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Exam Rept 50-482/OL-85-02 Administered on 850423-24.Exam Results:Two Senior Reactor Operators & Two Instructor Certification Candidates Passed & One Reactor Operator Failed
Person / Time
Site: Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation icon.png
Issue date: 07/23/1985
From: Cooley R, Whittemore J
Shared Package
ML20133G044 List:
50-482-OL-85-02, 50-482-OL-85-2, NUDOCS 8508080545
Download: ML20133G060 (72)


{{#Wiki_filter:- _ _ _ _ - - Examination Report No. 50-482/0L-85-02 Docket Number: 50-482 Licensee: Kansas Gas and Electric Company P. O. Box 208 Wichita, Kansas 67201 Examinations administered at Wolf Creek Generating Station (WCGS)

      ?     Chief Examiner:          J    L    ruA                     1bAf Date f.*~E'W61ttemore, Examiner                                     -

Approved by: . h* r R.' A. Cooley, Spction Chief


AI/I Date 1


Summary i Operator license examinations at Wolf Creek, April 73-24, 1985. Examinations were administered to two (2) Senior Reactor Operators, two (2) Instructor Certification Candidates, and one (1) Reactor Operator Candidate. The Reactor Operator failed the examination. All applicants for Senior Reactor Operator or Instructor Certification passed the examinations. I l l 492 0 PDM




1. Examination Results Written examinations were administered to two Senior Reactor Operators, two Instructor Certification Candidates and one Reactor Operator Candidate.

Simulator examinations were administered to two Instructor Certification Candidates. Senior Reactor Operator and Instructor Certification Candidates passed all examinations. The Reactor Operator failed the written examination.

2. Examiners J. E. Whittemore (Chief Examiner)

S. L. McCrory

3. The examination report is composed of the following sections
  • A. Examinations Review and Comment Resolutions This section reflects comments made by the facility staff during the examination review held after completions of the written examinations.

In general, editorial comments or changes made during the examination and subsequent review are not addressed. Answer modifications have been integrated into the master examinations keys which are included elsewhere in the report. The following personnel were present for the written examination review: NRC Utility S. L. McCrory B. Byerley J. E. Whittemore S. Ferguson M. Herre11 J. Koske A. Mah F. Scheiman P. Turner Comments and resolutions are listed by section question number. Comments 2.05 Part a should also include " Safety Injection Signal" as a correct answer. Resolutions: Agree with documentations provided. Key modified. 3.01c/ The core exit thermocouples should be included as a 6.07c correct answer as they are prt of the in-core nuclear instrucment system and may be used to detect a core quadrant tilt.

Resolutions: Disagree: The question asks for systems that will detect and

                   " warn" the operator of a flux tilt abnormality. There are no warning capabilities associated with the core exit thermocouple system, and the system would detect abnormal conditions only during routine surveillance.

l 3.03a The bank "0" rod stop also prevents including error l into the bank overlap program. l Resolutions: Agree: Key modified. 3.30b Individual " Banks" should be changed to individual groups. Resoltuions: Agree. Key modified. 3.04c/ A high pressurizer level may also provide a reactor 3.08c trip. Resolutions: Agree. Added High Pressurizer Level Trip as a correct choice. 3.10 The answer in the key and material provided for examinations preparations is incorrect. Resolutions: Agree. Changed answer to reflect new information in l documentation provided by facility. 4.05/ Answer "2" may be listed with "B" to agree with 7.05 attachment 4 of procedure. Resolution: Agree. Key modified. l 4.06/ Inadequate Shutdown Margin should be added to the list l 7.07 of reasons to perform "Immediate Doration." Resolution: Accept in accordance with documentations provided. 4.00/ Answers are not inclusive of items listed in 7.09 attachment 4 to CEN 004. Resolution: Agree. Changed key to require six itemi, from procedure text and/or attachment 4. 4.10 Pressurizer level setpoint for Safety Injection termination or reinitiation has been changed to 4%. Resolution: Agree. Key modified. 6.02c This ifne up is not in our procedures and the only place it appears is in the generic Westinghouse notes. Should not be required knowledge of candidates.

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                                                                           ,' Resolutions: Agree. Questions deleted and points redistribbted.                                                  ~

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1 -7.061 Operators <normally just do steps and not verificati6.n s' s ~.s-- - , 7, , steps, c ;

                                ' '                                        C 7
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Resolutions: Disagree. (Verification required as part of immediate ,

1 ~

y ' action for emergency procedures is required' knowledge. , l

      /                                          .N                '
                                                                               ;8.02a.   .

Answer number,3 may not be an examinee response as',. N installation of_ temporary electrical equipment is not y; -

                                                                                                              -considered a temporary modification.                                                                              '
                       )          r                             . c                                                                                                                                                            ,

J Resolution: Agree. Deleted that particular answer and redistributed points. 8.04 ADM02-400 Says that the Shift Supervisor is responsible for review and approval of the event classification and


notifications and would probably direct others to perform subtasks of the two major headings. Resolution:

  • Agree. Instructions inserted in answer key to allow-fulI credit for'the two major headings.
                                                                               '8.08                            Should also accept "no leakage" as a limit for answer a.
                                                                                                              - as in:the case of pressure boundary leakage.

Re' solutions: Disagree, as'the only leakage normally associated with: y ' Reactor Coolant Pumps is seal leakage which is considered controlled leakage. 8.10 Acceptable answer

1. E.

i 7. B or C Resolutions: Agree. Key modified. l B..- Exit Meetina Summary At the conclusion of the examinations,' examiners met with members of the {

          ?                                                                     cfacility staff to discuss simulator examinations results. The following
                                              ,                                   personnel were present at the meeting.

NRC Utility v N: , , . S.'McCrory S. Ferguson '

    ;l                          g J. Whittemore                                       S. Hatch                                     i M 5
                    , .;j;                                                                                                                                   G. Pendergrass
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         .g Ms
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                                                                          'Mr. Whittemore started the meeting by. informing the facility, personnel that both candidates had clearly passed the simulator examination. It was also stated that there were no generic weaknesses notedlin the two candidates. The examiners did point out that the' simulator had exhibited minor problems (possibly modeling) during the course of the examinations.                                      It was also pointed out that preliminary examinations results.would be available in approximately 30 days. The meeting concluded with the examiners thanking the facility staff for their assistance and cooperation towards the examinations effort.

C. The Reactor. Operator and Senior Reactor Operator Master examinations and assure keys constitute the remainder of this report. l i 8-t w

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  • _WBlIIEdQBEz_JA__________

APPLICANT: _________________________ INSIBuQI19N1_IQ_8EELIQ8 nil Uno separate paper for the answers. Write answers on one side only. Stcple question sheet on top of the answer sheets. Points for each qucation are indicated in parentheses after the question. The passing grtde requires at least 70% in each category and a final grade of at locat 80%. Examination papers will be picked up six (6) hours after tha examination starts.

                                             % OF CATEGORY   % OF    APPLICANT'S          CATEGORY

__V8LUE_ _IQI8L ___1GQBE___ _V8LUE__ ______________Q81EQQBl_____________ _2510R__ _25z00 ___________ ________ 1. PRINCIPLES OF NUCLEAR POWER PLANT OPERATION, THERMODYNAMICS, HEAT TRANSFER AND FLUID FLOW _21100__ _2EzQQ ___________ ________ 2. PLANT DESIGN INCLUDING SAFETY AND EMERGENCY SYSTEMS _25tRQ__ _25tDQ ___________ ________ 3. INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS _25100__ _25100 ___________ ________ 4. . PROCEDURES - NORMAL, ABNORMAL, EMERGENCY AND RADIOLOGICAL CONTROL 1RQzQQ__ 1QQ100 ___________ ________ TOTALS FINAL GRADE _________________g i All work done on this examination is my own. I have neither givon nor received aid. I l 1 AEPEYCAsiT S~SIGU~AYUEE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ l l l l

              -_ ,                      ,_     ~ . . . _    -.   ..-y  - , - - , .           - - - _


       >IHEBdQQ1N8 MIG 1t_UE61_IB6NSEEB_8ND_ELUlQ_ELQW                                    l 1

QUESTION 1.01 (3.50)

o. Define differential boron worth. (0.5)
b. Explain how and why the following changes affect differential boron worth:
1. Boron concentration INCREASES. (0.75) 2.- Moderator temperature INCREASES. (0.75)
3. Fission product concentration INCREASES. (0.75)
4. Core age INCREASES. (0.75)

QUESTION 1.02 (2.00) With a stable positive period of 80 seconds, at a power level of 10 MW :

o. What is the startup rate ? (0.5)
b. What is power level after 1 minute ? (0.75)
c. How much time is requirea to increase power to 1000MW ? (0.75)

NOTE: Show all calculations QUESTION 1.03 (2.00) Briefly describe how and why the axial flux profile changes with core life over one full cycle. Assume full power operation with all rods out throughout-the cycle. Include a sketch in your answer. (0.2) (***** CATEGORY 01 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****)

 ., -li__EBINGIELE1_QE_NUGLE88_EQWEB_EL8HI_QEEB8IIQNt                              PAGE    3 IHEBdQQ1N8dIQit_HE8I_IB8HIEEB_8ND_ELVIQ_ELQW'
      -QUESTION     1.04        (2.50)
c. For an operator taking data for a 1/M plot, how will the Shut-down margin (SDM) affect the time elapsed before a stable count rate can be obtained.after withdrawing rods ? (0.75) b.uHow will the initial' count rate affect the count rate at crit-icality ? (0.75)
        .c. If.the speed of the control rods were to somehow increase. What would be the effect be on:
1. Rod height at criticality ? (0.5)
            '2. Count rate at criticality ?                                        (0.5)

QUESTION 1.05 (3.00) s.-Explain the terms beta bar and beta bar effective. Your answer should include an explanation of which term is larger in magni-tude and why. (1.5)

b. Explain how and why the above mentioned terms will affect re-actor response throughout cycle life. (1.5)

QUESTION 1.06 (2.00)

c. Explain what is meant by the term " Isothermal Temperature Coeffi-cient" ? (1.0) b.LWhen and why is the coefficient of interest or concern to the operator 7 (1.0)
                        '(***** CATEGORY 01 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE        *****)


 . : . - -li__EBINQ1 ELE 1_QE_NuGLE8BlEQWEB_EL8HI_QEEB8IlQNm                                                                                  PAGE     4 IHEBdQQ1Ned1Q1t_HE8I_IB 8N1EE B_8N D_ELu1D _ELQW QUESTION            1.07.                  (1.00)

A motor operated. centrifugal pump is operating at rated flow when

                -the discharge valve is throttled towards the shut direction.

Which of the>following statements best describes the parameter

               -changes that will occur ?
o. Flow constant, discharge pressure constant, motor amps in-crease, NPSH increases.

