MONTHYEARML20198G4491998-07-31031 July 1998 Rev 1 to WCAP-15015, Specific Application of Laser Welded Sleeves for SCE San Onofre Units 2 & 3 Sgs ML20217A8281997-06-30030 June 1997 Rev 2 to Final Rept, Repair of 3/4 O.D. SG Tubes Using Leak Tight Sleeves ML20217A8371997-04-27027 April 1997 Rev 0 to EPRI SG Exam Guidelines App H Qualification for Eddy Current Plus-Point Probe Exam of ABB CE Welded Sleeves ML20135A2961996-02-29029 February 1996 Annual Rept on ABB CE ECCS Performance Evaluation Models, Final Rept ML20058A4121993-08-31031 August 1993 Rev 1 to Suppl 4 to CENPD-279, Annual Rept on C-E ECCS Codes & Methods for 10CFR50.46 ML20073H8181991-03-30030 March 1991 WCAP-12920, Analysis of Southern California Edison Co San Onofre Unit 3 Reactor Vessel Surveillance Capsule Removed from 97 F Location ML20062G8021990-11-30030 November 1990 Applicability of Notrump to San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station Unit 1 ML20055H2451990-06-25025 June 1990 Overheads/Passouts from NRC Review of San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station 1 Thermal Shield Design Analysis ML20043G6711990-04-30030 April 1990 Review of Upper Shelf Charpy Energy Behavior of Matls in San Onofre Unit 1 Reactor Vessel ML19324C4241989-10-31031 October 1989 Rev 0 to San Onofre Units 2 & 3 Fuel Rack Seismic Analysis for Final Pool Layout. ML20073K6781989-06-30030 June 1989 Risk Evalution of Removal of Shutdown Cooling Sys Autoclosure Interlock, Prepared for C-E Owners Group ML20235K9371989-02-28028 February 1989 Engineering Evaluation of San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station I Thermal Shield Supports ML20235Z0931989-02-28028 February 1989 Fuel Rack Seismic Analysis Methods & Parameters ML20154A6351988-07-31031 July 1988 Steam Generator U-Bend Tube Fatigue Evaluation ML20155J4911986-05-31031 May 1986 Rev 0 to Core Protection Calculator/Control Element Assembly Calculator Software Mods for CPC Improvement Program Reload Data Block ML20155J5051986-05-31031 May 1986 Rev 1 to Functional Design Requirements for Control Element Assembly Calculator ML20155J5231986-05-31031 May 1986 Rev 1 to Functional Design Requirement for Core Protection Calculator ML20205Q4601986-05-31031 May 1986 Nonproprietary SONGS 2 End of Cycle 2 Shoulder Gap Evaluation ML20151Z0641986-01-31031 January 1986 Rev 0 to CEN-323-NP Reload Data Block Constant Installation Guidelines ML20151Z0521986-01-31031 January 1986 Rev 3 to CEN-39(A)-NP, CPC Protection Algorithm Software Change Procedure ML20154L6991985-12-31031 December 1985 Spray Additive Tank Deletion Analysis for San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station Units 2 & 3 ML20135A9021985-09-30030 September 1985 Rev 00-NP to Overview Description of Core Operating Limit Supervisory Sys ML20134M7891985-08-31031 August 1985 Nonproprietary Rev 0 to Cpc/Ceac Software Mods for CPC Improvement Program ML20134N3021985-07-31031 July 1985 Rev 00 to Functional Design Requirement for Core Protection Calculator ML20134N2941985-07-31031 July 1985 Rev 00 to Functional Design Requirement for Control Element Assembly Calculator ML20126H8321985-04-30030 April 1985 Nonproprietary Core Protection Calculator Improvement Program:Detailed Presentation to Nrc ML20112K0551985-03-31031 March 1985 Evaluation of Steam Generator Tube & Diagonal Spacer Strip Interaction & Wear,San Onofre Unit 2 ML20114B8211985-01-31031 January 1985 Nonproprietary Addendum to CEN-291(S) Response to NRC Questions on San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station Units 2 & 3,Cycle 2 ML20114C3771985-01-31031 January 1985 Nonproprietary End of Cycle 1 Shoulder Gap Evaluation ML20099C2851984-11-30030 November 1984 Nonproprietary Rev 1 to Core Protection Calculator/Control