personal knowledge that they had , Q ever been checked. g: I find it rather dicturbing that there'c any l -15 1-1- 16 possibility.that theno might never have been reviewed, that -1 i g the safety of tim' p1hyt 'might never have. been examined l: thoroughly by qualified people. And I'd like to nee that donc, [ ;g. gg Thank you. j x g
, (Applause)'
CHAIRRW MIIJER: Thank you.. g . y t: . Do you wish to submit the documents you referred [, - ' g , [f-h' >
- j
- , 23 to for.the: record?
o ,M' Was. u -
3 You may.-do so. W. J. a CliATRMAN.- MILLER:
-, y m 25..
i,'y U. , dv
- 2. _
T , h Or g bhk _ 3 W _
, . __ _ ,_ r. , . ... , __ . _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ . . _ . , . , _ . _ _ _ . __ _ , _ _ _ , _ _ - ~ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ . . _ _ _ _ . p:: , m ' '
1 , 1 .r..,
.!,1 1365 i1 i..
'f .
k'lQ ' QQy) ~ Qy[ ' gf. . . j . _ 7 . r ' 2 ' (Reces s). , I ! MADELOH fla3 f h$ 4
.j :-
t 5- l ! 6
i . s: c F 3 n., i, 1 to 5 t
,' O i-k .
.. i i 14 j . (S 3 t' l _ 16j ) , 1 i 17 i
\ ,Yb i
l' ,
- l() '
! .I t 20 , I
.t l-1 i r.
W 1 \
\i 5 e
23- l i {
' ~
q 3c' 4 g .J .41.
'I ' e e .[
s y /
'l s [f : , ,- e ' _ . ., _. ,-- u -- . Y'd - _ ..f. y_1.., . .u _ _ _
,. - - -.. . ~ -
7, . .
._ -. - - . - - - . . - . . . ...n, p ,
_# . ~ . - . ,- ,7 , e .> 7 - a; L'36 G;
.y. -} ,;
, LMAD5LON/- CHAIJUtA11 { !! ILLER: We'll rcuuma tha' limited ;
, y
! . . c7 rgpb1-j, _ appaavance hearing. t l
- j. 3
- . I think we hn'd a request fron Steve Tygart ,
[ E [ ^ 4 l LIMITUD APPEA1WTCE STATEMi:?iT OF S iTM: TYGAET b, IIR.-TYGART: I didn't come prepared with a tablet i 6 and formdt:and everything; I just vanted to reply to an , 7 Jaccusation'_that was mado yesterday by some of tIie peoplo in b I
- r. . ,.
U l the Dacommissioning Allianca. I . i 3 The point hac been brought out that Trojan isn't [- ) i ! [ - 10 as cound as it should he, and that maybe there havan't been l 1 i I 11- enough atepa taken as far au the regulating of the piping, , l l l ! - 32 and inspection. And as a pipofitter down there for over two l i.p 13 years, a lot of people I don't think understand how involved , n 14 piping .of thit; natura is. And it is followed all tho .way i: P 15 from. thW foundry to the installation through serial numbarc and heat' numbers; and it's X-rayed and it'a laserad before ? 1G - [ J7 it's over even put in use. ! D i ; 18 - It's preanure tested. The seismic restraints, 4 19 hangora, are of the bsst ' steal that can be made.,. /bd they're [-
- SO .also X-rayed'if'nced be. . l
- .El- And I . just heard .a _ lot in the past.
Every tina ; o u;- 1 3 . 22 .sonsthing happens somebody junpa on us. E.- 23 As a . taxpayer, I just thought it was time sonobody 4 n I
" ~ , 24 !got upland spoke. 'I feel that it should ba reopgndd. And, 7
N p d & ~ I$ don'tiknow, that's about my point. I feel that L as far an
-e I g '1 ;.- t / . 3 .' t' - , t.
i g_,
' = + + , . ^ ~ -
v t' p 1367 i l- !" mph 2' 'tho -structure and thel building of - the plant - I don't know
, whai , as far as - the level, . is- good. I mean,'you can go and 3
h =go and go.- -l' l .; i I~ And as far ac-I'm concerned, iW s us sound &n l: . 5 [ humanly.possible. There are mistakes every day ac far as
- = the way~ built. Dut, you.know " I don't think i.
I !. 7I 'thW roccarch has been done on the people's'part an far as f 1 8- the involvement on knaving and making accusations on state- 1
- l. ,
i N~ ments that they're really not as in-depthly researched ec h E -they may think they arc. ,
- L a
! M That's about all I have to cay, t- ! I2 Thank you. l-4 g 13 f CIIAIMAli MILLER: Thank you. 14 Is thore anyone'elac who wishaa to ba hear 67 i IS D'I the uay, how many nore people uho have not 1 ( 16 hed tho opportunity yet to apaak and pranent writtaa utatencnts l 4 .. t
'i / w.ish to be heard thin afternoon? {'t f i g
fa .(Show of-handa.). e , i i 19- 'All' rig. ht. i
- .20- .I think that wo don't lika t.o impose tima limits !
Es , ! 21 and we scarcely evar do, but I think in order for each of you ..! i
! -l' 2R I
- . . to be heard you should sort of decide among yourGelves. ;
!';- _o E 123 We'ro goings to have to ~~ vall, wa don'.t have .to, ! r., .. (hth I'think'we-should recesa at five, and thin.would conclude OE .PA h p h' ' ni .the1opportunityLat this tima for limited appearancea because j f'.,m 4s W,
-:'.n .. a_,,. ,_...-_;.__;.._._,.___.. ,_.______._.a...a...________..__ _
. - . . _ ...__-_.s__..,., . ~
t {c -l 1 1 3,
- l p 1360-p n,
mpb3i ' Tue willcresumn then: a full veck of evidentiary hearingc , t, g 2~ - of which vo've had three de.ys, Len you knou. Uc want, an I [. . 3 carly ac noemn' reasonable to the Board, to have the input - l '- 4 -that comen from there limited appearance stataanntn. 5 Thore will in the future be morn avidentiary , e
- 6: 'hoarings, whatever'the docinion that is made on the intorin l 7 operation inaamuch as the second issue relates to the nature 8 of ths modifications, the atudies and the proposals with i 9 referenco thereto, e.nd their adequacy from the safoty stand-1
\. - to point, which'.is the second major. issue for thic Board to , I 11- determinn.. , 1
- 12. We will provide opportunitius, It won't he tho g
4 13 first day of evidentiary hearings, but na will try to mahn 14 it-in'a reasonabic rolctionohip to whatever evidentiary i l- 15- hearings there are in the future on that Dut ainee L ! 16 the lact opportunity in connection with tha trial-
- 17 type proceedings we are conducting On the interim operation, l' 10' we'd like to have everyone have an opportunity.
L-19 We have' suggested'befora and we cuggest again 20- .that niore uce could be made of written quections or stata-L - 27. ments, and they can be presented how or at any tiaa. But ; i- ,
- nonethalens as'th're o in'a number, as you've saan'by the 1 shownof hands, that vich to be heard batucen now ard approx--
' ~
23 i
; g,$ . .imatelys five o' clock, you should cert of decida cacng your-L 9; selvec how' so that in fairness everyone L- i25 y
i-W_..<.. .
. . -h ~- _._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . , _,_,,_- l
- - - . , - - _ . . . , - - . . _ . - . ~ . . - , , . _ . . . _ . , - . . - . _ - - , - , - , , . . . - ,
g m , x 1< , 1369-f T L 1 mpb4- has an opportunity. - J y .] [ -
.Youatuy'proccad. ~
'3 ;
i' MR. STACIIDH: - Thank you, Mr. Chairrnan. l 0 . P" ,'. b. ., LIMITED APPEARANCE STATEMIMIT OF ERIC STACITON - l.
-l r- '# { 1 .1 MR.n STACTION: . :My name ic Eric Stachon'. With me 1 -l< .!
6 hereltoday is Shanda. u 7-LI'm.'n of throo cafe enorgy' organizations, ' 6 the Coalition'for Safe Powhr,-Forcitwo on Board, and the 1 9 Trojan-Decommissioning Alliance. I've baan a membcr repro-N senting the Coalition and Forelawn on Board in the Chagit 'h U i
- Plant licencing hearinga cince March of '77. I have also. !
t L I2 s t.
-observed the Pebble Springs licensing hearings, the T.irojan j h 13 epent fuel pool expansion hearings bnfore their respective 14 ASLDc, and I have to say that my pornonal experienop o3 15 witncsaing the MRC in action over thaup past few years has 16 bGon a littic his fruntrating.
i 17 I'have organized my thoughta as a re,1s.tionship l [ 16 betwere four entitico and the interaction between ther.i. Thoce 1D
- would be Bechtes, PGB, the HRC, and the public, l
1 l 20 Aa a;tmabor of tho fourth group, I'll provide
'illustrationa as to why' I feel ny intm$sta will not' he l . 21 4
e IL . .. l27. f reprecenised by the otherLthreo' groups.
'L l l .
{ 23 First"We have BEchtel, the largest engincering and: f -, , f .: f ; 76 construction ~. firm in tha-world,.with an obviouc priority!of j 25 *[ creabing profits. .'There could never be.a atrong concern'on }- ; I
- m. ,
n (
- . = . =.- = - =-- ---
5 '.
g , p 4 .m P 1370Y :
' 1 x
- n. . , .
- mpbb 1 .theirspart'forftha safety.of tha public, for these interects i.
2 ' contradict'one'another.
}. # I alco have a.hard time believing that the NRC l F
9l A "an adequately-regu'lato"Bechtel since Dechtel is an old h. I ' bedfellow fron.the old daye of the Atonic Energy Commission. .) f ' 6 I'd like to lay a little gronud, a.little' history
.7 in that by relating the story of a man named John NcCone, i l 'O who'is'an old college' buddy of Steve Bachtel, Sr.,, who, '9 incidentally, is one of the fiva richest man in the country. I 10 Anyway, it sucms that . Steve and Mr. ItcCone formed i.
