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Intervenor Exhibit I-72,consisting of Transcript of R Woytowich,Hc Blanding & RA Giuffra 840718 Deposition in New York,Ny.Pp 114-130
Person / Time
Site: Shoreham File:Long Island Lighting Company icon.png
Issue date: 10/01/1984
From: Blanding H, Giuffra R, Woytowich R
OL-I-072, OL-I-72, NUDOCS 8412130302
Download: ML20100N657 (18)


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Unit 1)

DEPOSITIObi OF RICHARD WOYTOWICH, HOWARD C. BLANDING and ROBERT A. GIUFFRA New York, New York July 18, 1984 500 LEAS A400LAT80Y 901101s00008 pestet ise 80 - 3 $ A senelelsat. h M 7 I -

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4 I den 't have a calculater tc ccnvert 5 that t o kilevatts f or you .

6 C Tha t is all right.

7 I refer you te 34.3.2 of the rules, 1583 8 rules. What is meant by the first phrase cf that first 9 sentence in the paragraph, that the design equatices to don 't take inte consideration the pcssibility of 11 dancer cus tersional vibraticn stresses ?

12 Which design equations dces the phrase 13 ref er tc?

14 WITNESS GIUEEFA: Fcr example, the tatic 15 crankshaf t dia me te r f o rmula , 3 4.17.1. That would 16 assume that the stress values are icwer than these 17 a p p ea r ing in the later table or the formulas in the 18 1984 rules.

19 So that you s c ul d--y~c u sculd a;;reve the 20 d esign with tha t c e nsid era tion . If the stress values 21 a re highe r, we have tc cc inte a further detail in ccr l 22 review of the design.

1 I


20 F ST., N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20001 (202) 628 9300 ,


.e n

115 1 C In this case, were the terrienal 2 vibration stresses higher than those indicated in the 3 table?


5 Q They were higher?


T C Did the existence of these values as 8 being higher than this allesable li it er limits have 9 any ef-f ect on your prict calculations as to whether tne 10 de sig n equations had been zet fcr this crankshaft?

11 WITNESS GIUFFEA : When we ccesidered th e 12 vib ra t ic: analysis itself, as part cf that 13 consid eration, on the accep tability f cr ma rine service, 14 ve wen t back and re-examined the crankshaft for that 15 partic ular a pplica ticn er installatien.

16 0 Were these higher vibratcry stresses?


18 C What were your conclusiens?

19 WITNESS CIUFEEA: We found them te te N accept able , in conjunction with the total submittal.

21 Tc t al submittal cf relaval.

22 C What do you mean?

i 1


20 F ST., N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20001 (202) 628 9300 l

I 116 1 WITNESS GIUFERA: Well, it reans that we 2 vent back and did some additional calculations. We 3 reviewed their strain-cauge measurements as well at 4 torsiograph measurements and looked at the service 5 dcctme ctaticn they had give r tc us, w hich is available 6 here.

7 We used those in conjunction with our 8 cwn ch eck calculatic=s tc determine that it was 9 accept able f or a mar--f or a ncn-marine calculatien.

10 C Are those contained in Exhibit Nc. 3?


12 0 Can you point these cut to re?

13 WITNESS WCTTCWICHs First page cf 14 Exhibi t 3 is a--I have it as the first pace. Ec ycu 15 have that? .

16 C No.

17 WIT 5ESS WCYTCWICE: All ri g h t . You 18 sta rt at the front. I will state that the first thing 19 we have here is a check cf the naticcal frequercy M calcula tions discussed this morning.

21 Q All right.


20 F ST., N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20001 (202) 428 9300 l

-  ?

117 1 the re is the discussict er the check calculaticns 2 p e r tai ning tc the tersicnal vibration stress levels.

3 0 Are those the handwritten er typed enes?

4 UITNESS WCYTCWICH: H a n d w ri t re n '. We 5 ccvere d this morning as far as sheet Fc. 3 cf six. I 6 assrae ycu will want tc come back later to the T remainder of that.

