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Motion for Summary Disposition of Emergency Planning Joint Contention 5.No Genuine Issue of Matl Fact Exists & Applicant Entitled to Favorable Decision.Human resources- Facility Svcs Encl
Person / Time
Site: Harris Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 01/14/1985
From: Hollar D
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
Shared Package
ML20112G872 List:
CON-#185-096, CON-#185-96 OL, NUDOCS 8501160547
Download: ML20112G870 (28)



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In the Matter of )





(Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant) )





Pursuant to 10 C.P.R. S2.749 of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Rules of Practice, Applicants Carolina Power & Light Company and North Carolina Eastern Municipal Power Agency hereby move the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board for summary disposition in Applicants' favor of Emergency Planning Joint Contention 5

("EPJ-5"). For the reasons explained herein, Applicants respectfully submit that there is no genuine issue as to any fact material to this contention and that Applicants are entitled to a decision on this contention as a matter of law.

In support of this Motion, Applicants rely upon the attached Affidavit of Jesse T.

Pugh, III in Support of Applicants' Motion for Summary Disposition of EPJ-5, Appliennts' Statement of Material Facts as to Which There is no Genuine issue to be lieard on EPJ-5, Applicants' Memorandum of Law in Support of Motions for Summary Disposition on Emergency Planning Contentions, and the pleadings and discovery in this proceeding regarding EPJ-5.

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H. BACKGROUND The substance of EPJ-5 was initially advanced in " Wells Eddleman's Contentions on the Emergency Plan (2d Set)" (April 12, 1984) as Eddleman Contentions 235 and 236(A);

and in " Contentions of Richard Wilson Concerning North Carolina Emergency Response Plan" (April 13, 1984) as Wilson Contention 7. Because aspects of these proposed contentions overlapped, they were considered jointly by the Licensing Board. " Final Set of Rulings on Admissibility of Offsite Emergency Planning Contentions, Ruling on Petition For Waiver of Need For Power Rule, and Notice of Upcoming Telephone Conference Call," LBP-84-29B, 20 NRC 389,395 (1984). The Board admitted portions of these proposed contentions in revised form as EPJ-5. M. at 421.I As admitted by the f

Board, EPJ-5 contends:

Section E 4b of State Procedures (p. 47) is deficient because there is no listing or mechanism of identifying homebound non-ambulatory people. Most ,

i ambulances and rescue squad vehicles are not adequately equipped to meet State standards for transporting hospitalized patients. A sufficient number '

of vehicles equipped adequately to transport the non-ambulatory from hospitals and homes will not be available.

Dr. Wilson has been designated " lead latervenor" on EPJ-5. M.

Applicants have served one set of interrogatories and request for production of documents on the sponsors of EPJ-5 regarding the Contention. See _" Applicants' ,

I Emergency Planning Interrogatories and Request for Production of Documents to i Sponsors of EPJ-1 (sic; EPJ-3] (CCNC), EPJ-4 (CHANGE), and EPJ-5 (Wilson)" (October j 5,1984), at 19-22. " Response by Richard Wilson to Applicants Interrogatories on EPJ-5 .

f and Wilson 12(bX2) and Wilson 12(bX3)" was filed on October 25,1984. " Richard Wilson i' interrogatories to the Applicant on EPJ-5, Wilson 11, Wilson 12b2, Wilson 12b3" was filed September 19,1984. " Applicants' Response to itichard Wilson Interrogatories on EPJ-5, lin an apparent typographical error, the Botrd's Order admitting EPJ-5 refers to Eddleman Contentions "262, 263(A),". rather than Contentions 235 and 236(A). Id. Mr. -

Eddleman has not proposed any contentions numbertd 262 or 263(A).


Wilson 11, Wilson 12b2, Wilson 12b3" was filed October 16, 1984. " Richard Wilson Interrogatories to the NRC Staff and FEMA With Regard to FPJ-5 and Wilson 11,12b2, -

12b3" was filed on September 19, 1984. "NRC Staff and FEMA Responses to Interrogatories Dated September 19, 1984 Propounded by Richard Wilson on Contentions EPJ-5 and Wilson 11,12b2 and 12b3" was filed October 9,1984. Mr. Eddleman served one set of interrogatories on the NRC Staff and FEMA on the subject of EPJ-5. See

" Wells Eddleman's Interrogatories to NRC Staff and FEMA (6th Set)"(August 31, 1984),

at 1-4. " FEMA to Interrogatories Dated August 31,1984 Propounded by Wells Eddleman" was filed September 28, 1984. The NRC Staff / FEMA filed no discovery requests on the subject of EPJ-5. The last date for filing discovery on the Contention was October 8,1984. Discovery on this Contention is, therefore, complete.

EPJ Contention 5 is classified as an emergency planning contention to be addressed in the hearings scheduled to commence June 18, 1985. Written direct testimony on the contention is scheduled to be filed June 3,1985. Further, the Board and the parties have established January 14, 1985 as the last day for filing summary disposition motions on this Contention. Thus, the instant motion is timely, and EPJ-5 is ripe for summary disposition.

III. APPLICABLE LAW The well-defined standards applicable to motions for su.nmary disposition under 10 C.F.R. 52.749 are discussed in detail in Applicants' Memorandum of Law in Support of Motions for Summary Disposition on Emergency Planning Contentions filed in this Proceeding on October 8,1984. Applicants rely upon the discussion therein, which is incorporated by reference, and upon the discussion herein regarding the application of those standards to EPJ-5.

Under the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's emergency planning rule,10 C.F.R. 550.47 and App. E, off-site emergency response plans for nuclear power reactors must 4


meet numerous standards. As related to the provision of ambulance and rescue squad vehicles which is the subject of EPJ-5, the rule requires that the plans meet the


following standards:

(1) Primary responsibilities for emergency response by the nuclear facility licensee and by State and local organizations within the Emergency Planning Zone have been assigned, the emergency responsibilities of the various supporting organizations have been established, and each principal response organization has staff to respond and to augment its initial response on a continuous basis.

eee (8) Adequate emergency facilities and equipment to support the emergency response are provided and maintained.

10 C.F.R. S50.47(b)(1) and (8).

Detailed acceptance criteria for emergency plans are set forth in the criteria document issued jointly by the NRC and the Federal Emergency Management Agency, .

" Criteria for Preparation and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness In Support of Nuclear Power Plants." NUREG-0654, FEMA-REP-1, Rev.1 (November 1980). Criterion J.10.d. specifies that state and local plans shall include:

Means for protecting those persons whose mobility may be impaired due to such factors as institutional or other confinement.

NUREG-0654 at 61.

In addition, the means for identifying non-ambulatory persons in the plume exposure EPZ have been examined in several previous NRC adjudicatory proceedings.

The use of a post-card survey to identify non-ambulatory persons requiring transportation has been found adequate where there is a clear assignment of responsibility to update the lists. Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company (Wm.11. Zimmer Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1), LBP-82-48,15 NRC 1549,1572-73 (1982), aff'd, ALAB-727,17 NRC 760 (1983).

Elsewhere, the use of returnable "special needs" cards with the public information brochure has been found adequate when supplemented by the effort to identify non-4

ambulatory persons through relevant private and public organizations. Southern California Edison Company (San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, Units 2 and 3),

ALAB-717,17 NRC 346, 373-74 (1983); Consumers Power Company (Big Rock Point Plant), LBP-83-44,18 NRC 201,205 (1982).

Under North Carolir.a law, the regulation of ambulance service is governed by Article 7 of the Health Care Facilities and Services Chapter of the North Carolina General Statutes, N.C. Gen. Stat. 5131E-155 g sea. As discussed infra, ambulance operators are required to secure a permit for each ambulance from the North Carolina Department of Human Resources and to comply with standards established by the North Carolina Medical Care Commission for equipment and certification of personnel. The Medical Care Commission regulations are set forth in the North Carolina Administrative Code,10 NCAC Subchapter 3D, 5.0100 g seq.

IV. ARGUMENT Each sentence of EPJ-5, as admitted by the Board, constitutes a separate auegation of deficiency in emergency planning for the Harris Plant. The first sentence alleges that Section E.4.b. of the North Carolina Emergency Response Plan in Support of the Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant ("ERP" or "the off-site emergency plan") is

" deficient because there is no listing or mechanism of identifying homebound non-ambulatory people." The second sentence alleges that " ambulances and rescue squad vehicles are not equipped to meet State standards for transporting hospitalized patients." Finally, the third sentence alleges that there is not a sufficient number of adequately equipped ambulances and rescue squad vehicles to transport non-ambulatory persons. Each of these allegations will be discussed separately. It is clear that none of the allegations has any factual basis and that the instant Motion for Summary Disposition of EPJ-5 should be granted in its entirety.

1 1

A. There Will Be An Adequate Mechanism to Identify Homebound Non-Ambulatory Persons. _

Part 1,Section IV.E.4.b. of the February 1984 version of the ERP, to which the i first sentence in EPJ-5 refers, states:

4 Non-ambulatory patients will be transported by county rescue squads or i ambulance servlees. Mutual aid agreements with surrounding counties will i be invoked when necessary.


