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Intervenor Exhibit I-57,consisting of Pages 1,7-8,14-17,43- 46 & 98-99 to Transcript of Wj Museler 840522 Deposition in Hauppauge,Ny
Person / Time
Site: Shoreham File:Long Island Lighting Company icon.png
Issue date: 11/01/1984
From: Museler W
OL-I-057, OL-I-57, NUDOCS 8412130295
Download: ML20100N647 (14)


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-' 9' - I-O sx 3, .s l UNITED STATIS CE'AREEICA 9 9. y;'* ;q NUCLEAR REGULATCRY COMMISSION /,\ '-W ,f*,'c;f 1

2 .{efore the Atesig_,[gigly,_ gad _llggggin JHirpgg e I

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O 4 In the Matter of a a 8


(Shereham Nuclear Ecuer Station 50-332-01-3 6 Unit 1) ( Em ergency a Planning)

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7 8

H r.u p pa u ge , New York Tuesday, Pay 22, 1984 9

DEPOSITION OF WILLIAM J. HUSELER, called O 10 f or ex amination by ecunsel fer SUITOLK COUNTY in the 11 above-entitled action, pursuant to notice , the witness 12 havin g been duly sworn by DEBRA STEVENS, a Notary Putlic

O g in and for the State of New York, at the offices of the l 14

' Suf folk County Executive, H. Lee Dennison Fullding,

! 15 vetera ns Highway, Hauppauge, New York, at 2:48 p .m. , th e 10 to 1

l proceedings being taken down by Stenotype by DE3? A 17 STEVEN S, and transcribed under her directice.

18 lO 3, 20 21 0 22 8412130295 841101 lO onAoocnosooog AL.DEReoM REPORTING COMPANY,INc.

20 P ST. N.W,. WASHINGTON 0.c. 20001 (202 030-9300 C



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-: A T; th; exiesi ite; I :::  :::11. I :: _ -

3 C What is the purpose of the design reviev 4 portion of the DRQR with regard to the 16 ccaponents?

5 A The purpose of the design review is tc 6 ascertain the adequacy of the particular component for ,

7 the se rvice it has tc see.

8 C What do you mean by the phra se , "the 9 service it has to see"?

) 10 A Cur objective in the design review is to 11 determine if the particutsr component, when operated 12 under the ecnditions that the engine sight have tc see

) 13 in the service for which it is intended--vorst case 14 being an accident at a nuclear plant--whether that 15 con son ent will perfors reliably under those conditiens.

) 16 Q Are the conditions that an engine might 17 have tc see determined by reference tc the specification 18 for the rating of that engine?

) 19 HR. STBCUPE: Otject to the form cf the

.0 q ue sti on .

21 A Sorry. Would you please repeat the

) 22 que stion?


me on-,on,.ec . .=.

20 P ST. M.W. WASHINGTON. 0.C. 20001 (202 438 9300


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% 7/// g/ Y <%p+# I wasr-** 'M . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , , _ , _ O 8 [) 1 Q Yes. I 2 Are the conditicas that a particular 3 e ngine might have to see determined by reference tc the ) 4 specification for the rating of that engine? 5 A Not really. The service the engine has 6 to sae is determinea by the particular accident scenario 7 and th e electrical lead determinations--the electrical ! 8 load s equences tha t are applied to it. 9 Those are the ccnditions that the engine i 10 vill see, in addition to any ccnditions during the NBC l 11 preoperational test program . that's what the engine t? vill see in service. ) 13 That is not--in terms of design 14 pa rame te rs , that is not idertical to the specificaticn f I 15 engine rating. That is a design point. D ' 16 Q Whst is the specificatien engine rating l + 17 f o r th e Shcrehan engines? I 18 A Their ncainal rating is 3500 kva. l 19 C. Sorry? 35007 20 A Kilowatts. 21 Q Tha t 's a contin uous rating? ) 22 A That's the design rating. ) i As.osnoon napownwe COMPANY.INC. no P sT, N.W, WASHINGTON, D.c. 20001 (203 828-0300 0 {} 14 10 1 se thought we would do. 2 So, FAA, for example, develcped scue 3 techniques that went beyond anything that had been done y 4 b ef cre . So it was a whcle variety cf things that we 5 used, until, in our judgment, we thought that those 8 components and the engine as a whole would he able te

O 7 perform reliably if it were ever called upon to do sc.

