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Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept for Jan-Dec 1995
Person / Time
Site: Grand Gulf Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 12/31/1995
Shared Package
ML20108A237 List:
NUDOCS 9605020187
Download: ML20108A251 (29)


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ANNUAL RADIOACTIVE l EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT January 1,1995 - December 31,1995 Prepared By: 6bluh / 4 - ( 6 "t6 Reviewed By: A,.4,24[/,//.

, / */A f, Approved By: - /In/f6 DR DO 05 0 16 R PDR

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A. Regulatory Limits 6 1.10CFR 20 Limits

a. Fission and Activation Gases 6
b. Radiciodines and Particulates 6
c. Liquid Effluents 6 2.10CFR 50, Appendix I Limits  !
a. Fission and Activation Gases 7
b. Radioiodines and Particulates 7
c. Liquid Effluents 7
3. 40CFR 190 Limits 8 l

B. Effluent Concentrations 8 l

1. Airborne 8
2. Liquid 8 C. Average Energy 8 D. Measurements and Approximations of Total Activity 9
1. For Fission and Activation Gases 9
2. For Particulates and Radiciodines 10 1
3. For Continuous Releases 10 I
4. For Batch Releases: Gases 11
5. For Batch Releases: Liquid Effluents 11 E. Batch Releases 12
1. Liquid 12
2. Gaseous 12 F. Unplanned Releases 12
1. Liquid 12 4
2. Gaseous 12 l

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G. Estimate of Total Error 13

1. Liquid 13 I
2. Gaseous 13
3. Solid Radioactive Waste 13 H. Solid Radioactive Waste Shipments 14 I. Meteorological Data 14 l

J. Radioactive Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation Operability 14 K. AnnualSewage DisposalSummary 14



14 l

A. Water-Related Exposure Pathway 14 B. Airborne-Related Exposure Pathway 15 IV. OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL / RADIOACTIVE WASTE TREATMENT SYSTEM CHANGES 16 A. Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM) 16 B. Radioactive Waste Treatment Systems 16 l

LIST OF TABLES TABLE PAGE 1 A Gaseous Effluents -Summation of all Releases 17 IB Gaseous Effluents- Elevated Releases 19 1C Gaseous Effluents - Ground-Level Releases 20 1D Radioactive Gaseous Waste Sampling and Analysis Program 22 2A Liquid Effluents - Summon of All Releases 23 2B Liquid Effluents - Continuous and Batch Modes 25 2C Radioactive Liquid Waste Sampling and Analysis Program 27 3 Solid Radioactive Waste and Irradiated Fuel Shipments 28 LIST OF ATTACHMENTS O Attachment I - Offsite Dose Calculation Manual, Revision 17

O Attachment II- Corrected Pages sJwm-ea/ARLRAWS r

I. INTRODUCTION This Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report (ARERR) for the period of January 1 through December 31,1995 is submitted in accordance with Offsite Dose Calculation Manual l

(ODCM), Section 5.6.3 of Grand Gulf Nuclear Station (GGNS) License No. NPF-29.

i The monitoring of radioactive effluents is referenced in ODCM Appendix A, Sections 6.11 and 6.12.

Airborne discharges at GGNS are considered ground-level releases. Allliquid and airborne discharges to the environment were analyzed in accordance with ODCM requirements. All effluent releases were within the concentration and l total release limits specified by the ODCM.

l l

Projected offsite doses were within the dose limits specified by the ODCM.

l The summation of all gaseous releases during the reporting period is given in Table 1 A, while elevated releases and ground-level releases are given in Tables 1B and 1C, respectively. Table 1D describes the radioactive gaseous sampling and analysis program implemented at GGNS.

The summation of all liquid releases during the reporting period is given in Table 2A, while continuous and batch mode releases are given in Table 2B. Table 1 2C describes the radioactive liquid waste sampling and analysis program l

l implemented at GGNS.

Solid radioactive waste and irradiated fuel shipments during the reporting period are summarized in Table 3.

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I. INTRODUCTION (CONT'D) 1 The annual summary of meteorological data (joint frequency distribution) will be  !

maintained on site in a file that shall be provided to the NRC upon request. The option to maintain meteorological data on site is in accordance with ODCM Administrative Controls Section 5.63.

This report contains a copy of Revision 17 to the GGNS ODCM, issued during the reporting perind. Revision 17 implemented the Improved Technical Specifications adopted by GGNS in March 1995 and inecrpe.ated updated meteorological parameters.

This report also contains corrected pages from the previous ARERR. The corrections had no effect on the accuracy of reported data.