'In Rev. I to the ERP which was issued in September 1984 subsequent to the

, admission of EPJ-5, this language has been revised to provide more information on how j

non-ambulatory persons will be identified and transported:

i (2) Hospital and/or family care patients within the ten-mile EPZ will be evacuated utilizing emergency medical vehicles for non-t ambulatory and available buses and vans for the ambulatory.

County EMS will coordinate evacuation. Mutual aid agreements with surrounding counties will tw invoked when necessary.

(3) Mobility-impaired persons will 'A identified as reasonably .

! possible within each county segment located in the ten-mile EPZ and provided specialized transportation as required.

Identification can be facilitated through the use of the special

}' needs response card received from the annual mailing of the SHNPP Safety Information Brochure and the CP&L listing of j system customers on life support equipment.

t ERP (Rev.1), Part 1,Section IV.E.4.b.(2) and (3).

] Jesse T. Pugh,111, Director of the North Carolina Division of Emergency Management (DEM), confirms that there will be adequate mechanisms to identify I homebound non-ambulatory persons in the EPZ. These individuals are being identified j through the "special needs response card" included in the Harris " Safety Information" brochure. Pugh Affidavit,13. It will be augmented with information provided by rescue squads, fire departments, social servlee agencies and health care providers in the four county area. DEM intends to consult these organizations annually to supplement information received from the special needs response card. Applicant Carolina Power & ,

Light Company's listing of customers on life support systems will also be used to identify such persons. Pugh Affidavit,14. The lists of homebound non-ambulatory individuals  ;

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will be completed prior to commencement of plant operation. They will be updated annually and to ref1cet each special needs card as it is received. Pugh Affidavit,13.

Current lists of non-ambulatory persons will be maintained in locations for ready availability to emergency response personnel in the event of an emergency. Since the lists will be kept at each county Emergency Operations Center, information on the location of non-ambulatory persons can also be transmitted to response organizations during the emergency. Pugh Affidavit,15. A telephone number of each county will be listed in the " Safety Information" brochure and broadcast over the Emergency Broadcast System for use by persons who need special assistance during an evacuation. Thus, any homebound non-ambulatory persons who have not been previously identified for whatever reason will have a means to request an ambulance during the evacuation. Pugh Affidavit

16. These several and diverse efforts to identify homebound non-ambulatory persons in the EPZ equal or exceed those approved in other NRC adjudicatory proceedings. See Zimmer, San Onofre and Big Rock Point, supra.

B. All Rescue Vehicles That Will Be Used for Transporting Non-Ambulatory Persons Meet State Standards.

The discovery responses of Dr. Wilson, the lead intervenor on EPJ-5, evidence tl'c complete lack of any basis for the allegation that ambulances and rescue squad vehicles are not adequately equipped to meet state standards for transporting hcspitalized patients. During discovery, Applicants asked Dr. Wilson to identify each and every state standard for transporting hospitalized patients and which ones he alleged the vehicles did not meet. In addition, Applicants asked a number of follow-up interrogatories designed to elicit the basis for the allegation. See " Applicants' Emergency Planning interrogatories and Request for Production of Documents to Sponsors of EPJ-l[ sic; EPJ-3] (CCNC), EPJ-4 (Cil ANGE), and EPJ-5 (Wilson)" (October 5,1984), at 20-21. Dr.

Wilson's only response to these interrogatories was "I have developed no further information on this issue." " Response by Richard Wilson to Applicants' Interrogatories on EPJ-5 and Wilson 12(bX2) and Wilson 12(bX3)" (October 25,1984) at 3. This response has not been supplemented.

In contrast, Mr. Pugh confirms that all of the rescue vehicles that would be used for transporting non-ambulatory persons during an evacuation have received a permit from the North Carolina Department of Human Resources. Pugh Affidavit,113.'

Section 131E-156 of the North Carolina General Statutes provides in pertinent part:

Prior to issuing an original or renewal permit for an ambulance, the Department shall determine that the vehicle for which the permit is issued meets all requirements as to equipment, design, supplies and sanitation as set forth in this Article (which governs regulation of ambulance service] and in the rules of the [ North Carolina Medical Care] Commission and that the ambulance provider has the certified personnel necessary to operate the ambulance in accordance with this Article.

The standards set forth by the Medical Care Commission governing ambulance equipment and ambulance personnel certification procedures are quite comprehensive. A copy of


the relevant sections of the North Carolina Administrative Code, which sets forth standards that must be met in order to obtain an ambulance permit,is attached to this Motion.

Almost all of the ambulances that would be used for evacuating non-ambulatory persona are classified as Category I ambulances under the regulations. Under 10 NCAC, Subchapter 3D, Section .0101, a Category I ambulance is defined as an emergency vehicle used to transport patients with medical conditions of an emergency nature or patients for which the need for emergency medical care is anticipated either at the scene of the emergency or en route to a medical facility. In addition, as Mr. Pugh describes, all ambulances in . Wake County have Advanced Life Saving (ALS) capability which enables them to perform certain medical procedures under the direction of a physician. Pugh Affidavit, 114. The only two hospitals within the plume EPZ are located in Wake County. Id_. The hospitals have a capacity of 56 persons, and Wake County ambulances are capable of transporting 86 persons using only one trip per ambulance. Pugh Affidavit,18 and Attachment G. Thus, there are more than enough ambulances with ALS capability in addition to state certification to transport all hospitalized patients.

All Category I and II ambulances are adequate to transport non-ambulatory persons in an emergency situation. Pugh Affidavit,113.

Finally, the North Carolina General Statutes require that all ambulances on emergency missions be staffed by two individuals, one of whom is certified as an ambulance attendant and the other certified as an emergency medical technician (EMT). N.C. Gen. Stat. S131E-158. There is an adequate number of certified personnel to operate the ambulances that will be used for evacuation of non-ambulatory persons, and some personnel have advanced certification that allows them to perform certain life-saving tasks under the direction of a physician. All certified EMTs are qualified to transport non-ambulatory persons during an emergency evacuation. Pugh Affidavit,115.

In summary, there is no basis for the allegation that the ambulances and rescue squad vehicles do not meet State standards for transportion of hospitalized patients.

Vehicles available for use meet the comprehensive standards established by the State for obtaining an ambulance permit and have ALS capability.

C. There Will Be a Sufficient Number of Ambulances to Transport Non-Ambulatory Persons.

Estimates of the number of homebound non-ambulatory persons who need to be evacuated by ambulance in each of the four counties within the plume EPZ have been made based upon discussions between State and local emergency planners and representatives of local health care and social services agencies. Based upon di;cussions with hospital, nursing home and rest home administrators, an estimate of the number of persons in those facilities who would require evacuation by ambulance has also been made. Pugh Affidavit,117-9. There are an estimated ten persons in Chatham County,


five persons ~ in Harnett County, ten persons in Lee County, and 89 persons in Wake County who will need to be evacuated using ambulances. Pugh Affidavit,18.2 Information on the number of ambulances in the four counties within the plume EPZ and in surrounding counties has also been compiled. Pugh Affidavit, 1 10.

Comparing the number of non-ambulatory persons with the ambulance resources, it is clear that there is a sufficient number of ambulances available even if the entire EPZ must be evacuated. If only a portion of the EPZ is evacuated, fewer ambulances would be required. Pugh Affidavit,112. Both Chatham and Harnett Counties have more than enough ambulances within the county to transport all their non-ambulatory persons to a shelter using only one trip per ambulance. By invoking mutual aid agreements with 21n his discovery responses, Dr. Wilson stated that "The number of people at home .

who will require special assistance is very difficult to estimate. From surveying some local agencies I would estimate 800 homebound mobility impaired people who might require ambulance evacuation." He indicated that this figure is for Wake County only.

" Response by Richard Wilson to Applicants' Interrogatories on EPJ-5 and Wilson 12(b)(2) and Wilson 12(b)(3)"(October 25,1984) at 4. Dr. Wilson did not indicate what criteria he used in determining that persons "might" require evacuation by ambulance. This figure is entirely inconsistent with information obtained by State emergency planning officials from local health care and social services agencies. On that basis, Mr. Pugh believes that the Wilsen estimate is inaccurate and lacking in any basis. Pugh Affidavit,17. It should be noted that the Wake County portion of the Harris EPZ has a resident population of approximately 14,600 persons. See Evacuation Thne Estimates for the Plume Exposure Pathway Emergency Planning Zone of the Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant (October 1983), at Figure 1-1 and Table 4-1 (local planning zones A-G are in Wake County). Thus, by Dr. Wilson's calculations, more than five percent of the population "might" require evacuation by ambulance-not even counting persons in hospitals, nursing

' homes and rest homes.

! In his discovery responses, Dr. Wilson also states: "In addition, there may be 100 people with mental impairments severe enough to require specific attention to insure their evacuation was accomplished." October 25,1984 Response, supra at 4. Although it

! is unclear from Dr. Wilson's response whether he is suggesting that persons with mental

. impairments may also need to be evacuated by ambulance, there would be no factual

' basis for the thesis that mentally impaired persons cannot be evacuated using other types
of vehicles.

