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Disc Impact Velocity for Containment Ventilation Sys Check Valve Closure
Person / Time
Site: Big Rock Point File:Consumers Energy icon.png
Issue date: 06/30/1980
Shared Package
ML20126L292 List:
MPR-644, MPR-644-R01, MPR-644-R1, NUDOCS 8106020292
Download: ML20126L304 (138)


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! I MPR-644 Revision ~l j 4


kJ 4

February 1980 Revised June 1980 1

i f

i 4

4 Prepared for

. Consumers Power Company 212 West Michigan Avenue


Jackson, Michigan 49201 1140 CONNECTICUT AvcNut. N. W. WASHINGTON. O, C. 20036 202 659 2320 I,

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IV. DESCRIPTION OF COMPUTER PROGRAM V. REFERENCES VI. APPENDICES A. Valve Input Data B. Computer Output for Containment Iso'lation Valve Trip - Reference Case


C. Computer Output for Containment Isolation Valve Trip - Valve Disc Propped Open at 45* (15* Opening)

I D. Computer Output for Containment Isolation Valve


  • Trip - Extended Air Cylinder to Increase Volume Under Piston Revised June 1980 0

M P R ASSOCIATES. INC I. INTRODUCTION The Big Rock Point Nuclear Power Plant reactor building ventilation system ~ circulates air from outside the contain-ment, through the reactor building, and then returns it to the atmosphere during normal operation. In the event of a reactor scram or high radiation level alarm, check valves located in the intake and exit piping for the ventilation system are closed to provide isolation of the containment from the atmosphere. This report presents the results of an analysis performed to determine the check valve disc closing velocity at impact with the disc seat following a check valve trip on high containment pressure during a postulated design basis loss of coolant accident for the cases summarized below.

Reference case representing the present configuration at Big Rock Point Case with the valve disc held at 45* rather than at the full open position of 75* to accomplish a reduction in the valve stroke on closing and the resulting peak pressure in the air cylinder.

  • Case with the valve disc at the full open position but with a larger air cylinder to reduce the peak air cylinder pressure during the closing transient.

The impact velocity can be used as input for a structural analysis of the disc and valve body for the postulated accident conditions.


(G I-1 Revised June 1980

The~ method of analysis described in this report uses a

( ~.


' control. volume' approach to solve the mass, energy, and momen-tum equations throughout the appropriate region of the ventila-tion system piping'. The valve internals are modeled to allow the torque on the valve disc to be determined from the solu-tion of the mass, energy, and momentum conservation equations.

This torque is in turn used to integrate the equation of motion for the valve disc. Effects on the valve geometry as a result of changes in disc position during the closing transient are included.

A description of'the transient considered in the analy-sis and the corresponding results are provided in Section II of this report. The computer model used for the valve and k) associated ventilation system piping is described in Section III. A brief description of the computer program used in the analysis including basic equations employed is provided in Section IV.

! Revision 1 of this report was prepared to update the analyses and explore the effect of possible modifications i

to reduce air cylinder peak pressure during the closing transient. Changes incorporated in this revision are summarized below.

The computer program utilized for the closing

! transient' analysis was expanded to include direct calculation of the air system blowdown and re-pressurization during the closing transient.

l D'sg I-2 Revised June 1980 l


_~ ._ . . _ _ . -

(\ * - The' pressure drop characteristic of the so'lenoid

's valve was increased to assure a_ closing time of about 5 seconds for no-flow test conditions.

  • ~ The disc weight and moment of inertia were decreased based on parameters utilized in John Henry Associates analysis _of the valve as described in JHA-79-138.
  • Results are reported for two modifications to reduce 7

peak air cylinder. pressure during the closing tran-sient; (1) _ valve disc held open at 45* to reduce the stroke and (2) a larger air cylinder. Both modifica-tions reduce peak air pressure to an acceptable level.

MPR wishes to acknow3 edge the cooperation of Mr. Greg Withrow (CPCo) during the course of this effort.

< I O

I-3 Revised June 1980 er -we rm.- we m -

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\_) l II. TRANSIENTS ANALYZED AND RESULTS A schematic of the reactor building ventilation system is provided in Figure II-1.. This figure shows the intake i and exit piping along with the check valve and butterfly valve in each line to provide isolation of the containment from the atmosphere in the event of an accident.

During normal operation the isolation valves are kept open by pressure from an air cylinder which exerts a torque

, on the disc. Following a trip signal the air in the cylinder is released and a preloaded spring forces the disc shut.

For the transients analyzed in this report a loss of coolant I

(,) accident is assumed to occur accompanied by a rise in con-tainment pressure as shown in Figure II-2 (Reference 4). A trip signal for the air cylinder occurs with a 1.7 psi containment pressure rise followed by a one hundred milli-second time delay before the vent valve for the air cylinder is opened (Reference 5).

Following the release of pressure in the air cylinder the disc is forced shut due to the spring load, its own weight, and the air flow in the piping. The most severe transient occurs for the exhaust line check valve. Since the steady state. air flow is already in a direction tending II-1 Revised June 1980 y- - - -

---,..y .<-,,,-,.-,-ym ., ..,..e-.. ,y a w .- ..+,.,-,m,- , , , , , , _, , . . -

to close the check valve, raising the c~ tainment pressure accelerates the flow which exerts the principal closing moment on the disc. For the intake line check valve the initial air flow is in a d'irection which tends to open the check l 1

valve and in addition this line contains the air in' cake fans 9

which tend to prevent reverse air flow in the piping, at least during the initial' phase of the transient.

The results-presented in this report are for'the exhaust line check valve. The butterfly valve upstream of the check valve is assumed to remain full open during the transient

- conservatively providing the maximum amount of air flow cacross the disc. The disc closing velocity is a function of pressure and flow rate in the exhaust line. Once the L '

disc has moved about five degrees into the flow stream, from the full open position, the pressure drop across the disc provides the dominant torque resulting in slamming of the .

disc against the seat. The air flow rate in the exhaust line at the time che disc moves into the flow stream strongly affects the closing velocity.

The time required for the disc to move into the flow stream depends on the decay rate of the air pressure in the cylinder. The faster the decay rate, the less time will be required for the disc to begin to move and, consequently, the less time there will be for the rising containment 1

s O

II-2 Revised June 1980

l l


. pressure to accelerate the exit flow in the discharge piping.

N/ Thus, a slower decay rate results in a mere conservative result. To assure conservative results the pressure drop )

I characteristic (K factor) for the two series solenoid vent valves was set at a value which resulted in a calculate'd valve closing time of about 5 seconds for the o'riginal air cylinder This is based on oral' reports of observed check valve closing times during tests with no ventilation flow conducted by Big Rock Point personnel.

The three cases for which analyses were performed and

. the results of the analyses are summarized below:

Reference Case (Disc at 75*)

This case represents the present configuration of the Big Rock Point containment check valve. The pressure drop characteristics of the two air system solenoid vent valves which are installed in service were set to 500.

This value resulted in a closing time of 4.96 seconds for the containment ventilation check valve for the case of no flow in the ventilation system. This value is conservatively higher than the closing times reported for tests performed  ;

by Big Rock Point personnel.

I The results of the analysis for this case indicate a maximum  ;

disc centerline velocity of about 23 ft/sec. The valve trip occurs at 0.256 seconds after initiation of the containment I l



l II-3 Revised' June 1980 l

fw pressure rise transient and the disc slams shut at about i',) 2.53 seconds. The computer printout for this case is included in Appendix B. Plots of various parameters calculated by the


computer program as a function of time are provided in I l

t figures II-3 through II-8 and are briefly discussed below:

l l

Figure II-3 - Disc centerline velocity. The centerline I velocity at impact is calculated to be i 23.0 ft/sec corresponding to an impact energy of 2627 ft-lb.

Figure II-4 - Disc angle. The valve trip is initiated I 100 milliseconds following a 1.7 psi l rise in containment pressure. The trip occurs at 0.256 seconds at which time the air cylinder vent valves are opened.

The valve is shut at 2.53 seconds.

l l Figure II-5 - Pressure drop across the valve disc and i

, pressure drop across the total valve.

For most of the transient the pressure r~T drop across the disc is considerably

(_) smaller than the total across the valve.

At about 2.3 seconds into the transient the disc has moved into the flow stream l enough to begin to be affected by the flow. The angular position at this time is 70 (initial position at 75'). The pressure drop across the valve increases during the initial portion of the transient due to the increasing flow rate caused by the containment air pressure rise. As the disc nears the closure point the pressure drop across the valve is due primarily to the pressure drop across the disc. The pressure drop across the disc peaks at 35.2 psi about 10 milliseconds following the disc slam.

This coincides with a pressure rise on the upstream side of the disc as the flow is stopped and a drop in pressure on the downstream side as flow to this side is cut off.

O(3 II-4 Revised June 1980

Pressures in the air cylinder and the j Figure II-6 -

7._x vent system. The valve begins to close

(\~) when the air cylinder pressure reaches l

63.9 psia. Once the disc moves into the flow stream to the extent that the fluid pressure drop across the disc exerts the dominant momant, the disc closes very rapidly compressing the air left in the air systec. As shown in this figure the peak pressure in the air cylinder reaches 312.3 psia (297.6 psig).

The pressure in the remainder of the vent system rises at a much slower rate.

Figure II-7 - Flow rates into the region above the disc, around the disc, and'through the valve seat are shown in this figure. The figure indicates that the majority of the flow is under the disc during the first 2.4 seconds of the transient. As the disc nears the seat the flows rapidly go to zero.

Figure II-8 - This figure shows the moments on the disc due to the air cylinder / spring actuator, the disc weight, the fluid pressure drop across the disc and the


(_j sum of all moments acting on the disc.

  • Negative moments tend to close the disc.

The figure demonstrates that the release of pressure in the air cylinder reduces the total moment on the disc. At 1.94 seconds the total moment becomes negative and the disc begins to close. Once the disc moves into the flow stream the fluid moment becomes dominant and the disc closes rapidly.

Valve Disc Held Parcially Open (Disc at 45* for an opening of 15*)

Information received from CPCo indicates that the valve manufacturer considers that the air cylinder can withstand a peak pressure of 200 psig without impairment of its subse-quent operability. The peak air pressure calculated for the


reference case was over 200 psig. One temporary modification A

II-5 Revised June 1980


, - which could reduce the peak air cylinder pressure is to reduce the angle at which the disc is held open., This limits the closing stroke, but on the other hand, the disc is held in the air stream and the fluid moment on the disc is increased. This l

forces the valve to begin the closing transient with a some-what higher pressure in the air cylinder. Trial and error attempts indicated that if the valve disc were held open at d

45* instead of the 75* for the reference case, the peak pressure in the air cylinder would not exceed 200 psig.

The results of the analysis for this case indicate a maximum

- disc centerline' velocity of about 11.0 ft/sec. The disc slams shut at about 0.55 s2cor.dt . The computer program print-J out for this case is included J :. Appendix c. Plots of various

) '

parameters calculated by the computer program as a function of time'are provided in figures II-9 through II-14 and are briefly discussed below:

Figure II-9 - Disc centerline velocity. The centerline velocity at impact is calculated to be 11.0 ft/sec.

Figure II Disc angle. Air cylinder vent valves are opened at 0.256 seconds as in the reference case. The valve is shut at

0. 55 seconds .

Figure II Pressure drop across the valve disc and pressure drop across the total valve.

Since the valve disc is held in the flow stream the pressure drop across the disc is significantly higher than for the reference case at equivalent flows through the valve. The pressure drop across the disc peaks at 15.94 psi about 7.0 milliseconds following the disc slam.

II-6 Revised June 1980


~ Figure II Pressures in the air cylinder and the

'l  ;' vent system. Because the valve disc is

\~/ held in the flow stream the fluid moment ,

is higher and the valvebegins to close l when the air cylinder pressure reaches 98.8 psi. For this case the peak pres-sure in the air cylinder reaches 211.8 psia (197.1 psig). The pressure in the remainder of the vent system rises at a much slower rate.

Figure II Flow rates into the region above'the disc, around the disc, and through the valve seat are shown in this figure.

The ratio of flow over the disc to flow under the disc is somewhat greater than for the reference case due to the smaller initial disc angle.

Figure II This' figure shows the moments on the disc due to the air cylinder / spring actuator, the disc weight, the fluid pressure drop across the disc and the total moment acting on the disc. The fluid moment builds up faster for this

. case than for the reference case because the initial valve disc position is in

.(, r's) the flow stream. At 0.42 seconds the total moment becomes negative and the c disc begins to close.

Larger Air Cylinder (Three Inches Added to Length)

A permanent modification to reduce the peak air cylinder pressure to below 200 psig is installation of a new air cylinder with more volume under the piston. In this way the ratio between the air cylinder volume with the valve open 1

and the air cylinder volume with the valve closed is reduced.

The increased air cylinder volume also increases the total. volume in the air system. This increased volume increases the time required to vent the air system and close


b II-7 Revised June 1980

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the valve. There:is a technical specification re~quirement (V) for Big Rock Point that the , closure time for the containment vbtilationisolationcheckvalvebelessthansixseconds.

Calculation of closure time under no flow conditions indicated that the increased air system volume would increase valve closure time by about 1.12 seconds. Since valva closure times under no flow conditions have been reported to' be less than about 4.5 seconds, the valves can be expected to meet the technical specification requirements of a 6 second closure with the larger air cylinder.


, disc centerline velocity of about 23.8 ft/sec. The disc


slams shut at about 2.911 seconds. The computer program

./-) ,

\' / printout for this case is included in Appendix D. Plots of various parameters calculated by the computer program as a function of time are provided in figures II-15 through II-20 and are briefly discussed below.

Figure II Disc centerline velocity. The centerline velocity at impact is calculated to be 23.8 ft/sec. This is higher than for the reference case because the air system venting time has increased somewhat which allows higher flows through the valve due to the increasing containment pressure. The energy at which must be absorbed at impact due to this velocity is 2813 f t -lb .

Figure II Disc angle. Air cylinder vent valves are opened at 0.256 seconds as in the reference case. The valve is shut at 2.?1 seconds.

II-8 Revised June 1980 i: . . . _ , - . . . . _ , - .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ - _ . . . . . _ -

(T Figure II-17-- Pressure drops' across the valve disc

, () and the total valve. The pressure drop across the disc peaks at 36.84 psi about

' ~

11 milliseconds following the disc slams.

Figure II Pressures in the air cylinder and the vent system. The valve begins to close when the air cylinder pressure reaches a value of 63.95. The increased air cylinder volume has decreased the peak pressure from the reference case to a value of 141.9 psia (127.2 psig).

Figure II Flow rates into the region above the

~ disc, around the disc and through the

. valve.

l Figure II This figure shows the moments on the disc due to the air cylinder / spring actuator, the disc weight, the fluid pressure drop across the disc and the

' total moment acting on the disc. At 2.30 seconds the total moment becomes negative and the disc begins to'close.

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1 O

v II-9 Revised June 1980

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  • vr,e -g= r, -

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% CV-4094 CV-4095 2 4 ,,

b [5 Exhaust Plenum i

I f

Reactor Building L

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17.23.03 06/1 U80 1 8



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O FLOWS INSIDE VALVE FIGURE II-19 rr ,e-- -,e--r.-e-..r-, ,-gt ,%,,.,.,w.w a a.-w.,.ws,.,,9-m-= ,.-.~w-4..,w-,,- ...y,w..,,..,-...w--....~,..m.= -.w.-.,.... . . , - - - - . , , . . . , - --- , - - - . - - . ~ - - . . .

14.57.02 06/Otu80 8


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8 1 a  :

i i i i i 1. I E'O.00 C.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 1 SECONDS SIG ROCK PdINT CHECK val.VE - Cfl3E HTTH LONGER A.IR CYLINDER - 7RAN3IENT


l l l FIGURE II-20 1

l. , . . . . _ . . _ . . . . . . . _ _ _ . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . _ , _ . . _ _ . _ . . , . _ . _ , . . . . _ , , , , . _ . . , . . , _ . . . _ . . , _ . . . , . . . . _ , . , _ ,


(x/ )


A (chematic of the computer model used for the simulation I of the containment isolation transient is shown in Figure III-1. This schematic shows the division of the ventilation l system exhaust. piping into a series of connected control volumes beginning at the discharge to the atmosphere and end -

ing 100 feet upstream of the butterfly control valve. Control volume 22 provides the pressure boundary used to represent the containment pressure transient described in Section II of this report. Control volume 1 provides a constant l

l ,

atmospheric pressure boundary condition.


The valve internals are modeled by four separate control volumes and four fluid connectors so as to provide enough detail to allow an adequate determination of the pressure drop across the disc. A detail of the valve showing the control volumes and flow paths as modeled in the program is given in Figure III-1. As can be seen in the figure, several of the control volumes and flow areas incide the valve are dependent on the angular position of the disc. The volumes and areas, and all parameters dependent on them, are redefined by the computer program at each time step so as to take into account the geometry changes due to disc motion.

V III-1 Revised June 1980

j/~N The air system for the containment isolation valve is d modeled as a separate fluid. system. The volume of the air cylinder is a function of the valve angular position and is computed for each time step by the' computer program. The moment on the disc imposed by the air cylinder is a function of the pressure in the air cylinder and the air cylinder moment arm. The schematic of the computer model for the air system piping including the air cylinder operator for-the butterfly valve is shown in Figure III-2.

The pressure drop coefficient for the solenoid operated vent valves for the air system was chosen based on trial runs.

The value was chosen such that the valve closed in about 5 seconds for no-flow conditions. This resulted in a value of


\d 500 for the solenoid vent valva pressure drop coefficient based on inlet diameter.

d 1


L III-2' Revised June 1980


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i The motion of the disc in the containment isolation check I l

valve is determined to a large extent by the fluid pressures l and flows which exist inside the valve. These pressures and flows are in turn strongly dependent on disc position. As a result, a solution for the impact velocity attained by the disc as a result of a postulated containment isolation transient requires a simultaneous solution of the fluid equations,which describe the flow of the ventilation system air,and the equa-tion of motio'n' of the disc. The calculational technique described below achieves such a solution by utilizing a time step approach in which.the fluid conditions and disc position

' Nd fD s are determined alternately during each time step using the mass, energy, and momentum conservation equations for the fluid behavior and the equation of motion for the disc. The basic approa is a modified version of the approach described in reference 1 where the equation of motion of the disc has been added to the solution and is utilized to redefine the geometry inside the valve during each time step.

The fluid behavior in the piping system is described by the mass, energy, and momentum conservation equations.

So + V. pv = 0 (mass) 7t IV-1

+- -

e- as.-ir - - ~ , ym.- ,e -a s y.- 9 av ,, y-- , - ----y- --,v--r,m e.

O 2 kl a p (e+ V I

{2 ) v=

2 (energy)

g. + V .p (e: -

,V . Pv lt + VP- (mementum)

V. pVV= -

V. I + p c"3 The five unknowns in the five equations above are the three components of velocity, v, the mass density, p, and the energy density, e. Pressure, P, and the shear tensor, Y, are con-sidered functioris of these variables through the equations of state.

The above differential equations can be discretized by integrating them over finite regions of the piping system called control volumes. As a result, the continuous variables of velocity, mass d.ensity, and energy density are replaced by t

integrated values which are discrete in nature and which are defined as follows.

" th U = pe dV is the total energy in the i 1

  • control volume, th i control volume th Mg = p dV is the total mass in the i control volume th i control volume Wk "

fp(v.n)ds'istheintegratedmassflow crossing the kth boundary between k th boundary A

O IV-2 l




Control volumes chosen for integration of the mass and energy conservation equation are represented by nodes located at their )

geometric center where average properties of energy density, )

1 mass density, and pressure are assumed to exist. The piping system was divided into such nodal volumes in Section III of this report. The resulting' integrated form of the mass and l th energy equations for the i nodal' volume is as follows.

kg = EW k

EW k (nass) all flows all flows ,

into i out of i 1

b 1


Ehk "k Eh k Wk I""*#9Y) '

all flows all flows out into i of i

(~T The kinetic energy contribution to the enargy equation is V neglected during this integration.

The momentum equation is similarly integrated over a control volume called a connector consisting of half of each connecting nodal volume and beginning at node i and ending .

at node j. 'A sample configuration inside a pipe is described in figure IV-1. The resulting integrated form of the momentum equation for connector k joining node i and node j can be written as follows.


L k k"E1 -P 3

-Fw kk w k k k+Ek IV-3

E M 1

1 where 7e~

1,)y If


[dx A(x) is defined as the inertial length of the connector "P g is the pressure at the node in volume i ,

1 P.- is the pressure at the node in -

3 volume j A(x). is the flow area along the connector P is the combination of skin friction

' kk k and form pressure drop for the connector FE W is the contribution of the momentum k k '

flux term to the pressure drop in the connector E is the gravitational head in the k connector If the system has been divided into n nodal volumes connected by m connectors there will be a total of.2n+m

- A

(/ dependent variables in the fluid solution corresponding to the total mass and energy in each node plus the flow in each connector. Similarly there will be 2n+m equations correspond-ing to the integrated mass, energy, and momentum conservation equations as discussed above. By defining a column vector to represent the dependent variables of flow rates, energies, and masses, the integrated conservation equations can be written in a general form.

IV-4 o .


.l W1 A)C g 2


. 1 y =f (y)  ; y = U 2

b n

1 2

"n .,

A fully implicit finite difference solution which can be solved for the increments of y for each time step is derived O in reference 1. ,

= 6t y(t)

.[I - 6t J(t)] Ay where Ay = y (t+6t) - y (t) and J(t) is the Jacobian of the set of equations y = f(y) at time t.

The new values for flow rates, energies, and masses at the end of the time step become:

y (t+6t) = y(t) + Ay Flow rates are checked for critical flow at each time step.

If the flow as calculated from the above equations exceeds that derived from the critical flow equations, the critical O

IV-5 i 1

Y -


( flow is used as the new flow rate on the succeeding time step.- All thermodynamic' variables defined at the nodes in the nodal volumes are calculated from average values of mass density-and energy density in the volume assuming that the volume is in thermodynamic equilibrium. Computerized air tables with ideal gas behavior provide the equation of state required for these calculations.

Once the pressures and flows are determined by the method discussed above, the torque on the valve disc is computed from the forces acting on the disc. The following forces are considered in the analysis.

The-weight of the disc applies a torque which acts


  • to close the valve.

The pressure in the air cylinder applies a torque

'which acts to maintain the disc in the open position.

Air in the air cylinder is modeled as an ideal gas for this calculation. A trip signal which releases the air from the cylinder can be given by the input data at any time during operation of the program.

  • Fluid pressure difference across the disc applies a torque to the disc.
  • The fluid pressure difference on the leading edge of the disc and the annulus surrounding the disc between the disc and valve body applies a torque to the disc Since the fluid velocity in this annulus may be quite large, a significant pressure difference could develop due to the venturi effect in this annulus. The con-tribution from this torque is only important when the disc is in the open position.
  • - Resistance of the shaft to rotation of the disc applies a torque which acts to retard the rotation.

The torque is determined by taking the vector sum of all the forces on the disc (including the centrifugal  ;

force which provides no torque) and assuming a coeffi-


( ,) cient of frict.on between the shaft and its housing.

IV-6 )


,+s-~e-- .,-e,_- ,y, _,,_s_y.,_ y ,. , , _ , , , _ . , , . , , ., . _ _ , _

.~. - -  %

p yg New values of disc angle and angular velocity are Q determined at the end of the time step assuming the torque is linear over the time step.

2 0 (t) + TI(t) 1 dT 6t 0 (t+6t) =

6T+ I dt 2 2 3 1 dT 6t 0 (t+6t) = 0 (t) +0 (t) 6t + IT (t) 6t 2


I Et 6 where 0 = disc angle defined as 0 when the disc is vertical T = total torque on t.he disc I = disc moment of inertia The effect of the new disc angle is incorporated into the fluid solution by redefining all parameters in the integrated


mass, energy, and momentum equation which are dependent on control volume and connector geometry.

The solution as described in the above manner is repeated for each time step until the disc impacts onto the valve seat.

The disc impact velocity is taken as the velocity just prior to this impact.

O IV-7

---,g w,- , y r g--w-m---- ,-,y-w-,e ,-c.-,m-. mm,-,, ,ow,

O Connector k A

r a Node Node h I x x j 7




L 1 )

O y Control Volume i v

Control Volume j 1



\~s 1


1. Porsching, T. A., Murphy, J. H., Redfield, J. A., and Davis, V. C., " Flash-4; A Fully Implicit Fortran IV Program for the Digital Simulation of Transients in a Reactor Plant," March 1969, WAPD-TM-840 Bettis Atomic
  • Power Laboratory.
2. Flow of Fluids Through Valves, Fittings, and Pipe, Crane Company Technical Paper No. 410, 1957,
3. Letter from G. C. Withrow (CPCo) to J. C. Nichols (MPR) dated November 21, 1979.

4.. Telephone conversation between G. C. Withrow (CPCo) and J. C. Nichols (MPR) on December 12, 1979.

l l

i V-1 Revised June 1980 1



t 1 i l

t l

E l

l l

-*w-o* ma-h-, w-p- y -- y yw -m ge,esw y we++ -,e ar- *-y-we -


i O .

I l

O l


( A. VALVE INPUT DATA The configuration of the reactor building. isolation check valve was discussed in Section III of this report. In simulating the valve internals, control volumes and flow areas which are a function'of disc angle must be defined.

The volumes and areas used in the computer program are described below. Figure A-1 shows the valve internals and defines the terms used. Flow areas are,.by definition, those areas which are projected perpendicular to the flow at any point.

Volume 10 This volume is not a function of disc angle. It includes the region from the valve inlet to the D surface proscribed by the leading edge of the disc (msl as it rotates from the open to the closed position.

Volume 9 This volume includes the region above the disc bounded by volume 10 on the inlet side and the disc below. If the volume with the disc in the open posi-tion is given as VOg, the volume as a function of disc angle is

- V =

VOg+RDM.(0 max - 0) ADisc + AAnnulus 9

Volume 8 This volume includes the region below the disc, the valve seat and a portion of the valve outlet region.

O A-1 I~- .


If the value of this volume with the valve closed

'is defined as VO8, the volume as a function of disc angle is V =

ADisc + AAnnulus 8 VO8+RDM (0 - Smin)

Volume 7 This volume includes the outlet region of the valve minus that portion of the outlet region belonging to volume 8. This volume is not a function of disc j

l angle.

Flow Areas 8 and 10 t Flow areas 8 and 10 are the projected areas of the i

surfaces between control volumes 8 and 10 and between I

control volumes 9 and 10 respectively. Although the sum of these surfaces represents an elliptical sec-tion cut from-the outside of a torus, the projected area-(which is required as flow area by the definition of mass flow rate) is plane in nature. Flow area 10 is that part of the projected surface which lies above the leading edge of the disc and flow area 8 is that part of the projected surface that lies below the disc. The projected surface is almost circular and is similar, but slightly larger, than the surface inside the valve seat on the opposite side of the valve.

O A-2


p Flow Area 9 O This flow area is the clearance area surrounding the disc'between the disc and the valve body. Due to the complexity of the internal contours of the valve body casting, this clearance acea would be difficult to mathematically define as a function of disc angle.

The area used is ratiod frora area measurements taken from an 18-inch swing check valve. As the disc approaches the seat, the flow around the disc must turn inward towards the centerline of the disc to


clear the seat lip. As a result, t.he area of the toroidal surface between the disc and the seat is compared to the clearance area between the disc and l'G \ valve body in the plane of the disc and the smaller of the two areas is used as the flow area for connector

9. This area goes linearly to zero as the valve approaches the seat.

Flow Area 7 The flow from the center of volume 8 to the center of volume 7 must pass through the valve seat. Thus the flow area of this connector is chosen as the area of the valve seat.

Area of Node 8 Nodal areas are defined as the flow area at a node.

Such areas are required to determine the pressure

/~T V


\ drop contribution between nodes from the momentum flux term. Since the pressure at node 8 has a large effect on disc velocity, this node area has more significance than the other node areas. A reasonable choice for this area is a weighted average of the flow areas of the adjoining connectors.


AN8 " ^7 + (^8 ~ ^7 ) ( min)

- O 2 (0max min)

Form Pressure Drop Coefficient for Connectors 9 and 10 These form pressure drop coefficients were estimated using values given in Reference 2. A sharp edged area change was assumed for connector ? by adding

[t ))

the coefficients for an area contraction and an area enlargement. On the other hand, a venturi geometry was assumed for connector 10. The larger and smaller coefficients resulting from this assumption for connectors 9 and 10, respectively, will both tend to increase the pressure drop across the disc and are thus conservative. .

Form Pressure Drop Coefficient for Connector 7 and 8 The pressure drop coefficient for the full valve as supplied by the valve manufacturer was used for connector 8. The form drop due to the seat in

'/N connector 7 was neglected.

b A-4 Revised' June 1980

-- - - , ,e , . . , , , , . - - _ - . , - - , - , . , . . . . , y,,,,w-. , , , , - . _ , . - _ , . , - - , ~ , , . . . , . - - , _ , , , - , , .

-s The flow areas and nodal volumes as calculated by

\# '

the computer program are plotted as functions of disc angle in figures A-2, A-3 and A-4. The form pressure drop coefficient as supplied by the valve ;.tanufacturer for a similar type valve is provided in figure A-5.

The full input data for the volumes and flow areas, as well as form drop coefficients, effective lengths, etc. are provided in the initial pages of the computer output given in Appendix B of this report. Drawings used to obtain dimensions for the valve and the mainstream piping are given in references.3 and 4.

The major changes in the valve input data, for Revision 1 of the report are the decrease of the

! ) valve disc weight and inertia based on parameters utilized in John Henry Associates Report JHA-79-138.

l l



l l -

O A-5 Revised June 1980

-- , , . . , , - w - ,u- c -,

.-,~yn, - ,.-,- , , ,, my , ,., y e.-,. . - - - -,,,g .-

a- ,,,,,,n -

9 l


l h

8 l


// ,

\x V

/ o-  !

9 ,


\ 3-

- - - l+ 1


' A 10 '

A Aq E

10 DM

O V*

( .- - -

^8 Y /)




i o

w.- -

v - .


  1. 1 I

o M




^M ,


, d b


"a w B

x a-CC 8.-



-  ;~

1 o

o e-M o


o FLOW AREA 9 O_ - /, , ,

58.50 85.00 71.50

'78 00 32.50 33.00 45.50 52.00 .

Tt1 ETA (Deuce s )

O V A LVE ARE AS AS FUNCTIONS OF DISC ANGI.E FIGURE A-2 Revise.d June 1980 v- ..e - .v,,--,w..-.,- -.-c,.e--e,,w--,-.--., row.= , e r e wee , e-ri w - ,e- ,*+-mr-<en.w w w en*--w=%we e = m + v e s , e--+1ee -o w v e -+ pe aw .w w -e+ -+ ww+-w- w e-s e -- e-e-e v- a*w--ms-e- c*- -e'-Y*'

15.26.07 06/7uBO 8_

d O




d 1



@d 1 2

O S.


8_ 1 I I I I I I f1 42.00 50.40 58.80 67.20 75.60 25.20 33.60 DEC-REES I SIG ROCK folNT CHECK VALVE - REFERENCE CASE WrIH Kl30L):500 - TRRtl31Eti. l O VALVE NODAL AREA AS FUNCTION OF DISC ANGLE i

I l

1 FIGURE A-3 Revised June 1980 L. - . . . , _ _ . _ - - . . _ _ _ _ - . _ - - -

,15.16.07 06/24/80 l

  • i
8. 1 S  :

l VOLUME 9 a

8 .


> l



.3 U

S. ,

5 VOLUME 8 o

N E- .


l l


l d 3 3 3 3 3 8 25.20 33.60 42.00 50.40 58.80 07.20 75.60 DEGREES BIC- ROCK PolNT CHECK YALVE - REFERENCE CASE WDH Kl3cU:500 - TRAN31ErfT O VOLUMES AS FUNCTION OF DISC ANGLE FIGURE A-4 Revised June 1980 i

- ... . . .. _- - . . _ .- . ~, . - . . . . _ . - .- _ . .

- 1000.0 l 100.0- -

4 e i

i 10.0 i

Pressure Drop

.s Coe f ff.cient  !

l t

1 i



L 1.0

0.1 ,

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Angular Opening (Dogrees)


,. Revised Juna 1980

,>epe a.pweg,,9%y .-my.#9

- w.. g.

l l

M P R ASSOCIATES. INC. . . Appendix B v


g 1

i s

1 0  :


c_. , .. . .- - - .2 x ,w... _

  • e S
  • f J



3'  !

2 2

3 5

l Z i W

m M

2 4

4 &

( N

' M ,

T 0

C O U0000000000C00000C00000 O 40GOOOOOOGOcccOOOOOOOOO H ECOCOOOOGOO OOOOOOQQuoOO 1 a J 4O000000000 0000000C0000 Q

C0000000000C000 0000000 3

M Q00000O000Q0000C0000000 I


= 0 e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e E



= W e e e e o e e e e e a e a e e-o e e e e e e 3 g >C0000C00 0C000000000000 m 444444444444WweQt4@4 Qw W 4 d

M 4 >


% n n im > WDb@q@@Om muMnne4 e@@b441 W ENW4444NNNNMMNNNNNNNNN0' F 4 2 e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e W l M49 9 99 999ece4 94 4 ee9 949 e E l l l l l l l l l i E MM M MmM MMMMM MM MM MMemmmmm i W 5 8-5 3 3 6 4 8 1 9 W W i

, 6 8 0 0 8 3 0 $ W 00 > 4 (

l W $ 1 0 0 l l Mal W H E '


E 1 9 9 8 0 d>O 0 0 > 1 i I l l 8 0 43MCD M ]



> 1 l 6 6 l W O Y. m > O O M C a e c h o n o f O u a m g, o c u e v e u-J l l MM l o W L 4 e e e e e e e o e e e o e e e e o e e e e e 4 O lME l 724W & DOOMcNaNNMNNNNNNNNNNNNN

> 1 0 G O M J W W 4 Qs > W mmMMM MM M MemmMmmmm S l >>haWww > J X l l VUWm33 J W U H M W .e4 > J P= > > a


> OpWJWW C e e e e a e e e e o e e e e e e e o e o e e J 'e m .e w m M J J 4 4 4>O9W44CNdfMffMN NNNNN NNN

    • O4C *43WUU Q 4 >= ** N N N N N N fdN N N O JWJWJE>>E W 4 L LZW LL UUCE T' C 4 * >= W E Y ww%4WwN64mL J WWM uCOCOOOOOOOOOOOOO JOOM k y U 4QQQWU QQEm 4 04 Ng O g


g g rg C it U z g & K . *

> W W W J eJ WW *

  • W 90 Q D D D -D 'D M W DMM = .R a n N D 9 C 4 M O @ c M N 0 9 p 4 N &&OM N m LEYEEE EY M OZ M MmMMmeMM MNNN O 4D3JJdL33%a > J mM2224m42m* M 6 l

, ., g , _ , ,,, . _ . . , _ , __

' -v s w y-, ypp _ _


y 1

i . ~

t 3



l 4

l CCNfECTCR CATA CCNtt 1-LP I-CN t.S E G TYPE AA-UP AN-CA AFALL Af SR FLOW APEA ' LENGTH EQ CIAM F-POS K-hEG STYFE INT Cm/A 2.792 16.45 2.792 *.000 1 886 1.9CC . *eo 0 .QC1*P6 l 1 2 1 1 0 2.792 2.792 2.792 2.792 2.792 16.95 2.792 5.463 '1.8P6 .132 .132 0 .e00422 2 4 2 1 0 2.792 2.7e2 4 3 0 2.792  ?.7*2 2.792 2.792 11.45 2.792 4.202 1.886 0.000 0. enc 0 .900325 3 1 j e 5 4 1 0 2.792 2.7e2 2 792 2.792 16.45 2.792 2.47P 1.886 0.000 0.P00 0 .000192 5 2 792 2.792 2.792 2.792 16.46 2.792 4.202 1.SP6 .132 .132 0 2000325 5 6 1 0 000266 6 1 0 2 792. 2.792 2.792 2.792 16 46 2.792 3.696 1.886 C.000 C.CCO O 6 7 7 0 3.250 2. 7 *2 ' 3.142 3.021 16.46 3.142 1.833- 1.BP6 0 000 0.000 0 .9EC17e 7 6 1 2.693 3.250 3.142 2.972 16.21 3 359 1.670 1.P86 .570 .570 0 '.000114-i d 10 8 1 0 9 9 e 1 0 3.307 3.3C7 3.142 3.307 .26 .557 1.820 1.886 1.36C 1.360 0 .003149 0 .099 3.307 2.792 1.703 .26 123 '2.000- 1. B A 6 ' .618 .616 0 .000101 -

l IJ IC 9 1 i 11 11 10 1 0 2 792 2.792 2.792 2.792 16.47 2 792 1.972 1.886 0.000 0.000 0 . 00C152 2.792 2.792 2.513 16.47 2 513 1.500 1.686 .220 .220 C .0CC116 i 12 12 11 1 0 2.792 2.792 2.792 2.792 16.48 2.792 5.750 1.8P6 0.000 0.000 C .000444 13 13 12 1 0 2.792 13 0 2 792 2.792 2.792 2.792 16.50 2.792 10.000 1.886 0.000 .0.000 0 .000773 19 14 1

.0C0773 2 15 lb 19 1 0 2.792 2.792 2.792 2.792 16.54 2 792 10.000 1.886 0.000 0.000 0 2.792 16.58 2.792 10.000 1.8A6 0.000 0.000 e .000773 16 16 15 1 0 2.792 2.792 2 792 2.792 2.792 2.792 16.62 '2.792 10.000 1.886 0.000 0.000 4 .000773 I 17 17 16 1 0 2 792 0 .000773

' 2.792 2.792 2.792 2.792 16.67 2.792 10.000 1.886 0.000 0.030 16 Id 17 1 0 19 19 16 1 0 2 792 2.792 2.792 2.792 16.72 2.792 10.000 ,1.886 0.000 0.0C0 P .000773 20 20 19 1 0 2 792 2.7a2 2.792 2.792 16.77 2.792 10.000 1.886 0.000 0.000 C .000773

', 21 21 23 1 0 2.792 2.792 2.792 2.792 16.83 2 792 10.000 1.8e6 0.000 0.000 e- .0c0773 2.792 2.792 2.792 2.792 16.90 2 792 10.000 1.886 1.000 1.CCC 0 .000773 l 22 22 21 1 0 SYSTEM t4UMBEA 2 TYPE OF SYSTEM-- ACTUATOR l FLOd N00E DATA -

NP TYPE VOLUME ELEVATION PRESSURE TEMP VOIC FFAC 23 C .1268 0.0000 105.00 (0.00 1.000000 24 0 .C579 0.00G0 105.00 60.00 1.000000 .