8 Q Can you briefly describe what the 9 standards are for the Shoreham engines to cperate fer

O 10 the service it has to see?

11 ER. STROUPE: Are you talking generally 12 abo ct the engine and every single component? !O 13 ER. DYNNER: Talking about the engine in 14 connection with the design review portion of the DRCR. 15 ER. STRCUPE: I think the question is ,0 It contains so many 18 incapable of being answered. 17 dif ferent assumptiens that have to te made. But if Er. - 18 Musele r is capable of doing so, he is free to do sc. O 19 A The standard that the engine has tc 20 aset--and the only thing I can give you, because each l 21 component has, obviously, as you pointed out, a task $) 22 description--the only thing I can say is that the i l !O i ALoensoM REPoMING CoerANY,INC. i sl F ST, N.W WAeNINGToN, o.c. 20001 G021028 9300 [O L l 3 15 O 1 ultimate requirement was that, for Shoreham, those 2 engines in the seried from the time the plant goes en 3 line until whatever time we decide we want them to 3 4 operat e until--which may be the first ref ueling outage 5 or could be longer than that. 6 Certainly, we think it can be--that 7 during the testing cf the engines and during the 8 vorst-accident scenario that would occur in that time 9 period , that that total service on the engine would he D such that the engine would he able to crerate reliably, to 11 congle tely through that period, including the accident 12 s ce nar ic . O What testing are you talking about durin g 13 Q 14 this, let's say, the 18-month period ycu mentioned? 15 A There are technical specification O 16 requirements for those engines to be started a certain 17 number cf times per month. I dcn't recall what that is, 18 but it 's a number that we used to develop the total 3 19 service requirement. 20 There are six-month test requirements. 21 A ga in, I can't give you details of those. And the O 22 potential fcr an accident during that pericd, which 9 ALDERSoN REPORTING COMPANY,INc, 20 P ST, N.W, WASHINGTON,0.c. 20001 (202) 820 9300 O b. l .O 16

O 1

neans that all three engines would have to run at the loads they are required tc run at during a 100P/1CCA 2 3 scenario, for seven days. ) 4 And those loads are relatively mild 5 compared to the testing loads. As a matter of fact, we 3 . believe that by the time we get to that point, that peak

O 7 limits of the periodic testing will be substantially reduced by the NRC, although I can't speak for them.

