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Rept to NRC Environ Monitoring at Grand Gulf Nuclear Station CY90
Person / Time
Site: Grand Gulf  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 12/31/1990
From: Bell B, Fuente E
CON-NRC-29-83-621 NUDOCS 9104180067
Download: ML20072T296 (38)


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- ime. m> si e n 1-I E A L T H l'd.hdf." " ._ _ . .

April 11,1991 U. S Nuclear Regulatory Commission Public Document Room Washington, D.C. 20555 Gentlemen:

Enclosed is a copy of Mississippi's annual report of environmental activities at the Grand Gulf Nuclear Station. These activities were conducted by the Division of Radiological Health, Mississippi State Department of Health, in accordance with Cooperative Agreement No. NRC-29 83 621.

Copics are being sent to the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, the Division of Contracts and Property Management and the NRC's Regional Project Officer, Should you have any questions regarding this report, please direct them to Bob Bell at (601) 354 6657, Sincerely,

'pg-Eddie S. Fuente, Director Division of Radiological Health ESF/ims Enclosure 9104180067 901231

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  • v -4 - Equal orportunity in employment <scrvicn

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DIVISION OF RADIOLOGICAL HEALTH j MISSISSIPPI GTATE DEPARTMENT'0F HEALTH f Y v 3l/ds/fy Eddie S. Fuente; Director, Divibish of Radiological Health i

& & //8 Ma.r*ff Bob Bells Health Physicist-Administrative, Environmental Monitoring and-Emergency Response Branch j

-q i

s Abstractt Under contract to the U.S.11uclear Regulatory Commission, the Mississippi State Department of ticalth (MS D}i) , Division of Radiological licalth (DRll) provides environmental radiological data to the Commission pertaining to the Grand Gulf 14uclear Station (GGilS ) , Claiborne County, Mississippi.

The results detailed in this report represent the ninth year of this contract with the State of Mississippi, Calendar Year 1990.

Licensco for Grand Gulf liuclear Station was System Energy Resources, Inc. (SERI) before June 6, 1990 and Entergy Operations, Inc. (Entergy Operations) on and after June 6, 1990.

., 4



1. Particulate (Gross Beta) 2
2. Radiolodine 6
3. Quarterly Composite (Gamma Isotopic) 10 B. MSDH " Rad Health Bldg" & GGNS "Vicksburg"
1. Particulate (Gross Beta) 11
2. Radioiodine 15
3. Quarterly composite (Gamma Isotopic) 19 II. MISSISSIPPI RIVER WATER DATA A. Gamma Isotopic for Cesium-137 20 B. Gamma Isotopic for Other Radionuclides 22 C. Tritium 24 III. MISSISSIPPI RIVER SHORELINE SEDIMENT Gamma Isotopic Analysis 26 IV. ALCORN DAIRY MILK DATA A. Gamma Isotopic Analysis 27 B.- Radiciodine 20 V. FISH AND MEAT " EDIBLE PORTIONS" I!ATA Gamma Isotopic Analysis 29 VI. VEGETABLE PRODUCTS DATA Gamma Isotopic Analysis 30 VII. . EPA CROSS-CHECK RESULTS-1990 32 1 l

l 1


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These results are Air Particulate samples duplicated by MSDH and the Licensee which were analyzed for Gross Beta. The Licensee's sampicr is located at the old Training Center (TC) 0.3 miles south of the GGNS and designated as AS-5 (Indicator). The MSDH's comparable sampler is located at Arnold Acres ( AA) 0.4 miles south of the GGNS. The Lower Limit of Detection (LLD) required by the contract for Gross Beta is 0.01 pCi/m3.

Location Date MSDH Licensee Name Results Resulte pC1/m3 pC1/m3 TC 12/27-1/02 0.029 AA 12/27-1/02 a TC 1/02-1/09 0.031 AA 1/02-1/09 a TC 1/09-1/16 0.028 AA 1/09-1/16 0.017 TC 1/16-1/23 0.021 AA 1/16-1/23 0.006 TC 1/23-1/30 0.020 AA 1/23-1/30 0.010 TC 1/30-2/06 0.021 AA 1/30-2/06 0.013 TC 2/06-2/13 0.025 AA 2/06-2/13 0.017 TC 2/13-2/20 0.023 RA 2/13-2/20 0.008 TC 2/20-2/27 0.019 AA 2/20-2/27 0.017 TC 2/27-3/06 0.030 AA 2/27-3/06 0.022 TC 3/06-3/13 0.014 AA 3/06-3/13 0.010 TC 3/13-3/20 0.019 AA 3/13-3/20 0.013 TC 3/20-3/27 0.027 AA 3/20-3/27 0.015 TC 3/27-4/03 0.017 AA 3/27-4/03 0.025 2


CY 1990 Particulate (Gross Beta) cont'd Location Date MSDH Licensee Name Results Results pC1/m3 pCi/m3 TC 4/03-4/10 0.021 AA 4/03-4/10 0.024 TC 4/10-4/17 0.022 i AA 4/10-4/17 0.003 i TC 4/17-4/24 0.017  ;

AA 4/17-4/24 0.017 l TC 4/24-5/01 0.014 i AA 4/24-5/01 0.018  ;

TC 5/01-5/08 0.017  !