11 themselves a busineca partnership and pi:orited coma $44 2 '
l ! 12 million auilding warchipe during Ucrld War II. And after l 13 this$PCorporation"' dissolved, McCono found his way into the 1 , !' .M . Defense' Department, and from tharc he became the chairman of ' ' l 15 'the Atomic Enm:gy Commissiom IIe was responsible for
} -l 16 Bechtel'a landing the contract for the first comercial 1 l
17 nuclear- plant' in the country, Uhich in the infamous Dresden 1 ! 10 in* ^ 19: I.think'that cort of lays a little hit of premice 4 J20 'as to the partnerahip.that Ecchtel han exparianecd with r 21- first'the AEC-and now the ERC,
- l 22 - Dresden was nevsr.vithout its problems, but it was 23 . not becitel.'s only nuclear lemon. There's the Palasaides 124: Plant "in Michigan, shasa nucicar;ganerator breko doim chort-F O. lYL.:af tsr coponing.
4 25 j I t l .._.;. - .. _.;-,
- ,.5 0. l . . . , . ' .i.L.--- .-.-.....--...------.A,---,-,+- ,,L,--,- ~< '~
r a, ' 2371- y q t
. mpb(l I And I think Mr. Lynch'olaborated a little on that I-2 jaflittle while ago. . ; ", Thoro is also the Terreper Plant in India which-
- i A- has sufferedifrom numerouc.leakaland broahdownn, and I'm- 4,
! 'S .sure'that there are many more with problema-I'm.not avarc i' 6 og, j , p. 7- ' Bechtc1's flaud are not limited to the constrac- , 8 tion of planta. Their preparatory work in deficient alco', ! } ( l
- 4 i '
j D And.a casa in point it the propocad Shagit Plant which I havo I. s i 10 acme familiarity with. Tha geology and ceicmology are She j , l l ) ic 11 overriding concerns with the Shagit nite. , i 1 l- 12 4 ITow Bechtel'n gcologint s toll us that ,35g is a ! i 1 13 'concorvative SSE design for the plant. However this spring {- '14 a USGS geologist diccovared that Bechtcl'a qsologist had j l 15 mado scricus errors in their ficld napping and two potential V r 16 fault linen hnd buon overlooked. It's cort of a situation , o Y l, where you have tha dauIt lines here, and you look over hero i 17: I 18 and you don't-see them. { I 19 (Indicating.) , I 20 Anyway, Dechtel has been ordered to do torc field , 1, , r -- 21. l Work. And-onca ngain tha project it in limbo. It's indica-t- , .
- l. '
I- . - -. . . ,PA tive'of:the situation. ' i [' l-23- To-bring to your attention how'many houra Dechtel - j.; v 20- -han,appnt field mapping in and around the Skagit cite sinca E - ,~ ' n ~2S; } 1972,?from 1972 through 1975 Eschtel opent 3300' hours mapping, ,
.' i ^
v. !) .o ' ! G tc . _e o
,w , , , _ _ , . u,,, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ . _ , _ , _ _._;__. .
_ . , _ _ , . , , ~ . _ . _ _
,..y.v_,, , __ _ ___ _ _ _ . _ . _ - ,[tl ' I1
[(( s p- ' u. q ,, e
- 3-t
- d. , ,
1372. 1,
~ mpb7L A drilling, and trenching. In '1976 they apent - 1400 hours on '
A' mapping alone. ;In 1977 that jumped to 1700 hours of mapping h[ 3 -- or.,poscildy" napping, I could be wrong. a {- y [ " 4 -(Laughter.) J i j 5' ' 'Thtt hNre comes' the big illustration: J n
- 1. s 6:
!: - Through June-of '70'Bechtal has opent approximately .i 7- 4500 hours mapping. That's 4500 houda in six months' time, I c. U nearly -three times any previous 12 month ficrure,
'9 ' Keep in. mind that the figures for the last six i
[ io months 'of this year will no doubt 17.2 greater. And I under-l~ !. 11 stand that1on Hovenbar 6 there is going to be a nosting , 1 i
- - 12 between.Dechtel geologista, reoronentativec from Pucet Sound 4
l [ .13 l Power and Light, and the NP.C and the UCGS, to talk about [ s 14 still-another possible fanit line.that USGS peologists have i- . l- 15 found that Ecchtol cecned to neglect. 1 L .16 And so still mora field work do going to have to 17 he done. And all of this coming'about after we've been '.)' i F 18. accured'timo and time again that there were no geologic 19 problems at'the Skagit cite, j L p. 20 , So:I think this in a. clear exa.ple that raioca - i 21 questions with Dochtel'c; credibility. 22? That's enough ifor.Bechtel, How we como to PGE., L 23 Land-I wouldn't trust;them to operate their. office building.
. f20 '
safel.y, let'alone' Trojan. 125l -(Laughter.) i if t t i
.;. .i . .,j'
i 8 .l ._ . . _ . 3
..--._m.-- -< -- --- ~- -
e '=- --- m ----- -- QQ:i ,M g y .; '1373 l < ;, l'.! i I~ r I !' .mpb8: a- Trojan ticens to have had problens fro:a the start. t bs ) l '- . 4 (, Firsptharo scre;the feeduater pump prcioldac, than the DBA r- '7 1 4
- r i.<
d sequoncer'proJkten, and, of,courso, the incident'with the f h 1. I two workers baing expbsed -to .the h'i ghuat emotints of radin-
"e- a.
F tion of.any. usrkers;ati any. plant . site harc in the country as t '
[ of yet. l 1 L / I I'd lika to enter.into the record a latter fro:d' ' l e Fred Niller,' the Divoctor of the Stato Dopartmont of Encrgy ' ; fc g .\ d'- I
- to, tPa. NRO Stafff r, dated September lh 1977,. tuta this latter )
- a. y 4> talha about the of probicmc and the DOE's concern 4
i~ IL t' ove:: their reoccurren:en. ? 1 M nnd-I'have a few copics that I'll cubmit. ! O 3 (Itanding do:uments to the Donrd.) M Tima and again PGE hac just not demonstrated that U 'I5 if; has the ability to CLfely operato the Trojan Plant, and
.. 16 'stsu they want to eliminate the little concervnbim that we 17 'now have th'/ro, and ope rate tlw plant under- cubntandarff con-j .10- ditionc. And I concidar this action ine::cuuable ,
l h. 1 1 IQ : 1 Arid finally I como to the Nuc3eal: Regulatory , [ 20 I( Commission.- And I stated earlier that I had little confi-4
.f 3 ',1 dence -in the MRC8c protecting our. health end.nafoty. I'd 4
M liko 1.o hring'to the~ Board's attention.a recent GAO rcport 'l ' i?Al. .onticled The Nuclear-Regulatory Ccamission Macds to e ; H Aguressively Monitor and Independently Evaluate Nuclear Power h 7...'
- h .. &
. , . . . .. [ '
$ ( ~ Plant Construction.
.j ,ff
, _g
,, ; j *-
l u,; J . U~ '
h' f, , lii-i 'w. . , :;n : D .W
, . :-;n- .=.-- .n - - - - "' 'L~
f *"
,l lP 137'4- d i .
(' The report criticinos the MRC for almost-exclunive
mpb9 -I L 2 reliance.on atonic plant builders of monitoring. The report ,- . . y l l
'also states that. the 11RC's construction innpections cra in-L; y.
"I adequate hacause 'the inspectora spend too little timo at .the l I
i l 5 building' site and do too little indopondent tanting. l E.
- 6 Now it seems como.of the criticismo in this report- -
almost cound like a cito-opecific-analysis of tha Tro'}an
- 7) ;
L h 6 cituatione- It'gocs without saying that'a thorough tiRC in-i 9 spection during construction should have prevented the. 10 travesty,that we now find ourcelvoc in. And now the same [ 11 problem exists: no indapandent evaluations, but almost O. exclunive reliance on Dechtal'c analysis,'and I'm speaking 13 of'thene' control room hearings. [ 14 Now I may not be a nuclear engineer or a physics 15 major, but one needs nothing but common sense to determinc ) 16 that something in seriously wrong here. l 17 I maintain that startup cannot ponaibly ha consider- -
. l 13 'ed by this Board until an independant analysis 10 completed 19 ~ by the Staff.
This meanu'no reliance on Bcchtel's assump-t
'20. tions..
25 Nov I've seen the neard in the Skngit proceeding 1
.22 a time _.o'r two tell. the NRC Staff, ' Look, your work i.s ilmdcquatt ,
I .9 e you're going to'have to go out and bring us cone more data.and
- 23 E ,
24- somelmorol figures. I think the work in this situation on the
25 ~Part of-tha1 deficient, and I think it'a serious' m k i
, . - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - -- -- - - - ,
i h , e -
F s-
. 1375 =
, a. > n. mph 10 ' 1 4 L enough-to requiro'the.came reanalysis and an indapandent + 8 ' evaluation ~. . ih , 3 The IIRC in responsible for regulating the nuclear' l(
# in0astry and protecting our health and cafety.
For onca I'd ,
0 1/ke to ace come action'on its behalf that would restore ny 6 Jonfidence in itc performing its function.. > 7 I would'cloco by saying I'll be watching the pro- ) i C) caodings carefully, and that I would. hope that possibly o ) ' 9.r wa'd be afforded the opportunity to make limited appearances l 'M after the testimony comes in on the cafety-related equipment U I. 2 becauso'I think there's a pecaibility that come concerns may 1 1 ! i 12 he brought.out in that testimony that ua vanld like the Board } .
- .. j 4
13 to addrecs.
-14 CHAIRMAU tiILLER: Thank you.
- i. .15 11R. STACHON: Do you have anything to'say, Shanda?.
r i 16 (No respon00.) q [ 17 ' CHAI1Hihu MILLER: She's the tc.rsert witness wa've ! 10 had,, I i 10 (Laughter and applance.)
-20 Thank you. 1 l'-
l , L l21 Who would like to:go next? ? I
, 124 11R. BERGEL: Peter 'Dergel, - I lis/e. at 17560 IInrmony l .
- 25 ROdd'in: Sheridan,' Oregon.; I?m n~PGE ratepayor. '
}1 '. ,it -
y 1 j []. I
.w L ' 0 - . .s .' 1
7 . - . 7 3. - .: . - . -. . g V , < r
, '1376 . -
I ' impb11L ' '
.I would like to ash that this Board.cummarily din-* t i
i 2 '
.thisc PGE'o requent for permiasion to operata Trojan.on an
- interini basic punding repaira on the control building ,for the 4 Tfollowing 3easons:.
