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Summary of Training & Experience of Operations Personnel
Person / Time
Site: Clinton Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 05/10/1985
Shared Package
ML20125C399 List:
NUDOCS 8506120034
Download: ML20125C403 (140)


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III. INTRODUCTION 7 A. Background 7 B. Experience and Training: The CPS Perspective 8 g C. Recent NRC Concerns Regarding Experience and 14 Training of Operators IV. DESCRIPTION OF IP COMMITMENTS TO PROVIDE 21 QUALIFIED OPERATORS FOR CPS CPS FSAR Commitments to Training 21 I A.

and Experience of Operators B. Corporate Commitment Through Corporate 30 Nuclear Procedure (CNP) 1.02 V. DESCRIPTION OF EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING OF 32 CPS PERSONNEL A. NTD Management and Operations Training Staff 32 B. Operations Department Personnel 37 VI. DESCRIPTION OF EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING OF 44 SHIFT CREWS VII. CONCLUSIONS 46 i



1. NUMARC PROPOSAL: Operating Shift 17 Experience Requirements
2. NUMARC PROPOSAL: Experience Categories and Factors 18 for Assessing Previous Nuclear Power l Plant Experience
3. Minimum Education and Experience Required 23 by ANSI 3.1-1978 FIGURES Page
1. Clinton Power Station Organization 33
2. Nuclear Training Department Organization 34
3. Power Plant Operations Organization 38 Page APPENDICES Appendix A: Experience and Training Summaries A-1 of IP CPS Personnel by Position Currently Held Summary 1. Experience and Training Summary A-2 of NTD Operations Instructors Summary 2. Experience and Training Summary A-3 of The Assistant Plant Manager - Operations, Supervisor - Operations and Assistant Supervisor - Operations Summary 3. Experience and Training Summary A-4 of Shift Supervisors Summary 4. Experience and Training Summary A-5 of Assistant Shift Supervisors Summary S. Experience and Training Summary A-6 of Control Room Operators &7 Summary 6. Experience and Training Summary A-8 of Unit Attendants 11


Page Appendix B: Operating Shift Crews' Experience B-1

1. Operating Shift Experience: Crew A B-2
2. Operating Shift Experience: Crew B B-3
3. Operating Shift Experience: Crew C B-4
4. Operating Shift Experience: Crew D B-5
5. Operating Shift Experience: Crew E B-6 Appendix C: Experience and Training of Personnel C-1 Scheduled to be Licensed Appendix D Topics Included in Cold License Courses D-1 Exhibit 1: Reactor Fundamentals D-2 Exhibit 2: BWR Technology D-3 Exhibit 3: Balance of Plant D-5 Exhibit 4: BWR Operator Training D-8 Exhibit 5: BWR Observation Training D-15 Exhibit 6: Reactor Startup D-17 Exhibit 7: Mitigating Reactor Core Damage D-18 iii



PURPOSE The purpose of this report is to provide the basis upon which Illinois Power Company (IP) concludes that Clinton Power Station Operating Shift Crews will be in place at the time of scheduled fuel load which will meet or exceed all applicable NRC, industry, and IP requirements related to the safe and efficient operation of the plant.

INTRODUCTION Illinois Power has established a comprehensive program to ensure the availability, readiness, and competence of operators to operate the Clinton Power Station (CPS) safely and efficiently . This program, which began in 1974, includes not only the training and qualification of operators to the standards established by the NRC, industry, and Illinois Power policies, but also includes hiring practices calculated to obtain prospective operators with appropriate experience and the greatest potential for top professional performance during training, qualification, and watchstanding. The training program and hiring practices, when combined with the recently installed CPS-specific simulator and the training remaining to be accomplished between now and fuel load, will assure that all operations personnel will meet or exceed applicable requirements.


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5 In 1974, when IP initially established the framework of A. ..... , '.,,, _

7 its operator acquisition and training program it was guided < .

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k not only by the requirements that existed at the time but *O


Q i also by information and experience obtained from ' .q:. f .,

.;-~- .t)c,.s.

then-existing nuclear plants. Over the eleven intervening  :. .:: e ' .

i years, IP has constantly upgraded its program to keep pace Uh- .

9 >y,;-

with the evolving requirements and with industry experience. * : , ., .' '

r c;:. :

[ In this connection, in 1984, the Nuclear Regulatory h.M h

! ': n'n l{

Commission (NRC) expressed its concerns related to the 3% -c


E experience and training of operators in the utility industry. . g ' l-: ..

EXPERIENCE LEVEL OF OPERATORS f, In response to the NRC concerns over the experience level .

e .-

t ,

i g of operators, the Industry Working Group of the Nuclear 9 -)

. l' .

[r Utility Management and Human Resource Committee (NUMARC), an  ?.G,.,':


I industry-sponsored committee established to address NRC "[.f ( ,i v.

h regulatory concerns, proposed a shift team concept for g

'.[n.7  ; . : '.'.

k g judging shift experience levels. The NUMARC proposal ,

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endorsed the shift experience standards stated in ANSI Np _


E 3.1-1981 which specify not only the required experience for yd o h< each individual on shift but also the total minimum shift bk .& " .:

( experience. The NUMARC proposal also established weighting y?'.k .

}.,~....- .

l factors to be applied to various types of prior nuclear W/. E.

L . ;;

experience for use in assessing an individual's total ( -l ~:s.

-.? a experience. Finally the NUMARC proposal dealt with the use , ' ~.


[ of shift advisors, a term used to describe the temporary use I. ' i 4 of experienced operators from another nuclear utility or l~

k contractor. This portion does not apply to IP since IP plans l; $ ~

to provide properly experienced IP employees on shift. 7  :

( 4..,

Further, NUMARC proposed that one Senior Reactor Operator ,;w

s,- < . , .,

3, . .:.s..

,A , ,. :, - -

,a (SRO) on shift will have had six months of " hot" partici- _-

pation experience at a same-type plant. NRC documented its -

agreement with the NUMARC proposed shift experience criteria _-

in NRC Generic Letter 84-16 of June 27, 1984, with the 'r e

amplification that the " hot" participation experience shall


have been obtained at a large, same-type plant.

Illinois Power will be in compliance with these criteria. .

l TRAINING OF OPERATORS The NRC concerns regarding the training of operators were


stated in I & E Information Notice 84-11 dated February 24, j 1984. Based on a number of NRC assessments of training at various utilities, the NRC expressed concern over laxness in "

meeting training commitments contained in FSARs, in maintaining proper documentation of training, and in

implementing facility procedures related to operator ,

training. In each of these areas, IP has taken aggressive l [_

action to ensure that these concerns are and will continue to be addressed.

l SHIFT TECHNICAL ADVISOR On March 7, 1985, NUMARC submitted to the NRC staff.for *-

approval by the Commission a draft Commission Policy Statement on Engineering Expertise on Shift. This statement

stresses the importance of providing engineering and accident 2

assessment expertise on shift, and offers two options for j fulfilling the intent of the policy guidance. One option

  • speaks to the combined Senior Reactor Operator / Shift 1 l Technical Advisor (STA) position. The second option speaks [

to the continued use of the STA position. This second option b will be implemented by IP at CPS.

3 E




! This report summarizes the total CPS operator training and qualification program by: (1) evaluating each operator's training and experience individually, and (2) evaluating the combined watchstanding shift capability of p

i operators collectively against the NUMARC criteria referred to previously. In summary, all operating shift crews presently meet the experience and training requirements individually and collectively with the exception of one Shift k Supervisor. That Shift Supervisor is now participating in f

i hot operations at a large BWR plant and will meet the b

d requirements by CPS fuel load. Similarly, shift crews to be assigned after fuel load will also meet NRC approved

} requirements.

i e Thus, the CPS training and qualification program has I

! resulted in watchstanding crews who will be qualified by i experience and training to fulfill the responsibilities of IP to operate the plant safely and efficiently. Retraining and 1

' replacement training plans and programs will be developed to r assure that operators in sufficient quantity and of the requisite skill and experience will be available when needed i in the future.



i This report provides the data to support the Illinois F

1 Power conclusion that all applicable NRC, industry, and i

i Illinois Power requirements related to providing a competent 1

f operating staff for the Clinton Power Station will be met or

{ exceeded.

I h 4

II. PURPOSE The purpose of this report is to provide the basis upon which Illinois Power Company concludes that Clinton Power Station Operating Shift Crews will be in place at the time of scheduled fuel load which will meet or exceed all applicable NRC, industry, and IP requirements related to the safe and

( efficient operation of the plant.

This purpose will be accomplished in four steps.

In Section III, a description is given of the long-term commitment of Illinois Power Company to provide highly qualified operations personnel through its hiring and training policies and practices. Several practices beyond requirements are listed. Recent Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) concerns regarding the experience and training of operations personnel are discussed. The agreement reached between the NRC and the Nuclear Utilities Management and Human Resources Committee (NUMARC) regarding these concerns is explained.

In Section IV, IP commitments made in its Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) and in Corporate Nuclear Procedures (CNP) are stated. These commitments and the practices they generate describe IP's compliance with all requirements related to the training and experience of operations personnel.

Section V describes the experience and training of CPS personnel. Specific information on the training and experience of IP CPS personnel is contained in Appendices A, B, and C of this report.


I Appendix C contains an experience summary for each individual currently scheduled to complete license review


a training. Identification (I.D.) codes have been used to t

L identify individuals rather than actual names. The

. experience summary shows actual experience to December, 1984, t

I and projected experience to December, 1985, just prior to

[ scheduled fuel load. In addition, the results of applying j NUMARC weighting factors to this experience are listed. The actual experience listed is taken from NRC license


applications which have been or will be submitted for these k individuals.


[ Appendix A contains summary data on CPS personnel by the positions they currently hold. The data are drawn from the E experience summaries of Appendix C.

[ Appendix B shows the experience of Shift Crews operating on shift in the 4th quarter, 1984. The data shown is drawn from the experience summaries of Appendix C.

i b Section VI, using the data shown in Appendix B, describes t

'the experience levels of shift crews in the 4th quarter,

$ 1984, and projected experience levels to December, 1985, just prior to scheduled fuel load.


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III. INTRODUCTION A. Background The Clinton Power Station (CPS) was authorized by Illinois Power Company (IP) in February, 1972. The NRC approved a limited work authorization for CPS in October, 1975, and a construction permit was issued in February, 1976.

In 1974, IP established the basic parameters of its program to acquire, train and qualify personnel who would ultimately operate the completed plant. In addition to using the then-existing NRC requirements, IP sought and obtained information from a number of operating nuclear plants, hoping to gain from their experience. IP also established the practice of hiring into its initial cadre of operations personnel as many previously experienced operators as possible. At that time the most available source was the nuclear navy. It was also decided to acquire the first nucleus of people early in the design / construction phase of CPS in order for these people to gain valuable plant-specific experience.

The first operations personnel were hired in 1974. By 1980 nearly all of the senior supervisory staff of the Operations Department had been hired, including the Assistant Plant Manager-Operations, the Supervisor- and Assistant Supervisor-Operations, four of five Shift Supervisors, and seven of twelve Assistant Shift Supervisors. Of these twenty, eight came from the nuclear navy with reactor plant operating experience.


One of the first tasks assigned to the operations personnel was to formulate a comprehensive training program for operators which would meet or exceed the then-existing requirements. The experience gained at other operating nuclear plants was factored into this program. The first regular training of operations personnel under this program was begun in 1976. In 1978 a more formalized training program specifically for Licensed Operators was begun.

In 1977 IP commenced the effort to acquire a plant-specific control room simulator which is now in operation at the site. It should be noted that this action was taken prior to the TMI accident and prior to the time that such full-size simulators were considered "almost a requirement."

B. Experience and Training: The CPS Perspective Training programs and experience criteria at the Clinton Power Station have been developed with the emphasis on providing a professional staff that will operate the plant safely and efficiently. This approach has guided the establishment of policies relating to the hiring of operations personnel, the development of a training program, and the acquisition of facilities necessary to implement this program.

Specifically, hiring policies were developed which included:

hiring operations personnel at the early r. 7 5 61? -

design / construction phase at CPS . ,' #:

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hiring experienced people who had acquired and


demonstrated a high-level commitment to safety 3-hiring only those personnel with appropriate technical aptitude and skills hiring adequate numbers of personnel to compensate _

for attrition. 4I Training policies were developed reflecting the -

following: _7 providing sufficient dedicated time for training m-using only instructors who are technically competent ;_

in the subjects they teach building a training program that stresses procedural =

control and is in itself procedurally controlled including within the training program provisions for T-L_

participation in CPS preoperational testing and for 55 participation at other operating nuclear plants ensuring that the training program provides for a fully integrated understanding of the plant on both  ;

safety and nonsafety systems  ;

providing sufficient facilities to ensure that these objectives can be met. )

To assure that all operations personnel have experience _[

zG that will qualify them to operate the plant safely and j-efficiently, the following practices and programs are being $

utilized: ---

Rotating shifts are used to assure all operations $@

personnel will have the full range of similar 3 experiences.


-m 9 E7


  • Operations personnel were assigned to shift work in January, 1981. Since that time, operators have played a direct role in startup testing by operating the equipment required to support or perform testing. CPS Procedure No. 1868.00, " Initial Test Program Training," states as its objectives:
a. " Ensure that Operations Department licensed shift personnel become familiar with CPS plant systems response and limitations determined during the _

initial test program. -

b. " Ensure that Operations Department licensed shift personnel have functioned in the onshift environment for specific tests."
  • The direct and active participation of the operators in the startup test program is developing the operational skills that will be required when the plant is at power, including
a. Proper watchstanding practices such as shift turnover, log keeping, plant familiarization, and watchstanding formality.


b. Learning to function as a team.
c. Identifying and correcting safety concerns. --
d. Coping with casualties and abnormal situations encountered during startup testing.
  • Operations personnel write and review test procedures, research the plant design for the impact of testing, and apply safety tags on equipment. All training and experience performed in the test program is 10

described and tracked through Operations Department procedures. In addition, the emergency operating procedures were written by operators. Besides adding to the overall background of operators, this work has provided CPS with more workable procedures, as well as operators who know the procedures intimately.

Prior to the installation of the CPS control room, a plywood mock-up of the control room was assembled which allowed the operators to walk through procedures they were developing.

The Supervisory Operating Plant Experience (SOPE) program, described in Nuclear Training Department (NTD)

Procedure 2.1, was instituted in April, 1984. Under this program selected supervisory personnel are assigned to Commonwealth Edison's LaSalle nuclear plant for at least six months. Two Shift Supervisors and six Assistant Shift Supervisors have participated in this program.

Three Shift Supervisors were previously licensed at BWR plants and did not require SOPE. In this program the IP operator works onshift under the direction of a licensed SRO who is part of the host plant's shift organization.

The IP operator is directly involved in reviews and discussions leading to operating decisions. A daily log describing these activities is maintained by the IP  !

operator and signed by the host plant Shift Supervisor.

All trainees in CPS reactor operator training programs are trained to the SRO level. This includes 1 both onsite and vendor-supplied offsite course work.


5 Shift supervisory personnel and Shift Technical Advisors have been included in the IP training course for -

supervisory performance. This course includes methods -

for reviewing and evaluating the performance of subordinates.

A nonlicensed operator training program has been _

developed. Coursework in the program includes J

instruction in administration and documentation ,=

procedures, safety, mathematics, radiation protection, electrical and mechanical theory, physics, chemistry, _

nuclear steam supply systems, balance of plant systems, technical specifications and station license specifications. Onshift training time and a }

qualification card on specific plant activities are also  ;

part of the program. This program provides the 2 a

experience and training necessary to enter the licensed Z operator training program at a later time. Nonlicensed operators enter the training program as utilityman f


operators and are promoted to auxiliary operators, then to unit attendants when eligible. A unit attendant is a 3 a

nonlicensed operator responsible for operation of systems and components as directed by a licensed operator or j senior operator. When all licensing requirements are -

complete and the appropriate NRC examination has been _

successfully passed, the trainee is eligible to be 1

promoted to a Control Room Operator. ]


12 -


A Clinton-specific control room simulator was delivered and installed in late November, 1984, and is now in operation at the site.

IP has cooperated with Richland Community College, Decatur, Illinois, in the development of a curriculum leading to the award of an Associate of Applied Science Degree in Nuclear Power Generation. This curriculum includes courses in mathematics, physics, chemistry, reactor physics, plant systems, radiation protection, industrial safety and health, and nuclear codes, -

't standards and regulations. IP offers scholarships for kj .

this program which include summer employment at CPS.

Graduates of the program are hired for entry-level positions in the operations, Radiation Protection, and Chemistry Departments. Memphis State University has been retained to administer screening tests to candidates from Richland Community College. These tests measure the _

likelihood that an individual will successfully complete -

license training and the NRC examination. To date, eleven graduates have been hired as full-time employees.

m Illinois Power Company contracted with the University of Illinois to provide upper-division-level engineering courses for senior personnel in the Operations Department. The Supervisor- and Assistant -'

Supervisor-operations, four of five Shift Supervisors, -

seven of twelve Assistant Shift Supervisors and one 13

Control Room Operator have participated in the progra.n, earning a total of 375 semester hours of credit, or an i

average of 29 credits each. This program was a one-time effort and is no longer being conducted.

Plans are underway to develop a Bachelor's Degree program for all CPS shift supervisory personnel.

From the above it can be seen that IP has and is continuing to embrace a comprehensive and full-range program to assure sufficient numbers of qualified personnel to operate CPS safely and efficiently.

C. Recent NRC Concerns Regarding Experience and Training of Operators During 1984, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) expressed its concern to the utility industry as a whole, and to Near Term Operating License (NTOL) utilities in particular, over issues relating to the experience and training of operators.

1. Experience At an NRC meeting on January 26, 1984, the Commission staff described the results of an NRC survey of plants scheduled for licensing in 1984 and expressed the following concerns:
a. a shortage of operators experienced on commercial nuclear plants existed, and 14
b. utilities were using or planning to use shift advisors to upgrade the experience level of their shift organizations instead of requiring the operators themselves to obtain experience on operating commercial nuclear plants.

NOTE: Shift advisors, as used in this context, are licensed operators from another operating plant who are loaned to an NTOL utility for the purpose of providing experienced advisors to the normal shifts in order to meet experience requirements.

The NRC staff proposed three objectives and several methods by which these concerns could be addressed.

Proposed objectives would require:

a. at least one Senior Reactor Operator (SRO) on each shif t have a minimum of one year of hot operating experience on a similar type commercial plant at the SRO level,
b. elimination of the use of Shift Advisors to meet minimum experience levels for shift crews, and
c. substantial hot operating experience for all SRO's as Reactor Operators (RO) at the facility on which they would be licensed or at a similar facility.

The NRC requested a utility-wide response which was to include proposed interim measures to upgrade the experience level of plants scheduled to be licensed in the next three months and action to increase shift operating experience over time.


. A utility-wide response was developed by the Industry

'l Working Group of the Nuclear Utility Management and Human Resources Committee (NUMARC), a committee composed of

, senior nuclear utility executives and established to i,

3 speak for the industry on such matters. Their written L

response was presented to the NRC staff on February 24, 1984. The response included the following counter-proposals:

a. That a shift team concept be applied when judging

' shift experience levels, rather than examining only the experience of individuals making up the shift team. Specifically, the standards for shift experience stated in ANSI 3.1-1981 were endorsed (see Table 1) . This Standard specifies the required experience for each individual on shift and the individual's license level, as well as specifying the total shift experience.

b. That allowance be made for different types of nuclear experience in analyzing the experience of individuals. Each type of experience would be assigned a weighting factor and a maximum allowable value to be used in calculating an individual's total experience (see Table 2) .
c. There were additional proposals relating to the

. Shift Adviror, but since IP will not use Shift Advisors at CPS, this discussion is omitted.




Hot Participation Experience l Power Nuclear at Same Type Plant-l Plant Plant Startup l

Experience Experience and 6 Months Position Years Years License >20 % Pwr Shutdown .on Shift Shift Supervisor -4 2 SRO 6 Weeks X Either Senior Operator 3 2 SRO 6 Weeks SRO Licensed Operator 3 1 RO Licensed Operator 3 1 RO Totals 13 6 17


1. SRO Commercial, Same Type 1.00 Commercial, other .75
2. RO Commercial, Same. Type 1.00 Commercial, other .75
3. Navy (Military) Nuclear 36 months RO, EWS, EOOW, PPWS 0.50 Other Navy Nuclear 0.25
4. Simulator 12 Months Plant Specific 5.00 Similar (9 months maximum credit) 3.00
5. Nuclear Plant Experience on Shift Own Plant, more than 1 1/2 years 0.50 12 months prior to Fuel Load Own Plant, less than 1 1/2 years 0.75 12 months prior to Fuel Load Other Operating Plant, Same Type 0.75 12 months
6. Other Nuclear Plant Experience O'25

. 12 months

7. Training Own Plant License Class and Exam 0.50 9 months Conducting License Training Class 0.25 9 months
8. College Degree (Engineering, Applied Science or Equivalent) 12 Months Bachelors Degree (12 months credit)

Associates Degree (6 months credit)

Coursework, per semester-hour 0.10 18

In a. June. 14, 1984, letter from NRC Chairman Palladino to Mr. J. H. Miller, Chairman of the Industry Working Group, the NUMARC proposals were accepted with the amplification that hot participation experience should be at a large, same type plant. There were other words added relating to the use of Shift Advisors which have been omitted in this report for reasons previously noted. These amplifications were formalized in NRC Generic Letter 84-16, dated June 27, 1984.

2. Training The.second issue of concern expressed by the NRC was the adequacy of operator training. These concerns are outlined in NRC's IE Information Notice

'84-11, dated February 24, 1984, and relate to the

, adequacy and validity of operator license training

. programs. In NRC assessments at several plants, inspectors found deficiencies in the fulfillment of training commitments made by the utilities in their l~ Final Safety Analysis Reports (FSAR), in the i

documentation of completed operator training, and in the implementation of facility procedures related to i licensed operator training.

The Information Notice was sent to all nuclear power reactor facilities holding an operating license or construction permit so that steps could be taken at each facility to avoid the concerns noted.

In summary, within the past year there have emerged revised NRC requirements relating to the 19 e

. . . , . - - , . , - ,-,- . -. ,,,,-e . , , - - , . . , , - , _ , . , , + , - - . , , . , . , , - . - . - . . - . , . . - - .

experience level and training of shift operations personnel. IP has committed to meet or' exceed the following requirements:

ANSI 3.1-1978 ANSI 3.1-1981 (Those portions relating to Shift Crew experience as described in CPS FSAR) .

NRC Generic Letter 84-16, dated June 27, 1984, with attachments, and CPS. Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR), Sections 13.1 and 13.2, Amendment 33, dated April, 1985.

A detailed discussion of how IP meets these requirements is contained in the remainder of this report.

I 20 1


The CPS Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) is a description of the CPS. It includes reports on the physical site on which the plant is built, the design and operational features of the plant, and procedures by which it operates. It is a commitment to operate the plant in a safe and efficient manner.

Chapter 13 of the CPS FSAR deals with the Conduct of Operations. Section 13.1 of that chapter reports on the organizational structure of both IP and CPS. Section 13.2 describes the operator training program, the training plan for replacement operators, and the operator


retraining program. Thus, with respect to training of operations personnel, section 13.2 of the CPS FSAR provides the applicable requirements to which IP is committed.

On the specific subject of shift experience, the CPS i

l FSAR commits IP to meet the requirements of ANSI l 3.1-1978. However, as previously noted IP has also agreed to meet the more stringent shift experience requirements of ANSI 3.1-1981 with respect to Shift Supervisors, Senior Reactor Operators and Reactor l

Operators. FSAR Amendment 33 of April, 1985 describes l

l the IP committment for shift experience.


.= . -



The experience and training requirements for all nonshift operations personnel sucb as operations managers and supervisors are defined in the CPS FSAR as being those specified in ANSI 3.1-1978. Table 3 lists members of the CPS operations staff, designating equivalent ANSI 3.1-1978 titles, and the experience requirements for all those positions.

1. General Training Requirements
a. ANSI 3.1-1978 Requirements ANSI 3.1-1978 lists six general aspects to be incorporated in the training program:

"A training program and schedule /shall be established for each nuclear power plant to initially develop and maintain an organization fully qualified to be responsible for operation, maintenance and technical aspects of the nuclear power plant involved.

"The program shall be formulated to provide the required training based on individual employee experience and intended position.

j "The training program shall be such that fully trained and qualified operating, maintenance, professional and technical support personnel are available in the necessary numbers when fuel' loading commences. ,

"In all cases, the objective of training 1

programs shall be to ensure safe and efficient operation of the facility.


TABLE 3 MINIMUM EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE REQUIRED BY ANSI 3.1-1978 CPS Position or Title (ANSI 3.1-1978 Equivalent) Education Experience License Nuclear Power Power Plant Plant Power Plant Manager Not (Plant Manager) specified 10 3 SRO (1)

Asst. Power Plant Manager- Not.

Operations specified 8 3 SRO (Operations Manager)

Supervisor - Plant Operations HS Diploma 4 2 SRO (Supervisor requiring NRC License)

Asst.' Supervisor-Plant Operations HS Diploma 4 2 SRO (Supervisor Requiring NRC License)

NOTE: (1) The Plant Manager shall have acquired the experience and equivalent training normally required to be eligible for a Senior Reactor Operator's license whether or not the examination is taken.

l l

l l

i 23 l

t . _ __ _ _ _

~. . - - -- - . .

