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Documents 970313 Telcon Re Notice of Enforcement Discretion Issued to Require FNP to Test HVAC Systems to ASME N510,1989 Sections 5,8 & 14.Testing Results,Encl
Person / Time
Site: Farley  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 03/13/1997
From: Dennis Morey
NUDOCS 9703190095
Download: ML20136H244 (45)



D:ve Mor:y Szuth:rn Nucleir Vice President Op:rtting Company i

i I

Fadey Project -

P0. Box 1295


Birmingham. Alabama 35201 Tel 205.992.5131 SOUTHERN March 13, 1997 ggg


Energy to Serve YourWorld" 1

j' Docket Nos:

50-348 f

50-364 l

U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk l

Washington, DC 20555 i

Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant Control Room Emergency Filtration, Penetration Room Filtration, and Contamment Purge Exhaust Filtration Systems Enforcement Discretion Suoolement Ladies and Gentlemen:

The purpose of this letter is to document our phone conversation that took place between SNC and the NRC on March 3,1997, concerning the Notice of Enforcement Discretion (NOED) that you issued on February 26,1997 for Farley Nuclear Plant (FNP). During this phone conversation, Brian Thomas of NRR stated that it was the NRC's intent to require FNP to test the subject IWAC systems to ASME N510,1989 sections 5,8, and 14. The following clarifications were also provided:


1. Testing designated as acceptance by ASME N510,1989 would only be required following


l major modification or repair.

2. Testing designated as surveillance would be performed as plant procedures are revised and plant conditions allow.

It is FNP's intent to have required surveillance testing, except those items noted in Attachment 1, completed to support implementation of the Technical Specification amendment that was requested on February 24,1997 and referenced in our NOED.

Per your request exceptions taken to the testing requirements of ASME N510,1989 are provided in Attachment 1, along with SNC's technicaljustification. It is FNP's intent to use this table as guidance in our FSAR in accordance with our amendment request. Any future changes to this table will be addressed through the 10CFR 50.59 process. During the phone call you requested that SNC provide the criteria used initially to accept the subject HVAC systems. For Unit I this is Regulatory Guide 1.52, Revision 0 and for Unit 2 Regulatory Guide 1.52, Revision 2.



/% 1 s


9703190095 970313 g

DR ADOCK 050003 8 8

f 8

U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Conunission Page 2 SNC proposes to submit revised HVAC technical specification surveillance requirements by June 1,1997 that will incorporate ASME N510,1989 testing methodology for our remaining HVAC Technical Specification Surveillance requirements as appropriate. Because of FNP system specific design and testing preferences, some exceptions to ASME N5101989 testing requirements will be made. These will be documented in our submittal. provides a list of attendees to the subject phone call. Should you have any questions or comments please contact me.

If there are any questions, please advise.

Respectfully submitted, f

Dave Morey Sworn to and subscribed before me this @_hy ofkieIl997 7)VY

$SW NotaryPublic /

My Commission Expires: ///Cll9 '7


MJA/mafsupprf. doc Attachments:

1. Southern Nuclear Operating Company's Technical Justification
2. Listing of Phone Call Attendees cc:

Mr. L A. Reyes, Region 11 Administrator Mr. J.1. Zimmerman, NRR Licensing Project Manager, NRR Mr. T. M. Ross, FNP Sr. Resident inspector Dr. D. E. Williamson, State Department of Public Health i

1 J


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Proposed FSAR Table 9.4 - 15 l

Conformance to ASME N510-1989 (Sections 5,8,14)

Control Room Emergency Filtration System (CREFS) Filtration Filter Units Testing Conformance Following N510-1989 Routine Modification Pcragraph Description of N510-1989 Testing Requirement Surveillance or Repair 5 VISUAL INSPECTION 5.5.1 Guidance for Visual Inspection 5.5.1.l(a)

Adequate access to housing.

Yes Yes 5.5.1.l(b)

  • Adequate space for personnel and equipment for maintenance and No Yes testing.

(Not required) 5.5.1.l(c)

  • Doors of rigid construction to resist unacceptable flexure under No N/A operating conditions.

(Not required)

(See note)

Note: The design does not include thisfeature.


Adequate seat between door and casing.

N/A N/A l

Note: The design does not include thisfeature.

(See note)

(See note) 5.5.1.l(e)

Gasketjoints are dovetail type with seating surface suitable for No Yes accommodating a knife edge sealing device.

(See note)

(See note)

Note: The design does not include thisfeature. Gaskets will be inspected when housing is disassembled.

l 5.5.1.l(f)

  • Provision for opening doors from inside and outside of housing.

No N/A (Not required)

(See note)

Note: The design does not include thisfeature.


Adequate number and acceptable condition of operable latches on N/A N/A access doors to achieve uniform seating.

(See note)

(See note)

Note: The design does not include thisfeature.


  • Provision for locking doors.

No N/A (NCt (C9UIred)

(See note)

Note: The design does not include thisfeature.

l 5.5.1.l(i)

  • Adequate structural rigidity of housing to resist unacceptable flexure No Yes during operating conditions.

(Not required) 5.5.1.l(j)

  • Access to upper tiers, (above the 7 ft level). provided with permanent No N/A ladders and platforms.

(Not required)

(See note)

Note: The design does not include thisfeature.

l 5.5.1.l(k)

  • At least 3 ft clearance between banks of components for maintenance No N/A and testing.

(Not required)

(See note)

Note: The design does not include thisfeature throughout the housing.


  • Door provided on eacl. side, (upstream and dcwnstream), of each No N/A component bank.

(Not required)

(See note)

Note: The design does not include thisfeature.

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Proposed FSAR Table 9.4 - 15 J

Conformance to ASME N510-1989 (Sections 5,8,14)

Control Room Emergency Filtration System (CREFS) Filtration Filter Units Testing Conformance j

Following N510-1989 Routine Modification Paragraph Description of N510-1989 Testing Requirement Surveillance or Repair 5.5.1. l(m)* -

No back-to-back installation of components.

No Yes i

(N*' 9"I0)


Note: Inspection only withfilter housing disassembled.


Sample ports located and labeled upstream and downstream of each Yes Yes HEPA filter and adsorber bank.


Challenge injection ports located and labeled.

Yes Yes l-

Sample and injection ports equipped with leak-tight caps or plugged.

Yes Yes j


Housekeeping in and around housing adequate for maintenance, Yes Yes l

testing, and operation, j

5.5.1 l(r)

Adequate guards provided on fans for personnel safety.

Yes Yes l


Condition of flexible connection between housing and fan located Yes Yes external to housing adequate to prevent leakage of untreated air.


Fan-shaft seats installed where required.

Yes Yes 5.5.1.l(u)

Airtight seals for conduits, electrical connections, plumbing, drains, or Yes Yes other conditions that could result in bypassing of the housing or any (See note)

(See note) component therein.

i Note: Inspect accessible / visible items. Air tightness ofcomponents that couldcause bypass leakage will be checked by in-place testing.


No sealant or caulking of any type on/in housings or component Yes Yes frames. Caulking on/in ducts may be permissible depending on (See note)

(See note) l project specifications.

Note: Inspect only external to ducts and housing where accessible l

during inspections.

l 5.5.1.l(w)

Loop seals have adequate water level.

N/A N/A-Note: The design does not include thisfeature.

(See note)

(See note) 5.5.1.l(x)

Satisfactory condition of fire protection components (if provided).

N/A N/A l

Note: The design does not include thisfeature. Nofire protection (See note)

(See note)


providedfor thefiltration unitfilter. LocalInstrumentation

No unacceptable damage to instrumentation (e.g., gages, manometers, Yes Yes j

thermometers, etc.).

All connections complete.

Yes Yes i

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l Proposed FSAR Table 9.4 - 15 Conformance to ASME N510-1989 (Sections 5,8,14)

Control Room Emergency Filtration System (CREFS) Filtration Filter Units l

Testing Conformance Following


N510-1989 Routine Modification l

P ragraph Description of N510-1989 Testing Requirement Surveillance or Repair Lighting, Housing l

Adequate lighting provided for visual inspection of housing and N/A N/A l


(See note)

(See note)

Note: The design does not include thisfeature. Temporary lighting utill:ed, as necessary, toperform internal, visualinspections.

  • Flush mounted fixtures serviceable from outside the housing.

No N/A Note: The design does not include thisfeature.

(Not required}

(See note) Mounting Frames for Filters and Moisture Separators I

  • Continuous seal weld between members or frames and between frame No Yes l

and housing.

(Not required)

(See note)

Note: Not Accessible, inspection only withfilter housing l

disassembled Bypass leakage will be checked by in-place testing.

  • Adequate structural rigidity for supporting internal components during No Yes operating conditions without flexure.

(Not required)

(See note)

Note: Inspect only where accessible during inspections.

No unacceptable damage to the frames that may interfere with proper No Yes i

seating of components.

(See note)

(See note)

Note: Not Accessible. Inspection only withfilter housing disassembled. Bypass leakage will be checked by in-place testing.

Sample canisters installed and unused connections c.tpped or plugged Yes Yes leak-tight.


No penetrations of the mounting frame except for test canisters.

No Yes (See note)

Note: Not Accessible. Inspection only withfilter housing disassembled l

No sealant or caulking of any type.

No Yes (See note)

(See note)

Note: Not Accessible. Inspection only withfilter housing disassembled j Filter Clamping Devices i

Sufficient number of devices of adequate size to assure specified No Yes gasket compression.