- 6. First, Trojan received 'a licenso from the !7RC to 6 ,
.l 1 . operate within. curtain safety gr.idelines. Now what uu?'aro- '
, 7' theso.gul.'delinesi.-and with what confidence can the public view . :6 such guidelinen~in the future if they are cimply' waived as [ 9 soon'as they become a serious probleg to a rasctor operator?
. l 10- Secondly, There han'bacn quaation at thcsc hearings 11 au 'to whet:hcr need for power was a partinent -topic for
- . 12 Intel."venoro to exploro. 'ict PGE
- n alleged need for- Trojan's 13 -output hat been a prosauring factor causing the bifurcation 4
14 o'f those hoarings and generating an unnecessary conce of i l 15 . urgency ' Ar. all these prcceedings. And I urge the Beard to l
- 16- maha up its mind whether or not this topic'is relevant.
t- 17 And if it is relevant then it seems lika both sides i
- 10. oaght to be able to.addreas it'directly.
i ) 19 Thirdly, the PGE-Ecchtel contract which was re-
.20 leased earlier this week reads lika an egreement batwson a t 21 thief.and a' fool. ' Responsibility for public safety and-l .. . wolfare should-not be in.the hands of either. . Bcchtel-haa 22 ;
j'- :
.l , .. . ..
23.l:huiltatremendously-complexfacilityandthenhassoughtto ..
24-cxonerateilitself ~ from any. poacibic liability -if that facility (g [ jg . . lis deficient,_which of course wo know now is the casa..
l' l q
. 1 ~ -! .I
r, . _ v./7
, l l 1 l
mpb12 1 And I'm real c;lnd chnt i:ric Stachen uant nhe .d cf I 2 I rae and procented more backgrounS on the unacceptability of 3 Bachtel'c parfontance on other contracta e l i 4 Aunc3ning :'hc Gcriousn2Gn of titt do R M Oncy and i i i 5 correcting it cannot ba rerdonably left up <.o auch c. corpora- ! 1 0 tion, .and yet that is whic wa are c">ing, & at e aceinct } 7 Dechtel making the arror in the firnt plar , atteapt.5ng to a weasel out of any liability for it by tha contrac~ idtt it 9 involved it alf ./ith uith PGE, and no" ia doing une stud ca l l i i, 10 to find out just uhat tha cituaticn really is, and c 're 11 cupposed to rely on chat and then raly en ucchtml to acrract i i \
- i l
12 the mistakes that it Jinda in i.ts aun ntudios oc th' citun- !I i 13 tion. 14 '&.in la not ble. 15 On the other hand, NE allom S nachtal to hood- , t 1G l Uink it into aignina thic abCur!! contract, a c tm l. L n g , no douM ,! I e 1 I i j7 on the ratepayern to ,nt a. . .. It out 1r n; c, T ry. A..nd cim"oncly ; i 10 bh". public intorcr P acnnot bn nrtetti in On n udo .2 f nGI'
'b 19 either. !
i so l. Also., na Eric ac envingv. mar t vio , 21 So I requect that the a mb '^s of thc nocrd wie.- t 4 22 the contract and ank thmrelvM dhNhar th y could : happy ! 4
-O e w
with this hind of a 10.nbilitcr aqrc a ~ r asu if Tw. .7ht a ";cre 1 ny.. i building a hour for thru, I j w Fourth *. PG7;*u financial rituation in &conoratoo - i ! i l l \
gg r
- b. L Y
;1378 ,
4 mpb131 I Its bond rdting;in -BBA ~0n a dociaion betwaan profits and i - 2 cafety,. safety in'certain to take second place, This also 3 prejudices me against granting PGE responcibility to protect
~ 4 my. safety.
- . 5. On account J of all of theco points, I'ask that the in p.
6 Board parmit no interin operation of Trojan, and furthar, l i! 7 that the NRC he asked to send i.n a team of inopectorn -- not 6 just one or two, but a team -- to comb the plant from top to-l 0 bottom in an' attempt to identify all the other problema that. l V 0 may exist' thoro at this time.and to see that they,-as well L 11 .as-this problem of the control-building, are adequately
'12 dealt with before any question of restarting the plant is even l
t 13 entartained. [ Thank you. 15 CITAIRMAN MILLER: Thank you, if ! 16. . (Applauco.) i !- 17 Who. wishes to go nert? o j 18 LIMITED APPEARTdICE STATEf!ENT OF ELEANOR GUiin i 4' 19 ML GUNN:- Menbars.of the Board, I hopa that you-i . 20- will both listen'with open hearta and consistr what I havo 4 a , ?J to cay in the spirit.of concern c and conpaucion with which y , L. p
1 22 'I ankLit.
'L . . 23 Who is powerful enough to force a Federal I-Tuclenr -j y N- - 24 Ragulatory Agency to lower by-almost one-half its earthquake 4 l [ .lg i + I.have aL
' ' 25J . safety { standards to operate.a nuclear power plant. . e l c ,
1 8
.t h , . , -.l , l :u e:_u..:.,.--. . . ...-.z-... . . .. ... - ... _ _ . . . - . - .
.y ,7 1.r @ o
, 1379.' :'
s mpbl4 quer/bionLtoo that other peoplo have bacn caying that it ic-2- yourijobh.but'I'd'likotohaveayonornoancuerfromyou e U beforelI go~on,.which ia: i In it your job to make sure that nucienr planta i. J 5: b are operating safely? G CHAIRMAN HILLER: I think va've ci:plained before 8 that this in your opportunity, and that va abould not 6 appropriately'engago-in debates and answer questiens and the
'9 like.,
Thesu have'bcon the ground rules throughout, no pleacc 10 don't ank us: questionc; but please tell-us what you wish for ! 1I- un to'know or hoar. I2
-MS. GUNN: Uall, I have to acauna that that is your: '
g 13 job, thon'. 14 If the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board has 15 datermined.that the control room walla need to have an OBE i 16 of .15, what could possibly convince ycu to operata the 17 Trojan Muclear Power Plant when the OBE, according to the la latest study, is 08? 19 Jud I'd like thoso. quections -~ if you can't 20 ' answer then right now, I'd'like them to be part of the racord
. 21 - and to be answered at some pointo .P2 'I wonder if-the request;for_ Trojan to he opened 123 2 frun Governor Straub was part of the proucure that lod you . -~ . 94 .'to hold these rectings and . decide to consider this-issue.
25- E I:would111ke to say that Governor Straub ia trying to win an l
,. - __2 L:-__ _ = l--
r m: .
..q 1300- )
i- Tmpbl5'l- election and his not reprocant the people of l I
- 2. . Oregon, as'far as I.and.most other people that I know are 3 - concerned.
4 ~I am in touch with both c, large ntribor and a largo - l O crocs~scotion~of people in Oregon. I've lived here almaat i , 6 20.yeara, and I'n-involved in both alternative energy mancures
[ and my community as a midwife,~and sorking au a farmer too.
'4' I'd like to tell you frcn all the people who
[ 3 9 can't be here today who I know are very concerned about this j .. j . 10 icsue, Land for myself, that we do not want Trojan operating, t i. j '11 especially with the control room walla not up' to safety i
- 12 standards. I think thia is just ridiculouc, to put it mildly,,
i.t 13 My wish in that it never be reopened and no more
..14 : plutonium would be made. .
1 15 To giva an cu: ample of the cross-section of people 16 that in. contact with, I was hitch-hiking here today and l T/ !the four.ridea that I got, the first vac tuo woman nnd a small' 18 . child. Each person asked me where I was going and I said I ' l 10' was ' coming Lto testify here, and their cc:=ent, before I asked , I t- !
[> 20 them any questicins Enbout uhat they thought was, "I hope that < I . 21 sthing,is never reopened. Wo don't need it and we don't want 1
;22' '
Iit . "' ' 2 23 .I got the sameLanswer f2:om a 50-year-old painter, p7 .- 24 [.andIgotthesameanswar'fromalogtruckdriver,andthe j i p L h'~ - 125
- same fro,m.'atperson who had just had a child and wondered:if 1
e s . Si < LU -
^- +
- . ~ . - ,
nn --- - - - - _._...____...._..- --- - }'.-.+ e ;r
,- ~,- -;" .g
[' y ,. 4 1381 [ _1a v 1: 1 i mpblG q- k i
.he did the right: thing by bringing another child into thic t )
;world, 3
s A lot =of people are of a different opinion. :.Thoy h . '4
- .knou; nuclear power in dangorous, but they're miclod by propa-O I
L ganla put.out by PGE caying that un need nuclear power. The
'6 prapaganda also says that if we don't have nuclear power, we -d m't have electricity, ' which is an accumption that I can't
- 8
!>uy. - We have damo on almost all the big rivers in Oregon; 9
we hava' plenty of cicetricity. U IC L .In fact, the only forecast of a higher projected
{ < cnergy demand that I've read - and I'va read a lot of then ~~ 12 p
- i. .
are the ones done by the utilities. And in facte independent 1 13 agencien who make forecasts on energy dennnds show the demands 14
- t. -
for electricity going down and not up, 4- 15 t The nunber of people using alternative energy . l
. 16 grows daily. ..
And there are litera11y' thousands of peoplo
. 17 involved in this procesa and involved in educating others 18 about how'we can bring about the changes so that we can havo 10 more decentralized energy.
This sort of thing takes a lot F 20 - of- tirm, but 'it'c happening now. e And I think we should have i !; 21- . the it~and not have this1 4- have Trojan reopened' j t
= .22 just initi panicisituation by PGA
- i
-T .!
n '- -23' i:
' Oregonians nre different from Washington, D.C. 4 -
24 We still 1have como land - that can support our. existence and .!
~ ~ '
25 we have peoploithat como and go who-are villing to work d1 b k q ,' I' A 1
-5 i 9- ' _- { r -
, 3: .
1302- i
.i !
c: p mpb17: -l together to curvive. If you both live in Washington, D.C. 4< l 2 w .I?m-not euro where you live, but I imagine the atmosphora l 3-
l_ is a lot.differentithero, and people-are more dependent on
.W. : T the-utilities.