Eb. Flow decreases, discharge-pressure increases, motor amps in-crease, NPSH increases.

c. Flow decreases,-. discharge pressure increases, motor amps in-crease, NPSH decreases.

d.; Flow decreases, discharge pressure increases, motor amps de-creases, NPSH increases. (1.0) QUESTION 1.08 (3.00)

s. During natural circulation cooldown, you notice pressurizer level suddenly increase after the initiation of pressurizer spray. Ex-plain what is occurring. (1.5) b.' Assume a small LOCA results from the rupture of a pressurizer level transmitter sensing line. Compare the severity of the ac-cident if the ruptured line is the upper (reference) or lower (variable) sensing line. (1.5)

QUESTION- 1.09 (3.00) R

s. Since fuel temperature cannot be measured, what power distribut-ion limit is observed at' Wolf Creek to prevent exceeding the fuel temperature limit ? (0.8)

I b. If-fuel temperature limit is 4700 deg's.and cladding limit is 2200 deg's., what limit must be observed to prevent exceeding ' the clad limit when fuel temperature is above' 2200 deg's ? C0.8) l

c. Why will the fuel rod surface temperature peak towards the top of )

the core rather than the location of peak actual heat flux ? (1.4) (***** CATEGORY 01 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****) I l I t.._. . _ _ . . - _ . _-. __ . . . - . _ , _ _ _ _ . . . _ . _ . - _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ , _ . . _ _ _ _ . _ . . _ __


QUESTION 1.10 (3.00)

c. How do each of the following parameters change (increase, decrease or no change) if one main steam isolation valve closes with the plant at 50% load. Assume all controls are in automatic that no trip occurs.
1. Affected loop steam generator level (INITIAL change only)
2. Affected loop steam generator pressure
3. Affected loop cold leg temperature
4. Unaffected loop steam generator level (INITIAL change only)
5. Unaffected loop steam generator pressure
6. Unaffected loop cold leg temperature (2.4)
b. Which of the reactor protection system signals could be expected to cause a reactor trip ? (If more than one, list the one that would reach the trip point first.) (0.6)

(***** END OF CATEGORY 01 *****)

                     , - - - - , -                   -    , . - _ - - _ - - _ _     _._.,,__,_9
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L 21__EL8NI_QE11GN_INGLUDING_18EEI1_8NQ_EMEBGENGl_SISIEd1 PAGE 6 QUESTION 2.01 (3.00) o.-What is the normal atmosphere inside the Pressurizer Relief Tank ? Why ? (0.8)

b. When relieving pressurizer safeties into the tank at approx.

650 degrees and 2250 psi, why isn't the safe operating pressure (~100#) of the tank exceeded ? (1.0)

c. What are the 2 methods available to cool the tank and what is the ADVANTAGE of either method ? (1.2)

QUESTION 2.02 (2.80)

o. Describe how the ECCS is lined up to maintain Safety Inj ect ion
       ' flow if RCS pressure should increase above RHR Pump shutoff head pressure, and RWST is at or below low-low level conditions. Ex-plain the necessity of the lineup.                                  (1.2)
b. Explain how the 4 different types of ECCS pumps are prevented from overheating or vibrating, when operating at shutoff head conditions. Provide specific information for each type of pump. (1.6)

QUESTION 2.03 (2.40)

c. Describe the method of sealing the reactor vessel head to the vessel flange. (1.2)
b. Describe in detail, the system for detecting seal leakage. (1.2)

QUESTION 2.04 (2.90)

c. What are the 2 SETS of conditions that will auto close the start-up transformer-output breakers for auto bus transfer ? (1.0)
b. What conditions will auto trip the startup transformer output breakers ? (0.9)
   =c. Explain how and why non-class 13.8 KV power will transfer after a reactor trip.                                                     (1.0) i


_- .= . - . - - - . . - .

          . ' 2il_ELeNI_QE11EN_INCLUDINE_16EEI1_8NQ_EdEBEENCY_111IEdf-                                                           PAGE   7 k

QUESTION 2.05 ~C2.40)

o. What are 6' specific conditions that place the control room heat-ing, ventilating, and air conditioning system into the emergendy mode of operation ? (1.2)
               .b. Describe how the control room atmosphere is maintained habitable during accident conditions.                                                                                 (1.2)

QUESTION' 2.06 (2.80)

e. With a steam generator (S/G) tube leak (10 GPM),/and the affected S/G identified, would the operator use " FAST" or " SLOW CLOSE" to close the'affected Main Steam Isolation Valve CMSIV) ? Explain. (1.0) b.~ Explain why the MSIV's are designed to seal from either direc-tion,.and how this objective is accomplished. (0.8) c..What conditions, other-than manual, will'automa'tically close the
MSIV's ? Setpoints are not requiredi but be specific as to con-1 ditions. (1.0)

QUESTION 2'.07 (3.00)

c. List all possible sources of feedwater heating.when using the
                     .startup feedwater system. In addition to the component or heat exchanger utilized, state the source of heat or steam for that-component.                                                                                                  (1.2)
b. Describe the flow paths through the Moisture Separator Reheat-ers. Your answer should include source of inlet fluid, and a sequential list of components that the drains pass through before collecting in the heater drain tank. (1.8)

QUESTION 2.08 (3.00) I Explain or list the specific actions caused by the Load Shedding and Sequencing system for the 3 different initiating conditions ?- i. (***** CATEGORY 02 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****)

 . - 2x__EL8HI_QE11GN_INGLUDING_18EEII_8NQ_EMEBEENCX_111IEMS                                                     PAGE         8 QUESTION  2.09        (2.70)

D: scribe 3 different' ways that Component Cooling Water flow can be cutomatically isolated to the Reactor Coolant Pumps either indivi-dually or all at-the same time. A correct answer should mention all ocmponents used in isolating the flow paths. (2.7) J 4 4 ) i (***** END OF CATEGORY 02 *****)

.. 2i__INSIBudENI1_8NQ_QQNIBQL1 PAGE 9 QUESTION 3.01 (2.70)

   .o. What are the 3 Intermediate Range Nuclear Instrument control, in-terlock, or protection signals that do not pass through an isol-ation amplifier ?                                                 (0.9)
b. Explain how the Intermediate Range is designed so that channel surveillance,may be performed without causing a reactor trip at low power, even though the trip logic is 1/2. (0.8)
c. List and explain 2 different nuclear instrument subsystems that will detect and warn the operator of a tilt in quadrant power production. (1.0)

QbESTION 3.02 (2.30)

  'o. What 3 conditions will cause a " Computer Rod Deviation" alarm ?   (0.9)
b. What 2 signals are compared to provide a " Rod Position Indica-tion" deviation alarm ? (0.6)
c. Explain how the Rod Insertion Limit Computer Comparator receives the actual rod position for comparison to the limit. (0.8)

QUESTION 3.03 (2.50)

c. List the control rod interlocks that will prohibit rod withdraw-al in automatic only AND explain the necessity f or these inter-locks. (1.0)
b. Explain the effects on rod motion due to:
1. Logic cabinet urgent failure alarm.
2. Power cabinet urgent failure alarm. (1.5)


 ' . - 2i[_INRIBudENI1_8NQ_CQNIBQL1                                          PAGE   10 QUESTION    3.04        (2.40)

The protection system will cause a reactor trip upon a turbine trip then power is above 50%:

c. What is the rationale for not needing a reactor trip for a tur-bine trip below 50% power ? (0.8)
b. What provides the turbine trip signal to the protection system ?

State any applicable logic. (0.8)

c. In the event this trip fails to actuate, what are 2 other trips th'at will cause a protective shutdown ? (0.8)
      -QUESTION    3.05        (2.80)

Concerning protection system permissives:

c. What will actuate the P-4 permissive signal, and what directly results from it's actuation ? (1.6)
b. What will occur directly as a result of actuating the P-14 per-missive ? (1.2)

QUESTION 3.06 (2.30)

o. What parameters are compared to determine the positioning signal received by the steam dump I/P convertor for:
1. Load rejection ?
2. Plant trip ? (0.8)
        .b. Explain how it is possible for 2 groups of steam dumps to trip open, while the other 2 groups ramp open.                        (1.53


    .       2A__INilBMdEN11_8NQ QQN18QL1                                                             PAGE   11 QUESTION                     3.07              (2.80)
c. Explain how the feedwater control valves are overridden and shut by protection signals. Specific signals are not required but the answer should include discussion of control system components, and their functions or attributes. (1.2)
b. Explain how and why the control system for the feedwater bypass control valve is basically different from the system for the feedwater control valve. (1.0)
c. What effect will loss of the total steam flow signal have on the automatic control of feed pump speed ? (0.6)

QUESTION 3.08 (2.80)

c. Some controls located on the Auxiliary Shutdown Panel CASP) have transfer switches associated with them. Classify the types of controls or equipment that do AND do not have transfer switch-es. (1.0) b.-After control room evacuation, why is the operator required to place the 3 isolation switches in the " Control Room Isolate" position ? C0.8)
c. What important interlocks are defeated by the operation of the ASP isolation switches ? (1.0)

QUESTION 3.09 (2.40)

o. Explain the corrections or modifications that are automatically made to the OT delta T and OP delta P trip setpoints. (1.75)
b. The OT delta T trip is designed to preclude DNB limiting acci-dents and DNB is flow dependent. Why doesn the circuitry have RCS flow input for calculating the trip setpoint ? (0.65)


.-- :2&b_IN1IBMBENI1_6NQ_GQNIBQL1 PAGE 12 ; 4

   . QUESTION  3.10       (2.00)
c. Why will the wide range Reactor Vessel Level Indicating system (RVLIS)-indicate differently between 1% and 100% power ? (1.0)
     -b. Explain how the accuracy of the RVLIS is enhanced or maintained in spite of changing containment temperature conditions ?        (1.0)

( I i (***** END OF CATEGORY 03 *****)


 . Ist__EBQGEDMBER_=_NQBd8Lt_8BNQBd8Lt_EMEBGENGl_8NQ                      PAGE  13 B8Q10LQQ1Q8L_CQNIBQL i

QUESTION 4.01 (1.50) Identify the evacuation exits from the fuel building. QUESTION 4.02 (1.00) Dcscribe the initial decontamination process for hand contamination. QUESTION 4.03 (2.50) If you answer the phone in the control room and it turns out to be a bomb threat: A. What are 4 of the 8 prescribed questions you should attempt to ask the caller?

8. Outline the other information you should try to determine about the caller.

C. Where in the control room are the bomb threat forms located? QUESTION 4.04 (2.50) Arrange the following events in order of occurence during a startup from hot standby to minimum load. A. Block Power Range Low Power trips B. Place the Turbine Generator on the line. C. Place Main Feedwater Pump Turbine Speed controls in rauto. D. Block the Source Range Flux Doubling Transfer trip. E .- Start one Main Feedwater Turbine Pump

    'F. Block the Source Range High Flux trip.

G. Place the Steam Dump Mode Controller in Tavg mode. H.- Place the Main Feedwater Control Valve Bypass Valves in manual and increase Steam Generator level to 55-65%. (***** CATEGORY 04 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****)

  . it__EBQQEQWBER_=_NQBd8Lt_8BNQBdeL&_EMEBGENQX_6NQ                           PAGE 14 88010LQQ106L_QQNIBQL QUESTION     4.05        (2.50)

Match the following operator actions with the required power level while increasing power level above minimum load to full power. Some power levels ccy be used more than once and some may not be used at all. - A. Verify P-9 actuated 1. 80% B. Verify Intermediate Range Hi 2. 10% Level Trip Status Lights on 3. 40% C. Start both Heater Drain Pumps 4. 25% D. Verify P-8 actuated _ 5. 50% E. Perform a calorimetric 6. 48% QUESTION 4.06 (2.50) List five conditions that require immediate boration.

