ML20148A019 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Oconee |
Issue date: | 02/19/1988 |
To: | Tucker H DUKE POWER CO. |
Shared Package | |
ML15239A017 | List: |
References | |
NUDOCS 8803160322 | |
Download: ML20148A019 (2) | |
February 19, 1988 Docket Hos. 50-269, 50-270, 50-287 License Nos. DPR-38, DPR-47, DPR-55 Duke Power Company ATTN: Mr. H. B. Tucker, Vice President Nuclear Production Department 422 South Church Street Charlotte, NC 28242 Gentlemen:
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9CONEE3NUCLEARiSTATION EXAMINATION.;REf0,RT -ddj-269/0G87-034 The NRC administered examinations on December 14, 1987, to employees of your company who had applied for licenses to operate the Oconee Nuclear Station.
At the conclusion of the written examir.ation, a copy of the exam was left with your staff.
Copies of the written examination questier.s and answer key are included in this report as Enclosure 2. Facility coments regarding the written examination are included in this report as Enclosure 3.
In accordance with 10 CFR 2.790(a), a copy of this letter and its enclosures will be placed in NRC's Public Document Room.
Should you have any questions concerning this letter, please contact us.
Caudie A. Julian, Chief I Operations Branch Division of Reactor Safety l
l 1. Exam Report 50-269/0L-87-03 l 2. R0/SR0 Exam Questions & Answer Key
- 3. Facility Coments cc w/encls 1 & 3:
S. Frye, Corporate Training Director pg4 A M. S. Tuckman. Plant Manager
}I 06 fvP cc w/encls 1, 2 & 3:
T. Barr, Site Training Director 8gfuM AB p
bec w/ encl: (See page 2) 88 6 60322 880219 9 PDR ADOCK 050 V
u -- - -
Duke Power Company 2 February 19, 1988 i
bec w/ enc 1 1:
H. Pastis,-Project Manager, NRR T. Peebles, Section Chief, DRP Bill Dean, OL Examiner DRS State of South Carolina bec w/encs 1, 2 & 3:
Senior Resident inspector Operator Licensing Branch, DLPQ:HRR Document Control Desk Mike King, INEL l
Ril Rll, Ril ,
, PRShaw:tj D n K n CAJ ian 02/ /88 02/ft/88 02/jy/88 02 '/88 l
i- . _ - , _ - . _ _ , ,
EXAMINATION REPORT 269/CL-87-03 Facility Licensee: Duke Power Company Nuclear Production Department 422 South Church Street Charlotte, NC 28242 Facility Name: Oconee Nuclear Station Facility Docket No.: 50-269, 50-270, 50-287 Written examinations were administered at the Region 11 offices in Atlanta, Georgia.
Chief Examiner: , I d44/ ' ' '
8/ J /.2 Date Signed William V. Dean Approved by: e / Y/ F !FF-Kenn/th E. B W ma g Chief Operator Li4ensing Section 2 Date Signed Sumary:
Examinations on December 14, 1987.
Two Senior Reactor Operator (SR0) and two Reactor Operator (RO) candidates were administered written re-examinations. All candidates passed.
Four of the 19 (21%) changes made to the answer key were a result of inadequate or incomplete reference material provided for exam generation.
- 1. Facility Employees Contacted:
R. Swiegert, Operations Superintendent D. Tidwell, lead Instructor
- Attended Exit Meeting
- 2. Examiners _:
M. King, INEL R. Picker, INEL
- W. Dean
- Chief Examiner
- 3. Examination Review Meeting At the conclusion of the written examinations, the examiners provided Mr. Tidwell with a copy of the written examination and answer key for review. The NRC resolutions to facility coments are listed below,
- a. R0 Exam (appropriate SR0 questions are in parentheses)
(1) Question 1.18: Coment accepted. Recommended answer will also be accepted.
(2) Question 1.20: Coment accepted. Answer key will be modified as recomended.
(3) Question 1.21: Coment noted. Answer key will be expanded to accept decay characteristics of Xenon and Samarium.
(4) Question 1.23: Coment noted. Recomended modification will be included, but is not cogent to the
! desired answer.
(5) Question 2.03(b): Coment noted. As no recomended action was provided, facility coment will be utilized to improve question clarity. This information should be emphasized in the training material.
('5) Question 2.05(b&d): Coment accepted. The recommended pair of (6.05(b&d)) answers will also be accepted, based on j additional informition provided.
l l
2 (7) Question 2.08: Coment noted. Due to some confusion over what the initiating conditions were, answers will be evaluated based on assumptions stated by the candidates.
(8) Question 2.13: Coment accepted. Answer key modified as recomended.
(9) Question 2.14: Coment accepted. Recomended answer (6.18) will also be accepted.
(10) Question 2.19: Coment accepted. Due to confusion over the phrase "alternate source," the recomended answer also be accepted.
(11) Question 2.21: Coment accepted. Answer key modified as recomended. It is noted that the erroneous training material has been corrected.
u2) Question 3.13: Coment noted. The answer key has (6.13) been clarified as recomended.
(13) Question 3.14: Coment accepted. Recomended answers will also be accepted.
(14) Question 3.19: Coment accepted. Answer key will be modified as recomended based on additional material prov%d.
(15) Question 3.22: Coment accepted. Answer key modified as recomended.
(16) Question 3.24: Coment accepted. Additional recomended answer will also be accepted.
l (17) Question 4.17(a): Coment not accepted. The EFW flow can only (7.19(a)) be directed through two headers, of which one 'is the "NORMAL" path and the other is an I "EMERGENCY" path as stated in the question.
OP/1/A/1106/06, refers to the desired lineup as the "EMERGENCY" EFW lineup. No change to answer key.
l (18) Question 4.17(b): Coment accepted. Due to lack of (7.19(b)) specificity in the initial conditions, the recomended answer will also be accepted.
(19) Question 4.18(a): Coment accepted. . Answer key (8.16(a)) modified as recomended.
1 e
3 (20) Coment noted. The method of documentation, Question 4.18(t>)):
(8.16(b) including requisite initials or signature, must be included to achieve full credit. SR0 involvement in the documentation process will be accepted.
(21) Question 4.19: Coment not accepted. The question explicitly stated when a calorimetric was to be done "before" a planned power change. No change to answer key.
- b. SR0 Exam (1) Question 5.15: Coment accepted. Question deleted.
(2) Question 5.17: Coment accepted. Recomended answer will also be accepted.
(3) Question 5.24: Coment not accepted. The question expressly stated that the effect of fission products and cladding changes should be neglected. No change to answer key.
(4) Question 6.07: Coment accepted. Due to the lack of question clarity recomended answer will also be accepted.
(5) Question 6.12: Coment accepted. Due to the lack of question specificity, additional recomended answers will also be accepted.
(6) Question 6.20(a): Coment not accepted. Recomended answer is not specific enough to demonstrate the knowledge required. No change to answer key.
(7) Question 6.20(b): Coment accepted. Recomended answer will also be accepted.
(8) Question 6.21(a): Coment noted. Since both EFW valves were listed in the question, the answer key will be modified to require starting of "both" MDEFW pumps.
(9) Question 7.08: Coment accepted. Recomended answer will also be accepted.
(10) Question 7.16: Coment accepted. Due to vagueness of the question, the additional recomended answers will also be accepted.
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(11) Question 7.18: Coment noted. Due to the vagueness of the ;
question, actions comensurate with a warning l alarm on RIA-40 will also be accepted.
(12) Question 7.20(a): Coment accepted. .Since a copy of the most recent revision of the procedure was not provided to the candidates, the "where" portion of the question will be deleted.
(13) Question 8.07: Coment accepted. Both "a" and "c" will be accepted for full credit.
(14) Question 8.11: Coment accepted. Due to ti.e question's lack of specificity, additional recomended answer will also be accepted.
(15) Question 8.13(b): Coment noted. Recomended modification will be made to answer key.
(16) Question 8.15: Coment accepted. Question deleted based on revised material provided by the facility.
(17) Question 8.18(b): Coment accepted. Question deleted.
(18) Question 8.19: Coment accepted. Recomended answers will be added to the answer key and required for full credit.
(19) Question 8.21(b): Coment noted. Due to the vagueness of the question, additional responses in addition to those in the answer key will not be penalized.
(20) Question 8.25: Coment noted. The candidates were given the incorrect version of Technical l Specifications on the examination.
Question will be deleted.
l 4. Exit Meeting No exit meeting was held, since there was only a written examination
- administered in the Region II offices.
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( FACILITY: OCONEE_1.3_;&g,___ ______
REACTOR TYPE: PWR-DLWlZZ_______________
DATE ADMIN 5TERED: 8Zl12fid______________
EXAMINER: PIgbER,_k______ ______ _
CANDIDATE ___________,_________,_____
INDIEUCIIONB_Ig_C6UQlgGIEL Use separate paper ior the annwers. Write answers c r. one side only.
Staple question sheet on top or the answer sheets. Foints for each question are indicated in parentheses after the question. The passing grade requires at least 70% in each category and a final grade of at least 80%. Examination papers will be picked up si: (6) hours after the examination starts.
__.MbLUE_ _IDIEL: __._SCOBE____ _M@LUE.__ _,_________.__ _C6IEODBy____,_,____ .___
_22199__ _20160 . . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __._______5. TliEORY OF NUCLEAR POWER PLANT OFERATION, Ftt;I DS , AND iHERMODYNAMIC5
_28_59 _ _SU 2i _.._.. _ _._ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _
_22 : 5 9_ _ _ E d. ..' I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . - . _ _ _ _ . . _ . _ 7. PROCEDURES - NORMAL, ABNORMAL, EMERGENCY AND RADIOLGEiICAL CONTROL
_2nz.99__ _22101 ___________ ..___ ____ 8. ADMINISTRATIVE FROCEDURES, CONDITIGNS, AND LIMITATION 5
_115 . 9_ _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _____...__% l otal s Final Grace All work dcna on tnis examination is my con. have neithar given nor received aid.
C.anoidare s 51gnature f
- . . - = - . - .
0 NRC RULES AND GUIDELINES FOR LICENSE EXAMINATIONS During the' administration of this examination che following rules apply:
- 1. Cheating en the examination means an automatic denial of your application and could result in more severe penalties.
- 2. Restroom trips are to be limited and only one candidate at a t i .ne may leave. You must avoid all contacts with anyone outside the examination room to avoid even the appearance or ponsibility of cheating.
- 3. Use black ink or dark pencil only to facilitate legible reproductions.
- 4. Print your name in the blank provided on the cover sheet of the examination.
S. Fill i n the date on the cover Eheet of the examination (if n e c e => s a r y ) .
- 6. Use only the paper provided for answers.
t 7. Frint your name in the upper right-hand corner of the first page of each I
section of the answer sheet, i
- 3. Consecutively number eacn answer sheet, write 'End of Category _ " as apprcpriate, utart each category on a new page, write on1y on one side of the paper, and write Last Page" on the last annwer cheet.
- 9. Number eacti answer as ta category and number, for examp1e, 1.4, 6.3.
- 10. Skip at least t h r tre lines betueen each answer.
- 11. Separate answer sheets from pad and place ilnished answer sheets face down on your cash or table.
- 12. Use abbr evi at i ons on1y if they are commoniy used in facility 1iterature.
- 13. The point value for each question is indicated in parentheses after the questien end c cin be used as a guine for the depth of answer required.
- 14. Show all calculations, methods, or as sun.p t i on s used to obtain an answer l to mathematical problems whether indicated in the question or not.
1 i
f 15. Partial credit may be given. Therefore, ANEWER ALL PARTS OF THE l
- 16. If parts of the examination are not clear as to i n t c: n t , ask questionL of the examiner only.
- 17. You must sign the statement on the cover sneet : h a t- Indicato: tha; the l
work is your own and you have not received or been givon assistance in cumpleting the examinaticn. This m u s, t he done after tne voamination has been completeo.