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1. 10CFR 20 Limits
a. Fission and Activation Gases - The release rate limit at any time for noble gases to areas at or beyond the site boundary shall be such that:

Dtb = average t tal body dose rate in the current year (mrem /yr)

, = X/Q E K; Q s 500 mrem /yr Ds= aver ge skin dose rate in the current year (mrem /yr)

= X Q I(L; + 1.1 M;) Q; s 3000 mrem /yr where the terms are defined in the GGNS ODCM.

b. Radiciodines and Particulates - The release rate limit for the sampling period for all radioiodines, tritium and radioactive materials in particulate form with half-lives greater than 8 days shall be such that:

Dg= average organ dose rate in current year (mrem /yr)

= Ei W Pi hi51500 mrem /yr where the terms are defined in the GGNS ODCM.


c. Liauid Effluents - The concentration of radioactive materials released in  ;

liquid effluents to unrestricted areas from the site shall not exceed at - l any time ten times the values specified in 10CFR20, Appendix B, Table 2, Column 2. The concentration of dissolved or entrained noble gases, released in liquid effluents to unrestricted areas from all reactors at the site, shall be limited to 2 x 104 microcuries/ml total activity.

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2. 10CFR50, Appendix I Limits 4
a. Fission and Activation Gases - The dose from noble gases in gaseous effluents to areas at or beyond the site boundary shall be such that:

D = air dose due to gamma emissions from noble gases

= 3.17 x 10-8 E M; X/Q' Q; s 5 mrad /qtr.

s 10 mrad /yr D p= air dose due to beta emissions from noble gas

= 3.17 x 10-8 E N; X/Q' Q;s10 mrad /qtr s 20 mrad /yr I where the terms are defined in the GGNS ODCM.

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b. Radiciodines and Particulates - The dose to an individual from tritium, I-131, I-133 and radioactive material in particulate form with half-lives greater than 8 days in gaseous effluents shall be such that:

D = dose to an individual from tritium, I-131, I-133 and p

radionuclides in particulate form with half-lives greater than 8 days (mrem)

= 3.17 x 10-0 I R; W' Q; s 7.5 mrem /qtr Any Organ s 15 mrem /yr Any Organ where the terms are defined in the GGNS ODCM.

c. Liauid Effluents - The dose from radioactive materials in liquid effluents shallbe such that:

m DTau"EIAiTau I Ati Cp Fg] s1.5 mrem /qtr Total Body i (=1 s 5 mrem /qtr Any Organ s 3 mrem /yr Total Body s 10 mrem /yr Any Organ where the terms are defined in the GGNS ODCM.

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3. 40CFR190 Limits

- Doses are calculated for Fission and Activation Gases; Radiciodines and Particulates; and Liquid Effluents according to equations contained in Sections 2.(a), (b), and (c) respectively, with the er:ception that the limits applied are:

s25 mrem /yr, Total Body or any Organ except Thyroid s75 mrem /yr, Thyroid s10 mrad y/qtr or s20 mrad y/yr, Fission and Activation Gases s20 mrad p/qtr or s40 mrad p/yr, Fission and Activation Gases j s15 mrem /qtr or s30 mrem /yr, any Organ, Iodine and Particulates s3 mrem /qtr or s6 mrem /yr, Total Body, Liquid Effluents s10 mrem /qtr or s20 mrem /yr, any Organ, Liquid Effluents l B. Effluent Concentrations

1. Airborne The Effluent Concentration Limit (ECL) of radioactive materials in gaseous effluents is limited by the dose rate restrictions given in Section II.A.1.a. In this case, the ECLs are actually determined by the dose factors in Table 2.1-1 of the GGNS ODCM.
2. Liquid The Effluent Concentration Limit (ECL) of radioactive materials in liquid effluents is limited by ten times the values in 10CFR20, Appendix B, Table 2, Column 2. The ECL chosen is the most conservative value of either the soluble or insoluble ECL for each radioisotope.

C. Average Energy Not applicable for GGNS ODCM Appendix A.

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D. Measurements and Approximations of Total Activity The following discussion details the methods used to measure and approximate i total activity for the following:


1. Fissionand ActivationGases 3. Particulates
2. Radiciodines 4. Liquid Effluents Tables 1D and 2C give sampling frequencies and muumum detectable sensitivity requirements for the analysis of gaseous and liquid effluent streams, respectively.

Values in the attached tables given as zero do not necessarily imply that the radionuclides were not present. A zero indicates that the radionuclide was not present at levels greater than the sensitivity requirements shown in Tables 1D and 2C. For some radionuclides, lower detection limits than required may be readily achievable; when a radionuclide is measured below its stated detection limits, it is reported.

l 1. For Fission and Activation Gases The following noble gases are considered in evaluating gaseous airborne discharges:

Ar-41 Xe-131m Kr-85m Xe-133 l Kr-85 Xe-133m Kr-87 Xe-135m Kr-88 Xe-135 Kr-89 Xe-138 Periodic grab samples from Station effluent streams are analyzed by a computerized pulse height analyzer system utilizing high-resolution i germanium detectors. (See Table ID for sampling and analytical requirements.) Isotopic values thus obtained are used for dose release rate calculations due to effluent releases as given in Section II.A.1. of this report.

l Only those radionuclides that are detected are used in this computation.

During the period between grab samples, the amount of radioactivity released

, is based on the effluent monitor readings. Monitors are assigned a calibration l factor based upon the last isotopic analysis, using the following relationship:

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C; = U; + m where C; = isotopic calibration factor for isotope i U; = concentration of isotope i in the grab sample in pCi/ml.