Mr. Pugh, a qualified emergency planner, has set forth the basis for his estimate in

. a sworn affidavit. Pugh Affidavit,17. Absent some demonstrated basis in fact (a j general reference to polling unidentified agencies will not suffice), Dr. Wilson's personal estimates to the contrary are not sufficient to place into dispute the estimates of the emergency planning officials. See 10 C.F.R. 52.749(b).


neighboring counties, Wake and Lee Counties will also have a sufficient nuinber of


vehicles available to evacuate all non-ambulatory persons in the county using only one trip per ambulance. Pugh Affidavit,111. There are also adequate ambulance resources to allow for back-up support to perform other evacuation responsibilities and to respond to routine emergency situations. Pugh Affidavit,112.

D. There is No Issue of Material Fact and Applicants are Entitled to a Decision in Their Favor As a Matter of Law on EPJ-5.

In sum, there is no factual basis for any of the allegations in EPJ-5. A mechanism for identifying homebound non-ambulatory individuals prior to operation of the liarris Plant is being initiated. The rescue vehicles that will be used for transportation of non-ambulatory persons meet all applicable state requirements for ambulance equipment and will be operated by State certified personnel. There will be a sufficient number of such vehicles to transport all non-ambulatory persons who will need to be evacuated by ambulance. Accordingly, there is no issue of material fact as to EPJ-5. Applicants are entitled to a favorable decision on this Motion as a matter of law.

V. CONCLUSION Based on the foregoing, Applicants respectfully request that this Motion for Summary Disposition of EPJ-5 be granted.

This 14th day of January,1985.

Respectfully submitted, Dale E. Ilollar, Esq.

Associate General Counsel Carolina Power & Light Company Post Office Box 1551 Raleigh, North Carolina 27602 (919) 836-8161 Attorneys for Applicants:

Thomas A. Baxter, P.C. '

Delissa A. Ridgway, Esq.

Shaw, Pittman, Potts & Trowbridge 1800 M Street, N.W.

Washington, D.C. 20036 (202) 822-1000 Richard E. Jones, Esq.

Samantha Francis Flynn, Esq.

Carolina Power & Light Company Post Office Box 1551 Raleigh, North Carolina 27602 (919) 836-6517


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sacsetta, aavissa_.asust_ag._ human _ power nr used.- - - -


_. __. - . eastusmtg upsa 11aad tatta er ar m a- -

-M.h . .

_Mistorg Notst Statutar s.Asthacitu.G.S._1431 165' 1.__ _

..__ __ . ._. tri.Jett uat u.1 Asadopted. fit L_1276<- rt_.13._1377-

~" -

. . _ . . 01Q9 pea 50st

-- - . Histoty J6 stas _Statutorv.authoritu G.S 1431-165t311 .

. _ .. _Ef f Esatuat u.J._1274r _

.--. Asadostat cil._tatsamer 13. lf 77! __

_ .. ... EspeatsClif tiousaset_.1._1283-

.--- . _ .8810.PRf!EMI . _ _ _ .

."PatIsat asans,aa sist In6ured.. hounded..st__

otherwiss."acapac4 l tatst.at_Astatess_what s the_ nest _ ist_ seos .

ess cal _ assistance _a&4hLha.anticipatsomhais being.itanspar ted.

to at.iree a medicaLiscality History,thoritis gig,.u u. wat G.S 4934e165tfJa - _

Gust.!FIES EMLIM5faucir'8

.Ol t t.

The . teta . guatailsa Ettt_4astructor" shatt.aeaa an individual _.

de instrusts."angfor..costdinates ths.36-haut continuing.saucation. ._ _.

pr ettaa requitet &a Huts _ G414talt21 of this Sutthaetet .and.hnes _ . , _

g)I hetss-a cutteet set tificate of tscagett&on itoa.ths.Cifics _ _ . . _ _ _ . _ _ . . _

ef.4.astesasy 41edicaL.istukses docu sating that he ..ssets - - -

. .~. -- -

..the isttou ag ataasares.sLthe4MLlastructor/Caordinator Assegnetisa fastraes - - - _ _ _ . . . . - . . . . . . .

tal . settsat 44et th - Carottaa settificatloa as en EMI..EMT _ _

gatermediate. et.Enteparaasdis&~. ...





- - -- 40MIMil.f.R.Af.lL.IE. Cd5Cl0324)S4TE.~30C_.

tews nasolsts - mILify stwicts -._ T10 030 .0100 . .

. .__ . J.T. T- ~ .-. . . _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --

- gg3 y g, f,,f,yn, g gf pf g,,d/st._seersence g g, gu g ,g ;; , 3 ;--,

l an _ ...


, pattant sentaskin..stitical -

. . _ _ . . . _ _ _ . . . . . _ . . . . _ _ _ g,3 .~sutt ani~. seniMsatii'n~~a~s~an' eser Is ai Near C Asses lallon!.~1~_~~ ~.l ~~"~ ~~ T_ rsetisaa_ Cat. Cross satdisputeenerg.sesuscitation

. . _ _ _ . ~ . _ . _ . . . . .

- --- - tCPR3.instrustats _ .._ een

- ---" (d) .senateted._ unthin _taaf~._ .-three goats ~We.De_parl._ (~.ef .

- - - - Tr anspor tatisa _ CHI Course _ st e tsuttent M.C..teachi_ng!nstruster.le .settifica sag.te Litutodig sub quivalent _

l - - - - - -

  • _te! .Alsa..a shes a _ dip tsaa _stJener ALinusetlealave L essent

. .... setliftsates __

.__tfl_astuet as . teat _st.assistantJastrustat. f at sis hasis-- _

l * - - nessuet.sti seurses.asithia.the tasLthree tests: ,.thr ee. bas is.

1st_a sence as_an_instruster f Leas ,n. ens _ easis

-- - seutses st.comptsta pr aattse.teashing.

_saut sa,uadet Laa .aspet W 441sa.s L aa. sap stJ anset .EMI


  • _ Aasituster4 -..

- 121_ annua L t d _ at t oads.aa.1!ti.Ewat uator. Het 1 shop .e f [st ed ag .lha

, L, tastseastkleelsat Setutses: ~

=- -

Historg Males "L48._1Lah.f a.Teaserary Aute life*~O-.t.hags.ta or_aferiet I- --

Ene Ata sa.Neweasst.J 8589s.

St atu t or uJeather tt u 8.S._138 Ee 15S th l!

-- 199s 1 laJTs -.

