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Requests Approval of Encl Schedule for GESSAR-II Severe Accident Review.Proposed Schedule Would Delay Issuance of SER from 840301 to 840615.W/o Encl
Person / Time
Site: 05000000, 05000447
Issue date: 11/07/1983
From: Miraglia F
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Harold Denton
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20127A894 List: ... further results
FOIA-85-110 NUDOCS 8507120415
Download: ML20128M684 (3)



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1 MEMORANDUM FOR: Harold R. Denton, Director l Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation '

THRU: Darrell G. Eisenhut, Director Division of Licensing FRDM: Frank J. Miraglia, Assistant Director~

for Safety Assessment Division of Licensing


RECOMMENDED SCHEDULE FOR GESSAR II SEVERE ACCIDENT REVIEW By memorandum dated June 24, 1983, a copy of which is enclosed, the Directors _

of the Divisions 'of Systens Integration, Engineering, and Safety Technology .

. proposed an approach and schedule for completing the GESSAR II severe accident review in a timely manner. The proposed approach would include two aspects of the review not previously considered when the original GESSAR II schedule was developed. Factored into the proposed review schedule would be the consideration of external events in the PRA and the use of the new source term presently being developed by the Accident Source Term Program Office (ASTPO).

At the EDO-GE meeting on September 23, 1983, the following points were made with regard to the GESSAR II severe accident review:

(1) the staff's review of the interral events portion (excluding the uncertainty analysis) of the GESSAR II PRA is largely -

complete. This review was based on the assumptions and methodologies consistent with an upgraded WASH-1400 type review.

(2) The EESSAR II review will be completed based on assumptions and methodologies which will be developed by the ASTP0 by December 31, 1983. The staff will no longer continue the review of GESSAR II using the assumptions and methodologies consistent _ with the upgraded WASH-1400 type review. , ,

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8507120415 850415 PDR FOIA PDR ALVAREZ85-110

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l Darrell G. Eisenhut l This approach clearly involves a number of risks: (a) the discontinuance of the old approach leaves the staff with no fallback analysis, and (b) the use of the new approach prior to peer review stands the chance of having to be redone after the peer review process is complete. It also gives the impression that we place very little significance on the peer review process. While we' recognize these risks could be significant, we understand that the Technical Review Divisions lack sufficient resources to do the review both ways (i.e.,

using the upgraded WASH-1400 type source term and the ASTP0 source tenn) and, therefore, propose to proceed only with the assumptions and methodologies developed by the ASTPO. Accordingly, we request your approval of the enciesed review schedule. ..

z It is important to note that the proposed schedule is predicated on the accep-tability of the external events PRA which GE submitted September 22,1983, and the associated uncertainty analysis which is due by December 31, 1983, and the availability to the staff of the revised ASTP0 source tem methodology by December 31, 1983. It is also important to note that the staff's Safety Evaluation Report is not scheduled to be issued until June 15, 1984, approxi-mately 51/2 months after the scheduled availability of the ASTP0 source tena, thereby providing a reasonable amount of overlap with the peer review process.

Should the ASTP0 source term change significantly as a result of the peer review process, the Safety Evaluation Report would be revised as appropriate.

Delays in these dates will have corresponding impacts on the review schedule.

The proposed schedule would delay the issuance of the SER from March 1 1984 to June 15, 1984, a period of 3 1/2 months.

r original 5153 # -


  • Frank J. Miraglia, Assistant Director for Safety Assessment

~ -

Division of Licensing ...__ _


As stated Approved:

Harold R. Denton DISTRIBUTION:

Docket Files. R. Vollmer -

NRC PDR R. Mattson DCS F. Miraglia SSPB Reading C. Thomas D. Eisenhut D. Scaletti .


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Document Name: -

/U #1; 9/20-A 3 Requestor's ID:

CHERRILL M /h w f9'777 / ,

Author's Name:

D. Scaletti Document Coments: '

] . 1 Memo to Denton - GESSAR II Schedule y A, y

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11/4/83 MEMORANDUM FOR: H. Denton I





1. D. Scaletti - concur Il [ U h

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2.- 6. inomas - concur gfgy7-lt 7 ?.

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4. T. Speis - concur
5. R. Mattson , concur
6. R. Vollmer - concur -
7. D. Eisenhut - concur * ,
8. H. Denton - Approval 4



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