Element Assembly Calculator Software Mods ML20214E4801984-11-30030 November 1984 Review & Evaluation of Tdi Diesel Engine Reliability & Operability - San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station Unit 1, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20099C2321984-10-31031 October 1984 Nonproprietary Rev 1 to San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station Unit 2 Core Protection Calculator & Control Element Assembly Calculator Data Base Listing ML20204H4971984-10-31031 October 1984 Nonproprietary Statistical Combination of Uncertainties, Part Iii,Uncertainty Analysis of Limiting Conditions for Operation ML20204H4281984-10-31031 October 1984 Nonproprietary Statistical Combination of Uncertainties, Part Ii,Uncertainty Analysis of Limiting Safety Sys Settings ML20093N2661984-07-31031 July 1984 Nonproprietary Cpc/Ceac Software Mods for San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station Units 2 & 3. Info Deleted ML20093N2501984-06-30030 June 1984 Nonproprietary Safety Analysis & CPC Methodology Changes for San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station,Units 2 & 3. Info Deleted ML20095F9411984-03-31031 March 1984 Nonproprietary Version of Rev 0 to SONGS-2 Cycle 1,CPC & Ceac Data Base ML20080K3231983-09-30030 September 1983 Suppl 1,Rev 1,to PRA of Effects of PORVs on Depressurization & Dhr ML20072J5071983-06-30030 June 1983 Depressurization & Dhr,Responses to NRC Questions ML20072J5371983-06-30030 June 1983 Suppl 1 to CEN-239, PRA of Effects of PORVs on Depressurization & Dhr,San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station,Units 2 & 3 ML20070M1291983-01-31031 January 1983 Natural Circulation Test Program,San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station,Unit 2,Natural Circulation Cooldown ML20052B6411982-03-31031 March 1982 Effects of Vessel Head Voiding During Transients & Accidents in C-E Nsss.Prepared for C-E Owners Group. ML20039D4621981-12-31031 December 1981 Summary Rept on Reactor Vessel Integrity for Westinghouse Operating Plants ML20039F8601981-12-31031 December 1981 Evaluation of Pressurized Thermal Shock Effects Due to Small Break LOCAs W/Loss of Feedwater for San Onofre 2 & 3 Reactor Vessels ML20040D0161981-11-30030 November 1981 Nonproprietary Version of Revision 2 to Response to Questions on Documents Supporting San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station 2 License Submittal ML20040D0131981-09-30030 September 1981 Nonproprietary Version of Revision 1 to CETOP-D Code Structure & Modeling Methods for San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station,Units 2 & 3 ML20010F2971981-09-0303 September 1981 Errata Pages to CEN-160-(S)-P, CETOP-D Code Structure & Modeling Methods for San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, Units 2 & 3. Formal Submittal Will Be Provided ML20010C7781981-08-0505 August 1981 Nonproprietary Version of San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station 2,Cycle 1,CPC & Ceac Data Base Document ML20010A2931981-07-31031 July 1981 To Comprehensive Vibration Assessment Program Final Rept ML20126L3571981-05-31031 May 1981 Nonproprietary Version of, Responses to NRC Concerns on Applicability of CE-1 Correlation to SONGS Fuel Design 1998-07-31
[Table view] Category:TEXT-SAFETY REPORT
MONTHYEARML20217B4471999-10-0707 October 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 159 & 150 to Licenses NPF-10 & NPF-15,respectively ML20217E3381999-09-30030 September 1999 Monthly Operating Repts for Sept 1999 for Songs,Units 2 & 3 05000361/LER-1999-005-01, :on 990831,loss of Physical Separation in Control Room,Occurred.Caused by Personnel Error.Creacus Train a Was Returned to Standby on 9908311999-09-23023 September 1999