  • --"*~ Ef f lasueenst 1.138% - - =

~~~ . . _ . ... --_ ..... ..

I - --" . . . - ._

~ ~ ~ ~- ~


Ibe . MPAQUED.!EACH1M tot a _f aper ousa _ teaching ikStifullCN . 6as.- titutlen*

_. . _ ___ -shall mean..ang . . . . .

-=-- - -- tassaing.institulloa er.hesa t t at . . . . . _

- -- " 6posanat_ un th the _of f &ss.ef_-with Eser gency . aMed6 . suttent sat asest Letv6ses ansue..ef is _____._._.. _._ . ..

.!be. . , . ._ . . .

- - " - - - - - - - - preuese..sesteensy medicat_ services . training stegrama _ . . . . . . _ . . .

= - - - - ~ ~ sysaamat snait instuus, at. 4.a6aisus, assuranses thats_ _ . _

' - --- -- * . Ill_esorgeasy sedesat. setukses. tr aining seut ses.canausted ullt _ _ ._ -

---"- - _seen the-standards _ana.guidatenes estaalishea tg the .. _ . _ . ~ . . . . _- - -

-. sene6ss6ent - - _ . . . - _ _


- - - - -*--"- adegusts avanet af .instrustars ulti be provided, ullh a - . _ _ . _ , . . . . -

1 - -.... .... _ . - - . .. .. ,s,ia6eusastas4L of ene&Ls. edas ns 4a t a ust us ter . f or _. e~ash _15.. -_. s.~t useat . . _ s. dur ing . _ _.. . _ _.. . . -~ . .-, .-. .--

r .. . .-

ss6 6ans _. -

. ~ . . _ _ - . . . . . . . . ... .. ... 431. eeu6esent - of . Ihe._ type .and euantitu see44d Le itala the - _. .. . . . . _ . .

. - - . . . . _ _ . - slu:aats sa the . tegu6tes ptasticat ss6LLs W.4LL . .se., . _.. . . . . . . . . . . . . -... .

- - - - - - --- preu. seat ... .. . ...... _. _.. . .

-- - - 493 inf or mat een necessary to . atteu . students.te sit .f st the. ._.........-

~ ~ ~ * - - - - - aperset este state . set tificat een . esaasnations will be. .

l * * * * - preuesed le the Of fice of (sergensu Hs46 sat istvisest and . . . . _ . . .

- - - - - ' *- 4%) susses s f ul complet44n of the pertinent energensg sed 6 sat .

  • - * - sotuises .itanning . seutse sensustes ag . t r.a . appr oved ..-- . .-

. _ ~ . _ _ _ _ . --


I c1AH RE5ouRCES - FACILITY SERVICE 5 ~~ ~~ ~ ~ TfidNfD71MI

..... ..-. . .. . .. - - ---- - - - - . - - --- - - ~ - - - . - - - .

g,,,g,, ggg g,g gg--gan ~M 'acceM b be OfIlie p ~ ~~

- - n~- -'" - _ .Esersence .tiedicat Services as seatins the training

.._ reguirteents f or astulance attendan

._ _ _ _ _. _ _ 1

-7, ;,^ ; _ . tecnnistaa.cartificat tortspesifloa t.ane eserpency medicat.___

la_this.Suechapter. .._ _ __ _.--

~ " - - * " ' -

~.ilister"y IEIE.'.~ tIsoper~aru Nu'io ff'f


- ~ ~ -

A44usL 23. !!S%. iar_ 3Oa_u._le.~~~

s. .

Easira na Howeater_.i

=- - ---- ~

._Statuter g. iluthor s ts.$. . SlIS$1blh~llHD1 __ --

1:tt S.L... s.10311

- --~~ ~ ~ ~; ~ '__ -1ii heveamer.Ss.1281-

.Ot:3 Cart 11SS10K _ __ .

_; , .The _tara-._"consissisa"._shalt.seaa.tha Her th.fara tinaJiedical _

Cara Cassisslea.

-* ~*~~-"'

-- - Histarg Hates. Filed as a_Temporarg Buteff.__.

M "L 48 12dt._for_a.Per ist aL 6LDagt_is

--- ~~

~ - - * - '

.. Emp ir a. sa Hevaae er_.l._ l S341___ . . .


Statutory Aataarktg4.1 1311?t5f th11


.tset..S.L c._1031s 14 8. teevenhar 1_1384 -

= - ~ ~


- - ~ - * ' ~ The . tare ."Cifita_aLimergency J.edical_Sarvices"..Shall asaa a secties of ..tha_Bluisian_st_fac1Litg terwisas__.aL_tha hor tit._.

, _ , _ _, , , , , Caratiaa aspa..Lasat.4LNuman Essourcas- _ _

-"- " - ~ ~ ~ -

--~-- ~ ~-~~'

- ~ - ~ -

Nis terh t'a sJkouat

.. _~_ F28.. i led. as . a_Is

!:L14._for_4 Perasar ar glu t e . Ef f .__ . . Dags_ta _

-' ~ - -

. _ .f.mpir a sa Nevesser_4. l!D11_- _ .._,

- ' - " ' " . - - _ _ .._......Statutar  !!Js S.L.v futaar i tg4.5._134E-153th):

_ ggy c,._1034gy 6WWemhaww I'.i &

4-h -6 * . 6 4 . -h-.4pe u.-


  • 4 -Deu. .*


e s - .ap m

.' 9 .'-._ -1 _-.e_w=em*-


M N W -6 W66

5. 4mh +

@We@.6 6.e.M_ gy e 4 ese ._ w h ee me. 4.

_. .m 4 e eh .+*._ @ e ._6ame ed Omh w e wee. % w .mp D . m4-*.g6 m. m -*eO e. e b @O . e .-

  • m.. eW p e.,,9 6 gMgm CATH CAA01.!NA ADMINI$fRAflVE CCOE 80/26/85. T '3D;5~ ._. . T

... . . i..!.~_TJ.- i~~M !!1.M ~~~~ . _



.0208 NEDICAL EQUIPMENT tal Category I ambulances for which permits are issued shall contain at least the following equipment enctusive of personal equipment carried by seergency medical technicians and ambulance attendants _

til One portable aspirator capable of a minious vacuum of 300 sittimeters of mercury and a sinious air flow r ate of 16 Liters per minute with rapid dr awdown t ies. A minieue of three, single use, one piece, non-opaque

  • tensit suckers and a suction rinsing water bottle must be supplied with this unit; (2) One portable squeeze bag ventitation unit with one each transparent f ace mask in adult and child sites capa5te of Low t ower at ur e operation (32 degrees e or belowl and an attacheent for osygen hookup. M sinious of two tr ansp ar en t , flexible, disposable oxygen supply tubes must se supplied with this unit:

831 One airway hit containing noneetaLLic, oropharyn airwaws in the f elLowing sizes s 0, I, 2, 3, 4. - 5, geal Aid

6. The design of each air way must attow for the passage of a suction catheter through a channel in the airways (4) Die bite stick either cosearcialty manuf actured or made of three tongue blades taped together and padded;

($) One por table emygen unit consisting of the following .

components: 360 Later 40 sitel oxygen cutinders yoke regulator with cylinder contents gauge (2000 pounds per square inch) and gravsty or non-gravsty dependent flow gauge (0-15 Liters per s'nutels a sinious of three each, t r ans par ent, nasal cannulas in adult and pediatric sizes 3 and a einluwe of three each, adult and child, disposable, tr ans par en t , omv masks with delivery tubes and headband. A fut[genspare cyliner (D sitel of oxygen for this unit shaLL be f ur nished and stored on the ambulance vehicts; (68 One saatt, one medive, and one targe size entrication cottart (7)' One rigid short backboard. The einleus size sust be 19 inches wide by 32 inches teng. A short backboard which is of the sesign to attaw horisontal flenobility and verticat r6gidity, equipped with chest and tog s tr aps and accessories for staselisation of the head and neck eay be substituted for the rigid short backboard unaru raan' INA ADMINi$iRAtlVE CODE 01/10/89 30-4 HUMAN RESQURCES

  • FACILifY $ERVICES T10: 030 .0200 601 One rigid long backboard a minieue of 16 inches wide by 72 inches long with t wo straps for patient stabilisation and other accessories for stabilisation of the head and netst (Pl Two sets of rigid padded board splints in the fattowing sizes: 3 inches wede tw 15 inches ton , 3 inches wide
  • bu 3 feet lon and 3 inches wide b 4-1/2 feet long. .

0[her splints, en g, kit fore, of init table design er rigid tasinated and h6th density poivrethane fase construct son are acceptable. A 66L ous! contain at least t wo tutt leg and two futt are splints and sust have a carrying case; ,

(108 one child ano one adult site tower entreesty traction splent. Splents of the half-ring design east have tog straps (four eacht, a green strap, a method of applying traction and a heel stand:

till fue sandbags constru ted c of a nonperous material for issebeteration purposes. Minieue size oust be 2 inches by 9 inches by 17 inches 1921 twelve 9 inch by 9 inch sterite gauge pads individually sackaged:

4138 les 6 inch by 7 inch storite dressing individually ,

ackageds el48 is retts of sof t reiter self adhering type bandages in

I inch by 4 inch by 5 yards sites!

ti$l we retts of plain adhes6ve tape in 1/2 inch and 2 inch by 5 yards sizess (169 Feve storite nonadher ing dressings for an open chest wound. The construsteen suit be of eesh type eatorial with a petroleue coating. Minieue size shalt be 3 inches by 8 inchess (17) See tr iangular bandages 3 (18) Sia large saf ety pens 8 (198 fue peers of 5-l/2 inch bandage shears:

420) $6s tongue blades individually wrapped er saintained in a clean eenners t21) Two storele burn sheets, einieve site of 90 inches by 72 inchess (228 Two plastic containers of sterile irrigating (not setunion, eenieue size 1000 cubic contimeters for 6ntravenous usell 4231 One oneses basins 4298 one storite oeststrical til containing gloves, scissers or surgical blades, useatical cor d clamps er tapes, dressings, towels, per enstal pad, a bulb syringe, and a

,receeveng blansets

. .... e a eua anweves, ear ei e enne ne/inin* 10-9

HunAN RESOURCES - FACILITY SERVICES Tio 030 .0200 (25) Oni paistn satifste kit containing syrup of lp:cac, activated charcast scd a ea rns of ad;anistering the eroper dosage; d

(263 bne eartable adult size aneriod sphygoomanometer and stethoscope; (21) One rubber or heavy plastic sheet or body bag, minieue size of 36 inches by 72 inchas (283 One four wheated. sievating cot with a three inch thick polyester pad with a nonporous cover. The cot must be -

equipped with restraining straps (chest and thigh areal es at least t wo inches in width. A crash stable .

fastener instatted por the cet manufacturer's instructions and compatible with the model cet furnished must secure the specified cet to the floor or side watts (29) One additional stretcher, with patient restraining devices as specified in Subparagraph (a)(28) of this Rute and capable of being secured inside the patient ' '

compartment. When this stretcher is flat and rigid, it '

say be used in place of a long spine board; (30) Two sets of clean cet Linen constructed of washable or .-

disposable natorial in addition to a set on the cet (a set equals two sheets and one pittowcass);

(36) Two pillows covered with a nonporous eaterlat; and (32) Two blankets constructed of washable material.

(b) Category ll ambulances for which permits are issued must contain at least the itses in Subpar agr aphs (a)(1) through talt5). (a)(12) tier ough (a)(I5). (a)(l?) througn (a)(203 (a)(233 (a)(26) through (a)(2d). and (a)(30) through (a)(32) of -