8 Then, after the handwritten calcciaticn 9 that is marked " Sheet 6 of 6," there a re twe pages to which censist er three pages which censist cf copies of 11 calcul a te r grin tou ts . These were the safety facter 12 calculaticns which we made according to our modified .

13 version cf the CIP.AC draft rethed.

14 Then, following that--

15 C If I can sto; ycu there , what is "SI"?

16 A System Internaticnal, international 17 sys tem cf units.

18 Ec11 cuing that, there shculd be scre--s 19 sheet indicating saf ety f acters. We calculated the 20 safety facters in several ways. We began with the 21 f a tiqu e stre ss, which se chtained from th e calculater 22 printo ut marked " Sheet 3 of 3" by AJD/?.TW.


20 7 ST., N.W., WASHINGTON, D.c. 20001 (202) 628 9300

118 1 The re is a--the fc ur th printout line up 2 from the bottom gives the stress in Newton 's per square 3 millin e ter, con verted te psi.

4 Q What is that figure?

5 WITNESS WOITCEICH: 29,c40 psi.

6 Q Helating to what?

7 WIT 5ESS WCYTCEICH: That relates te the 8 eq uiv a le nt ccnhined alternating stres: ty Vcn Ness' 9 thecry.

10 Going back tc the handw ritten sheet , we 11 cc m gar e d tha t stress against each of the three f atique 12 streng th valuer , which we had tc consider. Cne was the 13 result cf the theoretical fctmula prcpcsed by CIMAC.

14 That indicated a safety facter cf l

15 1.105. Then we compared it tc the fatique strength 16 value which TDI Indicated has derived frcr tests er the 9 17 failed crankshaft, withcut shot geening.

18 And the safety facter was fcund tc te 19 1.2C9.

20 Then we concluded the 20 percent extra 21 streng th which they claimed for shot peening, and that 1

22 inc rea sed safety f actor to 1.57.


20 F ST., N.W., WA$NINGTON, D.C. 20001 (202) 428 9300

o 119 1 We then went te de a certined steady and 2 altern ating fatigue analysis, rimilar te what is shesn 3 on pag e 27 cf Exhibit 2. Ycu don't have tc icek 4 thrcugh Exhibit 2. That is attdched as the next page 5 of Exhibit 3.

6 Se fcund the equivalent alte rna ti co 7 stress and the equivalent mean stress, again, by cur 8 in-house adapta tion of the C I A C re thed.

9 We fcund a ccmbined safety factor, and 10 those numbers a re indicated on the page, whan comparino 11 a g a ins t each cf the three fatigue limits.

12 C Lccated where?

13 WITFESS *iCYICWICH: Cn the cheet marked 14 " Sheet 1 of 3, Safety Factors Calculations."

15 That was a bit cf a--ch, that sheet t ha t 16 ycu have is the tail end cf a sheet befcre it, that go t 17 mixed up in Xercxing. What runs off the right of the 18 page matches up there.

19 C And the safety f actor on that page 1 cf M 3, 1.16643, is that cc: rect? Eage 1 cf 3?

21 A Nc. This page 1 cf 3, h an dw ritte n , that 22 I h ave .




120 1 C -Cne moment.

2 WITNESS WOYTCWICH: Maybe I could 3 arrang e this for ycu, right here. (Indicstine)

' Q Thanks.


6 Q The seccnd line of t, hat, " Safety T Factor s ," underlin ed , with a dash, " desired minimur 8 equal 1.34"?


10 C Ckay.

11 WITNESS WOYTCWICH: I have discussed the 12 fir st few lines of that. Ncw we are lecking at the 13 next headiac dcwn, "Certined S.F. Gccdman .ethed." M 1' Eased on the ultimate tensile strencth 15 of the fcccings and on the steady and alternating 16 loads, we calculated ccmhined safety facters, ence by 17 the Cocdman method, which uses reciprocal addition of 18 the steady and alternating safety facters, ence by the 19 eliptical theory f cr ccmbined leadings , which uses the M square s of each cf these safety facters.