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m = net monitor reading associated with the effluent stream

(determined at the time of grab sampling).



l These calibration factors, along with the hourly effluent monitor values and flow rates, are entered into the laboratory computer where the release rates for individual radionuclides are calculated and stored. If no activity is detected in the grab sample, the calibration factor defaults to a historical mixture of Kr-88, Xe-133, Xe-135m, Xe-135, and Xe-138.


2. For Particulates and Radioiodines The radiciodines and radioactive materials in particulate form to be  !

considered are:

Zn-65 I-133 Cr-51 Cs-134 Mn-54 Cs-136 Fe-59 Cs-137 Co-58 Ba-140 Co-60 Ce-141 Sr-89 Ce-144 Sr-90 Zr-95 Sb-124 I-131 Other radionuclides with half lives greater than 8 days.

3. For Continuous Releases Continuous sampling is performed on the continuous release points (i.e.,

Offgas/Radwaste Building Vent, Containment Purge, Fuel Handling Area Vent, Turbine Building Vent). Particulate materialis collected by filtration.

Radiciodines are collected by adsorption onto a charcoal filter. Periodically these filters are removed and analyzed on the pulse height analyzer to identify and quantify radioactive materials collected on the filters. Particulate filters are then analyzed for gross alpha and Strontium-89 and -90 as required. Gross alpha determinations are made using 2 pi gas flow proportional counter.

Strontium-89 and -90 values are obtained by chemical separation and subsequent analysis using liquid scintillation techniques. Tritium tharr/ARfAR1110 r

II. DETAILED INFORMATION (CONT'D) j concentrations are determined using distillation and liquid scintillation techniques. During major operational occurrences, the frequency of sampling is increased to satisfy the requirements of footnote "c" of Table ID, 1
" Radioactive Gaseous Waste Sampling and Analysis," (GGNS ODCM Appendix A, Table [6.11.4-1]. Currently, Strontium analysis is performed by a qualified contract laboratory.

, Appendix A of Regulatory Guide 1.21 states "In estimating releases for periods when analyses were not performed, the average of the two adjacent data points spanning this period should be used."

In addition to releases from routine gaseous release points, three additional planned releases occurred. Two were from the Turbine Building smoke exhaust hatches: to remove paint fumes -(June), and during repair to the hatch latching mechanism - (September). The third was from the exhaust of a temporary laundry facility which operated during Refueling Outage 7 (April-June). Each of the planned releases was evaluated as a ground level release and documented. None had a significant effect on the total release from the site.

4. For Batch Releases: Gases The processing of batch type releases (from Containment Purge) is analogous to that for continuous releases. j 1
5. For Batch Releases: Liquid Effluents l

The radionuclides listed below are considered when evaluating liquid effluents:

H-3 Mo-99 Co-58 Tc-99m Co-60 I-131 Fe-55 I-132 Fe-59 I-133 Zn-65 I-135 Mn-54 Cs-134 Cr-51 Cs-137 Sr-89 Ba-140 Sr-90 La-140

Nb-95 Ce-141 Zr-95 Ce-144 Representative pre-release grab samples are obtained and analyzed as required by Table 2C. Isotopic analyses are performed using the computerized pulse height analysis system previously described. Aliquots of each pre-released sample, proportional to the waste volume released, are composited in accordance with the requirements of Table 2C. Strontium-89, 90 and Iron-55 values are obtained by chemical separation and counting the dree ar/ARERREf t r

l II. DETAILED INFORM ATION (CONT'D) separated strontium and iron using liquid scintillation techniques. Gross i alpha determinations are made using 2-pi gas flow proportional counter. l Tritium is determined using distillation and liquid scintillation techniques.

Dissolved gases are determined employing grab sampling techniques and then counting on the pulse height analyzer system. Currently, Iron and  ;

Strontium analyses are performed by a qualified contract laboratory. l E. Batch Releases l

1. Liquid Batch Releases 1st 2nd 3rd 4:h 1995 Qtr Qtr Qtt Qtr TOTAL
a. Number of releases 60 63 59 43 225 Time Period (in nunutes)
b. Total for all batches 1690d 18330 ~ 17780 13173
c. Max time for a batch 320 330 330 410
d. Avg time for a batch 282 291 301 506
e. Min time for a batch 1 130 250 210
2. Gaseous No batch releases were made during the report period.

F. Unplanned Releases

1. Liquid No unplanned liquid releases occurred during the report period.
2. Gaseous Five unplanned gaseous releases occurred via the Turbine Building smoke exhaust hatches in 1995. On two occasions (May and July), high winds forced hatches open. Three additional releases occurred (one in March, two in August) due to unknown cause(s). In September, a weakened hatch latch was repaired. No additional releases have occurred since September. Each of the unplanned releases was evaluated as a ground level release and documented.

None had a significant effect on the total release from the site.