1 8 9 I think that 's what is gcing te happec. j

O 10 Missis sippi Power & Light has already been told not to 4

11 run their engines, at least for the time being, abeve 75 12 p er cen t power. And I think that's a prudent decisien !O 13 that sces along with the industry information we've had 14 on whe re these engines will run reliably. 15 C Has II1CO requested the NRC to reduce the i "O 1 16 requirements for the leading of the engines? I Forsally? Do you mean i 17 MB. STRCUPEs j 18 f o rrally requested? MR. EYNNER Formally o r informally . I[) 19 20 A I dcn't know the answer to that. I dcn ' t 21 believe we have. I O 22 0 Do you intend tct i O b J A4.DeROoM PIEPONDNG coldPANY fMC. 20 F ST, N.W WASHINGTON,0.c. 20001 (20 82-0300 ) C) I 17 0 I can't speak to that question. I really 1 - A 2 don 't know. , 3 Er. Huseler, in connectica with the g C 4 18-month period we are talking about, how many LOOF / LOC A 5 accide nts did ycu gestulate might occur during the 18 6 mon ths ? () 7 A One. I think that was a reasonable 8 ass ump tica. 9 Q Tha t wa s for seven days, right? O 10 A Tha t's correct. 11 C Cid you postriate that all three of the 12 Delaval engines would be operating during the ICOP/LCCA 13 postulated accident? Yes, we did. 14 A 's' 15 Q I think you' ve said els ewhere--correct O 17 16 if I a s vreng--that you believe that the mest 17 loaded Shoreham engine would operate u o about 3880 kw 18 f er five or six minutes in th casa, is that right? O A I thin at I said--and I don ' t recall 19 20 exactly which us you're referring to , but the number 21 you qu is correct. 3881 is the maximum the ore tic al O ond th=* .;e wagine would see. 3 ALDERSON MPoRTING COMPANY,INC. 20 F ST, N.W., WASNINGToN, D.C. 20001 (3Ga 059300 Ch .O 43 IO 1 N ihw ma==us so shas question is no. 2 Q Then you told me he was retained to 3 verk on th Colts, sc I asked you this question 4 Did he do any other work on e TDI 5 diesels besides t work he did on the ankshafts? 6 A As I e lained prev usly, the functica .O 7 of the diesel generator c sul nts within the technical i 8 staff of the Owners Grcup c revietr--is te review the 9 task descriptions, to view the eports in many cases, LO 10 and to cverview th peccess.

r. Chen was part of tha recess. Sc, 11 in that re ect, he did work. Not independ t design 12
O review , but he did work as part of the techni i staff 13 4 14 in e owners Group program.

15 HR. CYINEK Let's take a shcrt treak. i 16 (Short recess free 3:25 to 4:08 p.m.) lO i 17 Q Hr. Huseler, when we were discussing a 18 pr evio usly the standards for the Phase 1 design review l 19 portion of the DRQR, with regard to the engines at l 20 Shoreham, does that standard look towards the interim l 21 operation of the TDI diesels? l;O 22 HR. STRCUPEa l'il o bject to the 1 i1 .I O i ALDE7ISON MPoRf1NG COMPANY,INC. 33 P ST., N.W.,WAt tiNGToN, D.C. 20001 G03 85 9300 ) 8 lC . 44 'O 1 question . I don't understand what ycu sean by the cre 2 of the word " interim."  : l

3 Q Can you answer that? ,

l 'O If by that you mean the criteria we use, 4 A 4 5 or ins it intended to insure that the engines would just' f i e last f or 18 months or the number of hours we anticipate O 7 ' f or th ose 18 months, the answer is no. 8 The criteria, fer example, with regard to 9 the bearingu, is a criteria that we anticipate .O 10 setting--I believe the number was 38,000 houcs of life 11 out of the bearings. So, the only reason we--the only 12 reason we've used that term in general is that our 'O 13 ccapany, our chairman, has censitted tc inst all the new 14 diesels approximately at the first ref"aring outage and , i 15 theref ore, we think that that ads even more conservstiss i l iO is to the situation when cne realizes that we're 17 only--we're probably only scing to cperate these diesels 18 for that period. 'O 19 But the standard s, a s I mentioned , fcr i the bearings are typical for all the ccaponents. We l 20 i ! 21 believe those components will go far beyond the interim O 22 p eriod . i lo - i i' ALoansom aspominecompany,inc. m P sT, m.w waemmeton, o.c. most som esame O 9 S 45 l) . By "interia operation," you were 1 Q 2 ref erring to 18 months, approximately, to the first 3 ref ueling outage. Is that right? g 4 A That's correct, approximately. $ C I think you said ycu've surchased at 6 LI1CO three other diesel engines which will replace the 7 TDI engines. Is that correct? 8 HR. STRCUPE: Objection. I dcn't believe 9 that's what he said. 10 C Is that correct? A I don't recall exactly what I said. The 11 12 f act of the situation is we purchased those engines at a (O 13 time when it was uncertain whether or not the TDI 1 14 engines could be repaired satisfactorily. L 15 We helieve act that they can he, and two O So, we purchased those engines as l 16 have been. i i 17 insura nce. And, in fact, they still represent insurance i l 18 agains t potentially not bei*ng able to license the TEI

O 19 e ngin e s .