(See note)

(See note) i Note: Not Accessible. Inspection only withfilter housing disassembled Bypass leakage will be checked by in-place testing.

l Page 3 of 10 03/12/97 3:13 PM

Proposed FSAR Table 9.4 - 15 Confonnance to ASME N510-1989 (Sections 5,8,14)

Control Room Emergency Filtration System (CREFS) Filtration Filter Units Testing Conformance Following N510-1989 Routine Modification l

Pcragraph Description of N510-1989 Testing Requirement Surveillance or Repair

  • Individual clamping of filters and adsorbers.

No Yes Note: Not Accessible. Inspection only withfilter housing (Not required)

(See note) disassembled. Bypass leakage will be checked by in-place testing.

All clamping hardware complete and in good condition.

No Yes (See note)

(See note) l Note: Not Accessible. Inspection only withfilter housing l

disassembled. Bypass leakage will be checked by in-place testing.

f 1


  • Adequate clearances provided between filter and adsorber units in No Yes same bank to tighten clamping devices.

(Not required)

(See note)

Note: Not Accessible. Inspection only withfilter housing disassembled. Moisture Separators

No unacceptable damage to media, frame, or gaskets.

N/A N/A Note: The design does not include thisfeature.

(See note)

(See note) i l


No dirt or debris loading which creates higher than the specified N/A N/A l

pressure drop across the bank of components at the design airflow (See note)

(See note) rate.

j Note: The design does not include thisfeature.

Proper installation of moisture separators.

N/A N/A Note: The design does not include thisfeature.

(See note)

(See note)


l l Air Heating Coils -Inside Housing

No unacceptable damage to coils which may affect operability of the N/A N/A heaters.

(See note)

(See note)

Note: The design does not include thisfeature.

No unacceptable dirt or debris on or between coils.

N/A N/A Note: The design does not include thisfeature.

(See note)

(See note) 511.8 Prefilters j

No damage to media, frame, or gaskets which may affect operability No Yes I


(See note)

(See note)

Note: Not Accessible. Inspection only withfilter housing i


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Proposed FSAR Table 9.4 - 15 Conformance to ASME N510-1989 (Sections 5,8,14) l Control Room Emergency Filtration System (CREFS) Filtration Filter Units i

Testing Conformance l

Following 1

l N510-1989 Routine Modification Pcragraph Description of N510-1989 Testing Requirement Surveillance or Repair

No dirt or debris loading which creates higher than the specified No Yes pressure drop across the filter bank at the design flow rate.

(See note)

(See note)


Note: Pressure drop will be checked by installedgauges.

Proper installation of prefilters.

No Yes (Sn note)

(See note)

Note: Not Accessible. Inspection only withfilter housing disassembled. HEPA Filters

No unacceptable damage to filter media.

No Yes

( n note)

(Su note)

Note: Not Accessible. Inspection only withfilter housing disassembled. Bypass leakage will be checked by in-place testing.

l l

Acceptable condition and seating of gaskets with at least 50%

No Yes compression.

(See note)

(See note)

Note: Not Accessible. Inspection only withfilter housing l

disassembled. Bypass leakage will be checked by in-place testing.

No dirt or debris loading which creates higher than the specified No Yes pressure drop across the filter bank at the design flow rate.

(See note)

(See note)

Note: Pressure Drop will be checked by installedpressure gauges.


No sealant or caulking of any type.

No Yes Note: Not Accessible. Inspection only withfilter housing (See note)

(See note) disassembled.


Filters are properly installed with pleats vertical.

No Yes

( n note)

(Su note)

Note: Not Accessible. Inspection only withfilter housing disassembled. Absorbers l

No unacceptable damage to adsorbers or adsorbent beds.

No Yes (Sn note)

(Su note)

Note: Not Accessible. Inspection only withfilter housing disassembled. Bypass leakage will be checked by in-place testing.

Acceptable condition and seating of gaskets with at least 50 %

No Yes compression.

(See note)

(See note)

Note: Not Accessible. Inspection only withfilter housing disassembled. Bypass leakage will be checked by in-place testing.

i i

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Proposed FSAR Table 9.4 - 15 Conformance to ASME N510-1989 (Sections 5,8,14)

Control Room Emergency Filtration System (CREFS) Filtration Filter Units Testing Conformance Following N5101989

' Routine Modification Par: graph Description of N510-1939 Testing Requirement Surveillance or Repair

No through bolts on Type 11 adsorbers or other structure that could No Yes cause bypass in an adsorber bank where visible.

(See note)

(See note)

Note: Not Accessible. Inspection only withfilter housing disassembled.

No sealant or caulking of any type.

No Yes Note: Not Accessible. Inspection only with) iter housing (See note)

(See note) disassembled.

i Dampers - Housing and Associated Bypass Duct 5.5.1.ll(a)

No unacceptable damage to or distertion of frame or blades.

N/A N/A Note: The design does not include thisfeature.

(See note)

(See note)

No missing seats or blade edging.



Note: The design does not include thisfeature.

(See note)

(See note)

No unacceptable damage to shaft, pivot pins, operator linkages, N/A N/A operators, or packing.

(See note)

(See note)

Note: The design does not include thisfeature.

Linkage connected and free from obstruction.

N/A N/A Note: The design does not include thisfeature.

(See note)

(See note)

No unacceptable damage to gaskets.

N/A N/A Note: The design does not include Ihisfeature.

(See note)

(See note) Manifolds

No unacceptable damage to test manifolds.

N/A N/A Note: The design does not include thisfeature.

(See note)

(See note)

Adequate clearance between permanent manifolds and filters.

N/A N/A l

Note: The design does not include thisfeature.

(See note)

(See note) t l.

i l

i Page 6 of 10 03/12/97 3:13 PM 1

1 Proposed FSAR Table 9.4 - 15 Conformance to ASME N510-1989 (Sections 5,8,14) j Control Room Emergency Filtration System (CREFS) Filtration Filter Units i

I Testing Conformance l

Following i

N510-1989 Routine Modification Paragraph Description of N510-1989 Testing Requirement Surveillance or Repair 8 AIRFLOW CAPACITY AND DISTRIBUTION TESTS 8.5.1. Airflow Capacity Test Procedure Start system fan and verify stable (no surging) fan operation for 15 Yes Yes min. Measure system airflow in accordance with 2.2 or equivalent.

Yes Yes Note: Reference 2.2 " Industrial Ventilation: A Manual of (See note)

(See note)

Recommended Practice (20th Edition) " excludingfigure 9-5.*

Clean System Airflow. With the new housing components installed, No Yes or simulated, operate at the clean ditTerential pressure and compare (Not required) measured flow rate (using methods of para. with the value specified by the test program or project specification. If the specified value cannot be achieved, report to owner.*

Maximum Housing Component Pressure Drop Airflow. After No Yes successful completion of Para., increase housing component (Not required)


l resistance (artificially by blanking off portions of the filter bank or by adjusting throttling dampers) until the maximum housing component pressure drop for the system (as specified in the test program or project specifications) is achieved. Measure flow rate per para. If the maximum housing component pressure drop airflow cannot be achieved, report to owner.

  • Return system to " clean" condition.

No Yes (Not required) i l

8.5.2 Airflow Distribution Test Procedure NOTE: Airflow distribution tests are not required for a filter bank containing a single HEPA filter.


Airflow Distribution Through HEPA Filter Banks. The minimum No N/A j

number of velocity measurements shall be one in the center of each (Not required)

(See note) filter. All measurements should be made an equal distance away from the filters. Velocity measurements should be made downstream of the filters to take advantage of the airflow distribution dampening effects of the HEPA filters.

i Note: This test will not be performed since a single HEPAfilter is



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l Proposed FSAR Table 9.4 - 15 Conformance to ASME N510-1989 (Sections 5,8,14)

Control Room Emergency Filtration System (CREFS) Filtration Filter Units Testing Conformance Following N510-1989 Routine Modification l

P ragraph Deseription of N510-1989 Testing Requirement Surveillance.

or Repair I


Airfiow Distribution Through Adsorber Banks. For banks containing No N/A Type I adsorbers, the air distribution test shall follow the same (Not required)

(See note) procedures specified for HEPA filter banks in para. For banks containing Type Il modular trays, the air distribution test shall follow i

the same procedure specified for filter banks in para., except that all velocity measurements shall be made in the plane of the face of the air channels, in the center of every open channel and an equal distance away from the adsorbers. For type ill adsorbers, velocity measurements shall be made in the plane of the face of the air channels. These measurements shall be made in centers of equal area that cover the entire open face, not in excess of 12 in. between points on a channel, and an equal distance away from the adsorber.

l Note: This test will not be performed since a single HEPAfilter is present.


Calculate the average of the velocity readings (Section 3)

No N/A Note: This test will not be performedsince a single HEPAfilter is (Not required)

(See note) present.


Note the highest and lowest velocity readings and calculate the No N/A percentage they vary from the average found in para. If (Not required)

(See note) acceptance criteria are exceeded, notify owner.

Note: This test will not be performed since a single HEPAfilter is present.

i 8.6.0 Acceptance Criteria 8.6.1 Acceptance Criteria for AirHow Capacity Test. Airflow shall be Yes Yes j

within 10% of the value specified in the test program or project (See note 1)

(See note 2) l specifications. Maximum housing component pressure drop airflows shall be 10% of the value specified in the test program or project specifications with the pressure drop greater than or equal to the maximum housing component pressure drop. For systems with carbon adsorbers, the maximum velocity of air through the carbon l

beds shall be limited to that value specified in the laboratory test (Section 15).


