MONTHYEARML20212A2471999-09-15015 September 1999 Summary of 990902 Meeting with Westinghouse in Rockville,Md Re Changes That W Plan to Make in Rev 3 of AP600 Design Control Document (Dcd).List of Attendees & Handouts Encl ML20206S6831998-09-0101 September 1998 Summary of 453rd ACRS Meeting on 980603-05 in Rockville,Md Re Appropriate Action on Items Listed in Attached Agenda ML20206S3721998-07-29029 July 1998 Summary of 980707 ACRS Advanced Reactor Designs Subcommittee Meeting in Rockville,Md Re Info on AP600 Test & Analysis Program & Responses to ACRS Questions Asked During Previous Meetings ML20206S3501998-06-26026 June 1998 Summary of 980617-18 ACRS Advanced Reactor Designs Subcommittee Meeting in Rockville,Md Re Review of Advance FSER Chapters 4,5,7,8,11,13 & 18,level 1 AP600 Pra,Itaac & Associated ACRS Open Questions ML20206S3361998-06-22022 June 1998 Summary of 980611-12 Open ACRS Thermal Hydraulic & Severe Accident Phenomena Subcommittee Meeting in Rockville,Md Re Continuance of Review of Results of W Test & Analysis Program in Support of AP600 Design Certification ML20249A7191998-06-16016 June 1998 Summary of 980611 Appeal Meeting W/Westinghouse in Rockville,Md Re Appeal of NRC Position on Use of AP600 Bldg Figures in Section 3.3 of AP600 Tier 1 Matl.Attendance List, handouts,marked-up Page 3.3-1 & Note 2 Encl ML20206S5671998-05-30030 May 1998 Summary of ACRS Advanced Reactor Designs Subcommittee 980513-15 Meeting in Rockville,Md Re Review of AP600 Standard SAR & Associated Advanced FSER Chapters 3,6,14,16 & 17 ML20206S2521998-05-14014 May 1998 Summary of 451st ACRS Meeting on 980402-04 in Rockville,Md Re Items Listed in Attached Agenda ML20217K6281998-04-28028 April 1998 Summary of 980416 Meeting W/Westinghouse in Rockville,Md to Discuss AP600 TS Issues.List of Participants & Handouts & Markups Provided by Licensee During Meeting,Encl ML20217P8441998-04-0707 April 1998 Summary of 980212 Meeting W/Westinghouse in Rockville,Md to Continue Discussion on Level 1 Probabilistic Risk Assessment Insights.Addl Telcon Was Held on 980217,due to Unresolved Issues During Meeting.List of Attendees Encl ML20217J9321998-04-0303 April 1998 Summary of 980211 Meeting W/W in Rockville,Md Re Safety Classification of Coatings Inside Containment & on Exterior of Containment Shell.List of Attendees & Handout Encl ML20216G6071998-03-12012 March 1998 Summary of 980211 Meeting W/Westinghouse in Rockville,Md Re Status of Open Issues Resulting from Design Certification Review of AP600.List of Attendess Encl ML20216B1221998-03-0606 March 1998 Summary of 980122 Meeting W/Westinghouse in Rockville,Md Re Status of Open Issues Resulting from Design Certification Review of AP600.List of Attendees Encl ML20216G1471998-03-0606 March 1998 Summary of 980224 Meeting W/Westinghouse Electric Co to Resolve Issues Re AP600 Fire Protection Design ML20197B9091998-03-0606 March 1998 Summary of 971218 Meeting W/Westinghouse in Rockville,Md Re Open Issues Remaining on Analyses of Radiological Consequences of Design Basis Accidents for AP600 Design. List of Attendees & Handouts Provided at Meeting Encl ML20217A8561998-03-0505 March 1998 Summary of ACRS 448th Meeting on 980205-07 Re Several Matters & Completed Listed Rept & Ltr.Committee Authorized Larkins,Executive Director,To Transmit Memoranda Listed ML20206S2651998-02-23023 February 1998 Summary of 980203-04 ACRS Subcommittee on Advanced Reactor Designs Open Meeting in