! 20 C Do ycu intend te cancel the Ccits? The i 21 Colt diese,1s are the ones ycu surchased, in that ccerect? l3 22 A I don't believe we do intend to cancel i ( ) amen.o wo.m ecow=v.i c. f .__. n _ o .. p . . IC> O 46 .O. 1 them. In fact, one is on the site now. 2 Q When are the other two Colt diesels 3 expected to arrive at the sitet 4 A I believe the second one is either in 5 transit er just abcut te oc intc transit. The third one 6 is jus t about to entor into factory testing phase.

O So, we anticipate having all of thes 7

8 on-sit e by July sometime. 9 Q Row long do you anticipate it will take !O 10 to ins tall the three Ccit diesels? 11 A It depends on the schedule. The 12 preferred operation is to have them installed and testod 'O 13 by the first refueling cutage. They can be installed 14 and tested prior to that if the company decides that it 15 has to have these engines in service in order to reach 'O 16 f ull p ower operation, er if the NRC decides that. 17 C Doesn't the first refueling outage depend 18 upon when you get your license, if you get a license fo r

O is shoreham? l l

< 20 A It certainly dcas. And we are--out 21 position is that we intend to have the unit go to f ull O 22 power cperation using the ICI diesel generators. t O ALDeROoM RePOM11Ma COMPANY,INC. no P sr.a w.was*'aaron, o.c. no aan e O ~-, . , , , _ _ . . _ _ _ . , _ , _ _ _ - _ _ . _ _ - _ _ _ . - _ _ . . - . . _ _ . , . , _ - , , , . ,_..--, _,__._ ,_.__,__,_.. -_ O O .. 98 [} 1 C Were these indications ever mapped? 2 A Yes , they were. 3 C When? O 4 A They were mapped when they were initially 5 d e t ect ed . Very difficult te map because of the surface e con ditions . And they were reinspected, as I said,


7 subseq uent to that , af ter engine opera tion. 8 Q Did any of these indications show any 9 evidence of propagation or growth? g 10 A As I said, Mr. Dynner, they were very i 11 dif fic ult to map initially. My recollection is that 12 when w e reinspected them, there were some that appeared 13 to have grown slightly. By reccliection is also that 14 there were, in at least one case, a case of one i l 15 dis app e aring . That's why I said that the ability te map D these particular cracks, because of the surface finish 16 17 and th e oil in the area, was v ery difficult. 18 I think our gesition is that if there is D ' 19 any movement in them, it is very minor and it is not i 20 likely at all to jeopardize operation. i 21 But it was very difficult to determine ) Zt exactly whether they were moving at all. As I said, my ALDEReoM REP 0 MING CotsPANY.INC. 20 P $T N.W. WASNINGTON. 0.C. 20001 Gen 859180 99 ) 1 recollection is that we saw at least one instance eithe r 2 way. Certainly, cracks don 't go away by themselves. I 3 think that's an indication of the difficulty of , 3 4 accura tely measuring these cracks, which were not very 5 deer. Has Mr. Seaman or anybody else told ycu ) S Q when they expect the DRQR for the Shorehan plant to 7 e om slo ted? 9 A If you mean the final DRCR repo t, the to last e st to I had was aid to late June. 11 Q Co you know when the fin rescrt on the 12 cylinder block cra s is expected to e issued? 13 A No, I d 't, Hr. D ner. 14 !R. DYNNERs further questions. 15 BR. DYNNER The taff has a few 16 qu e sticas. 17 THE THESS Off the ce ed? 18 ( scussion off the record. ) 19 EIAEIN ATION HR. GCCEARD4 Nr. Museler, some of these questic say m Q not be ithin your knowledge because of the fact, as oc 21 ) 22 say y ou've been away from this area since **v 1=+- TF k k ) . l 1 l l ALDemeoM MEPORf1NG COMPANY,IfeC, I 28 P ST M.W. WASNHeefoN, D.C. 20001 (me 450308 . G t