21 Dif f erent authorities pref er dif f e ret t 22 ones, sc we ran it both ways.


20 F ST., N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20001 (202) 628 9300

121 1 The numberr are all there. As ycu cat 2 see, with the submitted f atigue limit established by 3 s tr ain -ga ug e testirq and ne shct geening, the safety.

4- f actors are marginal, but when we included the 20 5 pe rcen t credit for shot peering, they went well ever 6 the de sired minimum.

7 I might aise add here that in this case, 8 these numbers were determined at th e 110 percent lead 9 ra t ing . we didn't go back and recalculate when we 10 d e cide d ret tc address that question in our letter, 11 because we felt since it was acceptable , f er the me s t 12 part, under these circumstances, that we wculd not gc 13 back a nd recaleclate it , f er the maximum centinucus 14 ra ting .

15 We alsc ccrpared the values we fcund 16 a ga ins t the values submitted b y TCI. Tha t is the next 17 sheet back.

18 We marked it en there, a ecpy of their 19 Goodma n diagram . We agreed quite clcsaly, as ycu can 20 see , e s pecially considering the fact that we were 21 includ ing somewha t hig he r leads than TCI had included.

22 - C Were all of these calculaticns ba sed cn ALDERSON REPORTING COMPANY,INC.

20 F ST., N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20001 (202) 428 9300

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122 1 1700 p si as being the maximum firing pressure?

2 WITNESS WCYTCKICE: Iet me ge back and 3 make s ure.

4 0 Take your time.

5 WITNESS ECYTCEICEt We reed a calculator 6 to te sure, because the maximur firing pressure is 7 expressed in different units.

8 0 Maybe we will get back to the desired 9 minimu m that ycu referred tc, en that ; age, safety to factors-desired minimum equal 1.34 11 Hcw is the desired minimum derived?

12 WITNESS WCYTCWICH: That was the 1 chest 13 valte fcr which we had ;r e v ic u sly aggrcved an engine of 14 a diff erent man ufacture r, according to the same me th ed.

15 C How as that value de rived?

16 WITNESS 20!TCWICH4 From censideration 17 cf tha t cthe r manuf acturer's sup;crting data.

18 C What kind of calculations were involved 19 in rea ching th a t figure?

N WITNESS WCYTCWICH: Essentisily the same 2

21 ones that ycu see here, just repeated fcr the other 22 en gine and ccmpared against sutritted results and again W


20 P ST., N.W., WASHIPF"ZN, D.C. 20001 (202) 628 9300

173 1 compar ed against the manufacturer's stated service 4 experiences with these engines. .

3 0 For the Goodman method calculations--


5 C

--does this document i.11ca te tha t , fer 6 the CIM AC theoretical f atig te limit and fer the fatique 7 limit without shot peening, tha t the values calculated 8 de tot reet the desired minimur?


to C For purpcses of clarificaticn, sir, is 11 it you r testimony that these values do no t meet the 12 desired minimum value? That it, 1.34?

13 WITNESS WCYTCWICEs That is ccrrect.

14 C Yeo answered the questien properly, tut 15 it is just that it raised scme do ub ts.


16 17 C Back to my original q ue s tien , sir, w h ic h 18 was, dces the f act that the vibratory stresses e xceeded 19 ABS allosahle limits have any effect en the design 20 equations , othe r than--the design equations that ycu 21 referred tc ccacerning crankshaft--

WIT NESS N0YTCWICH s Bather than going 22 '



20 F ST. M.W., WASHINGTON, 0.c. 20001 (202) 628 9300

- n- .

l 124 1- back to the formula in the book, we went tc the f a tigue 2 matted I-described. This is in--this ir used in lieu 3 of the equations in the rule beck, tho u gh .