F -We are'morc independent herc.and would like the l 6 chance to have cur'own~ destiny to fulfill. There's-lots of-7' talk those days about world doctruction. The. air, the water, i 3 i
- .6 - the earth, and the upper atmosphere"are being poisoned daily ,
l- : l' 9 by our way of life. Thos'a' things arc our support cystemn, ) 10 inlen they are gone, we're gono., -
\ '11' This link between the carth system and human 3
1 12 heinga acems to be'one people forget easily in this world 1 l 13 of business and' money. I-believe the continuation of life i 14 on thic planet to be more important than noney, and I would 1 15 ask the-Board'if they believe that.same thing. }'
- 'f l 16 It 10 known that the-continental plates are i'
17 shifting, that the surface of the earth is having increacing , 18 carthquakes, and that the whole West Coant could be in a 1 19 precariouc position at soma point in the nonr future. If L 20 you would allow not; only 'Projan, but Skagit and Satcop, and 1 21 other nuclear be operated when there in no guarantec 22( .that tho' control roomiof Trojan or others could withstand
23 this kind of cruake,. In fact,.Bechtel does not guaranten j
.,- 1 1 .. 24; much of anything, j ; i I
- p. 2$. Yet the testimony;of Bechtel-engincorn ic being- I l .-
li ly ,
, 1 - ., A . , U 'r
_I A t.. _____.D., ,_ ,, , , , _ ,.,_,..,_,.._._.,.._i,.J. . i. mi' ,
; it " #
2,' 1303 [ * + mpb18.' I taken'us ovidenco in thin hearing. If they cail't build a- . nucicar plant and ha reopencible for'their errorc, how can
-3 their judgment-about the control room walls even be conaider-1, h lg. 4 ' ~
That's anothor. question thatsI would like an answer to. Led? F. , t "e And, uliy are the ' highly-paid consulting enginears
j I E uho willLtestify Monday, why are they hired an6' paid for by 1 is 7 'PGE?. The quotations from.the testimony that appcared in the 8 Orecton Journal ~ otate: . 1 9 #There vould be no threat to public health j j 10' or cafety if Trojan.ic ganarate power
.11 while the building is otrangthened."
l r i p 12 It in known that no levol of radiction is cafo l 13 and that Trojan's normal operatien and releace, of radiation 14 ' is~a throat to the public safety and health. and yet they i
- 15. 'can make a statement like that, that it's no threat to the i-16 public'a' safety.and health, I don't undcratand.
7 17 There will' be an even biggar threat if Trojan-- i 10 operaten before the control room is repnired. L 19 I'd like to any sc.mathing about people's energy n ,' 20 and motivas for speaking on thin issue. At the hearing = p h - 21 Monday I would queca that half of.the people in the room
. 22- :waro paid, and probably pretty wall paid, for being there h [..
L ' ' 23 and citting there, and either-giving their opinionc'or juct 24 waisching, 9 ' 25
The'other'halfEof the paople ara people who ware-4 f . f' .
>t C / 1 I
- q. _
...-.7.... . ~ . . . , ,. g . - - .- - - . .. .
ic a s 5 s
,i .
n 1384L}I L i.- 'mpbl9jIT there bacause they care enough'about having some'say about-p
} 2' Nhat.happens in their lives to make'the time to goJthere, to F . . . . . .
3 .take off from work, to got concone elco to do their job, to
!' k ' pay, in fact, to.go to thene hearings through the expense of- ~ . gan'or bus, orzhowever they got here.
- 5' F 6 I wondor what motivas ara more inclined to bringinge p 7 truthful responsen, one who is being pdid'or noncone who goca
?: I, B- because they care?/ 9- I'd like to respond to the person that spoha first L ! 10 after tho' roc 2ss who:aays he's worked on-Trojan and on the L 11 control rooms. .One Gtatnment he reads waa. that mistakes are { 1 ?- g i-1 12- made every day. .And I don't know if.he is referring to Trojan, i g g 13 mitatakch are made ovary day, or juct general technology.- Jind - .i
-14 ho caid it wan dono as wall as humans can r:ake it. I 1
I 15- I can't 'eally r accepi: that, and I wondor if just. l
L the.whole question of human error in enough'not to I 10 l have a-nuclear plant' operating. You know, if it' o up i:o a
.ty 78- person to punh the right button and that's all-it's up to, }
{ 13 la'that worth running ~the risk of having thia uhole area 29: polluted, rand vory badly-pollutad.. ) n ~ l 21l .He alcolsaid thatLtha pipes that are uced are 1
.. .- ;ga 2 always carefully monitored and X-rayed and.done ovar.and all; 4 ;)
1 [ ~- 7 . j3 .ofithisHandEthat. And I was~ talking to a parson who uorks at j p, .m p oo 24. !
- a' stool company- in McMinnville and hs to3d nm that a chipment {I ~g- [
- - t; 7 23- of pipes thae u vaa hound for:nancord to.he uoea in;a nuclcar
f , e
<N , .;. g. .
. ..l ', d l'385
[. ,- e
.mpb20 I . plant were sitting.around and waiting for the NRC, or who~- 3 ; '2' '
everlis cupposed/to inspact then t'o como and inspect.them, 3 I.. and they never carao, .co they just acnt them. out without D
?. 4 b'aing inspected..
I I don't'know if that'a over happened at Trejan, 6 but if it' happened tharn, then it's happening at Hanford h }. 7 right!.now. -That raeans that there's a lot more errorc than
- -s.
- j. 0- anyone even knows. But you both probably are more aware-of Y all the. mistakes and all the errors than I am. And I hopt
- ? 10 you will consider those things.
11 The last thing I to say is repeating e 12 my otm question: Who is powerful enough to convince you L . ,- 13 to reopan Trojan when it doen not moet the earthquaha standarda?
.14 Are you going to bo' convinced by Bechtel cnd by PGE because of-4 i
l 16 their intercuts, or are you be convinced by the 4-16 peoplo who-don't hava a.monnyed interent in thic plant re- ..
- 17. opening but who want'to live a good lifa?
- - 18
- . (Applauna. )
a !, 10 - CHAIPJliiN PiILLER: Thank you. I q ' 20. ; i, 21 222 [ n- 23 j7,. ,
; 23: j s .,
7- :r-
- q. ;
g- < :p j i
- "~ .m
,, c ,
q [ ..; ,
/- <
st I' 5 .t. .i,4J U - e ' if WRBloom - a n < ; s jfflaLMPB. , 4. -i (3c ebl j; II '1. t c0 LNho isJnoxt?- i; 2 LIMITED APPEADAliCE STATIETNT OF DANDY PITLER t 3 ';9s0 W,' Fourth Street, Eugene, Oregon l 4 MR. PITLER: My name ia Sandy Pitler. I livo at ) ll 5' L938 W. Fourth Stroet'in Eugeno, Oregon. i
.k 'O Before getting into my own commanto I have two 7- statements that twoLworking people from. Eugene have asked,ma- 3 l.
'to bring'and road into the record for them..
O CHAIIUCN MILLER: Very well,, i: [ 10 MR. PITLEU: The first is by Goorge P. Laird, of 11 253 West D Street, Sp ingfield, Oregon.
'i2 "To thoso interested:
j 13 "I am but a concerned citizen. I cannot [ 14 attend those hearings boeause of connitmenta to my l-l [- 15 . work. i 16 "I want to point-out that I conside:e at [ E ' 17 a' contradictory tuove to establich justified cafety n e 18- measuroa and then, af ter they are appropriately
.i g.
I ID' enforced, to reacind that e.nforccmant, rishing the ,
, .1 29 nafetyrof maanes of people and the environment for i
21~ tho'banefitLof,a private organization. IP da not 1 g a 1; . 1 E correct to reopen Trojan. ~ 224 lf ~ 23 "Please'try to think clearly." i r, - s.
.i' 724: EAnd ha has a. postscript at tha bottou: l ., l 25 ? "Evene if ;you can live L'ith con tra6.iction, , ? , LA. /. i L. . : . . f. ;.,~ v. .m. -f r, .. ;, .., _ ,,. 4_ . , ., .. ..;;_,. _ _ _,. _________.__________ ____ .
- . _ - - - - . - ..~ .. - .. - .. . - - . - - - -
'7 3 ;;7 '
fc p: .. i L eb2L i1 it beats me how Eyou could live with'your' con-2 science if you reopen Trojan, .have any. I C 3 ' sensitivity for ' the co-mombers of your-'socieby. "
-l -
4I ' The second statement is froni a the 6 i.' b
,5 ~ .name of Bruce-Bowers who' lives at 2190-2 Patterson Street, '6 in' Eugene, Oregon. . " I have no technical expertise on.the 7
'O matter now before the Commission, but I cpeak as b
- 0- a resident of Oregon, someone whose life may depend 10 upon the so-called experts, who are deciding whether
'11 or not to restart Trojan. ,
12 "I Pnow tha experts cay that vc are . J 13 dealing with minuto probabilities when we speak l 14 of a serious accident resulting from the restart-p
- 15. ing'of Trojan while repairs are being made. I 16 don't question these assertions. Heither would I
(- 17 question someono who attached minute probabilities 18 to the collision of the Jumbo jets in France, . i 19 ' killing over 500, or to the recent carthquaka in f 20L Iran, killing thousands , or .to the mons 'c rous pre-med;itated murder of millions- of Jews in gas ovens . 21.i .- 22, at'the-whim of a'few insano raciato. .
"Therelis comrithing strango'about terri-23 5 ' ; 24 .ble ' events -like thes4. - They always , . prior to their I. g^L 3 25 occurrence, seem exceedingly unlikely to occur. q r
i a 3 E / --
.t. .n ~ jl h ,'i i
- c. .. _.
4 .
. . :. 2.,. : _;2. . ._._..__.,L.._,..._, .......__.___._,_._-a,m,-
-. _ _. . . _ , . _ , _ _ _ _ .,.. . _ . _ _ __ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ = _ . _ - . _ - -_ - - . _ - - - - - . , ~- >a .
.1388; i~
if p !eb3' .ja A 1 As I sayc I have no -experti se on thic h . . <
..2' . matter you are considering. But I do-have conmon by. 3' sense. 'And my common senso suggcats that even 4 . if Lrestarting is highly unlike11r' to causo a carious F 5 accident, such an accident is even less likely if
( G Trojan remains shut down.