I 25 0 .0059 0.C000 105.00 60.00 1.000000 26 0 .C019 0.0000 105.00 60.00 1.000000 27 0 .0059 C.DeC0 105.00 60.00 2.000000 2h 0 .0059 b.c000 105.00 F0.00 1.000000 29 0 .0012 0.0000 105.00 (0.00 1.000000 3G 0 .00c1 0.9000 105.00 60.00 1.000C00 31 0 . 0 0 t.1 0.0000 105.00 60.00 1.000000 32 0 .0061 0.00C0 105 00 CO.00 1.000000 33 0 .00P1 G.00GC 105.J0 '0.00 1.C00000 34 0 .0081 0.0000 10%.00 60.00 1.000000 35 0 .0081 0.C000 105.00 60.00 1.000000 36 0 .0008 0.0000 105.00 60.00 1.000000 37 1 10.0000 0.00C0 105.00 60.00 1.000C00 i


, %W NN@H@ @@M@EWON MO MNe@c @@@ement WW M Mn@O @NNNNN@N e LANOW MPOP@mNn M4 L4NMN @ @w@@@ @M ZN eqNMO n@@ @ @ enc MN4PfWmM M e e e e o e e e e e e e e e NNA N W


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4 t

3 a ,.~ . a - w ~ o - . - , s .. - - .- - - .

  1. -~. w . ~. ~ - ~-~

) *

. n3 .e i i I

1 .

I 4

4 VALVT. I t. C L T DATA' i NCDC AT baLVE I t:1 E T - - - - - -- ---- 10 i r.00E ABCVE V:LVr DISC--------- 9 1 t.0 9 t BELC. VALVE DISC--------- 9 j P.C O T AT VALVr CUTLrT---------- 7 s .


! CCO.ECTC4-Ihl8Y Te AEtCW il*C- 8

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EEAFING 0."TA P 1:4 h A C L U S . F T ----------------- .1670 AEARIAG FLICTICtA F0EFFICI5t.T-- .7000 a _ _ _ _ - _ . _ _ ___-- . _ _ - _ . - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

D . m 24 P 25 P 26 P. 21 P U28 P 29 P 9 F ?0 P 23 P 69.3 P.9 69.r86 CYC TPE P 8 101.63 69 031 81.568 69.042 72.767 1H.019 26.063 24.231 69.452 69.131 302 2.5048 24.352 104.04 (9.073 F1.925 69.088 72.921 69 260 334 2.5053 IP.101 2f.025 69.220 73.402 69.f47 24.540 105.06 69.199 83.068 69.411 Sub 2.5066 17.716 26.471 84.527 69.372 74.034 69.900 26.703 24.875 109.58 69.354 70 040 69.4M9 30e 2 5083 17.705 69.434 85.357 69.450 74.382 310 2.5092 17.498 26.640 25.156 11?.60 69.549 74.e36 70.223 69.587 25 401 115.P5 69.534 86.453 69.f72 312 2 5102 17.341 27.056 69.634 75.232 70.394 16.911 27.403 25.631 117.75 69.617 87.437 69.7b4 314 2.5111 121 43 69.724 88.750 69.743 75 779 70.f02 316 2.5122 16.694 27.734 25.932 69.817 76.152 7n.757 69 660 26.224 125.31 69.797 89.696 69.908 31E 2.t130 16.672 27.h45 69.P63 76.394 70.@55 2E.463 126.59 (9.842 90.319 320 2 5134 16.425 27.997 6S.902 91.172 69.923 76.726 70.991 69.966 322 2.5141 16.379 2F.10P 26.685 130.04 69.926 76.745 7C.997 69.571 26.7D? 130.12 69.405 91.216 69.964 324 2 5141 16.359 26.119 91.392 69.938 76.e12 71.024 26.165 26.767 130.42 69.916 70.032 326 2 5142 16.277 69.985 77.083 71 134 2P.361 26.958 131 54 6=.5o3 92.100 71.285 70.094 32c 2.5147 16.012 93.070 70.048 77.459

'3o 2.5153 16.016 20.486 27.131 135.70 70.026 77.477 71 293 70.097 28.497 27.146 135.78 70.029 93.118 70 051 70.110 332 2 5154 15.996 93.311 70.063 77.549 71.322 28.545 27.205 136.13 70.041 70.159 334 2.5155 15.916 94.069 70.110 77.842 71 439 33h 2.5160 15.661 28.744 27.3R8 137.52 70.0a8 78.249 71 602 70.222 70.15? 95.153 70.174 33o 2 5166 15.696 26.h56 27.57P 142.11 70.177 78.268 71 610 70.725 2.5166 15.675 2P.b68 27.595 14?.21 70.155 95.206 71 641 10 238 34d 27.659 142.60 70 166 95.419 70.189 78 346 342 2.5168 15.595 28.914 70.237 78.664 71.768 70.288

?S.107 27.867 144.19 70.214 96.277 344 2 5172 15.342 70.299 79.077 71.932 70.35G 29.276 2P.089 147.76 70.274 97.381 70.404 3%6 2 5178 15.210 79.448 72.079 15.131 29.396 26.?B9 151.57 70.326 98.384 70.352 72.222 70.455 34e 2.5164 70.376 99.381 70.402 79.610 350 2.5168 14.921 29.571 2P.497 154.12 80.153 72 357 70.tc2 14.822 29.684 28.676 157.6P 70.421 200.33 70.449 70.546 352 2.5193 70.492 80.483 72.466 14.702 29.793 28.e53 160.62 70.464 101 24 72.612 70.588 354 2.5197 70.505 102.14 70.533 80.805 356 2 3201 14.505 29.955 29.009 162.r6 72.681 70.611 29.094 165.56 70.527 102.64 70.555 80.981 35a 2 5203 14.473 29.990 70.569 103.63 70.598 81.331 72.n17 70.655 360 2.520e 14 194 30 190 29.245 it9.37 81.711 72.964 70.701 29.399 171.93 7c.625 104.71 70.643 362 2.5212 13.e64 3C.414 105.37 70.670 81.939 73.052 70.728 364 2.5214 13.697 30.531 29.502 175.02 70.641 82.2A2 73.1E4 70.766 178.36 70.680 106.37 70.709 366 2.5216 13.342 30.771 29.655 107.36 70.748 82.621 73.314 70.307 36M 2.5222 12.975 31.026 29.820 1E1.59 70.71R 82.854 73.402 70.233

( 12.757 31 176 29.945 194.7e 70.743 108.05 70.773 70.968 r 370 2.5224 7* . ?7 7 108.99 -

70.807 83.169 73.522 2.t228 12.432 31.416 30.122 186.18 74.640 70.a32 l 3 F2 70.810 109.93 70.841 83.400 12.093 31.668 30.314 191.25 70.927 j 374 2.5231 194.44 70.933 110.62 70.864 83.708 .3.726 I 376 2.5233 11.8h6 31.H2L 30.463 111.51 70.P95 84.002 7!.836 70.956 32.049 30.664 197.91 70.963 70.988 37b 2.5236 11.597 112.41 70.924 84.292 73.945 11.2ee 32.?E6 30.874 200.91 70.99? 74.027 71.010 330 2.523A 113.09 70.946 84.513 332 2.5240 11.09C 32.437 31.C?9 Pc4.17 70.913 70;973 84.789 76.124 71.038 10.823 32.644 31.249 207.61 70.940 113.95 74.250 71.064 384 2.5243 70.966 114.81 70.999 85.061 346 2.5245 10.533 32.P65 31.462 210.56 85.272 74.508 71.r85 33.004 31.629 213.F3 70.985 115.47 71.019 71.110 S6d 2.5247 10.341 116.31 71.044 85.532 74.4n4 33.196 31.e36 217.?7 71.00= 71.134 39b 2 5249 10.0Fh 32.C41 220.19 71.033 117.13 71.067 85.790 74.49e 392 2.t252 S . t. 6 91 33.!97 85.990 74.571 71.153 9.6229 33.529 32.201 223.47 71.051 117.78 71.085 71.175 394 2.5253 226.91 71.072 118.59 71.107 86.237 74.661 396 2.5255 9.3743 33.705 32.396 86.481 74.749 71.197 T.11e0 33.t92 32.566 22a.e? 71.093 119.39 71.129 396 2.5257 71.110 120.02 71.145 26.673 74.818 71.214 400 2,.5259 8.4404 34.014 32.737 ?33.09 f _ _. . _ _ _ ______ -

C O 0 27 28 P 29 CYC TIVE P 4 P 9 P 10 P 23 P 24 P 25 P 26 F 4 402 2.5260 8 7113 34.177 32.917 236.53 71 130 120.80 71 165 96.907 74.903 71.?35 F.46e3 34.350 33.094 230.43 71.149 121.57 71.185 87.139 74.936 71.255 404 2.5262 75.^51 71.270 40c 2.5264 8 3026 34.463 33.231 242.70 71 464 122.19 71.200 P7.322 4

34.597 33.383 245.42 71 180 122.87 71.217 87.524 75 123 71.2e7 406 2.5265 P.1041 410 2.5267 7.t923 34.750 33.530 247.74 71 197 123.55 71.?33 87.724 75.194 71.304 412 2.b268 7.7095 34.684 33.681 251.33 71 213 124.26 71.250 87.934 75.2(e 11.321 33.626 254.a4 71.229 124.96 71.246 88.138 75.340 71. 3 3 F 414 2.5270 7.5363 3".011 33.966 257.54 71 245 125.65 71.282 P6.339 75.411 71.354 416 2 5271 7 3401 35.157 35.267 34.095 260.95 71.259 126.29 71.?96 88.522 75.475 71.369 I 413 2.5272 7.1291 75.545 71.384 42u 2.5274 7.e231 35.392 34.232 264.46 71.214 126.9R 71.312 AP.722

{ 422 2.5275 6.R433 35.%30 34.367 267.20 71.?89 127.68 71.327 88.919 75.614 71 400 35.627 34.400 270.53 71.301 129.27 71.339 89.086 75.(71 71.413 424 2.5276 6.7125 71.427 426 2.5277 6.5576 35.746 34.609 273.99 71.316 12P.96 71.354 .89.280 75.739


42i 2 5279 6.3930 35.676 34.735 276.P0 71.329 129.64 71.368 89.471 75.P05 71.442

! 15.85e 71.454 4

43G 2.52A0 6 2763 35.963 34.P3P 280.09 71.341 130.20 71.379 89.627 36.076 34.959 .283.52 71.354 130.68 71.393 89.614 75.923 71.468 432 2.5 2 R'1 6.1328 71.461 434 2.52F2 5.9616 36.197 35.078 2E6.38 71.367 131.55 71 406 69.949 75.926 5.F754 36.277 35.172 269.64 71.378 132.09' 71.417 90.148 76.636 71.492

, 436 2.5263 71.505 5 7422 36.3P3 35.2B5 293.06 71.390 132.76 71.429 90.328 76.090 l 43e 2.5284 440 2.52P5 5 6025 36.497 35.397 295.93 71 402 133.42 71.442 90.506 76.15F 71 516


35.4P5 299.16 71 412 133.94 71.452 90.648 76.206 71.52P y 442 2.5286 5.t044 36.571 71.541 36.670 35.591 302.59 71 424 134.59 71 464 90.822 76.265, l 444 2.5287 5.3802 71.553 446 2.5288 5.2504 36.777 3%.695 305.47 71.435 135.24 71.475 90.994 76.323 1

30H.71 71.444 135.75 71.485 91.130 76.368 71.562

44d 2.52F9 5.1492 36.646 35 777 71.496 91.297 76.424 71.574 453 2.5290 5.0434 26.53a 35.e76 312.12 71 455 136.38 452 2.t291 4.t625 37.691 35.993 - 312.29 71.46P 137.14 71.509 91.499 76.491 71.t67 37.661 36.463 311.09 71.521 140.;3 71.562 92.320 76.764 11.e39 454 2.5295 4.5459 71.712 4.5473 3P.301 37.135 309.46 71.592 144.06 71.634 93.493 77.150 456 2.5302 36.617 37.851 407.79 71 667 148.00 71.709 94.772 T 7.5 70 71.791 45n 2 5308 4.7743 7P.929 71.c75 460 2.5515 5 0207 39.230 36.551 306.07 71 745 151.92 71.729 96.163 39.572 39.159 304.30 71."20 155.e5 71.A74 97.672 76.531 71.963 462 2.5322 5.2020 39.871 39.626 302.46 71 014 159.77 71.964 99.304 7a.2P2 72.056 464 2.5329 5.3451 72.153 466 2.5336 5.5200 40.143 39.955 300.57 72.005' 163.69 72.058 101.07 79.'69 296.60 72.102 167.60 72.156 102.97 20.357 72.255 46e 2.5344 5.7469 40.386 40.183 Pl.09F 72.362 410 2.5352 5.955P 40.586 40.349 296.55 72 205 171.51 72.260 105.01 40.727 40.461 294.43 72.314 175.41 72.371 107.22 Pl.als 72.477 i 412 2.53e1 6.03F4 72 600 474 2.5370 5.9269 40.189 40.495 292.20 72.431 179.30 72.490 109.59 e2.532 40.747 40.419 280.68 72.558 183.19 72.619 112.14 e3.e51 72.734 4

476 2.5379 5.6565 A4.991 72.r78 476 2.5329 5.3453 40.565 40.?10 267.44 72.694 187.07 72.759 114.68 39.672 284.85 72.643 190.S4 72.910 117.05 66.273 73.r34 480 2.5400 5.0661 40.216 39.697 39.439 262.12 73.007 194.80 73.076 121.05 87.729 73.205 462 2.5411 4.9267 73.393 73.2'60 2.5423 4.8801 39.054 38.973 279.20 73.188 198.64 124.51 o9.362 1

484 3P.626 38.6P6 277.22 73.315 201.09 73.388 126.00 ac.*34 73 533 4db 2.5432 4.n957 38.514 2 5.91 73.401 202.63 73.480 128.47 91.339 73.632 488 2.5438 4.9151 38.358

+90 2.5441 4.9296 30.1?5 30.411 275.06 73.45e 203.61 73.541 129.51 91.t76 73.697 4.9462 37.924 32.280 273.79 73.544 205.02 73.631 131.05 92.4Pe 75.781 492 2.5447 73.263 494 2st452 4.956B 37.bl6 3P.176 272.55 73.630 206.36 73.717 132.57 93.t02 3

49a 2.5456 4.9559 37.720 36.120 271.75 73.686 207.19 73.770 133.54 94.036 73.921

l CYC 'TTML P 30 F 31 F 32 o 33 P 34 P 35 P 36 W 1 . '"f k E l

i 2 .J000 105.00 105.00 105.00 10?.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 16.448 16.463 16.?c6 4 .0002 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.0C 105.00 105.00 105.00 16.449 16.*63 16.206 j 6 .0n06 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105 0c 16.450 16.465 16.20P

a .0026 105.00 105.00 1C5.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 16.457 16.471 16.?13
13 .3102 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.C0 105.00 105.00 105.00 16.48P 16.5C0 16.238 12 .0302 105.00 105 00 105.00 105.00 10%.00 105.00 105.00 16.593 16.605 16.?35 14 .G502 1C5.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 16.76P 16.m15 16.544 16 .0702 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.c0 105.00 105.00 105.00 17.199 17.353 17.063 le .us02 105.C0 105.00 105.0C 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 18.197 18.455 18 125 l

20 .1102 105.00 105.00 105.00 ,

105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 19.998 20.?57 19.c47

22 .1302 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 1C5.03 105.00 105.00 22.573 22.710 22.190 24 .1502 105.CC 105.G0 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 25.667 25.44* 25.513 26 .1702 1C5.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 29.074 28.475 28.150 4'

28 .1902 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 32.567 32.260 31.465 30 .2102 105.00 105.00 105.00 165 00 105.00 105.00 105.00 36.092 35.712 34.'65 32 .2302 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 39.620 39.179 38.262 34 .2502 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 109.00 105.C0 43.1?8 42.635 41.753 36 .270? 105.66 102.66 100.99 98.t07 94.724 105.00' 105.00 46.611 46.CP4 45.107

! 38 .2E79 102.01 100.86 100.13 100.18 101.15 101.90 77.816 49.670 49.11, gn.lco 40 .3045 102.09 102.32 102.59 102.74 102.62 102.30 68.520 52.544 51.96S 50.521 42 .3245 102.25 10?.50 10?.65 102.71 102.69 102.60 67.726 56.919 55.416 54.325

$4 .3445 101.9P 101.98 101.96 101.92 101.85 101.74 67.141 59.495 58.563 57.725 46 .3645 101.25 101.14 101.00 100.9P 100.85 100.70 66.482 62.92P 62.?70 61.0P1 I 48 .Sc45 100.33 100.24 100.13 100.02 99.888 99.742 65.881 66.255 65.600 64.365

, 50 4045 99.525 -99.395 99.765 99.133 9e.997 98.847 65.322 69.448 6F.642 67.565 52 4245 96.913 9e.755 96.598 96.443 9P.?91 9A.134 64.865 72.524 71.996 70.693

, 54 4445 9P.397 98.248 9H.097 97.946 97.796 97.640 64.542 75.502 7*.063 73.727 i 56 .4645 97.679 97.765 97.645 97.513 97.385 a7.239 64.2P8 78.593 7P.C*7 76.660 So 4P45 97.321 97.235 97.140 97.033 96.915 96.776 64.011 81.206 P0.95C 74.552 6u .5045 96.727 96.646 96.555 96.452 96.357 96.200 63.667 83.949 83.773 P2.342 62 .5245 96.119 96.027 95.925 95.815 95.694 95.555 63.276 86.629 e6.514 e5.C47 64 .3445 95.517 95.412 95.300 95.180 95.054 94.912 62.881 89.228 65.141 P7.632 66 .5645 94.932 9 4 . f. 21 94.705 94.562 94.453- 94.311 62.508 91.055 91.562 90.001 66 .sd45 94.363 94.?55 S4.144 54.C19 7 93.892 93.751 62.160 93.776 '3.6F? S?.069 70 .6045 93.805 93.701 93 591 93.474 93.350 93.211 61.626 95.*33 o5.490 93.F42 72 .6245 93.249 93.149 93.c43 02.929 92.807 92.670 61.494 97.003 57.043 95.364 74 .6445 92.692 92.595 92.490 92.378 92.257 92.121 61.15P 98.327 59.442 96.725 76 .6645 92.136 92.038 91.933 91.821 91.701 91.566 60.e17 99.664 99.F19 99.169 To .et e$ 91.522 91.*63 91.37P 91.265 91.145 91.010 60.476 101.15 7C1.25 99.632 80 .7045 St.033 90.933 90.628 90.715 90.596 90.461 60.138 102.b5 Ic?.P7 101.19 82 .7245 90.469 90.390 90.285 90.173 90.054 69.520 59.e05 104.63 104.54 102.el 34 .7445 69.951 69.b53 es.74, 89.e37 89.519 69.386 59.476 106.44 106.22 iO4.43 46 .7045 89.416 69.320 29.216 29.106 88.989 PP.P57 59.151 10F.11 107.P0 105.95 db .7A45 63.866 8e.750 Fe.687 Pe.57P Pe.461 88.330 58.827 109.54 109.19 107.29 90 .o045 8o.358 8P.263 88.161 88.052 87.937 87.P06 58.505 110.71 110.40 103.47 92 .3245 e7.634 97.739 87.639 87.530 67.415 87.285 58.185. 111.68 111.46 1C9.52 94 .o*45 87.314 67.219 87.119 87.011 86.996 86.768 57.867 112.57 112.43 113.49 96 .3645 66.796 66.704 66.603 96.496 86.382 86.254 57.551 113.47 11?.35 111.45 9e .sE45 66.285 66.19? 66.092 e5.985 65.472 85.745 57.238 114.45 114.39 112.44 100 .9045 65.776 05.663 85.5P4 e5.475 85.366 85.240 56.927 115.52 115.43 113.42 I


, CYL O T1nt P 30 r 31 F 32 P 33


0 34 P 35 P 36 W 1 s D .7 W 8

' LJ2 .9245 95.271 PS.179 65.0P0 (4.975 64.864 A4.738 56.619 116.65 116.52 114.54 104 .9445 84.770 84.67a F4.580 P4.476 P4.365 84.240 56.313' 117.80 117.63 115.62 5 136 .H 45 e4.272 e4.161 64.CE3 P3.979 83.069 83.745 56.009 118.94 119.74 116.71

10H .9845 23.777 P3.f 67 83.550 83.487 23.377 E3.253 55.707 120.06 119.P6 117.dC

! 110 1.0045 93.2H6 F3.106 63.100 m2.997 P2.688 82.766 55.407 121.18 120.SE 119.90 4 , 112 1 0245 E2.7*9 62.709 62.614 62.512 82.403 82.281 55.109 122.23 122.09 119.98 114 1.J445 P2.315 82.226 62.131 82.0?0 81.922 P1.e00 54.914 122.67 123.16 121.04 i 116 1.C645 E1.b3t 81.746 61.652 81.551 E1 444 81.323 54.521 123.39 124.00 121.97

{ 116 1 0645 81.358 61.270 Pl.176 81.076 PC.569 80.849 54.230 124.02 124.P0 122.72 120 1 1345 bG.864 60.797 co.703 00.604 80.498 80.379 53.541 124.62 125.40 123.33 l 122 1.1245 60.414 80.327 60.234 P0.135 80.030 79.911 53.654 125.19 125.97 123.89 124 1.1445 79.947 79.P61 79.7(3 79.670 79.565 79.448 53.369 125.75 126.52 126.43 l 126 1.1645 79.4F4 79.398 79.306 79.208 79.104 78.987 53.086 126.30 127.07 124.97 12e 1 1645 79.023 78.938 78.P47 78.749 7E.646 78.530 52.805 126.86 127.61 125.51 130 1.2G45 7e.566 78.482 78 591 78.294 76.191 78.076 52.526 127.41 126.04 l 132 1.2245 78.113 76.029 77.938 77.242 77.740 77.625 52.250 127.96 12F.70 126.57 134 1.2445 77.66? 77.578 77.489 77.393 77.291 77.177 51.975 12P.50 129.24 127.10 13a 1 2645 77 215 77.132 77.042 76.947 76.e46 76.733 51.702 129.04 129.77 127.m3 1 136 1.2c45 76.771 76.689 76.t99 76.505 76.404 76.292 51.431 129.58 130.31 124.15 140 1.3045 76.330 76.247 76.159 76.066 75.966 75.853 51 162 130.11 13c.e3 126.67 142 1.5245 75.r92 75.h10 75.723 75.629 75.530 75.418 50.895 130.64 131.35 129.le 144 1.3445 75.457 75.376 75.289 75.196 75.097 74.966 50.630 131.17 131.87 129.69 146 1.3#45 75.026 74.945 74.P58 74.766 74.668 74.55P 50.367 131.69 132.39 130.19 50.106 132.20 132.91 130.72 14o 1.3c45 74.597 74.516 74.430 74.335 74.241 74.132

, 150 1.4045 74.171 74.091 74.006 73.915 73.818 73.709 49.846 132.72 133.42 131.21 152 1.4245 75.749 73.669 73.584 73.494 73.397 73.289 49.5e9 133.24 133.54 131.71

. 154 1 4445 73.329 73.250 73.166 73.075 72.980 72.872 49.333 133.75 134.46 132.22 156 1.4645 72.912 72.E34 72.750 72.660 72.565 72.458 49.079 134 27 134.99 132.75 156 1.4F45 72.*99 72.420 72.337 72.249 72.153 72.047 4a.827 134.78 134.50 133.25 160 1.5045 72.08* 72.010 71.927 71.835 71.745 71.639 48.576 135.30 136.02 133.76 162 1.5245 71.680 71.603 71.520 71.432 71.339 71.234 48.328 135.82 136.54 134.27

, 164 1.5445 71.275 71.199 71.116 71.029 70.936 70.e31 4P.0A1 136.34 137.06 134.79 16b ~1.5645 70.P73 70.756 70.715 70.6?A 70.535 70.432 47.H36 136.87 137.59 135.30 168' 1.5c45 70.473 70.397 70.316 70.230 70.138 70.035 47.593 137.39 13P.11 135.P2 170 1.o045 70.076 70.001 69.921 69.835 69.743 69.641' 47.351 137.91 13'.64 136.34 5 172 1.6245 69.683 69.60e 69.528 69.442 69.351 69.249 47.111 13e.44  !!?.17 136.e5 4 174 1.6445 69.29? 69.217 69.137 69.053 68.962 68.861 46.873 13P.97 139.6S 137.37 176 1.6h45 66.903 6 P . F.2 9 6b.750 66.666 62.576 68.475 46.637 139.49 140.22 137.89

! 17s 1.6P45 68.512 68.444 68.365 66.281 6P.192 68.092 46.402 140.02 140.74 136.41 4

13G 1.7d45 69.135 (P.001 - 67.983 67.900 67.*11 67.712 46.169 140.54 141.27 137.92 4

182 1.7245 67.754 67.682 67.604 67.521 67.433 67.334 45.537 141.07 139.44 184 1.7445 67.377 67.304 67.227 67.145 67.057 66.959 45.707 141.60 142.32 135.96 136 1.7f45 67.002 66.a30 66.953 66.771 66.684 66.556 45.479 142.12 142.85 la 0.4 7 183 1. Fe 4 5 f6.629 66.55M 66.482 66.400 66.313 66.216 45.253 142.65 143.3e 14C.99 193 1.t:45 66.260 66.189 66.113 66.032 65.946 65.849 45.028 143.19 143.50 141.51 192 1.6245 65.692 65.622 65.746 65.66E 65.580 65.484 44.804 143.70 144.43 142.03 194 1.6445 65.526 65.457 65.3P2 65.302 65.217 65.122 44.582 144.23 144.56 142.54 136 1.6645 65.166 65.096 65.021 64.942 64.857 64.762 44.362 144.75 145.4a 143.06 196 1.be45 64.P06 64.737 64.662 64.583 64.499 64.405 44.143 145.28 146.01 145.58

' 64.22P 64.144 64.050 43.S26 145.e1 146.53 144.09 200 1.3045 64.449 64.380 64.306

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~ CYC TI*C r 30 P 31 P 32 P 33 P 34 P 35 P W I 64.026 63.952 63.H74 63.791 63.698 43.710 146.33 147.06 144.61 I 202 1.9245 64.094 147.59 145.13 204 1.9445 63.742 63.674 63.601 63.523 63.441 63.348 43.496 146.86 4

63.325 63.252 63.175 63.093 63.001 '43 284 147.39 14a.11 145.64

' 206 1.9645 63.392 14d.64 146.15 62.980 62.907 62.830 62.748 62.656 43.073 147.91

20e 1.5645 63.04P 149.17 146.64

! 210 2.0045 62.713 62 643 62.570 62.492 62.410 62.318 42.P65 148.44 212 2.0245 62.394 62.322 62.246 62.167 62.084 61.993 42.665 148.97 149.71 147.09 62.022 61.944 61.863 61.779 61 687 42.477 149.50 150.24 147.49 214 2.0445 62.097 147.P1 2.0645 61 823 61.746 61.666 61.5F4 61.500 61.408 42.303 150.03 150.75 j 216 148.05 61.496 61.415 61.332 61.247 61.156 42.146 150.53 151.23 a 216 2.Ce45 61.574 151.68 14P.20 61.271 61.1H9 61.10E 61.021 60.930 42.006 151.01 1 220 2.1045 61 350 152.10 146.29 222 2.1245 61.109 61.045 60.972 60.h95 60.813 60.723 41 878 151 47 60.907 60.927 60.750 60.672 60.592 60.503 41.745 151.92 152.58 148.32 224 2.1445 226 2 1645 60.7F5 60.6t8 60 593 60.500 60.409 60.315 41 626 152.37 153.02 148.32 60.215 41.556 152.82 153.4P 148.2e

! 22o 2.1645 60.705 60.603 60.503 60.406 60.311

23P 2.2045 60.649 60.554 60.459 60.367 60.276 60.1E2 41 530 153.2R 153.95 14o.24


232 2.2245 60.617 60.528 60.439 60.351 60.264 60.172 41.522 153.75 154.43 148.22 60.526 60.438 60.350 60.262 60.170 41.520 154.23 154.93 140.26 i 234 2.2445 60.620 60.663 60.E64 60.466 60.374 60.283 60.189 41.529 154.72 155.44 146.38 236 2.2645 3

23e 2.2845 60.751 60.644 60.542 60.443 60.348 60.253 41.564 155.23 1%5.97 148.65 240 2.3045 60.661 60.771 60.665 60.563 60.467 60.371 41 630 155.75 156.51 49.C7 l 60.830 60.729 60.633 60.536 41.727 156.28 157.09 149.77 242 2.3245 61.045 60.935 244 2.3445 61.231 61.124 61.022 60.923 60.828 60.732 41.e44 156.80 157.27 146.72 246 2.3645 61.427 61.324 61.224 61 126 61.034 60.939 41 970 157.07 157.29 146.60 i'

2.3945 (1.663 61.551 61.445 61.345 61.249 61.153 42 099 157.21 151.2e 144.50 24o 61.877 61.747 61.622 61.521 61.410 42.256 157.26 157.1F 141.92 254 2 4045 62.021 252 2.4245 62.622 62.422 62.24h (2.094 61.964 61.850 42.502 157.1P 15(.e6 13P.66 63.327 63.091 62.894 62.734 62.605 42.931 156.90 156.61 135.74 254 2.4445 63.604 64.755 64.446 64.196 64.002 63.855 43.646 156_.72 156.09 132.54 256 2 4645 65.125 132.37 25h 2.4645 65 127 64.757 64.446 64.197 64.003 63.P57 43.646 156.51 156.17 2.4646 65.132 64.761 64.452 64.202 64.007 63.661 43.649 156.51 156.47 131.61 260 64.470 64.219 64.025 63.878 43.658 156.51 157.29 128.52 262 2.4E4e e:5 152 64.760 2.465e 65.234 64.F58 64.544 64.290 64.094 63.946 43.698 156.52 155.4E 119.60 264 65.564 65.108 64.859 64.595 64.391 64.240 43.P66 156.52 152.46 122.71 266 2.4696 66.944 66.596 66.290 66.033 65.P31 65.679 44.703 155.61 154.t1 128.36 26b 2.4E47 66.598 66.292 66.035 65.P33 65.681 44.705 155.24 154.64 110.22 27J 2.4d47 66.946 272 2.4e46 66.951 66.(04 66.297 (0.040 65.839 65.687 44.708 155.24 154.75 109.74 66.626 66.321 66.0f4 65.863 65.711 44.722 155.24 154.63 1cE.39 1 274 2.4P50 66.972 10t.36 276 67.050 66.716 66.914 66.160 65.959 65.P08 44.779 155.25 150.05 j 2.4t60 145.6e IC".3e

276 2.4P93 67.290 67.013 66.736 66.497 66.304 66.157 44.9P4 155.2E 67.390 67.139 66.920 66.742 66.602 45.248 153.56 145.11 106.41

! 266 2.4934 67.723 100.01 67.401 67.142 66.?23 ff.745 66.605 45.250 153.56 145.17 262 2.4935 67.726 67.739 67.412 67.154 66.935 66.758 66.618 45 258 153.55 145.34 100.11 284 2.4936 100.*0 67.791 67.4be 67.201 66.9P5 66.P10 66.671 45.2P9 153.51 145.30 2e6 2.4941 67.644 67.369 67.163 67.016 66.f81 45 415 153.32 14?.64 99.L39 l 286 2.4960. 67.970 296 2.49P6 66.217 67.901 67.648 67.450 67.293 67.165 45.5P6 151.74 140.99 96.742 67.E51 67.453 67.297 67.168 45.5PB 151.75 141.01 90.P26 292 2.49P6 bE.220 67.904 9C.dr9 294 2.4987 68.231 67.916 67.663 67.465 67.310 67.182 45.596 151.71 141.02 68.278 67.965 67.711 67.515 67.362 67.235 45.628 151.64 140.42 91.060 296 2.4992 66.4%7 68.159 67.90H 67.716 67.569 67.447 45.757 151.32 137.49 90.321 29e 2.5011 68.638 68.354 62.108 67.919 67.777 67.659 45.886 150.23 135.77 e6.269 300 2.5030

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P 3? P 33 v/ 34 P 35 P 36 W 1 W \ - W 8 CYC TIME P 30 P 31 67.857 46.007 149.71 133.30 P2.235 302 2.504P ed.603 6R.635 6R.29H 6A.112 67.972 66.F44 66.3d0 60.346 68.160 66.021 67.906 46.038 149.06 132.71 77.814 304 2.5053 130.24 76.9P1 68.971 6P.716 66.490 6P.306 6E.168 68.054 46.129 148.76 306 2.5066 126.05 73.531 69.130 68 879 60.665 (9.405 60.348 68.233 46.239 147.85 30s 2.5C23 147 15 126.2a 69.191 310 2.50S2 69 213 68.964 68.755 (b.57e 6e.440 68.325 46.296 69.068 6e.866 66.692 68.554 68.439 46.366 146 43 124.06 67.209 312 2.5102 69 316 146.08 121.45 64.019 69.402 69.155 68.957 66.707 68.649 6P.532 46.424 314 2.5111 61.595 316 2.5122 69.513 69.267 69.073 6F.906 60.770 68.652 46.498 145.31 119.19 69.152 6t.*90 6P.852 68.733 46.548 144.45 116.30 58.421 313 2.5130 69.5e9 6?.343