Rockville,Md Re Review of Chapters 1,4,5,7,8,11,13 & 18 of AP600 SSAR & AP600 Test & Analysis Program ML20203H8691998-02-19019 February 1998 Summary of 980211 Meeting W/W in Rockville,Md Re W Opportunity to Respond to NRC Insp Rept 99900404/97-02,dtd 980128.List of Attendees & Meeting Handouts Encl ML20203A8991998-02-11011 February 1998 Summary of 980120 & 21 Meeting W/Westinghouse to Discuss AP600 Structural Calculations to Resolve FSER Open Items. List of Participants & Handouts Encl ML20198Q1471998-01-13013 January 1998 Summary of 971104 Meeting W/Westinghouse in Rockville,Md Re AP600 Nuclear Island Basemat Design,Configuration of Shear Stirrups & Shear Capacity of Deep Slabs.List of Attendees & Handouts Encl ML20198H5621998-01-0707 January 1998 Summary of 971218 Meeting W/Westinghouse in Rockville,Md to Discuss Design Certification Schedule for AP600 Review ML20198A1861997-12-18018 December 1997 Summary of 971117 Meeting W/Westinghouse in Rockville,Md Re Design Certification Schedule for AP600.List of Attendees & Handouts Provided During Meeting Encl ML20199B1211997-11-0606 November 1997 Summary of 971029 Meeting W/Westinghouse in Rockville,Md to Discuss Problems & Progress Affecting AP600 Review Schedule. List of Attendees Encl ML20198R9261997-10-30030 October 1997 Summary of 971009 Meeting W/Westinghouse in Rockville,Md Re Design Certification Schedule for AP600.List of Attendees & Handouts Encl ML20198R6601997-10-30030 October 1997 Summary of 971109 Telcon W/Westinghouse to Discuss RAI Responses Related to TS & Sys Level Testing ML20212B7491997-10-20020 October 1997 Summary of 971007 Meeting W/Westinghouse in Rockville,Md Re AP600 General Design Features & Safety Philosophy.List of Attendees & Presentation Slides Provided by Westinghouse Encl ML20217K7951997-10-17017 October 1997 Summary of 970929 Meeting W/W to Discuss Fire Protection Issues for AP600 Design.List of Attendees & Handouts Provided by Licensee Encl ML20211L2751997-10-0707 October 1997 Summary of 970923 Meeting W/Westinghouse in Monroeville,Pa Re Status of Completion of AP600 Design Documentation in Several Review Areas in Order to Support Final QA Insp ML20217E8141997-10-0202 October 1997 Summary of 970925 Meeting W/Westinghouse in Rockville,Md Re First Interdisciplinary Review of ITAAC for AP600 Design. Agenda & Listed of Attendees Encl ML20217E9961997-10-0202 October 1997 Summary of 970911 Meeting W/Westinghouse Electric Corp Re Fire Protection Issues for AP600 Design ML20211H9691997-09-30030 September 1997 Summary of 970804-15 Meeting W/W in Rockville,Md to Review Structural Design of Nuclear Island Structures.List of Participants & Agenda for 2 Wk Review Encl ML20211G2681997-09-23023 September 1997 Summary of 970910 Meeting W/Westinghouse in Rockville,Md Re Design Certification Schedule for AP600.List of Attendees & Handouts Encl ML20211C4891997-09-18018 September 1997 Summary of 970717,0805,0905 & 0911 Telcons Between Westinghouse & Staff Members Re Severe Accident & PRA Issues.List of Participants,Topics for Discussion & Disposition for Topics Encl ML20198H5421997-09-11011 September 1997 Summary of 970828 Telcon W/W Re Proposed Design Changes to AP600 MCR Habitability Sys.List of Participants & Preliminary Sketch of Modified Design & Associated Temperature Response Encl ML20210Q7641997-08-28028 August 1997 Summary of 970826 Telcon W/Westinghouse Re AP600 Emergency Response Guidelines.Summary of Actions from Telcon