'7~ "I think you owe it to me and to the f G. Other citizens-of' Oregon and Wanhington not to ' 9; . force us to live under any greater risk than p to _ which already-faces ua. I say Trojen should re-l '11 main-shut down.
12 " Sincerely, i I. . 12, " Bruce Lowerc
;14 "Engenc, Oregon."
15- I have prepared a written statement and I. have l 16 some otheri things to road into the record aa . uoll, co I i .
. i
,o 17 hope you'11 bear ; t 4 18- I'm a. pre-school teacher in Eugene, Oregon. I-il 19- work with. children ages 2 to 5 years 'old, and as a working 20 person I'would'really like to' seriously regiator my olijections ; o h ' to the ' time' and place of..these hearings . l21 - \;
. : 22 ifhen an iscua which . concerns. the cai et/; of all l-L 23 the citlizens of curiatatie in L hhe- subject of hearingo , I feel 1
i l :24 ' it, is . incumbent tipon you ~to celect a tirae.' and piaco for ' 4.;h- ,
- 25) the; hearings? based upon the needs.of.the people rather than' l? '
4 > b t s J. '
- l. ,
. 1
. . . - . ~ . - , , . , - , - .
- a f
.e'. i
[ 1389 .7 t 2 t i L , e 1- . L eb4. .1' the needs ofa corporation. g ;. i t 2 Working people ar'e being donied the right to l L a 3 speak by'the scheduling of' hearings during working houro. ; I 4 How:canryou expect' workers from Salem.or Eugene or other 5 . areas of the stato to get to Portinnd betueen 9: 00 and 5:00'
- n.
6 on a working day? 7 Personally I'm fortunato enough 'to have en under~ 8' otanding employcr uho allowed me time off to drive up here 9 to give this tesy.imony. If you had had a day like I did !~
'10 with the kids'this morning, you'd understand what a real 4- 11 -burden that was on tho' people who I work with.
6 [ 12. -Other concerned' citizens were not ao fortunate t j .13 and their opinions will go unhoard. Therefore, I urge, and i e 14 I am to the point that I-would like to demand, although I i 15 don't know whether I have any presence here to demana r that 16 you schedule 'further time for citinens to appear before you. ;
.7 17 This time must be according to the people's necessity ara
- j. .
- gg .be in.the evening at a more central location such as Salem 19 or Eugene..
j 20 The reopening of the Trojan Liuclear Plant in its 21 preaent unsafe 'conditiion concerns all citizens and they munt-thave a chance to express their views.
~ ; p,2 ' And I really seriously i
L1. ? 23 want to put that in your brains if I can,-that there are
- c. ..,
- 24 > people who,would like to got here to talk to you, working-n f
e' -
;pg. . people who don? t have a' . chance because of; tha time. of the v ,: .yi .\ h , * * '_~)#
s Lr ,.o 4,_..,,m- . ., .;.,_.___,...,_._____________________.m.__m __..,.L_
. g $
h 1 1390-E } y , p F .ebii 1 'hea rings .- 2 .Before_I'get into como of the technical things l P 3 I've got in .ny testimony, I would like to read into the I 4 - record a. letter written-by I assume a gentlcntan that you L
-5 kncw,.Dr. Samuel U.-Jensch, Chairman, Atomic Safety and
} 6 Licensing Board, U. S. Nuclear Ecgulatory Cotaniccion,- . h '7 Washington, D.lC. This is a letter that was written to i-1,. j 8 Governor Ray of Washington concerning the Skagih Plant hear-1 .
- 9 ings.and dealing with ecrthquake poscibilities and faults, 4
-. 10 and I quoto.from the letter:
i-- I il "I think it is fortunato that you have l-l- p 12 read or have been informed about the references i 13 'to the Diablo Canyon procacding at the January [ 14 24th prehearing confereace ih the Shagit case. [ ll 15 I am sure that the Pacific Gas and Electric Con- I I .; l, 16 . pany concluded that'c.dequate data had been col-I 17 lected to-warrant a construction permit. [. ll 10 "Unfortunately, the PGLE consultants ; r l- 19 failed in-their investigotion and even rejected 3 ! l .. 20 as ' speculative'...." l :. 21 And. that ' c . in quote s - h rz 22-
- . . . .a suggestion that any earthquake fault was--
.I 23 = sufficiently ' adjacent to be ' a problem. Those ' consultants appeared to take tho' view that a-- '24. ~ g". ."25 '
lone interpenor witucas should ba-required to i (f
'd i
O i_ l, . i~ .. .
. . . _ _ _ . . . . . .. -h'-
I c' ; { ~, ~,.,:
/ ~ A #
l' i
.l L+;' 1 W. .
1391~ . ,
,i (, ,f ' !
~Ol$6 '1 - 'proV'G' ..... -
.2L in quotes"---
n ' 3 ".i..his. suggestion of the c:ciatence of a fault. l.. _ .
'4'- "Fortunatoly for that witnoco, an oil -i i !
j 1 '5~ company, in an investigation in the area nearby-l' 6l I [ the PGLE nuclea* plant, found a fault, and the i
[ 7 - tragedy of' incomplate investigation must now be j l j weighing heavily on PG&E and may be one of the -i
- 9 ,:} ' reasons'for the proposed reduction of $89 million
(- .l 10 in ratos. If the.ratepayers are paying for 11 . cons truction-work-in-progreca rates , the weight
- '2 must be nigh unto unbearable.
g. j- 13- "As you perhapa noted in the January i 14. 24th Skagit.prehearing, some intervenors have i
- i. . 15 '- made.come similar suggestions of' earthquake faults 16 as were made in the Diablo Canyon case. While
- - 17 other proceedings'both at the stato level and 18 also at perhaps the incomplete Advisory Comnittee j i.
L 19 on Reactor Safeguards meetings have considered
. 20 .acismic and geologic mattera, the NRC Licensing U Board proceeding is the only one. governed by the 21.
U . J22
- Federal Administ'rative Procedures = Act which
[ k- i 23- s aprovides'for cross-examination'and full explora-t - 24- tion of the issues.before_a federal agency. b "' i.' 25 '!Neither the state nor ACRS determinations a f 1' 4 de r 4 t ' f [ '
,-tt ,
k c. 1 x{ W
,.g y .1392 j, ;; . i!
p 1 { j- Leb7 l'. arel. compellingT to_tho' federal proceedinos. To be'
- i I J
2 sures.the Skagit case will be decidad on.its 3 - merito and'the facts related solely to it, but I .i ,. 1
'4 would expect the Licensing' Board to note thht thu
,i ,
- n. 5 , director of the consultanto for the Applicanta is
- 6 both the came for Diablo Canyon as it la for l_ .
[ 7 -Skagit." f , i .' S -I wanted that in the record to put; forth to you 9- the' idea that, as the woman who talked before me,.I really b 10 fool it la important that you listen to these things with j-( !- 11 open carc in terms of' export witnessac versus people, working I L 12 people. 13 The purpose of these hearings, as 7 understand j 14 it, is . to determine whether it be cafe and in the best 13 interests of the citizens to allou PCE to restart Trojan l 1 16 oven though sections of the plant have been found by you, i i 17 the Nuclear. Regulatory Commission, to be below standards [ I 18 concerning:the impact of earthquakes. ' [
-19 If. your real. concern la safety, then it is rey {
- -. i l l EO contention that these hearings.shouldn't even be taking place r
- ;21 in good conscience - and this is soracthing that I- 1 L. . .22 really'can't understand - can you evan contemplate reopening-1 ., ..
1 3.23 -a' substandard nuclear power plant? k
- 24-
The fact that such plants produce c;ctromely. high 125 levels..of radiation and~ irradiated;isotopos in beyond-a ;_
$ 4 s l.
...c.. _u.____.. - - - - n I<
, . + . r 5 r l' I ' ' '1 ,k 4 C ., ..
I i.1 1393
[ ' 1 :s ! Eb 8 '.- :1 ; question.. Ant / breach in the 'containmerit vesnel uhich would p 7 2! : lead to an "atmonpheric. release of thin.. radioactivity would I '3 have catastrophic:effectc on human baings and their environ- {
. 4 tinnt .
i.~ ta 5 i 51 The preacnt situationi a plant known to be suc-0 , l: U 6 ceptible to earthquakes, accident waiting to happen. t l l- 7/ ;The fact that you have placed standarda on c . O earthquake _ resistance indicates' you' know how catastrophic q l'- J.
-a cuch an accident could be. I assume that your earthquake : ,
!~ 4 10 standards have been act after czareful research of all the z L [ 1; poccib'ilitiies . ,
- j. .
F 12 a plant which is- as .below standaM as '.cnojan ici .,
?3 I content, would never be granted u. licence today on 'ita l
- j. ~34- present site. We're dealing here with a plant which io abnoct .i a
[ 15 50. percent below N 3 standards. Information hna t 1' . ; f't. 16 come oat'to 6 2 Standards Trojen is. lt j 3g T) ' that Trojan has an OBE i ; i. it [. .gg; rating.of . PGB and Bechtel l, ll _gg claimed that. . ar below the ,15 which , ! 4 t l 20 m
' akes Trojan c.i l
$ 21; # Furthormore,. ,, u a found that the primary '- L { L 22 L coolingjpipes themselyes<are stis'o' earhquakos 7e1pj;;al gg'et th'at Troja'n atid'.Bechtel .f ailed . tc turn . up "in . I 723q I ,:
+ 124.. . th eii-j ownJ s_afety 's tudy . ; 'j l .,3 'r X, . .
i Ei(od.
- Y2.5 i ,
The ludicrouanssa of this. ' situationcwoul? be- J-
, f l I "I t : -
y , w. u, , I f [ '
+; i w,
- s. s u
- m. ,
. -u .. :
- l;l '
'l' Y ' 's lc 't:wbW y-Nj'h{_l3f:)!g} .9 % Ei :J. l{ , _~. . _ . m m_2 _ Ju - ~ - , - a- ~, -- , *
- . . - _ . - - - . . . . - - -- . . - - - -.- ~
r 7 ,
- 1394 , i
- . l l' ,
( ob9' ) laughable truly if .it weren't - if we waren ' t talking about l,
1- ..7
, 2" an accident possibility which, according to Dr. Richard Webb ,
4 3 in his book, Accident- Flazardt, of Nuclear Power Plr3nts,, which, [ 4~ haven't road,-makes for very interesting late-night 5 reading, almost as good as a murder mystery, i 6 liccording to Dr. Webb the following results 'l 7 would happen from'the worct possible accident. ! 8 One, releas* a lethal cloud of radiation with i.