AA 5/01-5/08 0.018 I TC 5/08-5/15 0.009 AA 5/08-5/15 0.007 ,

TC 5/15-5/22 0.015 1 AA 5/15-5/22 0.012 TC 5/22-5/29 0.017 AA' 5/22-5/29 0.014 TC 5/29-6/05 0.018 AA 5/29-6/05 0.011 TC 6/05-6/12 0.013 AA 6/05-6/12 0.009 TC 6/12-6/19 0.016 AA 6/12-6/19 0.025 TC 6/19-6/26 0.018 AA 6/19-6/26 0.035 TC 6/26-7/03 0.021 AA 6/26-7/03 0.02(

TC 7/03-7/10 0.016 AA 7/03-7/10 0.026 TC. 7/10-7/17 0.013 AA 7/10-7/17 0.011 TC 7/17-7/24 0.012-AA 7/17-7/24 0.002 TC 7/24-7/31 0.024 AA 7/24-7/31 0.025 TC 7/31-8/07 0.017 AA 7/31-8/07 0.023 3

GRAND GULF NUCLEAR STATION CLAIBORNE COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI CY 1990 Particulato (Gross Bota) cont'd Location Date MSDH Name Licensee Results Results pC1/m3 pC1/m3 TC 8/07-8/14 AA 0.024 8/07-8/14 0.029 TC 8/14-8/21 AA 0.023 TC 8/14-8/21 0.053 AA 8/21-8/28 0.023 TC 8/21-8/28 0.022 AA 8/28-9/04 0.025 TC 8/28-9/04 0.028 AA 9/04-9/11 0.024 TC 9/04-9/11 0.037 AA 9/11-9/18 0.015 TC 9/11-9/18 0.027 AA 9/18-9/25 0.019 TC 9/18-9/25 0.039 AA 9/25-10/02 0.035 TC 9/25-10/02 0.037 AA 10/02-10/09 0.020 TC 10/02-10/09 0.014 10/09-10/16 0.020 AA 10/09-10/16 TC 0.017 AA 10/16-10/23 0.028 TC 10/16-10/23 0.019 AA 10/23-10/30 0.029 TC 10/23-10/30 0.029 AA 10/30-11/06 0.030 TC 10/30-11/06 0.038 AA 11/06-11/13 0.025 TC 11/06-11/13 0.033 AA 11/13-11/20 0.029 TC 11/13-11/20 0.019 AA 11/20-11/27 0.023 TC 11/20-11/27 0.017 AA 11/27-12/04 0.022 TC 11/27-12/04 0.021 AA 12/04-12/11 0.023 TC 12/04-12/11 0.023 12/11-12/18 0.025

l I

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Particulate (Gross Beta) cont'd Location Date MSDH Licenseo Name Results Results pCi/m3 pCi/m3 AA 12/11-12/18 0.020 TC 12/18-12/26 0.020 AA 12/18-12/26 0.007 i a No data; motor out.

5 l

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GRAND GULF NUCLEAR STATION CLAIDORNE COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI CY 1990 Radiolodine These results are charcoal canister samples duplicated by MSDH and the Licensee which were analyzed for Radiciodine. The Licensee's sampler is located at the old Training Center (TC) 0.3 miles south of the GGNS and designated as AS-5 (Indicator). The MSDH's comparable sampler is located at Arnold Acres (AA) 0.4 miles south of the GGNS. The Lower Limit of Detection (LLD) required by the contract for Iodine-131 is 0.07 pCi/m3.

Location Date MSDH Licensee Name Results Results pCi/m3 pCi/m3 TC 12/27-1/02 <0.040 AA 12/2'/-1/02 a TC 1/02-1/09 <0.023 AA 1/02-1/09 a TC 1/05-1/16 <0.050 AA 1/09-1/16 <0.07 TC 1/16-1/23 <0.043 AA 1/16-1/23 <0.07 TC 1/23-1/30 <0.018 AA 1/23-1/30 <0.0" TC 1/30-2/06 <0.033 AA 1/30-2/06 <0.07 TC 2/06-2/13 <0.024 AA 2/06-2/13 <0.07 TC 2/13-2/20 <0.025 AA 2/13-2/20 <0.07 TC 2/20-2/27 <0.010 AA 2/20-2/27 <0.07 TC 2/27-3/06 <0.014 AA 2/27-3/06 <0.07 TC 3/06-3/13 <0.021 AA 3/06-3/13 <0.07 TC 3/13-3/20 <0.014 AA 3/13-3/20 <0.07 TC 3/20-3/27 <0.018 AA 3/20-3/27 <0.07 TC 3/27-4/03 <0.021 AA 3/27-4/03 <0.07 6

4 GRAND GULF NUCLEAR STATION CLAIBORNE COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI CY 1990 Radioiodine cont'd Location Date MSDH Licensee Name Results Results pC1/m3 pC1/m3 TC 4/03-4/10 <0.020 AA 4/03-4/10 <0.07 TC 4/10-4/17 <0.015 AA 4/10-4/17 <0.07 TC 4/17-4/24 <0.010 AA 4/17-4/24 <0.07 TC 4/24-5/01 <0.011 AA 4/24-5/01 <0.07 TC 5/01-5/08 <0.019 AA 5/01-5/08 <0.07 TC 5/08-5/15 <0.013 AA 5/08-5/15 <0.07 TC 5/15-5/22 <0.011 AA 5/35-5/22 <0.07 TC 5/22-5/29 <0.016 AA 5/22-5/29 <0,07 TC 5/29-6/05 <0.013 AA 5/29-6/05 <0.07 TC 6/05-6/12 <0.024 AA 6/05-6/12 <0.07 TC 6/12-6/19 <0.013 AA 6/12-6/19 <0.07 TC 6/19-6/26 <0.015 AA 6/19-6/26 <0.07 TC 6/26-7/03 <0.020 AA 6/26-7/03 <0.07 TC 7/03-7/10 <0.014 AA 7/03-7/10 <0.07 TC 7/10-7/17 <0.013 AA 7/10-7/17 <0.07 TC 7/17-7/24 <0.011 AA 7/17-7/24 <0.07 TC 7/24-7/31 <0.011 AA 7/24-7/31 <0.07 TC 7/31-8/07 <0.013 AA 7/31-8/07 <0.07 7