- on 990831,loss of Physical Separation in Control Room,Occurred.Caused by Personnel Error.Creacus Train a Was Returned to Standby on 990831
ML20212A1471999-09-13013 September 1999 Special Rept:On 990904,condenser Monitor Was Declared Inoperable.Difficulties Encountered During Component Replacement Precluded SCE from Restoring Monitor to Service within 72 H.Alternate Method of Monitoring Was Established ML20211R0571999-09-0909 September 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 158 & 149 to Licenses NPF-10 & NPF-15,respectively ML20212A2391999-09-0707 September 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 157 & 148 to Licenses NPF-10 & NPF-15,respectively ML20211N0511999-09-0303 September 1999 SER Approving Exemption from Certain Requirements of 10CFR50.44 & 10CFR50 App A,General Design Criterion 41 to Remove Requirements from Hydrogen Control Systems from SONGS Units 2 & 3 Design Basis 05000206/LER-1999-001-02, :on 990808,unattended Security Weapon Was Discovered Inside Pa.Caused by Posted Security Officer Falling Asleep.Officer Was Relieved of Duties,Pa Access Was Removed & Officer Was Placed on Investigatory Suspension1999-08-31031 August 1999
- on 990808,unattended Security Weapon Was Discovered Inside Pa.Caused by Posted Security Officer Falling Asleep.Officer Was Relieved of Duties,Pa Access Was Removed & Officer Was Placed on Investigatory Suspension
ML20211Q8201999-08-31031 August 1999 Monthly Operating Repts for Aug 1999 for Songs,Units 2 & 3. with ML20211H8621999-08-23023 August 1999 Safety Evaluation Accepting Licensee Requests for Relief RR-E-2-03 - RR-E-2-08 from Exam Requirements of Applicable ASME Code,Section Xi,For First Containment ISI Interval ML20211E9441999-08-19019 August 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 156 & 147 to Licenses NPF-10 & NPF-15,respectively ML20211F2211999-08-19019 August 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 155 & 146 to Licenses NPF-10 & NPF-15,respectively ML20210P4731999-08-11011 August 1999 COLR Cycle 10 Songs,Unit 2 ML20210P4791999-08-11011 August 1999 COLR Cycle 10 Songs,Unit 3 05000361/LER-1999-004-01, :on 990708,automatic Tgis Actuation Occurred. Caused by Small Leak in Suction Side of Tgis Train a Sample Pump.Small Leak Repaired1999-08-0606 August 1999
- on 990708,automatic Tgis Actuation Occurred. Caused by Small Leak in Suction Side of Tgis Train a Sample Pump.Small Leak Repaired
ML20210Q6521999-07-31031 July 1999 Monthly Operating Repts for July 1999 for Songs,Units 2 & 3 ML20210L2771999-07-30030 July 1999 SONGS Unit 3 ISI Summary Rept 2nd Interval,2nd Period Cycle 10 Refueling Outage U3C10 Site Technical Services 05000362/LER-1999-005, :on 990630,discovered LTOP Sys Relief Valve Setpoint Was Higher than Allowed by Ts.Cause Indeterminate. Subject Valve Will Be Disassembled & Inspected to Determine Caused of High Setpoint.With1999-07-28028 July 1999
- on 990630,discovered LTOP Sys Relief Valve Setpoint Was Higher than Allowed by Ts.Cause Indeterminate. Subject Valve Will Be Disassembled & Inspected to Determine Caused of High Setpoint.With
05000362/LER-1999-006, :on 990623,EDG 3G003 Was Inadvertently Made Inoperable.Caused by Operators Aligning EDG to Inoperable Automatic Voltage Regulator.Licensee Will Revise Process of Locating Tags.With1999-07-26026 July 1999
- on 990623,EDG 3G003 Was Inadvertently Made Inoperable.Caused by Operators Aligning EDG to Inoperable Automatic Voltage Regulator.Licensee Will Revise Process of Locating Tags.With
ML20209G8991999-07-12012 July 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 154 & 145 to Licenses NPF-10 & NPF-15,respectively ML20209C9281999-06-30030 June 1999 Monthly Operating Repts for June 1999 for Songs,Units 2 & 3. with 05000362/LER-1999-004, :on 990515,reactor Manually Tripped Due to Feedwater Control Valve Opening.Caused by Faulty Valve Positioner.Faulty Positioner Was Replaced1999-06-11011 June 1999