Listed. List of Telcon Participants Encl ML20210Q1221997-08-22022 August 1997 Summary of 970807 Meeting W/Westinghouse Re Proposed Containment Spray Design for AP600 Design.List of Attendees & Slides Encl ML20210Q7561997-08-22022 August 1997 Summary of 970808 Meeting W/Westinghouse Electric Corp in Monroeville,Pa Re Fire Protection Issues for AP600 Design. List of Attendees,Agenda & Slides Presented by Westinghouse Encl ML20210M7361997-08-19019 August 1997 Summary of 970807 Meeting W/W in Rockville,Maryland Re AP600 MCR Habitability Sys Operational Parameters of Air Flow rates,CO2 Levels,Temperature & Humidity Needed to Establish Personnel Habitability of Design ML20217K6741997-08-12012 August 1997 Summary of 970806 Safeguards Meeting W/Westinghouse to Discuss Safeguards Issues on AP600 Design ML20151J6501997-07-31031 July 1997 Summary of 970723 Telcon W/W to Discuss 970709 Submittal of NSD-NRC-97-5227 Re Site Parameters.List of Attendees & Comments Prior to Telcon Encl ML20217G8621997-07-31031 July 1997 Summary of 970708 Meeting W/Westinghouse in Rockville,Md to Discuss Design Certification Issues for AP600.List of Attendees & Handouts Encl ML20151J6081997-07-31031 July 1997 Summary of 970709 Meeting W/Westinghouse in Rockville,Md Re Discuss Design Certification Issues for AP600.List of Attendees & Handouts Encl ML20141D4321997-06-23023 June 1997 Summary of 970425 Meeting W/Westinghouse in Rockville,Md Re Resolution of Open Items for Reactor Sys AP600 Pirt/Scaling Closure rept,(WCAP-14727).List of Attendees,Meeting Agenda & Westinghouse Meeting Presentation Matl Encl ML20141C4971997-06-23023 June 1997 Summary of 970609 Meeting W/W in Rockville,Md to Discuss Open Item Tracking Sys Issues Involving Instrumentation & Control Section of AP600 TSs Section 3.3.Highlights from Meeting & Summary of Results Listed ML20149J2181997-06-16016 June 1997 Summary of 970416-18 Meeting W/Westinghouse in Monroeville, MD Re AP600 Piping Design Analysis.Meeting Attendees Listed in Encl 1 ML20140G4541997-06-12012 June 1997 Summary of 970520 Meeting W/Westinghouse in Monroeville,Pa Re AP600 Containment Hydrogen Control Sys.List of Attendees & Action Items Identified During Meeting Encl ML20140B4251997-06-0404 June 1997 Summary of 970519 Meeting W/Westinghouse Re AP600 Fire Protection Issues ML20141G5421997-05-15015 May 1997 Summary of 970422 Meeting W/W in Rockville,Md to Discuss Design Certification Issues for AP600.List of Meeting Attendees Encl ML20141G3801997-05-15015 May 1997 Summary of 970414-18 Meeting W/W in Monroeville,Pa to Discuss W SSAR Sections 3.7 & 3.8 Re Design & Analysis of Structural Modules,Review Structural Design Calculations & Resolve Remaining Dser Open Items.List of Attendees Encl ML20141D0361997-05-15015 May 1997 Summary of 970513 Meeting W/W to Discuss Safeguards Issues on AP600 Design.List of Attendees Encl 1999-09-15
MONTHYEARML20212A2471999-09-15015 September 1999 Summary of 990902 Meeting with Westinghouse in Rockville,Md Re Changes That W Plan to Make in Rev 3 of AP600 Design Control Document (Dcd).List of Attendees & Handouts Encl ML20206S6831998-09-0101 September 1998 Summary of 453rd ACRS Meeting on 980603-05 in Rockville,Md Re Appropriate Action on Items Listed in Attached Agenda ML20206S3721998-07-29029 July 1998 Summary of 980707 ACRS Advanced Reactor Designs Subcommittee Meeting in Rockville,Md Re Info on AP600 Test & Analysis Program & Responses to ACRS Questions Asked