320 2.t134 65.635 6V.389 69.199 69 039 66.902 68.782 46.578 144.23 115.25 55.944 69.658 69 452 69.263 69 105 64 969 68.848 46.619 143.48 113 45 54.930 322 2 5141 143.47 113.39 52.590 324 2.5141 69.701 69.455 69.266 69.109 6R.972 68.851 46.621 69.467 69.279 69 121 6R.9E5 68.064 46.629 143 43 113.11 52.536 326 2.5142 69.713 143.24 111.70 52.284 328 2.5147 69.761 69.516 69.328 69.172 69.036 68.915 46.660 4

69.394 69.241 69.105 68.983 46.702 142.38 109.61 50.934 33L 2.5153 69.627 69.5P2 69.565 69.397 69.244 69.109 68.986 46.704 142 37 109.54 49.411 332 2.5154 69 630 105.23 *E.341 69.597 64.410 69.257 69.122 68.999 46.712 142.32 4

334 2.5155 69.643 107.71 46.039 69.646 63.459 65.307 69.173 69.050 46.744 142.11 336 2.5160 69.b92 46.7H6 141 16 105.57 46.*98 33o 2 5166 69.950 69.713 69.525 69.375 69.241 69.118 4

69.528 69.378 69.245 69.122 46.788 141 14 105.50 43.999 340 2.5166 69.961 69.716 69.F28 69.540 69 391 65.?t7 69.134 46.795 141 09 105.20 43.024 342 2.5168 69.974 344 2.5172 70.023 69.778 69.590 69.441 65.308 69.185 46.827 140.85 103.69 43.6C5 63.841 69.651 69.503 69.372 69.249 46.R66 140.21 101.70 41.968 346 2.5176 70.066 39.764 69.o95 65.705 69.557 69.427 69.304 46.900 139.51 100.04 346 2.5184 70.140 98.4P6 37.786 69.947 69.756 69.608 69.479 69.356 46.932 139.10 350 2.5]Pe 70.191 97.012 35.561 70.239 69.994 69.802 69 654 69.526 69.404 46.961 136.47 352 2.5193 95.532 34.281 70.038 69.846 69.698 69.570 69.448 46.589 137.84 354 2.5197 70.283 94.153 32.595 356 2.5201 70.325 70.061 69.687 69.739 69.612 69.490 47.015 137.51 69.910 69.761 60.634 69.513 47.028 137.03 93.391 31.015 35h 2.5203 70.?49 70.103 3G.223 70.392 70.147 69.953 69.803 6S.677 69.557 47.055 136 61 91.532 360 2.520s Po.147 2e.561 70.439 70 194 69.998 69.848 69.722 69.603 47.084 136.05 362 2.t212 87.565 26.768 70.466 70.221 70.025 69.874 69.749 69.630 47.100 135 54 364 2.a214 366 2.5218 70.507 70.261 70.064 69.912 69.788 69.669 47.125 135.04 e4.e73 25.T99 70.102 69.949 69.825 69.708 47.148 134.58 82.005 24.223 36d 2.5222 70.546 70.300 70.12P 69.974 69.250 69.733' 47.164 134.09 79.57S 22.t?5 37C 2.5224 70.572 70.325 70.161 70.007 (9.883 69.767 47.185 133.61 77.144 21.906 372 2.5228 70.C07 70.360 70.393 70.194 70.038 69.914 69.799 47.205 133.20 74.331 2G.622 4

374 2.5231 70.640 19.*03 376 2.5233 7G.665 70.417 70.217 70.061 69.937 69.622 47.219 132.73 72.250 70.090 69.966 69.852 47.237 132.27 6=.681 13.561 37o 2.5236 70.695 70.447 70.247 70.117 69.993 69.880 47.255 131 90 67.151 17.451 1 3ob 2.5238 70.725 70.476 70.275 70.13P 70.014 69.501 47.268 131.47 65.269 16.395

' 282 2.5240 70.747 70.49' 70.297 131.04 62.935 15.642 70.525 70.323 70.163 70.039 69.927 47.284 384 2.s243 70.774 47.2,99 130.70 60.663 14.t65 396 2.5245 7G.P01 70.550 70.348 70.188 70.064 69.952 3o6 2.5247 70.621 70.570 70.367 70.206 70.0e? 69.971 47.311 130.29 SH.931 13.745 4

70.391 70.229 70.105 69.994 47.325 129.P9 St.790 13.064 390 2.5249 70.646 70.594 70.251 70.127 70.016 47.339 129.57 54.6P3 12.203 392 2.t252 70.F70 70.617 70.414 70.635 70.431 70.26e 70.143 70.033 47.350 125.19 53.044 11.385 j 394 2.5253 70.b88 51.014 10.774 70.910 70.657 70.452 70.285 70.164 70.054 47.363 128.e2 396 2.5255 49.000 10.G11 39d 2.5257 70.932 70.676 70.473 70.304 70.183 70.074 47.375 12P.53 70.489 70.324 70.198 70.089 47.385 128.17 47.418 9.2E56 400 2.5259 7C.949 70.694 j

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J 8 CYC T I' E F 30 P 31 F 32 F 33 P 34 P 35 P 36 W 1 7 W 402 2.5260 70.969 70.714 70.508 70.342 70.21T 70.108 47.396 127.82 45.456 8.739P 404 2.5?62 70.989 70.733 70.526 70.360 70.235 70.126 47.407 127.54 43.507 .6.0o52 406 2.d264 71.005 70.74F '70.541 70.374 70.248 70.140 47.416 127.21 41.972 7.4241 40a 2.5265 71 022 70.764 70.557 70.390 70.264 70.155 47.426 126.88 4P.173 6.9401 416 2.5267 71.03E 70.760 70.572 70.405 70.278 70.170 47.435 126.63 36.462 6 3988 412 2.52E 8 71.055 70.796 70.5e8 70.420 7C.294 70.186 47.445 126.34 36.665 5.8917 414 2.5270 71.072 70.n12 70.604 70.435 70.308 70.200 47.454 126.00 34.922 5.3729 416 2 5271 71.0b8 70.r27 70.618 70.450 70.322 70.215 47.463 125.73 33.212 4.8768 4th 2.5272 71.102 70.E41 70.632 70.463 70.335 70.?27 47.471 125.48 31.664 4.4106 420 2.5274 71.11e 70.456 70.646 70.477 70.949 70.241 47.479 125.17 '29.977 4.0s25

' 70.870 70.660 .70.490 70.362 70.255 47.48P 124.88 2P.323 3.5656 422 2.5275 71 133

, 42* 2.5276 71.145 70.582 70.672 70.502 70.374 70.266 47.495 124.63 26.936 3.1549 426 2.5277 71.160 70.o96 70.6P6 70.515 70.386 70.279 47.5P3' 124.32 25.336 2.9229 42b 2.5279 71.174 70.410 70.699 70.52e 70.399 70.292 47.?11 124.01 23.771 2.4495 -

i 430 2.52F0 71.166 70.?21 70.710 70.53e 70.409 70.302 47.517 123.76 22.50e 2.10c4 i 432 2.5281 71.206 70.934 70.722 70.551 70.421 70.314 47.525 123.44 21.011 1.8305

! 434 2.5282 71.213 70.947 70.735 70.563 70.433 70.325 47.532 123.12 19.549 1.5224 436 2.52E3 71.224 70.957 70.744 70.572 70.442 70.335 47.53e 122.86 18.391 1.2382 436 2.5?A4 71.236 70.969 70.756 70.584 70.453 70.346 47.545 122.54 17.002 1.0257 44U 2.52f5 71.249 70.961 70.76P 70.595 70.464 70.357 47.552 122.21 15.646 .78554

< 442 2.5296 71.259 7G.990 70.777 70.604 70.473 70.365 47.557 121.95 14.582 .57061 444 2.52h7 71.271 71.002 70.788 70.614 70.483 70.376 47.563 121.62 13.297 41721 446 2.52Pn 71.263 71 013 70.79A 70.625 70.494 70.386 47.570 121.30 12.C44 .25266 448 2.5289 71.292 71.021 70.807 70.633 70.502 70.394 47.575 121.03 11.065 .11979 a

450 2.5290 71.303 71.032 70.M17 70.643 70.511 70.403 47.581 120.71 9.h781 41061E-C1

' 452 2.t291 71.517 71.n45 70.'29 70.655 70.5?3 70.415 47.588 120.31 6.4763 0.

454 2.5295 71.370 71 095 70.876 70.703 70.569 70.461 47.617 118.58 3.45Le 0.

456 2.5302 71.443 71.164 70.944 70.767 70.632 70.522 47.655 115.95 .93058 0.

45d 2.530c 71.520 71 236 71.013 70.e34 70.697 70.585 47.695 112.88 -2.589G 0.

I 46C 2.5315 71.599 71.310 71.004 70.904 70.764 70.651 47.736 109.32 -2.33P9 0.

, 462 2.5322 71.6A3 71. Wh 71.15F 70.976 70.035 70.719 47.778 105.21 -1.5642 0.

434 2.5329 71.771 71 470 71.235 71.051 70.507 70.769 47.922 100.48 -1 2917 C.

46t 2.5336 71.865 71.556 71.316 71.130 70.984 70.861 47.867 95.051 -1.6339 0.

46b 2.5344 71.963 71.646 71.401 71.212 71.063 70.937 47.914 88.P37 -1.9307 C.

470 2.5352 72.C69 71.742 71.491 71.299 71.147 71.017 47.964 81.750 -1.4960 0.

472 2.5361 72.181 71.344 71.586 71.390 71.234 71.101 48.015 73.698 .29752 0.

414 2.t370 72.302 71.953 71.fP7 71 4P( 71.326 71.189 48.069 64.595 1.05S1 0.

i 476 2.5379 72.431 72.069 71.794 71.5P7 71 423 71.282 4P.126 54.364 1.8156 0.

i 476 2.5399 72.571 72.195 71.s10 71.656 71.527 71.382 4A.187 42.949 1.6131 0.

two 2.5400 72.724 72.332 72.035 71.P12 71.637 71.489 46.252 30.321 1.33P7 0.

j 4n2 2.5411 72.891 72.482 72.171 71.937 71.756 71.605 4P.322 16.500 .69500 0.

464 2.5423 73.075 72.647 72.320 72.074 71.P84 71.732 48.398 1.5719 .96657E-01 c.

. 4e6 2.5*32 73.203 72.763 72.424 72.168 71.973 71.819 48 450 -P.4713 .15710 0.

.446 2 543e 75.290 72.641 72.494 72.232 72.033 71.878 48.485 -14.979 .24910 0.

430 2.5441 73.34o 72.A93 72.541 72.274 72.072 71.916 48.508 -19.126 .26871 0.

492 2.54*7 73.*35 72.970 72.610 72.336 72.130 71.974 4P.542 -25.037 .21265 0.

414 2.5452 73.522 73.04h 72.679 72.399 72.189 72.031 48.576 -30.536 .72252E-01 0.

l 49e 2.5456 73.578 75.096 72.724 72.4?S 72.226 72.068 48.598 -33.523 .54300E-01 c.


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CYC TIME .- 9 v 10 W 11 W 36 VOL 23 VDOT 1 VOL 8 VOL 9 AFL10 .1 ANUb 1 2 .0000 .26010 .26306 IE.472 .1164Pf-13 .12680 0. S.1670 4.2700 .9463FE-01 2.6934 4 .cCO2 .26016 .26311 16.472 .147200-13 .126PO 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .98638E-01 2.6434 6 .0006 .24336 .26532 16.473 .1916 7 f - 13 .1~660 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9663FE-01 2.6*34 a .0026 26125 .26413 16.480 .1844 " -13 .12680 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9863PE-01 2.6934 le .0102 .26*63 .26726 16.504 .290'i2E-13 .12600 0. 5.1670 4.2700 9883EE-01 2.6934 12 .3302 .27351 .27664 16.t15 .51171E-13 .126E0 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .98638E-01 2.6934 14 .0502 .2k996 .30250 16.857 .76443f-13 .12680 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9PA36E-01 2.6a34 to .3702 .30e99 .36402 17.455 .9*75cf-13 .1?680 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9863SE-01 2.6934 16 .0902 .39661 45578 18.631 .10590i-12 .12680 0 5.1670 4.2700 .9863eE-01 2.6934 20 .1102 46407 .55170 20.454 .10 4 7 0 f -12 .12680 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9863fE-01 2.6934 22 .1302 57695 .63434 22.P69 .92341 f -13 .1?630 0. 5.1670 4.?700 .9463PE-01 2.6934 24 .1502 .66265 .70072 25.739 .76409E-13 .17680 C. 5.1670 4.2700 .9P63PE-01 2.6*34 26 .1702 .73343 .75470 28.913 .60567F-13 .126A0 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9Pf3FE-01 7 6934 26 .1902 .78975 .80062 32.265 .3939?E-13 .12660 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9863eE-01 2.6*34 30 .2102 .4353a .A4225 35.702 .196470-13 .126e0 0. 5.1670 9.2700 .9663eE-01 2.6934 32 .2302 .37741 .E8162 39.161 .1225EE-14 .!?680 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9463PE-01 2.6934 34 .2502 .91843 92116 42.615 .14 2 4 3 E- 13 .12680 0. 5 1670 4.2700 .G9636f-01 2.6934 36 .2702 .95971 .96226 46.060 .87349E-0? .12680 0. 5.1670 9.2700 .9P63EE-01 2.6434 38 .2479 .99691 1 0001 49.093 . 3 6 4 7 6 E - 01 .1?680 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9F63PE-01 2.6434 40 .3045 1.0335 1.0373 51.952 .31037E-01 .12680 0. 5.1670 9.2700 .9563eE-01 2.6934 42 .3245 1.0796 1.0642 55.405 .30356E-01 .12680 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .S263AE-01 2.6934 44 .3445 1.12e5 1.1316 58.655 .30015E-01 .19680 0. 5.1610 4.2700 .9863AE-01 2.6534 46 .3645 1.1794 1.17e1 62.259 .297050-01 .12580 0. 5 1670 4.2700 9es3PE-01 2.6934 4b .It 45 1.2291 1.2241 f5.592 .29455f-01 .12630 0. 5 1670 4.2700 .9Pe3FF-01 2.6954 50 4045 1.2756 1.2702 68.84R .29187f-01 .12680 0. 3.1670 4.2700 .9863EE-01 2.b934 52 4245 1.3194 1.3161 72.024 .299P4E-01 .12680 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .98(30E-01 2.6434 54 .4445 1.3622 1.3620 75.116 .2PP39E-01 .12680 a. 5.1670 4.?700 .99638E-01 2.Ea34 56 4645 1.4046 1.4079 70.123 .2P725E-01 .12680 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9Pf3tE-01  ?.E934 Sa 4P45 1 4463 1.4538 81.047 .2f602E-01 .32600 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9P63fE-01 2.6934 60 .5045 1 4874 1 4996 83.889 .26448E-01 .12680 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9Ff38E-01 2 6'34 62 .5245 1.5278 1.5447 A6.643 .282740-01 .12680 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9/636f-G1  ?.6934 64 .5445 1.5691 1.?P6P E9.269 .2f0970-01 .12680 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .98638E-01 2.6934 66 .5045 1.6114 1.6226 91.665 .?7929f-01 .1?680 0. 5.1670 4.?700 .9463FE-01 2.6434 68 .t645 1.64?6 1.6516 93.751 .277730-01 .12680 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9'63PE-01 2 6934 70 .6045 1 6766 1.0761 95.543 .2 76 2 2f -01 .17680 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .caf3er-01 2.6c34 72 .6145 1.6917 1.6980 97.106 .27472E-01 .12680 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9F63eE-01 2.6934 74 .6445 1.7G00 1.7196 9P.538 .27320f-01 .12680 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9af3PE-01 2.f 4 34 76 .6645 1.7077 1.7453 99.958 .27167E-01 .1?680 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .aa63eE-01 2.6*34 76 .tt45 1.7220 1.7754 101.46 .?t012E-01 12660 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .*:03PE-01 2.6434 80 .7045 1.7482 1.2086 103.06 .26659E-01 .12660 c. 5.1670 4.2700 .Se63eE-01 2.6934 82 .7245 1.7652 1.S432 104.71 .26708f-01 .12680 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .?e63ef-01 2.6534 d4 .7645 1.6262 1.5765 106.35 .26559E-01 .12660 0. 5.1670 4.2700 94638E-01 2.6934 96 .7A45 1.6719 1.9053 107.e8 .2641?C-01 .12680 0. 5.1670 4.27P0 .98f 3 6E-01 2.6934 oo .7F45 1.9098 1.9290 10a.23 .26265E-01 .12680 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .99 3EE-01 2.6934 90 .6045- 1.4365 1.9492 110.42 .26118E-01 .12680 C. 5.1670 4.?700 .98f3fE-01 2.6434 92 .s245 1.9528 1.9671 111.49 .25972f-01 .126H1 0. 5.1670 4.2700 . *H636E-01 2 6934 94 .b445 1.9631 1.9843 112.49 .25P?ef-01 .12680 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .91638E-01 2.6934 96 .d645 'I.9720 2.0029 113.4P .256F4f-01 .12680 0. 5.1670 4.2700 . **636E-01 2.6c34 So .8645 1.9641 2.0234 114.50 25541F-01 .12680 0. 5.1670 4.2703 .936?FE-01 2.t934 100 .9045 2.0022 2.0455 115.56 .25399f-01 .12680 C. 5.1670 4.2700 .9a(3FE-01 2.6434

4 j ] .

i J J CYC TIPE W 9 W 10 W 11 W 36 VOL 23 V00T 1 VOL 8 Vrt 9 A4t10 1 A r.Ue 1

! IJ2 .9245 2.0256 2.06M7 116.65 .?52%PE-01 .12680 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .92(3FE-01 2.6934 10s .9445 2.0515 2.0925 117.75 .2511FE-01 .1?'60 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9f636E-01 2.6934 106 .9645 2.0774 2.1166 11P.e6 .2497er-01 .4/660 C. 5 1670 4.2700 .9663EE-01 2.6934 t IJe .9*45 2.1023 2.1405 119.98 .2eP41F-01 .12(80 0. 5.1(70 4.2700 .9063PE-01 2.6934 110 1.0045 2.1260 2.1642 121.09 .24703f-01 .12680 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .96636E-01 2.6934 112 1.0245 2.1992 2.th76 122.21 .24567E-01 . 2680 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9pF3eE-01 2.6934 114 1 0445 2.1692 2.20P8 123.24 .24431E-01 3?660 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .98630E-01 2.6934 116 1.0645 2.1722 2.2217 124 24 .24297E-01 .32680 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9Rf3eE-01 2.6934 116 1.0F45 2.1650 2.2272 125.01 463E-01 .12680 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9663eE-01 2.6934 120 1.1045 2.1646  ?.2331 125.63 "030E-01 .12680 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9663EE-01 2.6934 122 1 1245 2.1714 2.2415 12(.20 .i3897E-01 .12680 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9P'3hE-01 2.6934

, 124 1.1445 2.1805 2.2511 126.75 .23766E-01 .12680 c. 5.1670 4.2700 .9P630E-01 2.6934 126 1.le45 2.1F9a 2.2610 127.?0 .23635T-01 .12680 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9F(3fE-01 2.6934 128 1.1645 2.1991 2.270s 127.85 .23505E-01 .12680 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .5P63FE-01 2.6934

] 130 1.2045 2.2043 2.2x06 12R.39 .23376f-01 .12680 0 5.1670 4.2700 .99'360-01 2.6934 4 132 1.2245 2.2175 2.2902 12P. 93 .23246E-01 .12690 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9663FE-01 2.6934 5 134 1.2445 2.2269 2.2997 129.47 .23121E-01 .12680 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9F'38E-01 2.6934 4

136 1.2645 2.2363 2.3091 130.00 .22994E-01 .12680 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .98636E-01 2.6934 l 13o 1.2645 2.2457 2.3164 130.53 .226F50-01 .12(80 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9EF36E-01 -2.6934 4 140 1.3045 2.2552 2.3276 131 06 .227440-01 .12680 0. 5.1670 4.2700 9E(3BE-01 2.6934 142 1.5245 2.?647 2.3367 131.58 .22619f-01 .12680 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9a63eE-01 2.6934 4

144 1.3445 2.2742 2.3459 132.16 .22496E-01 .1?680 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9F(3EE-01 .2.6934 146 1.3645 2.2b36 2.3550 132.61 .22373E-01 .12680 0. 5.1670 4.2700 9963eE-01 2.6934 146 1.3645 2.2928 2.3(41 133.13 .22251E-01 .32680 0. 5.1670 4.2700 4ef3EE-01 2.e934 l 15J 1.4u45 2.3020 2.3732 133.64 .221300-01 .12660 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9f63tE-01 2.f534 152 1.4245 2.3112 2.3o24 134.16 .22009E-01 .12680 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9aA3dE-01 2.6934 ,

154 1.444S 2.3202 2.3416 134.68 .21840E-01 .12680 0. 5 1670 4.2700 .9F63PE-ul 2.693*

156 1.4a45 2.3293 2.4009 135.20 .21771E-01 .12680 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .96( 3 e E-01 2.6934 158 1.4045 2.3383 2.4101 135.72 .21652F-01 .12680 0. 5.1670 4.2700 9'63eE-01 2.e934 160 1 5045 2.34 73 2.4194 136.24 .21535E-01 .12680 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .SPf3eE-01 2.t534 162 1.5245 2.3564 2.4267 136.77 .21418E-01 .12680 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9663EE-01 2.6934 164 1.t445 2.3654 2.4380 137.29 .21302E-01 .12680 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .93( 3 8 f-01 2.e934 166 1.5645 2.3745 2 4473 137.82 .211P6F-01 .126a0 0. 5.1670 4 2700 .9S'32f-C1 2.6934 166 1.5645 2.3636 2.4*66 l'P.34 .21072E-01 .12feo 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .99535E-01 2.6934 l 170 1.6045 2.3927 2.4660 138.67 .20958f-01 .12680 0. 5.1670 4.2700 9E(3EE-01 2.6934 1 172 1.6245 ?.4019 2.4753 139.40 .20844E-01 .12680 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .98636E-01 2.6934

1 74 1.6445 2.4110 2.4P46 139.92 .20731f-01 .12680 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9f63PE-01 2.6934 4

116 1.6645 2.4202 2.493a 140.45 .20619E-01 .12680 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .95e*FF-21 2.6034 176 1.6E45 2.4294 2.5052 140.97 .2050EE-01 .32f80 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9663Ef-01 2.6934

, 180 1.7045 2.4396 2.5125 -

141.50 .203975-01 .12680 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .960!bf-01 2.5534 132 1.7245 2.4478 2.5?lh 142.03 .202P7E-01 .12660 0. 5.1670 4.2700 9563aE-01 2.6934 164 1.7445 2.4570 2.5311 142.55 .20170E-01 .32680 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9f63PE-01 2.6a34 l Ice 1.To45 2.4662 2.5403 143.08 .20064E-01 .12660 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .*F(3Ef-01 2.o334 i 16o 1.7F45 2.4754 2.5496 143.61 .19961E-01 .12680 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9A636E-01 2.6934 j 190 1.8045 2.4647 2.5589 144.13 .1SP54E-01 .12680 C. 5.1670 4.2700 .9Pf*PE-01 2.c934 J 192 1.3245 2.4959 2.5682 144.66 .19747E-01 .12680 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9t(36E-01 2.6534 4 194 1.n445 2.5031 2.6775 145.19 .19641E-01 .32660 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .96638E-01 2 6934 l 196 1.c645 2.5124 2.5967 145.71 .15535E-01 .1?'00 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9P'36E-01 2.6934 196 1 6045 2.5216 2.5960 146.24 .194310-01 .32f60 0. 5.1(70 4.2700 .9Pf3ef-01 2.6434 200 1.9045 2.53G9 2.6053 146.76 .19326E-01 12680 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9o63eE-01 2 6934

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CYC O W 9 W 10 11 36 O) J T I t* E W W VOL 23 VDOT 1 VOL 6 VOL 9 ANU10 1 A f;U6 1 202 1.9245 2.5401 2.6145 147.29 .19225t-01 .126A0 0 5.1670 4.27c0 .9'65tE-01 2.6934 2 )4 1.9445 2.t494 2.* 2 3P 147.P2 .191?cE-01. .1?f80 .15F23E-03 5.1670- 4.27C0 .9F66?E-01 2.e*33 206 1.St45 2.5590 2.f337 14P.34 .19017f-01 .12679 .12703E-02 5.1665 4.2705 .90052E-01 2.e929 23e 1.9845 2.5764 2.6537 14f.P7 .1P915t-01 .12674 .317480-02 5.1648 4 2722 .10035 2.6916 210 2.0045 2.6167 2.6493 14r.40 .1F8150-01 .12666 .56063E-02 5.1614 4.2756 .30296 2.6390 212 2.0245 2.6921 2.7b21 149.93 .1P719E-01' .1?652 .84018E-02 5.1560 9.2P10 .10713 2.6e49 214 2.0445  ?.d114 2.9094 150.46 .1P627E-01 .12632 .11475E-01 5.14P4 4.2P86 .11305 2.6789 216 2.0645 2.9603 3.0H62 150.96 .1F543f-01 .12605 .14792E-01 5.1383 4.2987 .12090 2.6711 21e 2.te45 3.2019 3.31t* 151.42 .1P4F7f-01 .32572 .18354E-01 5.1255 4.3115 .130F2 2.6612 22G 2.1045 3.4774 3.6030 151.65 .1639SE-01 .12532 .221860-01 5.1100 4.3270 .14298 2.6490 222 2.1245 3.P236 4.0253 152.34 .1633ff-01 .12483 .27471E-01 5.0911 4.3459 .15774 2.6343 224 2.1445 4.2051 4.3548 152.72 .1P272E-01 .12424 .31733E-01 5.06P4 4.3686 .17560 2.6164 226 2.1645 4.63E1 4.P16R 153.17 .3F214E-01 .12356 .36366E 01 5.0424 4.3946 .19619 2.5556 22E 2.1645 5.1126 5.3115 153.63 .181e0E-01 .1??76 .41677E-01 5.0127 4.4243 '2.5721 230 2.2J45 5.600a

. 219P5 5.8209 154 10 .18167E-01 .12188 .47572E-01 4.97EP 4.45P2 .24703 2.5450 232 2.2245 6.0782 6.320? 154.57 .1P163E-01 .12087 .53820E-01 4.9403 4.4967 .27kO3 2.5140 234 2.2445 6.5133 6.7760 155.06 .181(1E-01 .11973 .60065E-01 4.8972 4.5399 .31301 2.4790 23o 2.2645 6.H696 7.1500 155.56 .121(6E-01 .11847 .65807E-01 4.8497 4.5872 .351P4 2.4432 23d 2.2545 7.1124 7.4062 156.07 .1R192E-01 .11711 .7042RE-01 4.7985 4.6365 .59407 2.3c79 240 2.3b45 7.2153 7.516P 156.60 .18214E-01 .11567 .73276E-01 4.7446 4.6924 .43PE0  ?.3532 242 2.3245 7.0665 7.3612 157.16 .15261E-01 .11420 .73475E-01 4.6897 4.7473 .4f?PS  ?.3392 244 2.3445 6.2543 P.6605 157.46 .1P31Pf-01 .31270 .77902E-01 4.6341 4.8029 46069 2.3313 24u 2.3645 10.290 10.776 157.56 .1837ef-01 .11098 .95567E-01 4.5705 4.P665 47004 2.3220 246 2.3845 12.401 12.988 157.60 .1P441E-01 .30879 .12613 4.4893 4.9477 4t263 2.3094

, 250 2.4045 14.761 15.517 157.56 .1e517E-01 .10583 .17028 4.3P13 5.0557 .5n0E2 2.2914 252 2.4245 17.517 18.526 157.36 .1P635E-01 .10184 .23116 4.2358 5.2012 52728 2.2t47 254 2.4445 29.012 21.?3? 157.12 .1P641E-01 .96489E-01 .30495 4.0420 5.3950 .5676C 2.2242 256 2.46*5 22 4th 23.973 156.71 .19183f-01 .E9614E-01 .3P299 3.7949 5.6421 .62956 2.1624 2 25c 2.4645 22.193 24.106 156.71 .19183E-01 .E9606E-01 .3P293 3.7a46 5.6*?4 .f29f5 2.1624

, 260 2.4646 21.349 24.668 156.71 .19104E-01 .e9583E-01 .38277 3.7938 5.6432 .629E6 2.1521 262 2.4642 1h.c64 27.228 156.74 .19169E-01 .P9491E-01 .38229 3.7905 5.6465 .63077 2.1612 264 2.4058 19.027 3E.146 156.61 .1920PE-01 .69123E-01 .38713 3.7773 5.6597 .65446 2.1575 266 2.4696 ?e.JP9 31.652 156.74 .1*2P6E-01 .E7527E-01 .44377 3.7?o2 5.7168 .65eF6 2.1411 26o 2.4C47 25.7E6 26.463 154.81 .19687E-01 .79829E-01 .56586 3.4452 5.9918 .74250 2.0495 273 2.4 f 4 7 25.551 26.666 154.46 .19687E-01 .79A17E-01 .56579 3.4448 5.9922 74?65 2.C494 272 2.464b 24.554 27.725 15t.10 .la6f 9f -01 .79783E-01 .56563 3.4436 5.9934 .74311 2.0489 274 2.4r50 22.033 37.665 155.57 .lafatC-01 .79648E-01 .56548 3.43R7 5.99S3 .74493 2.0471 276 2 4P60 24.563 52.922 153.93 .19723f-01 .79101E-01 .57455 3.4192 6.0177 .75237 2.C396 27c 2.4F93 36.f49 45.426 155 50 .198200-01 .77069f-01 .64785 3.3468 6.0902 .7J126 2.6107 260 2.4a34 37.553 39.693 150.53 19946E-01 .74227E-01 .73666 3.2454 6.1916 .p?s12 1.9e6?

2A2 2.4935 37.2t6 39.nti 15C.53 .14a4(E-01 .74205E-01 .73714 3.2446 6.19?4 .*?S47 1.9r65 264 2.4936 36.324 40.731 150.47 .19950f-01 .74116E-01 .73910 3.2415 6.1955 .0?(51 1.9c51 286 2.4941 35.109 44.674 149.57 .19965E-01 .73759E-01 .74776 3.2?P7 6.22e3 .e5?75 1.9593 266 2.4560 36.470 4h.423 147.47 .2 0 0 2f f -01 .72282E-01 .79245 3 1760 6.2610 6%771 1.9343 290 2.4c86 40.740 45.986 146.38 .20106E-01 .70164E-01 .857P2 3.1004 6.336E 495P5 1.6961 292 2.4966 40.528 46.147 146.42 .201070-01 .7013aE-01 .85846 3.0995 6.3375 .

  • S t. 3 3 1.cS57 294 2.49E7 39.900 46.o71 146.49 .20110E-01 .70035E-01 .86105 3.0958 6.3412 .a7E2F 1.2937 296 2.**92 59.465 50.270 146.12 .2012EE-01 .69619E-01 .P7233 3.0410 6.3%f0 .99614 1.P;69 296 2.tG11 43.064 53.576 144.3F .201P7E-01 .67693E-01 .92661 3.0193 6.4177 44014 1.d*19 300 2.3030 44.663 52.749 143.13 .2024eE-01 .f606CE-01 .98215 2.9538 6.4832 .97e70 1.6133

4 i

CYC T1*E W 9 L 10 V 11 u 36 VOL 23 VDOT 1 VOL 8 VOL 9 att10 1 2 te 1 302 2.504e 46.224 55.770 140.69 .203050-01 .64236E-01 -1.0382 2.**85 6.5465 1.019P 1.7722 4

304 2.5053 46.137 57.077 140.12 .203200-01 .E'762E-01 -1.0519 2.6715 6.56'S 1.031C 1.761C 305 2.5066 go.112 59.??9 138.15 .20363f-01 .f2300E-01 -1.0977 2.8190 6.6120 1.06et 1.7752 30s 2.5083 49.761 58.741 136.18 .2041tt-01 .60435E-01 -1.1547 2.7521 6.6949 1.1155 1.5765 310 2.5092 48.273 60.963 134.91 .20442f-01 .59437E-01 -1.1e45 2.7162 6.7208 1.1431 1.6469 j 312 2.5102 49.811 62.040 132.96 .20475E-01 .5a164E-01 -1.2235 2.6704 6.76e6 1 1980 1.612C 314 2.5111 48.954 63.E55 131.38 .20502f-01 .t7077E-01 -1.2577 2.6312 6.6058 1.?!30 1.5'90 316 2.5122 49.646 63.0eh 129.43 .20537E-01 .5"f41E-01 -1.3039 2.5793 6.8577 1.2590 1.5330 3to 2.5130 50.165 62.756 127.97 .20561E-01 .5463=E-01 -1.3359 2.5431 6.8939 1.?927 1 4'93 320 2.5134 50.129 63.5f5 126.94 .20575f-01 .54019E-01 -1.3554 2.5207 6.9163 1.!!43 1.4777 322 2.5141 50.445 64.011 125.20 .2C59tr-01 5316SE-01 -1.3832 2.4a99 6.9471 1.344P 1.*472

+ 324 2.5141 50.487 64.089 12t.13 .2059!E-01 .53127E-01 -1.3845 2.42H4 6.9486 1.3463 1.4657

32e 2.5142 50.523 64.405 124.82 .20599E-01 .52961E-01 -1.3897 2.4e23 6.9547 1.3524 1.4396
325 2.5147 50.677 65.426 123.36 .20614E-01 .52269E-01 -1.4112 2.4580 6.9790 1.3776 1.4144 33L 2.5153 51 034 65.420 121.55 .20634f-01 .51367E-01 -1.4416 2.4245 7.0125 1.4132 1.3fte 332 2.t154 51.0t4 65.4b2 121.4R .20635E-01 .51324E-01 -1.4429 2.4229 7.0141 1.4149 1.3771 334 2.5155 51 123 65.723 121.18 .20639E-01 .51151E-01 -1.44e4 2.4166 7.0204 1.4210 1.3702 336 2.5160 51.282 66.384 119.87 .20653E-01 .50450E-01 -1.4709 2.3911 7.0459 1.4501 1.3419 333 2.5166 51.643 66.042 11E.18 .20673C-01 .49491E-01 -1.5024 2.3562 7.0P09 1.**02 1.3Lle 340 2.5166 51.669 66.090 116.12 .20674f-01 49446E-01 -1.5038 2.3545 7.0P25 1.4421 1.2599 342 2.5166 51.706 66.262 117.85 .2 0 6 7E E -01 .49265F-01 -1.5C94 2.3479 7.On93 g.49eo 1.2421 i 344 2.5172 51.861 66.665 116.57 .20f93E-01 .485350-01 -1.5326 2.3213 7.1157 1.531e 1.2632 2

346 2.5176 52.200 67.256 114.88 .20711E-01 .47604E-01 -1.5621 2.2873 7.1497 1.5740' 1 2140 348 2.51P4 5?.503 67.550 113.42 .20727E-01 4E781E-01 -1.5860 2.2572 7.1798 1.6126 1 1794 352 2.5198 52.597 68.177 112.02 .20742E-01 .45995E-01 -1.6125 2.22F3 7.2087 1.f*9e 1.1612 352 2.5193 52.861 68.t68 110.70 .20756E-01 .45262E-01 -1.6352 2.2014 7.2556 1.f>75 1.1C45 354 2.5197 53.131 69.412 109.44 .20 7f 92-01 .44568E-01 -1.6567 2.1759 7.2611 1.7?32 1.06cP 356 2.5201 53.195 69.995 105.22 .20781E-01 .43900E-01 -1.6773 2.1513 7.2857 1.75A5 1.0335 356 2.5203 52.059 70.327 107.58 .207 Pef-01 43541E-01 -1.6PS2 2.13P1 7.?S69 1.7552 . 1.03e8 366 2.5208 51.237 70.P61 10(.31 .20P01E-01 .42e33E-01 -1.7101 2 1120 7.3250 1.7744 1.0176 4 362 2.5212 49.395 71.Ite 105.01 .20P146-01 .42078E-01 -1 7338 2.0841 7.3529 1.7913 1.0cc7 364 2.5214 47.366 71.339 104.27 .20022f-01 .41632E-01 -1.7479 2.0676 7.3694 1. 74 2 P .99916 366 2.5216 46.335 71.310 103 16 .20P33E-01 .40969E-01 -1.7692 2.0431 7.3939 1.20tP .9S323 4 369 2.5222 44.564 71.032 102.04 .20P44E-01 40324E-01 -1.7905 2.0191 7.4174 1.f264 96556 1