" " Training programs shall be kept up to date to reflect plant modifications and changes in procedures.

  • "A continuing program shall be used after plant startup for training of replacement personnel and for requalification training necessary to ensure that personnel remain proficient."
b. CPS Compliance These six aspects are dealt with in Chapter 13 of th0 FSAR and Nuclear Training Department (NTD)

Procedure 1.3. Section 13.2.1 of the FSAR describes the IP committment to the first four of these general requirements. Namely, e

"The Clinton Power Station Training Program has been implemented to ensure safe and efficient operation of the station. This is accomplished by developing and maintaining a plant staff which is fully trained and qualified to safely operate

. and maintain.the plant, and manage the technical I

aspects of CPS. The responsibility for administering the training program and monitoring.

t-its effectiveness has been delegated to the Director-Nuclear Training."

Subsection, " Differences in Training i' Program Due to Previous Experiences," states:

" Differences exist in prospective operator backgrounds. Illinois Power Company has provided 24

Navy Nuclear and commercial PWR operators with

. BWR observation training. On-the-job training d

may be augmented by visits to operating BWRs to participate in refueling _ outages and outage recoveries. All operators to date, regardless of background, have received or will receive: NSSS systems, BOP systems and BWR operator training in addition to the minimum training identified in Table 13.2-2. Candidates with previous

. nonlicensed BWR shift experience will be evaluated on a-case-by-case basis with respect to the requirement of BWR observation training.

" Candidates with experience at unlicensed DOE

- reactors will be trained in the same manner as

- previous Navy Nuclear operators."

Nuclear Training Department (NTD) procedures t

address the fifth ANSI general requirement. NTD

. Procedure 1.3, " Nuclear Training Department Review of 1

j Documents For Training Impact," states:

l l "The purpose of this procedure is to provide


instruction and assign responsibilities.within the Nuclear Training Department (NTD) for review t

of industry. experience _ documents. This review is

-l necessary tx) ensure that operating experience

information_ pertinent to nuclear plant safety and reliability, originating both internally and l.

L externally to Clinton Power Station (CPS), is incorporated into training programs in a timely manner.


'- I vgwrw--yy- y<v ,,w-w -- -wy,----- yy q,y,- -g-- e-- w------ow-'--r-rey e- = - - - - - --+m .


" Document review is applicable to all documents reporting on' industry operating experiences generated by utilities, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), the Institute of Nuclear Power Operation (INPO), nuclear steam supply system (NSSS) vendors, equipment vendors, and architect / engineers (A/E's).

"bocumentstobereviewedincludebutarenot necessarily limited to:

1. INPO Significant Operating Experience Reports 1


2. INPO Significant Event Reports (SERs) 3.- Significant Event Evaluation and Information Network (SEE-IN) 4.- Vendor and A/E Reports
5. INPO Technical Reports
6. NRC Documents IE bulletins IE circulars IE information notices Letters and directives
  • NUREG documents and other special reports
7. CPS Internal Documents
  • Licensee Event Reports (LERs) to the NRC Plant incident reports which do not result in LERs
  • CPS Condition-Reports Changes / Revisions concerning CPS' Procedures 26 i

Audit, evaluation, and inspection reports Documents concerning CPS system design changes."

Section 13.2.2, " Replacement and Retraining,"

describes how IP meets the sixth ANSI general requirement:

" Replacement and retraining of CPS personnel will be conducted in accordance with ANSI-3.1-1978.

This training is designed to ensure the competency of the station staff".

Subsection describes Licensed Operator requalification training. Criteria are given regarding formal training, licensee examination, proficiency requirements, document review procedures and exemptions. Subsection sets forth requirements for refresher training for unlicensed personnel, including specialists, Shift Technical l

l Advisors and fire brigade members, and general employee refresher training. Subsection l

states criteria for replacement training for Shift Technical Advisors, specialists, Licensed Operators

[ and Senior Reactor Operators.

2. Cold License Training Requirements
a. ANSI 3.1-1978 Requirements ANSI 3.1-1978, Section 5.2, lists the following requirements for a cold license training program:

I . . . candidates for NRC cold examination shall be qualified by a combination of i 27

. participatory assignments at operating reactors  !

or suitable reactor-simulators, participation in I 1

preoperational or startup activities at the


nuclear power plant involved and related technical training.

'" Applicants for cold examinations shall have had extensive operating experience at a reactor facility which is generally classified as comparable in complexity and operating >

characteristics to the nuclear plant at which the examinations are requested. This experience shall be demonstrated by . . . one-of the following:

1) Certification of satisfactory completion of an NRC-approved training program which utilizes a nuclear power plant simulator as part of this program.
2) Hold or have held a reactor operator's

-license at a comparable licensed reactor facility.

3) Satisfactory completion of an NRC-administered written examination and operating test at a comparable licensed reactor facility without issuance of a reactor operator's or senior reactor

. operator's license.

4) Appropriate experience at an unlicensed comparable facility, such as a military or 28

~ test reactor, plus.6 months day-to-day-operation experience at a similar licensed

, plant".

In addition, Appendix A of ANSI 3.'l-1978 lists the components of an NRC-approved program as including: -

l Phase I: A basic fundamentals course, including the operation of a research reactor and the performance of 10 startups. This phase should normally take 12 weeks to complete.

Phase II: 1) Observation of the day-to-day operation of a nuclear power plant for from 1 to 3 months as evidenced by a completed, previously approved checklist, and

2) operation of a similar design nuclear 4

power plant simulator for 1 to 3 months.

-The combined power plant and simulator components of Phase II must occur consecutively for a minimum:of 4 months.

Phase III: Six weeks of lectures on the specific design features of the facility at i

.which licensing will occur.

ANSI 3.1-1978, Section 5.2.2, lists the required technical training to be included in.the cold license training.

.In addition, Section 5.2.2 requires that applicants "should be engaged in the day-to-day activities of procedure preparation and verification, 29


. construction checkout and preoperational testing at I

the subject facility for a period of approximately one year prior to fuel loading."

b. CPS Compliance Subsection of the CPS FSAR , " Course Description" fulfills the ANSI-3.1 1978 cold license requirements. Appendix D to this report contains descriptions of the seven courses described in the FSAR.

B. Corporate Commitment Through Corporate Nuclear Procedure (CNP) 1.02 IP has given significant emphasis to the importance of training to the safe operation of the CPS through the establishment of a corporate-level mandate to training. CNP 1.02, " Nuclear Training," states:

"The purpose of this procedure is to assure reliable and safe operation of Clinton Power Station by developing experienced, trained, and qualified personnel. This Corporate Nuclear Procedure establishes the responsibilities and requirements for development, implementation, assessment and accreditation of training, including coordination of education for the Nuclear Power Program activities."

The procedure places responsibility for the training program on the Director-Nuclear Training, the Nuclear Power Program Department Managers and Directors, and the 30

Manager-Quality Assurance. The commitment to clear, performance-based training goals, standards, and instruction is established.

t l

f l

4 31


-V.. DESCRIPTION OF' EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING OF CPS PERSONNEL The Clinton Power Station staff is organized into six (6) departments as shown in Figure 1.

Two of these departments, the Clinton Power Station and the Nuclear Training Department'are responsible for the training and qualification of operations personnel.

A. NTD Management and Operations Training Staff The Nuclear Training Department (NTD) organization is shown in Figure 2.

The importance placed on training can be seen in the fact that the NTD has been organized as a separate, independent entity reporting directly to the Vice President. The department currently contains eight operations instructors and an_ operations development specialist.. Five of these individuals have completed BWR-6 SRO certification conducted by General Electric at the Black Fox simulator or an equivalent program. Three of the instructors were only recently hired. The full complement of ten senior operation instructors, lead instructors, or instructors is scheduled to

-be in place by mid-1985.

The supervisory staff of the NTD has a combined total of 42 years of-nuclear experience, 23 years of power plant

-experience and 19 years of training experience. They are:

Mr. J. R. Patten, Director-Nuclear Training. Mr.

-Patten is responsible for providing overall direction and integration of a site-wide nuclear training program.


4 FIGURE 1 2

3 1


April 1985 1








, , ,a- -,. ,n.-,-, --. ,, . , _ . - - - - , _ , , - . , , , + , . . , - - , . - , , , , , - . , ~ , , , - - .

, -n--



l NUCLEAR. TRAINING DEPARTMENT ORGANIZATION l April 1985 i Senior Development Specialists

- Development - Operations 3 Supervisor Specialist Technical

- Training - General Development i I I Technical Audio- Graphics Writer Visual Illustrator Specialist Simulator Simulator Engineer Training Supervisor "


- Training Directo) Facilitie a a a Nuclear , Computer Equipment Utilityman Training l Specialist Specialist I I I

_ Supervisorl _ Operational Technical General

! Instruction Instructory Instructors Instructors I I I

Supervisor Training Clerks Generating

- Assessment - Assessment Station and Support Specialist Clerk O Certified Presently

] Licensed Previously

]NumberofInstructorsLicensedPreviously a


I Mr. Patten has 20 years of nuclear experience in the U.S.

Navy, including assignment as the Director of Officer Training, U.S. Naval Submarine School. He completed BWR-6 SRO certification in November 1983.

  • - Mr. W. S. Rives, Supervisor-Training Development.

Mr.' Rives is responsible for the development of

. operations, technical and general training materials, including procedures and instructions to support that j material development. Mr. Rives has 8 years experience as a. fossil plant operator and 8 years experience as a training specialist and training. supervisor. He holds BS and MS degrees, and is completing research for his EdD in Curriculum Development.

Mr. P. K. Ryan, Operations Training Development Specialist. Mr. Ryan is responsible for the development,

of training materials, procedures and instruction for the training of licensed and nonlicensed operators, including requalification. Mr. Ryan has 6 years of nuclear navy
experience. He worked for IP as a control room operator, assisting with startup responsibilities, before coming to the Nuclear Training Department. He has completed BWR-6 SRO certification at Black Fox.

Mr. D. R. Clines, Supervisor-Training Facilities.

Mr. Clines has responsibility for the development, use and maintenance of programs for the use of NTD 4

' facilities, particularly the Clinton-specific simulator.

Mr. Clines has 7 years of nuclear navy experience and 3 years as an SRO at the Fitzpatrick Nuclear Power Plant i


l where he~ held an SRO license. He has worked for the Illinois Power Company for 4' years as an Operations i l

Training Lead Instructor. He has completed BWR-6 SRO -


Mr. J. C. Wemlinger, Supervisor-Instruction. Mr.

Wemlinger has responsibility to supervise, coordinate, evaluate,-and schedule the training conducted by NTD.

Mr. Wemlinger holds BS and MS degrees in Nuclear Engineering. He has 5 years of experience-with Illinois Power Company at the Clinton Power Station as'an engineer

and as a supervisor of training. He is SRO certified.on the BWR-6 reactor.

Mr. T. M. McKenrick, Supervisor-Assessment and

Support. Mr. McKenrick has responsibility for the i

development, implementation and maintenance of programs, procedures, and instructions regarding the assessment of instruction and performance, administrative support, and budget. -Mr. McKenrick has -12 years experience -in the Nuclear Navy and 4 years at CPS, of which the last year has been spent with the NTD.


Summary 1, Appendix A, shows the experience and training of 5 of the operations instructors. Three recently hired g

instructors'are not included... All operations instructors have had extensive military or commercial power plant experience. Each has also had substantial nuclear experience. All have completed BWR-6 SRO certification at

the. Black Fox 1 simulator. One previously held a cold license at the Zimmer plant.

36 t

y . - - m -- - , - . - - , , - - - - - - - -

B. Operations Department Personnel The CPS Plant Operations Organization is shown in Figure 3.

Operations personnel are organized under the Manager, Clinton Power Station. The Assistant Plant Manager-Operations, the Supervisor- and Assistant Supervisor-Plant l

Operations,-.four Shift Supervisors, all Assistant Shift Supervisors, all Control Room Operators, and 4 Unit Attendants have completed the BWR-6 SRO certification program conducted'at the General Electric Simulator Facility at Black Fox.

The Supervisor- and Assistant Supervisor- Operations,-

and 3 of 5 Shift Supervisors.were previously licensed at other plants.

Key personnel in the Operations Department include:

Mr. J. W. Wilson, Power Plant Manager. Mr. Wilson has overall responsibility for Clinton Power Station plant activities. Mr. Wilson holds an AS degree. He has 5 years of Operator, Instructor, and Engineering Officer of the Watch experience in the U. S. Navy, 8 years of Operations and Supervisory Experience as a Licensed 1

Operator and Senior Operator at the Lacrosse and Point L Beach' Nuclear Plants, and 8 years of experience in supervision and management at Washington Public Power I System's Units 3 and 5. He was Plant Manager for WPPS.

! 3/5 for 2 years. Mr. Wilson was an Evaluation Team

! Manager for the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO) for 1 year. He joined Illinois Power Company as l

l 37 l




, Supervisor '

Unit Plant ttendants Operations 3 (4)

Assistantl Supervisor Shift Assistant Utilityman Operators Plant Plant Plant "

Supervisors ~

Shift Manager Manager - Operations (5) Supervisors Operations (12)

Auxiliary Operators Operations Engineer

] Certified Presently on Simulator as SRO 3 Licensed Previously C Navy Operating Experience NOTES:

1. Numeral in parentheses is total number in that position
2. Numeral in hollow corner box is number in that category (i.e.,

4 Shif t Supervisors have Navy Operating Experience:)


Plant Manager in April, 1985. He is currently completing 1

training required to familiarize him with the CPS plant.

  • - Mr. J. G. Cook, Assistant Power Plant Manager. Mr.

Cook has specific responsibility-for overall supervision of the Operations, Chemistry and Radwaste Departments. Mr. Cook holds a B.S. degree in Engineering Physics, an M.S. in Nuclear Engineering , and an M.B.A. He has 5 years of experience as an instructor at the U. S._ Navy Nuclear Power School, and 10 years with IP in various supervisory and management positions'at CPS.

Mr. D. M. Antonelli, Supervisor-Operations. Mr.

Antonelli is responsible for overall supervision of all operations personnel at CPS. Mr. Antonelli holds an Associates Degree. He has 5 years of Reactor Operator experience in the.U. S.-Navy, 3 years with Carolina Power and Light Company as a non-licensed operator, RO and SRO,

. and has been with IP for 8' years as a Shift Supervisor and as Supervisor-operations.

Mr. G. H. Reed, Assistant Supervisor-Plant Operations. Mr. Reed's' duties include direct supervision

-of the on-shift supervisors. Mr. Reed has 4. years of I

experience as a RO and SRO in various responsibilities at San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station. He has been employed by IP for 6 years as an Assistant Shift Supervisor, Shift Supervisor and Assistant Supervisor-Plant Operations.

39 I t

.ew- +.-w-- , - - - , . ,,w--.-,.,,-..,,----.-.r,e -~- -~ --,---+e-.e.,---,.-,n,----e.-_--,,w.-, ,w-e ,- ,,- e--w-,,-

l l

  • Mr. Brehm has 4 Mr. B. J. Brehm,-Shift Supervisor.

years of experience in the U. S. Navy Nuclear Power Program, 4 years with Nebraska Public Power District as an RO and SRO, and 8 years with IP as'an Assistant Shift-and~ Shift Supervisor.

  • Mr. J. R. Hays, Shift Supervisor. Mr. Hays served for 10 years in the U. S. Navy Nuclear Power Program as a Reactor Operator. He has 6 years of experience with IP, with 5 years as'an Assistant Shift- and Shift Supervisor.
  • ~ Mr. W. Sly, Shift Supervisor. Mr. Sly has 4 years of experience in the U. S. Nuclear Navy as an Electronics Technician and RO. He has been employed by IP for 7 years, with 4 years as an Operator, Assistant Shift Supervisor and Shift Supervisor.
  • Mr. Startz has 4 Mr. A. Startz, Shift Supervisor.

years service in the U. S. Nuclear Navy as an RO, 4 years experience as a non-licensed operator, RO and SRO with the Dairyland Power Cooperative at the Lacrosse Plant and has been employed by IP for 1 year as an Assistant Shift Supervisor and Shift Supervisor. He held an NRC Operator's License while at Lacrosse.

  • Mr. F. E. Worrell, Shift Supervisor. Mr. Worrell served 3 years as an RO in the U. S. Navy Nuclear Power Program, 3 years as a non-licensed operator and RO with Carolina Power and Light, and 6 years with IP as an Assistant Shift and Shift Supervisor. He held an NRC Operator's License while at Carolina Power and Light.


m nu i4 I.' .' = P 'r "p P IP' i" IT "F AI '" ln

-4 7e T

-=l Mr. R. B. Bedford, Operations Engineer. Mr. Bedford ,

i is responsible for all engineering activities in the fg t

Operations Department. Mr. Bedford has 4 years service -=

3 in the U. S. Navy Nuclear Power Program as an Engineering ((

Watch Supervisor and 3 years as an RO with the University -f n

of Illinois Reactor Laboratory. He has been employed by j[

IP for 1 year as Operations Engineer. He holds a Bachelor's Degree in Nuclear Engineering. _j The extensive background of these Managers and 2 Supervisors can be seen in the following: -h E

The Senior Supervisory Staff in the Operations gg

,_T Department, including the Department Supervisor, ='


Assistant Supervisor, Operations Engineer and Shift Supervisors, have a total of 91 years of power plant ]

experience and 45 years of nuclear plant experience.

d The Department Supervisor and Assistant Supervisor 2

and 3 of 5 shift Supervisors have previous commercial j!


experience as ROs and SROs, and were previously licensed. ,;

  • di The Supervisory Staff has an average of over 11 years -

2 of power plant experience and 5 years of nuclear power -s


plant experience. i A summary of the experience and training of the Assistant ,

Plant Manager-Operations, and the Supervisor- and Assistant 2 Supervisor-Plant Operations is shown in Summary 2, Appendix if A. All ANSI 3.1-1978 standards have been or will be met or

--'5 exceeded for these personnel. 7


41 3

i .

w Summary 3, Appendix A shows a summary of experience for the CPS Shift Supervisors. The Shift Supervisor is the person in charge of operations on shift at CPS. All Shift Supervisors have had substantial power plant and operating nuclear plant experience, far in excess of ANSI 3.1-1981 requirements. All will be SRO Licensed. All have exceeded the training requirements with the exception of a newly hired Shift Supervisor, who is currently involved in the necessary training.

Summary 4, Appendix A, shows a summary of experience for L the Assistant Shift Supervisors. Two Assistant Shift Supervisors will serve on each shift. One will supervise administrative functions. The second will supervise the J Control Room Operators on shift in the Control Room. All Assistant Shift Supervisors will be SRO licensed and trained .

to fill either role. Seven Assistant Shift Supervisors exceed ANSI 3.1-1981 requirements for experience and training. Five Assistant Shift Supervisors will not have six weeks of hot participation experience at a large, same-type i

plant at the time of fuel loading. The NUMARC criteria for two SRO's on each shift with specified experience will be fulfilled. The five Assistant Shift Supervisors referred to above will be assigned as the third SRO on each shift.

A summary of training and experience for Control Room i Operators is shown in Summary 5, Appendix A. Control Room Operators are responsible for operation of structures,

systems, and components important to safety. Each shift-at ..

CPS will have three control room operators. All Control Room Operators meet or exceed the ANSI 3.1-1981 experience standards.

42 __

E E Summary 6, Appendix A, lists the experience of all Unit r Attendants presently scheduled to undergo the License Review Course at CPS. Eight newly promoted unit attendants are not E included in the Summary. A Unit Attendant is a nonlicensed E

l operator and is responsible for operation of systems and E

! components as directed by a licensed Senior Operator or B

E r

Operator. Each shift at CPS will have one Unit Attendant assigned. In addition, one nonlicensed auxillary operator h will be assigned to each shift crew.


[ Summary 6 displays the long range commitment IP has made I

[ to providing a continuous program at the CPS. Unit E

r Attendants are the middle step in the development of L

competent operators. Substantial effort has been made to y hire highly qualified people and train them to fill future openings as Control Room Operc+. ors. All the Unit Attendants k

i far exceed the requirement for previous power plant


i experience. All have received substantial training in

[ fundamentals and plant systems.

t k

Y l-P



i 5

w ^-

[ 43 e.

b. 1, _

dy .VI. . DESCRIPTION OF EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING OF SHIFT CREWS y if The concerns of the NRC as reviewed in Section III of this report were that shift crews possess sufficient

experience to safely and efficiently operate the plant.

-Section'IV reviewed the standards of experience'and training expected by the NRC, commitments made by IP in the CPS'FSAR and how those commitments have been put into practice. In Section V it was shown'that the hiring and training practices of IP have resulted in a cadre of operations personnel who will meet or exceed all NUMARC requirements for experience and training.

Appendix B shows the shift experience of five crews, A

-through E. 'These crews were operating on shift'in the 4th quarter of 1984.

Three factors are--compared in the tables, 'l) Months of power plant experience, 2) Months of nuclear power plant experience, and 3) months on-shift performing operator functions at a large same type, operating plant. These three factors are compared for December, 1984, and for-December, 1985. Fuel load is scheduled for January, 1986.

The NUMARC standard is shown for each of these factors.

They are:

' Power Plant. The minimun Shift Crew must have 13 years or 156 months'of power plant experience. The

. minimum crew described in the NUMARC Standard includes Ithe Shift Supervisor, one Assistant Shift-Supervisor, and two. Control-Room Operators.


Nuclear Plant. The minimum Shift Crew must have l

72 months of nuclear plant experience.

Months on shift. One-SRO on each shift must have at least 6 months of hot participation experience at an operating plant.

The power plant experience for the CPS shift crews as of. December, 1984, range from 401.7 to 461.5 months. The power plant experience for the shift crews as of December, 1985, are projected to range from 479.4 to 541.2 months.

The standard is 156 months.

The nuclear plant experience for the CPS shift crews as of December, 1984, range from 171.2 to 230.5 months. The nuclear plant experience for the shift crew as of December, 1985, are projected to range from 238.5 to 300.1 months.

The standard is 72 months.

Every member of every crew with the exception of one Control Room Operator on Crew A has had at least 30 months of nuclear plant experience.


VII. CONCLUSIONS The Illinois Power Company has long established practices of hiring and training to assure the safe and efficient operation of the Clinton Power Station.

The supervisory staff and shift operating crews possess sufficient experience, meeting all applicable standards for experience,.to give confidence in their ability to properly operate the Clinton Power Station. Training programs meet and exceed all regulatory requirements.

The Illinois Power Company has sought to meet higher standards of experience and training for all CPS Operations Department personnel, often before the standardc were established as requirements.

This combination of long-term concern and commitment for the public safety and responsiveness to newly identified needs shows that confidence can be placed in the Illinois Power Company to operate the Clinton Power Station safely and efficiently.





l l




1 EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING OF NTD OPERATIONS INSTRUCTORS As of December, 1984 I.D. CODES (1) 006 030 042 055 059 cCollege Degree - - - - -


Months of Power Plant Experience (actual) 143 64 95.6 81.8 63.8 Months of. Nuclear. Plant Experience (weighted) (2) 45.3 24.3 32.4 32.5 21.5 Coursework -(contact hours) (63)

Reactor Fundamentals >

0 120 240 0 640 BWR Technology 0 160 200 0 200 Balance of Plant 0 160 160 0 160 BWR Observation 0 0 .160 0 160 BWR OperatoriTraining 760 680 480 680 480-Reactor.Startup 0 40 40 40 40 Mitigating Reactor 0 0 0 0 24 Core Damage Total hours of Training 760 1160 1280 720 1704

. . (1). I.D. Codes refer to a specific individual's experience l summary in Appendix C.


'(2) Calculation of tlue weighted experience is shown on each L individuals experience summary in Appendix C.

-(3)s . Figures ~are base'd on 40 instructional hours / week.

t A-2



Category 012 003 047 Months of Power Plant Experience (actual) 112 193.5 180.8 Months of Nuclear Plant Experience (weighted) (2) 30 75.4 69.1 Coursework (contact hours) : (3)

Reactor Fundamentals 200 200 200 BWR Technology 200 200 200 Balance of Plant 200 200 200 BWR Observation 160 0 160 BWR Operator Training 480 480 480 Reactor Startup 40 40 40 Mitigating Reactor l

Core Damage 40 40 40 I

Total Hours of Training 1320 1160 1320 (1) I. D. Codes refer to a specific individual's experience

i. summary in Appendix C.

l (2) Calculation of the weighted experience is shown on each individual's experience summary in Appendix C.

(3) Figures are based on 40 instructional hours / week.

l I

1 A-3



Category Standard 008 019 056 057 062 College Degree - - - - - -

HS Diploma Y Y Y Y Y Y '

Months of Power Plant Experience (actual) 48 189.2 183.9 120.9 94 144.4

. Months of Nuclear Plant Experience (weighted) (2) 24 73.8 70.6 59.8 68.1 80.6 Months on shift at an 1.5 46 1 6 48(5) 32 operating plant Coursework in hours of instruction: (3)

Reactor Fundamentals 200 640 640 0 200 BWR Technology 200 200 200 0 200 Balance of Plant 200 200 200 0 ~ 200 BWR Observation (4) -

160 160 0 -

BWR Operator Training 480 480 480 0 480 Reactor Startup 40 40 40 0- 40 Mitigating Reactor Core Damage 40 40 40 0 40 Total Hours of Training: 900 1160 1760 1760 0 1160 (1) I. D. Codes refer to a specific individual's experience summary in Appendix C.

