MONTHYEARML20204B7181999-03-11011 March 1999 Summary of 990225 Meeting with ABB Combustion Engineering in Rockville,Md to Discuss Issues Re ABB-CE Crossflow Ultrasonic Flow Measurement Device.List of Attendees & Copy of Nonproprietary Matl Handed Out at Meeting Encl ML20198H3151998-12-14014 December 1998 Summary of 981117 Meeting with ABB-Combustion Engineering, Inc (ABB-CE) to Discuss Issues Re Rev of ABB-CE large-break LOCA Evaluation Models.List of Meeting Attendees & Meeting Presentation Slides Encl ML20247N4931998-05-20020 May 1998 Summarizes 980514 Annual Planning Meeting W/Abb Combustion Engineering in Rockville,Md to Discuss Nuclear Power Operations & Licensing Plans for Next 1-3 Years.List of Attendees Encl ML20132D8481996-12-18018 December 1996 Summary of 961212 Meeting w/ABB-CE & GE in Rockville,Md Re Changes to Design Control Documents for ABWR & Sys 80+ Standard Plant Designs.List of Attendees Encl ML20148B5761996-10-0404 October 1996 Summary of 434th Meeting of ACRS on 960912-13 Re Capability of SCAP/RELAP5 Code to Predict SG Temps During Severe Accidents ML20129G4921996-08-29029 August 1996 Summary of 433rd ACRS Meeting on 960808-10 Re Design Changes Proposed by Asea Brown Boveri - C-E Re Certification of Sys 80+ Design,Secy 96-128,proposed Rev 3 to Reg Guide 1.8,revs to Reg Guides 1.84,1.85 & 1.147 & Rev 3 to Reg Guide 1.105 ML20149F4881994-08-0404 August 1994 Summary of 940726 Meeting w/ABB-CE in Rockville,Md Re Form & Content of Design Control Document for ABB-CE Sys 80+ Std Plant Design ML20029E7831994-05-17017 May 1994 Summary of 940404-08 Meeting w/ABB-CE on CE Sys 80+ TS Not Resolved During 940316-17 Meeting Between Staff & ABB-CE ML20029D9201994-05-0505 May 1994 Summary of 940419 Meeting w/ABB-CE in Rockville,Md to Resolve Independent Review Group Comments on Sys 80+ Design Itaac.Meeting Attendees List,List of Comments by ITAAC Section & Comments Forwarded to ABB-CE Encl ML20029C6741994-04-19019 April 1994 Summary of 940415 Meeting W/Ge to Discuss Detailed Design of Fine Motion Control Rod Drive for Abwr.Attendees List Encl ML20059F2261994-01-10010 January 1994 Summary of 931221 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md Re New Source Term & Application for EQ of Sys 80+ Plant ML20059D0191993-12-28028 December 1993 Summary of 931028-29 Meeting Between ABB-CE & Contractors & Nrc/Consultants from Llnl Re Structural Design Audit for ABB-CE Sys 80+ Std Plant Design.List of Meeting Attendees & Handouts Encl ML20058P5141993-12-17017 December 1993 Summary of 931006-07 Meeting w/ABB-CE & Duke Engineering Svcs,Inc in Windsor,Ct Re Details of Buckling Calculations for Sys 80+ Steel Containment Structure ML20059D9701993-12-16016 December 1993 Summary of 404th Meeting of ACRS on 931209-11 W/Ge Re Diversity in Method of Measuring RPV Water Level in Advanced & Simplified BWR Designs ML20059D9611993-12-15015 December 1993 Summary of 404th Meeting of ACRS on 931209-11 Re Schedule for Completing Review of NRC Staff Final SER for GE ABWR SSAR ML20058L8581993-12-13013 December 1993 Notification of 931214 Meeting w/ABB-Combustion Engineering in Rockville,Md to Review & Resolve Remaining Structural/ Geotechnical Design Issues for ABB-CE Sys 80+ ML20058K5941993-12-10010 December 1993 Summary of 931117-19 Meeting w/ABB-CE in Rockville,Md Re Comments on TS for Instrumentation Proposed for Sys 80+.List of Attendees Encl ML20058L5061993-12-0707 December 1993 Notification of 940105 Meeting W/Bwrog in Rockville,Md to Discuss Generic Guidance & Repair Criteria