+ * * = T'"r&'-isW W+e- --. --eere--e. er w m -w----,..w++.,.--% m,we, yew-en-*-wc. mr.-en-,,y,a .----,-.---w7q--9r-g-ww-,n wy 9 % w-wwpw yg-yy-w-g., - - - , - - rwrv.ww.,--,,.,g---y,-
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- 18. When you complete your examination, you shall:
- a. Ansemble your examination'as follows:
(1) Exam questions on top.
(2) Exam aids - figures, tablas, etc.
(3) Answer pages including figures which are part of the answer.
- b. Turn in your copy of the examination and all pages used to answer the examination questions,
- c. Turn in all scrap paper and the balance of the paper that you did not use for answering the questions.
- d. Leave the examinaticn area, as defined by the examiner. If after I
leaving, you are found in this area while the examination is still in progress, your license may be denied or revoked.
- ______ - _____________________________J
Qz__ISEgBy_gE_UUC6EGB_EgWE8_EL6MI_QEEB6Ilgg1 Page 4 ELulphieND_IHEBdggyGGd1G5 DUESTION 5.01 (1.50)
WHICH of the following is NOT a basis for'the Minimum Temperature for Criticality LC07
- a. The moderator temperature coefficient is within its analyzed temperature range.
- b. The reactor baron concentration is at the critical concentration with a negative MTC.
- c. The pressurizer in capable of being in an operable status with a steam bubble,
- d. The reactor pressure vessel is above its minimum RTndt temperature.
i OUESTION 5.02 (1.00)
For WHAT thermodynamic reason should a nitrogen bubble NOT be main-i tained in the pressuriner during power operation?
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L QUESTION 5.03 (1.00)
I t--
Which of the following statements is CORRECT 7 l During a reactor start-up power i s being raised above the point of acding heat (PGAH). Assume a l i rlear reactor power increase to h about 3% power.
j a. Since header pressure is 855 psig, Tave will not ri se above the corresponding saturation temperature of 532 degF.
- b. Since the OTSGs are low level limited and heac'er pressure le oeing maintained at 085 psig, Tave will rise and the steam temperature will f tend to follow Th ;
l r
- c. With the header pressure being maintained at 865 psig, the OTSGs will f remain at naturated conditions and no superheat will be added.
, d. Since the OT5Gs are low level limited, the steam is super heated at I
2Erc power conditions and the superneat rises proportionally with power
7 .- _
i-L 5:__IUEgBY_QE_Uyg(EG8_EQUEC_26@NI_gEEBGIlgN 2 Page 5 ELUIRS100D_IHEBU99XU801G5-
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l I QUESTION 5.04 (1.00)
The reactor is at 70% power with.the ICS in full auto. Power level is increased to 80%. CHOOSE the statement that EEST describes what happens to
the shutdown. margin. ASSUME sufficient rod ~ worth'to accommodate the power change,'and no baron changes.
- a. Immedi atel y f oll owing the power increase the shutdown margin will have
- increased, approximately five hours after the transient, shutdown j margin will be at its highest value and will start decreasing.
- j. b. Power level has no effect on shutdown margin.
- c. Immediately following the power increase the shutdown margin will be j unchanged, it will then decrease for approximately the first five l hours'following the transient, then start increasing.
- d. Immediately following the power increase the shutdown margin Will be
{ unchanged, it will then increase icr approximately the first five l hours following the transient, then start decreasing.
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l QUESTION 5.05 (1.00)
I- >
[ Which of the following statements is CORRECT 7 ;
I ,
The reactor is critical at 10E-8 amps end control rods _are inserted by 1% rod index.
- a. power will decrease to 10E-9 amps l
- b. Power will decrease to the subcritical mul ti pl i cat i on level f corresponding to the amount of negative reactivity inserted.
- c. Power will decrease until the fuel temp ccefficient (Doppler) !
counters the rod insertion.
- d. Tave will decrease, adding positive reactivity proventing any power change.
(***+* CATEGORY 5 CONTINUED CN Ni- X l FAGE +****>
I l
1 QUESTION 5.06 (1.00) 4 Which of the following statements is CORRECT?
The reactor is at 100% power with the Rod Control in manual and c ont r ol rods are inserted by 1% Rod Indcx.
- a. Reactor power will decrease and level off at a new critical power level, with the amount at the decrease being determined by the power deficit.
f i b. Reactor power will continue to decrease until control rods l are withdrawn 1% rod index.
- c. Reactor power will decrease and level off at a new critical l power level, with the amount of the decrease being determined by the Xenon coeft'icient.
l I
r d. Reactor power will decrease and level off at a new critical I
power level, with the amount of the decrease being determined f by the Tave decrease (alpha T '> .
QUESTION 5.07 (1.00) l l The reactor trips from full power, equilibrium woon conditions. Six hours I later the reactor is brought critical at 10-8 amps on the intermediate
. range. If power level is maintained at 10-8 amps whicn of the following statements is CORRECT concerning control rod motion?
- a. Rods will approx i ma tel y remain as is since the xenon
> c onc en t r a t i on is independent of time.
j b. Rods wilI have ta be withdrawn since <enon wi11 clonely follow its nor mal b u i l d --i n rate.
- c. Rods will have to be rapidly inserted since the critical reactor will cause a high rate of <enom burnout..
- d. Rods will have to be inserted due to mnon decay. ,
t 5 CONT I tJUE D Cij t;E/ T FAGE *****/ !
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5 t__ISEQBy_gE_GUGLE86_EgWE8_EL6NI_OEEBOIlO01 Page 7 l
L -ELU1gSi eUp_ISEBMgDyU8dICS QUESTICN 5.08 (1.00)
Delayed neutrons play a major role in the operation of the reactor because taey ...
- a. Are born much later than prempt neutrons and therefore effectively lengthen the average neutron generation time.
- b. Are born at lower energy l evel s and are therefore more apt to cause fission as compared to being absorbed by a poison.
- c. Provide approximately 70% of the fission neutron inventory and have a higher importance factor associated with them as compared to prompt neutrons.
- d. Are considered epithermal neutrons and therefore have a smaller probabi1ity of leakage than the fast and thermal neutrons.
QUESTION 5.09 (1.00)
Which one of the f ollowing is TRUE regarding OTSG outlet pressure?
(i.e., the actual prassure of the steam just as it leaves the OTSG)?
- a. OTSG outlet pressure decreases with increasing power because of the increasing effect of aspirating steam
- b. OTSG outlet pressure increases with increasing power to overcome head loss in the main steam piping
- c. OTSG outlet pressure decreases with increating power because of the decrease in length of the superheat region
- d. OTSG outlet pressure does not vary with power because turbine header prensure is maintained constant l
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- . EGUIDS20NQ_IMEBdggyN@digg-t, i 6
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.n./ QUESTION 5.10- ' ( '1. 00 )-
- I
Indicate how natural' circulation wi11 be affected by each'of.the following ,
g situations. -Consider each one separately and answer INCREASE, DECREASE, or
- N O. E F F E C T '-
[ ..
L La. ' Reduction of turbine bypass valve setpoint ,,
j ,
[ b. Reduction'of foedwater temperature 4 i
i j c. Decrease in OTSG 1evel
- d. Increase in RCS-pressure l'
l~ -
- DUESTION 5.11 (1.00)
I h SelectJthe correct answer'. -
1 With the RCS saturated, WHAT is the BEST indication of a LOSS of
[ natural circulation flow or interruption of boiler condenser j' cooling (reflux boiling)7, '
- a. Decreasing OTEG temocrature, Tc equal to~OTSG.Tsat, Primary dt increasing. r
- b. Decreasing.OTSG pressure, decreasing Tc, and decreasing Th. I
- c. Incore T/C and Th increasing, OT5G Tsat increasing, and Tc increasing
- l
L i.
- 1. -
.i i
2 F-QUESTION 5.12 (1.00)
l Which one'of the following statementa correctly-describes the behavior-of RCS pressure, if a Small Break LOCA were to occur without Feedwater
! available? (Assume no ESF/ECCS actuation) i
- a. Pressure initially decreases slowly, then rapidly drops when the.
! .OTSGs'are boiled dry.
- b. Pressure initially decreases, then rapidly increases when the OTSGs -
boil dry.
- c. Pressure initi' ally decreases, then when OTSGu' boil dry, continues to I
decrease, but at a much slower rate.
- d. Pressure decreases slowly until it levels off somewhere aoove ECCS
! actuation pressure.
- e. Pressure initially increases, then rapidly drops when the OTSGs are boiled dry.
f l~
'l 8 0 QUESTION 5.13 (1.00)
l F The source, intermediate anc power range channels all use baron in their ;
respective detectors (BF3 or baron lined). Which one of the following-is the CORRECT reason for the une of boron?
- a. It reduces the critical volume (size) of the detector. Since ,
detectors which rely solely on gas ionization by neutrons are much larger. ;
- b. Neutrons do not carry a net electric charge. Therefore neutron detection must cepend upon their interaction with target nuclei.
- c. -Ionization of the baron by neutrons is much more responsive and i accurate than other ionizations such as neutron-rhodium used in the l in-ccre detectors.
- d. The neutron-baron reaction produces beta particles which have a much =
j higher specific lonization than the neutron-gas reaction alone.
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Q t _ _IBE 98 Y _ D E _ U W C L E 65_E Q W E B _ E L 60 I,,g E EB OIlg S 2 Page 10 ELU1952000_IBEB00Dy.N8dlC'd 4
' QUESTION 5.14 (1.00)
A general rule is often stated "doubling the count rate halves the margin to criticality". This is mathematically stated by the equation:
CR1/CR2 = (1-Keff2)/(1-Kefft).
. Which ons of the f oll owing statements is CORRECT concerning the above statement and equation 7
- a. A second doubling of the count rate will r esul t in the reactor r becoming critical or supercritical,
- b. The equation only approximates the instantaneous change in count rate; f once the equilibrium value is reached, the count rate will be higher.
- c. Equal changes in Keff result in equal changes in subcritical multiplication level.
- d. Both Kofit and Kaff2 have to be less tnan 1.0.
- e. The statement is approximately correct but CR1 and CR2 are inverted. -
DUESTION 5.15 (0.00) 1 l
Question / answer / reference deleted from ex c.m .
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Ob__ISEgBy_OE_ NUCLE 6B_EQWEB_E60NI_OEEB9110N 1 Page 11 ELUID5 100D_IHEBdQQyNGdig5 QUESTION S.16 (1.00)
- a. NAME the region that provides the greatest heat flux in the OT5G.
- b. NAME the region that expands the least amount due to a power level increase in the OTEG.
QUESTION 5.17 (1.00)
STATE TWO reasons that Emergency Feedwater can have a larger cooling effect on the RCS than flai n Feodwater, assuming the same secondary flow rate and normal primary flow rates.
QUESTION 5.18 (1.50)
Xenon oscillations can occur in essentially three planes. LIST and DEFINE the three p l an e rs .
OUESTION 5.19 (1.00>
FROVIDE the TWO reasons as l i r,t e d in Technical Specifications why the Maximum Linear Heat Rate in limited.
QUESTION 5.20 (2.50)
During opera t i on at 25% power with three Reactor Coolant Fumps (RCP) In operation, the fourth RCF (l oop A) in started. Acsuming the ICS is in automatic, HOW will the FINAL value of the parameters listed below change as compared to the INITIAL values?
- a. Feed flow (each OT5G) (1.0) l t
- b. OTSG 1evel (eaco OT5G) (1.0) i 4
- c. RCS delta Tc ( 0. b > '
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jut __IHEQBX_QE_NUQLg88_EQWE8_E68BI_gEEB811091 Page'12 EtWIDesGUD_IUEBdODXU8 dice ,
, QUESTION 5.21 (3.00)
HOW ard NHY-would the. actual critical rod position ry f rom the i estimated cri tical rod position (ECP) for each of the following l .situat' ns. The reactor had operated at 100% for three montha.
Consider each case separately,
- a. 100 hours0.00116 days <br />0.0278 hours <br />1.653439e-4 weeks <br />3.805e-5 months <br /> is used in the ECP instead of the actual 10 hours1.157407e-4 days <br />0.00278 hours <br />1.653439e-5 weeks <br />3.805e-6 months <br />.