, Location Date MSDH Licensee 2

Name Results Results l pCi/m3 pCi/m3 TC 8/07-8/14 <0.013 l AA 8/07-8/14 <0.07 l TC 8/14-8/21 <0.013 AA 8/14-8/21 <0.07 TC 8/21-8/28 <0.015 AA. 8/21-8/28 <0.07 TC 8/28-9/04 <0.013 ,

AA. 8/28-9/04 <0.07 i

, .TC 9/04-9/11 <0.015 '

AA 9/04-9/11 <0.07 j TC 9/11-9/18 <0.015  :

AA 9/11-9/18 <0.07 '

TC. 9/18-9/25 <0.014

- AA . 9/18-9/25 <0.07 TC 9/25-10/02 <0.022 AA 9/25-10/02 <0.07

. TC 10/02-10/09 <0.023 l AA 10/02-10/09 <0.07 TC 110/09-10/16 <0.016 i

AA. 10/09-10/16 <0.07 TC< -10/16-10/23 <0.019 AA 10/16-10/23- <0.07 TC 10/23-10/30 <0.012 AA 10/23-10/30 <0.07 TC 10/30-11/06 <0.018 AA- 10/30-11/06 <0.07 TC -11/06-11/13 <0.018 '

AA. 11/06-11/13 <0.07 TC 11/13-11/20 .


'AA- 11/13-11/20 <0.07

, TC 11/20-11/27- <0.017, ..!

AA 11/20-11/27 <0.07 TC- 11/27-12/04 <0.012 AA 11/27-12/04 <0.07 TC 12/04-12/11 -<0.022

AA 12/04-12/11 <0.07 TC . - 12/11-12/18 <0'016 .

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GRAND GULF NUCLEAR STATION CLAIBORNE COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI CY 1990 Radioiodine cont'd Location Date MSD}l Licensee Name Results Results pCi/m3 pC1/m3 AA 12/11-12/18 <0.07 TC 12/18-12/26 <0.018 AA 12/18-12/26 <0.07


a No data; motor out.

9 l.


Quarterly Composite (Gamma Isotopic) 4 -

These results are quarterly Air Particulate samples duplicated by MSDH and the Licensee which were analyzed for Gamma-Emitters. The Licensee's sampler is located at.the Old Training Center (TC) 0.3 miles south of the GGNS and designated as AS-5 (Indicator). The MSDH's sampler is located at Arnold Acres (AA) r- 0.4 miles south of the GONS. The Lower Limit of Detection (LLD) required by the contract for Cs-134-and Cs-137 is 0.05 pC1/m3.

Location Date MSDH Licensee Name Results Results pC1/m3 pCi/m3 TC 12/27-3/27 <0.05

- AA- 12/27-3/27 <0.01 TC: 3/27-6/26 .<0.05 AA 3/27-6/26 <0.01 6/26-9/25 TC <0.05 AA 6/26-9/25 <0.01

. TC 9/25-12/26 <0.05

-AA 9/25-12/26 <0.01 J

10 4

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GRAND GULF NUCLEAR STATION CLAIBORNE COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI i CY 1990 l Particulate (Gross Beta) Control These results are Air Particulate samples taken from control Gross Beta. locations by MSDH and the Licensee which were analyzed for .

miles north of GGNS and designated as AS-3The Licensee's sampler is locateI (Control). The MSDH's sampler is located behind Jackson, 51 miles east northeast of the GGNS. The the Radiological Health Building (RH) in Detection (LLD) required by the contract for GrossLower pC1/m3. Beta isLimit 0.01 of 1 l

Location Date MSDH i

Name Licensee Results Results  !

l pC1/m3 pC1/m3  !

VB RH 12/27-1/02 0.016 VB 12/27-1/02 0.011 RH 1/02-1/09 0.019 VB 1/02-1/09 0.006 RH 1/09-1/16 0.012 1/09-1,'16 0.006 VB RH 1/16-1/23 0.028 VB 1/16-1/23 0.014 RH 1/23-1/30 0.013 VB 1/23-1/30 0.001 RH 1/30-2/06 0.015 VB 1/30-2/06 0.010 RH 2/06-2/13 0.016 VB 2/06-2/13 0.032 RH 2/13-2/20 0.016 VB 2/13-2/20 0.015 RH 2/20-2/27 0.014 VB 2/20-2/27 0.016 RH

~2/27-3/06 0.022 VB 2/27-3/06 0.015 RH 3/06-3/13 0.012 VB 3/06-3/13 0.010 RH 3/13-3/20 0.013 VB 3/13-3/20 0.012 RH 3/20-3/27 0.021 VB 3/20-3/27 0.001 RH 3/27-4/03 0.017 VB 3/27-4/03 0.005 4/03-4/10 0.018 11

i .

