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Intervenor Exhibit I-TMIA-33F,consisting of Re Boyer 840818 Questionnaire Re 790328 TMI-2 Incident
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 12/13/1984
From: Boyer R
SP-I-TMIA-033F, SP-I-TMIA-33F, NUDOCS 8508200212
Download: ML20136H169 (27)



4 s.

00232 GRJNC USE .


. I i I.

I I I NAME: keJ .wI b- b M */

(9:. ease Print) V 1(a) Cn W '.nestiny, March 28, 1979, (the first day of the accident), were you aware er informed of the centainment pressure spike which was recorded at approximately 1:50 P.M. on that date at 'IMI-27 l[l- Yes, I was anre.

l_~l Yes, I was,inf W .

Ifl No f wes on a n. off ScY' w z,hs ~ - - -

E#' *


l[l I do not remember.

1(b). If your answer to 1(a) is yes, at what time did you beccee aware or at what time were you informed of the spike?

N l_-l I became aware or was informed of the spike at at: cut o' clock.



_ I do not remember.

1(c). If ycur answer to 1(a) is yes, how were you made aware or did yo.1 become informed of the spike?

lKl (State briefly below)

G Am $- te* fur J b W *< L T- v<s in hrY o F- re r 2 co.-J.' fio,, e by o,s-d.'s e s


1_-l I do not remember. ,


8508200212 8412132 PDR ADOCK O (C81584)


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.n.u _l h . ...

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.U~a ** iaak i tL2 L o$U-.2 -N:: N [=$.uM E gEI

.2 PP a 33cs e

r w ,--e e

g # y 1(d). If your answer to 1(a) is yes, did you subsequently tell or otherwise n==amicate with anyone else about the pressure spike? If so, whcat

. did you tell, Wws, how, and day?

l~l Yes, I told 4

NAME DATE AND-TIME ME31ED PURPOSE (e.g., conversation, report, interview, deposition, testi-many, etc.)

2 l[l No 1

I do not r====har.


-If your answer to 1(a) is yes, describe your experience concerning any electrical malfunctions of equipment that occurred at 1MI-2 during the year preceding the accident.

l_~l Descriptions 1

l[l I am not aware of any such malfunction.

I do not remember any sudh malfunction.

2(a). ~

On Wednesday, March 28, 1979, did you' hear a " thud" or " thump" or

other noise indicating that hydrogen or some other burn, explosion,
car ancmaly occurred at or about 1:50 P.M. at 'DE-27' f

1 T

-,,y , - - - - - , - - . - , . , ,


,-,-. - , - . , , , , _ . . -n., y. . . - - , -, ~ , - - - - - ,,,,-w--a,.n

g d g

~b 2(a).' (Cont'd.) ,

l] Yee l[l No, although I was at or in the vicinity of 'IMI-2 at that time.

I No, I was not at or in the vicinity of THI-2 at that time.

l], I do not rmaan*=r.

2(b). If your answer to 2(a) is yes, what, at the time, did you think caused the noise?


At the time, I thought the noise was caused by:

l_-l I did not know.

i lI

_ I do not re r.

1 2(c).

If your answer to 2(a) ~ is yes, did you tell or otherwise cormunicate with or Marchanytody 307 else about the noise at my time on !! arch 28, March 29, If so, who did you tell and at idnt time?

l_~I Yes, I told




l I e l.


( .

2(c). ,

(Cent'd.) -

l_7 No -


_ I do not remember.

2(d). For any individual identified in your answer to 2(c), state very briefly the substance of your connunication: .


_ I told the following:

l_l I do not remember.


If ycur answer to 2(a) is yes, did you take any action in response to the noise? What?



_ Yes, I took the following actions at about o' clock on lI_ No I-l

- I do not r e r.  !

2(f). I your answer to 2(a) is yes, were you aware of any action taken by I

else iri response to the noise? What?

ll Yes, on at about o' clock (name) took the following ,

. action t 11- No l .

i l


4 .


2(f). (Cat'd. ) ,

Cl I do not remember.

