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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20217N72031 March 1998Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Proposed Changes to 10CFR50.55a,inservice Inspection & Inservice Testing of Nuclear Power Plant ComponentsBackfit
ML20203J96627 February 1998Comment on GL 98-XX, Yr 2000 Readiness of Computer Sys at Npps
ML18067A6307 July 1997Comment Supporting NUREG-1606, Proposed Regulatory Guidance Re Implementation of 10CFR50.59 (Charges,Tests or Experiments).
NPL-97-0357, Comment Opposing Proposed NRC Bulletin 96-001,suppl 1, CR Insertion Problems19 June 1997Comment Opposing Proposed NRC Bulletin 96-001,suppl 1, CR Insertion ProblemsShutdown Margin
DD-97-15, Director'S Decision DD-97-15 Re Petitioners Request That NRC Prohibit Loading of VSC-24 Until Coc,Sar & SER Amended Following Independent third-party Review of VSC-24 Design. No Adequate Basis Exists for Granting Petitioners Request18 June 1997Director'S Decision DD-97-15 Re Petitioners Request That NRC Prohibit Loading of VSC-24 Until Coc,Sar & SER Amended Following Independent third-party Review of VSC-24 Design. No Adequate Basis Exists for Granting Petitioners RequestBoric Acid
ML20141B0459 June 1997Requests Extension of Comment Period for NRC Bulletin 96-001,suppl 1 Re Control Rod Insertion Problems
ML20198R1515 March 1997Transcript of 970305 OI Interview of Aj Cayia in Two Rivers, Wi Re NRC Investigation Case 3-97-008.Pp 1-70Enforcement Discretion
Weak link
ML20198R0934 March 1997Transcript of 970304 OI Interview of Rj Harvey in Two Rivers,Wi Re NRC Investigation Case 3-97-008.Pp 1-28. Supporting Documentation EnclEnforcement Discretion
ML20198R1114 March 1997Transcript of 970304 OI Interview of E Ziller in Two Rivers, Wi Re NRC Investigation Case 3-97-008.Pp 1-33.Supporting Documentation EnclEnforcement Discretion
ML20198R1284 March 1997Transcript of 970304 OI Interview of T Malanowski in Two Rivers,Wi Re NRC Investigation Case 3-97-008.Pp 1-28Enforcement Discretion
ML20198R1364 March 1997Transcript of 970304 OI Interview of DF Johnson in Two Rivers,Wi Re NRC Investigation Case 3-97-008.Pp 1-37
ML20134B73727 January 1997Exemption from Requirements of 10CFR50.60 to Determine That Setpoint for LTOP Events Will Not Present Undue Risk to Public & Safety.Exemption GrantedAnticipated operational occurrence
ML20115H7064 June 1996Submits Addl Info to Support Petition for Rulemaking PRM-72-3 Re Amend to SAR
ML18065A07613 September 1995Comment on Draft Rg DG-1043 Re Proposed Rev 2 to Rg 1.149. New Malfunction Tests Required by Revised Rg Can Be Tested at Required 25% Per Year & Reported in Next 4-yr Testing Rept W/O Rev to Test Plan
NPL-95-0321, Comment on Proposed 10CFR50.54(p) Re Process for Changes to Security Plans W/O Prior NRC Approval.Supports Proposed Clarification of Language in 10CFR50.54(p)11 July 1995Comment on Proposed 10CFR50.54(p) Re Process for Changes to Security Plans W/O Prior NRC Approval.Supports Proposed Clarification of Language in 10CFR50.54(p)
ML20086D90329 June 1995Comments on Proposed Generic Ltr Re Process for Changes to Security Plans W/O Prior NRC Approval.Proposed GL Also Avoids Unnecessary Expense for Requirements That Provide No Benefit
ML18064A82027 June 1995Comment on Proposed GL Re Relocation of Pressure Temperature Limit Curves & Low Temperature Overpressure Protection Sys Limits.Supports Issuance of Ltr
ML20085E65413 June 1995Comment Re Draft NUREG/BR-0199, Responsiveness to Public. Expresses Concern on Dry Cask Storage W/Exemption Given to VSC-24 Cask & Procedures for Unloading & Transport at Plant
ML18064A76826 May 1995Comment on Proposed GL, Pressure Locking & Thermal Binding of Safety-Related Power Operated Gate Valves.Boric Acid
Power-Operated Valves
ML20078F48320 December 1994Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Shutdown & low-power Operations for Np Reactors.Informs That Util of Belief That NRC Already Has Appropriate Regulatory Authority Over Shutdown & low-power Operations,As Provided in Maint RuleBackfit
ML20077E8361 December 1994Comment Opposing Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Shutdown & Low- Power Operations for Nuclear Power ReactorsTime to boil
ML20073M06229 September 1994Comment Opposing Proposed Rule 10CFR72 Re Addition of NUHOMS 52B Dry Casks to List of Approved Spent Fuel Storage Casks. Objects to Proposed Rule Because of Substantial Differences Between Fuel Rods & Assemblies at Different Plant