(2) Calculation of the weighted experience is shown on each individual's experience summary in Appendix C.

(3) Figures are based on 40 instructional hours / week.

l (4) Observation is not required when substantial previous BWR 1

experience exists.

(5) This experience was at the lac- Plant.




Category Standard 002 007 '015 017 023 '025 036 039 043 046 049 063 College Degree -

AS -

AS AS - -

AS - - - - -

HS Diploma Y .Y - Y Y Y .Y. Y Y -Y- Y Y Y .Y Months of Power Plant Experience (actual) 48 80 98.5 113.8 106.7 125 88 112 74 86 126.7 151.8

- 135 Months of Nuclear Plant

' Experience - (weighted) (2) 24 45.3 49.5 55.7 56.5 51.5 45.6 43.6 34.3 41.5 49.5 52.5 57.6 Months on shift at an 1.5 23 1 6 6 1 0 0 0 0 6 1 0 Operating Plant Coursework (contact hours) (3)

Reactor Fundamentals 216 280 480 640 160 220 160 392 160 640 640 216 BWR Technology 160 160 200 200 280 160 200 160 200 200 200 160 Balance of Plant 160 120 200 200 160 160 200 160 200 200 200 160 BWR Observation 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 -160 160 160 BWR Operator Training -480 480 640 480 480 480 480 480 480 480 480 680 Reactor Startup 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 Mitigating Reactor 40 40 40 .40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 Core Damage Total Hours of Training 1256 1280 1760 1760 1320 1260 1280 1432 1280 1760 1760 1456 (1) 1. D. Codes refer to a specific individual's experience summary in Appendix C.

(2) Calculation of the weighted experiences is shown on each individual's experience summary in Appendix C.

(3) Figures are based on 40 instructional hours / week.


,- - - -. - . ~ . .


5 ,



Category' Standard 009 016 018 020 022 024 027 028 029 031 College Degree- - - - ,

HS Diploma Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Months of Power Plant

-Experience (actual) 36 96.9 112.8 58 64 74.5 -31 89 46 68.6 82.9 Months of Nuclear Plant Experience (weighted)(2) -

54.8 42.8 30.8 37.6 33.6 29.3 36.4 24 42.8 51 Months on shift at an -

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 0 Operating Plant Coursework (contact hours) (3)

Reactor Fundamentals 200 216 220 200 200 200 232 220 200 320' BWR Technology 200' 160 160 160 320 160 160 160 160 320 Balance of Plant 160 160 160 ;80 160 160 160 160 160 160 BWR Observation (4) .160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 - 160 BWR Operator Training 680 480 520 680 720 680 480 520 680 880 Reactor Startup 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 Mitigating Reactor 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 '40 40 40 Core Damage Total Hours of Training 1480 1256 1300 1360 1640 1440 1272 1300 -1280 1920 (1) I. D. Codes refer to specific-experience summaries in Appendix C.

(2) Calculation of the weighted experience hours is shown on each individual's experience summary in Appendix C.

(3) Figures are based on 40 instructional hours / week.

(4) Observation is not required when_ substantial BWR experience exits.



5 (Continued)'


! -As of December, 1984



i i '

Category Standard 033 038_ 041 045- 048' 050 0,51 058 060_ 064

_ College Degree - -- - - - - - - -

AS -

i l HS Diploma Y Y Y .Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y i

{ Months of Power Plant

j. Experience (actual) 36 35.2 91.4 97 99.3 88.7 90.8 108.6 92 26.1 57 Months of-Nuclear Plant Experience (weighted)(2) -

23.7 42 56.1 52.6 44.2 37.2 57 37.5 25.8 30.8 Months on shift at an -

0 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Operating Plant Coursework (contact hours) (3)

Reactor Fundamentals 160 .200 220 168 280 220 160 320 120 320 l BWR Technology 160 160 160 160 160 160 200 320 160 320

, Balance of Plant 160 160 160 160 160 160 200 160 160 160 BWR Observation (4) - -

160 -

160 160 160 160 -

160 i BWR Operator Training 480 880 520 680 480 480- 480- 680 680 680 i Reactor Startup 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 -


Mitigating Reactor ,

40 40 -

40 40- 40 40 40 40 1 Core Damage i

. Total Hours of Training 1000 1480 1300 1208 1320 1260 1280 1720 1160 1720

! (1) I. D. Codes refer to specific experience summaries in Appendix C.

(2) Calculation of the. weighted experience hours is shown on each individual's experience summary in Appendix C.

i (3) Figures are based on 40 instructional hours / week.

(4) Observation is not required when substantial BWR experience exits.

l A-7 i __




Category- Standard 001 010 034 040 College Degree - - -

HS Diploma Y Y Y Y Y Months of Power Plant Experience (actual) 12 75 45 73.7 65.9 Months of Nuclear Plant Experience (weighted) (2) - 41.3 29.3 33.7 28.1 Months above 20% Power - 0 0 0 0 Coursework (contact hours) (3)

Reactor Fundamentals 200 120 200 160 BWR Technology 160 200 200 200 Balance of Plant 160 160 160 160 BWR Observation (4) - - - -

BWR Operator Training 760 680 680 760 Reactor Startup 40 - -

40 Mitigating Reactor 40 - - -

Core Damage Total Hours.of Training 1360 1160 1240 1320 (1) I. D. Codes refer to a specific individual's experience summary in Appendix C.

(2) Calculation of the weighted experience is shown on each individual's experience summary in Appendix C.

(3) Figures are based on 40 instructional hours / week.

(4) Observation is not required when substantial BWR experience exits.

l A-8



Projected Experience To Experience To December, 1984 To December, 1985 I.D. Power Nuclear Months Power Nucl' ear Months Shift Position Code (2) Plant' Plant On Shift (3) Plant Plant On Shift (3)

Shift Supervisor 008 189.2 73.8 46 207.6 90.5 46

.l Asst. Shift Supervisor 007 98.5 49.5 1 116.8 65.8 6

043 186 41.5 0 104.2 57.8 0 i

Control Room Operator 050 90.8 37.2 0 109.8 54.2 0 028 46 24 0 65.2 41.1 0 058 92 37.5 0 113.2 52.6 0 Unit Attendant (4) 001 75 41.3 0 90.0 54.2 0

Total (5) 424.5 184.5 499.4 251.6 i

Standard 156 72 156 72 (1) Calculation of the weighted experience is shown on each individual's experience summary in Appendix C.

(2) I.D. Codes . refer to specific experience summaries in Appendix C.

(3) One SRO on each shift must have a minimum of 6 months hot participation experience at i a large BWR plant.

1 (4) In addition, one non-licensed auxiliary operator is assigned to each. crew.

(5) For ease of comparison with NUMARC Shift Experience requirements (Table 1), this summary includes only Shift Supervisor, 1st Assistant Shift Supervisor listed, and 1st and 2nd Control Room Operators listed.

4 B-2


Projected Experience To Experience To December, 1984 To December, 1985 I.D. ' Power Nuclear Months Power Nuclear Months Shift Position Code (2) Plant- Plant On Shift (3) Plant Plant On Shift (3)

Shift Supervisor 062 144.4 80.6 32 161.8 96.5 32 l

l Asst. Shift Supervisor 002 HB O 45.3 23 99.8 62.7 23 j 036 112 43.6 0 130.2 59.9 0


! Control Room Operator 048 88.7 44.2 0 108.1 61.4 0 015(6) i 113.8 55.7 6 135.9 74.2 6 ,

Unit Attendant (4) 022(6) 74.5 33.6 0 95.3 48.5 0

, Total (5) 426.9 225.8 505.6 294.8 I

Standard 156 72 156 72

(1) Calculation of the weighted experience is shown on each individual's experience summary in Appendix C.

I (2) I.D. Codes refer to specific experience summaries in Appendix C.

i (3) - One SRO on each shift must have a minimum of 6 montiis hot participation experience at 4

a large BWR plant.

l 3

(4) In addition, one non-licensed auxiliary operator is assigned to each crew.

l (5) For ease of comparison with NUMARC Shift Experience requirements (Table 1) ,- this


summary includes only Shift Supervisor, 1st Assistant Shift Supervisor listed, and 1st and 2nd Control Room Operators listed.

, (6) These. individuals have since been promoted to the next higher position.

i B-3

- - . , . _ . - - - - - - = - - - - - , - , - . . . , - - - - - - . . . , - - - . . - . , , .


Project'ed Experience To Experience To December, 1984 .To December, 1985 I.D. Power ' Nuclear Months Power Nuclear Months Shift Position Code (2) Plant

  • Plant On Shift (3) Plant Plant On Shift (3)

^ Shift Supervisor (acting) 049 151.8 52.5- 1 172.8 70.2 6 Asst. Shift SupervisorL 023 125 51.5 1 143.1 67.6 6 025 18 8 45.6 0 106.6 61.8 0 Control-Room Operator 027 89 36.4 0 107.2 52.7 0 018 58 30.8 0 77.4 48 0 031 82.9 51 0 104.3 65.9 0 Unit Attendant (4) 009(6) 96.9 54.8 0 115.7 68.4 0 Total (5) 423.8 171.2 500.5 238.5 Standard 156 72 156 72 (1) Calculation of the weighted experience is shown on each individual's experience summary in Appendix C.

(2) I.D. Codes refer to specific experience summaries in Appendix C.

(3) One SRO on each shift must have a minimum of 6 months hot participation experience at a large BWR plant.

(4) In addition, one non-licensed auxiliary operator is assigned to each crew.

(5) For ease of comparison with1NUMARC Shift Experience requirements (Table 1) , this summary includes only Shift Supervisor, 1st Assistant Shift Supervisor listed, and 1st and 2nd Control Room Operators listed.

(6) This individual has since been' promoted to the next higher position.



Projected Experience"To 4

Experience To December, 1984 To December, 1985 I.D. Power- Nuclear Months Power Nuclear Months j Shift Position Code ( 2) Plant Plant On Shift (3) Plant ' Plant On Shift (3)

Shift Supervisor 056 120.9 59.8 6 143 78.3 6 4

Asst. Shift Supervisor 063- 135 57.6 0 154.2 74.4 0 017 106.7 56.5 6 128.8 75 6 3

Control Room Operator 051 108.6 57 0 127.8 74.1 0 041 97 56.1 0 116.4 73.3 0 029 68.6 42.8 22 86.4 55.9 22 Unit Attendant (4) 045(6) 99.3 52.6 0 116.6 65.1 0 4

! Total (5) 461.5 230.5 541.2 300.1 1

l Standard 156 72 156 72 (1) Calculation of the weighted experience is shown on each individual's experience summary in Appendix C.

1 l (2) I.D. Codes refer to specific experience summaries in Appendix C.

i i (3) One SRO on each shift must have a minimum of 6 months hot participation experience at l a large BWR plant.

(4) In addition, one non-licensed auxiliary operator is assigned to each crew.

(5) For ease of comparison with NUMARC Shift Experience requirements (Table 1), this

summary includes only Shift Supervisor,~1st Assistant Shift Supervisor listed, and 1st I and 2nd Control Room Operators listed. ,

(6) This individual has since been promoted to the next higher position.





In Months (1) .

Projected Experience To Experience To December, 1984 To December, 1985 I.D. Power Nuclear Months Power Nuclear Months Shift Position Code (2) Plant Plant On Shift (3) Plant Plant On Shift (3)

Shift Supervisor 019 183.9 70.6 1 205 88.3 6 Asst. Shift Supervisor 039 74 34.3 0 93 51 0 046 126.7 49.5 6 148.8 68 6 Control Room Operator 016 112.8 42.8 0 131.8 59.8- 0 024 31 29.3 0 49.6 42.8 0 Unit Attendant (4) 045(6) 99.3 52.6. 0 116.6 65.1 0 Total (5) 401.7 177 479.4 241.9 +

Standard 156 72 156 72 (1) Calculation of the weighted experience is shown on each individual's experience summary in Appendix C. .

(2) I.D. Codes refer to specific experience summaries in Appendix C.

(3) One SRO on each shift must have a minimum of 6 months hot participation experience at ,

a large BWR plant.

(4) In addition, one non-licensed auxiliary operator is assigned to each crew.

(5) For ease of comparison with NUMARC Shift Experience requirements (Table 1), this summary includes only Shift Supervisor, 1st Assistant Shift Supervisor listed, and 1st and 2nd Control Room Operators listed.

(6) This individual has since been promoted to the next higher position.


t 4

APPENDIX C EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING OF PERSONNEL SCHEDULED TO BE LICENSED Individuals are identified by an I.D. Code rather than by name.

I f

1 k

l I

i C-1



1.D. CODE: 001 )

POSITION:. Unit Attendant Types of Experience A B C D E F lSRO/RO BWR 1.0 0 0 0 0 SRO/R0 PWR 0.75 .0 0 0 0 Navy Nuclear 36

.RO, EWS E00W, PPWS 0.50 33 16.5 33 16.5' l Other Navy' Nuclear 0.25 12 3 12 3

! Simulator 12 l

Clinton Specific 5.00 0 0 2 10 Simulator 3.00 3 9 3 2 i Clinton Experience On-Shift 24 Less Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.75 (12) 1 0.8 6 6.7

-More Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.50 (12) 26 12 26 12 Operational Experience at.

Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.75 12 0 0 0 0 Other Technical Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.25 12 0 0 0 0 Clinton License Class and Exas 0.50 9 0 0 8 4 Conduct Cle ini License Class 0.25 9 0 0 0 0 Degree _ (E- ering or Applied Science) 12 Bachel (12)

Associaten ( 6)

Equivalent (Semester Hours) 0.1 0 0 0 0 Technical And Operational Experience 0 0

. At Any Power Generating Facility Not Listed Above-I TOTALS 75 41.3 90 54.2 i

. COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE 1 A - NUMARC Weighting Factor E - Actual Months Projected to December,1985 B - NUMARC Maximum Credit Limit F - Weighted Months to Dec., 1985

- C - Actual Months, December, 1984 Not to Exceed Limit D - Weighted Months to Dec., 1984, Not to Exceed Limit LICENSE TRAINING Weeks of Training F G






Reactor Fundamentals -5

~ BWR Technology 4 Balance of Plant 4 BWR Operator Training 7 12 BWR Observation Training 0 4 Reactor Startup 1 Mitigating Reactor Core Damage 1 License-Review 9 9 TOTALS 22 12 13 9 COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE F - Completed Classwork G - Completed. Simulator H - Projected Classwork to December, 1985 "

I - Projected Simulator to December, 1985 C-2


' EXPERIENCE SUIGIARY I.D. CODE: 002 POSITION: Assistant Shif t Supervisor Types-of Experience A, B_ C, D, E, F, SRO/R0 BWR 1.0 0 0 0 0 SRO/R0 PWR 0.75 0 0 0 0 Navy Nuclear 36 4

RO EWS, E00W, PPWS 0.50 0= 0 0 0 Other Navy Nuclear 0.25 17 4.3 17 4.3 Simulator 12 Clinton Specific 5.00 0 0 2 10 Simulator 3.00 2 6 2 2 Clinton Experience On-Shift 24 Less Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.75 (12) 4 3 13.8 10.4 More Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.50 (12) 22 11 22 11 Operational Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.75 12 23' 12 23 12 Other Technical Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant .0.25 12 8 2 8 2

, Clinton License Class and Exam 0.50 9 0 0 8 4 conduct Clinton License Class 0.25 9 0 0 0 0

' Degree-(Engineering or Applied Science) 12 Bachelors (12)

Associates ( 6) Yes 6 Yes 6 Equivalent -(Semester Hours) 0.1 (10) 1 (10) 1 Technical And Operational Experience 4 4 At Any Power Generating Facility Not Listed Above TOTALS 80 45.3 99.8 62.7 CCLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE

'A - NUMARC Weighting Factor E - Actual Months Projected to December, 1985

B _NUMARC Maximum Credit Limit F - Weighted Months to Dec., 1985,

( C -_ Actual Months December, 1984 Not to Exceed Limit l D - Weighted Months to Dec., 1984, l Not to Exceed Limit

[ LICENSE TRAINING l Weeks of Training F G H




R: actor Fundamentals -5.4 I BWR Technology 4

[ . Balance of Plant 4 l BWR Operator Training 3 9 BWR Observation Training 4

. Raactor Startup 1 Mitigating Reactor Core Damage 1 License Review 9 9 TOTALS 22.4 9 9 9 l

COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE i F - Completed Classwork l G - Completed Simulator

, H - Projected Classwork to December, 1985 I - Projected _ Simulator to December, 1935 C-3 L



I.D. CODE: 003

. POSITION: Supervisor - Plant Operations Types of Experience A B C D E F SRO/R0 BWR 1.0 22 22 22 22 i SRO/R0 PWR 0.75 0 0 0 0 Navy Nuclear 36 RO, EWS, E00W, PPWS 0.50 18 9 18 9 Other Navy Nuclear- 0.25 40 10 40 10 g Simulator 12

.Clinton Specific 5.00 0 0 2 10 Simulator. 3.00- 2 6 2 2 Clinton Experience On-Shift 24 Less Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.75 (12) 0 0 0 0 More Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.50 (12) 0 0 0 0 Operational Experience at- f Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.75 12 .18 12 18 12

. Other Technical Experience at

-Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.25 12 93.5 12 93.5 .12 Clinton License Class and Exam 0.50- 9 0 0 7.8 3.4 Conduct Clinton License Class 0.25 9 0 0 0 0 Degree (Engineering or Applied Science) 12 Bachelors (12)

Associates ( 6)

Equivalent (Semester Hours) 0.1 (44) 4.4 (44) 4.4 Technical And Operational Experience 0 0

. At Any Power Generating Facility Not Listed Above TOTALS 193.5 T4 25T"3 84.8 1 COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE

A - NUMARC Weighting Factor E - Actual Months Projected to December,1985 B - NUMARC Maximum Credit Limit F - Weighted Months to Dec., 1985, C - Actual Months, December, 1984 Not to Exceed Limit

'D - Weighted Months to Dec., 1984, Not to Exceed Limit LICENSE TRAINING Weeks of Training F



I i Reactor Fundamentals. 5 BWR Technology 5 Balance of Plant 5 BWR Operator Training 3 9 BWR Observation Training 0 Reactor Startup 1 Mitigating Reactor Core Damage 1

-License Review 9 9


TOTALS 20 9 9 9 COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE t F - Completed Classwork G - Completed Simulator

'N - Projected Classwork to December, 1985 I - Projected Simulator to December, 1985 C-4


'I.D. CODE: 004 .

' POSITION: Operations Engineer

. Types of Experience A _

B C 'D E F SRO/R0 BWR 1.0 0 0 0 0 SRO/R0 PWR 0.75 0 0 0 0 Navy Nuclear 36 RO, EWS, E00W, PPWS 0.50 19 9.5 19 9.5 Other Navy: Nuclear. 0.25 25 6.3 25 6.3 Simulator 12 Clinton Specific 5.00 0 0 2 10 Simulator 3.00 3 9 3 2 Clinton Experience On-Shift 24' Less Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.75 (12) 0 0 0 0 More Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.50 (12) 0 0 0 0 Operational Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.75 12 0 0 0 0

-Other Technical Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.25 12 7 1.8 13.2 3.3

'Clinton License Class and Exam 0.50 9 0 0 7 3.5 Conduct Clinton License Class 0.25 9 0 0 0 0 Degree (Engineering or Applied Science) 12 Bachelors (12) Yes 12 Yes 12 Associates ( 6)

-Equivalent (Semester Hours) 0.1 Technical And Operational Experience 0 0 At Any Power Generating Facility Not Listed Above TOTALS 54 38.6 69.2 46.6 COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE A - NUMARC Weighting Factor E - Actual Months Projected to December,'1985

B - NUMARC Maximum Credit Limit F - Weighted Months to Dec., 1985, C - Actual Months, December, 1984 Not to Exceed Limit D - Weighted Months to Dec., 1984, Not to Exceed Limit LICENSE TRAINING Weeks of Training F G H

I R: actor Fundamentals 5.6 BWR Technology 0 4 Balance of Plant 0 4 BWR Operator Training 6 11 BWR Observation Training 0 4 R: actor Startup 2 Mitigating Reactor Core Damage 1

. License Review 9 9 TOTALS 9.6 11 21 9 COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE F - Completed Classwork G - Completed Simulator H - Projected Classwork to December, 1985 1 - Projected Simulator to December, 1985 C-5

EXPERIENCE SUNMARY I.D. CODE: 005 POSITION: Supervisor - Results Types of Experience A B C D E F  ;

SRO/R0 BWR 1.0 0 0 0 0 SRO/R0 PWR 0.75 0 0 0 0 Navy Nuclear 36 i RO, EWS, EDOW, PPWS 0.50 0 0 0 0 l Other Navy Nuclear 0.25 0 0 0 0 Simulator 12 l Clinton Specific. 5.00 0 0 2 10 Simulator 3.00 3 9 3 2 Clinton Experience On-Shift 24 Less Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.75 (12) 0 0 0 0 More Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.50 (12) 0 0 0 0 Operational Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.75 12 0 0 0 0 Other Technical Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.25 12' 56.1 12 63.5 12 Clinton License Class and Exam 0.50 9 0 0 6 3 Conduct Clinton License Class 0.25 9 0 0 0 0 Degree (Engineering or Applied Science) 12 Bachelors (12) Yes 12 Yes 12 Associates ( 6)

Equivalent (Semester Hours) 0.1 Technical And Operational Experience 0 0 At Any Power Generating Facility Not Listed Above TOTALS 59.1 33 74.5 39 COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE A - NUMARC Weighting Factor E - Actual Months Projected to December, 1985 B - NUMARC Maximum Credit Limit F - Weighted Months to Dec., 1985, C - Actual Months, December, 1984 Not to Exceed Limit D - Weighted Months to Dec., 1984, Not to Exceed Limit LICENSE TRAINING Weeks of Training F G






Reactor' Fundamentals 6 BWR Technology 0 5 Balance of Plant 0 5

'BWR Operator Training 6 11 BWR Observation Training 0 Reactor Startup 0 Mitigating Reactor Core Damage 0 i License Review 9 9 TOTALS 6 11 20 9 COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE F - Completed Classwork G - Completed Simulator H - Projected Classwork to December, 1985 I - Projected Simulator to December, 1985 C-6



I.D. CODE:-.006 POSITION: Operations Instructor Types of Experience A B C D E F SRO/R0 BWR 1.0 0 0 0 0 SRO/R0 PWR. 0.75 0 0 0 0 Navy Nuclear 36 RO, EWS, E00W, PPWS 0.50 121 36 121 36-Other Navy Nuclear 0.25 18 0 18 0 Simulator 12 Clinton Specific 5.00 0 0 2 10 Simulator 3.00 3 9 3 2 Clinton Experience On-Shift 24 Less Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.75 (12) 0 0 0 0 More Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.50 (12) 0 0 0 0 Operational Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.75 12 0 0 0 0 Other Technical Experience at commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.25 12 1 0.3 5.2 1.3 Clinton License Class and Exam 0.50 9 0 0 8.8 4.4 Conduct Clinton License Class 0.25 9 0 0 0 0 Degree (Engineering or Applied Science) 12 Bachelors (12)

Associates ( 6)

Equivalent (Semester Hours) 0.1 0 0 0 0 Technical And Operational Experience 0 0 At Any Power Generating Facility Not Listed Above TOTALS 143 45.3 158 53.7 COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE A - NUMARC Weighting Factor E - Actual Months Projected to December, 1985 B - NUMARC Maximum Credit Limit F - Weighted Months to Dec., 1985, C - Actual Months, December, 1984 Not to Exceed Limit D - Weighted Months to Dec., 1984, Not to Exceed Limit LICENSE TRAINING Weeks of Training F G H I


R: actor Fundamentals 0 ~5 BWR Technology 0 5 Balance of Plant- 0 5 BWR Operator Training 8 11 BWR abservation Training 0 4 R actor Startup 0 1 Mitigating Reactor Core Damage 0 1 License Review 0 9 9 TOTALS 8 11 30 9

~ COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE F - Completed Classwork C - Completed Simulator H - Projected Classwork to December, 1985 I - Projected Simulator to December, 1985 C-7



-I.D. CODE: 007 POSITION: Assistant Shift Supervisor Types of Experience A B C D E. F l

, SRO/R0 BWR 1.0 0 0 0 0 SR0/RO. PWR 0.75 0 0 0 0 i Navy Nuclear 36

.RO, EWS, E00W, PPWS 0.50 24 12 24 12 Other Navy Nuclear 0.25 28 7 28 7 Simulator 12 Clinton Specific 5.00 0 0 2 10 Simulator 3.00- 2 6 2 2 Clinton Experience On-Shift 24 ,

Less-Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.75 (12) 4 3 7.9 5.9 More Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.50 (12) 33.5 12 33.5 12 Operational Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.75 12 1 0.8 6 4.5 Other Technical Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.25 12 6 1.5 6 1.5 Clinton License Class and Exam 0.50 9 0 0 7.4 3.7 Conduct Clinton License Class 0.25 9 0 0 0 0 Degree (Engineering or Applied Science) 12 Bachelots (12)

Associates ( 6)

Equivalent (Semester Hours) 0.1 (72) 7.2 (72) 7.2 Technical And Operational Experience 0 0 At Any Power Generating Facility Not Listed Above TOTALS TF 5 Tf 5 TTC8 TsT.T COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE A - NUMARC Weighting Factor. E - Actual Months Projected to December, 1985 B - NUMARC Maximum Credit Limit F - Weighted Months to Dec., 1985 C - Actual Months, December, 1984 Not to Exceed Limit D - Weighted Months to Dec., 1984 Not to Exceed, Limit LICENSE TRAINING Weeks of Training F G H I i - - - -

