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Forwards Documentation to Support Completion of 4 Restart Issues for Unit 2 Per 970117 Telcon
Person / Time
Site: Point Beach NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 01/22/1997
From: Dante Johnson
To: Beach A
Shared Package
ML20134D254 List:
VPNPD-97-013, VPNPD-97-13, NUDOCS 9702050045
Download: ML20134D250 (3)


{{#Wiki_filter:* f Wisconsin W 'Electnc POWER COMPANY Point Beoch Nuclear Plant (414) 755-2321 6610 Nuclear Rd Two Rtvers. WI 54241 l VPNPD 97-013 P100RffY WH ING first SGCond January 22,1997 g pg


. EC M5 I[DRP. . [SGA Mr. A. B. Beach, Regional Administrator DRS . O U. S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION DINS PAO Region 111 DNAA 801 Warrenville Road Lisle,IL 60532-4351

Dear Mr. Beach:

j DOCKET NO. 50-301 POINT BEACll NUCI EAR PLANT. UNIT 2 RESTART DOCUMENTATION i Pursuant to the telephone consersation between Mr. Jack Grobe and others ofyour staff with Wisconsin Electric representatives on January, 17,1997, we are enclosing documentation to support completion of four restart issues, q as identified on the Unit 2 Startup Commitment List, for review by your staff. ? The four completed items are:

  1. 9: Review the inservice testing (IST) acceptance criteria for the remaining IST pumps (fuel oil transfer, cable spreading room and control room ventilation, charging, boric acid transfer, component cooling water, and spent fuel pool cooling pumps) to ensure that the IST acceptance criteria meets the design basis / accident analysis requirements. Make any changes as a result of this review.


  1. 10: Review the IST acceptance criteria for all IST valves to ensure that the IST acceptance criteria r ets the design basis / accident analysis requirements. Make any changes necessary as a result of this review.


  1. 11: Complete the following regarding installed instrumentation: (a) Identify the Unit 2 installed instruments used in the IST program;(b) Review the performance of the identified instruments over the last 3 years;(c) Review the suitability of the instrumentation for use in the IST program;(d) Review all IST pump hydraulic data over the past year for adverse trends. Make changes as necessary as a result of these actions.
  2. 75: Revise the initial and requalification operator training plans to include a review of the administrative procedures identified as significant to daily operation of the plant during each two-year Operations training plan.

In addition, w e are enclosing the following documents which support restart issues:

  1. 13: Review other operating procedures that contain maintenance activities and revise as necessary to ensure PMT and QC are properly addressed by those procedures. A summary of Operations procedures review of maintenance

\\ activities is enclosed for your review. V

  1. 15: Review 20% of the work orders performed since January 1,1995, on Unit 2 or common PSA safety significant systems (auxiliary feedwater, service water, emergency diesel generators, instrument air,4.16

/ turbine, and : component cooling water). A QA project plan is enclosed for your review. 9702050045 970122 /' ~ PDR ADOCK 05000301 P PDR W t4 W nuwwrexamaatawemwom

4 VPNPD 97-013 Page 2 w As a result of discussions held with your office, we are also enclosing our investigation report,1196-02, dated January 16,1997, " Unit 2 Residual Hea, Removal Pump (RHR) Operation with Discharge Valve Shut." Sincerely, Douglas F. Johnson Regulatory Services & Licensing Manager sam Enclosures cc: NRC Resident inspector (w/o enclosures) l l l 9 l t ( l .k 4 ? 4 9 l .J

ACTION ITEM STATUS REPORT 6#I N PAGE 1 Responsible Person: ~ 01/21/97 Urgency: DONE

  • Trkid: NRC 96EC Work Priority:


  1. Action Number: 39 Activity Pending is: DONE ASSOCIATED WITH A COMMITMENT

TITLE AND TASK DESCRIPTION--------------------------~~--------------

NRC 09/12/96 Enforcement Conference Review the IST acceptance criteria for the remainingIST acceptance criteria meets the design B IST IST: accident ensure,that the analysis requirements. -_.-------DATES-- .3ource Record: 11 3 96

              • Evaluation *********
            • Correction **

Commitment: 12 7 96 Eval Due: Copr Act Due: 12 27 96 Action Create: 11 14 96 Orig Eval Due: Orig CA Due: 12 27 96 Action Closed: 01 13 97 Eval Done: Corr Act Done:01 02 97


Responsible for Overall Action: NSA Responsible for Current Pending Activity: Issue Manager: Initiator: Punchlist Administrator:


(01/02/97 EJM1) Passed to I for acceptance of work. (01/02/97 RKH) Passed to R for Verification. All of the instrument uncertainty calculations, and the operability deter-minations,h was the actual NRC committment.IST pumps prior to the end of were completed for all these 1996, whic This completed the actions necessary to close out this item. This item was completed prior to the committment date we made to the NRC. __ - _ for Final Close Out. Item is/97 JAP) Passed to (01/08 complete calculations are documented under the following calculation numbe,rs Fuel Oil Transfer 96-0280 VNCSR + WNCR 96-0277 Charging 96-0279 Boric Acid Transfer 96-0278 CCW 96-0284 SFP Cooling 96-0272 Operability determinations are documented under CR 96-0416 (01/13/97 FAF) PLA Closure of. Item. --._____.-REFERENCES----------- IR 96-006 IR 96-003 IR 96-011 CALC 96-0277 CALC 96-0279 CALC 96-0278 CALC 96-0284 CALC 96-0272


Originating Agency: S stem: XX NRC Open Item Number: N C Status: O Related Outages: Engineering Work Type: None,Specified Person Hours: Original Estimate = Current Estimate = Actual Hours =}}