'9 la range of.75 miles and a width of one mile; 10 Two, cause the evacuation or nevare living il restrictions for a land area.the cico of Illinois, Indiana, 12 and Ohio combined, 120,000 square miles.
13 Three, cause severe, long-term restrictions on 14 agriculture due to strontium-90 fallout over a land arca e 15 the size of about onc-half the land east of the Mississippi [ 10 River, 500,000 square miles, j 17 The. nuclear industry argues that such a possi- , 1 18 bility is remote. To them I say I vill not allow you to take . 1 19 tha t geauble . And I say to you who I assume are people uho ~ 20 21 do the right thing, are you willing to take that .
'22 .gerable and be recponsible for what may reculb? Are you' ready 23 p to gamble on a plant that you have found to be unaufo?
u If i l s 24L this was anfisoleted incident, maybe you would consider it ~ 25 LbutjPGE ..
.1 has a; history of miscalculations' and mistakes.
i l-
-l , o l
k[ w. . , a'
! ,.' .- . . . , . . , , :- > ~ -[=s -
..q ._ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ , -- _ _ _ -_ _
- , 4 ,
. 1395 f
,F. ebl0; 1 Time and t1me again'cinco Trojan came on.line, i
- 4 2
- 'thore have-been shutdowns,. accidents, safoty problems. 'The )
[ 3- -best one can say ic that~Trojati construction:vas ill-advised i ! 14 and 4 technological nightmare. . The worot is'that it was . \ j- 5: criminali the conce that the lives and property
i~ l of so many peoplo have' depended on a plant that in unsafe
- ..6.. j 7 if
- an earthquake of a sufficient magnitude vac to strika, .
.l '8 criminal in that there is no automatic chutdown in case of l
,; .j
- i j' D earthquakes but, rathor,.our lives depend upon a small light
. 10 lighting up on a control board when.the gronna shahec, this s
. 1 [ ' It in'a $450 million nuclear power plant. Plua an operator has j-12 to recognize that a light has come on. Ilo has to manually 13 ' shut down the plant. I ., 14 .Such an carthqus&c varning system is a joka, but in j'
- 15' coupled with the. fact that Trojan is built'npon an earth-
! 16 quake-fault makes it no laugaing matter, a plant built I 17 'upon an carthquaka fault with a Eube Goldberg style shutdown 3 i [ , t8 system, with a control room. aallanu primary cooling pipes I 19 not able-to' withstand an earthquake less.than half ~~ strong 20- as-it's. supposed to. L U L l 21' .The reopening of this plant.wouldLbc a crime and ; a 4 l- , , f' 22 : pure ' fo.11y. . ;
,s .
23' The, question ue have here .is! notL just a techno - , . t. Elogic'alione butga moral.cne as'nell.c Sow many, citizens ~must , . ... 24 n 8
.c. . ?,-
'^%. l{:-l , ?250 geome?before you pleading Lthen the rhu. 3ers inherent in .this r H p": , l
N. 5
, s ,
y+ ,
. . g' , . + , ,y +
^ l ,}_.;[. , 'l ;; bY:jf ; e
,.m _-., . . . . .
. .. . y., _ _ , _ , E, ' . f .' I - lT, g _ h ';
_ .^}l l Y. , d: f f[, r 3
, {t ; '.f .lj '
n - ~
, .n, 1 J 1396!.
} ..$ 4 + , c ',i V '
(E M [ 4 obli ' 'l ' situ 4 tion arc . too great toIbe ignored, befora you will hear __ 2 'tliairf pleas'. . ; i' 3- ^t K 4Is your faith in technocrats and nachinery so l1 i-4 unshakabib hhat you cannot recognize that it_would.Le noro ', p I l5 _ prudent to keep Trojan'nhut'down at this. time? There'a no ( , B ., p 6- , rush < PGE has supplied the. power. that's .neenssary. I i , o I demand nnd I plead' that' you- ordar n . complete 7 , r L 'O nafety audit of thin pinnt by an uninvolved tPird party, one ; E e5 9 who is not ago-involved with its findings. Are you prepared l? i l; 10 to place'our-truct y in PGE, a campsny tahich; hts constructed
- i. ,
i-f' 11 a plant notorious for its peor safety record? Are you prc~ r i i 5- ' 12 1 shoulder tha burden of responcibility you would have ja ' t'o bear should the unthinkable. carthquake strike a plant L i; M .you rushed-to reopon? c , p- ' 15 The technologicd1 data you nov have poin'; to a; i j, i l 15 .- tho' only decision you can . morally mako , to koop it closed , 4 4 h . . ! .- 17 pending.a' full study and repairs. A decicion to rdopen this i.y 1a_ plant'would toll;the' people of Oregon that the forLunes of . p - 19 ,a corporation outweigh considerations of their safety. ,l As Eervanto of . the people. you are, chargad with
- 4 'o 20.. -;
p i. 21 t protecting;our;interects,~ If you have .but a glimaar of .: e Th' , t : U .. ' rf T doubt, ' just of doubt, about the saf aty of roopetting ' '
' g. L 23 - droj an . in' its ipresexi.t. condition , then you must noi Lyon dare U
. g..
r ,.
' ' . ' . . - I. vq-, .
I [.g g hy,
<H ,
Pletise,[open TyourThearts and your. ears F to hear. '
...w. 'q _.- 't , !$ '5l.I), f . \ q t, W ; ; ' / .t 5 i ,',l JO a, + , ~ ~. , s.. , , nJ .i.-;.., . . . . .-w' . + . - a .
jf . ;- I
p . it t - , t . .
< -1397 I-4 ') I j .. <.,
t y :.
.eb12 1 'what'.I:and othern are'saying. Ifor once your hearta are openj !
2I ).your cars musk follow, and Trojan will stay shut until it. i 3- ;ic proven that. it afforc no threat to the health and ' s afe ty 'l
- 4. of us all..
- ' .5 .Thank you, t.
6 .(Applauso.) l 7 . CHAIRMAN MILLEn: Thank you. l L 1 I j 3 Who wishoc to go next? i3c 9 l: l= to , 11- i
~I L
12 l t .,
') [-
l-is - e 1 5
- - 16 17 I I 10 l
. ? \
- k. ' 1h ,
4 r . , , e
, m.1 t i a , . } > 4 [ k ;' J . . . , . ' N. fT s
.; 23'.. h ^ ? ,,
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g' wm i
.i.s ,. , j ) ; . > '.[, ;r j .[ ~
l-- ) . , ,. y it 1 -
; , s. . .. : . 't i ' : i;- .J, '
i,,l.'. e
'.. f <;.j .
i Ur - 3' M, ') .. < ,l 3g . . h' 't it i ;,
" .. . , .j , >
- d[ ,F (p ,d'M l N, . > > -
, .a -p i!! . 01 '
h._' s , 3,.
* ' i
'6 ' .:;L; , e it. .i + ' ' _ .. c.;. T '
, l: 3 e' r w.. o
s 3 , q, t
- , 1 1398 b i
. . }"
p , 1 I ,. .
- )i."!3D wbl
L i o e 411 HEST 25th AVENUE,.EUGEME, ORECOM ' 2 'l ? 4'; ' L '
'3 - MP., DUKE: - My name is-Sheater Duke. I live at l
g L61 West 25tN Avenuo in . Eugene. I'm a self-employed artiot h 4; and teache'r and: community organizer. : C9 g. .I'm really-shocked.that uc'ro even here. 'Now b. lp > l [ y it's. obvious that PGE - in-breaking the law right now by l l= , , I t .. g not. allowing,. by not having its control room walls up to I, ! n f federal 1 's tandards. r j 'O For Governor Straub to call in President Carter f' : j {
- j. gg and urgo Precident Carter to tell you. to let the plant i t.
p' i 12 .re-open neemu like 'a conspiracy L:o sort of forget the fact i: , 13 that the~1au is being broken if'the Trojan plant ia turned i: y on.
- g. . To have that plant turned on for the last couple l 4 .
t j g of. yearn with the walle iricufficient is criminal. And I'm L I
- , 1,1 amazed that we're sitting here talking about whether or not it and let it be tiurned on line while the walla are f
- g. ntill! insufficiently otrong te uithstand earthquakes.
o c,0 1 . Many people in the laat couple of days . have re-e q p , 21 - counted .ov(3r.and .ovsr again into the record the many ' incidents: lx i n-- ; over the last: couple of-years of Icakages, of accidents, very 1 m . . . - 4e. . ( g serious p$oblems, and dangerous the: Trojan' plant. [ q;, J . : 1- .
woOt(go intoi'a. lot of deteil abc.ut thin,!but it includes.
# i u ' ..I .e :. , .24 jh '
iuch : things as'! cobalt-53 being 'in, the moss downstream from = theJ
& 4-,. -
- 25,s ..
< i t
?,le.' & , li ?' ' 'd-r ud , s > ) i t
.( , h 5!'.:. N [M ss ,
s'1 cip w>> !; J .~ ; i : q' , ' ' '
.e l b WE'n.
o $.a##N- 6 ,. Y i- -- W
'p' Uf ,. :.a o J'C a- .
- 4. E . . . i
~ _ - - ~ ... ~ ',( t '( . . . .
t r j.. :p ' 1399 o1 . h '!
'l h 1 wb2k 4
1 '. ; plant, fit being fdirectly attributable to the . plant. - The
- l. l b_ ,
F- 2 ' fact that for two yearn ~in a row, in 1976'and 1977, the { i:. . .. 3- Oregon Department - the ' Environmental Protection Agency
.4 released statictics nhowing that the incidence of strontium-90 .