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G. Estimate of Total Error

1. Liquid The maximum errors are collectively estimated to be Fission & Dissolved &

Activation Tritium Entrained Gross Products Gases Alpha l Sampling 26 % 26 % 26% 26 %

! Measurement 68 % 65 % 61 % 92 %

TOTAL 73 % 70 % 66 % 95%

Sampling errors include uncertainty associated with mixing, representative i

sampling and discharge volume. Measurement errors include uncertainty

! associated with instrument calibration and the preparation and counting of low-activity samples. Counting errors are based on measurements of blank l samples and, for germanium detectors, the least-readily-detectable radioisotope. Calibration errors are calculated by summmg the errors associated with the calibration of a particular instrument with a radioactive source.

l l Total error is calculated by taking the square root of the sum of the squares of l the individual errors.

2. Gaseous l

The maximum errors (not including sample line loss) are collectively estimated to be Fission &

Activation Iodine Particulate Alpha Gross Products Tritium Sampling 32% 23 % 22 % 22% 23 %

Measurement 61 % 67 % 65 % 101% 62 %

TOTAL 69 % 71 % 69 % 103 % 66 %

Sampling errors include uncertainty associated with sample flow, vent flow and monitor calibration.

Measurement errors include uncertainty associated with instrument calibration and preparation and counting of low-activity samples. Measurement and total errors are calculated by the same methods used for liquid effluents.

l l 3. Solid Radioactive Waste l

See Table 3 for error terms.

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H. Solid Radioactive Waste Shipments See Table 3 for shipment information.


1. Meteorological Data The annual summary (joint frequency distribution) will be maintained on site in a file that shall be provided to the NRC upon request.

J. Radioactive Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation Operability No reportable instances of inoperability occurred during the report period.

K. AnnualSewage Disposal Summary There was no sewage disposalin 1995.



Indicated below is the annual summary of offsite doses attributable to GGNS during 1994.

Inspection of the values indicate that GGNS releases were within the 10CFR50, Appendix I design objectives.

Since there are no other fuel cycle facilities within 8 km of GGNS,40CFR190 limits have also been met during this period.

All parameters listed were calculated in accordance with the GGNS ODCM.

A. Water-Related Exposure Pathways The values calculated in this section utilize the information provided in Tables 2A and 2B of this report and the calculational methodology of the ODCM.

Liquid Effluents Total body dose and critical organ doses are computed for the maximum exposed individual. The maximum dose contribution from liquid effluents is considered to occur in the adult age group via consumption of fish.



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(CONT'D) i 1995 Liquid Effluent Dose (mrem) 1 '

< [$gTdQ 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr TOTAL Whole Body 8.92E 1.82E-02 1.24E-02 9.26E-03 4.89E-02 ,

i Bone 8.55E-03 8.% E-03 7.95E-03 5.33E-03 2.99E-02 )

i Liver 1.86E-02 3.57E-02 2.19E-02 1.76E 9.38E-02 l

Thyroid 2.66E-03 2.30E-03 1.70E-03 2.91E-03 9.57E-03 )

Kidney 5.22E-03 9.15E-03 5.45E-03 5.63E-03 2.54E-02 j Lung 5.97E-03 5.43E-03 4.53E-03 5.00E-03 2.09E-02
GI-LLI 6.11E-02 1.66E-01 9.33E-02 6.59E-02 3.85E-01 1 1

j B. Airborne-Related Exposure Pathways i

The values presented in this section utilize information provided in Tables 1 A and l 1C of this report and the calculational methodology of the ODCM. Dose and dose j rates are computed for locations at the site boundary or at unrestricted areas beyond l the site boundary. Because members of the public may, on occasion, be found l within the site boundary, locations within the site boundary were considered when

! selecting locations for dose calculations.

1 l Consideration of site boundary locations as well as unrestricted areas within and

( beyond the site boundary provides assurance that offsite doses will not be substantially underestimated while attempting to provide an accurate dose i

calculation. l 4

The most limiting location for a member of the public is used for the dose calculations.

Particulate, Radiciodine and Tritium I

Organ dose rate from exposure to radiciodines, tritium and particulates are computed for an individual located at the site boundary.

Organ dose from exposure to radiciodines, tritium and particulates are computed for an individual located in the southwest sector at a distance of 0.89 miles. This location corresponds to a residence beyond the site boundary. Pathways considered for use in the organ dose calculations are inhalation, ground plane, grass / cow / meat and vegetation. There is no grass / cow / milk pathway within five miles of GGNS.

Dose factors for the age group receiving the maximum dose are used in the calculation of organ dose and dose rate.

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Noble Gases Gamma and beta air dose and individual total body and skin dose rates from j exposure to a semi-infinite, cloud of noble gas are computed for a location in the i

southwest sector at a distance of 0.85 miles. This location corresponds to the highest annual average atmospheric dispersion for a location at the site boundary.

The total body and skin dose rates reported are the quarterly average of the maximum instantaneous dose rates determined daily during the reporting period and would represent the maximum possible dose received by members of the public.

Direct Radiation 1

i Direct radiation dose is calculated by subtracting average doses measured by thermoluminescent dosimeter (TLD) badges located at control locations from-average doses measured by TLD badges located near the site boundary.