! . 20 EFFD i s used in the ECP instead of the actual 200 EFPD.
'OUEST CtJ 5.22 (1.50) f I
WHAT changes have been made to the Axial Power Shaping Rods (APERS) on all.3 units from previous cycles and HOW has this change improved the ,
APSR's capability to control anial flux imbalances?
QUEGYION 5.23 (1.00)
The pressurizer PORV is leaking by during operation at 85% power.
Assuming a Quench Tank pressure of 20 psia and saturation conditions in j the pressarizer corresponding to 2240 psia, WHAT is the quality of I
steam downstream of the PORV? Ohow all calculations.
l OUESTION 5.24 (1.00) l f EXPLAIN the effect on Moderator Temperature Coefficient (M TC) and Fuel l
Temperature Cc vficient (FTC) as the core ages (fuel dep? eti on) .
Indicate whether thay become MORE OR LES5 NEGATIVE and the reason for the change. Disregard fisuion ptoducts and cladding eftacts.
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, Gz__IHEgRY_gE_UgGLE66_EQUEB_ELGUI_QEE86IlgG1 Page 13 E[UIDS26NQ_IbjgBdQDYU@ digs r
, OUESTION 5.25 (1.00) r EXPLAIN why a normal power, increase will cause neutron flux to bulge
, slightly ioward the bottom of the core. Disregard Xenon affects.
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$i__ELONI_SyglgdS_QggigN _GQNIBQ61_6ND_IN5IBWUENI6IlQU 2 Page 14
- i. .
QUESTION 6.01 ( 1.~ 00 )
Li Which one of the following statements is correct?
As a result of a loss'of' instrument, air ....
- a. Makeup is lost, RCP seal injection. increases
- b. Makeup increases, RCP seal injection increases ',
- c. Makeup is lost, RCP seal injection is lost
- d. Makeup increases, RCP seal injection is lost 6.021 OUESTION (1.00) l WHY is improper venting a potentially damaging situatita for a control rod dri~ve mecnanism?
- a. Loss of the hydraulic buffer. -
- b. Loss of cooling to the drive stator. ,
- c. Uncoupling of the stator and rotor f i el d ,
- d. Erosions of the thermal barrier, t QUESTION 6.03 (1.00)
WHICH breaker and/or contactor combination below would result in de-energiring ALL CRD motors? -l
- a. Breaker A, Dreaker C, Contactor F. i
- b. Breaker A, Breaker B, Contactor F.
- c. Breaker 8, Breaker D, Contactor E.
- d. Breaker B, Contactor E, Contacter F.
--- evw.,,,m-,~,.m.....,,w4,,....-,,.-~~----.. - . - . . - - - -
QUESTION 6.04 (1.00)
During an emergency situation (i.e. LOCA, OTSG tube rupture etc.) where the SPDS was sensing an invalid input affecting parameter determination.
WHICH one of the following is correct?
- a. Functicn block color remairer, the same and flashes.
- b. An alarm output indicating an invalid input for that function will be output.
- c. An alarm output indicating invalid input and alarm indicating function indeterminate,
- d. Function block color changes to red and flashes intermittently.
QUESTION 6.05 (1.50; Select value or words in the parenthesis that will be the final unit conditions for each of the following, after a turbine bypaus valve falls open at 100% power,
- a. Feedwater demand _____%. (93, 98, 105, 107).
- b. Actual feedwater flow determined by_____________. (Steam demano, high level limscs, feedwater demand).
- c. Tave approximately __,____F. (575, 579, 585, 568).
- d. Turbine header pressurc _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ setpoint. (above, below, same)
- e. Reactor power ______X. (93, 99, 101, 105) i t
i QUESTION 6.06 (2.00)
LIST FOUR si s which are used to derive the BTU limit in the Integrated Control System, and INDICATE whether increasing power RAI3E5, LOWERS, or causen NO C;:ANGE in the BTU limits far each signal.
-..,--.---_-.- ,-.,. . - , . - . . . . ~ _ - . . - . . . . - . . - - - - .
, .-. . _ _ _ _ . _ . . _ . . _ . . - . _ . _. _ _ _ . , . _ . _ _ _ . ~ _ . . _ _ . .____
t 4
- s. - .
L i
, QUESTION' 6.07 (1.50) l STATE the actuation setpoints for the following Engineered. Safety
' Features.
r c.. High Pressure Injection 1
i 's a. Low Pressure. Injection
'c. Reactor Building' Isolation ,
- d. Reactor Building Spray a.
~ QUESTION A.08 (0.50) !
l WHAT is indicated if the Sync Verification Indicator lamp on a l Static Inverter stays on continuously, but at half orightness?
i OUESTION' ' 6, . 0 9 (1.50) ;
.a. WHAT FOUR trips are bypassed by th? chutdown bypass switch in the.
RPS cabinets? (1.0) i
- b. WHAT different limits, ONE AUTOMATIC and ONE ADMINISTRATIVE, are ,
j ~' imposeo when going to shutdown bypass? (0,5) d i
I i QUESTION 6.10 (1.00)
' s LIST.the TWO parameters used to determine whether or not MFWPTs have ;
tripped which enable an automatic start of the EFW pumps. [
l !
l l
s OUESTION 6.11 (2.50) J I
LIST ALL the ever ts that occur when ESS channels 5 and 6 actuato upon i 4 psig RB pr essure. f l l l (***** CATEGORY 6 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****)
6g__ PLANT SYSTEMS DESIGN 2_ G Ojr T bQ 62_GN D _ IJJ S T 8U tj EijT AT I Orj Page 17 QLIESTION 6.12 (2.00)
STATE TWO design features AND the purposes of the Reactor Building Cooling system that ensure operability during a LOCA accident where large pressures could exist.
QUESTION 6.13 (1.25)
WHAT FIVE valves in the Emergency Feedwater System are provided with ,
nitecgen b :< t t l es for backup operating supply? l I<
QUESTION 6.14 l1.25) 1 LIST TWO essential ESF-Diesel trips that are always active and THREE i
NON-essential 55F-Diesel trips. NOTE: If trips are the same type for tandem engines consider the trip as only one.
QUESTION 6.15 (2.00;
- a. STATE the TWO functicos and associated setpoints of the pressurizer PORVs. (1.5)
- b. TRUE or FALSE Without a RCP supplying Freasurizer Spray Flow there is no spray available to dampen insurges to the Fressuriz er . (0. 5)
I l
OUESTION 6.16 (O.00)
Questlan / Answer / reference deleted from enam.
(****+ CATEGORY 6 CONTINUEL UN NZXT i A5( *****>
s -$ b Qu__E,66UI SYSIEUS_ DESIGN 1_CQNI6Q61_GdDi10318UdEUI6Ilgd Page 18 l l'
- QUESTION 6.17 (1.00)
WHAT is the reason for the Seal Return Valve closing interlock, in the
[. event that seal injection is lost and the RCPs are off for Unit 2?
i j' l
. t I i QUESTION 6.18 (2.50)
The following concern the HPI system: .
- a. WHAT TMI modification was installed to prevent Quarter Core I Cooling? INCLUDE indications and controls. (2.0)
- b. Above WHAT power l evel s is considered are the worst case for Quarter ;
Core Cooling? (0,5) i r
QUESTION 6.19 (1.00) [
t WHAT problem would result, while patching N1-5 to replace the NI-9 feed to the ICS. ASSUMING the ICS is in full automatic control.
f QUESTION 6.20 (1.00) ;
- a. DESCRIBE how the Analog Channels of the Engineered Safequarde System !
are manually tripped. j
- b. After a trip, HOW is a reset of the Analog system accomplished?
i QUESTION 6.21 (2.00) j I
- a. How is automatic GTSG l ez .el control via FDW-315/316 initiated? (1.0) ,
( b. What action wil l occur in the event that the train ;
"B" level input to FDW-315 is selected and instrument f (1.07 t power to KVIC is lost. )
t l
l i
(***** END OF CATEGORY e *****)
i i
,wa- - - - . . . - WW-'T
.h__EEQCERUBElL;_UO8d662_GBGQEdOL t_EdE6GENgY Page 19 GBD_809106001G6L_CONIBOL QUESTION 7.01 (1.00)
WHICH one of the four Critical Safety Functions below would require immediate response.
- a. Heat Sink -- Orange
- b. Containment Integrity -- Red
- c. RCS i nventor y -- Yellow
- d. Inadequate Core Cooling -- White OUESTION 7.02 (1.00)
Reactor is 10 E-6 amps in the intermediate range (approximately 1% power), the operating main FDW pump trips and all emergency FDW pumps start. WHiCH one of the following in the expected response?
- a. The reactor tripn on high pressure,
- b. The reactor trips on loss of cath FDW pumps anticipatory trip.
- c. No action, only one pump tripped,
- d. The operator manuall y trips the reactor.
FILL IN THE 5LANL5 Frovide the mi s si ng information frcm Li mi t at i ons and Fr ec aut i cos of CP/1/4/1102/01, ' C on t r c l l i n c; Procedure f or Unit Startup'.
"If any LWo at the four NI's beco.w a.
. n on- c on s e:r v at i v e ,
have I ?. E c al i br ate NI s. In oc caw shoula J . _ _ _ _ '/. I n the non conservativo di r ect ion be e .< c e c d e d .
NI's are considered ncri-conservative ahen ' _ ____,_,_,_ _ c . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,_,_ _ . "
(***** CATEGORY 7 CCNTINUED Ch hd/T P4IE +++++>
WHICH one of the following conforms to the step numbering and ruler of I usage for "Controlling" procedures such as OP/1/A/1102/10, Unit l Shutdown.
- a. Steps following nunibers can be done in parallel with other numbered ,
- b. Frier to going to the next sequential step, all para 31e1 steps should be accomplished unless otherwise stated,
- c. All steps following a bullet ( ) are parallel stFpG and Can be done along with a critical step but not in any sequence.
- d. Steps must be done in the order listed rngardless of how they are numbered or designated, i
I QUE5 TION 7.05 (0.50)
I WHAT RCP seal leakage limits for Unit : requirec notifying the Duty
! Enoinecr"
- a. 1.5 gpm
- b. 2.1 gpm 7
- c. 2.7 gpm j d. !. . O gpm )
I f
l l
l l
l l '+*ei CATEGORY 7 CONTI,4ED w Md F A:f>E o*n>
?t___EfigGEQUEES_ ,,NOEd@L t_OENOBOGL_t_EUE60ENGY Page 21 8hD_S0010600iG66_COUIERL OUESTION 7.06 (Q.50)
I WHAT RCP Seal Leakage Limit on Unit 3 requirea a plant shutdown and depressurization if exceeded for more than one hour?
- a. 2.1 gpm
- b. 2.75 gpm
- c. 3.O gpm
- d. 3.35 gpm t
DUE ST l 'JN 7.07 (1.00)
WH4T is the preferred method for achieving high speed operation of a 1
Reactor Tsuilding Cooling Fan if the fan is presently running in Low f spe d, an d ess c r i b ed in GP/1/a/110a/15, "Reactor En ti l d i n g Cooling System?
- a. Turn to nigh speed.
t2 Turn off, then ta high speed.
- c. Tu, off, wait .'. O minutes, then turn to high panting through auto, i d. Turn to auto, wait 30 minuten, then turn to high Epeed.
l l
I OUESTION 7.08 ( .EOs STATE THREE conditions that requi:'e et 1 east one traln of r e _ic t o r f bulloing apray to be operaote.
l l
DUE ST I C;4 7.09 (2.00) l LIST the 'VE automatic action'= tnat should cccur for a reoctor trip I accarainq to Eirer geiic y Procoeures, EP /1 A/1800/(: 1.
l s
t kSI k k (. _I I / .r 9 l ( M kd . -k 1
h I r
l I
OUESTION 7.10 (1.50)
STATE THREE actions to be taken or initiated immediately to ensure adequate cor e ccoling , per emergency procedure EP/1/A/1800/01 should Subcooling Margin be lost due to a LOCA.