Reactor Fundamentals 7 BWR Technology 4 Balance of Plant 3 BWR Operator Training 3 9 BWR Observation Training 4, Reactor Startup 1

!- Mitigating Reactor Core Damage 1 License Review 9 9 TOTALS 23 9 9 9 COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE F - Completed Classwork G - Completed Simulator H - Projected Classwork to December,1985 1 - Projected Simulator to December, 1985 C-8



I.D. CODE: 008 POSITION: Shift Supervisor Types of Experience A B C D E F

'SRO/R0 BWR. 1.0 12 12 12 12 SRO/R0 PWR O.75 0 0 0 0

' Navy Nuclear 36 RO, EWS, E00W, PPWS 0.50 0 0 0 0' Other Navy Nuclear 0.25 46 11.5 46 11.5 Simulator 12 Clinton Specific 5.00 0 0 2 10 Simulator 3.00 2 6 2 2 Clinton Experience On-Shift 24 Less Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.75 (12) 4- 3 13.8 10.4 More Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.50 (12) 42 12 42 12 Operational Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.75 12 34 12 34 12 0ther Technical Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.25 12 -49.2 12 49.2 12

-Clinton License Class and Exam 0.50 9 0 0 6.6 3.3 Conduct Clinton License Class 0.25 9 0 0- 0 0 Degree (Engineering or Applied Science) 12

. Bachelors (12)

Associates ( 6)

Equivalent (Semester Hours) 0.1 (53) 5.3 (53) 5.3 Technical And Operational Experience 0 0 At Any Power Generating Facility Not Listed Above TOTALS 189.2 73.8 207.6 90.5 COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE A - NUMARC Weighting Factor, E - Actual Months Projected to December, 1985 B - NUMARC Maximum Credit Limit F - Weighted Months to Dec., 1985, C - Actual Months, December, 1984 Not to Exceed Limit

D - Weighted Months to Dec. ,1984, Not to Exceed Limit LICENSE TRAINING Weeks of Training F ~





Reactor Fundamentals ~5 BWR Technology 5

-Balance of Plant 5 BWR Operator Training 3 9 BWR Observation Training 0 Reactor Startup 1 Mitigating Reactor Core Damage 1 License Review' 9 9 TOTALS 20 9 9 9

. COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE F - Completed Classwork G - Completed Simulator H.- Projected Classwork to December, 1985 I - Projected Simulator to December, 1985 C-9



I.D. CODE: 009 POSITION: Control Room Operator A D, E F, Types of Experience B, C_

1.0 0 0 0 0 SR0/R0 BWR 0 0 0 0.75 0 SRO/R0 PWR Navy Nuclear 36 0.50 61 30.5 61 30.5 RO, EWS, E00W, PPWS 0.25 6 1.5 6 1.5

'Other Navy Nuclear Simulator 12 5.00 0 0 2 10 Clinton Specific 3.00 3 9 3 2 Simulator Clinton-Experience On-Shift 24 Less Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.75 (12) 5 3.8 13.8 10.4 0.50 (12) 17.9 9 17.9 9 More'Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load Operational Experience at 0 0 0.75 12 0 0 Commercial Nuclear Power Plant Other Technical Experience at 4 4 .1 Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.25 12 1 0.50 9 0 0 8 4 Clinton License Class and Exam 0 0 0 0.25 9 0 Conduct Clinton License Class

- Degree (Engineering or Applied Science) 12 Bachelors (12)

Associates ( 6) 0.1 0 0 0 0 Equivalent (Semester Hours) 0 JTechnical And Operational Experience 0 At Any Power Generating Facility Not Listed Above 115.7 68.4 TOTALS 96.9 54.8 COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE A - NUMARC Weighting Factor E - Actual Months Projected to December, 1985 B - NUMARC Maximum Credit Limit F - Weighted Months to Dec., 1985, C - Actual Months December, 1984 Not to Exceed Limit D Weighted Months to Dec., 1984, Not to Exceed Limit

. LICENSE TRAINING Weeks of Training F G

- ~

H ~



Reactor Fundamentals 5 BWR Technology 5 4

Balance of Plant BWR Operator Training 6 11 BWR Observation Training 4 1

Reactor Startup 1

Mitigating Reactor Core Damage 9 9

License Review TOTALS 26 11 9 9 COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE F - Completed Classwork G - Completed Simulator  ;

H - Projected Classwork to December, 1985 I - Projected Simulator to December, 1985 C-10



~I.D. CODE: 010 POSITION: Unit Attendant 1 Types of Experience' A B C. D j[ . ][

p SRO/ROl BWR 1.0 0 0 0 0

_ SRO/R0 PWR 0.75 0 0 0 0

< Navy Nuclear 36 RO, EWS, E00W, PPWS 0.50 29 14.5 29 14.5 Other Navy Nuclear 0.25 0 0 0 0

Simulator 12

~ Clinton' Specific -5.00 0 0 2 10 Simulator 3.00 3 9 3 2

~Clinton Experience On-Shift- :24 Less Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.75 (12) 0 0 7.7 5.8 More Than 1-1/2 Years to_ Fuel Load 10.50 (12) 10 5 10 5-

Operational Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.75 12 0 0 0 0 Other Technical Experience at _

Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.25 12- 3 0.8 3- 0.8 Clinton License Class'and Exam 0.50 9 0 0 7.' 4 3. 7 -

= Conduct Clinton License Class 0.25 9 0 0 0 0

-Degree-(Engineering or Applied Science) 12 Bachelors (12)

Associates ( 6)

. Equivalent (Semester Hours) 0.1 0 0 0 0 Technical And Operational Experience 0 0 At Any Power Generating Facility Not Listed Above TOTALS 45 29.3- 62.1 41.8 1- COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE A NUMARC-Weighting Factor E - Actual Months Projected to December, 1985 B'- NUMARC Maximum Credit Limit' F - Weighted Months to Dec., 1985,

- C - Actual Months, December,-1984~ Not to Exceed Limit D - Weighted Months to Dec.,'1984, Not to Exceed Limit LICENSE TRAINING Weeks of Training F ~



4 Rsactor Fundamentals -3


BWR Technology 5

. Balance of-Plant 4 BWR Operator Training 6 11

- BWR Observation Training 0 4 Racetor Startup .

O Mitigating Reactor Core Damage 0 1

- License Review 9 9 4

TOTALS 18 11 14 9 COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE i- F - Completed Classwork

-G - Completed Simulator H - Projected Classwork to December, 1985 I - Projected Simulator to December,1985



-y , ,,-=+=,me ,--,--v#ev.e p.w.,.,_m., , ,



I.D. CODE: 011 j POSITION: Supervisor - Training Facilities Types of. Experience A B C D E 'F SRO/R0 BWR 1.0 23 23 23 23 SRO/R0 PWR 0.75 0 0 0 0 )

' Navy Nuclear .36 RO, EWS, E00W, PPWS 0.50 0 0 0 0 Other Navy Nuclear 0.25 32 8 32 8 Simulator 12 Clinton Specific 5.00 0 0 2 10 Simulator 3.00 2 6 2 2 Clinton Experience On-Shift 24 Less Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.75 (12) 0 0 0 0 More Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.50 (12) 0 0 0 0 Operational Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.75 12 13 9.8 13 9.8 Other Technical Experience at

. Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.25 12 50 12 56 12 Clinton License Class and Exam 0.50 9 0- 0 4.8 2.4 0.25 9-

-Conduct Clinton License Class 0 0 l) 0 Degree (Engineering or Applied Science) 12 Bachelors' (12)

Associates ( 6) Yes 6 'Yes 6 Equivalent'(Semester Hours) 0.1 (73) 6 (73) 6 Technical And Operational Experience- 0 0 At Any Power Generating Facility

, Not Listed Above TOTALS 120 70.8 132.8 79.2 COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE A - NUMARC Weighting Factor E - Actual Months-Projected to December, 1985 B - NUMARC Maximum Credit Limit F - Weighted Months to Dec., 1985, e C - Actual Months, December,'1984 Not to Exceed. Limit' D - Weighted Months to Dec., 1984, Not to Exceed Limit LICENSE TRAINING

, Weeks of Training F G



~ ~

I Reactor Fundamentals 0 BWR Technology 0 4 Balance of Plant 0 4 l

BWR Operator Training 3 9

_ BWR Observation Training , O Reactor Startup 0 Mitigating Reactor Core Damage 1 .

License Review 9 9 TOTALS 4 9 17 9 COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE F - Completed Classwork G - Completed Simulator H - Projected Classwork to December, 1985 1 - Projected Simulator to December, 1985 C-12



I.D. CODE:-012 POSITION: Assistant Plant Manager - Operations Types of Experience A B C D E F SRO/R0 BWR 1.0 0 0 0 0 SRO/RO. PWR 0.75 0 0 0 0 Navy Nuclear 36 R0, EWS, E00W, PPWS 0.50 0 0 0 0 Other Navy Nuclear 0.25 0 0 0 0 Simulator 12 Clinton Specific 5.00 0 0 2 10 Simulator 3.00- 2 6 2 2 Clinton Experience On-Shift _24 Less Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.75 (12) 0 0 0 0 More'Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.50 (12) 0- 0 0 0 Operational Experience at.

Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.75 12 0 0 0 0 Other Technical Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.25 12 110 12 118.8 12 Clinton License Class and Exam 0.50 9 0' O 7.6 3.8 Conduct Clinton License Class 0.25 9 0 0 0 0 Degree (Engineering or Applied Science) 12 Bachelors (12) Yes 12 Yes 12 Associates ( 6)

Equivalent (Semester Hours) 0.1 Technical And Operational Experience 0 0 At Any Power Generating Facility Not Listed Above TOTALS 112 30 130.4 39.8


, A - NUMARC Weighting Factor E - Actual Months Projected to December, 1985 B - NUMARC Maximum Credit Limit F - Weighted Months to Dec., 1985, C - Actual Months, December, 1984 Not to Exceed Limit-

- D - Weighted Months to Dec., 1984, Not to Exceed Limit LICENSE TRAINING Weeks of Training

! F





Rsactor Fundamentals 5 BWR Technology 5

Balance of Plant 5 BWR Operator Training 3 9 BWR Observation Training 4 Rsactor Startup. 1 Mitigating Reactor Core Damage 1 License Review 9 9 i

TOTALS 24 9 9 9 COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE F.- Completed Classwork l G - Completed Simulator I

H - Projected Classwork to December, 1985 I - Projected Simulator to December,1985 C-13 E.



I.D. CODE: 013

-POSITION: lQA. Engineer Types of Experience A B_ C D, E, F

.SR0/R0 BWR 1.0 -0 0 O _. 0-SRO/R0 PWR 0.75 0 0 0 0

. Navy Nuclear 36 RO, EWS, E00W PPWS 0.50 0 0 0 0 I Other Navy Nuclear 'O.25 0 0 0 0 Simulator 12 Clinton Specific 5.00 0 0 .2 10 Simulator 3.00 3 9 3 2 Clinton Experience On-Shift 24 Less Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.75 (12) 0 0 0 0 More Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.50 (12) 0 0 0 0 Operational Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.75 12 0 0 0 0 Other Technical Experience at

' Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.25 12 24.1 6 32.8 8.2 Clinton License Class and Exas 0.50 9 0' O ,9.6 4.8 Conduct Clinton License Class 0.25 9 0 0 0 0 Degree (Engineering or Applied Science) 12 Bachelors (12) Yes 12 Yes 12 Associates ( 6)

Equivalent (Semester Hours) 0.1 Technical And Operational Experience 0 0 At Any Power Generating Facility Not Listed Above TOTALS 27.1 27 47.4 37 COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE A.- NUMARC Weighting Factor E - Actual Months Projected to December, 1985 B - NUMARC Maximum Credit Limit F - Weighted Months to Dec., 1985, C - Actual Months, December, 1984 Not to Exceed Limit .

D - Weighted Months to Dec., 1984, Not to Exceed-Limit LICENSE TRAINING Weeks of Training F



- ~

I Reactor Fundamentals 5

~BWR Technology 8 Balance of Plant 8 BWR Operator Training 6 11 BWR Observation Training 4 Reactor Startup 1 Mitigating Reactor Core Damage 0 1

. License Review 9 9 TOTALS 32 11 10 9 l

COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE F - Completed Classwork G - Completed Simulator H -- Projected Classwork to December,1985 I - Projected Simulator to December, 1985 C-14


. .~



'I.D. CODE: '014 POSITION: QA' Engineer

. Types of Experience A B C D E F SR0/R0- BWR 1.0 0 0 0 0 SRO/R0 PWR 0.75 0 0 0 0 Navy Nuclear 36 RO, EWS, E00W, PPWS 0.50 0 0 0 0 0ther Navy Nucicar 0.25 0 0 0 0 Simulator 12

.Clinton Specific 5.00 0 0 2 10 Simulator 3.00 3 9 3 2

-Clinton Experience On-Shift 24 Less Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.75 (12) 0 0 0 0 More-Than 1-1/2 Years to Puel Load 0.50 (12) 0 0 0 0 Operational Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.75 12 0 0 0 0 Other Technical Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.25 12 34 8.5 42.8 10.7-TC11nton License Class and Exam 0.50 9 0 0 7.8 3.9-Conduct Clinton License Class 0.25 9 0 0 0 0 Degree (Engineering or Applied Science) 12 Bachelors (12) Yes 12 Yes 12 Associates ( 6)

Equivalent (Semester Hours) 0.1 Technical And Operational Experience' O O At Any Power Generating Facility Not Listed Above 55.6 38.6 TOTALS 37 2F75 COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE A - NUMARC Weighting Factor E - Actual Months Projected to December,1985 B - NUMARC Maximum Credit Limit F - Weighted Months to Dec.,1985, LC - Actual Months, December, 1984 Not to Exceed Limit D - Weighted Months to Dec., 1984, Not to Exceed Limit LICENSE TRAINING Weeks of Training F








Rasctor Fundamentals 5 BWR Technology 4 Balance of Plant 4

-BWR Operator Training 6 11 BWR Observation Training 4 i Rsactor Startup 1 Mitigating Reactor Core Damage 0 1 License Review 9 9 TOTALS 24 11 10 9 COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE F - Completed Classwork i G . Completed Simulator H - Projected Classwork to December, 1985 1 - Projected Simulator to December, 1985 C-15

- .---.1--.- . . . _ , - _ - . - - - . . . - - - - _ . - . . - . - . - . .



I.D. CODE: 015-POSITION: Assistant Shift Supervisor Types of Experience A, B, C, D, E, . F, SRO/R0 BWR 1.0 0 0 0 0 SRO/R0 PWR. 0.75 0 0 0 0 Navy Nuclear 36 R0, EWS, E00W, PPWS 0.50 31 15.5 31 15.5 0ther Navy Nuclear 0.25 17 4.3 17 4.3 Simulator 12 Clinton Specific 5.00 0 0 2 10 Simulator 3.00 2 6 2 2 Clinton Experience On-Shift 24 Less Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.75 (12) 0 0 9.9 7.4 More Than-1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.50 (12) 19.8 9.9 19.8 9.9 Operational Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.75 12 6 4.5 6 4.5 Other Technical Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.25 12 38 9.5 38 9.5 Clinton License Class and Exam 0.50 9 0 0 10.2 5.1

' Conduct Clinton License Class 0.25 9 0 0 0 0 Degree (Engineering or Applied Science) 12 Bachelors (12)

Associates ( 6) Yes 6 Yes 6 Equivalent (Semester Hours) 0.1 0 0 0 0

' Technical And Operational Experience 0 0 At Any Power Generating Facility Not Listed Above TOTALS 113.8 55.7 135.9 74.2 COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE A - NUMARC Weighting Factor E - Actual Months Projected to December, 1985 B - NUMARC Maximum Credit Limit F - Weighted Months to Dec., 1985, C - Actual Months, December,' 1984 Not to Exceed Limit D - Weighted Months to Dec., 1984, Not to Exceed Limit LICENSE TRAINING Weeks of Training F G H

~ ~

I Reactor Fundamentals 12 BWR. Technology 5 Balance of Plant 5 BWR Operator Training 7 9 BWR Observation Training 4

. Reactor Startup' 1 Mitigating Reactor Core Damage 1 License Review 9 9 TOTALS 35 9 9 9 COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE F - Completed Classwork G - Completed Simulator H - Projected Classwork to December, 1985 I - Projected Simulator to December, 1985 C-16



I.D. CODE: 016 LPOSITION:~ Control Room Operator Types'of Experience A B C D E F SRO/R0 BWR 1.0 0 0 0 0 SRO/R0 PWR ~0.75 0 0 0 0 Navy Nuclear . .

36 RO, EWS, E00W, PPWS 0.50 0 ~0 0 0 Other Navy Nuclear 0.25 77 19.3 77 19.3 Simulator 12 Clinton Specific 5.00 0 0 2 10' Simulator 3.00 2 6 2 2 Clinton Experience On-Shift 24 Less Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.75 (12) ~4 3 13.8 10.4 More Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.50 (12) 21.8 10.9 21.8 10.9 Operational Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.75 12 0 0 0 0 Other Technical Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.25 12 8 2 8 2 Clinton License Class and Exam 0.50 9. 0 0 7.2 3.6 Conduct Clinton License Class 0.25 9 0 0 0 0 Degree (Engineering or Applied Science) 12 Bachelors (12)

Associates ( 6)

Equivalent (Semester Hours) 0.1 (16) 1.6 (16) 1.6 Technical And Operational Experience 0 0 At Any Power Generating Facility Not Listed Above TOTALS 112.8 42.8 131.8 3I75 COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE A - NUMARC Weighting Factor E - Actual Months Projected to December,1985 B - NUMARC Maximum Credit Limit F - Weighted Months to Dec., 1985, C - Actual Months, December, 1984 Not to Exceed Limit D - Weighted Months to Dec., 1984 Not to Exceed Limit LICENSE TRAINING Weeks of Training F G



~ ~

I R:setor Fundamentals 5.4 BWR Technology 4 Balance of Plant 4 BWR Operator Training 3 9 BWR Observation Training 4 R: actor Startup 1 Mitigating Reactor Core Damage 1 License Review 9 9 TOTALS YT!I 9 9 9 COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE F - Completed Classwork C - Completed Simulator H - Projected Classwork to December, 1985 I - Projected Simulator to December, 1985 C-17



I.D. CODE: 017-POSITION:. Assistant Shift Supervisor Types of Experience A B C D E F SRO/R0 BWR 4.0 0 0 0- 0 SR0/R0 PWR 0.75 0 0 0 0 Navy Nuclear 36 RO, EWS, E00W, PPWS 0.50 27 13.5 27 13.5 Other Navy Nuclear 0.25 22 5.5 22 5.5 Simulator 12 ,

Clinton Specific 5.00 0 0 2 10 i Simulator 3.00 2 6 2 2 Clinton Experience On-Shift 24 Less Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.75 (12) 0 0 9.9 7.4 More Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.50 -(12) 37.7 12 37.7 12 Operational Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.75 12 6 4.5 6 4.5 Other Technical Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.25 12 12 3 12 3 Clinton License Class and Exam 0.50 9 0 0 10.2 5.1 Conduct Clinton License Class 0.25 9 0 0 0 0 Degree (Engineering or Applied Science) 12 Bachelors (12)

Associates ( 6) Yes 6 Yes 6 Equivalent (Semester Hours) 0.1 (74) 6 (74) 6 Technical And Operational Experience 0 0 At Any Power Generating Facility Not Listed Above TOTALS 106.7 56.5 128.8 75 00LUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE A - NUMARC Weighting Factor E - Actual Months Projected to December, 1985 B - NUMARC Maximum Credit Limit F - Weighted Months to Dec., 1985, C - Actual Months, December, 1984 Not to Exceed Limit D - Weighted Months to Dec., 1984, Not to Exceed Limit LICENSE TRAINING Weeks of Training F G H

I Reactor Fundamentals I6 BWR Technology 5 Balance of Plant 5 BWR Operator Training 3 9 BWR Observation Training 4 Reactor Startup 1 Mitigating Reactor Core Damage 1 License Review 9 9 TOTALS 35 9 9 9 COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE F - Completed Classwork G - Completed Simulator H - Projected Classwork to December, 1985 1 - Projected Simulator to December, 1985 C-18 u __

._ _ _ . __ __ _ m . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _



~ I.D. CODE:.018 POSITION: Control Room Operator Types of Experience A B C D E F SRO/R0 BWR 1.0 0 0 0 0 SRO/R0 PWR 0.75 0 0 0 0 Navy Nuclear- 36

.RO, EWS, E00W, PPWS 0.50 16 8 16 8 Other Navy Nuclear. 0.25 0 0 0 0 Simulator 12 Clinton Specific .a 5.00 0 0 2 10 Simulator e x : r' ' 3.00 2 6 2 2 i Clinton Experience On-Shift 24 Less Than 1-1/2. Years to Fuel Load 0.75 (12) 4 3 13.8 10.4 i

More Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.50 (12) 19 9.5 19 9.5 Operat'ional Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.75 12 0 0 0 0

Other Technical Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.25 12 17 4.3 17 4.3 Clinton License Class and Exam 0.50 9 0 0 7.6 3.8 Conduct Clinton License Class 0.25 9 0 0 0 0 Degree (Engineering or Applied Science) 12 Bachelors (12)

Associates ( 6)

Equivalent (Semester Hours) 0.1 0 0 0 0 Technical And Operational Experience 0 0 At Any Power Generating Facility Not Listed Above 4

TOTALS T M 7TT 48 COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE A - NUMARC Weighting Factor E - Actual Months Projected to December, 1985 B - NUMARC Maximum Credit Limit F - Weighted Months to Dec., 1985, C - Actual Months, December, 1984 Not to Exceed Limit -

D - Weighted Months to Dec., 1984, '

Not to Exceed Limit Weeks of Training F



~ -

I Recetor Fundamentals 5.5 .

- BWR Technology 4 Balance of Plant 4 BWR Operator Training 4 9 BWR Observation Training 4 ,

R: actor Startup 1 j Mitigating Reactor Core Damage 1 License Review 9 9 l

TOTALS 23.5 9 9 9 COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE F - Completed Classwork  ;

G - Completed Simulator i H - Projected Classwork to December,1985 I - Projected Simulator to December, 1985




-I.D. CODE: 019 POSITION: Shift Supervisor Types of Experience A B C D E F SRO/R0 BWR 1.0 0 0 0 0 SRO/RO PWR 0.75 0 0 0 0 Navy Nuclear 36 i RO, EWS, E00W, PPWS 0.50 35 17.5 35 17.5. !

Other Navy Nuclear- 0.25 72 18 72 18 i Simulator 12  :

Clinton Specific 5.00 0 0 2 10 Simulator 3.00 2 6 2 2 Clinton Experience On-Shift 24 Less.Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.75 (12) 4 3 7.9 5.9 More Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.50 (12) 41.8 12 41.8 12 Operational Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.75 12 1 0.8 6 4.5

'Other Technical Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.25 12 24.1 6 24.1 6 Clinton License Class and Exas- 0.50 9 0 0 10.2 5.1 Conduct Clinton License Class 0.25 9 0 0 0 0 Degree-(Engineering or Applied Science) 12 Bachelors (12)

Associates ( 6)

Equivalent (Scaester Hours) 0.1 (73) 7.3 (73) 7.3 Technical And Operational Experience 4 4 At Any Power Generating Facility Not Listed Above TOTALS 183.9 76 I E W"I COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE A - NUMARC Weighting Factor E - Actual Months Projected to December, 1985

'B.- NUMARC Maximum Credit Limit F - Weighted Months to Dec., 1985 C - Actual Months, December, 1984 Not to Exceed Limit D - Weighted Months to Dec., 1984, Not to Exceed Limit LICENSE TRAINING Weeks of Training F G H

- ~

I Reactor Fundamentals 16 BWR Technology 5 Balance of Plant 5 BWR Operator Training 3 9 BWR Observation Training 4 Reactor Startup 1 Mitigating Reactor Core Dawage 1 License Review 9 9 TOTALS T 9 9 9 COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE F - Completed Classwork G - Completed Simulator H - Projected Classwork to December, 1985 I - Projected Simulator to December, 1985 C-20



LI.D. CODE: 020 POSITION: Control Room Operator-Types of Experience A- B C D E F

-SRO/R0 BWR 1.0 0 0 0 0 SRO/R0 PWR 0.75 0 0 0 0 ,

Navy Nuclear 36 RO, EWS, E00W, PPWS 0.50 33 16.5 33 16.5 Other Navy Nuclear 0.25 10 2.5 10 2.5 Simulator 12  !