    -QUESTION     4.07        (2.50)

A. Which critical safety function has the top priority? B. What is the purpose of a Functional Restoration Guide? C. What action must be taken if a red color symbol is found in a status tree? QUESTION 4.08 (3.00) When escalating in power per GEN 00-004 (Power Operation), there are six things which should be done when reactor power reaches 50%. What are they? QUESTION 4.09 (2.50) List five conditions which indicate natural circulation flow exists as per EMG ES-03 (SI TERMINATION). (***** CATEGORY 04 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****) u.

t - . I

    .    ?8A__EBQGEQU6El_=_NQBd8LAi8tNQBd8LA_EMERGENGl_8NQ                              PAGE   15 88DIQLQEIGek_GQNIBQL o

I -- QUESTION 4.10 (3.00) Answer the following regarding the S/G tube rupture procedure EMG E-3. A. State the S.I. termination criteria. B. What constitutes Reinitiation Criteria for S.I.? QUESTION 4.11 (1.50) According to 0FN 00-001 (Load Rej ection), list four of six signals whihch will initiate a turbire runback. Include setpoints. (1.5) I (***** END OF CATEGORY 04 *****) (************* END OF EXAMINATION ***************) 1


c. Change in reactivity due to a change in boron concentration. (0.5) b, 1. Differential boron worth (DBW) decreases [0.25] because the boron atoms are competing with each other for neutrons [0.5]. (0.75)
2. DBW decreases [0.25] as moderator density decreasing (moves boron atoms farther apart)[0.25] decreasing neutron capture probability in boron atoms [0.25]. (0.75)
3. DBW decreases [0.253 because poisons are competing with boron atoms. [0.53 (0.75)
4. DBW initially decreases [0.25] due to fp buildup [0.125] then increases [0.25] due to boron depletion [0.125]. (0.75)

REFERENCE WJE 152 WCGS Nuclear Training Division Test Bank Question RT-G3 ANSWER 1.02 (2.00)

c. SUR = 26/T = 26/80 = .325 (0.5)
b. Pf = Pi*10EEC1 min.* 0.325) = 10 (2.1) = 21.1MW (0.75)
c. 10 - 1000 MW = 2 decades, 2 decades / 0.325 DPM = 6.15 min.

or ~ 370 seconds. (0.75) REFERENCE WCGS Nuclear Training Manual Test Bank Question RT-H11


    'It__ERINQIELER_QE_ NUCLE 88_EQWEB_EL8HI_QEEB8I1QNt                            PAGE    17 IHEBdQQ1N8MIGit_HE81_IB8N1EEB_8NQ_ELUIQ_ELQW ANSWERS -- WOLF CREEK                         -85/04/23-WHITTEMORE, J.

ANSWER 1.03 (2.00) At BOL,.the flux is peaked in the bottom of the core due to temper-ture gradient over the core. The colder water at the bottom in- t creases-the local reactivity there C.5). At EOL, burnup causes a dished profile. (0.5) (1.0) l*****B -- Top of core i EB i E B-1 E B B = BOL (0.5) 1 E B E = EOL (0.5) i E B * = both I E B i E B Grade on general shape of curves ONLY. 3 E B 1****BBB -- Bottom of core (1.0) REFERENCE WJE 154 WCGS Nuclear Training Division Test Bank Question RT-K6 ANSWER 1.04 (2.50)

o. The closer to criticality, Class SOM) to reach a stable count rate. 1 the longer time required ,(0.75)
b. A higher initial count rate will result in a higher count rate at criticality. (0.75)
c. 1. Critical rod height is not affected. (0.5)
          '2. Critical count rate will be lower.                                    (0.5)

REFERENCE WJE ig2 WCGS Reactor Theory' Review, P. 21 i



c. Beta bar is the average delayed neutron fraction or the weighted f average fraction for the different fissionable materials present.  !

[0.5] Beta bar effective is the effective fraction [0.25] .and is l smaller as it is the product of beta bar and an importance fac- I tor. [0.25] The importance factor is generally less than one as l delayed neutrons are less likely to cause fission. [0.53 (Will l accept an explanation of how the importance factor is affected I by Fast Fission and Non-leakage factors) (1.5) l

b. Beta bar and Beta Bar effective will decrease in value over cy- l cle life (0.53 due to the changing concentrations of the differ- l ent fissionable isotopes in the core. [0.51 Smaller values of the effective fraction means that the reactor period will be smaller or the reactor will respond quicker for a given react-ivity change, as the core ages. [0.5] (1.5)

REFERENCE WJE 192 WCGS Reactor Theory Review, Pp. 25,26 ANSWER 1.06 (2.00)

c. The ITC is the reactivity change associated with a unit change in the temperature of the moderator, clad and the fuel. (1.0)
b. During start up when core and moderator are heated uniformly. (1.0)

REFERENCE WJE 194 WCGS Core Physics, P. 5-4 ANSWER 1.07 (1.00) ANSWER----- d. REFERENCE WJE 195 WCGS Heat Transfer Review, Pp.117-122


   .      liI_E81NGIELER_QE_NUCLEeB_EQWEB_EL&NI_QEEB&I1QNi                                                                                                                                                                                                      PAGE                           19 IHEBUQQIN851Gli_HE8I_IB8N1EEB_8NQ_ELU10_ELQW                                                                                                                                                                                                           !

, ' ANSWERS -- WOLF CREEK -85/04/23-WHITTEMORE, J. f l i

        . ANSWER                                                                                            1.08                                                                               (3.00)                                                                                                     r c.-Due to the decrease in pressurizer temperature / pressure [0.5)                                                                                                                                                                                                                 i the system,iis voiding somewhere else (0.5] and forcing coolant                                                                                                                                                                          _

into the pressurizer. [0.5] (1.5) ]

b. The lower'line rupture is more severe (0.75) as the mass loss i of water is greater than the mass loss of steam. [0.75) (1.5) t <

REFERENCE WJE 196 c WCGS Exam Question Bank, HT-D2, HD-03  ; I 3-

: ANSWER 1.09 (3.00) i
o. Local power density-KW/FT. (0.8) i
b. DNB1 or DN8R Caccept either answer) (0.8)


c. Fuel surface temperature _-is a function of heat flux and moder-stor temperature. [0.7) Moderature temperature is higher at the .

j . top'of the core. [0.7) (1.4)  !


i WJE 197 i WCGS Heat Transfer Review, Pp.140,142

         ' ANSWER                                                                                           1.10                                                                               (3.00)                                                                                                     ,
c. 1.. Decrease 2.' Increase 3.' Increase
4. Increase
5. Decrease
6. Decrease [0.4 each) (2.4)
b. Lo-Lo S/6 Level (0.6) i REFERENCE -

WJE 198  ! i WC6S Question Bank, HT-L4,7

p. i

    -. 2t__EL8HI_QE11GN_INGLWQ1NG_18EEII_8NQ_EMEBGENGl_11EIEd1                    PAGE   20 ANSWERS -- WOLF CREEK                      -85/04/23-WHITTEMORE, J.

l h ANSWER 2.01 (3.00)

c. Nitrogen,-[0.4] to prevent inleakage of air and accumulating a
  • l mixture of H2 1 02. [0.4] (0.8)
b. Steam is discharged into the tank through a sparger underwater.

! [0.5] The steam is cooled and condensed by mixing with water near ambient temperature. [0.5] (1.0)

c. 1. Spraying with cool reactor makeup water. (0.4)
2. Circulating water,through the RCDT HX. (0.4)

Accept either for advantage; Spraying is much quicker; OR Recircing does not generate waste. (0.4) r- REFERENCE WJE 14g - NPS 215 Ch. 3 Pp. 26,27 ANSWER 2.02 (2.80).

c. When the RWST is empty, the suction to the CCP's and SI Pumps is lined up from RHR Pump discharge, [0.8] as the-intermediate and high pressura pumps are not directly supplied by the containment sump. [0.4] (1.2)
b. 1. RHR Pump-- Recircs to pump suction.
2. SI Pumps-- Recirca to RWST.
3. CCP's-- Recircs to Seal Water HX.
4. CS Pumps-- Recirc through eductor. [0.4 ea.] (1.6)

REFERENCE  : WJE 150 NPS 221, Ch. 2, Pp.30,31 i I' l r i . w_______-___-_-_-_---_

I i* 3

 . 2t__EL8NI_DESIEN_INGLUDINQ_18EEI1_8NQ_EMEBGENGl_11SIEd2                  PAGE   21 ANSWERS -- WOLF CREEK                 -85/04/23-WHITTEMORE,       J.

ANSWER 2.03 (2.40)

o. A seal is maintained between the vessel and head by 2 hollow metal "O" rings in concentric grooves (in the head flange).[0.8) the rings are self energized by RCS pressure. [0.43 (1.2)
b. The spaces between the rings and outside of the outer ring are piped to a tell-tale drain. [0.4) The common line is equipped with a temperature indicator. [0.4] Seal leakage will cause a high temperature alarm. [0.4] (1.2)

REFERENCE WJE 151 Fccility Question Bank, FH-3 ANSWER 2.04 (2.90)

c. 1. Control switch in normal.

Main generator output or switchyard breakers open. Sync. check relay satisified.

2. Aux. transformer output breakers open.

Undervoltage on the bus. [0.2 each] (1.0)

b. SU XFMR lockout relay trip.

Any aux. XFMR output breaker is closed. Fault on SU XFMR output breaker. [0.3 each] C0.9)

c. Turbine will trip immediatly, but generator output breakers re-main closed for 30 seconds. [0.23 Automatically transfer to startup power when breakers open. (0.2] This provides uninter-rupted power to RCP's (0.3] and prevents turbine overspeed. [0.3)(1.0)

REFERENCE WJE 156 NPS 213, Ch. 2,Pp.6,8,9


c. 1. Chlorine 5. CIS "A"
2. Control rm. gas. act. 6. Cont. purge hi gas, act.
3. FB vent. isol. sig. 7. Cont. atmos. hi gas. act.
4. SI Signal. (Any 6, 0.2 each] [1.2)
b. Outside air is isolated and the system goes on internal recirc-ulation. [0.6] Simultaneously, the MCR is pressurized with out-side filtered air (to prevent inleakage). [0.6) [1.2) f REFERENCE WJE 157 NPS 221, Ch. 4, Pp. 42,43 ANbWER 2.06 [2.80)
c. Use slow close [0.41 as fast close will shut all MSIV's (0.43 and limit cooldown ability. [0.2] [1.0)
b. The MSIV's must seal for breaks upstream and downstream. [0.4)

This is accomplished by using a split disc arrangement where pressure f rom either side will seat one of the disc. [0.4] [0.8)

c. Above P-11,[0.23 Low steam pressure. [0.2]

Below P-11 and SI blocked, [0.23 High negative press. rate (0.23 High cont pressure II [0.2) [1.0) REFERENCE WJE 158 NPS 223, Ch. 2, Pp.11-15

 . li__EL6HI_ DESIGN _INCLUDINQ_18EEII_6NQ_EdEBQENQ1_SYSIEd3                PAGE   23 ANSWERS -- WOLF CREEK                     -85/04/23-WHITTEMORE,   J.