2(g). If your answer to 2(a) is yes, did you m nelude, either at the= time or later, that the noise had been caused by a hydrogen explosion or hydrogen combustion? If so, en what date and'at dat time?

l_-l Yes, on at about o' clock I concluded that the noise had been caused by a hydro-gen explosion or combustion.

l~l No Cl I do not r -r. ,

3(a). On Wednesday, March 28, 1979, were you aware or informed that a

- -hydrcgen explosion or ccatvstion had occurred in the TMI-I contain-ment building?

[l Yes, I was a are.

) JL l[l Yes, I was informed. ' W ~ Flo E 'o w Tk Y w Q T. & ver=l M A l__l No

[l I do not remember. <

3(b). If your answer to 3(a) is yes, at what time did you become aware or at what time were you informed of the explosion or combustion?

l I became awre or was informed there had been a hydro--

gen explosion or cerbustion at about o'c1 2 . y_ g g,, Q ,t, w, , k w

6 3 (e sch/ . S A.%



~ I do not remember. l


l .

l '



' s l .

. s- .


. . . i e

3(c). If your rm to 3(a). is yes, how were you made aware or did you .

become ia. formed of the hydrogen explosion or ccabusticm?

4 1% (State briefly below) ,

, wku r a b m J de wL 4 ,m r, v

i Sc{e) . Sk.' 0 V i n btY $s nowe+/+% _ l r v N

i l_-l I do not ran==har.

3(d). ' If your answer to 3(a) is yes, did you subsequently tell or otherwise oceaunicate to anyone else about the explosion or ccabustion? If so, whcm did you tell, when, and wity?

' i ll_

Yes, I told: i NAME CATE AND TIME MEDOD PURPOSE (e.g., ccmversation,

~ report, interview, 1

j depositice testi- i j acny, etc.) l 1 r i

l j l_-l No

I I do not remember.

4(a). On Wednesday, March 28, 1979, were you aware or informed of contain-i rent spray actuation at 1NI-2 at approximately 1:50 P.M. on that dates l[I Yes, I was aware.

l_l Yes, I was informed.

l l-l No 4 -

e I do not rerember.


, ,s .a.- .- - r , - , . . , , , , , ,.--n,-..g-. -,.w,-g., , , , ~ . ,,,,,-w, . - - - - , , , , , - ,n~-., --..,,,,,,,,v..r.

a -s _._a - _ . . _ .-_2,__.- .~ . _. .-


. ~ 7-4(b). If your answer to 4(a) is yes, did you subsequently tell or otherwise cessamicate with anyone else about spray actuation?

I l~l Yes, I told:

Y l[I No i


_ I do not rs===*=r.

5(a). On Madnesday, March 28r Thursday, March 29, or Friday, March 30, 1979, were you a mre or informed of any instruction not to activate equipment in the 1MI-2 reactor building because it might cause a spark and/or hyGz w explosion?

4 l[l Yes, I was a mre.

l[l Yes, I was informed.

1 No l_-l I do not r====*=r.

!. 5(b).

If your answer to 5(a) is yes, on What date as the instruction given?

3 l[l The instruction was given on March , 1979.

4 l_~l I do not remember.

5(c). If your answer to 5(a) is yes, wie gave the instruction?

( s l~l

  • gave the instruction.'

l[l I do nct. remember.

5(d). If your answer to 5(a) is yes, how did you learn of the instruction?

l_~l I heard -

give the instruction.

l 1

-e-5(d). , (Ctat'd.)


  • told me about the
instruction. ,

l[I Other (explain) '

l_~l I do not remember.

5(e). If your answer to 5(a) is yes, did you take any specific acticca in esponse to the instruction? What actions?

l~l Yes, I took the following actions:

l[l No l_~l No specific action on my part required.

l[l I do not remember.

5(f). Do you know of anyi:ne else who, crf March 28, March 29, or March 3C, a s awre of any instruction not to activate equipment in the reactor building because it might cause a spark and/or hydrogen explosion?

l[l Yes, the following persons were aware of such an instruction: .