- on 990515,reactor Manually Tripped Due to Feedwater Control Valve Opening.Caused by Faulty Valve Positioner.Faulty Positioner Was Replaced
05000362/LER-1999-003-01, :on 990513,reactor Manually Tripped Due to Loss of Main Feedwater.Caused by Open Relay Contact in Output of Feedwater Regulation Control Sys.Faulty Relay Was Replaced1999-06-11011 June 1999
- on 990513,reactor Manually Tripped Due to Loss of Main Feedwater.Caused by Open Relay Contact in Output of Feedwater Regulation Control Sys.Faulty Relay Was Replaced
ML20195D3061999-06-0202 June 1999 Safety Evaluation of TR SCE-9801-P, Reload Analysis Methodology for San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station,Units 2 & 3. Rept Acceptable ML20195H5491999-05-31031 May 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for May 1999 for Songs,Units 2 & 3 05000362/LER-1999-002-01, :on 990328,RWST Outlet Isolation Valve Failed to Open After Being Closed for Testing.Caused by Degradation of Valve.Rwst Oulet Valve Was Repaired.With1999-05-20020 May 1999
- on 990328,RWST Outlet Isolation Valve Failed to Open After Being Closed for Testing.Caused by Degradation of Valve.Rwst Oulet Valve Was Repaired.With
ML20207A0211999-05-13013 May 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 153 & 144 to Licenses NPF-10 & NPF-15,respectively ML20196L3221999-05-11011 May 1999 SONGS Unit 2 ISI Summary Rept 2nd Interval,2nd Period Cycle-10 Refueling Outage ML20206H2611999-05-0505 May 1999 Part 21 Rept Re Defect Found in Potter & Brumfield Relays. Sixteen Relays Supplied in Lot 913501 by Vendor as Commercial Grade Items.Caused by Insufficient Contact Pad Welding.Relays Replaced with New Relays ML20206S7281999-04-30030 April 1999 Monthly Operating Repts for Apr 1999 for Songs,Units 2 & 3 ML20206G6561999-04-27027 April 1999 SER Accepting Proposed Exemption from 10CFR50.71(e)(4) for SONGS Units 2 & 3 ML20206D1461999-04-26026 April 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 152 to License NPF-10 ML20205Q6221999-04-19019 April 1999 Safety Evaluation Authorizing Proposed Alternative to Use Wire Penetrameters for ISI Radiography in Place of ASME Code Requirement ML20205R0371999-04-16016 April 1999 SER Approving Proposed Deviation from Approved Fire Protection Program Incorporating Technical Requirements of 10CFR50,App R,Section III.0 That Applies to RCP Oil Fill Piping ML20205N2691999-04-0909 April 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 151 & 143 to Licenses NPF-10 & NPF-15,respectively ML20205G2611999-04-0101 April 1999 Special Rept:On 990328,3RT-7865 Was Removed from Service. Monitor Is Scheduled to Be Returned to Service Prior to Mode 4 Entry (Early May 1999) Which Will Exceed 72 H Allowed by LCS 3.3.102.Alternate Method of Monitoring Will Be Used ML20205Q0981999-03-31031 March 1999 Monthly Operating Repts for Mar 1999 for Songs,Units 2 & 3 05000362/LER-1999-001-01, :on 990211,TS 3.0.3 Entered Due to Both Chilled Water Trains Being Inoperable.Warm Main Condenser Discharged Water Diverted in Salt Water Cooling (Swc)(Bs) Intake.With1999-03-12012 March 1999
- on 990211,TS 3.0.3 Entered Due to Both Chilled Water Trains Being Inoperable.Warm Main Condenser Discharged Water Diverted in Salt Water Cooling (Swc)(Bs) Intake.With
05000361/LER-1999-002, :on 990208,pressurizer Safety Valves Were Above TS Limit.Caused by Setpoint Drift.Sce Submitted License Amend Application on 980904 Requesting Tolerence Be Changed to +3/-2%.With1999-03-10010 March 1999
- on 990208,pressurizer Safety Valves Were Above TS Limit.Caused by Setpoint Drift.Sce Submitted License Amend Application on 980904 Requesting Tolerence Be Changed to +3/-2%.With