ANSWER 2.07 [3.00)

o. 1. Main condenser. [0.1] Sparging steam from main or aux.

steam. [0.2]

2. S/G blowdown regen. HX. [0.1] Flash tank drains. [0.23
3. SA&B feed heaters. [0.1] Flash tank steam. [0.2]
4. 6A%8 feed heaters. [0.1] Main steam. [0.2] [1.2]
b. MSR Shell [0.11 Source is from HP turbine exhaust. [0.2] Orains to MSR drain tank and directly to heater drain tank. [0.3]

lat. stg. heater. [0.1] Source is HP 3rd stg. extraction steam. [0.23 Drains are routed to drain tank, 6A&B feedheaters, and to heater drain tank. [0.3) 2nd. stg. heater. [0.1] Source is main steam. [0.2] Orains are routed through the drain tank, 7A&B feed heaters, 6A&B feed heat-era, to heater drain tank. [0.3] [1.8) REFERENCE WJE 159 MPS 223, Ch. 3, Pp.9,26,27,28 ANSWER 2.08 (3.00) Undervoltage (UV) : 1. Starts diesel.

2. Sheds ALL bus loads.
3. D/G bkr. shuts and starts sequencer.

SIS /CSAS : 1. Sheds NON-SAFETY loads.

2. Starts LOCA sequencer.

SIS /CSAS with UV: 1. Starts diesel.

2. Sheds ALL loads.
3. Blocks LOCA Sequencer.
4. When 0/G bkr. closes,
5. Sequences SAFETY loads. [0.3 each) (3.0)

REFERENCE WJE 168 NPS 213, Ch. 3, Pp. 14-17 l 1 L

 . o


o. Phase "B" isolation (0.3] will shut 2 valves in series in the cooling water supply common to all pumps. [0.3) The signal also shuts 2 sets of 2 valves in series on the outlet side, [0.23 1 path from the oil and air coolers, [0.23 and the other from the thermal barrier. [0.2] [1.2)
b. Each pump has a motor operated outlet valve that will shut on high flow from the thermal barrier, [0.5] and a check valve that isolates the inlet. [0.25] [0.75)
c. A common return valve from all thermal barriers will shut on high flow, [0.51 and the individual inlet check valves will isolate the CCW inlet. [0.25] [0.75]

REFERENCE WJE 171 NPS 215, Ch. 4, Pp. 16-18

   . 2i_'_INSIBudENI1_6NQ_CQNIBQL1                                                     PAGE   25 ANSWERS -- WOLF CREEK                                -85/04/23-WHITTEMORE, J.

ANSWER 3.01 (2.70)

c. 1. C-1, Auto and manual rod block
2. P-6 Permissive
3. Reactor trip. [0.3 each) (0.9)
b. The level trip bypass switch prevents a protection signal from being processed from the channel being tested. (0.8)
c. 1. Detector current comparator. [0.2] Each detector current is compared to the average of the other upper or lower detector currents. [0.2) An alarm is annunciated on deviation (of 2%,

over 50% power). [0.13 l (0.5)

2. Channel current comparator. [0.2) A channel output is com-pared to the other channels. [0.2) An alarm is annunciated {

j on a deviation (of 2%). [0.13 (0.5) REFERENCE WJE 160 NPS 227, Ch. 2, Pp.20,21,27,28 l l ANSWER 3.02 (2.30)

c. 1. Any shutdown rod < 220 steps
2. A deviation (of 12 steps) between any 2 rods in the same bank.
3. A deviation (12 steps) between any rod DRPI and it's bank de-mand. (0.3 each) (0.9)
b. Bank demand position, [0.33 and individuni DRPI. [0.3] (0.6)

I 'c. A pulse / analog convertor receives the sane signal as the step } counters. [0.4) The convertor converts these pulses to an ana-l log output proportional to bank position. [0.4] C0.8) REFERENCE WJE 161 NPS 227, Ch. 3, Pp. 11-13

s *

   . 2t__INSIBWMENI1_6NQ_GQNIBQL1                                                                                                           PAGE      26 ANSWERS -- WOLF CREEK                                                                                       -85/04/23-WHITTEMORE, J.

ANSWER 3.03 (2.50)

c. 1. Low power (C-5) interlock [0.3] prevents auto rod motion when impulse power < 15% to preclude unstable operation. [0.2]
2. High bank "D" rod stop [0.3] prevents outward motion when the bank is near the top to prevent system counter misalignment.

[0.2] (1.0)

b. Logic cabinet--- Stops all rod motion in man. and auto. [0.5]

Power cabinet--- Inhibits rod motion in auto and manual for all rods in the affected group. [0.53 Individual groups or banks not j associated with the failed cabinet, may be moved. [0.51 (1.5) ! REFERENCE I WJE 162 NPS 227, Ch. 4, Pp. 17,18,21 1 ANSWER 3.04 ( (2.40]

o. The reactor can accept the load change with 10% handled by the control rods (0.4] and 40% by steam dumps. [0.4] (0.8)
b. 2/2 switches (0.2] Emergency trip oil system pressure decreas-ing. [0.2]

4/4 [0.23 turbine stop valves closed. [0. 2 ] ~ (0.8)

c. 1. High RCS Pressure.
2. Overtemperature delta T.
3. High pressurizer level. [Any 2, 0.4 each] (0.8) l
 !     REFERENCE WJE 163 NPS 227, Ch.                     5, P. 22

U s

    . 'iz'_IN11BudENI1_8NQ_GQNIBQL1

_ PAGE 27 l: ANSWERS -- WOLF CREEK -85/04/23-WHITTEMORE, J. I ANSWER 3.05 (2.80)

o. Caused by opening a reactor trip and bypass breaker. [0.43 RESULTS: Trips turbine
                          .Causes feed isolation with decreasing Tave.

Prevents auto SI initiation after reset. Transfers steam dump controllers. (FWIV interlock ---not required) [0.3ea.] (1.6) 1 b .'-1. FCV's and bypasses shut.

2. Both MFP's trip.
3. Main turbine trips.
4. Feed line isolation occurs. [0.3 each] (1.2)

REFERENCE WJE 164 NPS 227, Ch. 5, Pp. 23,26-ANSWER 3.06 (2.30)

o. Load reject--- Auct. .high Tave.

Tref. (impulse pressure) Plant trip---- Auct. high Tave. T-no load. [0.2 each] (0.8)

b. The controller temperature deviation output signal feeds 2 bi-stables set to trip at 50% and 100% steam dump demand equivalent.

[0.53 The 50% bistable causes steam dump groups 1 & 2 to trip open,while the other bistable actuates groups 3 & 4. [0.53'Thus, a signal of deviation over 50% and demand over 75% will cause 2 groups to trip open and 2 groups to ramp open. [0.5] (1.5) l REFERENCE WJE 165 l NPS 223, Ch. 4, Pp. 11-14

I f




ANSWER 3.07- (2.80).

a. The FCV is a diaphragm operated valve that opens with air pres-sure against spring pressure and is positioned by a signal from a positioner. [0.6] The actuating line contains train "A" & "B" l solenoids that upon deenergizing will block operating air and vent'the diaphragm chamber, causing the valve to shut. [0.63 (1.2)

I- b. In place of a flow error signal the bypass control system uses auct. high nuclear power [0.3] as an indication of anticipated steam demand. [0.3] This is necessary because flow signals are less stable and accurate at low power, and better transient re-L sponse is obtained. [0.4] (1.0) c.<The pumps will run at a speed to maintain the no-load delta-P. (0.6) REFERENCE WJE 166 NPS 223, Ch.6, Pp.4,5,14,17


l i i ANSWER 3.08 (2.80)

a. Generally on/off controls such as open or shut valves and run or stop pumps do not have a transfer switch. [0.51 Modulation or variable type controls do have transfer switches. [0.53 (1.0)
b. To prevent "B" side components from operating or actuating spur-iously. (0.8)
c. 1. Pressurizer heaters.
2. AFW pump suction switchover. l

[0.5 each] (1.0) REFERENCE WJE 167 NPS 229, Ch. 1, Pp. 11,17

 .. 2t__IN2IBudENI1_6NQ_QQNIBQL1                                                       PAGE     29 ANSWERS -- WOLF CREEK                  -85/04/23-WHITTEMORE,                  J.

ANSWER 3.09 (2.40)

c. The OT dT setpoint will decrease if:

1..Tave increases.

2. RCS pressure decreases.
3. Delta I outside of target band.

The OP dT setpoint will decrease if:

1. Teve is above full power value.
2. Tave is increasing (rate) (0.35 each) (1.75)
b. The inputs used are sensitive to and will change as flow changes OR; other' trips provide loss of flow protection. (Accept either answer for full credit.) (0.65)

REFERENCE WJE 169 NPS 215, Ch. 5, Pp. 8-10 ANSWER 3.10 (2.00)

c. The temperature compensation signal used is Wide Range RCS Thot, which does not accurately represent Reactor Vessel average temp-erature at full power. (0.5) This over compensatien for density change-causes the indicated level to decrease as power is in-creased. (0.53 (1.0)
b. RTD's are located on the sensing lines and this temperature sig-nel is used to provide a sensing line density correction factor. (1.0)

REFERENCE WJE 170 NPS 215, Ch. 3, Pp. 9-11 W w p -- - = y p- -, t- ' = ' - -* * +m' n - MT-

. .a. *t__EBQCEDQBE1_=_NQBd8Lt_8BNQBd8Lt_EMEBGENGl_8NQ PAGE 30 88DIQLQQIG8L_GQNIBQL ANSWERS -- WOLF CREEK -85/04/23-WHITTEMORE, J. ANSWER 4.01 (1.50) D or #61021 next to the roll-up door on the east side toward the south end of the fuel building el. 2000'. Door #61011 located on the south side through the stairwell el. 2000'. Door #15071, northwest door on el. 2047'. Any description which can be translated to the above locations is alright. 0.5 pt each REFERENCE WCGS'ADM 03-052, REV 1, pg 2 ANSWER 4.02 (1.00) Wash hands with MILD SOAP and LUKEWARM WATER, using a SOFT BRISTLE BRUSH cround the fingernails, if necessary. PAT hands dry, do not rub. 0.25 pts for each CAPITALIZED area. REFERENCE WCGS ADM 03-102, REV 2, pg 4 b

 , 'A z__
      ' EBQGEQUBER_ _NQBdekt_8BNQBdeLt_EMEBGENGl_8NQ                                        PAGE               31
         -BeQIQL9alCeL_GQNIBQL ANSWERS -- WOLF CREEK                        -85/04/23-WHITTEMORE,         J.

ANSWER 4.03 (2.50) A.~(ahy 4) What kind of bomb is it? Where is,the bomb located? When wil. it explode?

           .What does it look like?

Did you place the bomb? Why? What is your name? What is your address? _B.-Caller's Sex, age, race, voice characteristics, type of language used. Background sounds Length of call and number at which received. (Give full credit if 80% or more of the above are given) C.: Accept: 1. File cabinet by desk; OR 2. Book case in SS office. 1 pt each for A and B, 0.5 pts for C. REFERENCE WCGS ADM 10-004, REV 0, pg-3 FORM 1600-53 ANSWER 4.04 (2.50) D, F, H, E, A, C, B, G There are seven arrangement shifts possible for the worst case. Each shift ic worth 0.357 pts when the minimum number of shifts are made to achieve the1 correct order. REFERENCE. WCGS GEN 00-003, REV 1 pgs 5-11. l l l l 4 i l i

             , .. o
              - ANSWERS -- WOLF CREEK .                  -85/04/23-WHITTEMORE, J.