for BWR Core Shrouds & Recent Cracking of BWR Jet Pump Holddown Beams ML20059K2811993-11-10010 November 1993 Summary of 931027 Meeting w/ABB-CE in Rockville,Md Re CE Sys 80+ Protection Against Containment Bypass During SGTR & Fuel Design.List of Meeting Attendees & ABB-CE Handouts Encl ML20059G7551993-11-0101 November 1993 Summary of 930921 Meeting W/Ge Nuclear Energy (GE) in GE San Jose Office Re Resolution of Limited Number of Issues Involving Design of ABWR Fire Protection Sys.List of Meeting Attendees & Handouts Encl ML20059G9631993-10-29029 October 1993 Summary of 930802-03 Meeting w/ABB-CE in Windsor,Ct to Obtain Latest Info on Evolving Design of CE Sys 80+ Hms. List of Meeting Attendees & Handouts Encl ML20057D2071993-09-27027 September 1993 Summary of 930615-16 Meeting w/ABB-CE in Windsor,Ct Re Status of Dser Open Items & Related follow-up Questions ML20057C1221993-09-23023 September 1993 Summary of 930916 Meeting w/ABB-CE in Rockville,Md to Discuss Potential Design Alternatives for CE Sys 80+ Design to Prevent SGTR Containment Bypass ML20057B6401993-09-17017 September 1993 Submits Daily Highlight.Ge Will Not Be Able to Meet 930913 Date for Certified ABWR SSAR Submittal.Revised Submittal Date Is 930917 for Main Body of SSAR W/Document Control Room Receipt by 930920 ML20057B6581993-09-15015 September 1993 Summary of 930810 & 11 Meeting w/ABB-CE in Windsor,Ct Re Issues Raised in Sys 80+ Dser on Scv Stress & Buckling Analysis.W/List of Attendees & Handouts ML20057B9661993-09-14014 September 1993 Summary of 930902 Public Meeting w/ABB-CE in Windsor,Ct Re Open Issues on Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) for Sys 80+ Std Plant Design.List of Mtg Attendees & Meeting Handouts Encl ML20057A6211993-09-0707 September 1993 Summary of 930812 Meeting w/ABB-CE in Rockville,Md Re Hydrogen Control & 10CFR50.34(f) Requirements for CE Sys 80% Std Plant Design.List of Attendees & Handouts Encl NUREG-1462, Summary of ACRS Subcommittee on Advanced PWRs on 930210 in Bethesda,Md to Begin Review of NRC Draft SER (NUREG-1462, Dtd Sept 1992) for ABB-CE Sys 80+ Design1993-09-0505 September 1993 Summary of ACRS Subcommittee on Advanced PWRs on 930210 in Bethesda,Md to Begin Review of NRC Draft SER (NUREG-1462, Dtd Sept 1992) for ABB-CE Sys 80+ Design ML20056G9541993-08-30030 August 1993 Summary of 930818 Meeting W/Duke Engineering & Svcs in Charlotte,Nc Re Staff Review of Safeguards Aspects of ABB-CE Sys 80+ Design ML20056G0711993-08-26026 August 1993 Summary of Public Meeting w/ABB-CE on 930809 in Rockville,Md Re Open Issues Involving PRA for Sys 80+ Std Plant Design ML20056G0731993-08-25025 August 1993 Summary of 930816 Senior Mgt Meeting w/ABB-CE in Rockville, MD Re Design Certification Status of CE Sys 80+ Std Plant Design ML20056F9231993-08-25025 August 1993 Summary of 930728 Meeting w/ABB-CE & Consultants from ABB-Impell,Duke Engineering Svcs,Inc & RP Kennedy in Rockville,Md Re System 80+ Sliding & Overturning During Seismic Events.List of Attendees Encl ML20056F8021993-08-19019 August 1993 Summary of 930621-25 Public Meeting w/ABB-CE in Windsor,Ct Re Structural,Piping,Mechanical & Matls Open Items for ABB-CE Sys 80+.Listed Info Encl ML20056G2041993-08-19019 August 1993 Summary of 930805 Meeting w/ABB-CE in Rockville,Md Re Containment Bypass During Steam Generator Tube Ruptures.List of Attendees & Viewgraphs Encl ML20056G2081993-08-19019 August 1993 Summary of 930819 Meeting w/ABB-CE in Rockville,Md Re Potential Design Alternatives for C-E Sys 80+ Design to Steam