1995 Airborne Effluent Dose (mrem) 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr TOTAL lodine, Tritium & Particulates 1.12E-2 8.04E-3 1.%E-2 2.23E-2 6.13E-2 Fission and Activation Gases (Total Body dose, 9.34E-3 1.30E-1 2.70E-1 2.75E-2 mrem /yr)

(Skin dose, mrem /yr) 1.78E-2 2.12E-1 5.75E-1 5.26E-2 Gamma Air dose

  • 2.38E-3 8.74E-3 1.01E-2 5.34E-3 2.66E-2 Beta 2.58E-3 6.34E-3 1.28E-2 5.79E-3 2.75E-2 Air dose
  • Direct Radiation 0.4 0 1 0.6 2.0
  • Measurement units are mrad IV. OFFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAI/


Revision 17 was issued in March 1995 implementing changes resulting from Improved Technical Specifications and incorporating updated meteorological parameters (dispersion and deposition) used in calculation of gaseous effluent doses and noble gas monitor setpoints. [See Attachment 1]

B. Radioactive Waste Treatment Systems No major changes were made during the report period.



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l TABLE 1A I EFFLUENT AND DISPOSAL ANNUAL REPORT 1995 GASEOUS EFFLUENTS. SUMMATION OF ALL RELEASES JANUARY . JUNE 1995 l l Unit l Quarter l Quarter lEst Total l l Grand Gulf Nuclear Station UNIT 1l l 1 l 2 l Error % l A. Fission & Activation Gases l 1. Total release l Ci l 8.78E+00l 9.88E+00l 6.90E+01l l 2. Average release rate for period l uCi/secl 1.12E+00l 1.26E+00l l 3. % of Technical specification limit l  % l 4.76E-02l 1.75E-01l B. Iodines l 1. Total iodine-131 l Ci l 2.31E-07l 3.78E-05l 7.10E+01l l 2. Average release rate for period l uCi/secl 2.93E-08l 4.81E-06l

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I l 3. % of Technical specification limit l t l 4.78E-05l 8.79E-03l C. Particulates l 1. Particulates with half lives >8 days l Ci l 1.86E-05l 5.89E-05l 6.90E+01l l 2. Average release rate for period l uCi/secl 2.37E-06l 7.49E-06l l 3. % of Technical specification limit l  % l 1.75E-03l 2.00E-03l I l 4. Gross alpha radioactivity l Ci l 1.59E-08l 1.51E-08l l ......_____ ............_____..._.._ .._................ .............  ;

D. Tritium l l

l l 1. Total release l Ci l 1.16E+01l 5.12E+00l 6.60E+0,1l l

l 2. Average release rate for period l uCi/secl 1.48E+00l 6.51E-01l t

l 3. % of Technical specification limit l t l 1.49E-01l 9.64E-02l E. Tritium,radiciodines end particulates l 1. % of Technical specification limit l  % l 1.51E-01l 1.07E-01l 17 l

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TABLE 1A EFFLUENT AND DISPOSAL ANNUAL REPORT 1995 GASEOUS EFFLUENTS - SUMMATION OF ALL RELEASES JULY - DECEMBER 1995 l l Unit l Quarter l Quarter lEst Total l (Grand Gulf Nuclear Station UNIT 1l l 3 l 4 l Error % l A. Fission & Activation Gases l 1. Total release l Ci l 2.80E+01l 1.18E+01l 6.90E+01l i l 2. Average' release rate for period l uCi/secl 3.56E+00l 1.50E+00l 1 j

l 3. % of Technical specification limit l  % l 2.03E-01l 1.07E-01l l B. Iodines l 1. Total iodine-131 l Ci l 7.72E-05l 0.00E+00l 7.10E+01]


l 2. Average release rate for period l uC1/secl 9.82E-06l 0.00E+00l l 3. % of Technical specification limit l  % l 1.86E-02l 0.00E+00l I

l C. Particulates j

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l 1. Particulates with half. lives >8 days l Ci l 1.72E-06l 0.00E+00l 6.90E+01l l l

l 2. Average release rate for period l uCi/secl 2.19E-07l 0.00E+00l l l 3.  % of Technical specification limit l t l 1.51E-05l 0.00E+00l l 4. Gross alpha radioactivity l Ci l 1.89E-08l 2.60E-08l D. Tritium l 1. Total release l Ci l 1.28E+01l 1.58E+01l 6.60E+01l l 2. Average release rate for period l uCi/secl 1.63E+00l 2.01E+00l l 3. % of Technical specification limit l  % l 2.43E-01l 2.97E-01l E. Tritium,radioiodines and particulates l 1. % of Technical specification limit l  % l 2.61E-01l 2.97E-01l 18 wema r


GRAND GULF NUCLEAR STATION GASEOUS EFFLUENTS - ELEVATED RELEASES (Not Applicable - GGNS releases are considered ground level) l i