ANSWER 4.05 'C2.50) A. 5 B. -4 or 2 C . --- 3 or 5: D. '6 E. 1-or 5-0.5 pts each

              ' REFERENCE.

WC6S GEN 00-004, REV 1, pgs 3-5 ANSWER 4.06 (2.50)

1. Failure of any RCCA to fully insert following a reactor trip.or.

shutdown. 2.- Control rod height below the' insertion limit.

3. Failure of the Reactor Makeup Control System to the extent that bypass is necessary to accomplish boration..
              .4.. Uncontrolled RCS cooldown following a reactor trip not requiring safeguards actuation.
5. - Unexpected or uncontrolled reactivity increase as indicated by abnormal control bank insertion, increasing temperature or nuclear power level, or increasing flux level during shutdown.
6. Inadequate SDM (Any 5, 0.5 each]


, WCGS NPS 217-2,pg 38 J

ANSWER- 4.~ 07 (2.50) A. Subcriticality B. Direct operator action to recover / restore the degraded safety function dependent on which CSF is challenged and the extent of degradation. C ~. 'If an extreme challenge is ~ diagnosed, the operator should immediately stop optimal recovery and initiate function restoration to restore the i' Critical Safety Function under extreme challenge.

             ~0.5 pts'for A. and 1 pt each for B. and C.


    . o.      .


    -WCGS ERGS ANSWER      4.08        (3.00)
1. . Verify Permissive P-9 has actuated.
2. Open heater drain pump discharge valves.
3. Heat balance calculation
4. Start third condensate pump
5. . Start second feedwater pump
6. Start third circulating water pump.
7. Calculate QPTR CAny 6, 0.5 each)

REFERENCE WCGS GEN 00-004, pg 3 ANSWER 4.09 (2.50)

1. RCS subcooling based on core exit T/Cs- Greater than required per fig.1
2. S/G pressures - stable or decreasing
3. RCS hot leg temperature - stable or decreasing
4. Core exit T/Cs - stable or decreasing
5. RCS cold leg temperatures - at saturation temperature for S/G pressure 0.5 pts each REFERENCE WCGS EMG ES-03, ATTACHMENT A s

1 1 l l l


      ; ANSWERS -- WOLF CREEK                       -85/04/23-WHITTEMORE,   J.

ANSWER 4.10 (3.00) E A.- SI termination criteria;

1. RCS subcooling based on core exit T/Cs'- greater than required by fig. 1-2.- Secondary heat sink:
a. Total feed flow to intact S/Gs - greater than 300,000 lbm/hr.
b. N.R. lesel in at least one intact S/G - greater than 4%.
3. RCS pressure - stable or increasing
4. Pressurizer level - greater than 4%

B. Reinitiate SI if EITHER condition listed below occurs: l 1. RCS subcooling based on core exit T/Cs- less than required by fig.1

2. Pressurizer level - cannot be maintained greater than 4%.

0.5 pts for each of 6 maj or subparts. REFERENCE WCGS EMG E-3, 'pgs 16, 31 LANSWER 4.11 -(1.50) (Any 4)

1. C-3, OT DELTA T (3% below the reactor trip setpoint.)
2. C-4, OP DELTA T (3% below the reactor trip setpoint.)
3. Stator water. temperature high (82 degrees C)
4. Stator water pump discahrge pressure low
5. Loss of a circulating pump when >60% power
6. Loss of a main feed pump when >60% power. (0.375 es.) (1.5)

REFERENCE WCGS OFN 00-001, REV. O, pg 1 3

r=  !


8 U. S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION L SENIOR REACTOR OPERATOR LICENSE ~ EXAMINATION FACILITY: _WQLE_QBEEK______________ REACTOR TYPE: _EWB-WEQi________________ DATE ADMINISTERED:_QELQil21________________ EXAMINER: _dQQBQB1t_St_____________ APPLICANT: _________________________ IN11BuGIIQN1_IQ_8EELIQ8HIl U2oiseparate paper for the answers. Write answers on one side only.

      ^ Staple question -sheet on top of the answer sheets.                                     Points for each quastion are indicated in parentheses after the question. The passing grade requires at least 70%'in each category and a final grade of at least-80%. Examination papers will be picked up six (6) hours after tho examination. starts.
                                            % OF CATEGORY    % 0F-   APPLICANT'S        CATEGORY
  .__V8LUE_ _IQI6L     ___1GQBE___        _V8LUE__ ______________Q8IEQQBl_____________
 . _2E100__ _251Q9     ___________        ________ 5.          THEORY OF' NUCLEAR. POWER PLANT OPERATION, FLUIDS, AND THERMODYNAMICS

_2510R__ _25100 ___________ ________ 6. PLANT SYSTEMS DESIGN, CONTROL, AND INSTRUMENTATION

  ' 25100__ _21199


                     -FINAL GRADE _________________%

All work done on this examination is my own. I have neither given nor received aid. APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE

k Ei__IHEQB1_QE_NUGLE88_EQWEB_EL8HI_QEEB8IIQNt_ELUIQ1t_8NQ PAGE 2 IHEBdQDIN8 DIG 1 l r QUESTION 5.01 (3.503-1 O. . Define differentia 1' boron worth. (0.5)

b. Explain how and why the following changes affect differential boron worth:
1. Boron concentration INCREASES. (0.75)
2. Moderator temperature INCREASES. (0.75)
3. Fission _ product concentration INCREASES. (0.75)
4. Core age INCREASES. (0.75)

QUESTION. 5.02 (2.50)

         .o. For an operator taking data for a 1/M plot, how will the Shut-down margin (SDM) affect the time elapsed before a stable count-rate can be obtained after withdrawing rods ?                     C0.75) b.-How will the initial count rate affect the count rate at crit-icality ?                                                        (0.75)
c. If the speed-of the control rods were to somehow increase. What would be the effect be on:
1. Rod height at criticality ? (0.5)
2. Count rate at criticality ? (0.5)

QUESTION 5.03 (3.00)

o. Explain the terms beta bar and beta bar effective. Your answer should include an explanation of which term is larger in magni-tude.and why. (1.5)
b. Explain how and why the above mentioned terms will affect re-actor response throughout cycle life. (1.5)


r s

   -Et__IBEQBl_QE_NVQLE88_EQWEB_EL8HI_QEEB8IIQNt_ELVIQ1t_8NQ                                                                                           PAGE   3 IBEBdQQ1N8dIQ1 QUESTION                                                                                5.04        (2.00)
c. Explain what is meant the term " Isothermal Temperature Coeffic-ient ? (1.0)
b. When and why is the coefficient of interest or concern to the operator ? (1.0)

QUESTION 5.05 (3.00)

c. During natural circulation cooldown, you notice pressurizer level suddenly increase after the initiation of pressurizer spray. Ex-plain what ~ iin occurring. (1.5) b.-Assume a small LOCA results from the rupture of a pressurizer level transmitter sensing line. Compare the severity of the ac-cident if the ruptured line is the upper (reference) or lower (variable) sensing line. (1.5)

QUESTION 5.06 (3.00)

c. How do each of the following parameters change (increase, decrease or no change) if one main steam isolation valve closes with the plant at 50% load. Assume all controls are in automatic and that no trip occurs.
1. Affected loop steam generator level (INITIAL change only)
2. Affected loop steam generator pressure
3. Affected loop cold leg temperature
4. Unaffected loop steam generator level (INITIAL change only)
5. Unaffected loop steam generator pressure
6. Unaffected loop cold leg temperature (2.4)
b. Which of the reactor protection system signals could be expected to cause a reactor trip? (If more than one, list the one that would reach the trip point first.) (0.6)

(***** CATEGORY 05 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****) _ _ _ ____ - ___ _ - __ - _ - _ - __- - _______ _ __ _ _ _____ - __ - -____ __________ _ - ___A

t i . Ei__IHEQBl_QE_NWGLE8B_EQWEB_EL&NI_QEEB6110Nt_ELWIQ1t_8NQ PAGE 4 IHEBdQQ1NedIGS l l QUESTION 5.07 (1.50) l Explain rod worth variation:

          .A.        with its radial position in the core.

B. if another rod is inserted adj acent to it. I C. if the moderator temperature changes. I l l QUESTION 5.08 (2.50) The power defect is an observable reactivity effect in the reactor. t A. Explain how and why the defect changes from BOL to EOL. [ B. Explain fully how power defect affects reactor operation at power. QUESTION 5.09 (3.00) A. At BOL with Keff=0.995, 500 pcm is add to the reactor. What is the condition of the~ reactor (subcritical, critical, or supercritical)? p. Justify your answer with a calculation of the new Keff. L B. What power level would this reactor be at if 700 pcm is added instead j of 500 pcm? State all assumptions and thumb rules. QUESTION 5.10 (1.00) Explain why the mass flow rate in the secondary system is substantially icwer than that in the primary system. s (***** END OF CATEGORY 05 *****)


c. What are 2 interlocks that must be considered if a line up change is is to be made to the Safety Related 120VAC system due to inoperable equipment, scheduled surveillance, ground isolation and repair, etc. ? (0.8)
b. Why are there 2 different sizes of Safety Related 125VOC batter-ies ? (0.6)
c. When and how is a Safety Related battery charger lined up for a equalizer charge ? (0.6)

QUESTION 6.02 (2.10) O. Explain how automatic make up flow rate is controlled. (1.2)

b. Describe the action that occurs as a result of placing the Make Up Control Switch in "RUN" with the Make Up Mode Selector switch in " MANUAL". (0.9)

QUESTION 6.03 (1.80)

o. Describe what happens to any gaseous and liquid radioactive waste generated by the Post Accident Sampling System as a re-sult of sampling Reactor Coolant or the Containment Sump. (1.0)
b. What are 4 subsystems of the Solid Radweste system ? (0.8)

QUESTION 6.04 (2.90)

c. What are the 2 SETS of conditions that will auto close the startup transformer output breakers for auto bus transfer ? (1.0)
b. What conditions will auto trip the startup transformer output breakers ? (0.9)
c. Explain how and why non-class.13.8 KV power will transfer after l a reactor trip. (1.0) l i



           ~6i__EL8HI_111IEdi_DE119Ni_GQNIBQLi_8NQ_IN11BudENI8I1QN                                                                                                                          PAGE   6 QUESTION' 6.05                                                                                                                     (3.00)
c. List all possible sources of feedwater heating when using the startup feedwater system. In addition to the component or heat
                       -exchanger utilized, state the source of heat or steam for that component.
             -b. Describe the flow paths through the Moisture ~ Separator Reheat-ers. Your answer should include source of inlet fluid, and a sequential list of components that drains pass through before collecting in the heater drain tank.
           ~ QUESTION                                              6.06                                                                        (3.00)

Explain or list the specific actions caused by the Load Shedding cnd Sequencing system for the 3 different initiating conditions ? QUESTION 6.07 (2.70)

c. What are the 3 Intermediate Range Nuclear Instrument control, in-terlock, or protection signals that do not pass through an isol-ation amplifier ? (0.9)
b. Explain how the Intermediate Range is designed so that channel surveillance may be performed without caus'ing a reactor trip at low power, even though the trip logic is 1/2. (0.8)
c. List and explain 2 different nuclear instrument subsystems that will detect and warn the operator of a tilt in quadrant power production. (1.0)


f 1 ht__EL8NI_111IEdi_DE119Nt_QQNIBQLt_8NQ_INSIBudENI6110N PAGE 7 QUESTION 6.08 (2.40) The protection system will cause a reactor trip upon a turbine trip then power is above 50%:

a. What is the rationale for not needing a reactor trip for a tur-bine trip below 50% power ? (0.8)
b. What provides the turbine trip signal to the protection system ?