Generator Tube Rupture Containment Bypass.List of Attendees and Viewgraphs Encl ML20056E1511993-08-17017 August 1993 Summary of 930802 Meeting w/GE,C-E & Westinghouse in Rockville,Md Re Status of Design Certification Reviews for Each Revolutionary & Passive Reactor Design.List of Attendees & Handout Encl ML20056E5271993-08-0505 August 1993 Summary of Meeting W/Ge in Rockville,Md on 930727 to Discuss Tier 1 Submittal for Bldg Designs & Primary Containment Design ML20059C8451993-08-0404 August 1993 Summary of ACRS Subcommittee on BWRs (GE) 930615-17 Visit to GE Facility in San Jose,Ca to Gather Info Associated W/ Review of GE Ssar.Meeting Agenda Encl ML20056E1931993-07-30030 July 1993 Summary of 930715 Meeting w/ABB-CE in Windsor,Ct Re Differences Between Palo Verde Steam Generators & Sys 80+ Steam Generators in Connection W/Sgtr Event at Palo Verde. List of Attendees & Viewgraphs Encl ML20056E0791993-07-30030 July 1993 Summary of 930614 Meeting w/ABB-CE & BNL in Upton,Ny Re Sys 80+ Human Factors Engineering Verification & Validation Plan.Attendance List,Agenda,Nrc Comments & ABB-CE Responses Encl ML20056D9421993-07-30030 July 1993 Summary of 930707-08 Meeting W/Bnl & GE in San Jose,Ca Re Review of ABWR Ts.Meeting Attendees Listed ML20046C7971993-07-26026 July 1993 Summary of 930617 Public Meeting w/ABB-CE in Charlotte,Nc Re Licensee Progress on Resolving Hydrogen Issues for Compliance w/10CFR50.34 Requirements.List of Attendees Encl ML20046C6621993-07-20020 July 1993 Summary of 930608-10 Meeting w/ABB-CE Re Structural Methodology Audit for ABB-CE Sys 80+ ML20056D0971993-07-15015 July 1993 Summary of 930621-24 Meeting W/Ge in Livermore,Ca to Write Proof & Review Instrumentation Sys TS for GE Abwr.Meeting Attendees Listed in Encl 1 ML20045H2811993-07-12012 July 1993 Summary of 930621-24 Meeting W/Ge in Livermore,Ca Re Proof & Review Instrumentation Sys TS of Advanced Bwr.List of Attendees Encl ML20045H1921993-07-0606 July 1993 Summary of 930615-16 Meeting W/Ge in San Jose,Ca Re Review of GE ABWR Ssar.List of Attendees Encl ML20045H3431993-07-0202 July 1993 Summary of 930607-10 Meeting W/Ge in San Jose,Ca Re Status of Draft Final SER Issues & post-draft Final SER Items. List of Attendees Encl ML20045G3841993-07-0101 July 1993 Summary of 930603 Meeting w/GE,Westinghouse,ABB-C-E & D0E in Rockville,Md Re Status of Design Review Schedules Set Forth in SECY-93-097, Integrated Review Schedules for Evolutionary & Advanced Light Water Reactor Projects ML20045F9671993-07-0101 July 1993 Summary of 930602 Meeting w/ABB-CE in Rockville,Md Re Discussion of ISLOCA & Boron Dilution Under SBLOCA Conditions for CE Sys 80+ Std Plant Design ML20045C2861993-06-16016 June 1993 Summary of 930514 Meeting w/ABB-CE Re Criteria for Changes to Software Program Manual 1999-03-11
MONTHYEARML20204B7181999-03-11011 March 1999 Summary of 990225 Meeting with ABB Combustion Engineering in Rockville,Md to Discuss Issues Re ABB-CE Crossflow Ultrasonic Flow Measurement Device.List of Attendees & Copy of Nonproprietary Matl Handed Out at Meeting Encl ML20198H3151998-12-14014 December 1998 Summary of 981117 Meeting with ABB-Combustion Engineering, Inc (ABB-CE) to Discuss Issues Re Rev of ABB-CE large-break LOCA Evaluation Models.List of Meeting Attendees & Meeting Presentation Slides Encl ML20247N4931998-05-20020 May 1998 Summarizes 980514 Annual Planning Meeting W/Abb Combustion Engineering in Rockville,Md to Discuss Nuclear Power Operations & Licensing Plans for Next 1-3 Years.List of Attendees Encl