- 5 in ' corm' milk van extremely high closer. and closer to the l
.. i
[. , 6 : plant; that,it was abova the legally allowed level;
- y the ' fact that on April 5th of thin year that i-
- g two techniciana in the plant were coverely irradiated; j 1- ' (
9 the fact that i'n April of -this yonr the disclosuraj o l- to was madc. by Bechtel that, Oh, yon, the unllt; . aren't ctrong- } g enough. nnd now .a little bit later we find that. we're really [ p - worse .off than we thought. Isnd then the recent relevations
13- .that the' primary cooling pipes are probably insufficient as l
-g well.
s 15 All this pointa up to tha fact that PGE and 9 g Bochtel aro very much guilty of keeping thingn quiet unlenn
- g ., they finally were going to be found out and then they finally H admitted'it. . .g y They. have a history of waiting houro and dayc t
e0c. M . 'beforeiannouncing serious infractions that MRC regulations l , j - irisist(that they 'have to divulga 3 i s 7 4 4 . , 122 We can'tI truct Bechtel Corporation,'we.can't , s 2 y
,g. 'trusti PCR Kc: do have to have an imacGicte neutral body L
h L < > 24y h , . , . .. - . <
""0 -
U 1" # C*" # ' "" # #' $ j f. , j ; now bit'c-LtooLdangerous..'And to-do.soE! believo:vould bo< % M
- M '~[ g-g. [#$s
[ 4 c. .. s ,. 3 . { T i z'I4 5
' ' --- a h-- (' u.y ;jIpg . , . 9't ' , ;r.j, ')
s .p , 3
< m. ' -
a,. ,
' 3 jn.
J p, j.. i
.y . , i <
s ,> 3, 3
, 4
{h'[l b
. [(h '] [ ( , ' >m, d[ '
74 - ' .Y**
- C' . .itt;
,1 n ' c..
l, .1400-- y p r . wb3 't - . puttingithe people who make thesc' decisions .you....:I hatM , p 7 i' -
- to cay-it, ' but I think Lycu'd be -breaking the law. I- !
I . . . i 3 3 If the plant is notup to Nnc regulations, then 4 14 what in .the world would you be opening it for while they, rmke 5 . theco neccusary repairs? i 6 I would hope'that.really the NRC would take away 5 5 l , 7 PGE'c licence to operate Projan and uould begin deconmiscion-h I h 6 ing immediately. Bub I seriously doubt that that would ' 4 i. 9
! - happen.
i l j jo ,
- So at the very lecct I wish that autoiratic j 11 cystem will be net up so that at the first instance of any 'j i
[ 4 i
- l. .i2 . kind of earthquake that han any serioucness to it at all T t
hf -
$3 the Trojan plant would be turned off, ,
i .l 1
- gj We need tc hava a complete safety audit of the '
y plant.- It's obvious there's a lot of things wrong there. 4 16- And for us to even be discussing the matter whetL u a turn g .it on.until the walla and the pipes are safe enough I think i: ; E is tiridiculous. l-
, 18 .
t i p Before I close I would like to read one brief 39 l 'w , - 39 bit of material that was in a newspaper e The Eugene Feaister n , 1 21 GuarcQ of Sunday April 16th,. It has come fairly significant i ju
. Eg quotations in here from Fred Miller who is the Department l o,. .
- i 23 .-
sfl Energy Chairporacn in tho State of Oregon. 3 .- 24
, - "The e:dposure'of t.wo Trojan. Nuclear Power p1hnt vorkersf to' unusually high . radiation. .v , ~ .s i W,
W, ,
+ , , y 3 ?', h .,. g , . ,
N, g ( j.: s
'[' Q ,__ ; i},,3 . _ ,
r [.Q-g am , , <
, u .
r ,,i , I IL 1401 l-b -, t: p i..
.)ib4 y ; levels earl ier thic month'raican 'questiona' about l , y) l .'2 L ,
tho' safety of Trojan Plant .oparations ," . a State e ! g; - 3
. Department of Energy official said Saturday. Fred [
b- j37 l A Miller,-Department Director cuid hic agency's in- [ l . j; 3 vaatigation has concluded' that' the plant operator, - i 4, Portland General Electric Carapany, . could have pro- l 1 7 vonted the~ incident of company officialc had pur-m I 6 sued early danger warnings. g "This incident-.raices qu3ctionc about g safety of plant operations and,.in' conjunction wi G l s; other cimilar incidents, about PGE's nana"ce nt } , 1i 12 f TE $UD'" - Miller ur to PGE officials in a letter I l 9 ,_ dated April 13th.
-o n .
9 U P "" " # " "3 14-o operations, April 5th, two plhnt worker, were Ib. . 4 l e:cposed to radiation levels up to three tine - 10 t I l l , higher than annual limitn estchliched by the ; l.e-l, M ,8 Federal Nuclear Regulatory Comminnion, "/h" ti 2 radiation levoln.ucre not enough- " Well it goes on
.g< -
p L ..
. to say ' that they weren't high enough to hurt people. Etit I. c0 i
l: . p <l g a, : LDr. John'Goffman:and Dr. Holon Coldicott would dicputathese [ u ..
.findirigsh that indeed low. levels of radiation arc dangerous.
[ ,3
. %y .:a j r .s
- j
. 23 yerhapa just2 a; minute amount of plutonium being inhaled into j[- !
i (o :
,4c .l . , Nie'Ilungs.. r. :
l (, 25 ' 4y , I , m . c .
- W: '
.0" j.;;
' f )h..h i ;
.r .... , , ,. - ?[
_l' y-
_,.___7_.__.., -. 7 qs ,s , J 3 L !e l-
.t g.
p : wb5 - 1.
> - The paper goes onr o q n ~"In hia letter Miller criticiaed plant
[g - ?. .
- 3. supervisora .for ~ apparently ignoring thrna early .
v: L s
-4. unrnings that radiation levels were higher than I
. 5' expected ne'ar a trancfor tube connecting the .
- t. l j
' 6 ' plant'c: reactor containment building with the spent 1 i
' fuel; pool where wasto fuel accenblica vere being - -1 7 ;
i e .' moved for storage. [t "Niller caid the Departacnt warncd PGis f
.D. 1 i
in September 197G that the utility uns not i aggres~ 'l to l
;j sively' attempting to identify the root causes of " Lack.of an adequate h , 12 _ perconnel, contaminations. . radiation survey at tl.e first Trojan spent fuel l'e- . !13 i 14-movement'io a' prime example of hou insufficicut-15 planning han contributed to incidento at-Trojan.'"
a ' This is the Dcpartment of Energy Chairpercou 1 6 j ;7
'caying' thia, "'Bocausd this Unc the first refueling o 16, I -g 'at Troj,n the.Dopartmont expected increased pra-h u
! 26 cauti ns tc1 eb taken by PGE.' Instead of i'ncronaed i l l
' precautions Miller accuued the utility of failing } l g ,
to implement. a systematic ;aearch for t.he cauad 'of ig 2 j[
? radiation.~probL ;. . ' He criticized utility offici-- !
- 7. 1- ,
23 '. f t
.alsifor not'.recognicing'the sera.ousnenc of the ,3.- ;g ll g exposure .ande for l allowing the . refueling, to continue -
wy . h ,a
~ , t )
j( '
, l t if; y, b "" '"L3, ,. -
u. r 1. p - ' ni
- ' , ,.. _. ' _.....;.i. _~';..&.._ .
i i ,
p 4 -.1403 i'. > 4 :. t. v r .wb6 '1- l forT twelve houra . after the incident. He acid the- -I' 1 2 ~ utility!promptly notify the Department
. f 1
i? 3 and did not ' file thc required reports until they 4 wero requested by the' Department" i- [ 5' It scomo me'and to a~ lot'of.Peoplc I'vc U G that:you'can't trust PGE. Theyf re a private ubilitV l }. I' l 7 whose main focus I believe in' profits and not' people'a lives . ). 8 and well being. f L i 9 How we're talking about safety and health and 10 people's well being hera. We'ro not talking about uhether ; i !- 11 or .not PGE ic going to have a hard time -if timy don t get I l h 12- to open their plant.right away. People's lives ara more 13 important..
- 14 I appreciate your considoration. , y
} .l 13 (Applause) .j .i 4
a '3 1L 16- CHAIPJ1AU MILLER:. Thankyou. t. 17 I Who'n next, pleace? i' ); [_, 33 LIMITED APPEAPANCE STATEMEWf OF TOM ROSS r i jg- ' EUGENE, OREGON 3
- ' i
!* a 1 . r3 { '20 MR. ROSS: My namo'is Ton Ross. T' live in
- )
lL g. 'Eugena. I'm a carpenter and self-employed entrepreneur. '
-l g '.I've;heardalot'of; statistics-onewayo'ranotherl . 'j.
t .' .i' ., I L :n , ; A. c-shuffled around this whole problem.. Iin not~goingJto deal . 9, [ .y.. . 3.p' withistiatistion7 18m going to deal with a ;"
' ' . . J' ,
10 j
.g , ' J synthssis to f.) ideas . and 4why : I.feelLwhatoI feel.' . .so _. . ..
n' ; ., 1,
w 4 ' /- i ,
,.. Eng ge' .h i ,: t x 7
- )' .. 1 y y ".- t ! "t; , I
!jj_ }p' O ' ,.4,} % q; Y ',].,
T: '
i g q: , g,
- ' Jn ')
.gJ'i j, j?.g'"J;J -
y76 g3
- $n h:;...p) .y-iy u, p f,f,.}
.- .M/
m .E ' ' , ,.mc..>1
?!Cy m 1 .-
u 4
+ 8 , ,
P. , 1404 , 4~, p , e 's 2 No ~ one ' can successfully predict when a earthquake ~ g Jwb'7
- 1. s 2 isJcoming. We have signs that cometimes . give' us hinto ' of !
lE 3. ' imminent scismic activity, such as changes 'in Mt. Adams and' . 4' 4 _ Mtb St. iHolens
- geological formations. -which, by . the way, i
! 5 has happened recently. ; Bub thoro'n no'way to predict for-
.j I,
i E
-. 6 .
sure, < s
;7 There ara too many variables.
- 3 There .are also a great many variables in the g . design and operation of.a nuclear power plant. Althottgh 10 1 ts' of peoplo
- .think there isn't any ecmparison between the r
-g earth 'a nd something man has made, I differ wita-that. I r
r, il .+ ' .think the reason that . thera hearings - the reason for : 12 those hearings -is the . appearance of an unforeseen variable.- 33 j4 And, of' course, afterithe hearings had been clated another i
l jg 'variableLappeared, which appears to have equal, if not moro severe saf by ramifications. 16 l- " You peoplc.have the power to potentially render [ t ., h . life or death. decisione concerning the residents of ' northern j 18 , e i !' Oregon and southern Washington. In light of the recent
- . 19 ,
r L' n 20. .
