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Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR72 Re Approval of Two Addl Dry Cask Storage Designs.Opposes Rule
Person / Time
Site: Palisades, Point Beach  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 09/06/1992
From: Mary Johnson
To: Chilk S
FRN-57FR28645, RULE-PR-72 57FR28645-00069, 57FR28645-69, NUDOCS 9209150140
Download: ML20127D719 (1)


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m 222 So. Ilamilton St., Suite 1. Madison, WI 53703 (6050 256-0565 Qaj:pj September 6,1992

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r. Samuel Ch"k f7 Secretary of the Commission Nuclear Regulatory Comminion w-i Washington, DC 20555 A

Dear Mr. Chilk:

RE: The Nuclear Regulatory Commission's proposal to ex storage for high level nuclear waste at Wisconsm Electric Ipedite the use of dry ca nuclear power plant in Wisconsin and Consumer Power Company's /alisades plant in Michigan.

The John Muir (Wisconsin) Chapter of the Sierra Club wishes to register its deep concern over the haste with which this proposalis being handled.

We urge the following:

1. The public comment perh>d should be extended to allow more time for the preparation of relevant documents and for the concerned publ> to submit comments.

Moreover, we believe that more adequate notice Ithe pro posal should be given the public, particularly to citizens in Wisconsin and Michigan who would be most directly affected by increased high level waste storage acilities at these sites.


2. For an issue as significant as this, which affects not only the areas adjacent to the proposed sites but esta blishes a precedent for future high level waste storage for the entire nation, we do not believe the NRC's decision to issue merely an Erwironmental Assessment (EA) is sufficient. The NRC should prepare un Envirimmental Impact Statement (EIS).The EIS should include among other things a survey of the anticipated safe " life" of dry cask storage, an analysis of the adequacy of tests performed on the casks, and the possible danger to ground and surface water, especially to I.ake Michigan.
3. Wisconsin Electric Power Company has already requested a permit from the Wisconsin Public Service Commission (PSC) to establish faciHties on-site for dry cask storage. Wisconsin's PSC, after considering the issue, has determined that an EIS is required. We urge the NRC to wait until Wiscamsin's EIS is completed before any decisian on expediting day cask storage is made.

Sincerely yours,

$6 OkI.



Mary llen Johnson Conservation Chair, John Muir Chapter, Sierra Club cc: Gordon E. Gunderson Gregg Moore, John Muir Chapter Chair 9209150t40 92O_906 57 28645 PDR


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