Clinton Specific 5.00 0 0 2 10 Simulator. 3.00 3 9 3 2 Clinton Experience On-Shift 24 4 Less Than 1-1/2. Years to Fuel Load 0.75 (12) 5 3.8 13.8 10.4 j More Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.50 (12) 8 4 8 4 Operational Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.75 12 0 0 0 0 Other Technical Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.25 12 5 1.3 5 1.3 Clinton License Class and Exam 0.50 9 0 0 7.4 3.7 conduct Clinton License Class 0.25 9 0 0 0 0 Degree (Engineering or Applied Science) 12 Bachelors (12)

Associates . ( 6) i Equivalent (Semester Hours) 0.1 (5) 0.5 (5) 0.5 i Technical And Operational Experience 0 0 i At Any Power Generating Facility Not Listed Above I TOTALS 64 3TT II~f 35 f COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE A - NUMARC Weighting Factor E - Actual Months Projected to December,81985 B - NUMARC Maximum Credit Limit F - Weighted Months to Dec., 1985, C - Actual Months December, 1984 Not to Exceed Limit >

D - Weighted Months to Dec., 1984 Not to Exceed Limit i LICENSE TRAINING

! Weeks of Training i F G



~ ~


R: actor Fundamentals ~5 f BWR Technology 4 Balance of Plant 2

-BWR Operator Training 6 11 BWR Observation Training 4 R actor Startup 1 Mitigating Reactor Core Damage 1 License Review 9 9 TOTALS IT"~ 11 9 9 i

COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE F - Completed Classwork G - Completed Simulator H - Projected Classwork to December,1985 j 1 - Projected Simulator to December, 1985 C-21

EXPERIENCE StBOIARY I.D. CODE: 021 POSITION:-' Lead.Startup Engineer

. Types of Experience A B C D E F SRO/R0 BWR 1.0 0 0 0 0 SRO/R0 PWR 0.75 0 0 0 0 Navy Nuclear 36 RO, EWS, E00W. PPWS 0.50 50 25 50 25 Other Navy Nuclear 0.25 0. 0 0 0 Simulator 12 Clinton Specific 5.00 0 0 2 10 Simulator 3.00 2 6 2 2 Clinton Experience On-Shift 24 Less than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load a0.75 (12) 0 0 0 0 More Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.50 (12) 0 0 0 0 Operational Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant. 0.75 12 0 0 0 0 Other Technical Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.25 12 52.5 12 61.3 12 Clinton License Class and Exam 0.50 9 0 0 6.4 3.2 Conduce Clinton License Class 0.25 9 0 0 0 0 Dearee (Engineering or Applied Science) 12 Bachelors (12) Yes 12 Yes 12 Associates ( 6)

Equivalent-(Semester Hours) 0.1 Technical And Operational Experience 0 0 At Any Power Generatina Facility Not Listed Above TOTALS 104.5 F E7 ICI COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE

'A - NUMARC Weighting Factor E - Actual Months Projected to December,1985 B - NUMARC Maximum Credit Limit F - Weighted Months to Dec., 1985 C - Actual Months December, 1984 Not to Exceed Limit D - Weighted Months to Dec., 19d4, Not to Exceed Limit' ,

LICENSE TRAINING Weeks of Trainina F G






Reactor Fundamentals ~0 BWR Technology 5 Balance of Plant 5 BWR Operator Training 3 9 BWR Observation Training 4 Reactor Startup 1

^ Mitigating Reactor Core Damage 1 License Review 9 9 TOTALS 19 9 9 9 COLUMN HEADIliG CROSS REFERENCE F - Completed Classwork G - Completed Simulator H - Projected Classwork to December, 1985 1 - Projected Simulator to December, 1985 C-22



I.D. CODE: 022 POSITION: Control Room Operator Types of Experience A B C D E F SRO/R0 BWR 1.0 0 0 0 0 SRO/R0 PWR 0.75 0 0 0 0 Navy Nuclear 36 RO, EWS, E00W, PPWS 0.50 0 0 0 0 Other Navy Nuclear 0.25 48 12 48 12 Sirulator 12 Clinton Specific 5.00 0 0 2 10 Simulator 3.00 3 9 3 2 Clinton Experience On-Shift 24 Less Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.75 (12) 4 3 13.8 10.4 More Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.50 (12) 18.5 9.3 18.5 9.3 Operational Experience at Commercial Nuclear Fower Plant 0.75 12 0 0 0 0 Other Technical Experience at

, Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.25 12 1 0.3 1 0.3 Clinton License class and Exam 0.50 9 0 0 9 4.5 Conduct Clinton License Class 0.25 9 0 0 0 0 Degree (Engineering or Applied Science) 12 Bachelora (12)

Associates ( 6)

Equivalent (Semester Hours) 0.1 0 0 0 0 Technical And Operational Experience 0 0 At Any Power Generating Facility Not Listed Above TOTALS 7T3 33.6 95.3 WT COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE


A - NUMARC Weighting Factor E - Actual Months Projected to December, 1985 5 - NUMARC Maximum Credit Limit F - Weighted Months to Dec., 1985 C - Actual Months, December, 1984 Not to Exceed Limit D - Weighted Months to Dec., 1984, Not to Exceed Limit LICENSE TRAINING Weeks of Training F G H




R: actor Fundamentals 5 BWR Technology 8 Balance of Plant 4 BWR Operator Training 7 11 BWR Observation Training 4 R: actor Startup 1 Mitigating Reactor Core Damage 1 Li:ense Review 9 9 TOTALS 30 11 9 9 COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE F - Completed Classwork G - Completed Simulator H - Projected Classwork to December, 1985 1 - Projected Simulator to December, 1985 C-23



I.D. CODE: 023 POSITION: Assistant Shift Supervisor l

Types of Experience A B C D E F SRO/R0 BWR 1.0 0 0 0 0 SRO/R0 PWR 0.75 0 0 0 0 Navy Nuclear 36 RO, EWS, E00W, PPWS 0.50 16 8 16 8 Other Navy Nuclear 0.25 54 13.5 54 13.5 Simulator 12 Clinton Specific 5.00 0 0 2 10 Simulator 3.00 2 6 2 2 Clinton Experience On-Shift 24 Less Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.75 (12) 4 3 7.5 5.6 More Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.50 (12) 35 12 35 12 Operational Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.75 12 1 0.8 6 4.5 Other Technical Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.25 12 13 3.3 13 3.3 Clinton License Class and Exam 0.50 9 0 0 7.6 3.8 Conduct Clinton License Class 0.25 9 0 0 0 0 Degree (Engineering or Applied Science) 12 Bachelors (12)

Associates ( 6)

Equivalent (Semester Hours) 0.1 (49) 4.9 (49) 4.9 Technical And Operational Experience 0 0 At Any Power Generating Facility Not Listed Above TOTALS 125 51.5 143.1 67.6 COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE A - NUMARC Weighting Factor E - Actual Months Projected to December, 1985 B - NUMARC Maximum Credit Limit F - Weighted Months to Dec., 1985 C - Actual Months, December, 1984 Not to Exceed Limit D - Weighted Months to Dec., 1984, Not to Exceed Limit '

LICENSE TRAINING Weekn of Training F G H




Reactor Fundamentals ~4 BWR Technology 7 Balance of Plant 4 BWR Operator Training 3 9 BWR Observation Training 4 Reactor Startup 1 Mitigating Reactor Core Damage 1 License Review 9 9 TOTALS 24 9 9 9 COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE F - Completed Classwork C - Completed Simulator H - Projected Classwork to December, 1985 1 - Projected Simulator to December, 1985 C-24


i Types of Experience A B C D -E F SRO/R0 BWR 1.0 0 0 0 0

.SRO/R0 PWR 0.75 0 0 0 0

-Navy Nuclear 36 RO, EWS, E00W, PPWS 0.50 0 0 0 0 Other Navy Nuclear 0.25 0 0 0 0 Simulator 12 Clinton Specific 5.00 0 0 2 10 Simulator 3.00 3 9 3 2 I

'Clinton Experience On-Shift 24 Less Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.75 (12) 5 3.8 13.8 10.4 More Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.50 (12) 19 9.5 19 9.5 Operational Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.75 12 0 0 0 0 Other Technical Experience at commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.25 12 4 1 4 1 Clinton Licenne Class and Exam 0.50 9 0 0 7.5 3.9 I conduct Clinton License Class 0.25 9 0 0 0 0 l Dearee (Engineering or Applied Science) 12 Bachelora (12)

Associates ( 6) Yes 6 Yes 6 Equivalent (Semester Hours). 0.1 Technical And Operational Experience 0 0 At Any Power Generatina Facility Not Listed Above TOTALS 31 E M M COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE A - NUMARC Weighting Factor E - Actual Months Projected to December, 1985' B - NUMARC Maximus Credit Limit F - Weighted Months to Dec., 1985 C - Actusi Months December, 1984 Not to Exceed Limit D - Weighted Months to Dec., 1984 Not to Exceed Limit LICENSE TRAINING Weeks of Trainina F G H I

~ ~

Rocctor Fundamentals 5 BWR Technology 4 Balance of Plant 4 BWR Operator Training 6 11 BWR Observation Training 4 R3cetor Startup 1 Mitigating Reactor Core Damage 1 License Review 9 9 TOTALS T 11 .9 9 1

COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE F - Completed Classwork G - Completed Simulator H - Projected Classwork to December, 1985 1 - Projected simulator to December, 1985 C-25

EXPERIENCE SUletARY I.D. CODE: 025 POSITION: Assistant Shift Supervisor Types of Experience A B C D E F.

SRO/R0 BWR 1.0 0 0 0 0

'SRO/R0 PWR 0.75 0 0 0 0 Navy Nuclear 36 RO, EWS, E00W, PPWS' O.50 32 16 32 16 Other Navy Nuclear 0.25 19 4.8 19 4.8 Simulator 12 Clinton Specific 5.00 0 0 2 10 Simulator 3.00 2 6 2 2 Clinton Experience On-Shift .

24 Less Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.75 (12) 5 3.8 13.8 10.4 Hore Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.50 (12) 22 11 22 11' Operational Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.75 12 0 0 0 0 Other Technical Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.25 12 8 2 8 2 Clinton License Class and Exam 0.50 9 0 0 7.8 3.6 Conduct Clinton License Class 0.25 9 -0 0 0 0 Degree (Engineering or Applied Science) 12 Bachelors (12)

Associates ( 6)

Equivalent (Semester Hours) 0.1 (20) 2 (20) 2 Technical And Operational Experience 0 0 At Any Power Generatina Facility Not Listed Above TOTALS C 45.6 106.6 IT.T COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE

'A --NUMARC WeightinR Factor E - Actual Months Projected to December, 1985 B - NUMARC Maximum Credit Limit F - Weighted Months to Dec., 1985 C - Actual Months,' December, 1984 Not to Exceed Limit D - Weighted Months to Dec., 1984, Not to Exceed Limit LICENSE TRAINING Weeks of Trainina F



~ ~



Reactor Fundamentals 5.5 BWR Technology 4 Balance of Plant 4 BWR Operator Training 3 9 BWR Observation Training 4 Reactor Startup 1 Mitigating Reactor Core Damage 1 License Review 9 9 TOTALS IIII 9 9 9 COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE F - Completed Classwork G - Completed Simulator H - Projected Classwork to December, 1985 1 - Projected Simulator to December, 1985 C-26



I.D. CODE: 026 POSITION: Nuclear Engineer Types of Experience A B C D E F SRO/R0 BWR 1.0 0 0 0 0 SRO/R0 PWR 0.75 0 0 0 0 Navy Nucient 36 RO, EWS, E00W PPWS 0.50 0 0 0 0 Other Navy Nuclear 0.25 0 0 0 0 Simulator 12 Clinton Specific 5.00 0 0 2 10 Simulator 3.00 3 9 3 2 Clinton Experience On-Shift 24 Less Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.75 (12) 0 0 0 0 More Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.50 (12) 0 0 0 0 Operational Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.75 12 0 0 0 0 Other Technical Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.25 12 19 4.8 28 7 Clinton License Class and Exas 0.50 9 0 0 7 3.5 Conduct Clinton License Class 0.25 9 0 0 0 0 Dearea (Engineering or Applied Science) 12 Bachelors (12) Yes 12 Yes 12 Associates ( 6)

Equivalent (Semester Hours) 0.1 Technical And Operational Experience 0 0 At Any Power Generatina Facility Not Listed Above TOTALS 22 25.8 40 34.5 COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE A - NUMARC Weighting Factor E - Actual Months Projected to December, 1985 B - NUMARC Maximum Credit Limit F - Weighted Months to Dec., 1985 C - Actual Months, December, 1984 Not to Exceed Limit D - Weighted Months to Dec., 1984 Not to Exceed Limit LICENSE TRAINING Weeks of Trainina F



- ~

H ~

I R: actor Fundamentals 0 BWR Technology 5 B;1ance of Plant 4 BWR Operator Training 6 11 BWR Observation Training 0 4 R: actor Startup 1.6 Mitigating Reactor Core Damage 1 License Review 9 9 TOTALS 17.6 11 13 9 COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE F - Completed Classwork G - Completed Simulator H - Projected Classwork to December, 1985 I - Projected Simulator to December, 1985 C-27



'I.D. CODE:'027 ,

. POSITION: Control Room Operator

' Types of Experience A, B, C, D E, F SRO/RO BWR 1.0 0 0 0 0 SRO/R0 PWR 0.75 0 0 0 0 Navy Nuclear 36 R0, EWS, E00W, PPWS 'O.50 0 0 0 0 Other Navy' Nuclear 0.25 51 12.8 51 12.8 Simulator 12 Clinton Specific 5.00 0 0 2 10 Simulator 3.00 2 6 2 2 i Clinton Experience On-Shift 24 Less Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.75 (12) 5 3.8 13.8 10.4 <

More Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.50 (12) 21 10.5 21 10.5  ;

. Operational Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.75 12 0 0 0 0 Other Technical Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.25 12 10 2.5 10 2.5 t Clinton License Class and Exam 0.50 9 0 0 7.4 3.7 Conduct Clinton License class 0.25 9 0 0 0 0 Degree (Engineering or Applied Science) 12 Bachelors (12)

Associates ( 6)

Equivalent (Semester Hours) 0.1 (8) 0.8 (8) 0.8 l Technical And Operational Experience 0 0 At Any Power Generating Facility Not Listed Above .

TOTALS C 76 T T57 2 '.PK7 '


'A - NUMARC Weighting Factor E - Actual Months Projected to December, 1985 B - NUMARC Maximum Credit Limit F - Weighted Months to Dec., 1985 C - Actual Months December, 1984 Not to Exceed Limit D - Weighted Months to Dec., 1984 Not to Exceed Limit i LICENSE TRAINING Weeks of Trainina F



~ ~



Reactor Fundamentals 5.8 BWR Technology 4 Balance of Plant 4 BWR Operator Training 3 9 BWR Observation Training 4 Reactor Startup 1 Mitigating Reactor Core Damage 1 License Review 9 9 TOTALS TEI 9 9 9


F - Completed Classwork G - Completed Simulator '

H - Projected Classwork to December, 1985

I - Projected Simulator to December, 1985 C-28 L  ;


^1.D. CODEt 028

. POSITION: Control Room Operator LTypes of Experience A B C D E F SRO/R0 BWR- 1.0 0 0 0 0 3157E6 PWR 0.75 0 0 0 0 Navy Nuclear- 30 RO, EWS, E00W. PPWS 0.50 1 0.5 1 0.5 Other Navy Nuclear 0.25 12 3 -12 3

' Simulator ~ 12 Clinton Specific 5.00 0 0 2 10 Simulator 3.00 2 6 2 2 Clinton Experience on-Shift'- 24 Less Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Lead. 0.75 (12) 4 3 13.8 10.4 More Than lal/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.50 (12) 19 9.5 19- 9.5 Operational Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.75 12 0 0 0 0 L Other Technical Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.25 12 8 2 8 2 Clinton License class and Exas 0.50 9 0 0 7.4 3.7 Conduct Clinton License Class 0.25 9 0 0 0 O Dearee (Engineering or Applied Science) 12 Bachelors (12)

Associates ( 6)

Equivalent (Semester Hours) 0.1 0 0 0 0 Technical And Operational Experience 0 0 At Any Power Generatina Facility Not Listed Above-TOTALS 46 E O U COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE A - NUMARC Weighting Factor E - Actual Monthe Projected to December,1985 5 - NUMARC Maximum Credit Limit F - Weighted Months to Dec., 1985, C - Actual Months. December, 1984 Not to Exceed Limit D - Weighted Months to Dec., 1984 Not to Exceed Limit LICENSE TRAINING Weeks of Trainina F G



~ ~

Rractor Fundamentals ~5.4 BWR Technology 4 Balance of Plant 4 BWR Operator Training 4 9 BWR Observation Training 4 R: actor'Startup 1 Mitigating Reactor Core Damage 1 License Review 9 9 TOTALS II7I 9 9 9 COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE F - Completed Clasework C - Completed Simulator N - Projected Classwork to December, 1985 1 - Projected Simulator to December, 1985 C-29



1.D. CODE: 029 POSITION: Control Room Operator

, Types of Experience A B C D E F SRO/R0 BWR 1.0 0 0 0 0 SRO/Rd PWR- 0.75 0 0 0 0 Navy Nuclear 36 i RO, EWS, E00W. PPWS 0.50 0 0 0 0 l Other Navy Nuclear 0.25 0 0 0 0 l Simulator 12 Clinton Specific 5.00 0 0 2 10 Simulator 3.00 3 9 3 2 Clinton Experience On-Shift 24 Less Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.75 (12) 5 3.8 13.8 10.4 '

More Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.50 (12) 20.6 10.3 20.6 10.3 Operational Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.75 12 22 12 22 12 Other Technical Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.25 12 13 4.5 18 4.5 Clinton License Class and Exam 0.50 9 0 0 7 3.5 conduct Clinton License class 0.25 9 0 0 0 0

-Dearee (Engineering or Applied Science) 12 Bachelors (12)

Associates ( 6)

Equivalent (Semester Hours) 0.1 (32) 3.2 (32) 3.2 ,

Technical And Operational Experience 0 0 At Any Power Generatina Facility Not Listed Above M


TOTALS M M 35 T  ;

COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE A - NUMARC Weighting Factor E - Actual Months Projected to December, 1985 B - NUMARC Maximus Credit Limit F - Weighted Months to Dec., 1985, C - Actual Months. December, 1984 Not to Exceed Limit D - Weighted Months to Dec., 1984, Not to Exceed Limit .

i LICENSE TRAINING Weeks of Trainina '







Reactor Fundamentals ~5 BWR Technology 4 Balance of Plant 4 BWR Operator Training 6 11 BWR Observation Training 0 Reactor Startup 1 Mitigating Reactor Core Damage 1 ,

License Review 9 9 TOTALS 21 11 9 9 COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE F - Completed Classwork r

l 0 - Completed Simulator

! H - Projected Classwork to December, 1985 l

1 - Projected Simulator to December, 1985 l

C-30 l

EXPERIENCE SUMHARY I.D. CODE: 030 POSITION: Senior Operations Instructor Types of Experience A B C D E F SRO/R0 BWR 1.0 0 0 0 0 SRO/R0 PWR 0.75 0 0 0 0 Navy Nuclear 36 RO, EWS, E00W, PPWS 0.50 0 0 0 0 Other Navy Nuclear 0.25 45 11.3 45 11.3 Simulator 12 Clinton Specific 5.00 0 0 2 10 Simulator 3.00 3 9 3 2 Clinton Experience On-Shift 24 Less Than 1-1/2 Yee's to Fuel Load 0.75 (12) 0 0 0 0 More Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.50 (12) 0 0 0 0 Operational Experience at commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.75 12 0 0 0 0 Other Technical Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.25 12 16 4 24 6 Clinton License Class and Exam 0.50 9 0 0 7.2 3.6 Conduct Clinton License Class 0.25 9 0 0 0 0 Degree (Engineering or Applied Science) 12 Bachelors (12)

Associates ( 6)

Equivalent (Semester Hours) 0.1 0 0 0 0 Technical And Operational Experience 0 0 At Any Power Generating Facility Not Listed Above TOTALS 64 24.3 81.2 32.9 COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE A - NUMARC Weighting Factor E - Actual Months Projected to December, 1985 B - NUMARC Maximum Credit Limit F - Weighted Months to Dec., 1985 C - Actual Months, December, 1984 Not to Exceed Limit D - Weighted Months to Dec., 1984, Not to Exceed Limit LICENSE TRAINING Weeks of Training F G H I R actor Fundamentals 3 BWR Technology 4 Balance of Plant 4 BWR Operator Training 6 11 BWR Observation Training 0 4 Reactor Startup 1 Mitigating Reactor Core Damage O License Review 9 9 TOTALS 18 11 13 9 COLUMN llEADING CROSS REFERENCE


F - Completed Classwork G - Completed Simulator 11 - Projected Classwork to December,1985 1 - Projected Simulator to December, 1985 C-31


! 1.D. CODE: 031

- POSITION: Control Roos Operator i

Types of Experience A B, C, D, E, F SR0/R0 BWR 1.0 0 0 0 0 L SRO/R0 PWR 0.75 0 0 0 0-

! Navy Nuclear 36 l R0, EWS, E00W PPWS 0.50 59 29.5 59 29.5 other Navy Nuclear 0.25 0 0 0 0 Simuistor 12 Clinton Specific 5.00 0 0 2 10

Simulator 3.00 3 9 3 2 Clinton Experience On-Shift 24 Less Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.75 (12) 5 3.8 13.8 10.4

, More Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.50 (12) 12.9 6.5 12.9 6.5-

! Operational Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.75 12 0 0 0 0

( Other Technical Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.25 12 3 0.8 3 0.8 Clinton License class and Exas 0.50 9 0 0 10.6 5.3 Conduct Clinton License class 0.25 9 0 0 0 0 Dearee (Engineering or Applied Science) 12 Bachelora (12)

Associates ( 6)

Equivalent (Semester Hours) 0.1 (14) 1.4 (14) 1.4 Technical And Operational Experience 0 0 At Any Power Generatina Facility Not Listed Above TOTALS U C K3 U COLUMN NEADING CROSS REFERENCE A - NUMARC Weighting Factor E - Actual Months Projected to December 1985 5 - NUMARC Maximus Credit Limit F - Weighted Months to Dec., 1985 C - Actual Months, December, 1984 Not to Exceed Limit l D - Weighted Months to Dec., 1984 Not to Exceed Limit LICENSE TRAINING Weeks of Trainina F G



~ ~

I Reactor Fundamentals ~8 BWR Technology 8 Balance of Plant 4 BWR Operator Training 11 11 BWR Observation Training 4 Reactor Startup 1 Mitigating Reactor Core Damage 1 License Review 9 9 TOTALS 37"~ T 9 9 COLUMN NEADING CROSS REFEPENCE F - Completed Claanwork 0 - Completed Simulator M - Projected Classwork to December, 1985 1 - Projected Simulator to December, 1985 C-32 L.


. POSITION: Nuclear Engineer '

Types of Experience A B, C D, E F, l -SRO/R0 BWR 1.0 0 0 0 0 II57f5-PWR 0.75 0 0 0 0 Navy Nuclear 36 RO, EWS, E00W, PP 4 0.50 0 0 0 0 Other Navy Nucleas 0.25 0 0 0 0 Sinulaeor '12 Clinton Specific 5.00 0 0 2 10 Simuistor 3.00 3 9 3 2

, Clinton Experience On-Shift 24 l

Less Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.75 (12) 0 0 0 0 j More Than 1-1/2 Yerrs to Fuel Load '0.50 (12) 0 0 0 0 l Operational Experience at l Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.75 12 0 0 0 0 Other Technical Experience at


Commercial Nuclear Power Plant -0.25 12 39.6 9.9 48.4 12 l Clinton License Class and Exas 0.50 9 0 0 7.2 3.6 l Conduct Clinton License Class 0.25 9 0 0 0 0 Dearee (Engineering or Applied Science) 12 Bachelors (12) Yes 12 Yes 12  ;


( 6) l Equivalent (Semester Hours) 0.1 l Technical And Operational Experience 0 0 i

At Any Power Generatina Facility l

Not Listed Above TOTALS U M M M '

COLUMN HEADINC CROSS REFERENCE A - NUMARC Weighting Factor E - Actual Months Projected to December, 1985  ;

S - NUMARC Maximum Credit Limit F - Weighted Months to Dec., 1985 C - Actual Months, December, 1984 Not to Exceed Limit D - Weighted Months to Dec., 1984 Not to Exceed Limit LICENSE TRAINING Weeks of Trainina F G






R: actor Fundamentals ~0 BWR Technology 8 Balance of Plant 3 BWR Operator Training 6 11


[ BWR Observation Training 4 l R: actor Startup 0 l Mitigating Reactor Core Damage 1  !