4 WITNESS BLANDING: Nc, it .d o es n ' t have 5 any ef f ect cn the equations. That is an additicnal 6 consid eration f or a complete system . The equatient in 7 the bock for the crankthaf t are based en the engine 8 its elf .

9 When you add something tc the encine, to lik e a generator, er these rules are cirected mere 11 towarde the main prc;ulsion system, possibly with 12 red tet ic gearc and se en, se it doesn 't change t .* e 13 basic equation ref erred, but it gives ycu another 14 dim ens ion .

15 That is what this refert to.

16 With a slow-speed diesel engine, yeu 17 will p rchably exceed alleva tie vibratcry strescer, 18 w he re it--in that case, it rentiens a range.

19 East cf the en;iner we a re dealinc with 33 in this section on main pec;ulsion engines, which det't 21 have a ccnstant speed, necessarily.

22 C So ycu didn't perform any calcula tices ALDER $ON REPORTING COMPANY, INC.

20 F ST., N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20001 (202) 628 9300

m o .

l-TIE 1 under the fccmulas for size of the cranks ha f t webs, 2 with regard to this particular schmissica ty TDI?

3 WITNESS WOYTCWICH: That is what these 4 f atigu e analyse s a re.

5 0 You didn't use the formulas in the rule 6 beck?




7 WITNESS WCYTCWICH4 8  ;;T. NESS GIUEEEA: Ihey had teen used 9 whec we did the original approval en the engine.

10 C Referrirq tc Exhihit N c. 3, sir, cr 11 rather Exhibit Nc. 5, the second page thereof, which, 12 the top cf which is f o rm N c . "-3u 1N EO--


l' Q --dated April 3, 1984 15 ' WITNESS WCYTCW!CH: All rich t.

16 C What does this page inv civ e ?

17 WITNESS WCY7CEICH That is the 18 calculater procram which we have in -h c u se , tc perfc:r 19 the calcula tien cf ;u.17.1 cf the rules.

20 Q WT squared must be greater than er equal 21 te--

22 WITNESS WCYTCWICH No, this is the l


20 F ST., N.W., W ASHINGTON, D.C. 20001 (202) 428 9300 l u


~126 1

cra ckshaf t diameter formula.

2 C What is that?


3 WI!hESS WCYT CWICE: The formula. I 4 can 't repeat it.

5 Ch , here, d = c cube rect ef--that 6 f o rrul e .

7 The web calculation is not shown here, 8 tut the curveyc did make a rets, " wet ckay," fre 9 DiDena te , cc that I hase tc arsume tha t he did pe rf c tm 10 that calculation very quickly en his hand calculater 11 and didn 't write dcwn all cf the numbers.

12 Ee did make a check.

13 C What in the nexinun firing precrure i 14 in dica ted ?

15 WITNESS WOYTCWICH: Clearly shown te to 16 170 C p ri.

17 C Thet f actor dces have an ef f ect on the 18 adecua cy er non-adequacy cf the pins and $ctrnals?

19 WITNESS WOYTCWICHs Acccrding to this

20 f errul a , yes , it dces.

21 I might also point out that in this 22 partic ular calcula tien, the ultimate strength was the i


20 F ST., N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20001 (202) 624 9300

o- .

o , e-127 1 d es ie n minimum specified on the drasing re vie wed ,

2 83,C00 pri.

3 Whe re a t the erciter discussed in the 7DI i

4 submit tal of torsicnal stresser were stated tc havc an 5 ultima te strencth censiders tly higher than that.

6 C In tha t f orm tla , there ir a reference tC 7 an Ivalue, span between the bearincs?


9 C How is that f17tre derived, if ycu knew?

l 10 WITNESS E0YTCEICH: hormall y, it verld 11 be tak cn between the endr cf the web--rcrry, be.twe(n 12 the en ds of the main bea:inct, not f:cm cente: line to l

i 13 cen te: line cf the sait bearing, but frcm inner ed.ce to l

14 inner edge.

l 15 In this case, I would net be able tc l

to vua ran tee without ocing back and locking at the r

! 17 d ra nin c t , which cf there the values was ussc. .