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l Nuclides Released l Unit l Quarter l Quarter l Quarter l Quarter l 3

l l l 1 l 2 l 1 l 2 l

1. Fission gases l XE-133 l Ci l 4.11E+00l 3.64E+00l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 3 l KR-88 l Ci l 1.75E-01l 1.93E-01l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l l l XE-135 l Ci l 3.93E+00l 3.49E+00l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l j l XE-138 l Ci l 1.05E-01l 9.43E-01l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l l XE-135M l Ci l 4.63E-01l 5.19E-01[ 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l l KR-87 l Ci l 0.00E+00l 1.53E-01l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l l AR-41 l Ci l C.00E+00l 9.34E-01l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l l l l l l l I l Total for period l Ci l 8.78E+00l 9.88E+00] 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l
2. Iodines l I-131 l Ci l 2.31E-07l 3.78E-05l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l l I-132 l Ci l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l l I-133 l Ci l 0.00E+00l 5.99E-05l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l l I-134 l Ci l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l l I-135 l Ci l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l l l l l l l l l Total for period l Ci l 2.31E-07l 9.78E-05l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l
3. Particulates l H-3 l Ci l 1.16E+01l 5.12E+00l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l l Sr-89 l Ci l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l l Sr-90 l Ci l 0.00E+00] 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00] 0.00E+00l l MN-54 l Ci l 2.27E-06l 1.20E-05l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 1 l CO-60 l Ci l 1.27E-05l 1.78E-05l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l l CO-58 l Ci l 0.00E+00l 1.67E-06l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l l CR-51 l Ci l 3.69E-06l 2.74E-05l 0.00E+001 0.00E+00l l l l l 1 I I l Total for period l Ci l 1.16E+01l 5.12E+00] 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l l

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1. Fission gases l XE-133 l Ci l 1.44E+01l 5.54E+00l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l l KR-88 l Ci l 2.25E-01] 2.34E-01l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l l XE-135 l Ci l 1.19E+01l 5.24E+00l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l l XE-138 l Ci l 1.35E-01l 1.40E-01l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l l XE-135M l Ci l 8.71E-01l 6.18E-01l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l l KR-85M l Ci l 2.77E-02l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l l XE-133M l Ci l 3.48E-01l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l l l l l l 1 I l Total for period l Ci l 2.80E+01l 1.18E+01l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l
2. Iodines

] .....____...___.......__ ..___.. __..._.............________.....___.._.........

l l I-131 l Ci l 7.72E-05l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l l I-132 l Ci l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l

, l I-133 l Ci l 1.64E-04l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l l I-134 l Ci l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l l I-135 l Ci l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l l l l l l l 1 l Total for period l Ci l 2.41E-04l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l

3. Particulates l H-3 l Ci l 1.28E+01l 1.58E+01l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l l Sr-89 l Ci l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l l Sr-90 l Ci l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l l MN-54 l Ci l 1.09E-06l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 1 CO-60 1 Ci I 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l l CR-51 l Ci l 6.34E 07] 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l l l l l l l 1 l Total for period l Ci l 1.28E+01l 1.58E+01l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l i

21 han/AHiTBLJ r


GRAND GULF NUCLEAR STATION RADIOACTIVE GASEOUS WASTE SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PROGRAM Lower Limit of Gaseoes Release Type Sampling Frequency Minimum Analysis Type of Activity Detection Frequency Analysis (LLD)

Required (pCi/ml)*

A. (1) Radwaste Building 31 Days 31 Days Principal Gamma Ix10" Ventilation Exhaust Grab Sample (f) Emitters (b,e)

H-3 lx10*

(2) Fuel Handling Area Continuous (d)(O 7 Days (c) 1-131 l x10'"

Ventilation Exhaust Charcoal Sample 1133 l x 10*

(3) Containment Continuous (d)(f) 7 Days (c) Principal Gamma 1 x 10'"

Ventilation Exhaust Particulate Sample Emitters (e)

(I-131, Others)

(4) Turbine Building Cc,ntinuous (d)(f) 31 Days Gross Alpha l x 10'"

Ventilation Exhaust Composite Particulate Sample Continuous (d)(f) 92 Days Sr-89, Sr-90 lx 10~"

Composite Particulate Sample Continuous (O Noble Gas Monitor Noble Gases lx10*

Gross Beta or Gamma B. (1) Offgas Post Treatment 31 Days 31 Days Principal Gamma lx10" Exhaust, whenever Grab Sample (f) Emitters (e) there is flow (2) Standby Gas Treatment A Exhaust, whenever there is flow (3) Standby Gas Treatment B Exhaust, whenever there is flow NOTE: Footnotes indicated are listed in GGNS ODCM, Appendix A, Table 6.11.41.

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GRAND GULF NUCLEAR STATION LIOUID EFFLUENTS - SUMMATION OF ALL RELEASES l JANUARY-JUNE 1995 l Unit l Quarter l Quarter lEst Total l l l 1 l 2 l Error % l A.. Fission & activation products l 1. Total release (not including H3, l l l l l l gases, alpha) l Ci l 7.94E-02l 1.20E-01l 7.30E+01l l 2. Average diluted concentration l l l l l during period l uCi/ml l 1.70E-07l 1.99E-07l l 3. Percent of applicable limit l t l 1.54E-01l 3.40E-01l B. Tritium l 1. Total release l Ci l 3.75E+01l 2.65E+01l 7.00E+01l l 2. Average diluted concentration l l l l l during period l uci/ml l 8.05E-05l 4.40E-05l l 3. Percent of applicable limit l  % l 8.05E-01l 4.40E-01l '