this Rule. A fire. board tyse device to suppor t the back during manual heart compression must be f urnished on the vehicle in addition to the aforementioned equipment. The einieue size aust be 14 inches wide by 32 inches tong.

(c) Cat egor y lli ambulances for which permits are issued sust contain the itses in Subparagraphs (a)(1) through (a)($1. (a)(12) through (a)(15). (a)(17) through (a)(28). (a)(30) through (a)(32) of this Rute. A fire. board type device to suoport the back dur ing manual neart compression must be furnished on the vehicle in addition to the aforseentioned equipment. The minieue site sust be it inches wide by 32 inches long. A self contained transport incubator with stane and capable of being secured in the ambulance say be substituted in lieu of Subparagraph (a)(28) of this Rule.

History Notes Statutory Authority G.5.13lE-157(al 1938-165(9):

Eff. February I. 1976s NORTH CAROLINA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE 01/10/89 30-6 HUNAN RE5ouRCES - FACit.lTY SERVICES T10: 030 .0200 Readopted Eff. December 19g 19773 Amended Eii. No" ember 1. 1783.

.0202 EXTRICATION AND ACCESS EQUIPMEdi Category I sebutances for which permits are issued must contain at least the following equiseents (t) one 10-inch adiustable open end wrench *

(2) one 3/8 x 12-inch square shank scrowdriser with flat i

'3) bladeb/8 ene e 8-inch round shank screwdriver with Phittips i blades

! (9) ene hacksaw with a minimum of sin blades; til one 9 pound haesar with 85-inch handle; (6) one pair of pliers.10-inch vise grip; (7) ene 24-inch wrecking bars and (8) one SI-inch crewhar with pinch point.

l History Notes Statutoru Authority G.S.131E-157(all i 1938-165ff)

. Ef f. February I.1976:

Moended ReadoptedEff,f.

Ef DecemberApriL 19, 28. 1977; 1977; Amended Eff. Noveener 1. 1983. ,

i 1.0203 ofHER EQUIPHENT r " Mobutances for which permits are issued must have at least the i 'fettowings l '

(1) One hand tantern with a power source of at least sis (2) volts A twoindependent of vehicle power supply;her. This unit l

i and one-half must be a dry thenecat. pound fire satinguis att purpose type with a pr es sur e gauge and approved by underwr 6ters Laboratorles and U.S.

Lepar tment of Transpor tation. This unit must be sounted in a quick release erectets

, (3) "No Seeking" signs placed in cab and pallent compartments!

(4) Electric lights to 4ttusinate the patient compartment l which are designed and Located so that ne glare is reflected into the driver's eyes or line of visions and l

(5) An operational two way radio capable of establishing good I

qua66ty voice communications with all hospital energency depasteents le which patisnts are transported on a regular er routine basis and to the authorised ambulance dispatching agency within the ambulance provider's hees county. Current Licensss sust be saintained for aLL frequencies and t r ans ei t t er s operated by the ambulance preveder, copies of which east be on desplay at the

,astutaats base.


, HUMAN RESOURCEG - FACILITY SERVICES Tioi 030 .0200 History Note: 5tatutory Ruthority G.S. 13lE '57(al; 1438-165t91;

  • Eff. February 1, 1976; .

Readopted Ef r. December ~ 19 1977; Arended Eff. November I. th83.

f I

i i

l -

a e


9 e



1usu EE50unen--Pacit'1N~5Eaults_ YlDi_030.~.0309____ _.___ _.._. __ . . . ...

____ . - .-- J. _ ;- - ._ ~. ~_ '. ~ . _

'.~_" ~'5Kilia7t3007_NEAPONfANDfXPLoSIVE5_. .._ . . .

~ ~ ~


.0301' leroMS AMD'EXPLC51VE5FORaltCEC. .._. .

or carrie aboar d .'


- tal Hessens ans emptosives shatLnot be. worn T.~~."'~d __ _

an astulance veniste.ulthin tbs.4 tate _ of Nor th Car olins. Hhen ._

--- - suca aanutansa ..wenis te .. is operating . le ang patient transport -

capacitt_or .is awaltant e .f or.such. tr ans por t .f unct ion. . . . . .. . . . ,'


  • th! Inis_ hts _shatt . apply . hnathet ..or. not Susa. Weapons and ._ _.. . . . .
  • - - - - - - - ogtesives are wisible.__ _ .._ . .-. -.__ .

- ~ - - * -~ -- . . . . .... .

- -* - --- Histerg Notes._Statutorg Authoritu G.S._l%33-16$i --. . . _ . _ _ _ . . . ....

E.f f. Fab,ruar"

. g ggQg ,,

_t . !D,,6L,_gy,_g g.

. . . . _ . ~ . _ - _ _ , .-- - 8302 . Uni DroRCDetT.CFFICERS. .. _ _ _.___ . . _ . . _

auta ._.St of- this.5scitaa.shatt.not. appig .ta ilutg . appointed __ . _ ... ..._. ... _ _ . . . . . .

- - - ' ~ ~ " taa saforcement of ficers hna art. serving _ta. an.. authorized L aw _ __. ___. . _..._. ._.. . _ _ _

  • * ~ ' ' ' ~ - enfarcassat casacity whlte.a.phasenger..cccupant..or. attenaast on . _ ._ _ .. ... __ .. . . __

, _ ~ ,

  • _ - - - ' _ , ]'

- an aanutanceasaltas; _ ... _ . _ .._ . . __ . . . .

_ _ _ . ..... _. . . . - _ . . . History Metas._Statutorg Authoulu G- __ __. ____. _ __ _ . . . .. ..._. ..

Ef th.5.1938tl651 _ . _ ._

"- ~

. . _ Raadoptst Ell. Dessmear 13.1377: ... . .__ .. __ .

t _ e __. _ - . . . .. . . .

- -- _. . - - - . _.... . _. ~.

- - _ . . _ _ . . . - . - ~..- . _.-

  • _.#8W'*' ' ' ."" "- O'O O -- O**

aw .e .h.a_ . .. ..

.m . _.up .p g g ..sp. m .e...6 _mD..'.M-.m&. M. .. . " ". W**

O *

  • *OO *

. . ' . . ' 8.M N@N6. * * '

  • 8W O O 8'8* O* *

. .. p._e . .a.Oh _ ._N ei_

  • D**
  • W'"*"**O@ .


. . . 6*.

g.. . e- . - gh g.. p w ..e . . @

O'""1 *

  • E --

. e e ... . A' _r

_ _ h _- .

.e . .M.@.


. gz.__ . . . . . 5. aee.. .

  • O
  • O

, , , p ,- . ..hi e **w g y _, . . . 6 g.,

..g .

_ ' '~__ _ ____ _ ,

9 9


  • 4UMAN RE50VRCE5 - FACILITY SERVICE 5 T10s 033 .0400

_ SECT!ait.0400 - 5ANITATION RE00lREMENT5 .

.0401 INTERICit . . _ _ . . _ . . _ . _ . _ ._ .. _.

-- - - - - - - - - - - The interior. ef.. the _aebutance and the equfpeent within the

- - - - -- estutance shatt.bs_ sanitary and maintained in. good worlLing order _. -

at att Lines. . . . _ _ . . -


i. ~ ~ ~~ ~ C Hisl'ory Hefsil5latitoru.Autio~il~G.5'.l3iEl5Na): Z. ~


_ _ _ - Ef1.Jebruaru amadap t et.1f l ._hece ss er_lf._l f 77.

J .I 761_ _... _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . .. -

-... ~


-_~~~Z ' 'T . _.

-- - - ~

.0402 500!'PME5'T Equipaant shatL bs stsasetlt and.sas113. cleanable construction.

--. --.~ .-

-- HIsidsstes._5tatutorg. Authoritu G.5 1TIEil57Ian-~~ __ .'_~2' --- --

_.T 8 81.Jahr uar u_1 1f76t _ . . .

._ Asadaptat_1fl heraass_r_17 _1977-_ - . _ _ _ . . . . ..

-- ' dig 33Det . . . . _ _ ____~.Z~" -

tal. Freshly ._laundsret.Linsa.or_disposabts linen used.. .. . -~~

-- - - - - - - - - en cats and statoms. ant patient ._ - - - -


is.transaar ted. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _

JbL dsaa Lansa.storata pssuldesuan_sach ambulance. _.. . . _ . . --

.~_. . - __-..._- ~

- - - - - - - - - - - [H'Is'i'er[Heles. 5tatutory AuthoritidT ~t3iE-i57Uii_~~.-~.~. --- -

. . _ - _.Ef f. Februar y .4 _. T.'_ . - . _ .

__assacated Ef f le.4376L _. . - -19. 1977..._ __ _ .. _

- - - - cemost

\I ^ ~

_ '.~ Z JJ.-~ T_ " .cus . iiMcni SIMEL _-~~_-~__.'~~_.- - - - -

Closed .c medicat sup,ampar tses. tasats shaLLha _ _ providad

. _ . _ . _ _within . . _ _ the.aabutance

. . _ . for. .. . _ _ . - - - - - -

d . 1316 1'7(al; Z .~J


- . _ _ _ . . _ . . . . . .- 5 I _ '.

H1's' tar [ Mats"s3iatutory

. . _ . ._ Elf. Femruaru Ether S. . si~g~765 t3 _. --

. . _ . . _._asadopted Efl . Becencer .lf

- - - - - - - - - . . . . . _ . . _ _ _ . 1977.._..__- -. _ ..

" ' * - ~ -

.0%5 PILLai5 AND NATTRE55ES --- -.. __ _ __ _ -. . - - . .

-- - - - - - - PitLous and mattresses.shalt be kept.cteam and in good repair. _

~~ *- History Notes Statutory Athorit. . . _ .G.5. 13tE-157(a);.. . .

~ ~ ' - Ef f. February 1. l 76; . . ..

. O udested Elf. Deceaner 19. 1977. . .


.0904 50lLES SUPPt.!ES ..... - . .- .- -

--- - Closes wata6nsas shall be provided for selled supplies.- . - . _ _

l - - - - - . . . _ . _. .

' ~ ~ ~

--ammat -- - - s es,-in,u, _ in p- . . - . . -

durWWI RESQURCES - FACILITY SERVICES T10 03D .0 % 0 Historg Hetes Statutory Authorit G.5. 131E-1571als Ef f. Februarg 1. I 763 Reasepted r.f r. Esceaser 17. 1777.

. . _ . . . . . . _ . ,g.g g3 Exterior and interier. surf aces of ambulance shall be steaned

.f__.'_'T- ~ 7 '7f. _ . . .

reutinstg. . _ _ _ _ . _ . . _ _ .


~ -

History Hetea 5tatutory AuthorIi G.5.13tE-157(a); .

Ef f. Februaru I i Readapted t;f f. bessen:er its 1977.


.." .~.~__~'..

.0M8' '!UNET5 AND HAND TCHEL5 J_ . ' ~I. . . .[ -

i Stankets and hand tousLs any ambulance shall be staan. .


_.~.~.~~~~ .. _ Histary

- . . . -Notes.~ 5t'atutory Authorll$765G.5.


Faeruaru I.1 13tE-157(als

- - ~ ~

. ..._ ~ . Deceaser 17. 1977.. .

. . _ _ . _ . . _ . . . . ~ ~ '

.0%2755LEMENTfis5ERTE!filihDit HOUTH1.7 ~.5 ~ ~

_ .7,_[ ~ ~ . tal leptements insarted ints the patient's nose or asuth shalt -.- - -

, _~ be single-service. wrapped and properly stored and handled. ._-----

(b) Een autti-use itsas ars. used, the tocal heatsh care . _.. --.

facilities should be canauttad f or. son and _-- -

hantting af.suca itsas:

f.~T.J.~_'~~. ",~f f History hatsu. Statutory

.. Ef f. Februaru hthoritu G.5.131E-157(a); . ...

1.1976; .. ..

. .. Jtsadopted I;fl. Deceaner 19. 1977 . _ ,






maa an aaoutanca. has been utILised to' tr'ansporl'a patisnt .

the.. seergencg medicat -

knanen to the aanutance- prcuider, tecnnician, or the anautants attendant to have a coanunicaale disease, it is the responsinitity of the ambulancs prounder to -

ensure that the astutance.. including its equipment and susplies.

is latea out of servics . until thor oughty cleanssa and ~

' {,- ~ ^ , disinfected. .. . . - . . . - . . . . . . . . . _ . .