(1) Applies only to sections and

(2) The surveillanceflowrate criteria will not be usedfor the marimum housing componentpressure drop test. Maximum housing componentpressure drop airflow is based on system l


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Proposed FSAR Table 9.4 - 15 Conformance to ASME N510-1989 (Sections 5,8,14)

Control Room Emergency Filtration System (CREFS) Filtration Filter Units Testing Conformance Following N510-1989 Routine Modification P;ragraph Description of N510-1989 Testing Requirement Surveillance or Repair



Airflow Distribution Test. No velocity readings shall exceed 20%

No N/A of the calculated average. For system with carbon adsorbers, (Not required)

(See note) maximum velocity of air through the carbon beds shall be limited to that value specified in the laboratory test. (Section 15)

Note: This test will not be performed since a single HEPAfilter is present.

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Proposed FSAR Table 9.4 - 15 l

Conformance to ASME N510-1989 (Sections 5,8,14)

Control Room Emergency Filtration System (CREFS) Filtration Filter Units l

Testing Conformance Following N510-1989 Routine Modification Pcragraph Description of N510-1989 Testing Requirement Surveillance or Repair 14 Air Heater Performance Test N/A N/A Note: The design does not include thisfeature.

(See note)

(See note) l

  • - ASME N5101989 clearly delineates these steps are intended for acceptance tests performed after any major system modification or repair.

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Proposed FSAR Table 9.4 - 16 Conformance to ASME N510-1989 (Sections 5,8,14)

Control Room Emergency Filtration System (CREFS) Pressurization Filter Units Testing Conformance


Following N510-1989 Routine Modification l

Paragraph Description of N510-1989 Testing Requirement Surveillance or Repair 5 VISUAL INSPECTION 5.5.1 Guidance for Visual Inspection l

l 5.5.1.l(a)

Adequate access to housing.

Yes Yes l


  • Adequate space for personnel and equipment for maintenance and No Yes l


(Not required) 5.5.1.l(c)

  • Doors of rigid construction to resist unacceptable flexure under No Yes operating conditions.

(Not required)

(See note) l Note: The pressuri:ation unit has bolted access panels.

l 5.5.1.l(d)

Adequate seal between door and casing.

Yes Yes (See note)

(See note)

Note: The pressurization unit has bolted access panels.


Gasketjoints are dovetail type with seating surface suitable for Yes Yes accommodating a kn'fe edge sealing device.

(See note)

(See note)

Note: Gaskets are not dovetail type. Thepressuri:ation unit has bolted access panels withflat gaskets withflat surface seal onfilter housing.


  • Provision for opening doors from inside and outside of housing.

No N/A (N t required)

(See note)

Note: The design does not include thisfeature. Thepressuri:ation unit has boltedaccesspanels.


Adequate number and acceptable condition of operable latches on N/A N/A l

access doors to achieve uniform seating.

(See note)

(See note) l Note: The design does not include thisfeature. Thepressuri:ation unit has boltedaccesspanels.


  • Provision for locking doors.

No N/A (N t required)

(see note)

Note: The design does not include thisfeature. Thepressuri:ation unit has boltedaccesspanels.

1 5.5.1.l(i)*

Adequate structural rigidity of housing to resist unacceptable flexure No Yes j

during operating conditions.

(Not required) 5.5.1.l(j)

  • Access to upper tiers,(above the 7 ft level), provided with permanent No N/A ladders and platforms.

(Not required)

(See note) l Note: The design does not include thisfeature.

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Proposed FSAR Table 9.4 - 16 Conformance to ASME N510-1989 (Sections 5,8,14) l Control Room Emergency Filtration System (CREFS) Pressurization Filter Units Testing Conformance Following N510-1989 Routine Modification P:ragraph Description of N510-1989 Testing Requirement Surveillance or Repair 5.5.1.l(k)

  • At least 3 ft clearance between banks of components for maintenance No N/A and testing.

(Not required)

(See note)

Note: Thepressurization units have less then 3 feet between some l

banks by design.


  • Door provided on each side, (upstream and downstream), of each No Yes component bank.

(Not required)

(See note)

Note: Thepressuri:ation unit has bolted accesspanels. There is no door downstream ofthe HEPAfilter.


No back-to-back installation of components.

No Yes (Not required) l 5.5.1.l(n)

Sample ports located and labeled upstream and downstream of each Yes Yes HEPA filter and adsorber bank.


Challenge injection ports located and labeled.

Yes Yes l


Sample and injection ports equipped with leak-tight caps or plugged.

Yes Yes I


Housekeeping in and around housing adequate for maintenance, Yes Yes testing, and operation.


Adequate guards provided on fans for personnel safety.

Yes Yes

Condition of flexible connection between housing and fan located N/A N/A external to housing adequate to prevent leakage of untreated air.

(See note)

(See note)

Note: The design does not include thisfeature.


Fan-shaft seals installed where required.

Yes Yes l


Airtight seals for conduits, electrical connections, plumbing, drains, or Yes Yes other conditions that could result in bypassing of the housing or any (See note)

(See note) component therein.

Note: Inspect accessible / visible items. Air tightness ofcomponents i

that could cause bypass leakage will be checked by in-place testing.


No sealant or caulking of any type on/in housings or component Yes Yes frames. Caulking on/in ducts may be permissible depending on (See note)

(See note) project specifications.

Note: Inspect only where accessible during inspections.


Loop seals have adequate water level.

N/A N/A Note: The design does not include thisfeature.

(See note)

(See note)

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l Proposed FSAR Table 9.4 - 16 Conformance to ASME N510-1989 (Sections 5,8,14)

Control Room Emergency Filtration System (CREFS) Pressurization Filter Units Testing Conformance Following N510-1989 Routine Modification l

P:ragraph Description of N510-1989 Testing Requirement Surveillance or Repair 5.5.1.l(x)

Satisfactory condition of fire protection components (if provided).

N/A N/A Note: : The design does not include thisfeature. Nopreprotection (See note)

(See note) providedfor thepressurl:ation unitplter.

I LocalInstrumentation

No unacceptable damage to instrumentation (e.g., gages, manometers, Yes Yes thermometers, etc.).

All connections complete.

Yes Yes 53.1.3 Lighting, Housing

Adequate lighting provided for visual inspection of housing and N/A N/A l


(See note)

(See note) l Note: The design does not include thisfeature. Temporary lighting l

utill:ed, as necessary, to perform internal, visualinspections.

  • Flush mounted fixtures serviceable from outside the housing.

No N/A Note: The design does not include thisfeature.

(Not required)

(See note) Mounting Frames for Filters and Moisture Separators l

  • Continuous seal weld between members or frames and between frame No Yes l

and housing.

(Not required)

(See note)

Note: Inspect only where accessible during inspections.

  • Adequate structural rigidity for supporting internal components during No Yes l

operating conditions without flexure.

(Not required)

(See note)

Note: Inspect only where accessible during inspections.

No unacceptable damage to the frames that may interfere with proper Yes Yes seating of components.

Sample canisters installed and unused connections capped or plugged Yes Yes leak-tight.

(See note)

(See note)

Note: Pressuri:ation unit contains internalsample canisters. Check that internal unused connections are sealed.


No penetrations of the mounting frame except for test canisters.

Yes Yes

No sealant or caulking of any type.

Yes Yes (See note)

(See note)

Note: Inspect only where accessible during inspections.

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Proposed FSAR Table 9.4 - 16 Conformance to ASME N510-1989 (Sections 5,8,14)

Control Room Emergency Filtration System (CREFS) Pressurization Filter Units Testing Conformance Following N510-1989 Routine Modification Paragraph Description of N510-1989 Testing Requirement Surveillance or Repair Filter Clamping Devices

Sufficient number of devices of adequate size to assure specified Yes Yes gasket compression.

  • Individual clamping of filters and adsorbers.

No Yes (Not required)

All clamping herdware complete and in good condition.

Yes Yes

  • Adequate cl$nces provided between filter and adsorber units in No Yes same bank to tighten clamping devices.

(Not required) 53.1.6 Moisture S2parators

No unacceptable damage to media, frame, or gaskets.

N/A N/A Note: The design does not include thisfeature.

(See note)

(See note)

No dirt or debris loading which creates higher than the specified N/A N/A pressure drop across the bank of components at the design airflow (See note)

(See note) rate.

Note: The design does not include thisfeature.

Proper installation of moisture separators.

N/A N/A Note: The design does not include thisfeature.

(See note)

(See note) 53.1.7 Air Heating Coils-Inside Housing

No unacceptable damage to coils which may affect operability of the Yes Yes I



No unacceptable dirt or debris on or between coils.

Yes Yes Prefilters

No damage to media, frame, or gaskets which may affect operability Yes Yes ofprefilters

No dirt or debris loading which creates higher than the specified Yes Yes pressure drop across the filter bank at the design flow rate.

(See note)

(See note)


Note: Inspectfor visible loading -pressure drop will be checked by l


Proper installation of prefilters.

Yes Yes HEPA Filters

No unacceptable damage to filter media.

Yes Yes Page 4 of 9 03/12/97 3:13 PM 1

1 Proposed FSAR Table 9.4 - 16 l

Conformance to ASME N510-1989 (Sections 5,8,14)

Control Room Emergency Filtration System (CREFS) Pressurization Filter Units Testing Conformance Following N510-1989 Routine Modification P. ragraph Description of N510-1989 Testing Requirement Surveillance or Repair

Acceptable condition and seating of gaskets with at least 50%

Yes Yes compression.

(See note)

(See note)

Note: HEPAs have selfadjusting clamps-inspect clamps and visually confirm that gaskets appear tight. Bypass leakage will be checked by in place leak testing.

No Grt or debris loading which creates higher than the specified Yes Yes pressue drop across the filter bank at the design flow rate.

(See note)

(See note)

Note: Inspect upstream sidefor visible loading - Pressure Drop will be checked t,y installedpressure gauges.

No sealant or causing of any type.