State any applicable log ic . (0.8)

c. In the event this trip failed to actuate, what are 2 other trips that would cause a protective shutdown ? (0.8)

QUESTION 6.09 (2.30)

0. What parameters are compared to determine the positioning signal recieved by the steam dump I/P convertor for:
1. Load rejection ?
2. Plant trip ? (0.8)
b. Explain how it is possible for 2 groups of steam dumps to trip open, while the other 2 groups ramp open. (1.5)

QUESTION 6.10 (2.80)

c. Explain how the feedwater control valves are overridden and shut by protection signals. Specific signals are not required but the answer should include discussion of control system components,
        .and their functions or attributes.                                (1.2)
b. Explain how and why the control system for the feedwater bypass control valve is, basically different from the system for the i feedwater control valve. (1.0)
c. What effect will loss of the total steam flow signal have on the automatic control of feed pump speed ? (0.6) l l

l (***** END OF CATEGORY 06 *****)

   ' Zi__EBQGEQUBE1_=_NQBU6L&_8BNQBU8L&_EMEBGENGl_8NQ                       PAGE    8 88919LQ91G8L_GQNIBQL
    -QUESTION     7.01        (1.50)

Identify the evacuation exits from the fuel building. QUESTION 7.02 (1.00) Describe the initial decontamination process for hand contamination. QUESTION 7.03 (2.50) i If you answer the phone in the control room and it turns out to be a bomb threat: , U A. What are 4'of the.8 prescribed questions you should attempt to ask the caller? B.- Outline the other information you should try to determine about the caller. C. Where in the control room are the bomb threat forms located? QUESTION 7.04 (2.50) Arr'ange the following events in order of occurence during a startup from hot standby to minimum load. A. Block Power Range Low Power trips B. Place the Turbine Generator on the line. C. Place Main Feedwater Pump Turbine Speed controls in auto. , D. Block the' Source Range Flux Doubling Transfer trip.  ; E. Start one Main Feedwater Turbine Pump F. Block the Source Range High Flux trip. G. Place the Steam Dump Mode Controller in Tevg mode. H. Place the Main Feedwater Control Valve Bypass Valves in manual and increase Steam Generator level to 55-654. G (***** CATEGORY 07 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****) l


  ' 2x__EBQQEQUBES_=_NQBM6Lt_8tNQBd8Lt_EMEBEENQ1_6NQ                                                                                        PAGE 9 B601DLQEIQ8L_GQNIBQL QUESTION                                       7.05        (2.50)

Match the following operator actions with the required power level while increasing power level above minimum load to full power. Some power levels Cay be used more than once and some may not be used at all. A. Verify P-9 actuated 1. 80%

8. Verify Intermediate Range Hi 2. 10%

Level Trip Status Lights on 3. 40%

0. Start both Hester Drain Pumps 4. 25%
0. Verify P-8 actuated 5. 50%

E. Perform a calorimetric 6. 48%

         . QUESTION                                              7.06        (5.00)

List the immediate actions for each of the following emergency conditions or responses. Where verifications are required, list the indications to be cbserved or monitored to perform the verification. A. Loss of all AC Power, EMG C-0 B. Saf ety Inj ection, EMG E-0 QUESTION 7.07 (2.50) List five conditions that require immediate boration. QUESTION 7.08 (2.50) A. Which critical safety function has the top priority?

8. What is the purpose of a Functional Restoration Guide?

C. What action must be taken if a red color symbol is found in a status tree? QUESTION 7.09 (3.00) When escalating in power per GEN 00-004 (Power Operation), there are six things which should be done when reactor power reaches 50%. What are they? (***** CATEGORY 07 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****)


           ,- B6010LQ91G8L_CQNIBQL QUESTION    7.10       (2.00)

If a startup is being made to recover from a reactor trip, the Mode 3 to 2 cnd the Mode 2 to 1 checklists may be considered complete if 4 conditions exist. What are these conditions?


(***** END OF CATEGORY 07 *****) w.

r At__80 DIN 11186IIVE_EBQGEQUBEft GQNQ1IIQNit_8NQ_L15118IIQN1 PAGE 11 QUESTION 8.01 (2.00) A. When may a Clearance without a DNO Tag be authorized?

8. When is it appropriate to consider using this kind of Clearance?

QUESTION 8.02 (2.00) A. When may a temporary modification be made to a system without issuing a Temporary Modification Order or hanging Temporary Modification Tags?

8. How often must outstanding Temporary Modifications be reviewed?

QUESTION 8.03 (2.00) Briefly define each of the following categories of surveillance tests: A. L B. 01 C. C2 D. R E.- P QUESTION 8.04 (2.00) Briefly outline the duties and responsibilities of the Shift Supervisor for Pest Trip Review as set forth in ADM 02-400. QUESTION 8.05 (2.00) Fill in the blanks for the following: A. If an individual expects to exceed ____ millirem in any calender week, his ___ s hall not if y ___ ___ ___ and obt ain ___ pe rmiss ion. B. The ___ of any individual who expects to exceed ___ millirem in any calender week shall submit a ___ ___ ___ for approval by ___ ___ ___. (***** CATEGORY 08 CONTINUE 0 ON NEXT PAGE *****)

L j . Ai__8 QUIN 11188IIVE_EBQQEQWBEli_GQNQ1Il0Nat_8NQ_LidII8Il0H1 PAGE 12 i I \ QUESTION 8.06 (2.00) I What limits are placed on working overtime for unit staff personnel who i parform safety related functions? I l QUESTION 8.07 (3.00) A. What three signatures are required before a Radiation Work Permit (RWP) ) is valid?  ;

8. As Shift Supervisor, how would you handle a case where immediate entry into a Radiation Area is necessary and sufficient time is not available to process a RWP?

l-l QUESTION 8.08 (2.00) l l State the maximum allowable leak rate per Technical Specifications for each

of the following

A. Reactor Coolant Pump B. BIT inj ection containment isolation valve C. A Steam Generator tube D.. Reactor Vessel Head boltdown ring QUESTION 8.09 (2.50) What minimum required AC electrical sources must be OPERABLE in Mode 3? ( (***** CATEGORY 08 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****)

    -Az__8DdIN11IB8I1YE_EBQGEDUBEli_GQNQIIIQNit_8NQ_L1511811QN1             PAGE   13 QUESTION   8.10        (4.00)

Match the event with the correct emergency classification. An emergency classification may be used more than once or not at all. EVENT EMERG. CLASS.

1. Inadvertent opening of SG relief or safety valve A. Unusual Event
2. Break in instrument line from RCS pressure B. Alert boundary that penetrates containment. C. SAE
3. Complete loss of RCS forced flow. D. General Emerg.
4. Dropped fuel assembly during fueling operations. E. None
5. Radioactive waste gas decay tank failure.
6. SG tube failure
7. RCCA ej ection accidents
8. RC pump shaft seizure QUESTION 8.11 (1.50)

List three of the five organizations to be given initial notifications when the emergency plan is implemented. (***** END OF CATEGORY 08 *****) (************* END OF EXAMINATION ***************)


c. Change in reactivity due to a change in boron concentration. (0.5)
b. 1. Differential boron worth (DBW) decreases (0.25] because the boron atoms are competing with each other for neutrons (0.5]. (0.75)
2. DBW decreases (0.25] as moderator density decreasing (moves boron atcms farther apart)[0.25] decreasing neutron capture probability in boron atoms (0.25]. (0.75)
3. DBW decreases (0.25] because poisons are competing with boron atoms. [0.5] (0.75)
4. DBW initially decreases (0.25] due to fp buildup (0.125] then increases (0.25] due to boron depletion (0.125]. (0.75)

REFERENCE WJE 152 WCGS Nuclear Training Division Test Bank Question RT-G3 ANSWER 5.02 (2.50)

c. The closer to criticality, (less SDM) the longer time required to reach a stable count rate. (0.75)
b. A higher initial count rate will result in a higher count rate at criticality. (0.75)
c. 1. Critical rod height is not affected. (0.5)
2. Critical count rate will be lower. (0.5)

REFERENCE WJE 192 WCGS Reactor Theory Review, P. 21


o. Bets bar is the average delayed neutron fraction or the weighted average fraction for the different fissionable materials.present.

[0.5) Beta bar effective is the effective fraction (0.25) and is smaller as it is the product of beta bar and an importance fac-tor. [0.25] The importance factor is generally less than one as delayed neutrons are less likely to cause fission. [0.53 (Will accept an explanation of how the importance factor is affected by Fast Fission and Non-leakage factors) (1.5)

b. Beta bar and Beta Bar effective will decrease in value over cy-  !

cle life (0.5) due to the changing concentrations of the differ-ent fissionable isotopes in the core. [0.5) Smaller values of the effective fraction means that the reactor period will be smaller. or the reactor will respond quicker for a given react-ivity change, as the core ages. [0.53 (1.5) REFERENCE WJE 192 WCGS Reactor Theory Review, Pp. 25,26 ANSWER 5.04 (2.00)

c. The ITC is the reactivity change associated with a unit change in the temperature of the moderator, clad and the fuel. (1.0)
b. During start up when core and moderator are heated uniformly. (1.0)

REFERENCE WJE 194 WCGS Core Physics, P. 5-4

I 4 i i i Ez__IHEQBl_QE_NUGLE88_EQWEB_EL8HI_QEEB8110Nt_ELUIQ1t_8NQ PAGE 16 IHEBdQQINed1G1 ANSWERS -- WOLF CREEK -85/04/23-MCCRORY, S. f a ANSWER 5.05 (3.00)

c. Due to the decrease in pressurizer temperature / pressure [0.5) the system is voiding somewhere else [0.5] and forcing coolant into the pressurizer. [0.51 (1.5)
b. The lower line rupture is more severe [0.75] as the mass loss of water is greater than the mass loss of' steam. [0.75) (1.5)

REFERENCE WJE 196 WCGS Exam Question Bank, HT-D2, HD-03 ANSWER 5.06 , (3.00)

c. 1. Decrease
2. Increase i
3. Increase
4. Increase
5. Decrease
6. Decrease [0.4 each] (2.4)
b. Lo-Lo S/G Level (0.6) s i

REFERENCE WJE 198 WCGS Bank, HT-L l l l l t l l l t

5t__IHEQBl_QE_NMGLE88_EQWEB_EL8HI_QEEB8110Nt_ELU10St_8NQ PAGE 17 IBEBMQQ18801GS ANSWERS -- WOLF CREEK -85/04/23-MCCRORY, S. I ANSWER 5.07 (1.50) A. A control rod's worth is proportional to the square of the relative I flux it sees. Since flux density drops off as you move away from the 1 core centerline, so does rod worth. (0.50)

8. Placing a second rod adj acent to the first will depress the flux in i that area and decrease the worth of the first rod. (0.5) l C. The rod worth will increase as temperature increases. This is because i the neutron migration length increases as temperature increases, allow- l ing the control rod to see more neutrons. Since the moderator is less dense, a neutron will travel farther while slowing down and diffusing through the core increasing chances of encountering a control rod.(0.5)