ML20132D8481996-12-18018 December 1996 Summary of 961212 Meeting w/ABB-CE & GE in Rockville,Md Re Changes to Design Control Documents for ABWR & Sys 80+ Standard Plant Designs.List of Attendees Encl ML20148B5761996-10-0404 October 1996 Summary of 434th Meeting of ACRS on 960912-13 Re Capability of SCAP/RELAP5 Code to Predict SG Temps During Severe Accidents ML20129G4921996-08-29029 August 1996 Summary of 433rd ACRS Meeting on 960808-10 Re Design Changes Proposed by Asea Brown Boveri - C-E Re Certification of Sys 80+ Design,Secy 96-128,proposed Rev 3 to Reg Guide 1.8,revs to Reg Guides 1.84,1.85 & 1.147 & Rev 3 to Reg Guide 1.105 ML20149F4881994-08-0404 August 1994 Summary of 940726 Meeting w/ABB-CE in Rockville,Md Re Form & Content of Design Control Document for ABB-CE Sys 80+ Std Plant Design ML20029E7831994-05-17017 May 1994 Summary of 940404-08 Meeting w/ABB-CE on CE Sys 80+ TS Not Resolved During 940316-17 Meeting Between Staff & ABB-CE ML20029D9201994-05-0505 May 1994 Summary of 940419 Meeting w/ABB-CE in Rockville,Md to Resolve Independent Review Group Comments on Sys 80+ Design Itaac.Meeting Attendees List,List of Comments by ITAAC Section & Comments Forwarded to ABB-CE Encl ML20029C6741994-04-19019 April 1994 Summary of 940415 Meeting W/Ge to Discuss Detailed Design of Fine Motion Control Rod Drive for Abwr.Attendees List Encl ML20059F2261994-01-10010 January 1994 Summary of 931221 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md Re New Source Term & Application for EQ of Sys 80+ Plant ML20059D0191993-12-28028 December 1993 Summary of 931028-29 Meeting Between ABB-CE & Contractors & Nrc/Consultants from Llnl Re Structural Design Audit for ABB-CE Sys 80+ Std Plant Design.List of Meeting Attendees & Handouts Encl ML20058P5141993-12-17017 December 1993 Summary of 931006-07 Meeting w/ABB-CE & Duke Engineering Svcs,Inc in Windsor,Ct Re Details of Buckling Calculations for Sys 80+ Steel Containment Structure ML20059D9701993-12-16016 December 1993 Summary of 404th Meeting of ACRS on 931209-11 W/Ge Re Diversity in Method of Measuring RPV Water Level in Advanced & Simplified BWR Designs ML20059D9611993-12-15015 December 1993 Summary of 404th Meeting of ACRS on 931209-11 Re Schedule for Completing Review of NRC Staff Final SER for GE ABWR SSAR ML20058L8581993-12-13013 December 1993 Notification of 931214 Meeting w/ABB-Combustion Engineering in Rockville,Md to Review & Resolve Remaining Structural/ Geotechnical Design Issues for ABB-CE Sys 80+ ML20058K5941993-12-10010 December 1993 Summary of 931117-19 Meeting w/ABB-CE in Rockville,Md Re Comments on TS for Instrumentation Proposed for Sys 80+.List of Attendees Encl ML20058L5061993-12-0707 December 1993 Notification of 940105 Meeting W/Bwrog in Rockville,Md to Discuss Generic Guidance & Repair Criteria for BWR Core Shrouds & Recent Cracking of BWR Jet Pump Holddown Beams ML20059K2811993-11-10010 November 1993 Summary of 931027 Meeting w/ABB-CE in Rockville,Md Re CE Sys 80+ Protection Against Containment Bypass During SGTR & Fuel Design.List of Meeting Attendees & ABB-CE Handouts Encl ML20059G7551993-11-0101 November 1993 Summary of 930921 Meeting W/Ge Nuclear Energy (GE) in GE San Jose Office Re Resolution of Limited Number of Issues Involving Design of ABWR Fire Protection Sys.List of Meeting Attendees & Handouts Encl ML20059G9631993-10-29029 October 1993 Summary of 930802-03 Meeting w/ABB-CE in Windsor,Ct to Obtain Latest Info on Evolving Design of CE Sys 80+ Hms. List of Meeting Attendees & Handouts Encl ML20057D2071993-09-27027 