~~~~ -

History Not'es 5' tat'utorg Auttiority G.5. 'IE38-l'6 5(33'; ~

Ef f . r sbr uar y 4. I'J161 5:sadopted Eff. Cacencer 19. 1977;. .

Amenaed Ef f. Hovemoer 1.1983.

.~ .

.091i ST0 GAGE ~._..

- ~ - - -- -




.__ _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . , _ __ _ . . _ . . .."_I fu 't_ . , . _. .


. .. .[ _

tal Att storage spaces used foi' storage ~ef linens, egulpeent, medical supplies and other. supptles at. Dass..statlens . shalt De >

tapt staan and free from unnecessaru. articles.. . . . .

- _- ...... __- (t) The . contents- shati._as arranged.so_as _lo parait th'orough sisaning. ..

H1'st'oriNetes.. Statuterg Authorits G.5Z13iGl57(als T ~.~ ~ '



__--...- _ ...--.-..- _ Ell.lekruarg.J Asadoptaa.r;f f .locesset.1 8176L 6Jf . 77 _ __ . _ . -


.0912 .'LIMlf0ffi.)ACIL'illE3 Aaseuata and convenient.tavatorg.facitilles conforains with the Norta Caratina.Plusales Cada_ including.hst and. gold running Mater ana a cansination_.supptg_faucat . snap..ana sanitaru lowels, or apeswt mana-arvint.asuices,_snatl._be.. praulded _ Jet _ assutance .

-- . _ ......_. ... anamanats_ ant arlusta 4L.att.basa atations- . _ . _ _

[Sisterg Notet_Statutorg Eff.Jantuaru Author.itg76t_.Gfi31E 1.1 157(in .~ '.

Assaspted.UT..Iloccaser Jf. .lf77. _.. .._. _

_ - ' -~ -] ," ~

.- . _ . ~

. MORTH CAR 04.!NA AD.tIK.5TRAflUE CODE 80/24/89 3D-19 i

e l

l I

i i

l i

l l

~ '



.0508 INTERIOR DlHENSIONS (a) Any vehicle permitted as a Category I or Category I!!

ambulance to an ambutance provider for the first time must have the following minimum patient compartment interior dimensions (1) The tength, measured on the floor from the back of the dr iver 's compar tment, dr iver 's seat or par tit ion to the --

inside edge of the rear loading doors, must be at least 108 inches.

(23 The width of the comparteent after cabinet and cot .

Installation must provide at least 12 inches of clear aists walkway between the pr imary cet and the squad bench, a second cet or curbside watt of the vehicle.

(3) The height must be at least 52 inches over the patient ar ea, measured from the approximate center of the floor, exclusive of cabinets or equipment.

(b) Any vehicle permitted as a Category ll ambulance to an ,

ambulance provider must have the following ainimus patient _

compartment inter ior dimensions -

til The length, measured on the floor free the back of the driver's compar tment driver 's seat, or partition to the inside edge of the rear toading doors must be at least 802 inches.

(2) The width of the compartment after cabinet and cot instattation must provide for at least 12 inches of clear aisle walkway between the cet and the squad bench. a second col or the curtside watt of the -


(3) The height must be at least 48 inches over the patient area measured from the approximate center of the floor, exclusive of cabinets or equipment. .

History Note: Statutory Authority G.5. 13tE-157(al; .

1938-165(93; Ef f. February 8.1976; -

Reended Ef f. October 16.1977; Apr it 28.1977; Readopted Eff. December 19. 1977; Amended Ef f. November 4.1983; July 22.1978.

.0502 INSPECTION CERTIFICATE Any vehicts paraitted as an ambulance must have a current safety equipment inspection certificate issued by the North Carolena division of motor vehicles.

History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 1438-165; ,



Ef f . February 1.1976; Readopted Ef r. December 19 i977.


' tal Each Category I ambulancs and Category lit ambulance for which a permit is issued must have emergency warning tights and audible worn;ng devices other than those required by Federal I

Notor Veh cte Safety St andar ds . Att warning devices must function in the manner in which they were designed to function. -

(bl Each Category II ambulance for which a permit is issued

'shalt not be equipped, permanently or temporarity, with emergency warning devices. audible or visual. Other than those required by

  • Federal Motor Vehicle Safety StanJards. '

History Note Statutory Ruthority G.S. t3tE-157(al; I438-16569);

Eff. February 1 1976; Readopted Eff. Decemoer 19. 1977; Reenced Eff. Novemoer 1 1983.

.0504 UEHICLE BODY Recutance vehicle body must be free from dents and rust to the

  • extent that there is no interf erence of safety in operation.

History Notea Statutory Authority G.S. 193B-165; Ef f . February I.1976; Readopted Eff. December 39. 1977.

.0505 OXYGEN CYLINDERS 0xygen c y t i.ider s used in ambulance vehicles must bea/ static pressure date and sust be r eplaced or refitted as soon as possible after use.

History Notes Statutory Authority G.S. 13lE-157ta);

1438-165; Ef f. February i 1976; Readopted Eff. Cecember 19. 1977.

.0506 EQUIPMENT SECURED ALL equipment in the patient compartment must be adequately secures.

History Notes Statutory Authorite G.S. 1938-165; Ef f . Februar y 8.1976; Readopted Eff. Decenaer 19. 1977.

.0507 ' D00R5

--~--aa..- aa . ero w ar rans a viore* 30-14 ..

HUMAN RESOURCES - FACILITY SERVICES TIO: 030 .050G Att doors leading into passenger and patient compar tment must open and close s ecur ely with att handles working pr oper y. jr oper ty

- History Hote: Statutory Authority G.S. 1438-165; Ef f . February 1.1976; g Readopted Eff. December 19. 1977. . - -

.0508 WINDOWS Windous and wir.dshistd must be clear anJ free of cracks.

. History Note Statutory Authoritu G.S. 1438-165; s Ef f . February i l976; Readopted Eff, uecemoer t 19. 1977.


" Rear-view mirrors must be free of cracks and blemishes.

History Note Statutory Authority G.S. 1438-165; Ef f. February 4 1976; ~

Readopted Ef f. becember 19. 1977.

.0510 SEAT BELTS Seat bet;s sust be in place and in useable condition.

g History Notei Statutory Authoritu G.S. 1438-165; Ef f. February 1.1976; -

Readopted Ef f. December 19. 1977.