C. Disralved and entrained gases l 1. Total release l Ci l 3.28E-05l 1.31E-04l 6.60E+01l l 2. Average diluted concentration l l l l l during period l uCi/ml l 7.04E-11l 2.18E-10l l 3. Percent of applicable limit l t l 1.01E-03l 3.11E-03l D. Gross alpha radioactivity l 1. Total release l Ci l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 9.50E+01l lE. Volume of waste (prior to dilution)l liters l 5.83E+06l 6.30E+06l 5.00E+00l lF. Volume of dilution water used l liters l 4.60E+08l 5.96E+08l 5.00E+00l 23 emmeWARTif7L 7



GRAND GULF NUCLEAR STATION LIOUID EFFLUENTS - SUMMATION OF ALL RELEASES JULY- DECEMBER 1995 l Unit l Quarter l Quarter lEst Total l l l 3 l 4 l Error t l A. Fission & activation products l 1. Total release (not including H3, l l l l l l gases, alpha) Ci

2. Average diluted concentration l l 9.52E-02l 5.79E-02l 7.30E+01l l l l l l during period l
3. Percent of applicable limit l uCi/ml l 1.72E-07l 1.72E-07l l l t l 2.47E-01l 2.05E-01l B. Tritium l 1. Total release Ci l l 2.83E+01l 3.88E+01l 7.00E+01l l 2. Average diluted concentration l l l l l during period l uCi/ml l 5.12E-05l 1.15E-04l l 3. Percent of applicable limit l t l 5.12E-01l 1.15E+00l C. Dissolved and entrained gases l 1. Total release l Ci l 4.61E-05l 1.03E-05l 6.60E+01l l 2. Average diluted concentration l l l l l during period l uCi/ml l 8.33E-11l 3.04E-11l
3. Percent of applicable limit l l  % l 1.22E-03l 4.35E-04l D. Gross alpha radioactivity l 1. Total release l Ci l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 9.50E+01l lE. Volume of waste (prior to dilution)l liters l 6.07E+06l 4.52E+06l 5.COE+00l lF. Volume of dilution water used l liters l 5.47E+08] 3.33E+08l 5.00E+00l 24 herr /AA95TSLJ




ENTERGY OPERATIONS, INC. l GRAND GULF NUCLEAR STATION LIOUID EFFLUENTS - CONTINUOUS AND BATCH MODES JANUARY-JUNE 1995 CONTINUOUS MODE BATCH MODE l Nuclides Released l Unit l Quarter l Quarter l Quarter l Quarter l l l l l 1 l 2 l 1 l 2 l l strontium-89 l Ci l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l l strontium-90 l Ci l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l l cesium-134 l Ci l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l l l cesium-137 l ' Ci l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l l iodine-131 l Ci l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l l cobalt-58 l Ci l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 1.17E-03l 5.00E-03l l cobalt-60 l Ci l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 1.83E-02l 5.84E-02l l iron-59 l Ci l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 2.54E-05l 4.54E-04l l zinc-65 l Ci l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l I l manganese-54 l Ci l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 6.51E-03l 1.82E-02l l chromium-51 l Ci l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 1.21E-02l 4.89E-03l l zirconium-niobium-95 l Ci l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l l molybdenum-99 l Ci l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l l technetium-99m l Ci l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 2.98E-06l 6.70E-06l l barium-lanthanum-140 l Ci l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l l cerium-141 l Ci l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l l Sb-125 l Ci l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 1.49E-04l l Cu-64 l Ci l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 8.95E-05l 4.94E-04l l As-76 l Ci l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 3.96E-05l 2.35E-04l l Mn-56 l Ci l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 1.26E-05l l Ag-110m l Ci l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 4.12E-05l 6.08E-05l l Na-24 l Ci l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 2.49E-05l 3.40E-05l l Sb-124 l Ci l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 7.38E-05l l Fe-55 l Ci l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 4.11E-02l 3.20E-02l l Total for period (above) l Ci l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 7.94E-02l 1.20E-01l l xenon-133 l Ci l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 8.87E-06l 2.61E-05l l xenon-135 l Ci l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 2.39E-05l 1.05E-04l l Xe-133m l Ci l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 25 shar/AR9575L 9 r


GRAND GULF NUCLEAR STATION LIOUID EFFLUENTS - CONTINUOUS AND BATCH MODES JULY- DECEMBER 1995 CONTINUOUS MODE BATCH MODE l Nuclides !.eleased l Unit l Quarter l Quarter l Quarter l Quarter l l l l 3 l 4 l 3. l 4 l l strontium-89 l Ci l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l l strontium-90 l Ci l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00] 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l l cesium-134 l Ci l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l l cesium-137 l Ci l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 1.49E-05l 0.00E+00l l iodine-131 l Ci l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l l cobalt-58 l Ci l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 2.66E-03] 8.29E-04l l cobalt-60 l Ci l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 3.84E-02l 1.92E-02l l iron-59 l Ci l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 5.38E-04l 3.36E-04l l zinc-65 l Ci l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l l manganese-54 l Ci l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 8.82E-03l 6.36E-03l l chromium-51 l Ci l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 9.11E-03l 7.32E-03l l zirconium-niobium-95 l Ci l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l l molybdenum-99 l Ci l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l l technetium-99m l Ci l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 1.52E-05l 2.78E-06l l barium-lanthanum-140 l Ci l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l l cerium-141 l Ci l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l l Sb-125 l Ci l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 9.93E-06l 0.00E+00l l Cu-64 l Ci l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 1.04E-04l 5.43E-05l l As-76 l Ci l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 1.44E-05] 0.00E+00l l Ag-110m l Ci l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 1.06E-04l 2.24E-05l l Na-24 l Ci l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 3.28E-06l 0.00E+00l l Sb-124 l Ci l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 6.35E-06l 0.00E+00l '