During Previous Meetings ML20206S3501998-06-26026 June 1998 Summary of 980617-18 ACRS Advanced Reactor Designs Subcommittee Meeting in Rockville,Md Re Review of Advance FSER Chapters 4,5,7,8,11,13 & 18,level 1 AP600 Pra,Itaac & Associated ACRS Open Questions ML20206S3361998-06-22022 June 1998 Summary of 980611-12 Open ACRS Thermal Hydraulic & Severe Accident Phenomena Subcommittee Meeting in Rockville,Md Re Continuance of Review of Results of W Test & Analysis Program in Support of AP600 Design Certification ML20249A7191998-06-16016 June 1998 Summary of 980611 Appeal Meeting W/Westinghouse in Rockville,Md Re Appeal of NRC Position on Use of AP600 Bldg Figures in Section 3.3 of AP600 Tier 1 Matl.Attendance List, handouts,marked-up Page 3.3-1 & Note 2 Encl ML20206S5671998-05-30030 May 1998 Summary of ACRS Advanced Reactor Designs Subcommittee 980513-15 Meeting in Rockville,Md Re Review of AP600 Standard SAR & Associated Advanced FSER Chapters 3,6,14,16 & 17 ML20206S2521998-05-14014 May 1998 Summary of 451st ACRS Meeting on 980402-04 in Rockville,Md Re Items Listed in Attached Agenda ML20217K6281998-04-28028 April 1998 Summary of 980416 Meeting W/Westinghouse in Rockville,Md to Discuss AP600 TS Issues.List of Participants & Handouts & Markups Provided by Licensee During Meeting,Encl ML20217P8441998-04-0707 April 1998 Summary of 980212 Meeting W/Westinghouse in Rockville,Md to Continue Discussion on Level 1 Probabilistic Risk Assessment Insights.Addl Telcon Was Held on 980217,due to Unresolved Issues During Meeting.List of Attendees Encl ML20217J9321998-04-0303 April 1998 Summary of 980211 Meeting W/W in Rockville,Md Re Safety Classification of Coatings Inside Containment & on Exterior of Containment Shell.List of Attendees & Handout Encl ML20216G6071998-03-12012 March 1998 Summary of 980211 Meeting W/Westinghouse in Rockville,Md Re Status of Open Issues Resulting from Design Certification Review of AP600.List of Attendess Encl ML20216B1221998-03-0606 March 1998 Summary of 980122 Meeting W/Westinghouse in Rockville,Md Re Status of Open Issues Resulting from Design Certification Review of AP600.List of Attendees Encl ML20216G1471998-03-0606 March 1998 Summary of 980224 Meeting W/Westinghouse Electric Co to Resolve Issues Re AP600 Fire Protection Design ML20197B9091998-03-0606 March 1998 Summary of 971218 Meeting W/Westinghouse in Rockville,Md Re Open Issues Remaining on Analyses of Radiological Consequences of Design Basis Accidents for AP600 Design. List of Attendees & Handouts Provided at Meeting Encl ML20217A8561998-03-0505 March 1998 Summary of ACRS 448th Meeting on 980205-07 Re Several Matters & Completed Listed Rept & Ltr.Committee Authorized Larkins,Executive Director,To Transmit Memoranda Listed ML20206S2651998-02-23023 February 1998 Summary of 980203-04 ACRS Subcommittee on Advanced Reactor Designs Open Meeting in Rockville,Md Re Review of Chapters 1,4,5,7,8,11,13 & 18 of AP600 SSAR & AP600 Test & Analysis Program ML20203H8691998-02-19019 February 1998 Summary of 980211 Meeting W/W in Rockville,Md Re W Opportunity to Respond to NRC Insp Rept 99900404/97-02,dtd 980128.List of Attendees & Meeting Handouts Encl ML20203A8991998-02-11011 February 1998 Summary of 980120 & 21 Meeting W/Westinghouse to Discuss AP600 Structural Calculations to Resolve FSER Open Items. List of Participants & Handouts Encl ML20198Q1471998-01-13013 January 1998 Summary of 971104 Meeting W/Westinghouse in