P m

l_l I do not rementer.

. e .

e .


If your answer to 5(f) is yes, did the persons identified in your .

answer take any specific action in response to the instruction?

E l_l Yes, the,following persons took the following actions:

l_1 No i I do not raramhar.

6(a). On March 28, 1979, aware at any time of any alarm (s) actu-ated by the pressure spike or hydrogen explosion?

1 l[l Yes l l No 1

l[l I do not remember.

6(b). If your answer to 6(a) is yes, which alarm (s)?

l_~l 8

i l_-l I do not remember.

6(c). If your answer to 6(a) is yes, what at the time did you think caused *

alarm (s)?

l~l I thought the alarm (s) w s caused by s

  • I 9


o O

6(c). (Cant'd.) .


_ I did not know.

l[] I do not remember.

6(d). If your answer to 6(a) is yea, did you talk or otherwise communicate with anyene about the alarm (s), either at that time or later?

l-l Yea, I told:


t l_l No l_-l I do not rerseber.


If your answer to 6(a) is yea, did you take any action after aware of the alarm (s)?


_ Yes, I took the following actions:

I_I no ll I do not reeerter.

7(a). With respect to the hydrogen burn, pressure spike, or containment '

spray 28, actuation that occurred at 'IMI-2 at about 1:50 P.M. on Parch 1979, did you participate in, overhear, see, or learn of any communication on these subjects between any GPU esplayee and anybody from B&W, NIC, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, or any other state agency or office on March 28, Parch 29, or March 30, 19797 b

_ , , _ _ -~- , . , - - , . - - _ . . - - _ ,.,,._.._,-._.-...-m__, ,.-.y _,__ ,_ ,,__,..,x_.. . .__ ,, ., , __,_1.. __,y,-_,, _ . _

.. .- e o

7(a). (Cont'd.) .

l[I Yes 1I No

_ I do not remember. , ,

7(b). If your answer to 7(a) is yes, for each such communication answer the following: (Utilize corresponding numbered lines in items 7(b)(1) through 7(b)(5) below to identify the specific instance being

%) answered &)

7(b)(1). Identify the subject matter, time, date, and method (e.g., telephone, in person, teletype) in endh instance.

, stister TIMr/c m ormoo I


7(b)(2). What a s the substance of each cormunication.

I II III IV 7(b)(3). Identify all participants in each ccseunication.




. . - e e

9 7(b)(4). If you were not a participant, did you overhear or see the communica-tien in en d instance? -

I, AJ O xi 00 00 III Iv 11 0 7(b)(5). If you did not participate in, overhear, or see the communication, did you learn about the communication from any participant? State frce whom you learned and the time, date, method, and reason you were informed. ,



) k Aas mk 'S ( 6 ed de II k R. L. . S k ,' M e v III ,

IV 8(a). Do you have documents, including personal notes and files, which re-late to one or more of the fo11cwing?

1. Generation and s+rpnt ecahustion of hydrogen on P! arch 28, 1979 at M -2:
2.  % e pressure spike in the M -2 reactor building at or about 1:50 P.M. en March 28, 1979
3. Se actuation of the 'IMI-2 reactor building spray at or about

, 1:50 P.M. cn March 28, 1979:

4. Any instruction on March'28, March 29, or March 30, 1979 not to activate equipment in the M -2 reactor building because it might cause a spark and/or hyd,rogen explosion-5.

% e " thud" or "thusy" or other noit.e indicating that a hydrogen or some other burn, explosion, or anomaly oesured at or about 1:50 P.M. en March 28, 1979, at M -2

6. Any alarm (s) actuated by the pressure spike or hydrogen explcsion en March 28, 1979, at M -2: and i

t a - o 4

, e i

8(a). * (Cont'd.) '

7. Any cennunications or methods or linee of censnunication on March 20, 1979, related to generation and subsequent coutmetion of hA+., pressure spike, or containment spray actuation that occurred that date at 'DtI-2.

l[] Yes, I do have documents.

No, I do not have any documents.