September 1993 Summary of 930615-16 Meeting w/ABB-CE in Windsor,Ct Re Status of Dser Open Items & Related follow-up Questions ML20057C1221993-09-23023 September 1993 Summary of 930916 Meeting w/ABB-CE in Rockville,Md to Discuss Potential Design Alternatives for CE Sys 80+ Design to Prevent SGTR Containment Bypass ML20057B6401993-09-17017 September 1993 Submits Daily Highlight.Ge Will Not Be Able to Meet 930913 Date for Certified ABWR SSAR Submittal.Revised Submittal Date Is 930917 for Main Body of SSAR W/Document Control Room Receipt by 930920 ML20057B6581993-09-15015 September 1993 Summary of 930810 & 11 Meeting w/ABB-CE in Windsor,Ct Re Issues Raised in Sys 80+ Dser on Scv Stress & Buckling Analysis.W/List of Attendees & Handouts ML20057B9661993-09-14014 September 1993 Summary of 930902 Public Meeting w/ABB-CE in Windsor,Ct Re Open Issues on Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) for Sys 80+ Std Plant Design.List of Mtg Attendees & Meeting Handouts Encl ML20057A6211993-09-0707 September 1993 Summary of 930812 Meeting w/ABB-CE in Rockville,Md Re Hydrogen Control & 10CFR50.34(f) Requirements for CE Sys 80% Std Plant Design.List of Attendees & Handouts Encl NUREG-1462, Summary of ACRS Subcommittee on Advanced PWRs on 930210 in Bethesda,Md to Begin Review of NRC Draft SER (NUREG-1462, Dtd Sept 1992) for ABB-CE Sys 80+ Design1993-09-0505 September 1993 Summary of ACRS Subcommittee on Advanced PWRs on 930210 in Bethesda,Md to Begin Review of NRC Draft SER (NUREG-1462, Dtd Sept 1992) for ABB-CE Sys 80+ Design ML20056G9541993-08-30030 August 1993 Summary of 930818 Meeting W/Duke Engineering & Svcs in Charlotte,Nc Re Staff Review of Safeguards Aspects of ABB-CE Sys 80+ Design ML20056G0711993-08-26026 August 1993 Summary of Public Meeting w/ABB-CE on 930809 in Rockville,Md Re Open Issues Involving PRA for Sys 80+ Std Plant Design ML20056G0731993-08-25025 August 1993 Summary of 930816 Senior Mgt Meeting w/ABB-CE in Rockville, MD Re Design Certification Status of CE Sys 80+ Std Plant Design ML20056F9231993-08-25025 August 1993 Summary of 930728 Meeting w/ABB-CE & Consultants from ABB-Impell,Duke Engineering Svcs,Inc & RP Kennedy in Rockville,Md Re System 80+ Sliding & Overturning During Seismic Events.List of Attendees Encl ML20056F8021993-08-19019 August 1993 Summary of 930621-25 Public Meeting w/ABB-CE in Windsor,Ct Re Structural,Piping,Mechanical & Matls Open Items for ABB-CE Sys 80+.Listed Info Encl ML20056G2041993-08-19019 August 1993 Summary of 930805 Meeting w/ABB-CE in Rockville,Md Re Containment Bypass During Steam Generator Tube Ruptures.List of Attendees & Viewgraphs Encl ML20056G2081993-08-19019 August 1993 Summary of 930819 Meeting w/ABB-CE in Rockville,Md Re Potential Design Alternatives for C-E Sys 80+ Design to Steam Generator Tube Rupture Containment Bypass.List of Attendees and Viewgraphs Encl ML20056E1511993-08-17017 August 1993 Summary of 930802 Meeting w/GE,C-E & Westinghouse in Rockville,Md Re Status of Design Certification Reviews for Each Revolutionary & Passive Reactor Design.List of Attendees & Handout Encl ML20056E5271993-08-0505 August 1993 Summary of Meeting W/Ge in Rockville,Md on 930727 to Discuss Tier 1 Submittal for Bldg Designs & Primary Containment Design ML20059C8451993-08-0404 August 1993 Summary of ACRS Subcommittee on BWRs (GE) 930615-17 Visit to GE Facility in San Jose,Ca to Gather Info Associated W/ Review of GE Ssar.Meeting Agenda Encl ML20056E1931993-07-30030 July 1993 Summary of 930715 Meeting w/ABB-CE in Windsor,Ct