GRAND GULF NUCLEAR STATION CLAIBORNE COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI CY 1990 Particulate (Gross Beta) Control cont'd Location Date MSDH Licenseo Name Results Results pCi/m3 pC1/m3 RH 4/03-4/10 0.008 VB 4/10-4/17 0.019 RH 4/10-4/17 0.017 VB 4/17-4/24 0.013 RH 4/17-4/24 0.012 VB 4/24-5/01 0.014 RH 4/24-5/01 0.015 VB 5/01-5/08 0.016 RH 5/01-5/08 0.008 VB 5/08-5/1S 0.007 RH 5/08-5/15 0.008 VB 5/15-5/22 0.011 RH 5/15-5/22 0.012 VB 5/22-5/29 0.015 RH 5/22-5/29 0.020 VB 5/29-6/05 0.014 RH 5/29-6/05 0.004 VB 6/05-6/12 0.010 RH 6/05-6/12 0.010 VB 6/12-6/19 0.019 RH 6/12-6/19 0.010 VB 6/19-6/26 0.020 RH 6/19-6/26 0.014 VB 6/26-7/03 0.019 RH 6/26-7/03 0.002 VB 7/03-7/10 0.013 RH 7/03-7/10 0.013 VB 7/10-7/17 0.011 RH 7/10-7/17 0.013 VB 7/17-7/24 0.011 RH 7/17-7/24 0.008 VB 7/24-7/31 0.020 RH 7/24-7/31 0.027 VB 7/31-8/07 0.014 RH 7/31-8/07 0.014 VB 8/07-8/14 0.021 12

GRAND GULF NUCLEAR STATION CLAIBORNE COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI CY 1990 Particulate (Gross Beta) Control cont'd l Location Date MSDH Licensee Name Results Results l pC1/m3 pC1/m3 l RH 8/07-8/14 0.009 VB 8/14-8/21 0.022 RH 8/14-8/21 0.026 VB 8/21-8/28 0.023 l RH 8/21-8/28 0.017 f

VB 8/28-9/04 0.022 RH 8/28-9/04 0.012 VB 9/04-9/11 0.024  !

RH 9/04-9/11 0.008 l VB 9/11-9/18 0.013  !

RH 9/11-9/18 0.011 VB 9/18-9/25 0.020 RH 9/18-9/25 0.011 VB 9/25-10/02 0.025 RH 9/25-10/02 0.025 l VB 10/02-10/09 0.016 RH 10/02-10/09 0.014 VB 10/09-10/16 .

b l

RH 10/09-10/16 0.019 VB 10/16-10/23 0.016 RH 10/16-10/23 0.020 VB 10/23-10/30 0.022 L RH 10/23-10/30 0.011 l VB 10/30-11/06 0.026 i RH 10/30-11/06 0.015 VB 11/06-11/13 0.024 11/06-11/13 RH 0.009 TV 11/13-11/20 0.029 RH 11/13-11/20 0.011-VB 11/20-11/27 0.022 RH 11/20-11/27 0.014 VB 11/27-12/04 0.012 l RH 11/27-12/04 0.013 l VB 12/04-12/11 0.022

! RH 12/04-12/11 0.008 VB 12/11-12/18 0.016 RH 12/11-12/18 0.008 13 l

GRAND GULF NUCLEAR STATION CLAIBORNE COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI CY 1990 Particulate (Gross Beta) Control cont'd Location Date MSDH Licensee Name Results Results pCi/m3 pCi/m3 VB 12/18-12/26 0.018 Ril 12/18-12/26 0.010 1

1 b No data, pump failure.



CLAIBORNE COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI CY 1990 Radioiodine Control These results are charccal canister samples taken

" from control locations by MSDH and the Licensee which were analyzed for Radiolodine. The Licensee's sampler is located in Vicksburg (VB) 18 miles north of GGNS and designated as AS-3 (Control) . The F

MSDH's sampler is located behind the Radiological Health Building (RH) -in Jackson, 51-miles east northeast of the GGNS. The Lower Limit of Detection (LLD) required by the contract for Iodine-131 is

. 0.07 pC1/m3.

i Location Date MSDH Licensee 1

Name Results Results-pci/m3 pC1/m3 VB 12/27-1/02 <0.040 RH 12/27-1/02 <0.07 I VB 1/02-1/09 <0.023 RH ,1/02-1/09 <0.07 VB . 1/09-1/16 <0.050 l RH 1/09-1/16 <0.07 VB ' 1/16-1/23 <0.043 701 1/16-1/23 <0.07 VB 1/23-1/30 <0.018 RH. 1/23-1/30 <0.07 VB 1/30-2/06 <0.033 '

RH- 1/30-2/06 <0.07 VB' 3/06-2/13  :<0.024 RH 2/06-2/13 <0.07 ,

VB 2/A3-2/20_ <0.025 RH. 2/12-2/20 <0.07-VB 2/20-2/27 <0.010 RH 2/20-2/27 <0.07 VB 2/27-3/06 .


-RH 2/27-3/06 <0.07 VB- 3/06-3/13 <0.021 Fui 3/06-3/13 <0.07 VB 3/13-3/20 <0.014-

'RH 3/13-3/20 <0.07 LVB 3/20-3/27 <

'0.018 RH. 3/20-3/27 <0.07

-VB 3/27-4/03 <0.021 RH 3/27-4/03 <0.07 15

.# - -_. . _._ 2 __ _ . _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ . _ __ . . _ . _ . . _ . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ , _ . _ -

GRAND GULF NUCLEAR STATION CLAIBORNE COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI CY 1990 Radioiodine Control cont'd Location Date MSDH Licenseo Name Results Resulta pC1/m3 pci/m3 VB 4/03-4/10 <0.020 RH 4/03-4/10 <0.07 VB 4/10-4/17 <0.015 RH 4/10-4/17 <0.07 VB 4/17-4/24 <0.010 RH 4/17-4/24 <0.07 VB 4/24-5/01 <0.011 RH 4/24-5/01 <0.07 VB 5/01-5/08 <0.019 RH 5/01-5/08 <0.07 VB 5/08-5/15 <0.013 RH 5/08-5/15 <0.07 VB 5/15-5/22 <0.011 RH 5/15-5/22 <0.07 VB 5/22-5/29 <0.016 RH 5/22-5/29 <0.07 VB 5/29-6/05 <0.013 RH 5/29-6/05 <0.07 VB 6/05-6/12 <0.024 RH 6/05-6/12 <C.07 VB 6/12-6/19 <0.013 RH 6/12-6/19 <0.07 VB 6/19-6/26 <0.015 RH 6/19-6/26 <0.07 VB 6/26-7/03 <0.020 RH 6/26-7/03 <0.07 VB 7/03-7/10 <0.014 RH 7/03-7/10 <0.07 VB 7/10-7/17 <0.013 RH 7/10-7/17 <0.07 VB 7/17-7/24 <0.011 RH 7/17-7/24 <0.07 VB 7/24-7/31 <0.011 RH 7/24-7/31 <0.07 VB 7/31-8/07 <0.013 RH 7/31-8/07 <0.07 VB 8/07-8/14 <0.013 16