8(b). If yout' answer to 8(a) is yes, please couplete the following:

Youmay&Intactmeat en (telephone nutter),

+ z (date) at (time), to arrange receiving copies of these documerkts.

t 6 ' /E ~ --


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  • Sis 9f IDENTWlES 4,_ nant nacuvte #

, , GRltC USE in...ener 1'JECTID .

l g too.'g Off'r c .. . w., _.

nar: M 3Ty -h l l 1 aq' ' "qo l I, em,.___ wit.... l I I W

'Ediss' ' R[oi.# c. S c'65 ta -7 P3:07 (Please Print) V.

1(a) On Wedneeday, March 28,1979, (the first day of the accident), were you aware or informed of the centainnent pressure spike which was recorded at approximately 1:50 P.M. cn that date at 'IMI-27 l[l- Yes, I was aware.

l[l Yes, I was,inf W .

l%l No ~C u., , a ao . off sM. M Ew3 " " ' '

wva i~ n t. *4 ,


l[l I do not remember.

1(b). If your answer to 1(a) is yes, at what time did you beccane aware or at what time were you infonned of the spike?

l[l I *=== aware or was infonned of the spike at about o' clock.

l[l I do not reneeber.

1(c). If your a'nswer to 1(a) is yes,'how were you made aware or did you became informed of the spike?

IKl (State briefly below)

A>Lm T tefor d b w +, k-. "L w. .r J ., /ar -j 0V 'T~ y [ '2. tod,'fion y b op,, }, s e s l[I I do not remember. ,



(001584) Jty)jq y 33 h

[. ,

5 . .

. i 3.,

e * . .

1(d). - If your answer to 1(a) is yes, did you WT -dy tell or otherwise communicate with argyone else about the pressure epike? If so, dum

, did you tell, Wun, how, and dgf7 l] Yes, I told 118 8 S Ef@E Abc N ISDCD PURFCEE (e.g., conversation, report, interview, deposition, testi-scrqr, etc.)  !

- 1 t

l[I so l I do not r m .


If your answer to 1(a) is yes, dameribe your superience concerning  :

any electrical em1 functions of equipment that occurred at 1MI-2 during the year preceding the accident. '

l[l Description i

l[l I am not aware of any such selfunction.

j I do not r* any such malfunction.


On Wednesday, March 20, 1979, did you' hear a " thud" or " thump" or other noise trulicating that hydrogen or scos other burn, explosion, or ancmaly occurred at or about,1:50 P.M. at 1ME-27 1


. l l

l l

o' .

. e . - .

2(a).* (Corst 'd.) .

l] Yee l~l Ito, alt % I was at or in the vicinity of OtI-2 at that time.

l No, I was not at or in the vicinity of TNI-2 at that time.

l~l , I do not r h .


If your answer to 2(a) is yes, ht, at the time, did you hink caused the noise?

  • l_~l At the time, I thought the noise was caused by:

I l~l

_ I did not know.


_ I do not r e r.


If your answer to 2(a) is yes, did you tell or otherwise corinunicate with anytody or March 307 else about the noise at any time on thrch 28, March 29, If so, h did you tell and at h t time?

l~l Yes, I told HNS OMT

, TDq e



i . . ,

2(c). ,

(cont'd.) ,

l] Mo l[l 1 do not rh.


Per any individual identified in your answer to 2(c), state very briefly the s@ stance of your comemnications ,

l[l . I told the following:

e l[l I do not resember.


If your answer to 2(a) is yes, did you take any action in response to the noise? What?

l[l Yes, I took the following actions at akout o' clock a l[I no l[I I do not resember, 2(f). I your answer to 2(a) is yes, were you aware of any acticut taken by else in response to the noise? What?

l[l Yes, en at about o' clock (name) took the following '

1[I No e


  • _p 2(f). .

(Cont'd.) .

l] I do not remeter. -

2(g). Ifyouranswerto2(a)isyes,didyouconclude,eitheratthetime or later, that the noise had teen caused by a hydrogen explosion or hydtcgen combustion? If so, en d et date and at What time? -

l~l Yes, on at about


o' clock I concluded that the noise had been caused by a hydro-gen explosion or ocutustion.


