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i Dr. IJct.1 lira
- Taysics Department liarvard University Catridge.
Dear Dr. Arc.i:
Enclosed is a copy of MAS!!-1400 which consists of the following:
Executive Sisarary Main Report Appendix I, Accident Definition and Use of Event Trees Appendix II, part 1. Fault Trees Appendix II, Part 2 Fault Trees AppnMix III. Failure Data Appendix !Y. Cox.en hode Failure:,
Lounding Techniques and Special Techniques Appendix Y, Quantitative Results of Accident i
Sequences Appendiz VI, Part 1. Calculation of Reactor Accident Consequences Appendix Y1. Part 2. Calculation of Reactor Accident Consequences Appendix YII. Release of Radioactivity in Reactor Accidents Appenfix VIII. Physical Processes in Reactor Meltdown Accidents Appendix !X, Safety Design Rationale for Esclear Power Plants 0507120300 05041D AhAREB5-110 PDit
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/,pperdis. II, I.rclysis of Co=2ents on tne Draft UASil-140t P.eport Appendices III an:! IV are in one volume as art Appendices VII. VIII. and IX.
Cecause some of the volue:es were reproduced fror. cicrofilm, portions of tnt report may bc illegibit. If you feel that these portions may be of use. I will attetpt to loc:te a legisle copy for you.
Sincerely, Christopher P. Ryder Research and Technical Support Accident Soun:e Tere Prograr Offict Enc 1csure:
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