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GRAND GULF NUCLEAR STATION CLAIBORNE COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI CY 1990 Radiciodine control cont'd Location Date MSDH Licensee Name- Results Results pC1/m3 pC1/m3 RH 8/07-8/14 <0.07 VB 8/14-8/21 <0.013 RH 8/14-8/21 <0.07 VB 8/21-8/28 <0.015 RH 8/21-8/28 <0.07 VB 8/28-9/04 <0.013 RH 8/28-9/04 <0.07 VB 9/04-9/11 <0.015

-RH 9/04-9/11 <0.07 VB 9/11-9/18 <0.015 RH 9/11-9/18 <0.07 VB 9/18-9/25 <0.014 RH 9/18-9/25 <0.07 VB 9/25-10/02 <0.022 RH 9/25-10/02 <0.07

VB 10/02-10/09 <0.023 RH 10/02-10/09 -<:0.07-VB 10/09-10/16 b RH. 10/09-10/16 <0.07 VB 10/16-10/23 <0.019 RH .10/16-10/23 <0.07 VB 10/23-10/30 <0.012 RH 10/23-10/30 <0.07
VB- 10/30-11/06 <0.018 RH 10/30-11/06 <0.07 VB. 11/06-11/13_ <0.018-RH 11/06-11/13 <0.07 TV 11/13-11/20 <0.020-RH -. 11/13-11/20 .<0.07 VB 11/20-11/27 <0.017

, ;RH 11/20-11/27 <0.07 VB 11/27-12/04- <0.012 ,.

RH- 11/27-12/04- <0. 07-VBl 12/04-12/11 <0.022 RH: 12/04-12/11 <0.07 VB 12/11-12/18' <0.016 17 2,_,.. . _ ,..--, -.,- _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _._ _ _._. _.-

s .

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i GRAND GULF NUCLEAR STATION CLAIBORNE COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI CY 1990 Radiciodine Control cont'd Location Date MSDil Licensee Name Results Results pCi/m3 pCi/m3 RH 12/11-12/18 <0.07 VB 12/18-12/26 <0.018 Ril 12/18-12/26 <0.07 b No data, pump failure.


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GRAND GULF NUCLEAR STATION CLAIBORNE COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI CY 1990 Quarterly Composito (Gamma Isotopic) Control These results are quarterly Air Particulate samples taken from control locations by MSDH and the Licensoo which were analyzed for Gross Gamma Emitters. The Licensee's sampler is located in Vicksburg (VB) 18 miles north of GGNS and designated as AS-3 (Control). The MSDH's sampler is located behind the Radiological Health Building (RH) in Jackson, 51 miles east northeast of the GGNS. The Lower Limit of Detection (LLD) required by the contract for co-134 and Cs-137 is 0.05 pCi/m3.

Location Date MSDH Licensoo Name Results Results pCi/m3 pCi/m3 VB 12/27-3/27 <0.05 RH 12/17-3/27 <0.01 VB 3/27-6/26 <0.05 RH 3/27-6/26 <0.01 VB 6/26-9/25 <0.05 RH 6/26-9/25 <0.01 VB 9/25-12/26 <0.05 RH 9/25-12/26 <0.01 19

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GRAND GULF NUCLEAR STATION CLAIBORNE COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI CY 1990 Gamma Isotopic for Cesium-137 These results are river water samples split with the Licensee and tested for Cesium-137 by Gamma Isotopic analysis. -The Mississippi River Water Upstream (MRU) sample location is 2 miles north northwest of GGNS (Control). The Mississippi River Water Downstream (MRD) sample location is 2 miles west southwest of GGNS (Indicator). Licensee's Lover Limit of Detection (LLD) for Cesium-137 is 18 pCi/l which is the maximum LLD imposed by the Technical Specifications. The MSDH's LLD for Cesium-137 is 7 pCi/1. The contract requires an LLD of 15 pCi/1. The data for this isotope are reported as less than LLD in each case.

Location Date MSDH Licensee Name Results Results pCi/1 pC1/1 MRU JAN 02, 1990 <LLD <LLD MRU FEB 06, 1990 <LLD <LLD MRU MAR'06, 1990 <LLD <LLD MRUc MAR 06, 1990 <LLD MRU APR 03, 1990 <LLD <LLD MRU MAY 01, 1990 <LLD <LLD MRU JUN 07, 1990 <LLD <LLD MRU JUL 03, 1990 <LLD <LLD MRU AUG 01, 1990 <LLD <LLD MRU SEP 04, 1990 <LLD <LLD MRUC SEP 04, 1990 <LLD MRU OCT 02, 1990 <LLD <LLD MRU NOV 06, 1990 <LLD <LLD MRU DEC 04, 1990 <LLD <LLD MRD JAN 02, 1990 <LLD <LLD MRD FEB 06, 1990 <LLD <LLD MRD MAR 06, 1990 <LLD <LLD MRDc MAR 06, 1990 <LLD MRD APR 03, 1990 <LLD <LLD MRD MAY 01, 1990 <LLD <LLD MRD JUN 07, 1990 <LLD <LLD MRD JUL 03, 1990 <LLD <LLD 20

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GRAND GULF NUCLEAR STATION CLAIBORNE COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI E CY 1990 Gamma Isotopic for Cs-137 cont'd Location Date MSDH Licensee Results Results g Name pci/1 pCi/l MRD AUG 01, 1990 <LLD <LLD MRD SEP 04, 1990 <LLD <LLD MRDc SEP 04, 1990 <LLD MRD OCT 02, 1990 <LLD <LLD MRD NOV 06, 1990 <LLD <LLD g MRD DEC 04, 1990 <LLD <LLD c Duplicate sample.