Yes Yes Note: Inspect only where accessible during inspections.

(See note)

(See note)

Filters are properly installed with pleats vertical.

Yes Yes Absorbers

No unacceptable damage to adsorbers or adsorbent beds.

Yes Yes l

Acceptable condition and seating of gaskets with at least 50 %

Yes Yes compression.

(See note)

(See note)

Note: Visually confirm that gaskets appear tight. Bypass leakage will be checkedby in-place leak testing.

No through bolts on Type 11 adsorbers or other structure that could N/A N/A cause bypass in an adsorber bank where visible.

(See note)

(See note) l Note: The pressuri:ation unit design does not have through-bolts.

l TypeIHadsorbers.

No sealant or caulking of any type Yes Yes l

Note: Inspect only where accessible during inspections.

(See note)

(See note) l Dampers - Housing and Associated Bypass Duct

No unacceptable damage to or distortion of frame or blades.

N/A N/A Note: The design does not include thisfeature.

(See note)

(See note)

No missing seats or blade edging.

N/A N/A Note: The design does not include thisfeature.

(See note)

(See note)

No unacceptable damage to shaft, pivot pins, operator linkages, N/A N/A operators, or packing.

(See note)

(See note)

Note: The design does not include thisfeature.

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l Proposed FSAR Table 9.4 - 16 Conformance to ASME N510-1989 (Sections 5,8,14)

Control Room Emergency Filtration System (CREFS) Pressurization Filter Units l

Testing Conformance Following N510-1989 Routine Modification P,:ragraph Description of N510-1989 Testing Requirement Surveillance or Repair

Linkage connected and free from obstruction.

N/A N/A Note: The design does not include thisfeature.

(See note)

(See note)

No unacceptable damage to gaskets.

N/A N/A Note: The design does not include thisfeature.

(See note)

(See note) 53.1.12 Manifolds

No unacceptable damage to test manifolds.

N/A N/A Note: The design does not include thisfeature.

(See note)

(See note)

Adequate clearance between permanent manifolds and filters.

N/A N/A Note: The design does not include thisfeature.

(See note)

(See note) l l

l l

r i

i i

l Page 6 of 9 03/12/97 3:13 PM i

l Proposed FSAR Table 9.4 - 16 l

Conformance to ASME N510-1989 (Sections 5,8,14)

Control Room Emergency Filtration System (CREFS) Pressurization Filter Units Testing Conformance t

Following i

N510-1989 Routine Modification Paragraph Description of N510-1989 Testing Requirement Surveillance or Repair 8 AIRFLOW CAPACITY AND DISTRIBUTION TESTS 8.5.1. Airflow Capacity Test Procedure Start system fan and verify stable (no surging) fan operation for 15 Yes Yes min.

i Measure system airflow in accordance with 2.2 or equivalent.

Yes Yes Note: Reference 2.2 " Industrial Ventilation: A Manualof (See note)

(See note)

Recommended Practice (20th Edition)" excludingfigure 9-S.

  • Clean System Airflow. With the new housing components installed, No Yes or simulated, operate at the clean differential pressure and compare (Not required) measured flow rate (using methods of para. with the value specified by the test program or project specification. If the specified value cannot be achieved, report to owner.*

Maximum Housing Component Pressure Drop AVlow. After No Yes l

successful completion of Para., increase 1.o2 sing component (Not required) j l

resistance (artificially by blanking off portions of the filter bank or by l

adjusting throttling dampers) until the maximum housing component pressure drop for the system (as specified in the test program or project specifications) is achieved. Measure flow rate per para. If the maximum housing component pressure drop airflow cannot be achieved, report to owner.

  • Return system to " clean" condition.

No Yes (Not required) 8.5.2 Airflow Distribution Test Procedure NOTE: Airflow distribution tests are not required for a filter bank containing a single HEPA filter.*

Airflow Distribution Through HEPA Filter Banks. The minimum No Yes number of velocity measurements shall be one in the center of each (Not required) filter. All measurements should be made an equal distance away from i

the filters. Velocity measurements should be made downstream of the filters to take advantage of the airflow distribution dampening effects of the HEPA filters.

l Page 7 of 9 03/12/97 3:13 PM

Proposed FSAR Table 9.4 - 16 Conformance to ASME N510-1989 (Sections 5,8,14)

Control Room Emergency Filtration System (CREFS) Pressurization Filter Units Testing Conformance Following N510-1989 Routine Modification Pcragraph Description of N510-1989 Testing Requirement Surveillance or Repair*

Airflow Distribution Through Adsorber Banks. For banks containing No Yes Type I adsorbers, the air distribution test shall follow the same (Not required) procedures specified for HEPA filter banks in para. For banks containing Type Il modular trays, the air distribution test shall follow the same procedure specified for filter banks in para., except l

that all velocity measurements shall be made in the plane of the face of the air channels, in the center of every open channel and an equal l

distance away from the adsorbers. For type Ill adsorbers, velocity measurements shall be made in the plane of the face of the air channels. These measurements shall be made in centers ofequal area that cover the entire open face, not in excess of 12 in. between points on a channel, and an equal distance away from the adsorber.


  • Calculate the average of the velocity readings (Section 3)

No Yes (Not required)*

Note the highest and lowest velocity readings and calculate the No Yes percentage they vary from the average found in para. If (Not required) acceptance criteria are exceeded, notify owner.

8.6 0 Acceptance Criteria 8.6.1 Acceptance Criteria for Airflow Capacity Test. Airflow shall be Yes Yes within 10% of the value specified in the test program or project (See note 1)

(See note 2) specifications. Maximum housing component pressure drop airflows shall be i 10% of the value specified in the test program or project specifications with the pressure drop greater than or equal to the maximum housing component pressure drop. For systems with carbon adsorbers, the maximum velocity of air through the carbon j

beds shall be limited to that value specified in the laboratory test (Section 15).


(1) Applies only to sections and

(2) The surveillanceflowrate criteria willnot be usedfor the maximum housing componentpressure drop test. Maximum housing component pressure drop airflow is based on system functionalrequirements.


Airflow Distribution Test. No velocity readings shall exceed 20 %

No Yes of the calculated average. For system with carbon adsorbers, (Not required) maximum velocity of air through the carbon beds shall be limited to that value specified in the laboratory test. (Section 15) 4 Page 8 of 9 03/12/97 3:13 PM l

=. _

Proposed FSAR. Table 9.4 - 16 Conformance to ASME N510-1989 (Sections 5,8,14)

Control Room Emergency Filtration System (CREFS) Pressurization Filter Units Testing Conformance Following N510-1989 Routine Modification Pz:ragraph Description of N510-1989 Testing Requirement Surveillance or Repair 14 Air Heater Performance Test i

14.3 Prerequisites 14.3.1 Prerequisite: Visual inspection of the heater is completed (para.

Yes Yes 14.3.2 Prerequisite: Electrical control and feed power is available and all Yes Yes safety interlocks have been checked.

14.5 Procedure 14.5.1 With power on, and system operating at rated flow, measure the Yes Yes voltage and current of all power circuits.

14.5.2 With heater energized and system operating at rated airflow, measure No No the temperature of the entering and leaving air. A sufficient number (See note)

(See note) of measurements shall be taken to determine average entering and leaving temperatures.

Note: Design does notfacilitate accurate temperature measurements.

Heaterperformance will be verifiedin 14.5.1.

14.5.3 If measured values do not meet acceptance criteria, notify the owner.

Yes Yes 14.6 Acceptance Criteria l

14.6.1 Operating currents, voltages and change in temperature shall be Yes Yes within the limits of test program or project specifications.

(See note)

(See note)


Note: See notefor 14.5.2.

  • - ASME N5101989 clearly delineates these steps are intended for acceptance tests performed after any major system modification or repair.

1 Page 9 of 9 03/12/97 3:13 PM I

l Proposed FSAR Table 9.4 - 17 Conformance to ASME N510-1989 (Sections 5,8,14)

Control Room Emergency Filtration System (CREFS) Recirculation Filter Units l

Testing Conformance I

Following l

N510-1989 Routine Modification j

Ptragraph Description of N510-1989 Testing Requirement Surveillance or Repair 5 VISUAL INSPECTION 5Ji.1 Guidance for Visual laspection 5.5.1.l(a)

Adequate access to housing.

Yes Yes 5.5.1.l(b)

  • Adequate space for personnel and equipment for maintenance and No Yes testing.

(Not required) 5.5.1.l(c)

  • Doors of rigid construction to resist unacceptable flexure under No Yes operating conditions.

(Not required) 5.5.1.l(d)

Adequate seal between door and casing.

Yes Yes 5.5.1.l(e)

Gasketjoints are dovetail type with seating surface suitable for Yes Yes i

j accommodating a knife edge sealing device.

(See note)

(See note) i Note: Gaskets are not dovetail type - inspect gasketsfor seating surface.



  • Provision for opening doors from inside and outside of housing.

No Yes I

(Not required) 5.5.1.l(g)

Adequate number and acceptable condition of operable latches on Yes Yes access doors to achieve uniform seating.


  • Provision for locking doors.

No Yes (Not required)



Adequate structural rigidity of housing to resist un septable flexure No Yes during operating conditions.

(Not required) 5.5.1.l(j)

  • Access to upper tiers,(above the 7 ft level), provided with permanent No N/A ladders and platforms.

(Not required)

(See note)

Note: The design does not include thisfeature.

L 5.5.1.l(k)

  • At least 3 ft clearance between banks of components for maintenance No N/A j

and testing.

(Not required)

(See note)

Note: Units have less than 3 feet between some banks by design.


  • Door provided on each side, (upstream and downstream), of each No Yes component bank.