l Fe-55 l Ci l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 3.54E-02l 2.38E-02]

l i

l Total for period (above) l Ci l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 9.52E-02l 5.79E-02l l xenon-133 l Ci l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 2.42E-05l 0.00E+00]

l xenon-135 l Ci l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 2.19E-05l 1.03E-05l l Xe-133m l Ci l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 0.00E+00l 26

TABLE 2C l l




Lower Limit of Liquid Release Type Sampling Frequency Minimum Analysis Type of Activity Detection Frequency Analysis (LLD)


l A. Batch Waste Release Prior to Release Each Prior to Release Principal Gamma 5x10" Tanks (c) Batch Each Batch Emitters (d) 1-131 lx10*

l Prior to Release One 31 Days Dissolved and lx10" Batch /M Entrained Gases (Gamma Emitters) l Prior to Release Each 31 Days H-3 lx10" l Batch Composite (b)

Gross Alpha lx10 #

Prior to Release Each 92 Days Sr-89, Sr-90 5 x 10~'

l Batch Composite (b) .

1 Fe-55 lx10 4 B. SSW Basin (berm blowdown) Prior to Release Each Prior to Release Principal Gamma 5x10" l Blowdown Each Batch Emitters (d)  !

1 1-131 lx10* I I

NOTE: Footnotes indicated are listed in GGNS ODCM, Appendix A, Table 6.11.1-1. )

1 1

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Estimate Type of Waste Unit 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr Total Error (%)

a. Spent resins, filter, sludges, m' 2.34 E+01 1.351?+02 6.04 E+01 1.53 E+0I oil, evaporator bottoms, etc. *Ci 2.86E+02 8.28E+02 3.08E+02 4.00E+01 7.2E+01
b. Dry compressible waste, m' 3.95E+00 1.99E+01 1.07E+00 8.21 E+00 contaminated equipment, etc. *Ci 1.28E-01 4.75E+00 7.41 E-01 5.84E+01 6.9E+01
c. Irradiated components, m' controt rods, etc.
  • Ci None None None None N/A
d. Other m'

'Ci None None None None N/A

  • Total curie quantity determined by measurement. Total volume used is burial container volume. All solid waste was Class " A" as defined by 10CFR Part 61.
2. Estimate of major radionuclide composition (by type of waste as identified above) 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Qtr Qtr Qtr Qtr
a. Fe-55 72 % 75 % 73 % 76 %

Co-60 13 % 10% 13 % 10%

Mn-54 8% 8% 7% 7%

Cr-51 2% 3% 2% 2%

C-14 3% 2% 3% 3%

H-3 1% 1% 1% 1%

All Others <1 % 1% <1 % <1 %

b. Fe-55 76 % 72 % 75 % 74 %

Mn-54 12% 12% 12% 13 %

Co-60 8% 8% 7% 6% ,

Cr-51 3% 4% 4% 3%

All Others 1% 4% 2% 4%

c.N/A N/A .N/A N/A N/A l l

d.N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A l

.%uem.n 28



JANUARY-DECEMBER 1995 A. Solid Waste Shipped Offsite for Burial or Disposal (Cont'd)

3. Solid Waste Disposition
a. Resins were dewatered in steel liners or High Integrity Containers ILSAO according to the requirements of the GGNS PCP and shipped to Barnwell, South Carolina, for burial. Some resin was shipped to Scientific Ecology Group (SEG) of Oak Ridge, Tennessee, for volume reduction. SEG shipped reduced waste to j Barnwell, South Carolina. Reduced resin was solidified with i Portland Cement and shipped in liners and High Integrity l Containers (LSA).
b. DAW was packaged in 20'sealand containers and shipped to l Scientific Ecology Group (SEG) of Oak Ridge, Tennessee, for volume reduction. SEG shipped reduced waste to Barnwell, South Carolina. Reduced volume was used in providing information given in A.1.b.
c. No irradiated components were shipped.
d. No waste in this category.

Number of Shipments Mode of Transportation Destination 13 Truck Barnwell, SC B. Irradiated Fuel Shipments (Disposition)

Number of Shipments Mode of Transportation Destination None N/A N/A C. Annual Sewane Sludge Summary Average Co-60 Average Mn-54 Number of Shinments Total Gallons Activity rocm Activity rocm No sewage was disposed of during 1995.

-- m.,, 29

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