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GRAND GULF NUCLEAR STATION CLAIBORNE COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI CY 1990 Gamma Isotopic Analysis These results are river water samples split with the Licensee and tested by Gamma Isotopic analysis. The Mississippi River Water Upstream (MRU) sample location is 2 miles north northwest of GGNS (Control). The Mississippi River Water Downstream (MRD) sample location is 2 miles west southwest of GGNS (Indicator). The Licensee's Lower Limits of Detection (LLD), from their Technical Specifications as required by the contract, are:

Mn-54, Co-58, Co-60, Nb-95, Cs-134, La-140: 15 pCi/11 Fe-59, 2n-65, Zr-95: 30 pCi/1; Ba-140: 60 pCi/1. The MSDH's LLD are: Mn-54, Cs-134: 6 pCi/11 Ba/La-140, Co-58/60, Nb-95: 15 pCi/11 Fe-59, Zn-65, Zr-95: 25 pC1/1, which are equal to or less than the contract requirement. The data for these isotopes are reported as less than LLD in each case.

Location Date MSDH Licensee Name Results Results pci/l pC1/1 MRU JAN 02, 1990 <LLD MRU FEB 06, 1990 <LLD <LLD MRU MAR 06, 1990 <LLD <LLD MRUc MAR 06, 1990 <LLD MRU APR 03, 1990 <LLD <LLD MRU MAY 01, 1990 <LLD <LLD MRU JUN 07, 1990 <LLD <LLD MRU JUL 03, 1990 <LLD <LLD MRU AUG 01, 1990 <LLD <LLD MRU SEP 04, 1990 <LLD <LLD MRUc SEP 04, 1990 <LLD MRU OCT 02, 1990 <LLD <LLD MRU NOV 06, 1990 <LLD <LLD MRU DEC 04, 1990 <LLD <LLD MRD JAN 02, 1990 <LLD <LLD MRD FEB 06, 1990 <LLD <LLD MRD MAR 06, 1990 <LLD <LLD MRDc MAR 06, 1990 <LLD MRD APR 03, 1990 <LLD <LLD MRD MAY 01, 1990 <LLD <LLD 22

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GRAND GULF NUCLEAR STATION CLAIBORNE COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI CY 1990 Gamma Isotopic Analysis cont'd Location Date MSDH Licensee Name Results Results R pCi/l pCi/l MRD JUN 07, 1990 <LLD <LLD MRD JUL 03, 1990 <LLD <LLD MRD AUG 01, 1990 <LLD <LLD MRD SEP 04, 1990 <LLD <LLD MRDc SEP 04, 1990 <LLD MRD OCT 02, 1990 < LLC <LLD MRD NOV 06, 1990 <LLD <LLD MRD DEC 04, 1990 <LLD <LLD c Duplicate sample.


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] CY 1990 Tritium These results are river water samples split by MSDH and the Licensee and tested for Tritium using Liquid Scintillation analysis. The Mississippi River Water Upstream (MRU) sample location is 2 miles north northwest of GGNS (Control). The Mississippi River Water Downstream (MRD) sample location is 2 miles west southwest of GGNS (Indicator). Licensee's Lower Limit of Detection (LLD) for Tritium (H-3) as required by their Technical Specifications is 2000 pCi/1. The Licensee's LLD is computed individually for each sample and indicated by "<" below. The MSDH's LLD is 330 pCi/1. Licensee's results are a quarterly composite of the preceding three months. MSDH/DRH Tritium analyses are monthly.

Location Date MSDH Licensee Name Results Results pCi/l pCi/l MRU JAN 02, 1990 <330 d MRU FEB 06, 1990 <330 d MRU MAR 06, 1990 <330 d MRUc MAR 06, 1990 <360 MRU APR 03, 1990 <330 d MRU MAY 01, 1990 <330 d MRU JUN 07, 1990 <330 <368 MRU JUL 03, 1990 <330 d MRU AUG 01, 1990 <330 d MRU SEP 04, 1990 <330 d MRUC SEP 04, 1990 <362 MRU OCT 02, 1990 <330 d MRU NOV 06, 1990 <330 d MRU DEC 04, 1990 <330 <350 MRD JAN 02, 1990 <330 d MRD FEB 06, 1990 <330 d MRD MAR 06, 1990 <330 d MRDc MAR 06, 1990 <360 MRD APR 03, 1990 <330 d MRD MAY 01, 1990 <330 d MRD JUN 07, 1990 <330 <370 MRD JUL 03, 1990 <330 d MRD AUG 01, 1990 <330 d MRD SEP 04, 1990 <330 d 24 I

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GRAND GULF NUCLEAR STATION CLAIBORNE COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI CY 1990 Tritium cont'd Location Date MSDH Licensee Name Results Results pCi/l pCi/l MRDc SEP 04, 1990 <485 MRD OCT 02, 1990 <330 d MRD NOV 06, 1990 <330 d MRD DEC 04, 1990 <330 <350 c Duplicate.

d Composite sample, results below.