IZI no l[I I do net resember.

3(a). On Wednesday, March 28, 1979, were you aware or informed that a hydrogen explosion or ccabustion had occurred in the 'DtI-2 ccntain-ment building?

l[i Yes, I was a wre. ,


l[l Yes, I was informed. / n I p6 Me +- aw Tk U T. A e4 de #

l[I uo l[I I do not ramentar.

3(b). If your answer to 3(a) is yes, at What time did you beccme awre or at d at time were you informed of the explosion or combustion?

I '

I became awre or me informed there had been a hydro-gen esplosion or combustien at about o'cicck. g 4,g g 4

$.3e(e acW . S A.N ,

l[l I do not remember. I l

l l


. . . - 6.-

. 4

  • 3(c). '

If your answer to 3(a). is yes, how were you made aware or did you .

become informed of the hydrogen explosion or combusticm? '

1% (state briefly balms) .

t.,L u t u4vm J de t . ~ t. k .m -


r Sc.L./ . Sk.'$f- In he bs o m e d ,' M r v l~l I do not remember.

3(d). If your answer to 3(a) is yes, did you et:;m.dy tell or otherwise communicate to anyone else about the explosion or ccatustion? If so, thuza did you tell, thien, and W l_~l Yes, I told:

NME CATE AND TIME MEDED RJRPOSE (e.g., conversation,

  • report, interview, depositior testi-many, etc.)

l_~l No l I do not reemeber.

4(a). On M : W , March 28, 1979, were you aware or inforred of contain-ment spray actuation at '!HI-2 at approximately 1:50 P.M. on that date l_~l Yes, I was atere.

l_~I Yes, I was informed.

l~l No I do not rw. ember.

. . ~7-4(b). l If your answer to 4(a) is yes, did you subsequently tell or otherwise ccumunicate with anyone else about spray actuation?

i 1


_ Yes, I told:

k l[I no i

l[l I do not remember.

5(a). On Madnesday, March 28; Thursday, March 29, or Friday, March 30, 1979, were you aware or informed of any instruction not to activate equipment in the TMI-2 reactor building because it might cause a spark and/or hydrogen explosion?

l[l Yes, I was aware.

l[l Yes, I was informed.

I No l~l_ I do not r h e.


If your answer to 5(a) is yes, cm what date was the instruction given?

.s. ~~

l[l The instruction w s given on March _ , 1979.

i l~l I do not ramenter.

5(c). If your answer to 5(a) la yes, d e gave the instruction?

t l[I gave the instruction.'

l~l I do not remember.

5(d). If your answer to 5(a) is yes, hew did you learn of the instruction?

t l_~l I heard give the instruction.


- -- - w----, -- -, . , - - - , > - - - . - - - - - - , , - , - - - - . - , - . , . . , . . n- - . .--,--. ,


6. -

.s .

5(d). , (Cbnt'd.)

Cl -

told me about the

instruction. ,

Cl other (explain) +

l[I I do not remaeber.

5(e). If your inswer to 5(a) is yes, did you take any s;w:ific actims in esponse to the instruction? What actions?


_ Yes, I took the following actions:

Cl No

[I No specific action on my part required.

Cl I do not ra===har. ,

5(f). Do you know of anyone else who, ort March 28, March 29, or March 3C, 2

a s aware of any instruction not to activate equipment in the reactor ~

building because it might cause a spark and/or hydrogen explosion? l m  ;

[I Yes, the following persons were a wre of such an - '

instruction: .

69 6

l -

ll I do not rer. enter.



_y 5(g). '

If your answer to 5(f) is yes, did the persons identified in yaar .

answer take any specific action in respcmse to the instruction?

II Yes, the following persons took the following actions:

l_I .

No ,

l[l I do not ra===har.


m March 28, 1979, were yeh aware at any time of any alarm (s) actu-ated by the pressure spike or hydrogen explosion?




I do not remember.