376 2.5224 42.849 70.752 101.27 .20852E-01 .39887E-01 -1.8050 2.0029 7.4341 1.cS97 .96233 372 2.5226 41.798 70.154 100.15 .208620-01 .39302E-01 -1.a249 1.9P11 7.4559 1.F441 .947F6 i

374 2.5231 40.185 69.401 98.961 .20871E-01 .3a731E-01 -1.R445 1.9599 7.4771 1.cf24 .92961 376 2.5233 36.639 6e.7E8 98.040 .20878E-01 .3631eE-01 -1.8589 1.9445 7.4425 1 4666 .92t3e 376 2.5236 37.591 67.074 96.755 .20be6r-01 .37792E-01 -1.e775 1.9248 7.5122 1.etce .911 6 Soo 2.1238 36.CFS F6.*04 95.386 .20995f-01 .37275E-01 -1.8959 1.9056 7.5314 1.8993 .89265 382 2.5240 34.e52 66.140 94.268 .20901t-01 .36P94E-01 -1.9097 1.6412 7.5458 1.9943 .Fa774 34* 2.5243 33.623 65.120 92.816 .2050tE-01 36415E-01 -1.9271 1.8733 7.5(37 1.91r1 .E7369 366 2.5245 32.210 64.094 91.2P3 .20916f-01 .35949E-01 -1.9443 1.P558 7.5P12 1.*!76 .65%+5 3ee 2.5247 30.E56 63.293 90.050 .20421E-01 .355920-01 -1.9575 1.8424 7.5546 1.9629 .e4cc5 i 39J 2.5249 29.65d 62.270 Eh.456 .20928f-01 .35154E-01 -1.9739 1.6260 7.6110 1.9'71 .F3491 392 2.5252 26.523 61.258 86.826 .20934E-01 .34726E-01 -1.9900 1.8099 7.6271 1.4773 51471 394 2.5253 27.240 60.468 85.528 .20939f-01 .34396E-01 -2.0025 1.7974 7.6396 1.5531 .60FF6 39m 2.5255 26.277 59.473 63.6h8 .20946E-01 .33993E-01 -2.0178 1.7P22 7.654? 1.9*76 .79423

! 39h 2.5257 25.013 Sh.493 P2.240 .20951E-01 .33599E-01 -2.0330 1.7674 7.6696 2.0190 77304 430 2.5259 23.794 57.725 80.937 .20956E-01 33292E-01 -2.0447 1.7558 7.6P12 2.0252 .76e76

.4 CYC ME- L 9 . 4 10 W 11 W 36 [ L 23 V00T 1 VOL 8 VOL 9 AtU10 (p ) Aku6 1 402 60 22.f6e 5f.762 79.31E .20961f-01 \~ 319E-01 -2.0592 1.7417 7.6953 2.3407 \% /.75130 404 375262 21.f69 55.612 77.709 .20967E-01 .32554C-01 -2.0734 1.7279 7.7091 2.0F31 .72693 406 2.5264 20.509 55 063 76.444 .20971E-01 .32?70E-01 -2.0e44 1.7171 7 7199 2.t099- .72212 40e 2 5265 19.621 54 2t9 75.035 .209756-01 .31956E-01 -2.0967 1.7052 7.7318 2.0*17 .71033 410 2 5267 18.579 53 434 73.645 .209POE-01 .31649E-01 -2.1088 1.6935 7.7435 2.1069 .68506 412 2.5266 17.55* 52.537 72.191 .20964E-01 .31329C-01 -2.1214 1.6H14 7.7556 2.1202 .67181 414 2 5270 16.554 51 655 70.7P5 .?09F8E-01 .31020E-01 -2.1336 1.6696 7.7674 2.1327 .65932 416 2.5271 15.313 50.795 69.410 .20993E-01 .30718E-01 -2.1456 1.6581 7.7789 2.1594 .63257 41o 2.5272 14.514 50 001 6H.171 .2099fE-01 .30447E-01 -2.1563 1.6478 7.7892 ,2.1707 .62127 420 2 5274 13.612 49 119 66.826 .21001E-01 .301510-01 -2.1680 1.6365 7.8005 2.1877 .60431 422 2.5275 17 599 4R.252 65.510 .2100$E-01 .29a62E-01 -2.1795 1.6255 7.P115 2.2170 .575C5 424 2.5276 11.615 47.512 64.409 .2100e0-01 .29619E-01 -2.1891 1.6162 7.P208 2.2281 .56386 '

42c 2 5277 10.791 46 643 63.143 .?101?I-01, .29339E-01 -2.2002 1.6055 7.8315 2.2491 .54268 42b 2.5279 9.6149 45 784 61.905 .2101tE-01 .29064E-01 -2.?111 1.5949 7.F420 2 2a23 .50967

  • 30 2 52P0 e.6606 45.0R0 60.906 .210180-01 28P41E-01 -2.2199 1.5P64 7.P506 2.294P 49724 4 432 2.52S1 8 08a7 44.229 59.723 .21022E-01 .2E576E-01 -2.2304 1.5763 7 8607 2.3206 .47140
  • 34 2.5282 7.1520 43 3P7 SP.567 .21025E-01 .2P316E-01 -2.2407 1 5663 7.P707 2.3802 .43175 436 2.5203 6.23?? 42 711 57.650 .2102PE-01 .2P109E-01 -2.2489 1.5583 7.87e6 5.50t3 41 082 2.3757 41626 43b 2.528# 5(.550 .21031E-01 .27P59E-01 -2.2587 1.5497 7. PSP 2 2.4094 .38265
    • O 2.5285 4.6031 41.062 55.475 .21035E-01 .27614E-01 -2.2684 1.5393 7.8977 2.4610 .33097 442 2.52'o 3.7202 40.407 54.630 .21037E-01 .27420E-01 -2.2760 1.5318 7.9052 2.4642 .30782 444 2 5? ? 3.0237 39.600 53.608 .21040E-01 .271840-01 -2.2653 1.5227 7.9143 2.5356 .25638 446 2 5tP8 2.lf t e 36.799 5?.610 .21043E-01 .26951E-01 -2.?944 1.513e 7.9232 2.6196- .17241 44e 2.989 1.3146 36 161 51.828 .21045E-01 .26769E-01 -2.3015 1.5067 7.9302 2.6797 .11235 450 2 .f290 .64439 37.367 50.8a0 .210460-01 .26594E-01 0. ~1.5000 7.9370 2.7725 .19546E-01 452 2 J 291 0. 36.391 49.759 .21052E .26594E-01 0. 1.5000 7 9370 2.7725 .19546E-01 454 2 b?95 0. 31 93? 45.396 .21065E-01 .26594E-01 0. 1.5000 2)!02 6. 25.b45 7.9370 2.7725 .19546E-01
  • 5u 39.645 210P3E-01 .26594E-01 0. 1.5000 7.9370 2.7725 .19546E-01 45e 24 308 0. 19 . t. 7 6 53.P?! .21102E-01 .2f594E-01 0. 1.5000 7.9370 2.7725 .19546E-01 460 .5315 9. 15.162 28.016 .?11210-01 .26594E-01 0. 1.5000 7.9370 2.7725 .19546E-01 46? 2.5322 0. 12.210  ??.541 .21141E-01 .26594E-01 0. 1.5000 7.9370 2.7725 .19546E-01 96, 2.5329 0. 10 416 17.792 .21162E-01 .26594E-01 0. 1.5000 7.9370 2 7725 .19546E-01 i

46f 2.533e 0. 9.0P79 13.9P0 .21163E-01 .26594E-01 0. 1.5000 7.9370 2.7725 .19546E-01 4p 2.5344 0. 7.6513 10.532 .21205E-01 .26594E-01 0. 1.5000 7.9370 2.7725 .19546E-01

.'. 2.53?2 0. 5.h539 8.1528 .21229E-01 .26594E-01 0. 1.5000 72 2.5361 0.

7.9370 2.7725 .19546E-01 3.6756 5.0675 .21253E-01 .26594E-01 0. 1.5000 7.9370 2.7725 .19546E-01 474 2.5370 0. 1.1288 1.279P .21278E-01 .26594E-01 0 1.5000 7.9370 2.7725 .19546C-01

'76 2.f379 0. -1.U757 -3.3139 .?1305E-01 .26594E-01 47e

0. 1.5000 7 9370 2.7725 .19546E-01

, 2. 389 0. -5.3097 -8.4t77 .?1334E-01 .26594E-01 4A0

0. 1 5000 7.9370 2.7725 .19546E-01 2.!430 0. -R.Ae47 -13.429 .21364E-01 .26594E-01 0 1.5000 7.9370 2.7725 .19546E-01 f 462 2.5411 0. -11.f39 -17.093 .21397E-01 .26594E-01 0. 1.5000 484 2.u423 0.

7.9370 2.7725 .19546E-01

-13.0de -1H.175 .21432E-01 .26594E-01 0. 1.5000 7.9370 466 2.'452 0. -12.533 -17.140 .21457E-01 2.7725 .19546E-01

.26594E-01 0. 1.5000 7.9370 2.7725 .19546E-01 4

488 2.t ' 3 6 0. -11.e51 -15.7PH .21473E-01 .2f594E-01 0. 1.5000 490 2.t441 0. -10.A44 7.9370 2.7725 .19546E-01

-14.624 .?1484E-01 .26594E-01 0. 1.5000 7.9370 2.7725 .19546E-01 492 2.t447 0. -9.2500 -12.426 .21500E-01 .26594E-01 0.

4 94 1.5000 7.9370 2.7725 .19546E-01

2. 452 0. -7.3507 -9.6780 .21516E-01 .26594E-01 0.

496 2.n456 1.5000 7.9370 2.772t .19546E-01

0. -6.0050 -P.0959 .215?60-01 26594E-01 0. 1.5000 7.9370 2.7725 .19546E-01


r f- ,.,

\v / \

Ns) yr)

CYC TIME AND8 1 2 .0000 3.2501 .

4 .0002 3.2501 o .0006 3.2501 6 .0026 3 25C1 10 .C102 3.2501 12 .0302 3.2501 1* .0502 3.2501 16 .0702 3.2501 16 .0902 3.2501 20 .1102 3.2501 22 .1302 3.1501 24 .1502 3.2501 26 .1702 3.2501 26 .1902 3.2501 30 .2102 3.2501 32 .2302 3.2501 34 .2502 3.2501 36 .2702 3.2501 38 .2879 3.2501 40 .3045 3.2501 42 .3245 3.2501 44 .3445 3.2501 4d .3645 3.2b01 46 .3645 3.2501 50 .*045 3.2501 52 .4245 3.2501 54 4445 3.2501 56 4645 3.25ul So 4345 3.2501 60 .5045 3.2501 62 .5.45 3.2501 64 .5445 3.2501 66 .5f45 3.2501 68 .5545 3.2501 70 .6(45 3.2501 12 .o245 3.2501 76 .6445 3.2501 76 .6645 3.2501 Th .6a45 3.2501 bu .7C45 3.2501 62 .7245 3.2501 84 .7445 3.2501 no .1645 3.2501 do 7r45 3.2501 9; .n065 3.2501 92 .9245 3.2501 94 .E*45 3.2501 56 .86*5 3.2501 9a .$545 3.2501 10G .9065 3.2501

< , 3. .

l 1

l CYC' AND9 1 ,

i 102 TIFE

.5245 _3.2501 l los .9445 3.2501 l 106 .9645 3.2501 l- 10s .9645 3.2501 f- '110 1.0045 3.2501

, 112 1.0245 3.2501.

114 1.0445 3.2501 116 1.0045 3.2501 j lie 1.0945 3.2501 j 120 1.1045 3.2501
122 1.1245 3.2501 i- 124 1.1445 3.2501 1 126 1.1645 3.2501

! 126 1.1845 3.2501 .

130 1.2045 3.2501 132 1.2245 3.2501

- 134 1.2445 3.2501 136 1.2645 3.2501 i 13b 1.2945 3.2501

. 140 1.3045 3.2501 4 '142 1.3245 3.2501 j 1** 1.3445 3.2501 146 1.3645 3.2501 ,

14o 1.3645 3.2501 150 1.9645 3.2501 152 1 4245 3.2501

154 1.4,445 3.2501-l 156 1.4645 3.2501 1 IS P. 1.4h45 3.2501

} 160 1.5045 3.2501 162 1.5245 3.2501

!- 164 1.5445 3.2501 l 166 1.5o45 3.2501 1 166 1.5F45 3.2501 1

170 1.6045 3.2501 k 172 1.6245 3.2501 l 174 1.6445 3 2501

{ 176 1.6645 5.2501 l 178 1.6F45 3.2501 1 160 1.7045 3.2501 j 182 1.7245 3.2501 los 1.7445 3.2501 4 loo 1.li45 3.2501 l 1eb 1.7345 3.2501 190 1.*4*5 3.2501 l 192 1.t245 3.2t01 1 194 1.c445 3.2*01

! 196 1.at45 3.2501 l 196 1.e645 3.2501 ,

! 200 1.5C45 3.2501 I

I a



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'f .


. CYC II"E 3AGd 1 202 1.9245 3.2501

! 204 1.9445 5.2501

, 206 1.9645 3.249P j 208 1.9845 T.2490 j 210 2.0045 3.2472 '

i 212 2.0245 3.2445 l 214 2.u445 3.2406' 216 2.0645 3.2355 '[

) 216 2.0645 .'3.2290 '

j 220 2.1045 3.2212 j 222 2.1245 3.2118

, . 224 2.1445 3.2005 i 226 2.1045 3.1676 ,


i 22e 2.1345. 3.1731 230 2.2045 3.1567 .

I 232 2.2245 3.1384 a

234 2.2445 3.1183 256 2.2645 3.0965 238 2.2P45 3.0755 '

240 2.3045 3.0499 242 2.3245 3.0266 244 2.3445 3.0036

, 246 2.3E45 2.9783 i 1 248 2.3>45 2.9974

250 2.4045 2.5090 c

252 2.4245 2.6621

! 254 2.4445 2 0090 256 2.4645 2.7572

. 25d 2.4645 2.7572'

260 2.4646 2.7570 1 262 2.4648 2.7565 l 264 2.465R 2.7542 i 266 2.4696 2.7452 l 26d 2.4P47 2.7161 1 270 2.4947 2.7161

, 272 2.4696 2.7160

274 2.4P50 2.7157 j 276 2.4E60 2.7146 27o 2.*F?3 2.7115 280 2.4934 2.7099

, 282 2.4c35 2.7099 j 234 2.4936 2 7099 286 2.4 egg 2,7100 2do 2.4960 2.7107 250 2.9966 2.7133 292 2.4986 2.7133 294 2.4567 2.7135 296 2.4992 2.7143 4 29s 2 5011 2.7181 j 300 2.Su30 2.7234 i


i i

. .__ _ . _ m.m . _ . , . __ _ . _ _ _ .- - . -

.-_.. _ _ ~ _.

1 - _ , . ,

[T 1

l CYC TIML AN08- 1 4 302 2.5048 2.7301

) 304 2.5053 2.7320 j 306 2.5066 2.7386 -

i 30b 2.5023 2.74o2

! 31G 2.5G92 2.7539

j. 312 2 5102 2 7617 ,

i 314 2.5111 2.7689 ~

i i 316 2.5122 2.7791 -

I 316 2.5130 2.7267 1 320 2.5134 2.7915


222 2.5141 2.79e5 i 324 2.5141 2.7988


326 2.5142 2.8002 ,

t. 324 2.5147 2.e060 a 350 2.5153 2.6141

! 332 ~ 2.5154 2.8145 334 2.5155 2.8161 j 336 2.5160 2.8225

} 33d 2 5166 2.6317 ,

340 2.5166 2.8321 f 342 2.5166 2.633S

!~ 344 2.5172 2.9411

! 346 2.5178 2.P5b6 l 348 2.5184 2.8593 '

1 350 2.5186 2.P67a '

l 352 2.5193 2.6760

! 354 2.5197 2.6839

! 356 2.5201 2.8917 i 356 2.5203 2.a959

} 360 2.5206 2.9044

! 362 2.5212 2.9136 i 364 2.5214 2.?192 '

36u 2.521b 2.9276 365 2.5222 2 9359 37o 2.5224 2.9416 372 2.5228 2.9493 374 2.5231 2.9565 .

! 376 2.t233 2.9625 37b 2.5236 2.9698

340 2.5256 2.9769 l 382 2.5240 2.9623 4

384 2 5243 2.9690 l

3n6 2.5245 2.9957

.33e 2.5247 3.0009 594- 2.5249 3.0072 392 2.5252 3.0135 394 2.t?S3 3. 01 t! 4 346 2.5255 3.0244 39e 2.5257 3.0303 j 400 2.5259 3.0349 O

i .

l t


__ __ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ __n _______ m______

i . .

2 4

CYC IIPE U:01 ' 1 32 2.526C 3.0406 '

i 40% 2.5262 3.0462 j 41a 2.b264- 3.0505 j *Do 2.5265 3.0554

  • 410 2.5267 3.C601 I 412 2.526F 3.0651 414 2.5270 3.0700

-416 2.5271 3.0747 41a 2.3272 .3.0790  ;

420 2.5274 3.0P37 i

422 2.5275 3.0663 1 424 2.5276 3.G922 4 426 2.5277 3.0967

$ 428 2.5279 3.1012

43G 2.52PC 3.104R

.. 432 .2.5291 3.1091

}- 434 2.52P2 3.1133 436 2.52R3 3.1167 43b 2.5284 3.120b


440 2.5245 3.1246 442 2.5286 3.12P0

, 444 2.5?67 3.1319 446 2.528e 3.1357 1 448 2.52A9 3.1327 l 456 2.5290 3.1416 i 452 2.5291 3.1416  !

i 454 2.5295 3.1416 l 456 2.5302 3.1416

45o 2.5306 3.1416 1

460 2.5315 3.1416 462 2.5322 3.1416 464 2.5329 3.1416 466 2.5336 3.1416 l

l 46o 2.5344 3.1416 470 2.5352 3.1416 472 2.5361 3.1416 i 474 2.5370 3.1416 j 476 2.5379 3.1416 5 478 2.53h9 3.1416 I

} 430 2.5400 3.1416 .

482 2.5411 3.1416

, 4d4 2.5423 3.1416 I 4A6 2.5442 3.1416

486 2.5438 3.1416 i 490 2.5441 3.1416 492 2.5447 3.1416 l 494 2.5452 3.1416
496 2.5456 3.1416' j l

t 7

4 1

4 i

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4 M P R ASSOCIATES. INC. . Appendix C



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  • 26 .1702 0. 45.000 .17961 .13P48 -79.684 1327.0 -304.70 998.94 16.790 14'.199 28 .la02 0. 45.000 .215P5 .16957 -97.575 -1327.0 -304.70 980.56 17.015 15.005 30 .2102 0. 45.000 .25543 .20425 -117.53 1327.0 -304.70 960.06 17.240 15.004 32 .2302 0. 45.000 .29A39 .24223 -139.38 1327.0 -304.70 937.61 17.465 14.999 34 .2502 0. 45.000 .344P1 .28333 -163.03 1327.0 -304.70 913.31 17.690 14.993 36 .2613 0. 45.000 .37204 .3074P -17f.93 1327.0 -304.70 899.04 17.914 14.969 38 .2643 0. 45.000 .36003 .314f4 -1PO.99 1377.0 -304.70 894.87 17.P49 14.968 40 .2716 0. 45.000 .39879 .33106 -190.50 1377.0 -304.70 885.10 17.931 14.986 42 .2F29 0. 45.000 42PB0 .35749 -205.71 1326.9 -304.70 869.2a 18.058 14.983 1 44 .3022 0. 45.000 48339 40537 -233.26 1319.1 -304.70 832.81 12.274 14.9P1 1 45 .3222 0. 45.000 .67322 .60547 -34P.40 1297 1 -304.70 691.42 18.499 14.927 48 .3422 0. 45.000 .88072 .84265 -4P4.87 1270.0 -304.70 522.RR 1R.724 14.pPO 50 .3622 0. 45.000 1.0902 1.0733 -617.59 1248.4- -3ce.70 363.95 18.949 14.051 52 .3E22 0. 45.000 1.3036 1.2979 -746.26 1234.4 -304.70 216.50 19.174 14.634 54 4022 0. 45.000 1.5104 1.5?!1 -076.44 1223.2 -304.70 71.739 19.399 14.825 56 4222 .64931E-01 44.984 1.7200 1.7505 -1007.3 1210.2- -304.70 -76.159 19.624 14.817 58 4422 .35118 44.798 1.9358 1.9462 -1!19.9 1202.4 -304.36 -199.75 19.R49 14.605 60 .'4622 . POP 66 44.257 2.20e3 2.13P6 -1230.6 1214.7 -302.82 -299.29 20.074 14.766 62 4f22 -1.4451 43.200 2.6028 2.4043 -1383.5 1254.P -299.30 -411.28 20.299 14.685
64 .4922 -1.e424 42.420 2.8658 2.0372 -117?.2 1357.2 -252.8E -82.P51 20.412 14.625 i 66 .4922 -1.8426 42.416 2.8783 2.0569 -11a3.6 1357.3 -292.Pe -94.354 20.412 14.625 I

68 4923 -1.6440 42.407 2.9219 2.15C4 -1237.4 1357.6 -292.E5 -149.42 20.414 .%.627 70 4926 -1 6582 42 365 3.0169 2.6043 -1496.6 1358 4 -?c2.75 -416.56 20.419 14.63F 72 4947 -1.9951 42.190 3.1746 3.4A69 -20J6.4 1357.5 -292.35 -934.27 20.441 14.427

  • 74 .4978 -2.2554 41.877 3.4781 3.6397 -2094.4 1365.1 -291.16 -1015.2 20.476 14.523 76 .5038 -2.7701 41.160 3.71A7 *

. 6877 -2122.0 13a?.4 -2PR.98 -1074.7 20.519 14.343 78 .5109 -3.3836 40.134 . 3.9045 5.010C -1732.0 1497.4 -281.92 -500.76 20.554 14.320 ! 80 .5109 -3.3849 90.130 3.9177 3.0311 -1744.2 1497.6 -281.91 -512.97 20.555 14.320 82 .1110 -3.3935 40.110 3.9637 3.1342 -1A03.5 149P.2 -201.86 -573.29 20 555 14.323 84 .5115 -3.4225 40.033 4.0658 3.6336 -2090.8 1500.6 -2Pl.67 -P65.61 20.550 14.336 3 86 .5134 -3.6322 39.712 4.2578 4.5507 -261F.5 1510.6 -2PC.90 -13R5.8 20.567 14.100 86 .5211 -4.5193 38.226 4.7379 4 5974 -2645.4 1561.8 -277.56 -136n.9 PD.6c6 14.c41 90 .5211 -4.5203 38.222 4.7433 3.8297 -2203.7 1681.7 -272.41 -783.23 20.6C6 14.942 i 92 .5212 -4.5244 38.210 4.7684 3.8771 -2230.9 1682.4 -272.37 -810.45 20.(06 14.c43 9* .5214 -4.5428 38.158 4.P430 4.1244 -2373.2 1685.1 -272.24 -953.69 20.607 14.059 96 .5224 -4.6521 37.949 4.9688 5.0263 -Pe92.2 1696.2 -271.72 -1469.6 20.612 14.023 9a .5262 -5.2056 37.052 5 5056 5.6093 -3227.7 1744.7 -269.54 -1747.7 20.631 13.F87 100 .5262 -5 2075 37.049 5.5105 5.1537 -2965.5 1825.2 -266.41 -1407.6 20.631 13.686 i g CYC TIME CLVEL 1 THETA 2 OPVAL 3 DPDSK 4 FL50h 1 DPMON 1 WTMON 1 DISKM 1 P 22 P 7 102 .5263 -5.2146 37.033 5.5314 6.?081 -299648 18?6.1 -266.11 -143P.3 20.631 13.6J4 3 104 .5265 -5.2457 36.973 5.6023 5.4715 -314P.4 1830.1 -?66.22 -15R5.A 20.6?3 13.677 4 106 .5275 -5.5016 36.731 5 0f29 6.3022 *F26.4 1846.2 -265.60 -2034.P 20.637 13.552 108 .5298 -5.6386 36.394 6.7373 6.4015 -3683.5 1916.3 -263.02 -2021.7 20.644 13.336 110 .5268 -5.6436 36.3P6 6.2497 6.4260 -3697.6 1916.7 -262.99 -2034.2 20.644 13.331 l 112 .5289 -5.6644 36.354 6.2973 6 5303 -3757.6 1919.1 -262.91 -2090.1 20.645 13.312 114 .5294 -5 7542 36.224 6.4735 6.P994 -3970.0 1928.9 -262.57 -2286.9 20.647 13.231 116 .5*13 -6.1529 35.682 7.0455 7.38f9 -4250.5 1969.8 -261.20 -2520.0 20.657 12.997 118 .5314 -6.1562 35.677 7.0518 7.1214 -4097.8 2025.9 -259.27 -2315.7 20.657 12.996 120 .5314 -6.1679 35.659 7.0753 7.1821 -4132.7 2027.4 -259.?? -2348.2 20.657 12.990 j 122 .5317 -6.2168 35.589 7.1617 7.4163 -426R.6 2033.3 -259.04 -2474.6 20.659 12.970 ! 124 .5326 -6.4346 35.*01 7.4906 7.9914 -4598.4 2057.9 -258.29 -2771.5 20.663 12.R43 126 .5339 -6.7384 34.699 7.P548 7.8635 -4524.P 2158.5 -255.14 -2601.8 20.669 12.711 126 .5339 -6.7450 34.890 7.6674 7.9008 -4546.2 2159.5 -255.12 -2620.P 20.F70 12.70R

130 .5340,-6.7718 34.851 7.4154 8.0494 -4631.7 2163.2 -25%.02 -2700.3 20.670 12.656 132 .5345 -6.Pe87 34.696 A.1020 8.5 ROE -4*%7.5 217P.3 -254 60 -2982.6 20.673 12.650 134 .5355 -7.1426 34.381 6.5530 9.1251 -5250.7 2237.6 -252.92 -3228.8 20.677 12.!84 13a .5364 -7.4028 34.068 9.07?1, 9.6769 -5568.3 2279.7 -251.01 -3495.9 20.6P2 I?.103 j 136 .5366 -7.4798 33.974 9.2'36 9.7200 -5593.0 2328.7 -250.43 -3472.0 20.683 12 322 140 .5375 -7.7267 33.634 9.6906 10.262 -5905.0 2361.3 -249.66 -3743.5 20.687 11.002 1 142 .5379 -7.E772 33.506 9.9532 10.444 -6009.7 2419.8 -246.13 -37PB.2 20.690 11.687 4

144 .5306 -B.1057 33.242 10.307 10.792 -6210.0 24PO.1 -246 66 -3924.4 20.693 11.541 146 .5393 -8.3261 32.990 10.629 11.230 -6462.0 2520.6 .-245.75 -4129.7 20.696 11.415 i 146 .5397 -8.4610 32.b34 10.P25 11.394 -6556.0 2577.0 -244.40 -4166.2 20.69e 11.337 150 .5402 -8.6647 32 603 11.113 11.691 -6727.2 2635.2 -243.10 -4276.0 20.701 11.213 152 .5408 -8.8612 32.3F0 11.398 12.053 -o935.3 2674.9 -242.30 -4439.5 20.704 11.066 154 .5414 -9.1071 32.101 11.754 12.328 -7094.0 2750.5 -240.71 -4520.3 2p.707 10.91E 156 .5419 -9.2719 31.912 11.996 12.45e -716P.3 2P?A.8 -2?9.10 -4518.3 20.7p? 10.FC6 3 158 .5421 -9.3723 31.796 12.146 12.6Pe -7300.9 2P50.0 -23P.67 -4624.4 10.741

160 .5425 -9.5138 31 636 I?.347 12.84* -7390.7 2914.8 -237.37 -464".1 20.712 10.647

? 162 .5425 -9.5254 31 622 12.365 12.876 -7409.0 2917.4 -237.32 -4663.9 20.713 10.640 164 .5426 -9.5726 31.56R 12.456 13.003 -74P2.1 2926.6 -237.17 -4726.1 20.713 10.608 $ 166 .5431 -9.7677 31.348 12.717 13.41? -7717.2 2963.9 -236.57 -491P.5 20.716 10.472 l 168 .5431 -9.7802 31.334 12.735 13.331 -7671.1 3005.1 -235.70 -4833.5 20.716 10.463

170 .5432 -9.E179 31.290 12.793 13.432 -7729.2 3009.8 -235.58 -4895.4 20.71E 10.435 -

1 172 .5436 -9.9731 31.116 13.024 13.765 -7920.8 3040.8 -235.1G -5041.5 20.71P 10.316 174 .5441 -10.169 30.896 13.323 14.024 -P069.7 3113.3 -233.83 -5115.9 20.720 10.153 l 176 .5445 -10.333 30.710 13.579 14.210 -8176.4 31EE.6 -237 52 -5146.7 20.722 10.c14 176 .5448 -10.492 30.530 13.825 14.494 -8340.2 3235.5 -231.00 -5260.2 20.724 9.8t28 . 180 .5450 -10.570 30 441 13.947 14.576 -e'P7.4 3287.9 -230.90 -5255.2 20.725 9.P187 1 182 .5455 -10.813 30.168 14.304 15.010 -6E37 0 3344.4 -230.13 -5443.2 20.728 9.'304 184 .5455 -10.820 30.160 14.314 14.891 -84AP.4 3403.1 -229.08- -5319.5 20.728 9.6250 l 186 .5456 -10.846 30.129 14.354 14.957 -8606.7 3409.8 -220.99 -5350.2 20.726 9.6044 188 .5456 -10.955 30.005 14.510 15.200 -8746.6 3437.0 -2?8.64 -5459.8 20.729 9.5241 , 190 .5465 0. 30.000 14.924 15.736 -9054.9 3464.3 -228.14 -5723.1 20.733 9.3082 i 192 .5479 0. 30.000 15.639 16.162 -9299.7 3417.2 -222.14 -6006.9 20.740 9.0062 194 .5495 c. 30.000 15.941 16.145 -9289.9 3364.9 -228.14 -6048.6 20.747 9.0509 19e .5512 c. 30.000 15.E92 15.977 -9193.5 3307.6 -2?8.14 -6010.4 20.756 9.2P20

196 .5523 0. 30.000 15.F17 15.200 -9125.9 3272.1 -228.14 -597R.9 20.762 9.3992 l 200 .5528 0. 30.000 15.788 15.815 -9100.4 3258.3 -228 14 -5967.3 20.764 9.4383 f

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ m__ _ CYC CTIME CLVEL 1 THETA 2 CPVAL 3 0FCSk 4 OFLNON 1 DPMON 1 WTMON 1 DISFM 1 P O 21 P 7 202 .5545 0. 30.b00 15.676 15.683 -9024.2 3204.1 -228.14 -5945.3 20.772 . 5356 204- .5569 6. 30.G00 15.439 15.467 -8900.2 3129.4 -224.14 -5A96.1 -20.7P4 5.sF91 206 .5593 0. 30.000 '15.CE3 15.076 -8675.2 3054.8 -22P.14 -5746.7 20.79E- 9.9929 208 .5618 0. 30.000 14.594 14.567 -8382.1 2980.1 -228.14 -5535.0 20.809 10.441 , 210 .5693 0. 30.000 14.063 14.023 -806P.9 2905.5 -228.14 -5301.5 20.822 -11.063 212 .5669 0. 30.c00 13.419 13.404 -7712.9 2830.9 -228.14 -5026.0 20.835 11.P76 1 214 .St96 0. 30.000 12.604 12.61" -7260.4 2756.4 -228.14 -4656.4 20.P48 12.t89 216 .5723 0. 30.005 11.E26 11...9- -6703.1 26RI.8 -228.14 -4184.6 20.8f1 14.035 4 216 .5751 0. 30.000 10.569 10.585 -6091.0 2607.3 -228.14 -3659.2 20.875 15.194 j 220 .5754 0. 30.000 10.458 10.473 -6026.4 2599.6 -228.14 -3603.5 20.877 15.313 222 .5762 0. 30.000 10.128 10.139 -5R34.1 2579.8 -228.14 -3435.R 20.8P1 '15.f61

224 .57R7 0. 30.000 9.2741 9.2740 -5336.4 2532.5 -228.14 -2994.2. 20.A93 1E.520 i 226 .5P33 0. 30.000 P.0E75 P.0477 -4F30.7 2443.8 -228.14 -23Re.4 20.916 17.678 226 .5888 0. 30 000 7.4020 7.3756 -4244.1 2329.9 -228.14 -2119.4 20.944 18.354 230 .5930 C. 30.000 7.3603 7.3596 -4234.8 2247.8 -228.14 -2191.4 20.965 18.443 232 .5961' O. 30.000 7.5660 7.5526 -4345.9 2196.4 -228.14 -2350.9 20.980 18.321 j 234 .6013 0. 30.000 8.2637 8.2573 -4751.4 2127.4 -228.14 -2814.4 21.013 17.711 i

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P. 75 97.293 97.928 97.308 97.688 97.459 97.531 62 4622 15 090 17.495 17.288 100.70 97.327 98.647 97.359 98.154 97.677 97.407 64 4922 15.464 17.521 17.491 105.56 97.666 99.417 97.705 98.764 98.127 97.764 66 .4a22 15.465 -17.522 17.503 105.57 97.667 99.421 97.707 9R.766 90.128 97.766 68 .4923 15.361 17.531 17.549 105.5P 97.671 99.446 97.711 98.774 98.134 57.770 70 4928 15.011 17.616 17.E55 105.F2 97.688 99.743 97.728 98.a09 98.156 97.788 72 .4947 14.507 17.994 17.601 105.54 97.763 102.34 97.810 99.411 9P.319 97.3e5 74 4972 14.567 19.207 17.801 105.03 97.929 105.01 99.067 101.71 99.218 96.279 76 .5036 14.668 16.356 18.061 106.56 98.709 104.90 99.003 103.64 101.17 99.443 78 .5109 15.247 18.257 . 18 224 112.05 99.914 105.45 99.973 104.00 101.81 100.08 80 .5109 15,227 18.25R 12.238 112.06 59.919 10%.46 99.977 104.00 101.01 Inc.09 82 .5110 15.131 18.266 18.287 112.09 95.940 105.48 99.993 104.01 101.92 100 10 84 .5115 14.713 1P.346 18.404 112.19 100.02 105.60 100.06 104.04 101.P6 100.13 86 .5134 14.168 16.719 10.358 112.66 100.35 106.08 100.31 104.16 107.02 100.30 Sb .5211 14.443 19.041 1A.779 115.09 101.49 10P.13 101.45 104.89 10?.66 101.41 90 .5211 14.992 18.8P2 18.765 121.00 101.50 10R.13 101.46 104.89 10?.66 101.42 92 .5212 14.948 18.825 1P.e12 121.03 101.51 108.16 101.46 104.90 102.67 101.43 94 .5214 14 . 729 18.P54 18.902 121.17 101.54 10P.27 101.50 104.93 102.69 101.47 96 .5229 14.043 19.069 16 992 121.71 101.67 109.74 101.64 105.06 102.77 101.61 96 .5262 13.931 19.540 19.193 124.09 102.19 110.67 102.15 105.68 103.13 107.12 100 .5262 14.257 19.411 19.197 128.0S 102.19 110.6P 102.16 105.69 103.13 1C2.12 { _ . _ _ _ . _ . . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ________m___ _ - - - - - -- --- C C O 8 9 10 23 24 . 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76 .5038 9P.74? 97.9CF 97.353 96.970 96.692 96.479 63.733 64.29? 61.243 34.932

! 78 .5109 49.612 98.836 9P.150 97.61F 97.230 96.963 63.475 62.379 60.579 31.5P2 l 80 .5109 99.615 99.840 98.153 97.619 97.232 96.965 63.976 (2.370 61.0P9 27.494

82 .5110 99.630 98.6 - 99.167 97.630 97.241 96.974 63.980 62.33R 61.456 27.509 e4 .5115 99.687 92.r 9H.223 97.676 97.279 97.008 63.998 62.?05 61.762 27.546 86 .5134 99.682 99.1 98.464 97.879 97.452 97.163 64.076 61.67P 58.647 27.32P 28 .t211 100.91 100. 99.491 98.414 9P.447 99.124 64.575 59.468 57 122 26.218 90 .5211 100.82 100. 99 493 98.916 9P.449 98.126 64.576 59.464 57.170 20.675 92 .5212 100.82 100.1 99.502 98.924 98.457 98.134 64.*80 59.446 57.402 20.P76 i 94 .5214 100.17 99.534 98.958 9R.491 98.168 e4.598 59.373 58.000 20.878 l 96 .5224 140.99 100.29 99.664 99.096 98.631 98.307 64.671 59 075 56.6E5 20.PC9 98 .5262 101.54 100.81 100.20 99.677 59.24P 9P.941 65.014 57.659 52.79P 20.054 100 .5262 101.54 100.81 100.20 99.679 99.251 98.944 65.015 57.653 52.81P 17.G05

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146 .5393 IG3.28 10?.76 10?.31 101.93 101.67 101.48 66.481 48.n13 25.509 6.SA32 146 .5397 103.33 1C?.82 102.38 102 01 101.74 101.56 66 529 47.462 24.369 5.4340 i 150 .5402 103.41 102.91 102.46 102.12 101.86 101.67 66 599 46.607 22.557 5.0537 1 152 .5408 103.48 107.99 102.57 107.22 101.97 101.78 66.665 45.754 20.R53 4.4714 154 .5414 103.56 103.08 102.68 10?.M5 102.10 101.92 66.746 44.638 18 84R 3.9447 i j 156 .5419 103.62 103.15 102.76 10?.43 10?.19 10?.00 66.799 43.P60 17.681 3.3004  ;

d 158 .5421 103.65 I G '- 19 10?.P0 102 49 102.24 102.06 66.P31 43.377 17.036 2.P745 j 160 .5425 103.70 103.24 102.e7 102 5E 102.31 ' 102.13 66.R76 42 690 15.954 2.6350 l, 162 .5425 103.71 103.25 102.87 102.56 10?.32 102.13 66.e79 42.e32 15.EP2 2.2928 . i 16* .5426 103.72 103.26 102.R9 102.59 102.35 102.16 66.894 42.398 15.560 2.2663 166 .5431 103.79 103.34 102.99 102.68 102.44 102.26 66.954 41.429 13.91P 2.1602 168 .5,31 103.79 103.34 102.98 102.69 102.45 102.26 66.957 41.366 13.P21 1.730G 170 .5*32 103.60 103.35 103.00 102.70 10?.47 102.28 66.969 41.174 13.525 1.6762 i 172 .5436 103.65 103.41 103.06 102.78 102.54 102.36 67.015 40.367 12.156 1.6254 , 174 .5441 103.91 103.4A 103.14 102.87 102.64 102.45 67.072 39.372 10.442 1.3153 j 176 .5445 103.96 103.54 103.21 102.94 102.72 102.53 67.119 38.500 9.1542 178 .95190 , .5448 104.01 103.59 103.27 103.01 10 2. 7 -J 102.60 67.164 37.648 8.0162 .67404 180 .545L 104.G4 105.62 103.30 103.05 102.83 102.64 67.187 4 le2 .5455 104.11 37.218 7.4720 43762

103.70 103.40 103.15 10?.94 102.75 67.253 35.RP1 5.6962 .33?66 l 164 .5455 104.11 103.71 103.40 103.15 102.94 102.75 67.255 166 35.64? 5.653P .76444E-01

.5456 104.12 103.72 103.41 103.17 1C2.95 102.76 67.263 35.691 5.4971 .72385E-01 , lad .545e 104 15 103.75 103.45 103.21 103.00 10?.P1 67 293 35.077 4.7553 190 .5290$E-01 4 .5465' 104.24 103.e5 103.56 103.34 103.13 102.94 67.374 33.338 2.4632 192 .5479 104.44 .36791E-03 l 104.07 103.60 103.(0 1C3.41 103.23 67.548 29 261 .405?3 c. 194 .5495 104.66 104.32 104.08 103.89 103.72 103.55 67.744 24.187 .8905? 0. , 196 5512 104.91 104.60 104.30 104.21 104.06 103.90 67.961 17.979 .77852 0. 196 .5523 105.07 104.78 104.57 104.41 104.27 104.11 6P.097 13.806 .61861 0. 4 200 .5526 105.13 104.85 104.64 104.42 104.35 104.20 68.150 12.148 .54261 0. 1 i 4 4

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CYC TIME P 30 'P 31 P 32 P' P ~ 34 P P 36 U 1 . W ~ 7. V- 8 ^

i 202 .5545 105.38 105.12 104.93 104.78 ~ 33 ~ 104.66 104.53 35 ' 6P.357 5.1948 - .24246 0.