(Not required)

(See note)

Note: No door upstream ofprepiter.


No back-to-back installation of components.

No Yes j

(Not required) l 5.5.1.l(n)

Sample ports located and labeled upstream and downstream of each Yes Yes 1

HEPA filter and adsorber bank.

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l l

Proposed FSAR Table 9.4 - 17 Conformance to ASME N510-1989 (Sections 5,8,14)

Control Room Emergency Filtration System (CREFS) Recirculation Filter Units l

Testing Conformance Following N510-1989 Routine Modification Peragraph Description of N510-1989 Testing Requirement Surveillance or Repair 5.5.1.l(o)

Challenge injection ports located and labeled.

Yes Yes l


Sample and injection ports equipped with leak-tight caps or plugged.

Yes Yes l

5.5.1 l(q)

Housekeeping in and around housing adequate for maintenance, Yes Yes testing, and operation.


Adequate guards provided on fans for personnel safety.

N/A N/A Note: The design does not include thisfeature (direct drive vane asial (See note)

(See note) fan).


Condition of flexible connection between housing and fan located N/A N/A external to housing adequate to prevent leakage of untreated air.

(See note)

(See note)

Note: The design does not include thisfeature.


Fan. shaft seals installed where required.

N/A N/A Note: The design does not include thisfeature.

(See note)

(See note) 5.5.1 l(u)

Airtight seals for conduits, electrical connections, plumbing, drains, or Yes Yes other conditions that could result in bypassing c,f the housing or any (See note)

(See note) l component therein.

l Note: Inspect accessible / visible items. Air tightness ofcomponents l

that could cause bypass leakage will be checked by in-place testing.


No sealant or caulking of any type on/in housings or component Yes Yes frames. Caulking on/in ducts may be permissible depending on (See note)

(See note) project specifications.

Note: Inspect only where accessible during inspections.

Loop seals have adequate water level.

N/A N/A Note: The design does not include thisfeature.

(See note)

(See note) 5.5.1.l(x)

Satisfactory condition of fire protection components (if provided).

N/A N/A Note: The design does not include thisfeature. Nofireprotection (See note)

(See note) provided.

l l LocalInstrumentation

No unacceptable damage to instrumentation (e.g., gages, manometers, Yes Yes thermometers, etc.).


All connections complete.

Yes Yes l

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03/12/97 3:15 PM i


. - _ ~ -

Proposed FSAR Table 9.4 - 17 Conformance to ASME N510-1989 (Sections 5,8,14)

Control Room Emergency Filtration System (CREFS) Recirculation Filter Units Testing Conformance Following N510-1989 Routine Modification P:ragraph Description of N510-1989 Testing Requirement Surveillance or Repair 53.1.3 Lighting, Housing

Adequate lighting provided for visual inspection of housing and Yes Yes components.

  • Flush mounted fixtures serviceable from outside the housing.

No Yes (Not required) l-53.1.4 Mounting Frames for Filters and Moisture Separators L

  • Continuous seal weld between members or frames and between frame No Yes l

and housing.

(Not required)

(See note) 7 Note: Inspect only where accessible during inspections.

  • Adequate structural rigidity for supporting internal components during No Yes


operating conditions without flexure.

(Not required)

(See note)

Note: Inspect only where accessible during inspections.

No unacceptable damage to the frames that may interfere with proper Yes Yes seating of components.

Sampie ca: deters installed and unused connections capped or plugged Yes Yes leax-tight.

(See note)

(See note)

Note: Filser unit contains internalsample canisters. Check that unusedconnections are sealed.

No penetrations of the mounting frame except for test canisters.

Yes Yes

No scalant or caulking of any type.

Yes Yes (See note)

(See note)

Note: Inspect only where accessible during inspections. Filter Clamping Devices

Sufficient number of devices of adequate size to assure specified Yes Yes gasket compression.

  • Individual clamping of filters and adsorbers.

No Yes Note: Adsorber is typeIIIfilter.

(Not required)

(See note)

All clamping hardware complete and in good condition.

Yes Yes j

  • Adequate clearances provided between filter and adsorber units in No Yes l

same bank to tighten clamping devices.

(Not required)

Page 3 of 9 03/12/97 3:15 PM

Proposed FSAR Table 9.4 - 17 l

Conformance to ASME N510-1989 (Sections 5,8,14)

Control Room Emergency Filtration System (CREFS) Recirculation Filter Units l

i i

l Testing Conformance Following N510-1989 Routine Modification P;ragraph Description of N510-1989 Testing Requirement Surveillance or Repair Moisture Separators l


No unacceptable damage to media, frame, or gaskets.

N/A N/A Note: The design does not include thisfeature.

(See note)

(See note) h c dirt or debris loading which creates higher than the specified N/A N/A l

pressure drop across the bank of components at the design airflow (See note)

(See note) rate.

Note: The design does not include thisfeature.

Proper installation of moisture separators.

N/A N/A Note: The design does not include thisfeature.

(See note)

(See note) Air Heating Coils - Inside Housing l

No unacceptable damage to coils which may affect operability of the N/A N/A l


(See note)

(See note) l Note: The design does not include thisfeature.


No unacceptable dirt or debris on or between coils.

N/A N/A Note: The design does not include thisfeature.

(See note)

(See note) Prefilters l

No damage to media, frame, or gaskets which may affect operability Yes Yes l

ofprefilters i

No dirt or debris loading which creates higher than the specified Yes Yes l

pressure drop across the filter bank at the design flow rate.

(See note)

(See note)

Note: Inspectfor visible loading -pressure drop will be checked by installedgauges.

Proper installation of prefilters.

Yes Yes HEPA Filters

No unacceptable damage to filter media.

Yes Yes

Acceptable condition and seating of gaskets with at least 50%

Yes Yes compression.

(See note)

(See note)

Note: Visually confirm that gaskets appear tight. Bypass leakage will be checked by in-place testing.

Page 4 of 9 03/12/97 3:15 PM l

Proposed FSAR Table 9.4 - 17 Conformance to ASME N510-1989 (Sections 5,8,14)

Control Room Emergency Filtration System (CREFS) Recirculation Filter Units Testing Conformance Following N310-1989 Routine Modification Pcragraph Description of N510-1989 Testing Requirement Surveillance or Repair

No dirt or debris loading which creates higher than the specified Yes Yes pressure drop across the filter bank at the design flow rate.

(See note)

(See note)

Note: Inspect upstream sidefor visible loading - Pressure Drop will l

be checked by installedpressure gauges.

l l

No sealant or caulking of any type.

Yes Yes (See note)

(See note)

Note: Inspect only where accessible during inspections.

Filters are properly installed with pleats vertical.

Yes Yes Absorbers

No unacceptable damage to adsorbers or adsorbent beds.

Yes Yes 1

Acceptable condition and seating of gaskets with at least 50 %

Yes Yes compression.

(See note)

(See note)

Note: Yhually confirm that gaskets appear tight Adsorber is type Ill.

Bypass leakage will be checked by in-place testing

No through bolts on Type 11 adsorbers or other structure that could N/A N/A cause bypass in an adsorber bank where visible.

(See note)

(See note)

Note: Adsorber is type 111.

No sealant or caulking of any type.

Yes Yes (See note)

(See note)

Note: Inspect only where accessible during inspections.

l 53.1.11 Dampers-Housing and Associated Bypass Duct

No unacceptable damage to or distortion of frame or blades.

N/A N/A Note: The design does not include thisfeature.

(See note)

(See note)

No missing seats or blade edging.

N/A N/A Note: The design does not include thisfeature.

(See note)

(See note)

No unacceptable damage to shaft, pivot pins, operator linkages, N/A N/A operators, or packing.

(See note)

(See note)

Note: The design does not include thisfeature.

Linkage connected and free from obstruction.

N/A N/A Note: The design does not include thisfeature.

(See note)

(See note)

No unacceptable damage to gaskets.

N/A N/A Note: The design does not include thisfeature.

(See note)

(See note) 1 i

Page 5 of 9 03/12/97 3:15 PM

l Proposed FSAR Table 9.4 - 17 Conformance to ASME N510-1989 (Sections 5,8,14)

Control Room Emergency Filtration System (CREFS) Recirculation Filter Units Testing Conformance l

Following N510-1989 Routine Modification P.::ragraph Description of N510-1989 Testing Requirement Surveillance or Repair i

l Manifolds

No unacceptable damage to test manifolds.

N/A N/A Note: The design does not include thisfeature.

(See note)

(See note) l

Adequate clearance between permanent manifolds and filters.

N/A N/A l

Note: The design does not include thisfeature.

(See note)

(See note) l l

l i

l l

i l

l I

E d

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l Proposed FSAR Table 9.4 - 17 l

Conformance to ASME N510-1989 (Sections 5,8,14)

Control Room Emergency Filtration System (CREFS) Recirculation Filter Units l

l Testing Conformance l

Following N510-1989 Routine Modification Pcragraph Descriptica of f!510-1989 Testing Requirement Surveillance or Repair 8 AIRFLOW CAPACITY AND DISTRIBUTION TESTS j

8 5.1. Airflow Capacity Test Procedure l Start system fan and verify stable (no surging) fan operation for 15 Yes Yes min. Measure system airflow in accordance with 2.2 or equivalent.

Yes Yes Note: Reference 2.2 " Industrial Ventilation: A Manualof (See note)

(See note)

Recommended Practice (20th Edition) " excludingfigure 9-5.


Clean System Airflow. With the new housing components installed, No Yes or simulated, operate at the clean differential pressure and compare (Not required) j measured flow rate (using methods of para. with the value l

specified by the test program or project specification. If the specified value cannot be achieved, report to owner.