ML20059E93327 October 1993Comment Supporting Proposed Rule 10CFR171 Re Restoration of Generic Exemption from Annual Fees for Nonprofit Educational Institutions
ML20056E51011 August 1993Comment Opposing Proposed Rule 10CFR20 Re Radiological Criteria for Decommissioning
ML20045D73313 June 1993Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR26 Re Mods to fitness-for-duty Program Requirements.Recommends That NRC re-evaluate Proposed Testing Frequency Due to Random Testing Rate of 50% Sufficient to Provide Continued Detection EffectivenessFitness for Duty
ML20012G53026 February 1993Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR72 Re Approval of Two Addl Dry Cask Storage Designs.Suggests That NRC Conduct Formal Hearing
ML20012G53124 February 1993Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR72 Re Approval of Two Addl Dry Cask Storage Designs.Opposes Rule
ML20012G53323 February 1993Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR72 Re Approval of Two Addl Dry Cask Storage Designs.Opposes Rule
ML20012G53223 February 1993Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR72 Re Approval of Two Addl Dry Cask Storage Designs.Opposes Rule
ML20012G53423 February 1993Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR72 Re Approval of Two Addl Dry Cask Storage Designs.Opposes Rule
ML20012G52320 February 1993Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR72 Re Approval of Two Addl Dry Cask Storage Designs.Opposes Rule
ML20012G52515 February 1993Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR72 Re Approval of Two Addl Dry Cask Storage Designs.Opposes Rule
ML20128L95310 February 1993Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR72 Re Approval of Two Addl Dry Cask Storage Designs.Opposes Rule
ML20127E88515 January 1993Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR72 Re Approval of Two Addl Dry Cask Storage Designs.Opposes Rule
ML20127E86314 January 1993Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR72 Re Approval of Two Addl Dry Cask Storage Designs.Opposes Rule
ML20127F0568 January 1993Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR72 Re Approval of Two Addl Dry Cask Storage Designs.Opposes Rule
ML20116N91712 November 1992Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR72 Re Approval of Two Addl Dry Cask Storage Designs.Opposes Rule
ML20116K9599 November 1992Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR72 Re Approval of Two Addl Dry Cask Storage Designs.Concerns Noted
ML20116L4656 November 1992Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR72 Re Approval of Two Addl Dry Cask Storage Designs.Opposes Rule
ML20116K7853 November 1992Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR72 Re Approval of Two Addl Dry Cask Storage Designs.Opposes Rule
ML20116L0503 November 1992Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR72 Re Approval of Two Addl Dry Cask Storage Designs.Concerns Noted
ML20116L1812 November 1992Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR72 Re Approval of Two Addl Dry Cask Storage Designs.Opposes Rule
ML20116L2052 November 1992Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR72 Re Approval of Two Addl Dry Cask Storage Designs.Opposes Rule
ML20116L33430 October 1992Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR72 Re Approval of Two Addl Dry Cask Storage Designs.Opposes Rule.Waste Can Not Be Stored Safely.Doe Will Not Be Liable for Wastes If Interim Site Not Built by 1998
ML20116L28826 October 1992Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR72 Re Approval of Two Addl Dry Cask Storage Designs.Opposes Rule
ML20116K98622 October 1992Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR72 Re Approval of Two Addl Dry Cask Storage Designs.Opposes Rule.Deadly Waste Cannot Be Stored Safely.Doe Stated Will Not Be Liable for Wastes If Interim Site Not Built by 1998
ML20116L13122 October 1992Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR72 Re Approval of Two Addl Dry Cask Storage Designs.Opposes Rule.Waste Cannot Be Stored Safely.Doe Will Not Be Liable for Wastes If Interim Site Not Built by 1998
ML20116L26822 October 1992Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR72 Re Approval of Two Addl Dry Cask Storage Designs.Opposes Rule.Waste Can Not Be Stored Safely.Doe Will Not Be Liable for Wastes If Interim Site Not Built by 1998
ML20116L28422 October 1992Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR72 Re Approval of Two Addl Dry Cask Storage Designs.Opposes Rule
ML20127E13716 September 1992Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR72 Re Approval of Two Addl Dry Cask Storage Designs.Opposes Rule