204 .5569 105.75 105 51 105.33 105.19- 105.09 -104.97 fe.640 -5.0933 .33c0P 0.

, 206 .5593 10(.13 105.9c 10t.74 10%.61 105.51 105.40 6P.919- -15.?91 .74674 0..

206 .5618 106.53 106.30 106.14 106.02 105.93 105.82 69 189 -25.404 -1.0992 0.

210 .5643 10f.94 106.72 106.56 106.44 106.34 106.22 69.452 -33.742 -1.3936 0.

212 .5669 107.38 107.14 106.9A 106.85 106.74 106.61 69.709 -40.068 -1.73PO 0.

214 .5696 107.64 107.59 107+40 107.27 107.14 106.99 69.957 -44.161 -2.0552 0.

716 .5723 108.33 10H.05 107.84 107.6P 107.53' 107.37 70.207 -46.n7e -2.1745 O.

218 .5751 10R.84 10R.53 109.29 10p.09 107.92 107.75 '70.444 -46.043 -2.0409 0.

220 .5754 108.90 108.58 10E.34 108.14 107.96 107.79 70.470 -45.978 -2.0192 8.

222 .5762 109.06 10R.73 107.48 108.27 10A.09 107.91 70.545 .-45.635. -1.93P1 0.

224 .5787 109.53 109.16 108.87 108.63 108.42 10p.24 70.751 -43.703- -1.6451 0.

! 226 .5833 106.38 10P.69 109.27 109.23 109.05 108.86 71.138 -36.330 -1.0445 0.

l 228 .5886 105.56 106.96 108.51 109.32 109.56 109.57 71.569 -21.221 .42279 8.

i 230 .593G 106.12 106438 107.62 108.82 109.52 109.73 71.785 -6.4955 .26170E-01 .0.

l 232 .5961' 106.68 106 45 107.11 108.29 109.23 109.64 71.840 5.2766 .23650 C.

234 .6013 107.40 107.14 107.05 107.55 108.31 108.77 71.560 21.252 .63246 0.


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CYC II*E e 9 u 10 L' 11 V 36 VOL 23 -VCOT 1 VOL 8 VOL 9 Ahule 1 1 2.7235 2.7236 16.893 .30390E-13 .5 56 0 e F- 01 0. 2.7223 6.7147 1.13e3 1.6537 2 .0000 4 .C002 2.7?35 2.7?36 16.F93 .303F25-13 .5960bE-01 0. 2.7223 6.7147 1.1383 1.6537

?.7235 2.7?36 16.H93 .34739f-13 .50608f-01 0. 2 7223 6.7147 1.1303 1.6537 6 .0006 e .0026 2.7235 2.7236 16.243 .326400-13 .5960af-01 0. 2.7223 6.7147 1.1323 1.6537 2.7236 IE.P93 .34331E-13 .59t08E-01 0. 2.7223 6.7147 1.13P3 1.6537 10 .0102 2.'235 12 .0302 ./253 2.7775 16.905 .34302f-13 .59608F-01 0. 2.7223 6.7147 1.13P3 1.6537 0502  ?.7457 2.7633 17.022 .34477E-13 5960bE-01 0. P.7223 6.7147 1.1383 1.6537 14 2.P624 17.4f7 .30140E-13 .5960BE-01 0. 2.7??T 6.7147 1.13P3 1.6537 16 .0702 2.6275 1.6537-16 .0402 3.0176 3.1169 1H.512 .24296E-13 .5960HE-01 0. 2 72?3 6.7147 1.1383 3.3295 3.4506 20.198 .1754*E-13 .59608E-01 0. 2 7223 6.7147 1.13P3 1.6537 20 .1102 3.P493 22.483 .13623f-13 .59608E-01 0. 2.7223 6.7147 1.13P3 1.6537 22 .1302 3.7388 24 .1502 4.2002 4.2901 25.219 .95471E-14 .59608E-01 0. 2.7223 6.7147 1.13f3 1.6537 4.7646 26.245 .47900E-14 .5960AE-01 0. P.7223 6.7147 1.13P3 1.6537 26 .1702 4.7089 28 .1902 5.2250 5.2660 31.422 .129600-14 .54608E-01 0. 2.7?23 6.7147 1.1363 1.6537 30 .21P2 5.7474 5 7625 34.E53 .19240E-14 .5960PE-01 0. 2.7?23 6.7147 1.1383 1 6537 32 .2302^ 6.2708 6.3039 37.876 .90206f-14 .59608E-01 0. 2 7223 6.7147 1.1383 1.6537 34 .2502 6.7930 6.A264 41.067 .13475E-13 .5a608E-01 0. 2.7223 6.7147 1.1323 1.6537 7.1155 42.812 .60935E-01 .5a60eE-01 0. 2.7223 6.7147 1.1383 1.6537 36 .2613 7.0706 36 .?A43 7.1603 7.1962 43.299 .14525E-01 .5960eE-01 0. 2.7223 6.7147 1.13P3 1 6537 40 .2716 7.3508 7.3873 44.447 .29503E-01 .59600E-01 0. 2.7223 6.7147 1.13e3 1.6537 42 .2879 7.6456 7.6844 46.217 .31707E-01 .59(DeE-01 0. 2.7223 6.7147 1 13P3 1 6537 44 .3022 8.1548 6.2034 49.259 .5 0 0 3 7f- 01 59f00E-01 0. 2.7??3 6.7147 1.13P3 1.6537 46 .3222 9.9612 10.147 51.882 .29R940-01 .59608E-01 0. 2.7??3 6.7147 1.1363 1.6537 48 .3422 11 824 12.047 54.152 .299780-01 .Sa608E-01 c. P.7723 6.7147 1.13P3 1.6537 50 .3622 13 420 13.662 56.176 .297ESE-01 .5a60PC-01 0. 2.7223 6.7147 1.13e3 1.6537 52 .3822 14 836 15.099 58.050 .294940-01 .5960SE-01 0. 2.7223 6.7147 1.13P3 1.6537 54 4022 16 158 16.442 54.856 .29172E-01 .59600E-01 0. 2.7223 6.7147 1.1323 1.6537 56 4222 17.41A 17.719 61.618 .2A892E-01 .59571E-01 .69751E-02 2.7210 6.7160 1 1393 1.6527 58 .4422 18.650 16.979 63.312 .2P670E-01 .59149E-01 .37709E-01 2.705P 6.731? 1.1513 1.6407 60 4622 20.112 20.579 64.696 .2P49PE-01 .57927r-01 .8671PE-01 2.6618 6.7752 1.1870 1.6c50 62 4622 22.079 22.809 65.367 .28403E-01 .55540E-01 .15452 2.5757 6.a613 1.2623 1.5297 64 .4922 23.273 24.225 65.301 .28412f-01 .53782E-01 .19655 2.5121 6.9249 1.3227 1.4693 66 4922 23.081 24.337 65.320 .2P412E-01 .53776E-01 .19657 2.5119 6.9251 1.3229 1 4691 68 4923 22.404 24.834 65.360 .2f412E-01 .53753E-01 .19671 2.5110 6.9260 1.3?37 1.4683 70 4928 21.P92 27.069 65.138 .2P41?E-01 .5365PF-01 .19821 2.5076 6.9294 1.3?71 1.4649 72 4947 24.702 29.530 64.616 .284160-01 .53?640-01 .21269 2.4933 6.9437 1 3413 1.4507 74 4978 26 138 2P.086 64.077 .?84?SE-01 .52561E-01 .24019 2.4678 6.969? 1.3673 1.4?47 76 .5035 26.849 2A.058 62.63* .2R462E-01 .50952E-01 .29429 2 4094 7.0276 1.4297 1.3623 78 .5109 27.540 26.*94 6?.05+ .2P567f-01 4P(590-01 .35F13 2.3258 7.1111 1.5263 1.?657 80 .5109 27.326 2F.706 62.070 .2P$6PE-01 .48649E-01 .35626 2.3255 7.1115 1.5267 1.2653 26.674 29 204 62.C97 .285700-01 .4P60fE-01 .358A2 2.3239 7.1131 1.5?P6 1.?634 82 .5110 84 .5115 26.097 31.482 61.209 .2 857 7E -01 .48433E-01 .36210 2.3176' 7.1194 1.5363 1 2t57 66 .5134 2P.899 34.150 61.089 .28611E-01 47717E-01 .38381 2.2914 7.1456 1.5607 1.2233 86 .5211 30.607 32.138 59.14P .2Pe2SE-01 44416f-01 .47457 2.1703 7.?667 1.7312 1.060e 32.176 59.151 .288290-01 44406E-01 .47467 2.1700 7.2670 1.7316 1.0604 l 90 .5211 30.504 I 92 .5212 30.039 32.389 59.161 .?8831E-01 44380E-01 .47507 2.1690 7.26P0 1.7331 1.0589 94 .5214 79.012 33.393 59.073 .?P835E-01 .44?65E-01 .47689 2.1648 7.2722 1.7390 1.0530 96 .5224 29.737 36.736 SP.137 .266700-01 43802E-01 .4A792 2.1477 7.2893 1.7554 1.0366 98 .5262 31 892 35.353 56.600 .29020E-01 .41822E-01 .5436a 2.0746 7.3624 1.P327 .95932 29 980 35.370 56.597 .20021E-ci .41814E-01 .54386 2.0743 7.3627 1.7P02 1.011e 100 .5262

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(_ 9 10 W 11 W 36


Vol 23 VDOT 1 VCL 8 VOL 9 Ahulo 1 1 CYC TIFE W W 56.585 29023E-01 41781E-01 .54457 -2.0731 7.3639 1.7815 .44UE 1 0105 102 .5263 29.456 35.4h8 7 3687 1.7668 1.0C52 104 .5265 29.390 35.958 56.464 .2*033E-01 41650E-01 .54765 2.06P4 55.529 .29073E-01 .41117E-01 .56326 2.04R5 7.38m5 1.8 CPS- .9e306 106 .5275 2F.H10 26.469 2.0210 7.4160 1.8093 .94275 108 .5288 29.370 35 853 54 246 .29131E-01 .40376E-01 .5P699 1.P055 .9620e 35.869 54.220 .291321-01 40358E-01 .58749  ?.0704- 7.4166 110 .5788 27.745 2.0177 7.4193 1.P130 .97P97 112 .3289 77.50F 35.532 54.107 .291370-01 40287E-01 .5P956

.59851 2.0072 7.429A 1.8259 .96621 114 .5294 27.5R4 35.474 53.54R .?9155E-01 .40002E-01 90544 50.946 .292500-01 .3PF15E-01 .63R18 1.9630 7.4740 1.PP26 116 .5313 2A.401 33.P57 1.8445 .94747 50.924 . 2 9 2 51 f - 01 .?PPO4E-01 .63A51 1.*626 7.4744 118 .5314 25.1P4 33.h54 .94555 50.847 .29254E-01 .3P766E-01 .63966 1.9612 7.4758 1 8464 j 120 .5314 25.170 33.67R 1.8540 .93797 l 33 450 50.500 .292660-01 .3A612E-01 .64450 1.9554 7.4816 122 .5317 25.130 7.5050 1.8P63 90565 33.*h5 4P.910 .29313E-01 .37983F-01 .66604 1.9320 124 .5326 26.064 2.5378 1.8P15 .5b446 32.00h 46.946 .2937FE-01 .371070-01 .69596 1.999?

126 .5339 24.042 1.8985 7.5385 1.AP87 .90334 128 .5359 22.130 32.027 46 505 .293FCE-01 .37C8(E-01 .64660 46.7?7 .29386E-01 ,37003E-01 .69922 1.8953 7.5417 1.6934 .89F63 1 130 .5340 22.105 32.099 1.9128 .87918 32.155 45.923 .29410E-01 36664E-01 .7106R 1.8027 7.5543 132 .5345 72.005 7.* ROD 1 9333 .P5f65 134 .5355 21.576 31.114 44.274 . 29455E-01 .35*BIE-01 .73557 1.8570

.29507E-01 .35301E-01 .76099 1.9315 7.6055 1.9701 .62193 136 .5364 20.24P 79.790 42.551

.295210-31 .35096E-01 .76847 1.8238 7.6132 1 9543 .e3773 138 .5366 1P.939 29.447 42.015

.?*563E-01 .34470F-01 .79249 1.P002 7.636R 1.99P1 .79394 140 .5375 18.597 28.237 40.152 .79527 27.503 35.u27 .29599E-01 34085E-01 .P0706 1.7857. 7.6513 1.9967 142 .5379 17.382 2.01e1 .77395 144 .5396 16.687 26.3R6 37.221 .29626E-01 .33515E-01 .e?915 1.764? 7.f.728

.29661E-01 .3?971E-01 .P5c37 1.7437 7.6933 2.0561 .73592 146 .5393 15 465 25.412 35.4f9 .73690 24.831 34.394 .296P2E-01 .32636E-01 .86332 1.7310 7.7060 2.0*51 148 .5397 14.373 2.0776 .71439 23.892 32.812 .29712E-01 .32136E-01 .RP283 1.7121 7.7249 150 .5402 13.721 7.7430 2.1176 .67445 12.636 23.001 31.319 .29741E-01 .31660E-01 .90157 1.6940 152 .5408 7.7658 2.1503 .64166-11 647 21.707 29.503 .29776F-01 .31061E-01 .92492 1.6712 154 .5414 7.7812 2.1509 .6410P 10.349 20 868 28 302 .29800E-01 .3Cf57E-01 .94049 1.6558 156 .5419 7.7S06 2.1767 .61529 9.4254 20.47R 27.566 .29814E-01 .304C9E-01 .94995 1.6464 158 .5421 7.A037 2.1796 .61239 160 .5425 S.9147 19.bl6 2(.546 .?SR33E-01 .30067E-01 .96327 1.6333

.30038F-01 .96437 1.632? 7.PO48 2.1P31 .6C989 162 .5425 8.1083 19.777 26.461 .29835E-01 26.117 .299410-01 .29922F-01 .96P79 1.6278 7.P092 2.1992 .59283 164 .5426 e.n480 19.611 24.124 .29867r-01 .;9453C-01 .98708 1.6C98 7.727? 2.76P5 .52353 166 .5431 7.2044 18.725 24.639 .2986SE-01 .29422E-01 .98824 1.6087 7.P?83 2.727P .56425 169 .5431 6.7283 18.674 .54956 6.5690 19.533 24.371 .25874E-01 .?9330E-01 .99177 1.6051 7.A318 2.2424 170 .5432 7.8461 7.3053 48673 172 .5436 6 4622 17.F16 23.290 .29894E-01 .29959E-01 -1.0062 1.59c9 21.953 .29915f-01 .2P491E-01 -1.0245 1.5730 7.9640 2.3539 43814 174 .5441 5.6207 16.767 4D746 4.5346 15.673 20.640 .29940E-01 .?P096F-01 -1 0597 1.5578 7.a792 2.3P45 176 .5445 7.e938 P.4652 .32'63 178 .5448 3.6011 15.051 19.767 .29960E-01 .27716E-01 -1.0543 1.5432

.29965E-01 .27526E-01 -1.0615 1.5359 7.9011 2.4633 .32h71 180 .5450 2 7006 14.6*3 19.231 182 .5455 2.2518 13.789 17.5P2 .29999E-01 .2694PE-01 -1.0637 1.5147 7.9233 2.675P .11622

.26931E-01 -1.0844 1.5130 7.9740 2.5713 .22C71 184 .5455 .85P69 13.255 17.534 .29999E-01 186 .5456 .81776 13.131 17.349 .30003E-01 .2FPffr-01 -1.0868 1.5105' 7.9265 2.6127 .17832 16.599 .30016E-01 .26604E-01 -1.0967 1.5004 7.9366 2.7657 .22590E-02 188 .5458 .66093 12.573 14.521 .30051E-01 26594E-01 0. 1.5000 7.9370 2.7997 .22590E-02 190 .5465 .242560-01 10.699 6.3360 S.9371 .30128E-01 .26594E-01 0. 1.5000 7.9370 2.7FS7 .2259CE-02 192 .5479 0.

2.7997 .22590E-02 2.5249 5.2E76 .30213E-01 .26594E-01 0. 1.5000 7.9370 194 .5495 0. .2259CE-02 196 .5512 6. .h7918 1.e394 .3030SE-01 .26594E-01 0. 1.5000 7.9370 2.7P97

.53P60 .3036eE-01 .26594E-01 0. 1.5000 7.9370 2.78S7 .2259cE-02 19d .5523 0 .1271C 200 .552P 0. .11496 .12412 .30391E-01 .26594F-01 0. 1.5000 7.9370 2.7857 .225sCE-02

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CYC TIME V 9 W 10 k 11 .W 36 VOL 23 'V00T 1 VCL 8 VOL 9 AeL10 1 A '.U E _1 4

202 .5545 0. .6P562 .P9260 .3r4F2E-01 .265940-01 0. 1.5000 7.9370 2.7PS7 .22590E-02' 204 .5569 0. -1.1169 -1.(266 .?0606f-01 .26594E-01 0. 1.9000 7.937n 2.7f97 .2259CE-02 206 . **93

. C. -1.0436. -1.4286 . 307?FE 01 .26594E-01 0. 1.5000 7.9370 2.7PS7 .2259CE-02 206 .St18 0. .16949 .10854 .30847E-01 .26594F-01 0. 1.5000 7.937C 2.7PS7' .. 22*90E-02 210 .5643 0. 1.1462 1.6998 .30962E-01 .26594E-01 0. 1.5000 7.9370 2.7tS7 .22590E-02 212 .5669' O. 2.1103 2.9686 .31074E-01 .26594E-01 C. 1.500n '7.9370 2.7997 .22590E-02 214 .5696 n. 2.2187 3.1214 .311p*E-01 .26594E-01 c. 1.5000 7.9370 2.76S7 .2259CE-02 216 .5723 6. 1.6251 2.32?B .31291E-01 .26594E-01 0. 1.5000 7.9370 2.7897 .22590E-02 216 .5751 0. .76849 1.1324 .31397E-01 .26594E-01 C. 1.5000 7.9370 2.7697 .2259CE-02 i 220 .5754. 9. .67775 1.0051 .31409E-01 .26594E-01 0. 1.5000 7.9370. 2.7997 .2259CE-02 222 .5762 0. 41326 .63141 .31442E-01 .26594E-01 0. 1.5000 7.9370 2.7897 .22590E-02 224 .57R7 0. .16119 .1P860 .31532E-01 .26594E-51 0. 1.5000 7.S370 2.78S7 .2259CE-02 4 226 .5833 0. .37849 .51936 .31701E-01 .26594E-01 0. 1 5000 7.9370 2.7e57 .22590E-02 228 .5688 0. .14610 .23260 .3188?E-01 .26594E-01. O. 1.5000 7.9370 2.7897 .225SCE-02 230 .5930 0. .49631 .71646 .31985E-01 .26594E-01 0. 1.5000 7.9370 2.7697. .22590E-02 232 .5961 0. .58778 .84321 .320110-01 .26594E-01 0. 1.5000 7.9370 2.7F97 .22590E-02 234 .6013 0. .39978 .57968 .31897E-01 .26594E-01 0. 1.5000 7.9370 '2.7297 .22590E-02 1

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CYC T!*E ANO3 1 2 .0000  ?.752%

4 .3002  ?.7529 6 .0006 2.7529 S .0C26 2.75?9 10 .0102  ?.7529 12 .0302  ?.7529 14 .3502 2.7529 16 .070? 2.7529 18 .0902 7.7529 20 .1102 2.75?9 22 .1302 P.7579 24 .1502 2.7529 26 .1702 2.75?9 2e .1902 2.75?9 30 .2102 2.7529 32 .2302 2.7529 34 .2502  ?.7529 36 .2613 2.7529 3e .2643 2.7579 40 .2716  ?.7529 42 .2P29 2.7579 44 .3022 2.7529 46 .3222 2.75?9 48 .3422 P.7529 50 .3622 2.75?9 52 .3F22 2.7529 54 4022 2.1529 56 4222  ?.7531 56 44?2 2.7556 60 4622  ?.7632 62 4f22  ?.779a 64 4922 P.7934 -

66 4922 2.7935 66 .4923 2.7937 70 .4926 2.7945 72 4947  ?.7977 74 4978 2.6036 76 .5038 2.F179 78 .5:09 2.6399 80 .5109 2.8400 82 .5110 2.8404 84 .5115 2.8*21 86 .5134  ?.8495 88 .5211 2.Fe57 90 .5211 2.8857 92 .5212  ?.8661 94 .5214 2.8874 96 .5224 2.H928 96 .5262 2.9168 100 .5262 2.9169

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CYC T1?E ANDe 1 102 .5263 2 9173 104 .%265 2.9190 106 .5275 2.9257 108 .52Pb 2.9352 110 .52R6 2.9354 112 .5289 2.9?63 114 .5294 2.9401 116 .5315 2.9558 118 .5314 2.9560 120 .5314 2.9565 122 .5317 2.9666 124 .5326 2.9671 126 .5339 2.9793 12a .5359 2 9796 130 .5340 2.9A07 132 .5?45 2.9R55 134 .5355 2.9952 f 136 .t*64 3.0051 l 136 .5366 3.0081 l 140 .5375 3.0173 l 142 .5379 3.0230 l 144 .5386 3.0315 146 .5393 3.039e 146 .5397 3.0449 150 .5402 3.0526 152 .540H 3.0600 154 .5414 3.0693 156 .5419 3.0757 158 .5421 3.0796 160 .5425 3 0951 162 .5425 3.0855 164 .5426 3.0F74 166 .5431 3.0949 166 .5431 3.0954 170 .5432 3.0969 172 .5436 3.1029 174 .5441 3.1105 176 .5445 3.1169 178 .5448 3.1231 160 .5450 3 1262 182 .5455 3.1358 164 .5455 3.130C 18n .5456 3.1371 18e .5458 3.1414 190 .5465 3.1416 192 .5479 3.1416 194 .5495 3.1416 196 .5512 3 1416 196 .5523 3.1416 200 .5528 3.1416 l

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} 202 .5545 3.1416 234 .5569 3.141f i 206 .5593 3.1416 20e .561R 3.1416 3

210 .5643 3.1416 212 .5669 3.1416 l 214 .5696 3 1416 216 .5723 3.1416

216 .5751 3.1416 220 .5754 3.1416 I 222 .5762 3.1416 224 .5787 3.1416 1 226 .5833 3.1416 i 226 .5E8E 3.1416 230 .5930 3.1416 232 .5561 3.1416 234 .6013 3.1416 1

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1 1 10.0000 0.0000 14.70 60.00 0.000000 2 0 13.9E00 0.0000 14.68 60.03 1.000000 i 3 0 8.2710 1.1050 14.69 60.03 1.000000 j 4 0 6.9190 5.0110 14.69 60.04 1.000000 3 5 0 6.9190 7.4890 14.69 60.05 1.000000 i 6 0 d.2710 11.4030 14.70 60.07 1.000000

. 7 0 2.8880 12.5000 14.70 60.09 1.000000- .

S 8 0 5.1670 12.7012 14.71 60.10 1.000000

$ 9 0 4.2700 13.5210 14.71 E0.25 1.000000 j 10 0 3.7320 12.5000 14.72 60.11 1.000000

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} 14 0 27.9200 12.5000 14.75 E0.le 1.000000 15 0 27.9200 12 5000 14.75 60.22 1 000000 l 16 0 27.92GO 12.5000 14.76 60.24 1.000000 j 17 0 27.9200 12.5000 14.76 60.26 1.000000

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24 STEAM 105.00 60.00 1.836656 124.93 69.24 1.0000000 1.0000000 c. 3. -0. -0.

25 STEAM 105.00 60.00 1.836656 124.93 69.24 1.0000000 1.0000000 0. O. -0. -0.

26 STEAM 105.00 60.00 1.836656 124.93 89.24 1.0000000 1.0000000 C. D. -0. -0.

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0. 75.000 .77019 .1755'E-01 -10 101 97E.06 -291.71- 614.22 21.622 i 64 .7022 0. 75.000 .79772 14.777

.1A093E-01 -10.411 967.04 -391.71 604.41 22.011 14.E06

} 86 7222 0. 75.000 .f?t51 .18P71E-01 -10.H54 958.12 -391.71 594.54 22.111 14.P33 i he .7422 0. 7%.000 .46093 .197P0r-01 -11.362 949 26 -391.71 5P4.67 90 7622, O. 75.000 22.211 14.F51

.69239 20721E-01 -11.423 940.45 -391.71 574.84 L 92 .7622 0. 75.000 .920P0 22.211 14.SS3

.21535E-01 -12.?91 931.6A -391.71 565.13 22.411 14.639 l 54 .8022 0. 75.000 .54550 .22084f-01 -12.708 922.95 -3?1.71 555.65 22.516 14.F17 i 36 .3222 0. 75.000 .96693 . 2 2 3 a 1 E 12.P?4 914.27 -391.71 546.32 22.666 14.797

9s .E422 0. 75.000 .9P601 .22567E-01 -12.?R5 10G 905.65 -391.71 537.15 22.916 14.786

{ .c622 0. 75.000 1.0049 .22720E-01 -13.074 897.08 -391.71 5?P.06 22.966 14.760


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102 .oP22 0. 75.000 1.0250 .22960F-01 -13.211 E88.57 -391.71 518.97 23.116 14.e01 104 .9C22 p. 75.000 1.0469 .23352E-01 -13.437 PPO.11 -3rl.71 509.A4 23.?66 14.P20 106 .5222 0. 75.000 1.0706 .23b73E-01 -13.737 P71.70 -351.71 500.69 23.416 14.f40 10o .9422 D. 75.000 1.0956 .24480E-01 -14.064 e63.34 -391.71 491.55 23.566 14. PSP

. 110 .9522 0. 7*.000 1 1214 .250?3t-01 -14.'99 P55.03 -391.71 48?.47 23.716 14.672 l 112 5'22 0. 75.000 1.1475 .25570f-01 -14.713 846.77 -391.71 473.45 23.866 14.FA6

] 114 1.3022 9. 75.030 1.1737 .2(. 0 a 4 0 15.015 P39.56 -391.71 464.50 24.011 14.a99 i 116 1 0222 3. 75.900 1.1999 .26610!-01 -15.312 P33.40 -351.71 455.61 24.111 14.913

. 118 1.0422 0. 75.000 1.224P .27057E-01 -15.569 P??.29 -391.71 446.82 24.211 14.928 120 1.0622 0. 75.000 1.2460 .26955f-01 -1*.510 614.22 -391.71 434.42 24.311 14.959 122 1.0822 0. 75.000 1.2455 .26597E-01 -15.305 806.21 -391.71 430.23 ?4.411 15.014 5

124 1.1022 0. 75.000 1.2492 .26514E-01 -15.256 798.25 -391.71 421.93 24.511 15 060

) 126 1 1222 0. 75.060 1.2540 .26610E-01 -15.312 750.33 -391.71 413.58 24.611 15.148 128 1.1422 0. 75.000 1.2593 .26737E-01 -1".Th5 7P2.46 -391.71 405.25 24.711 15.215 130 1.lf22 0. 75.000 1.2f47 .26E6CE-01 -15.45$ 774.64 -391.71 3!6.97 24.P11 15.282 132 1.1022 0. 75.000 1.2702 .2697FE-01 -15.524 766.86 -391.71 368.74 24.911 15.346 134 1.2022 0. 75.000 1.2756 .2 70 95E 15.591 759.13 -391.71 300.57 25.011

' 15.614 133 1 2222 0. 75.000 1.2eil .27213E-01 -1 .659 751.45 -351.71 372.44 25.111 15.481 138 1.2422 0. 75.000 1.2e65 .27332E-01 -15.727 743.82 -391.71 364.36 25.211 15.547 140 1.2622 0. 75.000 1.2918 .27454E-01 -15.798 736.22 -391.71 356.33 25.311 15.612 1

142 1.2822 0. 75.000 1.2972 .27576E-01 -15.869 728.68 -391.71 34P.35 25.411 15.676 144 1.3022 0. 75.000 1.3024 .27703r-01 -15.341 721.18 -391.71 340.41 25.511 15.743

, 146 1.3222 0. 75.0C0 1.3077 .2722PE-01 -16.013 713.73 -391.71 332.52 25.611 l

15.907 146 1.3422 0. 75.000 1.31?9 .279520-01 -16.084 706.31 -391.71 324.67 25.711 15.971 i 15L 1.3622 0. 75.000 1.3180 .20074E-01 -16 154 698.95 -391.71- 316.68 25.P11 15.935 152 1.3h22 0. 75.000 1.3232 .291=4E-01 -16.223 691.63 -Zal.71 309.13 25.911 15.998 154 1.402R 0. 75.000 1.3284 c28312F-01 -16.291 684.35 -391.71 301.43 26.011 16.060 156 1.4222 0. 75.000 1.3335 .2e42eE-01 -16.358 677.11 -3al.71 293.77 26.111 16.123 156 1.4422 0. 75.000 1.1387 .26543E-01 -16.424 669.92 -391.71 266.17 26.211 16L 1.4622 16.185 i 0. 75.000 1.3439 .28657E-01 -16.469 662.77 -391.71 278.61 26.311 16.248 162 1.4E22 c. 75.000 1.3491 .28770f-01 -1f.555 655.67 -391.71 271.09 26.411 16.310 164 1.5022 0. 75.0L0 1.3543 .28ee2E-01 -1(.619 648.60 -391.71 263.62 26.511 166 16.373

$ 1.5222 0. 75.000 1.3595 .2P99hE-01 -16.6H4 641.58 -391.71 256.19 26.611 16.436

} 166 1.5422' O. 7".000 1.3647 .29108E-01 -16.749 634.60 -391.71 248.81 26.711 16.498 i 17J 1.5622 0. 75.000 1.3699 .29221E-01 -16.e14 627.66 -391.71 241.47 26.811 16.561 172 1.5f22 0. 75.000 1.3751 .29334E-01 -16.879 620.76 -391.71 234.17 26.911 16.024

} 174 1.5022 0. 75.000 1.3F03 .29447E-01 -16.944 613.90 -3*1.71 226.92 27.011 16.tP7 176 1.6222 0. 75.000 1.3P55 .29560E-01 -17.000 607.09 -3 91.71 219.71 27.111 16.750 17e 1.6422 0. 75.000 1.3907 .29674f-01 -17.G75 600.31 -391.71 212.54 27.211 160 16.R13

! 1.66?2 C. 75.000 1.3959 . 2 97 8 8 E 17.140 593.58 -391.71 ?05.42 27.311 16.F76 13? 1.6d22 0. 75.000 1.4011 .2990?E-01 -17.206 1E4 1.7022 0.