Rockville,Md Re AP600 Nuclear Island Basemat Design,Configuration of Shear Stirrups & Shear Capacity of Deep Slabs.List of Attendees & Handouts Encl ML20198H5621998-01-0707 January 1998 Summary of 971218 Meeting W/Westinghouse in Rockville,Md to Discuss Design Certification Schedule for AP600 Review ML20198A1861997-12-18018 December 1997 Summary of 971117 Meeting W/Westinghouse in Rockville,Md Re Design Certification Schedule for AP600.List of Attendees & Handouts Provided During Meeting Encl ML20199B1211997-11-0606 November 1997 Summary of 971029 Meeting W/Westinghouse in Rockville,Md to Discuss Problems & Progress Affecting AP600 Review Schedule. List of Attendees Encl ML20198R9261997-10-30030 October 1997 Summary of 971009 Meeting W/Westinghouse in Rockville,Md Re Design Certification Schedule for AP600.List of Attendees & Handouts Encl ML20198R6601997-10-30030 October 1997 Summary of 971109 Telcon W/Westinghouse to Discuss RAI Responses Related to TS & Sys Level Testing ML20212B7491997-10-20020 October 1997 Summary of 971007 Meeting W/Westinghouse in Rockville,Md Re AP600 General Design Features & Safety Philosophy.List of Attendees & Presentation Slides Provided by Westinghouse Encl ML20217K7951997-10-17017 October 1997 Summary of 970929 Meeting W/W to Discuss Fire Protection Issues for AP600 Design.List of Attendees & Handouts Provided by Licensee Encl ML20211L2751997-10-0707 October 1997 Summary of 970923 Meeting W/Westinghouse in Monroeville,Pa Re Status of Completion of AP600 Design Documentation in Several Review Areas in Order to Support Final QA Insp ML20217E8141997-10-0202 October 1997 Summary of 970925 Meeting W/Westinghouse in Rockville,Md Re First Interdisciplinary Review of ITAAC for AP600 Design. Agenda & Listed of Attendees Encl ML20217E9961997-10-0202 October 1997 Summary of 970911 Meeting W/Westinghouse Electric Corp Re Fire Protection Issues for AP600 Design ML20211H9691997-09-30030 September 1997 Summary of 970804-15 Meeting W/W in Rockville,Md to Review Structural Design of Nuclear Island Structures.List of Participants & Agenda for 2 Wk Review Encl ML20211G2681997-09-23023 September 1997 Summary of 970910 Meeting W/Westinghouse in Rockville,Md Re Design Certification Schedule for AP600.List of Attendees & Handouts Encl ML20211C4891997-09-18018 September 1997 Summary of 970717,0805,0905 & 0911 Telcons Between Westinghouse & Staff Members Re Severe Accident & PRA Issues.List of Participants,Topics for Discussion & Disposition for Topics Encl ML20198H5421997-09-11011 September 1997 Summary of 970828 Telcon W/W Re Proposed Design Changes to AP600 MCR Habitability Sys.List of Participants & Preliminary Sketch of Modified Design & Associated Temperature Response Encl ML20210Q7641997-08-28028 August 1997 Summary of 970826 Telcon W/Westinghouse Re AP600 Emergency Response Guidelines.Summary of Actions from Telcon Listed. List of Telcon Participants Encl ML20210Q1221997-08-22022 August 1997 Summary of 970807 Meeting W/Westinghouse Re Proposed Containment Spray Design for AP600 Design.List of Attendees & Slides Encl ML20210Q7561997-08-22022 August 1997 Summary of 970808 Meeting W/Westinghouse Electric Corp in Monroeville,Pa Re Fire Protection Issues for AP600 Design. List of Attendees,Agenda & Slides Presented by Westinghouse Encl ML20210M7361997-08-19019 August 1997 Summary of 970807 Meeting W/W in Rockville,Maryland Re AP600 MCR Habitability Sys Operational Parameters of Air