Re Differences Between Palo Verde Steam Generators & Sys 80+ Steam Generators in Connection W/Sgtr Event at Palo Verde. List of Attendees & Viewgraphs Encl ML20056E0791993-07-30030 July 1993 Summary of 930614 Meeting w/ABB-CE & BNL in Upton,Ny Re Sys 80+ Human Factors Engineering Verification & Validation Plan.Attendance List,Agenda,Nrc Comments & ABB-CE Responses Encl ML20056D9421993-07-30030 July 1993 Summary of 930707-08 Meeting W/Bnl & GE in San Jose,Ca Re Review of ABWR Ts.Meeting Attendees Listed ML20046C7971993-07-26026 July 1993 Summary of 930617 Public Meeting w/ABB-CE in Charlotte,Nc Re Licensee Progress on Resolving Hydrogen Issues for Compliance w/10CFR50.34 Requirements.List of Attendees Encl ML20046C6621993-07-20020 July 1993 Summary of 930608-10 Meeting w/ABB-CE Re Structural Methodology Audit for ABB-CE Sys 80+ ML20056D0971993-07-15015 July 1993 Summary of 930621-24 Meeting W/Ge in Livermore,Ca to Write Proof & Review Instrumentation Sys TS for GE Abwr.Meeting Attendees Listed in Encl 1 ML20045H2811993-07-12012 July 1993 Summary of 930621-24 Meeting W/Ge in Livermore,Ca Re Proof & Review Instrumentation Sys TS of Advanced Bwr.List of Attendees Encl ML20045H1921993-07-0606 July 1993 Summary of 930615-16 Meeting W/Ge in San Jose,Ca Re Review of GE ABWR Ssar.List of Attendees Encl ML20045H3431993-07-0202 July 1993 Summary of 930607-10 Meeting W/Ge in San Jose,Ca Re Status of Draft Final SER Issues & post-draft Final SER Items. List of Attendees Encl ML20045G3841993-07-0101 July 1993 Summary of 930603 Meeting w/GE,Westinghouse,ABB-C-E & D0E in Rockville,Md Re Status of Design Review Schedules Set Forth in SECY-93-097, Integrated Review Schedules for Evolutionary & Advanced Light Water Reactor Projects ML20045F9671993-07-0101 July 1993 Summary of 930602 Meeting w/ABB-CE in Rockville,Md Re Discussion of ISLOCA & Boron Dilution Under SBLOCA Conditions for CE Sys 80+ Std Plant Design ML20045C2861993-06-16016 June 1993 Summary of 930514 Meeting w/ABB-CE Re Criteria for Changes to Software Program Manual 1999-03-11
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December 18, 1996 ff
APPLICANTS: GE Nuclear Energy (GE)
ABB-Combustion Engineering, Inc. (ABB-CE) 1 PROJECT:
System 80+ Standard Plant 4
Advanced Boiling Water Reactor (A8WR)
On Thursday, December 12, 1996, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff met with representatives of ABB-CE and GE at NRC headquarters to discuss changes to the design control documents (DCDs) for the ABWR and System 80+
standard plant designs. A list of attendees is provided in Attachment 1.
I Changes to the DCDs for the ABWR and System 80+ designs are required to conform the DCDs to the final design certification rules. The Commission issued its guidance on the final rules in SECY-96-077, " Certification of Two Evolutionary Designs," on December 6,1996. Mr. Wilson, of the NRC staff, began'the meeting by proposing that the DCD introductions be deleted because all of the information in the introductions would be included in the final rules and statements of consideration (SOC) in accordance with Commission guidance and this would be the quickest way to conform the DCDs. He added that if the introductions were retained then revisions would be needed and a statement should be added to the purpose section stating that all licensing decisions should be based on the final rules and SOC. Both applicants chose to retain and revise the introductions and GE submitted proposed changes for the staff's review (Attachment 2).