5P6.44 -391.71 199.33 27.411 16.939 75.000 1.4063 .30016E-01 -17.272 5P0.22 -391.71 136 1.7222 0. 75.000 1.4115 191.29 27.511 17.c02

.30130E-01 -17.337 573.(1 -351.71 184.29 27.611 17.065

$ IPo 1.7422 0. 75.000 1.4167 .30245E-01 -17.403 567.03 -391.71 177.33 190 1.7622 27.711 17.129

', 9. 75.000 1.4219 .30355E-01 -17.469 560.49 -391.71 170.42 27.E11 192 1.7=22 0. 75.000 17.191 1.4271 .30474E-01 -17.535 553.99 -391.71 163.54 27.911 17.254

194 1 6022 0. 75.G00 1.4323 .305F8E-01 -17.601 547.53 -391 71 156.70 28.011 17.317 j 19e 1.0222 0. 75.000 1.4375 .3 0 7 0!F 17.667 561.10 -391.71 19a 1.o4?2 0. 75.000 149.91 28.111 17.3PO 1.4427 .30elPE-01 -17.733 544.72 -3?1.71 143.15 28.211 17.443 l 200 1.b622 0. 75.000 1.4479 .30932E-01 -17.799 528.37 -391.71 136.44 26.311 17.506 4

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w CVE TIPE CLVEL 1 IPETA 2 PPVAL 3 DPDSr 4 FLPON 1 DPMON 1 WTPGN 1 DISFP 1 P 22 F 7 202 1.8h22 0. 75.000 1.4531 .31047f-01 -17.865 522 05 -291.71 129.76 2P.411 17.569 204 1.9022 0. 75.000 1.*%F3 .311E?E-31 -17.a31 515.78 -3*1.71 123.13 26.511 17.632 206 1.9??2 C. 75.000 1.4635 .312770-01 -17.997 509.54 -391.71 116.53 2n.611 17.c95 208 1.9422 0. 75.000 1.4687 .313*10-01 -1P.063 503.34 -391.71 109.97 2P.711 17.75a 210 1.9622 0. 75.c0S 1.4739 .31506f-01 -18.129 4*7.18 -391.71 103.45 2a. ell 17.E21 212 1.9E22 0. 76.000 1.4791 .31(21t-01 -19.195 491.05 -391.71 96.972 29.*11 17.tB4 214 2.0022 0. 75.000 1.4843 .31735E-01 -18.261 494.95 -391.71 90.53C 29.0C0 17.947 216 2.0222 0. 75.000 1.4095 .3185?E-01 -1F.32E 478 90 -391.71 84.124 29.07A 18.910 21e 2.0422 0. 75.000 1.4945 .319M7F-01 -18.406 472.08 -391.71 77.747 29.14e 16.072 220 2.0E22 0. 75.000 1.4590 .32152E-01 -la.501 466.69 -391.71 71.390 29.21e 18.132 222 2.0822 0. 75.000 1.5C29 .3232?E 1 P . '. 9 9 460.94 -391.71 65.06P 29.2Fe 16.187 224 2.1022 0. 75.000 1.5064 .32470E-01 -IP.664 455.02 -391.71 58.797 29.358 18.237 226 2.1222 0. 75.000 1.5100 .325*0E-01 -1P.753 449.14 -391.71 52.579 29.42P 18.285 226 2.1422 0. 75.000 1.5136 .32692E-01 -1P.F12 443.29 -391.71 46.40P 29.49P 18.331 230 2 1622 c. 75.000 1.5173 .32704E-01 -1P.864 437.4P -391.71 40.28.0 29.5FP 1P.376 232 2.1F22 0. 75.000 1.5209 .32870E-01 -18.914 431.70 -391 71 34.191 29.63a 18.420 234 2.2C22 0. 75.000 1.5245 .32954F-01 -1P.962 425.95 -391.71 2P.141 29.7CP 18.465 420.24 22.127 29.71e 18.509 'J 236 2.2222 0. 75.000 1.52B1 .33037E-01 -19.010 -391.71 256 2.2422 0. 75.000 1.5317' .33119E-01 -19.057 414.56 -391.71 16.150 29.P4e IP.553 240 2.2622 0. 75.000 1.5352 .33201E-01 -19.105 40s.91 -391.71 10.209 29.918 18.597 242 2.2822 0. 75.000 1.5300 .332P3E-01 -19.152 403 30 -391.71 4.3029 29.96P 18.641 244 2.3022 .13060E-02 75.000 1.5424 .333f4E-ei -19.198 397.12 -391.71 -1.5672 30.058 te.e65 246 2.3222 .10572L-01 74.995 1.5460 .32426E-01 -1P.658 392.21 .-391.71 -6.7643 30.122 18.729 246 2.3422 .2645hE-01 74.977 1.5494 .?9077E-01 -16.731 3P6.93 -391.70 -10.330 30.194 18.773 250 2.3(22 .46775E-01 74.943 1.5521 .24322E-01 -13.995 pal.95 - 3 91. f. 7 -12.740 30.?69 1P.617 252 2.3022 .70225E-01 74.587 1.5537 .19056E-01 -10.965 371.32 -391.61 -14.473 3c.33e 18.662 -

254 2.4022 .96098E-01 74 809 1.5538 .13e7tE-01 -7.9837 373.04 -391.53 -15.856 30.4ce 16.907 256 2.s222 .12410 '*.704 1.5521 .9?0?60-02 -t.2953 369.12 -391.42 -17.117 30.47e 16.953 258 2 4422 .15425 .573 1.5485 .53743E-02 -3.0924 365.59 -391.27 -1P.417 30.548 18.999 260 2.4622 .1P675 411 1.542A .26842f-G2 -1.5445 362.50 -391.09 -19.P82 30.'le 19.946 262 2.4E22 .22202 /4.217 1.5348 .1403aE-02 .Pc781 359 87 -390.86 -21.614 30.68P 19.094 264 2.5022 .26060 73.999 1.5241 .17714f-02 -1.0193 357.77 -3a0.59 -23.690 30.759 19.143 266 2.5222 .30310 73.722 1.5107 .3*504f-02 -2.2731 356.26 -390.26 -26.136 33.P2P 19.193 266 2.5422 .35C07 73.412 1.4942 .79552E-02 -4.5775 355.38 -3*9.07 -28.886 30.a9e 39.244 270 2.ft22 .40176 73.056 1.4744 .1354*f-01 -7.7926 355.23 -3PS.40 -31.712 30.96P 19.295 272 2.5,22 .45774 72.649 1.4507 .20095E-01 -11.557 355.66 -3eP.R6 -34.164 31.03e 19.34e 274 2.6022 .51654 72.187 1 4229 .264F5f-01 -15.240 357.36 -3FP.21 -35.504 31.108 19.403 276 2.6222 .57518 71.669 1.3904 .31221f-01 -17.965 359.77 -3R7.46 -34.a5P 31.17P 19.s59 278 2.6422 .62907 71 098 1.3530 .32642E-01 -1P.783 363.08 -3P6.9P -31.214 31.246 19.517 200 2.6622 .67239 70.4f0 1.3101 .29464E-01 -16.954 367.21 -385.59 -23.937 31.31P 1?.577 2e2 2.6622 .696c6 69.S2B 1.2617 .2127?C-01 -12.240 371.97 -3P4.48 -12.9P6 31.38P 19.63P 264 2.7022 .70046 69.162 1.2022 .?614fE-02 -1.5046 377.07 -3P3.2a 4.51(P 31.458 19.704 2P5 2.7222 .74169 6d.465 1.2329 .94617E-01 -54.444 3P2.19 -3P2.02 -42.52A 31.%2P 19.740 296 2.7422 .91366 +7.708 1.3167 .24674 -141.98 399.61 -?F0.61 -122.62 31.59a 19.763 290 2.7622 -1.2121 d6.708 1.4217 .39841 -229.25 399.31 -37A.80 -197.78 31.6fP 19.776 292 2.74?? -1.6443 65.362 1.5610 .57904 -333.19 416.97 -376.29 -2al.24 31.73e 19.776 294 2.eC22 -2.2425 63.530 1.7566 .e1894 -471.25 444.61 -372.61 -387.01 31.a08 19.754 296 2.di22 -2.9702 (1.062 1.9615 1.005P -576.76 4P6.67 -367.16 -445.64 31.a7a 19.732 296 2.6422 -3.7496 57.878 2.2357 1.1781 -677.90 547.83 -359.19 -474.P2 31 94P 19.682 300 2.o622 -4.5958 53.927 2.6945 1.4348 -825.59 635.41 -347.09 -522.79 32.01F 19.569

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CYC 11ME CLVEL 1 THETA 2 DPVAL 3 DPCSF 4 FLPON 1 DPMOM 1 WTMON 1 01SKP 1 P 22 P 7 302 2.c622 -4.5549 53.*22 2.7121 .21917 126.11 697.92 -340.E7 510.51 32.01e 15.569 304 2.ht22 -4.5926 55.r09 2.79?? .1111f (?.96* 69A.11 -340.65 446.42 32.01e 19.569 306 2.6625 -4.9f90 53.957 2.0741 47705 -276.53 f98.85 -340.55 101.09 32.919 19.55F 33e 2.d634 -4.6f44 53.647 3.2P6a 3.3=20 -1=51.8 701.85 -340.18 -1553.2 32.022 19.166 l 313 2.e663 -5.3h00 52.954 3.4375 5.9924 -3448.1 715.07 -338.61 -2978.7 32.032 18.606 312 2.E735 -6.9753 50.725 4.9553 4.A106 -2769.2 759.73 -333.98 -2291.6 32.055 18.596 314 2.E 7 4 7 - 7. ! J 10 50.453 5.?5F8 4.3922 -2??7.3 F10.19 -326.15 -2004.8 32.0(2 18.968 31 6 2 8772 -7.7157 49.595 5.4541 0.6003 -3797.9 827.45 -326.51 -3213.5 32.070 le.454 i 318 2.dP04 -P.(604 46.326 6.1PB6 6.0161 -3461.e P99.63 -315.02 -2814 2 32.002 18.303 323 2.5f05 -0.6675 46.313 6.?!74 6.0490 -3*no.7 859.93 -319.00 -2P3?.3 32.092 18.302 322 2.8206 -8.6965 46.264 6.3246 6.1969 -3565.P 901.11 -31P.90 -2914.3 32.002 1P.297 324 2.6E11 -8.t245 46.065 6.6089 6.A659 -3950.7 905.87 -319.4a -3?P4.9 32.0P4 16.253 326 2.Ee30 -9.4605 47.233 f.9333 e.3924 -4e29.1 925.64 -316.80 -4113.7 32.990 17.933 324 2.bE55 -10.369 46.02f. 7.(722 7.6172 -43P3.0 1002.8 -30s.24 -3603.3 32.059 17.793 1

330 2.6656 -10.378 46.011 7.7025 7.6534 44403.9 1003.2 -309.20 -3622.8 32.150 17.791 332 2.8857 -10.414 45.952 7.P170 7.8145 -4496.6 1004.8 -309.07 -3711.9 32.100 17.785 334 2.eF62 -10.575 *5.713 6.1519 a.4847 -4Pa2.2 1011.4 -308.55 -4082.0 32.102 17.731 336 2.6081 -11.327 44.717 8.(5e3 9.P60= -5674.1 103P.6 -3C6.42 -4821.5 32.108 17.368 338 2.ES07 -12.379 43.275 9.3A89 8.8006 -5064.0 1142.4 -296.88 -4121.4 32.117 17.20) 340 2.oSC7 -12.3R9 43.257 9.4249 a.f639 -5100.4 1142.9 -296.e3 -4155.9 32.117 17.206 342 2.6a0h -12.432 43.166 9.56?6 9.1195 -5247.5 1145.2 -296.67 -4297.9 3?.11P 17.197 I 344 2.eS13 -12.620 42.901 9.9516 10.0*6 -5809.6 1154.3 -256.01 -4837.9 32.120 17.109 346 2 6932 -13.527 41.712 10.223 11.642 -6914.1 1192.1 -293.32 -5774.5 32.126 16.517 346 2.6943 -14.059 41.012 11.595 12.616 -7259.2 1255.1 -207.87 -6139.0 32.130 16.135 I 350 2.6958 -16.910 39.S67 12.944 13.632 -7R44.1 1321.2 -2P2.64 -6641.7 32.135 15.565

, 352 2.6972 -15.715 38.967 14.121 14.895 -E573.3 13F6.0 -279.51 -7307.6 32.140 15.166 I

354 2.dSbI -16.673 37.*04 15.177 15.467 -te99.7 1449.0 -273.31 -7542.0 32.145 14.F26 356 2.t995 -17.198 37.143 15.e42 16.026 -92?1.4 1511.5 -26*.60 -7792.1 32.1*P 14.624 358 2.9005 -17.911 36.297 16.754 17.268 -9936.4 1580.3 -263.71 -8416.0 32.152 14.144 360 2 9014 -18.546 35.585 17.P19 19.251 -11077. 1619.8 -261.28 -9482.1 32.155 13 504 362 2.S924 -19.431 36.642 19.441 20.975 -12070. 1695.2 -256.30 -1036P. 32.152 12.520

! '64 2.9033 -20.243 33.800 21.059 22.470 -12930. 1777.9 -250.83 -11120. 32.162 11.678 3e6 2.9C*2 -21.159 32.917 23.030 24.792 -14266. 1826.9 -247.09 -12367. 32.165 10 590 j 363 2.9C42 -21.175 32.a01 23.067 24.548 -14010. 1870.5 -244.40 -12072. 32.165 10.571 370 2.90'3 -21.236 32.F41 23.208 26.606 -14156. 1873.R -244 23 -12213. 32.165 10.*03 372 2.9.45 -21.*F8 32.556 23.753 25.564 -16710. 1R*7.3 -243.57 -12736. 3?.166 10.232

'74 2.Sc55 -22.597 31.59S 25.783 ?9 162 -16205. 1942.8 -240.66 -14134. 3?.16S 9.2166 .

37o 2 9055 -22.615 31.578 25.P19 27.f94 -159*5. 1995.1 -237.09 -13A16. 32.169 9.2006

  • 37S 2.9756 -22.6P5 31.514 25.559 27.972 -16096. 19?a.9 -236.91 -1396e. 32.169 9.1366

, 350 2.9556 -2?.973 31.254 ?6.517 2P.9P8 -16680. 2014.3 -236.19 -145?2. 32.170 P.FP15

  • d2 2.9064 -23.752 30.576 27.953 30.E05 -17725. 2070.3 -253.24. -154F2. 32.172 B.1(42 384 2.5071 C. 30.*00 ?9.tS2 *2.435 -1P(63. 2140.4 -229.53 -16324. 32.175 7.3646 326 2.5075 0. 30.000 30.557 33.411 -15225. 2157.6 -228.14 -16Afl. 32.176 6.8296 33c 2.9075 D. 30.000 30.632 33.510 -19282. 2157.4 -228.14 -16917. 32.176 6.7916 390 2.9376 C. 30.000 30.926 33.R74 -la491 2156.4 -228.14 -17t21. 32.177 6.6408 332  ?.9051 C. 30.000 32.062 24.877 -20069. 215?.6 -22P.14 -17656. 32.178 6.0697

'34 2.50F1 C. 30.000 32.171 '4.961 -20117. 2152.3 -22P.14 -17733. 32.17e 6.0156 356 2.9063 0. 30.000 32.492 35.177 -20242. 2151.1 -228.14 -17855. 32.179 5.8563 394 2.3066 C. 30.000 33.653 35.655 -20517. 2146.7 -228.14 -18127 32.161 5.3571 430 2.9053 0. 30.000 34.344 35.e40 -20623. 2143.4 -228 14 -18235. 32.162 5.1052 i



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4 CYC T!*E CLVEL 1 ' THETA 2 0FVAL 3 OPOSF 4 F L N 0t1 1 OPF0n 1 ETP0H I 01SKM 1 P 22 P 7'

'I 402 2.5099 0. 30.000 35.176 3' 972 -20702. 2138.6 -228.14 -1P319. 32.1P5 4.9847 404 2.9105 0. 30.000 35.639 36.t76 -20759. 2133.7 -228.14 -18381. 32.187 x 5 0987 406 2.9109 0. 30,000 35.613 36.137 -20794. 2130.4 -228.14 -18420. 32.184 5.25?*

408 2.9115 0. 30.000 35.P92 36.194 -?Pr27. 2125.4 -2?4.14 -18456. 32.190 5.5629-410 2.9122 0. 30.000 35.893 36.184 -20*21. 2120.3 -228.14 -1F657. '32.193 5.63+7 412 2.9126 0. 30.000 *5.e92 36.144 -20798. 2117.1 -2?P.14 -18439.' .32.194 5.9735 414 2.9132 0. 30.000 35.925 36.055 -20766. 2112 5 -22P.14 -IP393.- 32.196 6 0915 416 2.9137 0. 30.000 35.991 35.9a4 --20706. 210R.1 -228.14 -18358. 32.19e 6.1363 418 2.3141 0. 30.000 36.043 35.959 -20692. 2105.4 -228.14 -18347. 32.199 6.1418 420 2.9151 0. 30.000 36 196 36.09P -20771. 2097.4 -228.14 -16432.- 32.2C3 6.0566

. 422 2.9153 0. 30.000 36.226 36.144 -20748. 2095.9 -228.14 -19459. 32.?04 6.0451 424 2.9159 0. 30.000 36.298 36.335 -2C908. 2091.4 s

-228.14 -18570. 32.2ef 5.9478 426 2.9159 0. ,30.000 36.299 36.340 -20910. 2091.3 -228.14 -18572. 32.206 5.9455 428 2.9160 0. 30.000 36.306 36.361 ~-20*?2.- 2090.A -229.14 -125P4 32.706 5.9348 430 2 9162 0. 30.000 ?6.330 36.499 -20973. 2088.9 -228.14 -19635. 32.?07 5.6680 432 2.3172' O. 30.000 36.365 36.726 -?1133. 20P1.5 -22e.14 -1P797. 32 210 6.E541 434 2.9173 0. 30.000 36.*67 36.164 -211"5. 20P0.2 -228.14 -1Ap19. 32.211 5.6120 l 436 2.9178 0. 30 000 36.349 36.P29 -21192. 2076.5 -228.14 -IPP59. 32.?l2- 5.*F29 43h 2.9179 0. 30.000 36.347 36.833 -211*4. 2076.2 -228.14 -IPafl. 32.212 5.4724 440 2.9180 0. 30.000 36.339 36.841 -21199. 2075.2 -228.14 -16867 32.213 5.4410 442 2.9185 O. 30.000 36.282 36.621- -21187 2071 6 -2?P.14 -18859. 32.215 5.3225 444 2.9105 0. 30.000 36.276 36.817 -21185. 2071 2 -22a.14 -18857.- 32.215 -

5.3119 4

446 2.9186 0. 30.000 36.254 36.800 -21175. 2070.1 -22P.14 .-18849. 32.215 5.2799 448 2.9192 0. 30.000 36.128 36.661 -21096. 2065.9 -228.14 -18775. 32.217 -

5.1751 450 2.9192 0. 30.000 36.123 36.656 -21093. 2065.8 -228.14 -18772. 32.217 5.1719 4

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8 .0026 14.715 14.715 14.719 105.00 105.00 .305.00 105.00 -105.00 105.00 105.00 10 .0102 14.715 14.715 14.719 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 12 .0?02 14.716 14.716 14.720 105.00 105.00 105 00 105.00 105.00 105 00 105.00 14 .0502 14.724 14.7?5 14.729 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00. 105.00 -105.00 16 0702 14.757 14.757 14.763 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 16 .0902 14.922 14.P23 14.P32 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 20 .1102 14 907 14.9C9 14 9?! 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105 00 105.00 22 .1302 14.938 14.991 15.008 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 24 .1502 15.04R 15.051 15.072 105.00 105.a0 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 26 .170? 15.005 15.088 15.113 105.00 105.00 10%.00 105.00 10'.00 105.00 105.00 j 28 .1a02 15.106 15.110 15 136 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.90 105.00 30 .2102 15.121 15.125 15 156 105.00 IC5.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.0c 105.00

? 32 .2302 15.132 15.136 15 170 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 j 34 .2502 15.142 15.147 15.1P3 105.00 10".00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 36 .2613 15.148 15.153 15.191 105.00 105.00 10".00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00

3e .2643 15.149 15.155 15 193 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 40 .2716 15.153 15.159 15 199 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 .105.00 105.00 105.01 j 42 .2f?9 15.161 15.167 15.208 105.00 104.93 104.98 104.90 104.95 104.90 104.86 44 .3022 15.178 15.1P5 15.230 104.P2 103.98 104 68 103.95 104.38 104.0e 103.89 46 .322? 15.203 15.210 15.260 10s.25 103.00 104.06 103.02 103.68 103.2e 103.06 48 .3622 15.224 15 231 15.?85 103.41 1C?.67 103 30 102.70 103.09 102.P7 102.73 4

56 .3f22 15.?34 15.?A2 15.301 107.58 102.59 107.58 102.59 102.59 102.59 102.59 52 .3622 15.240 15.249 15.312 101.97 102.29 54 101.90 102.27 102.09 102.20 102.25

, 4C22. 15.249 15.259 15.326 101.45 101.70 .101.49 101.6e 101.56' 101.63 101.67 56 4222 15.263 15.273 15.345 101.05 101.00 101.04 101.00 101.03 101.01 101.00 5d 4422 15.779 15.290 15 366 100.63 100.37 10C.59 100.37 100.51 100.4'3 100.38 60 4622 15.295 15.306 15 308 100.15 99.839 100 10 99.641 100.01 99.906 99.844 l 62 .4322 15.312 15.324 15.411 99.615 99.364 99.574 99.364 99.501 99.417 99.364

{ 64 .5022 15.330 15.344 15.436 99.070 9e.901 99.045 90.900 98.994 98.937 98.P98 66 .5222 15.351 15.365 15.462 98.5?6 9P.427 94.520 98.425 9e.4 88 98.450 96.422 68 .5422 15.372 15.366 15.489 96.074 97.934 98.012 97.a32 97.985 70 97.953 97.929

! .5622 15.383 15.396 15.505 97.532 a7.429 97.518 72 .5622 15.378 97.4?8 97.487 97.451 97.425 l 15.394 15.*05 97.050 96.921 97.031 96.920 96.993 96.949 96.918 -

i 74 .6022 15.363 15.380 15.494 96.568 96.420 96.547 96.419 96.502 70 96.451 96.447 -

.6222 15.349 15.366 15.483 96.083 95.928 96.060 95.977 96.013 95.961 95.926

?o .6422 1%.347 15.564 15.484 95.595 95.445 95.573 95.445 95.528 95.477 95.443 i 80 .6' 2 15.365 15.M62 15.505 95.108 =4.968 95.0P6 94.967 95.045 94.998 94.965 82 .6e22 15.404 15.421 15.547 44.624 a4.492 94.A05 94.491 94.566 4 a4.920 94.469 1 84 .7022 15.455 15.473 18.603 94 146 94 017 94.127 94.016 94.089 94.044 94.C14

86 .7222 15.508 15.527 15.662 93.672 93.*43 93.654 93.542 93.615 93.570 93.540 I 86 .7422 15.553 15.572 15.712 93.202 93.070 93.1R4 93.069 93.144 90 93.998 93.J68 4

.7622- 15.561 15.6C2 15.746 92.735 9?.601 92.716 92.600 92.676 92.650 92.599 l 92 .7622 15.591 15.612 15.760 92.270 92.136 92.251 92.135 92.210 92.165 92.133 l 94 .8022 15.589 15.611 15.163 91.007 91.674 91 7P8 91.673 91.748 91.103 91.672 96 .a222 15.588 15.610 15.764 91.347 91.216 91 328 91.215 *1 268 91.243 91 213 3 98 .E422 15.594 15.616 15.772 90.83a 90.760 90.871 90.759  % > 15?

I 90.787 90.757 103 .6622 15.611 15.634 15.7?3 90.435 90.306 90.416 90.305 n . F7 7 90.333 90.303 i

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, CYC TINE P 8 P 9 F 10 P 23 P .24 P 25 P 26 P 27 P 28' P 29 102 .8822 15.641 15.664 15.P26 89.9P3 89.955 89.965 80.054 P9.926 89.282 89.852

. 104 .gr22 15.679 15.703 15.e67 P9.535 P9.407 89.516 89 406 89.478 89.434 89.404 106 .9222 15.719 15.743 15.911 89.0P9 ea.96i 89.070 #8.960 89.032 8e.98. 8P.958 10s .9422 15.75P 15.782 15 953 P6.6*5 8P.S18 88.(27 '80.517 ee.589 BP.545 88.515 110 .9622 15.794 15.619 15.994 P6.204 eP.078 P8.le6 eP.077 6P.148 88.105 89.075 112 .9P22 15.629 15.855 16.033 87.7f6 87.641 87.748 P7.640 '87.710 P7.667 87.638 l 114 1.0022 15.865 15.691 16.073 87.331 07.206 87.313 87.205 87.275 87.232 87.203 j 116 1.0222 15.900 15.927- 16.113 86.898 F6.774 P6.P80- Pf.773 86.843- 86.000 06.771

' e6.343 86.413 86.370 P6.341 lid 1.04?2 15.937 15.964 16.153 86.468 8(.344 e6.450 123 1.0622 15.982 16.009 16.199 66.040 65.417 86.022 PS.916 P5.9P5 PS.943 85.914 122 1.we22 16.043 16.Ce? If.259 A".615 E5.493 85.597 e5.492 85.560 e5.*la e5.490 i 124 1.1022 16.113 16.140 16.329 85.193 25.071 95.175 e5.070 85.136 65.097 85.068 I 126 1.1222 If.1E5 16.212 16.402 P4.773 84.651 94.755 84.651 P4.719 P4.677 84.649 j 12e 1 1422 16.?57 16.2e4 16.475 84.355 64.235 94.33P E4.234 84.301 84.260 64.232 1 130 1.1622 16.i?8 16.3t5 16.547 e3.940 83.820 m3 923 P3.P19 83.P87 ,83.P46 83.816 j 132 1.1F22 16.399 16.426 16.618 P3.520 83.408 63.511 P3.408 R3.475- P3.434 93.406 i 134 1.2022 16.469 16.496 16.690 83.11h P2.999 83.101 - 82 998 P3.065 83.024 e2.997

  • l 136 1.2222 16.540 16.567 16.762 P2.71J P2.992 82.694 82.591 82.658 02.617 02.590

! 136 1.2422 16.6ro 16.636 16.P33 82.305 E2.188 F2.2F9- #2.187 82.253 82.213 82.185

140 1.2622 16.681 16.700 16.904 81.903 81.786 Pl.006 Pt.785 'P1.851 81.011 91.??3 j 142 1.2H22 16.751 16.778 16.975 81.503 61.396 Pl.4P6 41.395 81.451 81.411 81.384 144 1.3022 16 820 16.e47 17.045- 81.105. PQ.9P9 Pl.086 20.988 81.053 P1.014 60.987 i 146 1.3222 16.888 16.916 17.115 P0.709 20.594- 80.693 80.593 P0.658 80.615 80.592 I led 1.3422 16.557 16.905 17.184 00.316 to.702 F0.300 R0.261 80.265 P9.226 60.199
150 1.3F22 17.024 17.052 17.253 79.926 79.R1? 79.909 79.P11 79.975 79.S?6 79.909 152 1.JP22 17.G92 17.120 17.321 79.537 79.424 79.521 79.423 79.467 79.44e 79.*?!

1 154 1.4022 17.159 17 167 17 3 P.9 79.151 79.036 79.135 79.037 79 101 79.062 79.036 4

156 1.4222 17.225 17.254 17.456 76.76E 72.655 78.751 70.654 70.717 78.679 78.653 15o 1.4422 17.292 17.321 17.524 78.3P6 7P.?74 78.3?S 7P.273 7P.336 78.298 78.272 i,

163 1.4622 17.359 17.386 17.592 78.007 77.896 77.991 77.P95 77.957 77.919 77.393 i 162 1.4a?2 17.426 17.455 17.660 77.630 77.519 77.614 77.51P 77.581 77.543 77.517.

164 1.5022 17.493 17.522 17.727 77.255 77.145 77.?39 77.144 77.206 77.76P 77.143

! 166 1.5222 17.560 17.*89 17.795 76.883 76.773 76.667 76.772 76.834 76.796 76.771 [

l 16o 1.5422 17.627 17.656 17.P63 76.513 76.403 76.497 76.403 76.464 76.426 76.4e1 l 170 1.5622 17.694 17.723 17.931 76.144 76.03f. 76.129 76.035 76.096 76.059 76.034 l 172 1.5922 17.761 17.790 17.999 75.779 75.671 75.763 75.670 75.730 75.693 75.666 i

, 174 1.e022 17.62P 17.P5P 18.r67 75 415 75.*P7 75.399 75.3c7 75.367 75.330 75.305 l 176 1.6222 17.895 17.925 18.135 75.053 74.c46 75.03P 74.946 75.006 74.9f9 74.944

, '78 1.f422 17.963 17.992 18.204 74.694 74.587 74.679 74.587 74.646 74.c10 74.5E5 l 160 1 6622 th.030 18.060 12.272 74.337 74.?31 74.321 74.230 74.?P9 74.?53 74.226 j 182 1.6522 le.097 18.127 1F.340 73.981 73.H76 73.966 73.575 73.934 73.49P 73.274

. 184 1.7022 1P.165 10.145 16.408 73.62P 73.524 73.613 73.5?3 73.5P2 73.546 73.521

186 1.7222 18.232 18.262 16.476 73.277 73.173 73.?62 73.172 73.231 73.195 7?.171 108 1P.545 72.929 72. P2 5 72.at4 72.824 72.862 72.F47 72.522 1.7422 16.299 14.330 1

190 1.7622 16.367 18.397 18.613 72.5F2 72.478 72.567 72.478 72.536 72.500 72.476 192 1.7t22 18.434 16.464 16.681 72.237 12.134 72.222 72.133 72.191 72.156 72.132

! 194 1.8022 10.501 IP.532 16.749 71.894 71.792 71.P79 71.791 71.648 71.P13 71.790 i 196 1.0222 18.569 18.599 18.e18 71.553 71.452 71.539 71.451 71.508 71.473 71.449 196 1.e422 18.636 16.667 18.e86 71.215 71.113 71.200 71.113 71.169 71.135 71.111

200 1.o622 18.703 16.734 18.954 70.E78 70.777 70.863 70.776 70.833 70.798 70.775 3

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d \d CY6 TIME P 6 P. 9.. i 10 P 23 - p 24 P 25 P' 26 P 27 P, 28 P 29 202 s.F622. 18.770 *S.802

. 19.022 70.543 7C.443 70.529 '70.442 ' 70.498 70.464 70.441 204 1.9022 te.P38 la.369 19.C90- 70.210 10.110 70.196 70 110 70 166- 70.132 70.108 206 1.9222 18.905 If.956 19.159 69.679 69.780 69.865' 69.779 6 9.R3 5 69.6c1 69.77P 208 1.9422 1F.972 19.004 19.227 69.550 69.452 69.536 69.451 6*.506 6?.473 69.450 210 1.9622 19.0*0 19.071 19.295 69.?23 69.125 69.209 69.125 69.1P0 69 146^ 69.123 212 1.9622 19.107. 19.139 19.363- f6.892 (P.801 68.884' .69 600 68.855 6P.871 6e.7S9 214 2.0022 19.174 19.206 19.431 6P .5 75 68.678 68.561 68.477 68.532 6P.498 68.476 216 2.0222 19.242 19.27) 19.500 68.254 6P.157 68.240 69.156 -68.211 6e.17e 6R.155

$ 21s 2.G422 19.306 19.340 19.567 67.935 67.836 67.921 67.23P 67.892 67.F59 67.E36 5 220 2.0622 19.371 19.403 19.631 67.617 67.521 67.603 67.*28 67.574 -

67.541 67.519 i 222 2.0e22 19.42S 19.461 19.fP9 67 301 (7.206 67.2P6 67.205 67.259 67.226 '67 204 l 224 2.1022 19.482 19 515 19.744 66.988 66.A?3 (6.974 66.892 66.945 66.?t3 66.F91

, '25 2.1222 I?.533- 19.565 19.795 66.676 4 6.5 P 1 66.662 66.580 66.633 66.601 66.579 228 2.1422 19.562 19.614 19.844 66.365 66.?71 66.352 66.271 66.3?3 66.?91 66 269 i 230 2.1622 19.630 19.662 19.093 66.057 65.963 66.044 65.963 66.015 65.9s3 65.961

] 232 2.1622 19.677 19.710 19.941 65.750 (P.657 65.737 65.657 65.709 65.677 65.655 4 234 2.2022 19.725 19.750 19.989 65.446 65.353 65.432 6E.35? 65.404 65.313 65.351 i 23h 2.2222 19.772 19.e05 20.031 65.143 65.050 65.129 65.050 65.101 65.070 65.049 3 236 2.?422 19.t19 19.652 20.085 64 941 64.750: 64.829 64.749 64.800 64.769 64.748 a 246 2.?f22. 19.666 19.t99 20.132 64.542 64.451 -64.529 64.450 64.501 64.470 64.469

) 242 2.2622 19.413 19.946 20.190 64.244 64.153 64.?31 64 153 64.?O4 64.172. 64.151 2*4 2.3022 19.959 19.993 20.227 (3 94P (3.159 '63.935 63.P57 63.908 63.877 63.E56 l 246 2.3222 20.007 20.039 20.275 63.656 63.564 63.f4? 63.563 63.614 63.5P3 63.562 24o 2.3422 20.055 20.064 20.322 63.374 63.273 63.355 63.273 63.326 63.294 63.272 i 250 2.3t22 2C.104 20.129 20.369 63.106 6?.990 63.080 62.990 63.047 63.012 62.489

} 252 2.3'2? 2e.153 20.172 20.415 62.AS4 62.717 6?.818 62.71P 62.782 62.743 62.717 254 20.461 2.4C2R 20.?01 20.215 62 618 62.460 62 571 6?.460 62.531 62.488 62.461 256 2.42?2 20.249 20.25e 20.505 62.396- 62.220 62.338 62 220 62.296 62.250 62.?21 4 256 2.6422 20.296 20.301 20.548 62 192 61.a98 62.123 61.998 62.078 62.029 61.999 4 260 2.4622 20.342 20.345 20.589 62.006 61.793 (1.925 61.794 61.877 61.627 61.795 1 262 2.4P22 20.387 20.RbH 20.629 61.P40 61.608 61.746 61.609 61.696 61.643 61.609

264 2.5022 20.431 20.433 20.f67 61.f97 61.442 61.588 61.443 61.535 61.479 61.444

! 266 2.5222 20.474 20.478 20.704 61.579 61.297 61.453 61.298 61.397 61.337 61.299 l 26o 2.5472 70.516 20.524 20.738 61.4 f 8 61.175 61.343 61.176 61.282 61.218 61.176 i 270 2.5622 20.557 20.570 20.770 61.427 61.079 61.261 61.080 61.195 61.125 61.062 272 2.5*22 20.597 20.617 20.799 61 399 61.011 61.210 61.012 61.139 61.062 274 61.014

, 2.t022 20.636 20.662 20.P26 fl.406 EC.974- 61.191 60.976 61.112 61.030 60.978 -

a 2To 2.6222 20.673 20.70* 20.P49 61 4St 60.972 61.208 60,974 61.122 '

61.033 60.977 -

27o 2 6422 20.709 20.742 20.870 61.531 61.007 61.261 61.009 61.168 61 071 61.011 2PO 2.6622 20.744 20.773 20.087 61.643 61.077 61.347 61.079 61.248 61.146 282 61.082 2.6F?2 20.776 20.797 20.900 61.777 61.1P2 61.460 61.184 .61.359 61.252 ' 61.186

-; 2e4 2.7022 20.F09 20.811 20.906 61 921 61.314 61.592- 61.315 61.491 61.3 c 4 ' 61.317 2 th _2.7222 20.A03 20.A98 20.973 62.060 61.462 61.729 61.463 61.632 61.529 61 464 2de 2.7422 20.799 21.046 21.000 62.256 61.620 61.P89 61.621 61.790 61.6e7 270 61.622 2.76?2 2u.811 21.209 21.198 62.639 61.R10 62.162 61.813 62.032 61.899 61.e13 292 2.7622 20.829 21.408 21.357 63.321 62.103 62.651 6?.111 (2.448 62.244 294 2.e022 62.123 20.651 21.670 21.511 6'.4?3 62.603 63.456 62.617 63.139 62.824 62.639 29o 2.6222 20.921 21.92F 21 693 66.123 63.426 64.713 63.448 64.237 296 63.763 63.483 2.3422 21.021 22.199 21.917 68.607 64.707 66.589 64.738 65.897 65.204 30u 2.4622 64.792 21.145 22.579 22.264 72.19R 66.537 68.769 66.570 67.369 66.498 66.632 4

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.s CYC TlhE P a P 9 ~P 10 P 23 P 24 P 25 P 26 P 27 P 28 F 25 302 2.Fe22 22.162 21.943 22.2P1 74.P"1 Ef.539 68.772 66.572 67.370 66.49C (6.634 304 2.o622 22.063 21.952 22.362 7*.855 6f.545 68.781 66.578 67.373 6t.501 66.636 306 2.6625 21.597 22.075 22.632 74.'90 f6.569 6P.P36 66.600 67.3P5 66.515 66.633 ,

308 2 6634 19.990 23.382 22.475 75.015 66.662 69.052 66.633 67.441 66.613 66.555 2

310 2.6663 19.545 25.537 22.043 75.572 6A.a18 69 6P9 66.P68 67.639 67.055 66.833

] _ 312 2.E739 2e.149 24.959 23 5e2 77.4ea e7. 69 71.361 61.629 se.342 67.629 61.699

314 2 6747 20.279 24.671 24.225 79.672 67.665 71.577 67.683 6e.438 $7.6P2 67.657 I 316 2.6772 19.314 25.915 23.909 PC.440 67.P77 72.323 67.820 68.747 67.951 67.779 l 318 2.9804 19.956 25.973 24.492 63.599 6F.170 73.340 69.204 69.212 68.108 6P.274 320 2.Sf05 19.928 ?5.977 24.519 83.613 6P.17? 73.351 6P.?07 69.216 6A.109 60.27a 322 2.e006 19.E08 26.004 24.621 e3.666 6P.193 73.397 6P.221 69.235 6e.ii5 65.268 324 2.6611 19.347 26.212 24.862 83.AH2 E8.227 73.*P1 68.266 69.312 6P.157 68.256 326 2.dF3G 19.731 27.123 24.366 P4.700 68.393 74.330 6e.331 69.637 6P.442 66.270 326 2.6e55 19.4?5 27.042 25.465 8P.201 66.621 75.359 69.652 70.112 68.577 68.735 330 2. e b's 6 19 394 27.047 25.494 e6.222 69.624 75.473 68.f56 70.116 68.579 66.740 332 2.bF57 19.261 27.075 25.602 80.296 69.634 75.431 6P.672 70.142 68."P7 66.753 4 334 2.66t2 18.775 27.?60 25.283 68.598 (P.677 75.663 6P.723 70.240 6E.637 68.72E 336 2.6dA1 le.1A2 26.043 26.027 89 859 (P.R44 7(.608 68.795 70.653 69.c4P 6E.745

! 336 2.5907 19.034 27.664 26.597' 94.518 69.074 77.917 6a.107 71.257 69.137 69.191

} 340 2.6907 19.030 27.P94 26s631 96.545 69.076 77.934 69.111 71.264 69.140 69.196 3*2 2.da06 18.817 27.936 26.760 94.650 69.087 7P.009 6c.126 71.295 69.151 69.210 344 2.8913 1P.0E2 28.178 27 101 95.074 69.130 78.310 69.17P 71.419 69.208 69.199 346 2.6932 17.291 29.133 27.339 96.H46 69.302 79.540 69.273 71.945 69.523 69.251 346 2.8943 16.861 29.407 27.730 99.709 69.394 80.271 69.366 72.262 69.719 69 37E

{ 350 2.8958 16.429 30.061 2P.509 102.76 69.525 81.400 60.547 72.742 70.000 6*.590 .