. findings with regard to the primary cooling system I feel F ithat.:this conmu.ttee hae thenresponsibiliby to suspend thesc . 21 o
- 21. [hearints.until suchL time as an1 independent study. of the cafety z.S;t e f, 'this! plant LiaDcompleted. -
, 24 a s , , L5y?" independent" I mean not PGE,fnot Bechtel' and ~
+ '
i h[f ' ' f,inot; thef MRC cr: any agency empleyed jby' PGE or Eachtol. . w . 25-
= +
si ..i . i'j . >
>/b .
di "l'... '
--0, .
- m. n
' ^ ' !? '\ 9, ;. if i ! L m ~ . , . , ,
m . (I %'hC , / . ' '. ,
. . [;, ,
3 > ,tp
, ' ' . 4-fj i
- e. -n .> .
_...r- -.. - ~ . - - . - _ . - - _ . . - - - - . . - . - - - - .- - - . - , y . , , .
- - 1405'. :
L i' i [ ! wb 8 ~ 1; In view:of the many problems already encountered 2t .with the operation. of the Trojan nuclear power plant, which '
'l ~
I won i t go into becauce 1m I aura that you knew a' lot more l' 3,
- than I do,- although I*vc'dono'a good-deal of ~
! h j 1 i- 5 research on' theother possible complications occurring at { . s 6' similar^ light water reactors that could happen at Trojan, { l , p 7 -
- I fcel,; and I?m sure other reasonable people 'd7ill feel, that
- e l e a full.atudy'is warranted.
- g. a -
n . f
- l. 9 'I think if the concerga of PGE are entirely l 1 !
i; c
- ~
to with safety, and if they hava varyilittle concern with the ' i i:. -t i. j' r g manctary value of opening the, that they'll agrec ! l' [ g too that' there chould be nn independent' nafety investigation. j l [ g 13 The issue in the hearingc is not. cconomics or
- 91 energy supply, but. .it's tho -lives of milli.ons of people. ;
s 1 {1 g .5 n f'alao feel ~~Iren{lywanttostressthis-- j , 1 !' that'a prorequici'te to reopuning.the plant is a full-scale, 1 16 I - - I [ g full-blown; tent .of tho.cmcrgency core cooling system, the f g ECCS. We nbed -to accortain the effect of this untented system..j
- j. 1
- )g Testa conducted with the presano of nuclear fuel l t
t ,.- '20 in tho' core,Jand considorations need to be made for tha 1
- - I g , affect' s o't a yeaa
- ' a ddormancy of. tha ECCS at Trojan.
.22 otheE considerationc need to be taken into - 23j a untTsuch as whother. the ECCS will withatand an earthquaha ,i o .. i41m'that'theLprimaryLcoolingisystem willinot withstand. 'I l
., , s~ v The'ex, cense;of these modifications,Epropocad i
'_' ;f' , '? G , '1 r, 'y' ';\',
1 'l ? - I
, , w.. '.'t {! ,y.q' ,; t .I' 'a j i ?@r' s
M '{. i y l N-. u Ls i c
,' ...I i
e i F
;1 '8 t
a .
'1406 :- .c p, .ii b_ wb9.- . 1 -_ . modifications, should not have'any-bearing on their feasibil-t< -2 , ity. JIf0the plant; cdnnot be'made cafe for reason's of fl '
- 3': ' econoinica orl physical impossibility, or just lack of.. informa-
'4 ' tion:On-POGSible problom3, it Shouldb3 decorruiusioned, .
ad 3 1 l.
- g. 6-2
- -
- 7- f
- , l 4
4 1 9
- i. .l i 10 t
i .'- 11 t'
- L i.
s Ib j iL 14 15 , i- 1 + o !. 16' l' , !1 ) i 17 10 jQ
' i i
). ?0 h ,' J-I If ,.
- r,g1
- aa: }
, . .. J.y z. l 2kl : . i -; -- j 25-
^' ' -; ; t< l.. ,_ +!I I .[ - ' ' ' ' ' ii )
r ;1 ' \ ! g
- - - 1. : l;_ _
9t ' z b. ] L.1407 102 y I. feel from all the information I've acen that ~ l'
'aqb1 ..
i ~ 2 it; cannot be made safe to the saticfaction of everyone whoco
.3. life acpendo on it. Regardless of the' cost, the plant i
[ 4 should;never again be opened. l 3 i 5 Soms of ny roacona for this conclusion are the j 6 , aforementioned problems, the problems which are the sub lect i j i 7 of this hearing. Other health and safety problem with the ~ 1. g- plant' include: irradiation of vorhers; routine release of , I rJ . low-level' radiation; the lack of any accaptable 9nrmancim !, g storage site for nuclear unston; tha unreliabi.lity of all l-g transport systems.for high-1cyc1 waaten; the unstability j ie g of plutonium in-the environnent. 13 ao ecp ig any W ng isolated for a . l g ' quarter of a million; years in unrealistic. It may bc an-g realistic'in your cycc for ne to ask thdt this plant be i
.l .,o ' decommissioned, and I can understand that'because nonody s
I really knows how to decommiucion a plant yet, t
. It '
i Dut I' find it unrealistic and possioly irresponsiblu g
~'. '
- to even considor opening the plant if these problama cron't.
19 taken carc of. And as I said before, I don't rullv thi.nL I o 20 . i !- t g there is any way Wo ' can- take care of tha p1:obld:e of hi.mun j 4 l , ... .. p. 3 fallibility and'the problem of predicting geologic stability for'250,000 years,1ct cetera r et catara, > 4 h.
<o. - . . . Thefinadequacy of the agency in renponding, the g . , ,3g. y, "NRC,4that is JinJrespondingDto the nesda:offhumanity for .h? ! .. , J .,, . . o.
e msm ,- 1. - f :.D.j-{t . > ,, g[%;,}y:jj A> - _i
\z , *I }y,*
k.f' ,lll1 _ l .
.; '1' @;$h-k(, '.., 4 @- 4 j- 'I
- c. y;p - ._ . .
'..% . 1 , . ,
m, , ,, J
, ~ _ _ .
t f' ?~ r l F f4 Dil l-4 1'
"p.gb21 th'o future;will. onco again l>o demonstrated ir this plant in'
L '3' -- It's my fee' ling 'that every rasponaible and well-pr - [i i 4
- informed citii:en chould do humanly possible to 5'
l, make the~world-a-better place for himac1f, herself and' s. p
~ timir children.
.Therefore, if thic plant'da allowed to re-open
- i. I fec1 alresponsilsility-to' continue to use whatever non-b violent means'that I can to ano.that thic plant is never 1
~ 10 - .l again~ opened, legal or extra ~1egal. ! \
j; Thank you. -! 1 12 (Applause.)- 0 >.. 1
.~ ~ 13- .CHAIRMiiN MILLER: Thank you, a i !
N Who.wichec'to.bu heard?
.IU' , -(No response') .;
t o - 16 Anyone?
, 17 (No recponse.) ,
F ' 18 ~CHAIPRTLN MILLER: Very well.' ,' 'ID
'We've heard from a nuabor;of people. He appred :
L f "20 ' cinto your: statementsso ,'Tho' transcript vill-reficot wa l .\
r.. . El have Lmado part of : our record vnrioua . prancatatiomt.
- y- 1 ,
- 22 .We wich:to~thank all of you who have attended- }
h. jj l , L23L ior uett. statements- at this limited: eppearance hearirig. And,
$M ..
FE "i q., , j 24;' s fasLyou know stho.evidonhinry portion:of.the tria19 type: l; .:. c. , , ;
- 7. -
'25l- !hearingfw111 resume /Mofiday morningL in'(Salen, Geigoni nt J
. e 4 s s. . ,
'n I
l i My W_ ; K '
,e t y_ 'L_
. _ _ . _ _ _ . _ __- . , _ . _ _ . , _ _ _ _ . _ __ _ - _ _ . . _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ . _ ~ _ . - _ _ . _ . . . _ . _ _ _
4- , e -f f '. r 1409 a . y ' n . . -
) ' ~-1
[ !agb3 ' 9 s 0 0 a'.ni. . 1
.) Thank you.
\ .. 3 '
? ;: ,
MR.!AXELRAD: Mr. Chairman, inight I have junt a l' i f' 4 . , t .- , Sminute? l
. 5 6 I-do not plan to make cny evidentiary presentatiant ,,- ;
i -6 . . i '
.since I realize this:ia not an avidentiary seccion. However, i
r r ! . j:. wo:had promised the Board that we would-make cycry effort
-l t- .g. i
- j. to provide to the Board and the parties an quickly as poccible ,
t 9 information with respect to the 2 aponne spcotra analysis ' to . , { '.we've~been' conducting and the information with respach to 11 i qualification of: equipment. 3 12 ' We have come information we're'providing to the . .a .
. SIRC Staff today, and we have copics we'll provide today to , .
i h 14 j' the partien and to the Doard.
j$ I ,
- y , .CHhIPSIAN MILLER .Oh,' fine. l
. . . }L.'
' '10 Anyone here who is a: party to the evidentiary i i 17 1
~ hearing, or if not a party, who can transmit the information, ! .18' F planco clear with counsal. It was'the desire of all of un, ac you knca, to got youithe information -- to get all the 20 ' -- - -
. . information' at; the earlicat possibic time. It'll be i II -transmitted,'I take iti immediately.. ' ., 1 . ~ 22* -. ' 6 ;; t 1 MR., ROSOLIE:' Maybe this docan i t have to ha j- 'i
- . . , .ap - j 4 o
01 . . , #,., l !S r
. 7.. cleared upj " soma."- Is there more information l W. .
Lo "*" W aid *C"h"t "* havo "o"? [F4gf i L L,25 - MRn AXELRADL -Thisi10.the iniformation'.wo have 3 , i q.? [ht k C.O 4 W l. ,$, '
~q r s . t. y' 'i l ', :c 9",1 ,i.,, M,A( - ,\ ,j ' 5 IU ? '}}