! License Review 9 9 '


F - Completed Classwork G - Completed Simulator M - Projected Classwork to December, 1985 1 - Projected Simulator to December, 1985 "


_ -. . . ,-. . ~ . . . _- _.. . - . -


s. .I.D. CODE: 033 POSITION ' Control Room Operator Types of Experience A B C D E F

' SR0/R0 BWR 1.0 0 0 0 0 3157I5 PWR 0.75 0 0 0 0 Navy Nuclear 36

.R0. EWS, E00W. PPWS 0.50 0 0 0 0 l

Other Navy Nuclear 0.25 36 9 36 9 i Simulator 12 L Clinton Specific 5.00 0 0 2 10 Simulator 3.00 2 6 2 2 Clinton Experience On-Shift 24 Less Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.75- (12) 2.2 1.7 9.9 7.4 More Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.50 (12) 13 6.5 13 6.5 Operational Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.75 12 0 0 0 0

! Other Technical Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.25 12 2 0.5 2 0.5 Clinton License Class and Exas 0.50 9 0 0 7 3.5 l Conduct Clinton License Class 0.25 9 0 0 0 0 l Dearee (Engineering or Applied Science) 12 Bachelors (12)

Associates ( 6)

. Equivalent (Semester Hours) 0.1 0 0 0 0 Technical And Operational Experience 0 0 At Any Power Generatina Facility i Not Listed Above TOTALS U M M M COLUl08 NEADING CROSS REFERENCE A - NUMARC Weighting Factor E - Actual Months Projected to December, 1985 5 - NUMARC Maximum Credit Limit F - Weighted Months to Dec., 1985 C - Actual Months. December, 1984 Not to Exceed Limit D - Weighted Months to Dec., 1984 Not to Exceed Limit LICENSE TRAINING Weeks of Trainina F








Reactor Fundamentals 4 BWR Technology' 4 Balance of Plant 4 BWR Operator Training 3 9 BWR Observation Training 0 4 Reactor Startup 1 Mitigatina Reactor Core Damage 0 1 License Review 9 9 TOTALS T 9 14 I COLUMN NEADING CROSS REFERENCE F - Completed Classwork 0 - Completed Simulator N - Projected Classwork to December, 1985 I - Projected Simulator to December, 1985 C-34



I.D. CODE: 034 POSITION: Unit Attendant r

Types of Experience A B C D E F SRO/R0 BWR 1.0 0 0 0 0 SRO/R0 PWR 0.75 0 0 0 0 Navy Nuclear 36

.RO, EWS, E00W PPWS 0.50 15 7.5 15 7.5 Other Navy Nuclear 0.25 43 10.8 43 10.8 Simulator 12 Clinton Specific 5.00 0 0 2 10 Simulator 3.00 3 9 3 2 Clinton Experience On-Shift 24 Less Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.75 (12) 0 0 7.5 5.6 More Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.50 (12) 12.7 6.4 12.7 6.4 Operational Experience at commercini Nuclear Power Plant 0.75 12 s 0 0 0 0 Other Technical Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.25 12 0 0 0 0 Clinton License Class and Exam 0.50 9 0 0 8 4 Conduct Clinton License Class 0.25 9 0 0 0 0 Degree (Engineering or Applied Science) 12 Bachelors (12)

Associates ( 6)

Equivalent (Semester Hours) 0.1 0 0 0 0 Technical And Operationni Experience 0 0 At Any Power Generating Facility Not Listed Above TOTALS 73.7 33.7 91.2 46.3 COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE A - NUMARC Weighting Factor E - Actual Months Projected to December, 1985 B - NUMARC Maximum Credit Limit F - Weighted Months to Dec., 1985, C - Actual Months. December, 1984 Not to Exceed Limit D - Weighted Months to Dec., 1984 Not to Exceed Limit LICENSE TRAINING Weeks of Training F G H I R: actor Fundamentals 5 BWR Technology 5 Balance of Plant 4 BWR Operator Training 6 11 BWR Observation Training 0 4 R: actor Startup 0 1 Mitigating Reactor Core Damage 0 1 License Review 9 9 TOTALS 20 11 15 9 C0!UMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE F - Completed Classwork 0 - Completed Simulator H - Projected Classwork to December, 1985 1 - Projected Simulator to December, 1985 C-35



1.D. CODE: 035 POSITION: Supervisor - Plant Services i Types of Experience A B C D E F SRO/R0 BWR 1.0 0 0 0 0 SR0/R0 PWR 0.75 0 0 0 0 Navy Nuclear 36 RO, EWS, E00W, PPWS 0.50 40 20 40 20 Other Navy Nuclear 0.25 0 0 0 0 Simulator 12 Citnton Specific 5.00 0 0 2 10 Simulator 3.00 3 9 3 2 Clinton Experience On-Shift 24 Less Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.75 (12) 0 0 0 0 More Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.50 (12) 0 0 0 0 Operational Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.75 12 0 0 0 0 Other Technical Experience at commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.25 12 42.8 10.7 49.7 12 Clinton License Class and Exam 0.50 9 0 0 8.4 4.2 Conduct Clinton License Class 0.25 9 0 0 0 0 Degree (Engineering or Applied Science) 12 Bachelors (12) Yes 12 Yes 12 Associates ( 6)

Fquivalent (Semester llours) 0.1 Technical And Operational Experience 0 0 Ar Any Power Generating Facility Not Listed Above TOTALS U 51.7 El O COLUMN llEADING CROSS REFERENCE A - NUMARC Weightir.g Factor E - Actual Months Projected to December,1985 B - NUMARC Maximum Credit Limit F - Weighted Months to Dec., 1985, C - Actual Months December, 1984 Not to Exceed Limit D - Weighted Months to Dec., 1984, Not to Exceed Limit LICENSE TRAINING Weeks of Training F G



~ ~

I Reactor Fundamentals ~3 BWR Technology 8 Balance of Plant 4 bWR Operator Training 6 11 BWR Observation Training 0 4 Reactor Startup 1 Mitigating Reactor Core Damage 1 License Review 9 9 TOTALS 23 11 13 9 COLUMN llEADING CROSS RF.FERENCE F - Completed Classwork G - Completed Simulator 11 - Projected Classwork to December,1985 1 - Projected Simulator to December, 1985 C-36



I.D. CODE: 036 POSITION: Assistant Shift Supervisor Types of Experience A B C D E F SRO/R0 BWR 1.0 0 0 0 0 SRO/R0 PWR 0.75 0 0 0 0 Navy Nuclear 36

.RO, EWS, E00W, PPWS 0.50 0 0 0 0 Other Navy Nuclear 0.25 44 11 44 11 Simulator 12 Clinton Specific 5.00 0 0 2 10 Simulator 3.00 2 6 2 2 Clinton Experience On-Shift 24 Less Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.75 (12) 5 3.8 13.8 10.4 More Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.50 (12) 42 12 42 12 Operational Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.75 12 0 0 0 0 Other Technical Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.25 12 19 4.8 19 4.8 Clinton License Class and Exam 0.50 9 0 0 7.4 3.7 Conduct Clinton License-Class 0.25 9 0 0 0 0 Degree (Engineering or Applied Science) 12 Bachelors (12)

Associates ( 6) Yes 6 Yes 6 Equivalent (Semester Hours) 0.1 0 0 0 0 Technical And Operational Experience 0 0 At Any Power Generating-Facility Not Listed Above TOTALS 112- 43.6 130.2 59.9 COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE A - NUMARC Weighting Factor E - Actual Months Projected to December, 1985 B - NUMARC Maximum Credit Limit F - Weighted Months to Dec., 1985, C - Actual Months, December, 1984 Not to Exceed Limit

.D - Weighted Months to Dec., 1984, i

Not to Exceed Limit LICENSE TRAINING Weeks of Training F G H




Reactor Fundame'ntals- ~4 BWR Technology 5 Balance of Plant- 5 BWR Operator Training 3 9 BWR Observation Training 4 Reactor.Startup 1 Mitigating Reactor Core Damage 1 License Review 9 9 TOTALS 23 9 9 9 COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE F - Completed Classwork G - Completed Simulator H - Projected Classwork to December, 1985 I '- Projected Simulator to December,1985 C-37



I.D. CODE: 037 POSITION: Results Project Engineer Types of Experience A B, C D, E, F, SRO/R0 BWR 1.0 0 0 0 0 SRO/R0 PWR ~0.75 0 0 0 0 Navy Nuclear 36  ;

.RO, EWS, E00W, PPWS 0.50 0 0 0 0 1 Other Navy Nuclear 0.25 0 0 0 0 i

Simulator 12 Clinton Specific 5.00 0 0 2 10 Simulator 3.00 3 9 3 2 ,

Clinton Experience On-Shift 24 l Less Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.75 (12) 0 0 0 0 i More Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.50 (12) 0 0 0 0 I Operational Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.75 12 0 0 0 0 Other Technical Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.25 12 27.6 6.9 36.4 9.1

~Clinton License Class and Exam 0.50 9 0 0 7.2 3.6 Conduct Clinton License Class 0.25 9 0 0- ~0 0 Degree (Engineering or Applied Science) 12 Bachelors (12) Yes 12 Yes- 12 Associates ( 6)

Fquivalent (Semester Hours) 0.1 0 0 0 0 Technical And Operational Experience 101 101 At Any Power Generating Facility Not Listed Above TOTALS 131.6 27.9 149.6 36.7 C3LIAT HEADING CROSS REFERENCE A - NUMARC Weighting Factor E - Actual Months Projected to December,1985 B - NUMARC Maximum Credit Limit F - Weighted Months to Dec., 1985, C - Actual Months, December, 1984 Not to Exceed Limit D - Weighted Months to Dec., 1984, Not to Exceed Limit LICENSE TRAINING Weeks of Training F G






Reactor Fundamentals ~0 BWR Technology 4 Balance of Plant 4 BWR Operator Training 8 11 BWR Observation Training 4 Reactor Startup. 0 1-Mitigating Reactor Core Damage 1

-License Review 9 9 TOTALS 21 11 10 9 COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE F - Completed Classwork G - Completed Simulator H : Projected Classwork to December, 1985

-I - Projected Simulator to December, 1985 C-38



=I.D. CODE: 038 POSITION: Control Room Operator

. Types of Experience A B C D E F SRO/R0 BWR 1.0 0 0 0 0 SRO/R0 PWR 0.75 0 0 0 0 Navy Nuclear 36

,RO, EWS, E00W, PPWS 0.50 0 0 0 0 Other Navy Nuclear 0.25 48 12 48 12 Simulator 12 Clinton Specific 5.00 0 0 2 10 Simulator 3.00 3 9 3 2 Clinton Experience On-Shift 24 Less Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.75 (12) 3.8' 2.9 12.7 9.5 More Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.50 (12) 19.6 9.8 19.6 9.8 Operational Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.75 12 11 8.3 11 8.3 Other Technical Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.25 12 0 0 0 0 Clinton License Class and Exam 0.50 9 0 0 8 4 Conduct Clinton License Class 0.25 9 -0 0 0 0 Degree (Engineering or Applied Science) 12 Bachelors (12)

Associates ( 6)

Equivalent (Semester Hours) 0.1 0' O O O Technical And Operational Experience 6 6 At Any Power Generating Facility Not Listed Above-TOTALS 91.4 42 110.3 55.6 COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE A - NUMARC Weighting Factor E - Actual Months Projected to December, 1985 B - NUMARC Maximum Credit Limit F - Weighted Months to Dec., 1985, C - Actual Months, December, 1984 Not to Exceed Limit D - Weighted Months to Dec., 1984, Not to Exceed Limit LICENSE TRAINING Weeks of Training F






Rtactor Fundamentals 5 BWR Technology 4 Balance of Plant 4

.BWR Operator Training 11 11 BWR Observation Training 0 Reactor Startup 1

' Mitigating Reactor Core Damage 1 License Review 9 9 TOTALS 26 11 9 9 COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE F - Completed Classwork G - Completed Simulator H - Projected Classwork to December,1985

.I_- Projected Simulator to December, 1985 C-39



I.D. CODE: 039 POSITION: Assistant Shift Supervisor Types of Experience A B C D E F SRO/R0 BWR 1.0 0 0 0 0 SRO/R0 PWR 0.75 0 0 0 0 Navy Nuclear 36  !

RO, EWS, E00W, PPWS 0.50 8 4 8 4 l Other Navy Nuclear 0.25 27- 6.8 -27 6.8 i Simulator 12 I Clinton Specific 5.00 0 0 2 10 Simulator 3.00 2 6 2 2 Clinton Experience On-Shift 24 Less Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.75 (12) 5 3.8 13.8 10.4 More Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.50 (12) 21- 10.5 21 10.5 Operational Experience at commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.75 12 0 0 0 0 Other Technical Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.25 12 11 2.8 11 2.8 .

Clinton License Class and Exam 0.50 9 0 0 8.2 4.1 Conduct Clinton License Class 0.25 9 0 0 0 0 Degree (Engineering or Applied Science) 12 Bachelors (12)

. Associates ( 6)

Equivalent (Semester Hours) 0.1 (4) 0.4 (4) 0.4 Technical And Operational Experience 0 0 At Any Power Generating Facility Not Listed Above TOTALS 74 34.3 93 51 COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE A - NUMARC Weighting Factor E - Actual Months Projected to December,1985 B - NUMARC Maximum Credit Limit F - Weighted Months to Dec., 1985,  ;

C - Actual Months, December, 1984 Not to Exceed Limit D - Weighted Months to Dec., 1984, Not to Exceed Limit LICENSE TRAINING Weeks of Training F G H

I Reactor Fundamentals -9.8 ,

BWR Technology 4 i

Balance of Plant 4 '

BWR Operator Training 3 9 BWR Observation Training 4 Reactor Startup 1 Mitigating Reactor Core Damage 1 i License Review 9 9 TOTALS 26.8 9 9 9 COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE i F - Completed Classwork 13 - Completed Simulator l H - Projected Classwork to December, 1985 I - Projected Simulator to December, 1985 C-40



I.D. CODE: 040 POSITION: Unit Attendant Types of Experience A B C D E F SRO/R0 BWR 1.0 0 0 0 0 SRO/R0 PWR 0.75 0 0 0 0 Navy Nuclear 36

RO, EWS, E00W PPWS 0.50 0 0 0 0 l Other Navy Nuclear 0.25 51 12.8 51 12.8 Simulator 12 Clinton Specific 5.00 0 0 2 10 Simulator 3.00 3 9 3 2 Clinton Experience On-Shift 24 Less Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.75 (12) 0 0 7.7 5.8 More Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.50 (12) 6.9 3.5 6.9 3.5 Operational Experience at commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.75 12 0 0 0 0 Other Technical Experience at .

Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.25 12 5 1.3 5 1.3 Clinton License Class and Exam 0.50 9 0 0 8.4 4.2 Conduct Clinton License Class 0.25 9 0 0 0 0 Degree (Engineering or Applied Science) 12

-Bachelors (12)

Associates ( 6)

Equivalent (Semester Hours) 0.1 (15) 1.5 (15) 1.5 Technical And Operational Experience 0 0 At Any Power Generating Facility Not Listed Above

TOTALS 65.9 28.1 84 41.1 COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE A - NUMARC Weighting Factor E - Actual Months Projected to December, 1985 B - NUMARC Maximum Credit Limit F - Weighted Months to Dec., 1985,.

C - Actual Months, Decamber, 1984 Not to Exceed Limit D - Weighted Months to Dec., 1984, Not to Exceed Limit LICENSE TRAINING Weeks of Training F -

G ~

H ~

I Reactor Fundamentals -4 BWR Technology 5 Balance of Plant 4 BWR Operator Training 8 11 BWR Observation Training 0 4 Reactor Startup 1 Mitigating Reactor Core Damage 0 1

, License Review 9 9 TOTALS 22 11 14 9 COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE F - Coupleted Classwork

-G . Completed Simulator H -' Projected Classwork to December,1985 I - Projected Simulator to December,1985 C-41

- - , , - ~ , ---- .:-n . , . .n--. -, . , , , . . - , , - - -

.-n.. =-,.,n



I.D. CODE: 041 POSITION: Control Room Operator Types of Experience A B C D E F l l

SR0/R0 BWR- 1.0 0 0 0 0 l SRO/R0 I4GL 0.75 0 0 0 0 Navy Nuclear 36 ]

RO, EWS, E00W, PPWS 0.50 45 22.5 45 22.5 Other Navy Nuclear 0.25 18 4.5 18 4.5 Simulator 12 i Clinton Specific 5.00 0 0 2 10 Simulator 3.00 2 6 2 2

~Clinton Experience On-Shift 24 Less Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.75 (12) 4 3 13.8 10.4 More Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.50 (12) 19 9.5 19 9.5

. Operational Experience at commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.75 12 0 0 0 0 Other Technical Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.25 12 9 2.3 9 2.3 Clinton License Class and Exam 0.50 9 0 0 7.6 3.8 Conduct Clinton License Class 0.25 9 0 0 0 0 Degree (Engineering or Applied Science) 12 Bachelors (12) ,-

Associates ( 6) ~

Equivalent (Semester Hours) 0.1 (83) 8.3 (83) 8.3 Technical And Operational Experience 0 0 At Any Power Generating Facility Not Listed Above TOTALS 97 56.1 116.4 73.3 COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE A - NUMARC Weighting Factor E - Actual Months Projected to December, 1985 B - NUMARC Maximum Credit Limit F - Weighted Months to Dec., 1985, C - Actual Months, December, 1984 Not to Exceed Limit D - Weighted Months to Dec., 1984, Not-to Exceed Limit LICENSE TRAINING Weeks of Training I E H 1 Reactor Fundamentals 5.5 BWR Technology 4 Balance of Plant 4 BWR Operator Training 4 9 BWR Observation Training 4 Reactor Startup 1 Mitigating Reactor Core Damage 1 License Review 9 9 TOTALS 23.5 9 9 9 COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE F - Completed Classwork G - Completed Simulator H - Projected Classwork to December, 1985 I - Projected Simulator to December, 1985 C-42



.I.D. CODE: 042 POSITION: Operations Instructor Types of Experience A B C D E F SRO/R0- BWR 1.0 0 0 0 0 SRO/R0 PWR- 0.75 0 0 0 0.

Navy Nuclear 36

.RO, EWS, E00W PPWS 0.50 0 0 0 0 Other Navy Nuclear 0.25 75 18.8 75 18.8 Simulator 12 Clinton. Specific 5.00 0 0 2 10 Simulatorc 3.00 2 6 2 2 Clinton Experience On-Shift 24 Less Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.75 (12) 0 0 0 0 More Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.50 (12) 0 0 0 0 Operational Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.75 12 0 0 0 0 Other Technical Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.25 12 18.6 4.7 .27.2 6.8 Clinton License Class and Exam 0.50 9 0 0 7.6 3.8 Conduct Clinton License Class 0.25 9 0 0 0 0 Degree (Engineering or Applied Science) 12 Bachelors (12)

Associates ( 6)

Equivalent (Semester Hours) 0.1 (29) 2.9 (29) 2.9 Technical And Operational Experience 0 0 At Any Power Generating Facility Not Listed Above TOTALS 95.6 32.4 113.8 44.3 COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE

-A.- NUMARC Weighting Factor E - Actual Months Projected to December,1985 B - NUMARC Maximum Credit Limit F - Weighted Months to Dec., 1985, C -(Actual Monthe, December, 1984 Not to Exceed Limit D - Weighted Months to Dec., 1984, Not to Exceed Limit LICENSE TRAINING Weeks of Training F

s G



~ ~

I Reactor Fundamentals ~6

-BWR Technology 5 Balance of Plant 4 BWR Operator Training 3 9 BWR Observation Training 4 Reactor Startup 1 Mitigating Reactor Core DamaFe 0 1 License Review 9 9 TOTALS 23 9 10 9 COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE l F - Completed Classwork G - Completed Simulator H - Projected Classwork to December, 1985 I - Projected Simulator to December, 1985 l l

C-43 3




'I.D. CODE: '043 POSITION: Assistant Shift Supervisor Types of Experience A B C D E F SRO/R0 BWR 1.0 0 0 0 0 i'

SRO/R0 PWR 0.75 0 0 0 0

-Navy Nuclear 36

.RO, EWS,-E00W,' PPWS 0.50 20 10 20 10 Other Navy Nuclear 0.25 0 0 0 0 Simulator 12 )

Clinton Specific 5.00 0 0 2 10 )

~ Simulator .

3.00 2 6 2 2 l Clinton Experience On-Shift 24  :

Less Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.75 (12) 5 3.8 13.8 10.4  !

More Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.50 (12) 40 12 40 12 i Operational Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.75 12 0 0 0 0

_ Other Technical Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.25 12 19 4.8 19- 4.8 Clinton License Class and Exam 0.50 9 0 0 7.4 3.7
Conduct Clinton License Class 0.25 9 0 0 0 -0 Degree (Engineering or Applied Science) 12 Bachelors (12)

Associates ( 6)

Equivalent (Semester Hours) 0.1 (40) 4.9 (49) 4.9 Technical And Operational Experience 0. 0 At Any Power Generating Facility Not Listed Above TOTALS 86 41.5 104.2 57.8 COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE A - NUMARC Weighting Factor E - Actual Months Projected to December,1985 B - NUMARC Maximum Credit Limit F - Weighted Months to Dec., 1985, C - Actual Months, December, 1984 Not to Exceed Limit D - Weighted Months to Dec., 1984, Not to Exceed Limit LICENSE TRAINING Weeks of Training


F -





j~ Reactor Fundamentals 4

BWR Technology 5 Balance of Plant 5

. BWR Operator Training 3 9 BWR.0bservation Training 4' Reactor Startup 1 Mitigating Reactor Core Damage 1

, -License Review 9 9 4

TOTALS 23 9 9 9 COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE F - Completed Classwork G - Completed Simulator H Projected Classwork to December, 1985 I - Projected Simulator to December, 1985 C-44




[ I.D. CODE: '044 POSITION: Director - Nuclear Training

, -Types of Experience A B C D E F SRO/R0 BWR 1.0 0 0 0 0 SRO/R0 PWR 0.75 0 0 0 0 Navy Nuclear 36 RO, EWS, E00W, PPWS 0.50 30 15 30 15 Other Navy Nuclear 0.25 118 21 118 21 Simulator 12 Clinton Specific 5.00 0 0 2 10 Simulator 3.00 3 9 3 2 Clinton Experience On-Shift 24 Less Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.75 (12) 0 0 0 0 More Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.50 (12) 0 0 0 0 Operational Experien'ce at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.75 12 0 0 0 0 Other Technical Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.25 12 13.1 3.3 21.2 5.3 Clinton License Class and Exam 0.50 9 0 0 ~7.6 3.8 Conduct Clinton License Class 0.25 9 0 0 0 0

, Degree (Engineering or Applied Science) 12 4 -Bachelors (12) Yes 12 Yes 12 Associates ( 6)

Equivalent (Semester. Hours) 0.1 Technical And Operational Experience 0 0' At Any Power Generating Facility 1

Not Listed Above TOTALS 164.1 60.3 181.8 69.1 COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE A - NUMARC Weighting Factor E - Actual Months Projected to December, 1985 B - NUMARC Maximum Credit Limit F - Weighted Months to Dec., 1985, C - Actual Months, December, 1984 Not to Exceed Limit D - Weighted Months to Dec., 1984, Not to Exceed Limit LICENSE TRAINING Weeks of Training F




~ -

I R2 actor Fundamentals 3 BWR Technology 5 Balance of Plant 4 BWR Operator Training 6 11 BWR Observation Training 0 4 R2 actor Startup 0 Mitigating Reactor Core Damage 1 License Review 9 9 TOTALS 20 11 13 9 COLUMN EEADING CROSS REFERENCE F - Completed Classwork G - Completed Simulator H - Projected Classwork to December,1985 I - Projected Simulator to December, 1985 C-45



. . I I.D. CODE: 045

' POSITION: Control Room Operator i

Types of Experience A B C D E F SRO/R0 BWR 1.0 0 0 0 0 1 SRO/R0 PWR 0.75 0 0 0 0 Navy Nuclear 36 RO, EWS, E00W, PPWS 0.50 80 36 80 36 Other Navy Nuclear 0.25 0 0 0 0 Simulator 12 Clinton Specific 5.00 0 0 2 10 Simulator 3.00 3- 9 3 2 Clinton Experience On-Shift 24 Less Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.75 (12) 1 0.8 8.7 6.5 More Than-1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.50 (12) 11.8 5.9 11.8 5.9 Operational, Experience at commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.75 12 0 0 0 0 Other Technical Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.25 12 3.5 0.9 3.5 0.9 Clinton License Class and Exam 0.50 9 0 0 7.6 3.8 Conduct Clinton License Class 0.25 9 0 0 0 0 Degree (Engineering or Applied Science) 12 Bachelors (12)

~ Associates ( 6)

Equivalent (Semester Hours) 0.1 0 0 0 0

_ Technical And Operational Experience 0 0.
- At Any Power Generating Facility Not Listed Above TOTALS 99.3 52.6 116.6 65.1 COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE E - Actual Months Projected to December, 1985

- A - NUMARC Weighting Factor B - NUMARC Maximum Credit Limit F - Weighted Months to Dec.,_1985 C - Actual Months, December, 1984 Not to Exceed Limit D - Weighted Months to Dec., 1984 Not to Exceed-Limit LICENSE TRAINING i Weeks of Training F G H

I Reactor Fundamentals -4.2 BWR Technology 4 Balance of Plant 4 BWR Operator Training 6 11 BWR Observation Iraining 0 4 Reactor Startup 1

- Mitigating Reactor Core Damage 0 1 License Review 9 9 TOTALS 19.2 11 14 9

COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE F - Completed Classwork G - Completed Simulator H - Projected Classwork to December, 1985 I - Projected Simulator to December,1985 C-46 9-Y** 5 mt-+- t+*-- .-wg? 4- e w ws. . mew , , , _ , -



I.D. CODE: 046 POSITION: Assistant Shift Supervisor Types of Experience A B C D E F SRO/R0 BWR 1.0 0 0 0 0 SRO/R0 PWR 0.75 0 0 0 0 Navy Nuclear 36 RO, EWS, E00W, PPWS 0.50 6 3 6 3 Other Navy Nuclear 0.25 49 12.3 49 12.3 Simulator 12 Clinton. Specific 5.00 0 0 2 10 Simulator 3.00 2 6 2 2 Clinton Experience On-Shif t 24 Less Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.75 (12) 0 0 9.9 7.4 More Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.50 (12) 37.7 12 27.7 12 Operational Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.75 12 6 4.5 6 4.5 Other Technical Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.25 12 26 6.5 26 6.5 Clinton License Class and Exam 0.50 9 0 0 10.2 5.1 Conduct Clinton License Class 0.25 9 0 0 0 0 Degree (Engineering or Applied Science) 12 Bachelors (12)

Associates ( 6)

Equivalent (Semester Hours) 0.1 (52) 5.2 (52) 5.2 Technical And Operational Experience 0 0 At Any Power Generating Facility Not Listed Above TOTALS 126.7 49.5 148.8 68 COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE A - NUMARC Weighting Factor E - Actual Months Prcjected to December,1985 B - NUMARC Maximum Credit Limit F - Weighted Months to Dec., 1985, C - Actual Months, December, 1984 Not to Exceed Limit D - Weighted Months to Dec., 1984, Not to Exceed Limit LICENSE TRAINING Weeks of Training F G H

I Reactor Fundamentals 16 BWR Technology 5 Balance of Plant 5 BWR Operator Training 3 9 BWR Observation Training 4 Reactor Startup 1 Mitigating Reactor Core Damage 1 License Review 9 9 TOTALS 35 9 9 9 COLUNN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE F - Completed Classwork G - Completed Simulator H - Projected Classwork to December, 1985 I - Projected Simulator to December, 1985 C-47




, I.D. CODE: 047 f POSITION: Assistant Supervisor - Plant Operations

Types of Experience _A - D E

, _B _C _ - _ _F SRO/R0 BkR 1.0 0 0 0 0 SRO/R0 PWR 0.75 32.3 43 43- 32.3 Navy Nuclear 36 '

RO, EWS, E00W, PPWS 0.50 0 0 0 0 Other Navy Nuclear 0.25 0 0 0 0 l Simulator 12 5 Clinton Specific 5.00 0 0 2 10 Simulator 3.00 2 6 2 2 Clinton Experience On-Shift- 24 Less Than 1-1/2. Years to Fuel Load 0.75 (12) 0 0 0 0

, More Than.1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.50 (12) 0 0 0 0

Operational Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.75 12 24 12 24 12 Other Technical Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.25 12 67.8 12 76.6 -12 Clinton License class and Exam 0.50 9- 0 0 7.6 3.8

. Conduct Clinton License Class 0.25 9 0 0 0 0 Degree (Engineering or Applied Science) 12-Bachelors (12)

Associates ( 6)

Equivalent (Semester Hours) 0.1 (67.5) 6.8 (67.5) 6.8


Technical And Operational Experience 44 44 At Any Power Generating Facility Not Listed Above TOTALS 180.8 69.1 199.2 78.9

{ COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE A .NUMARC Weighting Factor E - Actual Months Projected to December,1985

, B - NUMARC Maximum Credit Limit F - Weighted Months to Dec., 1985, C - Actual Months, December, 1984 Not to Exceed Limit >

D - Weighted Months to Dec., 1984, 2

Not to Exceed Limit 4 LICENSE TRAINING Weeks of Training F



~ ~


., ' Reactor Fundamentals 5 BWR Technology 5 Balance of Plant 5 BWR Operator Training 3 9 BWR Observation Training 4 Reactor Startup 1 Mitigating Reactor Core Damage 1 License Review 9 9 TOTALS 24 9 9 9 i COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE

F - Completed Classwork G - Completed Simulator H - Projected Classwork to December, 1985 I - Projected Simulator to December, 1985 l-

- - - - , , e~ ,,-,._,,,e,,_,,...m_m,.. .___,_-,.,-.,,_-,,y,,,.r,.._~ .