REFERENCE Standard Reactor Theory WCGS BANK QUES. RT-K4 ANSWER 5.08 (2.50) A. Power defect will increase from BOL to EOL mainly due to the increase in the moderator temperature coefficient as boron is removed from the coolant over core life. (1.0)

8. The power defect is a negative reactivity effect that must be overcome when increasino reactor power. Also, on a reactor trip we must now add additional negative reactivity to achieve the desired shutdown margin in order to compensate for the positive reactivity resulting in the removal of the power defect. Since it is a negative feedback, it tends to stabilize reactor power and assist in reactor control. (1.5)

REFERENCE Standard Reactor Theory WCGS BANK QUES. RT-L2 l

li__IHEQBl_QE_NWQLE88_EQWEB_EL8HI_QEEB8IIQNt_ELW101&_8NQ PAGE 18 IHEBdQQ1N861G1 ANSWERS -_ WOLF CREEK -85/04/23-MCCRORY, S. ANSWER 5.09 (3.00) A. Subcritical (0.5) p=(K-1)/K = (0.995-1)/0.995 = -0.00503 = 503 pcm (0.5) K2 = 1/(1-p) = 1/[1-C-0.00003)) = 0.9997 (0.5) B. 503 pcm must be added in order for the reactor to go critical. 700-503= 197 (which is excess positive reactivity). (0.5) Power will rise to the point of adding heat where it will be stablized by the pwr defect at: (assume power coefficient of 14 pcm/% power) (0.5) 197pcm/(14pcm/% power) = 14% power (0.5) REFERENCE Standard Reactor Theory WCGS BANK QUES. RT-L12 ANSWER 5.10 (1.00) The secondary side of the steam generator undergoes a phase change. Large crounts of energy are stored in the latent heat of vaporization. Therefore 10ss mass of water is needed to store the same thermal energy. REFERENCE Standard HT&FF Theory WCGS BANK QUES H.T.-G11


o. 1. The regulated transformer output is interlocked so that it f supply only 1 bus at a time. (0.4)
2. Interlocks prevent supplying a single bus from an inverter I and the regulating bus at the same time. (0.4)
b. Two of the DC buses supply additional uncommon DC loads so their
battery capacities are higher. (0.6) l

' o. When individual cell voltages drop to a predetermined setpoint, a switch on the charger panel is placed in the equilize posi-tion,(which raises output voltage). (0.6) REFERENCE WJE 172 NPS 213, Ch. 5, Pp. 5,12,13 ANSWER 6.02 (2.10)

c. The primary water flow control valve will throttle to maintain a total solution flow rate (of 120 GPM). [0.6) The boric acid flow control valve controls flow rate according to a predetermined setpoint.(0.6) (1.2)
b. 1. BA pump starts (0.3)
2. MU water pump starts (0.3)
3. Flow control valves assume preset flow control positions.[0.3)(0.9)

REFERENCE WJE 183 NPS 217, Ch.2, Pp.20,35,41


    . ANSWER         6.03                       (1.80)
0. Sample waste is routed to the RCDT. (0.6] Liquid waste will be processed through normal liquid waste system. (0.2] The RCDT in-terfaces with the gaseous waste system which will process the gaseous weste. (0.2] t (1.0)
b. 1. Dry waste compactor. f
2. Filter handling subsystem.
3. Rosin sluicing system. j
4. Redweste drumming system.
5. Rosin charging system. (any 4, 0.2 each] (0.8)

REFERENCE WJE 184 l NPS 219, Ch. 3, Pp. 16,36 l e I ANSWER 6.04 (2.90)

o. 1. Control switch in normal.

Main generator output or switchyard breakers open. Sync. check relay satisified.

2. Aux. transformer output breakers open.

Undervoltage on the bus. [0.2 each] (1.0)

b. SU XFMR lockout relay trip.

Any aux. XFMR output breaker is closed. Fault on SU XFMR output breaker. [0.3 each) (0.9)

c. Turbine will trip immediatly, but generator output breakers re-main closed for 30 seconds. [0.3] Automatically transfer to
             - startup power when breakers open. (0.31 This provides uninter-rupted power to RCP's (0.21 and prevents turbine overspeed. (0.2)(1.0)

REFERENCE WJE 156 NPS 213, Ch. 2,Pp.6,8,9 f

                    .0 I
 ' 6t__EL8NI_1I1IEdi_DE11GNt_QQNIBQLt_eNQ_INSIBudENI6I1QN                                  PAGE   21 ANSWERS -- WOLF CREEK                    -85/04/23-MCCRORY, S.

ANSWER 6.05 [3.00)

a. 1. Main condenser. [0.13 Sparging steam from main or eux.

steam. [0.23

2. S/G blowdown regen. HX. [0.1] Flash tank drains. [0.2]
3. 5A&B feed heaters. [0.1] Flash tank steam. [0.2]
4. 6A%8 feed heaters. [0.13 Main steam. [0.2] [1.23
b. MSR Shell [0.1] Source is from HP turbine exhaust. [0.2] Orains to MSR drain tank and directly to heater drain tank. [0.3]

ist. stg. heater. [0.1] Source is HP 3rd stg. extraction steam. [0.2] Orains are routed to drain tank, 6A&B feedheaters, and to heater drain tank. [0.3] 2nd. stg. heater. [0.13 Source is main steam. [0.2] Drains are routed through the drain tank, 7A&B feed heaters, 6A&B feed heat-ers, to heater drain tank. [0.3] [1.8) REFERENCE l WJE 159 l MPS 223, Ch. 3, Pp.9,26,27,28 l l ANSWER 6.06 [3.00) j Undervoltage (UV) : 1. Starts diesel. I 2. Sheds ALL bus loads. l 3. D/G bkr. shuts and starts sequencer. SIS /CSAS : 1. Sheds NON-SAFETY loads.

2. Starts LOCA sequencer.

SIS /CSAS with UV: 1. Starts diesel. (

2. Sheds ALL loads.
3. Blocks LOCA Sequencer.

! 4. When 0/G bkr. closes, l S. Sequences SAFETY loads. [0.3 each] [3.0) l REFERENCE l WJE 168 l NPS 213, Ch. 3, Pp. 14-17 l l l ! l


o. 1. C-1, Auto and manual rod block
2. P-6 Permissive
3. Reactor trip. [0.3 each) (0.g) l
b. The level trip bypass switch prevents a protection signal f rom being processed from the channel being tested. (0.8)
c. 1. Detector current comparator. [0.2] Each detector current is compared to the average of the other upper or lower detector currents. [0.23 An alarm is annunciated on deviation (of 2%,

over 50% power). [0.1] (0.5) 2.-Channel current comparator. [0.2] A channel output is com-pared to the other channels. [0.23 An alarm is annunciated on a deviation (of 2%). [0.13 (0.5) REFERENCE WJE 160 NPS 227, Ch. 2, Pp.20,21,27,28 ANSWER 6.08 (2.40)

c. The reactor can accept the load change with 10% handled by the control rods [0.43 and 40% by steam dumps. [0.43 (0.8)
     .b. 2/2 Switches [0.23 Emergency trip oil system pressure decreas-ing. 10.23 l            4/4 [0.2] turbine stop valves closed. [0.2]                                                             (0.8)
c. 1. High RCS Pressure.
           .2. Overtemperature delta T.

l 3.'High pressurizer. level. [Any 2, 0.4 each] (0.8) REFERENCE WJE 163 NPS 227,'Ch. 5, P. 22 l l

l' l ' 6t__EL& HIC 111IEnt_DE1198t_GQNIBQLt_6NQ_INSIBUBENI8IIQN PAGE 23 s ANSWERS -- WOLF CREEK -85/04/23-MCCRORY, S. ANSWER 6.09 -(2.30) J

              ' c. . Load rej ect--                                 Auct. high Tave.
                                                                    -Tref. Cimpulse pressure)

Plant trip---- Auct. high Tave. - T-no load. [0.2 each] (0.8)

b. The controller-temperature deviation output signal feeds 2 bi-stables set to trip at 50% and 100% steam dump demand equivalent.

[0.53 The 50% bistable causes steam dump groups 1 1 2 to trip open,while the other bistable actuates groups 3 & 4. [0.53 Thus, ) i a signal;of deviation over 50% and demand over 75% will cause 2  ! groups to-trip open and 2 groups to ramp open. [0.53 (1.5) l l . REFERENCE l WJE 165 NPS 223, Ch. 4, Pp. 11-14 l ANSWER 6.10 (2.80) i.

o. The FCV is a diaphragm operated valve that opens with air pres-L sure against spring pressure and is positioned by a signal f rom j a positioner. [0.6] The actuating line contains train "A" & "B"
solenoids that upon deenergizing will block operating air and vent the diaphragm chamber, causing the valve to shut. [0.63 (1.2) l 'b. In place of a flow error signal the bypass control system uses
   ;                             suct. high nuclear power [0.33 as an indication of anticipated le steam demand. [0.33 This is necessary because flow sfgnals are less stable and accurate at low power, and better transient re-sponse is obtained. [0.4]                                                              (1.0) g                    c.':The pumps will run at. a speed to maintain the no-load delta-P.                                 (0.6) p I                  REFERENCE WJE 166 NPS 223, Ch.6, Pp.4,5,14,17
     - Zz__EBQGEQuBER_=_NQBU6L&_8BNQBd8Lt_EMEBGENGl_8NQ                                                                                 PAGE                 24 88DIQLQEIG8L_CQNIBQL i

ANSWERS:-- WOLF CREEK -85/04/23-MCCRORY, S. 4 ANSWER 7.01 (1.50) Door #61021 next to the roll-up door on the east side toward the south and of the fuel building el. 2000'. Door'#61011clocated on the south side through the stairwell'el. 2000'. Door #15071, northwest door on el. 2047'.

       'Any description which can be translated to the above locations is alright.

0.5 pt each REFERENCE WCGS ADM 03-052, REV 1, pg 2 ANSWER 7.02 (1.00) J WEsh hands.with MILD SOAP and LUKEWARM WATER, using a SOFT BRISTLE BRUSH cround the fingernails, if necessary. PAT hands dry, do not rub. 0.25 pts for each CAPITALIZED area. REFERENCE WCGS ADM 03-102,, REV 2, pg 4 d 4

            . - - -      . . - ..--.,m,     _ , . . _ . .   ._,._.,-,-.,,--.-.,.m-_.,.--              ,.,-, - ...-,- ,--_ ,---- ,- - ,-
  .Zt__EBQGEQUBE1_=_NQBd8Lt_8BNQBd8Lt_EMEBGENQ1_8NQ                          PAGE   25 B8Q19LQQ1G8L_GQNIBQL ANSWERS -- WOLF CREEK                   -85/04/23-MCCRORY, S.

ANSWER 7.03 (2.50) A. (any 4) What kind of bomb is it? Where is the bomb located? When will it explode?

         -What does it look like?