  • Maximum Housing Component Pressure Drop Airflow. After No Yes successful completion of Para., increase housing component (Not required) resistance (artificially by blanking off portions of the filter bank or by l

adjusting throttling dampers) until the maximum housing component pressure drop for the system (as specified in the test program or l

project specifications) is achieved. Measure flow rate per para. If the maximum housing component pressure drop airflow l

cannot be achieved, report to owner.

  • Return system to " clean" condition.

No Yes l

(Not required)



8.5.2 Airflow Distribution Test Procedure l

NOTE: Airflow distribution tests are not required for a filter bank containing a single l

HEPA filter.*

Airflow Distribution Through HEPA Filter Banks. The minimum No Yes number of velocity measurements shall be one in the center of each (Not required) filter. All measurements should be made an equal distance away from the filters. Velocity measurements should be made downstream of the filters to take advantage of the airflow distribution dampening effects of the HEPA filters.

Page 7 of 9 03/12/97 3:15 PM

l l

Proposed FSAR Table 9.4 - 17 Conformance to ASME N510-1989 (Sections 5,8,14)

Control Room Emergency Filtration System (CREFS) Recirculation Filter Units Testing Conformance Following N510-1989 Routine Modification P ragraph Description of N510-1989 Testing Requirement Surveillance or Repair l*

Airflow Distribution Through Adsorber Banks. For banks containing No Yes Type I adsorbers, the air distribution test shall follow the same (Not required) procedures specified for HEPA filter banks in para. For banks containing Type 11 modular trays, the air distribution test shall follow the same procedure specified for filter banks in para., except that all velocity measurements shall be made in the plane of the face of the air channels, in the center of every open channel and an equal distance away from the adsorbers. For type III adsorbers, velocity measurements shall be made in the plane of the face of the air l

channels. These measurements shall be made in centers of equal area that cover the entire open face, not in excess of 12 in. between points l

on a channel, and an equal distance away from the adsorber.


Calculate the average of the velocity readings (Section 3)

No Yes (Not required) i

  • Note the highest and lowest velocity readings and calculate the No Yes percentage they vary from the average found in para. If (Not required) acceptance criteria are exceeded, notify owner.

8.6.0 Acceptance Criteria l

8.6.1 Acceptance Criteria for Airflow Capacity Test. Airflow shall be Yes Yes l

within 10% of the value specified in the test program or project (See note 1)

(See note 2) i specifications. Maximum housing component pressure drop airflows shall be 110% of the value specified in the test program or project specifications with the pressure drop greater than or equal to the maximum housing component pressure drop. For systems with l

carbon adsorbers, the maximum velocity of air through the carbon beds shall be limited to that value specified in the laboratory test l

(Section 15).


(1) Applies only to sections 8.S.1.1 and

(2) The surveillanceflowrate criteria will not be usedfor the maximum housing componentpressure drop test. Maximum housing componentpressure drop airflow is based on system functionalrequirements.



Airflow Distribution Test. No velocity readings shall exceed 20%

No Yes


of the calculated average. For system with carbon adsorbers, (Not requited) maximum velocity of air through the carbon beds shall be limited to that value specified in the laboratory test. (Section 15) 4 l

Page 8 of 9 03/12/97 3:15 PM

Proposed FSAR Table 9.4 - 17 Conformance to ASME N510-1989 (Sections 5,8,14)

Control Room Emergency Filtration System (CREFS) Recirculation Filter Units Testing Conformance l

Following N510-1989 Routine Modification Paragraph Description of N510-1989 Testing Requirement Surveillance or Repair 14 Air Heater Performance Test N/A N/A Note: The design does not include thisfeature.

(See note)

(See note)

  • - ASME NS101989 clearly delineates these steps are intended for acceptance tests performed after any major system modification or repair.

l l

i a

i l

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03/12/97 3:15 PM i

l l

l Proposed FSAR Table 9.4 - 18 Conformance to ASME N510-1989 (Sections 5,8,14) l Penetration Room Filtration (PRF) System Filter Units Testing Conformance Following N510-1989 Routine Modification Paragraph Description of N510-1989 Testing Requirement Surveillance or Repair 5 VISUAL INSPECTION 5.5.1 Guidance for Visual Inspection 5.5.1.l(a)

Adequate access to housing.

Yes Yes 5.5.1.l(b)

  • Adequate space for personnel and equipment for maintenance and No Yes testing.

(Not required) 5.5.1.l(c)

  • Doors of rigid construction to resist unacceptable flexure under No Yes operating conditions.

(Not required) 5.5.1.l(d)

Adequate seal between door and casing.

Yes Yes 5.5.1.l(e)

Gasketjoints are dovetail type with seating surface suitable for Yes Yes l

accommodating a knife edge sealing device.

(See note)

(See note)

Note: Gaskets are not dovetail 13pe - inspect gasketsfor seating surface.

l 5.5.1.l(f)*

Provision for opening doors from inside and outside of housing.

No Yes l

(Not required) 5.5.1.l(g)

Adequate number and acceptable condition of operable latches on Yes Yes access doors to achieve uniform seating.


  • Provision for locking doors.

No Yes j

(Not required) l 5.5.1.l(i)*

Adequate structural rigidity of housing to resist unacceptable flexure No Yes during operating conditions.

(Not required) 5.5.1.l(j)

  • Access to upper tiers,(above the 7 ft level), provided with permanent No N/A ladders and platforms.

(Not required)

(See note)

Note: The design does not include thisfeature.



  • At least 3 fl clearance between banks of components for maintenance No N/A l

and testing.

(Not required)

(See note)

Note: PRF units have less than 3 feet between some banks by design.


Door provided on each side,(upstream and downstream), of each No Yes component bank.

(Not required)

(See note)

Note:: Noneprovidedfor section between HEPA andcarbonfilters.

l 5.5.1.l(m)*

No back-to-back installation of components.

No Yes (Not required)

T 5.5.1.l(n)

Sample ports located and labeled upstream and downstream of each Yes Yes HEPA filter and adsorber bank.

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l 9

Proposed FSAR Table 9.4 - 18 l

Conformance to ASME N510-1989 (Sections 5,8,14)

Penetration Room Filtration (PRF) System Filter Units l

Testing Conformance l

Following i

N510-1989 Routine Modification l

Paragraph Description of N510-1989 Testing Requirement Surveillance or Repair l


Challenge injection ports located and labeled.

Yes Yes 5.5.1.l(p)

Sample and injection ports equipped with leak-tight caps or plugged.

Yes Yes 5.5.1.l(q)

Housekeeping in and around housing adequate for maintenance, Yes Yes testing, and operation.


Adequate guards provided on fans for personnel safety.

Yes Yes 5.5.1.l(s)

Condition of flexible connection between housing and fan located Yes Yes i

l external to housing adequate to prevent leakage of untreated air.


Fan-shaft seals installed where required.

Yes Yes l


Airtight seals for conduits, electrical connections, plumbing, drains, or Yes Yes other conditions that could result in bypassing of the housing or any (See note)

(See note) i component therein.

I Note: Inspect accessible / visible items. Air tightness ofcomponents that could cause bypass leakage will be checked by in-place testing.


No sealant or caulking of any type on/in housings or component Yes Yes frames. Caulking on/in ducts may be permissible depending on (See note)

(See note) project specifications.

Note: Inspect only where accessible during inspections. Adhesive on flexiblefan boot is acceptable.

l 5.5.1.l(w)

Loop seals have adequate water level.

N/A N/A Note: The design does not include thisfeature.

(See note)

(See note) 5.5.1.l(x)

Satisfactory condition of fire protection components (if provided).

N/A N/A Note: The design does not include thisfeature. Nofireprotection (See note)

(See note) providedfor PRFfilter.

l LocalInstrumentation

No unacceptable damage to instrumentation (e.g., gages, manometers, Yes Yes thermometers, etc.).

All connections complete.

Yes Yes Lighting, Housing

Adequate lighting provided for visual inspection of housing and N/A N/A components.

(See note)

(See note)

Note: The design does not include thisfeature. Temporary lighting utilized, as necessary, toperform internal, visualinspections.

i l

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l Proposed FSAR Table 9.4 - 18 Conformance to ASME N510-1989 (Sections 5,8,14)

Penetration Room Filtration (PRF) System Filter Units Testing Conformance Following N510-1989 Routine Modification P;ragraph Description of N510-1989 Testing Requirement Surveillance or Repair

  • Flush mounted fixtures serviceable from outside the housing.

No N/A Note: The design does not include thisfeature.

(Not required)

(See note) 511.4 Mounting Frames for Filters and Moisture Separators l

  • Continuous seal weld between members or frames and between frame No Yes l

and housing.

(Not required)

(See note)

Note: Inspect only where accessible during inspections.

  • Adequate structural rigidity for supporting internal components during No Yes operating conditions without flexure.

(Not required)

(See note)

Note: Inspect only where accessible during inspections.

No unacceptable damage to the frames that may interfere with proper Yes Yes seating of components.


Sample canisters installed and unused connections capped or plugged Yes Yes leak-tight.

No penetrations of the mounting frame except for test canisters.

Yes Yes

No sealant or caulking of any type.

Yes Yes (See note)

(See note)

Note: Inspect only where accessible during inspections.

511.5 Filter Clamping Devices

Sufficient number of devices of adequate size to assure specified Yes Yes gasket compression.

  • Individual clamping of filters and adsorbers.

No Yes l

(Not required) l

All clamping hardware complete and in good condition.

Yes Yes

  • Adequate clearances provided between filter and adsorber units in No Yes same bank to tighten clamping devices.

(Not required) Moisture Separators

No unacceptable damage to media, frame, or gaskets.