% -,---~-_---wt--r



I.D. CODE:~048 POSITIONi Control Room Operator Types of Experience A B C D E F SRO/R0 BWR 1.0 0 0 0 0 SRO/R0 PWR. 0.75 0 0 0 0 Navy Nuclear 36 RO, EWS, E00W, PPWS- 0.50 28 14 28 14 Other Navy Nuclear 0.25 17 4.3 17 4.3 Simulator 12 Clinton Specific 5.00 0 0 2 10 Simulator 3.00 2 6 2 2 Clinton Experience On-Shift 24

Less Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.75- (12) 4 3 13.8 10.4 More-Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.50 (12) 33.7 12 33.7 12 Operational Experience at commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.75 12 0 0 0 0 Other Technical Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.25 12 4 1 4 1 Clinton License Class and Exam 0.50 9 0 0 7.6 3.8 Conduct Clinton License class 0.25 9 0 0 0 0 Degree (Engineering or Applied Science) 12 Bachelors (12)

Associates ( 6)

Equivalent (Semester Hours) 0.1' (39) 3.9 (39) 3.9 Technical And Operational Experience 0 0 At Any Power Generating Facility Not Listed Above TOTALS 88.7 44.2 108.1 61.4 COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE A >NUMARC Weighting Factor E - Actual Months Projected to December,1985 B - NUMARC Maximum Credit Limit F - Weighted Months to Dec., 1985, C - Actual Months, December, 1984 Not to Exceed Limit D - Weighted Months to Dec., 1984, Not to Exceed Limit LICENSE TRAINING Weeks of Training F



~ ~

I R: actor Fundamentals 7 BWR Technology 4 Balance of Plant 4 BWR Operator Training 3 9 BWR Observation Training 4 R2 actor Startup 1 Mitigating Reactor Core Damage 1 License Baview 9 9 TOTALS 24 9 9 9 COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE F - Completed Classwork G . Completed Simulator H - Projected Classwork to December, 1985 I - Projected Simulator to December,1985 C-49



I.D. CODE: 049 POSITION: Assistant Shift Supervisor

] Types of Experience A B C D E F-SRO/R0 BWR 1.0 0 0 0 0

SRO/R0 PWR 0.75- 0 0 0 0 Navy Nuclear 36 RO, EWS, E00W, PPWS 0.50 0 0 0 0 Other Navy Nuclear 0.75 77 19.3 77 19.3 i

Simulator 12 Clinton Specific 5.00 0 0 2 10 Simulator 3.00 2 6 2 2 Clinton Experience On-Shift 24 Less Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.75 (12) 4 3 7.8 5.9 More Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.50 (12) 41.8 12 41.8 12 Operational Experience at ,

! Commercial Nuclear' Power Plant 0.75 12 1 0.8 6 4.5 4

Other Techr.ical Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.25 12 26 6.5 26 6.5 1- Clinton License Class and Exas 0.50 9 0 0 10.2 5.1 i Conduct Clinton License Class 0.25 9 0 0 0 0 Dearee (Engineering or Applied Science) 12 Bachelors (12)

, Associates ( 6)

Equivalent _(Semester Hours) 0.1 (49) 4.9 (49) 4.9 Technical And Operational Experience 0 0 At Any Power Generating Facility i Not Listed Above TOTALS 151.8 ST.T E8 U COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE $

i A - NUMARC Weighting Factor E - Actual Months Projected to December, 1985 [

B - NUMARC Maximum Credit Limit F - Weighted Months to Dec., 1985, C - Actual Months, December, 1984 Not to Exceed Limit D - Weighted Months to Dec., 1984, I Not to Exceed Limit LICENSE TRAINING Weeks of Training F G



~ ~

I Reactor Fundamentals 16 t

BWR Technology 5 Balance of Plant 5 BWR Operator Training 3 9 BWR Observation Training 4 Reactor Startup 1 Mitigating Reactor Core Damage 1 f_ License Review 9 9 TOTALS 3T- 9 9 9 1


- F - Completed Classwork G - Completed Simulator
H - Projected Classwork to December, 1985 4 I - Projected Simulator to December, 1985

i C-50 i



I.D. CODE: 050 POSITION: Control Room Operator Types of Experience A B C D E_ F ESRO/R0 BWR 1.0 0 0 0' 0 SRO/R0 PWR 0.75- 0 0 0 0

-Navy Nuclear 36 RO, EWS, E00W,.PPWS 0.50 5 2.5 5 2.5 Other Navy Nuclear 0.25 48 12 48 12 Simulator 12 Clinton Specific 5.00 0 0 2 10 Simulator 3.00 2 6 2 2 Clinton Experience On-Shift 24 Less Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.75 (12) 4 3 13.8 10.4 More Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.50 (12) 22.8 11.4 22.8 11.4 Operational Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.75 12 0 0 0 0 Other Technical Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.25 12 -9 2.3 9 2.3 Clinton License Class and Exas 0.50 9 0 0 7.2 3.6 Conduct Clinton License Class 0.25 9 0 0 0 0 Degree (Engineering or Applied Science) 12 Bachelors (12)

Associates . ( 6)

Equivalent-(Semester Hours) 0.1 0 0 0 0 Technical And Operations 1 Experience 0 0 At Any Power Generatina Facility Not Listed Above TOTALS 90.8- 3TY T6T 8 3T.T COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE A --NUMARC Weighting Factor E - Actual Months Projected to December, 1985 B - NUMARC Maximum Credit Limit F - Weighted Months to Dec., 1985 C - Actual Months, December, 1984 Not to Exceed Limit D - Weighted Months to Dec., 1984, Not to Exceed Limit LICENSE TRAINING Weeks of Trainina F



I R: actor Fundamentals 5.5 BWR Technology 4 Balance of Plant 4

. BWR Operator Training 3_ 9

. BWR Observation Training 4 R actor Startup 1 Mitigating Reactor Core Damage 1 License Review 9 9 TOTALS IIII 9 9 9

. COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE F - Completed Classwork G - Completed Simulator H - Projected Classwork to December, 1985 I - Projected Simulator to Deccaber, 1985

.. C-51



I.D. CODE: 051 POSITION: Control Room Operator Types of Experience A B C D E F SRO/R0 BWR- 1.0 0 0 0 0 SRO/R0 PWR 0.75 0 0 0 0 i Navy Nuclear 36 '

RO, EWS, E00W, PPWS 0.50 48 24 48 24 Other Navy Nuclear 0.25 0 0 0 0 Simulator 12 Clinton Specific 5.00 0 0 2 10 Simulator 3.00 2 6 2 2 Clinton Experience On-Shift 24 Less Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.75 (12) 4 3 13.8 10.4 More Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.50 (12) 35.6 12 35.6 12 Operational Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.75 12 0 0 0 0 Other Technical Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.25 12 19 4.8 19- 4.8 Clinton License Class and Exas 0.50 9 0 0 7.4 3.7 Conduct Clinton License Class 0.25 9 0 0 0 0 Degree (Engineering or Applied Science) 12 Bachelors (12)

Associates ( 6)

Equivalent (Semester Hours) 0.1 (72) 7.2 .(72) 7.2 Technical And Operational Experience 0 0 At Any Power Generating Facility

'Not Listed Above TOTALS T5E6 F E8 T4 T COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE A - NUMARC Weighting Factor E - Actual Months Projected to December, 1985 B - NUMARC Maximum Credit Limit F - Weighted Months to Dec., 1985 C - Actual Months, December, 1984 Not to Exceed Limit D - Weighted Months to Dec., 1984, Not to Exceed Limit LICENSE TRAINING Weeks of Training








Reactor Fundamentals 4 BWR Technology 5 Balance of Plant 5 BWR Operator Training 3 9 BWR Observation Training 4 Reactor Startup 1 Mitigating Reactor Core Damage 1 License Review 9 9 TOTALS T 9 9 9 COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE F - Completed Classwork G - Completed Simulator H - Projected Classwork to December, 1985 I - Projected Simulator to December, 1985 C-52



1.D. CODE: 052>

POSITION: Operations Training Development Specialist Types of Experience A B_ C, D, E F SRO/R0 BWR 1.0 0 'O O O SRO/R0 PWR- 0.75 0 0 0 0 Navy Nuclear- 36 RO, EWS, E00W PPWS 0.50 9 4.5' 9 4.5 Other Navy Nuclear 0.25 17 4.3 17- 4.3 Simulator 12 Clinton Specific 5.00 0 0 2 10

. Simulator 3.00 2 6 2 2 Clinton Experience On-Shift 24 Less Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.75 (12) 0 0 0 0 More Than- 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.50 (12) 13 6.5 13 6.5 Operational Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.75 12 0 0 0 0 Other Technical Experience at commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.25 12 35.9 9 45.6 11.4 Clinton License Class and Exas 0.50 9 0 0 6.6 3.3.

Conduct Clinton License Class 0.25 9 0 0 0 0 Degree (Engineering or Applied Science) 12 Bachelors (12)

Associates ( 6)

Equivalent (Semester Hours) 0.1 (16) 1.6 (16) 1.6 Technical And Operational Experience 0 0 At Any Power Generating Facility Not Listed Above TOTALS U M M M COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE A - NUMARC Weighting Factor E - Actual Months Projected .to December,1985 B - NUMARC Maximum Credit Limit F - Weighted Months to Dec., 1985, C - Actusi Months December, 1984 Not to Exceed Limit.

D - Weighted Months to Dec., 1984 Not to Exceed Limit LICENSE TRAINING Weeks of Training F




I Reactor Fundamentals 4 BWR Technology 4 Balance of Plant 3 BWR Operator Training 3 9 BWR Observation Training 4 Reactor Startup 1 Mitigating Reactor Core Damage 1 License Review 9 9 TOTALS 20 9 9 9 l COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE F - Completed Classwork C - Completed Simulator H - Projected Classwork to December, 1985 I - Projected Simulator to December, 1985 C-53



I.D. CODE: 053 POSITION: Supervisor - Technical Types of Experience A B C D E F


SRO/R0 BWR 1.0 0 0 0 0 SRO/RO PWR 0.75 0 0 0 0 Navy Nuclear 36 f

RO, EWS, E00W, PPWS 0.50 44 22 44 22

.0ther Navy Nuclear 0.25 0 0 0 0 Simulator- 12 Clinton Specific 5.00 0 0 2 10 Simulator 3.00 2 6 2 2 Clinton Experience On-Shift .24 Less Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.75 (12) 0 0' O O More Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.50 (12) 0 0 0 0 Operational Experience at Commercimi Nuclear Power Plant 0.75 12 0 0 0 0 Other Technical Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.25 12 57.9 12 66.7 12 Clinton License Class and Exam 0.50 9 0 0 6.2 3.1 Conduct Clinton License Class 0.25 9 0 0 0 0 Degree (Engineering or Applied Science) 12 Bachelors (12) Yes 12 Yes 12 Associates _ ( 6)

Equivalent (Semester Hours) 0.1 Technical And Operational Experience 0 0 At Any Power Generating Facility Not Listed Above TOTALS 165 9 52 1Y6 9 61.1 COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE A - NUMARC Weighting Factor E - Actual Months Projected to December, 1985 B - NUMARC Maximum Credit Limit F - Weighted Months to Dec., 1985, C - Actual Months, December, 1984 Not to Exceed Limit D - Weighted Months to Dec., 1984, Not to Exceed Limit LICENSE TRAINING Weeks of Training F


I Reactor Fundamentals 1 BWR Technology 4 Balance of Plant 4 BWR Operator Training 3 9 BWR Observation Training 4 Reactor Startup 1 Mitigating Reactor Core Damage 1 License Review 9 9 TOTALS 18 9 9 9 COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE F - Completed Classwork G - Completed Simulator H - Projected Classwork to December, 1985 I - Projected Simulator to December, 1985 C-54



I.D. CODE: 054

' POSITION: Supervisor.- Nuclear Types of Experience A B C D E F SRO/R0 BWR 1.0 0 0 0 0 SRO/Ro PWR; 0.75 0 0 0' 0 Navy Nuclear 36 R0, EWS, E00W PPWS 0.50 0 0 0 0 Other Navy Nuclear 0.25 0 0 0 0 Simulator' 12 Clinton Specific 5.00 0 0 2 10 Simulator 3.00 2 6 2 2

~Clinton Experience On-Shift 24 Less Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.75 (12) 0 0 0 0 More Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.50 (12) 0 0 0 0

Operational Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.75 12 0 0 0 0

-Other Technical Experience at commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.25 12 114.8 12 123.6 12 Clinton License Class and Exas 0.50 9 0 0 7.6 3.8 Conduct Clinton License Class 0.25 9 0 0 0 0 Dearee.(Engineering or Applied Science) 12 Bachelors (12) Yes 12 Yes 12 Associates ( 6)

Equivalent (Semester Hours) 0.1 Technical And Operational Experience 0 0 At Any Power Generatina Facility Not Listed Above TOTALS TTC8 F TTC2 3T N COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE A - NUMARC Weighting Factor E - Actual Months Projected to December, 1985 B - NUMARC Maximum Credit Limit F - Weighted Months to Dec., 1985 C - Actual Months, December, 1984 Not to Exceed Limit D - Weighted Months to Dec., 1984, Not to Exceed Limit LICENSE TRAINING Weeks of Trainina F





R: actor Fundamentals 5 BWR Technology 5 Balance of Plant 5 BWR operator Training 3 9 BWR Observation Training 4 R: actor Startup 1 Mitigating Reactor Core Damage 1 License Review 9 9 TOTALS 24 9 9 9 COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE F - Completed Classwork G - Completed Simulator

-M - Projected Classwork to December, 1985 I - Projected Simulator to December, 1985 C-55



I.D. CODE: 055 POSITION: Operations Instructor Types of Experience A B, C, D, E, F, l SRO/R0 BWR 1.0 0 0 0 0 SRO/R0 PWR 0.75 0 0 0 0 Navy Nuclear- 36 RO, EWS, EOOW, PPWS 0.50 8 4 8 4 Other Navy Nuclear 0.25 70 17.5 70 17.5 Simulator 12 Clinton Specific 5.00 0 0 2 10 Simulator 3.00 3 9 3 2 Clinton Experience On-Shift. 24 Less Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.75 (12) 0 0 0 0 More Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.50 (12) 0 0 0 0 Operational Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.75- 12 0 0 0 0 Other Technical Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.25 12 0.8 0.2 5.6 1.4 Clinton License Class and Exas 0.50 9 0 0 7.6 3.8 Conduct Clinton License Class 0.25 9 0 0 0 0 Dearee (Engineering or Applied Science) 12 Bachelors (12)

Associates ( 6) . .

Equivalent (Semester Hours) 0.1 (18) 1.8 (18) 1.8 Technical And Operational Experience 0 0 At Any Power Generating Facility Not Listed Above TOTALS ET.T U U M COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE A - NUMARC Weighting Factor E - Actual Months Projected to December, 1985 B - NUMARC Maximum Credit Limit F - Weighted Months to Dec., 1985 C - Actual Months, December, 1984 Not to Exceed Limit D - Weighted Months to Dec., 1984 Not to Exceed Limit LICENSE TRAINING Weeks of Trainins F G




Reactor Fundamentals I ~4 BWR Technology 0 4 Balance of Plant 0 4 BWR Operator Training 6 11 BWR Observation Training 0 4 Reactor Startup 1 Mitigating Reactor Core Damage 0 1 License Review 9 9 TOTALS 7 11 26 I~~~

COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE F - Completed Classwork G - Completed Simulator H - Projected Classwork to December, 1985 I - Projected Simulator to December, 1985 C-56



I.D. CODE: 056 P*,4 TION: Shift Supervisor Types of Experience A B C D E F SRO/R0 BWR 1.0 0 0 0 0 SRO/R0 PWR 0.75 0 0 0 0 .j Navy Nuclear 36 RO, EWS, E00W, PPWS 0.50 52 26 52 26 Other Navy Nuclear 0.25 0 0 0 0 Simulator 12 Clinton Specific 5.00 0 0 2 10 Simulator 3.00 2 6 2 2 Clinton Experience On-Shift 24 Less Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.75 (12) 0 0 9.9 7.4 More Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.50 (12) 39.6 12 39.6 12 Operational Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.75 12 6 4.5 6 4.5 ,

Other Technical Experience at commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.25 12 21.3 5.3 21.3 5.3 Clinton License Class and Exam 0.50 9 0 0 10.2 5.1 Conduct Clinton License Class 0.25 9 0 0 0 0 Degree (Engineering or Applied Science) 12 Bachelors (12)

Associates ( 6) Yes 6 Yes 6 Equivalent (Semester Hours) 0.1 0 0 0 0 Technical And Operational Experience 0 0 At Any Power Generating Facility Not Listed Above TOTALS 120.9 59.8 143 78.3 COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE A - NUMARC Weighting Factor E - Actual Months Projected to December, 1985 B - NUMARC Maximum Credit Limit F - Weighted Months to Dec., 1985 C - Actual Months, December, 1984 Not to Exceed Limit D - Weighted Months to Dec., 1984, Not to Exceed Limit LICENSE TRAINING Weeks of Training F G



~ ~

I Reactor Fundamentals 16 BWR Technology 5 Balance of Plant 5 BWR Operator Training 3 9 BWR Observation Training 4 Reactor Startup 1 Mitigating Reactor Core Damage 1

' License Review 9 9 TOTALS 35 9 9 9 COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE F - Completed Classwork G - Completed Simulator H - Projected Classwork to December, 1985 1 - Projected Simulator to December, 1985 C-57



1.D. CODE: 057 POSITION: Shift Supervisor Types of Experience A B C D E F SR0/R0 BWR 1.0 31 31 31 31 SRO/R0 PWR 0.75 0 0 0 0 Navy Nuclear 36 R0, EWS, E00W, PPWS 0.50 42 21 42 21 Other Navy Nuclear 0.25 2 0.5 2 0.5 Simulator 12 Clinton Specific 5.00 0 0 2 10 Simulator 3.00 0 0 0 0 Clinton Experience On-Shift 24 Less Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.75 (12) 2 1.5 8.7 6.5 More Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.50 (12) 0 0 0 0 Operational Experience at Commercini Nuclear Power Plant 0.75 12 17 12 17 12 Other Technical Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.25 12 0 0 0 0 Clinton License Class and Exam 0.50 9 0 0 4.4 2.2 Conduct Clinton License Class 0.25 's 0 0 0 0 Degree (Engineering or Applied Science) 12 Bachelors (12)

Associates ( 6)

Equivalent (Semester Hours) 0.1 (21) 2.1 (21) 2.1 Technical And Operational Experience 0 0 At Any Power Generating Facility Not Listed Above TOTALS 94 68.1 107.1 85.3 COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE A - NUMARC Weighting Factor E - Actual Months Projected to December, 1985 B - NUMARC Maximum Credit Limit F - Weighted Months to Dec., 1985, C - Actual Months. December, 1984 Not to Exceed Limit D - Weighted Months to Dec., 1984, Not to Exceed Limit LICENSE TRAINING Weeks of Training F G H




Reactor Fundamentals 0 BWR Technology 0 4 Balance of Plant 0 4 BWR Operator Training 0 BWR Observation Training 0 Reactor Startup 0 1.

Mitigating Reactor Core Damage 0 i License Review 9 9 TOTALS 0 0 19 9 COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE F - Completed Classwork G - Completed Simulator H - Projected Classwork to December, 1985 I - Projected Simulator to December, 1985 C-58

. -, .~ . . - - . . . . .



I.D. CODE: 058 POSITION: Control Room Operator Types of F :perience A B C D E F SRO/R0 BWR 1.0 0 0 0 0 J SRO/R0 PWR 0.75 0 0 0 0 l Navy Nuclear 36 R0, EWS, E00W PPWS 0.50 0 0 0 0 Other Navy Nuclear 0.25 66 16.5 66 16.5 Simulator 12 Clinton Specific 5.00 0 0 2 10 Simulator 3.00 3 9 3 2 Clinton Experience On-Shift 24 Less Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.75 (12) 4 3 13.8 10.4 More Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.50 (12) 17 8.5 17 8.5 Operational Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.75 12 0 0 0 0 Other Technical Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.25 12 2 0.5 2 0.5 Clinton License class and Exam 0.50 9 0 0 9.4 4.7 Conduct Clinton License Class 0.25 9 0 0 0 0 Degree (Engineering or Applied Science) 12 Bachelors (12)

Associates ( 6)

Equivalent (Semester Hours) 0.1 0 0 0 0 Technical And Operational Experience 0 0 At Any Power Generating Facility Not Listed Above TOTALS 92 37.5 113.2 52.6 COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE A - NUMARC Weighting Factor E - Actual Months Projected to December, 1985 B - NUMARC Maximum Credit Limit F - Weighted Months to Dec., 1985, C - Actual Months, December, 1984 Not to Exceed Limit D - Weighted Months to Dec., 1984, Not to Exceed Limit LICENSE TRAINING Weeks of Training F

~ ~


~ ~

I Reactor Fundamentals 8 BWR Technology 8 Balance of Plant 4 BWR Operator Training 6 11 BNR Observation Training 4 Reactor Startup 1 Mitigating Reactor Core Damage 1 License Review 9 9 TOTALS 32 11 9 9 COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE F - Completed Classwork G - Completed Simulator H - Projected Classwork to December, 1985 1 - Projected Simulator to December, 1985 C-59



I.D. CODE: 059 POSITION: Operations Instructor Types of Experience A B C D E F SRO/R0 BWR 1.0 0 0 0 0 ,

SRO/R0 PWR 0.75 0 0 0 0 Navy Nuclear 36 R0, EWS, E00W, PPWS 0.50 0 0 0 0 y Other Navy Nuclear 0.25 30 7.5 30 7.5 Simulator 12 i Clinton Specific 5.00 0 0 2 10 Simulator 3.00 2 6 2 2 Clinton Experience On-Shift 24


Less Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.75 (12) 0 0 0 0 More Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.50 (12) 0 0 0 0 Oparational Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.75 12 0 0 0 0 7 -

Other Technical Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.25 12 31.8 8 41.6 10.4 Clinton License Class and Exam 0.50 9 0 0 9.8 4.9 -

0 '

Conduct Clinton License Class 0.25 9 0 0 0 Degree (Engineering or Applied Science) 12 Bachelors (12)  ;

Associates ( 6)

Equivalent (Semester Hours) 0.1 0 0 0 0 Technical And Operational Experience 0 0 At Any Power Generating Facility Not Listed Above TOTALS 63.8 21.5 85.4 34.8 COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE A - NUMARC Weighting Factor E - Actual Months Projected to December, 1935 B - NUMARC Maximum Credit Limit F - Weighted Months to Dec., 1985, 's C - Actual Months, December, 1984 Not to Exceed Limit D - Weighted Months to Dec., 1984, Not to Exceed Limit ,

LICENSE TRAINING Weeks of Training _

F ~

G ~

H ~

I Reactor Fundamentals I6  ;

BWR Technology 5 Balance of Plant 4 '

BWR Operator Training 3 9 BWR Observation Training 4 Reactor Startup 1 Mitigating Reactor Core Damage 0.6 '

License Review 9 9 TOTALS 33.6 9 9 9 COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE F - Completed Classwork ,

G - Completed Simulator H - Projected Classwork to December, 1985 I - Projected Simulator to December, 1985 C-60

. _ . . .,. . _. . . . . , . , _.- = , . , . . , ._ . . ,, . ..