05000361/LER-1999-001, :on 990201,automatic Start of EDG Was Noted. Caused by Workers Closing Breaker 2A0418 by Discharging Closing Springs.Operators Restored SDC in Approx 26 Minutes. with1999-03-0303 March 1999
- on 990201,automatic Start of EDG Was Noted. Caused by Workers Closing Breaker 2A0418 by Discharging Closing Springs.Operators Restored SDC in Approx 26 Minutes. with
ML20204F8101999-02-28028 February 1999 Monthly Operating Repts for Songs,Units 2 & 3.With ML20203J1131999-02-12012 February 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 150 & 142 to Licenses NPF-10 & NPF-15,respectively ML20203J1981999-02-12012 February 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 149 & 141 to Licenses NPF-10 & NPF-15,respectively ML20202F7041999-01-21021 January 1999 Special Rept:On 990106,SCE Began to Modify 2RT-7865.2RT-7865 to Allow Monitor to Provide Input to New Radiation Monitoring Data Acquisition Sys.Monitor Found to Exceeds 72 H Allowed Bt LCS 3.3.102.Alternate Monitoring Established ML20206H2101998-12-31031 December 1998 SCE 1998 Annual Rept ML20199F0771998-12-31031 December 1998 Monthly Operating Repts for Dec 1998 for Songs,Units 2 & 3 ML20198S5551998-12-22022 December 1998 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 147 & 139 to Licenses NPF-10 & NPF-15,respectively ML20198H5401998-12-21021 December 1998 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 146 & 138 to Licenses NPF-10 & NPF-15,respectively ML20206N6281998-12-16016 December 1998 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 145 & 137 to Licenses NPF-10 & NPF-15,respectively ML20198A6731998-12-11011 December 1998 Special Rept:On 981124,meteorological Sys Wind Direction Sensor Was Observed to Be Inoperable.Caused by Loss of Communication from Tower to Cr.Sensor Was Replaced & Sys Was Declared Operable on 981204 1999-09-09
[Table view] |
CEN-281 (S)- NP
JULY,1984 i
LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by Combustion Engineering, Inc. Neither Combustion Engineering nor any person acting on its behalf:
Makes any warranty or representation, express or implied a.
including the warranties of fitness for a particular purpose or merchantability, with respect to the accuracy,
-completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this response, or that the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this response may not infringe privately owned rights; or-b.
Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of, any information, apparatus, method or process disclosed in this response.
W e
page No.
1.1 Report. Scope 1-1 a
1.2. Report Summary 1-1 1.3 References for Section 1.0 1-3 2.0 SOFTWARE MODIFICATION 2.1 Changes Derived from Implementation of PVNGS 2-1 Cycle 1 Software 2.2 Additional Core Protection Calculator (CPC)
-Algorithm Changes 23 2.3 CPC Addressable Constant Changes 2
13 2.4 Typical Data Base Constants for SONGS Unit 2 2
14 2.5 References for Section 2.0 2
18 e
a iii L1:
- 1. 0 -
REPORT SCOPE The Core Protection Calculator (CPC) System developed by Combustion Engineering is a digital mini-computer system which calculates the minimum Departure from Nucleate Boiling Ratio (DNBR) and the peak Local Power Density (LPD) on-line and generates a reactor trip if 6
.either the minimum DNBR or the peak LPD approaches the appropriate Specified Acceptable Fuel Design Limit. The CPC System has been reviewed by NRC and approved for operation in Arkansas Nuclear One (ANO) Unit 2,Waterford-3,SanOnofreNuclearGeneratingStation (SONGS) Units 2 and 3 and Palo Verde Nuclear Generation Station (PVNGS) Units 1,2and3. The CPC/CEAC software for SONGS Unit 2 and 3 is being modified for operation in Cycle 2.