Flow rates,CO2 Levels,Temperature & Humidity Needed to Establish Personnel Habitability of Design ML20217K6741997-08-12012 August 1997 Summary of 970806 Safeguards Meeting W/Westinghouse to Discuss Safeguards Issues on AP600 Design ML20151J6501997-07-31031 July 1997 Summary of 970723 Telcon W/W to Discuss 970709 Submittal of NSD-NRC-97-5227 Re Site Parameters.List of Attendees & Comments Prior to Telcon Encl ML20217G8621997-07-31031 July 1997 Summary of 970708 Meeting W/Westinghouse in Rockville,Md to Discuss Design Certification Issues for AP600.List of Attendees & Handouts Encl ML20151J6081997-07-31031 July 1997 Summary of 970709 Meeting W/Westinghouse in Rockville,Md Re Discuss Design Certification Issues for AP600.List of Attendees & Handouts Encl ML20141D4321997-06-23023 June 1997 Summary of 970425 Meeting W/Westinghouse in Rockville,Md Re Resolution of Open Items for Reactor Sys AP600 Pirt/Scaling Closure rept,(WCAP-14727).List of Attendees,Meeting Agenda & Westinghouse Meeting Presentation Matl Encl ML20141C4971997-06-23023 June 1997 Summary of 970609 Meeting W/W in Rockville,Md to Discuss Open Item Tracking Sys Issues Involving Instrumentation & Control Section of AP600 TSs Section 3.3.Highlights from Meeting & Summary of Results Listed ML20149J2181997-06-16016 June 1997 Summary of 970416-18 Meeting W/Westinghouse in Monroeville, MD Re AP600 Piping Design Analysis.Meeting Attendees Listed in Encl 1 ML20140G4541997-06-12012 June 1997 Summary of 970520 Meeting W/Westinghouse in Monroeville,Pa Re AP600 Containment Hydrogen Control Sys.List of Attendees & Action Items Identified During Meeting Encl ML20140B4251997-06-0404 June 1997 Summary of 970519 Meeting W/Westinghouse Re AP600 Fire Protection Issues ML20141G5421997-05-15015 May 1997 Summary of 970422 Meeting W/W in Rockville,Md to Discuss Design Certification Issues for AP600.List of Meeting Attendees Encl ML20141G3801997-05-15015 May 1997 Summary of 970414-18 Meeting W/W in Monroeville,Pa to Discuss W SSAR Sections 3.7 & 3.8 Re Design & Analysis of Structural Modules,Review Structural Design Calculations & Resolve Remaining Dser Open Items.List of Attendees Encl ML20141D0361997-05-15015 May 1997 Summary of 970513 Meeting W/W to Discuss Safeguards Issues on AP600 Design.List of Attendees Encl 1999-09-15
[Table view] |
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April 22,1997 APPLICANT:. Westinghouse Electric Corporation FACILITY:
SUMARY OF MEETING TO DISCUSS WESTINGHOUSE AP600 FIRE PROTECTION ANALYSIS The subject meeting was held at the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) office in Rockville, Maryland, on April 7, 1997, between representatives of Westing-house Electric Corporation (Westinghouse) and the NRC staff. The staff requested the meeting to provide Westinghouse feedback on the status of the review of standard safety analysis report Section 9.5.1 and 9A. Attachment 1 is.a list of meeting participants. is the NRC meeting handout that lists the major issues currently identified and the staff's technical position development. The staff dis-cussed the status of its concerns with Westinghouse. The staff also informed Westinghouse that an additional reviewer was assigned to assist the review.
Issue 5 on the meeting handout was satisfactorily responded to by Westing-house. Westinghouse explained that because the reactor coolant pumps were
" canned," that they are water-cooled and do not require oil.