The next subject was references to proprietary and safeguards information in the ABWR DCD. An applicant for a combined license is required by the final rdes to physically include this information in its plant-specific DCD.
The staff stated that some of the ABWR references were unacceptable because the identification of the document and its effective date could not be determined from the reference in the DCD. GE stated that it would revise these references. The staff also stated that the applicable regulations for operational issues in Section 4 of the final rules need to be added to the list of combined license action items in accordance with Commission guidance.
Both applicants stated that they would review their DCDs and revise them, as necessary.
The expiration of Tier 2* information in the DCDs was discussed next. Based K h
on the staff's analysis of Tier 2* restrictions, as discussed in the August 13, 1996 comment analysis, the Tier 2* information could expire at first full power under certain conditions.
Both applicants chose to have the equipment seismic qualification methods and piping design acceptance criteria expire at first full power with the ASME Code controlling changes to this n
i information. With regard to human factors engineering, GE decided to have I
v this information expire at first full power with the Tier 1 implementation i
9612200143 961218 PDR ADOCK 05200001 A
" December 18, 1996 process controlling, whereas ABB-CE decided to stay with the Tier 2* restric-tion for the life of a facility that referenced the DCD. Neither applicant was ready to decide on whether to retain the Tier 2* restriction for the fuel burnup limit or replace it with a technical specification. They both stated 7
that they c.,uld notify the staff of their choice at a later date.
Finally, both applicants stated that they wanted to have the National Techni-cal Information Service identified in the final rules as the organization that would provide copies of the DCDs to the public. Also, both applicants stated that they wanted their revised final design approvals to reference updated standard safety analysis reports rather that the DCDs.
original signed by:
Jerry N. Wilson, Senior Policy Analyst Standardization Project Directorate j
Division of Reactor Program Management Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Docket Nos.52-001 and 52-002 4
Attachments: As stated cc w/ attachments:
See next page DISTRIBUTION w/o attachments:
4 Docket File-PDST R/F FMiraglia/AThadani, 0-12 G18 PUBLIC RZimmerman, 0-12 G18 BSheron, 0-12 G18 TMartin DMatthews TQuay JNWilson DScaletti JMoore i
GMizuno, 0-15 B18 WDean 0-17 G21 ACRS (11)
DOCUMENT NAME: A:DCD-MTG.SMY (CE QlSK Ta seceive a copy of this document,indeees in the ben: 'C76 copy attachment /encloswe "E' = Copy wkh attachment /encloswo
- N* = No copy 0FFICE SPA:PDST:DRPM D:Ppf3DRPM l
NAME JNWilson:sgs 3 TR0u@
DATE 12/lK/96 D F 12/;u/96 (f
d cc: Mr. Joseph Quirk Mr. Steven A. Hucik GE Nuclear Energy GE Nuclear Energy 175 Curtner Avenue, MC-782 175 Curtner Avenue, MC-780 San Jose, CA 95125 San Jose, CA 95125 Mr. Joseph R. Egan Barton Z. Cowan Esq.
Egan & Associates, P.C.
Eckert Seamans Cherin & Mellott 2300 N Street, N.W.
600 Grant Street 42nd Floor Washington, DC 20037-1138 Pittsburgh, PA 15219 Mr. Rob Wallace Mr. B. A. McIntyre GE Nuclear Energy Advanced Plant Safety & Licensing 1299 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Westinghouse Electric Corporation Suite 1100 Energy Systems Business Unit Rockville, MD 20852 Box 355 Pittsburgh, PA 15230 Director, Criteria & Standards Division Office of Radiation Programs Jay M. Gutierrez, Esq.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Newman & Holtzinger, P.C.