QUESTICN 7.11 (2.00)
Fer Emergency Procedure, EP/1/A/1EOO/01:
- a. Under WHAT combination of TWO conditions must HPI cooling be initiated? ( 1. 0 )
- b. WHAT TWO actions must be taken to establish HF1 cooling? (1.0)
QUESTION 7.12 (1.50)
LIST the SIX immediate action steps of AP-G, ' Loss of Control Room' to be taken in the event an evacua ti on of the control room is necessary and conditions DO NOT permit any action prior to leaving.
, QUESTION 7.13 (2.00)
A CAUTION statement in AF-67, "Loss of Low Fressure Injection System ,
section A, ' Failure of One Train of the LPI During ECCS Operation
contains the +ollowing:
"If only one LFI cooler is operable, then ~6000 gpm LFI and LP5W flow must be established through the operable ccoler immeciately after swapping LPI Pi i.m p suction i r o.o the BW5T to the R.L.
Emergency Sum;..."
STATE the TWO bane _3 for tniI CAU'iIUN s. t a t e m e n t
(=**** CATEOORY 7 C O N T it h.:E D ON d' X T f%E **+**)
WA ,
di_; 28QQEDUngE.,r_NQBUGk.1_GfjuCB08L1 EUESGENCX Page 23-6GD_80010LOGIG86_CQNISQL
i j
.OUESTION 7.14 (1.00) i Under WHAT TWO conditions can a RCP be restarted after only a two second dril ay?
OUESTION 7.15 (1.00) lf What are the 4 1mmediate manual actions required on a loss (or par ti al loss) of 1KI bus (Loss of ICS power)?
i QUESTION 7.16 (2.00) ,
WHAT are the FOUR requirements necessary to allow the operator to disengage the fuel grapple from a fuel assembly? ASSUME all hoisting steps to reach the point of disengagement have been completed. i QUESTION 7.17 (1.00)
What is the criteria for required RCP s h u t c'own per the EDP (EP/1/A/1800/01), based on subcooling margin?
[ OUESTION 7.18 (1.00)
WHAT indication tells the operator when all nitrogen has been vented from the pressurizer, when forming a steam bubble in acccedance with l OP/0/A/1103/03, "Prescurl:er Operations"?
OUESTION 7.19 (1.00) t l According to OP/1/A/1102/01, "Centrolling Fracedure for Unit Startup",
WHAT must be done if activity above background existn on the OTSG secondary side?
. . - _ - _ _ _ _ . . . . . . - . _ . . . , , , _ _ _ _ . , , , - . . . - _ __ _ _. _ _._._____ _ _~ _
.- . . , - . .. - - . . . - -- . ~ - - .- . ... .
.. o b._ EBgGEQUBES, _HOBd h _8ENOEd h _EMEBGENGZ Page 24 i
4 809_E6R196001006_GOUIE06 3 i
l-l t QUESTION 7.20 (1.50) f
3 CUESTION 7.21 (1.50) l Referring to Fracedure GP/2/A/1102/02, Reactor Trip Recovery provi ded ,
j answer the fol1owing specific questions:
- b. WHAT must be done prior to exceeding 15% power?(0.3) l
- c. WHY in it necessary to avoid changing load too f act ? (0. 5)
CUESTION 7.22 (2.50)
Referring to Procedure OP/1/A/1104/04 "Low Pressure Injection System" with enclosures, provide the following. ,
- a. WHERE can it be found and WHAT is the man 2 mum NFSH for a RCP during heatop at 200 degrees F7(1.0) t I
- b. WHEN and why must ILP-11, 35 and 94 be verified closed manually? (1.0)
- c. WHAT in the controller location und position for valve 1LP--103 wnen i placing the LPI in the E3 mode? (0.5) l I
f I
( m ** END JF C41 EUufa 7 *****s
i i
OUESTION 8.01 (1.00) i FILL IN THE BLANKS When the RCS is in a condition with pressure above ___a___ psig both CFT's shall be operable with a minimum level of ,__b___ foot, a mini-mum concentration of borated water of ___c___ ppm boron, and a pres- l sure of .,__d___ psig.
i QUESTION 8.02 (1.00)
! If the s)ecified survei11ance frequen'_y of a piece of equipment is monthly, what is the maximum allowable interval between surveillances? 1
- a. 28 days
- b. 35 days )
- c. 45 days
- d. 60 days {
! OUESTIGN 8.03 (1.50)
INDICATE whether the following statements concerning "5hD in tne Control Room" dution are TRUE or FALBE.
I a, tiay NOY provi de reli ef for Control Room operators.
- b. Becomes the reader of EOP should its use be requirec.
- c. May leave the control rocm if the Unit is below 350 degrees F.
4 P
d I
e----.-m-,-.--.----._.--...,m-n..wwm.. _,.me .--_-e,y,,,wm,, ._..vw,_ .,,._--e.-_ ,
Qt__0RdlNIEIBAllyE_E60CEQUEES1_GQNDlIlON32, Page 26
I i
GUESTION O.04 (1.00) l Who shall the Shift Supervisor notify in the event the safe shutdown facility is inoperable per Technical Specification 3.18?
Ac stated in Operation Management Procedure 2-7, "SSFLCO Required. Action".
I i
- a. NRC Headquartern i
i b. Region II Offices
- c. Duke Power Headquarters l
- d. Security i
, OUESTION G.05 (1.00)
Referring to the attached Technical Specification page 3.16-1 when are the Containment Hydrogen Recombiner Syntea (portable fixed) required as stated in the Technical Specification bases following a LOCA?
- a. 10 days l o. 20 dayn i .
- c. 30 days l
[ d. 45 days l
l l
l I
l I
I l
l l
l s***+* C AT E GOR'r ti LONilNUCD CN NEX1 FAGE +***+- \
I i
j r-va---*,.- -r ,
-mw . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,
y _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . - . _ . _ . _ . _ . . . _ _ .. _ . _ _ _ . . _ . _ . ..__ _ . _ . _ . . _ . _ _
l . ,. . .
F 'et__8Dd191SIBBIIME_E69GEDUEgg,_cggg111gd$1 Page 27 1 g 80D_LIdII8IlgNS-i.
I' f QUESTION 8.06 (1.00) 5 Which one of the following is correct concerning Supplemental Tagging" ,
2 a. The procedure is to be used primarily during unit outages and emergency .
I situations when station manpc-war is short. However, it may be used
- anytime when more than one foreman or group is working on the same l
- j. piece of equipment. l
- b. The final work _ group shall no remove from, or return to service, any ;
station equipment as this is the responsibility of station personnel {
assigned initial maintenance responsibility. l l
- c. The work group may place supplemental red tags on any station equipment !
tnat has at least one station two part serialized red tag (stub type) l attached. )
- d. When working on equipment tagged to them, the work group can change the
- position of a valve, switch,-cut out or remove valve from the line, i j etc., that has a station red tag attached to it, proviced they remove -
red tags if it is necessary to operate' equipment to verify repairs. ,
i i
- ' QUESTION 8.07 (0.5L) ,
} True or False (0.5) ;
} Equipment found to be Out Of Tolerance (DDT) is considered to be inoperable j i until proper evaluation is completed to determine if the 00T is 4 conservative, l I
2 I
4 i
7 l
i i
i 1
1 4
1 5
i l
i l- . _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ._ , . _ _ _ ,_ - - _ .--
Tz__GDd1NISIBGIIYE_EBQGEQUBE51_GQ6011106S2 Page 28 009_L101I011935 4
OUESTION 8.08 (1.00) 1 i
Which one of the following is correct regarding the "Use of Approved j f Procedures"?
- a. Each enclosure of an OP or PT will be used with the body of a procedure. [Shall be verified against the Control Copy prior {
to each use] ]
! b. If the need arises that special instructions are to be used in ]
j performance of our work, these instructions shall be de.ted and l signed by the Superintendent of Operations, Operating Engineer ;
i or his designee (SRO).
[ .
C. If the desired or anticipated results are not achieved, the ;
indi'idual.should v proceed, because for the unanticipated results is not readily evident, except to more experienced )
individual or the supervisor. ;
- d. If, during the course of an evolution, it becomes necessary to abort a procedure prior to completion, a new working copy ;
shall be used to ensure corret.tness of the procedure and enclosures prior to restart of the evolution. )
i i
1 I
DUESTION 8.09 (1.00) l Indicate whether each of the following is a duty / responsibility of the .
Control Room 5RO, Control Room RO, or EOTH as describec in O*1P 2-1 "Duties and Responsibilities of the Reactor Operators and Senior Reactor Operators", Enclosure 4.1 and 4.2.
- a. S h .41 1 not perform any admi ni strati ve duties that may distract from {
the safe operation of the plant. l
- o. Shall be required in the Control Rcom from which the dnit is cperated !
anytime the RC T empor ature on that Lin i t 19 above 200 degrees F.
- c. He/she shall also report to the Dispatcher any conaitions which indicate that a unit shutc! awn or significant load reduction might be necessary. >
- d. Shall ensure that he/she i s pr operl y relieved prior to crosning the bounduries listed in Enclosure 4.0.
l l
~.-._ . _._,___ _ . , _ . _ _ _ , _ _ _ . _
I G., . ---. AD.
l.1.1 N.I..ST Fi A..T I VE PR..O C..E. DUFiE S. 2 C O.N D.I.T 10 N B.1
- --- ---- .- ---- - - - ~ . --. Pago 27 802_LIL11IGIl0Uh QUE!3T I ON 5.10 (1.00)
WHAT are the max i mo.n allowable non-emergency whole oody dose equivslents for an employee with a completed NRC rorm 4 for the following time periods?
- a. In any calender quarter
- b. In any calendar year DUESTION D.11 (0.00)
What. in the om. l percentage at scale reading allowed on a p c c. k a t c o u ,no t er prior to uno QUESTION B.12 {1.00)
- a. Withiri LHAT t i .ae pcriud :hould pe r uoniiel cu. c oun t i n <) bo c o a.p l .it e d at ter- dcclaration or a il t e A s o cno l y ~
l l
- b. WHAi iwu 1ocat2orm would non-essential site per sonn.>1 De t>vacuated ii a si t e evacuation 19 dee reo n e c e =. s a r y i
C L,E 5T I E N 5.1L (1.UO)
The f oll owi stQ concLrn tht' une C+ Raalation Ch i r p e >r u J. W r6-;'I are tnD TWd r ' C11 a ?_ l ar 6 lt <Oi g Lt i G t t l i n d a that F OQuir e 5 tito LL L f - Of Ch i a p er C'
- b. Wrd hE C r: the OOdy ' h C L.1 d a C f .1 r p t r bi6 wor f i .
l t
l l
l (o*** C Hiooki - a u ; I s.Eu , mai i A M. ** ..
)- 8.
ADMIN 15TB811 W_EBgCEDUB E _GQNDil19 % Page 30 i
BUD _61dIIGIlgNS i
4 4
N l
I GUESTION -8.14 (O.00)
Question / Answer /Referenco deleted from exam.
i 4
i l
l QUESTIGN B.15 (2.00)
- a. WHOSE appeoval is n ecetisar y to deviate from the sequence of l sequentially numbered steps in an OPERATING procedure according to the Operations Manual? ,
- b. How and by whom is the change documented?
l= OUE5 TION 8.16 (1.00)
If an extension is granted for radiation exposure, HOW long Ic the ex t en si on valid (TWO CRITERI A) ~'
i f
i OUESTION G.17 (1.00)
The following concern the GN5 Emergency Flan.
WHAT TWO Duties and Responsibilities of the Emergency Coordinator are NOT delegable?
I l
i i
I l
-- ., w w- M vw . _ ,ww.. '~"
~OUESTION 8.18- (1.00)
WHAT actions will be required by the Shift Supervisor, should an emergency occur that involves the activation of the Emergency
' Response Organization during normal working hours according to,the CNS Emergency Plan-section.F., Emergency Communications?
DUESTION 8.19 (1.00)
If a Safety Limit is exceeded, briefly ex pl ai n the actions to be taken regarding the plant, according to Technical Specifications 6.3.1.
QUESTION 8.20 (2.00)
The following appl y to High Radiation Areas (HRA).