18 Either is acceptable. We sometimes try l

19 tc le a little ccnservative in cur apprcach and use I 20 cen te: line to cen ter line, even thcugh in the rule 21 sectio n it is quoted ar being f rom bearing edge tc 22 b ea rin g edge.


20 F $7 N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20001 (202) 628 9300

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l 128 1 C Referring yc u te 33.17.u , rela tin g t:

2 sclid crankthaf t vets.


4 C Does ABE Only take the diaconal distance  ;

5 ref err ed to in the last sentence of the rule, when 6 th e re is an overlap cf the rin and curral?

l 7 WIT NESS WOYTCWICH That would be our i

8 u su al p reced ure .

l 9 C do ycu ever make any allevance for the to sectio n f ermed by the diagcral drawing cf the fillet 11 radii?

12 WITNESS WOTTCWICH: I'm not cure hos l

13 that d if f ers. ,

14 C In ycur mathematical analycis of 15 crankshaf t webs, wetid you treat the webs cf the 16 crankshaf t with a deep re-enterine fillet the same as a l l

17 cra nks ha f t with a normal fillet?

18 WITNESS WCYTCWICH: Under the formula 19 civen here, I hchently am net rure, because I haver't 20 done d etailed plan review cf diesels, and--would ycu 21 knew, whether we usually take the actual retal l

l 22 dimensicns er the nominal dimensicns f rom web te wet?


20 P ST., N.W., WASMW4 TON, DA 20001 (202) 428 9300

12C l

1 1 I think we take the actual retal I

2 dim ens ions .

3 WIT NESS EI. AN CIN C s I'm nct cure what th e 4 question is regarding re-en tran t fille t.

5 WITEESS WCYTCW CHs An undercut inte the 6 veb7 l

7 I think we wculd measure f ree netal te I

i 8 metal :sthe: than f cm arbitrary line tc arbitrary lin e .

l 9 C In that same rule, what is meant by the to terr, the effect of resistico scrent of the web in 11 be ndin c ? Can ycu defire that tere for un or that l

12 phr ase ?

l 13 WITNESS WCYTCWICH: The sectict 14 m od ulu s . Cuctient of soment of inertia of the secticn 15 divided by the distance from the neutral axis to the 16 outer fiber.

17 RR. SIECCFF Makes perfectly oced sense.

16 Q If ycu take inte account the actual 19 mearurerent cf the re-ectering fillet it detercitirq 20 the of f eet of moment of recictance--

21 WITNESS WOYTCVICHs I telieve that ett i

l 22 normal practice would be to measure that dimensicn f rom l

l l

I l


20 F ST., N.W., WASMW4 TON, D.C. 20001 (202) 42s.9300

130 1 the bo ccdary cf the actual crankshaft raterial, at ene 2 fillet tc that at its cpporite fillet, ra ther than 3 ccnstructing the arbitrary liner cf a face cf the set ,

4 and going between them.

5 Essentially it rakes sense te count cnly 6 the me tal that is actually there.

7 Q Is the maximum firing pressure value a 8 f actor which af f ects the adequacy cf the crank tstr 9 under the APE rules?

10 WITNESS WOYTCWICH: Yes. Because it 11 aff ects the rule required diameter, and the rule fer 12 . the crack webs prescrtient the webs accceding to the 13 crank pin value.

14 0 In paracraph 34.17.2, which related tc 15 maximu m firing pressure and EHE, it rtates the surve)or 18 is to verify the maximum firino pressure, P, and full 17 brake hctserewer during a trial of the engine.

18 Was this done in this case fer the 7t1 19 s u bmis sion ?

20 hIThESS G1UFIFAs No, it warn't, at far 21 as we are svare.

22 C Is it required te be dere?


20 P ST., N.W., WASNINGTON, D.C. 20001 (202) 624 9300

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