352 2.6972 15.733 30.632 29.287 104.P7 69.645 82.*13 69.691 73.202 70.240 69.756 354 2.d587 15.537 31.004 30.003 108.74 9.766 A3.P60 69.P37 73.769 70.403 69.a21

] 356 2.8995 15.156 31.102 30.467 111 64 69.865 84.657 69.916 74.093 706601 70.007 l 356 2.9005 14.414 31.662 30.P97 114.P7 69.961 85.702 70.005 74.513 70.744 10.070

360 2.9014 13.175 32.424 31.323 116.76 70.041 86.6?3 70.067 74.R73 70.P69 70.112 j 362 2.9024 12.284 33.259 31.961 120.35 70.144 87.843 70.152 75.?*7 71 039 70.194

. 364 2.9033 11.459 33.930 32.737 124.25 70.230 P8.949 70.241 75.790 71.193 70.267 l 366 2.9042 10.195 34.987 33.619 126.50 70.319 90.169 70.342 76.25P 71.?61 70.392 j 368 2.9042 10.440 34.788 33.63R 126.61 70.321 90.192 70.344 76.267 71.364 70.394 a 370 2.9C43 10.267 34.672 33.711 128.78 70.327 90.?78 70.350 76.299 71.375 70.402 372 2.9045 9.6443 35.208 33.985 129.43 70.350 90.627 70.37R 76.429 71.*22 70.431 l 374 2.9655 9.242e 36.405 35.000 132.15 70.446 92.051 70.4P1 76.963 71.615 70.535

! 376 2.9C55 8.4771 36 171 35.019 134.60 70.448 *2.075 70.482 75.972 71.619 70.537

! 37H 2.9056 9.2P65 36 253 35.098 134.78 70.454 92.171 70.489 77.007 71.f31 70.544

! 360 2.9058 7.6154 36.604 35.399 135.54 70.478 92.557 70.513 77.148 71.6P2 70.*70

> 382 2 9064 6.54h4 37.353 36.117 13R.26 70.539 93.557 70.573- 77.515 71.P15 70.631

! 3d4 2.9071 5.6566 3R.09) 36.Pa6 141 66 70.606 94.674 70.635 77.922 71.963 70.691 l 386 2.9075 5.lo34 36.595 37.3e7 142.46 7c.647 95.?89 70.674 78.187 72.C5a 70.727

! 398 2.9075 5.1308 38 641 37.423 142.45 70.650 95.4*2 70.676 78.206 72.0f6 70.730 l 390 2.9076 4.9477 38.321 37.567 142.40 70.663 95.654 70.6PP 78.286 72.095 70.741 l 392 2.90R1 4.5913 39.469 30.131 14?.20 70.712 96.469 70.734 78.609 72.213 70.786 j' 394 2.9Cel 4.5681 39.529 38.1P6 142.12 70.717 96.569 70.730 78.642  ??.??4 70.790 t 396 2.9083 4.5255 39.703 30.350 142 12 70.731 96.809 70.752 78.739 72.260 70.PO4 l 398 2.9386 4.6320 40.287 39.010 141.88 70.789 97.752 70.809 79.132 72.404 70.P58 l

400 2.9093 4.80?4 40.643 39.489 141.71 70.e32 9A.426 70.e51 79.427 72.513 70.900 i

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CYC TIME e D 9 10 23 0 p P ~ p P P 8 24 P 25 26 27 28 PJ 29 4 402 2.9C95 5.0751 41.653 40 161 141.45 70.F95 99.413 70.916 79.E60 72.6e2 10.965

! 404 2.9105 5.26P6 41.364 40.738 141.1% 70.959 100.37 70.9R2 PO.345 72.852 71.P32 1 .. 416 2.9109 5.4038 41.541 41.073 141.02 71.003' 101.01 71 020 80.670 72.983 71.0E0 40d 2.9115 5.5627 41.757 41.455 140.75 71.070 101 95 71.096 81.169 73.177 71.149 410 2.?l22 .5.7555 41 439 41.730 140.48 71.138. 102.87 71.165 81.685 73.3P1 71.216

, 412 2.9126 5.e975 42.042 41.865 140.31 71.182 103.44. 71.209 A2.017 73.515 71.263

, 414 2.5132 6.1157 42.170 42 016 140.07 71.245 104.25 71.272 82.506 73.715 71.327 -

416 2.9137 6.2901 42.274 42.128 139.84 71.305 104.98- 71.331 82.971 13 900 11.386 tid 2.9141 6.3711 42.330 42.185 139.69 71.341 105.42 71.36P 83.260 74.030 71.424

} 420 2.9151 6.3447 42.443 42.263 139.27 71.453 106.71 71.479 .A4.133 74.408 71.533 422 2.9153 6.314? 42.*59 42 269 139.15 71.474 106.94' 71.500 P4.302- 74.4P2 71.557 5

424 2.9159 6.147? 42.462 42.246 138.95 71.538 107.63- 71.565 P4.809 74.709 71.626 426 2.9159 6.1432 42.463 42.245 138.94 71.539 107.65 71.566 84.820 74.714 71.627 423 2.9160 6.1235 42.4H4 42 241 138.92 71.546 107.72 71.573 24.872 74.738 71.635 450 2.9162 6.0361 42.4HS 42.218 130.02 71.572 106.00 71.600 85.082 74.e33 71.664 432 2.5172 5.657P 42.364 42.020 13e.42 71.678 109.07 71 710 85.923 75.224 71.?70

434 2.5173 5.5949 42.359 41 579 138.56 71.(96 109.25 71.728 P6.067 75.252 71.791 1 936 2.9178 5 4212 42.250 41.e32. 138.16 71.131 109.77 71.784 e6.499 75.499 71.F50

+33 2.s179 5.4076 42.241 41.e19 139.14 71.755 109.P1 71.78A 86.534 75.516 71.E55 440 2.9180 '5.3679 42.2G9 41.700 138.09 71. ' 88 109 94 71.P02 86.640 75.567 71.670 3

442 2.91A5 5.2306 42.051 41.605 137.90 71.n22 ,110.43 71.856 87.064 75.774 71.925 944 2.5125 5.21P2 42.035 41.568 137.PP 71.427 110.48 71.062 P7.105- 75.795 71.531

, 446 2.51E6 5.1628 41 963 41.534 137.82 71.843 110.62 71.078 87.229 75.P55 71.947 w 444- 2.9192 5.0724 41.734 41.303 137.60 71.905 111.16 71.541 87.719 76.102 72.009

. 450 2.9152 5.0691 41.725 41.295 137.59 71.907 111.18 71.943 87.735 76.110 72.011 i

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J 8 j 2 .0000 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 16.719 16.720 16.442 4 .0002 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 10*.00 105.00 16.720 16.720 16.443 e .0006 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.On 16.723 16.723 16.445

, B .0026 105.30 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 16.733 16.733 16.455 4

10 .0102 105.00 105.00 105 00 105.00 105.00 10*.00 105.00 16.777- 16.77* 16.495 i 12 .0302 105.00 10*.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 16.P95 16.053 16.609 14 .0502 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 17.053 17.0P9 16.(0*

16 .6702 105.00 105.00 10*.00 105.00 10%.00 105.00 105.00 17.432 17.571 17.280 16 .0902 1c5.00 105.00 105.GJ 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 18.349 18.601 18.275 l 20 .1102 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 IS" 00 105.00 105.00 20.066 20.335 19.934

, 22 .1302 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 22.591 22.747 22.23P I 24 .1502 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 25.698 25.672 25.048 26 .1702 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 29.10P 2R.915 28's192

> 28 .1902 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 32.632 32.322 31.527

]' 30 .2102 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 10*.00 105 00 105.00 36.184 35.755 34.945 32 .2302' 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 125.00 39.725 39.276 38.379 34 2502 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 ~43.235 42.737 41.79E-i 36 .2613 105.01 105.00 105.00 105.00 195.04 105.93 116.18 45.155- 44.635 43.673 3o .2643 105.00 105.00 105.02 105 10 105.51 106.53 101.22 45.693 'N 45.164 44.196

,1 40 .2716 1C5.02 105.04 105.05 104.92 104.25 102.45 79.529 46.957 46.415 45.432 l 42 .2629 104.66 104.20 103.51 102.56 101 49 100.72 69.053 *A.P99 48.345 ' .47.340 44 .3G22 103.42 102.61 101.P8 101.30 100.91 100.65 66.741 52.219 51.6*e .50.617 46 .3222 102.79 102.45 10?.15 101.90 101.69 101.50 66.P76 55.736 55.151 54.069 48 .3422 10?.63 102.56 102.48 102.40 10?.30 102.17 67.247 59.283 58.(35 57.496 i 0 .3622 102.53 102.51 102.47 52 102.41 102.32 102.19 67.302 62.724 62.029 60.633 '_

. .3822 102.21 102.17 1C?.10 102.0? 101.92 101.78 E7.083 65.991 65.323 64.085 54 4022 101.62 101.56 101.49 101.39 101 28 101.14 66.708 69.127 68.534 67.2(6 56 .*??2 100.93 100.84 100.75 100.64 100.52 100.37 66.249 72.183 71.668 70.373 So .4422 100.29 100.16 100.04 99.905 99.768 99.(18 65.782 75.167 74.731 73.403 1 60 .4622 99.736 99.590 99.443 99.296 99.14A 96.993 65.3P6 76.071 77.720 76.355

! 62 4F22 99.256 99.115 96.S68 98.822 SP.076 9P.521 65.082 00.895 8e.631 75.237 64 .5022 98.800 98.677 98.540 98.415 9P.?78 98.129 64.634 P3.64R P3.4E4 62.337 l 66 .5222 98.335 99.230 98.117 97.997 97.P69 97.725 64.5a7 86.337 86 216 84.754 68 .5422 97.e48 97.750 97.644 97.529 97.405 97.?62 64.308 d8.950 e8.R62 87.359

' 70 .5(22 97.344 97.243 97.134 97.018 9( . P,9 3 96.750 63.59P 91.407 91.314 89.759 72 .5622 96.634 96.727 56.613 96.492 96.365 96.221 63.674 93.570 93.472 91.P63 l 74 .6022 96.330 96.218 96.100 95.977 98.847 95.703 63.355 a5.366 55.311 93.666 i 76 .6222 95.e37 95.724 95.606 95.481 95.352 95.208 63.04? 96.859 96.FP7 55.227 i 7c .6422 95.555 95.244 95.126 95.004 96.875 94.733 62.755 96.187 98.294 96.c35 I. 50 .6t22 94.t79 94.770 94.655 94.535 94.408 94.?67 6?.467 99.*In 99.(63 58.011 d2 .6P22 94.405 94.29A 94.1P5 a4.066 93.941 93.901 62.181- 100.97 101.11 95.460 f 84 .7022 93.930 S3.625 93.713 93.59" 9*.471 93.332 61.P93 102.63 102.62 101.01

! d6 .7222 93.956 93.351 93.240 93.122 92.998 92.E60 61.604 104.42 104.34 102.62

Oc .7422 92.964 92.679 92.769 92.650 92.526 a2.308 61.314 106.23 106.02 104.25 j 90 .7622 92.515 9?.410 92.299 92.182 90.059 91.421 61.026 107.93 107.6? 105.76 i 92 .7622 92.050 91.945 91.934 91.718 91.595 91.458 60.741 109.39 109.04 107.1*

. 94 .6022 91.589 91.465 91.374 91.256 91.136 91.000 60.460 110.59 110.27 10P.34

! 96 .6222 91.131 91.027 90.?le 90.002 90.681 90.545 60.180 111.58 111.34 105.40 I 9a .e4'2 90.675 90.572 90.464 90.349 90.22d 90.003 59.902 112.47 112.32 110.3e 100 .c622 S0.222 90.120 90.012 P9.89e 89.777 89.643 59.626 113.37 113.2P 111.34 4

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P 33 P 34 P 35 P' 36 W 1 W 7 W 8 4 . 102 .de22 89.772 89 670 89 562 89.449 P9.329 R9.196 59.*51 114.33 114 27 112.33 104 .90?2 09.324 P9.222 P9.115 e?.002 9P.H83 88.7%0 59.077 j 106 115.39 115 31 113.36

.9222 88.678 FF.777 A8.671 ES.55A e6.440 88.30A 58.805 116.52 106 .9422 116.39 114.42 13 A8.436 86.335 _ 96 229 68.117 87.999 87.A6B 58.534 117.66 117 50

110 .9622 67.996 115.49 87.656 87.791 e7.679 27.562 87.431 SP.266 118.80 118.61 112 .9622 67.559 87 460 114.58 67 355 e7.?44 27.127 86 997 57.599 -

119.93 119 75 117.67

114 1.0022 97.125 87.026 66.921 86.811 66.695 86.566 57.734

! 116 121 05- 120 05 _ 118.77 1.0222 Et.693 e6.595 86 491 86.381 P6.265 P6 137 57.470 122.15 116 1.0422 121 96 119.Fe i

{ 66.264 B6 156 a6 063 e5.453 e5.832 85.710 57.20e 122.52 120 1.0622 85.636 125.04 120.92 65.740 85 637 65.528 65.414 P5.2P6 56.948 123 29 j 122 1.0322 85.414 85.316 P5 214 65 106 123.99 121.27 e4.992 P4<e65 56.689 123.94 124 72 122 64

, 124 1 1022 64.992 64.>"5 84.793 24.686 84.573 84.446 56.432 124.55 126 1.1222 64.573 _ 6*.477 125 33 123.27 84.375 84.268 P4.156 04.030 56.176 125.12 125.90 123.83 .

12b 1.1422 84.157 b4.061 G3 960 83.854 63.741 G3 617

130 1.1622 85.743 b3.048' 83.547 55.922 125.68 126.45 124.37'

' 84.441 83.330 83.205 55.669 126.24 127 00 124.91 132 '. . l e 2 2 83.331 83.237 83 137 83.031 82.920 82.797 55.41e 126.79 134 1.2022 82.923 127.55 *S5.45

, 62.A2e 82.729 82.F24 82.513 82.330 55.169 127.34' 136 1 2222 R2.516 ~ 125.98 e2.422 62 323 *2.219 82.104 P1.987 54.921 127 89 128.64 136 1.2422 82.112 82.019 126.51 el.920 81.816 61.707 81.5P% 54.674 12P.44 129.18

} 140 1.2622 81.710 127.04 RI.618 01.519 P1.416 el.307 81.186 54.429 128.98 129.71 j 142 1.2922 Pl.311 n1.?19 127.57 81.121 el.016 80.910 80.790 54.186 123.52 130.24


144 1.3022 80.914 80.622 120.09 80.725 80.623 60.515 80 195 53.943 130.05 1*0.77 3 146 1.3222 80.520 P0.42A 128.61 80.332 80.230 80.123 80.003 53.703 -130.58 131.29 l 148 1.3422 AG.1?8 P0,037 79.941 79.839 129.12 -

j 150 1.3622 79.733 79.614 53.464 131.11 131 81 129.63 19.739 79.647 79.552 79.451 79.345 79.227 53.226 131.63 152 132.33 130.14 l 1.3P22 79.351 79.261 79 165 79.065 7P.959 78.A42 52.990 132.15 154 1.*022 78.966 132 65 130.64

? 79.676 78.781 78.681 76.576 78.459 52.755 132.66 133.36 131.15 4

156 1.4222 7P.5e3 78 693 78.399 78.300 78.079 156 1 .622 7P.202 78.195 52.521 133.18 131.66

? '6.113 72 020 77.921 77.817 77.701 52.289 133.69 134.40 132.16

! 160 1.?2 77.824 t7.736 77.642 77.544 7'.440 77.325 '

162 52.058 134.21 134.91 132.67 i 1.4c?2 77.448 17.360 77 267 77.lf 9 77.066 76.952 51.029 164 1.t022 77.074 134.72 135.44 135.19

} 76.567 76.e94 76.797 76.694 76.580 51.601 135.24 135.96 16e 1.5222 76.703 133.70 76.616 76.524 76.427 76.325 76.211 51.!75 135.76 136.42 134 21 166 1.5*22 76.333 76.?*7 76 155 76.059 75.957 75.844 170 51.150 136.28 137.00 134.73 1.5622 75.966 75.P60 75.759 75.693 75.592 75.480 50.926 172 1.5622 136.81 137.53 135.24 - '

75.601 75.515 75.425 75.3?9 75.229 75.117 50.?Q3 i 174 1.6L22 75.23F 137.33 138.05 135.76 75.153 75.063 74.962 74.869 74.757 50.442 137.85 -"

! 176 1.6222 74.678 74.793 139.58 136.28 74.703 74.609 74.509 74.398 50.262 138.30 '139.10 136.79 - '.

l 17d 1.6*22 74.519 74.43t 74.345 74.251 74.152 16G 74.042 50.044 138.90 139.63 137.31 l 1.66?2 74.163 74.079 73.990 73.89f 73.79R 73.688 i IA2 1.6b22 4c.P27 139.43 140.16 137.63 73.rC6 73.725 73.637 73.543 73.445 73.336 49.611-i 1d4 1.7022 73.456 139.96 140.fe 136.35 73.373 73.205 73.192 73.095 72.966 99.396 140.48 141.21 138.56 l 166 1.7222 73.106 75.023 72.936 .72.844 72.747 72.639 49.183 141.01 - 141.74 139.38 1

189 1.7422 72.758 72.676 72.5P9 72.497 '

72.400 72.293 46.971 141.54- 142.26 139.90

{ 130 1 7622. 72.412 72.330 72.244 72.152 72.056 71.949 192 1.7F22 44.760 '92.06 142.79 140.41 l 72.668 71.9P7 71.900 71.P10 71.714 71.608 4e.551 ' 142.59 143.32 l 19s 1.5022 71.726 71.645 71.559 71.469 71.374 71.268 140.93 19n 1.0222 71.386 48.342 143.11 1*3.R4 1 1.45 71.306 71.220 71 130 71.035 70.930 198 1.h*22 71.048 70.968 70.6R3

-4e.135 143.64 144.37 141.97 70.794 70.699 70.595 47.930 144.17 144.e9 142.4e 200 1.d622 70.713 70.633 70.548 70.459 70.365 70.261 47.725 144.69 145.42 143.00 i

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  • 35 P 36 m;

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g W 8 232 1.6L22 -70.379 70.259 70.215 70.126 70.n33- 69.929 47.922 145.22 145.95 143.52 204 1.9022 76.047 69.967 69.P84 69.796 .65.703 69.600 47.320 _ 145.75 146.47 144.03

-206 1.9222- 69.717 69.63P 69.555 69.*67 69.374 69.?72 47.114 ~~ '146.27 147.00 144.55 206 1.9422 69.388 69.310 69.?27 69.140 69.048 68.946 46.919 146.80 147.53 145.07 4) 210 1.9622 69.062 6P.984 6@.902 68.815 6P.724 62.62? 46.720 147.32 148.05 145.58 212 1.9622 6F.730 68.660 6F.??P 68.492 6P.401 68.300 46.523-' 147.85 14P.59 146.10 214 2.0022 66.416 68.33o 68.?57 66.171 6E.n80 67.980 ~ 46.327. .14P.38 149.10 146.62 21o 2.0222 68.095 '6P.018 67.937 67.952 67.761 67.661 46.15? 148.90 149.63 147.13  ;

i 218 2.0*22 67.777 67.700 +7.619 67.534- 67.445 67.345 45.930 149.43 150.15- 147.64 220 2.0622 67.460 67.3f4 67.303 67.219 67.129 67.030 _ 4*.745 149.94 150.64 148.12 222 2.0P22 67.145 67.069 66.9A9 66.905 14 916 66.71P 45.554. 150.43 151.09 148.56 224 2.1022 66.832 66.757 66.677 66.593 66.505 66.407 45.363 '150 88 151.51 14b.96 226 2.1222 66.521 66.446 66.367 66.2P3 66.195 66.090 45.174 151.31 151.91 149 34 228 2.1422 66.211 66.137 66.058 65.975 65.887 65.790 ' ' 44.926

. 151.71 152.30 149.72 a

230 2.1622 65.904 65.b30 65.751 65.66P- 65.531 65.*R5 44.799 152.11 152.69 15G.10 232 2.1822- 65.598 65.524 65.446 65.364 65.777 65.141 44.613 s 152.51 153.07 150.46 234 2.2022 65.294 65.220 65.143 6E.061 64.975 64.079- '94.42e 152.90 153.45 150.95 236 2.2222 64.992 64.919 64.841 64.760 64.674 64.579 44.244 15 3."? P ~153.83 151.23 1 238 2.2422 64.( 91 64.616 64.542_ 64.460 64.375 64.2P0 44.061 153.67 154.21 151.60 240 2.2622 64.392 64.320 64.?44 64.153 64.07E 63.980 43.890 154.05 154.59 151.96

242 2.2522 64.095 64.023 63.947 63.867 63 742 63.689- 43.699 154.43 154.96' 15?.33 y 4

244 2.30?2 63.800 63.728 63.653 63.!7' 63.469 63.395 43.520 154.00 155.33 '15?.70

! 246 2.3222 63.507 63.435 63.360 63.2P0 63.197 63.104 43.341 155.18 155.70 151.06 246 2.3422 63.216 63.145 63.070 62.990 62.907 62.E14 43.164 155.55 156.08 153.42'.

250 2.3622 62.933 62.660 62.784 61.705 6?"621 62.529 4?.989 155.93 156.45 153.75 s

252 2.3E22 62 660 62.586 62.509 62.*?R 62.344 62.252 42.P19 156.38 156.E4 15*.06 i

f 254 2.4022 62.402 62.326 62.247 A2.165 52.091 61.9P9 42.657 _ 156.68 157.22 154.34 256 2.4222 62.160 62.083 62.003' 61.920 61.835 61.743 42.505- 157.07 157.61 154.57

258 2.4422 61.937 61.758 61.778 61.695 61.609 61.517 42.365 157.46 150.01 154.76 j 260 2.4622 61.732 61.653 61.571 61.488 61.403 61.311 42.237 157.86 15P.42 -154.91

. 262 2.4e22 61.546 61.466 61.384 61.300 61.215 61.123 4?.120 15P.26 158.63 155.02 264 2.5022 61.379 61.299 61.215 61.131 61.045 60.953 42.015 158.67 159.*5 155.07 266 2.5222 61.233 61.150 61.066 60.9P1 60.P95 60.903 41.921 159.0P 159.67 155.09

- 269 2.5422 61.110 61.025 60.939 60.E53 60.766 60.674 41.640 159.51 160.11 155.07

. 2F0 2.5622 61.012 60.924 60.S'7 40.749 60.662 60.569 41.774 159.94 160.56 155.02 272 2.5522 60.942 60.S51 60.762 60.673 60.564 60.491 41.724 160.38 161.02 154.97 27* 2.6022 60.903 60.610 60.718 60.627 60.537 60.444 41.692 160.84 .161.45 154.95 276 2 6222 60.896 60.e02 60.707 60.615 60.524 60.430 41.680 161.31 161.99 15*.96 276 2.6422 60.930 60.830 60.733 60.638 60.546 60.452 41.690 161.79 16?.49 155 10 260 2 6622 60.992 60.E95 60.746 60.700 60.606 60.511 41.727 162.29 163.01 155.36

, 282 2.6P?? 61.099 60.995 60.894 60.797 6C.703 60.607 41.777 16?.81 163.56 155.79 264 2.7022 61.229 61.125 61.023 60.9?6 60.e32 60.736 41. P 5 3. 163.34 164.14 ;56.49 266 2.7222 61.377 61.??4 61.174 61.077 60.984 60.988 41.944 163.86 164.33 155.45 283 2.7422 61.535 61.434 61.336 61.240 61.148 61.052 ~

42.043 164.13 164.33 153.32 t 290


2.7622 61.725 61.617 61.514 61.416 61.321 61.225 42.148 164.25 164.30 151.03 i 292 2.7f22 62.011 61.87A 61.757 61.645 61.541 61.440 42.274 164228 164.17 148.28 l 294 2.6922 62.490 62.313 62.155 62.016 61.P95 61.7P5 42.471 164.19 163.8? 144.61 5

296 2 6222 63.282 63.041 62.833 62.657 62.511 62.?e9 42.P14 163.94 163.50 141 63 I

29o 2.o4?2 64.519 64.200 63.931 63.710 63.535 63.597 43.390 163.63 162.E9 136.13 300 2.o622 66.239 65.900 65.574 65.305 65.105 64.953- 44.?A8 163.0? 161.4A 133.35 4

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CYC TIPC' P 30 P 31 P 32 P 33 0 34 P 35 P 36 W 1 'a 7- W 8 ~

302 2 8622 66.291 65.902 65.576 65.311 (5 107 64.955 44.289 162.40 161.54 114.72 I 304 2.8622 66.296 65.90s 65.5P1 65.316 65.112 64.960 44.292 162.49 161.74 114.03

306 2.d625 66.319 . 65.930 '65.602 65.337 65.133 64.981 44.303 '162.49 161.e3 111.67 1 308 2.6634 66.400 66.019 65.689 65.422 65.217 65.064 44.352 162.51 156.69 107.86 -

310 2.6663 66 566 66.277 65.958 65.6FS 65.481 65.327 44.504 162.51 151.96 110.33 312 2.e739 67.304 66.948 66.666 66.426 6f.231 66.082 44.945 161.22- 152.37 114.14 4 314 2 6747 67.389 67.024 66.743 66.506 66.314 66.166 44.494 159.00 152.06 101 41 316 2.8772 67.590 67.258 66.977 66.750 66.567 66.423 45.146 158.75 146.f9 99.e39 i 319 2.8E04 67.901 67.576 67.301 67.082 66.910 66.774 45.355- 156.90 ~ 144.55 95.577

, 320 2.oP05 67.903 67.579 67.304 67.085 66.913 66.777 45.357 156.90 144.58 27.156

. 322 2.6806 67.915 67.591 67.316 67.097 66.926 66.750 45.364 156.89 144.65 P7.2*2  :

324 2.6611 67.961 67.638 67.363 F7.146 66.976 66.P41 45.395 156.83 143.95 67.469  !

326 2.8830 6P.114 67.P24 67.557 67.343 67.180 67.049 45.520 156.59 139.66 E6.614 326 2.o655 68.358 6P.070 67.218 67.612 67.455 67 329 45.669 154.66 137.39 22.535 3 330 2.8 F56 . 68.360 66.073 67.821 67.615 67.458' 67.332 45.691 154.65 137.42 74.a 5 I 332 2.o657 68.372 68.0A4 67.833 67.62P 67.471 67.345 45.699 154.63 137.46 74.*15 l 334 2.6662 68.418 68.130 67.P82 67.67e 67.522 67.3?7 45.730 154.54 136.64 75.106

336 2.8P81 68.580 68.314 68 078, 67.8P1 67.729 67.606 4".F57 154.12 132.01 74.162

? 338 2.6507 6P.832 68.561 68.339 6P.153 6P.006 67.884 46.027 151.10 129.60 E9.154

, 340 2.es07 68.835 68.564 66.342 6s.156 68.009 67.881 46.029 151.09 129.64 59.764 4 342 2.9906 68.847 60.575 68.354 68.169 60.022 67.900 46.037 151.06 129.67 59.762 344 2.6913 60.895 68.622 68.403 68.220 6R.074 67.?52 46.C69 150.93 126.31 59.776 346 2.8932 69.067 68.809 68.557 68.423 68.281 68.160 46.196 150.31 121.44 58.572 346 2.6943 69.157 6P.913 68.706 6P.536 6@.396 6P.276 46.267 148.87 116.65 51.436

} 350 2.69%8 69.2P7 69.060 68.860 66.696 62.559 68.439 46.367 147.47 110.47 48.318 352 2.M972 69.416 69.169 66.956 68.837 68.704 68.584 46.457 146.67 105.52 42.587 354 2.dSP7 69.578 69.338 69.151 60.597 68.067 66.749 46.559 144.89. 100.41 37.595 356 2.e995 69.670 69.418 69.234 69.082 60.*54 69.P37 46.612 143.50 97.254 31.176 353 2.9005 69.786 69.519 69.336 69.1P7 69.061 68.945 46.679 141.98 9c.496 27.646 4 360 2.5014 69.879 69.603 69.419 69.271 69.147 69.032 46.733 141.25 82.724 23.341 362 2.9024 69.991 69.712 69.524 64.378 69.?56 69.143 46.P01 139.61 72.7P4 15.977 l 364 2.5333 70.080 69.806 69.613 69.46e 69.344 69.236 46.P59 137.72 64.F70 15.496 366 2.9042 70.166 69.903 69.706 69.560 69.441 69 330 46.917 136.66 52.5P7 11.752

!' 366 2.9342 70.170 69.905 19.707 69.5f2 69.443 69.332 46.910 135.46 52.4t0 F.0*00 370 2.9(43 70.176 69.911 69.713 69.568 63.449 69.338 46.922 135.40 51.9P2 7.9310 372 2.9345 70.199 69.937 #9.738 69.592 69.474 69.363 46.938 135.18 49.654 7.7646 374 2.5055 70.299 70.041 6?.C37 6*.6P9 69.572 69.463 46.999 134.24 38.857' 6. san 6 A l 376 2.9055 70.291 70.043 69.P38 69.691 69.573 69.464 47.000 132.80 38.69e 3.3F93

{ 378 2.9056 70.296 70 049 69.844 69.697 69.579 69.470 47.004 132.74 38.067 3.3402 330 2.a058 70.319 70.075 69.869 69.721 69.604 69.495 47.020 132.49 35.035 3.1510 3S2 2.9G64 70.376 70d*1 69.933 69.7F3 69.666 69.558 47.059 131.43 26.041, 2.4130 a 384 2.5071 70.438 70.210 70.001 69.845 65.732 69.625 47.100 13n.06 16 502 .76710

! 356 2.9075 7J.476 70.253 70.043 69.690 69.773 69.666 47.126 128.11 11.036 0.

386 2.9075 70.479 70.257 70.047 69.893 69.776 69.669 47.12P 12P.06' 10.644 c.

I 390 2.9076 70.491 70.269 70.059 69.905 69.788 69.681 47.136 127.84 9.0661 0.

i 392 2.9081 70.536 70.320 70.11r 69.954 69.536 69.730 47.166 126.75 3.5254 0.

394 2.9381 70.541 70.325 70.119 69.959 69.841 69.735 47.169 126.39 3.0213 0.

j 396 2.9083 7c.554 70.339 70.130 69.973 69.E55 69.749 47.178 126.04 1.62c6 0.

1 396 2.9088 70.608 70.398 70.189 70.030 69.912 69.805 47.213 124.32 -1.8442 0.

40G 2.9093 70.648 70.440 70.233 70.072 69.953 69.846 47.239 122.86 -3.0101 0.

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CYC TIME P 30 'P 31 P 32 P 33 P 34 P 35 P 36 W 1 W 7' W 8

402 2.909* 70.70R 70.503 70.298 70.135 70 014 69.908 47.278 120.25 -2.9254 0.

'j 404 2.9105 70.769 70.565 70.*64 70 198 70.076 69.969 47.316 117 19 -2.1773 0.

-40a 2.9109 70.012 76.607 70 408 70.241 70.118 70.011 47.342 114.86 -1.7418 C.

. , 408 2.9115 70.R77 7e.s71. 70.476 70.307 70.181 70.073 47.381 110.88 -1.6767 0.

, 410 2.9122 70.945 70.?34 70.544 70.373 70.245 70.136 47.421 106.35 -2.0682 0.

4 412 2.9126 70.985 70.7?5 70.587 70.415 70.286 70.176 47.446 103.26 -2.3440 0.

414 2.5132 71.054 70.P33 70.649 70.477 70.345 70.234 47.482 98.375 -2.3877 0.

416 2.5137 71.115 70.e88 70.706 70.535 70.401 70.288 47.516 93.442 -1.9141 0.

418 2.9141 71.154. 70.922 10.742 70.571 70.435 70.321 47.537 90.267 -1.40P1 0.

1 420 2.9151 71.270 71.025 26.b47 70.677 70.538 70.420 47.599 79.829 .61662 0.

j 422 2.9153 71.292 71.044 70.8a7 70.698 70.557 70.439 47.610 77.774 .59139 6.

424 2.5159 71.360 71.104 70.926 70.755 70.616 70.495 47.645 71.346 1.8727 0

426 2 9159 71.361 71.105 70.927 70.760 70.617 70.497 47.646 71.202 '1.8902 0.'

428 2.9160 71.368 71.111 70.933 70.766 70.623 70.502 47.650 70.533 1.96e3 0.

. 430 2.9162 71.396 71.136 70.957 70.791 70.647 70.525 47.664 67.917 2.2217 8

. 432 2.9172' 71.507 71.236 71.054 70.890 70.743 70.618 47.721 56.398 2.372! 3.

434 2.9173 71.526 71.253 71.070 70.907 70.760 70.633 47.731 5*.424 2.3457 8.

436 2.9178 71.5A3 71.305 71.119 70.957 70.809 70.680 47.760 4P.380 2.1264 O.