N/A N/A Note: The design does not include thisfeature.

(See note)

(See note)

No dirt or debris loading which creates higher than the specified N/A N/A pressure drop across the bank of components at the design airflow (See note)

(See note) rate.

Note: The design does not include thisfeature.

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l Proposed FSAR Table 9.4 - 18 l

Conformance to ASME N510-1989 (Sections 5,8,14)

Penetration Room Filtration (PRF) System Filter Units l

Testing Conformance Following i

N510-1989 Routine Modification f

P:ragraph Description of N510-1989 Testing Requirement Surveillance or Repair 1

Proper installation of moisture separators.

N/A N/A Note: The design does not include thisfeature.

(See note)

(See note) Air Heating Coils - Inside Housing

No unacceptable damage to coils which may affect operability of the Yes Yes heaters.

No unacceptable dirt or debris on or between coils.

Yes Yes Prefilters

No damage to media, frame, or gaskets which may affect operability Yes Yes ofprefilters

No dirt or debris loading which creates higher than the specified Yes Yes pressure drop across the filter bank at the design flow rate.

(See note)

(See note)

Note: Inspectfor visible loading -pressure drop will be checked by installedgauges.

Proper installation of prefilters.

Yes Yes 53.1.9 HEPA Filters l

No unacceptable damage to filter media.

Yes Yes l

Acceptable condition and seating of gaskets with at least 50%

Yes Yes compression.

(See note)

(See note) l Note: HEPAs have selfadjusting clamps-inspect clamps and visually confirm that gaskets appear tight. Bypass leakage will be checked by in-place testing.


No dirt or debris loading which creates higher than the specified Yes Yes pressure drop across the filter bank at the design flow rate.

(See note)

(See note)

Note: Inspect upstream sidefor visible loading - Pressure Drop will be checked by installedpressure gauges.

No sealant or caulking of any type.

Yes Yes Note: Inspect only where accessible during inspections (See note)

(See note)

Filters are properly installed with pleats vertical.

Yes Yes l

l Absorbers

No unacceptable damage to adsorbers or adsorbent beds.

Yes Yes Page 4 of 8 03/12/97 3:16 PM

Proposed FSAR Table 9.4 - 18 Conformance to ASME N510-1989 (Sections 5,8,14) l Penetration Room Filtration (PRF) System Filter Units Testing Conformance Following N5101989 Routine Modification Paragraph Description of N510-1989 Testing Requirement Surveillance or Repair

Acceptable condition and seating of gaskets with at least 50 %

Yes Yes compression.

(See note)

(See note)

Note: Visually confirm that gaskets appear tight. Bypass leakage will be checked by in-place testing

No through bolts on Type 11 adsorbers or other structure that could N/A N/A cause bypass in an adsorber bank where visible.

(See note)

(See note)

Note: PRFdesign does not have through-bolts.

l l

No sealant or caulking of any type Yes Yes Note: Inspect only where accessible during inspections.

(See note)

(See note) Dampers - Housing and Associated Bypass Duct

No unacceptable damage to or distonion of frame or blades.

N/A N/A Note: The design does not include thisfeature.

(See note)

(See note)

No missing seats or blade edging.

N/A N/A Note: The design does not include thisfeature.

(See note)

(See note)

No unacceptable damage to shaft, pivot pins, operator linkages, N/A N/A operators, or packing.

(See note)

(See note)

Note: The design does not include thisfeature.


Linkage connected and free from obstruction.

N/A N/A Note: The design does not include thisfeature.

(See note)

(See note) l

No unacceptable damage to gaskets.

N/A N/A Note: The design does not include thisfeature.

(See note)

(See note) Manifolds l

No unacceptable damage to test manifolds.

N/A N/A Note: The design does not include thisfeature.

(See note)

(See note)

Adequate clearance between permanent manifolds and filters.

N/A N/A Note: The design does not include thisfeature.

(See note)

(See note) l l

4 i

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l y

Proposed FSAR Table 9.4 - 18 Conformance to ASME N510-1989 (Sections 5,8,14)

Penetration Room Filtration (PRF) System Filter Units Testing Conformance Following N510-1989 Routine Modification Paragraph Description of N510-1989 Testing Requirement Surveillance or Repair 8 AIRFLOW CAPACITY AND DISTRIBUTION TESTS 8.5.1. Airflow Capacity Test Procedure Start system fan and verify stable (no surging) fan operation for 15 Yes Yes min.

l Measure system airflow in accordance with 2.2 or equivalent.

Yes Yes Note: Reference 2.2 " Industrial Ventilation: A Manual of (See note)

(See note)

Recommended Practice (20th Edition) " excludingfigure 9-3 l*

Clean System Airflow. With the new housing components installed, No Yes or simulated, operate at the clean differential pressure and compare (Not required) measured How rate (using methods of para. with the value specified by the test program or project specification If the specified value cannot be achieved, report to owner.*

Maximum Housing Component Pressure Drop Airflow. After No Yes l

successful completion of Para., increase housing component (Not required) resistance (artificially by blanking off portions of the filter bank or by adjusting throttling dampers) until the maximum housing component pressure drop for the system (as specified in the test program or project specifications) is achieved. Measure flow rate per para.

j If the maximum housing component pressure drop airflow cannot be achieved, report to owner.*

Return system to " clean" condition.

No Yes (Not required) l 8.5.2 Airflow Distribution Test Procedure NOTE: Airflow distribution tests are not required for a filter bank containing a single j

HEPA filter.*

Airflow Distribution Through HEPA Filter Banks. The minimum No Yes number of velocity measurements shall be one in the center of each (Not required) l filter. All measurements should be made an equal distance away from j

the filters. Velocity measurements should be made downstream of the l

filters to take advantage of the airflow distribution dampening effects of the HEPA filters.

I Page 6 of 8 03/12/97 3:16 PM 1

Proposed FSAR Table 9.4 - 18 Conformance to ASME N510-1989 (Sections 5,8,14)

Penetration Room Filtration (PRF) System Filter Units Testing Conformance Following N510-1989 Routine Modification P. ragraph Description of N510-1989 Testing Requirement Surveillance or Repair*

Airflow Distribution Through Adsorber Banks. For banks containing No Yes Type I adsorbers, the air distribution test shall follow the same (Not required) procedures specified for HEPA filter banks in para. For banks containing Type Il modular trays, the air distribution test shall follow the same procedure specified for filter banks in para., except that all velocity measurements shall be made in the plane of the face j

of the air channels, in the center of every open channel and an equal distance away from the adsorbers. For type 111 adsorbers, velocity measurements shall be made in the plane of the face of the air channels. These measurements shall be made in centers of equal area that cover the entire open face, not in excess of 12 in. between points on a channel, and an equal distance away from the adsorber.*

Calculate the average of the velocity readings (Section 3)

No Yes (Not required)

  • Note the highest and lowest velocity readings and calculate the No Yes percentage they vary from the average found in para. If (Not required) acceptance criteria are exceeded, notify owner.

8.6 0 Acceptance Criteria 8.6.1 Acceptance Criteria for Airflow Capacity Test. Airflow shall be Yes Yes within 10% of the value specified in the test program or project (See note 1)

(See note 2) specifications. Maximum housing component pressure drop airflows shall be 10% of the value specified in the test program or project specifications with the pressure drop greater than or equal to the maximum housing component pressure drop. For systems with carbon adsorbers, the maximum velocity of air through the carbon beds shall be limited to that value specified in the laboratory test (Section 15).


(1) Applies only to sections and

(2) The surveillanceflowrate criteria will not be usedfor the maximum housing componentpressure drop test. Maximum housing componentpressure drop airflow is based on system functionalrequirements.

l 8.6.2*

urflow Distribution Test. No velocity readings shall exceed 20%

No Yes of the calculated average. For system with carbon adsorbers, (Not required) maximum velocity of air through the carbon beds shall be limited to that value specified in the laboratory test. (Section 15)

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Proposed FSAR Table 9.4 - 18 l

Conformance to ASME N510-1989 (Sections 5,8,14) l Penetration Room Filtration (PRF) System Filter Units i

Testing Conformance 1

Following N510-1989 Routine Modification P;ragraph Description of N516-1989 Testing Requirement Surveillance or Repair 14 Air Heater Performance Test 14.3 Prerequisites 14.3.1 Prerequisite: Visual inspection of the heater is completed (para.

Yes Yes 14.3.2 Prerequisite: Electrical control and feed power is available and all Yes Yes safety interlocks have been checked.

143 Procedure 14.5.1 With power on, and system operating at rated flow, measure the Yes Yes voltage and current of all power circuits.

14.5.2 With heater energized and system operating at rated airflow, measure No No l

the temperature of the entering and leaving air. A sufficient number (See note)

(See note) of measurements shall be taken to determine average entering and l

leaving temperatures.

l Note: Design does notfacilitate accurate temperature measurements.

Heaterperformance will be verified in 14.5.1.

14.5.3 If measured values do not meet acceptance criteria, notify the owner.

Yes -

Yes 14.6 Acceptance Criteria l

14.6.1 Operating currents, voltages and change in temperature shall be Yes Yes within the limits of test program or project specifications.

(See note)

(See note) l Note: See notefor 14.5.2.

. _,.. =

  • - ASME N5101989 clearly delineates these steps are intended for acceptance tests performed after any major system modification or repair.

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i Proposed FSAR Table 9.4 - 19 f

Conformance to ASME N510-1989 (Section 5)

Containment Purge Exhaust Filtration (CPEF) System Filter Units Testing Conformance Following N510-1989 Routine Modification P:r: graph Description of N510-1989 Testing Requirement Surveillance or Repair 5 VISUAL INSPECTION 5.5.1 Guidance for Visual Inspection 5.5.1.l(a)

Adequate access to housing.