1.D. CODE: 060 POSITION: Control Room Operator Types of Experience A B C D E F -

SRO/R0 BWR 1.0 0 0 0 0 SRO/R0 PWR 0.75 0 0 0 0 Navy Nuclear 36 RO, EWS, E00W PPWS 0.50 0 0 0 0 Other Navy Nuclear 0.25 0 0 0 0  ;

Simulator 12 Clinton Specific 5.00 0 0 2 10 Simulator 3.00 3 9 3 2 Clinton Experience On-Shift 24 Less Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.75 (12) 1.1 0.8 8.7 6.5 More Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.50 (12) 18 9 18 9 Operational Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.75 12 0 0 0 0 Other Technical Experience at commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.25 12 4 1 4 1 Clinton License Class and Exam 0.50 9 0 0 7.4 3.7 Conduct Clinton License Class 0.25 9 0 0 0 0 Degree (Engineering or Applied Science) 12 Bachelors (12)

Associates ( 6) Yes 6 Yes 6 Equivalent (Semester Hours) 0.1 0 0 0 0 Technical And Operational Experience 0 0 At Any Power Generating Facility Not Listed Above TOTALS 26.1 25.8 43.1 38.2 COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE A - NUMARC WeiRhting Factor E - Actual Months Projected to December, 1985 B - NUMARC Maximum Credit Limit F - Weighted Months to Dec., 1985, C - Actual Months, December, 1984 Not to Exceed Limit D - Weighted Months to Dec., 1984 Not to Exceed Limit LICENSE TRAINING Weeks of Training F G



~ -

I Reactor Fundamentals -3 BWR Technology 4 Balance of Plant 4 BWR Operator Training 6 11 BWR Observation Training 0 4 Reactor Startup 0 1 Mitigating Reactor Core Damage 1 License Review 9 9 TOTALS 18 11 14 9 COLUtni HEADING CROSS REFERENCE F - Conpleted Classwork G - Completed Simulator H - Projected Classwork to December, 1985 1 - Projected Simulator to December, 1985 C-61




h I.D. CODE: 061 3

- ==

POSITION: Supervisor - Instruction Types of Experience A, B_ C, D, E_ F, i

SRO/R0 BWR 1.0 0 0 0 0 =

SRO/R0 PWR 0.75 0 0 0 0 "

Navy Nuclear 36 RO, EWS, E00W, PPWS 0.50 0 0 0 0 Other Navy Nuclear 0.25 0 0 0 0 Simulator 12 '

Clinton Specific 5.00 0 0 2 10 Z Simulator 3.00 3 9 3 2 -

Clinton Experience On-Shift 24 _,'"

Less Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.75 (12) 0 0 0 0 More Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.50 (12) 0 0 0 0  %

Operational Experience at -

Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.75 12 0 0 0 0 Other Technical Experience at __

commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.25 12 64 12 72.8 12 r Clinton License Class and Exam 0.50 9 0 0 5.8 2.9 <y Conduct Clinton License Class 0.25 9 0 0 0 0 Degree (Engineering or Applied Science) 12 i" Bachelors (12) Yes 12 Yes 12 3 Associates ( 6) -1 Equivalent (Semester Hours) 0.1 EE Technical And Operational Experience 0 0 2 At Any Power Generating Facility ]

Not Listed Above 5 "

TOTALS 67 33 83.6 38.9 -

COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE A - NUMARC Weighting Factor E - Actual Months Projected to December, 1985 su B - NUMARC Maximum Credit Limit F - Weighted Months to Dec., 1985 M C - Actual Months, December, 1984 Not to Exceed Limit D - Weighted Months to Dec., 1984, 3 Not to Exceed Limit LICENSE TRAINING Weeks of Training F G



~ ~

I Reactor Fundamentals ~0 -

BWR Technology 4 Balance of Plant 3 BWR Operator Training 3 12 s BWR Observation Training 4 Reactor Startup 1 Mitigating Reactor Core Damage 1 License Review 9 9 TOTALS 16 12 9 9 5 COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE F - Completed Classwork C - Completed Simulator H - Projected Classwork to December, 1985 I - Projected Simulator to December, 1985 _




I.D. CODE: 062 POSITION: Shift Supervisor Types of Experience A B C D E F SRO/R0 BWR 1.0 17 17 17 17 SRO/R0 PWR 0.75 0 0 0 0 Navy Nuclear 36 RO, EWS, E00W. PPWS 0.50 39 19.5 39 19.5 Other Navy Nuclear 0.25 0 0 0 0 Simulator 12 Clinton Specific 5.00 0 0 2 10 Simulator 3.00 2 6 2 2 Clinton Experience On-Shift 24 Less Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.75 (12) 5 3.8 13.8 10.4 More Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.50 (12) 41.9 12 41.9 12 Operational Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.75 12 15 11.3 15 11.3 Other Technical Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.25 12 24.5 6.1 24.5 6.1 Clinton License Class and Exam 0.50 9 0 0 6.6 3.3 Conduct Clinton License Class 0.25 9 0 0 0 0 Degree (Engineering or Applied Science) 12 Bachelors (12)

Associates ( 6)

Equivalent (Semester Hours) 0.1 (49) 4.9 (49) 4.9 Technical And Operational Experience 0 0 At Any Power Generating Facility Not Listed Above TOTALS 144.4 80.6 161.8 96.5 COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE A - NUMARC Weighting Factor E - Actual Months Projected to December, 1985 B - NUMARC Maximum Credit Limit F - Weighted Months to Dec., 1985 C - Actual Months. December, 1984 Not to Exceed Limit D - Weighted Months to Dec., 1984, Not to Exceed Limit LICENSE TRAINING Weeks of Training


F -

G -

H -

I Reactor Fundamentals 5 BWR Technology 5 Balance of Plant 5 BWR Operator Training 3 9 BWR Observation Training 0 Reactor Startup 1 Mitigating Reactor Core Damage 1 License Review 9 9 i

TOTALS 20 9 9 9 COLUMN HEADING CROS!. REFERENCE F - Completed Classwork G - Completed Simulator H - Projected Classwork to December, 1985 I - Projected Simulator to December, 1985 C-63



I.D. CODE: 063 POSITION: Assistant Shif t Supervisor Types of Experience A B C D E F SRO/R0 BWR 1.0 0 0 0 0 SRO/R0 PWR 0.75 0 0 0 0 Navy Nuclear 36 RO, EWS, E00W PPWS 0.50 60 30 60 30 Other Navy Nuclear 0.25 39 6 39 6 Simulator 12 Clinton Specific 5.00 0 0 2 10 Simulator 3.00 2 6 2 2 Clinton Experience On-Shift 24 Less Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.75 (12) 5 3.8 13.8 10.4 Hore Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.50 (12) 18 9 18 9 Operational Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.75 12 0 0 0 0 Other Technical Experience at commercial Nucleat Power Plant 0.25 12 11 2.8 11 2.8 Clinton License Class and Exam 0.50 9 0 0 8.4 4.2 Conduct Clinton License Class 0.25 9 0 0 0 0 Degree (Engineering or Applied Science) 12 Bachelors (12)

Associates ( 6)

Equivalent (Semester Hours) 0.1 0 0 0 0 Technical And Operational Experience 0 0 At Any Power Generating Facility Not Listed Above TOTALS 135 57.6 154.2 74.4 COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE A - NUMARC Weighting Factor E - Actual Months Projected to December, 1985 B - NUMARC Maximum Credit Limit F - Weighted Months to Dec., 1985 C - Actual Months December, 1984 Not to Exceed Limit D - Weighted Months to Dec., 1984, Not to Exceed Limit LICENSE TRA_INING Weeks of Training F



~ ~

I Reactor Fundamentals 5.4 BWR Technology 4 Balance of Plant 4 BWR Operator Training 8 9 BWR Observation Training 4 Reactor Startup 1 Mitigating Reactor Core Damage 1 License Review 9 9 TOTALS 27.4 9 9 9 COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE F - Completed Classwork G - Completed Simulator H - Projected Classwork to December, 1985 I - Projected Simulator to December, 1985 C-64



f I.D'. . CODE: 064 POSITION: Control Room Operator

. Types of Experienc'e A B C D E F

'SRO/R0 BWR. 1.0 0 0 0 0

.SRO/R0 PWR. 0.75 0 0 0 0 Navy Nuclear: 36 RO, EWS, E00W PPWS 0.50 6 3 6 3

~Other Navy Nuclear


'O.25 24 6 24 6 Simulator 12 Clinton. Specific 5.00 0 0 2 10 Simulator 3.00 3 9 3 2

-Clinton Experience On-Shift 24 Less Than 1-1/2 Years to Fuel Load 0.75 (12) 5 3.8 13.8 10.4

'More Than 1-1/2 Years to' Fuel Load 0.50 (12) 17 8.5 17 8.5 Operational Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.75 12 0 0 0 0 Other Technical Experience at Commercial Nuclear Power Plant 0.25 12 2 0.5 2 0.5

'Clinton License Class and Exam 0.50 9 0 0 9.4 4.7 Conduct Clinton License Class 0.25 9 0 0 0 0 Degree (Engineering or Applied Science) 12 Bachelors (12)

Associates ( 6)

. Equivalent (Semester Hours) 0.1 0 0 0 0 Technical And Operational' Experience 0 0 At Any Power Generating Facility Not Listed Above TOTALS 57 30.8 77"i 45.1 COLLYii HEADING CROSS REFERENCE

'A NUMARC Weighting Factor E - Actual Months Projected to December, 1985 B - NUMsRC Nhximum Credit Limit F - Weighted Months to Dec., 1985, C'-' Actual Months, December, 1984 Not to Exceed Limit D - Weighted Months to Dec., 1984 Not to Exceed Limit LICENSE TRAINING Weeks of Training F -


Rnactor Fundamentals 8 BWR Technology 8 Balance of' Plant 4 BWR Operator Training 6 11 BWR Observation Training 4

'R2 actor Startup 1 Mitigating Reactor Core Damage 1 License-Review 9 9 TOTALS 32 11 9 9 COLUMN HEADING CROSS REFERENCE

.~- F - Completed Classwork-G -- Completed Simulator

-H - Projected Classwork to December, 1985

.I - Projected Simulato- to December, 1985 C-65


h EXHIBIT 1 COURSE SECTIONS REACTOR FUNDAMENTALS This course-is normally taught by the CPS Nuclear Training Department. The training format may include classroom instruction, directed self-study, or a combination of the two. A person may test out of or be waived from any section of this course with the approval of the Director-Nuclear Training. The Reactor Fundamentals course currently consists of the following:

Basic Electrical Theory Mathematics Instrumentation and Control Radiation Protection General Description of a Boiling Water Reactor Physics Fluid Dynamics, Mechanical Theory and Technical Prints Thermodynamics Section 2 and Chemistry Large Steam Turbine - Generator Operator Training Chemistry Mechanical Maintenance Fundamentals D-2 l

EXHIBIT 2 COURSE SECTIONS BWR TECHNOLOGY - NSSS SYSTEM The BWR Technology course consists of lectures on the Nuclear Steam Supply Systems (NSSS) and related subsystems and is taught and/or supervised by the NTD. The course is designed to be Clinton-specific.

-The format of the training may be classroom instruction, directed self-study, or a combination of the two. This course currently consists of the following 31 sections:

Area Radiation Monitors ,

Average Power Range Monitors Automatic Depressurization System Primary Containment Containment and Reactor Vessel Isolation Control System CRD Blade and Drive mechanism CRD Hydraulics ECCS Intograted Operation Fuel Fuel Handling Fuel Pool Cooling and Cleanup High Pressure Core Spray ,

Intermediate Range Neutron Monitoring j l

LOCA Design Criteria Local Power Range Monitoring Low Pressure Core Spray D-3

EXHIBIT 2 (con't)

NI Fundamentals Plant Safety Analysis Process Radiation Monitors 1

Reactor Core-Isolation Cooling Reactor Recirculation System Reactor Protection System Reactor-Vessel Instrumentation Reactor Vessel and Internal Components Reactor Water Cleanup Recirc Flow Control System Rod Control and Information Residual Heat Removal Source Range Monitors Standby Liquid Control Traversing In-Core Probe 4

h D-4

EXHIBIT .1 COURSE SECTIONS BALANCE OF PLANT The Balance of Plant (BOP) course provides instruction on the Clinton-specific non-NSSS systems, and is normally taught and/or supervised by the NTD. The format of the training may be

, classroom instruction, directed self-study, or a combination of the two. The Balance of Plant course currently consists of:

Acid and Caustic Feed Systems Auxiliary Power System Auxiliary Steam Bearing Oil Transfer and Purification


Carbon Dioxide Plant Chilled Water Circulating Water Communications

Component Cooling Water Condensate Polishing condenser Vacuum Containment Ventilation / Purge Primary Containment Support Systems Cycled Condensate System Battery and 125 VDC Electrical Distribution Diesel Generator Electro Hydraulic Control Feedwater Control Feedwater Delivery Feedwater Heating 1


EXHIBIT 3 (con't) '

Fire Protection / Detection Generator and Generator Auxiliaries Generator Electrical- j

-HVAC Auxiliary Building HVAC Control Room HVAC Diesel Generator ECCS Equipment Area Cooling HVAC Fuel Building HVAC Radwaste Building HVAC Turbine Building Instrument Power Leak Detection s

Lake Outlet Works Main Steam '

4 Main _ Power and Switchyard ,

Makeup Condensate Mgkeup Water Pump House Off Gas Vault Refrigeration Plant Process Computer Process Sampling Off Gas Chem Drain Radwaste Reprocessing and Disposal E

(quipmentDrainRadwasteReprocessingandDisposal Floor Drain Radwaste Reprocessing and Disposal Laundry Radwaste Reprocessing and Disposal.

Radwaste Operation and Water Management D-6


EXHIBIT 3 (con't)

Solid Radwaste Reprocessing and Disposal Service Air / Instrument Air Plant Service Water Shutdown Service Water Switchgear Heat Removal Turbine Building Closed Cooling Water Shutdown Service Water Pump Room Cooling System Chlorination System Main Turbine Main Turbine Auxiliaries D-7

i EXHIBIT 4 COURSE SECTIONS BWR OPERATOR TRAINING This course is conducted by a vendor or NTD training instructors and involves two phases: a classroom phase lasting approximately 3 - 6 weeks, and a control room simulator phase of approximately i 6 to 11 weeks. Prior to the availability of the CPS simulator, i SRO/RO simulator certification was conducted by General Electric on the Black Fox and Perry simulators.

During the cold license process, the classroom phase is providing

( refresher. training in the areas of BWR Technology and Balance of l

Plant systems. The control room phase is a combination of classroom training and simulator instruction periods. During hot license training, the process will be essentially the same, with an added 3 months of on-shift control room training during the f

l simulator portion of the course. Three modules comprise the l course.

BWR/6 OPERATOR TRAINING - TECHNOLOGY MODULE (6 Weeks) l This module is a comprehensive study of nuclear power plant j systems, with a review of applied fundamentals and reactor physics. This module is taught entirely in the classroom using standard teaching techniques. Examinations are i administered weekly, j Outline WEEK 1

1. BWR/6 Introduction i 2. P&ID, Electrical Print Interpretation
3. Reactor Physics (Review)
4. Generic Controllers D-8

~ _ . . _ , - _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _

EXHIBIT 4 (con ' t)

5. Reactor Vessel and~ Internals
6. Fuel
7. Nuclear Boiler Process Instrumentation 8.. Source Range Monitors
9. Intermediate Range Monitors.
10. Local Power Range Monitors
11. Average Power Range Monitors
12. Traversing In-Core Prdbe WEEK II
1. Reactor Recirculation System
2. Reactor Recirculation Flow Control
3. Control. Rod Drive Mechanism
4. Control Rod Drive Hydraulics
5. Rod Control and Information System
6. Reactor Protection System
7. Reactor Water Cleanup System 8.-Main and Reheat Steam
9. Main Turbine
10. Generator and Alternator
11. Generator Cooling and Auxiliaries WEEK III
1. Turbine Lube 011 System
2. Turbine Gland Seal System
3. Turbine Generator Operations
4. Steam Bypass / Pressure Regulation and Turbine Control
5. Electrical Review
6. Generator Electrical



EXHIBIT 4 (con't)

7. Plant Electrical Systems
8. Essential A.C. Power
9. D.C. Electrical Power 1

10.. Condensate Storage and Transfer I

11. Condensate System
12. Feedwater System WEEK IV
1. Feedwater. Control System
2. Extraction Steam, Heaters, Vents and Drains
3. Off Gas System
4. Circulating Water System
5. Service Water System
6. Emergency Service Water System
7. Nuclear Closed Cooling Water System
8. Emergency Closed Cooling Water System
9. Turbine Building Closed Cooling Water System
10. Primary Containment
11. Primary Containment Auxiliaries
12. Primary Containment Ventilation
13. Leak Detection
14. Nuclear Steam Supply Shutoff System
15. Suppression Pool Cleanup
16. Main Steam Isolation Valve Leakage control
17. Annulus Exhaust Gas Treatment
18. Fuel Pool Cooling and Cleanup
19. Area Radiation Monitoring
20. Process Radiation Monitoring D-10


, E,XHIBIT 4 (con't)

WEEK V 1.-Inclined Fuel Transfer

2. Thermodynamics, Heat' Transfer,-and Fluid Flow (Review)

.3. Process Computer

4. Thermal Limits
5. Core performance Evaluation
6. BWR Chemistry
7. Materials and Corrosion
8. Health Physics and Radiation Control WEEK VI
1. Introduction to Emergency Core Cooling Systems
2. High Pressure Core Spray
3. Automatic Depressurization System
4. Residual Heat Removal System
5. Low. Pressure Core Spray
6. Reactor Core Isolation Cooling System

- 7.~ Standby Liquid control

8. Division 1 and 2 Diesel Generators
9. Division 3 Diesel Generator
10. Service and Instrument Air
11. Safety Related Instrument Air
12. Operating Procedure Overview
13. Plant Procedure Overview
14. Technical Specifications Overview
15. 10 CFR D-11


EXHIBIT 4 (con't)


This module is a comprehensive study of systems, operations, j procedures and hands-on experience utilising an optimum mixture of classroom lectures and simulator operations.

1 Outline l

Classroom Lectures:

Technical Specifications Review Plant Procedure Reviews Startup Procedures Casualty Procedures Emergency Procedures Administrative Procedures Surveillance Procedures Operating Procedures.

Problem sets in Thermodynamics and Thermohydraulics Degraded Core Recognition Problem sets in Health Physics and Reactor Physics System Reviews Transient Analysis Control Room Simulator Reactor Startups to 100% Power Pre-Startup Checks Functional Checks Reactor Criticals Reactor Heatups Auxiliary System Startups and Manipulations Startup Power Change Manipulations Turbine Rolls Generator Synchronisation D-12

EXEIBIT 4 (con't)

Control Room Simulator (Continued)

Reactor Power Range Maneuvering Reactor Shutdow.) from 1004 Emphasis placed on normal plant operation with minor abnormal conditions Reactor Startups, Shutdowns and Power Operation Flow Control Power Maneuvering Plant Shutdown to Flooded Condition Plant Shutdown to Hot Standby condition Reactor Scrams Scram Recoveries Surveillance Testing Startup Range Neutron Monitoring Recirculation and Flow Control System Low Pressure Decay Heat Removal Primary Containment and Containment Auxiliary Systems Reactor Water Cleanup System Main Steam System Turbine and Auxiliary Systems Generator, excitation, and auxiliary systems Diesel generator and auxiliary systems DC power and distribution l

Condensate and feed systems selected abnormal plant conditions Selected transieat analysis Selected core damage mitigation exercises D-13

i r

EXHIBIT 4 (con't)


Control room performance certification examination j Reactor Operator certification examination j BWR/6 OPERATOR TRAINING - SRO AUGMENTATION MODULE (3 weeks)

This module utilizes a combination of classroom presentation I and supporting simulator exercises. Major areas of study include FSAR Abnormal Events Analysis, Emergency Procedure Guidelines Bases, Administrative Procedures and Control Room Management Techniques. Control room exercises include response and control of transient and accident related scenarios..

Outline Abnormal Events Analysis and FSAR Transient Review Control Room Management SRO Approach to Transient Analysis Problem Analysis Decision Analysis Planning Corrective Action Simulator Abnormal Events Analysis Multi-failure Casualty Control Potential Problem Analysis Transient Analysis skill Supervisory Control Commmand Responsibility Training Emergency Procedure Guidelines Basis of Guidelines Emergency Plan Administrative Procedures Licensee Event Reports Radiological Emergency Environmental Techncial Specifications D-14

EXHIBIT 5 COURSE SECTIONS BWR OBSERVATION TRAINING The course consists of guided observation of an operating BWR. Classes provide both observation and instruction covering plant operation, maintenance evaluations, station record-keeping, and procedures. -

This course is designed to familiarise license candidates L

with the day-to-day routine of an operating WWR. During cold license training this is taught by General Electric Co.

instructors at an operating BWR. Both the Dresden and LaSalle plants have been utilized. Following initial fuel i load, operational experience will be gained at CPS precluding the need for Observation Training. The topics taught in this course include Outline Plant Routines Observed Observation and Use of Routine Forms Periodic Attendance at Station Meetings Senior Reactor Operator Routine Duties ,

i Reactor Operator Routine Duties  ;

Equipment-Attendant ~ Routine Duties Shift change Routines Lecture Station Radiation Protection Administrative Procedures Operating Procedures Surveillance Procedures  ;

amergency Procedures  !

Generic BWR Problems Station Licensing Events Plant Systems Reviews P


EXHIBIT 5 (con't)

Plant Evolutions Observed (as available)

Plant Startup Plant Shutdown Scrams Surveillance s

Plant Operations Cause and Effect of Alarms Equipment Rotation Procedures Observations of Departmental Responsibilities and Duties Security Procedures and Clearances Radiation Protection and Department Routines Technical Staff and Core Performance l Plant Chemists Mechanical Maintenance Electrical Maintenance Instrumentation and Control Maintenance Other Plant Departments Student Tasks Daily Log and Analysis of Plant Parameters Review Daily Operating Orders and Logs observation of plant systems and components i observation of work laboratories and stations i

I i


EXHIBIT 6 COURSE SECTIONS REACTOR STARTUP This one-week program is conducted by the University of Illinois Reactor Lab group. During this course, each student performs at least ten reactor startups. The program is a combination of theoretical instruction and practical experience on the following subjects:

a) Reactor kinetics b) Rod calibration c) Health physics practices d) Reactivity coefficient experiments e) Core flux mapping f) Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10 g) Reactor Principles and Theory h) Radiation i) Reactor Systems j) Illinois Advanced TRIGA k) Reactor Parameters D-17




! All cold license applicants receive a minimum of eighty (80) l contact hours of Mitigating Reactor Core Damage (MRCD) Training.

Credit for forty (40) hours of MRCD training is given for Reactor Fundamentals, NSSS/ BOP systems and BWR Operator training (simulator).

l The remaining forty (40) hours is a program that was developed and initially taught by General Physics Corporation with subsequent courses being taught by NTD instructors. The components of this course are:

TMI Accident and Lessons Learned and Federal Register on Mitigating Core Damage (7 hours8.101852e-5 days <br />0.00194 hours <br />1.157407e-5 weeks <br />2.6635e-6 months <br />)*

Core Cooling Mechanics (8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />)

  • Methods of Heat Transfer in BWR Core Methods of Core Cooling Following a LOCA Potentially Damaging Operating Conditions (4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />) * -

l l Expected Plant Response to a Loss of Feedwater l Discussion of Small Break LOCA Recognizing Core Damage (4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />)

  • Mechanisms of Fission Product Release Post Accident Methods for Measuring Flows, Pressures, Levels, and Temperatures Hydrogen Hazards (3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br />)
  • Hydrogen Generation During an Accident Hydrogen Flammability and Explosive Limits Sources of Oxygen in the Reactor Coolant System and the i Drywell/ Containment Neutron Monitoring / Core Recriticality (4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />)*

Reactor Core Recriticality Considerations Use of Fixed In-Core Detectors to Determine Vessel Water Level and/or Extent of Core Damage l

l D-18

i i

EXHIBIT 7 (con't)

Radiation Hazards and Radiation Monitoring Response (4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />)

  • Discussion of Radiation Hazards to Personnel while Sampling; Response of Process and Area Monitors due to Environment During Accident Conditions.

Methods of Determining Dose Rates Inside Containment from Measurements Taken Outside Containment '

Radiological Emergency Planning (3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br />)

  • Effective Use of the Emergency Procedure Guidelines (EPG)

Implementation of the Emergency Plan Examination and Review (3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br />)

  • i
  • Contact hours of instruction O