- a. WHAT method is used to temporarily secure a door to a HRA if a HRA guard is unavailable and whose approval is required to use this method of cecuring?
- b. WHAT is the i ndi vi dual 's r esponsi bi l i t y when entering and eniting the HRA9 OUESTION 8.21 C2.OO)
ASSUt11t!3 a control rod is declared inoperable due to causes other than e:t tessi v e friction and the rod cannot be restored *:o operable within the one hour tine limit.
- a. WHAT is the Shutdown Margin requirement?
- b. WHAT is ONE of the two other options trom which the op er i4 t or must choose which would allow continued operation of the reactor?
as sii-.
. .i
.ns__GD01NISIBGIlyE_EBQGEQUR""1_GOUD111Qb52 Page 32 039_61011GIlgNS QUESTICN 8.22 (1.00)
WHICH flux .neasurement c ys t ein is the mosit t preferred method of determining the Quadrant Power Tilt Limits?
QUESTION G.23 (1.00)
WHAT is the Technical Specification Danic for limiting plant operation to 24 houru W1th ONE idle RCP n each Icop (except for testing)7 .
See TS 3.1.1.a provided.
QUESTION 8.24 (0.00) j Que s:,c i on/ An swer /Ref erence del et ed from exaa.
i l
OUESTION 5.25 (1.50)
TRUE or FALSE Indicate whether the following statements cancerning tagging are TRUE cr FALGE.
- a. In an a r e E. Where heat generation and/or moi s t uria may be a p o s G i tal e problem, wire unculd not be used to attach Red Tags to equipmunt.
- b. If more than one Supervisor it w e r e,i n g i nc epicnoin it l y on a piece of equipment, t h er, one Superviscr will be assigned responsibility and the Red Tag will be itcued in his name.
- c. The utut2 ie reinovoc pr t or ta placing the hed Tag on the equipment.
i l
l ( 1
(***.* ENU Cf [AIEGUEi o .a+.,)
...... .... euo w u w w w,u m .........., 1
< s D c _ _Iy E Q B LO E _ b u G L E 0 B _ E 0 W E B _ E L B UI_ D E E 561 E th Fage 33 ELUID51GND_ISEEMOQYh8tRCE ANSWER 5.01 (1.00) b REFERENCE 1
1 CNS T5, p. 3.1-8 h 3,1-9 j l
OO1000KS16 OO1000K515 ..(KA's) l ANSWER 5.02 (1.00)
Having nitrogen in the pressurizer would eliminate the natural advantages associated with naving a saturated sy' stem for controlling pressure during an insurge. (because the bubble i r, the PZR is nor me,l l y steam, it may be rapidly ae-superheated and condensed with spray. Nitrogen would not be condensed by spray, and wculd ther ef ere be of less use in mitigating a pressure rise during an in-surge.)
- 1. Oconee: OF-DC-SFG-Cli-FZR, p. 18 of 22.
- 2. Uconec: OP-OC-SP3-CM-PZR Training Ob.mctive 1.P 010000KOO1 . . ( ), A ' s '>
ANSWER 5.03 (1.00) b REFERENCE ONS OP 1102/01, enc 1 4. 2, p 6; IC-ICS, p ES; GNS Training Les son Flan, OP- 0C-S P 5-E t1-3G , p 19.
03SO1GR101 035U10h1U9 ..(LA's>
(***** CATEUORY 5 CONTINUED Qu 'iE x T FACE ***++>
- -.w w y.7 6 m- -,
-% + - . . . y -y- -_ -
-ELUID52000_ISEBM99YU6dlGD ANSWER 5.04 (1.00) c REFERENCE CR, Reacti vi ty Bal ance Cal cul at i ons SP-421.
ONS Training Lenson Plans, OP -OC-S P 3-RT --R B C , pp. 5-17 OO1000K513 OO1010A201 ..(NA's)
ANSWER 5.05 (1.00) b REFERENCE ONS FONE, Sec III, pp. 115-120; Sec V, pp. 156-157 192OOOK110 ..(KA's)
ANSWER S.06 (1.00) a REFERENCE Oconee FONE, Sec III, pp. 115-120; Soc V, pp. 156-157 192OO8K110 ..(KA's)
ANSWER 5.07 (1.00) b
(..... c m scR, m coNuNuEn oN NEx1 msE ....., j l
1 l 192OOOL110 19;'.OO 6 K 107 ..(KA'n) l l
l I
AN5WER 5. O Ei (1.00) l l
! REFERENCE R T-65--F F -R ( OOfu j 192003K107 ..(KA'L) i ANSWER 'a . 0 9 (1.00) b REFEREr4CC THC-3-FF-R ( O LE )
U ivuota106 .. (l '> n ~ c )
e4 NEWER 5.10 (1.00;
- a. InCroase
- b. Increare C. [J D C F O a 5 t 2
- d. No tffect t
- ~
(***** L r' T L.o .lR Y 4
- CL:!,1 .'<LJt. D _N i , :_~ i 'i i , '; t
t 5._
,- _T.H._ E_ O R__ _Y. _ O_ F__ _ N_ U_. C L_
_ . __ E_ A_
v R _.P_ O_ W E R._ P__ L_. A_ N_ T O_ P_ E. R_ A_ T _I.O_ N .t Fate 36 ECUIDS.tONQ,_ItjEROOQygGOIC5 REFERENCE T H F-73-- H T- R (CQEO 1
13900aK123 ..(KA's) t ANSWER 5.11 (1.00) l d l
REFERENCE b%l Technical Locument, Emergency F roceduren Technical Bases, pg B -- 9 .
ONS T r ai n i r.q Lesson P1an, OF -CC --E P S -PT R- AM- 1 ONb Lesnan Ob .) ec t i v e n , OF -CC-LF S-PTR-- AM- 1, LF50 6, 9, 10 193OOaK121 1 9 3 O O 8t' 1 2 4 ..(K4's)
ANSWER 5.11 (1.00) b REFERENCE OP-DC-5F G-PTR r;T pp 13/14; LD la (4.1/4,7) 000074A207 .. (K4 s>
l AN5WER 5.13 s1.00) 1 l
ONs cr ai ni no te nsor, rian, Or --ot- I c -N t ; to 20, si
1 l C15dOOfUO. . . (l' A ' i )
t l
l l
.*,*** CATEbony
. 5 ELN il hL EI L:J <il n .W +++++
f i
e Ut...._IHEgBy_QE_Nyg6EGB_EOWEB_[! OUI _QEEEGIlOth Page 37 ELUID516BD_IHE8dODySOU,I_gS l
ANSWER 5.14 (1.00) d REFERENCE ONS FNRE. p 120; ONS, NETRO, 12.1-4; CR, NETRO, 12.1-4.
OO1010R516 .. (KA's) l 1
AN5WER 5.15 (O.00) l Question / answer / reference deleted frcm exam.
REFERENCE Quest 2an/ answer / reference deleted from exam.
19.7007K108 .. ( l 'f4 ' s )
ANSWER 5.16 (1.00)
- a. nucleate boiling region EO.53
- b. Film boiling regson LO.5]
l i
l ON5 Training Lesson Flan, GF-DC-3PS-CM-GG, pp. 11-15 tC0u100007 . . ( r (4 ' s )
(4NSWER 5 . 1 ', (1.0u) l 1. EFW i s not prencated
( Ac ep t EFW is colder.)
.~.. EFW i s injucted into the steam space
((4c c ep t EFW Injecte>d onto the t u rn e . e (U. 5 e ,
I l
(***++ C4iEGURi :; CUNllNJED CP IE U PML ***H)
---e-g y- . --ws- =.,mm- y wny m-my --we-----,n-- yp-,-._w -%,,, ,-ge. -e.,--%,,,-.---,,w,ww--_ , , . J
e 5
a T.. H E. O..R_ Y_ _O. F _ N_ L.J C_ L E. A_ R _ F O W E. R_ _ F_ L_ A__ N T_ _ O. P_E R__ A T_ _I.O_ N.s Fage 30 7
Generic: bhW Abnoroml Transient Operator Guide 11,ms Technical bases Doc uirus n t 061000K501 03501UK101 039000)107 ..(KA's) 5 J
3 AN5WER 5.15 (1.50) i
- 1. Axial (0.25] -- Power shifts between top 5 t; ot t om o-i coro [0.25].
.: . Radicil LO.25] -- Power shifts between quads. across core CO.25].
- 3. Azimuthal Co.25] -- Fower shifts around the core CO.25].
Oconee: OP-CC-5F E-RT-FF P , pg 17 of 31' Oconee: OP-OC-5P5-RT-FFP, Training Objective 1.c OO1010k534 OO1000K53.> 001000t.51 . . (!:f4 ' s >
ANEWER 5.19 (1.00)
- a. To prevent center 1ine fuel ciel t
- o. To encur e that cled t e.T;p e r a t u r e n remain less than or t qual to .200 deqF cn warct case LOCA. (To caaintaan DNER =or 1.3)
REFERENCE CR, 13, pp E .~ 2 , 2/4 2-1.
l ONE Training L.esson F1an, OF-02 #3-lHF-FD, p. 14 v00074}102 ..(LA'c) r J
1 1
5 i
j k**OYO A ib \t 1
. [ U 3 h. ) sI [$ '>ks .
- EI~ Y .
. _ _ _ ~ . - . . _ . . _ _ _ _ . _ . _ . _
l l ANSWER 5.20 (2.50) i.
- a. "A" OTSG feed flow will increase ( 0. 5 >
l l "B" OTSG feed flow will decrease (0.5) t t
"A" OTSG 1evel will increase (0,5) b.
! "B" OTSG 1evel will decrease (0.5) t I
- c. RCS delta Tc will return to zero (0.5) l i
1 ONS Training Lesson P l i.n , OF-OC-EFS-CM-ICS 0020001:511 ..(KA's)
ANSWER 5 . ".1 (3.00)
- a. Actual critical r oci posillon iACF) will be higher (0.5) due to Xenon and Sg.martum buildup (0.5)
- b. ACP will be icwer (0.5) to compensate for the decrearsed r ea c t i v i t '/ of the baron (0.5) l
- c. ACP wl11 be higher (O.5)
! due to fuel burnup (0.5) l l
f REFERENCE ONS Training Leeson Pl aii, CF -OC -S? B -RT -RBC , pp. 5-1G l
0010104207 ..(KA*s)
ANSWER 5.22 (1.50)
These ran or e l n r_ on e l ( O . S ~) wrii c h ar GhAi ( l o.2 er ob r>or p t 1 on cr or o GECli on ) i< n d have a lcanger effective palson length, iO.E) ihey have a
{ l e r, s sasere t ri.p ac t on Antal Flux I mbal arict ( v. 5 )
I i
l l
n.... CAmsOu . ann uun, 0: u . ;A x ...... .
. . . _ _ . - , . - _ - . . - . . - - - . , . - . - _ - - _ . . _ . . - - _ - - - . ~ . - - - . . _ - . _ . _ _ , . _ . - _ . . _
- - - - - - --. . F.G_ WE R. .P..L A. NT. O_F E.R -AT.
.. . -. .I ON.1 Fage 40 E?.ulos.seUp_IHEBMQQYUGUlGS REFERENCE OP-0C-SPS-THF--FD pp 12i LO 2f.4 (3.2/3.5) 192005K110 192005K114 .. (kA's)
AN5WER 5.23 (1.00) at 2240 psia, hg = 1115 DTU/lb CO.5]
at 20 psia, at saturation conoiticos, hg = 1156 BTU /lo and hi - 196 DTU/3b calculate: (1156-1115)/(1156-196) ~ .04.3 >> 9 5. T.'. q u a l i t y CO.5]
OR I 'f use McIlier: 95% qualitv (+/- 1%) [1.Oj REFERENCE OP-GA -5F S -ThF- STM pp 20/21; LO 2e (3.0/3.4) j 193003K125 ..(KA's) i i
ANEWEN 5..M (1.00/
- 1. The fuel temperature coefficient becoren rne r e negative at Pu-24u buildn up (cauutng increaned resonance capture).