.0511 SPARE TIRE Ambulance vehicles must carr y a serviceable spare tire and equipment to change a flat tire or unserviceable tire.

History Note Statutory Authority G.5. 1438-165; Ef f . Februarv 1.1976;

  • Readopted Eil. December if 1977.

.0582 REPAIR EQUIPMENT tal Stored in the vehicle must be at least one spare f an belt, appropr.ete tools to change the bett. a low chain and battery jumper c.bles.

(b) An acceptabte alternative to this Requirement and Rule

.05tl of this Section. witt be a plan for provision of an insediately available service vehicle or a plan for the immediate .

dispatch as another ambulance vehicle.

History Notes Statutory Authority G.S.13tE-157(al; HUMAN RESOURCES - FACILITY SERVICES T10: 033 .0500 1438-165; Ef f . Febr uary I,1976;

  • Readopted Eis. December 19. 1977.

.0513 DISPLAYED PERMIT Any vehicle. after meeting the r equir e me nt s of the rules contained in this Subchapter, must display a c ur r e n t ambulance permit issued by the of fice of emergency medican services at such

- a place on the vehitte as designated by a representative of the ,

orfice of emergency medical services, indicating the vehicts has been inspected in accordance with the rules contained in this Subchapter.

History Hote: Statutory Authority G.S. 1938-165(91; Eff. Feb*uary 1, l976; Readopted Efr. December 19 1977; Amended Eff. November I, th83.

.0514 PERNIT (al The ambulance ' per mi t must include the following information:

  • (l) vehicle identification number; (2) permit number; (3) ambulance provider identification number; (4) identification of inspector; and (53 empiration date.

(b) Ambulance permits issued shatt be valid for a period not to exceed one year. The office of emergency medical services may issue t e mpor ar y permits for vehittes not seating, required standards for a period not to saceed 60 days, when it determines the public interest will be served thereby.

(c) No person shalt display or cause to be disptsyed or permit to be displayed or to knowingly possess, transfer, r emove, imitate, or reproduce an ambulance permit, except tg direction of the of fice of emergency medical services.

(d) An ambulance shalt be permitted in only one category.

History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 1438-165(9);

Ef f. February I. 1976; Readopted Efr. Oscamber 19 1977; Reended Eff. Novesoor 8 IIB 3; July 22.1978.

.0515 PERMITTED AMBULANCE Ne motor vehicle shaLL be deseed a permitted ambulance for the purpose of law unless the said motor vehicle has been permitted as an ambulance by the of fice of energency medical services in accordance with this Subchapter. It shall be the responsibility

..... ... - .. . .... ,- ... ..* e n .a= *n.s a _ .

HUMAN RESOURCES - FACILITY SERVICES T10: 03D .0500 of the ambutance provider to apply to the Depar tment of Human Resources for a permit to operate that ambulance.

History Note: 5tatutor y Author ity G.5.13lE-156: 1438-165(91; 143-508:

s Ef f. February 1,1976:

Readopted Eft. December 19. l977; --

Amended Ef f . November 1 1983; June 30. 1900:

July 22. 1978. .


. (a) Eacn permitted ambulance must have the name of the ambulance provider permanently displayed on each side of the vehicle in Letters at least three inches high.

(b) Category 11 ambulances for which permits are issued must

  • have the words "CONUALESCENT AMBULANCE" permanently lettered on '"

both sides and on the rear of the vehicle body in at least five- -

inch letters. -

Ec) Category Il ambulances for which permits are issued must -

be non white in color. Bands or belts encircling the vehicle body must be non-orange in color. Emergency medical symbots.

such as the Star of Life, block design crcss, or any other me d ic al markings, symbets, or emblems. including the wor d

" EMERGENCY." must not be dispe a yed on the vehicts or in any adver t is e men t , publication, of literature pertaining to Category Il ambutance services.

History Note: 5tatutor Authority G.5. 1438-165(P):

Eff. Jul 22. 1978; Amended f f. Novemoer 1.1983.

haDTM PADN f uA A&Mt u CTIAfftE fnNF 01/10/84 30-17 e

8 9 4 e

? .




, (al No person shall be deemed a certified ambulance attendant or emergency medical technician for purposes of Law unless he has -

been certified by the of fice of emergency medical services in accordance with these Rules and Regulations.

(b) A mininua or one certified emergency medical technician

, and one certified ambulance attendant shall 6e present on any emergency mission in the state. Respnnsibilities of thess

. personnel are stated in Rules .0102 and .0103 of this Subchapter.

The registered owner of an ambulance shalL be respons able for

ensuring compliance with this requirement.

s . History Note: Statutory Author ity G.5.13lE-158; 13lE-161; 1938-165;

.Eff. February 1. 1976; -

Readopted Ef r. December 19. 1977; Reended Eff. June 33. 1980. -

.0602 APPLICATION Each person prior to certification or recortification shalt submit identification and other inf orsat ion to the office of energency eedical services on forms provided by the office of emergency medical services. -

History Note: Statutory Ruthor ity G.5.13lE-159(b);

. Ef f. February I. 1976; Readopted Ef f. Decencer 19 1977.

.0603 CERTIFICATE Upon his meeting the r equir ement s of these rules and regulations. the of fice of emergency medical services shalL issue a certificate which shalL be valid for two years unless suspended or r e voked for his non-conpliance with these rules and regulations.

History Note 5tatutory Ruthor ite G.5.131E-15Pla);

Ef f. February I. 1976; Readopted Ef r. December 19. 1977.


HUHAN RESOURCES - FACILITY SERVICES TIO: 033 .0600 (a) Every ambulance attendant and emergency medical technician shalt have a physical emanination performed by a physician licensed to practice medicine.

(b) A wr i t t en statement shall be signed by the physician on forms supplied by the office of eastgency med ic al services stating that the applicant is physicatty fit and free from physical defects or diseases which might impair his ability to dreve. attend an ambulance patient or operate communications equipment.

(c8 Copies of the statement shalt be filed with his employer and the of fice of emergency medical services, td) A new physical enamenation is required for each renewal of .


History Note: Statutory Ruthor ity G.S.13lE-159(b);

. Eff. February l. 1976; Readopted Ef t. Decemoer 19, 1977.

.0605 CHARACTER AND TEMPERAMENT (a) Each ambulance attendant and energency medical technician shalt be of suitable character and temperament. Upon request of the office of emergency medical services. the candidate for certification shalt present at least five signed affidavits free people who have known the candidate for at least five years at t es t in andnottemperament.

However,g to presentation the the candidate's of suitable character said affidavits shall be binding upon the office of emergency medical services to certify the candidate but shatt be considered by the office of emergency medical services when making a decision regarding certification.

(b) No ambulance attendant or coergency medical technician shall be addicted to the use of drugs or alcohot such that the behaviorat sanifestations of tness handicaps affect. their capacity to perfore the duties required of an aeoutance attendant or energency medical technician.

(c) % ambulance attendant or ~ energency medical technician shalt have been convicted within the past three years of a cries, any element of which could indicate an inability to perf ore services as an astutance attendant or energency medical technician or could possibly pose a danger to persons under his or her care.

History Notes Statutory Ruthority G.S.13lE-159(b);

Ef f . February 1. 1976; Readopted Efr. Decemoer 19. 1977; Amended Eff. July 22. 1978.


ltuntsPe htSOUWctb tittlLilY SLkVILLS lius u su .uouu toch sabulance attendtnt cod emergency meticst technician shstt be stificieAtty clean en per ssn cnd str oent or unifere such that rien of iKf ectetn and/or disease is benseized.

History Note s Statutor y Author itu G.5.131L-159tb 8; Elf. Fett vary I. 1776; I Readopted Ell. December 19. 4977;

  • i Amended Ef f. July 22. 1978.

.0607 AGE -'

, Each ambulance attendant and emergency medical technicean shalt t

he at toast Ib years of age.

History Notes Statutor y Author itu G.5.13tE-159th);

Ef f. Febr uary 1, 1976; Roadopted Efr. December 19, 1977.

.0608 LICENSES Each ambulance attendant shall possess a valid driver's License and have a siniaue of two years dr iving emper ience. Note Statutor y Author s tu G.5.13tE 159(b);

1 Ef f. February 1 1976; l

Readapted Eff. Decenbar 19. 1977.


, His tor y Not e s Filed as a Temporary Repeat Ef f, r

fbgest 28. 1984 for a Period of 64 Days to Empire on Novencer ; 1984 Statutor y Author ity b.5. I lE-159th);

1984 5.L . . c . 10 34 ;

Ef f . Februar y 1 19'6; Amended Ef f . Apr i L 23. 1976; F ebr uar y 17. 4976; lleadopted Ef f. Oscomber 19. 1977; Repeated Ef f. November 1. 1984


  • e n an ambulance .s used f or the purpost of t ansf err ing a patient from one health car e f acit ely to another. a registered

. nur se may be substituted f or an emergency medical technician sf.

e in the opinion of the patient's attending physicean, such substituleen would be es. the bes t interests of medical care f or the pat.ent.