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) CY 1990 Gamma Isotopic Analysis These samples are river sediments collected in duplicate and analyzed by Gamma Isotopic methods. MSDH/DRM designates their control as Mississippi River Upstream (MRU) and their indicator as Mississippi River Downstream (MRD). The Licensee's designation for control is Upper Grand Gulf Landing

] (UGGL) and indicator is Hamilton Lake (HL) . The controls are both located approximately 2 miles north northwest of GGNS. The indicators are located approximately 2 miles west southwest of GGNS. The Licensee's Lower Limits of Detection (LLD) for the following isotopes for sediment samples are: Mn-54, co-58, co-60, Cs-134: 150 pCi/kg (dry) and Cs-137: 180 pCi/kg (dry); the Cs-134/137 LLD are as specified in their Technical Specifications.

The contract requirements for MSDH/DRH for Cs-134/137 are 150 pCi/l and 180 pC1/1 respectively.

Location Date MSDH Licensee Name Results Results poi /kg pCi/kg MRU 5/01/90 <150 UGGL 5/01/90 <150 MRD 5/01/90 <150 HL 5/01/90 <150 MRU- 11/6/90 <150 UGGL 11/6/90 <150 UGGLc 11/6/90 <150 MRD 11/6/90 <150 HL 11/6/90 <150 HLc 11/6/90 <150 c Duplicate sample.


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-These results are Alcorn Dairy Milk samples split by MSDH and the Licensee - and analyzed by Gamma Isotopic methods.

Alcorn Dairy is located eleven miles-southwest of GGNS. Samples are labeled RH for Radiological Health and-GG for Licensee. 'The Licensee's Lower. Limits of Detection for Milk are as follows: Cs-

. 134, La-140: 15 pCi/1; Cs-137: 18 pCi/11 Ba-1408-60 pCi/1.- These limits-are -in accordance with their -Technical Specifications. The ,

contract' requirement imposed on MSDH/DRH for Cs-134/137, Ba/La-140 l 1s 15 pCi/1.

l Sample Date MSDH Licensee Name Results Results pCi/1- pCi/l

'RH 5/02/90 <15 GG; 5/02/90 <15 RH- - 11/05/90 <15

'GG 11/13/90 <15 I L

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i GRAND GULF NUCLEAR STATION CLAIBORNE COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI CY 1990 Radiciodine These results are Alcorn Dairy Milk samples split by the MSDH and the Licensee and analyzed for radiciodine by Gamma Isotopic methods. Alcorn Dairy is located eleven miles southwest of GGNS. Samples are labeled RH for Radiological Health and GG for Licensee. The MSDH's Lower Limit of Detection for Iodine in Milk is 1-pCi/1, as required by the contract.

Location Date MSDH Licensee Name Results Results pci/l pci/l RH 5/02/90 <1 GG 5/02/90 <0.4 GGc 5/02/90 <0.8 RH 11/05/90 <1 GG 11/13/90 <0.3 C Duplicate sample.


GRAND GULF NUCLEAR STATION CLAIBORNE COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI CY 1990 Gamma Isotopic Analysis These results are for edible fish samples taken from the Mississippi River upstream (MRU) approximately 2 miles north northwest of GGNS and downstream (MRD) approximately 2 miles west southwest of GGNS. Each sample was analyzed by Gamma Isotopic methods. The Licensee's Lower Limits of Detection for specific isotopes are: Mn-54, Co-58, Co-60, Cs-134: 130 pCi/kg; Cs-137: 150 pC1/kg; and Fe-59, Zn-65: 260 pCi/kg.

Location Date MSDH Licensee Name Results Results pC1/kg pCi/kg MRU 5/11/90 <130 <130 MRD 5/11/90 <130 <130 MRU 11/20/90 <130 <130 MRD 11/20/90 <130 <130 These results are for venison samples taken separately by each agency from the Bucksnort Hunting Club (BHC).

These samples were analyzed by Gamma Isotopic methods. The Licensee's Lower Limits of Detection are: Mn-54, Co-58/60, Cs-134:

130 pCi/kg; Cs-137: 150 pCi/kg; Fe-59, Zn-65: 260 pCi/kg.

Location Date MSDH Licensee Name Results Results PCi/kg pCi/kg BHC 11/26/90 <130 <130 Note: The LLD used by the Licensee in the above analyses are in accordance with their Technical Specifications. The LLD imposed on MSDH/DRH by the contract for the same analyses are: Mn-54, co-58/60, Cs-134/137: 130 pCi/kg; Fe-59, Zn-65:- 260 pCi/kg.



] CY 1990 Gamma Isotopic Analysis These results are Vegetation samples taken from Sectors R, K, and J. The individual vegetables are identified as a collards (C), Riarigolds (MG), zucchini (Z), mustard (MS), swiss

-\ chard (SC), sunflower leaves (SL), and brussel sprout leaves (BS) .

These samples were dried in an oven at 100 degrees and analyzed by l( Gamma Isotopic methods. The Licensee's Lower Limits of Detection for the following isotopes are: I-131, Cs-134: 60 pCi/kg; and Co-137: 80 pCi/kg, as specified in their Technical Specifications.

The contract requirements for MSDH/DRH are: I-131, Cs-134 and Cs-137: 60 pCi/kg.