This modification is being made using the PVNGS Cycle 1 CPC/CEAC software (Reference 1.3-3) as a basis since it is the latest NRC approved software. The modification for SONGS Units 2 and 3 Cycle 2 includes algorithm changes derived from the implementation of the PVNGS Cycle 1 software as well as other algorithm changes. These changes were
made to the CPC System in accordance with the NRC-approved CPC software change procedure (References 1.3-1 and 1.3-2).
This report describes the changes to the SONGS software for Cycle 2.
Changes derived from the implementation of the PVNGS Cycle 1 software are described briefly since they have been approved and implemented previously (Reference 1.3-3) while other changes are described in detail.
- 1. 2 -
The modifications to the CPC/CEAC software which will be applicable to Cycle 2 uf SONGS Units 2 and 3 are:
Modification of the temperature shadowing factor algorithm.
s i
Modification of the CPC core power bias algorithm.
Improvement to the UPDATE algorithm.
Modification of the heat flux distribution extrapolation in e
Addition of new addressable constants.
Modification of the four linear heat distributions in STATIC program to account for differences between the hot channel and hot pin relative powers.
Upgrade of the non-uniform heating correction factors (FK) in the UPDATE program.
The general format used in describing each software modification contained in this report is a statement of the change, the reason for the change, and a detailed description of the change t
including algorithm descriptions in symbolic algebra. This is the.
same format used in Reference 1.3-3.
o t
a f
CEN-39(A)-NP, Revision 02,TheCPCProtectionAlgorithm Software Change Procedure December 21, 1978.
CEN-39(A)-NP, Supplement 1-NP, Revision 01, January 5,1979.
Dockets STN-50-470F, Enclosure 1-NP to LD-82-039, CPC/CEAC Software Modifications for System 80, March,1982.
e F
e 9
I 1-3 c.
2.0 SOFTWARE MODIFICATIONS 2.1 CHANGES DERIVED FROM IMPLEMENTATION OF PVNGS CYCLE 1 SOFTWARE Th'e changes in CPC software for SONGS Units 2 and 3 Cycle 2 that hawe been derived from implementation of the PVNGS Cycle I software are described in the following summaries. These changes were submitted previously to the NRC (Reference 2.5-1).
Thenon-uniformheatingcorrectionfactor(,F)intheUPDATE g
profr,am was adjusted by the, addition of constants based on the inqualitymarfn.
The calculation of the four linear heat rate (LHR) distributions in the STATIC program was modified to account for the difference between the hot channel and hot pin relative powers.
The positivogange limit on the CEAC penalty fac';gr mul<;ipliers,L *
, was shifted from to 4.'
Algorithms were added to the CPC and CEAC (Control Element Assembly Calculator) for detecting the actuation of a Reactor Power Cutback (RPC) event, for using off-line calculated RPC penalty factors, and for allowing the CPC calculation to more closely model core conditions without generating an
inadvertent trip in the event of a RPC. Since SONGS Units 2 and 3 do not have a RPC system, the effect of these algorithms will be nullified through the appropriate data base constants.
Addressable constants have been added to the CPC and CEAC to define the duration that the RPC flags can remain set.
(For SONGS these addressable constants will be se?. toLJ).
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- 2. 7.
ADDITIONAL CORE PROTECTION CALCULATOR (CPC) ALGORITHM CHANGES 2.2.1 Modification of the Temperature Shadowing Factor Algorithm Change:
' Implement for cycle 2 a the Temperature Shadowing Factor (TSF) on moderator temperature using a inlet mod gator temperature. The slope of the 1,orrection for tFmpera,tures will i chosen to bound all exp,,,ected TSF datal Including uncertqinties. A will be used for temperatures Tire excore
detector calibratlon procedures will be modifie1 to be cons 1 stent with this determination of the TSF and its use in adjusting the neutron flux power.