H. story Notes St atut or y Author iu G.5.13lE-158; Ef f . Febr war y 9.1978.

f ,

NORTH CAROLINA ADMINISTRAlluE CODE 10/26/84 3D-22 DUNHN HLhuuktLS - I iI f *>l k'88 Lb I10s 0Ju .0600 0618 PRAEDURL5 Fuld DLNIHL SUti'LN$10H. NLituutf l0H Den i al, suspension or revwcation ut ite sortif .atson of an aabutance attendant us an emer gency medicat ist hrenc ean shaft be cowred b the rules r egar dinj contested cases as f ound it. 10 NCAC 3ll .0!Q0.

His t or y Hule s St atut or y Huth ar e ty G.S. IJIE 159E a 8; Ef e . July 22. l9 70 Os. 2 REASON 5 f.A DLN!ItLa SU51'LNbf uNs klVULHil0N l ie Medic al car e Commission may deny. auspend or revose tre ceriefication of an ambulance attendant er en emer genc y sedecal (schn cien for any ut the tottowing reasonsa t.) saitany tu comply with any cer t e f ecat een r equir ements, as f ound in 64 NCAC 30 .060 6 thr ough .0609,

42) car t of scal on si a e esut t of f r aud or mest spr esentat son; L31 fasting tu per s ar a a prescribed pr ocedure, f to per f ore a pr escr ibed pr ocedur e competently, or per f or ming a pr ocedur e which is not within the scope and responsibet ely of the car lif ecate holder; i Oil per f or ming pr ocedur es which ar e detr imental to the health and saf ety of a patient.

16s s t se y No t e s St atutor y (6 thor s ty G.S.131E-159t a 8; Eff. July 22. 1978

'.0613 IRAINING FOR INiilitL CERilFICAll0N tal An applicant for enetial sabutance at tendant cer t if icat ion aunt s.ccess f ully comptate a basec ambulance attendant cour s e nes ch thatt be a men esue of 40 cont act hour s. .ppr ove i by the Office of Ener ge nc y Medicat Ser vices f o t t o.eing guidelsres est blished by an appr opr e .te cos.esttee of the connession and of'eres bg an appr es ed t eaching ins t itut ocre.

tbl in appl ic ain t for enitial energency medical technician cer tificat on must successfutty complete a basec e ne r gency mee. cal technic an sour se aset ing the cr eter .4 of the "Eser gency Nedical Technician - fietsul Department anc e s Nationalof irStaispor andartat d Curr eon.esutum Hateon developed by the U.S.

H.ghi.ay Iraf fic Saf e ty Adminis tr at ion and of f er ed ty an appr oved inst itut son.

sc3 M iendan.e r ecor ds shall be saintained by the APPr oved teaching institut ion and shall be made available for par sodic by the Of of Energency Nadicat Services.

Hestesy Notes F eted as a Temporary Rute Ef f .

August 28, 4984 for a Per.,,d of 64 Dass to Espere on November 1. 1984; NfAIM CARCl,1NA AQNINISTRAtlVE CODE 10/26/84 3D-23

e * >ANth kLtuuk(L*, Ifuiltry %LHutctS llue u JJ uovu e Statutcr y Authir it y L.5.131E 459t h ';

I PO4 5.L . . c . 8 0 34 ;

Ef f . 4cvember I, 1904.

.06l4 TRA!N!NG IDR RLLERilf lCAllON lal An apptecent f or r ecer t e f ical son as an amor gency mad etal tettwncian or ambutarice a tendant mus t complete silher of tes .-

" ~

  • f ollowong training r equir emente t tl) e didact ec ref r esher tr einang pr ogr ee er eor to the end of the ter t alical son per sud ut a senimum of 24 huur s _,

that es medical in content, appr oved by the Of fice ut E mer genc y Medical Scrveces fattowing gu ide t established by an appr opt iets connettee of the commi s s i on, and conducted by an appr ove d teaching institution; or 628 a continueng education progr am of a minimus of 36 hour4.166667e-4 days <br />0.01 hours <br />5.952381e-5 weeks <br />1.3698e-5 months <br /> s dur ing each of the two ye ar s of the carlefscaleen tersodi

LH) taught and/ur coor d onata d by a quatefied ENI ens tr uc t or ;

(Bs conducted thr ough an aFeroved teach ng entletuleen;

40) af pr ove d by the Offeco of Emer gency Nedecal krvices (such pr ugr ams must be submitted for qpr ova t at least 60 days preor to the start of the p.ogr ams; and (Os consistens of a mineaua of 48 hour5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> s eash year of dedactic medical content following the quede'.ines es t abli she d by an appr oor iate connet(se of the commession and a minimum of 8 hour9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> 5 each year o' practece en the skill categor ies spac ef esd in kule
  • .0616talt28tDa of this Sec t ion, we th the r ena ening 10 hour1.157407e-4 days <br />0.00278 hours <br />1.653439e-5 weeks <br />3.805e-6 months <br /> s being tr ain ing per t inent to emer gen 69 medical services and eescus work which may be taught by other or gen esal 6ns appr ove d by tbs Cf f ice of Emer gency Medic al Ser vices ,

aba httendarite r ecor ds for att racerlif scation t r a en erig proy ees mus t be maint a ened by the appr oved t eaching institution and shall be made available f or per eodec review by the Of f ice of Emer gency nodical Ser vece s .

sci f or per sons applyeng f or r acer t e f ecat ion pr eor to June 40.

498 n til the r equir ement under 64362) of this Rute for comple t ion of a continuing education c our s e of a minimum di 36 hour4.166667e-4 days <br />0.01 hours <br />5.952381e-5 weeks <br />1.3698e-5 months <br /> s in each of two year s mag be ac t by cowlet on of 72 hour8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> s over the total two year car t ef ecat ion per sod.

NGRfN CAROLikA ADMINISTRAlluE CCDE E0/26/04 3D-24 014 HUMAN RESDURCES f HlllllY SERVl(th 110 030 .0600

62) The tequir ement of Ialt28ta) of the Rute may be sol by the continuing education progr am taughI under the detection of an individual who becomes recognised by the Offect of Emer gency Nedicat Services as a qua' efied EMI ins tr uc t or at least in months prser to the cogtet eos of the pr ogr am.

(3) Cont.nuing edu6at ion pr ogr ass appr oved bg ibe Os f ice af Egergency Medical he r v e c e s pr ser to the assaded effective date of thes Rute well be cons edi ed to have met the requirement of tall 2)( A) of this Rut for prser appe ovat . If such a program does not meet the other r equir e ment s of tall 28 of thes Ruts, an espanded pr ogr ee outline adjusting the program may be submitted to the uffice of Emergency Medical Serveres for appr ovat at least 60 days pr ior to beginneng the a npanded pr ogr am.


' Hestery Notes i s ted as a Tempor ar y Rute Ef f ,

j August 28, 1984 for a Period of 64 Dass to E.p er o an November 1 1984; i

Statutor y Authur s ty G.5.131E- tS9th s; i

Gu 5.L ., c . 10 34 ;

i I

6et. November le 1904.

.0615 E.'dilNAll0N FOR INiil AL CERilFICAi!CN tal An applicant for eniteat car lef stat ion as an ener gency medical technecian shall successf 6 LW c00plete both a wretten and i practical cer t ef ical 'r' saaminat ion admine s t er ed by the Of f ice of

' Wr gency Nadical Ser veces .

LD) em applicant for initial certifecation as an ambulance attenduit shaL L successf ut ty complete both a wr e t ten (or or al at

  • the opt eer. of thJ applicant) and pr act ical sadesnation ateinestered by the Le f ice of Energency Nadical Serveces, l

He s t or y No t e s F a teJ as a isopor ar y Rute Ef f.

August 28, 1984, for a Persod of 64 Days to Empers on November t. 1981; St atutor y Suthor ity G.S.13tE-157th s; 1984 5.L . , c . 1034 ;

Efr. Novembcr t. 1984

.0646 EXAMINAll0N F0F RCCERilFICAfl0N An appt cant for racertification as an emergency medical technecean er ambulanca shall either s til succes>8 resplete a pr ac t ic al skills evaluation ada.nes , the Of f ice of Eser gency Medical Services; er

'^^* =^>H+ M.)C I==


, . _ , .s ,aa4 - - ^^== ' = 8 m @*

Teos 030 .0600 i,V We RESOURCES - PACILITY SERVICES la the case of an applicant who is af filiated with an ambulance provider or resses squad which presides anly f(21 services, and who has completed a education progr ee in accordance with Rute 0614 tall 2) of

' in6s Section, present the f ollowing free the qualified ENT instructor who conducted the continuing education progrees tal document at ion of succes*fut comptation of the -.

Centinuing education pragrae; (b) a statement attesting to the applicant's ability to adequalete per f ore the sliitts reeuired of an seergency -

medical technician in the f ollowing categories:

(4) patient assessment; till hemorrhage control; (iii n vital sigas; tiva airwag management; tw) ca diopatoonary resuscitation; "

(via trestion and r agid splinling; and Lui) spinal insurg management.

History Hote: Filed as a Teerorary Rule Ef f.

' Agust 28. 1989. f or a Per iod of 64 Dags to Empire on Novecoer '

1984; 5ts?vtory Author ity G.S.13tE-l696b);

IMf >

' Ef 5.L..mber Nove c .1034 I. i h04.

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