Location Date MSDH Licensee Name Results Results Pci/kg pCi/kg C-K 6/06/90 <60 <60 C-J 6/06/90 <60 <60 C-R 6/06/90 <60 <60 C-R 7/09/90 <60 <60 C-K 7/09/90 <60 <60 SL-J 7/09/90 <60 <60 C-K 9/04/90 <60 <60 SC-K 9/04/90 <60 <60 MG-R 9/05/90 <60 <60 Z-R 9/05/90 <60 <60 SC-J 9/05/90 <60 <60 BS-J -9/05/90 <60 <60 MS-J 9/05/90 <60 <60 30 l


Location Date MSDH Licensee Name Results Results pCi/kg pCi/kg MS-R 11/05/90 <60 <60 C-K 11/05/90 <60 <60 SC-J 11/05/90 <60 <60 C-R 12/03/90 <60 <60 C-K 12/03/90 <60 <60 SC-J 12/03/90 <60 <60 31

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[3 CY 1990 EPA Cross-Check Results--1990 All values reported in pC1/1 unless otherwise indicated.

3 Reported Known January Strontium in Water Strontium 89 21, 21, 21 2518.5 Strontium 90 25, 25, 25 2012.6 Gross Alpha / Beta in Water Alpha 15, 15, 15 1218.6 Beta 13, 13, 13 1218.6 February Gamma in Water Cobalt 60 15, 15, 15 15 0.7 Zinc 65 125, 125, 125 139 24 Ruthenium 106 135, 135, 135 139i24 Cesium 134 17, 17, 17 1818.7 Cesium 137 19, 19, 19 1818.7 Barium 133 77, 77, 77 74112 Tritium in Water Tritium 5046, 5100, 5107 49761863 March Radium in Water Radium 226 5.0, 5.1, 5.1 4.90 1.2 Radium 228 13.7, 13.8, 13.8 12.7 3.3 Air Filter Alpha 6, 6, 6 5 8.6e Beta 31, 31, 31 3118.6e Strontium 90_ 9, 9, 9 10 2.6e Cesium 137 13, 13, 13 10t8.6e Uranium in Water Uranium 5, 5, 5 4 10.4 32

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..: .a 3-4' GRAND GULF NUCLEAR STATION l CLAIBORNE COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI CY 1990 EPA Cross-Check results cont'd April: Performance Evaluation Intercomparison Study i Alpha- 82, 82,-82 90139.9 Radium 226 4.6, 4.6, 4.6 5.011.4 H Radium 228 10.0, 10.0, 9.9 10.212.6 j Uranium- 31, 31, 31 20110.4 I Beta 54, 54, 54 52f8.6 d Strontium 89 9, 9, 9 1018.6 Strontium 90 10, 10, 10 1012.6 Cesium 134 13, 13, 13 1518.6 Cesium 137 15, 15, 15 1518.6 Radionuclides in Milk Strontium 89 15, 15, 15 2318.6 Strontium.90_ 28, 28, 28. 23t8.7 Iodine 131 75, 75, 75 99117.3 >

Cesium 137 30, 30, 30 2418.6 Potassium 1900, 1900, 1925 15501135 May' Strontium in Water Strontium 89 ;7, 7, 7 718.6 Strontium 90 7, 7, 7 718.6 Gross Alpha / Beta in Water Alpha 20, 20, 20 22110.4.

Beta 16; 16, 16 1518.6 June Radionuclides in Water Barium 133 70, 70, 70 99118 Cobalt 60 31, 31, 31' _ 24 8.6 Zinc 65 180, 180, 180 148126 Ruthenium 106


195, 195, 195- 210i37 Cesium 134L 25, 25, 25 24i8.6 Cesium 137 32, 32,R32 25 8.6 ,

Tritium in Water Tritium 3034, 3001, 2967 29331622 1

33 4 - -w

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] CLAIBORNE COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI CY 1990 E;-A Cross-Check Results cont'd Reported Known July Radium in Water Radium 226 10.4, 10.4, 10.4 12.113.1 Radium 228 6.0, 6.0, 6.0 5.li2.3 Uranium in Water Uranium 12.2, 12.2, 12.2 20.8t5.2


August Iodine in Water Iodine 41, 42, 42 39110.4 Air Filter Alpha 10, 10, 10 1018.6e Beta 62, 62, 62 6218.7e Iodine 131 20, 20, 20 2018.7e Cesium 137 20, 20, 20 2018.6e September Gross Alpha / Beta in Water Alpha 10, 10, 10 10i8.6 Beta 12, 12, 12 10 8.6 Strontium in Water Strontium 89 9, 9, 9 1018.7 Strontium 90 10, 10, 10 912.6 October Radionuclides in Water Barium 133 112, 112, 112 110119.1 Cobalt 60 23, 23, 23 2018.6 Zinc 65 110, 110, 110 115120.8 Ruthenium 106 140, 141, 141 151126 Cesium 134 12, 12, 12 12 8.6 Cesium 137 15, 15, 15 1218.6 Tritium in Water Tritium 7080, 7061, 7053 7203il250 34


) CY 1990 EPA Cross-Check Results cont'd Reported Known October Radionuclides in Milk Strontium 89 8, 8, 8 16f8.7 Strontium 90 26, 26, 26 20i8.7 Iodine 131 63, 62, 63 56110.4 Cesium 137 22, 22, 22 2018.7 Potassium 1984, 2002, 2000 1700i147 Performance Evaluation Intercomparison Study Alpha 51, 51, 51 62i27.8 Radium 226 12.9,12.9,12.9 13.6i3.5 Radium 228 f.5, 6.5, 6.5 5.012.3 Uranium 7.5, 7.5, 7.5 10.215.2 Beta 43, 43, 43 5318.7 Strontium 89 17, 17, 17 20i8.7 Strontium 90 15, 15, 15 15t8.7 Cesium 134 7, 7, 7 7i8.7 Cesium 137 7, 7, 7 5 8.7 November Radium in Water Radium 226 7.2, 7.2, 7.2 7.4 2.3 Radium 228 8.0, 8.0, 8.2 7.712.4 Uranium in Water Uranium 27, 27, 27 35.516.2 e values are reported as pCi/ filter.


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