Did you place the bomb? Why? What is your-name? What is your address? B.-Caller's Sex, ege, race, voice characteristics, type of language used. Background sounds Length of call and number at which received. (Give full credit if 80% or more of the above are given) C. Accept: 1. File cabinet by desk; OR 2. Book case in SS office. 1 pt each for A and B, 0.5 pts for C. REFERENCE WCGS ADM 10-004, REV 0, pg 3 FORM 1600-53 ANSWER 7.04 (2.50) D, F, H, E, A, C, B, G There are seven_ arrangement shifts possible for the worst case. Each shift ic worth 0.357 pts when the minimum number of shifts are made to achieve the correct order. REFERENCE WCGS GEN 00-003, REV 1 pgs 5-11. i l


   - Zi _EBQGEQuBE1_=_NQBd8La_8BNQBM8Lt_EMEBQENGl_8NQ                                       PAGE          26 88019LQQIG8L_GQNIBQL 1

ANSWERS -- WOLF CREEK -85/04/23-MCCRORY, S. l l ANSWER- 7.05 (2.50) 4 A. 5 B. 4 or 2 C. 3 or 5 ' D. 6 E. 1 or 5 0.5 pts each REFERENCE WCGS GEN 00-004, REV 1, pgs 3-5 4 l

Zi__EBQQEQUEER_=_NQBd8Lt_8BNQBd8Lt_EMEBGENCY_8NQ PAGE 27 88DIQLQQIQ8L_GQNIBQL ANSWERS -- WOLF CREEK -85/04/23-MCCRORY, S. ANSWER 7.06 (5.00) A. 1. Verify reactor trip

           - Rod bottom lights LIT
           - Reactor trip and bypass breakers     OPEN
             , Neutron flux   DECREASING
2. Verify turbine trip
           - All turbine stop valves CLOSED
3. Verify RCS isolation
           - PRZR PORVs CLOSED
           - Letdown isolation valves      CLOSED
           - Excess letdown isolation valves CLOSED
           - RCS sample valves      CLOSED
           - PRZR sample valves     CLOSED
4. Verify AFW flow - GREATER THAN 300,000 lbm/hr B. 1. (same as A.l.)
2. (same as A.2. plus)
           - Verify main generator and exciter breakers OPEN
3. Verify Power to AC emergency busses
           - AC emergency busses NB01/NB02 AT LEAST ONE ENERGIZED
              -- Voltage NORMAL
           - AC emergency busses ALL ENERGIZED
              -- Voltage NORMAL
4. Check if safety inj ect ion is actuated
           - LOCA sequencer annunciator     LIT
5. Verify feedwater isolation
           - MFW flow control valves CLOSED
           - MFW flow control bypass valves CLOSED
           - MFW isolation valves CLOSED
           - MFW chemical inj ection valves CLOSED
           - S/G blowdown valves CLOSED
           - S/G sample isolation valves CLOSED
6. Verify containment isolation Phase A Phase A ACTUATED Phase A valves CLOSED
              --Check ESFAS status panel for proper alignment
7. Verify AFW pumps RUNNING
           - MD-AFW pumps RUNNING
           -  Turbine driven AFW pump RUNNING IF NECESSARY
8. Verify ECCS pumps RUNNING
           -SI pump
           -RHR pump
9. Verify CCW pumps RUNNING
10. Verify ESW pumps RUNNING
11. Verify containment fan coolers RUNNING IN EMERGENCY MODE


12. Verify containment purge isolation
           - Dampers   CLOSED
13. Check if main steam lines should be isolated
           - Steamline prerssure LESS THAN 585 psig OR Steamline pressure decrease rate greater than 100 psig/50sec when RCS pressure is less than 1970 psig OR
           - Containment pressure greater than or equal to 17 psig (32 psia)
           - Main steamline isolation, bypass and drain valves CLOSED
14. Verify containment spray not required
           -  Containment pressure  HAS REMAINED LESS THAN 27 psig (42 psia)

Ecch numbered step is worth 0.277 pts. If there are subparts to the step, 50% of the point value will be evenly divided among the subparts. REFERENCE A. WCGS ENG C-0, REV 0 B. WCGS EMG-E-0, REV 0 ANSWER 7.07 (2.50)

1. Failure of any RCCA to fully insert following a reactor trip or shutdown.
2. Control rod height below the insertion limit.
3. Failure of the Reactor Makeup Control System to the extent that bypass is necessary to accomplish boration.
4. Uncontrolled RCS cooldown following a reactor trip not requiring safeguards actuation.
5. Unexpected or uncontrolled reactivity increase as indicated by abnormal control bank insertion, increasing temperature or nuclear power level, or increasing flux level during shutdown.
6. Inadequate SOM (Any 5, 0.5 ea.)

REFERENCE WCGS NPS 217-2,pg 38 i i e )

Zm__PBQQEQMBER_:_NQBd8Lt_8BNQBd6Lt_EMEBGENQ1_6NQ PAGE 29 88DIQLQQ1Q8L_QQNIBQL ANSWERS -- WOLF CREEK -85/04/23-MCCRORY, S. s ANSWER 7.08 (2.50) A. Subcriticality B. Direct operator action to recover / restore the degraded saf ety f unction dependent on which CSF is challenged and the extent of degradation. C. If an extreme-challenge is diagnosed, the operator should immediately stop optimal recovery and initiate function restoration to restore the Critical Safety Function under extreme challenge. 0.5: pts for A. and 1 pt each for B. and C. REFERENCE WCGS ERGS ANSWER 7.09 (3.00)

1. Verify Permissive P-9 has actuated.
2. Open heater drain pump discharge valves.
3. Heat balance calculation
4. Start third condensate pump 5.. Start second feedwater pump
6. Start third circulating water pump.
7. Calculate QPTR.

(Any 6, 0.5 ea.) , REFERENCE WCGS GEN 00-004, pg 3 ANSWER 7.10 (2.00)

1. Control rod withdrawal is started within 24 hours of the trip.
2. RCS temperature has not decreased below 500 degrees F since the trip.

3.- The plant is not in an ACTION statement in accordance with the T.S.

4. The cause of the trip is known and corrected.

0.5 pts each REFERENCE WCGS GEN 00-003, pg 3

                                                                               -- - > - - + , -         - , .
                                 ---------m-, . - - . - - - . . , - , , - -r ,

a * - Az__8DMINIIIB8IIVE_EBQGEQUBEli_CQNQII1QNit_8NQ_LIMII811QN1 PAGE 30 ANSWERS -- WOLF' CREEK -85/04/23-MCCRORY, S. ANSWER 8.01 (2.00) A. A Clearance without DNO Tag may be used for a job if and only it it controls a single component such as a circuit breaker-or valve. B. It would be used f or jobs of a trouble shooting or adj usting nature which may require _that a component be isolated or deenergized and then restored several times over a short. period of time to allow for work and then' test. REFERENCE WCGS ADM 02-100, REV 8 pgs 12 and 13 ANSWER 8.02 (2.00) A. Temporary Modification Orders / Tags are not required:

1. On hoses temporarily installed for venting, draining, or providing '

supply gas for portable pneumatic equipment. .

2. --For trouble shooting and equipment replacement when the activity is

- approved by the Shift Supervisor and the Cognizant Group Supervisor and is completed without lenghty interruptions. B. Semi-annually (twice yearly) 0.75 pts each for A.1 & A.2 and 0.5 pt for B. REFERENCE WCGS ADM 02-101, REV 11 pgs 2, 5. i cANSWER 8.03 (2.00) l A. L = logs- no system alteration required only parameter verification. B. C1= performed one time after achieving a common plant / equipment parameteroor condition. i C. -C2= performed at some specified frequency after achieving a specific plant / equipment parameter or condition. D. R = performed on a-regular-frequency. E.. P = Post maintaince - demonstrate operability subsequent i to Test Deficiencies and maintenance activities. l i 0.4 pts each l REFERENCE l

      -WCGS ADM-02-300, REV 3,                    pgs 8 & 9                                                                !

l l

c It _80dlN1118811ME_EBQGEQMBEltlGQNQlllGNit_8NQ_LidlI811QN1 PAGE .31 ANSWERS -- WOLF CREEK -85/04/23-MCCRORY, S. ANSWER 8.04 (2.00) < DATA COLLECTION Hard copy information - logs, strip charts, computer-readouts, etc. Operator statements - written statements for all operators. involved. POST-TRIP INVESTIGATION Event reconstruction Comparison with similar past events Analysis'and Evaluation Preliminary safety assessment- , Trip. classification Notifications (1.0-for each major heading or partial credit for individual sub headings) REFERENCE WCGS'ADM 02-400, REV 1, pgs 4-8 i ANSWER 8.05 (2.00) A. 250 Supervisor-Health Physics Supervision Verbal

  .B. Supervisor 300 Radiation Exposure Extension Health Physics Supervisor
  ' each REFERENCE
  .WCGS ADM 03-005, REV 3,   pg 3 ANSWER       8.06       (2.00)                                                             l
  - An individual- should not be permitted to wort: more th'an*
1. 16 hours straight l
2. 16 hours in any 24 hour period l
3. 24: hours in any 48 hour period
4. 72 hours in any 7 day period. l 0.5. pts each l


At__8Dd1N11IB8IIVE_EBQQEQUBEft_GQNQ1IIQNit_8NQ_L15118I19NS PAGE 32 ANSWERS -- WOLF CREEK -85/04/23-MCCRORY, S. REFERENCE WCGS ADM 01-023, pg 2 ANSWER 8.07 -(3.00) A. Health Physics Technican Health Physics Supervisor

         -Shift Supervisor B. For jobs of very SHORT DURATION, EMERGENCIES, or where QUICK ACTION is necessary, the CONTINUOUS ESCORT BY A HEALTH PHYSICS TECHNICIAN may be e

substituted for an RWP. In such cases, an RWP will be COMPLETED "AFTER-THE-FACT" for any exposure documentation. 0.5 pts each for A. and 0.5 pts each for CAPITIALIZED section. REFERENCE WCGS ADM 03-101, pg 16 and RPM pg 6-27. ANSWER 8.08 (2.00) A. 8 gpm controlled leakage at 2235 psig + B. 1 gpm (per table 3.4-1) C. 1 gpm per unisolated S/G and 500 gallons per day through any one S/G

0. none 0.5 pts each REFERENCE WCGS TS ANSWER 8.09 (2.50)

A. Two physically independent circuits between the offsite transmission network and the Onsite Class 1E Distribution System. (0.5)

   .B. Two separate and independent diesel generators, each with'              (0.5)
1. A separate day tank containing a minimum volume of 390 gallons of fuel. (0.5)
2. A separate fuel oil storage system containing a minimun volume of 85,300 gallons of fuel. (0.5)
3. A separate fuel transfer pump. (0,5)

Points as marked.

,s* * .. .

 ~At__8DMIN11188IIVE_EBQCEQUBEft_QQNDIIIQNit_8NQ_LIMII8IIQNS-                                    PAGE     33 j ANSWERS -- WOLF CREEK                              -85/04/23-MCCRORY, S.


1. E. 5. A.
2. A. 6. C.
3. E.- 7. B or C.
   ~4.      B.                8. B.

(0.5 pts each, 0.4 for wrong answer that-is conservative) REFERENCE WCGS RERP, TABLE 2.2-1, REV. 14 ANSWER 8.11 (1.50) (cny 3)

1. Coffey County Sheriff. Office OR Kansas Highway Patrol Division 4
2. ' Kansas Division of Emergency Preparedness
3. KG&E System Operations
4. WCGS NRC Resident Inspector
5. NRC Incident Response Center - Bethesda 0.5 pts each m

REFERENCE WCGS EPP 01-3.1, REV. 1, pg 9

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