Yes Yes 5.5.1.l(b)

  • Adequate space for personnel and equipment for maintenance and No Yes testing.

(Not required) 5.5.1.l(c)

  • Doors of rigid construction to resist unacceptable flexure under No Yes operating conditions.

(Not required) 5.5.1.l(d)

Adequate seal between door and casing.

Yes Yes 5.5.1.l(e)

Gasketjoints are dovetail type with seating surface suitable for Yes Yes l

accommodating a knife edge sealing device.

(See note)

(See note)

Note: Gaskets are not dovetail type - inspect gasketsfor seating surface.


  • Provision for opning doors from inside and outside of housing.

No Yes (Not required) i 5.5.1.l(g)

Adequate number and eceptable condition of operable latches on Yes Yes access doors to achieve udform c. ang.


  • Provision for locking doors.

No Yes j

(Not required) l 5.5.1.l(i)

  • Adequate structural rigidity of housing to resist unacceptable flexure No Yes during operating conditions.

(Not required) 5.5.1.l(j)

  • Access to upper tiers,(above the 711 level), provided with permanent No Yes ladders and platforms.

(Not required) l 5.5.1.l(k)

  • At least 3 ft clearance between banks of components for maintenance No N/A and testing.

(Not required)

(See note)

Note: The design does not include thisfeature throughout the housing.


  • Door provided on each side, (upstream and downstream), of each No Yes component bank.

(Not required)

(See note) l Note: None providedfor section between HEPA andpre-filters.


No back-to-back installation of components.

No Yes (Not required) 5.5.1.l(n)

Sample ports located and labeled upstream and downstream of each Yes Yes HEPA filter and adsorber bank.


Challenge injection ports located and labeled.

Yes Yes Page1 of 5 03/12/9711:56 AM j

l l


Proposed FSAR Table 9.4 - 19 l

Conformance to ASME N510-1989 (Section 5) i Containment Purge Exhaust Filtration (CPEF) System Filter Units I

Testing Conformance Following N510-1989 Routine Modification l

Par: graph Description of N510-1989 Testing Requirement Surveillance or Repair l

l 5.5.1.l(p)

Sample and injection ports equipped with leak-tight caps or plugged.

Yes Yes 5.5.1.l(q)

Housekeeping in and around housing adequate for maintenance, Yes Yes testing, and operation.


Adequate guards provided on fans for personnel safety.

Yes Yes 5.5.1.l(s)

Condition of flexible connection between housing and fan located Yes Yes external to housing adequate to prevent leakage of untreated air.


Fan-shaft seals installed where required.

Yes Yes 5.5.1.l(u)

Airtight seals for conduits, electrical connections, plumbing, drains, or Yes Yes other conditions that could result in bypassing of the housing or any (See note)

(See note) l component therein.

l Note: Inspect accessibleh'isible items. Air tightness ofcomponents j

that could cause bypass leakage will be checked by in-place testing.


No sealant or caulking of any type on/in housings or component Yes Yes frames. Caulking on/in ducts may be permissible depending on (See note)

(See note) project specifications.

l Note: Inspect only where accessible during inspections. Adhesive on l

flexiblefan boot is acceptable.


Loop seals have adequate water level.

N/A N/A Note: The design does not include thisfeature.

(See note)

(See note) i 5.5.1.l(x)

Satisfactory condition of fire protection components (if provided).

N/A N/A Note: The design does not include thisfeature. Nofire protection (See note)

(See note) j providedfor CPEFj!!ter. LocalInstrumentation l


No unacceptable damage to instrumentation (e.g., gages, manometers, Yes Yes thermometers, etc.).

All connections complete.

Yes Yes Lighting,IIousing

Adequate lighting provided for visual inspection of housing and Yes Yes i


  • Flush mounted fixtures serviceable from outside the housing.

No Yes (Not required)

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Proposed FSAR Table 9.4 - 19 Conformance to ASME N510-1989 (Section 5)

Containment Purge Exhaust Filtration (CPEF) System Filter Units Testing Conformance Following N510-1989 Routine Modification Pcragraph Description of N510-1989 Testing Requirement Surveillance or Repair Mounting Frames for Filters and Moisture Separators

  • Continuous seal weld between members or frames and between frame No Yes and housing.

(Not required)

(See note)

Note: Inspect only where accessible during inspections.

  • Adequate structural rigidity for supporting internal components during No Yes operating conditions without flexure.

(Not required)

(See note)

Note: Inspect only where accessible during inspections.

No unacceptable damage to the frames that may interfere with proper Yes Yes seating of components.

Sample canisters installed and unused connections capped or plugged Yes Yes leak-tight.

(See note)

(See note)

Note: Thefilter unit contains internalsample canisters. Check that unmed connections are sealed.

No penetrations of the mounting frame except for test canisters.

Yes Yes

No sealant or caulking of any type.

Yes Yes Note: Inspect only where accessible during inspections.

(See note)

(See note) Filter Clamping Devices

Sufficient number of devices of adequate size to assure specified Yes Yes gasket compression.

  • Individual clamping of filters and adsorbers.

No Yes Note: Adsorber is Type IllFilter.

(Not required)

(See note)

All clamping hardware complete and in good condition.

Yes Yes

  • Adequate clearances provided between filter and adsorber units in No Yes same bank to tighten clamping devices.

(Not required) Moisture Separators

No unacceptable damage to media, frame, or gaskets.

N/A N/A Note The design does not include thisfeature (See note)

(See note) l l

No dirt or debris loading which creates higher than the specified N/A N/A pressure drop across the bank of components at the design airflow (See note)

(See note) rate.

Note: The design does not include thisfeature.

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---e-t Proposed FSAR Table 9.4 - 19 Conformance to ASME N510-1989 (Section 5)

Containment Purge Exhaust Filtration (CPEF) System Filter Units Testing Conformance Following N510-1989 Routine Modification Pzrngraph Description of N510-1989 Testing Requirement Surveillance or Repair 1

Proper installation of moisture separators.

N/A N/A Note: The design does not include thisfeature.

(See note)

(See note) Air IIeating Coils - Inside IIousing

No unacceptable damage to coils which may affect operability of the N/A N/A heaters.

(See note)

(See note) j l

Note: The design dc>es not include thisfeature.

No unacceptable dirt or debris on or between coils. Check for visible N/A N/A debris on coils with no disassembly.

(See note)

(See note) j Note: The design does not include thisfeature.

j i

l Prefilters

No damage to media, frame, or gaskets which may affect operability Yes Yes ofprefilters

No dirt or debris loading which creates higher than the specified Yes

'Yes j

pressure drop across the filter bank at the design flow rate.

(See note)

(See note) l Note: Inspectfor visible loading -pressure drop will be checked by installedgauges.

Proper installation of prefilters.

Yes Yes IIEPA Filters

No unacceptable damage to filter media.

Yes Yes

Acceptable condition and seating of gaskets with at least 50%

Yes Yes compression.

(See note)

(See note) l Note: Visually confirm that gaskets appear tight.

No dirt or debris loading which creates higher than the specified Yes

~ Yes pressure drop across the filter bank at the design flow rate.

(See note)

(See note) j l

Note Inspectfor visible loading - Pressure Drop will be checked by l

installedpressure gauges.

No sealant or caulking of any type.

Yes Yes Note: Inspect only where accessible during inspections.

(See note)

(See note)

Filters are properly installed with pleats vertical.

Yes Yes Absorbers

No unacceptable damage to adsorbers or adsorbent beds.

Yes Yes Page 4 of 5 j

03/12/9711:56 AM i

j Proposed FSAR Table 9.4 - 19 Conformance to ASME N510-1989 (Section 5)

Containment Purge Exhaust Filtration (CPEF) System Filter Units Testing Conformance Following N510-1989 Routine Modification P.r: graph Description of N510-1989 Testing Requirement Surveillance or Repair


Acceptable condition and seating of gaskets with at least 50 %

Yes Yes compression.

(See note)

(See note)

Note: Visually confirm that gaskets appear tight.

No through bolts on Type II adsorbers or other structure that could N/A N/A cause bypass in an adsorber bank where visible.

(See note)

(See note)

Note: CPEFdesign does not have through-bolts.

No sealant or caulking of any type.

Yes Yes Note: Inspect only where accessible during inspections.

(See note)

(See note) Dampers -Ilousing and Associated Bypass Duct

No unacceptable damage to or distortion of frame or blades.

N/A N/A Note:. The design does not include thisfeature.

(See note)

(See note)

No missing seats or blade edging.

N/A N/A j

Note: The design does not include Ihisfeature.

(See note)

(See note)

No unacceptable damage to shaft, pivot pins, operator linkages, N/A N/A operators, or packing.

(See note)

(See note)

Note:. The design does not include thisfeature

Linkage connected and free from obstruction.

N/A N/A Note:. The design does not include thisfeature (See note)

(See note)

No unacceptable damage to gaskets.

N/A N/A Note: The design does not include thisfeature.

(See note)

(See note) Manifolds

No unacceptable damage to test manifolds.

N/A N/A Note: The design does not include thisfeature (See note)

(See note)

Adequate clearance between permanent manifolds and filters.

N/A N/A Note: The design does not include thisfeature (See note)

(See note)

  • - ASME N5101989 clearly delineates these steps are intended for acceptance tests performed after any major system modification or repair.

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John A. Posenecker SCS Steve F. Berryhill SCS Deep Ghosh SCS Jerry G. Sims SNC Charlie D. Nesbitt SNC James J. Thomas SNC Jake I. Zimmerman NRC Brian nomas NRC J

l l