The staff suggested that bi-weekly meetings be held to facilitate discussion and expedite the resolution of open issues. The next meeting was tentatively scheduled for April 21, 1997, in Rockville, Maryland.
original signed by:
Diane T. Jackson, Project Manager St.andardization Project Directorate Division of Reactor Program Management Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Docket No.52-003 g g{ g!QQ @f
As stated cc w/ attachment:
See next page DISTR 13VII0ft:
SCollins/FMiraglia, 0-12 G18 Docket. File PDST R/F AThadani, 0-12 G18 PUBLIC RZimmerman, 0-12 G18 TMartin MSlosson TQuay i
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JSebrosky JMoore, 0-15 B18 WDean, ED0 ACRS'(11)
JHolmes, 0-8 D1
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T) malve a espy of this document,6 in the ham: "C" = Copy without ettechment/ enclosure "E' = Copy with attachment / enclosure
NAME DTJackson:spiYP SWest Q M TRQuay 17%
DATE 04/. W 97 0
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PDR ADOCK 05200003 PDR
Westinghouse Electric Corporation Docket No.52-003 cc: Mr. Nicholas J. Liparulo, Manager Mr. Frank A. Ross Nuclear Safety and Regulatory Analysis U.S. Department of Energy, NE-42 Nuclear and Advanced Technology Division Office of LWR Safety and Technology Westinghouse Electric Corporation 19901 Germantown Road j
P.O. Box 355 Germantown, MD 20874 Pittsburgh, PA 15230 Mr. Ronald Simard, Director Mr. B. A. McIntyre Advanced Reactor Program Advanced Plant Safety & Licensing Nuclear Energy Institute Westinghouse Electric Corporation 1776 Eye Street, N.W.
Energy Systems Business Unit Suite 300 Box 355 Washington, DC 20006-3706 Pittsburgh, PA 15230 Ms. Lynn Connor Ms. Cindy L. Haag Doc-Search Associates Advanced Plant Safety & Licensing Post Office Box 34 Westinghouse Electric Corporation Cabin John, MD 20818 Energy Systems Business Unit Box 355 Mr. James E. Quinn, Projects Manager Pittsburgh, PA 15230 LMR and SBWR Programs GE Nuclear Energy Mr. M. D. Beaumont 175 Curtner Avenue, M/C 165 Nuclear and Advanced Technology Division San Jose, CA 95125 Westinghouse Electric Corporation One Montrose Metro Mr. Robert H. Buchholz 11921 Rockville Pike GE Nuclear Energy Suite 350 175 Curtrer Avenue, MC-781 Rockville, MD 20852 San Jose, CA 95125 4
Mr. Sterling Franks Barton Z. Cowan, Esq.
U.S. Department of Energy Eckert Seamans Cherin & Mellott NE-50 600 Grant Street 42nd Floor 19901 Germaatown Road Pittsburgh, PA 15219 Germantown, MD 20874 Mr. Ed RcJwell, Manager Mr. S. M. Modro PWR Design Certification Nuclear Systems Analysis Technologies Electric Power Research Institute Lockheed Idaho Technologies Company 3412 Hillview Avenue Post Office Box 1625 Palo Alto, CA 94303 Idaho Falls, ID 83415 Mr. Charles Thompson, Nuclear Engineer AP600 Certification NE-50 19901 Germantown Road Germantown, MD 20874
AP 600 Fire Protection Issues Identified Thus Far 1.
Consideration of Fire as a Design Basis Event, without consideration of an independent single active component failure, consistent with other DBEs.
The passive safe shutdown capability is not a normal shutdown method i
(See GL 86-10, 5.1.2).
The fire protection criteria for f
alternative / dedicated shutdown methods specified in Appendix R Section III.G.3 has not been met.
.The consideration of hose stations as a " fixed fire suppression system" i
is incorrect (See GL 83-33).
Class II hose stations do not provide an effective hose stream.
The use l
of-the seismically designed standpipe for non-seismic fires does not meet the minimum performance criteria specified in NFPA 14.
The reactor coolant pumps are not provided with an oil cuilection system j
as required by Appendix R Section 111.0.
Location of fire pumps in the turbine building. Availabi?ity of fire pumps following a turbine blade failure or a major lube oil fire in the turbine building.
Use of technically obsolete equivalent fire severity methodology for determining adequacy of fire barriers in non-safety related areas.
Equivalent fire rating of structural barriers / labyrinths.
Fire risk assessment using a modified FIVE methodology.
Main control room and remote shutdown area are not provided with 8-hour battery powered emergency lighting as required by Appendix R Section III.J.