The temperature shadowing factor (TSF) is used to correct the CPC neutron flux power for decalibration effects resulting from changes in inlet coolant density. A moderator temperature-dependent multiplier is-applied to the neutron flux power calculation to corr u;t excore detector re,s,ponse.
In the current algorithm, the TSF is a of,the change in moderator temperature the slope of which is measiTred at start-up. The uncertainty in the measurement of the TSF is currently _ accommodated in the CPC Departure from Nucleate B dling (DNB) and linear Heat Rate (LHR)
'overall uncertainty terms 6
This change will allow the TSF uncertainty to be included directly, in the factor itself. This insures a conservative correction for temperature at' moderator temperatures above or below the inlet moderator temperature at which the neutron flux power was calibrated (calibration temperature) while removing unnecessary penalties for uncertainty at the calibration temperature (which is anticipated tn be near nominal conditions).
4 i
2.2.2 Modification of the CPC Core Power Bias Algorithm
- - s -
Implement to adjust the thermal power and neutro"h flux power level in the CPCs.
Rea s'on:
b Description (See Figure 1):
9 O
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im I
I 2-5 g.
9 FIGURE 1 eau e
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~Where 2.2.3 Improvement to UPDATE Algorithm Change:
The penal,ty on DNBR in UPDATE will be modelled more realistically.
When the Reason:
The UPDATE algorithm of CPC provides rapid and conservative recalculation of DNBR based upon the detailed DNBR calculation contained in the STATIC algorithm and updated state parameters.
During the CPC overall DNB uncertainty analysis, off-line comparisons of UPDATE and STATIC-predicted DNBRs based on 2-9 L
m 7eriod are used to quantify the conservatism. Presently, the UPDATE algorithm of CPC applies a penalty to the updated DNBR at all times.
This change provides greater margin to pre-trip alarms during steady state operation and.is justified by the high accuracy of the UPDATE algorithm for small changes in conditions. The safety margin of the CPC's during transients is preserved by the larger conservative penalty factors which are applied when the UPDATE DNBR changes significantly from the STATIC value.
i-e e
W 4
.b where h
2-10 c._--
,,, -...n--,,,,,
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l e
2.2.4 Modification of Heat Flux Distribution Extrapolation in STATIC Change:
7 Modify the heat flux distribrion extrapolation in STATIC L
nodal heat flux distribution values.
For certain CEA configurations, radial peaking factor assignments, and/or radial peaking factor multipliers, it is possible to
This change is applied in the section of the STATIC program where m
A check is performed for If any are e
- detected, 2-11
(4) node hot pin normalized heat flux distribution 6
D 2-12
Change-Addressabje_ constant replaces
Consistent with TSF algorithm change described in section
2.2.1. Descriptitm
Change Addressable constant has been added to the CPC in r~1ation to the core power level'"
- 3 Reason:
To implement r w algorithm using -
and bias terms described in section 2.2.2.
2-13 k.
2.4 TYPICAL DATA BASE CONSTANTS CHA.'iGES FOR SONGS UNIT 2 2.4.1 Data Base Constants for the Temperature Shadowing Factor Algorithm Constants.
9 2.4.2 Data Base Constants for Power Dependent Biases
.I' O
i m
m O
e a
2.4.3 Data Base Constants for DNBR Penalty in UPDATE
2.4.4 Change in UPDATE DNBR Uncertainty and Threshold Constants M
M 2-15 L
2.4.5 Data Base Constants for RPC Algorithm S
9 0
0 e
M 2-16 O
_ ve-wm ~~ ~
m W
9 g
hum 4
4 2-17 L
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Dockets STN-50-470F, Enclosure 1-NP to LD-82-039, CPC/CEAC Software Modifications for System 80, March,1982.
CEN-147(S)-NP, Functional Design Specification for a Core
. Protection Calculator, January 1981.
CEN-148(S)-NP, Functional Design Specification for a Control Element Assembly Calculator, January 1981.
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