- 2. The Ml'C become, mor e negat i ve due to tne reduction of the soluble painon o f t e c t. .
CNS Training Lesuan Flan, OP-CC-EFS-RT-RC, pp 12, 16-1C
- I
'92004KiO3 ..oAs> !
I i
I l
! (***** CM EGOR Y :, CLN i lNLED Cia N_Xi FAGL ***++)
. . . ~ . - - - , ,.- - .. - . . - . _ . . . _ . - . - - . . . .- - ... . .. -
_Page 41 1
' EGUIDS28UD_.IUEB000YUGdlGS ANSWER 5.25 (1.00)
As power is increased Tc will oecrease (and Tii will increase).CO.53 The temp, coef. will add (or shift) + reactivity at the bottom 4
of the core and - reactivity at the top of the core [0.52. The resul t l I
is a downward shift or bulge in core flux.
- j. RaFERENCE Oconces. OP-CC-SPS-THF-FD, pg 12 of 15 j Oconee OP-CC--SPS-THF-PD , Training Objective 1.f.5 i
OO2OOOV'537 ..(VA's)
, I
. l i
i s l x
f l
i i
! h i
l 2
L 4
1-I l (***** END OF LATEGORY *****> ;
f 1
_ _.m__ _;.
6, ,_ELOUI__EY!jlEd@_DESI_QU_sJQMI6Qi s,.,gifD_,1NSIBydSSI61100 Pcag e 42 l
1 i
ANSWER 6.01 (1.00) a REFERENCE Oconee: OP-OC-5FS-SY-HPI, p. 29 nV 43.
078000K302 ..(KA's)
ANSWER 6.02 (1.00)
GN5 Training Lesnan Plans, OP-OC-PNS-CRD, p. 17 LP50 Training Objective, OP-OC-f N S-CR D , 1. g.
001000KiO4 ..(KA's)
ANSWER 6.03 (1.00) b REFERENCE ONS Iraining Lesson Flan, CP-OC-EPS-IC-RF5, p. 42 ONS LF50 - Training Objectives, OF-CC-SPS-IC-hFS, h2.a.
00002W301 012OOOF10_ v12OOOK602 ..(kA^s)
ANSWER 6.04 (1.00) c e
(+**** CATEGORi 6 CCNTINUEL UN NEXi F M e ti *****;
l I
.y 6., _ ,. F h 001,5f SIEtj 5_ Q E SIQ U 1_ C O U I6061_699_.lB 51R U M E U IGI1 ON Page 43 REFERENCE ONS Training Lesson Plan GP-OC-SPS-IC-SPDS Page 10 ONS LP50 Training Objective OP-OC-SPS-IC-SPDS, 1.g.
194001A115 ..(KA'c)
ANSWER 6.05 (1.50)
[0.3 each]
- a. 107
- b. high level limits OR, steam demand (el ser answer acceptable)
- c. 575 p ush be [+ c{g3tqvta Q d pair l
- d. below OR samt. either answer acceptable) 4
- e. 101 1
ONS Training Lecsan Plan, OP-OC-TA-NT, pp 7&8 ONS CSO Training Objettive, OP--OC-T 4-N T , 1.b.
041020A202 ..(KA~s)
ANSWER 6.Go (Z.00)
CO.25 for signal and 0.25 for direction of change]
- 1. Th (increates), increasing BTU limit.
- 2. S/G pressure (incr oanes) , 1owering BTU l i ini t . <
- 3. RC ficw, no change.
- 4. FLW temperature (i ncr eases) , increating BTU limit.
- 1. DUKE: ICS training material.
Ol6000 GOO 5 ..(LA~s>
i***** C OI C E> U h'Y c) U)NT Ii;UED OT4 NEA1 F e'dM
- i
- j. .
hz__EbGUI_SYSIEd3_QESIGU1_CQUIBQL,,_83Q_lNB169dgGIGIlgG F 19 44 ANSWER 6.07 (1.50)
(0.25 each)
- c. 3 psig RD
- d. 10 psig RB l
4 GR (0.25 ea.)
4 i
REFERENCE GNS Training Lesson Plans, GP-CC-SPS-IC-ES, p. 7 l
l 022OOOK403 OO6000F405 ..(KA's) l l ANSWER o 08 (0.50)
This in an indication that there is a mismatch between AC line and i n v c.r t er output voltage.
1 REFERENCE ONS Training Luscon Plan, CF-CC-SPS-EL-V.:5, p. 13 062OOOK504 .. OcA's) l l
l 1
l t (**-*=+ CATEGORY c3 CONTINUED CN NdiT FADE +++**.
l l
l l
- m. . . _ . _ _ . . . . , . _. _ _ _ _ _.... ,__. _ _ _ _ .__ _ , _ -., _ - _ _ ._ _ - ..._ ,___ __.. _ __._ m - - .
- V i
, ,- i s
! ' ANSWER'- 6.09' -(1.50)
F a -. 1. Fl ux / flow ' imbalance CO.253 2 '. Power / pump. CO.253 j
' 3. . Low pressure CO.253
-4. Variable low pressure CO.25] q
- b. -AUTOM TICS new high pressure trip of'1720 CO.253 ,
i 5
~ .
ADMINISTRATIVE: ' nuclear over power trip setpoint reduced to <=
3 5% ' (4. 00%) of rated power during reactor shutdown l
, CO.253 J s
- ONS Training Lesson Plans, IC-RPS-RO-le, 0B.
i OP-OC-SPS-1C-RPS, p. 34' c, .
. 012OOOK402 0120COK604 ..(KA's) l l !
i 1 . .
f ANSWER 6.10 (1.00) l Both MFWPTs heve: 1) low hydraulic oil pressure (<75 psig) CO.53
- 2) low discharge pressure (<750_psig). CO.53.
l REFERENCE-ONS. Training Lesson Plans, OP-CC-SPS-SY-EF, pp. 41 and 42 LPSD Training Objectives, OP-DC-SPS-SY-EF, 1. b. & k. t 059000K416 061000K402 ..(KA's) !
l ANSWER 6.11 (2.50) !
o The three LPSW outlet valves on the RBCU's go fully open. CO.53 ;
h: :
LPSW is isolated to the RB aux fans and full LPSW flow is supplied !
to the B RBCU. CO.51 !
, _The standby RBCU automatically starts and runs in low speed while L the-two running units automat i call y swap to low speed. ro.53 l I
L Penetration Room ventilation fans starting CO.53 and Essential Reactor )
Building Isolation CO.53. l l
l L
(4 __E(GUI E(SIEd5 E 51001_CONIBOL,t_GUp_INijIBUdEUIGIlOU Page 45 REFERENCE ONS Training Lesson Plans, OP-OC-SPS-SY-RBC, p. 19 013OOOK103 . . ( K A ' r. )
i l
I ANSWER 6.12 (2.00) (a q 7_)
- 1. fusible dropout plates [0.53 -- prc. ides open flow path to RB atmosphere. [0.5]
- 2. blow,ut plates CO.5] -- to attenuate shock wave and protect cooling coils. LO.53
- 3. Located above the water level (c al cul ated )
during post accident conditions.((.0)
- 4. RBCU speed snifts (to slow) on ES actuation.h0)
REFERENCE ONb Training Lasson Plans, OP-CC-SF S--GY-R BC , pp. 11 & 19 022OOOK405 ..(KA's)
ANSWER 6.13 (1.25)
E5 O O.25 each]
- 1. MS-G7 Steam supply to E W pump
- 2. MS-126 Main Steem to AUX steam control.
- 3. MS-129 Main Steam to AUX steam control.
- 4. FDW-315 S/3 feedroq valve
- 5. FDW-316 S/O feedrcq valve REFERENCE ONS Tra i ning Lesson P1an, GF-OC-SFS-SY-EF, p. 62 LPSG Training Objectives, OP-OC-SP3-SV-EF, 1. f.
06100vA202 OOOO65A208 U61000K601 ..(KA's)
( * *
- x -+ C A T E G O R'. o CONTINUED OM NEXi FABE * + 4 *- * )
63_ Ph80I__SYSIEMg_DE@l@Ns_CONIB L ._OND_ldSIByt]ENIGIlgN Page 47 -
t i SNSWER 6.14 (1.25)
Essential Trips: E2 O O.25 each3 t Overspeed
' Low-Low Lube Oil Pressure Non- essenti al Trips: Cany 3 O O.25 each3 Jacket water temperature, Low Lube oil pressure.
High' crankcase pressure.
High Bearing temperature Unit Vibration l
I ONS Training Lesson Plan, OP-OC-SPS-ESF-DG, pp. 28 84 29 064000K402 064000K401 ..(KA's) t-1 ANSWER 6.15 (2.00)
- a. 1. Prevent opening of the Ccde Safety Vaives EO.S] --
2450 psig E0.253
'b. FALSE (0.b) t REFERENCE ONS Training Lesson Plan, OP-OC-SFS-CM-PZR, pp. 12, 12a 8< 14 LPSO Training Ob .iec t i ves , OP-OC-PPS-CM-PZR, 1. d. 8< n .
1 010000 GOO 4 ..(KA's) t i~
! ANSWER 6.16 (O.00) '
h j Question / Answer / reference deleted from exam.
l 1
I r
.,,._..--._. _ _ - _ _ _ . . . . . _ . . _ _ _ _ . . . _ _ ._J
u 4-l 3- j$4_dELONI_@ySIgbS_DkSIGU2_CQNI8g62_@99_IUSIBUMEUI@IIQU Page 48
- REFERENCE-Question-/ Answer /referer.ce deleted from exam.
- 1
' A;'ISWER. 6.17 (1.00)
^ If' seal return were not1 stopped, hot RCS water cou'1 d - f l ow - up che shaft oLf.the pump and through the seal' staging devices, causing. .
over-heating the seals [1.03. =
l t
REFERENCE j DNS. Training Lesson Plan, OP-OC-SPS-SY-HPI, p. 23 )
OP-OC-SPS-Ch-CPS, pp 28 & 29
-LPSO. Training, Objectives, OP-OC-SPS-CM-CPS, 1. g.
- - OO3OOOK404 ..(KA's)
' ANSWER 6.18 ' ( 2. 50) ~
! a. HP-409 & 410 installed CO.5] to allow the operator to x-connect '
(' injection headers to supply. cooling to 3 of 4 nozzles C0.5]. (1.0' '
[. (Accept "flow in both headers" for "3 of 4 nozzles".)
f i l
- Controlu and Indications: [2 @ 0.5 each]
g 1. Can throttle either valve ,
- 2. Flow indication through either valve in Control Room. OR
- f j Unit-3 has computer indications of valve NOT closed. (1.0) b '. > = 6 0*/. (0.5) ]
ONS- Training Lesson Pl ans, OP-DC-SPS-SY-HPI, pp. 27 & 28 ;
'OO6000K406 OO6020A202 ..(KA's) -
l p
i ANSWER 6.19 (1.00)
While NI input to ICS was removed a continuous rod withdrawal would
( occur.
' REFERENCE ONS iraining Lessons Plans, OP-DC-SPS-RPE, p. 38 f- )1SOOOK304 ..(KA's) l l ANEWER 6.20 (1.00)
- a. Rotating the switch on the Fressure Test module to the "test operate" position. [0.53
- b. Depressing the "output state" toggle switch on bistable that has tripped. (Verbatim answer not required. Knowledge of oper ator action of a manual rebet switch local to cabinet (on Listable) is acceptable.) CO.S].
REFERENCE ONG Training Lesson Plan, OP-CC-IC-ES, p. 15 LPSO Training Objectives, OP-OC-IC-ES, B. 8. (9/9/63) 013OOOA401 ..(KA's)
ANSWER 6.21 (2.00)
- a. Auto start of BOTH MDEFWP. (1.0)
- 6. No auto swap back to primary channel will occur or must be manually selected to primary channel. (1.0) t REFERENCE ONS CPSU Training Objective OP-OC--3PE-3 4-E F ,
1.L., 1.F., 1.q. & l.r.
035010K401 .. WA's)
(***** END OF CATEGORY 6 ***+*) 1 I
l l
. 4, l_ .