6(b). If your answer to 6(a) is yes, which alarm (s)?

i IZI '

i i

A l[l I do not ramanhar.


If your answer to 6(a) is yes, what at the time did yru think caused alara(s)?

l[I I thought the alarm (s) was caused 1:y:

i f'

T 3-


  • e 6(c). (ccrat 'd. ) .


l] I did not know.

IZ1 I do not renset=r.


If your answer to 6(a) is yes, did you talk or otherwise cessmnicate with anyone about the alara(s), either at that time or later?

l[] Yes, I told:

M ., CME AbiD TIME SUBS'DWCE OF 'IEE CCMiWICM' ION l[l No l[I I do not rerseber.


If your ansu r to 6(a) is,yes, did you take any action after becoming aware of the alarm (s)?

l[l Yes, I took the following actions:

1[I No IZl I do not renset=r.


With. respect to the hydrogen burn, pressure spike, or containment 1 spre.y 28, 1979,actuatien that occurred at 'IMI-2 at about 1:50 P.M. on March

  • l did you participate in, overhear, see, or learn of any connunication on these subjects between any GPU esployee and anybody from BW, NBC, Cosmonwealth of Pennsylvania, or any other state agency or office on March 28, March 29, or Parch 30, 19797

r 3 -*

n 7(a). ' (Cont'd.)

Yes l[l Cl no ,

_ I do not remember. , ,

7(b). If your answer to 7(a) is yes, for each sudh ecuummication answer the i following: (Utilize corresponding rumbered lines in itses 7(b)(1)

I throu!$17(b)(5) below to identify the specific instance being y answeredd 7(b)(1). Identify the subject matter, time, date, and method (e.g., telephone, in person, teletype) in each instance.



7(b)(2). What as the substance of each ccmuunication.



  • N l

7(b)(3). Identify all participants in each ccueunication.

I i II l

i III l N



. a . ,,

4 7(b)(4). If you were not a participant, did you overhear or see the communica-tion in each instance? -

1 I: Do f

.O8 HI OC l w UD j

7(b)(5). If you did not participate in, overhear, or see the communication, did you learn about the cousainication from any participant? State i frce whom you learned and the time, date, method, and reason you were informed.

\ -

19eE TIME /DNm METHIS REA5GT I bfi d ) k J3os mA T &~.A 6 II k A L- . S k ,' M i e u

! III 2,

W -

i 8(a). Do you have documents, including personal notes and files, which re-i I

late to one ce more of the following? ,

1. Generatica and stmt ccahustien of hydrogen on March 28, 1979 at 1MI-2;

. 2. The pressure spike in the TMI-2 reactor building at or about j 1:50 P.M. cn March 28, 1979; i


3. The actuation of the THI-2 reactor building spray at or about l 1:50 P.M. cm Mardt 28, 1979;
4. Any instruction on March'28, March 29, or March 30, 1979 not to j activate equipment in the THI-2 reactor building because it might cause a spark and/or hydrogen explosion

The " thud" or "thusy" or other noise indicating that a hydrogen or some other burn, explosion, or anomaly occurred at or about J

1:50 P.M. cm March 28, 1979, at 1MI-2r 6.

j Any alarm (s) actuated by the pressure spike or hydrogen i

explcsion en March 28, 1979, at 1MI-2r and 4

- , . - - +-.-.r, -,,,.--_--...,._.-.~.-.-,,,.---e.-..--,..--.-.,__.,_.%,,-,.vr.-,, ,,,,,,,-,,.w,.,..c ,.--w-,..,,,,,,...,.--.--,_m,--w,ww


), .* .

-13 .

. . s t

8(a). * (Q:mt'd.) -

7. Any cessamications or methods or lines of communication on March 4

28, 1979, related to generation and whqm.i. combustion of hy&+., pressure spike, or cen+24W spray actuation that occurred that date at 1MI-2.

l[l Ies, I do have documents.

No, I do not have any hMe.

8(b). If W answer to 8(a) is yes, please ccuplete the following:

You may b tact me at an (telephone rnaber),

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