401 M Street, S.W.
1615 L Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20460 Washington, DC 20036 1'
Mr. Sterling Franks Mr. Frank '.. koss U.S. Department of Energy U.S. Depa tment of Energy, NE-42 i
NE-42 Office of LWR Safety and Technology Washington, DC 20585 19901 Germantown Road Germantown, MD 20874 Mr. Ronald Simard, Director i
Advanced Reactor Programs Mr. C. B. Brinkman, Director Nuclear Energy Institute Nuclear Systems Licensing 1776 Eye Street, N.W., Suite 400 ABB-Combustion Engineering, Inc.
Washington, DC 20006 Post Office Box 500 1000 Prospect Hill Road Marcus A. Rowden, Esq.
Windsor, CT 06095-0500 Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson 1001 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Mr. C. B. Brinkman, Manager i
Suite 800 Washington Nuclear Operations Washington, DC 20004 ABB-Combustion Engineering, Inc.
12300 Twinbrook Parkway, Suite 330 Mr. Stanley R. Ritterbusch, Manager Rockville, MD 20852 Standard Plant Licensing ABB-Combustion Engineering, Inc.
Mr. Ernest L. Blake, Jr.
Post Office Box 500 Shaw, Pittman, Potts & Trowbridge 1000 Prospect Hill Road 2300 N Street, N.W.
Windsor, CT 06095-0500 Washington, DC 20037 Dr. Regis A. Matzie, Vice President Ms. Susan L. Hiatt, Director Nuclear Systems Development Ohio Citizens for Responsible Energy ABB-Combustion Engineering, Inc.
8275 Munson Road Post Office Box 500 Mentor, OH 44060-2406 1000 Prospect Hill Road Windsor, CT 06095-0500
i 4
, ~
Mr. Terry R. Lash, Director Mr. Jerrold G. Dewease, Vice Presient Office of Nuclear Energy Operations Support Science and Technology Entergy Oparations, Inc.
Department of Energy P.O. Box 31995 Washington, DC 20585 Jackson, MI 39286-1995 Mr. William L. Stewart Mr. Michael J. Wallace Executive Vice President Senior Vice President Arizona Public Service Company Chief Nuclear Officer Post Office Box 53999 Commonwealth Edison Company Phoenix, AZ 85072 1400 Opus Place Downers Grove, IL 60515 Mr. M. S. Tuckman, Sr., Vice President Nuclear Generation Mr. J. H. Goldberg, President Duke Power Company Nuclear Division P.O. Box 1006 Florida Power & Light Company Charlotte, NC 28201-1006 P.O. Box 14000 Juno Beach, FL 33408 Mr. H. W. Habermeyer, Jr., Vice President Nuclear Services Mr. G. A. Hunger, Jr.
and Environmental Support Director - Licensing Carolina Power & Light Company PECO Energy Company Raleigh, NC 27601 Nuclear Group Headquarters 965 Chesterbrook Boulevard Mr. Richard W. Bonsall, Vice President Wayne, PA 19087 Advanced Nuclear Programs Duke Engineering and Services Mr. W. G. Hairston, III 230 South Tryon Street Executive President P.O. Box 1004 Nuclear Operations Charlotte, NC 28201-1004 40 Inverness Center Parkway P.O. Box 1295 Mr. James R. Herbert, Manager Birmingham, AL 35201 Licensing & Engineering Support Department Mr. W. B. Dodson, Vice Presider.t Maine Yankee Nuclear Operations 329 Bath Road 245 Summer Street Brunswick, ME 04011 Boston, MA 02210 Mr. E. E. Fitzpatrick, Vice President Mr. Bob Link, Vice President 1
Indiana Michigan Wisconsin Electric Power Company Power Company 231 W. Michigan P.O. Box 16631 P.O. Box 2046 i
Columbus, OH 43216 Milwaukee, WI 53201 Mr. Oliver D. Kingsley, Jr. President Mr. Phillip Bayne, President TVA Nuclear and Chief Nuclear Officer Chief Executive Officer Tennessee Valley Authority Nuclear Energy Institute 1101 Market Street 1776 I Street, N.W.
Chattanooga, TN 37402 Suite 400 Washington, DC 20006 Mr. Michael R. Kansler, Vice President Nuclear Services.
Mr. Howard J. Bruschi, General Manager Innsbrook Technical Center Advanced Technology 500 Dominion Boulevard Westinghouse Energy Center Glenn Allen, VA 23060 P.O. Box 355 Pittsburgh, PA 15230