- 7.t..__EBQGEDLJBES_ __NgBd861__epNOBdG61,_EME6GEb!GY Page'50-i: 009_BG910690lGGL_GOUIB06 LANSWER- 7.01 '( 1. 00 )
REFERENCE ONS Training Lesson Plan, OP-DC-SPS-IC-SPDS, p. 9 l OOOO69K301 ..(KA's)
, ANSWER. 7.02 (1.00)
! d T
REFERENCE ONS' Training Lesson Plan, OP-OC-SPS-IC-RPS, pp 14, 15 LPSO Training Objective, OP-OC-SPS-I C J'PS , 1. k.
OOOO54K301 ..(KA's)
ANSWER 7.03 (1.50)
- a. >2%
- b. >=4%
- c. " T h e r rnal Power Best" > NI'n EO.5 each]
'.l '
ONS-Pr.acedures, OP/1/A/1102/01, p. 3 t
015020K511 015000K504 ..(KA's) l i
1 ANSWER 7.04 (1.00)
C l
r -
. REFERENCE GNS Procedures,-various, Limitations and Precautions.
194001A111 194001A109 194001A102 ..(KA's)
ANSWER 7.05 (0.50) b REFERENCE-ONS Procedures, OP/1, 2, 3/A/1103/06, p. 1 OP/3/A/1103/06, p. 3 OO3OOOGOO2 ..(KA's)
ANSWER 7.06 (0.50) d REFERENCE ONS Procedures, OF/1, 2, 3/A/1103/06, p. 1 OP/3/A/1103/06, p. 3 003000G002 ..(KA's)
ANSWER 7.07 (1.00)
C REFERENCE ONS Procedures, OP/1/A/1104/15, p. 2 022OOOK201 ..(KA's)
, . _ . . - . . .. .-- - _ _ _ ~ .. . -- _ .- - ..
- 7. PROCEDURES - NORMALnABfj0Rr Alu j _ Erj E R G E rj g y Page 52 000_BODIOLOGICAL_CONIBOL ANSWER 7.08 (1.50)
! 1. Oconee Tech Spoc. 3.3.5 b(2) -- RBC tech spec 77ESTof1MalinW6cG A RSC f'/AY
- 2. Fuel in the core with AND
- 4. RCS temp >= 250 degrees.
(3 of 4 Q O.5 ea.)
REFERENCE i DNS Training Lesson Plan, OP-OC-S P S--SY-DS , p. 14 of 18.
. ONS LPSO Training Objectives, OP-DC-SPS-SY-BS, #3.a.
ONS Technical Specifications, 3.3.5.
OOOO40K302 ..(KA's)
ANSWER 7.09 (2.00)
(5 O O.4 each)
- 1. Control Rod Groups 1-7 drop into core.
- 2. Turbine - generator trips.
- 3. Unit auxiliaries transfer to CT1.
- 4. Turbine bypass valves open (at approximately 1010 psig).
S. Feedwater runback to control S/O level.
REFERENCE ONS Emergency Procedures, EP/1A/1800/01, p. 2.
OOOOO7K301 ..(KA's) l i
I I ANSWER 7.10 (1.50)
l (0.5 each) f 1. Trip al1 Reactor Coolant Pumps.
l 2. Manually initiate HPI.
- 3. Raise OTSG level to 95'/. on the Operate Range.
i E __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . . _ , . . _ _ . . _ _ . . _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ - -
__ __ _ _ . . - . . _ . . _ . _ . , ___.m _.._ - - _ ._. .___ _... _ ....__ ._ .- __._._..__.. _ ._ ._ _
I. .
. Z;.__EBOGEDU6ES ,_NQBd66,3._,8pNQBd@L1_EUEBGENCY Page 53 4 > GNQ,.68DIOLOGIG66 GQNI6g6 2
l ONS Emergency Procedure, EP/1/A/1800/01, p. 12 ,
000011K312 . .- ( K A ' s )
4 ANSWER 7.11 (2.00) l
- b. 1. Manually initiate HPI.
- 2. Open the FORV and FORV block valve. [0.5 each3 (1.0)
J REFERENCE GNS Emergency Procedure, EP/1/A/1800/01, p. 16 and 22
! OOOOO7K301 ..(KA's) f i
!' ANSWER 7.12 (1.50) ;
i (6 0 0.25 each)
- 1. .Go to Unit Aux. Shutdown Panel with AP and EP procedures, 1og, Removal-Restoraticn f,cok and Emergency Plan.
- 2. Notify appropriate personnel; announce ' condition', call SS, others as directed in E plan.
- 3. In Unit Cable Room: Trip Reactor (open CRDM BKR) and start the Keowee units.
- 4. Ensure the Turbine is tripped by pull ir g manual trip lever on front l' - standard.
- 5. Refer to EF-1, Emergency Uperating Frocedure.
- 6. Manually open 'A' HPI BWST Suction (HP-24) to recover Pzr level.
Z,___PROGEQUBES_ . GO6ML_GBNOBd861_E(1EBOENG1 Page 54 GbD_B6D196001G06_CONIB06 <
l 1
REFERENCE ONS Aonormal Procedure, AF - 8, LoEs of Control Room, Section B, pp. B&9 0000680010 ..(KA's)
ANSWER 7.10 (2.00)
(1.0 each)
- 1. to provide adequate cooldown rate.
- 2. Maintain R. B. enviranmental qualification criteria for the R. B.
equipment protection REFERENCE ON5' Abnormal Procedure AP-07, p. 5 i
036000A202 ..(KA's)
- i t
- f I
ANSWER 7.14 (1.00)
(0.5 each) !
- 1. Motor has been running normally for 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> or more. l
- 2. Measured Stator Temperature by RID is below 24S F and reached j steady state or decreasing. ,
, 4 I
GN5 Procedures, Orr/1, 2, 3/A/11r3/06, p. I
- f. CP/3/A/1103/06, p. 3 i OO3OOOK614 . . (L A 's)
I t
ANEWER 7.15 (1.00) i
- a. Trip the reactor l
- b. Trip the turbine generator
- c. Trip both main FDW pumps
- d. Verify all operable EFWPs utart
_- _. __ _ - _ _ _ . . _ . . _ ~ - _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . . _ _ . . - . . . . .
2,s._ CBQGEDU6ES ,,NOEtlOL_i_8BUOBt]@L3_EUEBOENGY Page 55 68D_B6D196001G96_GQNIBg6 REFERENCE Oconee: Proc. AP/1/A/1700/23, Loss of 1K1, pg.2 of 5 062OOOA201 . . ( r( A ' s )
ANSWER 7.16 (2.00)
(Unit 1 6. 2 )
- 1. < 1200 1bs. on Di11on 1 cad cel1.
- 2. Low load 1ignt on (@ 400 4).
- 3. Hydraulic prermure > 100 lbs.
- 4. f1echanical Locking removed.
S. Hoist tape readings in spec.
- 6. stable count rate OR (Unit 3)
- 1. Low load light on (@ B00 #).
- 2. Air pressure available to pneumatic syatem.
- 3. Hoist tape readings in spec.
- 4. stable count rate t
(Requirements from different units may not be mixed unless ALL requirements are given and the applicable unit (s) identified.)
REFERENCE l ONS Training Lesson Plans, OP-OC-SPS-FH-FHB, p. 12 I LPSD Training Objectives, CP-OC-SPS-FH-FHB, 1. b.
034000K401 ..(KA's) i l
ANSWER 7.17 (1.00)
! Subcooling margin equal to O degrees F/ in EITHER loop GR l the core.
.,,-m-n.~, ,,,,n.w.m_-n. _nn--n..-._
l EAF-130-E11-R (OQB) l OOOOO9KJ23 ..(KA's)
ANSWER 7.18 (1.00)
Duench Tank Pressure (0.5) stops increasing (0.5)
REFERENCE OP-OC-SP5-CM-PZR p. 17; LO 11 (2.6/2.8)
OO7000A206 ..(KA's)
ANSWER 7.19 (1.00)
CSAE Exhaust to Stack Drain (IV-196) must be LOCKED CLOEED.
(In response to candidates question tne proctor advised to interpret "above background" as the first level above b ac. k g r oun d which requires actions. This was assumed to mean the alert level by the randidates. Answers addressing these actions will be acceptable.)
REFERENCE ON5 Frocedures, CP/1/A/1102/01, p. 2 055000k1O4 OOOO37K306 ..(KA's)
ANSWER 7.20 (1.50)
- a. If RCP's are, or may be, lost (1.01
- b. 50% operating range (0.5)
GR 240" X3UR range s*<*** C AT E GC:iY 7 CCNTINUEl; UN NEXT PAEE 4++++ )
~ . __
, , I (7. JJ PROCEDurigS; _NOBdG62_8BNQBM@LI_EMEBGENCY Page 57 8MD_BG9196901GGL_GONIS06
.ONS Procedures, OP/1/A/1106/06, enclosure 3.5, p'p . 6 8< 7 -
'061000K101 061000K411 . . -- ( K A ' s ) _
1 ANSWER 7.21 ( 1. 50)-
- a. Rod Withdrawal Must Stop.EO.53-
- b. Turn off-Rx-Bldg. Lights Co.53.
REFERENCE ONS OP/2/A/1102/02 pp. 10, 14,-15 194001A102 ..(KA's)
- Atw 3WER~ 7.22 (2.50)
- b. During'RCS heatup in switch over made CO 53.
To prevent overpressurization of the LPI cooler Co.53
- c. SSF CR CO.253, closed CO.253.
' REFERENCE-ONS OP/1/1104/04 various pages LPSD Training Objectives, OP-OC-SPS-SY-LPI, 1 a,b,f,g 194001A102 ..(KA's)
s t
(***** END OF CATEGORY 7 *****)
r , c .7--m--g --g-,- --y.w, - - , - . y ,e ,-,nm eg,,--wn,-,,,-v--, ,,ey.,w-,,,,,,,,,m- v - , , , , , , _ - - - , - , e ,,-r-w,,-,-, , . - ,,v-,, - ---
, h _._00dlN13IRGIlyE_EBQQEDUSES1_,GO[JDlIlgN51 Page 58 Bt3D_Lld1IGII0 tis ANSWER 8.01 (1.00)
[0.25 each]
- a. 800
- b. 13 (+/- .44) (1040 +/- 30 cubic feet)
- c. 1835
- d. 600 (+/- 25)
ONS, Technical Specifications, p. 3.3-2 l OO6000K602 ..(KA*s>
ANSWER 8.02 (1.00) j c '
REFERENCE 1, ONS, Technical Specifications, p. 4.0-1 f;
l i
ANSWER ' 8.03 (1.50)
- a. TRUE (0.5) l
- b. TRUE (O.S)
- c. FALSE (0.5)
' REFERENCE I ONS, DMP 2-1, Enc 1osure 4.2
! 194001A103 ..(KA's) i i
fiNSWER S.04 (1.00) l I
4.,,- - , , - - - , - , , , - , - - , r , ,-r --e--- .. , , . - . , , - - , ,.-nc , , . - - - - - . , - - , , - - ,
@. ADM I N I ST R AT I VE PROCEDURES, _Cgt,JDIT I ON S 1 Page 57 6 @ LIL11IGIl005 REFERENCE ONS OMP 2-7, p. 2 194001A102 ..(KA's) l 1
ANSWER 8.05 (1.00) l l
l b '
REFERENCE ONS T.S. page 4 16-1 & 2 Admendsnent s 158, 153, 155 0280000006 ..(KA's)
ANSWER 8.06 (1.00) a or c (Either answer in correct. Fast exam correction)
REFERENCE ONS Station Dircctive 3.1.2. p e.g c !.
194001K102 ..(KA's)
ANSWER S.07 (O,50)
False REFERENCE ONS Stution Directive 3.1.2, pp. 4 ?< S ANSWER G.08 (1.00) 6.