438 2.5179 71.588 71.310 71 123 70 961 70.813 70.684- 47.763 '47.685 2.1055 c.

440 2.9100 71.601 71.322 71.135 70.973 70.825 70.696 - 47.770 46.393 2.0369 0.

, 442 2.9185 71.657 71.374 71.182 71.022 70.873 70.742 47.798 40.336 1.7098 0.

i 444 2.5185 71 663 71.379 71.187 71.027 70.077 70.746 47.P01 39.750 1 6770 0.

446 2.5186 71.679 71.394 71.201 71.041 70.891 70.759 47.E09 37.985 1.5764 0.

44o 2.9192 71.743 71.454 71.256 71.097 70.946 70.813 47.842 30.637 1.16'O 0.

450 2 9192 71.745 71.456 71.257 71.098 70.948 70.814 47.843 30.607 1.1496 0.

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CYC TIME 9 9 u 10 v 11 V 36 VOL 23 VDOT 1 VOL 8 VOL 9 AkO10 1 Ahu8 1 2 .0000 .27782 .27885 16.722 .148RIE-13 .17590 c. 5.1670 4.2700 .9863PE-01 2.u934 4 .0002 .27786 .27 Fee 16.722 .11e10E-13 .17590 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9863PE-01 2.6934 6 .0006 .27799 .27899 16.725 75397E-14 .17590 8 .0026 .27P50

0. 5.1670 4.2700 .99638E-01 2.6934

.27943 16.735 .10163E-13 .17590 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9863eE-01 2.6934 10 .0102 .28034 .2H096 16.776 .19210E-14 .17590 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9863eE-01 2.6934 12 .0302 .28451 .28564 16.e95 .32507E-13 .17590 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9A63eE-01 2.6934 14 .0S02 .29504 .304S9 17.118 .69432E-13 .17590 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .96630E-01 2.6934 16 .0702 .32770 .35971 17.667 .10060E-12 .17590 lb .0902 .39101

0. 5.1670 4.2700 .98638E-01 2.6934

.44853 16.772 .12147E-12 .17590 0. 5 1670 4.2700 .9a63eE-01 2.6934 20 .1102 47685 .545e6 20.537 .13222E-12 .17590 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9863eE-01  ?.6934 22 .1302 .57077 .63135 22.916 .14006E-12 .17590 24

0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9063PE-01 2.6934

.1582 .65909 70016 25.776 .13917r-12 .17590 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9P63eE-01 2.6934 26 .1702 .73263 .75578 2R.959 .12310E-12 .17590 0. 5.1670 4.2700 . 9 863 e E-01 2 6934 2e .1*02 .79085 .a0275 3?.329 .10779E-12 .17590 0 5.1670 4.2700 30 .98636E-01 2.6934

.2102 .a3803 .e4437 35.783 .854130-13 .17590 0. 5.1670 4.2700 32 .98638E-01 2.6934

.2392- .08G16 .88343 39.254 .61636E-13 .17590 34 .2502 .92072

0. 5.1670 4.2700 .98638E-01 2.6934

.92243 42.710 .36864E-13 .17590 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9863eE-01 2.6934 36 .2613 .94292 .94444 44.(Da .60A35E-01 .17590 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9863fE-01 2.6934 3a .2643 .94902 .95059 45.137 .14525E-01 .17590 40 .2716 .96395

0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9863AE-01 2.6934

.96560 46.388 .29503E-01 .17590 0. 5.1670 4.2700 9663eE-01 2.6a34 42 .2?29 .96746 .98962 48.321 .31707E-01 .17590 0. 5.1670 4.2700 4'4 .3022 1.0282 .9P63eE-01 2.6934 1.0345 51.647 .3003cE-01 .17590 46 .3222 1.0743

0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9863PE-01 2.6934 1.0833 55.152 .2a921E-01 .17590 C. 5.1670 4.2700 .9063PE-01 2.6934 4a .3422 1 1269 1.1290 SR.623 .30037E-01 .17590 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .98638E-01 2.6934 5C .3e22 1.1602 1.1733 62.001 .30051E-01 .17590 52 .3822 1 2273
0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9863PE-01 2.6934 1.2187 65.303 .29953E-01 .17590 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .98638E-01 2 6934 54 .4022 1.2695 1.2645 68.539 .2978eE-01 .17590 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9863PE-01 2.6934 56 .4222 1.3114 1.3101 71.702 .29585E-01 .17590 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9853eE-01 2.6934 So 4422 1.3550 1.3561 74.787 .2937aE-01 .17590 0.

60 .4622 1.3987 1.4024 5.1670 4.2700 .99638E-01 2.6934 77.796 .29201E-01 .17590 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .98638E-01 2.6934 62 .4622 1.4414 1.4486 P0.727 .29065E-01 .17590 C.

64 .5022 1.4829 1.4946 5.1670 4.2700 .9e63eE-01 2.6934 83.578 .28954E-01 .17590 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9863PE-01 2.6934 66 .5222 1.5234 1.5398 P6.344 .2Pe44E-01 .17590 0. 5.1670 4 2700 .9863eE-01 2.6934 66 .5422 1.5644 1.5P~ 68.992 .28720E-01 .17590 0. 5.1670 70 4.2700 .98638E-01 2.6934

.5622 1.606E 1.E 91.421 .205AIE-01 .17590 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9R63FE-01 2.6934 72 .5922 1.6450 1.6 93.543 .28437E-01 .17590 5.1670 4

74 .6022 1.6746 1. 6 '.

0. 4.2700 .9P63eE-01 2.6934 95.364 .2P29aE-01 .37590 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9863eE-01 2.6934 76 .6222 1.6908 1.6957 96.948 .28157E-01 .17590 0. 5.1670 7a 4.2700 .9863eE-01 2.6934

.6622 1.6995 1.7172 96.385 .26025E-01 .17590 0. 5.1670 80 .6022 1.7067 1.7421 4.2700 .9863eE-01 2.6934 99.796 .27F96E-01 .17590 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .98630E-01 2.6934 62 .6622 1.7197 1.7717 101.28 .2776eE-01 .17590 0. 5.1670 84 4.2700 .9863eE-01 2.6934


.7022 1.7444 1.P046 102.87 .27639E-01 .17590 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9863PE-01 2.6934 86 .7222 1.7804 1.8392 104.51 .2750aE-01 .17590 0. 5 1670 e6 .7422 1.E230 1.8728 4.2700 .9863EE-01 2.F934

! 196.16 .27378E-01 .17590 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9863PE-01 2.6934 4

90 .7622 1.8670 1.9022 107.71 .27249E-01 .17590 5.1670 92 .7822 1.9060

0. 4.2700 .9n63PE-01 2.6934 1.9264 109.09 .27120E-01 .17590 C. 5.1670 4.2700 .9963eE-01 2.6934 l 94 .8022 1 9341 1.9470 110.29 .26993E-01 .17590 5.1670 96 .8222 1.9514
0. 4.2700 .90631 6-01 2.6934 1.9651 111.37 .26867E-01 .17590 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9863eE-01 2.6934

) 9d .6422 1.9621 1.9223 112.38 .26742E-01 .17590 0. 5.1670 4.2700 100 .2622 1.9709

.9P63eE-01 2.6934 2.0006 113.36 .26617E-01 .17590 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9863EE-01 2.6934 I

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u 9 W 10 V 11 W 36 ' VEL 23 VDOT- 1 VCL 8 VOL' 9 AKU10 1 ANUB 1 CYE TI"E 102 .8E22 1.9e24 2.0209 114.38 .2f493E-01 17?90 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9863EE-01 2.6934 104 .3022 1.9996 2.0429 115.44 .2f369E-01 .17590 C. 5.1670 4.2700 .98630E-01 2.6934 106 .9222 2.0227 2.0660 116.52 .?6246E-01 .17590 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .96636E-01 2.6934 108 .9422 2.0465 2.0898 117.62 .26123E-01 .17f90 c. 5 1670 4.2700 .9863eE-01 2.6934 110 .9622 2.0745 2.1138 118.73 .2f001E-01 .17590 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9963eE-01 2.6934 112 .9822 2.0995 2.1376 119.85 .25880E-01 .17590 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9PE3EE-01 2.6934 114 1.0022 2.1233 2.1615 120.96 .25760E-01 .17590" 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .98(3eE-01 2.6934 116 1.0222 2.1465 2.1649 122.08 .25640E-01 .17590 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9863fE-01 2.6934 118 1 0622 2.1678 2.2066 123.17 .25521E-01 .17590 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9863eE-01 2.6934 4 12u 1 0622 2.1750 2.2208 124.19 .2540;E-01 .17590 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9P63EE-01 2.6934 122 1.0622 2.1655 2.2267 124.93 .25284E-01 .17590 0. 5 1670 4.2700 .9A63eE-01 2.6934 1 2.6934 124 s.1022 2.1640 2.2322 125.57 25167E-01 .17590 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .98636E-01 126 1 1222 2.1704 2.2404 126.14 .25050E-01 .17590 0.. 5.1670 4.2700 .98638E-01 2.6934 12P 1.1422 2.1794 2.2500 126.69 .24934E-01 .17590 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .98638E-01 2.6934 130 1 1622 2.1888 2.2t99 127.24 .24916E-01 .17590 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9863eE-01 2.6934 132 1.1822 2.1980 2.2697 127.78 .247C3E-01 .37590 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .92638E-01 2.6934 134 1.2022 2.2072 2.2794 126.33 .24589E-01 .17590 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .98638E-01 2.6934 136 1.2222 2.2165 2.2890 12P.87 .24475E-01 .17590 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9063PE-01 2.6934 138 1.2422 2.2258 2.2966 12*.41 .24362E-01 .17590 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .98630E-01 2.6934 190 1.2e22 2.2352 2.3060 129.9% .24250E-01 .17590 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9863eE-01 2.6934 142 1.2822 2.2446 2.3173 130.47 .2413ef-01 .17590 .0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9863eE-01 2.6934 144 1.3022 2.2541 2.3265 131.00 .24026E-01 17590 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9863PE-01 2.6934 146 1.3222 2.2636 2.3357 131.52 .23916E-01 .17590 0 5.1670 4.2700 .98638E-01 2.6934 l

146 1.3422 2.2731 2.3448 132.04 .23806E-01 .17590 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9863eE-01 2.6934 150 1 3622 2.2825 2.3539 132.55 .23696E-01 .17590 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .98630E-01 2.6934 1 152 1.3822 2.2918 2.3630 133.07 .23587E-01 .17590 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .98638E-01 2.6934 154 1.4022 2.3010 2.3722 133.5A .2347eE-01 .i7590 0. 5.1620 4.2700 .9e63eE-01 2.6934 156 1.4222 2.3101 2.3614 134.10 .23371E-01 .17590 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9863eE-01 2.6934 j 158 1.4422 2 3192 2.3906 134.62 .23263E-01 .17590 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9863eE-01 2.6934

160 1.4622 2.3292 2.3996 135.14 .23156E-01 .17590 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9P63eE-01 2.6934 1 162 1.4622 2.3373 2.4091 135.66 .23050E-01 .17590 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .98630E-01 2.6934 164 1.5022 2.3463 2.4183 136.18 .22944E-01 .17590 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9863eE-01 2.6934

. 166 1.5222 2.3553 2.4276 136.71 .22839E-01 .17590 6. 5.1670 4.2700 .98638E-01 2.6934

} 168 1.5422 2.3644 2.4369 137.23 .22735E-01 .17590 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9863eE-01 2.6934 170 1.5622 2.3735 2.4462 137.76 .22631E-01 .17590 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9e63EE-01 2.6934 172 1.5622 2 3P26 2.4556 13e.28 .22527E-01 .17590 0, 5.1670 .4.2700 .9863eE-01 2.6934 174 1.6022 2.3917 2.4649 132.81 .22424E-C1 .17590 0. 5.1670 4.2700 9863EE-01 2.6934 176 1.6222 2 400e 2.4742 139.33 .22322E-01 .17590 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .99638E-01 2.6934 i 176 1.6422 2.4099 2.4635 139.66 .22220E-01 .17590 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9863eE-01 2.6934 loo 1.6622 2.4191 2.4928 140.39 .2211eE-01 .17590 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9863eE-01 2.e934

! 182 1.6622 2 4263 2.5021 140.91 .22017E-01 .17590 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9863eE-01 2.6934 184 1.7022 2.43?5 2.5114 141.44 .21917E-01 .17590 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9863eE-01 2.6934 166 1.7222 2.4467 2.5207 141.97 .21917E-01 .17590 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9P63eE-01 2.6934

  • 188 1.7422 2.4559 2.5300 142.49 .2171HE-01 .17590 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9863EE-01 2.6934 190 1.7622 2.4651 2.5393 143.02 .21619E-01 .17590 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9863eE-01 2.6934 j 192 1.7822 2.4744 2.5485 143.55 .21520E-01 .17590 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9P63eE-01 2.6934 194 1.d322 2.4P36 2.5578 144.07 .21423E-01 .17590 0. 5 1670 4.2700 .98638E-01 2.6934 196 1.6222 2.4928 2.5671 144.60 .21325E-01 .17590 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .98638E-01 2.6934 198 1.c422 2 5C21 2.5764 145.12 .21228E-01 .17590 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9863eE-01 2.6934 200 1.e622 2.5113 2.5657 145.65 .21132E-01 .17590 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .98638E-01 2.6934 i.

4 d



O CYC TIME W 9 W 10 W 11 V 36 VOL 23 VDOT 1 VOL 8 V O L' 9 Akuto 1 ANUS 1 202 1.c622 2.5205 2.5949 146.18 .21036E-01 .17590 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9863eE-01 2.6934 20+ 1.9022 2.5298 2.6042 146.70 .20941E-01 .17590 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .98638E-01 2.6934 206 1.9222 2.5390 2.6155 147.23 .20946E-01 .17590 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9963eE-01 2.6934 20o 1.9422 2 5463 2.6227 147.76 .20751E-01 .17590 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9a63eE-01 2.6934 210 1.9622 2.5575 2.6320 148.28 .20657E-01 .17590 C. 5.1670 4.2700 .98630E-01 2.6934 212 1.9622 2.566R 2.6413 143.D1 .20564E-01 .17590 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9e630E-01 2.693*

214 2.0022 2.5760 2.6506 140.33 .20471E-01 .17590 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9863eE-01 2.6934 216 2.0222 2.5853 2.659b 140.e6 .2037PE-01 .17?90 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .98638E-01 2.6934 216 2.0422 2.5951 2.66e6 1*0.38 .202a6E-01 .17590 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9863PE-01 2.6934 220 2.0622 2.6058 2.6763 150 06 .20194E-01 .37590 0. 5.1(70 4.2700 .?e638E-01 2.6934 222 2.0e22 2.6167 2.6t33 151.30 .201030-01 .17590 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .98638E-01 2.6934 224 2.10?2 2.6267 2.6900 151.70 .20012E-01 .17590 226 2.1222

0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9863eE-01 2.6934 2.6356 2.6468 152.09 .19922E-01 .17590 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9863eE-01 2.6934 l

228 2.1422 2.6436 2.7037 15?.48 .19 8 3 2 E - 01 .17590 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9R63EE-01 2.6934 230 2 1622 2.6511 2.7106 152.87 .19743E-01 .17590 0. 5 1670 4 2700 .9863e5-01 2.6934 232 2.1922 2.6583 2.7173 153.25 .19654E-01 .17590 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9P63EE-01 2.6934 i 234 2.2022 2.6654 2.723* 153.63 .19565E-01 .17590 0. 5.1670 4.2700 236 .9P638E-01 2.6934 2.2222 2.6723 2.7304 154.01 .19477E-01 .17590 0. 5.1670 4.2700 23d 2.2422 .9P63eE-01 2.6934 2.6792 2.7369 154.38 .19390E-01 .17590 D. 5.1670 4.2700 240 .98638E-01 2.6934


2.2622 2.6P61 2.7434 154.76 .19302E-01 .17590 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9863EE-01 2.6934 242 2.2922 2.6929 2.7498 155.13 .19216E-01 .17590 0. 5.1670 4.2700 .9863eE-01 2.6934 244 2.3022 2.6997 2.7563 155 50 .19129E-01 .17590 .13074E-03 5.1670 4.2700 9865PE-01 2.6933 246 2.3222 2.706P 2.7633 1**.e7 10043E-01 .17589 .10584E-02 5.1666 4.2704 248 2.3422 2.7206 .99902E-01 2.6930 2.7790 156.24 .18958E-01 .17585 .26487E-02 5.1651 4.2719 .10007

,4 250 2.3622 2.7543 2.6919 2.P172 156.62 .18874E-01 .17578 .46e45E-02 5.1623 4.2747 .10224 2.6P98 252 2.3622 2.F167 2.8677 157.00 .10791E-01 .17566 .70358E-02 5.157A 254 2.4022 4.2792 .10573 2.6663 2.920e 2.9977 157.38 .10713E-01 .17550 .96333E-02 5.1514 4.2856 .11070 256 2.4??2 3.0660 3.1520 2.6e13 157.77 .le639E-01 .17524 .12450E-01 5.1429 4.2941 .11729 258 2.4422 3.2581 2.6797 3.3546 15E.16 .18572E-01 .17500 .15408E-01 5.1322 4.3048 .22564 2.6664 l 260 2.*622 3.4996 3.60F2 158.56 .1P509E-01 .17465 .18773E-01 5.1190 4.3180 .13591 2.6561 1 262 2.4p?2 3.7928 3.9149 158.97 .1P453E-01 17424 264 2.5022 4.1373 4.2746

.22349E-01 5.1032 4.3338 .14825 2.6437 159.39 .1P402E-01 .17376 .26274E-01 5.0846 4.3524 .162e8 26o 2.5222 4.5313 4.6860 2.6291 159.81 .1635EE-01 .17319 .30(15E-01 5.0626 4.3742 .18004 2.6120 26E 2 5422 4.9689 5.1420 160.25 .le317E-01 .17253 .35433E-01 5.0376 270 4.5994 .20002 2.5920 2.5622 5.4394 5.6342 1f0.69 .19284E-01 .17177 .40761E-01 5.0086

' 4.4284 .22314 2.5689 272 2.5-22 5.9252 6.1422 161.15 .19260E-01 .17090 .46564E-01 4.9754 274 2.6022 6.4011 4.4616 .24974 2.5423 6.6405 161.62 .1P244E-01 .16990 .52699E-01 4.9378 4.4992 276 2.e222 6.8346 .29010 2.5119 7.0955 162.10 .1823fE-01 .16P79 .58e68E-01 4.e956 4.5414 27a 2.6422 7.1897 7.4696 .31437 2.4776 162.60 .19243E-01 .16755 .64604E-01 4.8490 4.5880 .35247 280 2.6622 7.4321 7.7267 2.4395 163.11 .18258E-01 .16621 .69?99E-01 4 7986 4.6384 .39397 2.39eo 2b2 2.6k?2 7.5345 7.B'E4 163.64 .182F5E-01 .16479 .72299E-01 4.7455 4.6915 43804 2.3540 2e4 2.7022 7.4054 7.7041 164.20 .1A321E-01 .16334 .72712E-01 4.6913 4.7457 286 2.7222 6.5637 .45263 2.3394 8.97th 164.50 .1836*E-01 .16185 .77279E-01 286 2.7422 10.671 11.167 4.6361 4.a009 46039 2.3316 164.59 .16413E-01 .16014 .95533E-01 4.57/8 4.8642 .46969 290 2.7622- 12.674 13.478 169.62 2 3223

.1E464E-01 .15793 .12732 9.4913 4.9457 .48232 2.3097 4

292 2.7h?2 15.357 16.143 164.55 .18525E-01 .15494 .17370 4.3916 294 2.8C22 5.0554 .50056 2.2914 18.280 19.344 164.32 .1R62CE-01 .15085 .23e49 4.2323 296 2.e222 20.943 5.2047 .52796 2.2640 22.245 164.03 .18764E-01 .14529 .31825 4.0312 298 2.c422 23.531 5.4058 .57026 2.2217 25.210 163.55 .19060E-01 .13807 .40450 3.7718 5.6652 300 2.6622 26.550 28.762 .63601 2.1560 3 162.45 .19489E-01 .12906 .49782 3.449P 5.9872 .74078 2.0512 4


1 CYC TIME W 9 W 10 u 11 W 36 VOL 23 VDOT 1 VCL 8 V9L 9 Akulo 1 Ahu8 1 l 332 2.o622 26.232 29.021 162.51 .14489E-01 .12905 .49773 3.4494 5.9P76 .74391 2.0511 i 304 2.6622 25.033 30 237 162.75 .194a00-01 .12902 .49748 3.4484 5.9PP6 .74131 2.9507 ,

J 306 2.6625 21.965 36.167 163.24 .19456E-01 .12P90 .49710 3.4441 5.9929 74291 2.0491 L

308 2.c634 25.126 59.913 161.41 .19519E-01 .12P42 .50747 3.4269 6.0101 .74943 2.0426 310 2.5(63 39.400 50.5P8 163.96 .19591E-01 .12684 .58294 3.370e 6.0662 .77146 2.0205

'4 312 2.e739 3P.160 38.269 154.14 .19801E-01 .12174 .75545 3.1PF8 6.2482 .85152 1.9405 314 2.6747 35.698 45.520 153.60 .19824E-01 .12112 .76903 3.1667 6.2703 .8622e 1.9297 316 2.6772 41.530 54.987 153.1P .198960-01 .11916 .P3496 3.0967 6.3403 .69779 1.8942 4

318 2.dA04 44.909 51.311 151.4e .19995E-01 .11627 .93592 2.9933 6.4437 .95511 1.8369 320 2.6605 44.594 51.536 151.52 .19996E-01 .11624 .93666 2.9923 6.4447 .95569 1.8363 322 2.ee06 43.665 52.548 151.62 .20000E-01 .11613 .93973 2.9Pe3 6.4487 .95e05 1.e339 324 2.8811 42.964 57.236 151.04 .20015E-01 .11567 .95332 2.97?! 6.464? .96767 1.8243 326 2.dE30 47.731 61.350 146.32 .20074E-01 .11378 -1.0208 2.9043 6.5327 1.0096 1.7824 328 2.cP55 49.693 56.758 145.30 .20154E-01 .11103 -1.1163 2.e059 6.6311 1.0761 1.7159

. 330 2.be56 49.805 56.540 145.31 .20155E-01 .11100 -1.1173 2.P047 6.6323 1.0769 1.7151 4 332 2.d857 48.141 57.770 145.31 .2015eE-01 .11087 -1.1211 2.7999 6.6371 1.0PO4 1.7116 334 2.8662 48.011 61.711 144.44 .20173E-01 .11032 -1.1378 2.7804 6.6566 1.0944 1.6976 i 336 2.8881 52.616 65.617 140.90 .20233E-01 .10M07 -1.2160 2.6992 6.7378 1 1565 1 6355 338 2.8907 51.227 62.149 137.eo .20314E-01 .10481 -1.3239 2.5817 6.P553 1.2568 1.5352 340 2.d907 50.310 62.378 137.83 .20315E-01 .10477 -1.3250 2.5P03 6.8567 1.2581 1.5339 41 342 2.e908 50.241 63.393 137 85 .20319E-Gi .10461 -1.3293 2.5745 6.8625 1.2633 1.5287 344 2.8913 50.550 68.058 136.91 .20334E-01 .30397 -1.3484 2.5513 6.8857 1.2P49 1.5071 346 2.o932 57.697 72.3*4 132.71 .20394E-01 .10129 -1.4398 2.4544 6.9826 1.3813 1.4107 346 2.6943 52.526 72.394 131.10 .204?7E-01 .99721E-01 -1.4928 2.3973 7.0397 1.4431 1.3489

, 350 2.2958 53.848 70.390 126.76 .20475E-01 .973e6E-01 -1.5771 2.3122 7.1248 1 5429 1.2491 352 2.6972 $4.072 70.668 121.34 .20517E-01 .95204E-01 -1.6557 2.2324 7.2046 1.6454 1.1466 354 2.8987 55.007 70.282 115 14 '. 2 0 5 6 5 E - 01 .92583E-01 -1.7475 2.1360 7.3010 1.7811 1.0109 356 2.4995 52.669 72.218 111.85 .20590E-01 .91123E-01 -1.7970 2.0621 7.3549 1.P053 48671

. 358 2.9005 49.0H1 73.555 107.90 2C622E-01 .e9264E-01 -1.8637 2.0132 7.4238 1.F364 .95560 360 2.9014 43.523 74.298 104.01 .20647E-01 .P7704E 1. 9 2 2 t. 1.9551 7.4819 1.P995 .h9246 362 2.9024 39.565 70.998 100.64 .?0680E-01 .PS647E-01 -2.0040 1.8783 7.5587 1.9611 .e3089 i 364 2.5033 33.698 67.227 96.053 .20707t-01 .83837E-01 -2.0777 1.8103 7.6267 2.0013 .79066 j 36e 2.9042 27.991 64.615 89.740 .20735E-01 .81a15E-01 -2.1600 1.7377 7.6993 2.1311 .66090 366 2.9042 21.701 64.766 P9.625 .20735E-01 .81880E-01 -2.1615 1.7364 7.7006 2.0359 .75609 370 2.9043 21.602 64.065 69.193 .20737E-01 .P1750E-01 -2.1669 1.7315 7.7055 2.0473 .74467 -

372 2.9045 21.242 64.005 87.318 .20744E-01 .81227E-01 -2.1P93 1.7117 7.7253 2.C955 .69653 374 2.9055 19.741 57.187 7P.598 .20773E-01 79079E-01 -2.2874 1.6299 7.0071 2.3355 45647 I 376 2.9055 12.279 57.101 78.456 .20774E-01 .79044E-01 -2.2Pe9 1.6286 7. POP 4 2.1901 .60186 376 2 9056 12.ls4 "S.848 77.901 .20776E-01 .7e906E-01 -?.2950 1.6233 7.913 ? 2.2096 .56236 360 2.9058 11.697 55.594 75.554 .207P3E-01 .7a352E-01 -2.3200 1.6022 7.F1 P 2.2942 .49779 i 382 2.9064 9.8424 50.887 69.084 .20P01E-01 .7691!E-01 -2.3875 1.5470' 7.6900 2.5214 .27057

} 384 2.9071 4.5877 44.995 61.802 .20021E-01 .75694E-01 0. 1.5000 7.9370 2.6676 .12445 386 2.9075 0. 40.353 57.090 .20833E-01 .75694E-01 0. 1.5000 7.9370 2.6676 .12445 366 2.9075 0. 40.683 56.743 .20834E-01 .75694E-01 0. 1.5000 7.9370 2.6676 .12445 390 2.9076 0. 39.550 55.340 .20P3PE-01 .75694E-01 0. 1 5000 7.9370 2.6676 .12445 392 2.9081 c. 34.399 49.742 .20857E-01 .75694E-01 0. 1.5000 7.9370 2.6676 .12445 394 2.9081 0.- 33.681 49.196 .20854E-01 .75694E-01 0. 1.5000 7.9370 2.6676 .12445

< 396 2.9083 0. 32.295 47.561 .2085dC-01 .75694E-01 0. 1.5000 7.9370 2.6676 .12445 l 398 2.9066 0. 25.935 41.082 .20874E-01 .75694E-01 0. 1.5000 7.9370 2.6676 12445 400 2.5093 0. 21.579 36.409 .20887E-01 .75694E-01 0. 1.5000 7.9370 2.6676 .12445 i

% M sms 11 36 VOL 23~ VDOT 1 VCL 8 VOL 9 AtU10 1 AAUS 1 CYC TIME W 9 W 10 W W 402 2 9099 0. 16.229 25.699 .20905E-01 .75694E-01 c. 1.5000 7.9370 2.6676 .12445 404 2.9105 .0. 12.342 23.595 .209?3E-01 . 7 6(- 9 4 E - 01 0. 1.5000 7.9370 2.6676 .12441 10.564 19.845 .20935E-01 .75694E-01 0. 1.5000 7.9370 2 6676 .12445 406 2.9109 6.

7.9370 2.6676 .12445 408 2.9115 0. e.3733 15.268 .20954E-01 .75f94E-01 0. 1.5000

410 2.912? 0. 6.9995 11.850 .20972E-01 .75694E-01 0. 1.5000 7.9370 2.6676 .12445 6.2918 10.164 .209P4E-01 .75694C-01 0. 1.5000 7.9370 2.6676 .12445 l 412 2.9126 0.

2.6676 .12445 414 2.9132 0. 5.3951 8.3459 .21001E-01 .75694E-01 0. 1.5000 7.9370

! 416 2.9137 0. 4.601E 6.9316- .21017E-01 .75F94E-01 0. 1.5000 7.9370 2.6676 .124a5 4.1168 6.1000 .21027E-01 .7?(94E-01 0. 1.5000 7.9370 2.6676 .12*45 41b 2.9141 0.

2.3995 3.0044 .21056f-01 .7"(94E-01 0. 1.5000 7.9370 2.6f76 .12445 i* 420 2.9151 0.

422 2.9153 0. 2.0375 2.3464 .21062E-01 .75694E-01 0. 1.5000 7.9370 2.6676 .12445 424 2.9159 c. .72749 .29A04E-01 .21078E-01 .75694E-01 0. 1.5000 7.9370 2.6676 .12445

.69704 .234e3E-01 .2107ef-01 .75694E-01 0. 1.5000 7.9370 2.6676 .12445 426 2.9159 0.

1 426 2.9160 0. .5529R .27457 '.210POE-01 .75694E-01 0.- 1.5000 7.9370 2.6676 .12445

.69848E-01 -1.3368 .21087E-01 .75094E-01 0. 1.5000 7.9370 2.6(76 .12445 j 430 2.9162- 0.

432 2.9172 0. -3.3267 -6.3283 .21114E-01 .75694E-01 O. 1.5000 -7.9370 2.6676 .12445 434 2.9173 0. -3.0282 -7.2166 .21118E-01 .75694E-01 0. 1.5000 7.9370 2.6676 .12445

-5.ee31 -9.9727- .21132E-01 .7sf94E-01 0. 1.5000 7.9370 2.fA76 .12*45 436 2.9178 0. -

438 2.9179 c. -6.0456 -10.199 .21133E-01 .75694E-01 0. 1 5000- 7.9370 2.6676 .12445

-6.5397 -10.878 .21137E-01 .7?694E-01 0. 1.5000 7.9370 2.6(76 .12445 j 440 2.9180 0.

j 442 2.9185 0. -b.5687 -13.562 .21150E-01 . 7 56 9 4 E- 01_ 0. 1.5000 7.9570 2.6A76 -

-.12445 444 2.9185 0. -8.7647 -13.818 .21151E-01 75694E-01 0. 1.5000 7.9370 2.6676 .12445

-9.3529 -14.578 .21155E-01 .75694E-01 0. 1 5000 7.9370 2.6676 .12445

, 446 2.9186 0.

44B 2.9192 0. -11.602 -17.359 .21171E-01 .75694E-01 0. 1.5000 7.9370 2.6676 .12645 l 7.9370 2.6676 .12445

450 2.9192 0. -11.673 -17.446 .21171E-01 .75694E-01 0. 1.5000 i


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'% s)

V> t CYC TIME AND8 1 2 .0000 3.2501 4

4 .0002 3.2501 6 .0006 3.2501 a a .3026 3.2501 10 .0102 3.2501 12 .0302 3.2501 14 .6502 3.2501 16 .67C2 3.2501 18 .0902 3.2501 20 .1102 3.2501 22 .1502 3.2501 24 .1502 3.2501 26 .1702 3.2501 2 28 .1402 3.2501 30 .2102 3.2501 32 .2302 3.2501 34 .2502 3.2501 36 . 2 (.13 3.2501 36 .2643 3.2501 to .2716 3.2501 42 .2P29 3.2501 44 .3022 3.2501 46 .3222 3.2501 46 .3422 3.2501 50 .3(22 3.2501 52 .3t22 3.2501 54 4022 3.2501 56 .4222 3.2501 So 4422 3.2501 i 60 4622 3.2501 62 4622 3.2501 64 .tC22 3.2501 66 .5222 3.2501 63 .5422 3.2501 70 .5622 3.2501 72 .5622 3.2501 74 .6022 3.2501 76 .6222 3.2501 76 .6422 3.2501 30 .6(22 3.2501 82 .6622 3.2501 84 .7C22 3.2501 86 .7222 3.2501 86 .7422 3.2501 90 .7622 3.2501 92 .7e22 3.2501 94 .6022 3.2501 96 .o222 3.2501 9a .o422 3.2501 100 .t622 3.2501


~ '

s .

-. N .


' CYC ' T IPE ' AN08 1 102 .6622 3.2501 3- 1C4 ~ .9022 3.2501

106 .9222 3.2501

] 1Ce .5422 '3.2501-

, 110 .9622 3.2501 -

1 112 .9P22' 3.2501 l 114 1.0022 3.2501 3 116 1.0222 3.2501

) 118 1.0422 3.2501 j 120 1.0622 3.2501 1 122 1 0622 3.2501 l- 124 .1.1022 3.2501

126 1.1222 3.2501
  • 3 126 1.1422 3.2501 j 130 1.1622 3.2501 r 132 1.1622' 3.2501 i 134 1.2022 3.2501 1 136 1.2222 3.2501

! 136 1.2422 3.2501 j 140 1 2622 3.2501 3 142 1.2P22 3.2501 .

{ 144 1.3022 3.2501

? 146 1.3222 3.2501 '

i 148 1.3422 3.2501 150 1.3622 3.2501 152 1.3822 3.2501  ;

154 1.4022 3.2501  ;

156 1.4222 3.2501 156 1.4422 3.2501 <

160 1.4622 3.2501 -l 162 1.4622 3.2501

! 164 1.5022 3.2501 1 166 1.5222 3.2501

! 168 1.5422 3.2501 .

I 170 1.5622 3.2501 l 172 1.5822 3.2501 j 174 1.6022 3.2501 i 176 1.6222 3.2501  ;

1 17c 1.6422 3.2501 ~


! 180 1.6622 3.2501 i 182 1.6822 3.2501 I 164 1.7022 3.2501  !

166 1.7222 3.2501 186 1.7422 3.2501 I 190 1.7622 3.2501

192 1.7e22 3.2501

! 194 1.6022 3.2501

! 196 1.c222 3.2501

! 196 1.6422 3.2501 200 1.b622 3.2501 ,

i i

l  ?

i 1

. . . . .=__ _ .

,i .

- ~

,s , .

j 1 , j i i ~t 1

CYC TIFE ANDe 1-202 1.6822 3 2501 1 204 1.9022 3.2501 l 206 1.9222 3.2501 j 208 1.9422. 3.2$01 4 210 1.9622 3.2501 l 212 1.9e22 3.2501 j 214 2.0022 3.2501 1 ' 216 2.0222 3.2501

? 216 2.0422 3.2501

  • 220 2.0622 3.2501 222 2.0822 3.2501 ,

224 2.1022 3.2501 226 2.1222 3.2501 4 228 2.1422 3.2501 j 230 2.1622, 3.2501 f 232 2 1822 3.2501 234 2.2022 3.2501 236 2.2222 3.2501.. ,

238 2.2422 3.2501

240 2.2622 3.2501 242


4 2.2h22 3.2501

! 244 2.3022 3.2501 1

246 2.3222 3.2499 h- 248 2.3422 3.2491 l 250 2.3622 3.2477 i j- 252 2.3822 3.2454 j 254 2.4022 3.2421 i l 256 2.4222 3.2378

g. 258 2.4422 3.2324 i j 260 2.4622 3.2257 i 262 2.4P22 3.2178 I 264 2.5022 3.20P5 f 266 2.5222 3.1977

! 268 2.5422 3.1P53 i 270 2.5622 3.1711 272 2.5P22 3.1551 274 2.6022 3.1372 276 2.6222 3.1175 .

276 2.6422 3.0961 j 230 2.6622 3.0735 262 2.6P22 3.0503 264 2.1022 3.0272 286 2.7222 3.0045

$ 288 2.7422 2 9792 i 290 2.7(22 2.9482 i 292 2.7622 2.9091 i 294 2.6022 2.6611 l 296 2.E222 2.6063 l 298 2.d422 2.7533

300 2.3622 2.7164 I _ _ _ . _ . . _ _

- - - - ~ ,. .

y ~

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