7 ,_
h_._GDUIGISI60IlyE_E800EDUEE h_CONQlIlgNL Page 60 GND_6101IGIlgNe
-REFERENCE ONS OMP 1-9, pp. 3&4
- l. 194001A102 ..(KA'u)
ANSWER 8.09 (1.00)
- a. 130TH
- b. SRO
- c. RO
(0.5 each)
- a. 2500 MREM ,
- b. 4500 MREM <
r OR '
l (0.5 ea.)
- a. 3000 mrem
- b. 12000 mrem s
DNS, Staticn Directive ~1. 3.1 (TS), p. 2 194001K103 . . ( tJ A si l
} ANSWER 8.11 (0.50) 60'.
(***** CATEGORY E CGNTINUED ON t, EXT iiiGE ***++)
l' 0;.__0 DdlNigIEGIlyE _EBOGE QUBE S t _GQN D,lllOUS1 _Page 61 0GR L10110I1005
-REFERENCE ONS, Station Di recti ve 3.3.1 (TS), p. 2 194001K103 ..(KA's) l ANSWER 8.12 (1.00)
- a. 30 minutes EO.53 I
- b. Oconeo county school EO.25]
(Keowee school)
Pikens county school [0.253 (Daniel High School) .
REFERENCE ONS Emergency Plan, Section J. Protective Response, pp. J-1 and J-2 194001A116 ..(KA's)
ANSWER G.13 /1,00)
- a. General area </= 250 MR/HR CO.25] OR Contact hot upo </= 10 R/HR CO.25] (0,5)
- b. In an area of the body that will allow the wearer to haar the alarm when the alarm sounds. (O.S)
REFERENCE ONS Operations Manual, CMP 2-6, p. 1 194001K103 ..(KA's) l
ANSWER 8.14 (O.00)
Ouestion/ Answer / Reference deleted from exam.
, , o
- Q ._ 00t11NI STRATIhE_PRQGEDLjRESuGQNDITIONL Page 62 Gf_iD_ Lit 11IGIl005 REFEPENCE Question / Answer / Reference deleted from exam.
OO1000 GOO 5 ..(KA's)
ANSWER B.15 (2.00) I l
- a. (Verbal) ar.p roval of two operators (0.33), one of.whom is a j supervisor (0.33) who holds an'SRO license-(0.34). (1.0) J (Note: Stating two OPERATORS, one of whom is a SRO is sufficient for full credit as all SROs at OCONEE are ]
l considered to be supervisors.) '
Sp oc %
- o. Change documented on working copy (0.33) by thev'i nd i vi dual f performing the procedure (0.33) i ni t i al s of the SRO approving the change in sequence (0.34). (1.0)
ONS, SD 2.2.1., Station Procedures, p. 4 ONS, OMP 1-9, use of Procedures, p. 7 r 194001K102 194001K101 ..(KA's) l l
( ANSWER 8.16 (1.00)
For the specific job / task (0.5) and the period of time for which it w z.s r
( granted (0.5) r REFERENCE l
l ONS, Station Directives (TS), p. 2 194001K103 ..(KA's)
. Page 63 GUDt=101I6Il0ND AN5WER a.17 (1.00)
- 1. Sole responsibility to initiate and emergency actions within the provisions of the Station Energency Plan EO.5]
- 2. Responsible for making protective actions guides for the safety and welfare of the public to the appropriate off-site agency if the CMC /Rocovery Manager is not in a positico to do so 00.53 (1.0)
REFERENCE ONE Emergency Flan, Figure D-3, p. B-9 194001A116 . . ( rJ A ' s )
ANSWER G.18 (1.00)
- 2. Initiate a Sito Assembly.
3, Na kh s4n&[(cunh diedtj (.s 8fka # rntA ki
- q. Nd(9gci. v,LA Ikour j REFERENCE ON5 Emergency Flan section F., Emtr genc y Communi c.ati ons , P. F-C l
194001A116 .. (l:A 's )
ANSWER 8.19 (1.00) i
! Shutdown i mmedi atel y 4, 0 . 5 ) , and maintain a safe shutdown condition until the Commlusic,a at.thorizes resumption of operations (0,5) l l REFEFENCE ONS, T5, p. 6.3-1 f 002000G005 ,. (KA's) l t
(+++" C A T E G U FO' G CONTINUED ON NEXT Fi6E *****-
h __ODU1GISIB6Ilyg EBOCEDUBE51_CQUDil10Us1 Page 64 OEID_L101IGIl905 ANSWER G.20 (2.00)
- a. pcolock (0.5), Shift Supervisor (0.5)
- b. Ensure tne door is closed behind then on entering (0.5) and tc conduct a door c h ec k: prior to leaving the area ( 0. 5)
REFERENCE ONS, Station Directives, SD 3.3.4, p. 2 194001K103 ..(KA's)
I ANSWER 8.2i (2.00)
- a. Shutdown Margin >1% delta K/K with highest rod withdrawn [0.5]
i Plus an additional allowance for the withdrawn worth of the inoperable rod CO.5J. (1.0) l
) b. Candidate must answer with either of the below option ~
Reduce power to , 6n% of allowable power for RCP combination within one hour E0.5] and reduce NI averpower trip setpoint for flun and f l ux / f l ow/ i mbal ance to 05.5% of t h er cnal power value allowable for ,
RCP combination within next four hours CO.S] (1.0)
I CR F osi t i on the remaining rods in the affected group such that the inoperable rod ia maintained within 9 inches of the group average CO.53 and the group position is within the 11alts of rod posi ti on given in the rod position limit curves CO.53 (1.0)
REFERENCE ON. Training Lesson Plans, p. 10 LP50 Training Objectives,0P-0C-SPS-AFC-T47, 44 2 5 #6 !
00000514306 0000051-::105 . . ( K A ' c; )
ANSWER 5. _2 (1.00) i l
Incore detectors (vta computer >
1 (mo CATEGURY S CONT INL;::D UN ,4E X i FAGE +*+*+> l l
, _ . . . ._ . - - _ . __ _ . . _ . . . _ . .. ._ .._ ~ . . . _ _ . - _ - . . - . _.
I B4. 6PMlUISIB6IlyE,_E8QGEQWBEh_,CQUQlligUh Page 65 l
-6MD11L11IGIlOUS l I
' REFERENCE j GNS~ Training Lesson Plans, OP-OC-SPS-APC-T47, p. 15-LPSO~ Training Ob j ect i ves , . 49-l'2 015020K504 ..(KA's).
, -ANSWER 8.23 (1.00)
ECCS cooling performance has not been calculated in accordance to Final Acceptanct? Criteria.
REFERENCE DNS Technical Specification Basis, 3.1.1.a, p. 3.1-2 003000G006 . (KA"s)
ANSWER 8.24 (0.00)
Question / Answer / Reference deleted from exam.
REFERENCE Ouestion/ Answer / Reference deleted from exam.
029000 GOO 6 ..(KA's) i l ANSWER 8.25 (1.50) l ( 0. '-5 e ac h )
l a. TRUE l b. FALSE l c. FALSE
I t
.. . . - - . - ~ . . . .
I 4:
f . ;, ' e i '., : 9 _ _' A.D,. MIN _I S_ T R A._ _T _I V__ E_ . P._80__ C_ E.DU_R E_S_ ._C__ON_ D_I T__
. _ . I_ONS. Page 66' ,
. - A_ N_ D. L.I M_ _I _T A T .I.O__ N_. S. .
. . - - p 1:
1 .
i 6
t-ONS, Station Directive-3.1.1 (OP), p. 7 '
i 194001K102 ..(KA's) _
.f p
i i
l t
i I
h i
I 5
} s e
l- ,
t r
L. !
l r f I- i l
l' l
(***** END OF CATEGORY 6 ++***;
l (*********+
- t; * * *
- s r
l l
5.01 1.50 ZZZ0000064 5.02 1.00 ZZZOOOOO76 5.03 1.00 2Z20000061 5.04 1.00 ZZZ0000063 5.05 1.00 ZZZ0000065 5.06 1.00 Z220000066 5.07 1.00 ZZZ0000067 5.08 1.00 ZZZOOOOO68 5.09 1.00 ZZZ0000069 5.10 1.00 ZZZOOOOO70 ti.11 1.00 ZZZOOOOO71 5.12 1.00 ZZZ0000075 5.13 1.00 Z Z ~20C OOO79 5.14 1.00 ZZZ0000080 5.15 0.00 ZZZOOOOOa5 5.16 1.00 ZZZOOOOO72 5.17 1.00 7.Z20000082 5.18 1.50 ZZZ0000083 5.19 1.00 ZZZOOOOO62 5.20 2.50 ZZZOOOOO73 5.21 3.00 ZZi.OOOOO74 5.22 1.50 ZZZ0000077 l 5.23 1.00 ZZZOOOOO78 5.24 1.00 ZZ20000081 5.25 1.00 Z2Z0000054 29.00 6.01 1.00 Z1Z0000006 f 6.O' ' .00 ZZZ0000093 6.03 1.00 ZZZOOOO100 6.04 1.00 Z7.20000104 6.05 1.50 ZZZ0000105 6.06 2.00 ZZZ0000087 6.07 1.50 ZZ20000088 6.08 0.50 ZZZ0000089 6.09 1.50 ZZ20000090
! 6.10 1.00 ZZ20000091 J 6.11 2.50 Z2Z0000092 6.12 2.00 ZZZOOOOO94 6.13 1.25 ZZZOOOOO96
{ cn 14 1.25 2ZZUOUOO96 e> . 15 2.00 ZZZOOOO101 6.16 0.00 ZZZ0000106 6.17 1.00 ZZZJOOOO95 6.18 2.50 ZZZ0000097
t 6.19 1.00 ZZZ0000099 I
6.20 1.00 ZZZOOOO102 6.21 2.00 ZZZ0000103 28.50
- 7.01 1.00 ZZZOOOO107 l 7.02 1.00 ZZZOOOo110 l 7.03 1.50 ZZZOOOO117 i
t-- --, . - _ . . . , - . . . _ . - _ , , - _ . .._,__.._ ______,___,___ ._.-_.__ ____ ________ _ ___ . _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _
7,04 1.00 2Z200001'18 7.05' O.50 Z2Z0000120 7.06 0.50 ZZZOOOO121 7.07 1.00. 2Z20000125-7.08 1.50 .ZZ20000109 7.09 2.00 ZZZ0000111 7.10 1.50 ZZZOOOO112 7.11. 2.00 2ZZ0000113 7.12 1.50 22Z0000114
'/.13 2.00 ZZZ0000115 7.14 1.00 ZZZOOOO119 i
7.15 1.00 ZZZOOOO122 7.16 2.00 ZZZ0000124 7.17 1.00 Z2Z0000001
'7.18 1.00 ZZZOOOO108 7.19 1.00 ZZZ0000116 7.20 1.50 ZZZOOOO123 7.21 1.50 ZZ20000126 7.22 2.50 Z2Z0000127 29.50 ,
8.01 1.00 Z2Z0000132 8.02 1.00 ZZZOOOO133 8.03 1.50 Z2Z0000140 8.04 1.00 ZZZOOOO146 8.05 1.00 ZZZOOOO148
- i. 8.06 1.00 ZZZOOOO149 l
- 8.07 0.50 ZZZOOOO150 8.'08 1.00 Z220000151 5.09 1.00 ZZZOOOO152 8.10 1.00 2ZZOOOO129 8.I1 O.50 2ZZ0000135 8.12 1.00 22Z0000144 8.13 1.00 2Z20000145 8.14 0.00 ZZZOOOO!!O 8.15 2.00 ZZZ3000131 ,
8.16 1.00 ZZZOOOO134 l l 8.17 1.00 ZZZOOOO136 8.18 1.00 ZZZOOOO137 l l
i 8.19 1.00 ZZZ0000138 l 8.20 2.00 ZZZOOOO139 l 8.21 2.00 ZZZOOOO141 l 8.22 1.00 ZZZOOOO142 l 8.23 1.00 ZZZOOOO143
! 8,24 0.00 ZZZ0000147 l 6.25 1.50 Z2Z0000128 26.00 e9 >==**re.=
113.0 l
l I- -. -..-. - -._ _ - _ _ _ - _ _ _ - ______- -